Nuclear Energy Systems Business Operation

June 3, 2010

Akira Sawa Director, Executive Vice President, General Manager, Nuclear Energy Systems Headquarters

1 Contents

1. Highlights in Corporate News, 2009-2010 2. Results of the 2008 Business Plan 3. Overview of the 2010 Business Plan 4. Operation in Global Business 5. Operation in Domestic Light Water Reactor Business 6. Operation in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Business 7. Value Chain Innovation

2 1. Highlights in Corporate News, 2009-2010

Projects Delivered Realizing Major Projects

The latest PWR power plant 3rd US-APWR selected started commercial operation Hokkaido Electric Dominion Resources Tomari unit 3 North Anna unit 3 (Dec 2009) (May 2010)

Inheriting plant Plant export starts in technologies Tomari unit 3 (right) earnest Existing North Anna unit 1/2 1st plutonium thermal operation Large-scale order received started in Japan for nuclear fuel cycle Kyushu Electric Japan Nuclear Fuel Genkai unit 3 Limited (Dec 2009) Rokkasho MOX fuel Shikoku Electric fabrication plant Ikata unit 3 (June 2009) (Mar 2010)

Genkai No. 3 reactor Rokkasho MOX fuel fabrication plant MOX fuel loaded (J-MOX) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Contribution to Japanese Advanced nuclear fuel cycle 3 2. Results of the 2008 Business Plan

„ Orders, Sales and Profit Steady business mostly in domestic maintenance services, nuclear fuel cycle and components export „ Major Actions and Achievements Steady business promotion and construction of business foundation towards global deployment Overseas business ○Dominion selected US-APWR, a 1,700MWe class large-sized PWR, the third unit following the 2 units selected by Luminant. ○The basic design of ATMEA1, a 1,100 MWe class mid-sized PWR, completed. Now being promoted to Jordan and other countries.

Domestic ○Sales for maintenance services expanded mainly because of earthquake proofing works business and preventive maintenance services to improve plant capacity factor. ○Hokkaido Electric Tomari unit 3 started commercial operation. Steady progress in Tsuruga units 3&4 and Sendai unit 3 projects. ○Leading role for Mox fuel usage in LWRs, J-MOX and FBR in the field of nuclear fuel cycle Business bases ○Strengthening alliance and management of affiliate companies: MNES in the US, , a joint venture between MHI and in France, and MFBR dedicated in development of FBR technology in Japan, reorganization of MNF for complete fuel supplier and establishment of MNEC by unifying domestic engineering subsidiaries ○Now prepared for 2 plant orders annually by securing the necessary human resources and reinforced production facilities

LWR: Light Water Reactor; MNES: Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems, Inc.; ATMEA: A joint venture with AREVA; MFBR: Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc.; MNF: Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.; MNEC: MHI Nuclear Engineering Co., Ltd. 4 3. Overview of the 2010 Business Plan

5 Business Environment, Vision and Strategy of the 2010 Business Plan Business Environment

„ Expanding plant market both in industrialized and developing countries

„ Promotion of nuclear power introduction in Japan toward reduction of CO2 emissions by 25% „ Acceleration of nuclear fuel cycle for stable LWR operation and energy security


A Leading Company in the Global Nuclear Energy Field ~ Sophisticated Production Capabilities Contribute to Low-Carbon Society ~

Business Strategy Value Chain Innovation

Overseas Changing business model from component „ Process innovation business export to plant export - Introduction of strategic ICT -

Strongly promoting preventive maintenance „ Production innovation Domestic LWR services for existing units and construction of - Strengthen manufacturing capability business new APWRs toward supplying 2 units per annum -

Deploying solution business in nuclear fuel Nuclear fuel „ Supply chain management cycle and leading FBR development as a cycle business - Construction of global SCM - core company

APWR: 1,500 MWe class advanced pressurized water reactor FBR: fast ICT: Information Communication Technology 6 Numeric Targets of the 2010 Business Plan

Business size 2006 2008 2010 business plan business plan business plan on ansi exp ness Busi Achieved ahead of 6,000 schedule

„ The target of 600 billion vision Long-term plan 2008 business (Unit: 100 million yen) Japanese yen in the long- term vision to be achieved ahead of schedule, in 4,000 2014. 3,300 3,000 „ Percentage of overseas 2,000 Overseas sales to grow to the 60% Domestic range light water reactors

Nuclear fuel cycle 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2018

Resources Compared to 2005 (%) R&D for global large size reactor design and design certificate Larger size facilities, 2 PWR units/year 500 Larger size facilities, 2 PWR units/year „ Large-scale investments for Preventive maintenance facilities it prof global development were ased Incre Research and completed in the 2008 development business plan. Large-scale Capital investments investment „ Profit to be increased from 100 2010 Business Plan timeframe 0 20062008 2010 2012 2014 2018 7 4. Operation in Global Business

„ Changing the business model from component export to plant export

8 Market Volume for New Build Projects

Global expansion to reduce CO2 emissions and strengthen energy security

(Installed Capacity: GW) MHI’s target market „ Installed nuclear capacity to 220 GW High: 807 grow by a factor of 1.7 (About 170 (2010t2030) reactors) IAEA2030 680 forecast (2009) „ MHI’s target market 220GW (about 170 reactors) 65 90 Low: 512 389 (Note) Excluding China and Russia Under construction -84 Long-term New builds Shut Down China and Russia (domestic developed reactors)

In operation In operation 2010 2030

Calculated by MHI based on JAPAN ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM, INC. (JAIF) “Trends in the World’s Nuclear Power Development, FY 2010 Edition” and IAEA “Energy, 9 Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030 2009 edition” Market Characteristics and Our Strategy

Industrialized countries market Developing countries market

Systems of laws - Already established - Under establishment and regulations

- Already signed with major countries Bilateral treaty (US, UK, France, Canada, Australia, - Need to be signed China and EURATOM)

Operating - Operators to be trained because of - Experienced operators capabilities little operations experience

- Operation, maintenance and front-end Scope of supply - Limited to plant construction included in many cases

Promotion based on a public-private MHI-centered business development sector partnership model - Government: Support through the MHI’s strategy - Export of MHI’s strategic nuclear development of laws and regulations reactors for global market and financing - Financial support to be necessary - Electric power companies: support for (JBIC, NEXI, etc.) operation and maintenance - MHI (manufacturer): Export of plants 10 Key Markets for New Plants and MHI’s Actions

Acquiring more than 20% of the global market (two unit orders per annum)

North, Central and South Europe and Middle East Japan and Asia America Strategic reactors

APWR (Including the improved Tomari unit 3 type countries market

Industrialized United States Europe Japan Further orders pursued for Aggressive sales activity for Steady progress in Tsuruga US-APWR followed by Finland and other countries units 3&4 and Sendai unit 3 selection of US-APWR by projects Luminant (Commanche Peak units 3&4) and Dominion (North Anna unit 3) countries market Marketing expanded with Jordan Vietnam Developing market needs in Central and Currently working with Approaching with the “All South America ATMEA with support from the Japan” fleet Japanese and French governments India Taking steps in this promising market with government support (Note) The share is based on reactors in operation or in development between 2010 and 2030, excluding China and Russia. 11 Global Lineup of Strategic Nuclear Reactors

Meeting the market needs around the world with different types of reactors

Reactor type

1,100 MWe class PWR 1,700 MWe class PWR 1,700 MWe class PWR Output (Intermediate reactor: (Large reactor: 60 Hz) (Large reactor: 50 Hz) 60 Hz/50 Hz) Thermal „ 4,451 MWth „ Same as left „ 3,150 MWth output „ Developed for the United „ Developed for Europe on the „ Developed for all of the world Concept States on the basis of APWR basis of APWR by combining technologies of MHI and Areva „ Full four train „ Same as left „ Full three train „ Meeting the requirements of „ Meeting the requirements of „ Same as at left Safety U.S. severe accidents European severe accidents „ Protection against aircraft „ Hybrid-type safety system collision (high-performance pressure-charged tank) Operation * „ 24-month operation „ Load following function „ Ability to use MOX

* Depending on requirements by country, region, and electric power company 12 Selection of US-APWR for North Anna Unit 3 by Dominion Resources

US-APWR selected from several candidate reactor types (May 2010) -Third US-APWR selection following Comanche Peak unit 3&4 of Luminant- Louisa, Virginia

Critical points led to customer’s decision

„Proven safety, reliability and high technology - Experience with 24 reactors with PWR full turnkey construction in Japan - Achievements in delivering major components to Dominion Resources for Surry unit 2, North Anna unit 1, Millstone unit 2 and Kewaunee

Formation for construction project in the U.S Existing North Anna units 1&2 „EPC alliance with U.S. partners such as URS

Dominion Resources URS Corporation

One of the largest electricity suppliers in the United One of the world’s major engineering companies, States providing design, construction management, and Output capacity at owned facilities: 27 GW, 5.8 GW of which is other services in more than 30 countries generated by nuclear power with seven reactors (No. 3 in the United States) No. 2 in the US Top 500 Design Firms (ENR Magazine, April 2010) z Sales (2009): 15.1 billion dollars z Sales (2009): 9.25 billion dollars z Number of employees: about 18,000 z Number of employees: about 45,000 z Headquarters: Richmond, Virginia z Headquarters: San Francisco, California

US-APWR: 1,700 MWe class APWR for the U.S. market 13 Progress at Comanche Peak Units 3&4 of Luminant Generation

Steady progress toward plant construction

„ ESA agreement signed in 2009; detail design work Glen Rose, Texas ongoing for accurate cost estimates

„ Supporting Luminant Generation for application for DOE’s loan guarantee, as the budget for DOE financing expected to be expanded from 18.5 billion dollars to 54.5 billion dollars

Units 3&4 „ Accelerating design certification and combined licensing processes by DCWG (Design Centered Working Group) Units 1&2 consisting of Luminant, Dominion, and MHI Artist’s rendition of Comanche Peak units 3&4

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012~ 2020

Selection of US-APWR Establishment of joint venture and ESA agreement・ Mar Jan Dec Design certification review Start-up of units 3&4

Sep Combined license review

ESA: engineering service agreement DOE: U.S. Department of Energy DC: design certification COL: combined license for construction and operation 14 Market Developments for EU-APWR

Participation in the large-sized reactor market in Europe

„ The Finnish government selected TVO as one of the two electric power companies for the potential construction projects. (TVO selected EU-APWR as one of the candidate reactor types.)

„ Sales promotion in Switzerland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and others countries.

„ Applied for conformity review of European Utility Requirements (EUR) (Responding to requirements particular to Europe, such as responses to serious accidents)

„ Signed strategic partnership agreements with IBERDROLA Ingenieria Y Construccion of Spain and Weir of the United Kingdom

„ Preparing to establish an European base

EU-APWR: 1,700 MWe class APWR for Europe 15 Sales Promotion for ATMEA1

Actively promoting in the global mid-sized reactor market

„ Responding to the Jordan project with support from the Japanese and French governments „ Currently marketing ATMEA1 to potential customers in more than ten countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and other areas „ Combining the world’s top-level, proven technologies of MHI and AREVA „ The basic design completed. An application for a review of the safety options by the French Nuclear Safety to be scheduled.

TM ATMEA1 : 1,100 MWe class pressurized water reactor 16 Overseas Maintenance Business Initiatives

Boosting orders for overseas maintenance business as the Japanese NO.1 supplier of major heavy components for overseas market „ Organizing an overseas maintenance services network in alliances with local partners and by utilizing MHI’s overseas factories „ Aiming to receive orders for components supply with installation and bolstering sales based on preventive maintenance technologies in Japan (advanced inlay, etc.) z Regional strategies and major component orders (As of May 31, 2010) North, Central and South America Europe Asia z Sales to be expanded for preventive z Consecutive RSG orders received for z Expanding sales of turbines in maintenance services in addition to EDF collaboration with the Harbin Group component supply z Strengthening alliances with z Component supply for new EPR z Cooperation with MNES (nuclear European manufacturers (component construction in Asia island) and MPSA (turbine island) supply and installation) z Component supply for new EPR construction in Europe

USA Mexico Sweden Finland China RVCH x 15 Turbine x 2 RVCH x 3 RV x 1 RV x 3

France Belgium RCP x 8 Brazil SG x 6 SG x 15 SG x 10 RVCH x 1 Turbine x 6

Spain Slovenia Turbine x 1 Turbine x 1

RV: Reactor vessel RVCH: Replacement reactor vessel closure head SG: Steam generator RCP: Reactor Coolant Pump 17 5. Operations in Domestic Light Water Rectors Business

„ Preventive maintenance activities

„ The new build APWR construction

18 Maintenance Services in Japan

Reduction in CO2 emissions through preventative maintenance activities

Correlation between capacity factor and Capacity factor trend in Japan reduction in CO2 emissions of PWRs in Japan 100 Government target: 85% 90 PWR „ 3.5 million tons of CO emissions reduced by 2 80 achieving availability factor of 85% (government 80.6 target) 70 60 2009 results 2020 target BWR 50 55.5 設備利用率(%)

Capacity factor 80.6% 85% Capacity factor (%) 40 Annual power 136.7 billion kWh 185.7 billion kWh 30 generation '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '20年度 (Source: MHI’s data based on the data published on the Denki Shimbun) Annual 2009 figure as the reduction in -3.5 million tons basis for comparison CO2 emissions Relationship between capacity factor and operation cycle 100 (heat(熱出力一定運転増加分:3%を考慮) output – 3% increase in regular operations is included) Steps to increase capacity factor 95 ②(2) (1) Minimizing unscheduled shutdown by 90 preventive maintenance activities 85 (2) Extended operation cycle ①(1) 80 現状Present: ・13ヶ月運転- 13-month operation 設備利用率(%) Capacity factor (%) 75 ・80.6% - 80.6% 70-day70日定検 periodic inspection 70 85% capacity factor achieved 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Operation運転サイクル長(ヶ月) cycle (months) 19 Technologies Supporting the Maintenance Services


Sensor Special probe for weld ECT inspection Turntable Inspection robot for SG heat transfer tube Advanced INLAY system Automated remote welding

Inspection Repair ECT signal waveform technique technique (example) Stress Heavy component improvement replacement technique Steam generator replacement work

Shot peening stress improvement

Water jet stress Main control board improvement Reactor internal replacement work replacement work 20 Preventive Maintenance Activities; Minimizing Unscheduled Shutdown with Advanced INLAY Device Automated preventive maintenance works for stress corrosion cracking on alloy 600 welding of inlet and outlet nozzles of reactor vessel „ Reducing exposure dose and shortening work schedule by remote-controlled automatic and multiple concurrent works Existing method New method z Installation, replacement and dismantling by z Significant exposure dose reduction by remote-controlled automatic operators in high radiation area overlay welding z High-precision cutting, inspection, welding and maintenance by a variety of tip devices attached to manipulators (realizing shortened work schedule by multiple concurrent works)

Cavity water

Cylinder Manipulator structure Tip device

Operation Upper internals structure platform (tentative installment) Turntable

Lower internals structure (tentative installment) Outlet出口管台 nozzles Reactor1次冷却材管 coolant pipe

Reactor vessel 600合金溶接部Alloy 600 welding (potential(応力腐食割 stress corrosionれ懸念部位) cracking) 21 Preventive Maintenance Activities; Improving Operability by Advanced Digital Main Control Board

Replacement with Advanced Digital Main Control Board

„ Digital instrumentation and control (I&C) system applying computerized plant protection and control system with prompt response and high reliability „ Disconnecting and connecting Approx. 10,000 cables and replacement of 200 control panels in a short period

Conventional main control board Advanced digital main control board

Indicators ·Recorders Large display panel

Control switch

VDU (Visual Display Unit)

z Monitoring by indicators and recorders, plant z Monitoring by large display panel and VDUs, plant operation by individual control switches operation by touch-panel on VDU screens (operators need to move around for monitoring (operators can be in a seated position for and operation) monitoring and control) z Reducing the operator workload and improving operability 22 New build projects and MHI’s Actions

Tsuruga units 3 and 4 and Sendai unit 3 proceeding Active responding to plant replacement demand Revised seismic evaluation in „Nuclear share of total electricity Tsuruga unit establishment license application generation in Japan to be increased 3 and 4 submitted from 30% to the 40% range to reduce Ö Safety review accelerated CO2 emissions „Development of next-generation PWR Sendai 3 First public hearings finished for plant replacement demand that is Sendai 3 expected to arise from 2030 Ö Preparation for establishment license application started The latest PWR Tsuruga unit 3 and 4, Next-generation Enhanced economic Sendai unit 3 PWR performance 1 reactors 24 reactors 3 reactors

(Tomari unit 3) Improvement of 7 reliability and safety reactors

Introduction 7 of technology reactors Nuclear power 30% 40% 24% 9 reactors 680,000 GWh 910,000 GWh 1,200,000 GWh 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s 2030s ~

23 Next Generation PWR Development as a National Project Sophisticated 3S+3E Achievable Autonomic Type Plant „Targeting plant replacements in Japan from 2030 and the global market

3S 3E (1) The world’s highest efficiency Safety Environment (2) Seismic isolation design as standard Security Efficiency (3) Short construction period Safeguard Economy (4) Reduction of generation cost by long-life fuel and innovative core Autonomic Type (5) Advanced autonomous safe design No external support required (6) Resistance to aircraft collisions, Tsunamis, etc. in case of accident

2006-2007 2008-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016- Around 2030

Start of full-scale developments Start commercial Determine basic specifications Complete basic design operation

Feasibility Study Establish plant Basic design design concept Conceptual design Site specific design Safety review Construction Reflection

Technology development to realize the next-generation LWR concept Long-term testing

Consider / improve codes and standards 24 6. Operation in nuclear fuel cycle business

„ Deploying the nuclear fuel cycle solution business

„ Leading FBR development as a core company

25 Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Providing Total Solutions Participation in the entire process of the nuclear fuel cycle as the Mitsubishi Group „ Stable nuclear fuel supply by the Mitsubishi Group (MHI, Mitsubishi Corp. and Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel) „ MHI delivered components and equipment for plants in front-end, power generation and back-end.

Ore containing Mitsubishi Corporation uranium Front-end Uranium mine Back-end Rokkasho Refinement Reprocessing plant Uranium hexafluoride Conversion Rokkasho Uranium

Reuse Enrichment Facility (Recovered uranium) Rokkasho MOX fuel fabrication plant (Enrichment ancillary facility)

(Fuel assembly fabrication, etc.)

(Reprocessing facility, etc.) Uranium-enrichment Re-processing Reuse Used fuel Denatured Uranium hexafluoride Temporary storage uranium flask Mitsubishi MOX fuel Nuclear Fuel Reconversion

Temporary storage Spent fuel Uranium dioxide Fuel fabrication Fuel Tokai plant Components and Equipment All PWRs in Japan assembly delivered by MHI 26 Order Received from Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited for Rokkasho MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant

Executing Japan’s first MOX fuel fabrication plant construction

„ Product: MOX fuel assembly for domestic light-water reactors (PWR and BWR) „ Capacity: 130 t-HM*/ year „ Completion: March 2016 (scheduled) „ MHI’s scope of supply: fuel rod fabrication facility, fuel assembling facility, etc. Rendering of completed facilities

MOX fuel manufacturing process

Acceptance of Pellet Inspection, packing raw material Fuel rod fabrication Fuel assembling manufacturing and shipping powders

Client’s scope

Spent fuel Nuclear power plant Reprocessing Temporary plant storage facility

* t-HM ((tons of heavy metal): a unit representing the total mass of metallic uranium and metallic plutonium 27 Leading FBR Development as Core Company Leading to the conceptual design completion by 2015 as a core company together with the government „ Establishing a plant that meets user needs - Reflecting knowledge through PWR projects „ MHI to be in charge of the construction of a large-scale sodium testing facility - Enhancing safety and economic performance with „ Verification of technology using MHI’s own innovative basic technologies sodium testing facility - Aiming to be the international de facto standard 2010 (May) 2025 2050 Restart up

2015 Upgrading Conceptual design completion

FBR Monju (280,000 kWe) Demonstration reactor (up to 750,000 kWe) Demonstration of power generation and Demonstration of innovative technologies establishment of sodium technology Commercial reactor (1.5 million kWe) (Source:METI Nuclear Power Panel’s third international strategy review subcommittee reference 2-2) (Source: JAEA-Research 2006-042) 28 7. Value chain innovation

„ Process innovation - Introducing strategic ICT

„ Production innovation - Strengthening manufacturing capabilities

„ Supply chain management - Constructing a global SCM

29 Process Innovation;

Introducing Strategic ICT ICT: Information & Communication Technology „ Introducing strategic ICT to the execution of the large-scale FTK project for US- APWR „ Achieving sophisticated project management with the dual management of WBS (cost and schedule control) and CMIS (configuration management) Comprehensive project management V&V management by CMIS by standard plant WBS

Verification of implementation of required specifications Control of EPC execution by each WBS code / quality assurance - Clarifying the division of responsibility within a - The content of NRC and customer requirements and consortium approval applications to be properly reflected in design - Flexible and highly precise management of processes documents and plant facilities and schedules - Secure reflection of changes in specifications, etc., and - Detailed management of budget/performance by EVM management of change information - Use of facility database for customers’ operation „ Example of WBS code management „ Concept of Verification & Validation process 03-04-03- ・・・・・ -115- ・・・ 03-04-03- ・・・・・ -115- ・・・ 03-04-03- ・・・・・ -115- ・・・ Validation (confirmation) Reactor号機 No. 3号機No. 3 Validation (confirmation) フェーズPhase エンジニアリングEngineering Agreements, specifications Review process

プロジェクトProject エリアArea North NorthAnna Anna Project Project 一次系 CV(エリアB)Primary CV (Area B)

Verification Design document Test performance report (validation) Test plan document (CMIS functions) Cost スコープ管理Scope control Schedule工程管理 control コスト管理 control Manufacturing Secure follow-up of a variety of requirements WBS and installation and changes

WBS: Work Breakdown Structure (work breakdown chart) CMIS: Configuration Management Information System EVM: Earned Value Management (a method of qualitatively measuring and analyzing project cost and schedules to manage them in an integrated manner) 30 NRC: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Production Innovation; Strengthening Manufacturing Capabilities „ Achieving highly efficient and high quality manufacturing through SPMS-based design and production innovation - 3D data are deployed in the BOM (component chart); information is integrally managed; operation process management is made more efficient. - Onsite documents are centrally managed by the electric traveler system; a higher level of production management is achieved. Electric traveler system Production management, manufacturing instructions, and quality assurance are conducted by electric work instructions that are integrally managed. SPMS: strategic project management system BOM: Bill of Materials Real-time production management is possible as each operator can access the system via wireless LAN at the plant. Design verification Document and drawing management 3D-database system

Material procurement Production management E-BOM M-BOM Electric Manufacturing (Bill of materials (Bill of materials traveler for design) for manufacturing) system Quality assurance

3D-CAD data integrated Design information integrated Manufacturing information Sophisticated Production Management management management integrated management

„ Production system capable of making two plants a year to be launched in 2011

FY 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Kobe vessels Steam generators / reactor internals Takasago

Nuclear power turbine

Steam generator plant, KobeNuclear reactor vessel / reactor internal plant, Kobe Exclusive nuclear power turbine plant, 31 (Futami) Takasago Supply Chain Management; Constructing a Global SCM

„Categorizing suppliers depending on QA requirement of nuclear safety (Using a domestic supply chain, including in-house manufacturing at MHI, for facilities that are critical for safety and performance; others will be procured locally) „MHI's global network, including MHI's strategic partners, to enquire at suppliers; selection is made after confirming conformity to the Mitsubishi standard and specifications „Selected products will be managed with CMIS according to local regulations.

z MHI’s oversea bases and strategic partners MHI Group Strategic partners North America Europe Asia

WEIR Harbin Group (MHIE Paris) MHI

URS Iberinco B&V COMEX

Project by project collaboration License supply & production with URS and B&V as EPC Collaboration with AREVA in collaboration with Harbin Group partners for US-APWR development of ATMEA1 and for nuclear turbines nuclear fuel for domestic market Collaboration with COMEX for maintenance Project-wise collaboration with Iberinco as EPC partners for EU- APWR Production collaboration with WEIR for a nuclear power pump 32 CMIS: Configuration Management Information System Closing

Business size in comparison with FY 2008 Growth Expanding business size and potential profit, satisfying the policy of improving global environment in industrialized countries, and demands for infrastructure in developing countries.

* The size of circles represent business size

A LeadingA leading Company company in the in Global global Nuclear nuclear Energy energy Field on the basis of manufacturing capability, contributing to the ~ Sophisticated Production Capabilities creation of a low-carbon emissions society, and expanding Contributeits business to Low-Carbon through these Society activities ~