Editor- Patricia Freund Assistant Editor-John Balong Business Manager- Rita Ward Advisor- Mr. Severe 2 Introduction ______2

Academics ______4

Sports ------29

Activities and Organizations ______45

Seniors ______77

Classes ______97

Index ______11 0

3 .,l:a,.


Seated: John Murphy, Ridell Kelsey, William Genz, George Glasshagel. Standing: Orville Hittman, Clarence Mack, Ordie Timm, John Weyrauch, George Culley. Good Luck and Godspeed-Class of '64. We have enjoyed working with you these past four yea-rs. Our hope is that they have been both pleasant and profitable for you and have provided you with the oppor­ tunities to better prepare yourselves for the years a head. May your future goals and aspirations be worthy ones for you and for all of mankind. Achievement, success, and happiness can be yours through continued effort, education, and dedication. Congratulations to all of you upon the completion of the beginning of your education. We look forward with anticipation to future opportunities for continued assistance to underclassmen in the educational programs. With a continuous program of curricular and facility improvement, we shall keep pace with our growing student body. I would like to express my personal appreciation to the student body, staff, Boa,r~ of Education, and the community for their assistance, cooperation, and genuine concern in the total school program. With this kind of support, our school can continue to provide the best educational opportunities possible for our youth. John Weyrauch, Principal

5 Last September two new semi-administrative positions were added to our school's program. Following the pattern of most large schools, the offices of Dean of Girls and Dean of Boys were established to re­ move some of the disciplinary burden from Mr. Weyrauch's shoulders and, also, lessen the confusion which used to prevail in the main office. Miss Thomassen and Mr. Jahns have accepted these positions. In the past, Miss Thomassen and Mr. Jahns were often involved with the same duties this job presents, but now their duties have been pinpointed. They'll be mainly concerned with attendance, tardy prob­ lems, and disciplinary actions.

6 The guidance staff consists of three people: Mr. Delap, Guidance Director and Senior Coun­ selor, Miss Atchison and Mr. Peterson, Counselors. "Guidance" is services-services to the stu­ dents, parents, faculty, and to the community. In addition to individual coun-seling the de­ partment maintains records on each student and provides extensive information concerning voca­ tional and educational opportunities. A well or­ ganized testing program is a function of guid­ ance. Each year the guidance staff in conjunction with the local Rotary Club sponsors a "Career Day." In the spring the College Night programs are available for interested students. Assemblies are held periodically for disbursing information. Topics range from military guidance to career information. Registration is another important responsibility of guidance. Each student sees his counselor at least once a year, but most students seek the advice of their counselor from time to time and make use of the counseling qnd guidance pro­ vided by the high school.

7 Mrs. Timm, Mrs. Kovaric, Mrs. Schuett.

The cheerful smile of our nurse, Mrs. Tinnes, always helps us to forget our troubles. Mrs. Tinnes w ill help in case of illness or accident. Her office is usually a very busy place, and her position as school nurse is a very important one. Mrs. Tinnes also administers to the stu­ dents hearing and eye tests.

8 Mrs. Dorqthy Rakow, Mrs. Mildred Maitland, Mrs. Edna Root, Mrs. Edna Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Gibson.

Fred Rakow, Axel Swanson, Fritz Mamat, James Kos1ner, Edwin Johnson, Mrs. Kathe Ward.

9 the driver education program has been in operation in our school since 1947. It requires a minimum of thirty hours of classroom work and an op­ tional six to eight hours of behind the wheel instruction. Safe ·driving is a matter of proper education in the handling of an auto­ mobile. With the co-operation of local auto dealers automobiles are loaned to the ·school each year.

E,?lt,~ ,

The special education class for the educable men­ tally handicapped is in its third year of operation in our school. A small class is necessary so that instruc­ tion may be on an individ­ ual basis. The course of study stresses three major areas: academic, pre-vocational training, and personal ad­ justment. Some students participate in physical edu­ cation, home economics, and art, as well as their regular program.


10 This year many students have two study halls, each fifty-five minutes long. They provide time for the students to do some of their home­ work or to use the library for reference work.

Donna Niesman, Diane Niesman, Pat Freund, Jane Dierschow, Leslie Wenger, Lois Karp, Bonnie Cavan­ augh, Nola Overton, Anita Simeoli, Sherry Surges, Nancy Gardner, Mrs. Witt, Linda Walker.

The library is the most important area •· in the school. The library offers all the necessary materials for term papers, ex­ tra studies, and personal references. It also offers a wide selection of books to read. It is open to all students before the bell in the morning, during their study halls, and until 4:30 every night.


11 The English courses are offered each year on the basis of placing the student on the level in which he could be most successful. Remedial classes are for students who lack specific skills and abilities to per­ form satisfactorily in average classes. Advanced classes are for students with superior skills and abilities who should be challenged to produce su­ perior work. Regular classes are for the majority of students whose ad­ vance in skills and ability are nor­ mally anticipated. At all levels dif­ ferent texts and learning skills are utilized to promote the maximum growth of each student.


12 s~ Speech and Advanced Speech are one-semester courses in which the use of the voice and problems of public speaking are studied. The method of constructing a speech is also emphasized including research, taking notes, organizing material, and outlining. Throughout the course many opportunities are provided for the student to speak so that he can gain poise and self-confidence be­ fore an audience.


13 Creative writing is a course for students who wish to develop better writing technique and style. The first part of the course involves a teaching of creative writing by form and student writing. The second part involves class study and class discussion of human and social problems and an elementary introduction to psychology and philosophy, culminating in the development of an individual style and a fun­ damental understanding of crit­ icism of all principal forms of creative writing.

Journalism is for upperclassmen who have a professional interest in writing. The student studies the newspaper as an institution and learns reporting, spe­ cialized forms of writing, editing, copyreading, make-up, headlines, business management, and advertising. Each journalism student is expected to acquire "laboratory hours" (one hour out of class for each hour in class). These hours are accumulated by working on the Centurion, the school newspaper.

Dramatics is designed for students with an interest in all areas of the theater as an art form. All the techniques of play production are stud­ ied, including acting, direct­ ing, stage managing, and scenery painting; culminating in the actual production of a short play or an act of a longer play.

14 This year Mrs. Brittain's room became a language lab with a complex electroni­ cal apparatus composed of many buttons and switches. This equipment enables the student to improve his pro­ nunciation of words and phrases by means of com­ paring his own voice with that of a record. All Spanish and French classes have ac­ cess to the lab, and individ­ ual students may use the lab during their study hall pe­ riods.

Latin I deals with beginning Latin, emphasizing reading and writing, with attention given to vocabulary, mythology, word derivation, and Ro­ man life. Latin II is a continuation of grammatical con­ struction, and vocabulary. Latin Ill is not only a continuation of the first two years of Latin, but also an advanced study of constructions. Special attention is given to Cicero, and the city of Rome during his lifetime. Latin IV is a reading course in Latin poetry. There is also further work in Mythology.


15 The biological course is a study of the relationships of all living things, the developement of life through various stages of complex­ ity, and the wide variety of organ­ isms which compose our living world. Emphasis is placed upon structure, behavior and adaptations of living things. Physiology of the human body is also given considerable stress.

Chemistry is comprised of the composition of materials and the changes in composi­ tion. Students work with fun­ damental chemical equations I and problems and alternate the cla-ss periods between laboratory and classroom.


16 Since most modern business, industry, and science are dependent upon mathe­ matics, five math courses are offered in our school. There are three introductory courses: algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra. Math IV and V are offered to the college prep student.


17 Sociology is a semester course which is a study of problems that society must face and understandings that must be developed if society is to function properly. Units of study will stress family, community, educaifion, religion, unemployment, crime, juvenile delinquency, race, and mental disorders.


18 "American Government" ''World History"

"Social Studies"




21 In the first year of art, the stu­ dent investigates the basic ma­ terials, methods, and principles of art as they apply to art appre­ ciation and personal creativity. Later the student gains an under­ standing and appreciation of a.rt through the ages by study and work in the major media of cer­ tain periods and later with inten­ sive work on advanced projects in such fields as oil paintings, ceramics, graphics, mosaics, pot­ tery, and photography.


22 Clothing is a basic course plan­ ned to develop good sewing habits a•nd skill in using the sew­ ing machine. Proper pa-ttern se­ lections, pattern pla,cement, and directions for cutting of garments, along with basic seams and stitches, a,re considered first. Clothing construction then fol­ lows, beginning with simplified garments and techniques. More complica,ted garments are then made from various types of fab­ ric.

The foods course emphasizes the basic principles of nutrition: why certain practices are best and how satisfying results can be ac­ complished.


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First row: Jan Langston; Carol Vincent; Sue Kerner; Roberta Enger; Rex Clark; Linda McEwan; Luann Dirr, Mary Heinz; Martha Heinz; Sue Goodwin, Linda Vincent; Jama Bennett; Sandy Gustafson. Second row: Joanne MacDonald; Paul Sticksel; Don Kautz; Sandy Bennett; Sue Leslie; Peggy Roloff; Sue Simandl; Peggy Peterson, Gary Bennett; Jerry Juzwiak, Helen Grubner, Janice Soto, Pixie Langston. Third row: Cheryl Cue, Bill Domzalski, Kathy Neumeister, Bob Neumann, Harold Blenkle, Dennis Seely, Linda King, Bob Jacobsen, Margie King, Dee Ann Miller, Rod Schuett, Jim Kieft, Jim Simonelig, Gene McFarland, Lance Clark, Rog Anderson, Dick Kautz, Wayne Gregory. Fourth row: Kerry Nickolson, Gary LeKander, Bill Neumeister, Bill Sticksel, Dean Fauber, Jeff Belding, Craig Para, George Brown, Rick Bender, Bob Buesse, Richard Feltes, Jim Siekman, Bob Altergott, Tom Nelson, Ed Kocher, Gil Willeumier, Bob Miller, Bill Berg, Jim Speers, Jim Shaw. Fifth row: Mike Cain, Dave Nikerson, Tom Lewis, Tom Berkes, Don Dirks, Ken Timm, Doug Wold, Collins Dwigins, Bob Berg, Charles Perkins, Mr. Sargent, Director; Bliss Michelson, Carl Schweitzer, Bruce Willeumier.


First row: Dorothy Johnson, Jeanne Reynolds, Mickey ODonnell, Carolyn Wienicke, Vlasta Blaha, Lynn Quilico, Muriel Kueker, Nancy Adamson. Second row: Sue Acfamson, Phyllis McGathey, Stephen Everett, Martha Kalter, Linda Vincent, Janis Soto, Luanne Dirr, Jan Langston, Carol Vincent, Roberta Enger, Rex Clark, Gary Bennett, Jim Simonelig, Jerry Juzwiak. Third row: Dennis Seeley, Linda King, Marjorie King, Robert Jacobsen, Dee Ann Miller, Kerry Nicholson, Bill Neumeister, Dean Fauber, Bill Sticksel, C-e-ne ,'w~cFarland, lance Clark, Richard Feltes, Robeit ;'w\illei, Tom f"~elson, Bill Berg. Fourth row: Douglas Wold, Susan Simandl, Robert Berg,. Collins Dwigans, Bliss Michelson, Edward Kocher, Bruce Willeumier, Carl Schweizer.


N CTI First row: Marilyn Sagerhorn, Sue Dempsey, Linda Gibson, Pat Stuart, Dorthy Dempsey, Sandy Miller, Mary Radcliff, Kathy Koltz, Dee Ann Miller, Sue Canty, Sue Hossman, Anna Maria Jimenez, Donna Daniels, Danielle Tarry, Donna Luessenhop, Peggy Miller, Beth Sweeny. Second row: Carolyn Stirber, Pat Grover, Naidine Compton, June Hobart, Sue Walter, Maxine Barger, Kathy Jorden, Ruth Para, Pat Petrzilka, Pat Gould, Gail DeGrave, Mary Owen, Jannes Bradof, Maureen Mylan, Carole Luessenhop, Evie Welter, Karen Jay, Bonny Winquist, Alice Feldot. Third row: Ruth Gillard, Susan Goodwin, Dorothy McGee, Jayne Carey, Virginia Weimer, Mary Azer, Julie Kieft, Beverly Withaeger, Su~n Bisb¥, Susan Adamson, Diana Lewis, Michael Schramm, Frank Cichanski, Bill Larkins, John Mierswa, Bob Hansen, Andrew Miner, Mike Forkin, Raymond Smidebush, Tom Derbord. Fourth row: Mike Martin, Robert Parsell, Dirk Bender, Jeff Belding, Jeff Voelz, Ronald Sagerhorn, Rick Mackert, Tom Klug, Jerry Fessler, James Smith, Mike Cain, Stan,ley Zachara, Gerald Juzwiak, Hal Dietz, Terry Treudt, Richard Bender, Richard Sullivan, Bruce Treudt, Mr. Sargent.

First row: Linda Gibson, Pat Stewart, Sue Dempsey, Sue Goodwin, Danielle Tarry. Second row: Donna Daniels, Kathy Jordan, Sue Bisbee, Sue Canty, Dee Ann Miller, Pat Petrizilka, Anna Maria Jimenez. Third row: Pat Grover, Bruce Treud:t, Rick Mackert, Mike Schramm, Jannes Bradof, Jim Smith, Jerry Juzwiak, Terry Treudt, 26 Jeff Voltz, Andy Miner. First row: Mr. H. Howard, Marilyn Krueger, Geraldine Moravec, Marie Schuster, Penny DiNicolo, Kathy Potirala, Donna Canty, Margaret Little, Linda Lobas, Sue Riske, Connie Yingst, Ann Lillie, Julie Bowman. Second row: Jerri Diebold, Joan Murphy, Ellen Devinney, Linda Grubbs, Charlene Perkin-s, Mary Larson, Kathy Lewis, Pat Spillma,n, Susan Lancaster, Barbara Shaw, Ca,rol Sliva, Marilyn Mosier, Nancy Sorgatz, Linda Graver, Pat Collins. Third row: Pa! Vescelius, Mary Gage, Faye Reed, Laurie Hudson., Vera Bea.rdsly, Charlene Wilson, Judy Bene-sh, Diana Hitzemann, Debbie Shires, Ann Cole, Sue Gillespie, Sandra Nadasky, Justine Ponzo, Meegan Weyrauch, Chris Volk, Kathy Allen. Fourth row: Carolyn Wienecke, Marg,aret Sproa,t, Vivian Carlson, Beverly Rupp, Christine Dunk, Leila Quilico, Louise Millette, Susan Weimer, Grace Casey, Chris Olson, Pat Webber, Lynne Todd, Brenda Carter, Mary Reardon, Pat Halfpenny, Bonnie Juzwiak.

Top row: Sue Walter, Beverly Mithaeger, Kathy Jordan, Sue Bisbee, Pat Petrizilka, Evie Welter, Donna D•aniels. Second row: Pat Grover, Dorothy McGee, Louise Millette, Ruth Para, Pat Halfpenny, Anna Marie Jimeniz, Bonnie Winquist. First row: Sandi Gustafson, Sue Goodwin, Dorothy Dempsey, Donna Luess-enhop, Danielle Tarry, Peggy Miller. 27 Boy's P. E. is a program of exercise designed to develop in the student his co-ordination, strength, endurance, posture and agility. It also acquaints him with the basic skills in touch football, flickerball, speedball, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tumbling, wrestling, gymna-stics, and track.

Girl's P. E. provides opportuni­ ties to develop physically, social­ ly and mentally in varied pro­ grams of activity. Girls participate in field hockey, basketball, ap­ paratus, stunts and tumbling, volleyball, modern and social dancing, track and field, physical fitness testing, and psychology.


28 29 First row: Bill Neumeister; Dean Fauber; Dave Burgess; Mike Grames; Skip Vickers; Steve Bancroft. Chuck Wiley; Bob Herman; Dale Hittman; Dick Works; Bill Third row: Coach Kerner; Steve Coates; Glen Dau; Kent Coates; John Tesch; Tom McChesney. Enos; Bob Mayer; John Rhode; Randy Jacob; Bob Crater­ Second row: Bob Parsell; Curt Hanes; Bob Jahns; Tom field; Jeff Havlin; Coach Ream. Madison; Tom Hansberger; Jim Lootens; Roger Anderson;

TRI-CAPTAINS: Bob Craterfield; Bob Mayer; Dale Hittman. Inset: Coach Ream; Coach Kerner.

1963 VARSITY FOOTBALL SCORES We-Go 25 Crystal Lake 7 We-Go 20 Oswego 6 We-Go 0 Sycamore 35 We-Go 14 St. Charles 7 We-Go 0 Moose heart 19 We-Go 7 Geneva 7 We-Go 0 Batavia 15 We-Go 30 Kaneland 0

Season Record Conference Record WON 4 WON 3 LOST 3 LOST 3 TIED l TIED l

30 VARSITY FOOTBALL 1963 The West Wildcats finished the 1963 last 17 seconds to beat St. Charles 14-7. Then the football season with a record of 4 wins, 3 losses Cats were defeated at Mooseheart's and Batavia's. and l tie. The team placed 4th in the little Seven Homecomings. However, the boys were fired up Conference. · at our Homecoming and tied a tough undefeated The boys started the season with a 25-7 victory Geneva team, 7-7. The season ended with suc­ over Crystal Lake for the second straight year. cess when West Chicago whipped Kaneland 30-0. Next, they stopped all conference quarterback, The Tri-captains this season were Dale Hittman, Mike Linden, making Oswego their second victim Bob Mayer and Bob Craterfield. Dale Hittman by scoring 25 points to their 6. The Sycamore was voted most valuable player by the team and Spartans, who went on to win the conference the best fullback of the Little Seven Conference title, once again overpowered the Wildcats with by Little Seven coaches. The captains elected for a score of 35-0. In our fourth game, Skip Vickers the 1964 season were Jim Lootens and Bill Coates. threw a touchdown ass to Mike Grames in the

31 First row: Jim Simonelig; Doug Truitt; Bruce Silvernail; Domzalski; Dennis Seeley; Ken Timm; Rich Modaff; Paul Carl Bergstrom; Joel Ronzheimer, Manager; Steve Shews­ Neder; Dave Carlyon. bury, Manager; Rick Smith; Jon Stults; Albert Delara; Third row: Coach Demay; Sheldon Haag; Dennis Miller; Jerry Deitz. Doug Freund; Dick Ward; Dave Ransom; Rick Hagen; Second row: Ken Wangberg; Jerry Hansberger; Dan Van­ Jim Leighton; Jack Price; Gilbert Willeumier; Coach Kyger. Treese; Tom Klingberg; Rick Mackert; Rex Clark; Bill


The 1963 Wildkits started the season by beat­ never in the game, losing 40-0. Closing out the ing Crystal Lake 13-6. During the next game with season with Kaneland, the offense faltered inside Oswego, the Kits' offense seemed to sputter near the 10 yard line time after time. Final score was the goal line and they came off the field with a Kaneland 27-Wildkits-0. 0-0 tie. Losing to Sycamore 20-6, they came back Although the season wasn't a success as far and played a good defensive game against St. as wins and losses go, there are some promising Charles before dropping a 7-0 decision. They sophomores moving up to the varsity. Steve defeated Mooseheart 12-6 but lost the Home­ Coates at guard and Robin Herman at halfback coming game to Geneva 25-12. At Batavia the have already succeeded in playing a few varsity Bull Pups were too big and fast, and the Kits were games this year.

1963 FROSH SOPH FOOTBALL SCORES We-Go 13 Crystal Lake 6 We-Go 0 Oswego 0 We-Go 6 Sycamore 20 We-Go 7 St. Charles 0 We-Go 12 Moose heart 6 We-Go 12 Geneva 25 We-Go 0 Batavia 40 We-Go 0 Kaneland 27 Season Record Won: 3 Lost: 4 Tied: 1

32 First row: Bob Buehler; Charles Catenacci; Lance Clark; Brasse; Jesse Gomez; Leslie Timm; Coach Hansen. Robert Wienbauer; Loren Van Treese; Dan Patitz; Glenn Third row: Paul Rauschenberger; Paul Fairbank; Bruce Koos. Treudt; Jim Garza; Dennis Hughes; Gary Daniels; Rod Second row: Dirk Bender; Dennis Hobbs; Homer Rangel; Schuett; Dave Nickerson; Tom Sieinski; Ruben Macias. Vaughn DuFord; Dennis Dase; Nunzi Costelano; Rollo Absent: Mike Timm; Phil Johnson.


The freshmen got off to a really good start the short end of a 19-13 score. with a 38-0 win over Geneva. It was too bad the Although their overall record of 3-2-2 does not boys couldn't have saved some of these points look too impressive, the freshmen did a fine job for the following game, as they dropped a tough this year. Both losses were by only 6 points, so one to Batavia, 6-0. The next two games saw We­ the Kits were never really "out" of any game. Go roll into high gear. They dumped Oswego Defensively, the boys did an outstanding job, 29-0 and Kaneland 26-0. St. Francis and St. allowing their opponents only 37 points, 19 of Charles proved to be tough opposition, and We­ these coming in the last game. The offensive also Go had to settle for a pair of 6-6 ties. The final fared well as is evidenced by their total of 118 game of the season found the Kits in another points. hard fought battle. This time they came out on

1963 FRESHMAN FOOTBALL SCORES We-Go 38 Geneva 0 We-Go 0 Batavia 6 We-Go 29 Oswego 0 We-Go 26 Kaneland 0 We-Go 6 St. Francis 6 We-Go 6 St. Charles 6 We-Go 13 St. Procopius 19 Season Record Won 3 Lost 2 Tied 2

33 First row: Terry Bodine; Mike Pratt; Don Kautz; Earl Olsen; Second row: Larry Grubbs; Ron Wells; Jeff Walker; Joe Craig Simmons; Coach Covlter. Jarosz; Steve Turner; Lee Buehler.


The varsity team suffered from a lack of depth l and 2 runners. Two of the most improved run­ and experience this year. It was a small squad ners this year were junior Jeff Walker and sopho­ which included only one senior. In spite of this more Steve Turner. Steve ran on the varsity and handicap, the team worked hard and represented consistently placed 3rd or 4th of the West Chi­ the school well, and the boys provided good cago runners. competition for some of the larger schools that With the exception of senior Lee Buehler, the they faced. entire team will be returning next year, hoping The team was ably led by the two junior co­ for a better won-l ost record. captains, Mike Pratt and Don Kautz, our number

1963 VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY SCORES We-Go 19 Fenton 44 We-Go 37 West Aurora 19 We-Go 31 St. Francis 24 We-Go 35 Dundee 21 We-Go 36 St. Francis 19 We-Go 35 East Aurora 22 We-Go 44 St. Charles 18 We-Go 33 St. Procopius 31 Ridgewood Invitational 10th of 16 St. Charles Invitational 22nd of 25 Season Record Won 1 Lost 6

34 First row: Bill Smith; John Peters; Jerry Day; Steve Tinnes; Mike Schieve; Bob Cummings; Paul Sticksel; Luis Pan­ Bob Neuman; Ray Fitzenreider; Bob Hinton; Art Wage. narale. Second row: Steve Smith; John VanDorn; Buzy Prescott;


The frosh-soph turned in a slightly better rec­ hard work paid off. ord than the varsity this year even though they Next year looks brighter for the frosh-soph faced some of the same problems. The team had team as only two sophomores will move up to quantity, but a lack of sophomore experience was the varsity. With another good turnout of fresh­ felt. The majority of the team consisted of fresh­ men next year, the squad should be further im­ men running long distances for the first time. proved. The team worked hard, and the individual im­ Co-captains this year were sophomore Ray provement throughout the year indicates that the Fitzenreider and freshman Steve Smith.

1963 FROSH-SOPH CROSS COUNTRY SCORES We-Go 27 Fenton 29 We-Go 25 West Aurora 31 We-Go 37 St. Francis 21 We-Go 22 Dundee 35 We-Go 41 St. Francis 19 We-Go 30 East Aurora 25 We-Go 50 St. Charles 15 We-Go 38 St. Procopius 18 St. Charles Invitational 11th of 19 Season Record Won 3 Lost 5

35 Standing: Frank Lenertz, manager; Te rry Bodine; Jim Kneeling: Lee Buehler; Jim Lootens; Fred Mosier; Bob Speers; Steve Berington; Dave Price; Mike Cain; Coach Jahns; Jim Dieter. Absent~ Ron Kveck. Kyger.

We-Go 59 St. Procopius 58* We-Go 77 Marengo 81* We-Go 67 Central 31* We-Go 60 Sycamore 62 We-Go 58 East Aurora 60* We-Go 63 Batavia 59 We-Go 69 St. Francis 57 We-Go 54 Oswego 48 We-Go 38 Decatur 70* We-Go 57 Lawrenceville 70* We-Go 65 Geneva 64 We-Go 65 St. Charles 80 We-Go 75 Mooseheart 52 We-Go 65 Kaneland 74 We-Go 64 Sycamore 55 We-Go 65 Batavia 89 We-Go 74 Oswego 57 We-Go 72 Geneva 59 We-Go 77 St. Charles 61 We-Go 77 Kaneland 82 We-Go 49 Moose heart 58 We-Go 73 Wheaton 86* * Non-conference

, 3b Despite losing four starters from last year's led the team. Steve also led in rebounds, snatch­ squad, our Cats equaled last year's conference ing 292. record of 8-6. Overall they were 11-11 with a Fred Mosier led the leading free throw per­ fourth-place berth in the conference. centage with 84%. Fred also made 275 points, The Cats took third place this year at the an­ plus grabbing 83 rebounds. nual Central Holiday Tournament, but were up­ Lee Buehler led the Cats in the assists column set in their first trip to the Mattoon Christmas with 85. Lee also contributed 132 points and 56 Tournament. rebounds. Steve Berington broke the school scoring rec­ First string all-conference .center was Steve ord of 535 points, by canning 634 points for the Berington, with Fred Mosier and Lee Buehler season. Steve's percentage of 64 o/< from the field rating honorable mention.

37 Standing: Bruce Silvernail, manager; Dave Ransom; Ruben Kneeling: Gerry Hansberger; Ken Timm; Ray Fitzenreider; Macias; Gil Willeumier; Sheldon Haag; Jim Leighton; Coach Rick Mackert; Jon Stults. Yunker.

This year's Frosh-Soph team finally ended its were 3 sophs and 2 freshmen: Gil Willeumier led streak of losses and went on to finish with a 6-12 the team in scoring 176 points and in making 63 record. Great improvement was made as the sea­ rebounds. Ruben Macias was second with 168 son moved along, the team winning 5 out of the points, 116 rebounds, along with the best free last 9 games. The record indicates sixth place in throw percentage of 58 per cent. conference play with a 5-9 record. The regulars

We-Go 25 St. Procopius 26* We-Go 27 Sycamore 39 We-Go 36 East Aurora 33 * We-Go 22 Batavia 43 We-Go 37 St. Francis 53* We-Go 34 Oswego 42 We-Go 46 Kaneland 50* We-Go 35 Geneva 41 We-Go 44 St. Charles 60 We-Go 51 Moose heart 39 We-Go 34 Kaneland 39 We-Go 34 Sycamore 26 We-Go 44 Batavia 51 We-Go 46 Oswego 45 We-Go 38 Geneva 40 We-Go 61 Kaneland 31 We-Go 50 St. Charles 68 We-Go 44 Mooseheart 22 * non-conference

38 Standing: John Rhode; Craig Simmon-s; Dave Miller; Ron Kneeling: Jeff Walker; Earle Olsen; Bob Jahns; Don Kautz; Wells; Dan Newton; Coach Ream. Mike Lepper.

The 1963-1964 J.V. Basketball team had a lot quite a few close ball games during the season. of bad luck. Just when the team was starting to All the players displayed a grea·t deal of hustle develop well, the loss of two key players hurt and desire throughout the season and showed a the team near the end of the season. The team lost lot of improvement.

We-Go 49 Ba·tavia 76 We-Go 62 Kaneland 66 We-Go 29 Oswego 41 We-Go 44 St. Procopius 47 We-Go 46 Lake Park 39 We-Go 57 Moose heart 50 We-Go 57 Geneva 79 We-Go 55 Batavia 63 We-Go 71 Kaneland 55 We-Go 52 St. Francis 57 We-Go 62 Oswego 65 We-Go 41 St. Charles 68 We-Go 53 Mooseheart 64 We-Go 54 Lake Park 61 We-Go 52 Geneva 69 We-Go 42 Wheaton 72

39 Standing: Paul Fairbank; Herman Prescott; Jim Garza; Tom Kneeling: Dennis Dase; Jesse Gomez; Ed Kocher; Homer Sicinski; Jack Price; Dennis Hughs; Bob Ulbricht; Kim Rangel; Tom Dieter; Bob Buehler. Wright; Coach Kerner.

The freshman basketball team e nded with a throughout the year. The coaches feel this group successful season by winning 12 games and los­ of boys could be a fine ball team at the varsity ing 11. Throughout the season there were si g ns level if they continue to improve the way they of improvement and progress which are very im­ did the past season. We hope this group of boys portant at this level. The squad numbered 20 boys will work hard in the future years and bring suc­ at the start of the season and was consistent cess to We-Go.

We-Go 30 Batavia 55 We-Go 34 E. Glenbard 64 We-Go 67 Kaneland 45 We-Go 44 Lakewood 50 We-Go 53 Oswego 44 We-Go 32 St. Procopius 38 We-Go 50 Lake Park 46 We-Go 39 Mooseheart 52 We-Go 57 Algonquin 29 We-Go 57 Algonquin 29 We-Go 41 Naperville 51 We-Go 49 Batavia 68 We-Go 64 Kaneland 34 We-Go 47 St. Francis 43 We-Go 37 Oswego 35 We-Go 50 Mooseheart 57 We-Go 61 Geneva 55 We-Go 68 Abbott (Elgin) 35 We-Go 44 Kimball (Elgin) 50 We-Go 54 Naperville 45 We-Go 49 Wheaton 45 We-Go 36 St. Edwards 47 We-Go 53 Ellis (Elgin) 56

40 Standing: Tom Nelson; John Runowski; Steve Hersee; Carl Kneeling: Tom Madison; Mike Pratt; Doug Wold; Ross Schweizer; Pat Casey; Dale Hittman; Larry Lambe; Robin Macaluso; Bill Neumeister; Dick Casey; Bob Madison; Herman; John Smith~ Dean Fauber; Coach Dean. Dennis Wold.

Another good season placed the Wildcats fourth senior, Tom Madison-first in conference,. second in the conference tournament. Considering the lack in district, and third in sectional; and senior, Dale of depth and experience and frequent forfeits in Hittman, captain-third in conference and second certain weights, the season's record was quite sat­ in district. isfactory. Although the team will lose its top senior wres­ Individual standouts are as follows: junior, Bob­ tlers this year, the prospects indicate at least mare by Madison- first in conference, second in district; depth and experience for next year. senior, Bill Neumeister- second in conference;

We-Go 23 Glenbard West 23 We-Go 11 Lake Park 40 We-Go 8 Glenbard East 39 We-Go 12 West Aurora 32 We-Go 21 Sycamore 27 We-Go 7 St. Charles 41 We-Go 17 Moose heart 27 We-Go 8 Wheaton 37 We-Go 30 Geneva 13 We-Go 5 Elmwood Park 42 We-Go 30 Batavia 18 We-Go 25 Fenton 21 We-Go 37 St. Procopius 13

41 Kneeling: Dirk Bender; Jerry Clark~; Steve Coates; Carl Wangberg; Bill Wenger; Dan VanTreese ; Bill Smith; Dave Schweitzer; Steve Turner; Rick Smith; Steve Tinnes. Nickerson; Da le Fitzsimmons; Steve Smith; Dan Patitz; Standing: Coach Hansen; Dan Belding; Jack Gilmore; Ken Larry Meyer; Bill Turner; Loren VanTreese.

The frosh-soph team had only one letterman re­ Steve Smith had an outstanding record with 15 turning from last year's team. As the season pro­ wins and 4 losses. Dale Fitzsimmons ( 11-4-1 ), and gressed, however, the boys gained valuable ex­ Glen Gilmore (8-2) were also consistent winners perience and did a fine job in both the freshman for the team. and frosh-soph tournaments.

We-Go 11 Glenbard West 39 We-Go 8 Lake Park 42 We-Go 5 Oswego 39 We-Go 8 Glenbard East 46 We-Go 13 Aurora West 33 We-Go 23 Sycamore 25 We-Go 13 St. Charles 37 We-Go 38 Moose heart 12 We-Go 6 Wheaton 48 We-Go 34 Geneva 15 We-Go 23 Elmwood Park 21 We-Go 20 Batavia 33 We-Go 13 Fenton 34 We-Go 20 St. Procopius 28 Freshman Tournament 2 first places 3 second places 1 third place 2 fourth places

Frosh-Soph Tournament 1 second place 3 third places 2 fourth places

Won 3- Lost 11

42 Standing: Sue Riske; Debbie Neff; Carolyn Crandall; Paula Seated: Rita Ward; Judy Thielen; Linda Gibson; Sue Demp­ Kuhl; Randy Parsell; Nancy Belding; Maryanne Thompson; sey; Sue Hessman; Curt Hanes; Bob Hansen. Dorothy Dempsey; Sherry ~urges.

Sherry Gulczynski; Pat Tipper; Sunny Catenacci, substitute; Anita Simeoli, captain; Debbie Korona.

43 Standing: Nancy Belding, captain; Carolyn Crandall; Virginia Weimer; Paula Kuhl; Sue Kerner, substitute.

Dorothv Dempsey, captain; Maryanne Thompson; Kathy Neumeister, substitute; Becky Havlin; Sue Harrison.

44 45 Martha Heinz; Jayne Carey; Nancy Belding; Jane Dierschow; Virgin ia Weimer.

First Place G.A.A. Float

Homecoming 1963 took place on October 17, 18 and 19. The festivities opened with the tra­ ditional bonfire and snake dance on Thursday night. The corona­ tion of Queen Nancy Belding took place Friday morning. Queen Nan­ cy reigned over a hard fought game on Friday night and home­ coming dance Saturday night.

46 47 48 49 (11 0

First Row: Bob Berg; Jama Bennett; Gary LeKander; Beth Zaccagnini; Jane Barclay; Mary Azer; Terry Carey; Jean McAleese; Mr. Holcombe. Second Row: Bob Buehler; Roberta Enger; Jeff Voelz; Spencer Reese; Glenn Dau; Randy Jacobs; Dave Miller; Dick Ward; Jim DuMolin; Connie Theis; Steve Smith. Third Row: Jamie Holloway; Pat Tipper; Alice Herman; Pam Kuhl; Anna Maria Jimenez; Jayne Carey; Marilyn Marotzke; Don Mertes; Debbie Neff; Billy Sue Alden; Linda Weinbauer. Jayne Carey, vice-president; Beth Zaccagini, president; Mr. Holcombe, sponsor; Jane Barclay, secretary; Dave Miller, treasurer.

The ~tudent council's first responsibility of the year is homecoming. During the rest of the year its duties vary from checkroom duties to sponsorship of a foreign student. This year's council brought an apple machine into the school. The machine was placed in the lobby and it is quite a success with the student body. To have a student from a foreign country here in W.C.C.H.S., the student council must be able to pay his expenses. The money is raised by selling shares in the foreign student fund to the student body. To kick off the the student council sponsored an assembly in which several foreign students from this area participated. The student council has had, under the direction of Mr. Holcombe, a very suc­ cessful year.

Student council checkroom at a basketball game. The selling of a foreign student share.

51 West Chicago Community High School's second foreign exchange student came from Valparaiso, Chile. Anna Maria Jimenez arrived at O'Hare Airport on August 21, 1963. She was met by her American family, the Vernon Leslies. Sixteen year old Anna Maria entered WCCHS as a senior, a member of the class of 1964. In Chile she went to an all girls school and took the following subjects: Spanish, Chilian history, world history, philosophy, political economics, Eng­ lish, French, math, biology, physics, chemistry, art, p.e., and chorus. Here at We-Go she took English 111, Spanish 111, Amer­ ican government, speech, French II, p.e., and chorus. After Anna Maria graduates this June, she will return to four more months of school in Chile, where she will graduate again. Anna Maria has not limited her life to just classes. She has been quite active in several school organizations: Tri-M, Span­ ish Club, Student Council. She also has attended most parties and playnights. Her ambition in life is to become a doctor for her people. We here at We-Go sincerely wish her the best of luck for the future.

52 The Spanish Club is an organ­ ization dedicated to promoting interest in Spanish culture. It is open to all interested students who have taken either Spanish or are presently enrolled in it. The only requirement is to maintain a grade average of "3." The annual projects of the Spanish Club include a trip to a Mexican restaurant, a fall mem­ bership party, and the end-of-the­ year picnic, which is usually at Riverview.

Seated: Mrs. Brittain, sponsor; Barbara Brown; Kaaren Bowen. Standing: Pat Lighthart; Lynne Quilico; Dave Kirk.

Seated: Julie Kieft; Cindy Zahn; Ann Vander Molen; Judy Covarrubias; Carol Tinnes; Kay Owen; Anna Maria Jimenez. Standing: Jim Kieft; Charles Joerg; Sarah Covarrubias; Sue Canty; John Heisler; Gail De Grave; Diane Cyzan; Judy Reiser; Mary Owen; Carol Goetz; Roberta Enger; John Greenman; Bill Smith.

53 First Row: Charles Joerg, Roger Lybeck, Mr. Mvrphy, George Punter, Bob Turner. Second Row: Judy Flury, Brooke Brinker, Byron Hawley, Fred Mosier, Gus Holman, Bruce Derby, Alec Miner, Steve Hersee.

Math Club is an organization which pro­ vides interested math students with an oppor­ tunity to discuss mathematical topics not ord­ inarily discussed in class. Previously learned math is reviewed from a different point of view in that the student learns from applica­ tion through field projects or new mathemat­ ical methods. This year's group has spent their time on such projects as proving that an angle can­ not be _trisected, attempting to predict the outcome of basketball games, and learning to use the slide rule. They were also visited by an electrical engineer who spoke on the ne­ cessity of communication skiHs.

Bob Turner, secretary; Roger Lybeck, president; Mr. Murphy, spon• sor; George Punter, vice-president; Charles Joerg, treasurer.

54 First Row: Mary Azer; Nancy Belding; Randy Jacobs; Ronda Tuttle; Beth Zacagnini. Second Row: Virginia Weimer; Marlyn Marotzke; Sandi Gustafson; Brooke Brinker; Jayne Carey. Third Row: Don Day; Jim DuMolin; Jim Smith; Jannes Bradof; Dave Kirk; Dale Hittman.

N.H.S. bases its purposes upon four words: character, leadership, scholarship, and service. These four words perform a dual purpose. The aims and principles of N.H.S. evolve from them, and they are used to determine if a student is eligible to become a member. N.H.S. is dedicated to serving the school. This year N.H.S. had the pleasure of conduct­ ing the March of Dimes drive. Many students possibly remember the enthtJsiasm the mem­ bers displayed during the last day of the cam­ paign. This year was highlighted by the initiation of new members and by the N.H.S. dinner for both old and new members.

55 BOARD: Seated: Lynne Hein; Kathy Kopacz; Cathy Freund; Chris Voelz. Standing: Connie Theis; Marilyn Hodson; Barb Ruch; Ruth Gillard; Sunny Catenacci; Rita Ward.

The G.A.A. is a state-wide organization sponsored school playnights, final banquet, and board picnic. by the Illinois High School Association. The purpose G.A.A. members may receive awards for their par­ of the G.A.A. is to encourage a greater interest in ticipation in sports. Two points are awarded for each athletics among girls in W.C.C.H.S. Two nights a night. Class numerals are given to those girls who week G.A.A. members can participate in such sports have earned 75 points. The W.C. letter is awarded as apparatus, basketball, camping, hockey, soccer, for 150 points. The state awards a block "I" and a softball, volleyball, and table tennis. They also have map of Illinois for juniors and seniors with 225 to :1,any social events. They include the homecoming 300 points. float, fall picnic, initiation tea, orphan's party, all

Lynne Hein, president; Kathy Kopacz, vice-president; Cathy Freund, secretary; Chris Voelz, treasurer.

56 57 Seated: Bob Mayer, Dave Burgess, Chuck Wiley. Standing: John Smith, Don Kautz, Tom Madison, Fred Mosier, Skip Vickers, Mike Cain, Steve Berington, Randy Jacobs, Mike Grames, Dale Hittman, Mike Pratt, Ron Sagerhorn, Dennis Wold.

The Varsity Club is composed of sophomore, junior and senior boys who have earned a varsity letter or award. The Club has three aims. The first is to achieve a better standard of school spirit. This year school spirit has been a real problem with the club as well as the student body. The second aim is to secure the ideals of good sportsmanship at all times. The members of Varsity Club become examples of good sportsmanship, not only to prospective members but to the whole student body. The final aim is to give support to all functions which tend to better our school.

58 Row 1: Sarah Covarrubias, Dave Atkinson, Julie Kieft, Jeff Voelz, Mary Azer, Terry Treudt, Earl Olsen, Tom Klug, Bruce Treudt. Row 2 : Judy Flury, Mike Gabby, Val Wehman, Kathy Jordan, Sue Walter, Jama Bennett, Grace Casey, Jeanne Reynolds, Vlasta Blaha, Maxine Barger, Beth Zaccagnini, Barb Schweig, Sue Canty, Lila Noble, Doris Brader, John Greeman, Hal Deitz. Row 3: Mike McHood, Naidine Compton, Meegan Weyrauch, Cindy Zahn, Lilian Kusma, Anita Simeoli, Danielle Tarry, Pat Tipper, Sue Riske, Joanne Radavich.

The Future Teachers of America was quite an active group this year. On November 11 corsages and boutonnieres were given to the teachers in appreciation for the fine job they are doing. On March 9 the FTA was host to "The Council for Exceptional Children," a group working toward the betterment of the mentally retarded. The school bookstore, too, is a responsi­ bility of the FTA. The bookstore has provid­ ed a popular source for informational as well as entertaining reading. The profits are put into a scholarship fund that provides a one year tuition to a college for one or two students each year.

Terry Treudt, secretary; Jeff Voelz, vice-president; Mrs. DuMolin, advisor; Mary Azer, president; Lynn Prescott, treasurer. 59 CAST Buzz Col Ii ns ______------··------Da rre 11 Colford Sheriff ______------·· ______·------Wi 11 iam Larkin Susan Mahoney ______,.. ______Virginia Weimer Lu I u belle ------·------·- _------Susan Dempsey Fin ian Melone rga n ______·------Dave Kirk Sharon Mclonerga n ------~------Ilona Pi nzke Woody Mahoney ------Rich Schramm Og ______------· ------Jim Smith How a rd ______------______Terry Treudt Sen. Bi 11 boa rd Rawk ins ______Mike Sch ram m Di ane ----·----·------. ______.... _____ -----~------______Donn a Danie Is Necessity Girl ______------·----- Jacqueline Chada John ( the preacher) ______------··------Ron Sagerhorn Mr. Shea rs ______------· ______------·------Phi I Bra nee Mr. Robust ------Wi 11 i am Nol an Passion Pilgrim Gospelers ------Tom Klug Ron Sagerhorn Frank Hill Deputy ______. ______Randy Cue Producer ______Don Morrison Music Director ______·------______G. Al Iyn Kent Art Di rector ______·------____ Fredericka How a rd St age Constructor ______------Vernon Jahns Lighting ______·--· _------Wi 11 i am Johnson Student Di rector ______------· _____ Sherry Cadw a 11 ader

60 Gold fertilizes the oranges. in Florida, causes skyscrapers to The South must go forward to the status quo-I want your sprout out from the gutters, and produces a bumper crop of parcel 16 millionaires. I rest me case.

How are things in Glocca Morra? When the Idle Poor become the Idle Rich


"The Hero" "The Heroine" "The Villain"

DRAMA TIS PERSONAE Lily Fairweather -··------Virginia Wei mer Betsy Fairweather ------Sherr.y Cadw aHader Compton ------James Smith Jonas Fa i rwea·the r ------Dar re II Col ford Craven Sinclair -··------Larry Nelson Miss Ophe/ ia ------Marjorie Herman Robin Steel ------Dick Schramm .Mrs. King s/ey ------Jan nes Bra dof Mrs. Bloodgood ------Lynn Baumgartner Marie ------Chery I Ma Ii n Lord Montmorency ------Dav id Kirk

62 Mr. Fairweather, I have something terrible to tell you. Stop! Who are you?!

I could look well upon you, Mr. Sinclair, if you were in I say, it's a fine day, don't you know. a coffin.

63 "She heat platinum "I believe the crash "I couldn't see his face." "Karen Andre pushed dress-if it burn her, she could have been pre- him with all her say it man kissing her." vented." strength."

"I loved Karen-she loved Faulkner. That's our only proof of the truth."

64 -~ ~

;r ,,.~'J .~-- ... ·. ) JI

"Mrs. Andre said the "Lefty left to meet Re• "Whitfield knew about "This letter was forged." gun was hers.'' gan-He was put on the the ten million-I told spot." him! He killed Herr Bjorn!"


Prison Matron ------Sue Bisbee Bai I iff ______------Bi 11 Schmidt Judge Heath ------Mike Schramm Flint DA ------Dave Kirk His secretary ------Linda Gibson Defense Stevens ------Jim Smith His secretary ------Jayne Carey Clerk of Court ------Jim Siekma n Ka re n And re ··------Virginia Weimer Dr. Kirkland ------··------Dave Atkinson Mrs. John Hutchins ______------Donn a Danie Is Van Fleet ------··------Mark St aeh n ke EI mer Sweeny ------Bob Thompson Nancy Lee Fa u Ikner ------Sue Dempsey Magda Swenson ------______Jan Langston John Graham Whitfield ------Ken Mo Ii n e 11 i Jane Ch and Ier ------Nadine Compton "Faulkner's death may Sigurd Jungquist _·------Rick Bender have been due to the fall or the wound.'' Larry Reg an ------Terry Tre ud t Stenographer ------Sue Canty

65 Modern Music Masters is a music honor society made up of the best musicians. To qualify as an apprentice, one must have a "2" average in mu­ sic studies and a "3" in academic stud­ ies. During the nine week apprentice­ ship the candidate must perform in public and pass a written examina­ tion on the workings of Tri-M. At a formal initiation the qualified appren­ tices become active members. Tri-M handles all publicity for concerts, both school and nonschool. It provides en­ couragement and incentive for all members of the music department. Seated: Sue Simandl, secretary; Carol Vincent, vice-president; Jan Langston, Tri-M also sponsors the popular "Kir- president. Standing: Mr. Howard, sponsor; Mr. Sargent, sponsor; De,an Fauber, treasurer; nibazz," a combination circus, carnival, Jerry Juzwiak, historian. and bazaar. After some of the home football games the group sponsors sock hops.

First Row: Marilyn Kruger, Lane Langston, Sandy Bennett, Mickey O'Donnell, Peggy Roloff, Muriel Kueger, Dorothy McGee, Sue Goodwin, Pat Grover, Sue Leslie, Sue Dempsey. Second Row: Joan Murphy, Sue Weimer, Ellen Devinney, Jan Langston, Sue Simandl, Grace Casey, Beverly Rupp, Linda McEwan, Dorothy Johnson, Peggy Sproat, luAnn Dirr. Third Row: Mr. Sargent, Meegan Weyrauch, Debbie Shires, Justine Ponzo, Laurie Hodson, Mary Gage, Janis Soto, Ed KQcher, Gary Lekander, Jeff Velez, Dean Fauber, Don Kautz, Tom Klu.9, Jim Smith, . Dick Kautz, Jerry Juzwiak, Mike Schramm, Jim. Seikman. Fourth Row: Nancy Sorgatz, Christine Dunk, Sandy Miller, Vlasta Blaha, Lynne Quilico, Jeanne Reynolds, Sue Adamson, DeeAnn Miller, 66 Jama Bennett, Kathy Jordon, Pat Petrizilka, Sue Bisbee, Bonnie Juzwiak, c ·arolyn Wieneke, Nadine Compton, Sandi Gustafson.


Jayne Carey, Jim DuMolin, Randy Jacobs. Kathy Kopacz, Lynne Hein.


Jim Lootens, Earl Olsen. Jeff Voelz, Lynn Prescott.


Paula Kuhl, Virginia Weimer, Carolyn Crandall, Nancy Belding. Ginny Zitkus, Mark Staehnke.


Lynn Quilico, Nancy Adamson, Jan Langston. Jannes Bradof

69 Steuted Se!Wiee4

CAFETERIA WORKERS First Row: Bob Mayer; Terry Treudt; Roge·r Anderson; Rick Bender; Jannes Sradof; Paul Knapp; Mary Azer; Virginia Weimer; Jayne Carey; Karen Bitter; Cathy Freund; Nola Overton. Second Row: Carole Lussenhop; Lynn Prescott; Anna Maria Jimenez; Diana Hitzeman; Kay Owen; Sandi Gustafson; Alice Feldott; Linda Gibson; Pat Lighthart; Jane Rakow; Caroline Stirber.

PROJECTIONISTS Mike Chesterfield; Jim Du Molin; Dennis Bently; Mr. Barthell; Don Hobart; Dick Ward; Mike Havlick; Don Day; Lee Buehler; Bob Thomp,son; Spence.r Reese.

HALL MONITOR CAPTAINS Seated: Brooke ~rinker; Lynne Hein; Dave Kirk; Mr. Holcombe. 70 Standing: Larry Schweig; Judy Reiser; Don Day; Tom Mad ison . Seated: Rita Ward; Caroline Stirber; Mike Chesterfield; Robin Herman; Barb Brown; Mark Staehnke; Virginia Zitkus; Mr. Bebe. First Row: Ed. Martin; Pat Tipper; Anita Simeoli; Sandi Gustafson; Brooke Brinke•r; Pat Lightheart; Kathy Allen. Second Row: Betty Winkler; Barb Hill; Randy Parsell; Rick Smith; Renee Johr1

The American Junior Red Cross is the junior membership of the American Na­ tional Red Cross. It is the Red Cross in the schools-public, private, and parochial. Its aims are good health, intelligent citizen- 3hip, international understanding, and· ap­ preciation of the ideals of service. These aims are developed through a wide range of school and school-related activities. One can join Junior Red Cross by con­ tributing to the annual enrollment cam­ paign and by participating in Red Cross sponsored school activities.

Joanne Spahn, president; Mr. Beebe, sponsor; · Leslie Wegner, secretary; Robin Herman, treasurer; Barb Brown, vice-president.

71 The creation of a yearbook is a big production. Each yearbook requiJes a year and a half of work-beginning with the second semester of the next year. The first step is to assemble a staff and to establish responsibilities. Then the publisher is signed to a contract and sales of the book can begin. After the theme and colors are determined, each section head and his assistants begin drawing rough drafts of their pages to determine the size of their sections. Seasonal pictures are taken and identified. The final drafts are drawn up and approved by the editor and advisor. After· the write-ups and titles are typed on the final dummies, the book is sent in and "put to bed." Only distribution of the books to students remains to be done. Yet this is by no means the final step for the staff. As soon as the book itself is finished, the staff begins work on the summer supplement, and the new staff begins working on next year's book.

Mr. Severe­ Advisor Patricia Freund­ Editor-in-Chief John Balong­ Assistant Editor Rita Ward­ Business Manager


Maryanne Thompson-Assistant Sports Rick Fitzsimmons-Editor Sports Roger Lybeck-Photographer Dick Ward-Assistant Sports


Sue Bisbee-Assistant Pat Gardner-Assistant Pat Tipper- Assistant Marcia Hammond- Art Editor Sandi Gustafson-Editor Organ! zations and Activities


Nancy Gardner-Editor Typing Kathy Kopacz-Editor Academic Roberta Enger-Assistant Patricia Barkei-Assistant


Connie Theis- Sophomores Barbara Brown-Editor Seniors Jackie Meriam-Editor Classes, Juniors Sue Hessman-Freshmen

73 Jim Smith-sports editor, Pat Middagh-news editor, Marcia Hammond-assistant editor, Mr. Morris.on­ advisor, Dave Kirk-feature editor; Marilynn Marotzke-editor-in-chief.

The Centurion is open to any student who desires to write. The paper is divided into three staffs. News covers all events and happenings in the school; the feature covers a variety of articles, ranging from editorials and humorous stories and in­ cidents to poems; and sports reports all game results and offers inside glimpses into many sports of the school. This year the Centurion changed format and expanded to six pages. Among the new features that have been added are columns on universities and colleges and the "Outstanding Seniors."

74 Sitting: Donn.a Niesman; Jannes Bradof; Naidine Compton; Beth Zaccagnini. Standing: Joe Jarosz; Pat Middagh; Christine Dunk; Lane Langston; Valerie Wehman; Jim Smith. •

Sitting: Lila Noble; Dorothy Johnson; Nancy Belding. Standing: Pat Tipper; Dave Kirk; Barbara Koplin; Irene Johnson; Judy Thielen; Virginia Weimer. 75 1b s~

77 Randy Jacob President

Virginia Weimer Secretary

EXECUTIVE Judy Thielen, Linda Klingberg, Barbara Brown, Byron Hawley, Jane Dierschow, Randy Jacob, Rita Ward, Nancy

Merry Adamson Robert Altergott

Roger Anderson Mary Azer Steve Bancroft

Maxine Barger Patricia Barkei Nancy Bell Nancy Belding Vice-President

Rita Ward Treasurer


Belding, and George Punter.

Sherryl Belschner Gary Bennett

Dennis Bentley Stephen Berington Steve Billman

Susan Bisbee Karen Bitter Jannes Bradof Sandra Bratton Brooke Brinker *

The Class of '64 came into a disorganized ex­ istence in September, 1960, but it was not long before we made our first class showing w ith our Homecoming float, "Cream 'Em ." In early spring we became officially united under our newly­ elected officers: Skip Vickers, Nancy Belding, Bob Mayer, and Virginia Weimer. We ended our fresh­ man year by sponsoring an all-school party, "Here Comes Summer." Sophomore activities got underway with "Friendly Persuasion," the theme of our Home­ Barbara Brown coming float. George Lockwood, Nancy Belding, Bob Mayer, and Virginia Weimer were elected as our class officers. Our semester exams were "Gone With the Wind" as we sponsored our first all­ school dance. A huge aqua octopus graced our Junior

Brenda Brown Lee Buehler

Sharon Budz David Burgess Michael Cain

Diane Callfas Jayne Carey George Carlsen

* Letter of Commendation in National Merit Exam 80 Bonnie Cavanaugh Caroline Cirullo

Homecoming float and won second place with the caption, "Armed for Victory." Junior class officers were Mike Grames, Mary Heinz, Bob Mayer, and Virginia Weimer. April of '63 found a good share of the class touring Washington, D.C., AND May found us dancing to the melody of "Moonlight and Roses," our Junior Prom. As Seniors we built "Ring Up a Victory" as our Homecoming float and elected Randy Jacob, Nancy Belding, Rita Ward and Virginia Weimer as our class officers. We crowned our Homecom­ ing Queen with a tiara which will now be tra­ Mike Clark ditionally used to crown the queens to come. Spring activities included the Senior-Faculty game and Senior Ditch-Day, followed all-too-quickly by Baccalaureate and Graduation.

Naidine Compton * * Carolyn Crandall

Robert Craterfield James Daleiden Juanita Daw

Donald Day William Denges Jane Dierschow

*"" Finalist in National Merit Exam 81 David Dieter Karen Domzalski Ron Duber

James DuMolin Raymond Dyck

Cheryl Fitzsimmons Judy Flury

Nancy Free Barbara Freick Patricia Freund

Epifania Garcia Nancy Gardner Barbara Gerard Clifford Gibson Linda Gibson Michael Grames

Wayne Gregory Patricia Grover

Sandra Gustafson Morton Haffey

Dennis Halfpenny Robert Hansen Byron Hawley

Lynne Hein Martha Heinz Mary Heinz Kafhy Hill Judy Hindes Dale Hittman

Dawn Hittman Dagmar Hodek Linda Holt Laura Hunt Carole James

Ana Maria Jimenez Charles Joerg Dorothy Johnson Irene Johnson Julie Kieft

David Kirk George Klingberg

Linda Klingberg Paul Kna~pp

Kathy Kopacz Martha Kucinski Jan Langston

William Larkins Patricia Lee Diana Lewis Roger Lybeck Jane Lynch Tom Madison

Marilyn Marotzke * Nancy Martin

Robert Mayer Linda McEwan

Robert McGary Clarice McGrath John Mierswa

Alec Miner James Moburg Fred Mosier

* Letter of Commendation in National Merit Exam Maureen Mylan William Neumeister Diane Neisman

Donna Neisman Arthur Oake

Valentin~ Paslawski David Patitz

Duane Peterson David Price Michael Prosser

George Punter Judy Radavich Mary Ann Reardon

88 Charles Reese James Rehor Jeanne Reynolds *

Judy Rieser Linda Risch

Rona Id Sagerhorn Carolyn Schingoethe

Margaret Schramer Michael Schramm Law.rence Schweig

Peter Serrato, Dan Shafron Raymond Smidebush

* Letter of Commendation in National Merit Exam 89 James Smith William Smith Richard Smykal

Robert Sorgatz William Soto

Joanne Spahn

Cynthia Spillman Caroline Stirber

Judy Thielen April Thoma Jedd Thielk Robert Turner * Skip Vickers Susan Vucha

Cynthia Walker Gregory Webb

Charles Wiley

Not Pictured: Bruce Derby Laurence Duckworth David Rauschenberger Ronda Tuttle

Evelyn Winters Cheryl Wise

Douglas Wold Norman Wyland Elizabeth Zaccagnini

* Letter of Commendation in National Merit Exam MERRY ADAMSON STEVE BERINGTON G.A.A. l; F.T.A. l; F.N.A. l; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4. Varsity Club 3, 4; Football l, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track l, 2, 3, 4. ROBERT AL TERGOTT Chess Club l, 2, 3-Chess Team 2; Cross Country SUSAN BISBEE 2; Golf Team 2; Indoor Track 1-Manager l; Band Transferred from Duluth East H.S.-G.A.A. 3; Pep l, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2. Club 3, 4; All School Play 4; We-Go Ego 3, 4; Operetta 3; Dramatics Club 4; Modern Music ROGER ANDERSON Masters 3, 4; Songsters 3, 4; Madrigals 4; Chorus Pep Club Board 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball l, 3, 4. 2; Baseball l, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band l, 2, 3, 4; Band l, 2, 3, 4. KAREN BITTER MARY AZER Centurion l; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board G.A.A. l, 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Secretary 2, Vice­ l; All School Play l; Honor Roll 2, 4; Library Aids President 3, President 4; Student Council 4; Pep 2. Club l, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 2; Honor Roll l, 2, JANNES BRADOF 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2, N.H.S. 3, 4; Chorus 4. G.A.A. l, 2; Challenge Staff 2; Centurion Staff 4; STEVE BANCROFT Pep Club l ;· 2, 3, 4; All School Play 2, 3-Student Varsity Club 4; Football l, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3; Director 4; We-Go Ego 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, Hall Monitors 3, 4. 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; N.H.S. 3, 4; Madrigals 3, 4; Girl's Glee Club-President 2; Acappella Choir PAT BARKEI -Vice-President 4; Choir Accompanist 2, 3, 4. G.A.A. 4; F.N.A. l, 2, 3; Challenge Staff 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4. SANDY BRATTON G.A.A. 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Chorus MAXINE BARGER l. Transfer F.T.A. 4. NANCY BELDING BROOKE BRINKER F.T.A. l; Centurion Staff 4; Student Council 2; F.N.A. l, 2, 3-Secretary 2, President 3; Math Pep Club 2, 3, 4-Secretary 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, Club 4-Secretary 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 4-Captain 2, 4; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Homecom­ 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 3, 4-Captain 4; N.H.S. 3, 4. ing Queen 4; Cheerleading Camp 3, 4; N.H.S. BARBARA BROWN 3, 4; Pep Club Board 2, 3, 4; Class Vice-President Spanish Club 2, 3, 4-Vice-President 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 4. 2, 3, 4; Challenge Staff 2, 3, 4, Class Editor 2, 3, NANCY BELL Senior Editor 4; Student Council Alternate 3; Ex­ G.A.A. l; Chess Club 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; ecutive Council 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll Dramatics Club 3; Pep Club Board l, 2; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Red Council 2, 3, 4-Vice­ Queen l. President 4. SHERRY BELSCHNER LEE BUEHLER F.T.A. l; F.N.A. 2, 3; Art Club l, 2; Pep Club l, F.T.A. l; Varsity Club 4; Math Club 4; Executive 2, 3; Dramatics Club. Council 2, 3; Football 1; Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf DENNIS BENTLEY Team 1, 2; Projectionists 2, 3, 4. Junior Play l, 2, 3; All School Play l, 2; Projec­ tionists l, 2, 3, 4. DAVID BURGESS Varsity Club 3, 4-President; Pep Club 3, 4; Foot­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3; Golf Team 2, 3, 4-Captain 4.

MIKE CAIN Varsity Club 3, 4; Pep Club 4; All School Play 4; Football l, 2; Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3; We-Go Ego 3, 4; Honor Roll l, 3; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf Team l, 2, 3, 4- Captain 2; Band l, 2, 3 4-Vice-President 4; Drum Major 4; Chorus 4.

JAYNE CAREY Pep Club 1 2, 3, 4-Treasurer 2; All School Play 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council l, 2, 3, 4~Secretary 2, Vice-President 4; Queen's Court 4; Hall Monitors 3, 4; Girl's State 3; Operetta 1; N.H.S. 3, 4; Pep Club Board l, 2; Chorus 4. 92 GEORGE CARLSEN CHERYL FITZIMMONS Track 2; Cross Country 3; Wrestling 1, 2. Spanish Club 2, 3; F.N.A. 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 3. BONNIE CAVANAUGH G.A.A. 1; F.T.A. 1, 2; Red Cross Council 3; Pep JUDY FLURY Club 1, 2; Dramatics Club 2; library Aids 3, 4. G.A.A. 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; We-Go Math Club 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4. CAROLINE CIRULLO NANCY FREE MIKE CLARK Spanish Club 2; F.N.A. 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4. Spanish Club 2; Honor Roll 2. BARBARA FREICK NAIDINE COMPTON G.A.A. l; F.T.A. 2; Student Council Alter. 2; Pep F.T.A. 1, 4; Chess Club 2, 3; Centurion Staff 3, 4; Club 1, 2, 3; Honor Roll 3, 4; Hall Monitor 3, 4; Student Council Alternate 1; All School Play 4; Operetta l, 2, 3. We-Go Ego 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Modern Music Masters 2, 3, 4. PATRICIA FREUND G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Challenge Staff CAROLYN CRANDALL 2, 3, 4-Academic Editor 2, 3-Editor-in-Chief 4; Spanish Club 1, 3; G.A.A. 1, 4; F.T.A. 1; Chal­ Pep Club 1, 2; All School Play 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, lenge Staff 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Operetta 2, 3, 4-Costumes Chairman 3, 4; li­ 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2; Hall Monitors 3; Pep Club brary Aid 4; Red Cross 2, 3. Board 4, and Cheerleading Camp 4. EPPIE GARCIA BOB CRATERFIELD Varsity Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4-Captain 4; NANCY GARDNER Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 1, 2; Challenge Staff 4- Typing Editor; Executive Council 2, 3; Pep Club JUANITA DAW _ 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 3; All School Play 2; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; library Aid 4. Hall Monitor 3. BARBARA GERARD DONALD DAY Transferred. Football 1, 2, 3; H9nor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall Moni­ tor 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Projectionists 1, 2, 3, 4. CLIFF GIBSON Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Football l; Basketball l; Pep WILLIAM DENGES Band 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4. Football 2; Basketball l, 2. LINDA GIBSON tiRUCE DERBY G.A.A. 1, 2, 3; F.T.A. 1, 2-Board Member 2; Pep We-Go Math Club 4; Transferred from Willow­ Club 1, 2, 3, 4-President 4; All School Play 1, 4; brook. We-Go Ego 4; Operetta l, 2, 3, 4; Madrigals 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4. JANE DIERSCHOW SANDI GUSTAFSON G.A.A. l, 2, 3; F.T.A. l; Challenge Staff 2; Execu­ G.A.A. 1, 2; Challenge Staff 2, 3, 4; Red Cross tive Council 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, Council 2, 4; Student Council Alter. l; Pep Club 4; Queen's Court 4; Hall Monitor 3, 4; Library l, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 2; We-Go Ego 1, 2, 3, 4; Aid 4; Band 1. Honor Roll 1, ·2, 3, 4; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4-Vice-Pres~dent 3, 4; Modern Music Masters DAVID DIETER l, 2, 3, 4-Secretary, 2; Cafeteria 3, 4; Band l, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1. KAREN DOMZALSKI Transferred from West High.

RON DUBER Honor Roll 3.


JAMES DuMOLIN F.T.A. l; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3; School Play 3; Football 1, 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Boy's State 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Indoor Track l; Projectionists 2, 3, 4; Rotary Boy 3, 4.


93 MIKE GRAMES DAGMAR HODEK F.T.A. 2; Chess Club 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Red F.T.A. 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 2. Cross Council 2, 4; Student Council 3; Executive Council-President 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; All School LINDA HOLT Play 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track Chorus l, 2. 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 3. LAURA HUNT WAYNE GREGORY Spanish Club 1, 2-Secretary 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3, Football 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll l; 4; Hall Monitor 4; F.T.A. 1, 2; Art Club 1. Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2. RANDY JACOB PAT GROVER Spanish Club 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; We-Go Math Spanish Club 1; Chess Club 3; Red Cross Council Club 4; Student Council 3, 4; Executive Council 1; We-Go Ego 4; Songsters 4; Madrigals 4. 4-President 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; MORT HAFFEY Honor Roll 1, 2; Boy's State 3; Operetta 3; Na­ tional Honor Society 3, 4- President; Rotary Boy of the Month 3, 4. DENNIS HALFPENNY Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3; Indoor Track 1. CAROLE JAMES Transferred from Wells High School-2 G.A.A. BOB HANSEN Pep Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 4; Pep Club Board 3, 4; Golf Team l, 2, 3, 4; Float Com­ DOROTHY JOHNSON mittee Chairman 1, 4. Centurion Staff 4; We-Go Ego 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Music Camp 1, 2; Operetta l, 2, 3, BYRON HAWLEY 4; Modern Music Masters 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, We-Go Math Club 4; Executive Council 3, 4; Pep 2, 3, 4-Secretary 4; All-State Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Club l, 2, 3, 4; Basketball l; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Contest 1, 2. Hall Monitor 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Pep Club Board 4; IRENE JOHNSON Rotary Boy of the Month 3, 4. G.A.A. 1; F.T.A. 1; Red Cross Council 4; Cen­ LYNNE HEIN turion Staff 4; Student Council Alter. 3; Executive G.A.A. l, 2, 3, 4-Secretary 3, President 4; Red Council 3; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2; Hall Cross Council 2; 3; Student Council Alter. 3; Ex­ Monitor 4. ecutive Council 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Hall Moni­ JULIE KIEFT tor 4; G.A.A. Camp 4. Spanish Club 1, 2, 3-President 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; Centurion Staff 3; Red Cross Council 2, 3, 4; Pep MARTHA HEINZ Club 2, 3; We-Go Ego 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 1, 2; Red Cross Council 3; Student Coun­ Hall Monitor 3; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Songsters l; cil 1, 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; We-Go Ego l, 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Chorus 4. Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Queen's Court 4; Pep Band 2, 3, 4. DAVID KIRK Spanish Club l, 2, 3, 4-Treasurer-Secretary-Presi­ MARY HEINZ dent; F.T.A. 1; Centurion Staff 1, 2, 3, 4, Feature G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Executive Council-Vice-Presi­ Editor 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; All School Play 3, 4; .:Jent 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Cheer­ Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitors 4; Operetta leading Manager 3; We-Go Ego 1, 2, 4; Honor 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4. Roll 1, 2; Operetta 1; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club Board 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1. GEORGE KLINGBERG Spanish Club 2; All School Play 2; Cross Country KATHY HILL 1. Spanish Club 1, 2; G.A.A. 2; Chess Club 1; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; All School Play 2, 3. LINDA KLINGBERG G.A.A. 1, 2, 3; Executive Council 4; Pep Club l, JUDITH HINDES 2, 3, 4; All School Play 1; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4. Chorus l. PAUL KNAPP DALE HITTMAN F.T.A. l, 2-Vice-President 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; KATHY KOPACZ Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 2, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, G.A.A. l, 2, 3, 4-Vice-President 4; Challenge 3, 4-Captain 2, 4; Baseball 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, Staff 3, 4-Editor of Academics 4; Red Cross 3, 4; Hall Monitor 3, 4; Operetta 3; Pep Club 1, Council 1; Student Council 3-Corresponding Sec­ 2; Golf Team l, 2. retary; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4; G.A.A. DAWN HITTMAN Camp 3; Orchestra l, 2; Dramatics Club 2. G.A.A. l; F.T.A. 1, 2-Secretary-Treasurer 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Honor Roll 4; Hall MARTHA KUCINZKI Monitor 4. G.A.A. 1, 2; F.T.A. l.

94 JAN LANGSTON BILL NEUMEISTER All School Play 4; We-Go Ego l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Transferred; Football 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Cross Coun­ Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Camp 2, 3; Operetta 1, 2, try 3, 4; We-Go Ego 3, 4-President 4; Honor 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Music Masters Roll 3, 4; Dance Band 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4-Presi­ 1 2, 3, 4-President 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4-Concert dent 4; Band 3, 4. Mistress 4; Orchestra l, 2, 3, 4. DIANE NIESMAN BILL LARKINS Centurion Staff 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll Chess Club 3; Football Manager 4; Operetta 2, 1, 2, 3, 4; Operetta 2, 3; Library Aids 4. 3; Chorus 2, 3, 4. DONNA NIESMAN PAT LEE Centurion Staff 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Council 2, 3; Spanish 2; -G.A.A. 1; Pep Club 4; Honor Roi~ 1, Student Council Alt. 1, 2; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Honor 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4. Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Operetta 1, 2; Library Aids 4.

DIANA LEWIS ART OAKE South Shore High School-Transferred 4; Chorus Transferred. 4.

ROGER LYB ECK VAL PASLOWSKI Chess Club 3; Challenge Staff 4; Math Club 4- F.T.A. 1; Pep Club 1, 2. President 4; Baseball l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, DAVID PATITZ 3, 4; Operetta 3. DAVID PRICE JANE LYNCH Football 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2. G.A.A. l, 2, 3; F.T.A. 1, 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2; Majorette 2, 3, 4. MIKE PROSSER Track 3, 4; Wrestling 4. TOM MADISON Chess Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Executive GEORGE PUNTER Council 2; Pep Club 1., 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2; Math Club 4; Executive Council Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling l, 2, 3, 4; 4; Football l, 3; Track 3; Baseball 2; Honor Roll Hall Monitor 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4; Rotary Boy of the Month.

MARILYN MAROTZKE JUDY RADAVICH G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4-Treasurer 2; Centurion Staff 1, G.A.A. 4. 2, 3, 4-Assistant Editor 2, Editor-in-Chief 4; Math Club 4; Student Council 2, 4; Student Council DAVID RAUSCHENBERGER Alter. 1; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 3; Chess Club 3. Honer Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; High Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Operetta 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4. MARY ANN REARDON Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Executive Council 3; Student NANCY MARTIN Council l, 2; Majorette l, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4; Dramatics Club 3; Pep Band 1, 2, G.A.A. l; Chorus 2. 3; Modern Music Masters 2, 3; Wrestling Cheer­ CHUCK REESE leading 4. Hall Monitor 4. ROBERT MA YER F.T.A. 1, 2; Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Varsity Club 4- JIM REHOR Secretary-Treasurer 4; Red Cross Alt. 2; Executive Football 3; Baseball 3. Council 1, 2, 3-Treasurer 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 2; JUDY RIESER Football 1, 2, 3, 4-Tri-Captain 4; Basketball l, 2, l; 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. Spanish Club 1, 3, 4; G.A.A. Future Nurses of America l, 2, 3; Student Council Alt. 1; Executive ROBERT McGARY Council 2; Honor Roll 2; Hall Monitor. Transferred from Uvalde High- 4; Chorus 4. LINDA RISCH CLARICE McGRATH Challenge Staff 2, 3, 4-Photo Editor 4; Student G.A.A. 1. Council Alt. 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 4; Honor Roll ALEC MINER 2, 4. Transferred from Oak Park High-Math Club 4; Hall Monitor 4. RONALD SAGERHORN Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Pep Club JAMES MOBERG 2, 3; Football Manager 1, 2, 3; Basketball Manager Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 4. 1, 2, 4; Baseball; Operetta 3; Madrigal 3; Chorus 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 2, 3. MAUREEN MYLAN G.A.A. 1; F.T.A. 4; Centurion Staff 1; Pep Club GAIL SCHMERLER 2, 3; Dramatics Club 2. Transferred 4; Chorus 4.

95 PEGGY SCHRAMER APRIL THOMA Future Nurses of America l, 2; Art Club l; Hall G.A.A. 4; Hall Monitor 3, 4; Band 1, 2. Monitor 3; Pep Club l, 2. ROBERT TURNER MICHAEL SCHRAMM Math Club 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3-Manager 2; Base­ Spanish Club 3; Student Council 3; Executive ball l, 2, 3-Manager 2; Honor Roll 1, 3, 4. Council 2; Track l; Cross Country 2; We Go Ego 3, 4; Operetta 3, 4; Modernaires 3; Madrigals 3, 4. RONDA TUTTLE Transferred Alcartz, Indiana; N.H.S. 4.

LARRY SCHWEIG SKIP VICKERS Chess Club 2, 3; Wrestling 2; Hall Monitor 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Student Council l; Pep Club Band l. l, 2, 3, 4; Class President l; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2; Hall Monitor 3; PETER SERRA TO Pep Club Board l, 2, 3. Football l, 2, 3; Baseball l, 2, 4. SUSAN VUCHA Pep Club Talent Show. DAN SHARON Track 3, 4; Baseball l; Hall Monitor 4. RITA WARD Spanish Club 2; G.A.A. l, 2, 3, 4; Challenge Staff BEN SKARBEK 4-Business Manager 4; Red Cross Council 3, 4; Student Council Alt. l; Class Treasurer 4; Execu­ tive Board 3, 4; G.A.A. Board 3, 4; Honor Roll l, RAY SMIDEBUSH 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Pep Club Board 4; Pep Transferred from Newman Central. Club 1, 2, 3, 4; All School Play 2.

DICK SMYKAL RAY WEAKLAND Pep Club l, 2, 3; Cross Country 2, 3; Baseball Transferred from Elgin H.S. l, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2. GREG WEBB Transferred from New Mexico Military Institute. JAMES SMITH Transferred from Proviso West; Centurion Staff 2, 3, 4, Sports Editor 4; Pep Club 2, 3; All School VIRGINIA WEIMER Centurion Staff 1, 4; Executive Council 1, 2, 3, Play 3; 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3; We Go Ego 2, 3, 4-Vice President 3; Baseball 2; Honor 4-Secretary 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club Board 1, 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; All School Roll 2, 3, 4; Operetta 2, 3, 4; National Honor So­ Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming ciety 3, 4; Modern Music Masters 3, 4; Madrigals Court 4; Girl's State Alternate 3; Cheerleading 2, 3, 4; Golf Team 3, 4; A cappella Choir 2, 3, 4- Camp 2, 3; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club President 3, 4. 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; Cafeteria 1, 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM SMITH Spanish Club 3, 4. CHUCK WILEY Varsity Club 3, 4-Vice-President 4; Student Coun­ cil 2; Football l, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Indoor Track l. BILL SOTO football Manager 2, 3; Basketball Manager 1; EVELYN WINTERS Baseball l, 2, 3, 4. Transferred from Wheaton 3.

JOANNE SPAHN SHERYL WISE Future Teachers of America l; Future Nurses of Pep Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4. America 1; Red Cross Council 1, 2, 3, 4-Vice­ President 2, President 3, 4; Art Club 1, 2; Pep DOUGLAS WOLD Club l, 2, 3, 4; All School Play 1, 2; Hall Monitor Basketball 2; Wrestling l, 2, 3, 4; We-Go Ego l, 4; Red Cross Camp 3. 2, 3, 4-Vice-President 4; Operetta 3; Pep Band l, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4. CYNTHIA SPILLMAN Chess Club l, 2; Red Cross Council 1, 2; Red DUKE WYLAND Cross Council 2, 3-Secretary 3; All School Play Hall Monitor 4. 3; Red Cross Camp 2. ELIZABETH ZACCAGNINI JUDY THIELEN Transferred from Vandergrift H.S.; G.A.A. 4; G.A.A. l; Centurion Staff 4; Red Cross Council F.T.A. 3, 4; Centurion Staff 3, 4; Student Coun­ l, 3; Student Council l; Student Council Alt. 2; cil 3, 4-Treasurer 3, President 4; Pep Club 2, 3, Executive Council 1, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4-Vice­ 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Operetta 3; Dramatics Club President; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club Board 2; National Honor Society 3, 4-Secretary-Treasur­ 2, 4. er; and All School Play 2, 3.

96 97 Sue Adamson

Kathy Allen Gail Ambrose

Chris Baer Betty Bahr John Ba lon g

Mark Bambacht Jane Barclay Mary Barkei Tom Beeken Junior Executive Board, seated from left to right: Sue Kerner, Don Mertes, Denny Wold, Mr. Kiiskila. Rick Bender Jama Bennett Thom Berkes Harold Blenkle Terry Bod ine

Kaaren Bowen Ann Brown James Bruce Gary Buckner Bill Bueschen Bob Buesse

Judy Carpenter Pat Casey Mar ia Castillo Bob Cawthorne Norma Chaudoin Dav id Claar Bill Coates

Pat Craterfi~d Alan Culley Donna Daniels Glenn Dau Ga il DeGrave Ha l Deitz Rosemary De Lara

Sue Dempsey Don Dierks Jim Dieter M ike Dixon Ph ilip Dodge Nancy Domzalski Theresa Doyle

OA Mike Dulson

Mary Ellen Dunnett Carol Enders

Roberta Enger Kent Enos Nancy Fairbank

Charles Fairbanks Dean Fauber Alice Feldott Standing: Frank Macaluso, Sue Renae Feldott Dempsey, Lynn Quilico, Jim Lootens.

Charles Feltes Linda Fessler Mary Fiandaca Rick Fitzsimmons Mike Flahive

LeRoy Ford Floyd Fox Ruth Free Cathy Freund Mike Gabby Candee Gambell

Anne Garbacz Virginia Garcia John Gast Ruth Gillard Cathy Gould Linda Gould Larry Grubbs

Helen Grubner Bob Gustafson Linda Hamlin Marcia Hammond Curt Hanes Tom Hansberger Mary Hartigan

Sharon Hasenheyer Mike Havlik Jeff Havlin Steve Hersee Phil Hinchee Diana Hitzemann June Hobart

99 Marilyn Hodson Ken Hughes Bob Jahns Joe Jarosz Karen Jay Kathy Jordan Jerry Juzwiak

Lois Karp Don Kautz Bill Keeley Lynn Keller Sue Kerner Jerri Kiiskila Margie King

Dennis Kloubec Tom Klug Barbara Koplin Debbie Korona James Kramer Paula Kuhl Larry Lambe

Frank Lenertz Mike Lepper Patt Lighthart Jim Lootens Carole Luessenhop Frank Macaluso Ross Macaluso

Joanne MacDonald Bob Madison Gordon Major Cherri Malin George Mantz Dave Matthews Mary Ann McDonald

Anita· McGathey Dorothy McGee Barbara McGriff Jackie Meriam Don Mertes Elton Mertes Barbara Micel

Pat Middagh Dave Miller Dee Ann Miller Peggy Miller Sandy Miller Andy Miner Linda Mosier

John Mungovan Mary Neder Tom Nelsqp Barbara Newman Dan Newton Loralee Niemans Lila Noble

Kathy Nolan Earle Olson Russel Orr Nola Overton Kay Owen Craig Para Carolyn Parker

100 Bob Parsell Alice Pattee Cynthia Pauley Ralph Payton Stephen Penton Pat Petrzilka Bill Poile

Gayle Popelka Mike Pratt Lynne Prescott Lynn Quilico Mary Radcliffe Jane Rakow Dave Rasmussen

Jaci Rawlings Erin Ritchey John Rohde Regina Rosenberg John Runowski Sue Ryan Dottie Sabathne

Bill Schmidt John Schnaitman Larry Schnitker Dennis Schuett Perry Schwarz Delia Serrato Sue Simandl

Craig Simmons Pam Simms John Smith Toni Stafford Chuck Stefanie Richard Stephens Pau·I Stevens

Tom Sticksel Sue Suster Jan Swinborne John Tesch Gary Thalman Carol Tinnes Bob Thomas

Terry Treudt Carol Vincent Jeff Voelz Jeff Walker Linda Walker Sue Walter Bruce Webb

Val Wehman Mike Weimer Ron Wells Leslie Wenger Joanne Westrom Pat Wheeland Bruce Willeumier

Jim Winquist Diane Wipert Beverly Withaeger Dennis Wold Dick Works Connie Yingst Irma Zamora

IOI s~

Lynne Baumgartner

Bill Becker Jacquie Beeken

Bill Berg Carl Bergstrom Linda Besch

Pat Birkholtz Vlasta Blaha Susan Bloch Albert Born Sophomore Class Board, seated from left to right: Beth Swee­ ney, Spencer Reese, Christie Voelz, Joan McAleese. Bill Bowen Esther Brown George Brown Linda Brown Larry Brozowski Martha Buikema

Susan Canty Vivie Carlson David Carlyon Brenda Carter Sunny Catenacci Jerry Clark Rex Clark

Steve Coates Linda Cooper Skip Coyne Judy Covarrubias Sarah Covarrubias Cherryl Cue Diane Cyzan

Jerry Day Kenneth Day Dennis DeGrave Albert De Lara Jerry Deitz Dorothy Dempsey Gregory Denges

Penny DiNicolo Bill Domzalski Tom DuBord Collins Dwiggins Carol Dyck Eugene Feldott Richard Feltes

102 Ray Fit ze nreider

Da le Fitzsim mons Kat hy Forkin

Doug Fre und Jay Gast Ken Gatewood

Maury Gatewocd June Gaumer Scott Gibso n Brian Gie sen Standing: Miss Peterson, Ad- visor; Mark Staehnke, Carol Goetz, Sarah Covarrubias, Winkie Smith. Clara Gillard Diane Glendenning Carol Goetz Sue Goodwin Patr icia Gould John Greenman

Yvonne Grover Barbara Gruca Sharon Gu lczynski Sheldon Haag Rick Hagen Pat Halfpenny Roy Hansen

Pau la Harper Sue Harrison Rebecca Havl in John He isler Ro !::ii n Herman Mark Hess ler Wayne Hobbs

Cha rl es Hodek Ted Hofman Sue Hessman Donald Israel Sharon James James Jargick Diana Joerg

Bern ice Jones Richard Kautz James Kieft Ken Kimes Nancy Kle in Tom Kl ingberg Kathy Koltz

103 Dale Koos Carolyn Kornfind Sandra Kouba Jean Kronkow Muriel Kueker Lillian Kusma Ron Kveck

Mary Larson James Leighton Gary LeKander Susan Leslie Tom Lewis Terry Lisewski Donna Luessenhop

Mary Lynch Marjorie Lynge Kenneth Maas Rick Mackert Dave Madison Michael Mahood Linda Mann

Nancy Mason Shirley Masteler Ken Matus Jean McAleese Joan McAleese Tom McChesney Alan Mileski

Dennis Miller Robert Miller Sandra Miller Mary Mitchell Richard Modaff Kenneth Molinelli Jack Mosier

Sandy Nadasky Paul Neder Nancy Neltnor Kathy Neumeister Kerry Nicholson Jeff Noga Steve O'Connor

Christine Olsen Mary Owen Ruth Para Randall Parsell Phillip Penton Keats Phillips Pamela Pierce

Mike Pipkin Valerie Potirala Dennis Prill Sue Prosser David R'ansom Gordon Rasmussen Spencer Reese

Jane Rehor Jerry Jean Riehecky Joyce Rollo Joel Ronzheimer Barbara Ruch Beverly Rupp Charles Sabathane

104 Marilyn Sagerhorn Robert Schlick Mary Schmitz Ruth Schramer Steve Schrewsbury Carole Schroeder Marie Schuster

Dennis Seely Barbara Sellman James Shaw Bruce Silvernail Anita Simeoli Judy Simon Jim Simonelig

David Smelser Rick Smith Winifred Smith Patricia Spillman Pat Spoden Mark Staehnke George Stelzer

Linda Steven Pat Stewart Bill Sticksel Jon Stults Richard Sullivan Sharon Surges Beth Sweeney

Danielle Tarry Connie Theis Maryanne Thompson Robert Thompson Donna Mae Tiedt Ken Timm Pat Tipper

Lynn Todd Doug Truitt Bill Turner Steve Turner Judy Tuttle Ann VanderMolen Daniel Vantreese

Warren VanWallingham Linda Vincent Christie Voelz Christine Volk Kenneth Wangberg Dick Ward Karen Weaver

Joanne Weimer Linda Weinbauer Evie Welter Terry Wetzel Ardith Wiesbrook David Will Gil Willeumier

Charlene Wilson Betty Winkler Robert Winkler Bonnie Winquist Pat Wood Virginia Zitkus

105 Billie Sue Alden Vickie Anderson Chuck Arnhold David Atkinson

Leona Bohr Lindo Bohr Cathy Belong Poul Barajos

Rondy Bartlett Don Belding Jeff Beld ing Dirk Bender

Lindo Bender Sandy Bennett Bob Berg Norene Berkes Cho rl es Bo con

Jul i e Bowman Doris Broder Gory Bro ton Lenore Bremer Corl Br i on Melville Brown Denno Brunoehler Bob Buehl er

Alon Bu kus Bill Codwolloder Donna Conly Terry Corey Groce Cosey Richard Cosey Nunzi Coste I Iona Barbero Cranor

Lorry Corter Juani ta Costillo Charles Cotenocci Conn ie Chesterfield Fronk Cichonski Lonee Clark Ann Cole Jim Cole

Cind i Colford Bob Cumm i ngs Gory Dan i els Denn is Dose Ellen Dev inney Cece! io Diebold Jerr i Diebold Dove Dieckmann

Dove Dieter Luann Dirr Jo Al ison Dresch Vaughn DuBord Marilyn Duckworth Chr istine Dunlc Noreen Ehlenburg Rod Er in

Poul Fa irbank Bi ll Foirbonlcs Gerold Fessler Steve Flem ing Solly Fletcher M ichael Fork in An i ta Furkono Mory Gage

Patricio Gordner J,m Garza Fronk Gaumer Lynette G dlesp ,e Glenn G ilmore Ke ith Golchert Jesse Gomez Brion Grames

106 Lindo Grover Ma rj orie Green Gayl ord Griffith Will iam Griffith

Li ndo Grubbs Frances Guerrers Jerry Hon sberger Al ice Hermon

Barba ro Hill Bob Hinton Dona ld Hobart Denn is Hobbs

Mory Hock Jam ie Holl oway Gustaf Hol mo n Mo ry Howi eson Lou rie Rudson

Dennis Hughes Bonn ie Hunt Harvey Jacobsen Robert Jacobsen Ph il Johnson Thomes Judson Bonnie Juzwiok Martha Kolter

Lindo King Chris Klein Ken Klug Becky Knifong Tom Knight Ed Kocher Glenn Koos Edward Koplin

Cheryl Krous June Kronkow Marilyn Krueger Pam Kuhl Jeanne LoDouceur Susan Lancaster Morty Langner Lone La ngston

Tom Lester Kathryn Lewis Ann Lill ie Suzanne Line Margaret Little Lindo Lobos Bob Link Ruben Macias

Charles Madden Jim Ma rcello Melv in Margolis Ed Mortin M ike Mortin Wayne Motejovsky Barbaro McCabe Pam McConn

Gene McFarland Phyll is McGothey Sue McM enomin Lo rry Mexen Bl iss Michelson Joyce Middogh Peter Miller Lou is e Millette

Jenny Miner Conn ie Mobley Don Medoff Jone Mol inelli Gory Moore Geri Moravec Marilynn Mosier Cheryl Mu ir

107 Joan Murphy Debbie Neff Donald Neltnor Bob Neumann Barry Newmon Bob Newton David Nickerson Tom Nolan Michal O ' Donnell Sh irley Ohl Perry O' Kono Lu is Ponnorole Melodie Pannorole Lorry Parlett Jeff Pechon Charlene Perk ins Charles Perk ins John Peters Peggy Peterson Ph ilip Po irier Justine Ponzo Dan Pol itz Kath y Popelka Kathy Pot irolo Hermon Prescott Jock Pr ice Jeff Pyle

Le il a Quilico Joanna Roderich Poul Rouschenberger Foye Reed Jill Riehecky Susan Riske Gloria Rodr iguez Kathy Rohde Peggy Roloff Jim Ruch Mike Sch ieve Mory Schno itmon Bob Schroeder Rod Schuett Barbaro Schweig Corl Schweizer George Sellman Gloria Sherlock

Debb ie Shires Tom Sicinsk i J im Siekmonn Joe Simosky Carol Sl iwa Barbaro Smallmon Barbaro Smelser Bill Smith Steve Sm ith

,\J aney Sorgatz Jon is Soto Margaret Sproa t Poul St icksel Bob Stroud Koren Te rBush Lesl ie Timm Mike Timm Steve Tinnes Bruce Treudt Barbaro Tuck Sue Turner Bob Ulbricht Eno VonderMolen Loren Vantreese John VonDorn Peter Vucho Art Woge Tom Warren Lindo Waterman Jacklyn Watson Ruth Webb Pot Webber Robert Webber Susan We imer Bob Weinbauer Bill Wenger Meegan Weyrauch Charles Wh itloc~ Dove Will iams Candy Works Kim Wright Lynn Youngberg Kathleen Zochoro Cindy Zohn Lindo Zimmerl i

108 SENIORS Adamson, Merry 78, 92 Holt, Linda 85, 94 Altergott, Robert 24, 78, 92 Klingberg, George 86, 85 Azer, Mary 26, 50, 55, 59, 70, James, Carole 85, 94 Anderson, Roger 24, 30, 70, 78, Kna,pp, Paul 70, 86, 95 78, 92 Jimenez, Ana Maria 26, 27, 50, 92 Lybeck, Roger 6, 54, 73, 81, 95 Barger, Maxine 26, 59, 92 52, 53, 70, 85 Bancroft, Steve 30, 78, 92 Madison, Thomas 28, 30, 41, 58, Barkei, Patricia 6, 78, 92 Johnson, Dorothy 25, 66, 75, 86, Bennett, Gary 25, 79, 92 70, 87, 95 Belding, Nancy 43, 44, 55, 56, Johnson, Irene 75, 71, 86, 94 Bentley, Dennis 70, 79, 92 Mayer, Robert 30, 70, 87, 95 69, 75, 79, 92 Kieft, Julie 26, 53, 59, 86, 94 Berington, Stephen 36, 58, 79, McGary, Robert 87, 95 Bell, Nancy 78, 92 Klingberg, Linda 78, 86, 95 92 Mierswa, John 87, 26 Belschner, Sherryl 78, 92 Kopacz, Kathleen 56, 68, 86, 95 Billman, Steve 79 Miner, Alec 54, 87, 95 Bisbee, Susan 26, 27, 65, 66, Kucinski, Martha 86, 95 Buehler, Walter lee 34, 36, 70 Moberg, James 87, 95 73, 79, 92 80, 92 Langston, Jan 25, 65, 66, 69, 86, Mosier, Fred 36, 54, 58, 87 Bitter, Karen 70, 79, 92 Burgess, David 30, 58, 80, 92 95 Neumeister, William 24, 25, 30, Bradof, Jannes 26, 55, 62, 69, lee, Patricia 86, 95 Cain, Michael 24, 26, 36, 58, 41,88,95 70, 75, 79, 92 80, 92 Lewis, Diana 26, 86, 95 Oake, Arthur 88, 95 Bratton, Sandra 80, 92 Craterfield, Robert 30, 36, 81, lynch, Jane 87, 95 Patitz, David 88, 96 Brinker, Brooke 54, 55, 70, 71, 93 Marotzke, Marilyn 55, 50, 74, Peterson, Duane 88 80, 92 Carlsen, George 80, 93 87, 95 Price, David 36, 87, 96 Brown, Barbara 53, 71, 73, 80, Clark, Michael 81 Martin, Nancy 87, 95 Prosser, Michael 87, 96 92 Day, Donald 55, 70, 81, 93 McEwan, Linda 24, 66, 87 Budz, Sharon 80 Denges, William 81, 93 Punter, George 54, 88, 96 McGrath, Clarice 87, 95 Rau,schenberger, David 96 Carey, Jayne 26, 50, 51, 55, 56, Derby, Bruce 54 Mylan, Maureen 26, 88, 95 65, 68, 70, 80, 92 Dieter, David 82, 93 Reese, Charles 89, 96 Cavanaugh, Bonnie 11, 81, 93 Niesman, Diane 11, 88, 95 Rehor, James 7, 89, 96 Duber, Ronald 82, 93 Niesman, Donna 11, 75, 88, 95 Cirullo, Caroline 81, 93 Duckworth, Lawrence 93 Sagerhorn, Ronald 26, 58, 60, 89 Paslawsky, Valentine 88, 96 Compton, Naidine 26, 59, 65, DuMolin, James 50, 55, 68, 70, Schramm, Michael 26, 60, 65, 66, 81, 93 Radavich, Judith 88, 96 82, 93 66, 89, 96 Reardon, Mary Ann 27, 87, 96 Crandall, Carolyn 43, 44, 69, Dyck, Raymond 82, 93 Schweig, Lawrence 70, 89, 96 81, 93 Reynolds, Jeanne 25, 59, 66, 89, Gibson, Clifford 83, 93 Serrato, Peter 89, 96 Daw, Juanita 81, 93 96 Grames, Michael 30, 36, 58, 83, Shafron, Daniel 89, 96 Rieser, Judy 53, 70, 89, 96 Dierschow, Jane 11, 56, 87, 93 93 Smidebvsh, Raymond 26, 89, 96 Risch, Linda 7, 89, 96 Domzalski, Karen 82, 93 Gregory, Wayne 24, 83, 94 Smith, James 26, 55, 60, 62, 65, Schmerler, Gail 96 Fitzsimmons, Cheryl 82, 93 Haffey, Morton 83, 94 66, 74, 89, 96 Spahn, JoAnne 89, 71, 96 Smith, William 53, 89, 96 Flury, Judy 54, 59, 82, 93 Halfpenny, Dennis 83, 94 Spillman, Cynthia 89, 96 Free, Nancy 82, 93 Hansen, Robert 26, 43, 83, 94 Smykal, Richard 89, 96 Stirber, Caroline 26, 70, 71, 89, Freick, Barbara 82, 93 Hawley, Byron 54, 83, 94 Soto, William 89, 96 96 Freund, Patricia 11 , 72, 82, 83 Hittman, Dale 30, 41, 55, 58, 84, Thielk, Jedd 89 Thielen, Judy 43, 75, 89, 96 Garcia, Epifania 82, 93 94 Turner, Robe-rt 54, 91, 96 Thoma, April 89, 96 Gardner, Nancy 11, 82, 93 Jacob, Randall 30, 50, 55, 58, Vickers, Roy 30, 58, 91, 96 Tuttle, Ronda 55, 96 Gerard, Barbara 82, 93 68, 78, 94 Webb, Gregory 91, 96 Vucha, Svsan 89, 96 Gibson, Linda 26, 43, 65, 70, 83 Joerg, Charles 53, 54, 85 Wiley, Charles 30, 58, 91, 96 Walker, Cynthia 89 Gustafson, Sandra 24, 27, 66, Kirk, David 53, 55, 60, 62, 65, Wold, Douglas 24, 25, 41, 91, 96 70, 71, 73,55, 83,93 Ward, Rita 43, 56, 71, 72, 78, 70, 74, 75, 86, 95 Wyland, Norman 69, 91, 96 79, 96 Hein, Lynne 56, 68, 70, 85, 94 Weimer, Virginia 26, 44, 55, 56, Heinz, Martha 24, 56, 83, 94 60, 65, 69, 70, 75,78,96 Heinz, Mary 24, 94 8:3, Winters, Evelyn 91, 96 Hill, Kathy 84, 94 Wise, Sheryl 91, 96 Hindes, Judith 84, 94 Zaccagnini, Elizabeth 5, 50, 51, Hittman, Dawn 84, 94 55, 59, 75, 91, 96 Hodek, Dagmar 84, 94 JUNIORS, Adamson, Susan 98, 25, 26, 66 Daniels, Donna 98, 26, 27, 60, Balong, John 98, 72 Cawthorne, Robert 98 Allen, Kathy 98, 27, 71 65 Bambacht, Mark 98 Cheste-rfie·ld, Mike 71, 70 Ambrose, Gail 98 DeGrave, Gail 98, 26, 53 Beeken, Tom 98 Claar, David 98 Baer, Mary 98 Delara, Rosemary 98 Bender, Richard 98, 24, 26, 65, Coates, William 98, 30 Sahr, Betty 98 Dempsey, Sue 98, 26, 60, 43, 70 Culley, Alan 98 66, 65 Barclay, Jane 98, 50, 51 Berkes, Thom 98, 24 Daleiden, James Domzalski, Nancy 98 Barkei, Mary 98 Blenkle, Harold 98 Dau, Glenn 98, 30, 50 Doyle, Theresa 98 Bennett, Jama 98, 24, 66, 59, Bodine, Terry 98, 34, 36 Deitz, Harold 98, 26, 59 50 Dunnett, Mary Ellen 99 Bruce, James 98 Dierks, Don 98, 24 Bowen, Kaaren 98, 53 Enders, Carol 99 Bruce, James A. Dieter, James 98, 36 Brown, Ann 98 Enger, Roberta 99, 25, 24, 63, Burton, Sandra 50, 73 Buckner, Gary 98 Dixon, Michael 98 Castillo, Maria 98 Feldott, Alice 99, 26, 70 Buesse, Robert 98 Dodge, Philip 98 Chaudoin, Norma 98 Feldott, Renae 99 Carter, Charles Dulson, Michael 99 Craterfield, Pat 98 Fessler, Linda 99 Casey, Patrick 98, 41 Enos, Kent 99, 30 109 Fiandaca, Mary 99 Miller, Dee Ann 100, 25, 24, Fairbanks, Charles 99 Nelson, Tom 100, 25, 24, 41 Fox, Esthe-r 26, 66 Feltes, Charles 99 Oake, David Free, Ruth 99 Miller, Peggy 100, 26, 27 Fitzsimmons, Rick 99, 73 Olson, Earle 100, 34, 39, 59, 68 Freund, Catherine 99, 56, 70 Miller, Sandra Lee 100, 66 Flahive, Mike 99 Orr, Russel 100 Gambell, Candice 99 Mosier, Linda 100 Ford, LeRoy 99 O'Shea Tom Garbacz, Anne 99 Neder, Mary Fox, Floyd 99 Para, Craig 100, 24 Garcia, Virginia 99 Newman. Barbara 100 Gabby, Michael 99, 59 Parsell, Robert 101, 26, 30 Garza, Dolores Nie-mans, Loralee 100 Gast, John 99 Payton, Ralph 101 Gilla,rd, Ruth 99, 26, 56 Noble, Lila 75, 59, l 00 Grubbs, Larry 34, 99 Penton, Steve 101 Gould, Cathy 99 Nolan, Kathy 100 Gustafson, Robert 99 Perkis, Frank Gould, Linda 99 Overton, Nola 100, 11, 70 Hanes, Curt 99, 30, 43 Pinkert, Harold Grubn~H, Helen Marie 99, 24 Owen, Kay 100, 70 Hansberger, Tom 99, 30 Poile, William 101 Hamlin, Linda 99 Parker, Carolyn 100 Havlik, Michae-1 99, 70 Pratt, Mike 101, 34, 41, 58 Hammond, Marcia 99, 74, 73 Havlin, Jeffery 99, 30 Petrizilka, Pat 101, 26, 27, 66 Rasmussen, Dave 101 Hartigan, Mary 99 Hersee, Steve 99, 54, 41 Popelka, Gayle l 01 Rohde, John 101, 30, 39 Ha,senheyer, Sharon 99 Hinchee, Phillip 99 Prescott, Lynne 101, 68, 70 Runowski, John 101, 41 Hitze-mann, Diana 99, 27, 70 Hughes, Ken 100 Purnell, Carol Rupp, Robert Hobart, June 99, 26 Jahns, Robert 100, 30, 36, 39 Quilico, Lynn 101, 99, 25, 53, Schmidt, William 101, 65 Hodson, Marilyn 100, 56 66, 69, 71 Jarosz, Joe 100, 75, 34 Juzwiak, Gerald 100, 25, 24, 26, Schnaitman, John 101 Jay, Karen 100, 26 Radel iffe, Mary 101, 26 66 Schnitker, Lawrence 101 Jordan, Kathleen 100, 26, 27, Rakow, Jane 101, 70 66, 59 Kane, Dave Ritchey, Erin Schuett, Dennis 101 Karp, Lois l 00, 11 Kautz, Don 100, 24, 34, 39, 66, Rosenberg, Regina 101 Schwarz, Perry 101 Keller, Lynn 100 58 Ryan, Susan 101 Simmons, Craig 101, 34, 39 Kerner, Susan 100, 98, 24, 44 Ke-eley, William 100 Sabathne, Dottie 101 Smith, John 101, 41, 58 Kiiskila, Jerrill 100 Kloubec, Dennis 100 Simandl, Susan 101, 25, 24, 66 Smyth, Richard King, Marjorie 100, 25, 24 Klug, Tom 100, 26, 60, 66, 59 Simms, H. Pamela 101 Koplin, Barbara 100, 75 Kramer, Jim l 00 Stefanie, Charles 101 Suster, Susan• 101 Korona, Deborah 100, 43 LaDouceur, Gary Stephens, Richard 101 Swinborne, Janet 101 Kuhl, Paula 100, 44, 43, 69 Lambe, Lawrence 100, 41 Stevens, Paul 101 Tinnes, Carol 101, 53 Lienhard, Louise Lenertz, Frank 100, 36 Sticksel, Tom 101 Vincent, Carol 101, 25, 24, 66 Lighthart, Patt 100, 53, 71, 70 Lepper, Michael 100, 39 Tesch, John 101 , 30 Walker, Linda 101, 11 luessenhop, Carole 100, 26, 70 Lootens, James 100, 99, 30, 36 Thalman, Gary 101 Walter, Susan 101, 26, 27, 59 MacDonald, Joanne l 00 68 Thomas Robert 101 Wehman, Valerie 101, 75, 59 Malin, Cheryl 100, 62 Lowe, Dan Treudt, Terry 101, 26, 60, 59, 70 Wenger, L~slie 101, 11, 71 McDonald Mary Ann 100 Macaluso, Frank 100, 98 Vodicka, Frank Westrom, Jo Anne 101 McGathey, Anita 100 Macaluso, Ross 100, 41 Voelz, Jeffrey 101, 26, 66, 59, McGee, Dorothy 100, 26, 27, 66 Wheeland, Pat 101 Madison, Robe-rt 100, 41 50, 68 McGriff, Barbara 100 Wipe-rt, Diane 101 Mann, Frederick Walker, Jeffrey, 101, 34, 39 Meriam, Jacqueline 100, 73 Withaeger, Bev. 101, 26, 27 Mantz, George 100 Weimer, Mike 101 Mice-I, Barbara 100 Yingst, Connie 101, 27 Matthews, David 100 Wells, Ron 101, 34, 39 Wheeler, Terry Mic:ldagh, Pat 100, 75, 7 4 Zamora, Maria 101 Menefee, Mike Mertes, Don l 00, 98, 50 Willeumier, Bruce 101, 25, 24 Mertes, Elton 100 Winquist, James 101 Miller, David 100, 39, 50, 51 Wold, Dennis 101, 99, 41, 58 Miner, Andrew 100, 26 Works, Richard 101, 30 Mungovan, John 100 Zachara, Stanley 26

SOPHOMORES Adamson Nancy Covarrubias, Judith 102, 53 Atkinson, William De-Grave, Dennis l 02 Baumgartner, Lynne 102, 62 Covarrubias, Sarah 102, 53, 59 Becker, William 102 Deitz, Jerry l 02, 32 Bee-ken, Jacqueline 102 Cue, Cherryl 102, 24 Bergstrom, Carl 102, 32 Delara, Albert l 02, 32 Besch, Linda 102 Cyzan, Dianne 102, 53 Blackman, Jerry Denges, Gregory 102 Birkholtz, Patricia 102 Dempsey, Dorothy 102, 26, 27, Bowen, William 102 Domena, Rvben 44, 43 Blaha, Vlasta l 02, 25, 66, 59 Brown, George 102, 24 Domzalski, William 102, 32, 24 DiNocolo, Penny 102, 27 Brozouskis, Larry 102, 7 Du Bord, Tom 102, 26 Brown, Linda 102 Dyck, Carol 102 Carlyon, David 102, 32 Dwigans, Collins 102, 24, 25 Brown, Esther 102 Forkin, Kathy 103 Clark, Jerry Buikema, Martha l 02 Gaumer, June 103 Everett, Stephan 25 Clark, Rex 102, 25, 24 Carlson, Vivie l 02, 27 Gillard, Clara 103 Feldott, Eugene 102 Carter, Brenda l 02, 27 Glendenning, Diane 103 Coates, Stephen 30, 102, 42 Feltes, Richard 102, 24, 25 Coyne, Raymond Catenacci, Sunny Gene 102, 43, Goetz, Carol 103, 53 Fitzenreider, Ray l 02, 35, 38 56 Goodwin, Susan 103, 26, 24, 27, Day, .ferry 102, 35 Fitzsimmons, Dale 103 Collins, Patricia 27 66 Day, Kenneth 102 Freund, Douglas 103, 32 Gould, Patricia 103, 26 Riehecky, Jerri-Jean 104 Gast, Jay Nicholson, Kerry Grover, Yvonne 103 Rollo, Joyce 104 Gatewood, Ken 103 Noga, Jeffery 104 Gruca, Barbara 103 Ruch, Barbara 104, 56 Gatewood, Maurice 103 O'Connor, Steven 104 Gulczynski, Sharon 43 Rupp, Beverly l 04, 27, 66 Gibson, Scott 103 Parsell, Randy 104, 43, 71 Halfpenny, Patricia 103, 27 Sagerhorn, Marilyn l 05, 26 Giesen, Brian 103 Penton, Phillip 104 Harper, Pauline 103 Schramer, Ruth l 05 Greenman, John 103, 53, 59 Peters, David Harrison, Suzanne 103, 44 Schuster, M. Marie Griffith, Gaylord Prill, Dennis 104 Havlin, Rebecca 103, 44 Sellman, Barbara 1OS Haag, Sheldon 32, 103, 38 Ransom, David 32, 104, 38 Hossman, Sue 103, 26, 43, 73 Scholwin, Jean Hagen, Richard 103, 32 Rasmussen, Gordon 104 Joerg, Diana 103 Simeoli, Anita 105, 11, 43, 59, Heisler, John 103, 53 Reese, Spencer 104, 50, 70 Jones, Bern ice 103 71 Herman, Robin 103, 41, 71, 30 Reno, Thomas Klein, Nancy 103 Simon, Judy 1OS Hessler, Mark 103 Ronzheimer, Joel 32, 104 Koltz, Kathleen 103, 26 Smith, Winifred 105 Hobbs, Wayne 103 Sabathne, Charles 104 Kornfind, Carol ine 104 Spillman, Pat 1OS, .27 Hodek, Charles 103 Schlick, Robert 105 Kouba, Sandra 104 Spoden, Pat 1OS Hofman, Ted 103 Seely, Dennis 105, 32, 25 Kronkow, Donna Jean 104 Stewart, Pat 1OS, 26 Israel, Don 103 Shaw, James 105, 24 Surges, Sharon 1OS, 11, 43 Silvernail, Bruce l 05, 32, 38 Kueker, Muriel 104, 25, 66 Jargick, James 103 Sweeney, Elizabeth 105, 26 Simonelig, James 105, 32, 24, Kusma, Lillian 104, 59 Kautz, Richard 103, 24, 66 Larson, Mary 104, 27 Tarry, Danielle 105, 26, 27, 59 24 Kieft, James 103, 24, 53 Lesl ie, Susan 104, 24, 66 Theis, Connie 105, 56, 50, 73 Smelser, David 1OS Kimes, Ken 103 Smith, Richard 105, 32, 42, 71 luessenhop, Donna 104, 26, 27 Thompson, Maryanne 105, 44, Klingberg, Tom 103, 32 lynch, Mary 104 43, 73 Speers, James 24, 36 Koos, Dale 104 Staehnke, Mark 105, 11, 65, 69, Lynge, Marg ie 104 Tipper, Pat 1OS Kveck, Ron 104, 36 71 Mann, Linda 104 Todd, Lynn 105, 27 Leighton, James 104, 38, 32 Stafford, Tim Mason, Nancy 104 Tuttle, Judy 1OS VanderMolen, Ann 105, 53 le Kander, Gary 104, 66, 50 Stelzer, George 1OS Mastaler, Shirley 104 lewis, Tom 104, 24 Sticksel, William 105, 24, 25 McA leese, Jean 104 Vescelius, Pat 27 Vincent, Linda 1OS, 25! 24 Lillie, Robert Stults, Jon 105, 32, 38 McAleese, Joan 104 Sullivan, Richard 105, 26 Miller, Sandra 104, 26 Voelz, Christie 1OS , 56 lisewski, Randy 104 Ludwig, Richard Thompson, Robert 105, 65, 70 Nadasky, Sandy 104, 27 Volk, Christine 105, 27 Timm, Ken 1OS, 32, 24, 38 Neltnor, Nancy 104 Weaver, Karen 1OS Maas, Ken 104 Truitt, Douglas 32, 1OS Neumeister, Kathryn l 04, 24, Weimer, Jo Ann 105 Mackert, Richard 104, 26, 38 Madison, Dave 104 Turner, Steven l OS, 34, 42 44 Weinbauer, Linda l 05, SO Olsen, Christine 104, 27 Mahood, Michael 104, 59 Turner, William 1OS, 42 Welter, E_velyn 1OS, 26, 27 Owen, Mary 104, 26 Matus, Ken 104 VanTreese, Daniel 105, 32, 42 Wies brock, Ardith 105 Para, Ruth 104, 26, 27 McChesney, Tom 30 VanWallingham, Warren 105 Wilson, Charlene 105, 27 Ph ilips, Keats 104 Mileski, Alan 104 Wangberg, Ken 1OS, 32, 42 Pierce, Pam Winkler, Betty 1OS, 71 Miller, Dennis 104 Ward, Richard 105, 32, 50, 73 Potirala, Valerie 104 Winquist, Bonnie 105, 26, 27 Mil ler, Robert 104, 24, 25 Webb, Bruce 101 Prosser, Susan 104 Wood, Pat Mill ette, John Wetzel, Terry 1OS Rehor, Jane 104 Zitkus, Virginia 105, 69, 71 Modaff, Rich l 04 Will, David 105 Molinelli, Ken 104, 65, 71 Willeumier, Gillbert 105, 32, 24, Mosier, Jack 104 38 Neder, Paul 104, 32 Winkler, Robert l 05

FRESHMEN Alden, Billie 50, 106 Castillo, Juanita 106 Arnhold, Charles 106 Catenacci, Charles 106, 33 Cichanski, Frank 106 Anderson, Vickie 106 Chesterfield, Connie 106 Atkinson, David l 06, 65, 59 Clark, Lance 33, 106, 24, 25 Bahr, Leona 106 Cole, Ann 27, 106 Belding, Dan l 06, 40 Daniels, Gary 33, 106 Bard, Linda 106 Colford, Cindy 106 Belding, Jeffrey 106, 26, 24 Dase, Dennis 33, 40, 106 Ba long, Cathy l 06 Cranor, Barbara Bender, Dirk 106, 33, 26, 42 Dethlefsen, Tony Beardsley, Vera 27, 106 Devinney, Ellen 27, 66, 106 Berg, Robert l 06, 25, 50 Dieckmann, David 106 Bender, Linda l 06 Dirr, Luann 25, 66, 106 Bocan, Charles 106 Dierschow, David Bennett, Sandra 24, 66, l 06 Dohogne, Diane Bratton, Gary Dieter, David 106 Berkes, Norene l 06 Dresch, Jo 106 Britton, Carl Dieter, Thomas 40 Bernsten, Mary 106 Duckworth, Ann 106 Brodie, Greg Du Bord, Vaughn 33, 106 Bowman, Julie 27, 106 Dunk, Christine 27, 66, 75, 106 Brown, Daniel Brader, Doris 59, 106 Ehlenburg, Noreen 106 Brown, Melville Eastman, Tom Bremer, Lenora Fletcher, Sara 106 Brunoehler, Marvin Erin, Rod 106 Bruncehler, Donna Forber, Suzanna Buehler, Robert 33, 40, 50 Fairbanks, Paul 33, 40, 106 Burton, Marilyn Free, Mary Jo Cadawallader, William Fairbanks, William 106 Carey, Teresa 50, 106 Furkona, An ita 106 Casey, Richard 41 Fessler, Jerry 26, 106 Casey, Grace 27, 59, 66 Gage, Mary 27, 66, 106 Castellano, Nunzi 33, 106 Fleming, Stephen l 06 111 Gardner, Patricia 73, 106 O'Donnell, Michal 25, 66, 108 Forkin, Michael 26, 106 Nolan, Thomas 108 Gillespe, Lynette 27 Ohl, Shirley 108 Garza, James 33, 40, 106 O'Kano, Perry 108 Graver, Linda 27, 107 Panna,rale, Melodie 108 Gaumer, Francis 106 Pannarale, Lvis 35, 108 Green, Mariorie 107 Perkins, Charlene 27, 1OR Gilmore, Glenn 42, 106 Parlett, Larry 108 Grubbs, Linda 27, 107 Peterso,n, Peggy 108 Golchert, Keith 106 Patitz, Daniel 33, 42, 108 Herman, All ice 50, 107 Ponzo, Justine 27, 66, 108 Gomez,Jesse 33, 40,106 Peckron, Jeffrey, l 08 Hill, Barbara 71, 107 Pope I ka, Kathy 108 Grames, Brian 106 Perkins, Charles 108 Hock, Mary 107 Potirala, Kathryn 27, 108 Griffith, William 107 Peters, John 35, 108 Holloway, Jamie 50, 107 Quilico, Leila 27, 108 Hansberger, Gerald 32, 38, 107 Poirier, Philip 108 Howieson, Mary 107 Radavich, Joanne 59, 108 Hanson, Richard Prescott, Herman 35, 40, 108 Hudson, Laurie 27, 66, 107 Riehecky, Jill 108 Hinton, Robert 35, 107 Price, Jack 32, 40, 108 Juzwiak, Bonnie 27, 66, 107 Riske, Susan 27, 43, 59, 108 Hobart, Donald 70, 107 Pyle, Jeffrey 108 Kalter, Martha 25, 107 Rodriguez, Gloria 108 Hobbs, Dennis 33, 107 Rangel, Homer 33, 40 King, Linda 24, 25, 107 Rohde, Kathy 108 Holman, Gustaf 54, 107 Rauschenberger, Paul 33, 108 Knifong, Rebecca 107 Roloff, Peggy 66, 108 Hughes, Dennis 33, 40, 107 Ruch, James 108 Kraus, Cheryl 107 Schnaitman, Mary 108 Jacobsen, Harvey 107 Schieve, Michael 108 Kronkow, June 107 Schweig, Barbara 59, 108 Jacobsen, Robert 24, 25, 107 Schroeder, Robert 108 Kreuger, Marilyn 27, 66, 107 Sherlock, Gloria 108 Johnson, Philip 107 Schuett, Rod 24, 33, 108 Kuhl, Pamela 50, 107 Shires, Deborah 27, 66, 108 Judson, Thomas 107 Schweizer, Carl 24, 25, 41, 42, laDouceur, Jeanne 107 Sliwa, Jo 27, 108 Klein, Chris 107 108 Lanca,ster, Susan 27, 107 Smallman, Barbara 108 Klug, Kenneth 107 Sellman, George 108 Langston, Lane 24, 66, 75, 107 Smelser, Barbara 108 Knight, Thomas 107 Sicinski, Thomas 33, 40, 108 Lewis, Kathryn 27, 107 Sorgatz, Nancy 27, 66, l 08 Kocher, Edward 24, 25, 40, 66, Siekmann, James 24, 65, 66, 11 Lillie, Ann 27, 107 Soto, Janis 24, 25, 66, l 08 107 Schmosky, Joseph 108 Line, Suzanne 107 Sproat, Margaret 27, 66, l 08 Langner, Marty 107 Smith, Stephen 35, 42, 50, 108 Little, Margaret 27, 107 TerBush, Kaaren 108 Lester, Thomas 107 Smith, William Carl 35, 40, 1O! Lobas, Linda 27, 107 Tuck, Barbara l 08 Link, Robert 107 Sticksel, Paul 24, 35, 108 McCabe, Barbara 107 Turner, Susan 108 Macias, Ruben 33, 38, 107 Stroud, Robert 108 McCann, Pamela 107 VanderMolen, Ena 108 Madden, Charles 107 Timm, Leslie 33, 108 Waterman, Linda 108 Marcello, James 107 McGathey, Phyllis 25, 107 Timm, Michael 108 Watson, Jacklyn 108 Margolis, Melvin 107 McMenamin, Susan 107 Tinnes, Stephen 35, 42, 108 Webb, Ruth 108 Markham, James Middagh, Joyce 107 Treudt, W. Bruce 26, 33, 59, Webber, Patricia 27, 108 Millette, Louise 27, 107 Martin, Edward 71,107 108 Weimer, Susan 27, 66, 108 Martin, Michael 26, 107 Miner, Virginia 107 Ullbricht, Robert 40, 108 Weyra,uch, Meegan 27, 59, 66, McFarland, Gene 24, 25, 107 Mobley, Connie 107 108 Vantreese, Loren 33, 42, 108 Meyen, Larry 42, 107 Molinelli, Jane 107 Von Dorn, John 35, 108 Wienecke, Carolyn 25, 27, 66 Michelson, Bliss 25, 107 Moravec, Geraldine 27, 107 Works, Candy 108 Vucha, Peter 108 Mosier, Marilynn 27, 107 Miller, Peter 107 Youngberg, Lynn 108 Wage, Arthur 35, 108 Muir, Cheryl 107 Modaff, Dan 107 Zachara, Kathleen 108 Warren, Thomas 108 Moore, Gary 107 Murphy, Joan 27, 66, 107 Zahn, Lucinda 53, 59, 108 Webber, Robert 108 Neff, Deborah 43, 50, 108 Zimme•rli, Linda 108 Neltnor, Donald 108 Weinbauer, Robert 33, 108 Neumann, Robert 24, l 08 Wenger, Bill 42, 108 Newman, Barry 35, 108 Whitlock, Charles 108 Nickerson, David 24, 33, 42, 108 William, David 108 Wright, Kim 40, 108 FACULTY Atchison, 7, 18 DuMolin, Lorraine 12 Koupal, Helen 11 Schuett, Mrs. 8 Barthell, G. P. 16, 70 Farren, Shari 28 Kovaric 8 Severe, R. W. 13, 72 Beebee 22, 71 Getz, L. L. 19 Kyger, C. J. 28, 32, 36 Smith, J. D. 19 Brittain,-Fe' 15, 43 Getz, Marylue 12 McGawn, Frances 15 Thomassen, Winifred 6, 21 Burgess, D. L. 12 Hansen, R. E. 17, 33, 42 McHatton, R. K. 1 0 Timm, Mrs. 8 Caliendo, Patrici_a 28 Howa,rd, H. B. 25, 27, 66 Morrison, D. E. 13, 60, 7 4 Wene, Elizabeth 21 Coulter, D. R. 16, 34, 35 Holcombe 19, 50, 51, 70, 71 Murphy, J.C. 17, 54 Weyrauch, Cowden, C. A. 20 Howard, R. L. 17 Peterson, Patricia 21 Dean, D. A. 20, 41 Jahns, V. R. 6, 10, 60 Peterson 7 Wissing, Norma 15 Delapp, John 7 Johnson, W. H. 12, 60 Price, R. E. 28 Witt, Nina 13 DeMay, G. H. 19 Kerner, R. A. 28, 30, 40 Ream, D.S. 19, 30, 39 Yunker, 17, 38 Dichtl, J. J. 16 Kiiskila, R. A. 21 Sargent, W. 0. 66, 24, 26 Zielke 26


RANDY JACOBS MARILYN MAROTZKE DR. ARLO SCHILLING RIDELL KELSEY President of the Valedictorian Pres., North Central College Pres., Bd. of Education Senior Class Speaker passes diploma to Roger Anderson A MUSICAL PLAY CAST OF CHARACTERS

Book and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner Tommy -Albright ------Jim Smith Music by Frederick Lowe Jeff Douglas ------Thom Berkes Production Directed by Don Morrison Fiona Maclaren ------Sue Dempsey Music Direction by William Sargent Jean Maclaren ______Virginia Weimer Art Direction by Willard Beebe Ill Andrew Maclaren ______Michael Schramm Lighting by William Johnson Harry Beaton ------Rick Bender Choreography by Don Morrison Meg Brockie ------Donna Daniels Student Director: Jannes Bradof Archie Beaton ------Jeffrey Voelz Charlie Dalrymple ______Gerald JuswJak Student Choreographers: Mr. Lundie ______David Kirk Virginia Weimer and Julie Kieft Jane Ashton ------Mark Staehnke Stage Manager: Spencer Reese Frank ------Terry Treu dt Maggie Anderson ______Candice Gambell fl~ P'UN# 2~ e~ ~ 4#d ~e,i &~ ~°' flohe4

We-Go ____ 0 Glenbard East ______l *We-Go ____ l 4 St. Procopius ______3 We-Go ____ 5 Batavia ______7 We-Go__ __ Lake Park ______2 *We-Go____ 4 Geneva ______2 *We-Go ____ 3 Lisle

We-Go __ __ 8 Elgin ------10 *We-Go ____ 9 Naperville ______6 *We-Go __ __l 7 St. Charles ______0 We-Go ___ _ 9 Fenton ______l l *We-Go ____ 4 Oswego ______3 We-Go ____ 3 Glenbard West____ 4 *We-Go __ __ 5 Geneva ______4 *We-Go ____ 6 St. Charles ______2 We-Go ____ 2 Naperville ______15

W L Season Record 9 7 First row: Dick Smykal; Dale Buchart; Bob Turner; Byron Hawley; Milton Law. Littfe Seven 6 2 Second row: Bill Soto; Tim Seely; Dave Maas; Roger Anderson; Jim Lootes, Marlo *Won Woolcott. Third row: Roger Lybeck; Randy Cue; Jim Thompson; Steve Nail; Joe Jedlovec; Bill Szorc; Wayne Gregory.

First row: Bob Miller; Dave Smelser; Bob Madison; Jerry Day; Bob Hana; Bruce Silvernail; Ken Maas. We-Go____ Glenbard East ___ 8 Second row: Bob Jahns; Rex Clark; Jay Gast; Jon Stults; Jim Simonelig; Don Mertes; Mike Wiemer; Ken Timm. We-Go ___ 4 St. Procopius ____ 5 Third row: Dan Newton; Doug Freund; Mike Dixon; John Gast; Bob Winkler, Bruce Smith; Joe Jarosz; Dennis Kloubec. We-Go ____ 0 Batavia ______l l *We-Go ____ l 3 Geneva ______2 We-Go ____ 2 Elgin ______9

We-Go ____ 0 Batavia ______15 We-Go ____ 3 St_ Charles ______7 We-Go____ 0 Fenton ______11 *We-Go __ __ JO Oswego ______6

*We-Go____ 6 Naperville ______5 *We-Go____ 8 Geneva ______5

We-Go ____ 0 St_ Charles ______4 *We-Go ____ 2 Naperville ______

W L Se ason Record 5 8

Little Seven 4 4 *Won Seated: Bob Madison; Ron Wells; Dick Smykal; Byron Hawley. ory; Ron Sagerhorn. Standing: Mike Dixon; Mike Weimer; Bob Kneeling: Dale Hittman; Jedd Thielk; Bob Winkler; Wayne Greg- Jahns; Jim Lootens; Roger Anderson; John Gast.


The Varsity Baseball team after a good begin­ sity squad is losing five seniors, but there are ning, faded near the end, winning five games still seven juniors left as a nucleus for next year's and losing eleven. In conference games the team varsity squad. On paper next year's varsity of record was three wins and seven losses. The Var- juniors and seniors should have a very good year. ?'ZOd-Sofd 'Ba4dalt 1964

Seated: Mike Timm; Jon Stults; Bruce Silve rnail; Dav id Smelser; Standing: Coach Ream; Rick Mackert; Ray Fitzenreider; David Jerry Day. Ransom; Jim Le ighton; Ken Timm; Coach DeMay; Rod Schuett, Kneeling: Dennis Hughes; Tom Sicinski; J ay Gast; Rex Cla rk; ma,nager. Bob Miller; Jim Simonelig.


The Frosh-Soph baseball team finished the sea­ game. Another factor was outstanding pitching son with a very fine record of 9 w ins, 3 defeats, and batting. The team's batting average for the and 1 tie game. This record was good enough season was a phenomenal .303. The entire school to bring the Kits home w ith a conference co­ was pleased with the outstanding performance of championship. Several factors were responsible for the Kits and we are all rooting for them to carry their success. One was tremendous team spirit, their spirit and desire with them as they move to which helped the boys stay keyed up for every the varsity next year. IJotl-1963

We-Go __ l72 Lake Park ------174

We-Go .._ 195 Wheaton ------173

We-Go ____ 187 Dundee ------191

We-Go ____ 164 St. Francis ______152

We-Go._170 Naperville ------169

We-Go __ l88 St. Charles ------158 We-Go ___ 352 Marmion ------347

We-Go ____ 173 St. Procopius ____ 166

We-Go ___ 216 St. Francis ______208

We-Go__ 171 Cary Grove ______164

We-Go ___ 168 • Naperville 169

Little Seven Conference 3rd place

Won 3 Lost 8

Kneeling: Dick Works; Frank Macaluso; Rich Ludwig; Terry Deifz; Joel Ronzheimer; Dave Mathews; Rick Fitzsimmons; Bob Buesse, manager. Standing: Coach Howard; Mike Caine; Ross Macaluso; Alan Culley; Larry Brucher; Neal Ronzheimer; Bob Hansen; Dave Burgess.

'?'Uld-S¥4, IJotl 1964

Kneeling: Bill Cadawallader; Bob Buehler; Jerry Deitz; Dave Dierschow; Mike Schieve_ Standing: Coach Howard; Jerry Hansberger; Paul Sticksel; Rich Ludwig; Buzz Pres­ cott; Harvey Jacobsen; Bob Buesse, manager.

We-Go ____ l69 Fenton ------193 We-Go __ l82 Lake Park 210

We-Go ____ l95 Sycamore 195

We-Go __ l94 Crystal Lake ~ 194 We-Go ___ 200 St. Charles --- 194 We-Go.__ 167 Marmion ______185

We-Go ___ 194 St. Procopius ___ 202 We-Go. __ 208 Carey Grove _____ 202 We-Go __ l99 Dundee ------206 We-Go ___ 203 St. Charles _____ 196 We-Go __ l96 St. Francis ----· 188 We-Go ____ J70 Naperville --- 188

Won 4

Lost 6

Tie 2 Kneeling: Mike Cain; Jim Smith; Frank Macaluso; Rick Fitzsim- Works; Rich Stephens; Alan Culley; Jeff Havlin; Dennis .Wold. mons; Bob Busse, manager. Standing: Coach Howard; Dick

We-Go .... 189 Fenton ____ 185

We-Go __ 177 Lake Park 175

We-Go .... 180 Sycamore ...... 186

We-Go__ l82 Crystal Lake _____ 162

We-Go_ 182 St. Charles ______178

We-Go ..•. 167 Marmion ______179

We-Go ___ 181 St. Procopius ___ 207

We-Go ___ 181 Carey, Grove __ 189

We-Go ___ 178 Dundee ····------169

We-Go ___ 179 St. Charles ...... 165

We-Go.__ 171 St. Francis 174

We-Go __ 177 Naperville 164

Won 5

Lost 7

3rd in Little 7 Conference

No. 1 man, Mike Cain 1'~7~1964 '

Kneeling: Dan Shaffron; Mark Bambacht; John Runowski; Tom Altergott; Charles Feltes; Craig Simmons; John Rohde; Mike Madison; Bill Coates; Tom Hansberger; Don Kautz. Lepper; Coach Yunker; Coach Kerner. Standing: Rick Smith; Coach Kyger; Dennis Halfpenny; Bob


The luck of the Varsity Track team was very Conference. Bill Coates, a junior, scored the most negative this year. Winning one dual meet and points for the team this season while performing losing five. They took third place in two tri-meets in the discus and shot put events. Bill also was and came in seventh place in the Little Seven a West Chicago representative to the state meet. ~'UJd-Soµ 7'Uld 1964

Seated: Mike Martin; Bob Stroud; Charles Bocan; Charles Whit­ Third row: Randy Parsell; Chuck Catenacci; Dan Belding; Brian lock; Larry Mein; Bill Smith; Bob Newman; Steve Smith; Luis Grames; Bruce Treudt; Chuck Madden; Paul Fairbank; Garry Dan­ Pannarale; Bob Wienbauer. iels; Bob Ulbricht; Gaylord Griffith; Bob Hinton; Steve Coates; Second row: Gary Moor~; Homer Rangel; Vaughn Du Bord; Bill Phil Johnson. Griffith; Mike Mahood; John Van Dorn; Doug Truitt; Paul Fourth row: Bill Domzalski; Ken Wangberg; Steve Turner; Bob Bauajas; Dan Pattz; Loren Vontreese; Dick Casey; Dennis Goleles; Herman; Sheldon Haag; Paul Nedar; Jin Speers; Rick Hagen; Bob Weber; Mike Torken. Ruben Macias; Gil Willeumier.


The Frosh-Soph Track team had some trouble ord for the l 00 yard dash in l 0:7. Freshman Louis with dual meets, l-5-1, but they did very well Pannarale set new record for the 880 yard in 2:09. with Tri-Meets, winning the two they were in. Sophomores Truitt, Parsell, Haag, and Speers, set Sophomore Sheldon Haag equaled the old rec- new record for 880 yard relay of l :38.5. We-Go ____82 Geneva ______36

We-Go ____ 56 Mooseheart ____ 73

Dundee ____ 19

We-Go ___ 38½ Ka,neland 40½

St. Charles ___ _67

We-Go ___ -7?-½ Batavia ______45½ We-Go-60 Lake Park ______58

We-Go ___ -74 St. Francis 44 We-Go ____ 24½ Naperville 94½ We-Go ___ ] 4 Sycamore 54 St. Charles ____ 20

We-Go ___ -45 Wheaton ______73

Dual Meets Won 4 Lost 2

Tri-Meets 1st 1, 2nd 1, 3rd First row: Roger Hammer; Tex Rogers; Mike Prosser; Martie Beltoski; Jim Steel; Wayne Hobs. · Seven Conference 5th Place-Little Second row: Tom Madison; Mike Grames; Ried Simmons; Tom Hansburger; Terry Treudt; Dan Shafron. Third row: Denflis Halfpenny; Reggie Haag; Tom Fessler; Steve Bcrrington; Randy Jacob; Bob Mayer; Bill Hossman.

';'UJd-Soµ 7,uid 1963

Seated: Steve Coates; Curt Ha,nes; Dean Fauber; Steve Turner; Mike Pratt; Robin Her­ man. Second row: Bob Cawthorne; Bill Coates; Sheldon Haag; Jeff Walker; Fred Jacobs; Don Kautz; Rick Smith, manager. We-Go ___ 69 Geneva ______49 Third row: Randy Parsell; Ron Wells; Bob Parsell; John Runowski; Steve Hersie; Doug Truitt; Mike Mahood. We-Go ____ 2l Mooseheart.... 61 ½ Fourth row: Dave Miller; Craig Simmons; Jim Speers; John Rhode; Terry Bodine; Charles Feltes; Mike Lepper; Rick Hagen. Dundee ... 65½

We-Go ____ l 8½ St. Charles 68

We-Go ... 57 Batavia -·--·-·· 61

We-Go-57½ Lake Park ------602/3

We-Go ___ 66 St. Francis 52

We-Go .... 36 Naperville 82

We-Go .... 50 St. Charles 66

Sycamore 32

We-Go_ .. 31 Wheaton ______87

Dual Meets Won 2 Lost 4

Tri-Meets 1st 0, 2nd 1, 3rd 2

4th place-Little Seven Conference