Comparison of Similar Looking Dischidia oiantha (Variegated), Dischidia ovata, Dischidia ruscifolia and Dischidia vidalii

Scientific name: Dischidia oiantha Scientific name: Dischidia ovata Scientific name: Dischidia ruscifolia Scientific name: Dischidia vidalii (Variegated) Common name: Watermelon Common name: Million Hearts Common name: Kangaroo Pocket Common name: - Dischidia Family name: Family name: Apocynaceae Family name: Apocynaceae Family name: Apocynaceae Origin: Philippines Origin: Philippines Origin: Philippines Origin: Australia

© Horticulture Outreach and Heritage Trees, National Parks Board, 2019 Dischidia oiantha Dischidia ovata Dischidica ruscifolia Dischidia vidalii (Variegated) Form • Epiphyte, climbing vine • Epiphyte, creeping vine • Epiphyte, compact • Epiphyte, climbing vine • Trailing and winding stems • Trailing and winding stems • Trailing but hard stems • Slender stems

Foliage • Oval-shaped, smooth • Leaf markings resemble • Heart-shaped with pointed tip, • Oval-shaped with sharp tip • Light green leaves with white watermelons fleshy • Light green, fleshy edges • Ovate-shaped with white stripes • Closely arranged to each other • Some leaves are modified, • Young leaves are reddish when • Under intense light, leaves will forming purse-like pouch filled exposed to direct sunlight develop red tinge with roots Dischidia oiantha Dischidia ovata Dischidica ruscifolia Dischidia vidalii (Variegated) Flower • White to pale cream • Dull orange with purplish tinge • White or cream • Bright red to magenta • Urn-shaped with petals • Bell-shaped with petals remaining • Bell-shaped with petals that open • Tubular with petals remaining remaining unopened unopened to form a star-shape unopened • Short peduncle with long pedicel • Short peduncle with long pedicel • Short pedicel • Long thick peduncle with long • Tiny, measuring about 2 mm in • Small, measuring about 3 mm in • Tiny, measuring about 2 mm in pedicel diameter diameter diameter • Small, measuring about 3 mm in • Borne in clusters • Borne in clusters • Borne in clusters length • Borne in clusters References

• Dischidia oiantha Schltr. Tropicos. (accessed on 21 May 2019). • Dischidia ovata Benth. The Identity of Dischidia micholitzii (Apocynaceae, ) (accessed on 23 May 2019). • Dischidia ruscifolia Decne. Ex Becc. (accessed on 21 May 2019). • World Checklist of Selected Families (WCSP): Dischidia (accessed on 23 May 2019). • An enumeration of Philippine flowering plants (accessed on 23 May 2019).

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© Horticulture Outreach and Heritage Trees, National Parks Board, 2019