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Yale University Library Digital Repository Contact Information Yale University Library Digital Repository Collection Name: Henry A. Kissinger papers, part II Series Title: Series III. Post-Government Career Box: 705 Folder: 5 Folder Title: Jewish Federation dinner, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Nov 1986 Persistent URL: http://yul-fi-prd1.library.yale.internal/catalog/digcoll:559015 Repository: Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library Contact Information Phone: (203) 432-1735 Email: [email protected] Mail: Manuscripts and Archives Sterling Memorial Library Sterling Memorial Library P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520 Your use of Yale University Library Digital Repository indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use http://guides.library.yale.edu/about/policies/copyright Find additional works at: http://yul-fi-prd1.library.yale.internal ow" a-c-] H. LAWRENCE KARASIC, M.D., P.A. 26 SURREY LANE • OCEAN. NEW JERSEY • 07712 DecembeA 1, 1986 DA. Henty Kissinget Suite 400 1800 K StAte,t N.W. DEc 4 ISB5 Washington, D.C. 20006 Decvz. DA. KazingeA: On beha26 o6 the Jewish Fedetati4n and yout hosts in Monmouth County I'd tike to say one MOU thank you 6ot you& visit on Novembet 24th. We att eageAty anticipated youA pet- ceptive AemaAks and wete enchanted by yowl. mAmth and humor.. You know that out evening mu4 a 4UCCC-64 6Aom a business point o¡ view. You might atso be pteased .to know that youA ptesence added pAzstige to out emeAgimg jewish community. It is the tattet 6ot which we cannot adquatety thank you. It was a petsonat thAilt 6ot my wi¡e and 1 and each o¡ us ptuent, to mee,t you. CoAdiatty, H. Lawtence ataske, M.D. Ptesident Enc.. - •,••••-' • HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP — For- mer Secretary of State Henry A. Kis- singer last night said he didn't think the present secretary of state, George Shultz, would resign over the sale of arms to Iran but urged him to im- prove communication with President Reagan. - - "I think it can't go- on with the president and the secretary oT state communicating with each other - through television," Kissinger said. "It doesn't matter which one. is right. It's too dangerous." Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under former Presidents Nixon and Ford, said he happened to think ,that Shultz was right on sub- stance. Shultz has stated his opposi- tion to the shipment of arms to han, .which Reagan approved, and said he was told little about it. But Kissinger, who called Shultz ••••• an old friend, said,"I don't think he'll • resign. I don't think that's his nature." Kissinger made his comments at a 9 fund-raising reception for the United Jewish Appeal — Jewish Federation f' of Greater Monmouth County held at the Sherwood Court home. of Law- rence and Sherry Kalish..' About 65 people attended the • fair, which called for a minimum SOS SIELK/Asbury Park Pieu commitment of $8,000 to .the 1987 Former Secretary of State Henry A:'.kissinger.speaks at United Jewish Appeal fund-raiser in Holmdel Township last night • , ture."Ilut,,h6.-saici, t"To sell arms to- Americans roaming around the world, captured. .. Iran was a-Mid Mistake." susceptible to being It's'a mistake, kissinger explained, - But whatever the mistake, Kissin- because it,;-ruins the United -States' • ger continued, it is imperative that the anti-terrorist policy. - • .. presidency not be dismantled because The only way to resist terrorism is of it. to make sure the terrorists don't bene- . "A mistake was made. There is fit from any of their terrorism, he nothing we can do about 'that mis- said. - take," he said. "Now the problem is "When I was in office I refused to how to go on from there.",- . , ,-.... negotiate" with terrorists, he said. Kissinger said the United States' Kissinger -said:lor every one hos- bombing on Libya:NV-4 -11n7outstand-..... ,..., .4ke. .4,•'4W.:7.¡:;tI:',F*.:Zor.t-1 , ‘...;-, tage freed ttlar9ugh-,.i4Ch negotiations " • • - r, .-, "4-...,_..'A...•Ai.Y.i.4 • : e . 1 3,: there- are tensicif thousands of other See KISSINGER;mage-A15: 4-- ,•:ir 4. r '..:. ''' , bachev. But he was critical of the summit at Reykjavik, Iceland, because he thought the Soviets were trying to "stampede" the Americans. "I never went to a summit unless the final communique was agreed on before it began," he said. dealing ing move" whether Libya was the "The major problem in principal party in the terrorist acts with the Soviets is to convince them that were the basis for the air raid. they can't stampede us and try to get some real concessions," he said. "I think the principal party was He contended the Soviets are truly Syria," he said. interested in obtaining agreements Kissinger said the terrorist groups with Reagan because he is the most are small and can't afford to lose any conservative president in a number of of their members in such attacks. The years and he is a popular president. effect of the air raid on Libya is that "For that, the Soviets should be. there hasn't been a single Libyan- made to pay a price," he said. sponsored terrorist attack on U.S. Kissinger said that as Americans get to know the -new generation of Soviet leaders, they may end up looking back at Andrei Gromyko with nostalgia: - I. • „ • "He was like an African ihinos," he said of the former Soviet foreign min- ister. "He charged in a straight line. You knew where he was going. and • you could get out of his wajr.'..' • 11 GO 0.11 ••••• 0.6 0.11/.111, s • Dic:Tues., Nov. 25, 1986 sbury Pdrk *I ******* So:7 ........ • ................................. ................... rg .......... ........ ............. ";1 ..... getzwalimmomusuamialmagaiz7re--7-7--779--. **• • ...... claims • Wes .:„.„.::„........................... :.. J Av fun aisr • ".*."..:.•:•:•: ...... - • •• ....... ely ... :::::::::...... :.......... ... pub •::: ..... nets $305,0 .................... .... to bè Jock ............. ... COLBYS: Pree ted. guests. So was the e By MARGUERITE HENDERSON among the host .... ........•••• couple's son Billy, 17. Another son is .................. DALLAS: Pam u et when she learns Press Stan Writer e Jenna. Pam Howard, a junior at Syracuse Univer- Bobby has gone to s I BETWEEN DOVER sole with ........ disturbed because J na is considering an sity, who's in London, England — ........ J salmon mousse stuffing served last the Portmans are to today. abortion. At the oil b rons' ball, Wes goes where flying •• • • ....... •....... that he is ti night in the Wayside, Ocean Township How did Sharon Portman get to be to the podium and an ounces Portman, Jock Ewing. Clayton t reatens to kill Wes o, home of Sharon and David both campaign chairwoman and dinner p with chocolate when he learns Wes a d Miss Ellie have and almond meringues hostess? ................. had a secret meeting. edical tests show h mocha filling served in the Holmdel "I started the tíusinesi and profes, that Wes could in fact eJock Ewing. T Township residence of Sherry and Uw- sional women's UJA group here," Mrs. Bobby and J.R. want es to take a lie e: itnce Kalish, there was a lot of outward Portman explained,"and this is what I ........ detector test. J.R. waned by government tj good will, personal introspection, and got in return." • ....:•7••••••••••—•'• agents that if he hast-'ad anything to do public pledging ofsome $305,000 to the enaries to Well, at least she didn't have to ,...................... with the hiring of mer "Jewish Federation United Jewish Ap- worry about the meal, which was ca- sabotage Mideast oilfi Ids, he could face r peal of Greater Monmouth County. legal action. J.R. figu4s out a way to get a tered by William Kessler, Long Branch. •-; for the. ---... •—•• April's share of Jack' Ewing Oil stock. t The evening called dinner at In addition- to the Dover sole entree, ::;•;•-.;¡::::;-..E.:::,-ii Sue Ellen gets message from Hollywood i Portmans (for 45 guests), dessert at the there was manicotti with bechamel ....-94 producer who's inter sted in making Kalish home (attended by about 65 sauce, vegetable bundles, a salad and „ .......-::-; Mandy a star. person's) plus up-close and. personal cheese course, and strawberries with ... .. .v:•::v.v) Henry A... Kissinger, former tells Alexis he views of raspberry sauce. ... DYNASTY: After en secretary of state and national security Sharing a table with r114::rn loves her, she secretly vows to make him - Kissinger and he's created. ' adviser to President Richard M. Nixon. the Portmans were such guests as Dr. ......... "--- pay for all the problirns - ........... Dana tells Adam shthad a crush on him Kissinger, featured speaker at the two H. Lawrence Karasic, president of UJA- • in high school, folio ed him to Colorado stop fund-raiser, discussed serious top- Jewish Federation of.. Monmouth ........ and got a job withlake in order to be ics like East-West relations and Middle County, and his wife Honey;and Mar- ;*:,:::•,;z;;;•¡;;;;;•;.:•:::::i near him.. Adam tens her that he wishes East Problems, yet managed to get in vin Relkin, executive director Of the .:.:,,;;;;;;;;;;.*;;;•;-..,-;,. they'd found each other sooner. Clay and one joke about -the couple forced down organization, and his wife...Susan: Both Blake learn Cares4 is in solitary , , • in an. airplane on an island in the couples are of Ocean Township. confinement. Adam reports to Alexis that Picific. There are.no communications. The Portmans' poodle' s"Nestle" was ''"j11±.!••1:":fil. ‘":. Blake is looking f natural gas funding. The man is jittery. His wife says, groomed for Kissinger's_ visit and H 5.±5:...- Alexis writes a to Ily false story about "Don't worry. Haven't you just given a given bow in her hair. - Blake's business ealings. Dex caught in sported $100,000 to UJA? They'll find you." -"Toto," the Kalish family's •• U:• • •'- .
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