The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association 7.1

Volume 7 mindfield Issue 1

William on James Telepathy

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 1 The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association 7. 1

Volume 7 Mindfield Issue 1

Oh, to Come From the 6 in from 4 Editor’s Desk the Cold by Etzel Cardeña

by James Carpenter

2 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG | Mindfield team | Mindfield Editor Etzel Cardeña Editor Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D. Art&Design Nikolaos Koumartzis Art Director Nikolaos Koumartzis, M.A. Assistant copy-editor David Marcusson-Clavertz | 2014-2015 Board of Directors President:| 2011-2012 BoardJames ofC. Carpenter,Directors Ph.D. ViceOfficers President: President: Christine Alejandro Simmonds-Moore, Parra, Ph.D. Ph.D. SecretaryVP: Gerd H.: JohnHövelmann Palmer, Ph.D. Treasurer:Secretary: ChrisHoyt Edge,Roe, Ph.D. Ph.D. DirectorsTreasurer: Renaud Hoyt Edge, Evrard, Ph.D. Ph.D., Wim Kramer, Ph.D., FatimaDirectors Regina Alexander Machado, Moreira Ph.D., - RogerAlmeida, Nelson, Ph.D., RogerPh.D., Chris D. Nelson, Roe, Ph.D.Ph.D., Stefan Schmidt, Ph.D., Christine PastSimmonds-Moore, President Alejandro Ph.D., Jessica Parra, Utts,Ph.D. Ph.D. Student Representative LoydErika Pratte,Rowson M.A. Executive Director Annalisa VentolaM. Ventola, B.A.

15 Entry in Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia by William James

20 Special Orientation 28 Some Techniques (U) Forgotten Zeitschrift für Anomalistik Russell Targ, Harold Mesmeric 35 2014 Puthoff, Edwin May, Phenomena and Beverly Humphrey by Gerd H. Hövelmann by Carlos S. Alvarado Summarized and abridged by [ Announcements ] Russell Targ for Mindfield 38 58th Annual PA Publication Summary of Convention of the 25 33 Il Mondo del Parapsychological Survey Paranormale, Association by John Palmer by Maria Luisa Felici Articles Relevant to and Giulio Caratelli Parapsychology in 26 [Reflections] 40 Journals of Various Brian Josephson Fields (XVII) by Gerd H. Hövelmann

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 3 From the Bulletin of the of Bulletin The Parapsychological Association Editor’s Desk 7 Volume Issue 1h

https://carlossalvarado. more psi research is being published in non-specialized journals. I have parapsychology-mooc-is-over/ a couple of small additions to They are following this course with his column: the first is that the one specialized on OBEs. You can forbears of the field include not only contact them for more information. “fathers” but also “mothers.” I think not only of someone whom I have Harvey Irwin (2015) has just come to admire tremendously for published a survey of the beliefs her formidable intellect, Eleanor of PA members on various issues. Sidgwick, but also the “white Although an estimate of the reality crows” such as Mrs. Leonard and | by ETZEL CARDEÑA, of psi was clearly endorsed (a Mrs. Piper who were indispensable CERCAP, Lund University mean of 79 in a scale of 0 – 100), to initial psi research. The other other items showed about an equal addition is that not only was Hans News split such as belief in survival Berger interested in psi, but also after death and whether the an earlier and arguably even more arlos Alvarado and respondent’s interest in psi was important neuroscientist (and Nobel Nancy Zingrone motivated by spiritual concerns, prizewinner in 1906), Santiago organized a free which belies the evidence-free Ramón y Cajal, who explicated how parapsychology course assertion of James Alcock (1987) neurons communicate and was C that parapsychology is an attempt seriously interested in researching on the net, in which more than 800 people registered. The video to bring back “the soul.” both hypnosis and psi phenomena presentations and posters are (Sala et al., 2008). available to anyone interested who Russel Targ kindly agreed to This Issue registers in and summarize a report on remote searches the “Parapsychology” viewing authored by him, Harold im Carpenter has a thoughtful course. There are presentations Puthoff, Edwin May, and Beverly column on finding “a good home” and posters from, among others, Humphrey, in which he goes for psi phenomena. I agree with Carlos Alvarado, Jeff Kripal, Dean J into some detail not only into him that trying to integrate with Radin, Christine Simmonds-Moore, the results but his practice as a more mainstream disciplines will and Charley Tart. You can read more remote viewer facilitator (Ed May be advantageous and little by little about it at: and co-authors have also begun

4 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 From the Issue 1 Editor’s Desk

to publish a number of books of the effects of the change of Paranormale and Gerd Hövelmann on that work). Brian Josephson, policy to no longer publish full contributes the abstracts in the 1973 Nobel Prize winner in papers in the PA proceedings. English of the Zeitschrift für Physics, gives us his reflections on I am particularly satisfied with Anomalistik, in addition to his his work and experiences on psi. the results because this was an always valuable bibliographies. It is sad to read that not even the initiative that I pushed for hard And check the announcement for highest recognition in his field has while I was in the PA Board. One the next PA Convention! prevented others from attacking of the rationales for the change in and censoring him for his long-time policy was what John describes, References interest in parapsychology. that it would it make more likely In his blog Forbidden Histories that authors would publish Alcock, J. E. (1987) Parapsychology: Science of the anomalous or search for (https://forbiddenhistories. their results in peer-reviewed the soul, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Andreas Sommer publications. The other was that 10, 553–565. has published fascinating articles on I think that if parapsychologists Cardeña, E. & Alvarado, C. (2011). the history of parapsychology and want to be taken seriously they Altered consciousness from the Age of related phenomena. Among them is need to fulfill at least the same Enlightenment through mid 20th century. an entry on telepathy by the always criteria expected of other areas In E. Cardeña, & M. Winkelman (Eds.), Altering consciousness. Multidiscipli- lucid William James (also published of inquiry. I was, and remain, nary perspectives. Volume I. History, in his Essays in Psychical Research, surprised that so many important culture, and the humanities (pp. 89- edited by Robert A. McDermott). parapsychology studies have only 112). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. I am grateful for Andreas’s been published in the Proceedings Irwin, H. (2015). The views of parapsy- permission to use the scans of the of the PA. Although conference chologists: A survey of members of the images in the article. I corrected proceedings may at times undergo Parapsychological Association. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, a couple of typos in the Sommer stringent review procedures and 78, 85-101. text, the substantial one being one there are journal articles that Sala, J., Cardeña, E., Holgado, M. C., in which “35 per cent.” was written seemed to have received none, Añez, C., Pérez, P., Periñán, R., & Ca- instead of “3.5 per cent.” Also on overall other scientists do not take pafons, A. (2008). The contributions of historical matters, Carlos Alvarado nearly as seriously publications Ramón y Cajal and other Spanish au- has a scholarly piece on some in proceedings (with a couple of thors to hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, “forgotten mesmeric phenomena” exceptions such as those from the 56, 361-372. that include reports of perceiving New York Academy of Sciences) animal magnetism, affecting plants, as in peer-reviewed journals. I and mediumistic expressions. hope that parapsychologists will Carlos and I have a chapter on the go into their archives and submit connections between mesmerism their Proceedings-only publications and (Cardeña & to a good journal. We include a Alvarado, 2011). summary by Maria Luisa Felici John Palmer presents a survey and Giulio Caratelli of Il Mondo del

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 5 Oh, to Come in from the Cold

onsider a fictional Would she only be rejected again? woman named Susan. Would her existence cause them She is twenty-years- great turmoil? Perhaps her father C old, with one son. has gotten on well with another She is employed happily enough family who never knew about and married happily enough, her. If they found out, would he dark blonde hair, medium height. lose his wife and children, or his Pay attention to her because mind? Is her mother deranged in a moment she will become a or chronically irresponsible? If metaphor for parapsychology. Susan found that woman, would it Susan was abandoned by her only open a terrible can of worms? parents at birth. She does not Susan does not know what to do, know the story, or even who | by JAMES CARPENTER but she feels a growing need to do the parents were. Her adopted something. parents were loving and well- as quick to ask the uncomfortable If facts are the children of meaning, and although their question? Her adopted parents science, parapsychology is temperaments were not in sync always had trouble understanding an orphanage of abandoned too well with Susan’s, because those things. And she wonders children. Like someone known of the dice roll of adoption, they if the original parents ever have to be an orphan, parapsychology all get on together, and love and wondered about her. Did she is defined by the parents it respect each other. Recently she mean anything to them? Why does not have. Rhine and Pratt has become curious about the did they give her up? Were their (1957) pointed to physics as the parents who abandoned her. She circumstances too dire for a child? progenitor when they said that wonders who they were, and what Or did they realize that she was for a fact to be parapsychical, their natures are. Are they as too odious to love? What if she it must have “been shown by intelligent and wayward as she is, found them and contacted them? experimental investigation to be

6 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Oh, To Come in From the Cold

If facts are the accepting something that cannot their usual segregation, in be assimilated. And he goes paranormal phenomena inward children of science, further: “The issue is an old one. and outward realities seem to parapsychology is When Aristotle discussed dreams have far too much to do with an orphanage of which seemed at times to foretell each other. At the same time, the future, he felt that it was his the limiting features of space abandoned children. business to consider the evidence, and time seem to count for too Like someone known but neither to include the evidence little. Our sense of reality can as a part of the texture of his seem shaky in the face of these to be an orphan, treatise on Psychology, nor on phenomena, and our powerful parapsychology is the other hand to reject the theories about reality can seem defined by the parents narratives as inherently unworthy to be in danger. Facts gathered of attention” (p. 1). Like children, about these phenomena are it does not have. Rhine these facts exist and have a right anomalies, Radin says, oddities and Pratt (1957) to live it seems. Like Aristotle, that current science cannot we can choose to keep them alive, pointed to physics as the but not give them a home. It may be bracing to progenitor [...] It may be bracing to be in the be in the company company of Aristotle, but it unexplainable wholly in terms of is disheartening to think that of Aristotle, but it is physical principles” (p. 6). Gardner we have gotten no further in disheartening to think Murphy (1961) explicated the solving the problem. That we situation more generally and have not is suggested by a more that we have gotten no perhaps more carefully, when he recent authority, Dean Radin, further in solving the remarked: “Psychical research, who wrote (1997) that the facts problem. That we have or parapsychology, consists of parapsychology, or “the of observations recorded in a paranormal,” belie the common not is suggested by a form which aims at order and sense distinction between more recent authority, intelligibility, but which cannot subjective experience and the by any stretch of the imagination objective world “out there.” Dean Radin, (1997) be subsumed under the science Physics and the other sciences who said that the facts of today.” In other words, these draw a strict dichotomy between of parapsychology, or are facts as science knows them what is inside a person and inasmuch as they are patterns what is outside, he implies, but: “the paranormal,” belie of observation that have been “Psi phenomena suggest that the common sense gathered systematically, following the strict subjective-objective the rules of scientific method. dichotomy may instead be part distinction between Yet once gathered, what can of a continuous spectrum, and subjective experience be done with them, who will that the usual assumptions and the objective world claim them? Murphy goes on about space-time are probably to say that it is the problem of too restrictive” (p. 14). Despite “out there.”

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 7 Oh, To Come in The Bulletin of the Parapsychological From the Cold Association accommodate and even needs to harm us – or they are lapses in Parapsychology has fight to preserve itself. memory and poor observation – Orphans still. Parapsychologists or they are signs that the entire stayed alive in the who personally identify with universe is tied together into a para-zone, beside these abandoned facts can feel cozy, quantum wholeness. People this disenfranchisement as who hold any of these ideas science, adopted by their personal plight. It is an tend to be pretty sure that they ambivalent status, the realm of are true, so they cannot be too popular understandings “para.” Webster catches this interested in our experiments and sometimes given ambivalence by saying that it which always want to begin implies “beside, near and issuing innocently with ignorance, and end sustenance by them. from,” but also “against and by claiming only a little. It has even modestly contrary to.” So close. So far. Yet Parapsychology has stayed many orphans thrive well enough alive in the para-zone, beside grown and matured. when adopted. science, adopted by popular Our facts have been adopted understandings and sometimes the homes we seek seem to be in too – by the popular culture. given sustenance by them. It some domains of physics, biology, It is a difficulty faced by has even modestly grown and and psychology. parapsychologists nowadays matured. We know considerably That these potential homes that our facts are not so little more now than people did have not gone looking for us by understood, but that they are in Aristotle’s day, or even in opening wide and friendly doors is understood too well. They are Rhine’s and Murphy’s. In fact, indicated by how little they refer ubiquitous in the entertainment parapsychology has matured to our facts and how much they media, and everyone knows enough that it has grown to resist when we knock. This is not about them and what they mean. wonder more seriously about its for lack of knocking. In fact, it We no longer face the open- “true home,” like the imaginary seems to me that what unites us mindedness that is awakened by Susan described above. And it most nowadays is pressing for this a fresh miracle. Of course these would like to find an entry into inclusion into the mainstream. understandings vary wildly, but that home. We imagine that we will offer a this does not bother anyone But which home? Here is where lot more than noise and anomaly. very much. Mind-reading is a my analogy breaks down. A child In fact, we think that our facts hoax practiced by criminals upon has only one pair of biological could help solve many pressing gullible people, or it is evidence parents. If we define a fact problems. Physics struggles of a vast spiritual reality that as a pattern of observations with the measurement problem organized religion has almost systematically gathered and in quantum mechanics (the lost sight of, or it is a cognitive construed within some scientific, transition from the evolution distortion that is one more theoretical context, then we of subatomic particles to the symptom of our pathetic tendency immediately see that there are results observed in experiments), to deceive ourselves. Objects many potential contexts. So and the philosophy of mind is that move about without normal this is a question partly of where confounded by what is called the physical cause are expressing parapsychologists would like “hard problem” of consciousness demonic agencies that wish to their facts to belong. Most of (how physical brain processes

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If mind and matter level seems beyond the pale. Yet A very hot area of biology the phenomena of precognition, these days is neuroscience. are empirically presentiment, and pre-stimulus There, fascinating findings roll linked in the way implicit behavioral response may out daily about the complex imply a kind of macro retrocausal neurophysiological processes that parapsychologists seem phenomenon (Bierman, 2010; accompany our consciousness to have demonstrated, Shoup, 2011) . On the other hand, and produce our behavior and then our errant facts a better understanding of these generally put us together as phenomena may be offered by organisms. Authorities there could represent an imagining a kind of unconscious, tend to maintain a strict vigilance experimental field in holistic assessment of a vast against anything hinting of the field of probabilities. In that paranormal. It does not trouble which these problems case, all of our pre-stimulus them, if they know it, that their can be empirically phenomena may be responses field of study really began with pursued and perhaps to the probabilities of the future. the work of one man who was For this to be so, we might need interested in developing methods ultimately solved. to imagine a foundational level for studying telepathy. Hans of reality that is essentially Berger, when a young man, can produce conscious probabilistic in nature, a field experienced a moment in which he experience). If mind and matter that is made up somehow of was sure he was about to die. At are empirically linked in the meaning more than matter, and the same time, his distant sister way parapsychologists seem to that is available as a potential (they were very close) felt great have demonstrated, then our source of information. Models errant facts could represent an congruent with this possibility On the other hand, a experimental field in which these have been proposed in physics problems can be empirically by Bohm and Hiley (1993), and better understanding pursued and perhaps ultimately by Stapp (2007). While these of these phenomena solved. Some physicists seem approaches are not particularly may be offered by to be coming part-way toward influential in physics currently, us. Hameroff and Penrose (2014) it has been argued that pointed imagining a kind of have proposed a theory in which work invoving parapsychological unconscious, holistic consciousness emerges in the phenomena might make them brain as a function of a kind of more fruitful (Williams, 2014). assessment of a vast quantum computing dependent on In a similar manner, Jahn and field of probabilities. In quantum entanglement. This is Dunne (1986) proposed a theory that case, all of our pre- at least in harmony with the ideas of consciousness and information proposed by Dean Radin (2006). as ontologically equal to matter stimulus phenomena Retrocausality is a concept that and energy, and Barad (2007) and may be responses to has been advanced in certain Josephson (2012) found a central areas of theoretical physics, but place for an agent in the structure the probabilities of the its empirical demonstration in of physical reality. future. everyday events at the macro-

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 9 Oh, To Come in The Bulletin of the Parapsychological From the Cold Association distress for him and insisted that And then there is relevant to the general needs their father telegraph him. Berger of humanity, there might be no lived, but remained intrigued with psychology, the field better place to work. this remarkable occurrence for that our name suggests And then there is psychology, the rest of his life. He wondered the field that our name suggests if the electrical activity of his we are most intimately we are most intimately “para” brain might somehow have to. We can find evidence of reached his sister, and if this “para” to. We can find eminent paternity there, too. could explain other telepathic evidence of eminent William James was perhaps stories. Many years of hard work the paramount founder of the led to his development of the paternity there, too. science of psychology, and he electroencephalograph (EEG) William James was worked very hard at studying the (Berger, 1940). Berger did not problems of psi and the possible solve the problem of telepathy, perhaps the paramount survival of some aspect of the and this side of his work is psyche after death. On the clinical now scarcely mentioned in the founder of the science side, Freud was intrigued and textbooks. If he could know it, of psychology, and he troubled by telepathy his whole his disappointment might be life, while Jung seemed to swim tempered by the fact that he worked very hard at in it daily. Of course, students began a very vital new branch of studying the problems today learn little about the psi study, a darling of NIH [the USA’s work of these father-figures. National Institutes of Health], of psi and the possible Another, less acknowledged father with huge clinical and scientific of psychology F. W. H. Myers, ramifications. Some of our survival of some aspect made the paranormal his primary number now believe that it is high of the psyche after concern (Kelly, Kelly, Crabtree, time that parapsychology reclaim Gauld, Grosso, & Greyson, 2007). Berger’s parentage and pick up death. I can see two main ways that the quest with the wonderful we are now pressing for entry into armamentarium of contemporary is a commonplace now to think mainstream psychology. I will neuroscience (e.g., Mossbridge et that the mind has healing powers, deal first with my favorite one, al., 2014). That Berger’s original but few think of those powers as which is my own. I have developed plan involving the EEG turns out at least partly paranormal. The a model for understanding psi to not have been such a dead claims of shamans and faith- and a theory for trying to predict end can be seen in many later healers are set aside as archaic it, called first sight (Carpenter, studies, such as the ones by fancies, even as the placebo 2012). Part of the impetus for Tressoldi, et al (under review), in response (Walach & Jonas, 2004) building this point of view was which bonded pairs, sure enough, and hypnosis are studied with to make a language by which our show correspondences in their increasing sophistication. Some re-entry into psychology could EEG tracings that look a lot like of us bridge this gap, however, be facilitated. I argue that psi telepathy. to claim or reclaim a place for is intrinsically unconscious, and Another perpetually hot area psi in the phenomena of healing that it is perpetually going on of biology is medical science. It (Dossey, 2000). If we wish to be for everyone. It stands behind

10 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Oh, To Come in From the Cold

Psychology has psychoneurological, cognitive, to people, and often make a great and affective unconscious. Psi is deal of difference for good or ill in rediscovered the a part of that, according to first people’s lives. From this point of unconscious, but it is sight, and will best be studied view, parapsychology is the study in that context. I argue at some of certain classes of experience, not the Shakespearean length that psi, understood in this what characterizes them, what way, already fits right in with what leads to them, and what effects drama of a Freudian is being learned about normal they have upon people who report unconscious, it is a unconscious processing, and I them. Although my first sight deal with a large chunk of our approach to a rapprochment psychoneurological, published experimental literature with psychology presumes the cognitive, and affective in doing this. I think that I make reality of a psychic connection, a good case, but of course I want this other approach is not so unconscious. Psi is a others to consider the argument sure. Our own membership is part of that, according and make up their own minds. not entirely sure that psi is a I think that parapsychology real thing in that about 15% of to first sight, and will might consider folding itself us recently expressed less than best be studied in that into the study of unconscious a mid-level of certainty about it psychological processes – focusing (Irwin, 2014). Skeptical doubt context. upon the part of those processes has always been one of the twin that involve reality beyond pillars of this field, it seems to me, every bit of experience, every the sensory boundaries of the along with “gee whiz” fascination neurophysiological response, organism. with the extraordinary. If we wish every behavior chosen and The other avenue into to join forces with mainstream spontaneous. It is the first line psychology does not focus so psychology, let us remember of apprehension of a vastly much on psi as a presumably extended universe of meaning. real process implied in unusual It functions essentially the experiences (or in continuous Our own membership way that other unconscious unconscious exchange, as in is not entirely sure psychological processes do. This first sight), but rather on the includes memory, subliminal unusual experiences themselves. that psi is a real thing perception, implicit learning Psychologists study experiences in that about 15% of and motivation, and implicit and at least some of them have us recently expressed affective response. The concepts an interest in exotic experiences. of unconscious intention Parapsychology might find a home less than a mid-level (direction and consistency), and here, as the branch of the family of certainty about it unconscious contextual appraisal that holds open the possibility figure prominently in the theory. that something like psi might (Irwin, 2014). Skeptical Psychology has rediscovered actually be at work in some doubt has always been the unconscious, but it is not experiences, but that believes in one of the twin pillars the Shakespearean drama of any case that the experiences are a Freudian unconscious, it is a fairly widespread, of great interest of this field [...]

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 11 Oh, To Come in The Bulletin of the Parapsychological From the Cold Association our heritage of doubt, since connected with what is often some categories of experience psychologists doubt the reality of called the paranormal, with the often thought of as “belonging” to psi more than any other academic assumption that there is nothing psychiatry, such as altered states discipline. paranormal involved.” The of consciousness and dissociation. This focus on experience is subject matter is essentially the * The Psychology of Exceptional actually not a unitary position. odd attributions people make Experience, or some other There are different flavors about their apparently unusual close equivalents, also casts that tend to contain different experiences, and goes beyond a bigger net than traditional presumptions, even though the ESP, PK, and survival (our old parapsychology, but as this area terms used to describe them seem stand-bys), to include belief in is defined in practice by people almost synonymous. big foot, experiences of UFO such as David Luke, Charles abduction, possession by demons, Tart, and the late Rhea White, * Anomalistic psychology and so on. These attributions are it leans toward a presumption defines itself as leaning toward presumed to be cognitive errors, that experiences interpreted the skeptical side as regards the and the study of cognitive errors as psi may in fact often involve reality of psi. The systematically is a popular area for psychologists something real and paranormal. skeptical Wikipedia defines the right now. That there can be Altered states, psychedelic field as: “the study of human a softer side to “Anomalistic drug experiences, meditation, behaviour and experience Psychology” is indicated by an religious ecstasy, and “spiritual introductory text in the field emergencies” are also gathered Altered states, (Holt, Simmonds-Moore, Luke, into the fold here, in a context that & French, 2012) that contains has the coloring of humanistic and psychedelic drug chapters open to the reality of transpersonal psychology. From experiences, meditation, psi. This is surely because three this point of view, psi may be real of the four authors are active psi and it may be reflected in some religious ecstasy, and researchers who study psi as if it unusual experiences, but this may “spiritual emergencies” might be real. If this text becomes not be the most important thing. widely used, or if more of our The power of some experience to are also gathered number identify themselves with emotionally or physically heal, into the fold here, in this field, this softening influence or to contribute to psychological may be extended. Otherwise, the growth and better relations with a context that has the definition of Wikipedia will be the others, may be more important – coloring of humanistic one that students learn about. and certainly worthy of study. and transpersonal * The Psychology of Anomalous * I can’t leave out Psychiatry, Experience, as Etzel Cardeña is which has a long-standing psychology. From this using the term at Lund University, interest in unusual experiences. point of view, psi may is more neutral about the reality Parapsychologists do not seem of psi, but his own research to be clamoring to join this be real and it may shows that it is understood to be field, but it would have us under be reflected in some a possibility worth considering certain conditions. In the context (see also Cardeña, Lynn, & of mental disease, unusual unusual experiences [...] Krippner, 2014). It also includes experiences may be seen as

12 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Oh, To Come in Issue 1 From the Cold

Physics is the king of the out of the mysteries that we that they take to be significant, may love. Or it might in some and sometimes troubling. Some sciences, and admission way bridge the gap between the other psychologists could join our there is to the royal material and the spiritual as some work in good conscience, if with visionaries believe. some skepticism. We tend to like court. If the facts of Similar things could be skepticism if it is honest, and not parapsychology became said about a home in biology, too pathologizing, so that would profoundly helpful in neuroscience, and medicine. To be no problem. And this move contribute in an important way could help some employment advancing theoretical to these obviously exciting fields prospects, and might give us physics then few could will be delightful for many of us. more of substance to say to those But it would also redefine our people who want us to shed light doubt that our facts facts and thrust them in new and on their perplexing experiences. matter. unpredictable directions. We may On the other hand, focusing too imagine that, as outsiders, we much on the experiences people symptoms of brain (or psychiatric) are perpetually innovative, but have might seem to threaten to disorders. The possibility of psi in fact we become as crusty and take us away from what has been being real is rarely raised (except defensive as everyone else. our core concern: understanding for a few psychoanalysts who Placing ourselves within the how psi phenomena work. have mostly passed on), and psychology of unconscious Whatever the pros and cons, may even suggest a tentative processes, as first sight would these are directions in which diagnosis for the one raising the have it, has the virtue of joining we are pressing. We have been question close relatives who are finding out left out long enough, and our exciting things every day about adopted home in the popular Although some of us seek one or the hidden side of the mind – and culture has become boring and the other of these mainstream they don’t dream yet of all that confining. We press in all of families for our field, others may we will spring on them! But these directions. We continue decry them. Physics is the king this might seem a loss to those to set a high standard with the of the sciences, and admission who think of parapsychology as use of sophisticated methods of there is to the royal court. If the being about consciousness, not analysis, reporting null as well as facts of parapsychology became unconsciousness, or who fear significant results, and registering profoundly helpful in advancing the possibility that the grand studies before conducting them theoretical physics then few problems of physics or spiritual (Watt & Kennedy, 2015). Will could doubt that our facts matter. transformations, might be de- someone take us in? Some On the other hand, some see emphasized. already are, report by report, our phenomena as irreducibly Anomalistic, anomalous, conference by conference. When human or even spiritual. If exceptional, or psychiatric we are included, it will still be parapsychology becomes a branch psychology looks like a clear that we are shockingly of physics, it may tend toward a good home inasmuch as we different. Joining our original de-humanizing, de-spiritualizing are concerned after all with families will be convulsive and reductionism that cuts the heart experiences reported by people enriching.

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 13 Oh, To Come in The Bulletin of the Parapsychological From the Cold Association

References ness, with application to anomalous Will someone take phenomena. Foundations of Physics, 16, Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe 721-772. us in? Some already halfway: Quantum physics and the Josephson, B. D. (2012). Biological entanglement of matter and meaning. observer-participation and Wheeler’s are, report by report, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. ‘Law without Law’. Integral Biomathics: conference by Berger, H. (1940). Psyche. Jena, Swit- Tracing the road to reality, Proceedings zerland: Gustav Fischer. of iBioMath 2011, Paris and ACIB’11, conference. When Stirling UK (pp. 245-252). Berlin: Bierman, D. (2010). Consciousness in- Springer-Verlag. Available online at: we are included, it duced restoration of time-symmetry (CIRTS): A psychophysical theoretical will still be clear that perspective. Journal of Parapsychology, Kelly, E., Kelly, E. W., Crabtree, A., 24, 273-300. Gauld, A., Grosso, M., & Greyson, B. we are shockingly (2009). Irreducible mind: A psychology Bohm, D., & Hiley, B. J. (1993). The for the twenty-first century. Lanham, different. Joining our undivided universe: An ontological in- MD: Rowman & Littlefield. terpretation of quantum theory. London, original families will UK: Routledge. Mossbridge, J. A., Tressoldi, P., Utts, J., Ives, J. A., Radin, D., & Jonas, W. B. Cardeña, E., Lynn, S. J., & Krippner, S. (2014). Predicting the unpredictable: be convulsive and (2014). Varieties of anomalous experi- Critical analysis and practical implica- enriching. ence: Examining the scientific evidence tions of predictive anticipatory activity. nd (2 ed.). Washington, DC: American Frontiers in Human Neurosience, doi: Psychological Association. 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00146. Tressoldi, P., Pederzoli, L., Bilucaglia, Carpenter, J. C. (2012). First sight: ESP Murphy, G. (1961). Challenge of psychi- M., Caini, P., Fedele, P., Ferrini, A., Mel- and parapsychology in everyday life. cal research: A primer of parapsychol- loni, S., Richeldi, D., Ficheldi F., & Ac- Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ogy. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers. cardo, A. (under review). Brain-to-Brain Dossey, L. (2000). Reinventing medicine: Radin, D. (1997). The conscious uni- (mind-to-mind) interaction at distance: Beyond mind-body to a new era of heal- verse: The scientific truth behind psy- A confirmatory study. ing. New York, NY: HarperOne. chic phenomena. San Francisco, CA: Walach, H., & Jonas, W. B. (2004). Hameroff, S. R., & Penrose, R. (2014). Harper. Placebo research: The evidence base Consciousness in the universe: A review Radin, D. (2006). Entangled minds: Ex- for harnessing self-healing capacities. of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of Life trasensory experiences in a quantum Journal of Alternative and Complemen- Reviews, 11, 39-78. reality. New York, NY: Paraview. tary Medicine, 10, S-103-S-112. Holt, N., Simmonds-Moore, C., Luke, Rhine, J. B. & Pratt, J. G. (1957). Watt, C., & Kennedy, J. E. (2015). Les- D., & French, C. (2012). Anomalistic Parapsychology: Frontier science of the sons from the first two years of operat- psychology. New York, NY: Palgrave- mind. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas. ing a study registry. Frontiers in Psy- McMillan. chology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00173. Shoup, R. (2011). Understanding ret- Irwin, H. J. (2014). The views of para- rocausality: Can a message be sent Williams, G. (2014, June). What can psychologists: A survey of members from the future to the past? AIP the psi data tell us about quantum me- of the Parapsychological Association. Conference Proceedings 1408,. San chanics? Paper presented at the annual Journal of the Society for Psychical Re- Diego, CA: AIP Publishing. http://dx.doi. meeting of the Society for Scientific search, 78,85-101. org/10.1063/1.3663728 Exploration, Burlingame, CA. Jahn, R. G., & Dunne, B. J. (1986). On Stapp, H. P. (2007). Mindful universe: the quantum mechanics of conscious- Quantum mechanics and the participat- ing observer. New York. NY: Springer.

14 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Eminent authors from others areas who researched and/or were supportive of the validity of psi phenomena during the last 150 years

Entry in Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia 1899

elep´athy [from Gr. In the earlier works on animal τήλε, far + παθος, magnetism there are many reports feeling]: thought- concerning subjects who are said T transference, or the to have developed the faculty phenomenon of the reception of obeying the unspoken will of by the mind of an impression their magnetizer, going to sleep not traceable to any of the and waking, moving, acting, and ordinarily recognized channels speaking in accordance with his of sense, and assumed to be silent commands. More recently due to an influence from the there have been public exhibitors mind of another person, near of “mind-reading,” and their | by WILLIAM JAMES or remote. Thus the sphere of performances have been imitated by the encouragement or checking telepathy is not the same as in private circles by the so-called which the agent’s hands more or that of clairvoyance, in which willing-game. In most of these less unconsciously exert upon it is assumed that the mind feats the agent is required to his at first tentative movements; of the subject may receive an think intently of some act while so that muscle-reading, and not impression of impersonal facts, or he lays his hands on some part mind-reading, is the proper name things at a distance. The subject of the so-called mind-reader’s for this phenomenon. There are, it who receives the impression person. The mind-reader, either is true, reports of success in the is called the percipient, the promptly or hesitatingly, will then willing-game where no contact one from whom the influence usually perform the act. It is safe was allowed; but in the absence emanates is usually called the to assume that wherever such of authentic details, they can agent, in accounts of experiments personal contact between the pair not be taken as evidence that on this phenomenon. is allowed, the percipient is guided telepathy exists. For the same

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 15 Entry in Johnson’s The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Universal Cyclopedia Association reason the earlier mesmeric result. The percipient should The Proceedings of the reports have doubtful evidential not be in the room when the value. The operators took too few idea is determined on; and when Society for Psychical precautions against “suggesting” possible it should be chosen in Research contain to the subjects by other channels silence, written down, and shown, than speech what their will might if it need be shown beforehand, some records of be. It is only within recent years in written form. The percipient experiments made under that we have learned to measure should, if possible, do his guessing the acuteness with which an in another room. In any case he approximately faultless entranced person with his mind should be blindfolded, and there conditions. concentrated upon his hypnotizer should be no conversation with him will divine the intentions of the during the performance, the signal six trials of a series reported by latter by indications which he gives that he must attend to his inner Malcolm Guthrie, of Liverpool, quite unconsciously by voice or impressions being given by bell he being agent and a Miss E. movement, or even by the mere or other sound. Physical contact percipient. The conditions seem order of sequence of what he between agent and percipient must almost faultless, if the account is does. On these accounts, evidence not occur, and if the percipient accurate, though the figures are in the strict sense for telepathy writes or draws his result the simpler than in the former series. must be sought in a small number agent should not look on, since In all, with various agents, Miss of experiments conducted by a an unconscious commentary by E. made 150 trials, the majority few more careful observers since changes in breathing, etc., might of which were successful entirely about 1880. These experiments, reveal to the percipient whether he or in part. Sixteen specimens are taken in the aggregate, appear to was going right or wrong. printed in the report, all about as make it unreasonable to doubt any The Proceedings of the Society good as those in Fig. 2. longer the fact that occasionally for Psychical Research contain The same Miss E. and a Miss a telepathic relation between one some records of experiments R. were subjected at Liverpool in mind and another may exist. made under approximately 1883 to a series of experiments in In a faultless experiment on faultless conditions. In certain transferring ideas and sensations thought-transference certain cases the ideas to be transferred of every order, the agents being precautions must be observed. To were diagrams or drawings. A Mr. Guthrie and others. Out of 713 avoid previous collusion between couple of example will show trials there were but 252 cases agent and percipient the agent the success reached when at in which the percipient either got should receive from a third party its best. Fig. 1 is from a series no impression or described the the idea to be transferred; and with Mr. Blackburn, agent, G. A. object wrongly. In the remaining the latter should, when possible, Smith, percipient, in which out 461 cases the success was either select it by drawing lots or by of thirty-three trials without complete or partial. some other appeal to chance. This contact, though with percipient is to exclude the possibility of and agent in one room, there “Miss X.” has published himself and the percipient being were twenty-five reproductions (Proceedings of Society for led by number-habits, diagram- as good as those here given of a Psychical Research, vol. vi.) a long habits, or other parallel paths of figure prepared and kept outside series of telepathic interchange of inner association to a common of the room. Fig. 2 gives the first experiences over a long distance

16 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Entry in Johnson’s Issue 1 Universal Cyclopedia

29, which was the figure probable on the assumption of “chance.” The numbers thought of were the 90 two-digital ones, from 10 to 99. They were drawn at random from a bowl and thought of by the percipient’s sister. In a later series of 400 trials with this percipient the completely right guesses were 27 instead of the chance number 4; there were moreover, 21 guesses with the digits reversed, and 162 with a single digit in its right place. Similar, though less extended and perhaps less conclusive, series of experiments at guessing ideas have been reported in the Society for Psychical Research Proceedings by various experimenters—Dessoir, Schmall [sic; typo for Schmoll] and Mabire, W. J. Smith, von Schrenk-Notzing, and Barrett and Gurney. The observations last referred to were those first published. The subjects were two girls who, four years later when experiments were resumed, were found, when tested in each other’s presence, to be cheating by a code of with “Miss D.,” corroborated signals. Much has been made by independent entries in their of the breakdown of this case. respective diaries. Of 20 such But very many of the earlier entries 14 refer to a consciousness successes recorded of these on the part of Miss D. that Miss children occurred when they were X. was at that hour (the hours are singly present, and often when quite irregular) playing a certain only one experimenter knew the definite piece of music. thing to be guessed. Collusion Miss Wingfield was the subject under such circumstances can of a series of number-guessings, not well be charged, although where out of 2,624 trials there willingness to cheat rightly casts were 275 successes instead of vague suspicion on all trials done

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 17 Entry in Johnson’s The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Universal Cyclopedia Association

[...] there are other kinds with them in different rooms. In by different persons with others the former set 131 trials were taken at random from a large of telepathy which, successful, though the digits were collection previously prepared. named in reverse order in 14 of Richet’s hypnotic subjects gave, illogically perhaps, these 131 cases. In the latter set however, 10 per cent. of good impress the believing there were only 9 successes. The successes in 200 trials, and he “probable” number of successes concludes the existence of an imagination more than by chance would have been in unknown power. high percentages of the former set 8, in the latter at Thus, to count only most 3. Later, with three of the systematically pursued success in guessing same percipients and three new experiments, some of which are ones, Mr. Smith still being agent, not mentioned here, there are numbers can. Mrs. Sidgwick and Miss Johnson accounts from more than a dozen report 252 trials and 27 successes competent observers concerning with the percipient concerned, and (chance number = 4), with agent about a score of subjects, all shows the importance of making and percipient in different rooms. seeming to show a degree of all tests under the conditions Mr. Smith transferred “mental success in guessing very much described as “faultless” a few pictures” to five subjects, greater than that which chance lines back. Mr. Rawson finally, in successfully in 31 out of 71 trials would give. Different readers, vol. xi. of the Proceedings, gives a in one room, in 2 out of 55 in however, will weigh the evidence striking series of correct card and different rooms. The subjects of differently, according to their diagram guesses. the mental pictures were such prepossessions. Much of it is On telepathy in the hypnotic things as “a boy skating,” “a baby fragmentary, and in much one or state there are recorded in the in a perambulator with nurse,” “a other condition of “faultlessness” Proceedings experiments by Dr. mouse in a trap,” etc. in experimenting is violated. B. Thaw and Prof, and Mrs. H. Prof. Richet has described The mass, however, is decidedly Sidgwick. The conditions in the (Proceedings of Society for imposing; and if more and more latter set seem to have been, on Psychical Research, vol. v.) a of this solitary kind of evidence the whole, very careful, though series of successes in guessing should accumulate, it would not quite faultless in the technical drawings in the hypnotic state; probably end by convincing the sense. The agent was the but as he found that the same world. hypnotizer, G. A. Smith. The things subjects succeeded 30 times Meanwhile there are other to be impressed were usually the out of 180 trials in guessing the kinds of telepathy which, numbers (of two digits) on eighty- drawing when it was inclosed illogically perhaps, impress the one lotto-counters, drawn by Prof. in an envelope and unknown to believing imagination more than Sidgwick from a bag and handed any one present, it is doubtful high percentages of success in to Mr. Smith to gaze at, while the whether telepathy or clairvoyance guessing numbers can. Such hypnotized percipient awaited be the cause of the success. are cases of the induction of the impression. There were four Control experiments showed that sleep in hypnotic subjects by percipients, with 644 trials made “chance” could give as many as mental commands given at a with agent and percipient in 35 per cent. of good successes at distance. Pierre Janet, Richet, the same rooms, and 218 made matching pictures made arbitrarily Gibert, Ochorowicz, Héricourt,

18 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Entry in Johnson’s Issue 1 Universal Cyclopedia

Dufay, Daniex, Tolosa, Latour, larger covers the less, so the at a distance. As many as eight and others are the relaters of present writer, being as convinced persons worthy of confidence these observations, of which the of the reality of the phenomenon have recently reported successes most important evidentially are in her as he can be convinced of in this sort of experiment. The those made on the celebrated anything in the world, probably writer knows a ninth case, somnambulic subject, Madame makes less exacting demands impossible to publish, but where B., or “Leonie.” Out of one series than he otherwise would on the the evidence (as far as taken) is of 25 trials with this woman, sort of evidence given for minor good. Now the committee on the there were 18 complete and 4 grades of the power. census of hallucinations of the partial successes. Mr. Ochorowicz The authors of the word Society for Psychical Research find vouches for some of these, and telepathy have used it as a that the “veridical” ones among gives also a long series in which theory whereby to explain them—those, namely, in which silent commands were acted out “veridical hallucinations” such the apparition coincides with by another hypnotic subject of as would be the apparition of the death of the person which his own, both he and she being, a person at a distance at the appears—are 440 times more however, in the same room. The time of his death. The theory is numerous than they ought to be most convincing sort of evidence that one who is dying or passing if they were the result of mere for thought-transference is given through some crisis is for some chance. For the particular data by the sittings of certain “test- unknown reason peculiarly able and logic by which this figure is mediums,” of which the best to serve as “agent” and project obtained, see the report in vol. worked-out case is that of Mrs. an impression, and that the x. of the Society for Psychical Piper, published in the Society for telepathic “impact” in such a case Research Proceedings. Of course, Psychical Research Proceedings produces hallucination. Stated if such a conclusion ever be for 1890-92-95. This lady shows thus boldly the theory sounds accepted, and if the telepathic a profuse intimacy, not so much most fanciful, but it rests on theory of such apparitions be with the actual passing thoughts certain actual analogies. Thus a credible, the probability that of her sitters as with the whole suggestion made to a suitable telepathy is the cause of success reservoir of their memory or subject in the hypnotic trance in the smaller number-guessing potential thinking; and as the that at a certain appointed time cases would be greatly re- after his awakening he shall see enforced. The whole subject, so The authors of the word the operator or other designated far as definite observation goes, is telepathy have used it person enter the room, will post- still in its earliest infancy. hypnotically take effect and be as a theory whereby followed at the appointed time Bibliography by an exteriorized apparition of to explain “veridical the person named. Moreover, J. Ochorowicz, De la Suggestion men- hallucinations” such as strange as the fact may appear, tale (Paris, 1887) there seems evidence, small in Proceedings of the Society for Psychical would be the apparition amount but good in quality, that Research, passim of a person at a distance one may, by exerting one’s will F. Podmore, Apparitions and Thought- to that effect, cause one’s self transference (1894) at the time of his death. to appear present to a person

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 19 Special Orientation Techniques (U) Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff, Edwin May, and Beverly Humphrey (Summarized and abridged by Russell Targ for Mindfield)

Abstract Introduction

This paper describes a one- From 1972 to 1978, Hal Puthoff year research and applications and I at SRI had been carrying program conducted in 1979 at out a scientific investigation Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for a type of psychic function for INSCOM, a branch of Army that we called remote viewing. Intelligence. The goal was to We found that many people determine whether six selected are able to quiet their minds army officers could learn remote and accurately describe, draw viewing sufficiently well to allow sketches, and experience objects the army to carry out its own and events blocked from ordinary remote viewing reconnaissance perception by distance or time. during the Cold War, without We investigated the accuracy | by RUSSEL TARG recourse to the talented and and reliability of remote viewing experienced viewers at SRI. as a function of the distance Defense, and Major Scotty Watt at Thirty-six individual trials were between the viewer and the INSCOM at Fort Meade, Maryland, carried out, six with each army target, and time into the future we met with a group of thirty army volunteer. Four of these viewers for the target selection. We officers, men and women, who had obtained four or more first place published our findings in Nature agreed to invest their careers in a matches in formal double- and the Proceedings of the IEEE. psychic training program that would blind trials. Their individual (Puthoff, 1976; Targ, 1974). We be carried out at SRI, and then probabilities were each less and researchers at Princeton continued as an on-going secret than 0.003. Combining the six University (Jahn, 1982) found program known as Grill Flame. In the series, the overall p = 6.36 x 10- no apparent decrease in remote basement of a large office building 6. Nineteen first place matches viewing ability as a function of at Fort Meade, Hal and I each were achieved from the six distance up to 6000 miles, or a interviewed fifteen of the officers viewers, where only six would be month into the future. Therefore, presented to us. We chatted with expected by chance, p < 4 x 10-6. on a terrestrial scale, we could each of the potential candidates No decline effects were seen in consider it to be a nonlocal ability. to determine their past experience this three-month experiment, nor Working under the direction of with psychic events, precognitive in any of the earlier SRI research. Walter LaBerge, Under Secretary of dreams, good communications

20 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Special Orientation Issue 1 Techniques (U) skills, etc. Good communications cards were in opaque envelopes are the worst things you can do. The is essential to our remote viewing in a file box in the director’s safe. goal is to separate the psychic signal protocol, which is largely verbal. We An electronic random number from the mental noise. Our great chose our six. One was rejected by generator was used to choose the psychic partner Ingo Swann taught the management in place of a ringer target envelope. The viewer and us that memory, imagination, and whom I had previously rejected, interviewer were in a locked room a analysis were the source of mental but who was passionate about floor above. noise; he called these “analytical being part of the program from his During the half hour that the overlay” (AOL). Since I was ignorant past experience. He turned out to travelers were on their way to the of the target pool, I could say be one of the two non-successful target, I would chat with the viewer. anything to guide the viewer to make viewers, although he turned in some I would try to make him comfortable remote viewing utterances, rather excellent precognitive descriptions, with this new and unusual task. than trying to guess the target, which I will describe later. In remote Being an interviewer is a non- which is what a new viewer wants viewing, trying hard is not the road directive task, since one does not to do. I pressed the viewers to make to success. As in bowling, you have know the correct answer. I have sure that they drew something on to focus on the pins, not on the always followed the guidance of the paper I supplied. After five or score-card. the great America psychologist Carl six minutes, we took a brief break Rogers, who created Non-directive to clean the mental slate of the Experimental Psychotherapy in the late 1940s. viewer. Then I again told them that Approach I learned about this approach in “we have a target that needs a the 1950s. Rogers taught that in a description.” I asked them to take In the spring of 1979, we received session the interviewer (therapist) a couple of deep breaths and quiet our first inexperienced remote should always show “unconditional their minds and tell me what they viewing candidate. He was Joe positive regard,” compassion, saw in their awareness. I asked again McMoneagle, probably the most interest, and respect. We do not for shapes and images, but I also talented and successful remote “run subjects.” Remote viewing is a asked for colors or target materials viewer in the world today. The joint, cooperative task. The viewer in view. I might say “do you see the program plan was to have each of provides non-analytic, psychically same thing, or something new? Look our six new viewers do a remote derived information. The interview around for something new.” In the viewing session with an interviewer, gently provides guidance and third viewing I reminded them that once a day, and twice on Friday. I analysis. An experienced interviewer we would be visiting this site for would be the interviewer for the often learns what genuine remote feedback in about an hour. I invited first four, and Hal would do the viewing sounds like, and is able to them to move forward in time and two sessions on Friday. For each encourage it. tell me anything new coming to session the viewer would be asked I always told the viewer how view. “Look in your own awareness, to describe his mental impressions successful most people are at that’s where the target is always with regard to where Hal and his remote viewing, that it is a normal to be found. Can you give me some companion were located, or hiding and natural ability. I asked them new images or feelings, as though in the San Francisco Bay Area at to describe the surprising shapes you are actually at the target? Once that time. The travelers were given or forms that appeared in their again can you move around and half an hour to choose a target from awareness. I asked them not to try tell me if you see anything new and the lab director’s office and get to and guess the location or objects in interesting.” We describe this as the location. The 60 different target view. Guessing, naming, and analysis having mobility at the target.

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 21 Special Orientation The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Techniques (U) Association

Within half an hour, Hal and his travel companion, would arrive at our locked laboratory and take us to the location where they had been hiding for the previous half hour. The viewer brought his drawings and matched his images to the things we were now looking at. We could always have a little celebration of success, because a masked judge would be the one who would later determine if any ESP was actually present. In my first trial with Joe, we drew and described numerous little sketches around the edge of a sheet of paper. As we approached the end of the session, I asked him to try to focus in on the image that he would see in a little while. He then drew a building that he said was long and low, with a taller portion behind it…and a front that looks like “piano keys.” He also said that there was a fountain in front. He repeatedly talked of dumbbell shapes, which we later saw on top of the columns. He thought it might be a hospital.


The following summarizes the results from the six viewers. I show the place match that the judge awarded each target. For example, if a judge said that the above drawing of Joe’s was the best match of his six for the Art Museum, he would give it a “1.” But he would be wrong. Ed May was the judge and the analyst for the entire experiment, and greatly assisted in the statistical analysis for this paper. He did not see any of the drawings or text during the course of the experiment. In preparation for judging the remote viewer, Joe McMoneagle’s first remote viewing drawing at SRI, June, 1979. audio tapes were transcribed. The resulting The target was the Stanford University Art Museum. The image transcripts were then edited only to the extent shown here was his final sketch on a page that contained many necessary to remove time of day and temporal other fragmentary drawings. In masked judging, it was not a first order artifacts that might be clues to the place match. judge. The six transcripts with the associated

22 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Special Orientation Volume 7 Issue 1 Techniques (U) drawings and the six target cards matrices that would yield a Target Masked Place Match Viewer No. 155 with driving instructions were result (diagonal sum) equal White Plaza (Stanford) 1 randomized in a different order to or smaller than the sum of Stanford Art Museum 4 from that of actual use. The ranks that corresponded to the Fire Circle 5 packages of cards and transcripts key divided by 6! That is, the Logo 6 Velombrosa Conference Center 6 were then turned over to the judge. probability of getting all the Pedestrian Overpass 4 The judge was instructed to visit targets and transcripts to match NS (non significant) each of the six target locations in correctly is p = 0.00139. The accordance with the appropriate results of the experiment are Viewer No. 292 SRI Courtyard 3 target card. After visiting all the shown on the right. Varsity Theater Arcade 2 sites the judge was to maskedly All but one of the client- Glass Slipper Motel 6 rank each transcript to each of the supplied volunteers had little or Wallbangers Racquetball Court 4 six target locations, on the basis no prior experience with psychic Airport Tower 1 Shielded Room 5 of the target card instructions. He functioning. The goal of this NS (non significant) was to put them in blind rank order three-month program, with 6 on a scale from 1-6 (best to worst trials each, was to familiarize Viewer No. 372 match) matching each card against the volunteers so that they Stanford Art Museum 2 Bayside Nature Preserve 1 each transcript creating a 6 X 6 could achieve significant Alta Mesa Cemetery 2 matrix for each viewer. Each target levels of psychic functioning. Jungle Gym 1 location was matched against The probability that these six Salt Pile 1 each transcript making use of a viewers would achieve the Brickyard 1 p < 0.003 0-10 rating scale, in which 0 = no observed statistical significance correspondence and 10 = complete levels is p < 6.36 x 10-6. Viewer No. 468 correspondence. Although there Merry-Go-Round 2 TOTAL SCORES FOR EACH OF THE SIX VIEWERS EACH FOR SCORES TOTAL was trial-by-trial feedback to Windmill 1 Epilogue Stanford Art Museum 4 the viewer, the target pool was Methodist Church 1 unknown to the interviewer and One of the viewers who did not Four Seasons Restaurant Arch 1 the viewer. reach significance in the formal Mt. Alverno Conference Center 1 In setting up such a target/ series was the only one with p < 0.003 prior psychic experience (at transcript matrix there are n! Viewer No. 518 possible 6 X 6 matrices that could card guessing), which I have Stanford Shopping Center 1 be constructed from the raw often thought of as an ESP Bowling Alley 1 judging data, each of them equally extinguishing activity. However, Alta Mesa Cemetery 2 Hoover Tower 1 in this experiment, we found him likely under the null hypothesis. Swimming Pool Complex 2 Each possible matrix has its own to give excellent descriptions Miniature Golf Course 1 associated sum of ranks on the of the site that he would see p < 0.003 matrix diagonal, corresponding the following day. Before he Viewer No. 690 left the laboratory, Charles Tart to the possible arrangement Alta Mesa Cemetery 1 of targets and transcripts. The and I proposed to him that we Four Seasons Restaurant Arch 1 numerical significance level do one additional trial. In this Shielded Room 1 for each experimental group instance we proposed that he do Automobile Showroom 1 Palo Alto Library Stacks 5 a remote viewing, by himself in of six trials is determined by Methodist Church 1 counting the number of possible the quiet interviewing room, and p < 0.002

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 23 Special Orientation The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Techniques (U) Association

viewer’s drawing is shown below. The viewer went on to become a successful contributing member of the Army Psychic Corp at Fort Meade.


Jahn, R. (1982). The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspec- tive. Proceedings of the IEEE, 70, 136-168. Puthoff, H.E., & Targ, R.(1976). A perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distances: Historical perspective and recent re- search.” Proceedings of the IEEE, 64, 329-254. Targ, R., Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., & Hum- phrey, B. S. (1980, June). Special orientation techniques. SRI Final Report covering the pe- riod 1 May 1978 to 31 March 1980. Targ, R., & Puthoff, H. E. (1974). Information Distribution of 36 target/transcript cor- points. A very large star. That’s transmission under conditions of sensory respondences for local target sites (6 all I get.” We told him to come shielding. Nature, 252, 602-607. participants, 6 transcripts each) show- down and we would show him ing more than 50% first-place matches, something. Charley p = 4.0 x 10-6. then handed me a 35mm slide carousel I would interview him with regard to and our random an unchosen target that we would number generator. show him after his description. Charley then said to That is, after he gave a description, me. “Well it’s up to we would use the random number you Russ.” I operated generator to choose one last target the RNG and projected for him and we would show it to him the slide called for by as soon as he came from the top the number the RNG floor of the Radio Physics Building chose. The randomly down to our research trailer. chosen slide and the Over the intercom, I made a recording and interviewed him Precognitive target about his mental impressions. showing a Chevy deal- He described, “a tall building like ership with stars in a castle. It had a very tall pointy the windows and the drawing by army offic- roof, again like a castle. The one er volunteer who took unusual thing is that there is a large part in SRI remote star with, one, two, three, four, five viewing training.

24 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG received authorization from the PA Board to conduct a survey of authors who had abstracts I published in the PA Abstracts since we converted to that format in 2009. A main reason A the Board instigated the change PPublication was to encourage authors to submit these papers to journals. I wanted to find out if they have Survey been doing so. If I found that a significant number of important papers were not getting published to past or future publication in a in journals, I would have proposed professional journal. I did not send going back to publication of Full the questionnaire to one author for Proceedings so complete reports whom I had no contact information. of these papers would be readily In late July I sent the questionnaire available at least to PA members, to 7 additional authors of Invited and people could cite a full paper Addresses, bringing the total to in their reference lists. Actually, 56. The total number of abstracts I favored a hybrid system in that met the inclusion criteria is which authors could publish just 93. I had a fantastic return rate; abstracts in the Proceedings if only 4 authors did not return they were worried that a full completed questionnaires, 2 of publication of the paper would whom had presented Invited | by JOHN PALMER count as a journal publication. Addresses. The results of the In early June I mailed a survey are summarized in the indicated plans to submit the paper questionnaire to 49 authors (myself table below. About two thirds of to a professional journal in 2014 included) who had published one the papers were submitted to a or 2015. These results are better or more abstracts of a full paper professional journal and a little than I expected and sufficiently or poster in the PA Abstracts from more than half have already been strong that I will not recommend 2009 to 2013, asking about the published. Authors of 17 of the reverting to the publication of full status of the paper with regard 32 non-submitted papers (53%) Proceedings.

Year Total Not Submitted Not Published Published Submitted 2009 15 5 (33%) 0 ( 0%) 10 (67%) 10 (67%) 2010 16 6 (37%) 2 (13%) 8 (50%) 10 (63%) 2011 22 8 (36%) 1 ( 5%) 13 (59%) 14 (64%) 2012 17 6 (35%) 4 (24%) 7 (41%) 11 (65%) 2013 18 7 (39%) 3 (17%) 8 (44%) 11 (61%) Total 88 32 (36%) 10 (11%) 46 (52%) 56 (63%)

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 25 Reflections Brian Josephson

1) Succinctly describe of metal bending by Matthew your career in psi re- Manning (including a key of my search and why did you own, a photograph of which can get into it? be seen in the Wikipedia article on I was introduced to psi by a Manning). colleague, Dr. George Owen, I have attended a number then also at Trinity College, of conferences on psi, but my Cambridge. I was not aware, at involvement in psi research has that time, of the hostility to psi in been limited, on account of the academia (less so at Trinity than time that such research would in academia generally: the college take up. On the theoretical side, has many connections with my main interest has been the parapsychology and there is even more general question of how to a portrait of one of the founders of include a proper account of mind Brian Josephson the Society of Psychical Research generally within the framework at the bottom of the stairs leading of physics, but I published one of quantum mechanics could into the dining hall), and took him theoretical paper, in collaboration be compatible with psi. Also, a at his word when he assured me with Fotini Pallikari-Viras, conference paper entitled “String that psi phenomena were real. “Biological utilisation of quantum theory, universal mind, and the After he had moved to Toronto he nonlocality” http://www.tcm.phy. paranormal” is available on the invited me to the 1974 Toronto physics preprint archive at http:// PK conference, where I witnessed bell.html. This paper showed a number of demonstrations that hidden variable versions I have given a number of

26 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Reflections lectures on scepticism generally conference.” [See Mindfield, 2 Quantum theory is (e.g. my lecture “Pathological (2), p. 4]. disbelief” at Such is life! now being fruitfully acrobat/JosephsonBpathologic. combined with theories pdf). My favourable attitude 2) How do you see the field of information and to the paranormal has excited now as compared to the the attention of sceptics on beginning of your career? computation. These various occasions. In 2001, When I became interested in the developments may in response to a request from subject first, my impression was lead to an explanation Royal Mail to contribute to a that the evidence for psi was not brochure accompanying its Nobel totally clear. The experiments of processes still not Centenary stamps, I wrote a have become much more rigorous understood within brief article and concluded that since then (though even the “Quantum theory is now being perfect experiment would not conventional science fruitfully combined with theories convince the sceptic). such as telepathy [...] of information and computation. These developments may lead 3) Where do you think the became very angry when a to an explanation of processes field should go? newspaper interview with still not understood within I hope that before too long there Fotini Pallikari, at that time on conventional science such as will be theoretical justification sabbatical at the Cavendish lab, telepathy, an area where Britain to back up the experimental revealed that she had been doing is at the forefront of research,” evidence, which should lead to psychokinesis experiments, which attracted a degree of widespread acceptance of psi. which led to an attempt on his disapproval from conventionally part to block any new research minded scientists (Royal Mail 4) Any regrets or other into psi in the department. And told me afterwards that had things you would like to on one occasion a student under they known my contribution was add? my direction was forced by the going to be so controversial they Although (as I have noted) department to stop working on would have made more of this Trinity has a positive attitude to a computer simulation that had in its publicity). And in the year psi generally, the same cannot nothing to do with psi and was 2010 I received a curious letter be said of my department. entirely uncontroversial, save from a conference organiser, Since I had tenure they could for the fact that the concepts withdrawing an invitation I had not easily have got rid of me, upon which it was based were, previously received to attend but support has been minimal. it seems, beyond the ability of the conference. It stated: “It has For example, people have been the critics to comprehend (see come to my attention that one of told that they are good enough your principal research interests to qualify for a grant from the video/xgsi00_physics-where- is the paranormal ... in my view, laboratory, but only if they work progress-and-politics-collide_ it would not be appropriate for with someone other than me. tech for details). someone with such research Once, the head of department interests to attend a scientific

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 27 Some Forgotten Mesmeric Phenomena*

s is well known, animal we impart: it moves like light rays magnetism was believed sent out by bodies ablaze” (p. 89).2 to be a universal force Recent discussions of Aassociated with the mesmerism by parapsychologists human body, and the principle tend to focus on ESP phenomena. behind mesmerism and its For example, Irwin and Watt phenomena.1 In his Mémoire sur (2007) refer to the “use of the la Découverte du Magnétisme magnetic trance as means of Animal, Mesmer (1779) presented evoking telepathy, clairvoyance, 27 propositions about animal travelling clairvoyance . . . magnetism, stating that it was a and other parapsychological universal principle that could act experiences” (p. 12). Although on and through the human body. | by CARLOS S. ALVARADO this is true, the repertoire of In the body it showed polarity mesmeric phenomena was much and could cure various conditions. of mental and physiological wider. In this brief article I would Furthermore, Mesmer stated that phenomena, among them like to present some examples animal magnetism could act at a healing, trance, and clairvoyance. of phenomena that I believe distance and could be propagated Deleuze (1813) wrote in his are generally not associated by sound and reflected by mirrors. Histoire Critique du Magnétisme with mesmerism by current Many of Mesmer’s followers wrote Animal: “The magnetic fluid parapsychologists. at length about magnetism in continuously escapes us: it forms various countries, as seen in the an atmosphere around our body . . Seeing Animal writings of Guidi (1863), Haddock . which . . . does not act noticeably Magnetism (1851), and Petetin (1808), and on individuals around us; but when discussed the power of this our will pushes and directs it There were reports of mesmerized principle to produce a variety moves with all the strength that individuals, referred to as

28 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Some Forgotten Issue 1 Mesmeric Phenomena

I put the thumb of my the points of the fingers which I from the fingers and sink employ at the moment. Though about half way down the right hand in opposition I cover the part with a shawl, water before they disappear. to the thumb of the left single or folded, the appearance If the same passes are made hand of my patient, is equal . . . If I stiffen her body over an empty glass, she and then make tractive passes perceives at the bottom of and separated our two from it, as soon as it advances it a bluish vapour, which hands horizontally; she the stream from it is seen. If remains there for some time I draw with both hands, there afterwards. (p. 43) saw the fluid out of are two streams side by side her thumb & mine; she from the part. The farther I Interestingly, one mesmerist distinguished very well stand from her, the fainter discussed different perceptions the stream appears; and, if at as a function of the degree of the two fluids [...] a great distance, there is no clairvoyance manifested by visible stream, nor traction. She the somnambulist, which he somnambules or somnambulists, compares it to moonlight, and it classified as threefold. Those who could “see” this is stronger in the dark. She sees of the first degree saw the fluid “magnetism,” sometimes called the same from my hand if I dart as “pale and wispy rays”; those a fluid. A. A. Tardy de Montravel it at a stiffened part, but not till of the second and third degree (1785) referred to a somnambulist this begins to relax. On darting saw it, respectively, as flames or who showed this phenomenon: “I my hand at a part not rigid, sparks, and as jets or strips of put the thumb of my right hand in there is no such appearance. fire (Olivier, 1849, p. 36). He also opposition to the thumb of the left In tractive passes, the stream wrote: “One of my somnambules hand of my patient, and separated seems to wave back towards her saw it as bright stars” (p. 36), our two hands horizontally; she when my hand moves towards saw the fluid out of her thumb & her again before the next mine; she distinguished very well tractive pass. If I breathe upon Interestingly, one the two fluids” (pp. 27-28). a stiffened part she sees no mesmerist discussed British physician John Elliotson stream of light .(p. 225). (1848) also made relevant different perceptions observations of a patient. As he Another observation came from as a function of the wrote in the mesmeric journal Thomas Buckland (1850): Zoist: degree of clairvoyance I have myself a dear relative, manifested by the While I am drawing up her rigid in the enjoyment of good somnambulist, which he arm in the waking state with her health, who can, in broad eyes free, she sees as soon as daylight, see this phenomenon classified as threefold. the limb begins to ascend, but in her normal state. When a Those of the first degree not before, a colourless stream glass of water is mesmerised pass from it to my hand, of the in a dark room, she perceives saw the fluid as “pale same breadth as the number of ‘bright little globules’ pass and wispy rays” [...]

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 29 Some Forgotten The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Mesmeric Phenomena Association

The mesmeric literature and looked depleted. He magnetized. According to the repeated such tests often report the dialogue was: “Is the offers many other and became convinced of the patient asleep? Yes. Who are you, examples of such effects, positive and negative influence who speaks through the organ of of magnetism on plants. the patient during her sleep? My such as the one authored The mesmeric literature offers name is Marie. Where are you? I by Picard, a physician many other examples of such am in the Other world, in a happy effects, such as the one authored state. How long have you being from Saint-Quentin. Out by Picard, a physician from Saint- in this world? For 14 years. Who of six roses planted on Quentin. Out of six roses planted were you when you lived here? on April 5, Picard magnetized I died as a three year old infant. April 5, Picard magnetized only one in the morning and in the Who was your father? He was a only one in the morning evening for around five minutes. carpenter in this town. His name? and in the evening for On the tenth, the one that was Lindstrom. Where did he live? magnetized already had two In the Marais district. Is he still around five minutes. shoots about one inch in length, alive? No: he has been dead for and on the 20th the other five had seven years. Is this woman, by which he believed to be a rare barely started to grow. On May whose body you are presently occurrence. 10, the magnetized one had two talking, the first person through shoots “40 centimeters high, with whom you have come across since Effects on the ten buttons on top, while the you have been in the other world? Growth of Plants others had 5 to 10 centimeters, Certainly not, there have been over and the buttons were far from 200 persons through whom I have J. J. Ricard (1841) remarked appearing. Finally, the first one presented myself successively” in his Traite Théorique et bloomed on May 20, and gave (Lausanne, 1816, pp. 12-13). Pratique du Magnétisme successively ten beautiful roses! Other examples include the Animal ou Méthode Facile Pour ... Its leaves were about double reports of Cahagnet (1851) Apprendre a Magnétiser that in size than those of other roses” and Haddock (1851). The latter plants could be positively or (Picard, 1845, p. 478). magnetized an English woman negatively affected by willful called Emma. According to magnetic action. He said he Mediumistic-Like Haddock: “Frequently during was able to affect shrubs Manifestations the spring and summer of 1848, through magnetization. In one Emma would, in the mesmeric case a sick and depleted shrub There were fascinating state, speak of the scenery and recovered after having being mediumistic-like phenomena nature of the spirit-world, in magnetized repeatedly every recorded with magnetic such a way as to impress the morning and afternoon for less somnambules. An example was beholder with a conviction, that than a month. However, a shrub recorded as part of the work of the descriptions she gave could of the same type that received the Exegetic and Philantropic not be the result of any previously the same care, was magnetized Society of Stockholm. The event acquired knowledge, or of an at the same time with negative took place on May 10, 1787, with active imagination. She also, intentions, and lost its leaves a 40-year-old woman who was occasionally, spoke of things

30 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Some Forgotten Volume 7 Issue 1 Mesmeric Phenomena which had actually occurred, but Several other not associate with mesmerism. which it was impossible for her to Among them are reports of know by any ordinary means” (p. phenomena could physical phenomena such as 181). Furthermore, as Haddock have been mentioned the appearance of objects, noted: “I soon perceived, that one here, phenomena that “travels” to other planets, being, under whose influence she transposition of the senses, seemed to be, and of whom she many contemporaries the storage of magnetism on frequently spoke, had been most probably do not objects, and exteriorization of nearly related to me, while in this sensibility. These, and many other world, but she had departed this associate with manifestations, were once very life for about ten years when the mesmerism. Among influential in maintaining belief first of these trances occurred. them are reports of in animal magnetism. In the case Emma always says that this of mediumistic-like phenomena, ‘lady,’ as I will call her, following physical phenomena the phenomena supported a Emma’s phraseology, ‘helps her’ such as the appearance spiritual outlook of mesmerism, in all serious cases of illness, and another perspective forgotten the like, but not in mere secular, of objects, “travels” by some students of psychic or trifling cases.” (p. 187). Haddock to other planets, phenomena who seem to believe also reported: transposition of the that mesmerism involved only the physical action of a mysterious In one case, where, as an senses... agent. experiment, an enquiry was being made relative to a missing will, she told me, not from the spirit of the departed. Notes only what I asked her, but She asked me about the spoke of other things which removal of this money, as if I 1. For overviews of mesmerism and its neither myself nor she knew knew of it. My correspondent phenomena see Crabtree (1993), Gauld anything . . . about, nor had I afterwards informed me of (1992), and Méheust (1999). See also my bibliography (Alvarado, 2008). been asked about what she the correctness of Emma’s said; but I was afterwards statements; but refused to 2. Similar ideas continued in the neo- th informed that what she continue the inquiry, from a mesmeric movements of the 19 and part of the 20th centuries (Alvarado, said was correct. This was superstitious dread of holding 2009a, 2009b), and can be found today a description of some old communication with the dead.” in various forms. furniture, and some bags with (p. 201) money in, in an Irish town, the existence of which things Concluding References was perfectly unknown to Remarks Alvarado, C. S. (2008). Mesmerism on- me; but they were connected line: A bibliographic review. Australian with the missing document, Several other phenomena Journal of Clinical and Experimental and Emma professed to could have been mentioned Hypnosis, 36, 115-120. derive her knowledge of the here, phenomena that many existence of these things, contemporaries probably do

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 31 Some Forgotten The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Mesmeric Phenomena Association

Yale University Press. (Treatise on magnetism followed by In the case of the words of a somnambulist and of a Deleuze, J. P. F. (1813). Histoire critique remembrance of magnetic treatments). mediumistic-like du magnétisme animal (Critical history Tolouse, France: L. Jougla. of animal magnetism) (Vol. 1). Paris, phenomena, the France: Mame. Petetin, J.H.D. (1808). Électricité ani- male: Prouvée par la découverte des Elliotson, J. (1848). Cure of a true can- phenomena supported phénomènes physiques et moraux de la cer of the female breast with mesmer- catalepsie hystérique, et ses varietés a spiritual outlook of ism. Zoist, 6, 213-237. (Animal electricity: Proven by the dis- mesmerism, another Gauld, A. (1992). A history of hypnotism. covery of the physical and moral phe- Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University nomena of hysterical catalepsy and its perspective forgotten Press. varieties). Paris, France: Brunot-Labbe. Guidi, F. (1863). Il magnetismo animale Picard, Dr. (1845). Application du ma- by some students of considerato secondo le leggi della gnétisme aux végétaux (Application of psychic phenomena who natura e principalmente diretto (Animal magnetism to vegetables). Journal du magnetism considered according to the Magnétisme, 1, 477-480. laws of nature and principally directed). seem to believe that Ricard, J. J. A. (1841). Traité théorique Milan, Italy: Francesco Savito. et pratique du magnétisme animal ou mesmerism involved Haddock, J. W. (1851). Somnolism & méthode facile pour apprendre a mag- psycheism; or, the science of the soul netizer (Theoretical and practical trea- only the physical action and the phenomena of nervation (2nd tise of animal magnetism or an easy of a mysterious agent. ed.). London, UK: James S. Hodson. method to learn to magnetize). Paris, Irwin, H. J., & Watt, C. A. (2007). An France: Germer Baillière. introduction to parapsychology (5th ed.). Tardy de Montravel, A. A. (1785). Essai Alvarado, C. S. (2009a). Nineteenth and Jefferson, NC: McFarland. sur le théorie du somnambulisme ma- early twentieth century discussions of Lausanne [pseudonym of Sarrazine de gnétique (Essay on the theory of mag- animal magnetism. International Jour- Montferrier, A.A.V.] (1816). Histoire du netic somnambulism). London, UK: N.p. nal of Clinical and Experimental Hypno- magnétisme animal (History of animal sis, 57, 366-381. magnetism). Annales du Magnétisme * Some parts of this article Alvarado, C. S. (2009b). Modern ani- Animale, 2, 3-26. appeared before as a blog (http:// mal magnetism: The work of Alexan- Méheust, B. (1999). Somnambulisme et dre Baréty, Émile Boirac, and Julian carlossalvarado.wordpress. mediumnité (1784-1930): Vol. 1: Le défi Ochorowicz. Australian Journal of com/2014/05/14/seeing-animal- du magnétisme animal (Somnambulism Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 37, and mediumnity (1784-1930): Vol. 1: magnetism/). 1-15. The challenge of animal magnetism). Buckland, T. (1850). The hand-book Le Plessis-Robinson, France: Institut of mesmerism. London, UK: Hippolyte Synthélabo pour de Progrès de la Con- Bailliere. naissance. Cahagnet, L. A. (1851). The celestial Mesmer, F. A. (1779). Mémoire sur la telegraph, or, secrets of the life to come, découverte du magnétisme animal revealed through magnetism (1st Ameri- (Memory on the discovery of animal can ed.) New York, NY: J. S. Redfield. magnetism). Paris, France: Didot. Crabtree, A. (1993). From Mesmer to Olivier, J. (1849). Traité de magnétisme Freud: Magnetic sleep and the roots of suivi des paroles d’un somnambule et psychological healing. New Haven, CT: d’un recueil de traitements magnétiques

32 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Journals

Summary of Il Mondo del Paranormale Rivista di Parapsicologia, Tematiche Affini, Insolito

The journal includes news about Experiences and hyperdimensional parapsychology from Italy and perspectives,” Antonio Cardinale’s around the world, and book “Near Death Experiences: Study reviews. in depth of a case personally Issue 1, February 2014, contains investigated,” Ashraf Virmani’s the following papers: “The Twelfth “Emotions and feelings: A way Rome’s Conference on Energy, of being or something more energies: One word, infinite than this?,” Mariano Mandolini’s manifestations”, on the second of “«Electronic Voices Phenomena» two conferences that the authors experiences,” Maria Luisa Felici’s organized in Rome in 2013. The “Study in depth about «Electronic first paper of the journal contains Voices Phenomena»,” Felici | by MARIA LUISA FELICI the abstracts of the presentations. Masi’s “Do parapsychologycal and GIULIO CARATELLI They include: Giulio Caratelli’s phenomena show survival?,” and “Introduction to the conference,” Giulio Caratelli’s “The mysteries Gabriella Toti’s “Theoretic of telepathy.” his is a quarterly models in parapsychology: The issue also contains the journal published in Review and comparisons,” Anna following works: Giulio Caratelli Italian and dealing Maria Mandelli’s “Extraordinary and Maria Luisa Felici’s “The with topics concerning T olfactory phenomena,” Giulio meeting with Yvonne Duplessis” parapsychology and related Caratelli’s “Introduction to describing a meeting in Paris, phenomena. All papers have the Near Death Experiences,” in 2002 with Yvonne Duplessis, summaries in English and French. Arnaldo Rossini’s “Near Death with a useful exchange of

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 33 Summary of The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Il Mondo del Paranormale Association opinions about parapsychology “Introduction to the mysterious phenomena of , and a personal illustration by phenomena of materialization,” with an examination of the weight the French researcher on the Felice Masi’s “The medium of alternative hypotheses. Giulio fundamental principles of so- Einer Nielsen,” Manfred Poser’s Caratelli’s ”The relationship Freud- called “dermo-optical” sensitivity. “Mediumnistic experiences Jung and the parapsychology: Giulio Caratelli’s “Alexander the of materialization,” Gabriella The year 1911,” on the important Great’s omens” describes an Toti’s “Empty chair… but not exchanges of opinion in 1911 episode of Amon’s oracle related too much!,” Antonio Cardinale’s about thought-transference and to Alexander the Great, as well as “Paranormal phenomena in astrology among the two great his clairvoyant type dreams and ancient times,” Giulio Caratelli’s explorers of the unconscious, strange “significant coincidences,” “The speaking objects: The with discussion of factors that perhaps of an ESP type, that mysteries of psychometry,” contributed to the definitive marked Alexander’s birth and his Mariano Mandolini’s “Experiences break of their relationship in early death. Emanuela De Pintis’s of «telewriting»,” Anna Maria 1913. Maria Luisa Felici’s “The “Francesco Zingaropoli” discusses Mandelli’s “Extraordinary medium Augusto Politi,” on an important Italian spiritist, very luminous phenomena,” Maria the Italian physical medium, active in the period between the Luisa Felici’s “Emanuel who operated in the first years end of the 19th century and the Swedenborg: Science, mysticism, of the 20th century, studied in first decades of the 20th century, and paranormal”. France, and Italy. Pierluigi De who also did experiences with The issue also contains Cerretani’s “The Nuova Parola,” the medium . the following works: Giulio on the Italian magazine of the Giulio Caratelli’s “Henri-Louis Caratelli’s “Miscellany about the same name, dealing with several Bergson and psychical research” poltergeist,” an illustration and topics, started in 1902 and describes the interest of the great precise examination of various lasting seven years. Emanuela philosopher and president of aspects of the poltergeist, with De Pintis’s “Louis-Alphonse the SPR, in paranormal abilities, some cases and testimony from Cahagnet” chronicles the French considered by him peculiar recent times, and Maria Luisa spiritist, active in the 19th century, to primitive humankind and Felici and Giulio Caratelli’s who was attentive to possible progressively fading owing to the “Hyppolite Baraduc”, on the “thought-transference” between development of rational mind and French scholar of human the medium and onlookers at the civilization. radiations and, in particular, of séances and possible physical Issue 2, June 2014, contains the certain “emanations” from the extraordinary phenomena, following papers: “The Fifteenth body of the dying. especially with the medium Adele Rome’s Parapsychological Issue 3, October 2014, contains Maginot, who gave remarkable Conference: Personalities, the following papers: Giulio “proofs of identity” concerning phenomena, reflections” is Caratelli’s “Concatenation of the personalities of deceased with the title of the first annual events in a case of automatic which she put herself in touch. conference that the authors writing,” on a 19th century organized in Rome in 2014. case, centred on a woman who The first paper of the journal suddenly became involved in a contains the abstracts of the concatenation of extraordinary presentations: Giulio Caratelli’s events around spontaneous

34 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Zeitschrift Abstracts für Anomalistik 2014

ZfA 2014, Dieter Hassler (pp. 25-44) vol. 14(1), Ein neuer europäischer Fall vom pp. 1-136 Reinkarnationstyp A New European Case of the Gerhard Mayer and Jürgen Reincarnation Type Kornmeier (pp. 7-24) When selection is restricted to Rätselhafte Objekte auf den so-called solved cases not taking Bildern einer Wildkamera place in the same family, there – oder: die Tücken der remain only very few cases of Wahrnehmung the reincarnation type (CORT) Mysterious Objects in Pictures reported from Europe. The case Taken by a Wild-Life Camera – described in this paper belongs or: The Pitfalls of Perception formally to this rare category and Some photographs taken by consequently deserves recording. a wild-life camera that depict A number of features of the case two supposedly paranormal are described: a premonition objects are analyzed. Plausible experienced by the individual’s mother; three announcing dreams by GERD H. HÖVELMANN, conventional explanations were Hövelmann Communication found. This case study serves and their accuracy; his specific as an example for some basic behavior, especially that relating reflections on the analysis to the opposite sex; a specific it involves a chance encounter of ‘paranormal’ photographs ailment affecting the person; the between the individual’s mother and on constructive aspects individual’s special skills; and and the previous personality of human perception. In our two incidents of a psychokinetic at the moment of the latter’s analysis of this case, we discuss or poltergeist nature death, suggesting that the case context-dependent factors and experienced by the previous could have evolved because this media influences that most personality’s mother after his encounter offered an incentive probably induced the paranormal death. Additionally, the case is for the previous personality to interpretation in the first place. particularly unusual because reincarnate with this particular

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 35 Zeitschrift für Anomalistik The Bulletin of the Parapsychological 2014 (Abstracts) Association mother. The possibility of ZfA 2014, intellectual fields of the early information leakage associated vol. 14(2), twentieth century that all seemed with this chance encounter, pp. 137-356 to challenge a disenchanted however fleeting, to some extent perspective. devalues the case with respect Egil Asprem (pp. 141-158) to the child’s statements about Martin Schneider & Andreas Die blinden Flecken der his previous existence: at least Anton (pp. 159-188) Entzauberung der Welt. in theory they can be explained Politische Ideologie vs. Naturwissenschaft, by normal means. This case parapsychologische Forschung: Parapsychologie und ‚natürliche nevertheless remains worth Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Theologie’ im frühen 20. publishing because it is not Marxismus-Leninismus und Jahrhundert exclusively or predominantly Parapsychologie am Beispiel von Blind Spots of Disenchantment: founded on statements made by DDR und UdSSR Science, Psychical Research, the child. Political Ideology vs. and “Natural Theology” in the Parapsychological Research: Early 20th Century Etzel Cardeña et al. (pp. 45-52) On Tensions Between Marxism- “The fate of our times is the Für eine ergebnisoffene und Leninism and Parapsychology in disenchantment of the world” vorurteilslose Untersuchung the Former GDR and USSR – thus spoke Max Weber at the des gesamten Spektrums des This article aims to contribute close of World War I. Since Weber, Bewusstseins. Ein Aufruf to the discussion incited by the notion that monotheistic A Call for an Open, Informed Florian Mildenberger’s paper, theologies and, more recently, the Study of All Aspects of Otto Prokop, das Ministerium growth of the natural sciences Consciousness für Staatssicherheit und die and technological mastery, (For the original article in Parapsychologie in Zeitschrift have effected not only a form English see http://journal. für Anomalistik 13 (2013). Two of rationalization of society but controversial aspects will be also changed, in a drastic way, fnhum.2014.00017/full) examined further: first, the our expectations of what nature question of compatibility of might encompass, and what Alan Schink (pp. 77-90) psychical research and Marxism- we can possibly know about Essay Review: Kritische Leninism; second, the way that it, has become an influential Konspirologie. Essay Review: psychical research and paranormal bedrock of theories of modernity. Critical Conspirology issues were dealt with in the GDR However, a careful historical (German Democratic Republic) investigation will show that and the USSR. The authors argue modern natural science has had that any attempt to explain the a complex relationship with the significant differences found needs “mysterious and incalculable to take into consideration that the powers” that Weber associated GDR was – even at its foundation with an enchanted view of the – a considerably secularized world. This article gives an country, whereas Russia had a overview of key developments in long “occult tradition.” the natural sciences and related

36 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Zeitschrift für Anomalistik Volume 7 Issue 1 2014 (Abstracts)

Followed by six commentaries context and reinterpreted in order the only basis for approaches (by Mark Benecke, Gerd H. to support the self-improvement in clinical parapsychology. Hövelmann, Serge Kernbach, of individual agents. Hence they Objectively anomalous Wilfried Kugel, Gerhard Mayer, are in a field of tension between experiences and their immediate and Helmut Pfaff) and the authors’ tradition and transformation and effects, which do not depend response on pp. 189-223. can be regarded as examples of on personal interpretation, the changes mentioned above. are neglected in clinical Nicole Maria Bauer parapsychology, although they (pp. 224-247) Michael Tremmel (pp. 248-291) might indicate different diagnoses Zwischen Tradition und Zur Klärung grundlegender and treatment approaches. Transformation – kabbalistische Begriffe und Konzepte der Researchers should use terms Vorstellungen und Praktiken in Parapsychologie und verwandter and concepts mindfully as they der religiösen Gegenwartskultur Disziplinen influence research to a great Between Tradition and On Clarifying Basic Terms and extent. In order to investigate Transformation – Kabbalistic Concepts of Parapsychology and the full range of objectively Ideas and Practices in the Related Disciplines anomalous experiences, all of Contemporary Religious Field The terms psychic, the mentioned terms should In contemporary religious culture parapsychological, paranormal, be abandoned, at least in the a process of transformation and psi differ in their connotations. assessment stage. characterized by a syncretism The term anomalous is neither Followed by two commentaries of religious and popular culture synonymous with these terms (by Renaud Evrard and Wilfried has been observed in recent nor does it mean unexplained, Kugel and the author’s response years. A manifestation of this but deviating from what is on pp. 293-316). kind of change is, for instance, standard, common, normal, the Kabbalah Centre, in which usual, or expected. Anomalistic Walter Meyer zu Erpen century-old traditions of Jewish psychology, as it is currently (pp. 317-326) provenance are intermingled conceived, is exclusively Essay Review: Mit den Toten with other religious traditions concerned with subjectively im Gespräch. Entwicklung der and aspects of popular culture. anomalous experiences instead spiritualistischen Bewegung A major influence on this of the full range of anomalous weltweit. Essay Review: transformation is exerted by the experiences and thus should be In Conversation With the so-called therapeutic discourse. redefined. The term exceptional Dead: Development of the In this way the meanings and experiences is neither synonymous Spiritualistic Movement Around attributions regarding the ancient with psychic experiences, the World (Reviewed book: The traditions are transformed. In the paranormal experiences, and so Spiritualist movement: Speaking article these transformations are forth as it implies subjectivity, with the dead in America and described exemplarily through the nor ideologically neutral as it around the world. Three volumes. Sefer ha-Sohar and the Meditation connotes rarity, specialness, Christopher M. Moreman, Ed. on 72-Names-of-God. Both cases and so forth. The concept 2013). are examples of cabalistic psycho- underlying it neither applies to physiological practices being all phenomenological approaches taken out of their specific Jewish in parapsychology nor should be

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 37 th 58 Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association and a joint event

University of Greenwich, th July 16-19, 2015 39 SPR Arrangements Chair: David Luke International

PA Program Chair: Renaud Evrard Annual SPR Program Chair: Chris Roe Conference

38 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG 58th Annual Convention of the Volume 7 Issue 1 Parapsychological Association

he Parapsychological nearly 100 scholarly book Roe is a Senior Lecturer at the Association (PA) is chapters and articles (including University of Northampton. coming to London his first co-authored book His research interests involve T for its 58th annual Anomalistic Psychology), Dr. understanding the nature convention and joining forces Luke has co-organized a number of anomalous experiences, with the Society for Psychical of festivals, art exhibitions including research on the Research (SPR) for a combined and other public events, most psychology of paranormal event. This joint convention notably his Ecology, Cosmos belief and of deception will be held from July 16-19 and Consciousness lecture and the phenomenology of at the University of Greenwich series at the October Gallery in paranormal experience as well as scientists and scholars Bloomsbury, London, and the as experimental approaches from around the world gather biannual conference Breaking to test claims for extrasensory for three days of paper Convention, which will be perception and psychokinesis, presentations, workshops, taking place at the University of particularly where they and panel discussions on the Greenwich just days before the involve psychological factors. latest research into psi and PA/SPR convention. He is a board member of the related phenomena, such as PA Program Chair Renaud Parapsychological Association, extra-sensory perception, Evrard is a clinical psychologist a Council Member of the Society psychokinesis, psychic working in adult psychiatry. In for Psychical Research, and he healing, altered states of 2012, he obtained a Ph. D. in edits the Journal of the Society consciousness, mediumship psychology at the University for Psychical Research. and possible survival of of Rouen, France, with a thesis For this joint convention, the bodily death. Organized by on clinical differential practices PA and the SPR will be receiving PA members David Luke and with exceptional experiences submissions separately and Renaud Evrard, as well as (published in French under the there will be no simultaneous SPR Program Chair Chris Roe, title Folie et Paranormal: Vers sessions. See the PA’s Call for the event will be open to the une Clinique des Expériences Papers at http://www.parapsych. public and to academics alike. Exceptionnelles). He is an org/articles/50/223/2015_pa_ PA Arrangements Chair David associate researcher of the convention_call_for.aspx Luke is Senior Lecturer in laboratory Subjectivité, Lien and the SPR’s call at: http:// Psychology at the University social et Modernité of the of Greenwich. His research University of Strasbourg and papers-joint-conference- and writing often explores of the laboratory InterPsy of parapsychological-association- the overlap between research the University of Lorraine. His july-2015-london. into parapsychology, main interests are clinical, You will also find travel and psychopharmacology, historical, and theoretical tourism information at the PA’s anthropology and magical aspects of parapsychology. website, which will be updated beliefs, such as , He is also a co-founder of the with links to registration and or more generally the junction Center for Information, Research program information as it of anomalous experiences and and Counseling on Exceptional becomes available. altered states of consciousness. Experiences. In addition to having published SPR Program Chair Chris

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 39 Articles Relevant Relevant to Parapsychology

by GERD H. HÖVELMANN, Hövelmann Communication in Journals

ith this installment of Various Fields (XVII) of Mindfield’s bibliographic column W on recent scientific mainstream articles of obvious (and References ment of “afterlife” beliefs in secularly sometimes not quite so obvious, but and religiously schooled children. real) relevance to parapsychology, Amihazi, I., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2014) British Journal of Developmental Psy- we are leaving the 1,000-entries Arousal vs. relaxation: A comparison chology, 23, 587–607 threshold behind. Since, with an of the neurophysiological and cog- Bitel, L. (2009). Looking the wrong above-average number of 80 new nitive correlates of Vajrayana and way: Authenticity and proof of reli- entries below, I have already used Theravada meditative practices. PLoS gious vision. Visual Resources, 25(5), up a bit more than my usual share ONE, 9(7): e102990. [doi:10.1371/jour- 69-92. of Mindfield magazine space, I nal.pone.0102990]. will keep this introductory note Bobbit, R. (2011). The organizational Ascoli, M., Palinski, A., Abdul-Hamid, appropriately short and restrict development of Marian apparitional W., & Dein, S. (2014). Cultural consul- it, in fact, to acknowledging the movements. Nova Religio: The Jour- tation for jinn and in frequent and very welcome support nal of Alternative and Emergent Reli- Muslim psychiatric patients: A case of my colleagues Maurice van gions, 14(3), 5-41. series. World Cultural Psychiatry Re- Luijtelaar, Gerhard Mayer, Richard view, 9(2), 65-69. Boy, D. (2004). The French and para- Noakes, and Andreas Sommer. Hints science: Twenty years of surveys. Bath, J., & Newton, J. (2006). ‘Sen- to other pertinent recent articles Revue Française de Sociologie, 45, sible proof of spirits’: Ghost belief are always welcome. Please send 51-61. them to the author at hoevelmann. during the later 17th century. Folklore, [email protected]. 117, 1-14. Braeunlein, P. (2013). Spirits in and of Southeast Asia’s modernity: An over- Before I close I would like to Bek, J., & Lock, S. (2011). Afterlife view. DORISEA [Dynamics of Religion direct your attention to the slightly beliefs: Category specificity and sen- in Southeast Asia] Working Papers, irritating (self-)report by Michael sitivity to biological priming. Religion, 1, 1-17 Shermer in Scientific American (see Brain & Behavior, 1, 5-17. below). Being a magazine article, Brancaccio, [M] T. (2014). Enrico Mor- Bell, V., Reddy, V., Halligan, P., Kirov, it would not normally qualify for selli’s psychology and ‘’: G., & Ellis, H. (2007). Relative sup- the present column, but I have Psychiatry, psychology and psychi- pression of magical thinking: A tran- included it anyway, because it cal research in Italy in the decades scranial magnetic stimulation study. certainly deserves your attention. around 1900. Studies in History and Cortex, 43, 551-557. Read it and you’ll understand why I Philosophy of Biology and the Bio- recommend it and why I have called Bering, J. M., Hernández Blasi, C., & medical Sciences, 48, 75-84. it “irritating”. Bjorklund, D. F. (2005). The develop-

40 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Journals of Issue 1 Various Fields (XVII) Articles Relevant Brandt, C., Kramme, C., Storm, H., & De Sio, F., & Marazia, C. (2014). Clever Griffiths, R. R., Richards, W. A., John- Pohlmann-Eden, B. (2009). Out-of- Hans and his effects: Karl Krall and son, M. W., McCann, U. D., & Jesse, to Parapsychology body experience and auditory and the origins of experimental parapsy- R. (2008). Mystical-type experiences visual hallucinations in a patient with chology in Germany. Studies in the occasioned by psilocybin mediate the cardiogenic syncope: Crucial role of History and Philosophy of Biological attribution of personal meaning and cardiac event recorder in establishing and Biomedical Sciences, 48, 94-102. spiritual significance 14 months later. the diagnosis. Epilepsy and Behavior, Journal of Psychopharmacology, 22, in Journals Desmazières, A. (2010). Psychology 15, 254-255. 621-632. against medicine?: Mysticism in the Brewer, P. R. (2013). The trappings of light of scientific apologetics. Revue Hodge, K. M. (2008). Descartes’ mis- of Various Fields (XVII) science: Media messages, scientific Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 88, take: How afterlife beliefs challenge authority, and beliefs about paranor- 1192-1212. the assumption that humans are in- mal investigators. Science Communi- tuitive Cartesian substance dualists. Dias, B. G., & Ressler, K. (2014). Pa- cation, 35, 311-333. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 8, rental olfactory experience influences 387-415. Carr, B. J. (2010). A proposed new behavior and neural structure in sub- paradigm of matter, mind, and spirit. sequent generations. Nature Neuros- Hodge, K. M. (2011). Why immortality Network Review, 103, 3-8. cience, 17, 89-96. alone will not get me to the afterlife. Philosophical Psychology, 24, 395- Castro, M., Burrows, R., & Wooffitt, R. Erving, G. S. (2008). The politics 410. (2014). The paranormal is (still) normal: of matter: Newtonian science and The sociological implications of a sur- Priestleyan metaphysics in Col- Hodge, K. M. (2011). On imagining the vey of paranormal experiences in Great eridge’s “Preternatural Agency”. Eu- afterlife. Journal of Cognition and Cul- Britain. Sociological Research Online, ropean Romantic Review, 19, 219-232. ture, 11, 367-389. 19(3), 16 [doi: 10.5153/sro.3355]. Franklin, M. S., Baumgart, S. L., & Hunter, M. (2011). The Royal Society Caswell, J. M., Collins, M. W. G., Schooler, J. W. (2014). Future direc- and the decline of magic. Notes & Vares, D. A. E., Juden-Kelly, L. M., & tions in precognition research: More Records of the Royal Society, 65, 103- Persinger, M. A. (2013). Gravitational research can bridge the gap between 119. and experimental electromagnetic skeptics and proponents. Frontiers Ikegawa, A. (2005). Investigation by contributions to cerebral effects upon in Psychology, 5, 907. [doi: 10.3389/ questionnaire regarding fetal/infant deviations from random number fpsyg.2014.00907]. memory in the womb and/or at birth. variations generated by electron Germanià, M. (2007). The ghost and Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psy- tunneling. International Letters of the brownie: Scottish influences on chology and Health, 20(2), 121-133. Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, Emily Brontë. Women’s Writing, 14, 11, 72-85. Jourdain, J.-P. (2011). Near-death 91-116. experiences and the 5th-dimentional Chandran, H., Chetan, M., Yaligar, M. Graus, A. (2014). Hypnosis in Spain spatio-temporal perspective. Journal G., & Arun, R. (2014). Punarjanma (re- (1888–1905): From spectacle to medi- of Cosmology, 14, 4743-4762. incarnation): A bird eye view. Journal cal treatment of mediumship. Stud- of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Inno- Kaptchuk, T. J., Kerr, C. E., & Zanger, ies in the History and Philosophy of vation, 3, 273-274. A. (2009). The art of medicine: Place- Biological and Biomedical Sciences, bo controls, exorcisms, and the devil. Delorme, S. (2014). Physiology or psy- 48, 85-93. Lancet, 374, 1234-1235. chic powers? William Carpenter and Gray, K., & Wegner, D. M. (2012). the debate over in Victo- Kari, J. (2009). Informational uses Feeling robots and human zombies: rian Britain. Studies in the History and of spiritual information: An analy- Mind perception and the uncanny val- Philosophy of Biological and Biomedi- sis of messages reportedly trans- ley. Cognition, 125, 125-130. cal Sciences, 48, 57-66. mitted by extraphysical means.

WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Issue 1 Mindfield 41 The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Relevant Association

Journal of Information Science, 35, International Journal of Dream Re- Ohkado, M., & Okamoto, S. (2011). 453-468. search, 7(2), 105-112. Verification of ‘past-life’ recalls under hypnosis. Journal of International Khalifa, N., & Hardie, T. (2005). Pos- Luke, D., Zychowicz, K., Richterova, Society of Life Information Science, session and jinn. Journal of the Royal O., Tjurina, I., & Polonnikova, J. 29, 87-89. Society of Medicine, 98, 351-353. (2012). A sideways look at the neu- robiology of psi: Precognition and Pearson, J. (2013). ‘Then she asked Kidd, I. J. (2014). Was Sir William circadian rhythms. NeuroQuantology, it, what were its Sisters names?’: Crookes epistemically virtuous? Stud- 10, 580-590. Reading between the lines in seven- ies in the History and Philosophy of teenth-century pamphlets of the su- Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Maier, M. A., Büchner, V. L., Kuhband- pernatural. The Seventeenth Century, 48, 67-74. ner, C., Pflitsch, M., Fernández-Capo, 28, 63-78. M., & Gámiz-Sanfeliu (2014). Feeling Kokubo, H. (2014). A questionnaire the future again: Retroactive avoid- Pennycook, G., Cheyne, J. A., Seli, survey for the digital native genera- ance of negative stimuli. Journal of P., Koehler, D. J., & Fugelsang, J. A. tion on their anomalous experiences Consciousness Studies, 21, 9-10, (2012). Analytic cognitive style pre- and trust for other persons. Journal of 121-152. dicts religious and paranormal belief. International Society of Life Informa- Cognition, 123, 335-346. tion Science, 32, 217-227. McCannon, J. (2004). Passageways to wisdom: Nicholas Roehrich, the Pérez-Navarro, J. M., & Martínez Kornmeier, J., & Mayer, G. (2014). The dramas of Maurice Maeterlinck, and Guerra, X. (2012). An empirical evalu- alien in the forest OR when temporal symbols of spiritual enlightenment. ation of a set of recommendations for context dominates perception. Per- Russian Review, 63, 449-478. extrasensory perception experimental ception [advance online publication]. research. Europe´s Journal of Psy- doi:10.1068/p7844], 1270-1274. Menzel, B. (2007). The occult revival chology, 8, 32-48. in Russia today and its impact on lit- Legare, C. H., Evans, E. M., Rosen- erature. Harriman Review, 16, 1-14. Perovich, A. N. (2011). Taking nature gren, K., & Harris, P.L. (2012). The mysticism seriously: Marshall and coexistence of natural and supernatu- Nees, M. A., & Phillips, C. (2014). the metaphysics of the self. Religious ral explanations across cultures and Auditory pareidolia: Effects of contex- Studies, 47, 165-183. development. Child Development, 83, tual priming on perceptions of pur- 779-793. portedly paranormal and ambiguous Pothos, E. M., & Busemeyer, J. R. auditory stimuli. Applied Cognitive (2009). A quantum probability ex- Legare, C. H., & Gelman, S. A. (2008). Psychology, doi: 10.1002/acp.3068 planation for violations of ‘rational’ Bewitchment, biology, or both: The decision theory. Proceedings of the co-existence of natural and supernat- Noakes, R. (2014). Haunted thoughts Biological Sciences, 276, 2171-2178. ural explanatory frameworks across of the careful experimentalist: Psy- development. Cognitive Science, 32, chical research and the troubles of Price, K. (2014). Testimonies of pre- 607-642. experimental physics. Studies in the cognition and encounters with psy- History and Philosophy of Biological chiatry in letters to J. B. Priestley. Liu, J., Li, J., Feng, L., Li, L., Tian, and Biomedical Sciences, 48, 46-56. Studies in History and Philosophy of J., & Lee, K. (2014). Seeing Jesus Biology and the Biomedical Sciences, in toast: Neural and behavioral cor- Ohkado, M., Inagaki, K. Suetake, N., 48, 103-111. relates of face pareidolia. Cortex, 53, & Okamoto, S. (2010). On xenoglossy 60-77. occurring in hypnosis and what it Riekki, T., Lindeman, M., & Raij, T.T. suggests. Journal of International (2014). Supernatural believers attrib- Luke, D., & Zychowicz, K. (2014). Society of Life Information Science, ute more intentions to random move- Working the graveyard shift at the 28, 128-133. ment than skeptics: An fMRI study. witching hour: Further exploration of Social Neuroscience, 9(4), 1-12. dreams, psi and circadian rhythms.

42 Mindfield Volume 7 Issue 1 WWW.PARAPSYCH.ORG Volume 7 Journals of Issue 1 Various Fields (XVII)

Roazzi, M., Nyhof, M., & Johnson, C. Schutt, S., & Berry, M. (2011). The Subbotsky, E. (2011). The Ghost in the (2013). Mind, soul, and spirit: A cross- haunted photograph: Context, framing Machine: Why and how the belief in cultural study of conceptions of im- and the family story. Current Narra- magic survives in the rational mind. material identity. International Jour- tives, 1(3), 35-53. Human Development, 54, 126-143. nal for the Psychology of Religion, 23, Schwartz, G. E. (2014). God, synchro- Tressoldi, P., Pederzoli, L., Caini, P., 75-86. nicity and postmaterialist psychology. Ferrini, A., Melloni, S., Richeldi, D., Rousseau, D. (2011). Understanding Proof-of-concept real-life evidence. Richeldi, F., & Dum, G.M. (2014). spiritual awareness in terms of anom- Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1, 153- Mind-matter interaction at a distance alous information access. The Open 162. of 190 km: Effects on a random event Information Science Journal – Special generator using a cutoff method. Neu- Sharps, M. J., Newborg, E., Van Ars- Issue: Information and Spirituality, 3, roQuantology, 12, 337-343. dall, S., DeRuiter, J., Hayward, B., & 40-53. Alcantar, B. (2010). Paranormal en- Van Elk, M. (2013). Paranormal believ- Rousseau, D. (2014). A systems mod- counters as eye witness phenomena: ers are more prone to illusory agency el of spirituality. Zygon: Journal of Psychological determinants of atypi- detection than skeptics. Conscious- Religion and Science, 49, 476-508. cal perceptual interpretations. Cur- ness and Cognition, 22, 1041-1046. rent Psychology, 29, 320-327. Schade, C. D., Stefan, C., & Lauritzen, Van Osselaer, T. (2010). Mystics of a C. (2014, November). Exit timing: Shermer, M. (2014, October). Infre- modern time: Public mystical experi- Real-options reasoning, heuristics, or quencies. Scientific American On- ences in Belgium in the 1930s. Revue precognition? Working Paper No. 2 of line, 87. Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 88, the Institute for Entrepreneurial Stud- 1171-1188 Smith, A.F., & Simmonds, J.G. (2006). ies and Innovation Management of Help-seeking and paranormal beliefs Van Osselaer, T. (2012). Sensitive but Humboldt University, Germany. in adherents of mainstream religion, sane: Male visionaries and their emo- Schroll, M. A. (2010). The physics of alternative religion, and no religion. tional display in interwar Belgium. psi: An interview with Stanley Kripp- Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 19, Low Countries Historical Review, 127, ner. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 331-341. 127-149. 24(1), 3-15. Sommer, A. (2014). Psychical research Willard, A. K., & Norenzayan, A. Schroll, M. A. (2012). Montague Ull- in the history and philosophy of sci- (2013). Cognitive biases explain re- man’s brief reflection on a meeting ence: An introduction and review. ligious belief, paranormal belief, and with David Bohm and his friendship Studies in History and Philosophy of belief in life’s purpose. Cognition, 129, with David Shainberg. Restoration Biology and the Biomedical Sciences, 379-391. Earth: An Interdisciplinary Journal for 48, 38-45. Wilson, M. S., Bulbulia, J., & Sibley, the Study of Nature & Civilization, Steward, V. (2008). J. W. Dunne and C. G. (2013). Differences and simi- 2(1), 83-86. literary culture in the 1930s and larities in religious and paranormal Schroll, M., Krippner, S., Vich, M., 1940s. Literature & History, 17, beliefs: A typology of distinct faith Fadiman, J., & Mojeiko, V. (2009). 62-81. signatures. Religion, Brain & Behav- Reflections on transpersonal psy- ior, 4(2), 104-126. Stuart-Hamilton, I., Nayak, L., & chology’s 40th Anniversary, ecopsy- Priest, L. (2006). Intelligence, belief in chology, transpersonal science, and the paranormal, knowledge of prob- psychedelics: Conversational forum. ability and aging. Educational Geron- International Journal of Transpersonal tology, 32, 173-184. Studies, 29, 39-52.

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