FLORA AND VEGETATION OF THE MOHAWK DUNES, ARIZONA Richard Stephen Felger Dale Scott Turner Michael F. Wilson Drylands Institute The Nature Conservancy Drylands Institute 2509 North Campbell, #405 1510 E. Fort Lowell 2509 North Campbell, #405 Tucson, AZ 85719, U.S.A. Tucson, AZ 85719, U.S.A. Tucson, AZ 85719, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT One-hundred twenty-two species of seed plants, representing 95 genera and 35 families are docu- mented for the 7,700 ha Mohawk Dune Field and its immediate surroundings, located in Yuma County, Arizona, USA. Three major habitats were studied: dunes, adjacent sand flats, and playa. The dunes (including interdune swales) support 78 species, of which 13 do not occur on the adjacent non-dune habitats. The adjacent non-dune habitats (sand flats and playa) support 109 species, of which 43 were not found on the dunes. The total flora has 81 annual species, or 66% of the flora. The dune flora has 63 annual (ephemeral) species, or 81% of the flora—one of the highest percentages of annuals among any regional flora. Of these dune annuals, 53 species (84%) develop during the cool season. No plant taxon is endemic to the Mohawk region. There are 8 dune, or sand adapted, endemics— Cryptantha ganderi, Dimorphocarpa pinnatifida, Dicoria canescens, Ditaxis serrata, Pleuraphis rigida, Psorothamnus emoryi, Stephanomeria schottii, Tiquilia plicata—all of which are found on nearby dune systems. Two of them (C. ganderi and S. schottii) are of limited distribution, especially in the USA, and have G2 Global Heritage Status Rank. There are four non-native species in the dune flora (Brassica tournefortii, Mollugo cerviana, Sonchus asper, Schismus arabicus), but only Brassica and Schismus seem to pose serious threats to the dune ecosystem at this time.