Which Rood do that the authorities are ‘very sensitive about the place*. It could be suggested that Demon­ stration No. 1 (CND) is only of use; to sell literature and distribute leaflets. Having made our point we take? last year, even barracking seems to be a waste of time. Demonstration JgASTER will shortly be upon us So far it was planned to have three No. 2 (National Committee of 100) and the thoughts of anarchists speakers in the Square (unnamed -as yet), may involve civil disobedience and FEBRUARY IS 1967 Vol 28 No 5 but Mike Kustow and unfortunately it seems too ambitious heavily turn to the sad ceremonials were still involved in US and would not which like some ancient folkrites be available to arrange an entertainment. a venture, clashing in dates as it have become linked with the fertility- It was discovered chat. the leaflets does, to draw the guaranteed support solstice-human sacrifice which take already printed did not show the exact it really needs to make it effective. place at this time. This year we are location of the march assembly. It will in But since it is a demonstration faced with three choices of venue or fact not start at the US Command HQ, directed against the State apparatus constitutional and unconstitutional but at -Northolt Underground Station. theoretically it is the one we should indents of the exercise. First (in historical order) The delicate question was raised as to support. Demonstration No. 3 will is the only genuine, the only original the behaviour of the anarchists last year. give an opportunity to challenge the CND march (or has something An optimistic lady from Hampstead sug­ monolithic structure that CND has gested that the anarchists might be molli­ changed?) from Ruislip1 (Easter fied if they had a representative in the become and recapture some of the Sunday) - Chiswick-Acton-Trafalgar lead group. It was pointed out that no old Aldermaston zest. Square plus Easter Saturday a mass one could “represent” the anarchists orld Unite moving * picket past American and furthermore any anarchist who joined Embassy, Foreign Office in White­ the “lead group” would ipso facto be hall, and South Vietnamese Embassy disowned. P ? USUAL to dismiss British students to look into- ways of making it most (eight miles). * Secondly (arranged I pointed out that the dissatisfaction lrom the category of revolutionaries effective. Motions to refer the motion by the National Committee of 100, of the anarchists last year came from §DVcn rebels.' Their regular manifests- to a larger UGM failed as rime was too convener Peter Cadogan), is a three- the fact that they were promised a DEMOAT of revolt against the establishment pressing and as it was felt that everyone day demonstration (Friday, Satur­ speaker but did not get one. Olive Gibbs jp to be confined to rag-days and had had file chance to attend. pointed out that the conference had never |BCs. However, recent events have The strike is not against the University, day, Sunday) at tiie Copenacre promised an anarchist speaker and *e necessary some revaluation of this but will take the form of non-attendance military complex. This is in the furthermore they got one and were still THE CARLTON Jfion. The situation at at lectures andv tutorials. It is hoped area (about ten square miles of it) dissatisfied. In any case it was impossible jpol of Economics seems highly com- that all sports fixtures will be cancelled, around Corsham and the Bath Road. for all organizations represented on file /"^EORGE ORWELL’S Animal Farm which is perhaps highly appropriate and when, at yesterday’s forum with the Thirdly, the London Committee of march to have their own speaker. ^ closes with a dinner between the ; at institution. It could be argued candidates' for next year’s Presidency, it 100 is organizing a four-day march Slogans on posters for the march will pigs and the farmers in which both be­ protests against an unpopular was suggested by one candidate that the from Aldermaston to London. be decided nearer the date as the situation come identical. Art became reality last ;intment could be an infringement of permanent Union staff should be on strike in Vietnam is very fluid. Freedom Press was invited to send It was undecided as yet whether to put Sunday when Kosygin climaxed his tour §vil liberties. It has never been laid (e.g. barman, porter, snack bar staff, . a delegate to a meeting for support­ of Britain by lunch at the Carlton Club : that students have the right to cleaners), the audience showed their out a special letter backing the march with the Tory leaders. nine who shall teach them, they approval. Non-attendance is the negative ing organisations for the CND signed by Trade Unionists. It had already [Very little say in the self-government aspect of the strike. Its aim is simply to • Three-Day Easter Demonstration been decided to. send one out signed by The week before, one Nestor Makhno |thcir colleges and universities and free us for a day of very active propa­ and reports as follows: MPs. (of Highgate Cemetery) had issued an appeal on behalf of the Sons and now the Exchequer wants super- ganda in the area of Newcastle and the "The meeting was attended by about An advertisement was to appear in the ^ of university budgets. Potteries against the increase in fees national press bearing signatures of Daughters of the Russian Revolution for 30-40 people, whioh seemed sparse by a ceremony to mark this noteworthy bedevil the whole situation there (which at this moment strikes me as earlier OND standards according to the prominent people and calling attention to [been the usual struggles for political being in contravention of the Prices and circulated attendance sheet, describing the necessity of protesting against the war event. In response to this call about 50 in. the students* unions. A Incomes '7 * attender’sf organizations. CND groups- in Vietnam. This would.be paid for by anarchists gathered outside the Carlton ite faction has been expelled, and At Manchester University the Vice- seemed to be lacking, attendance, was individual Signatories paying £1 a head Club. Banners displayed included ‘All Fnew Radical Student Alliance is Chancellor has come out wholeheartedly from groups such as Peace in Vietnam and was being sponsored independently of Power to the People’, ‘End Capitalism East and West* (in Russian) and a sati­ suspicion of Communist trends, behind the idea of a student strike, and Committees, Middlesex Council for CND. Peaoe, London Co-opera:tive Society It was suggested that groups oould state rical true-blue Tory flag with a hammer lowcvcr the students have officially has told the students that if they do and sickle in one comer. “tied io go on a one day strike on anything, for heaven’s sake, do it Political Committee, YCND, Youth, for their point of view on the march by pbruaiy 22. Marshall Colman writes thoroughly and not half-heartedly. I Peace in Vietnam; Young Mothers’ booking space (at £5) foe an advertise­ The subject of the demonstration was i Keele: ' don’t know yet what Keele’s VC, Ur. Organization (?), Friends’ Peace Commit­ ment in Sanity. This may have been a late arriving and the time was spent The strike is planned to coincide with Taylor, thinks. Well probably know tee and two genuine delegates from.‘the slight joke at anarchist protests at not issuing leaflets to passers-by and the thcr similar strikes and is to draw soon. I believe it’s being considered Communist Party. having their own speaker.’ sporadic explosion of balloons marked otion to, and to campaign against, that the staff also make it clear that they The theme Of the-march be The London Committee of 100 is ‘file people’. Police objected to a banner are on'strike.* Vietnam and no especial emphasis on reading T he Working Class *Can Kiss be increase in fees for overseas students. organising a four-day march starting His Arse, He’s Got Joe Stalin’s Job At ■The Department of Education and So far so good, but meanwhile Libyan nuclear disarmament except insofar as from Aldermaston on Easter Friday. students have carried out ^hunger-strike the continuance of the Vietnam war made Last’. Science has . decided to increase these The route will take in Burghfield and In response to this the offending word Sees from £70 to £250. Articulate for several days in their Embassy in nuclear war more possible. There was no protest against the political situation in comment from the meeting on the theme, the RSG6 between Reading and was blacked out to leave a blank rather r feeling here is much against this, but one Slough. It will join the CND march more suggestive than the original word. f r y . that it’s probably only the minority, Libya. They were forcibly ejected from which was not surprising for it had been The first of the dignitaries to arrive who are concerned. A petition collected the Embassy and they are quite likely to a conference decision. on Monday in Trafalgar Square. have their scholarships withdrawn. Details were given (and worked out) of For all details comrades should con­ was Quin tin Hogg riding his bike which L a few hundred signatures. On February he chained to the railings amid jeers and 1 a delegation of Keele students lobbied In Spain, too, students have been the embassy picket which it was tact Sue Abrahams, secretary of the demonstrating and the voice of protest variously estimated would take between London Committee. cries of ‘kill the pig’ from readers of their MPs with several other students. Lord o f the Flies. Edward Heath A letter been produced for students has been raised, in of all places, Russia. two and two-and-a-half hours. A ‘Break with War* demonstration British students should realize, as they ■ As far as organization was concerned, arrived some time later and flashed his to send to their MPs calling on them .to is to take place in Corsham-Copen- smile in our direction. oppose the D. of £. and S. have done in their spontaneous outburst there was a shortage of Elsan (portable acre military complex (some 10 against increased fees for overseas lavatory) volunteers but the maroh (notch By this time others present included The motion to strike was passed at a square miles of Army, Navy and Air several Ukrainian exiles and a well Union General Meeting, the sovereign students,, that an injury to one is an one more up for anarchism!) was “prac­ injury to all and should come out of tically now self-organizing”, as one of the Force installations). Bristol anar­ dressed man in a strange hat, halfway body of the Union in which all students between ay topper and a stetson who g^an take part. In fact the morion was their academic shell for real academic marshals said, so there was not much chists have reconnoitred the area and freedom and indpendence D. Lrrr. detailed work to be done. produced a leaflet, and we are told carried a banner reading ‘Ban- the an emergency one and the attendance Sodomy Bill Before God Destroys Bri­ poor as it came up at the second session tain’. (Afficionados of demonstrations of a UGM, the first being taken up may have noticed his presence at the mainly with amendments to the Constitu­ REPRESSION IN PERU: Tory Rhodesia rally last month.) Mean­ tion to put into effect the decision in while bewildered Tories surveyed the principle (previously taken) to disaffiliate scene from the windows and a possible from the NUS. The amendments were, FREE HUGO BLANCO! gesture of solidarity from the proletariat incidentally, rejected, failing as they did came when a waitress waved to us from to get the requisite two-thirds majority. Dear Friends, in the wave of repression launched by stration, to send resolutions of protest to an upper window. At ffie UGM discussing the strike the Meanwhile several police cordons had feeling of the meeting was completely On January 21,-a committee was formed the police and the army against the the Peruvian Embassy and, if possible, to peasants in this area. They had been forward to us a donation to help the built up and finally Kosygin arrived: behind the morion. It was moved that a from representatives of a wide range of behind a screen of motor-cycle cops. strike committee be set up immediately left-wing organisations to the help victims too successful for the liking of the land­ families of the imprisoned (it will be used owners and hundreds were killed, exclusively for that purpose). On his emergence from his car he* of the recent repressions inPeru. The was- greeted by a loud chorus of boos; most outstanding case concerns Hugo wounded and- imprisoned in the military The demonstration will assemble at operations carried out to subdue them. 3 p.m. and there will be a short meeting, and a tusilade of bangs on empty tin­ Freedom SeUfrig. Saturday, February 25, Blanco and his comrades, who, after three plates. The wheel had come full circle. 7 pjDD. Mcei in forecourt Charing years in jail waiting trial, were finally Workers and students throughout Peru at 'which we hope to have the widow of one of those who ^ was killed, before In 1917 workers and soldiers had Cross Railway Station for West-End brought before a military count and have protested against this brutal treat­ ment of the peasants and against the setting out for the Embassy. The place stormed the palaces where their rulers: Freedom selling. Organised by given sentences of up to £5 years. More­ were feasting. In 1967 the man who NLADG., imprisonment of peasant union leaders of assembly is Marble Arch (Speakers’ over, in the case of Blanco himself, the Corner). You ate invited to bring your claims to be the heir of these workers, prosecution has appealed to the higher and the moves to execute Blanco. Our comntittee j$ organising a march in own banner. and peasants, was himself feasting in judicial bodies for the death sentence to . Yours fraternally, the banqueting hall while file lumpen- be substituted for the term of imprison­ London to the Peruvian Embassy on John Edmunds , proletariat howled on the other side o f ment: Stmday, February 1.9, as an act . of solidarity with those in Peru who have Secretary, the police cordons. Blanco and his comrades were The Committee for Solidarity After Kosygin’s hurried disappearance responsible for organising peasants in the been victimised and to encourage other protests to force the release' of the with the Victims of Repression into the interior of the Carlton we melted Andean highlands into a peasant union in Fete. away into various ca&s. However & which carried pvt a struggle against tfee political prisoners; We ask for your support: we ask you to join in the demon­ •8 Eaton Terrace, S.W.l . group of comrades returned later to find landlords and campaigned for agrarian the pavement opposite the Carlton de­ reform, a very necessary thing in ap serted except for a knot of Ukrainian area where the -fend workers are virtual ANARCHY is Published by* nationalists and Sodomy BSII. In spile serfs and where there are many cases on of this there were still enough of us to record of fhese people being ‘paid’ less FREEDOM ' raise a boo for him on his re-emergence tbah a. penny a plus a meagre ration MSB on first Saturday of every month when, we noticed, the Heath smile was of food (mostly grain and' beans). Only looking distinctly strained. recently, after the struggle led by £ iajo ^ Practically invisible behind the cor­ has the government thought fit tp intro­ dons, Kosygin was whisked into a car duce a minimum wage law (which in fact which drove off speedily to yet, another CAN YOU HELP? is being widely disregarded). vultures’ feast, this time at Chequers. WORKERS ANSWER BACK! Roger Sandell . Blanco and his comrades were arrested the Brazillian Libertarian Movement, the Cuban Libertarian Movement in exile and Direkte Ation—Germany. The AFB is Towards an International Congress not so far included. Neither is the Iberian books? Federation in exile, nor the FIJL, How OEADERS of Freedom have been vital problems of our time: the struggle nation of Federations. This is the only can there be an international congress of informed in a previous issue that against war, against world hunger, against realistic thing to do since the Federations anarchists without the FIJL? We can supply an International Anarchist Congress is dictatorship, racialism, etc. are the only organisations which have John R ety. ' being planned and we promised to supply 6. The delegate of the Iberian Anarchist expressed the desire to federate on an further details. Unfortunately, having Federation in exile wishes to raise the international scale’. Comrades of the any book in print read all the communications that have following matters- Preparatory Committee ought to be care­ been sent to us by Guy Malouvier of the (a) The attitude of the anarchist ful not to throw Bakunin out with the MUJERES-LIBRE8 SECONDHAND Preparatory Committee, we are still not movement towards the spread of reli­ bath-water. in a position to evaluate as to how far gion, and ways and means of combat­ The Sebastien Faure Group also points LECTURE REPORT We have a large stock of secondhand the negotiations have progressed. There­ ting this. out that Carrara should not be accepted books. fore we are sending all the correspond­ (b) The need for an intensive pro­ as the place for the conference because, Try us for what you want or better still ence and translations to the newly-formed gramme of atheist propaganda, and the if it were, the crisis in the Italian Federa­ Technocracy visit us. London Federation’s secretariat for their pledging of the support of the Inter­ tion would undoubtedly hinder the work This week’s selection. further enquiries. national to this programme. of the conference. They suggest that the African View Julian Huxley 8/6 We are, in principle, in favour that 7. Formal agreement on unity; formal conference therefore should not take October ’43 Aage Bertel son 7/6 such a congress should take place and pledge of specific material support for, place in Italy. and Society 1 Chose Freedom Victor Kravchenko 4/- that it should take place as soon as and regular collaboration in, interna­ We are not informed what is the nature Generals in Grey Suits (1. G. Farben) possible. The preparatory committee has tional activities. of this crisis in the Italian Federation, but A FTER DEALING BRIEFLY with th | Josiah E. Dubois Jr. 6 /- suggested the following agenda: 8 . Formation of a group to handle as it is the Carrara Federation who is various forms of power in The Politics of Western Defence 1. The economic, social and political international anarchist relations, with the organising the congress we hope that they society, Giovanni Baldelli sketched thj F. W. Mulley 20/- situation of the countries represented; the further task of publishing a regular either resolve their differences or agree to limited role played in it by various The Menace of Japan (1938) situation of the libertarian movement, and bulletin providing information and news the Sebastien Faure Group’s suggestion. and techniques. These only began 1 Taid O’Conroy 5/- the outlook as regards activity and the of general interest to libertarians. All these are of course for the AFB to act as a dominating force under condj The Flowering Sword Ethel Mannin 5/- spreading of libertarian ideas in these At first glance this looks like a wide- sort out. We are told that the Manchester tions of limited freedom and with The Making of Federal India (1936) countries (delegates’ report). ranging agenda, the only curious matter comrades are meeting on February 25 to rise of capitalism of which they wer9 N. Gangulee 4/6 2. Libertarians, the working-class is that contained in point six. Is ‘atheistic discuss whether they are still able to from the beginning, an inseparable Pljjfflf A Journal of These Days 1932-33 movement, and workers* organisations, propaganda’ the most important question organise the AFB conference, which they In modem conditions, with the ertf Albert Jay Nock 6 /- national and international. our Spanish comrades can think of at have undertaken to arrange for this haustion of territorial markets and w l| The Sudden View Sybil Bedford 5/- 3. Anarchism and Marxism put to the the moment? year. But in the meantime the LFA the present affluence, only technique secretariat will start correspondence with Drugs and the Mind test of practicality in the 20th century. The Anarchist Federation of Britain is create new products and thereby nj Wt Robert S. de Ropp 10/- 4. The ideological, tactical and organi­ invited to send delegates to the congress. the Preparatory Commission. markets. Swelling its ranks by a dov| Common Sense About India sational bases of the Anarchist Federation Here another curious fact emerges. In The following organisations have ward movement from the privilegi W. M. Panikkar (paperback) 3/6 International. reply to a letter the Preparatory Com- agreed to take part: Bulgarian Anarchist classes and from an upward one fill Serf Life in Russia (1906) 5. The position of the International in mitte stated: ‘Our aim is not to form an Union in exile, the Italian, Dutch, French, the workers, a new class of scienj Alexandra de Holstein and regard to the imperialist blocs and the International of Anarchists but an Inter­ Mexican, Belgian, Japanese Federations, engineers, technicians and specials Dora B. Montefiore 8/6 workers has come into being which I The Ruling Class Sam Aaronovitch 5/- not feel alienated from society, enjojjs] Seven Editors Harold Herd 3/- sense of fulfilment and knows thafl A Philosophy for Modern Man future is its own. Capitalists and H. Levy (limp) 3/- kers are gradually disappearing oil m A Source of Embarrassment Through the Anarchist Press least, ceasing to play a constructive i Mary McCarthy 3/- FRANCE Even the State is losing ground toi The Greater Infortune technicians, not only by increasing 1 Rayner Heppenstall (paperback) 3/- A MEETING took place late in 1966 pendence on their knowledge and Tbe Sexual Side of Marriage ***■ between leaders of j the World ‘Stupendous’ and ‘unprecedented’ may Charleroi some dozens of people (the exact vities, but also by delegating to tj M. J. Exner (paperback) 3/- Neutralist Tribunal and members of the well be the right words, although their ntimber is unknown) died between March many responsibilities and decisions.] Advocate for the Dead staff of the French anarchist journal precise interpretation may depend on 1965 and March 1966 as the result of ticularly favourable to the techn| Alex Weissberg 4/- Contre-courant. Political adviser to the your point of view. The French anar­ a mistake in the labelling of a drug. Eight class is the present economic tendi Tribunal is Lee Minh Hai, a Vietnamese, chist monthly Le Monde libertaire at months elapsed between the time when f ty i POSTAGE EXTRA towards oligopoly with our parti<|| and discussion centred mainly around any rate, is considerably less impressed doubts were first expressed and the time society and, in the international i.|.‘ problems in South-East- Asia. The follow­ than the youth of Camden with the cul­ when the Belgian Pharmaceutical Asso­ the policy of co-existence. ing recommendations emerged from the tural revolution: ‘Somewhere at the top ciation took any steps. Before use in the The political freedom and indusl 1‘,1 : Freedom Bookshop m eeting: something has happened, and a distur­ clinic all drugs are, in theory, subjected zation of under-developed countri^ 1. Establish liaison between all non- bance becomes turmoil; the ludicrous to two separate checks; but it appears (Open 2 pan.—530 pan. daily; an additional factor to the ineffl" aligned movements, without distinc­ recitation of the works of the prophet that staff are so underpaid and. over­ 10 «-■»-—1 pan. Thursdays; importance of the technicians’ j c l i gives way to acts that we already know worked that mistakes of this kind are 10 aan.—5 pan. Saturdays). tion as to political or social views, Even in Russia and in the ‘popular dq with the aim of combating all doc­ too well from history, acts which lead inevitable. cracies’ the technicians are assegj trines of a capitalist, Stalinist, Mao­ to the debasement of the human person. 17a MAXWELL ROAD FRANCE themselves more and more and show! ist or ‘Soviet revisionist’ nature. . . . Parading the gigantic portrait of up the parasitical nature of the State] At Montpellier, a University-Industry FULHAM SW6 Tel: REN 3736 2. Condemn the American-Russian policy the God was merely ridiculous; driving political class. From a Marxist n of collaboration, a policy aimed at through the streets men who have been Association has been set up, and next of view it is possible to say that if cajfi maintaining their present dominant bound, beaten up and covered with filth, year the local University College of talism represents the thesis and the prole Technology will offer a course in indus­ roles in Europe and at hindering the is odious. tariat the antithesis, the synthesis is give] trial management. Needless to say the reunification of Germany. - ‘All at once the veil is tom away and by the technocratic society. FREEDOM PRESS course is not aimed at teaching industrial 3. Condemn the rising militarism and we see the face of all totalitarian philo­ Although not organized or even coni workers to manage their own plants and excessive nationalism of Mao and his sophies, of the left or the right. The scious as a class, and although the coerS factories, but rather at creating a sepa­ PUBLICATIONS supporters. difference between them is a slim one— cive power of the State is still formidable! rate class of administrators well-versed 4. Spread the ideas of the pacifist ‘third about as thick as a Ministry door; and the prospects of technocracy’s replacing SELECTIONS FROM ‘FREEDOM’ in the techniques of control favoured by force’ among the working and peasant whether a man opts for the right or the the leading position now held by the Vol 3 1953: Colonialism on Trial left depends on how dose he thinks he the government. classes. State must be considered quite fair as Vol 4 1954: Living on a Volcano is to stepping through that door.' 5. Increase the struggle against Ameri- ITALY the set of values now permeating our Vol 5 1955: H ie Immoral Moralists can-Russian-Chinese aggression in Vol 6 1956: Oil and Troubled Waters ALGERIA The Pope has condemned violent revo­ society (science, progress, specialization, Vietnam. team-work and the authority of the ex­ Vol 7 1957: Year One—Sputnik Era On December 31 a number of mili­ lutionary action as ‘giving rise to a whole pert) serves the interests of the new class Vol 8 1958: Socialism in a Wheelchair ENGLAND—FRANCE tant workers were arrested. One of chain of injustice and suffering; for and brings increasing discredit on the Vol 9 1959: Print, Press & Public Camden (London) Youth Forum voted them, Amokrane Amirat, is having his violence, once let loose, is difficult to Vol 10 1960: The Tragedy of Africa recently in support of the actions of the defence arranged by his family; it was control and directs itself at people as ideologies on which the present system Vol 11 1961: The People in the Street Red Guards. The motion, passed 23-18 stated to the defence lawyer that Amirat well as at institutions’. or systems are based. S.P. Vol 12 1962: Pilkington v. Beeching with 13 abstaining, was ‘that this Forum was finally imprisoned at El Harrache He passed over in tactful silence the Vol 13 1963: Forces of Law and Order supports the recent actions of the mass after being tortured for a week in various Inquisition, the wars of religion, and the Vol 14 1964: Election Years movement of Red Guards and workers police stations. Which is nicer for an position recently taken by Cardinal Each volume: paper 7/6 cloth 16/6. in their heroic attempt to remove reac­ Algerian: to be tortured by the French, Spellman, to whom anything short of full The paper edition of the Selections is tionary ideas and practices and to build or to get rid of the French and be tor­ military victory in Vietnam is unaccept­ Subscribe available to readers of FREEDOM a Socialist society in ‘China, and wel­ tured by his fellow-countrymen? able. at 5/6 post free. comes the participation of young people (Sources: Le Monde libertaire, Contre- in these stupendous and unprecedented BELGIUM Courant, L’Espoir.) for a Friend activities'. At the Arthur Gailly public clinic in John Thurston . VERNON RICHARDS Malatesta: His Life and Ideas Saffron Walden. Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. doth 21/-; paper 10/6 ORPINGTON ANARCHIST GROUP. Knockholt, CAMDEN (LONDON). Provos. Anarchist/Provo/ E. MALATESTA Nr. Sevenoaks, Kent. Every six weeks at Green- C. 100/Action group—anyone interested please Anarchist Federation of Britainways, Knockholt. Phone: Knockholt 2316. Brian contact Chris Davis at 56 Chalk Farm Road, Anarchy Paper 1/- and Maureen Richardson. N.W.l. ALEXANDER BERKMAN there is no national secretariat for OXFORD ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact H. G. WEST SUFFOLK. Please write to Carl Pinel, ABC of Anarchism paper 2/6 ’Except in London—see below. Vale Road, Timperley, Cheshire. Mel lor, Merton College. Oxford. c/o West Suffolk General Hospital, Hospital LONDON FEDERATION OF ANARCHISTS. ABERDEEN GROUP. Correspondence to PLYMOUTH ANARCHIST FEDERATION. Con­ Road, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. ALEX COMFORT Temporary address c/o Wooden Shoe, 42 New M. Dey, 29 Springhill Crescent, Aberdeen. tact J. Hill, 79 Underlane, Plyrastock, Plymouth, S.W. MIDLANDS. Kate, Bill and baby Jane Delinquency 6d. Compton Street, London, W.C.2. BEXLEY ANARCHIST GROUP. Correspondence Devon. Beveridge wish to contact libertarians in S.W. to Papl Wildish, 2 Cumbrian Avenue, Bamehurst. READING ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact Midlands. Phone Mickleton 275 or write to /AUL ELTZBACHER ANARCHIST MEETINGS AT HYDE PARK Kent. Alan Ross, 116 Belmont Road. Reading, Berks. Myrtle House, Mickleton, Chipping Camden. Anarchism (Seven Exponents of the EVERY SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. BELFAST. Contact: Roy McLoughlin, 46 Moore- ROCHESTER ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact Gloucestershire. Emyl Davies, 22 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester. GOLDERS GREEN, LONDON, N .W .ll. Pro­ Anarchist Philosophy) cloth 21 /- HARLOW ANARCHIST GROUP. Enquiries to land Park, Belfast 11, Ireland. Keith Nathan, 138 Pennymcad, Harlow or John BIRMINGHAM ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact Fortnightly meetings from Monday. February 13. posed Group. Get in touch with Jane Wilson, 77 RUDOLF ROCKER Dave Massey, 138 Church Road, Erdington, SHEFFIELD. Contact Robin Lovell, c/o Erskine Hill, N .W .ll or David McLellan, 54 Barrick. 14 Centre Avenue, Epping. Students' Union. University, Sheffield. Tel. 24076. Litchfield Way. N .W .ll. (Tel.: SPE 1783.) Nationalism and Culture LEWISHAM. LONDON. S.E.13. 2nd and 4th Birmingham. 24. Thursdays. Meetings at Mike Malet's, 61 Granville UNIVERSITY OF ASTON GROUP. Contact: SWANSEA. Please get in touch with Julian Ross, MIDLAND YOUTH AGAINST AUTHORITY do th 21/- D. J. Austin, S Kingsbury Road, Erdington, 28 Uplands Crescent, Uplands, Swansea. AND BUREAUCRACY. Proposed Group. Con­ Park, Lewisham. STB. 13. tact N. Jackson, 8 Lcighs Close, High Heath, CHARLES MARTIN NORTH LONDON ANARCHIST DISCUSSION Birmingham. GROUP- 'Dolphin* (back of St. Pancras Town BRIGHTON. All those interested in activities NORTH-WEST FEDERATION Pelsall, Walsall. Towards a Free Society 2/6 Hall), Sunday, February 19, 8 p.m. Subject: and action should contact Richard Miller, 1/2 SOUTHWARK. Proposed group meeting first JOHN HEWETSON Anarchist Conferences. Percival Terrace, Brighton, 7. NORTH WEST ANARCHIST FEDERATION. and third Thursday of each month. Dave Burden, NORTHOLT ANARCHISTS. Contact: Jim BRISTOL. Contact: Dave Thorne, 49 Cothara Regional Secretary: J. Bromley, 8 Warwick Road, 45b Barry Road, East Dulwich S E 22 Ill-Health, Poverty and the State Huggon, 173 Kingshill Avenue, Northolt, Middle­ Brow, Bristol, 6. Chorlton, Manchester, 21. Meeting: Feb. 25, 12 ABROAD doth 2/6; paper 1 /- sex. Meetings first and third Wednesday of the CARDIFF ANARCHIST GROUP. Contact Mike noon at The Salutation, Cavendish Street, near month at Jeannie's, 6 Epeons Close, Northolt Ckovley. 36 Whitaker Road, Tremorfa, Cardiff. All Saints, Manchester. Buxton: Chris Berris- U.S.A. NEW YORK CITY. N Y. Federation of VOLINE Park, Middlesex, at 7.30 p.m, DUNDEE GROUP. Contact Bob and Una ford, 10 Byron Street, Buxton. Chorley: Alistair Anarchists, c/o Torch Bookshop, 641 East 9th Nineteen-Seven teen (The Russian ■AUNG ANARCHIST GROUP. Get into Turnbull, c/o Doctors' Residence Stracathro Rattray, 35a Devonshire Road, Chorley. Man­ Street. N.Y., 10009. Meets every Thursday evening. touch with Adrian Derbyshire, 2 Oakley House. Hospital, by Brechin. Angus. chester: Mike Mitchell, 3 Bakewell Road. AUSTRALIA. Anarchist Group, PO Box A 389, Revolution Betrayed) doth 12/6 Oakley Avenue, London, W.S. GLASGOW ANARCHIST GROUP ONE. Cor­ Droylesden, Manchester. Brenda Mercer, o Sydney- South. Public meetings every Sunday in The Unknown Revolution respondence to Robert Lynn, 2b Saracen Hoad Breckside Park, Liverpool, 6. Rochdale: Ian the Domain, 2 p.m. and Mondays. 72 Oxford ★ Lane, Glasgow. C.l, Hey wood, 16 Mansfield Road, Bamford, Roch­ Street, Paddington, Sydney, 8 p.m. (Kronstadt 1921. Ukraine 1918-21) HERTS GROUP. Friday. February 10, 7 p.m. dale. Stoke-on-Trent: Bob Blakeman, 52 Weldon DANISH ANARCHIST FEDERATION. 52 doth 12/6 Jeff Cloves on ‘William Morris' at South view. Avenue, Weston Coyney, Stoke-on-Trent. Mindevej, Soborg-Copcnhagen, Denmark. OFF-CENTRE LONDON Potters Heath Road. Welwyn. VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA. Anyone interes­ E. A. GUTKIND ted in forming anarchist and/or direet aetien HULL ANARCHIST GROUP. J. Tempest. peace group contact Derek A. James, 1844 The Expanding Environment DISCUS8I0N MEETIN88 89 Fountain Road, Hull. Tel. 212526. Meetings EAST LONDON FEDERATION 8 p.m. 1st end 3rd Fridays of month at above Grand Boulevard, North Vancouver, B.C., (illustrated) boards 8/6 3rd Wednesday of each month at Jack Robinson WALTHAM FOREST ANARCHISTS. Contact Canada. Tel.: 987-2693. address. Lionel Donnelly, 322a Hoc Street, Walthamstow, U.S.A. VERMONT/NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dis­ GEORGE BARRETT and Mary Canine's, 21 Rum bold Road, S.W.6 IPSWICH ANARCHISTS. Contact Neil Dean, 74 (off Kina's Road), 8 p.m. Cemetery Road, Ipewich, Suffolk. E. 17. Regular meetings. cussion group meets weekly. Contact Ed Strauss at The First Person (Selections) 2/6 3rd Friday of each month at 8 p.m. at Donald WEST HAM ANARCHISTS. Contact Stephen RFD 2, Woodstock, Vermont 05091, USA. NEW HAM LIBERTARIANS. Contact Mick Hiags. 8 Westbury Road. Forest Gate. E.7. SWEDEN. Stockholm Anarchist Federation. and Irene Rooum’s, now at 13 Savemake Road, Shenker, 122 Hampton Road, Forest Gate, MICHAEL BAKUNIN London, N.W.3. LIBERTARIAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Contact Nadir, Box 19104, Stockholm 19. Sweden. Marxism, Freedom and the State NOTTINC HILL ANARCHIST GROUP. Cor­ Meetings—discussions—activities. Contact Peter CANADAt Winnipeg. Anybody interested m respondence to Brian Joseph. 1st floor, 27 Ford. 82 North Road, Highgate, N.6. (Tel.: Direct action/anarchy contact G. J. Nasir, MO (ud.) K. J. Kenafick (paper) 7/6 RE6I0NAL FEDERATIONS Arundel Oardenx, London, W. 11. Meeting every MOU 5702.) Matheson Avenue. Winnipeg. 17, Manitoba. first Thursday of the month at 8 p m . Flat 3. BELGIUM: LIEGE. Provos. c/o Jacques Charlier. MARIE-LOUISE BERNERI AND QR0UPS 8 Colville Houses, W. 11. PROPOSED GROUPS 11 Avenue de la Laiteric, Sclessini-Liege. Belgium. Neither East nor West (Selected NORTH-WEST ESSEX. Meetings on the first EAST AFRICA. George Matthews would like to ALTRINCHAM ANARCHIST YOUTH GROUP. Saturday of each month at 7.30 p.m. at Robert WISBECH. Anyone interested write Albert make contact. Secondary school teacher from Writings) (paper) 6/- Oet in touch with Stephen Richards, 25 Norm Berltrop’s, The Old Vicarage, Rad win ter, near Community, Chaptor House, Leverington. UK. PO Box 90. Kakamega. Kenya OttT OF THIS W ORLt TALKING POMTS ‘ftn Ugly Fight: Pages of Pictures’-^*/!//!#standard RECENT WRITER in Freedom the full Provo case to see that, just as Muhammad ali met Ernie Terrell in the ming, Surrey, beat local farmers for the commenting on the Gipsy struggle managerialism has caught up larger sec­ company devoted to health insurance boxing ring in Houston, Texas, and there talked of the necessity for anarchists to tions of the working-class far wider than policies for cats and dogs was formed. second year running in silage making. push within the organization to combat the old Labour Aristocracy into its em­ were complaints of ‘mouthy savagery’ Guard dogs at a supermarket refused The Sister in charge stated, ‘We said a reformist tendencies of ‘liberal’ politi­ brace and given them economic motives and lack of sporting instinct. Angela to allow the manager and his assistant lot of prayers. At the same time, I don’t cians associated with the campaign for for the maintenance of the system; so Ince in the Evening News wrote ‘What’s to enter the premises. . . . think we would have won if we TOadn’t reasonable justice for gipsies. It might it has also subjected other large sections so sporting about sending two grown taken good care with the preparations.’ be worth our while to consider n little to dehumanizing methods of production, men into a ring with the specific inten­ Eleven prisoners at Durham maximum Seen in London: a nun climbing into just what is here involved. in many ways far more subversive of tion of doing as much damage to each security jail rioted and barricaded doors the driving seat of a new ‘Viva’ c&r. . . . Any minority which gets a particularly human dignity than was the poverty of other in fifteen rounds as they possibly against prison officers for 30 hours. The hard deal within society, if it gets to the the old order. can? What’s so sporting about dressing commencement of the riot was when A correspondent in the Democratic point of acting at all for itself (all too At the very least the sub-proletariat up in dinner jackets and diamonds and prison officers refused to allow prisoners German Report asks, ‘Why on earth hi often the over-oppressed are so cowed is now too significant a body to be dis­ paying heaven knows what for a ringside to retrieve a football. Two students the GDR celebrating the 450th anni­ that they do not wish to risk involve­ missed as unimportant. To be able to view of a licensed brawl?’ . • • broke into and out of Walton Jail, Liver­ versary of the Reformation this year? ment with anything that might get them change this, to counteract this hostility pool, and painted a ‘rag’ slogan on inner Is this not a purely protestant affair?*! into yet more trouble with the authori­ on the part of the bulk of the proletariat, Mr; kosyoin met Mr. Wilson, Mr. walls. According to the Sun, ‘A Home The paper reprints an answer to a simi­ ties), naturally seek allies, and allies or to do anything towards so doing, Brown, the Queen and Prince Philip? Office spokesman called it a serious lar question in the Deutsche Lehrer* where power apparently lies, allies with would ^ be to offer a very significant Mr. John Gollan, and Miss Geraldine breach of security*. . zeitung [Teachers’ Times] by a spokes­ i influence. immediate gain as well as the promise Gallacher who called him ‘my old fruit’ man of the State Secretariat for Church Therefore, as soon as they have of something to come. —regardless of the fact that Comrade K The Sunday telegraph divulged that Questions. He quotes Engels, ‘The 1 attracted more than a handful of sup- If we look to the example of the is one of Stalin’s old fruits. The ebullient private^ letters to political organizations lightning wielded by Luther struck; the Iport, and as soon as there may appear American movement, we find that the Mr. Brown pointed out to Mr. Kosygin are being handed to the police at Post whole German people began to move.’ |t o be a couple of hundred votes in it, migrant workers were the backbone of at a luncheon given by the Confedera­ Office headquarters in London to be He goes on to point out how the Refor­ lo r at least more votes to be won than the wobblies, we find that it was to some tion of British Industries that the peach opened, read and photographed before mation undermined feudalism and Papal Trill be lost, there will be politicos jump­ extent the mobility of labour that made he was eating was from America, not delivery. This was disclosed by a Post hegemony. Unfortunately he fails' to ing on a bandwagon. Not of course it essential that all workers belong to a peach from (Soviet) Georgia. By eat­ Office messenger who was a sympathiser quote Luther on the Peasant Revolts of jhat one should so cynically dismiss all one big union, we find that the migrant ing that he was contributing to the war of an organization whose letters he had 1525, ‘To kill a peasant is not murder; iliticians involved in any one cam- instead of being a ‘lump’ like the in Vietnam. Mr. Kosygin is reported to to deliver to the security officers at St. it is helping to extinguish the conflagra­ ign, an otherwise Tory politician let itinerant, was considered a folk-hero of have replied, ‘I can eat anything.’ Mr. Martins^le-Grand post office. Questions tion. Let there be no half measures 1. lone a liberal may well feel intensely labour. Brown, we are told by , are, as usual, to be asked in the House. Crush them! Cut their throats! Trans­ jbout one single issue, and be prepared There is here a need to integrate demanded in mock incredulity, ‘What The Mirror, in a series of articles about fix them ! Leave no stone unturned! To be quite radical on this; a social- various sections of the sub-proletariat sort of morality is that?’ . . . Catholics in Britain, divulges that the kill a peasant is to destroy a mad dog! Sformist on any issue other than one into the body of industrial militancy. Association of Catholic Trade Unionists . . . Our princes must in the circuit!* pt directly conflicts with the power of Not, repeat .not, to set up an industrial Wilfred sendall in the Express, in an kept files on Communists in the unions stances regard themselves as the officers e establishment and the state may well union in opposition to the Trade Unions article entitled ‘I Have Never Known which Scotland Yard Special Branch of the divine wrath which bids them F°ur what would in another context consisting of the sub-proletarian groups, Such Spite Among Our Leaders’, devotes came to photograph (‘in the early post 1 chastise such scoundrels. A prince who 'revolutionary means, as this would only increase their aliena­ himself to an assessment of the way he war years’). ‘It was,* says the Sunday failed to do so would be sinning against therefore any campaign such as that tion from the best of the working class; thinks George Brown’s behaviour is be­ Mirror, ‘a largely successful cam­ God very badly. He would be failing in land for the jppsies, such as work at but to find means to bridge the gap be­ ing exaggerated by pro-Wilson factions paign.’ . . . his mission. A prince who in such cir­ p g Hill or similar hostels, such as tween them, shop stewards groups, and in order to strengthen the Prime Minis­ cumstances avoided bloodshed would bo- emotion of prison reform and the the more healthy rank and file commit­ ter’s position. This article is flanked by A man was arrested by military police come responsible for the murders and $rc radical moves to bring into being tees. In doing so we arm ourselves with­ an anti-Heath cartoon implying Heath on the charge of being a deserter, seven all the further crimes which these low jonvicts’ trade union; inevitably looks in the unions with yet another argument to be out of step with the rank-and-file months after a civilian court had ac­ swine might commit. It is no longer a influential names at the cost of a for industrial unionism. But this can of the Conservative Party. Mr. Heath quitted him on such a charge. It is question of tolerance, patience, pity. It lion of radicalism. Equally inevit- only be done on the basis of trying to was stoutly defended earlier in the week stated that he was decoyed to the police- is the hour of wrath and for the sword; those who are most sincere and build a consciously1 anarchist syndicalist by Norman St. John Stevas and sent a station on the pretext of an accident the hour for mercy is past’ . . . ired to work are those prepared to movement. Any other would refuse asso­ frosty farewell letter to Ernest Marples enquiry, there the military police arrested ^ur more militant methods, and are ciation with those it has so consistently who quitted a party organizational post him on a ‘holding charge’. . . . A ccording to The Scotsman, ‘the High­ apt to be sympathetic to anarchism. despised. which was quite what anybody thought lands and Islands Development Board p a less radical plane this will apply L.O. it was. Ilya Ehrenburg, that well-known A V atican spokesman confirmed that have given a £ 1,000 grant towards re­ pings like OXFAM or anti-apartheid, running dog of Stalinism, Krushevism monks were being investigated in a search into the Loch Ness Monster. But pthe Freedom writer to this extent and Kosygihism, wrote (in the Morning monastery in Cuernavaca, Mexico, where it was explained at the board’s Inverness §d the obvious. But in order to push Star of course) an article entitled, ‘Now, a woman psycho-analysed the monks. headquarters yesterday. that this did not jfehism in such a campaign, or more Include Him Out l for a change, I’d like to write about The Bishop of Cuernavaca said last year mean the monster now has official recog­ jhe point to push the case for direct dogs. . . I that after the woman psycho-analysed nition.’ (opposed to political action, one has Dear Friend, 60 novice monks, 40 left the church, the prepared to argue the need for this I am making an appeal on behalf of In Oklahoma , usa , the first insurance majority to get married. Nuns at Godal- Jon Quixote . jtferms of the immediate needs of one’s Robin Warman who has been in the low campaigners and the immediate Colchester Military Prison for the last jferests of the campaign; or alternatively three months, and will serve another discoveries that have already been made. H argue that those interests cannot be three. Since he has just done three days The world could be adequately catered pilled outside a wider social change. bread and water for refusing ‘to soldier’, for with the technology of 1930 or even [It is, of course, easy enough to show it might well be more. 1900 if it was sensibly used. Thus n an issue (such as disarmament) that He is not in any strict sense a pacifist technological progress can go out of the but nevertheless has learnt enough from letters & Appeals jeformists cannot be sincere and remain window — authoritarians abuse it and Reformists; but this is not true over the the Army to be certain that it is morally anarchists don’t need it. issues instanced, or over opposition to wrong for him to be in it. At the age of in these elections—polls are always low, States and Britain. However, we will London A listair Mac Henry . Kacism— it is perfectly consistent with a 17 he was talked into ‘joining up’ so as despite the weather, political exhortations, not have sufficient funds for the purchase desire to keep managerialist society more to become a PT Instructor, as he did not etc., etc.—ad nauseam. of the powerful radio which will be know any other way to achieve this. His Simon Community or less intact and unchanged, to wish to Cannot we — as anarchists — advocate essential to the success of the venture, parents, being socialists, did consider see extreme instances of deprivation something other than ‘politics* in Local and so are appealing urgently for dona­ Dear Editor, refusing consent, but eventually decided abolished. It is not even absolutely cer­ Government? The • system of Jury tions which may be sent to the Treasurer The Simon Community is a national that they had not the right to interfere. tain that it is necessary to managerialist- Service would serve our interests fine— of CAAT, Mr. Gladney Oakley, at 61 organisation which exists to help men and Soon after qualifying as an instructor, capitalism, unlike the variety described notify certain householders that they Eveleigh Street, Redfem. We hope and women in need of long term unpressured he lost his ‘tapes* because he was ex­ would be liable for local council service expect that this will be the last appeal care. We approach the problem of by Marx, that its lowest strata be re­ pected not to mix with privates, and he —yearly choice! The authorities ‘bossy- for donations needed. social inadequacy from rock bottom duced to absolute physical hunger. persisted in putting friendship before Therefore, except in so far as it affects type* would obviously be foreman—he Our other lack at present is a capable breakdown which is the world of ‘skid rank. the time scale, or in so far as the argu­ could be Lord Mayor and pay his own ocean-going skipper and navigator. Please row*, and offer a rough kind of substitute In July; 1964, his elder brother Chris expenses. The rest would allocate to mention this'to anybody who may be in home or Community, for those without ment is tactical or is based on the ten­ was killed in a car crash and this upset Rob dency to compromise and sell out their themselves health, education, transport, a position to help. one, and the obvious qualities whioh go deeply; his family had always been very finance, etc. The least we can do is to help in with a secure base. supporters normal to politicians; the only united, and the eldest brother had also It’s a thought—toss it around. some way those who are prepared to The Community is extending its work fundamental anarchist case depends on been killed in a crash three years before. meet the challenge of the threat of nationally and now has four Communities the argument ‘you wish to be integrated So it was in a somewhat mentally dis­ D.S. France’s tests in an endeavour to pro­ fully operational in London, Glasgow^ into normal society but is normal society turbed state that Rob was sent abroad a tect us and our children. Exeter, and Liverpool. The Liverpool worth it?’ In the case of the gipsies, of few months later. course, they do not want such integra­ Committee Against R obert P. Smith, Community has just been offered another He was in the Far East throughout Voyage tion and already have, in many cases, Atomic Testing, Chairman. house, which has over 20 rooms in it, is 1965; and it was in Borneo, finding him­ elements of an anarchistic rejection of it. 61 Eveleigh St., Redfern five stories high, and needs much painting self actually involved in military action, But to argue anarchism we have to of the ‘ Trident* and decorating and general clearance that his conscience first became troubled done, as it has been empty for 18 months, show not merely that reformism does by the Army. At the time, however, this rpHE COMMITTEE Against Atomic not work, but that something else might. Away and has been subject to superficial but was only manifested in terms of fairly Testing plans ,a non-violent protest severe vandalism. Would you be good So to those who would not merely work violent mutiny. But on return to England against continuing French nuclear tests in to aid the more radical gipsy cam­ enough to insert some kind of an appeal he went absent as soon as he finished his the South Pacific. with Technology paigners, but to convince them of the for helpers, paint, painting and decorating disembarkation leave, going on the run These tests have already resulted in Dear Editors, need to go further, must argue a tenable equipment, and basic Community needs repeatedly until he was finally picked up increased radioactive ‘fallout’ as mea­ revolutionary anarchist case, not more­ The recent 8-page issue of Freedom such as bedding, crockery, curtains, old as a deserter in early October and court sured in rain falling in Melbourne and over such a case that might work, but a had some thought-provoking stuff. clothing, tools, 1,000 foot of copper case moulded to the gipsy special needs, martialled. Sydney. For instance it is reported that Especially interesting was Alan Parker’s piping—the plumbing was ripped out, and which gives some immediate gains If and when he comes out in May he the content of radioactive caesium 137 article on the threat to freedom from and we need piping. I know it is highly however small. will immediately be sent to join his has jumped about 150-fold ( Sydney technology and technocracy. Alan unlikely that anyone will be in a position The traditional Left—even the tradi* Battalion in Germany, unless he can Morning Herald, November 24, 1966). concentrated on the de-humanising and to give us 1,000 feet of copper piping, r tional anarchist left—has always in this either buy himself out, or the authorities Further tests are planned for several conditioning effect on workers of certain but you never know your luck. country dismissed gipsies and others as should be persuaded to change their years to come, including hydrogen bomb aspects of technology—there are also the If you oould formulate the . above “Lumpen* elements unworthy to be called minds and give him his conscientious tests in 1968. threats to human relationships in general, information into some kind of appeal workers. One does not need to accept discharge. Buying himself out would CAAT is an independent organization to natural beauty, the arts, and to the asking for enquiries and personal, aid fo cost £200, his family are in straitened representing the interests of a large ‘poetic’ or ‘spiritual’ life. be directed to the above address, we financial circumstances and are in no number of people who want to exercise It is true that technology need not be would be most grateful. When we know position to help. As yet £20 has been their opposition to testipg 'and to draw abused but this doesn’t alter the fact that the extent of potential support, we can raised. I should therefore like help, attention to its dangers, CAAT proposes in the modern, greed- fear- and authority- organise working parties in detail. Hoping Subscription Ratos either from those who could afford to to do this by sponsoring u voyage of dominated world, it will inevitably be for your help. give something or from anyone who can protest by the Trident to the French abused. Free and sane men would not All the Best, FREEDOM only (per year) needle an MP into putting pressure for u nuclear testing area at Mururou, near feci the need to live in a welter of techno­ Simon Community, Mark Nbwns , £1 10s. (S4.S0) surface mail discharge. 1 should be glad to hear'If Tuhiti, during 1967. logical progress and would probably find Simon Pool, House Leader. £2 16s. ($8.00) airmail anyone can help or suggest action In any Trident if a 42-foot sloop which Is be­ no use for many of the inventions and 6 Fox St., Liverpool, 3 ANARCHY only (per year) other direction. ing prepared for sea. Volunteers are £1 6a. (S3.SO) surface mail 60 Divinity Road, N. 1. W arm an , being trained to man her and trial runs O xfo rd AEU Shop Steward. on the NSW cousl are in progress. £2 7a. ($7.00) airmail The crew are prepared to take the risk COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION of radiation, or of interception by the let MOW FREEDOM & ANARCHY (per year) French, which would amount to piracy, u s have your orders £2 10s. ($7.50) surface mall both Local Elections as the high seas ure not owned by the £4 15a. ($12.50) airmail both Dear Comrade, French. Local elections ■— with all attendant Purchase o f the Trident in June, I960, for the 8-paqe FREEDOM FREEDOM (airmail) & ballyhoo and door thumping will soon was made possible by funds contributed | ANARCHY (seanraail) from Australia. New Zeeland. th e Untied £3 17s. ($10.50) (per year) be upon us. Apathy/anarcby Is endemic toy Rx»rau Frisian. Loadoo, H I FohUatoad toy Praadou Praa*. II* MaawaP Pickets Win legal Dispute DUILDING WORKERS, who have there is still the question of the have been upheld under common For Workers’Control been picketing Sunley’s site in interim orders on the remaining six law. In fact one never knows what Westminster, won part of their legal men. These, which include Jack can happen once trade unionists are battle to continue their picket, when Henry, the Federation Steward, are taken to court and the increasing FEBRUARY 18 1967 Vol 28 No 5 last .week Mr. Justice Janies ruled alleged to have acted in unlawful readiness of the employers to do just that- their action was in the further­ conspiracy. Sunley’s contract mana­ this is a matter of growing concern ance of a trade dispute. Sunley’s, in ger, Mr. Nutt, said that some of the to all trade unionists. This was an attempt to prevent the picketing, men were members of the London demonstrated by the fact that the had obtained an injunction against Building Workers’ Joint Sites Com­ picket line was supported by not 16 men who have been on strike mittee, ‘whose object was to disrupt only building workers, but engineers as well. Financial support has also Bottle of Words sinde last October. industry by pressing unreasonable However, the discharge only demands for workers’. They dis­ come from a number of factories in concerns ten of the defendants and puted this, although Jack Henry North London. This dispute has T EADERS of the TUC have decided really heating up to a ‘whisper*. Tbo| so the order against the other six men said he supported and sympathised not, like so many others, remained to ignore the Government plan to Liaison Committee for the Defence o u remains. The judge said that all 16 with the laudable aims of the in isolation, being actively supported introduce permanent compulsory reserve Trade Unions is calling for a lobby •£] can continue peaceful picketing and committee. by other industrial workers. Efforts powers. They are not in a fighting Parliament on February 21 against the! that the order did not take away their Sunley’s tried to make out that at liaison are at long last showing opposition mood, just applying gentle extension of the wage freeze, that should there was no dispute and these 16 results. resistance. Stewart has, in a roundabout provide more air both inside and oufl rights under the 1906 and 1965 Trade way, informed them that he cannot wait side the Westminster gas works. Disputes Acts. The defendants also men were stopping the full working It is worth noting that the execu­ tives of the unions who did not much longer as time is getting short, On January 23, 51 employees of til won costs from Sunley’s. of the site. The contracts manager June 30 is the deadline. Forrest Printing Ink Company were Whether this legal struggle is over alleged that the works committee give their support did not even give The TUC Economic Committee is to missed for attempting to force the ca or not is now up to Sunley’s, for was irresponsible and that their uno­ assistance when the right to picket meet Stewart next week, when they hope pany to pay a wage bonus forbiddenj fficial action had caused the stop­ was threatened. All George Smith. to persuade him that compulsory powers the freeze. The printing ink v page. This statement was squashed General Secretary of the Amalga­ could mean political suicide. who are members of SOGAT adofj after the reading of affidavits from mated Society of Woodworkers, Questioned in the House of Commons a policy of non-co-operation. i\|l w | officials of both the Transport and could say was: Tt does appear that on the maintenance of rigid control over kers have returned to work under| Contact Column General Workers Union and the the men involved in this injunction prices and profits as well as incomes. s(ructions from their union. Amalgamated Union of Building Stewart replied that the words 'strict* Only national co-ordinated action have been acting outside their this nature will have any real effectj This column exists for mutual aid. Trade Workers to the effect that they and 'rigid’ should not be used too unions’ instructions and have freely. The problem was the best the Gove%ment. This is plain unf Donations towards cost of typesetting supported their members and that brought the injunctions on them­ will be welcome. method of getting sufficient stability into nished fact, anything less is just kiddfl the Joint Sites Committee was not selves.’ ASW members got no legal prices and wages to enable rapid growth ourselves, surely we have played pa] •Speakers. Harlow Anarchists intend to the cause of the dispute. The men assistance from their union, neither to be sustained. cake too long. fun a series of public meetings and denied other charges made by did the painters and both had to One can honestly say that wages have WORKERS’ CONTROL indoor forums. Comrades willing Sunley’s of the incidences of spitting, get legal aid and solicitors elsewhere. been strictly restrained, whereas, price to speak on anarchistic topics will abusing and assaulting the site What these men are ‘guilty’ of, increases have been far more fluid. In TUC leaders are taking a cautil be paid expenses if necessary. foreman. both in the eyes of Sunley’s and the a television interview last week Mr. John view of the plan for trade union Please contact the Harlow Group Davies,w Director-General of the Con­ sentatives to be appointed to the Bod (see groups column) with offers or The affidavits of the union officials executives of the ASW and the of Public Companies. In their submit obviously helped a great deal in this federation of British Industry, stated it suggestions. painters’ union, is that they have was impossible to legislate a price freeze, to the Royal Commission they std| Conference on “Race Toward Tolerance*. case. It seems evident that Sunley’s gained too much by strong site and to all intents and purposes the that although they wanted the Islington International Friendship were trying to pull a fast one when organisation. They have made the Government agree with him, the Prices changed to allow trade unionists to Council. Speakers: David Pitt; Eric they first got the injunction, in fact basic union rates look silly and have and Incomes Bill leaves enough loop­ ticipate* in Board decisions, the TUS Silver of the Guardian; Mrs. Shirley on the same day that they were shown that direct action can win holes for varying price increases. did not propose that these men shofir I Williams. Chairman: James Cameron. having talks with union officials. high wages and good site conditions. Lord Cooper, General Secretary of the become 'executive directors’. Vic Featha 2.30 p.m. Saturday, February 25, Assistant General Secretary of the TU(3 ANTI-TRADE UNION CLIMATE This hurts Sunley’s and embarrasses G&MWU, writing in his union’s journal 1967. Islington Town Hall, Upper George Smith. stated that: ‘Particular groups of wor­ stated: ‘We are thinking of participation! Street, London, N .l. Refreshments Whether the result would have We are not thinking of running the joiqH Although they might have won a kers must accept the TUC’s “ruling”.* and collection. been the same if the dispute was The Government should set the ‘norm’ as well. Perhaps in 30 years’ time w e l Voluntary Editorial Secretary- Wanted totally unofficial is open to question. legal struggle, these men still need and sanctions used as a last resort might have a different view.’ Anyway! support if they are to hold out for F r eedo m editors. Two evenings Under statutory law, unofficial On the other hand John Newton, that should keep the pseudo-left-wing; Readers can assist in this by sending a week. Fridays and Mondays. strikers have the protection of both General Secretary of the National Union quiet, at least they have a date fo r V Shorthand not essential but own donations to Mr. H. Cassidy, 61 Workers’ Control. the 1906 and 1965 Trades Disputes of Tailors and Garment Workers, writes typewriter desirable. Write Freedom Bengarth Road, Northolt, Middx. in his union journal: T he Government’s Lord Donovan, Chairman of the i Press. Acts, but in the present anti-trade policy is not an incomes policy. It is Royal Commission, pointed out the 1 Badges. Harlow Anarchists. Badges of union climate, an injunction might P.T. stark dictatorship applied to the incomes West Germans had experience of trade 1 any slogan, any colour. 1/- each, of the 24 million people of this country union representation on the Boards of | 10/- per dozen, £1 for 30. 1 in. who work.’ Frank Cousins, General Public Companies, and it was found that diameter. Enquiries: 138 Penny Mead, Secretary of the TGWU, in a speech at when a trade unionist became a labour Harlow, Essex. Proceeds to duplicator Bromley stated: *You cannot apply the director a gulf grew up between him fund. dogmas of a totalitarian society to a free and the people from whom he grows. Work. Urgent; young couple, both ROUTES’ PLAN unrestricted capitalist society. Because Sir Harry Douglas, Chairman of the graduates, seek any work in which MEETS TUC, said he did not believe a similar we live in a capitalist society there should they can be together (for personal be the free right of negotiated wages.’ The gulf would occur between British Trade reasons this is more important than remember these attacks and threats of question is then posed. Is Frank Cousins Unionists if the same system were intro­ the money). John Tittensor, 103a outside intervention in relation to the opposed to the TUC vetting wages? I duced in this country. Gamden Road, London, N.W.l. RESISTANCE struggle which is taking place at the think not. Does it matter who does the S ir Harry is right, there would not be Badges. Tree —Franco’s Rootes Group’s Ryton-on-Dunsmoor vetting, the Government will supply the a gulf, just an unbridgeable chasm, Prisoner’, 3/6 for six (including once you ‘sell out’, and this is what a OW that car manufacturers have, with factory at Coventry. The management ‘teeth’ anyway. postage), minimum order. Proceeds seat on the Board means, that’s you Nminor exceptions, achieved the ‘shake­ are trying to introduce a system of The battle of words between the trade te new campaign expenses. Orders measured day-work payments instead of union leadership and the Government is finished, your amalgamation with the to John Rety, c/o Freedom Press. out’ of labour, they are endeavouring to em ployers is com plete. This is not old- carry out further rationalisation. Manage­ piece-work. Under the piece-work Who wants the Easter meeting? £8 10s. system, continual shop floor negotiations fashioned class jargon, it’s common ments, faced with smaller profit margins, that they have sent out circulars direct to was raised in December towards the have led to ‘wage drift’ and Rootes want sense. ‘No man can serve two masters’, are making attacks on workers’ conditions employees without consulting the shop- cost of an indoor anarchist propa­ to halt this and gain control over produc­ and I don’t apologise for the clic h e . and in this they are following the lead stewards, workers have now taken strike ganda meeting; to be held in London tion costs. At one time piece-work was Bill Christopher . of the Government who is lending a hand action in defence of their interests. dn Easter Sunday (cost of last year’s considered to be the extra spur to meeting: about £20). The group who of support to the car manufacturers. Rootes, on the other hand, seem The Government-appointed Mr. Scamp, increased productions, in fact another determined to force their new system organized the fund-raising now find foreman that kept the men at it. This is, themselves unable to organize the the industry troubleshooter, said in his through and have even threatened to report last December, that: ‘If the of course, still the situation in many dose down the factory. A similar meeting. Anyone undertaking this cases, but what has happened at Rootes, work should apply to Donald Rooum industry cannot itself evolve means of situation to that at ENVs could be retraining minority groups of men from and at BMC for that matter, is that developing here. £20 WANTED for the £8 10s., which will otherwise shop-floor organisation has usually gained bp given to Freedom Press. D.R., the selfish pursuit of immediate sectional In the present circumstances, it is advantage, without regard to agreements, better piece-work targets and job control. essential that the union officials be pre­ PRESS FUND 13 Savemake Road, N.W.3. A measured rate would cut a great deal East London Committee of 100. Social one is forced to the conclusion that the vented from taking the initiative. One WEEK 6, FEBRUARY 11, l%7: only solution may be for the power to of shop-floor negotiations and therefore lesson that can be learned from the ENV Expenses: 6 weeks at £90: £540 Evening. Friday. March 3, 730 pjn. weaken the power and scope held under Downs Hotel, Downs Road, Clapton, impose sanctions against indiscipline to struggle is that no help can be expected Income: Sales and Subs.: £372 be vested in authorities outside or inde­ the piece-work system. The new method from them, at least not at national level. London, E.5. Admission 3/-. would not give workers the chance to Lecture (in Spanish). ‘Syndicalism’—A. pendent of the motor industry.’ This It is obvious that this issue does not just DEFICIT: £168 week Mr. Gunter, Minister of Labour, push up their earnings by negotiating concern the workers at Ryton. The pay Ruiz. Sunday, February 19, 3.30 p.m. new targets and they would lose the Lecture Room. Royal Hotel. Woburn said that outside sanctions would have structure. particularly piece-work, London: Anon 5/-; Birmingham: AX. to be applied if the industry could not right of negotiation in respect of manning throughout the industry will soon be over­ Place, W.C.L of jobs, which controls speed-up and the 10/-; Wolverhampton: J.K.W.* 2/-; JX * obtain industrial discipline. hauled. BMC have already said: ‘Our 3/-; Bury St. Edmunds: C.P.* 5/-; Nice: Anarchy. Will exchange copies of 2 and speed of the track. 33 for 37 and 38. Box 48. The threatened outside intervention, real aim is to get rid of piece-work’. The P.A. 3/8; California: L.L. £1/1/-; Chel­ Abolition of Royalty. Individual Action which is feared by both the employers THREATENED CLOSURE struggle of the workers at Rootes could tenham: L.G.W.* 10/-; Bristol: R.B. 14/-; being discussed now in all parts of and the unions, will force them to take a Rootes say the new wage system would be that of the men at BMC in the very Vermont: E jS. £1; Northolt: Anarchist the country and abroad. For details tougher line. This has already been the stabilise wages. They propose to pay near future. Group* 1/-; Hit chin: L A £1; San Fran­ of meetings apply Box 49. case with the British Motor Corporation, an increase of 6d. per hour on the present The employers are in a very good cisco: Part Proceeds Festa January 28 average, provided that production is Dialectics of Liberation. International which has toughened its attitude to position to impose their own conditions £26/5/-; Hartfield: O.M. 10/-; London, increased from cars to 25 per hour. Congress sponsored by Institute of unofficial strikers and started suspending 22} on car-workers. There is the backing of N .W 3: P H . £5; London, N.WJ: G.C This will mean a 10% increase in produc­ Phenomenological Studies. London, those who participate in disputes. Mr. the Government and the fear of unem­ £1; Leicester: J.H. £3/10/* London. tion for a 3}% increase in wages. Very July 15-30. Registration Fee 15 gns. Scamp’s activities have been widened to ployment to ease any new measures N .W 3: 5/6. nice for Rootes, who are refusing to Allen .Ginsberg, Paul Goodman, include the problems of the whole car through. Isolation in this struggle will TOTAL: £42 5 3 give assurances about continuity of 1 5 Herbert Marcuse, Ronald Laing, etc. industry, such as the overhaul of the only make it even easier for the Previously Acknowledged: £186 employment and short time. However, Enrolments to IPS, 65a Belsize Park pay structure and a study of disputes employers, therefore solidarity amongst with the procedure formula now ex­ £148 6 8 Gardens, N.W.3. procedure as laid down in the York the workers is a way of defeating the 1967 Total to Date: memorandum. hausted, the management’s refusal to efforts of the employers. V jmm wtafc to maketurn to * b tm kwmr. It is particularly important to negotiate on piece-work rates and the fact P.T. •Denotes Regular Contributor.