Ri!Axe -A D N Harged Affairs

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Ri!Axe -A D N Harged Affairs ea-S ., s en IIIA IN Continuous MIT News Servic-e -Cambridge Since 1881 Massachusetts VolumeNumber 106, 48 Friday, October 31, 1986 MITite wl adbuim i f aUiie ding Institute will bUild academic facilities-on site By Julia M. Drewry Though MIT "will-not re-lease from corporations and other pri- MIT purchased 129,000 square the building once TRW leaves," vate groups interested in the pos- feet of property at 31 Ames Milne expects other factors to de- sible uses for the new building. Street from TRW last June. MIT lay the.plans. MIT should have no problem ob- plans to use the area mostly for taining funding, he added. academic use "because it is locat- TRW has 'a "very flexible Milne forsees no major prob- ed in a designated -academic lease," but Milne expects they lems in the development of this area," according -to Walter L. will leave at the end of this aca- area with respect to zoning. "No Milne, assistant to the chairman demic year., Once TRW leaves, re-zoning will. be needed for the of the MIT Corporation. Part of the plans still must be decided area, but the parking lot as it is the area may be designated for upon, drawn up, funded,; and ex- now does not meet the zoning revenue purposes, he added. ecuted. requirements.... TRW grandfa- The land has been leased back A subcommittee of the Aca- thered in before the law went into to TRW until they can consoli- demic Council, including Presi- effect. MIT will, however, be date with another of branch on dent Paul E. Gray '54, Provost obligated to meet the require- Binney St. TRW used the build- John M. -Deutch '61, and rel- ments." This will not present a Mike Niles ing to manufacture hardware for evant deans and faculty mem- problem, Milne explained. The TRW building on Ames St. automobiles and home appli- bers, has been formed to oversee ances. the planning, Milne said. "Many ' L ,J - AnEiaa afrniin releases;_ernrt MIT will definitely not build weas a being consiUered at f E WE % - W W W W present, but none have been de- graduate housing on the site, cided up on." By Sally Vanerian would be new, the report indicat- unsolvec Miole said. 'It is not in the mode Cid uppnveed dI problems, and by treat- of plan of developeinent for the MIT is considering "very excit- The Science Education Com- ed. Under the proposed science ing botd th successful and unsuc- Institute to have graduate hous- ing" plans, Milne asserted. "The mittee is proposing to replace the distribution requirement, stu- cessful attempts to solve the current list of science distribution dents would need to take only problemis," the report stated. pinedon"Iht siste," Milnetex-rpan l ad o the strngh.fthellecttutea.. will not be an easy task, plained. -"It is too integral to the- strenerth -of the Institute. -". ccourses with a new set of courses one course from this list. Thisv acadmicparofthe Insitue." Some of the labs' at the Institute91"aimed at giving some sort of "The current situation is ridi- Brown said, since these courses general sciencq exposure," said culous," said Gene M. Brown, will hay e to have no prerequisites han freshman core re- flow together" and create a cohe- A new building'with modern mathematics department and a and committee member. All quiremne :nts. These courses may sive atmosphere to give the stu- equipment will enhance the Insti- member of the committeeur dents a communal feeling, Milne- tutemebrothcmite.,"negau'ts oncentrate on topics that d The revised science distribution required to take aepeetythree science areas ono the cutting edge of sci- said. "The Institute wishes to ' "An institute such as-ours must - list -would. contain--up. to 15 distribution courses, butrost de- ence, he suggested. keep -all of the academics -in the renovate in quantum jumps be- -'courses inthe School'of Science; partments incorporate- two or same basic area." nteSho o cec;-prmnsicroae wo 1oCommittee reviews cause of the need for funding," :the.-.Current- list includes.-7.3 three distribution courses- into menistry requirement Milne- -said MIT will not-begin Miilne-explainredA-e expects MIT '~0courses drawn from -all of -the - their undergraduate degree pro-C construction for many years.'-to-. get funding for the project -:- .l-;ManyfIls tbies. courses gian. - The committee was generally a.,,,,- - . -_.- . ...Theresult, BrQwn: explaineds satisfiedd with the. science core - 'l~:"OM~~;t~.~.~[~ ~'" ~~~~-~~.~_~' ~/.-'. _that inany. students never- take courses ,-such as freshman phys- ri!axe-a general science courses outside Of ics and calculus, the report stat- -- their degree requirements, "This ed. The se courses serve their pur- By Jai Young Kim and Olivieri felt that improving formfi Crime prevention irr Spot- --defeats the, sprit of -the"Science pose of "provid[ing] a strong and One hundred larcenies have dormitory- se&idrity would help ..ting s usp looking persons. - distribution reuiremeft,"Brown: broad 1base ... to serve as a been reported on campus be- solve the problem. : "We need .. to encourage re- said. foundattion for the departmental tween Sept. 1 and Oct. 20, ac- Olivieri-has prposed' to have: porting these people." Glavin *The new subjects "should ex- progranns throughout the Insti- cording to an MIT Campus Po- dormitory entry doors lockedd at noted that 52 'intruders on- MIT emplifythe way science or math- tute." lice bulletin issued last Thursday. - all times to- deter.theft.THe'noted}:. proprtyy had been arrested 'dur- ematics is done by dealing -with a Somee committee members, The Campus Police also listed that- "larcenies from locked ingthe first six months of 1986. broad subject,-discussing major (Pi'ease turn to page 18) 30 occurrences of suspicious per- rooms are practically 'nonexis- - - sons roaming the campus, an in- tent" but'that manY'students still--, crease of 18 instances over the leave -roomsIunlocked and unat it harged same period last year. Four as- tended. - sault and batteries and one rape "We are one>0f, the very-few',,- .... in a living group were also re- [universitiesi- in[universi~~~~~~~~~~~~tie,. this area who %J U d v in-thisn reanThow th affairs ported. don't have access control in dor- : n has sched- 3~~~~~~~~~~~urveyof black alumni. Students MIT Campus Police Chief mitories," Olivieri said. " By Katie S *hWarz.-Katie&h ters. The committee -n uled meetings open to the public are inviited to bring up any stu- James Olivieri said he was espe--- Oli'vieri was particularly wor- The Visiting Committee ue they want to discuss at the all day Monday in the Mezzanine dent iss cially concerned about the inordi- ried about East Campus and Sen- Student,.Affairs;, an, arm of cluding session from 7:30 had numerous, MIT --Corporation, ..will, meet :with Lounge of the Stuent Center. the con nately high number of thefts 'in ior House having n. such'a short period of time. "The thefts -already this year because Students and'Deafofs.-Offic the to 9 p here Moinay to assess Undergraduate Academic sup- Dean for Student Affairs Shir- their designs allow intruders to: snnel McBay chose the Visiting a desk and wM-tk'into0: a:- new'iniiatives;,for freshmen and port- Office,, will present a statisti- ley M. takes place," he said, "where a bypass ttee's agenda in consulta- wallet's stolen from a backpack, dorm entry. .I know the students - the racial, climate on: campuo.. - cal profile of the freshnan year. dicussion -of Residence/ t th committee chairman D. or a backpack is- stolen. Too don'te~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wanth~ to-close'up'their~ ~ ~~ ~ Tallyainel -tingusionm OReidenta/tionA panel 'of Vth wil-fol feedon '41, said Mary Ja- many people'are leaving things dorm," he said, but "my- main-' holds openm-ecoringsDoted Sec- Orientation willfollow, "vith:fiveReid W concern is for the persOnal-safety -rtary of the;.Crporatiqn, Con- students from' the 'R/O Commit- sinski, staff assistant to McBay. - Visiting Committee comes Although Campus Police Cap- and personal. property -of our- StantinOe B.u;Sim ' nid'esiTliketee and 'Andy Eisenmann'71 of The nstitute roughly every two ODSA. The panel will ex- to the I tain Anne Glavin pointed out residents, at the loss'of -personal ~-,some of the 25- other -`visiting . the its last visit was in Febru- - - committees, most of which cover plain R/O to thecommittee said s; it that over half of the thefts were freedom-." 5, when it focused on an from Institute buildings, both she CGlavin also sees an effective," academic' departments-and cen-- 1986 R/O'989, Coordinator Coordinanor HUgO"Heo gs,-o-h-shAyamla, ., - -' , , ,, " "" ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ayala'89, and consider "The. ODSA survey about the quality question of governance: Who has of stud ent life. It will make an --the power to change?" oral repport to the full Corpora- -Professor.- -Travis Merritt will tion at its next quarterly meeting discuss the ULASO's new academic in Dece:tmber and a written report -prograims for freshmen, such as to the EExecutive Committee. The efforts to improve freshman ad- 16 visit ting committee members .vising. The afternoon will be de- are nor ninated by the Corpora- --voted to the Minority Student Is- tion, th e Alumni Association and sues Group's recent report.on its the president. Recruiting remains strong, despite slump in computer industry. Page 16. * * * * i Clark C. Abt '51, Republican candidate for the 8th Congressional District seat. Page 17. * .* * * Stephen P, Berczuk MIT begins an interdisciplinary program on the Middle Costumes & classics.. The MIT Concert Band gave its annual Halloween Concert in East for graduate students. Page 18. Lobby 7 on Wednesday. I 7-7- - - I - _e~sa~bPAGE 2 The Tech FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1986 --- .-LCC--· ----- SILS -- .
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