Meet the Teacher Year 5 to 6 Class 3 A little bit about Miss Woodward

In my spare time, I enjoy seeing my friends and family. I try to see them as much as I can at the weekends and during the school holidays. Usually, I pop to their houses or I invite them over to my house but sometimes we meet for meals out or go for walks together. I love babysitting my nephew, William, and teaching him to do new things and say new words. One of my projects over the summer is to get him talking more so you’ll have to ask me if I have succeeded in September! I also enjoy baking, reading, visiting National Trust sites (Tatton Park is one of my favourites) and travelling to places in this country and around the world. Over the summer, I am hoping to go to North Yorkshire to visit Whitby, Goathland and Robin Hood’s Bay. I’d also love to visit the Cotswolds as the quaint little villages and towns are meant to be beautiful! What is Miss Woodward looking forward to? After a very unusual year this year, I am very much looking forward to starting a new and exciting school year in September. Getting back into a more ‘normal’ routine will be great! I am really excited to welcome you back into school as Year 6 and to see you flourish as the oldest children in our school. I know you are all going to do an excellent job of welcoming our new Year 5s into Class 3 and together I think we’ll have a super year. I am also really excited for next year’s Sports Day and our Class 3 Residential (more information will be sent about this in September) which we sadly missed out on this year. I love going on residentials and can’t wait to make lifelong memories with you all on our next one! How will Year 6 be different from Year 5?

• It won’t be hugely different.

• The work might be harder from time to time but we will tackle it in small chunks and keep practising until we understand fully.

• You have more responsibility in Year 6 than you did in Year 5 as you will role models for the rest of the school.

• You are more likely to be a House Captain or Vice Captain leading your house team. Class 3’s Timetable

• Most of your timetable will be exactly the same as it was this year. • P.E will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons with Premier Sport • Music will still be on Tuesday afternoons but you will be learning World Percussion instead of Brass – HOW EXCITING! ☺ A little task for over the summer

If you are having adventures at home or travelling somewhere for a getaway then I’d love it if you could send me a postcard telling me what you’ve been getting up to. They can be addressed to: Miss Woodward Primary School Stocks Lane, Over Peover, , , WA16 8TU.

We will share your postcards when we come back to school in September! It’d be great to make a display out of them if we have enough ☺ Happy Summer!

I hope you have a really lovely summer after all of your hard work this year. Have lots of rest, eat ice cream, play in the sunshine and spend time with your family and friends.

I can’t wait to see you all again and have a wonderful year together!

Enjoy yourselves and see you on Thursday 3rd September.

Love Miss Woodward x