A REPORT FROM THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER THE YEAR IN HATE AND EXTREMISM ABOUT THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people. Explore what’s happening in your state at splcenter.org/hate-map For media inquiries, please contact our press team at
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[email protected] Get the latest news and join the conversation. @Hatewatch SPLCenter For more information, visit splcenter.org ON THE COVER As coronavirus spreads in April 2020, supporters of the Michigan Conservative Coalition protest the state’s stay-at-home orders on the steps of the Capitol building in Lansing. REUTERS/SETH HERALD © 2021 SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER CONTENTS THE YEAR IN HATE AND EXTREMISM 2020 2 FLYERING REMAINS A RECRUITMENT TOOL FOR HATE GROUPS 11 MISOGYNY FROM THE FAR RIGHT TO THE MAINSTREAM 13 EQUITY THROUGH ACCURACY: CHANGES TO OUR HATE MAP 17 EXTREMISM AND BIG TECH 20 CYNTHIA MILLER-IDRISS ON PREVENTING RADICALIZATION 24 WHY THE FAR RIGHT LOVES TELEGRAM 27 WHITE NATIONALISTS AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE 31 HATE GROUP MAP AND LISTS 34 THE YEAR IN ANTIGOVERNMENT EXTREMISM 48 ANTIGOVERNMENT GROUPS LISTS 57 ENDNOTES 63 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 65 The Year in Hate 2020 By Keegan Hankes and Rachel Janik “Our country has had enough. We will not take it and separation of immigrant children from fami- anymore, and that is what this is all about … we fight, lies at the border.