St. Michael’s Churchyard, , Headstones

ALLEN Alice Heatley B503 2A12 M-22.17 P-1740 Sacred Tto the Memory of ALICE HEATLEY ALLEN Alice Heatley Allen Daughter of Wiiliam and Ann d.8-12-1844 @19 Allen who died 8th December 1844 aged 19 years. ORD ALLEN Ord Allen ---- eroded ---- d.9-3-1856 @20 (son of William Allen Died 9th March 1856 aged 26 years JOHN ALLEN of the Royal Engineers John Allen, Royal Engineers Died at Runeginge in the East Indies d.28-3-1860 @32 On the 25rg March 1860 aged 32 years)

William Allan and his family lived for many years in a small house on Painter Hill. They afterwards moved to Canongate Street, He was the last of the Borough Officers who served as a moor grieve. Previous to the enclosure of Alnwick Moor it was customary for the newly made freemen to ride the whole of the boundaries of the unenclosed land. When performing this duty they were always accompanied by the moor grieve, and it was the duty of the latter to see that no rights of the corporation were conceded by the young candidates who had just been admitted to the privileges of the freemen. Allan and his colleague “Old Willie Carr” did the duty for several years. The tombstone in Alnwick churchyard is to the memory of several members of his family, but the deceased and his wife are both buried in the new cemetery. Alnwick Mercury October 1873 The lower part of the inscription on this stone is badly eroded. The wording is taken from records.

ALNWICKE Edward A206 S1 M-19.11 P-2389

Here lyeth under Buried the Body of Edward Alnwicke Edward Alnwicke who departed d.12-2-1597 February the 12th 1597

1597 is the oldest date that is to be found upon any of the mementoes in the churchyard, so that in less than 300 years few of the inscriptions which are to be found upon the many tombstones in our parish churchyard will be intelligible. A few years ago the name upon the above stone alluded to could readily be (discerned), now but a mark save the date is discernible. And this we are inclined to think has only been accomplished by some kind friend, who has at different times with a sharp instrument deepened the grooves in the figures. The tombstone was to the memory of “Edward Alnwicke,” and a notice of it will be found in Davison’s History of Alnwick. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is now flat, part of the south wall pavement.

BELL Jane B807 2C10 M-21.5 P-

Several members of the Bell family are interred between the ancient road and the footpath that leads to the little door of the chancel on the north side of the church. Robert Bell carried on a large business in Clayport Street as a tanner, shoemaker, clogger, &c. He had a numerous family and several of his descendants still reside in this town. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

BLACKBROUGH Nicholas B501 2B12 M-22.16 P-1742 Here lies the body of Nicholas Blackbrough who Nicholas Blackbrough Departed this life the 12th February d.12-2-1792 @87 1794 Aged 87 Years ---- eroded ---- Nicholas Blackbrough d.1-5-1823 @74 John Blackbrough d.18-11-1823 @--

The lower part of the inscription on this stone is badly corroded and is unreadable.

BOLTON Ellen B1050 2G8 M-22.10 P-2109 Sacred To the Memory of ELLEN Ellen Bolton Wife of John Bolton d.21-7-1817 @32 Of Edlingham who died on the 21st day of July MDCCCXVII Aged 32 years

The family of Bolton has been about this neighbourhood for a great number of years but at the present time the name is much upon the decrease in our own locality. Closely adjoining the old road that formerly led to Walkergate Street is a finely shaped flat stone. By want of attention it has got into a dilapidated state Alnwick Mercury October 1873

BOWMAKER James B401 2B13 M-22.13 P-1737 In Memory of James Bowmaker James Bowmaker Who died April 27th 1831 aged 75 years d.27-4-1831 @75 Also of James Johnson James Johnson Grandson of the above ---- d. @10 Aged 10 years Forth like a flower ---- Also of Margaret Margaret Bowmaker Wife of the above James Bowmaker, d.10-11-1839 @79 Who died Nov 10th 1839 aged 79 years.

Adjoining the last is the burying ground of the Bowmakers of Alnwick. The family has been residenters in this town for a very long time. The late Mr James Bowmaker, who lived in Bondgate Street, was the last of the name but the property he left at his death is still held by his relatives. He was to trade a plasterer, and was connected with the Alnwick Gas Works from the time of their commencement. About the year 1833 he built the three undermost houses in Northumberland Street. Previous to this the ground which forms the site of these houses was open, and in some parts covered with trees. Alnwick Mercury October 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

BROWN John B309 2C13 M-20.7 P-1719 In Memory of WILLIAM HENRY BROWN William Henry Brown Son of John Brown d.6-8-1835 @24 of Alnwick and Curate of St Peters Leguan Demerara who died at that place on hte 6th of August 1835 In his 24th year

MAGARET BROWN Margaret Brown mo.above Mother of the above d.16-2-1852 @68 died 16th Feb 1852 aged 68 JOHN BROWN father of the above John Brown fo.above died 1st of Dec 1866 aged 83 years d.1-12-1866 @83

John Brown lived in a house of his own on the west side of Howick Street. He followed for many years the trade of a wool stapler.

BROWN Nicholas C105-2 M-19.1 Sacred to the memory of Nicholas Brown Nicholas Brown who died Aug. 11th aged 47 years d.11-8-1797 @47 (75?) Several of the old inhabitants of Denwick are buried on the north side of the church. The first stone that we will take is adjoining the old slabs and gravestones on the north side of the building. It is an old stone. Alnwick Mercury July 1873

BRUCE Edward B1002 2D10 M-20.3 P-0463 Here lies the body of EDWARD BRUCE, mason Edward Bruce Mason who died June 27th 1793 d.27-6-1793 @58 C44-1 aged 58 years

And also of COLLINGWOOD BRUCE Collingwood Bruce so.above his son, who died d.24-6-1789 @22 June 24 1789, aged 22 years

“Yet these new rising from the tomb With lustre brighter far shall shine Revive with everduring bloom Safe from diseases and decline.”

A short distance from the outer gates of the churchyard is the burying place of Edward Bruce, of Alnwick. The deceased was to trade a mason and lived in a small house on the south side of Clayport Street. He had two sons who for a short time taught a school in this town. John Bruce afterwards removed to Newcastle-on-Tyne, where he started a school, which in the course of time became one of the most famous abodes of learning in the North of . He was an author of no ordinary ability. And contributed largely to the geographical studies of the day. His death occurred in the year 1834, and he was succeeded in the school by his son, John Collingwood Bruce. The people of Alnwick have long regarded the latter gentleman as one of themselves. He is fond of the people – the place and its associations. Dr Bruce’s reputation as an author is very great. He has devoted a great portion of his life in elucidating and advancing the studies of Roman Antiquities. Like his two great compeers, Horsley and Hutton, he has left no stone unturned in reading the languages and unveiling the customs o a people log since buried. His great work on the Roman Wall has now gone through three editions, and the last one is a noble instance of the indomitable perseverance of the man. In whatever light the work is viewed there can be but one thought or feeling, and that is, the honesty and simple mindedness od=f the author. By his energy, talent, and highly cultured mind, he has achieved a great distinction in the world of letters, and we feel confident St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

that is if length of years are given him he is still able to furnish additional proofs of his devotion to those studies which have engaged so much of his life. He has also for many years taken a deep interest in mediaeval antiquities: and through his aid the antiquarian society on Newcastle has become possessed of many valuable remains. About the year 1856 Dr Bruce published a very excellent work on the Bayeaux Tapestry; and few books are better calculated to give us so true an account of the history and the age when this ancient work was produced. In 1864 he gave to the literary world another n=very valuable contribution, and that was his guide to Newcastle-on-Tyne. In this year the British Association was about to visit Newcastle, and strange to say, a town which had produced its Akenside, Eldon, Scott, Martin, and other great celebrities had not a handbook worthy of the place. The history of the metropolis of the north g=had been chronicled by men like Bourne, Brand and Mackenzie; but forty years had elapsed since the last had been issued. The Newcastle of today is very unlike the Newcastle of 1823, The population has well nigh doubled itself. industry, commerce, and enterprize, has made rapid strides. The noble river and its banks have become a central hive of activity. The vast and gigantic manufactures od Stephenson, Hawthorn, and hundreds of others have sprung into existence. The town has become modernized and adorned by the introduction of new and elegant structures. New streets have been formed, noble in their appearance and ample in their provision. To give a true and minute detail of the rise and progress of this vast place devolved upon Dr Bruce, and most nobly did he acquaint himself in the undertaking. Perhaps one of the greatest marvels connected with the work was the time that the author was occupied in compiling it. It is only another instance of the energy of the man, when we say, that only a month elapsed from the time he commenced to write the book till it was in the hands of the public. As a work of reference and historical merit, it will for all time come to be regarded for its great value and worth. There are few persons better known in Alnwick or more welcomed by its inhabitants than the great author of the Roman Wall. This tombstone perpetuates the memory of his grandfather. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 Handbook to the Roman Wall, first published 1863 by J. Collingwood Bruce LL.D D.C.L F.S.A Preface: John Collingwood Bruce was born in 1805 and, after graduating at Glasgow, became a schoolmaster at Newcastle upon Tyne. During the whole of a long and active life, until his death as Professor Collingwood in 1892, he was an untiring student of Roman antiquities, and especially of the great Wall with which his memory will always be associated. Even more valuable than his work as a field archaeologist, however, were his services to the study of Roman inscriptions


Another, almost defaced, perpetuates the memory of some of the Burnetts of Alnwick. The latter family for several generations have claimed a burying place in close proximity to the edifice. At one period the name was a very common one in this town, and it is one that has been subjected to a great many corruptions. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

BUCHAN Robert B1077 2E8 M-21.15 P-1821 In Memory of ROBERT BUCHAN Robert Buchan Who died March 15th 1843 d.15-3-1843 @73 Aged 73 years Also of JANE, wife of the above Jane Buchan Who died April 9th 1864 d.9-4-1864 @88 Aged 88 years

ROBERT Robert Buchan Died February 12th 1844 aged 7 years ‘d.12-2-1844 @7

Robert Buchan was a very respectable man who resided in a house near the foot of Canongate Street. For many years he was porter at the outer gate of the Union Workhouse. Whilst he filled this post he was greatly respected for his civility and sobriety. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The lower part of this stone is very badly eroded. St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

CATNACH John B1005 W46 M-21.9 P-1635

John son of John Catnach John Catnach Printer died August 27th d.27-8-1794 @5y7m 1794 aged 5Years & 7 Months

John Catnach, printer John Catnach, Printer Who died in London 1813 aged 44 d.1813 @44 London years Highgate Cemetery Mary his wife Mary Catnach wo John Who died January 24th 1823 aged 65 d.24-1-1923 @65 years Also John, Margaret and Jane Catnach John Catnach lie here. Margaret Catnach Jane Catnach

John Catnach commenced business in Alnwick as a printer sometime about the commencement of the present century; he occupied a small shop on the north side of the od Half Moon Inn in Narrowgate Street. Whilst in this shop he issued from his press some books which have since acquired a local fame. He was one of the first of Northumberland publishers that enlisted and presented the world-famed wood-engraver, the great Thomas Bewick. About the year 1808 Mr Catnach went into partnership with the late Mr W. Davison; but the union was not of long duration. Mr Catnach resolved on leaving Alnwick and he carried this into effect in the year 1809. He commenced business in the Seven Dials, London, but the enterprise did not prove to be a very successful one. He struggled manfully for a time in the metropolis but it is evident that he must have gone down had his son James not come to the rescue. James Catnach was at an early age employed in Scotland as a shepherd. He was afterwards apprenticed to his father and in this capacity he used all his energy and thought in bringing out a kind of reading which was much resorted to before the time of railways and the introduction of cheap literature. They were invariably adorned by wood engravings and he possessed a large collection of wood blocks. During the time that Mr Catnach was in business he occasionally visited Alnwick. He died about the year 1846 having amassed a large amount of money. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 This stone has been renewed and the inscription extended to include his grand children.

CHARLTON James A208 1E3 S13 M-19.7a P-0770

“Here sleeps till time shall be no longer the mortal (part) of James Charlton James Charlton died on the 18th Oct 1802 and d.18-10-1802 @19 in the 19th year of his age.

The family of Forrest has been about Alnwick and the neighbourhood for a great many years. They have been invariably connected with the agricultural world. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This record implies that all the names (James Forrest, James Patterson, James Charlton) are part of the one inscription. The James Charlton stone has been moved to the south wall pavement and the fragment stands alone showing the lower part of this inscription. It is not yet clear whether James Forrest and James Patterson are separate stones.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

CRAVEN John B1096 2D8 W30 M-22.1 P-1614 Erected In Memory of JOHN CRAVEN who died Decr 24th 1847 John Craven aged 71 years d.24-12-1847 @71 Also Elizabeth, wife of the above, Elizabeth Craven wo John died Feby 13th 1850 aged 69 years. d.13-2-1850 @69

Another tombstone to the memory of John Craven. The deceased lived in Green Bat. He had two sons John and Thomas, the former was long the landlord of the Hotel at Heiferlaw. The other son removed to Australia many years ago, and in the latter country he has amassed a considerable amount of property. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

CRISP Robert B301 W72 M-20.2a P-1707 In memory of Robert Chrisp Robert Crisp Of the 1st Regiment of Infantry d.9-1-1848 @49 (1843?) Who died 9th January 1848 aged 49 years

[This headstone has fallen face-down and the inscripton cannot be confirmed.]

Adjoining the last tombstone (John Pearcy) are three to the memory of the Chrisps of Alnwick. Another family of this name has, for nearly two centuries, been connected with this town and neighbourhood. They have occupied the farms of Rugley, Greensfield, Hawkhill and other places during the whole of this period; but the Alnwick family would seem to be a distinct branch from the others; and the origin of the latter does not go back many years. The headstone inscriptions are extended and the name now reads Crisp.

CRISP Capt. Robert B302 W71 M-20.2b P-0522 Sacred To the memory of CAPTAIN ROBERT CRISP Capt Robert Crisp Who died 27th September 1845 aged d.27-9-1845 @72 72 years. He was many years Adjutant of the Northumberland Militia. JANE wife of the above died Dec 28th Jane Crips wo.Robert 1855 aged 90 years. d.28-12-1855 @90 JANE daughter of the above died Jane Crisp do.Robert Sepr 23rd 1854 aged 55 years. d.23-9-1854 @55

See Robert Crisp

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

CRISP William B303 W70 M-20.2c P-0520 Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM CRISP William Crisp RN (Purser Royal Navy) d.12-11-1842 @52 Son of Captain Robert Crisp & Jane his wife Who died 12th November 1842 aged 52 years Also, ELLENOR Ellenor Crisp wo.William Wife of the above William Crisp d.30-9-1830 @48 Who died the 30th Sepr 1830 Aged 48 years

See Robert Crisp

COWENS M-19.4a

An old tombstone on the south part of the building marks the spot where lie interred several members of the family of Cowens. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

CUMINGS Margaret B1055 2D8 W38 M-21.14 P-1625 Sacred to the Memory of Margaret, wife of Edward Cumings who Margaret Cumings wo Edwd died August 4th 1815 aged 28 years d.4-8-1815 @28 Margaret Brankston, motheer of the Margaret Brankston above died March 14th 1822 aged 76 d.14-3-1822 @76 years Charlotte, wife of Edward Cumings Charlotte Cumings w2o Edwd died May 25th 1824 aged 36 years d.25-5-1824 Edward Cumings Edward Cumings died June 13th 1828 aged 56 years d.13-6-1828 @56 The next tombstone perpetuates the memory of several members of the family of Cumings. The name does not appear to have long been connected with the town. The late Mr Edward Cumings was a man of considerable enterprise. He owned the whole of the property known as the Angel Inn, the brewery and some other messuages which are situated in Fenkle Street. He was one of the first to introduce gas into Alnwick. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 This stone has been moved to the east wall. The lower part of the inscription is below the soil.

DAVISON Isaac B403 2C12 M-22.15 P-1739 Sacred Isaac Davison To the Memory of d.26-11-1825 @79 ISAAC DAVISON Husbandman who departed this Ralph Davison so Isaac Life on the 26h of Novr 1825 d.25-9-1858 @76 Aged --- years ---- eroded ---- Nicolas Bradbrough (Ralph Davison son of) d.12-2-1794 @87 Isaac Davison Died 25th Sept (1858) aged 76 years

The name of Davison has long been a common one in Northumberland. The late Mr Ralph Davison was to trade a master carpenter. He built those premises in Green Bat which are now owned by Mr William Luke. Alnwick Mercury October 1873 The middle of the inscription on this stone is very badly eroded and cannot be confirmed.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

DICK Elizabeth B1089 2F8 M-22.5 P-1841 Sacred To the memory of Elizabeth Wife of John Elizabeth Dick Dick who died November d.23-11-1808 @62 23rd 1808 aged 62 years John Dick died February John Dick 7th 1811 aged 74 d.7-2-1811 @74 William son of the above William Dick Died May 18th 1810 aged 30 years d.18-5-1810 @30

Thomas Dick d.12-7-1819 @33 John Dick d.2-6-1822 @12 John Dick d.28-4-1823 @46 Mary Dick d.1-7-1823 @49

The name of Dick has been very short lived in Alnwick; it will hardly reach one century. The late Mr William Dick was to trade a builder and we believe a native of this town. He married a daughter of Mr William Robertson and by this union there was a large family. But the male portion have been away from the town for a good many years. The burying ground of the early members of the family is at the east end of the church but some of the branches are interred on the north side of the churchyard. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

DIXON Isable B1024 2E9 W44 M-22.11 P-1633 Sacred to the memory of Isable, daughter of Henry Isable Dixon Dixon Who died July 1st 1803 d.1-7-1803 @27 aged 27 years

Would a bounteous heaven indulge my prayer, To frame a nobler choice, Nor, living, with the pompuus pile, Nor, dead, regard the lost. In thy fair book of life divine, My God, inscribe my name, There let it fill some humble place Beneth the slughtered Lamb.”

Not far from the last (Ellen Bolton) is a tombstone with an inscription which Hutcheson would have had no compunction in calling “pretentious”. Alnwick Mercury October 1873

DOUGLAS John B1094 2D8 M-22.2 P-0317 In memory of John Douglas who died Oct John Douglas 7th 1814 aged 77 years d.7-10-1814 @77 JOSEPH POTTS, son in law of the Joseph Potts s-i-l Above died June 20th 1831 aged 46 d.20-6-1831 @46 years Elizabeth Pots wo Joseph ELIZABETH his wife died April 27th d.27-4-1851 @74 1851 aged 74 years

The family of Douglas has been about this town for a great many years bur the name is not largely represented amngst the tombstones in Alnwick Churchyard. This tombstone is a small one. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The inscription on this stone has been extended since the original report.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

DUNN Henry Edward B407 W65 M-19.21 P-1658 In Memory of Henry Edward, son of Joseph and Henry Edward Dunn Elizabeth Dunn who died Septr 15th 1856 d.15-9-1856 @2 aged 2 years Elizabeth their daughter died Decr 16th Elizabeth Dunn 1847 aged 10 years d.16-12-1847 @10

Close to the last (Abram Rumney) are interred several members of the family of Dunn. They have long been connected with the building trade of this town. Some of the best modern buildings in the place were built by Mr Tomas Dunn and his son, the late Mr Robert Dunn. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

ELDER Jane B-801 2F10 M-20.11 P-2288 Sacred to the memory of Jane Jane Elder Wife of James Elder d.4-1-1808 @41 Who departed this life 4th January 1808 aged 41. James Elder James Elder Died 1st August 1834 aged 72 years d.1-8-1834 @72 Elizabeth Elizabeth Elder Wife of William Younghusband Elder d.28-9-1838 @24 Died 28th September 1838 aged 24 years

The family of Elder has for a long time been connected with Alnwick, and there are descendants of them still holding property in this place. Jas. Elder was for many years connected with the sprit trade in this town. He lived in a house and shop in Fenkle Street, and towards the close of his life he removed to premises adjoining Bondgate Tower.

EMBLETON George A205 1A2 M-19.13 P-2556 This stone was erected to the memory of Geo. Embleton, of Low George Embleton Brunton who during d.22-8-1821 @65 the war of the America Revolution filled the office of Chief Clerk in His Majesty’s Naval Department in Jamaica And died 22nd August, aged 65 years

Closely adjoining the last (William Procter) is another flat tombstone to the memory of George Embleton. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

EWING Catharine B2015 2F7 M-22.7 P-1839 In Memory of Catharine, wife of Andrew Ewing Catharine Ewing wo Andrew Who departed this life May 10th d.10-5-1817 @29 1817 aged 29 years James Ewing, son of the above died James Ewing February 13th 1831 aged 24 years d.13-2-1831 @24 Andrew Ewing, son of Andrew and Andrew Ewing ---- eroded ----- d.22-5-1818 @14m (Catharine died May 22nd 1818 aged Andrew Ewing 14 months d.10-12-1823 @3 Ann Ewing) (child) Ewing ---- eroded ----- d. --- @0 died January 1st 1846 aged 41 years Ann Ewing Andrew Ewing d.1-1-1846 @41 Father of the above children Andrew Ewing March 4th 1848 aged 73 years d.4-3-1848 @73 The inscription on this stone is much extended but is heavily eroded in the centre and unreadable.

FORREST James. Patterson, Charlton (A208 1E3 S13 ?) M-19.7b Here lies the body of James Forrest James Forrest who d.30-10-1781 @61 th Not located died Oct 30 1781 aged 61 years. James James Patterson Patterson died 1707 d.1707

The family of Forrest has been about Alnwick and the neighbourhood for a great many years. They have been invariably connected with the agricultural world. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This record implies that all the names are part of the one inscription. The James Charlton stone has been moved to the south wall pavement and the fragment stands alone showing the lower part of this inscription. It is not yet clear whether James Forrest and James Patterson are separate stones.

FOTHERGILL Mary B1092 2E8 M-22.4 In memory of Mary Mary Fothergill Wife of Joseph Fothergill d.15-12-1849 @77 Who died December 15th 1849 aged 77 Joseph Fothergill years d.---

Closely adjoining the John Moor stone is the burying place of the Fothergills. The family for a long time has owned some property in the Correction House Yard. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

GUY Thomas BELL Thomas B306 M-20.5 P-1399 In memory of THOMAS GUY Thomas Guy Who died Sepr 1st 1825 aged 64 years. d.1-9-1825 @64 To the memory of THOMAS BELL Thomas Bell who died September 7th 1844 aged 62 years. d.7-9-1844 @62 ELIZABETH GUY Elizabeth Guy Died June 26th 1845 aged 87 years. d.26-6-1845 @87

[Inscribed by J. Rutherford]

Behind the last (Thomas Phelan) is a tombstone to the memory of Thomas Bell. He passed a greater part of his younger years in the army. After receiving his discharge he was appointed Keeper of Brizlee Tower. The inscription is altered from that originally recorded. St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

HALL Hannah B307R 2B13 M-12b P-1810 In Memory of HANNAH Hannah Hall The wife of Robert Hall d.13-2-1847 @49 Who died Febry 15th 1847 Robert, husband of the above Robert Hall Died June 19th 1860 age 72 d.19-6-1860 @72

There is an inscription on the reverse of this stone to John Hall.

HALL John B307 2B13 M-22.12 P-1811 Sacred to the Memory of JOHN HALL John Hall Who died 25th December 1816 d.25-12-1816 @67 In the 67th year of his age Also of John and Elizabeth John Hall infant son Infant children of the above Elixabeth Hall infant daughter ISABELLA HALL Isabella Hall wo John Wife of the above died d.14-3-1826 @67 March 14th 1826 aged 67 years WILLIAM HALL William Hall sil of above Son-in-law of the above d.14-3-1853 @61 Died March 14th 1853 aged 61 years. Jane Hall wife of the above Jane Hall wo William Who died April 26th 1871 aged 82 years d.26-4-1871 @82 Scions of one of the old branches of the family of Hall are buried near the outer gates. Several of their descendants are still living in the town. Alnwick Mercury October 1873

HARRISON Thomas A5109 1D3 S-10 M-19.10 Sacred to the memory of Thomas Harrison, of Alnwick, Thomas Harrison who died March 22nd, 1669 d.22-3-1669? Richard Harrison, his son, Richard Harrison died February 12th, 1716 d.12-2-1716 Thomas Harrison, senior, Thomas Harrison snr died November 28th, 1770. d.28-11-1770 Thomas Harrison, plumber, Thomas Harrison, plumber died July 8th, 1801, aged 70 years. d.8-7-1801 @70 Jane, his wife, died June 8th, 1803, aged 68 Jane Harrison years. d.8-6-1803 @68 Thomas Harrison, their son, Thomas Harrison died November 22nd, 1815,, aged 52 years. d.22-11-1815 @52 Margaret, his wife, Margaret Harrison died November 16th, 1816, aged 52 years d.16-11-1816 @52 Against the east end of the south porch is an old tombstone in memory of the Harrisons of Alnwick. For about 150 years they were connected with the plumbing trade of the town. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries their name often appeared in the old account books in connection with the glazing of the windows in the church. They were very industrious , and by dint of perseverance became in time possesses of a good deal of property. The last of the name was the later Mr Thomas Harrison, who lived in a house of his own in Narrowgate Street. He died a few years ago, and was succeeded in the business by his relative, Mr G. W. Tate. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is now flat, part of the south wall pavement.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

HARVEY Jane C407-1 M-19.2 Here lies the body of Jane Harvey Jane Harvey wife of William Harvey in Denwick d.24-10-1742 who died October 1712. The name of Harvey has long been in existence in Alnwick; but, in no part of Northumberland has it ever become a common one, although in our locality the name for the last 150 years has never become extinct. Alnwick Mercury July 1873

HENDERSON Michael, George B604 W61 M-20.14 P-0518 Sacred To the Memory of Michl Henderson, Son of Michael Henderson Geo, Henderson of Abbey d.9-5-1805 @24 b1781 Mills, Miller who died 9th May 1805 aged 24 years Margaret Daughter of the said Margaret Henderson Geo. Henderson died April 19th d.19-4-1810 @15 b.1795 1810 aged 15 years. GEORGE HENDERSON George Henderson, Miller Father of the above d.16-3-1826 @82 b.1744 Died March 16th 1826 [Further inscription which is hidden] aged 82 years George, Son of George Henderson George Henderson Died August 5th 1826 aged 38 years. d.5-8-1826 @38 b.1788 Margaret Henderson d.22-11-1853 @96 The Hendersons for a long time resided at Alnwick. They were a very respectable family, and possessed of a certain amount of property in the town. The inscription on this stone differs from that recorded and is preceded by forebears. The stone has been moved and further inscription is below the soli.

JACKSON John B404 2D12 M-21.2 P-1717 In Memory of JOHN JACKSON Sgt. John Jackson Seargt of the d.5-2-1822 @48 Northumberalnd Light Infantry Regiment of Militia Who died the 5th day of Feb. 1822 Aged 48 years. ANN wife of the above died Ann Jackson wo John July 31st 1848 aged 64 years d.31-7-1848 @64 JAMES their son died --- James Jackson so John ------d.11-3-1854 @53 THOMAS ------Thomas Jackson so John ------d.16-7-1870 @19

The Jacksons have also been a long time about this town. Sergeant Jackson was connected with the old Northumberland regiment of militia. Sons of the family for many years resided at Denwick. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

LAMB James LUCKLEY B509 2C11 M-21.3 P-1722 In memory of JAMES LAMB James Lamb, Thatcher Who died February 22nd 1847 d.22-2-1842 @85 aged 85 years Eleanor his wife Eleanor Lamb wo.James Died March 3rd 1842 aged 84 years d.3-3-1842 @84 And their children James James Lamb so.above Died Oct 10th 1810 aged 10 years d.10-10-1810 @10 John John Lamb so.above Died April 21st 1816 aged 26 years d.21-4-1816 @26 Elizabeth wife of George Luckley Elizabeth Luckley wo.George Who died March 21st 1842 aged 50 years d.21-3-1842 @50 William William Lamb Died at Newcastle Dec 3rd 1842 aged 37 d.3-12-1842 @37 years Jane Jane Lamb Died July 22nd 1848 aged 50 years d.22-7-1848 @50 ------George Luckley d.3-4-1835 @41 The family of Lamb has also been about Alnwick and the neighbourhood for many years. James Lamb was to trade a thatcher. When we first knew him he was living with his daughter the late Mrs Luckley in a house in Bailiffgate Street, Shortly after her death he removed with his grand-daughter to a house in Canongate Street, and I was in the latter place where he died. His daughter married George Luckley, of Dunstan. He and his ancestors had lived at the latter place for about 150 years. Mr John Lamb Luckley, who has contributed so much to the literature of his native county is a son of George and Elizabeth Luckley. The above named George Luckley, died April 3rd 1815 aged 41 years. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The stone is heavily abraded in the centre and is unreadable.

LAMONBY Margaret A197 1B6 M-19.16 P-2305 Erected in memory of Margaret Lamonby Margaret Lamonby who died January 17th 1785 d.17-1-1785

The family of Lamonby flourished in Alnwick during the greater part of a century. The name never became a common one and it has now for several years ceased to exist amongst us. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

LAMONBY William, Catherine A198 1B6 M-19.17 P-2307 Sacred to the memory of William Lamonby William Lamonby Who departed this life d.16-9-1824 @70 The 16th Sept. 1824 Aged 70 years Catherine Lamonby Catherine Lamonby wo.Wm Wife of the above d.9-6-1843 @78 Died 9th June 1843 aged 78 years

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

The family of Lamonby flourished in Alnwick during the greater part of a century. The name never became a common one and it has now for several years ceased to exist amongst us. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

LEARMOUTH Elizabeth A5107 1D3 S7 M-19.9 P-1079 In memory of Elizabeth Elizabeth Learmouth only daughter of Thomas Learmouth d.6-11-1777 @20 who died November 6th 1777 in the 20th year of her age.

Closely adjoining the last is a stone which records the death of a name which is now extinct in Alnwick. The family of Learmouth has now disappeared from our midst. If we judge from the register in the “North Country” the name has never been a common one, although for a period of one hundred years it preserved an unbroken chain in this town. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is now flat, part of the south wall pavement.

HUMPHREY William A195 M-19.18 P-2308 Here.lyeth.the.body of.Wm.Humphey William Humphrey who.died.January D. 18-1-1712

William Humphrey’s last resting place is marked by a low tombstone. The quaintness of the stone, the inscription, and the punctuations which intercept every word clothes it with a degree of interest which under ordinary circumstances it could really have no claim in. In no part of England has this name taken a deep root; but it occasionally you will come over it and the kindred one of “Pumphrey”. Perhaps there is no subject which has baffled the modern mind so much as the order and reign of names. How the Smith’s, the Robinson’s and the Jones’ should be in such force, whilst the many charming and romantic ones have entirely disappeared. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is broken and the inscription incomplete but is identifiable from the wording and the interword punctuation marks.

MARSHALL Edward B1049 2F9 M-21.13 P-2070 Sacred To the Memory of Edward Son of Thomas Marshall of the Abbey Lane Head who de parted this Life February the 10th 1796 aged 7 Years

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

Closely adjoining the latter (Jane Thompson) is another tombstone. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

MATHER Andrew B806 2C10 M-21.7 P-0997 To the memory of ANDREW MATHER Andrew Mather died November 11th aged 84 years d.10-11-1816 @84 MARGARET, wife of the above, Margaret Mather died July 14th 1831 aged 86 years d.14-7-1831 @86 GEORGE their son George Mather Who died September 2nd 1853 aged 69 d.2-9-1853 @69 years. ISABELLA their daughter Isabella Mather Died June 25th 1811 ages 32 years d.25-7-1811 @32 ELIZABETH KIRBY their daughter Elizabeth Kirby Died June 4th 1812 aged 25 years. d.4-6-1812 @25 JAMES KIRBY their grand-son James Kirby Died June 24th 1815 aged 3 years d.24-6-1815 @3 HANNAH their daughter died Hannah Mather Jany 27th 1847 aged 68 years. d.27-1-1847 @68 GEORGE their grand-son died Geoge Mather Octr 16th 1848 aged 26 years. d.6-10-1848 GEORGE their son died George Mather September 2nd 1853 aged 69 years. d.2-9-1853 @69 The Mathers have been a long time about Alnwick but like other families they have broken off into several branches. The family under notice was well known in the town and the neighbourhood. The whole of them bore a careful and frugal character, and by this means they saved a considerable amount of money. They lived for mant years in a house in Bondgate Street, which was their own, The lastter property at the death of the last surviving daughter of Andrew Mather was inherited by the late Thomas Archbold of Denwick. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 This stone has been renewed and the inscription much extended. It is to be hoped that they obtained some recompense for the spelling mistake by the inscribing mason.

MOORE John B1093 2E8 M-22.3 In memory of Jno. Moore John Moore Who died March 28th 1763 aged 61 d.28-3-1763 @61 years This is an old tombstone. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

MURRAY William A201 M-19.14 P-2300 Here lies the body of William Murray William Murray who died June 1st 1772 d.12-1-1774 @30 aged 30 years

Against the west wall is an old tombstone to the memory of another old family. The Murray’s are of old origin. The name is spelt in several different ways. In old documents it oftener occurs as Murry, Murrow, Muray. And there is little doubt that Merry and Murry are corruptions of some of the former. The Alnwick family at one time owned a goodly amount of property in this town, but it ultimately passed out of their hands. The property held by Turnbull Brothers, in Bondgate Street, and which penetrated close to the walls of Alnwick Castle on the south side, was the last that was held by the Murray’s. The late Mr William Murray, shoemaker, lived for several years in a house in the yard, and it was known as “Murray’s Yard”. Alnwick Mercury August 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

NESBITT Thomas B709 1E11 M-21.1 P-0990 To the memory of Thomas Nesbitt Thomas Nesbitt Who died January 27th 1816 aged 75 years. d.27-1-1816 @75 William Nesbitt grandson of the above William Nesbitt Died4 4 September1828. Aged 6 years d.4-9-1828 @6 Anthony Nesbitt son of the above Anthony Nesbitt Thomas Nesbitt died 13 September 1834 d. 13-9-1834 @53 Aged 53 years Eleanor, wife of Thomas Nesbitt and Eleanor Nesbitt wo Thos mother of the above Anthony Nesbitt D.9-12-1834 @86 died 9 December 1834 aged 86 years John Ramsy grandson of the John Ramsay Above (Anthony ---) died d.19-11-1839 @9m Nov ------Anthony Nesbitt ------d.4-3-1840 @25 ------Above ------died Anthony Nesbitt October ------d.21-10-1842 @5 Margaret------Margaret Nesbitt Above Anthony Nesbitt died d.27-2-1848 @58 Febry 27th 1848 aged 58 years This tombstone marks the resting place of members of another old family. The name of Nesbitt has long been connected with Northumberland. Thomas Nesbitt was a man of good means. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The inscription has been much extended since originally reported but the lower portion is badly abraded and is now unreadable.

N.L.I.R.Militia M-22.9 P-1702, 1703 Northumberland Light Infantry Regiment of Militia This stone was erected by their surviving comrades To the Memory of the undermentioned Non-commissioned officers Who have been interred in this churchyard

Rank of Name Died YEARS age service Bugker Edward Charlton 24th May 1818 34 15 Sergt. John Jackson 5th Feb 1822 48 27 Sergt.George Neal 12th Jan 1823 56 29 Corporal Wm Leighton 20th Dec 1823 49 22 Corporal Thos Foreman 7th Aug 1826 32 12 Sergt. John Stewart 26th March 1828 46 25 Sergt. George Douglas 19th Jan 1831 69 37 Sergt. George Common 16th Nov 1835 71 42 Sergt. Thomas Sharp 30th Jan 1838 71 42 Sergt. Richard Walker 7th June 1838 68 36 Sergt. Joseph Pattison 4th Feb 1839 57 38 Sergt. Charles Bioutland 6th March 1839 69 45 Bugler Thos Hetherington 20th July 1839 54 39 Sergt. Thomas Burnett 2nd Dec 1839 74 37 Sergt. John Muckle 16th June 1841 65 46 Sergt-Major John Finlay 14th Feb 1843 73 49

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

Rank of Name Died age service Sergt. Elias Burnett 14th Oct 1846 66 32 Sergt. Joseph Scott 1st May 1847 72 52 Corporal Joesph Bond 20th March 1849 65 26 Corporal Robert Vint 6th April 1849 97 26 Corporal James Stanfield 16th Nov 1832 46 15 Sergt. William Robson 6th Nov 1849 64 42 Corporal Alexander Taylor 19th May 1843 56 19 Sergt. John Young 15th Aig 1852 63 38 Sergt. William Fawcett 30th May 1854 84 52 Sergt. Ridley Little 14th Nov 1855 80 46 Sergt-Major George Beeby 3rd May 1858 83 58 Sergt. William Wright 27th June 1864 78 49 Corporal John Hume 19th June 1842 56 21 Bugler Mark Forster 21st Oct 1870 88 35 Bugler William Burnett 23rd April 1870 74 43

One of the most interesting tombstones in the church yard is that which has been erected to the memory of the Non-Commissioned Officers of the old Nothumberland Light Infantry Regiment of Militia. Many old scenes and associations are connected with the names engraved on this monument. The deaths are scattered over a period of fifty-three years. This tombstone stands close to the eastern wall of the church yard, and scarcely half way between the outer gates and the ancient boundary of the yard on the north side of the church. The upper part of the stone is adorned by the arms of the regiment. Alnwick Mercury October 1873

OGLE Henry B905 2D10 M-21.8 P-0996 Sacred To the Memory of HENRY OGLE Henry Ogle Who died at Alnwick February 10th D10-2-1848 @84 1848 aged 84 years. He was 24 years Schoolmaster at Rennington JOHN CUTHBERTSON died April 25th John Cuthbertson 1825 aged 4 years d.25-4-1825 @4 ALICE CUTHBERTSON died Jany 8th 1838 Alice Cuthbertson aged 8 years d.8-1-1838 @8 Grand Children to the above

The family Ogle has been long distinguished or their ingenuity and ability. The deceased invented the reaping machines. Henry Ogle was a man of considerable attainments, For a quarter of a century he taught at a school in the village of Rennington, and in the latter place his services were highly appreciated. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 This stone has been renewed and the inscription extended to include his grand children.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

OLIVER John A199 1B5 M-19.15 P-2303 John Oliver 1781. John Oliver Thomas Oliver son of John Oliver died d.1781 May 11th 1766 aged 3 years. Thomas Oliver so.John d.11-5-1766 @3

The next two stones are very brief in their contents Alnwick Mercury August 1873

PAPE Helen B703 2B13 M-21.4 P-1747

In memory of Helen wife of Anthony Helen Pape Pape who died June 19th 1830 d.19-6-1830 @55 aged 55 years The above Anthony Pape Anthony Pape who died July 24th 1855 d.24-7-1855 @81 aged 81 years

Anthony Pape kept a small shop on the hill which he occupied till the time of his death. During his life time one of his sons removed to Newcastle where he for several years carried on a very successful business. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

PEARCY Jane B304 W69 M-20.1 P-0521 Sacred to the memory of JANE PEARCY Jane Pearcy Who died 21st January 1814 d.21-1-1814 Aged 3 years Henry Pearcy died 13th April Henry Pearcy 1834 aged 18 years d.13-4-1834 @18 Alice Pearcy died 4th January Alice Peacy 1843 aged 9 years d.4-1-1843 @9 JOHN PEARCY John Pearcy died 13th January 1850 aged 67 years d.13-1-1850 @67 Isabella, wife of John Pearcy jun Isabella Pearcy wo John P.jun Died 12th May 1852 aged 52 years d.12-5-1852 @52 MARY PEARCY Mary Pearcy wid.J P.snr Widow of the late John Pearcy d.1-1-1859 @78 Died Januarty 1st 1859 aged 78 years JOHN PEARCY junr died June 2 1865 John Pearcy Aged 60 years d.2-6-1865 @60 And Joseph Edward Pope his stepson Edward Joseph Pope Died Sept 8th 1864 d.8-9-1864 And was interred in (the) cemetary

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

Adjoining this [19.20] is the burying place of the Pearcies of Alnwick. John Pearcy was to trade a gardener and resided in a house of his own in Pottergate Street. At the death of his widow the whole of his property passed into the hands of his descendants; but with the exception of one share, has recently been sold to Mr Dickson, who has had it put into a good state of repair. The inscription on this headstone has been extended.

PEARSON Henry B1023 M-21.10 P-0329 Sacred To the Memory of HENRY PEARSON ALNWICK Henry Pearson Who died Nov 8th 1851 aged 10 years d.8-11-1851 @10 Also MARY his wife died March 25th Mary Pearson wo.Henry 1849 aged 61 years d.25-3-1849 @61 Also WILLIAM his son died March 10th William Pearson so.Henry 1835 aged 19 years d.10-3-1835 @19

Near the last one (John Catnach) is a small tombstone to the memory of Henry Pearson, Alnwick, who died November 8th, 1851, aged 70 years; also of Mary his wife, died March 25th 1849, aged 61 years. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

PHELAN Thomas B305 M-20.4 P-1708 (--- --) (------) This stone is erected by THOMAS PHELAN (Woodbailiff To His GRACE the Duke of Northumberland To the memory of Thomas Phelan Son of Thomas Phelan THOMAS and M(---) PHELAN who died d.9-11-1839 @33 9th November 1839 aged 33 years (---) And William their second son on William Phelan the (4th Feb) 1846 aged (36) d.4-2-1846 @36 THOMAS PHELAN (father of the) above Thomas Phelan died (28th May 1846 aged 75 years) d.28-5-1846 @75 The family of Phelan are not old residenters in Alnwick. Thomas Phelan was wood bailiff to the Duke of Northumberland. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The present inscription varies from that recorded.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

PRINGLE George THEW Isabella B909 M-20.9 P-1064 To the Memory of George Pringle George Pringle Who died June 4th 1796 aged 71 years d.4-6-1796 @71 Hannah Pringle Hannah Pringle Who died November 29th 1806 aged 90 years d.29-11-1806 @90 John Pringle their son John Pringle Who died May 28th 1816 aged 55 years d.28-5—1816 @55 Isabella Thew wife of Edward Thew and daughter of the Isabella Thew Above George and Hannah Pringle d.1-7-1840 @72 Who died July 1st 1840 aged 72 years Edward Thew, husband of the above Edward Thew Who died July 23rd 1853 d.23-7-1853 @84 aged 84 years

The Thews are a very old family. For centuries they resided at Denwick, and in the latter place they rented some messauges and copyholds which anciently formed part of the barony of Alnwick. The family genealogy can be traced back to the time of the Conqueror. Mr Edward Thew, the father of the late respected owner of Shortridge, married a daughter of Mr J Pringle. The latter gentleman for many years carried on the business of a manufacturer in this town; and at his death he was succeeded in business by his son-in-law. Mr Thew took into partnership with him his eldest son; and by this means the firm of Edward Thew and Son, which has been so long known in this county, was inaugurated. Mr Edward Thew, jun., was an extraordinary man. His fact and business habits gained for him the confidence and respect of all that he came in contact with. After he first married he spent a short time in a house in Narrowgate Street, which adjoined his own business premises. He afterwards moved to Croft House, and from the latter place to Lesbury House; but on his purchasing the Shortridge estate he caused the residence at the latter to be put into good repair. He pulled down and rebuilt nearly the whole of the outer buildings about the mansion, and spent an immense sum of money in working and improving the estate. In fact in has been regarded in late years more in the light of a “model farm” than anything else. Mr Thew was of a humane and generous disposition, and gave largely to the poor and the public institutions in the town ad neighbourhood; and he certainly was one of the greatest business men that Alnwick has produced.

POTTS William C4095 C747-3 M-19.3 P-1556 Sacred To the memory of William Potts WILLIAM POTTS who died May 22 d.28-5-1847 @65 1847 Aged 65 years. WILLIAM ADAMS POTTS Wiiliam Adams Potts Who died March 1 1852 d.1-3-1852 @19 Aged 19 years ISABELLA POTTS WIFE OF WILLIAM Isabella Poots wo.William POTTS died March 6 1853 Aged 71 d.6-3-1853 @71 years

The family of Potts has also been connected with this locality for a long time. In all probability the family has broken off into several branches. During the last century, a considerable portion of property in Alnwick was held by a family of this name; and we are informed that in the immediate vicinity of Rothbury, a vast amount of property was held formerly by the Potts’s. Alnwick Mercury July 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

PROCTER Edward A202 M-19.12 P-0445 Sacred to the menory of Edward Procter Edward Procter youngest son of the Reverend William d.9-1-1823’ Procter curate of the is parish and Mary his wife Mary Procter who died 9th January 1823 aged 27 years d.3-4-1828 @22 Also of Mary Procter Their youngest daughter who died April 3rd 1828 aged 22 years Also John Procter their fifth son John Procter who died January 31st aged 55 years, d.31-1-1831 @35 Margaret Margaret Procter wife of the Recverend Richard Procter d.14-3-1837 @38 curate of Lesbury died March 14th 1837 aged 38 years Robert Procter Robert Procter the 9th son of the above named William d.21-9-1837 @20 and Mary died in London 21st September 1837 aged 20 years. Close to the west end of the south porch is the burying place of the Reverend William Procter, and his wife, together with other members of their family. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 A flat stone perpetuates the memory of the descendants, whilst a modern grave stone has been placed over the mound of the parents.

RADSHAW Joseph A-200 1F3 S17 M-19.6 P-0769 Sacred To the Memory of Joseph, son of Joseph and Joseph Radshaw so.Joseph Elizabeth Radshaw died Feb 25th d.25-2-1771 @22m 1771 Aged 1 Years (8) months Joseph Radsaw senior died Joseph Radshaw Dec (31) 1787 aged 61. Sarah their d.31-12-1787 @61 Daughter died Nov 16th 1789 aged Sarah Radshaw do.Jpseph (29). Elizabeth, wife of Joseph ---- d.16-11-1789 @29 ---- died Sep 1st (1792 aged 66) Elizabeth Radshaw wo.Joseph Margaret Nimmo Sister (to Jospeh) d.1-9-1792 @66 Radshaw died Sep 17th 1800 aged ---- Margaret Nimmo d.17-9-1800 @79 ------Jesu ------world to see ---- place of rest for me Radshaw is another old name, but it has like a good many others been greatly corrupted. It frequently occurs as Rad, but oftener as Red. In no part of the North of England has the name at any time become a general one. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is now flat and has been moved to the south wall pavement.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

RUMNEY Abram B408 W64 M-19.20 P-1657 To the memory of Abram Rumney Master of the Abram Rumney Grammar School in this town who d.21-12-1793 @77 died 21 December 1793 aged 77 years and who was buried within this church, and of Dorothy his third wife and Dorothy Rumney relict who died 2 June 1835 aged 83 d.2-6-1835 @83 years and whose remains are here interred. This erection is dedicated by ---- Youngest child and wife of (John ---ick) In Newcastle upon Tyne ------Mary daughter of --- Abram and Mary Rumney Dorothy Rumney ------d.17-6-1835 m@52 Aged 52 yeas ------The times of ------are de------ge------Adjoining the last (Alexander Smith) is a tombstone to the memory of Abram Rumney, who, for nearly half a century was master of the Alnwick Grammar School. It was under his tuition that the Reverend Percival (Stockdale) received his early education, and it would appear written by this eccentric author, that Mr Rumney was a man of superior attainments. And there can be little doubt that he raised the standing of the school very much during the time that he held the mastership. He was buried in the interior of the church and his daughter caused the tombstone to be erected to his memory. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 The inscription on this stone has been extended since the original record but the lower part is corroded and is unreadable.

RUTHERFORD Robert B2038 2D7 W12 M-22.8 P-1595 Robert Rutherford Robert Rutherford Died November 29th 1831 aged 24 d.29-11-1831 @24 years Ancrom Rutherford father of the above Ancrom Rutherford Died February 16th 1839 aged 75 years d.16-2-1839 @75 Ann Rutherford his wife Ann Rutherford Died October 12th 1848 aged 83 years d. 12-10-1848 @83

?Robert Paterson 23-8-1851 @ 55 Robert Patterson d.23-8-1851 @55 The Rutherfords have been about Alnwick and the neighbourhood for a good many years, several of them were slaters to trade. Their burying ground is near the east end of the church. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

SCOTT Isabella, George B605 M-20.13 P-1729 In memory of ISABELLA Isabella Scott Only daughter of d.18-12-1838 @16 George and Mary Scott

Who died the 18th of Dec 1838

Aged 16 years

George Scott, baker George Scott, Baker Died July 6th 1842 aged 62 years d.6-7-1842 @62 Also Mary Mary Scott wid.George Widow of the above George Scott d. 9-10-1863 @74 Died October 9th 1863 age 74 years.

George Scott, a member of one of the branches of this common name, was a baker in the Greenbat and had a large family, some of whom are still residing amongst us. A small stone contains the inscription The inscription on this stone doffers from that originally recorded. St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

SMITH Alexander B409 2H11 W63 M-19.19 P-1656 In memory of Alexander Smith Alexander Smith who died 22nd May 1779 aged 65 years d.22-5-1777 @65

Margaret, wife of theabove and sister of Margaret (Smith) the late Ralph Elder died 9 April 1787 d.9-4-1787 @54 aged 54 years (She with her youngest son Alexander Alexander Smith who died 26 August 1789 aged 10 years d.26-8-1789 @10 are buried within this church) Ralph Smith Merchant, eldest son of the Ralph Smith above died 8 January 1837 aged 67 years. d.8-1-1837 @67 Elizabeth Smith only daughter of Alexander & Margaret Smith Elizabeth Smith Died July ------d.15-7-1798 @66 [corroded ] This stone … ------

There have been for many years and still are several distinct branches of the family of Smith residing in Alnwick. Close to the outer gates of the churchyard is a place where many of them lie buried. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 The inscription on this stone has been extended since the original record but the lower part is badly abraded and is unreadable.

SPOURS Ann B-800 2F10 M-20.12 P-2260 In memory of Ann Mother of William and Percival Spours Ann Spours who died at Alnwick d.29-9-1797 @89 the 29th of September 1797 in her 89th year Also of William Spours William Spours who departed thhis life on the 11th March 1810 d.11-3-1810 @71 in his 71st year Also of John Evans John Evans a Captain in the 3rd Dragoon Guards d.20-5-1826 who died at Rothbury the 20th day of May 1826 and was buried here And of Percival Spours Percival Spours who after a service of forty years in the same 24-3-1831 @82 regiment, died at Alnwick, the 24th March 1831 In his 82nd year In arms they lived together more than 30 years, and in death they have not been divided.

The ancestors of the respected owner of Charlton Hall are buried near the outer gates of the churchyard and closely adjoining the ancient footpath. For two centuries their name has been more or less connected with our border county town. The tombstone is a flat one. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

STEEL Henry B400 M-20.6 P-1709 HENRY STEEL Henry Steel, Alnwick of Alnwick d.26-1-1814 @63 Died January 26th 1814 aged 63 years THOMAS STEEL Thomas Steel Died June 21st June 1853 d.21-6-1853 @71 aged 71 years ELIZABETH his wife died Elizabeth Steel wo.Thomas August 26th 1861 aged 80 years d.26-8-1861 @80

Near this (Guy/Bell) is the burying place of Henry Steel and his son Thomas. The latter was a sailor and served in the Royal Navy. He was for many years engaged in the Duke of Northumberland’s park under the late Mr Cheeseman. He was a hearty and jovial fellow and a fine specimen of “Jack Tar”.

TAYLOR Mark B402 2B13 M-22.14 P-0336 Erected to the memory of Mark, son of Mark Taylor Thomas Taylor, shopkeeper d.15-3-1759 @23m Alnwick who died March ye 15th 1759 aged 23 months

When the Atchangel’s Trump shall blow And Souls to Bodies join, Thousands will wish their lives below Had been as short as thine

Margarett Everett Margaret Everett Niece of the above Thos Taylor d.10-10-1839 @84 died 10th Oct 1839, Aged 84 Years The next tombstone is to the memory of a branch of the family of Taylor. Margaret Everett , who is mentioned, was, we believe, a daughter of the late James Everett. Alnwick Mercury October 1873

THEW Robert B803 2F10 M-20.10 P-1259 Sacred To Robert Thew The Memory of d.7-1-1824 @0 Robert Thew infant son of Edward & Elizabeth Thew of Alnwick who died the 7 Jany 1824 Mary Thew Mary Thew their daughter died the 6 October d.6-10-1829 @2 1829 aged 2 years Elizabeth Thew their mother who died Elizabeth Thew w1o Edward 11 September 1831 aged 31 years d.11-9-1831 @31 Mary Isabella their daughter died the 15 September Mary Isabella 1835 aged 6 years d.15-9-1835 @6 Ann second wife of the above who with their Ann Thew, 2nd w2o Edward Infant son died 8th Feb 1841 aged 24 years d.8-2-1841 @24 Edward Thew son of the above who died Edward Thew so the above February 24th 1851 aged 17 years. d.24-2-1864 @17

Another flat stone perpetuates the memory of Elizabeth Thew and other members of the Thew family. The inscription on this stone differs from that originally recorded.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

THOMPSON James B1032 2D9 W57 M-21.11 P-1649 To the memory of James Thompson James Thompson who died Janry 8th 1809 d.8-1-1809 @62 aged 62 years Isabella ------Isabella Thompson ------d.183- (James Thompson, son of the above James Thompson Died December 12th 1825 aged 49 d.12-12-1826 @49 years.)

Another branch of the family Thompson are buried near to the ancient footpath that formerly led to Walkergate Street. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

THOMPSON Jane B1031 2E9 M-21.12 P-2062 To the Memory of JANE, wife of JOHN THOMPSON Jane Thompson Died March 15th 1853 aged 72 years d.15-3-1853 @72 JOHN their son( died in infancy) John Thompson ISABELLA ROBINSON d.-- @0 Died July 24th 1849 aged 76 years Isabella Robinson Also d.24-7-1849 @76 JOHN THOMPSON Died 4th Feb, 1863 aged 85 years John Thompson d.4-2-1863 @85

The next (to James Thompson) is to the memory of John and Jane Thompson, the parents of the late John Thompson, brewer &c. The death of the latter having occurred so short a time back, and his life and character being so well known amongst us, it will hardly be necessary to enter into any lengthy account of his many exemplary acts. He gained for himself a position in his native town by great perseverance and industry. Nothing gave him more pleasure than in associating with his fellow townsmen in the promoting of any object that was likely to benefit the community at large. His father and mother were respectable people. The former was brought up to the trade of a tanner. They both lived to good old ages and were buried in the old churchyard. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

WALLACE John, Blacksmith B602 2F11 M-20.15 P-1715 Sacred To the memory of John Wallace, blacksmith John Wallace, Blacksmith who died March 13th 1836 d.13-3-1836 @73 b.1763 aged 73 years Robert John, son of Robert & Robert John Wallace Ann Wallace also grandson d.21-1-1848 @4y5m of the above who died (----) (------) Robert Wallace, Robert Wallace Faher of the above died d.15-10-1849 @48 b.1801 Ocrtober 15th 1849 aged 48 years. Isabella Wallace Isabella Wallace, d.1-10-1856 @88 b.1768 wife of the above John Wallace., st died October 1 1856 aged 88 years. [Furter inscription unreadable] Ann Wallace d.20-7-1881 @81 b.1800 The family of Wallace has for many years been about Alnwick. There are several branches of them and the name is a very common one. St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

John Wallace and two of his sons were blacksmiths. They lived for some years in Pottergate Street and the place they used as a workshop is still owned by the family. The inscription on this stone differs from that originally recorded.

WALLACE William B2014 2F7 M-22.6 P-2102 Sacred To the memory of Wiliam Wallace William Wallace d.14-3-1817 @53 Who died March 14th 1817 aged 53 years Margaret Wallace Margaret d.14-4-1849 @75 Wife of William Wallace Died April 14th 1849 aged 75 years

Elizabeth Wallace d.11-2-1817 (This inscription is much more @20 extensive but difficut to read)

Not far from the last (Elizabeth Dick) is the burying ground of another branch of the family of Wallace. William Wallace and his wife lived in a house of their own in Canongate Street. They also owned the public house known as the Cross Keys, in Market Street. The property in Canongate Street was sold a good many years ago by their eldest son William who was to trade a painter. The purchaser of the property was the late Mr John Dunn. And the Cross Keys was purchased four or five years ago by Thomas Turner, from Mt Robert Wallace. Alnwick Mercury September 1873

WEIR Robert B1078 2E8 M-21.16 P-1820 Here lies the body of Robert Weir of Robert Weir LESBURY MOOR HOUSE d.5-1-1814 @65 Who died January 5th 1814 Aged 65 years Also his son Edward, bleoged Edward Weir (Lesbury) To the (parish of Lesbury ------

The next tombstone (to Robert Buchan) commemorates the memory of Robert Weir of Lesbury Moor House who died January 5th 1814, aged 65 years. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The stone is very heavily corroded, the inscription is unreadable.

St. Michael’s Churchyard, Alnwick, Northumberland Headstones

WILSON Sarah A207 1D3 S6 M-19.8 P-0763 Sacred to the memory of SARAH Sarah Wilson Wife of George Wilson, wine merchant, d.25-1-1826 @73 Alnwick Who died 25th January 1826 aged 73 years. GEORGE WILSON George Wilson Died 16th March 1827 d.16-3-1827 @70 Aged 70 years

The family of Wilson have for many years been residenters in Alnwick and they have long been connected with the wine and spirit trade. The late Mr T.C. Wilson, who during his lifetime took such a deep interest in the welfare of the town, was a lineal descendant of this family. The name is a very common one in the North of England. There are several distinct branches amongst us and for years this line of demarcation has existed. Alnwick Mercury August 1873 This stone is now flat, part of the south wall pavement.

YOUNG James B904 2C19 M-21.6 P-1001 Sacred To the Memory of JAMES YOUNG James Young, Draper Draper, Alnwick d.6-1-1829 @52 Who died January 6th 1829 aged 52 years.

James Young, who was to trade a draper, was a descendant of an old family. Alnwick Mercury September 1873 The stone is very badly abraded in the lower half and the lower inscription is now lost.