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Complete Dissertation VU Research Portal Human impact on Holocene catchment development and fluvial processes - the Geul River catchment, SE Netherlands de Moor, J.J.W. 2007 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) de Moor, J. J. W. (2007). Human impact on Holocene catchment development and fluvial processes - the Geul River catchment, SE Netherlands. Print Partners Ipskamp. 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Sep. 2021 Human impact on Holocene catchment development and fluvial processes – the Geul River catchment, SE Netherlands J.J.W. de Moor 1 This research was carried out at: Vrije Universiteit Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences Department of Palaeoclimatology and Geomorphology De Boelelaan 1085 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands This project was partly funded by the European Union Interreg III-A program of the Euregio Maas-Rhine (contract number EMR.INT 06.02 – 3.1.28). ISBN-10: 90-9021482-8 ISBN-13: 978-90-9021482-5 NUR-code: 935 Human impact on Holocene catchment development and fluvial processes - the Geul River catchment, SE Netherlands. (Ph.D. thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) In Dutch: De invloed van de mens op Holocene stroomgebiedsontwikkeling en fluviatiele processes - de Geul, zuidoost Nederland. (Academisch proefschrift, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Copyright © J.J.W. de Moor, 2006. Cover photo: the meandering Geul River near the Belgian-Dutch border Printed by: PrintPartners Ipskamp, Enschede, The Netherlands 2 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Human impact on Holocene catchment development and fluvial processes – the Geul River catchment, SE Netherlands ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. L.M. Bouter, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen op woensdag 7 februari 2007 om 13.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Jacob Jan Wiecher de Moor geboren te Apeldoorn 3 promotor: prof.dr. J.F. Vandenberghe copromotoren: dr. C. Kasse dr. R.T. van Balen 4 Voor mijn ouders 5 leescommissie: prof.dr. F. Petit prof.dr. G. Verstraeten prof.dr. A.C. Imeson dr. H. Middelkoop dr. H. Wolfert 6 CONTENTS Figures 10 Tables 13 Dankwoord/acknowledgements 14 1 Introduction 17 1.1 Background and problem definition 17 1.2 Framework 19 1.3 Objectives 19 1.4 Study area 20 1.5 Thesis outline 21 2 Human and climate impact on catchment development during the Holocene 23 – Geul River, the Netherlands 2.1 Introduction 24 2.2 The Geul River catchment 25 2.3 Land use, vegetation change and human activity 26 2.4 Methods 30 2.5 General sedimentation pattern and dating results 31 2.5.1 Unit 1 32 2.5.2 Unit 2 32 2.5.3 Units 3 and 4 34 2.5.4 Unit 5 38 2.5.5 Unit 6 38 2.5.6 Unit 7 38 2.5.7 Unit 8 40 2.5.8 Unit 9 a/b 41 2.5.9 Unit 10 43 2.5.10 Unit 11 43 2.5.11 Synthesis of sedimentation processes 43 2.6 Holocene valley development – alluvial architecture through time 43 2.6.1 Overview 43 2.6.2 Fluvial architecture 45 2.6.3 Alluvial fan architecture 46 2.7 Discussion: human and climate impact on catchment development 47 2.8 Conclusions 49 3 Alluvial sediment storage and fluxes of the Geul River (the Netherlands) 51 – combining field and modelling data to construct a Late Holocene sediment budget 3.1 Introduction 52 7 3.2 Study area 54 3.3 Methods 56 3.3.1 Model outline 56 3.3.2 Model input and parameter values 58 3.3.3 Field methods and sediment budget components 59 3.3.4 Test model runs for (sub-) recent situations 60 3.4 Results 61 3.4.1 Fluvial and alluvial fan sediment storage (Tables 3.1 and 3.2) 61 3.4.2 Model results – High Middle Ages (Table 3.3) 63 3.4.3 Model results – Early and Middle Holocene (Table 3.3) 64 3.4.4 Model results – sediment fluxes recorded in alluvial fans (Table 3.4) 64 3.5 The Late Holocene sediment budget for the Geul River catchment (Fig. 3.6) 67 3.6 Discussion 68 3.7 Conclusions 70 4 Present-day fluvial processes of the Geul River (Southern Netherlands) 71 – natural processes versus human interventions and the implications for river basin management 4.1 Introduction 72 4.2 Study area 73 4.3 Methods 74 4.3.1 River banks 75 4.3.2 Point-bar sedimentation 77 4.3.3 Erosion rates 77 4.4 Riverbank erosion – spatial distribution 78 4.4.1 Section A (Fig. 4.5a) 78 4.4.2 Section B (Fig. 4.5b) 78 4.4.3 Section C (Fig. 4.5c) 79 4.4.4 Section D (Fig. 4.5d) 81 4.4.5 The spatial pattern of erosion and erosion rates 81 4.5 Point-bar sedimentation in the Geul River 83 4.5.1 Sampling points P2 to P7 (Figs. 4.7, 4.8) 83 4.5.2 Vertical aggradation rates and grain-size variation 86 4.6 Channelisation measures in the Geul River 86 4.6.1 Channel straightening 87 4.6.2 Flow retardation 87 4.6.3 Bank toe protection 88 4.6.4 Bank stabilisation 89 4.7 Restoring natural fluvial processes in the Geul River catchment and 91 implications for management policy 4.8 Conclusions 92 8 5 Simulating meander evolution of the Geul River (the Netherlands) using 93 a topographic steering model 5.1 Introduction 94 5.2 Study area and field methods 94 5.3 Meander models and their applications 98 5.4 Topographic steering meander model 99 5.5 Input data 100 5.6 Results 103 5.7 Analysing the channel width 104 5.8 Calibration of the model 109 5.9 Floodplain reworking times and geomorphological implications 110 5.10 Conclusions 112 6 Synthesis 115 6.1 General aim and research question 115 6.2 Holocene development of the Geul River catchment: influence of 115 man and climate 6.3 Sediment storage and a Late Holocene sediment budget for the Geul 117 River catchment 6.4 Present-day characteristics of fluvial processes: natural processes vs. human 118 influence 6.5 Modelling the meandering pattern of the Geul River using a topographic 119 steering model 6.6 Final outcomes, new insights and practical implications for catchment 120 management 6.7 Future research and recommendations 121 References 123 Samenvatting 135 Curriculum Vitae 139 Publications 140 9 FIGURES 1.1: Location of the Geul River catchment. 18 2.1: Location of the Geul River catchment and the study sites in South-Limburg 25 2.2a: Slope map of the study area. 27 2.2b-f: Topographic and geomorphologic maps with the location of transect 28 Schoutenhof (b), Hommerich (c), Burggraaf West and East (d), Genhoes (e) and Vroenhof (f). 2.3: Coring transect Schoutenhof. 34 2.4: Coring transect Hommerich. 35 2.5a: Coring transect Burggraaf West. 36 2.5b: Coring transect Burggraaf East. 36 2.6: Coring transect Genhoes. 37 2.7: Coring transect Vroenhof. 39 2.8: Histograms of equivalent dose obtained on single aliquots using the single- 42 aliquot regenerative-dose procedure depicted in Table 2.1. To avoid overestimation of the burial age due to incomplete resetting of the OSL signal in some grains at the time of burial, aliquots returning a value greater than two standard deviations from the sample mean were discarded in an iterative procedure. These points are shown as open circles in the graphs below. The sample equivalent dose used for age calculation was obtained on the aliquots remaining after iteration. Note that uncertainties indicated on the graph are only random errors and do not include beta source calibration uncertainties. 2.9a-g: Typical grain-size distributions for units 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9a and 9b. 44 3.1: Location of the study area. 54 3.2: Map of the Geul River catchment with the main tributaries and location 55 of the transects. 3.3: Method of fluvial storage calculations. W is the floodplain width, A is the area 60 of the floodplain, S is the area of the sediments in a cross-valley transect and d(max) is the maximum thickness of the Holocene valley fill (modified after Rommens et al., 2006, reprinted with permission from Elsevier). 3.4: Example of a simplified, typical Holocene sedimentary succession in the Geul 62 River valley (the ages are in 14C years BP; for location see Fig. 3.2). 3.5a: Geomorphological map of the Gerendal sub-catchment with the Genhoes 65 alluvial fan (the black arrow indicates the Genhoes cross-valley transect (Fig.
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