Board of ~ducation

. \till R 1 ..., D1 C1 1 1, Prl'lttlt-nt

FRI 11 RoBBL\'

\\ \RII I .00\1"

\IR~. (, \IcCR\1 O..,h.I\\IR

0110 11111.1.\(,IR

l·o~uR 1),\Rl.l.\. Cieri. The Faculty

FR.\:\U.., .J. C ,..,1 ', p, nu 1pal, \.B. Hamilton College, ~1.",. Columbia Univcr..,ll\ J. (.R.\'\1 KI'\C., lut• Prill('ipal. \.B. Union College \I \RIO:'. B1' 1 \\11'\, l.ilmny. A.B .. B ...,. in L..., . ..,)I acme 'ni\er~ity E,m. Bl!)l, Phystcal Education, B.~ .• ~~"· )\!acme Univer..,it\ Rt n1 Bt \C J..., \t'tTt'illl)', Hun·.., Pri\at<. ..,chool, Buffalo, :\. \. . \111' C'. Bt \( "'· Collllllt'rte, B. ..,. in Education l ni\er~ity ol ..,outhem C.tlilomia Jl \'\'\1 0. Bt' 11n, l.ailll, .\.B... '\·"·College 101 I eacher.., \1\R\1!1. R. Bt\llll., Mathematio, .\.B.:\.'\ ....,. College lor '1cachu.., \1.\RC •. \RLI BR.\D'>IIA\\, hfth (;rade, Om·ont.t '\onnal ..,<.hool \ IRGI:'\1\ Bt ll.lR, ]r. Htp,h \(}(ul! \iudits, \.H . ..,mith College \I \R(,\Rll Ciiii\IIRO, ]1. H1gh \fat/11 mal1rs, .\.B. N.\ ·"'·College fm 1 tacher 0RRI., L. C01, lndu.~tnal ,J111. l!.!,rirulturl', B.~. "nacmc Lni\er..,it, DoROTHY CoRBIN, Homemaking, B.~. Penn. tate, M. \. Columbia l ni\cr~ity B1 ~..,n DAt n1 Rl, Phv1. hd., B ...,. in Plno.,. hi. E . ..,tmucbhm~ ..,tate Teachct-. College

R1< liARD Dt '\'\l, lh1lm). B.\.. \lhul L ni,er it~ DoRotm cARl. Thnd (.rode, B. ol Ed. Oneonta ',tate Teachcr.., College \1 \RG.\Rl 1 HoFF\1,\'\, \aond Cra(/t>, B. ol Ed. Oneonta ',tate Teacher.., Colkgc· \'IRGI,I<\ HmtRHllR, Fin/ Crade, Oneonta '\onnal ',chool MARY HoM KEY, Srxth Grade, B. of Ed. Oneonta 'itate Teache1 s College Lt.LL Jo:>.t'>, \rdh (.rade, Oneonta !\ormal ',chool Lt<.u.u. 1•. K1''~'' . lrt, PI.ttt ln'>titutc RoBIRI' LA\!IHRJ, ,\fu.lit, Oberlin College \'\'\\C.'\ \\lOR, l ·n.ll (,mdt•, Oneonta '\onnal )rhool 1YRTll. PA<.J 11, Yurst', R.'\. Ch.t~. "'· \\' il-.on \femo1ial Ho'>pital PH\ 1 us PAt \11 R, A wdergartn1, B. of Ed. Oneonta tate Teachers College GJ:"\1.\"RA Pr.m"''· Tlnrd Gwdt•, B. ol Ed. Oneonta ..,tate ·lea Collq~c DoROHIY RHH'>, \eumd (,wdt', B. of Ed. Oneonta ..,tate I e.tdtcr-. C.olkg<.

DoRI~ ',ccH 1, I ourth Gwd(', Cortland ..,tate 1 t ad1u' Colleg<. ~1\nu '"1111, \cu•ncf', B.',.:\.\ .',. College lor 1 earhet~. \1.',. Comcll l J ni\er~uy (,1 R IRI m ',·1 lll '>, /•1[1h Crade, Oneonta )tate I eacher'> Collcg<.

.JI.\'\'\1 \\I\( II()\ I(., ! • J(' IIth and lngltsh, \lhany ',tate rcaclll'l'> College

DoROIH\ E. \'1< \R\, Gwdml((' and IV medzal Readlllg, \B. \llegh.tn~ GEORGI· H. \ H \R\, l:ngltsh, \.B. Hamilton College, B.',. in L',. ',)l.te

Lot 1'-I \\' . \\' 1 1 "'"· l·r !nih Grade, Oneonta '\'ormal ',dwol, B. ol J:o d. Columbia U. C.\ROI.\ :-.. J. \\'oou, Jr. If 1gh 1· n.l!,h.\h, \Jinm' ',tate J eac hn-. Col kge I it'! Rclll: \Jt,, Blad, \li" \\ood. \Jt, Btachha\1, \Jt,. Bhthc. \li" nauhcll, :\li" llomkc1 \It" Eat!, \Ji" '\a\lot , \Jr, Kium·1, \It" \ alad101H ..,,.IutHI Rm' :\It< Butkt \Ji" Hoflmau \Jt,. llolncnet , :\Jt,, Chn·,Jno, "''· ( orhiu. :\Jr-. 'itik, \Jr,, \\'eek,, \Ji" l'ad~ell , \1 I" Rt'l'\ (''· 1 hittl Ro\1 \It , Kiu~ \Jt,, lkuj.unin \Jr, . ..,colt \Ji" l'alrnu \Jr,, l'imk1 \Jt, \ cal\ \It" "•ntlh. \Jt,, .Jom·,, \It , Bhthc·. lutttlh Ro\1 \11. Ca,el , \lt . Be'! \It Black \lr l.amhetl \It Duum \lr \ itat\ \h <.oc• Brave New Faculty In othc1 H'.lr'> ami other time,, it ha-. been cus· will whin \lith the cold dficit'un ol ma1 ,e[ou-,1\ tonlal ~ in thi, hallcl\1('(1 -.pan· to It'\ il'\1' thl' te•"· romplicatt·d mat hint'l ) - lllarhiut·'> to do our '>pel l­ piu1ic, and other e'\.traneou'> cl\orting-, ol our ing, our writing, our calculating. and abme all plOin-.ional -,t.tlf. I hi'i )l'ar. thl' nlitol' inlonn mac him·-. to do our thinking. Coach Bt·-,t will m. thl' empha'>l'> i-. upon the luture. and -,ome pte" ,t huuou and lo - e\Tr) ha~k.ethall goe-. in thing -,neamlinl'd ot luturamic i-, llldit.ttt•d . Thh the ba-,ket: t'H'r) hat \\'ill pmducc· an .tutom.ttu !'> .111 ac ceptabk polllt ol 'tt'\1' l.t•t .tu'>e 11 -.celll) lll homnun, ot go back to lilt' lactm\ . \ll . Ca'>l'\ m that thne ha-, ahl.l)'> been a deplmablc tcn­ will pull tht' \\'rong lenT and the '.t'>t mac hincn detH \ to regard a lac ult\ in tl:l' pa-,t teme. ol education will grind to a halt. .., <t -,ome gu} up 111 ~< henec:ad) 'Jll'ink.ll'.d the cia~~ ire h from a jct-pwpcllcd ,i,it into inter­ :t:.•t -.ruff rhat keeps potatol''i '>te!Ln -,pan·. Engli-,h will he a bright red, '>uga1 fmm -,prou t i ng. coatl'd cap'>uk om pop'> into one\ mouth be­ \\hat then? Out ol the great inane .tmount ol twC'en cl.t'>'>l''l. fli'>tc)J) will he t.tught in comic .t< where 1he joke'> will he '>U ppl icd b) the bt'll1ou'> 'out "lw, poking around in the tuim ol blnndering'> ol OLII lordathns. \II prcscnth l!),jO. \\'ill find .t copy ol Plato\ "Republic" not known langu.tge'> ''ill be dead bet.tUSl' -,ome high high!~ reg.mled in I!J;)O. but -.till pn·-.t•ned. \n ooan· geniu-, hi!.., de\'i'it'd a ba-,ic language of si' other will di~Co\'Cl' Jean Jarqut'> Rou'>~Cau. ">till a humh ed \\·onh to meet the nenh ol one wo1ltl third ma) realitl' that tile a-; pmtla\td h\ Ellll'>l whit h ,,·ill be all right, '>iJHe thnc won't he any­ Hcmingwa\ was at least lilt•. Croup.., gathe1 thiug ro di" u-,-, an\\\<1\. .1mund thl''>t' di.,riplt·, of a Ill'\\ .tge. \\ ho KllO\\Y Our whole, vast, atomic-hc.ttcd, window­ \\ l' mig·ht he 1 ight hack where \\'l' tarted lrom walled, elcnroni\stem

EC H 0 3 The Road Ahead

\\'e. of the cia ~of 1~5o. are ~raduatin~ du1 ing the tu1nin2; point of the ccnttnv. :\"ot only i-, It the middle o[ the

\\'hal. then. c.tn ,,·e a, indi,·iduah do to help de-e ,,·ho are not ,ln or aft aid in t ,pn·~~ing what the' think or feel. lhu ing- our twclw )Car-. in hi~h "< hool we kne had the opponunit) t'o kam ud , l\.PH''' our idea. Tl11ough thi expc1ience we 'hould be better able to e\.pte' ow·­ f' H'> o help to impron: our communities. our -.tate. our nation and our world.

\\'l', who are graduating- thi 'ear. ai-,o reali;e that \ll' are teadtin~ the turning poinh of 1 out liH''>. l'p until ou1 graduation fro 1 11gh ~chool we h:l\e more ot lc., been kl'pt under the 'al<' ,,·ing ol out pan•nh and our teatlter.,_ '\ow we llllt.,t go out and, .,o to 'peak, fight out· own battle,. ft will all he m·w and '>llang-e .tt fu'lt, but a time goc on and ,,-e become mote au·us­ tomed to i1. we will reali;e how much our pa t training really ha., meant to u..,-how mw h it ha~ .tffeuul thin de

\'IOLI:.l \\"1-.!>lf.RBf.RG

4 THE 1950 Dedication

ro LO I ~:

1 Oll blt\1· a note upon )Olll lltllt'.

\nd lo. that note wa-, )Oll: \\ e hear it in our dail) lin~ '

In the thing' \Oll mnl to do. rhe thin~' \It' ,han:d, \\ e 'hatL thu11 now- In our llH'lliOI) of ) ou.

ECHO 5 f.it,t Rei\\ \ '. \\'c,tet ht·r~ I \I on tot· ]) (.orhm (, Holman, \1. \\'adt 'i \luh1.111t', C. J.anc!a 'inond Rei\\: :\IJ . Dunne II (,.lln,on l I anc!et' (. '>helton, II. ,\nlt(•t J l~~k,ton. II. llanJ.., \IJ,. 1\.innc~ . I ltitd Rem : ,\ \lartin, I '>human, I' 'iJ..inm•t, \I 'im tit , J\. I ill,tpau~h . \ ''>< It ic!e·g~cr, D . <.ot ton.

Echo Staff

J;;diiM·III (.fut•{ \ iokt \\ t~tethug . h1 '/. l~d i I or-.\ I icl ~c ht tdegger , 1,1'1. Ld1tm -CiatUHl I .. tndn llu11111 i Fd i I m Dot i~ Con on flu.\illf'IS J\fa/IU!!,I'I'-"1 Olll \[om 01: , l.n't. /·. d!lor- .Jo)n' ~~ ~gle~ton , 1dl't'll i.1 111 ~ •\1 a llfl g-n-Eugenia La ndcrs l rl11111i .1 Editm Bunice I illapaugh lu't. Mnnaf.{el Cary Holman llit'l'fll)' F.ditrn \larjmie ~mith \jHn/1 f~' ditm (..,n/.1) lcllla ~lunnan Iss'!. l~ ditm ~t.tnle' :\luh1 .111C 1.\\'/. rdit· I (,l.tth~ ~I { lton ffu111or l~ dllm Bob (,atti~on \j)()r/1 l~dllm (f)l)ys) Boh Banks A.n't. FAitrn '-lidm·~ .Jone-. In'/. I d 1/ m Ron,tld Em t Typing l d1trn Be~t·th \n her l f"'llllf' l ·dllm \lilton \\ ade , J.H't. ld1iol \t Iene \l.tnin lrt F.d1lm Pall ic i.t ~k.tntH'I' PIIIIIO!!,mj>li\ I · tf1lrn Da\t' Cot bin

6 THE 1950

BEVERLY ARCHER-"Bev" Bev is a person everyone knows, Smart in each class, and with each lass she goes.

<.kc ( 11111, I,!!; 1\,nd 1.!!.3·1 !'tess (luh 1 ::!,3•t• Iatm (l,lh :;: "port- Club 3 1 B,,,kelb.tll I... \ at-It\ "qu,u! :l 1 \ olll'\ h.dl :1· 1 '>oft hall 2 S , I II \ ( lnh 1 .! ,; I· I lln,l\ ( luh 1. e; "><" n«' ( luh :; . I< ho ">t,dl 1 :->t•ni<•t 1'1 \ '>I II 1: I .II.\. It '.J,,IIet I' ">urll,ll\ of ( I..J" 1 llt,tiiU u ( luh 1

PATRICIA BABCOCK-"Pat" In school she is a quiet little maid, She causes no trouble or books to be mislaid.

F.H. \ . 1,2,, o! 1a1J 1 2.:J. 1: Ba'k('thall '·::!·3·1: \olle\hall 1.!! 3 1 l.tlnal\ Club 1, e; (.1 t ( tb 1. e: l'rc" ( luh 2 3 "port' ( luh 3· 1

ROBERT BANKS-"Bob" Heap big Indian stuff he makes his rule, He's the medicine man of the school.

l·oothall 'I• 1: lla'l'llall :.! ,;. t· \\ te"lm~ 1 \f ~t \\'rc,tlin~ :;· ('Ia" l'rc,idcnt 4; I .L \ r ...,,., ll' ;II\ of \~ 4; El Ill 'II tfl t: I) llllat ( Cluh ,: ... Hie ll (ounril 2, .j: \ i« J'l(.',idcnt of Student C:ounrll • 'I rafhc qu<1d 2, 3· 1: l' rc

DAVID CORBIN-"Dave" Aggressive pioneer is our boy Dave, Music and art seem to be his crave.

Band J.:.!.:J: Jla,kcthall ~.:: 1: l'oothall t.:l· 1 \lana~e1 of J'oothall !! lt.t< L 1. 2; \ 'ollc,hall 2 :1 \fm ie Operator 1, 2 :;. 1 Fire Squad 3· 1: 'J raflu 'lou.ul 1,2,3•1: DramatH' Cluh 4: Fcho...,lafl t: \rt Cluh 3

8 THE 1950 ARNOLD CRAIG-"Curly" Arnold is vivacious and full of glee, He became a senior before he ought to be.

1\,nHI 1,2,:1: (,h'l' Clnh 2; llo1101 '>o< <'l\ 3. '>all 1, 3: l •~dlu :.quad :;. 1: I IH' '>qu.ul I' 'ot•ni<>~ 1'!.1' ·;· '>lluknt ( ou11< il +

EUGENE CRAVER-"Gene" Gene is our class bashful boy, But wrestling and F.F.A. are his pride and joy.

!land 1 2 ::.r loothall l,:!.:l· I· Ba,chall !!O:I· I· \\n·,thng !!.:J. 1: I iH '>qua< ! :1· 'ollul< nt C\unu il I· D•am.lli<' ( luh 1· 1'.1 \. I'H·,idnlt 1: 1'.1 \ \ tl I' I ,.,,d!'lll :;.

JOYCE EGGLESTON-"Egg" Loads of fun and full of pep, Always ready to get in step.

( .In• Cluh 1, 2: (.jrJ, '>p01 t' 1, !!, 'I• I· l'~t·" Club 1, :!. 3 1: F. II.\, 1, :!. :;: I h1.11\ ( luh 1,:!, lllillllati<' ( h t: 'it•nior l'Lt\ 'it,dl 1: Fd10 'ot:tll -1·

ROBERT GARRISON-"Basil" His ability goes from sports to anything, But most of all, makes our class with laughter ring.

I:a,i !'thai I :!, :1· 1: I oothall 1: Football :\lanag<'r :1: I :tho '>t.ill 1 na,chall \lan­ :1gn 1, 2. (.Ice ( luh 2. I 11i11 ( i'lh !I· 1: lh.unati<' ( luh I ,dlo< '>< 1 ul :!,:;.I' I ilt' '>quad 1: 'it•niol Pia\ t: \ 'ollnb.ill3

EC/-10 9 DORIS GORTON-"Dorie" When ever there's work to be done, She's always helping till the goal is won.

B.11ul 1.::.:1. I·

BEATRICE GREEN-"Bea" A new addition to our class, She is a very pleasant lass. We wish to say we're glad she came And hope that she, too, feels the same.

JOHN HOHREITER-"Johnny" Progressive in every sport and F.F.A., In real life John will be O.K.

ll;lllu "quad 1: B;t,~ultall :.!,;;. 1 Jl,,, ..dl 1. 'I I' D1.1111a1ic' < lult 1: F.r. \, 1: ..,, " I'

GARY HOLMAN-"Angus" Gary is recognized as nobody's fool, Is found in every corner in our school.

Band 1.:.1 :1 1 Ba,~etltall :: :1 I· Jla,tltall 2 1 I· lpt'l ,tlor I· IloilO! '-to

10 THE 1950 RONALD HOYT-"Ron" Ron's always ready with a smile, Is seen with Pat all the while.

1,,,,1..< rh.lll 2. :1. 1: ll.t'c·b.tll 1, 2 :1· 1: \ II '> !. r il,t,<'h.tll 1 l 1oHk 1 :.1 1 1 I oorh.ll' -· 1 I I . \ . 'l· 4: l!ho '>l afl 1 '> c'JIIOI l'l,l\ '> 1.111 1 lll a lll,lll(\ ( lnh 4

ROBERT HUGHSTON-"Bob" Bob likes to plague and bother the teachers, When there's something on, he's not in the bleachers.

I coolhall 1 :.!, 'I 1 ll,l,k!'l oall llt'l'h:tll 1 lt ,u k ~. \lall:t,.\<1 l l.trk 1: 1\,nod .: ..I· 1: I' I<'" ( In I o 1: I l ol I( ..., cl I \\ IL''IIII~ 2. J·

SIDNEY JONES-"Spike" Spike's philosophy is to take life as it comes, Garnished with cartoons, humor and puns.

< '> q ll 1< I , l ...,, II cl 2 I '> llldc•nl ( lllllll il .,. I l<':t'lll< I ol 1'1 '>It I 1 blto 'll.tll I·

EUGENIA LANDERS-"Skeeter" Who is Eugenia Landers? But everyone calls her "Skeet," And certainly they realize that she is all "reet."

<.kt ( lnh 1 ~ . Lihl111\ Cluh 1,:.1; I'll'" ( lnlo !! ·1 'lcll'tHC Club :1 I H \ 1 ~ , .1: '>llldl'lll Council 1,;;. 1: V:niel\ ( hn•1kadtll':.! :1 1 ( .tpl.lill 1: Fclw '>1111 '>cuiol 1'1 ;1\ '>lafl 1: lh.nuaric' ( lnh 1 Op< · ~t · ll ,l 1: ll;nHIII!\ ( lnh ·I·

E C H 0 11 CLARENCE LANDRE-"Corky" With wit and charm he will go far, And beside all that, he's got a car!

( 1.1" l'u-,.dnll \ iu I'H·,idt'lll I . B.and I ~ I· r l'a(·,idl'lll Band I B."J..(•( hall:~ . :\ 1: l oothall 1 t: l a;uJ.. 1.:!; l a:aflal <., quad 1, 2 . :1. 1: l ia( <., quad~ 1 <.,n1101 1' 1:1\ 1: l ham;atll ( luh r Joanu Ia :!. :1: 1.

ARLENE MARTIN-"Nip" Her worthy praise can never be writ, For school and work she's always fit.

( .In• (Ill I _. I'll'" ( luh I "· :1· 1 ... ,,. " ( luh :l· r n:~,J..l·thall I , :! , !l· 1: \ ollt'\ h,all ~ <., o f I hall ! 1 1 \ ,ll,it' B.a,J..t-lhall !l· 1: 1.11. \ . ( luh a, :!, :1· 1: I il11.11' ( luh I 2 I ( 10 <., c all 'lliiiOI 1'1.1\ , : r.JJ . \. 1 1(':1'1111' 1 :1: lla,amatic- ( luh J' l'aom <2u n•n \t tt·aulan t .1

THOMAS MONROE-"Tome" Tom is our loyal business man,' Helping us all whenever he can.

1 111 <., quad a. 2 , •• • 1: l aafla< <., qu.ul 2 . !I • 1: 1\,a,J..l'thall 2 , :1. 1: C.kl' ( luh a, :! , l u •a'lll<'l I I . \ . 1' f" .F. \ . D a.uuati<' ( luh 1: 'il'llioa l'l:n 1: B.ulu•loa ' ( lula 4· \oil('\ h.all :l• 1·

STANLEY MULWANE-"Stan" Stan seems to be our quiet one, But always likes to be in the fun.

Ollfac,lla a; Ba'ln,al l :I• I' Dallll:llic- ( luh <., u''"' l'l.n I · ll ,au.in~ ( la.h I · 1\,uad a.

12 THE 1950 ALICE SCHEIDEGGER-"lisa" She's loyal and quiet, faithful and true, Count on her to see a thing through. 1.11. \ . I,:!,J, 1: l'lc,idt·nt ol I .II.\ :1. \ IH l'lt''odn 'tpo1h 2.1: Fdw O.,t,tl t: Otdtt·,lta t,:!, 1: IIane! :!,:1. 1: ( ho111' 1 1 'tttllol I'Ln 'ttall 1: \111\i( (11th 1 I·

LUDWIG SCHOEN-"Lud" Lud with his wit, and physique so dark and tall, Will certainly long be remembered by all. (.Icc (lull

GLADYS SHELTON-"Gladie" In her manner, dress, and style, Gladys is very cute, But when it comes class time she doesn't give a hoot.

I II\. 1,:1,:1; l.ilu,n' 1.:1; (.ItT ( luh 1 :.?' < llt·t·llt".ttiill~ 2.3; I' t'" < th 1: \ ,u,tl\ 1\,1,1-t•thall :1. I·\ olin hall 'l 'tt·t1io1 l'la\ t: lltamati(' ( luh O.,poth ( ltth 3· J' "'olth.1 ll :1. 4; 1\a,\..uhall 1, :!, s 1 It Ito O.,ttll I·

IONA SHERMAN-"Nonnie" Although she does live far away. vVhen the gang's together she's not astray. I . II\. ( luh :I• 1: (.lt•t• (Itt! 2; l.ihtal\ ( ltth 1; 1'1t·" ( luh :1. 1 'tt(Jtt.tl\ 1".11. \ . t: t ttior 1'1:1\ 1: llt.trnatits ( lub 4: "1p01h ( luh 3· 1: ' J rad .! "' Jall g; Jl.t,l.l'thall 3; \ ollc) h.tll I·

ECH 0 13 PATRICIA SKINNER-" Pat" When we need a manager for work , We call on Pat and know she will not shirk.

lion< 'w< tl'l\ 'I I• ~ <111<1' 1' 1,1\ :1. 1: lli.tllt.lli< ' ( luh I lill.ll\ ( lui• t: (,Jn ( lui O pt'H'll,l t' " P""' < lnh :.: I 'H'" ( luh 3' I .II \ ( ll;h I. 2, !I• I :"> \_UC 1,11, ol 1 .11. \ . :.:: ( l.1" ..,t'

MARJORIE SMITH-"Marge" She's another that has not much to say, But smilingly takes trouble that comes her way.

1· I l,11 1< I ll!! ( luh t

BERNICE TiLLAPAUGH-" Bernie" Bernice is always ready with a smile, Cheerful, friendly all the while.

<.t tl' Jl"' " 2 I iht .t l\ (tub 0! : l< ho 'l t.tll 1: \ tt < lu h ::. ll .tHin~ ( luh t· n .t n ~ I •·lkt 1 'ot·n m I'Ja , ~t . lll 1·

MILTON WADE-"Milt" Milt in every activity a major part takes, We are sure a future farmer he will make.

I ll '>quad t ,:.: ,I 1 ll.tlft< '>qlLtd 1 2 .1 1 '>tndt 111 ( tall ·I·

14 THE 1950 ~~ 0 H 'J :J

',\\OilOlllO I -JJll(l (0 pll,) .Hp put: 11!,)\ .IO!llllj' ,)l(l (0 l(HlOl JO 1~.1.1 '!tin 7iu!pllt!ch.1 Hp U! ~ll 1/!l!J poo~ 'it: p!liiJ .lt{l Sl!.\\ lliO.Id .lO!llllj' l''liCl!l!Pl!.ll .>tl.l. ·.n:.1\ ,1 ll'lc( .1110 ;1~1!1 Ol ~ IO!ll·)~ W ,,'•·110 I p.l.LWl' .. . 1110 1!10 IJ .lOili,) ~ .1110 ll! lll,)l[l JO l"!f ,)tp II·>' Jl'll ,).\\ '.(;),\ ,).\\OH .1doq .).\\ ·p.>.>.>old IP'll~ > \\ · >tp.11·'\0U't ": 11 .1.\\ w ;.>JIId Hp lOll liH(-SJII,>p11l~ .Hp \Cf p.>td.llJI! .\( t.)~l!.l ;)lll ,)! l,)c( \:,) U! p.1ll! I!~ ,) \ l!lj 1.\\ ll!ljl ,),)\ .).\\ ''I H'<( '! Hh I' .>q 01 p.1doq H I'll ll.1 \ .1 -llp:u .. '11! '' '·'·Hitn:q 1o \'iu!st:q>md .11p wn .m1\ lOll ppw> .1.\\ ',)tlllll(I IJ\ puP ·.\.Hill!'! ·~ lJ\ ·~1m1' .10!1111 1 .1110 10 ~ll!.ld' 1111 ll! ·.\ ,)liOlll ,)'tl!lll Cll tdlll,1lll! -pt: .1110 10 .1J!·'P': BlllJ1lll'l~l 1pll11 Hp 1110'111 \\ .w!t:tll Ill() ·p.).\!.1.11' '~ll!·' "~'[> mo .1.1C(lll.1>.>([ 'iiu! -.lllp 0\1\ jliOill!ll!\ \l'llllS! llj) l.IOptdt!pl! ,)(()Ill 'ppo.\\ p.>pt.l~Uil lll' O)lll 'p.),))Of(( ,).\\ .I,H(lii1))(J II! .\pt• ·J .. \jlllj' ljl! \\ lll!({ \" .. fll!'!' 1.\\ .l!O.Joll.lll.(, ·pll1101~'1 H!Cf .1'1'1 ~~ Hl!~ll(l J1UI! ,)!,\Olll l!J o1li.)Cj l! (lHCl'UOd\ )\\ II'!J llll Ill 1.1(1!1 jllll! ,1\!ll'l11p.1 'I'!!JO' p.1pU1101 11•1.\\ ll!l'll·)l I' ',l,)lpOUI! sJtllt:~ [p:cpJ tP 'Bop loti Plm 1 \\ ''1 n! II() ,).\\ ·~ll!l!~ n:.> . l~ p.>ll!l!lll! .1.\l!lj lOll .\mu .>.n '"'.1\ .n.>l ,,.:ci ,),,)q l q\inolql q\itlOllll\' ''o,lp!~ ol'tl'q Ull111llll' 'tpt:d .\ Ill!)\ woq q~pu.HI p!liO!l!PJll! dn J>·>'t>!d .h1:q :>,\\ '.l.l't.ll'd ,Hp ~uop: ~~.11~0 1d .1110 II! d1.>q ~!Jl'-lTI~m pt:q ·.nq ~!lll '' > \\ ·p.>ll:d.)((l ll(\11\0l<( pt:q oq,n ''1-ll!jH 'IJ\ il'!! llll!li!J lll!ljl .lollpt!.l ~. 1 . 1.\\ .1.\\ lllC(-'11 l1od11 l'\.111 '1:.n uow1~ lll'<().)'t"!H pu.1.11 p:!.>m t: ss.11 .10 .1.10111 p .»u.1 ! 1.1ch:.1 .1.\1 .1t:.1\ ''1,))1!.).\\' .10 I ~ IOIOl I l.>p 10 .H(l q'i'inonp ',1,)\).\\0JJ 's,) tiii!B . II''Ifl"'l ~ll!.1cl~ 11(1 :1.\\ ,1111!1 ~!li:f ·~.l!l!;Holl .101 1~.111h ~ll(.)Jllll\ .>ql ,( IS!ll!' II! '1"!·'11 110~ ~li!IF>' \Cf p.>lliJOl<( ·\\\ .. ·1 \O}j 1!1111 ~ .. Ol j)Jldlll;)lll! .1.\\ lf!l'~l' lHl() ·.1p!.i0lll .1110 01 l~OOCJ ~111111!1~ '"I'll ll)llllj'-11 ~ [ ,)ql l(l!-" \)ll!d \l'llll\llll' ) 1: pm: . \mst: ~>.tl .Ill<> 111 .1\l'llllll lit: p.HI!t:\i .>.n ,\n:.>! ,\ lll!o!' I' "''' H>tp ll.>q L ·,\Jtt:d ~ll!ll!'t~ 'iill! II'OI d!' ''If\ OJ ~'!LWLI.J. ·.\1qd 111J~~1Um I! \1',\\ Jlll'->1 .Hp I! ()j IOOl( )~ l(~!ll ,)tp p .11! \ll! ,),\\ .1;)11!'1 ...... )..,1! .) lOlj .. Jllll! \11~-HI ll' 1 l~Oill p .)ll:d ll! liEd ollltll >,ud >-'' tw!n:ll:., 'ii"!-'!~''l"':'u . •)lOJ .1tp l(l!·'' Sl! )l(,)d PI"' ,),\\ )\,.) ' ' II! .)\ ,)l(l 10 Jll,)(ll -.>q ~~11r ·.\•·1<~ 10111 )~ 1110 P-Hilll!jd .).\\ '!"'CJ '!'II ll() · lj'i!ldtiiOlll! l'IIJ .1 tp Sl!.\\ ~!'I I . ))lll!(l >! , \ .. I! p .liO\ ',J,l'!P'iioJ ~U!'t·IO.\\ \tut:\i I(I!<(IOOI .>tlloq lSIIJ .Hp ·"':l ··'1'11!111> , " , c.: p.1tl.ll!.11 .1,\\ ·.1.1p! >put: lllO>-dod ''·>'It:.> u .\\O ~11 1pt:tu \ J,) ,\ \110111.11!'1 p .1tllll',1.l .).\\ .11!,),\ J'\:,)ll .1 tp <>II! Ill([ ""!I> .>q L '.I.HIOl.l() ll! .111'1 \JII'd pn:.> 11 >. 1.\\0III!J I 1:

IhHllll!ld ,),\\ lll.).hl jl!l 1m l~IIJ .1110 .lO.I ''llll!~ ,11Cfl' -~ 11'1' - liJOHI .11otu ll! p.>qm.11 I ·uo!n:.1.1doo> 10 .n1\'i.)p "'I .Hp .101 tq'I Ol ,)SIIl ll'ii! q •: q1 !·" pt:.Hp: Bu 10B '~llfl ·..-1 >->!'o ,d 11q '"od 'iluo\lll! .\1!1111 .JO 1s11.1~ t: p.1ll!l'~ .1.\\ ·.n:.H l'IIJ n•q [ ~ll!lllll![d 10 lli,1J~ .\ s lll.l!HIJ.1 lll! p.>t!lll!B.IO > \\ .,11l1J '\..1ll0111 'iiu! 11 .11!,) (0 potp.1lll ' ,1 '! ll'.l,)doo l p 1/llii!TI IO · jO ,\\,HI p lll 11,1 jllll! '-1.1ll!llllll0l ,\\,HI ,),\\ p.)/1111'~10 lll! \ill!llllt!jcl lll!~ .>q l!.Hp Jllll! s.mp ,\.1'1·1.1.\\ 10 111.11\\' '.n:.>\ lOlli >~ j)ll!l!\\l!·~liOI .1110 10 ~ll!llli!~·1CJ .11{1 lll lliiOJ!llll 1: dn 1 .> ~ ·\\\ l''"!"·)' .>q ot ·p·on .11111'1 11 , ',)1111111 .Hp Olll! .\ HIIIHI! Jl•lljS! loHj.l .1110 10 ~q1 . 11101 I! ljl!•\\ .lllllllf .>tp Olll! p -1'!001 'll,)lll'l'i:)l_l 'I! l\\

Je~s e o~ uo5e& Jno ~J~!H a&

·I II'' I<, oq >:·1 : 1 \l!f,l IO!ll-><, :t qun "111!1111!1<1 :1· !Jill') "·11.1 IOIIJI' I : 1 •!:•;: ' I 1plf') '-·llcl I Cjllj) IIIII!' ( Jll,lfll'-llcl :li IJIII) li!JI!'j t.un,l:.u 1. p111: \II!PI>.l<, :1 ·;; qnn '11·)1'" 1 ·;; qn1. > qHI.H , I :;; 'P'I:> \11!111! 1 Jll,lp l,.ll,l ;; 'lllOq:) :;: I! 111110: ) lll.ljllll<,' I lllhl'.)l I :li •;; II 111110) Jll)jllll<, : I 111-lP!'·Ii .J ·sa/..a l"tY=>+P"' Jay sadl?:>sa 6u!y+oN 'as!"' puP sno!P"+s AJaA

.. !A .. -~~38~31S3M 13101/\ Seniors

\\'h,tt rht\ '\.tn•t !lope to Be C.tn )Oll ima~in • lkv .\rcher , /11 1/1/(lt•l tnlu-r's , 1[1 Bt·ing q uit•t Pat BahnHk l 1 11ab/1• to .1111~ ll' 1th .lll"lli!!,lll hair Boh Bank (;tlll)ll,!!,t' 1 ol/{'( lor Bl'in~ 11 Jn o[t' llinnal ll' ll' 1ller D.t \l' Cor hi 11 .\lnrr it•d In JlltJit' lllflll nllf' ~n/nt a time flll'uinr:, holllf'ii'Ol'/; doni' .\mold Ct ai~ So )'1'1/1 1 o/ d I {tllllll'l' ( ;t' IH' Cra n •r Tt•ru II 1'1' 8tllkt•fl,oll jJfay er I()\ ( t' E~g k\t Oil Old 111111d \ IJ( /'!Ifill~ Boh Gan t~on O·u•W'I' nf 1111 nif-flltrllf'l" fi/:1• / ,1/lldlt•'.\ fl/1 RoJI/t'o Dot i Cotton i'f' lllli/1' \.\ c !till'//.\ ~i rl Bt·att in• Ctt'<' n Old 111111d fall .John llolu t•iH•r I 1111/\I'H'ifi' \foul <.at' Holman .\l iflwun1 Ht /1/g ;';!"toll Ron Hovt Old and {r•r•f,fc t>' lull '-lpt ke };Ill. .., ,\I1/l'l'il'tl 8t' lllg 1111\'flllt' {tii/101/.S ..., kcet Landt 1.., I l'111irJ11/ fnnlll.\ \of .HIIifing (.mk\ Landrt On 11 1fnw /}(}11/ to Chinn \111 Jnn!tinf.!.lli., mr \rhne \Iattin Jl'ithout 11 car Jl I I It {J f fJ/Il/ Ito i I' I 0111 \1 on roe I tlit1 II du!,~f'l' Ht 111p, 11 1 olll'!.!,l' Jnof­ .... !.Ill it\ \ Jul \\':t IH' \ 1 ll'l U'jJIJI"It' l" Lood 11/ hft•ft• \ltct ...,ch • idc~get I I rnh di1ht·.1 fnr 11 JiCJill!!, \t I I Jilt/ \£11 it• Jl ' if.IIJl/ Lud ...,< hm n ,\I1111111oin r fimll(' l '/ 111 In rt I t•r" I !te srcmHI (; L~th.., ...,hd ton Old lllflid ll'1tlt u·d hair I on.t ...,hctma n J·af'lln)' worlu•r Jl'it houl "Bt·mit•" P.tt kinnu I ' II II I ' I ;Ill/ I ' '>'tall i1 •ith blur /: huh .\l.u jot it ')ntith fll.\111/ I ' \llfnl und thin Bt'mic t' I ill.tpaugh Old moid Buflt•f t/11111 rr . .\lilt Wack \I'll'( tlt'l/111'1 !kin~ ~m' t' l n nr of X. Y. \ ' i \\'t•,tt't h<'rg I {"(Jill jilt f1 ' {nifurr• fJ111Itin g a ror

Shooting Stars

\l<>'>l PoPt'I \R Bc\crh· 1\rchct. Bob (,,nJI'>Oll

B1.., 1 '-, 11 DF'\ t-Dmt'> (,onon. \tnolcl Lt·aig

1 nr.,1 \ 'inlet \\'c.,tcrberg. ));ne Corbin

\I m 1 Cot ' R 'I H >t .., \I J( L '-,( heidcgget·. Bob Bank.-.

B1.., 1 '-,poRT- Be\ crh· Archer. Cork\ Landrc Cr w .. " ' n - \rlcnL \I.u·tin. Bob ( •. ut i"'on Cr.\_..,.., Futn - Arlene \l.tl'l in Ct \..,..., "'ou- Bob (,arn-;on \I<>">I l AI.IZA"II\'I· \tlene \fan in . . \nwld Craio

BLsl .. \1111.1-. rE .(,lach-.)hdton. PcJil llm·t

B1 <.,I Lom..J'\c,- Arlcnc \Ianin. Da\ c Corbin

B1cc;r-;T Bu' FFFR- \Ilene \fanin. D;l\e Corbin

B1 ...,, · \ lt' RI·. D- lkverh \n her. Bob Can i on

16 THE 1950 Senior Class Survey l ht I ollo\1 i ng q lll ~~ion~ \IT I t• ,1\kl'cl ol t lw '- l'll i01 ~: 1. \\'hat ,,·ill \Oll 1111~s mo~t about B.C. II....,.: ' \\hat i~ \olll ambition?

BL\' \RUIEI' ._,I U. I L \:\ DER~ 1. \II. Dunne\ hat ping about gc tting to 1. \'at ~it) .11td j.\. Cltct·Jle.tdet '· "hoof on titlll'. :! . .\I odeI. ·• I ott aH:I. J' .\1) abilil) to gl't Io school on tinll' to ·; . .\h t ht·"·ing gtltll to \I ~. C.orlnn Dit k Ct·rg. 1'.\ I B \BLOCK C.ORKY L \.\'I>RE 1. Ba~ketb;tll .111d (,l.1d\~ ...,h tutl. 1. Lon1ing in at :to in the morning. !!. I o I)(< ollH' a mu~it i.111 :.!. ro get out ol tlti-. "firl' tlap." :~· \J, tlllh hait toEkatll>l ))L.th. ~~· .\1\ math abilit\ to ~ollH' good ~tudl'nt ol BOB B\'\h..O.., \It Bhtl t \. '\1 \1 I. "pot h. \RU \R I I'\ .!.. Own a c1r. 1. I ooltng .nound \\ilh .Jo)n' and the kid-. . :~· .)o II" to Bt 11 O..,ttllomk :.1. ' J o he -.u«t·"lul. )),\\ 1· ( ORBI'\ .l· \I\ L \( ~ .md I tit to Dt.tlll' Foul. I 0\1\1\ \IO'\ ROE .!.. lotrilit) to Don J>i,lt''· .1· \l.tlh ltt·adac lH"-. lo .Ill) one who want them. (, 1· '\ I· ( R \ \ I· R .\I.IU· o..,(.IIEIDECCER 1. \\ ild \g d.1s~. 1 O..,truggling in Engli~h Cl."~· .!.. loll O..,( .Jl()t '\ 1. Eating Lt" pet iod with \tit ne. 1. \li" O..,mith and \II BlvtlH'. !! . Cet a joh. :!. lk .t ~.;n·.tt m.ttltt ntatic ian. ·;. <.r.t< hool hom-.. 1. lrit·ndlint'IS of the kid~ !!. !lome economrc teachtt. !!. To be Di< k\ wile. '\· \h .,hot tm·.,~ to Linda 0..,, :1· Intt•n•st in "hool to re~t ol thl' ktd'>. \1 \R.JORil-. ...,\II I H JOH'\' HOHRl·l I ER 1. I ht O..,tn ior-.. t. Ba-.ktthall. :.1. Rcctptront~t. !!. I o tt '" el. :l· \1\ l')C'> to Tont Lee. ·1· Pit< hing .um to an\Olll it . WIKE .JO'\E..., .1. '\ ur'c at .John Hopkin-,. t. I he Ion h st'\lll t h period. J· Latin II book to Pat Landn· with the :!. I o do '>Olllething spectacular. hope that ~he'll gl't mon· out ol it than I· \Ltkt up -,lips to Joan Rn\\l'. I did.

EC H 0 17 Alumni-1949

Jm 1 1 \11 1 '\ 1\,Jiuln illr,t• \\ 11 u \\1 lh H 111 R-lk\\ln < o1-( otiHll I niH'I,ill-l.lt•\11111-1\:uulll id:,:<' I \\1 Rl '\II '> 1111' ll.l illhlulge I ( .J.IIIIIall' IIIII\ I 1•1 R\loon-1\allllllicl!•t ..,, 1 illa I'll 1 '' \ 11 1 "111 - ll'll..!h:l tlllnll R • < 1 ' 1111''111'" ...,, l•ool


II IRR\ II \K 10' 'I d11n - I a1mc1 \'\11 \ I I \II. J\o,t-;1 1)-.:\olth \ltou-lloll'l'I\IIC Bt Rill I II Ll I - IIOiula. R1 IIi ))It 11 11111< - lllll~haullnll - :\l';ll, · hood (om pan~ I·K"'" (. \1\11' llainlllulgc Rt·,iu l'lan1 j\\11' lhRRI \ll,.,!itlia-l 'I \1111\ \\1111 '" ( o111".1 - 1\;ulllnul..!<: Rc"n 1'1.1111 01111 CIRIIK- 1\in!.;h:tlllloll '\c,n' hood (ompall) I>OROIII\ 1\ \CO'\-.\Iha111 llm1nc" College II \RI> \R 1 IIR 1 '\II 1 \1 - llainlu iclgc- 'lt mlllla R11 1 :\l1 t-;11 - 1\ainlnicl~t·- (.akncl.ll I :Jltoll '1111111 1' ll \lllhO'\ l~;unluul:.;t 'lc iutilla 1\\RI>\Ill 11'\'\1~ '\(II \01!.. 'ICliCLJI\ 1.11 II \'\ I 1\ II~-; B1 \t-; II 1\ II hac a - llotl\l'\\ de Jill'\ (.Jili.- B:IIni ·IHI:_:t• 11.1111.. ll'\\j, ,. '11111\ Jl" (.lltoKn-Bainlnitl~l 'ltintilla DO'\ \II) l.l\\1\-( hicago-<.tntlal \lo1o1' lt•

18 THE 1950

I it,l Ro" B. l';u,om. II l·ohh l .tlthn~ I>. font·,, I' \Jie, \1. \line1. l. \!.111\\ ant•n , \I 'lt.llllon. \1. Coon. \l. Fldn. "l'(OIHI Ro\\' \ft,, \.tladtmi< ( "lllllh, I> \\.tkeman R .">lOIIH'IIl)t'l~ . J. \tllhllOII~. n. (.trg .I letn. II Collin,, I . Dah R \\t·('l,., II '>ta

Junior Class

.\t the (n.,t lllttting of the yt•at, tht

\\ t decided at thi., met ting that we would und<:t takt' lor out fir'>t job the ~elling of '>tattonat · ~. " ·hich pnl\ ul to he n·t' -,ucn·-,-,f ul.

Our nt \:t attt·mpt to make money wa., a hake ~.tie. 'I hi-, al ... o prm td '>ll< Sful.

For tht C.lu i'ltm.h I lolid:l\s \H' '>old lrnh hollv and had abo-.: '>ocial. \\('ate looking fot \lard to our hig t'\l'llt of the Hat·, the .Junior Prom and hope to make it a btg '>U( ( l''>'>.

Out· '>)H'cial and 01 iginal i

\\ e h.t\l' prmen to ht a \l't y athl<.tic cla'>s, the gtJl'> ha\ ing \lOll tht '>O

20 THE 1950 ltt'l Ro\\ \I l'tlkl,id, I> llmt, 1> . (,l't:.:;. II . J>od~t '- Rmwl', ( ..,l .• llk'. \1 lldll·d, I. l•htik, 1'. \lh t 'H'lOIIcl Ro\\ \lr,. \Han \\ . ( aq><·utn. I>. l'i\.kl , (, '>dwcn. J. \tm,tron~ R In·. J. l.andn·. J .., n.~ma,ter , C. ll.i\ I I ggl<·,tott. \lr \ i . l't'\ll'\ , J. 'tlt,t,nn •tk . lounh Ro11 \ l'at,(>ll,, I '01111~, R l',tt,on,, B. '-e"man, 1'. l'.tlmu J. llart\\Cll, I:. Corhin. \IN·ut I '>lt'H'Il'·

Sophomore Class

Jhc ~ophm{wre cl.t~~ began tht Hat with plcnt' oft•nthu.,ia ... nt fm < ntning inlo cla\'i pmject'> right a\\'a\. \ft. and \fr'>. \ ' ic.ll\ acted .t., cia~ ... a to dirut all thi, ulthu ... i.t\m into comtructin: channels. On tht n 1, flr'>t cLt) of~~ hool c l.t.,., ofhn r' wt rt cl<.'ncd. Thmc chm< n wut: Gunthc 1 O,chocn, Prc.,idcnt: Dick Lee, \'i

Th cla'i\ n .tlh o,tartul right ofT the hat to obtain money for thei1· enio1· trip. By m<:am of a hake ~.tl< ..t round and ... quare d.IIH<. th<' ... ale of hot clogs .llld '>Oft d1 ink~ .tt football game,, a bene fit movie, and .t booming sale of C:hli'>tllla\ "rappmg... , the class ha., incr

-,he yea1 h,t, not con,i,a·d "holh of money m.tking projects, ho\\TH'I'. B< '>id<., all the fun had while <:tn)ing out the'>c project-. th<: da~~ al .. o had a gala Lhri\tllla\ pany the morning on which 'irhool wa'> let out fo1 the holicbt\S. rhen• wa'> pknt~ of food for CYnyone and al ... o a prc'>cnt fm e'en mcmbc1 of the d.""· The '><>phommes think the' h,t\e had H'l} good lud.. in l'H'nthin14 thev have attempted, .md hope to haYe equ.tllv .. ., good luck du1ing th<. H'~t of their h1gh '>chool d,l\.,. If t\<.'t}Olle in the cla'>s i" ,,., coopera­ tiH· in the future a<, he ha., been in the past, we arc !>ure that we "ill.

EC H 0 21 I it'l Ro11· I' Landtt', f. \lildtdl 'I Jlllll'' (. Jolll'•, 1'. llatl ll. \llot• J 'ld udt·<..:~t·t . I. En~d J 'lmilh 'I lldt·t. 'lnmu R011 \Jt,. Blllht . f . Bl.~tl. J Poll!, f . lliltiHml. , R . Btllll,, B '1111 lh ll. I n •, B. I all R lltlllht·tl \\'. <.ilt·, ( 'lttitglt•t , \11. Blllht• I hitd Roll .f . \ltl'hn,on, .f . l';thott' ll. l'atl.t•t I' 1\md, II (-.lilt·• , B lkllll!'ll , I llthhlt-. 1'. ltt·ttktt,lint• L . \lttltcl I 'It \l't 'on I outu• R1m : I Fggk loll , (. Kttmlllon, L. 0 '-til R . J...in!.:'lt'l (, l'talt.)) \ndtt·ll,, R llall, .f. lkkllo .\h,t·nl: R . lotcl. B lkm•' ll't'. 1\. hlltg,lt•, , l. lltah R R ln .

Freshman Class

The lrnhnlan d,..,, hc~an the '<'l'l) ·t'ight llll'lllhe1' ,111d \!1 . and \lr,. Bh the '" ' llllTting the follo\\ing rl.1-,, olltcer' \\Til' ele

rllt' II t•,hnlall cl.t.,., h •.., h.td m.tn~ monn making .t

The -.ocial act I\ itie-, ol the \l'al han· heen a l>o-.. '<>

22 THE 1950 I 11,1 Roll )), \t 1 oil\ J ln~l'l . F. I <'l', R l'almet J. I t·onaHI, I Ow<·n,. I hud Ro\\ \1 \luhd '\ ..... IIIOid, \f. J. 1\uth r (.jk,, \ h.napp \\ llt'IIOII, (', KiJI.. LJnd, R . -;diOl'll, l \1t<.inni-. ,\ lo1. L~~lt· ,ton .

Grade ~ight

\\t t'lltolhd !ott\ "lloll!!_, ,tudt·nt" \\tth \11..,. Butlt•t a" homt'loom tt•a

\mong our It .tdu" tht" Hat .lll': .\nna I· old~ and Ra\ PalnH'l' .t 'ttudt'tll LoutH il nwm­ htt.,. Btt"'\ ...,ttlt" a" I rt<..,lllt'l (,,til Dodgt', Chainnan ol tht ...,tll(htlt \ttt\ity<.ommlltt't'. whith .tl..,o itHiudt., l· ikt:n \f<(,inni-.. "'an<' (.ht't''hro. .Jo~n Dt.t

\mong out .tthlett·.., a~t • l·rcd Let . Jad. Fngt·l.loothall: Jack Engt'l. Btn ""•motHI-.. \\'tt'"'tling: l .t'onanl 0\\tn.,, hul Let'. Don l:.gglc-.ton Ridwnl "'tic-.. R.l\ Paltnt·t. ld Carlin, Rt

riling'\\'(' will al\\':t)' likt' to lt'lllt'lllhet' :tl't': Donald Toht'\ ·, unfailing (Ollllt" : \l.trion Ptatt\ lo~;tl tntlw.,ia.,tll lot tla-..., projt'

ECHO 23 Fif,t Roll: I' '\lit·, I '\idwJ,, II '>h tman. R '>anf o td, (, '\d,ott, I> l'oltt 1\ . l',n,on,. C flttttol"· R lltt'llc't \\ ( ""'" () \a11 '>nc nd Ro11: B '>tnt!h. 1·.. L~not. ,\ \ljJI, C. lkllllClt. .\1. Httutman , B. '>ttl·, Hatnwn h '>hetman, J '>nutlt, I' .'>human. '> Conf..lin B ~tnc~lc:t I hinl Ro11 \lr,. ( :hec,hro R JotH'' · \\ I illapau .~h . R . Finf.. . R . ( utti' R 1\un,,., . .J. \tf..tmon \\ eef.., R 'ltnl'll' I' '>tou~t•uhet~ . D. l'uflet J JntH'' R l'at,on,. \li" \\ood. ICillllh Rm1 : ( l':nf..n ( (oe. ( '> '>nuth \I 1\h,P. ' Ihon•,.D Bot'! J Rolle, () lhachln , J lhotpe. <...JoiN•Il. ll \ttll'l , .1: Kinnc1. I dth R1111 B. \I< ott. ( '>f..tnncr. \! \!illct J Stltlll>III. l) \\ aclc:, (, '>mith \ I c.,tn. ]), \\'af..cman. '>i,tl R 111 B Brqh.nn l \\ oc tl'll,f..i I \\ .ml I '>hnman \IN•nt 'I Ru"ell R Jom·'· \\ Inn , R \ll'llt, I) SiiH·I .

Grade Seven

At the heginnin~ ol tht \(' <'I' there were ~i"X!\ - IouJ ~tuclcnh in the '>l'\Cnth ~racle, the !arRest e\Cnth grade in many )t",tr'>. J'ht') "·ere divided into t\n> hontemom' "ith \f"" "ood and \ [r~ . (.he e'>hro '" honH"room tl ,I( her,.

"'eh,HI a .Juniot· High ~k tting pany at ~idnc) at "·hich many of the .,ewnth gr<1dcrs ka1md to -,kate the painful"'"'·

·y hl C.,tudent Council repre~cntative from the sncnth grade are "'ilma Ten~ and Robert \lcott.

24 THE 195 0 !:!l 0 H 'J 1

".11!;),\ l '\,)l( .1p1!.1t l{l'\!'- .ll(l ll! ,1<( Ol ,1d oq p111! pn~l( \iu!:-ji0.\1 11.1,)(1 .1.\1!1( -.n 10 l'-Oill Ill<( 'l(11l'IJIP '! 'jiOI\ ,1(>1'1\i 1(1.1!.:1 ",)'il \1!.\\ '-!1(.(. '.I.H(t.1' pu1: -.:nHH['i11lop ·.1.1p! 1 p1:q mp· .1\\ '110 q1111'll .1110 1(1!·'' -..1!:-jCH>> .1p1!111 '-l.li(IOIII .H(l JO .1110 ·.\tn•cl u.1 .•1.1\0[ji! J 1 1: p1:q .111 ·.l.Hiot >() II[ ',lllO,(·.\ Jll.l.l\1 I'-ll! ,1,\l!q ,1,1\ ,\\()lt 0"- .\1!.1\1! p.1 \()\II ,),) II!J ''l!d11cl 11 ,1\,l'-·\tll.1.1\l l(l! 11 11:.1\ .H(l 111:'ii.lq .1p1:1\i l(IJIJ .Ill()

sai!+S ·sJw- aA!::J apoJ9

'(,)(.),)\ 1 .11:p c[,), jl I! 11!1(1 d,l,l'j fjl!l("- l \\- lliO(l J<( l! l!!·l\ \\01( l'-llf \111! ll!1!ll.'llll > 11(1 op l!l!l(' ,1.1\ pul' .wuoq JO ,,,,lllr; .11(1 .1q II!·'' "-...H(IOIII 1110 JHII' p .>llllll .>q ll!·'' "- ·> [<(1!1 11(lllll[ 11 \t.tl'd 'ii1111d<., l' OJ p.11!.1\ IOJ 1CHlJ ,).1\ .1\0 ' ''1!1111"-! 11( : ) (llll! lt.l .•l .I\O(JI! J J .... lllll'd [l!ll"-ll ,11(1 p.l!l( ;)\1!1( 1\\ '"-11 l(l!.l\ I( Hill( 11!.) 01 (CHH( l"- Ol )Ill') '-Jll,1ll!d jl!.l,l\1C., '(l(!lP \iu!.I\Oln I! .10((1'1111 p.>HI•!JI'C( ((•1.\\ I! ll! .1"-ll OJ poo.l JO "-Pll!'j ,ll(l p .HIII!.1[ 1.\\ "-1(11'-, ''-If\ l(l!·l\ .._110"-<;;)( 1(1[1. H( 1110 llf ',l.lC(\11.1 \ 0 , ll! \Jil',l .11111!.> 1111.1111 1!! .1.11.1(1!> .ll(l 'fill!lllll'(d lOJ llllll Ill() ·\ill!(l(!IHI ll!l!lll .11(1 lll "-liO~l!(HIOl p1p.110U .11(1 ,)\,l!J·ll OJ :1pl!lll '1!.1\ )li,HU.1\illt'UI! "-!l!J '"-llmll'd lll(O( ".1(\: JO .\(!llii!J·1l(l .{q p.1!d11ll0 \(1,111UO("-I!.I\ l{l!l(l\ ,1'1101( .ll(lll! "-t .1.Hll .1(W.I\i I(IJIJ .H(l (0 liCI!"-!\IP 111()

Mo~spoJa ·sJw-aA!::J apoJ9

''-[l!lll!lll! put: "-llll![cl J ,) ll!l\ 1110C[I! p .1!PI11"- Cl"-jl! ;),\1!1( .1.\\ ·\iu!l'-·>I.Jlll! 11 .1,1<[ ,1\1!1( ll!l(l '-ptol\ .11 .111 ]l.JlUI'.)I .1.\1!1( ,l\\ 'l(lll!.) :1l(lli10C[I! 'IH!J 'iitl!l'·)(,)Jlll Fill! "-J ,)III![d .ll(llllO<(l' p.)llll':)( ·l.\1!1( ,),1\ ))ll.l!l"- IIJ "- ,)JI1,1 lll.1\ II! "-JlC>! (,lei pttt: "-l!liiiiiOl 111d 01 ;)1.11(1\ p.11111'.1[ :1\1!1( 1 \\ 1llll.11lll' .l.lll,l tll.>"- lllnC[l! p.1llll!.1[ .1\1!1( .1.11 'l('!l'iiu ~r 111 '110!'1 '!P Pill! '110111' l!Jcl! ljlllll 'liO! I ll!.ll <(11' 'IIO!J!JlJH! \ill!.\\·1!.\ ,11 l(l!·'' 7iuop: '"-IIO!Pl!IJ Jl•1![Hll\ ,1\l!l( ;),\\ ·\o!u.> .1.1\ I >.1lqm 1' '! l!l•l lllljl!-1\' ·.\ltiiiiO> '-I! pu1! .>clcun :; r \i11!\p111' ,111: 111 \\CHI pttl: '.\.1[jl!,\ 1'!1lll!todo..-:1J\: 'tcl.\\i~r o1 d!.ll 1: u.1'j1! l .H1:q .1.11 •.... >![Hll"- p:!.>o' tl[ ·n::11 '!l(l llllf p•:q .HI!l( > \\

A.a~woH ss!W- X!S apoJ9

' "-llllll!cf .Ill() .IOJliO,H[lllllJ H p[OI( Ot .lpl'l\i l"-.11) .ll(l ,)(,1.1\ ,1,\\

•."'II!:) 'lJ (llll! PI W,\ \ PIO ll[ r .. (0 'lll1l"- .1110 II! 'd! II .\11 !111\il'lll! .\111 !111 (l.l'jl!l .1.\1!1( •\\\ '\11!1'; ...... :1[ (ll!l( ,\,H(I<>'-111!.l,)C( 11.1 .•).1\0l!I! JJ 11! \w•cl1: liO 111d Ol pl!l{ "-[11"1 H([. 'l!l·HIIl(l!ll! II! "-lll'l(l (ll!.ll1ll1' ,1\1'1( ,),\\ ·,uoouutp: .\1!(1!.1:1 p[.H( .111: -.'iill!l 1.11\ >J ,l '"-llll!(d 7111!·'·111!.\\ '''1"-·>P 'iill!l >.1CI"-ll! 'tui:J\i cud ~IJ!lllOill .H[l JO .>'ii l1!l( > 111 .>[clo.lC( "-lli![ 1 '1\l!l('Pl IH p11'l( >!~I '! ',l(IIIOIII '!l( 1. ' lli.)Jl!'·>HI IIIOO.I I' ,),O!Il() ,J.I\ 1[1110111 l(ll!] 'l!l1!1l0111,1p \t.1\ '! "-(1!.:-i ll1:ll.Hl!ll [>Ill! ,(oq u .l,lllt.l.\.)"- (0 \ill!l'!'llfll .1 pl'ITI .Ill()

sauor 'SJW- X!S apoJ9 Grade Four-Mrs. Weeks

Om grade ~tancd the \Car with thin~ ·- onc pupil~. '1 hi-, )t'ar \\Than· u·it·d to he independent in our wmk. \\ t haH' taken pan in t.tdio quit game-, and given e' cral programs. \\ e haH tlnn grade mother-, \ln•. R l.ewi-,, \It~ . DuatH' Lawn·tHt', and .\Jr.... F. Lowe. \I.u tL r ldet. \I.u ge Eldred, and Dmt' Ho) t «lllH' once a day d mi ng t lw fir~t half of the ) car f 01 g) m pet iod. \\ c wet c -.ony we had to lose them.

\\ t pl.uuwd a luncheon for out· parenh 111 ~O\ em her. l '-.u.dh our motiH't'l an· the only one able to at tend da) 1 imc lunrttons, so we were VCI) proud that eight f.t thct., c.unc to our luncheon.

Grade Four-Mrs. Scott

Ihi-. class is one of the smallt''>l cht\'>l''> in the '>0 far thi<. \cat a Clui-.tma.., patt\ and a binhday pany f01 \It-,. ~colt. -,cn·n ol our rl.ts\ .trc ..,t,uting \'iolin k~~on~ .md fcnu boy .uc \tatting dttnn les on.

Grade Three-Miss Earl

Om school year stancd with twcnt\-t\\o bm-. and -,n·en girl-.. ~incc then si" ha\'c ldt. 'I he) arc ~all) \ltnitt, Homer Birdsall, '\'ancy Cobb, \\'alter Bloor, Floyd Ruling. and Douglas Tarbox. \\'c h;nc one m·" girl. .Julia Hendrickson. Duting the year we haH.' had a Hallowe'en and ( lui-,tnta'l patt\. \\cal o gaYc a lutHhcon for out parents .January 11th. The children made their own im it.ttion-, and f;nors. Our grade nwther~ for thi~ )Cat arc \h-,. Babcock and \frs. Btu n .

Grade Three-Mrs. Plosky

\\'c ha\'C thirt) -~ i:x children in our mom tin-, \t,tt. Our grade motheh are !\fh ~tmka and .\frs. \\' hite. l'hey put on ni

26 THE 1950 Grade Two-Miss Hoffman

\Ve started the year with thiny-fi,·c pupils. There arc still thiny-fi,e members f01 three h;l\e left, and t hn'<' tnon· ha\'c arrived. Out gr.td(' tnothn~. \lr~. Cemge Ptatt and ;\ lr-.. 0 H '\etdlinger, '>pent nHHh titne in making olll I Iallm1T'en and Chri~tm.i' pat tie~ a '>liC~. 01 cour.,e, Cluistmas wa~ the biggt·r e\cnt of the ~cat lor ~anta called at all our honH''> and left m;lll) gifts.

'\en,· we arc looking lon,·atd to entenaining our parents at our grade luncheon February t:)th.

Grade Two-Miss Reeves

Om grade started out the ~ear with twcnt\ si" pupils. \\'chad a Hallowe'en party. There were many funnY cmtunw~. and rdre-.hmenh con-,istcd of rookie-, and chocolate rakes.

\\ t han· '>tudied lndiam and talked about method-. ol hunting and tran~portation. In tht ~pt ing, we -.h.tll ~tudy lik on the farm.

On De

Grade One-Mrs. Hohreiter

This year we are learning to read. \\'e arc now reading "Fun \\ ith Die k and .Jane," but we'll soon be H''t, \\t .til had a \lt\ good timl·. \ s Clui~tmas project~. we made out tnothers "all holders. lor them to put tht·it pot holdl'l ~ 111. For ou1 l.uhu... we made desk

Grade On e-M iss Naylor

Our first grade has thitt) -five pupil~ "lw .ue la,t l>t•wming real studenh. \ Irs. D;l\ id Laird and :\lr~ . .John Da\ itbon all' our cllJcient grade mothers. I hcy plan and take care of our holiday partie-.. ~L\Ctal ol Dlll gt oup \\TH' pt i;e-ll'imwrs at the l lallowc't 11 parade. '\oil' it i~ Ikcctnl>er and C:hristma-. i~ the imp01 .ant theme. \ \'e had a pany. put on b) om grade 111otht hand delicious refreshments were served.

ECH 0 27 056l :lHl Bl

i~~ lJ .Hp ,\\(Jll'f I ,\\Oll:-t I ',\\Oll'f I ',\\Oll'f I \\Otq I .)lOlii .ll(.L

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· Jllj) 111!111~ \ \l!JlOI .JO ,)1110\ q 1! ·" .l(

·';lop \111 ~HI!'! !. )( ;u11 I! ll! dn lll!lll\.lJl'' P'tJ!l ;>(Cf! l.l.ll I' \ ·>I H(J - ll!llll'!II.)H -~IJ\

~ . 1 .1lllnll ;)tJI \IPlJ \\ I llljJ() ·.\1'1 >!nh ,)1110: ) ',ll!JOd jdJ.lJJ- (.Hioqd.>J .ll uo) ll!llll'!u >H ., IJ\

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~ p .>W . lO( )' , )~ J>-l~ llJI 'I ll HJ \\ l.lJIIIH -~If\

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jt.l .\ ,)';jlll!l! > o' lll!lliJJOJ-1 \\If\ : ll' IJOJ'· JII'l! .HJI p .l.\\OIJI!.\\\ oq\\ 111!111 ~llllo\ .>qt ',\\OJ( - ll.l'iiJll'd "'1\

·,((,)1 )0\ JOOqh p .l(l! l!JdiiiOl ollJI ll! \1 !,\\ ll\\0 II HJI ';jll!'fl!lll ''Jl'IIJ>! \!(HI! ltiiOl,lCj 01 .lllllll! JO IIO!(l.ll o1d HJI .l .\1'1( \ H(l u .Hl'' .l'fl'lll l\lllll u .>q>J!I( > lll.>lllt'nlpl: .Hp >1 >Jdlllo.> II!\\ ''I >.l\\ \iulll!l!llt.lt .>qt .>doq '\\ '\I! Jd .1.\!ll!r,ldoo> J>lll! \)II.HIII'll!J>I' JI !!.>m JO ,\t•\\ >1(111! .ll'J m p .H('!Jdluo>w ll>.>q Wl( p •.>p ll!.ll\1 \ '

· \1! ll!dl') 01 lli.HJI P •llllJ ,))! J>lll' ',)(I!JOlOlJ.l lOll .,,l!'fOO) \1!1(1)0,[ IIJ:) '\,lt( >! -'\(Hll!\ .Hll!l 'IIJ l ' \(Ill! ) \l\\1' I! .HJI J>lll! o,i;}IJIOIII 111001 .HJI \q 1!! l.)),lJI!l .HJI Ill J> ·lll!l! ).(,)(ll.l ,)(,)\\ II llJ>J!IJ l .Hp IJI! Willi'! IIJ) I\ '

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' o, ,l! lll!d JIIJ''·l l lll\ \ 1.1 \ 0 .\\ I \II lf,)\!\1 ,)\1!1( ll,l!J>[!l!l lllJIO .HJI JO '\l,ll!IOIII .HJI JO IIO!)I!.I.ldoo> .llJIIJll\\ ·\.HJJ . ' SI,ll(l.>1 n 1: 11.>qun:· l 11 . 1qo~ ''I\ pu1: nHHll(!:) ,)Jt.>l .>\:.1 ''IJ\ Pl!lJ>poo:) J.l , l<(O~ ''IJ\ ·.>'f'J·>: J lr . 1qo~l ·'IJ\

·\1'\\1' (ll\0111 .1.\I!IJ 0 .\\) (llll! p .>l.llll,) ,l\l'lJ ll ll(l · (!lJ> .IIIOJ ' , ))Ill~ <.;\oq \tl!l!l J>lll! 'JI!'ii 11)\,)\· \ti!IJl - ll,)lll''iil.l(HII'J IOJ p .ll.)(<.;!\'hl ll.ll(l(!l!l 11 ,) , \ , )\ ·,\)'..1~

ua+Jo6JapU!)f ----

< 1 A Bird I Like

On the fir,t da~ of 'Pring. I 'iat on the ponh gating at the .,ky. It was jmt covered with all difl<·n·nt kind, of hink They were coming hack hom the 'outh to 'pend the 'umn1n month,.

~uddenly I noticed a little hinl that was way behind the others. He wa making a landing and seemed to h< n·t) afraid of onH.•thing below him. I didn't like to sec hinb get hun 'o I hunied o\'l'r to "here he was going to l:tn(l. There hiding behind a tJTt' was "Fluflct," Ill) (at. I shoot'd het awa\ and caught the ha h) bini in my hands.

He was colmed .,omething like a humming bird and "as \CI\ small. Do )Oll think )OU know what kind of hinl it was? Janet \£.11 ian- Cradr liN'

The Greedy Lion

One da\ \Ir. Lion was walking down the road when he saw ;\lr. Toad. "Hi" nied out \It. Lion, "wha 1 ha H ~ 011 got:''

"I han· a tH' W motor schooner. got it thi, morn ing \\ ould )OU like a ride on it?' ··on it!" cried \It. Lion. "I want it!" "You (an't h.tn' it."

But \It Lion took it a"·;l\ from hint and mde a,,·a) with it \lr. Toad laid some ta( ks in the road. \\' ht•n \It Lion (:tllll' b) he went into the tacks. lie said th.tt ht \nntldn't eH·r tou( h another motot· S( hoom 1 .tgain. ',tcphen Fl)tik- Cmdc• Tlm'f'

Freddie's Ghost

Last night when I was undu .t whitt' shct t, I was sleeping and dreaming about Ill) ghost. I Ie )i,·ed in .tn old hack beside the m.td \\hen the ghost go. hungry. he s.tt down 1)\ the roadside. Then Donnie and \Ionti came \\,liking .dong. )uddenly the ghost jun1ped out in front of them and g1ahbed them by the mli,JL Donnie and \lonti )ellc..d fm help and this woke me up.

Fred )hddon- (;uulc· F()lll

It was a very rainy day out and it \\,ts a very muddy om• too. I must haH ~otten up on the \\'long ~ide of the bed m \Olllt'l hing he( .tme I was 111 mi~chiel all day. 1 he ( her \\' ,J~ Yer} angt y at not on I) me hut thl' wholt (l,t~s. '\one of us workcd or did our best work. '\ow it was t.ttntn~ rat\ and dogs out· side. \\' hen the bu\es ((It I tltt('\\' tnud at them. One nllld hall th.u I threw \\'l'nt in the window and out the otht>t windcm on the oppo~ite ~tdl' of the bus and through a homl windo\\·. But. I didn't know" hat had happened and a~ I tlll ew anothe1 I .\lipped and iell in thl' 111ud. \\ hl'n I got home I got a spanking lot thnnrin!.\ 111ud halls. '1 hen alter my fathet had fini\hed ~panking mt, my neighbor uune 0\er and told what I had done and then he ga\·e me a harder one than my lather had given me.

Richard ~la1 tin Cwrll' l ·mc•

30 THE 1950 What Happens on a Rainy Day

One nwrnin~ a-. I woke, I didn't hear the birds in~: I didn't -.cc the "un 1 i-,c, .So I jtunpcd out ol bed and looked out of the window. It wa-. rainin". On my way to sthool the mudd) .,idewalk went ~tap! 'll:tp! \\'hen the ,< hool bdl rang the < ro'" tcac hct walked in. \II the < hildn:n "tat ted to pia) and get into mi"­ chid. rhe) made a lot ul noise. \\'hen I got home mother asked how 1 did in .,dwol today. I 'laid "On a

r.tin) da) CH'l) thin" "OCS WH>Jig." Claire Jobon-(;,udc I•ive

Some Kind of Tree

am o tall, I alnw't touch the "k).

I'm not :Ill) .,hort gu at all. Oh me! Oh my. People get thing, to pat on their panc.:tkc from me.

I ..,ce man people ~o h). \\'h.tt kind of a tree am I?

The Pink Dishes

It wa two da before Chri una when Joan and Jimm .Jonc walked down the "trcet, looking in e\CJ, window. -Jinun) a ked Joan what he wanted for Chri~tmas . .Jmt then the) came to a "tore. The) topped and looked in. Joan a) what he wanted, a •t nf pink di he . \\'hen she got home she told her brother Johnn). I hen he wem to bed.

Chd tm;" £, e Jimm went do'' n to the tore to get the db he . The) co~t too much. '>O he ~ot her a cand heart. He went home and put it in her tacking. Then he went to bed. Joan wa-. ;dread in bed. Later, Johnn) c.tme home. He wa hun~>T). I hen he aw a hump in Jo. n' ,w kin~. He put hi~ hand dcm n in the tacking and pulled out the cand, heart. Johnn) ate it, not thinking an) thin" about it. 1 hen he remembered that .Jimnn had aid that he had gotten Joan • candy heart.

He ru,hcd out the door. rhenlll' put hi hand in hi~ pocket to ec if he had an mnne). I le had 10. Johnn) ran dO\nl to the same -.tore in which Jimm) had gotten the heart. I le a~ked the man for a cand) h art. The m.m aid that all he had left wa' a ct of di he~. Johnny took the di~he., and hun·ied home. He put the di~he.., in the tockino- and went to bed.

In the mm nino Jo tn \\

ECH 0 31 OS6l ;/Hl lE

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d!J 1 6u!YS!::J "w

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(l1'\.lj cl!lj' .Hp Jll:lj (ll!lj \,H11 (llll! lliJI') 'I! \\ \l' Jl 1'\..llt .lq I ',)ICllj' .HI I 01 '(.>t:q lll.>q 1 lll'linotq 1 lli.11Jl JlllllOJ 1 u HI\\ 'tll.11j1 t,lJJI' 1110 Jlt,l.l\ pu1: n :oq .lljJ 01 '~!1!1' .Hp 111\0Jl p .ll.llllll 1 'lll.HJI l!lj 1! put: ,)Ill! 1 li'IJl \q NlJ> oot '"-'' dtq' .HI I tnq ''I >o 1 .Hp uo !l['li![ .np p .ltl.llll 1 '''I 10.1 .Hp .11: HI d!lj' t' 1\l!' 1 tlj'li!ll · pltll JIHHJ\' 'lll~!ll II'' cln p.l\1!1' 1 ' llttot' .Hp q.DnoliiJ p .1u:o1 ... . l.\l!.l\ .11Jl JHII' tq:'i!u \1:. 1'1i '(ll:p 1: '1!.1\ IJ

wJo+s poa y

1, ) II lfJIII:J - llOI[ , l~I ,)!llliOH

',\llllllJ \ 1,)\ ,) II ! Jllll' tno .HIIo> ,\ ,)lj L ' tt.I\O(lllll' 11: lli,H{l .J,>' o1 no.\ 1111',1\ 1 ·''I >llJ ,111: no' IU .ll(1 .>,J' no.\ Jl ·nu! 1\0lj' '! .1\0(ll!lj'

l! .llfl I! JHIU 01 1110 .HliO) noq JHIIIOI\i ·ll(1 , ).)1, 01 ,)'1!1 .l,\\ ·.\t: p 'lioq JlllllCll'ii '! ,\ll!lli

AJO+S 6oH punoJ9

,l.lllf.f. ,lfJI)I : J liO~!'filll : l lll['iilll' \

.,,),{() n!q .\ 1.1.1 ,)1,: .\.)1 1 L ·,p: 1' 'll:.ld, q r. '.)'! q'iino11p If" I -.mur1 ... ~1 ·,:1... ,:1\ u! ,)·'!! '<""!'1'::1

.MIIfJ. ,lf)f)t: )- '( 1!.ll•1JJ IIIJOl(I!J\:

' '-ll!lll!lll' lllnlJ IJO 'll!'l' >ljl ,),II 1.1q L ·pool 101 llllll( .\.lll.l ., ,liiJ !OJ .l.l

.1,1 II fWI:J Jlll.l.lf1.1JJ P!·''' (J

...clllll!l '!·>tp IOJ I lll r .101 .10 ,'flop llj l 01 p .>.lJ \ .llp J .>qcpqq .Hp JO llliOC.., l > ,)'(l' lll 'I l! 'fi Olll!'(' ~l '' ,l'-llOij '(lOt put '-OOI'fi! ,l ,\l!lj 'Olll!'f':.J ,lli.J

1,11/f.f. ,1,)/)(: ) - <, ;HI \q I lll

' ll! lli.HJI ~ll! ll' l!.HJI lflld OJ , 'fiop ,l\ll ,\ ,)lf.l .... ll.ljl',\\ 10 '(I! )... . , ll'.lq I. ' I''(' I!(\ ll! ,) '!I '01111'('] .>q I

Sa!JO+S OW!~S3

I i1'1 Ro\1 \. ( 1;1i~. ll. Pi,lt·'· '>t·w11mith . J \Jill\11011~ . (, '>dwcn R \\t·t·k,, I '>lrl<,, 1.. llah, ll. l.<·t•, ( •. Holman. I ounh Re111 ll Lt·t• I l'aleglio II llank' ll ( 01 hin R ..,le uu·nhtr~ II. ( ol1111' l·illh Ro\1 R (,a11i'""· ( I andu R <.u~ . J. landn·

Football- 1949

Bang. the opening gun ol tht \t.l\Oll with the Ba inlnid~t l!l.t ,.., dmnting .\lton in .t prac tin g,anH· JO·{· .\ltt'l anothtr wctk ol p1.l

1 hi" la\t game ~tand" out lwramt· a too', 'wnior team \tal ted. I he \lalting lineup"'" Bob (Basil) Ca11i..,on, kit end: <.l.m•tl (.\l1 . Out"tde) '-,tik~ . l'ht point\ \COil'd 'ohowcd that tht· J!l't'l\ wen· a powt·r-pac ked outltt with a total of ':It point' \CC))l'd a' compared with :.1:.1 lor the oppont·nt\.

\\ ith tht· lint \l':t\Oll. the I><>)" had thi.., ~t'al, Bainlnidge i, looking lorward to a good \l.'.l\on ne:->t ~ear.

J ht '-,n.hnir".tk ~lt • tnol ial 1'1 oph) \\hie h in the L1,t l\I'Cl \t.ll\ \\'a" gilt'll to '-,tt \t' '-,mith and Leal Dal~. \\·ill Ill glH'll thi" )Cal to Ron.tld Hoyt, an ouhtand111~ plaH'I both dt'lt·n..,l\ .eh and ollt·miH·l). lor the Bain­ bridge 't!J ioothall..,ea..,on, ciH>'otll In the team .tiHI Coach Bt·\t.

34 THE 1950 I ir' R•m ll. (or bill I· llollll"ll('l , ( I ~JJHht• . ' 1. \loJJrol'. 1\ (,;Jill'""· ( • • II< 111. R . llmt. '>l'tolld Ro11: \lr. fk,t , .\ ( raig. ll It'(', I I :tlldrt• R. I ktdH·r. I· \ll"'twllg. R . '>toutt'llht•rg. I. I ('t' I llah , R \\ t't''-' I lkkllo, \lr. lhlltlll' ll11rd Ro11 ll \JJdH·\1,, ( . ll;l\ , ll l'hlt·' · J '>in~ma'll'J Jl Ct·r ~ J. It'll\ , II. 1.111 .J . \rm,lloll<.;. ll. llo\1. \h,l'lll' R . LoHI.


'>wi-.h! the fn-.t prartin· ol the .,ea.,on with :lt hopd ul., out lor the team. I he bon looked good. and alttrtht tlll, 1:1 \\Tie good t'JHHtgh lot .J.t\\t'l' and 11 l01 \ ' ar.,it~. J he .,ea.,on h.h progn·~.,cd r.tpidl) and with H g.tlllt''> pl.tH·d (:;non-league). the .Ja)H'l'\ ha\t' 1 ·; ''in-;, lm-. n·cmd and tht \ 'ar-.it\ :! \\'in-li Jo..,.., IC lat the ,,·on-lmt pL'nl'tllage l'>ll.t quite up to p;1r. but i1 I'> hoptd that it \\'ill look i>l'tter at the end ol the ea-.on.

Did, (.t·:g Hey thl'll', aren't )Oll getting on that nwtorndt· bad.wanl: Ll\\ll'IH'' '>tilt·'>- Hold on, )Oll don't en n knm,· whit h "·'~ I'm going.

(.o;H h ,,o\\ men I want \Oll 10 n·nH·mbt·t that \\·inning the ,gantt' i.,n·t t \l'J y1hing: ~ otl 'l' got to ka1 n to he good lmn'>. To:n l.t•t· "(.ood Lmn..,~ \ \'ll\ coat h. Wl 'n· pcrleu !"

\Jr. lhtnm· .. I hi'> i-. the filth time I'H' puni,IH'd )Oll thi, \l'l'ek. \\' h,ll do )Oll h.tP to .,,t\ ?' ...,tutknt -''I'm '>lilt' glad it\ Frida

Cot k) "[ hear \Oll Ion: lllll'>iL" \ iol!'l "\ l'>. iH;t keep right on playing."

ECH 0 35 fu,l Rtn• \ ( 1.11~ . R l\;111k,, R . ''" lll'llht•~ I \111hll<>ll~ , R . C.c· 1~ . (. llollllan. I· I til\ I ..,lilc·,, I>. pj,lt·'· \nond Ro\\ \l1 lk'l \ \lull\ alit 1\. I aft R I n •, 1.. ))ah f. Holndlet·. I hi1«l Rem R 11m! , R \\n·J..,, C. . ( laH·I , I -.Ia·c·h , I . ItT, R . lktc h t'l'. \J.,C'IIl IIIII( f' II f'llt! ilc

Baseba 11---1949

">lllkt• clllt'~ I he (n,t pitch of the l!tl!l ... ea ... on and lfa1Hock dcmned thl' Baini>1idge Ltd, lj to 1.. \ltl'l Itt, IHiltl dtkat tilt' local l!t't•r, \\l'lll on to a n •n di\Cou1aging \l':I\Oil lming to llarpul\\lllt l\\"irl' 11 -:1 111d !!.! h. \\ tiHI,m tll'il'rg took the hatting ho11o1-, " ·ith a H'l'~ connllt' lldahlt· -:Jp• . I he lt'\l of the h ;uting t\c t.tgt, .nt following:

\1111\li'Ollg . 1fio Ttn\ .()()()

I. I .t't' . I J:l ">hct'h ,0!10 llo~ t . ~,,; I Iolntan .17/ Dal~ . ~Xti Taft I ., - 0 - , ) Bank' .~ ()() Cn;!, . I:J:l Flt•tc ht•J .1/1 .\I en; • I ti7, D. I t-c ,()()() Hohlt i ll'J .1:)!1 \\ tlk'l .000 '-,t i It " -:1/.i CtOI\( I 17 f Pm·• ilt .~ti : ; \I ttl \\'aile .,;oo

36 THE 19 50 I 1,1 Re>\1 n ( Olhin R L .IIII,OII I \Ioiii()( I I ('II\ , ( •• llolnnn I llohtdlll R '>tollltllhlll.: I \loii,IIOII~. \11 1\t''l '>nondRm' II 1\anf..,. l '>tfl-,. 11 '>11111h \1 \\ack. (. (1:1\n R . ll'l '>1om·, ( '>mth, (, 'ocloc·n, I ln~d I 0'-l I I· ~~k,ton II '>11110111k I hnd Rem. II '>c hnllt \11 Iliad, ll \\ .lkl·lllall.


I he st.tson started off " ·ith thirteen pro,pcctiYe \\Tt''>tln, on hand. In the first lour tnald1l'. Bam­ hridgl' "a" dt k;nul ])\ "\ot wich ' pra< ti

.tre looking good ..tnd thutlon B.tlnht idgt ... lwuld h :t\'t' .1 good team in t~J ."1 0 ·i)J. The wtig·ht < .t, e' arc: O..,imon .. Egglcs:on. 101 lh,.: 0 "\Ltll. It!! lb .... : ( O..,nn t h. l!!o lh .: Fngcl. l!!i lb,.. (.t.t\lt. l:!i 1;t\ lb'>.: B. O..,mith. t!tl· I 1:1 lb..... O..,ttlt">. 1 l· IIJ, .. Jone'>. IJ5 lb..,.: \\ ade. 1 1.)- tfi5 JIJ,. : Let·. 1,) 1 lh'> .. O..,tlwen. 1fi·1 IIJ,, Ban\...,, unlimited.


The Bainbridge , · olle~ baller defeated Hancock, Hat purs\ ille and Chenango Fot \...s in the pLI\ofl, .It Bainbridge and '>0 t':trmd tlH 1 ight to go to Bingh.tmton to play in tht champiomhip pla~ofh . \ t Bing­ hamton. all did not go \\Til a'> the bo,.., «tllll' out \\'ithout the

1-Iom : I . I t<:. R \\'eeks.

ECH 0 37 Cheerleading-1949-50

. \ppm,im.tttl~ t\\ T tll~ - fn e .,tudent-. n •ported a' )Cat\ ol e:-..i,tenct•.

rht \ ,11\il) cht•t•tkading 'quad \\'ith the e:-..:cdlt•tl( help of tlH J.\ < ht·nk.tdCJ\ h.tn• put on .t d.tnCl' and o h.td a doughnut \alto l01· the purpme o! r.ti,ing motH') lot Ill'\\ unifotlll'>. In .J.tnuaty the \ 'ar':>it} chc:ul<·.tder., ncein·d tlwit lH'\\' unit'Ollll'> \\hidt comi.,t ol cordurc>) jumpn., .tnd long .,feen· white Pctt·t ­ Pan hlou,c·'

\fr-.. h.innn - \\ ll\ did you go to the loothall game: \11. Bh the- I thought the quat tt·t hac!...""' .t tdund

\It . LandrL \h .,h,l\ ing lnu'>h i' -.till thi., moming. ( otb I h.11\ lunm. It \l'ol'k<·d fint when I painted tm cat with it n·.,((•rd,l\.

John (.tt thL mo\'ic.,)- "f... thue a draft on )OLt;." \ r.. rg{' ...... 0 .. John- "( .,tn \OU '>C< all right: J., )OUI 'eat < otnlortahle: " \large 'c'" foht;_ .. \Jind changing pi.Ht:'> wuh me:"

38 THE 1950 Varsity Jayvee

\\ ,t,h 'em out, w1 ing 'em out, (,atl'lla, Catl'lla. {,;1/dla. (,.1/a) . liang 'em on the line. Cet out.{,< tout. {,

\\ e'n• ju't m - j Ulll J> hop. B.tinht idge Central\ a I" a" on top!

Conte on Bainht idge. 1 < that 'ron·. \ \L\e got a 1.1·. . \ . \1 Conte on Bainbridg<'. we \\.tnt more. On tlH' B. l·. \. \ I. \ mt <'":tn "in, don't gin in. I <.tnt on thL h< .11n "ith 'ome pep ami Jl' l'. Come on Bainbridge. kt\ begin~ <.onH' on ho)' - let' ,kin 'em :tli\C:!

'-,t.tiHl them on their head \ Jo\1· 'em do\\'n, '-,it them on thlir

Rq> ,,t\1 , Rip"'"· Rq> ,a\\'. Bang. Bend 'em ont ba'ldl do\\'n. \\ <'n· the people. "e'n· tlw 'tufl. Come on B.11nhridgc, \ \ <'n· lmtn B.llnhridgt·. that\ enough~ Let\ go to to\\'11~ 39 EC H 0 I i1'1 Ro11 1'. llailwIllig'. ( .., \ltonl. f . ..,

Girls' Sports

"1 he ]Htl pme ol the C.i1l~ · O..,pol t~ C.lub i~ to ~timulatt· good ~pon~111an~hip anwng the git h a~ ,,-e)[ a' to inn('a~e ~port ani1 itic~ .

"J he aletbalf and '>Oltball game~. rhe llll' lll· ber ... al'>o male up the tcatll'> that rcpre.,ent Bainb11dge at the ,.,u iott'> play da1~ .

\ 'o()(('('l pia) tbt) ,,-a., held at (hlord O..,atut da', Onobc1 :!!Jth. I he f1n.tl '>COI'C'> \\'Cl'C:

Bainlnidge !! \\'hi til('\ Point () (hlonl ·1 Chenango F01l'> () Bainb1 idge () Bainlnid\_\c 2

I hne "a" a 1olk)ball pia) da1 held at Hancock Dt·ccmbt'l' :Jnl with Hancock \\'llllllllg bY a '>Core ol ~~ fi - t X. \ ba.,lethall pla1 dav " ·ill he held February .ph at Bainbridge

I he f111al pia) da" ol ~oltball. track and tenni., " ·ill he held dlll ing the 'PIing.

40 THE 1950 ( R< \\: \1 \\ , \. !old). }) IIo\1, I ";' >erg, 1'. Palmer, J. P.n,on,, . Drachkr, B. B.mk,. -.~ • ud Ro\\ : R "toutcuhc1g, ( •. ( 1~\('1", \. ( ,1 ,., J I andt<'. ll. ( nthin, R. llutllnnt, l.. I atukt,, I d Rem \IJ, C:h<'l',lno, .J. Patker, R. l'alnwr, \. ,\)

Student Council

O..,tttdl'nt Council j, the lt'J>n'"LnLttin~ organitation of B.C I I ') I'lll' tnetnht'l~ ate de< ted It otn < l . ...,,t'' and the appointt d h< .HI' of ... tanding t ontmitlee,. The folio" mg olhcu... wt n ttrer, Eugenia Landt'!., \ft"' ...,mith and :\lr'>. ( hce,f>t o .

\\ t hllong to tht '\,ttJOnal .\ v,ociation of ),udt•nt Councils and "I hL ...,mquenango League of O..,tudt 111 ( outH ih \\ e han' attended one lea'\lll' meeting and plan to .ttt<.nd two tnore thh \Lilt.

( \ Rl conuihution., an· being continuul and al ... o out· n•gular project'>. Fot one of our Ill'\\" pt<>JLCI'>, ,,·e arc trying to impmw th<. )aluy Patrol.

DaH' went to colle~t ·. \Iter a <<>ttplt' of week.., hi.., Dad te: cin·d thi, tcle,~ram: ""omon ', 110 fttll, )Ollr \Oil." ...,0011 Da\'e receiH·d thi.., .tm\\Lr: " J Jo\\" ~ad. too bad. )OUr Dad."

42 THE 1950 In'' Ro \. \\'c,t<·r IK·r~. 1.. I hhhlt', (, -.ht on I I h nk. ( . cat k,, B J... 11~ 1. I'at kl'r. O.,<·l', II \ d t ·, J l ~~ ton, 1'. l'almt'r I '>1 < man. ll. (,mron. I hird R

I he Editot ol Pn·" Club i, \'iokt \\restcrhc1:.4 \\ho \\:t'> chmcn h) Claudine Eldred, l.t'lt H':tr a, .. \,.,i.,tant Editot. \ iolct cho c Janet Parker a her a si tant, and Janet will auto· rnat rc:tll) become editor nc '\.t yc 11 •

. \t the beginning o! the )l':tl' tht•n· \\CIT thirt)·one member~. and now there arc '>C\Clltcen. Founecn of the membu., h,tve dropped out. _ The Pn·,, Cluh ha-, put out a Chri.,trna edition of "Cro,., ')ection" to help pa) for the luh pinme to he put in the Edw. ·1 he t)pi't' lot Pre' Cluh u . BeYcrly Archer, I>ori., Gorton, .Jo)CC E~glc,ton, lm ') c: ·­ ntau, ,\rlt·m· :\lartin. and Glad,, ')htlton.

DE·Fl':\·1 I IO"' I"'" 1.. ll'\d : ~line fuehn·r. Cliptont;tll .u 1\,n ht•t uu~h 11111. Ilamhut ,< '· r 1hlich: Built fr.>m tht· ground up. I> (T.lt: I u~itiH' from a mule team. ( o\\hOI: \ lllhfllt,tl'L \upl:tlll" tid,ct· Fh paper. \l.tndal<·: \\hat 'Pill,tl'r' dr<~o~nr about. Btl'ad\\inncr : J l·c man \\Ito hrin~s hornl' the hakin 01 \!au Rher: \ ,e.Jiment I hall:d. lli\cl _ ,lllneumc' "rth a ( .Jiifomia maHhe,. l'anot: \ bird that pc:rks in l'olh \ll:\l>le~ ll' dt'tl( l.

EC H 0 43 I' Ro"'l> loul font·,, ( ..,tltutlt-ggt'l , ll. l'i·dt'\ \ \111l tll I' '>l..illlltl I hard Rc"' .., lldt•J, B. l'ai,OII' J. "•nult '- lhadlll·J. II. hllch . D. l';nl..el , 1> . I in!.. \t 1'1it'\('1'011 R . Rill'\ E. ( orhin . .J . \It l'ht'hOII,

The Future t-lomemakers of America

The Futwe Ilomcma~u~ of \mcrict is now in ih fomth \Car at Bainht idge Hi~h .

0 ur olfinT Ior t hi year arc: '\ 01 a Drach fer, Pre idcnt; \lice ',chcidegger, V icc- Prc~ident ; Ben•tl) \rcher. I"n.asurer; Iona herman, 'wnu;u). 1-.liE.tbeth C.orhin. Parliam<'ntattan; :\I at ion ~herman, Hi tot ian.

Our ,,·ork for thi~ yeat i., tht adoption of a homemaking class in C.crmany, aiding the tll'edy at Chri~tma~ and purchasing a gift for tht Homt·making House. In .tddition to thi-. we ha\'e many good times togcthu at our annual Than~'>gi' ing dinner, (In istmas patty and other part ics and banq ucts.

Our organi/atton IS affilia1ed with the state and national organi1ations.

:\Tr~. ( otl 111 You h:t\ e -.o tll.lll~ appk-.. \\' hat do )OU do wih them .til? Alict ~- \\ t eat what \\' t' can and what we can' t eat , W<' can.

44 THE 1950 h1'1 Rem: B. B,llll..'• l . \lonte>l', (, ( 1,1\l'l \1 \\'.uk, ,\. \lac l'hn,on, \lr. ( oc. 'll'WIHI Rem : () l'i,ln R Btllm. I l.andH I l l'll\, (), (,l'lg, J. llohtl'ill'l, II. !'>cholt, () ll'l', l hint Rem C. ()a\. () \\ al..t·man. ( 'Inti lit \\- Cat pcnll'l, \\. (,j( ..,, hnuth Rem: l. 0 '\ull, ( ..,ltit·gkt () llml ( "ncmlton. ,\IN·nl R h.ing'k'.

The Future Farmers of America

The F.F. \ . dtl'r' '" ofhru' for till' \t;u: Pn,Hlull. C.llll Cr:l\cr; \ 'irc-Presalcill, \lilton \\,. 'ltTl'l'tary. Bob B tnl,, and Tn.hllttr. I om \lomm. \ft Coe i'> the ad\ i'>ot. The boys have formed a basketball league. I hey plaHd ~idm '·Frida~ night, lk

\t 1he F.l·. \. mitiation pat t~. 'even teen Ill'\\' llH'mht'l' \It'll' taken in. ' J he ho)~ were hlindfoldctl and kd around the halk They were finalh tunll'd !me in the up,tair-, hall. ,JJHI had to find their ''a) back to the ~hop, where tht· rc't ol the initiation took plaUI\1\ t! \\'ith few ill-effects.

Be\ l ool .11 IiLII bunch ol . Bt'\ ...,Jill J'n· heard of cows. ,\rlttH o. a <0\1 herd. Bt'\' \\ h.tt do

EC H 0 45 I i"r R.m \I. J: ld<:r. J. l';ukt·r . \ . Schdde~~l'l' . l l,tndn,, (,, Slldtort, I ..,altht•t <.or hin, K. ( Oll(>IOP'l D. (.en ton • .J Slla,nic,a\.. 1' . l'almt•r· J) Cerg. I' SJ..innet. \'. \\'c,l<:th<:rg, '-. Rmcoe, J llolueitn. l'ourth Rem r. lt·c. (,. Cr.tH·r, I Strk,, ,\ , ( t,til,\ R H.tnJ.., S \lulllallt', (, Scho<:n. Dramatics and Speech Club \\'herea that rural in titution, the barn, ha pla}ed an oddh impmtant part in the expansion of the .\mu ican Tlwatct·, we feel that we arc in keeping with a great tradition when we pmudly announce that out· dub thi., \toll ha ih IH'adquartCl\ in the Par\on~ · barn. Thc dub'''" of! to a living -.tart whcn it hit the boards eat h in the Ltll "ith a hit of lltninitH' natural­ i'm called "Pum.ment." · (hi~ pia). done hy the gnh only, \\as din:ctcd by :\lis-. Joanne Bmt, a practice tea< her fmm Ithaca College. The girl' latct took it suuc-.-.full~ before tht \\ om.tn\ Club. '-lllmming from the -.anH J>l'llod i J>l a king. the hll pl.t\ of tlw '>l'a\on "'"" "Tiget· I lome," an eet ie mr.,tery done by the "olnim· (.!,!\.,under the direction of Mrs. \'icarv. This wa .. loh of fun .ntd a great deal of hard \mrk lot the JKople "hml pictme )Oll ~( ' ( ' ahml. "J 1gu Hom(" was full of chills and thrills, as \ott well ktW\\' if you heard the ~oeams from the junior hald-hcadul 10\\ the J..:id, do"n in fmnt. The "Tiger" played to a good house for two night., and swelled the cofler~ of tht "ilnim treasmy mightih ~Jmt tt't .tt Oxford he­ fore hcm·in!!; out in the tmtnt\ comp(•tition .11 l \\ Iht!m \\'e cannot let this contt"lt pa.,.., \\ithout me ntion ol those umung hcroe., who al~o \\TOt e-a thousand-won! theme on the l nited "ot.lle., Comtitution~ \\' ith another oratorical contl' ">t and one more pin to ~o. the DLtmatics .md 'opel'< h Club kl'I-. that it-. -,ound and fm) will haw been wdl-spent h) the year's end. \Ltv " ·e s.t\. "au tt\oir," 'til cmtain call nl'-.:i eavm.

46 THE 1950 I itst RkiiiiH't , ll. Cotton. J. l'mket , \I }.lder. '>l'(()tld R

Honor Society

I he tllt'Jllhl'l, ol 1 he llonm '-,o< tt't' are clH ~en 1)\ 'i" member' of the fa cult\. The, are • I • ~

Music Club

The high '-< hool band. m< hc-,tt a, and chorm are at the pn.:,cnt time prtparing programs for the ~chool assemblic and the spring concen whi< h is to be Ill \ Ll\ . . \ n a ,< mbl~ program was pr<:~cntt• d h) the hand in 0< tohc1. \ numhc1 ol the hand .llld .ll'liccted that ~omc members of the hand and chmus "ill panicipatc in the coumy Festival. Thnt .m fort' member'> in the hand. Clarence Landn i till' Pn•-,idt·nt. The uniform clerk, art: Roger \\ ecks and C:a h·i n Day: the li b1 arians arc: \la1 jm ie Eldred and Roger Lmd. Then~ arc twenty four mcmbn~ in the onhcstr,t. Thne an t\\ellt)-nine girl-, and eight bo) in the choru .

EC H 0 47 X-Rays

I hi', duh wa~ IOllliCd lot the pupil-. in ttn ~ted 111 '< tl'IHl' 10 lut tltt·t then '< Jtntili< know It df..\<.

l'ht "\. R.t\ ntcn1hn-. tlt·<'tcd tht lollo"ing ofhttl~ lot till~ \tat : Pn·-,ident, ,\rnold Craig: \ ' i

\t tht• thitd llll'<' ting ol the

. \ diflnt' lllJKI~on prmide-. the pmgt:tlll lot t•ath llioti-, Ilo)l. Bathat.t klllg and '\ornt.l Rm< oe an .1 ~t.1nding

\\t• an· looktng lor\\':lld to going to tlw ()neont.t ",

Library Club

l·.a< h \loml.t\ llH'tllhtT'l ol I.iht an ( luh Ill tTl in th< lihra1' lot their \Itt kl) !lin ting. · 11H' lollo\\ing llltlllht·t-, Wt'll' t.tlll Fou]d-,, Domth) .JoiH\, (.ami Jont·-,, \ugmt.t \Itt II, Donna Pi ..... In .. tnd L)dt.t ..,ll'\lll\.

I he JHII J>O'lt ' '~ ol thl' Lihrat\ (lui> :nt: l'o L~t.thli-,h .t bett<'l' undt'l\l:tnding ol tht me of tlH liiJt:tl\ ; IO oi<

\knlhtr-, ol the Liht:tl) Club atded in JliO pim. Out la-,t -,orial lutHtion tht-, '~llllt · -,ttr "ill be :1 Chri-.ttna-, par) l1•t \1 ht< h plam an ;tllllo'lt rolllplt ted.

\\t hope \It' haH· a-, JlllHh fun and a«olllpli-,h a-, lllu

Bob C . Could 1ou -.dl lllt' a two watt bulb? Bill l>.l\ id-,on hn what? Bob '\o, two. Btll 1 wo what? Boh '\ l'\.

The -,lwrte'lt di-,tatH<' i>t't\\'t't'n two datl'\ i-, a good line.

48 THE 1950 Latin Club

\mong the Ill'\\' arti\itie~ ol the ~<.hool i!) the Latin Club. \\tth \It.,. Bl)the as the .tdvi.,or. To maJ...e the dull nton• inten-,ting the llH'tnhct'> chme the Latin won!-, ''ltltU '\o.,," whid1 ntt.tm "Bt't\\Tl'n l -,," ,t., it., n.tntc. Ekned at the beginning ol the )Car, the ollicn~ an: \ 10let \\ c'>tctlwrg. Pre.,idcnt: I! ugh Collim. \ ut·-Pn·-,idt•tll: PaulitH PalnH·t. '-ttcn·t;ll) and TreaSUicr. btch mcml>u. ol whom thnc arc filtun. pa),

r 1c• pt·t tnotllh a' dut''> to he ml'd lot m.tterial-, used in catr)ing out ptoj<·

\1<·< ting-, arc held tcgularly the fit~t .ind third :\fonda\ ol each month. fht• first is mcd lor a bmint.,., ntl'l ting and the third as an inlonnal get-together for fun \fo'>t mcC'ting'> arc held in the Latin mont ,tt '>!hool. \\ith all) partie-, at the hoiiH''> ol the mcnthcrs.

\ ., \lt the club h.t'> canicd on no ptoj<', but a Roman Banquet will he held sometime dming tlw -,ccond '>tl11e'>tll. \ .11 iou., other project-, will he planned alter the second year Latin student.. begin the -,tud) of C..te-,ar \t (In i-,tJna~ tim< the tlll'mh<:r., went Chri.,tma-, caroling, .,inging in the Latin Jan~uage, .1nd had a part' .It the home ol \h .nul .\fl'>. Bh the alter the caroling.

The dub \\,t., otganill'd in the '>pring ol last yeat, and ;dthough nn little \\a~ accompli'>hcd during thl ll'>t ol the '>lhool )Car, thi-, )C·Ir\ llll'llthn-, art stli\'ing to ha\e such .1 .,uccesslul organi1ation that Ill­ tun I .1t111 ,tudt·nh \\'ill \\·ant to keep the Latin Club il'> pan ol their rcgul.tJ school activitie-,.

The French Club

Roll call i-, '>OllH'What shortn at thi., )'l·n\ French (,lull ntceting'>. I .• t'>t year, we had eight l'nthmi.t'>ll< .llll.tlltll FrctH hnH·n Thi-, )<.tl. \\l' haw hut 1om llH'llli>. I !om:\U tlH) are jmt a-. enthmia~tic. il not ntorc. Lt'>t \ear, it "a" agreed that Wl' "·ould -.peak notl11ng but French and a'> a n·'>ult out comcr,ation "·•" a hit .,tinted. ' J hi., year. due to manv week~ ol lal>oriou'> work. we are a

The hen< h (.luh ha-, not been l''>tabli ... hul JHlleh for H'< reation. It\ tn.tin plllpme i., to impron ow ptontttHiation. flut'lH)'. and to acquaint m with the Ctt'>tonh and hi,toty ol the bench peopk. \ II the mc·mh<·r' o! the Fn•JH It Club !eel that the bacJ...ground ol tlH Fn·tH It people i'> the important thing. B~ .,tud)ing it we are better able to undet ... and the prob ems ol thi, di.,hl'\clcd world .

. \ t a t)pictltlll'l ting. wL lt'>t<.:n to Fn•tHh mmi<. di-,cu" the notahh-, o! FtatHl', plm pla)ing '>0111<.: in· ternting Fn·tHh gantt'"· \ ltll .til ol the'>l' thing'>. \ It-,. h.tng\ rl'lre,hntllll'> make a big hit with l\li)OIH'.

\ t pre-,ent the tlll'l11bu., o! the Frend1 Club ,uc: I hotna-, Le<. \ tnold Craig. (.ar) Holman. aud Lind.t '-t.tl1bcrg. rlnough the dlott., ol out 1ne'>L'llt Fn·tHh teacher, '\I i.,., \ .tl.trhmic and out pa'>t FretHI> tl'acher. \lr. h.ing. we all helie\'e we J...now much more about the bench .tnd France.

\lr Duntw- \ 1 nold, "hat i' a flood~ ""' '>nnth '\,tllll' a 'tat ll'ith" tail. \rnolci- It\ a ttH'l too hi~ for it' lnid!\l''>. Di

\11, ( hel·,IJro 1.<~'1 ni.~ht I put l\\o appJr, in the alh~ (,cnc- Ycp. 't"'"! ">all\ - lt "·'' 'o dati.. I guc" I didn't \Ce the othl't \lilt - Dam.t~<· '""' hatn mtt

EC H 0 49 Archery Club

\n hn y i' not a ne\\' '>POl tat Bainbt idge. but ih popularit) ha-. heen in cdip-..t• lor -..onH' time. Thi-.. \l'at,teviH·d inten·,t led to the formation ol the ,\nhen Cluh, a H ' l\ dtnHHtatic ' ' . organi~IIl' to shoot with the how and anow. It katun·-.. no pro­ gram'>. no ptt/t''>, .uHI no food. though \\'l llta) haH' a turke) -.hoot -.omeda). it Wt' ran hnd a rea-..onahly '>lead~ tlllkl'\ .

' I ht• cluh rmtc·r con,i-..ts ol \It.\ ic.uy- keepn and ,,uni-.her of the IH>\1., and anow .... Bohh) Demt'tTl', lnea\...u oi tht how-.. .md ano"·': ~Iilton \\ .tdc. who want'> to hunt d eer with a how and at row ht•c:tu'>t' ht lt tun out ol othn alihi'>: Joe Poll!, long di,tatHl' champion: El­ mer 0' L.tl. Ralph Burn .... RH hanl llmlhun: \\'ani {,ilc,: \\'t·'>le) Cat pt·ntt•r : and three git b who dropped out.

Dancing Club

In the latter part of ',cptemhcr. •91!). a dancing cluh w.ts added to the activity program.

\11) -..tlldent in the '>t·nior )ugh or ninth gr,Hk \\·a-.. eligible to join the duh. Appro,itnatcly fift) 'otudenh enrolled in thl' duh. whid1 meets lut•'>lla,, Thursd.ty, and Friday '>l'\t'nth period . . \t the lir-..t meeting, Jack Lord "a' elcned gcnu.tl chairman. The ha ... ic '>ll)>'> ol round and '>qu.tn• dancing were prarticcd h) the t.tger pat ttupants. The put po-..e o[ the c luh is to tcarh beginners the lund.unental danrc '>tt·ps and to int))IO\ c the t l'C h n iq UC\ of I he cl\'l' l age da II CCI'S.

Gene C.- I fell off a '>ixt\ five foot laclclcr \Tstcrdav. 0 • • ' J on1 ~L - It\ a mitac le ~ciu \\Trt' n't hurt. Cene- 1 onh rl'll oil the In t rung.

Pat ~- Don't )Oll !me nH' for my look,:. Ron Ir. Onlv a mother could lmc a puvm with .t lace like )OUt'>. P.tt But I'm about to inherit a lot tune Ron- \\'ell, I'm about to become a ntotlwr.

Lan'r ~- ~old Ill) alatm < lo< k )l'\tcnlay. Gar) I I. \ ou did, why? Lat 1') - lt kept going oil when I wa~ a~lcep.

Janet- \\ h.tl IIIU'>t one do to ha\·e 10\el) hand,?' Ro)CC " othing."

:\LI\he tht:Jl' \\otlld he Jc" jtl\l'llile dd i uquem~ il pall'llh \\Ollld lead t!Je \\a) ill,lt•ad o£ f>Olllllllg.

50 THE 1950 Our Echo would not be possib le without the cooperation of the following ad­ ve rtise rs. May we express our gratitude and ask that you extend your patronage to t hem. Thank You, The Senior Class of 1950



Best: Wishes


Th<·tc\ -.ome ju,tifilation, alter all, for the wllcgc \ n l BI ag<'ltl going horne aftn a d;l\ \ 110tk: J'l\e· ho) gellin;; behind in hi-. 'lu

,\H·t.t '<' man·, opinion of: Elmer ()':\'id and I.e11 is E~glt·,lon 'lood a< to" the :\Ill lear l'i"ion-Biani... \ln:cl Ji,tcnin!:: to a hatul t'C 11hat ntfonnation Cmnmuni,h-Blani...cl'. Bl:tni..., Blani...! • #! the 'ign ~a\l' .thoul the

lie returned lo his friend .111d said, "\\'e were hoth On the foothall field it', "hold that linl" On the \\tong. ElnH'I'. ' J he tlltmhcr is the 'Refrain hom politi<.tl lldd it's "gill' 'em tlwl line." ~pilling'."

EC H 0 51 Compliments of Compliments of NICHOLS DEPARTMENT STORE DR. FRED ROTHMAN Sidney, N. Y. Sidney, N.Y. Phone 3423

MILLS STUDIO 32 Main Street Sidney, New York Phone 4100


'"Let the Picture Speak for Itself"

Compliments of Compliments of


Men's Outfitters Dentist

Sidney, N.Y. Sidney, N.Y.


52 THE 1950 Compliments of PERSAK FUEL CO.

Bainbridge, N. Y.

Dial 2745

Compliments of Compliments of


Bainbridge, N. Y. Afton, New York

Compliments of Compliments of TRICO HANDLE and LUMBER CO. H. J. FOSTER Lumber, Building Supplies Jeweler Bainbridge, N. Y.

Bainbridge, N. Y. Dial 4301

Compliments of


Phone 4492 Bainbridge

EC H 0 53 =

Compliments of Compliments of


Bainbridge, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y. . I I I I I WHITNEY'S RADIO SERVICE I ! Compliments of I Complete Repair : 11 II SEVEN STATES GAS SERVICE, INC. on All Makes and Models

! Phone 2742 Bainbridge - Sidney I Bainbridge, N. Y.

Compliments of Compliments of

ROSCOE'S BARBER SHOP CARR and LANDERS, INC. ~ I Children's Haircuts a Specialty Sidney, N. Y.


John Deere Farm Machinery Cosmetics - Books - Candy Parts and Service Bainbridge, N. Y. Harpursville, N. Y.

54 THE 1950 I

I,! 0. L. THORP I Compliments of r1 Machine Work and Welding THE HARDERS RESTAURANT Cor. Tyler and Pearl Sts. Route 7 Bainbridge, N. Y. Afton, New York Phone 4521


Pharmacist Velvet Ice Cream

Bainbridge, N. Y. Candy Cupboard Candy



WHITAKERS and SON Compliments of Buick - Chevrolet Used Cars WEDNESDAY COMMUNITY CLUB Sidney, N. Y.


G. L. F. Compliments of

II Feed, Seed, Fertilizer ELLIOT DANFORTH, M. D.

Bainbridge, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y.

ECHO 55 ~I I Compliments of II DANIEL S. GIFFORD-Farmer, also Director of District No. 14 East­ ern Milk Producers Association. We stand for a pricing formula that will provide a Fice for farmer's milk of at least cost of productions plus a profit for the sale of our dairy products. Signed: Daniel S. Gifford Sidney, N. Y.

Compliments of Compliments of GUS FARM AGENCY THE RED STAR Guilford, N. Y. MOTORCYCLE CLUB Phone 49-F-14




Factory Office Bainbridge

Compliments of Compliments of • SETH T. WHEAT DR. B. L. DODGE Real Estate Broker Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.

56 THE 1950 Compliments of HAROLD SHERMAN Furniture

West Main

Bainbridge, New York

Compliments of Compliments of


Beauty Shop Known as "Jerry's Inn"

Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.


Compliments of BROOKSIDE THE BAINBRIDGE NEWS Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.


Food Leadway Store

Groceries - Meats - Frozen Foods

Bainbridge, New York


Bendix Aviation Corp.

Sidney, New York


Dental Surgeon G. C. LARAWAY Home of Smart Footwear 5 Main Street Sidney, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y. Phone 6616

GUY E. PERRY N. D. WESSELS DeSoto • Plymouth Florists 27 Smith Street Sidney, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y.


Sidney, New York

58 THE 1950 Our Sincere Best Wishes to all the You Can Depend On--


from The store that carries the clothes you love- Eldred's Jantzen Bathing Suits Sweaters R & K Cotton Dresses

Petti Sportswear Lassie Jr. Coats Freshly Mixed II Mojud Lingerie .I .I Hosiery Nut:rii:iously Balanced CUMMINGS Feeds and Grains Sidney Oneonta

Rosalyn Specialty Shop

Under New Management! THE NEW GREEN Now Serving the Finest Sea Food, Steaks and Chops All Legal Beverages Props. Tommy Kroetgen Louie Menoldino 80 Main Street, Sidney, New York

ECH 0 59 Compliments of BOB'S and DICK'S Service Station

94 North Main Bainbridge, New York Phone 2155

Compliments of Compliments of FARM and GARDEN SUPPLY CO. THE AMERICAN STORE International Harvester Farm Equip.

Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y. Dial 3612

Compliments of Compliments of H. H. COON THE PALMER STORE Jeweler Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.

Compliments of PRATTS' GARAGE Compliments of Bainbridge, N. Y. THE VICTORY STORE Chrysler- Plymouth

Specialized Lubrication Bainbridge, N. Y. All Work Guaranteed

60 THE 1950 Compliments of


1.: Phone 2311

Bainbridge, N. Y.

H. H. BLULER Tailor Made to Measure

Hardware - Plumbing Clothing and Men's Furnishings

Dial 4652 J. E. HIRT & CO.

Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.

Compliments of Compliments of


Bainbridge, N. Y. Sc - $1.00 Store

Phone 3545 Bainbridge, N. Y.

DAVIDSON-HOLMAN CORP. Hardware, Plumbing, Heating


Bainbridge, New York Dial 2671

EC H 0 61 II

Compliments of the


South Otselic Norwich Earlville New Berlin Bainbridge Sherburne Dial Bainbridge 2551 Office: North Main

THE FLOWER BASKET Compliments of CHAS. D. DIX C. M. Sweet D. H. Sweet Bainbridge, N. Y. Bainbridge, N. Y.

Compliments of Compliments of

The I CENTRAL HOTEL BOWL-0-DROME Bainbridge, N. Y. and

Phone 4821 or 2743 Diner

Compliments of DEMEREE'S

Your Chevrolet Dealer

8 South Main


62 THE 1950 Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 1950 from Hotaling's Sales & Service II Your Friendly Ford Dealer Sidney, New York We specialize in wheel alignment, and all types of mechan­ ical and body services for your car. Phone Sidney 4341.

Compliments of Compliments of FRED and SON WELCOME INN TYDOL STATION Sidney-Bainbridge Road Sidney, N. Y.

Compliments of THEODORE F. ELLIOTT FRED A. ELLIOTT DR. R. M. MONROE Optometrists Rockdale, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y.

Compliments of HERRICK'S DRIVE IN ''Fine Foods at Fair Prices" "Good Gulf Products" CURB SERVICE TABLE SERVICE I COUNTER SERVICE Bainbridge-Sidney Road Route 7 II


Bainbridge, N. Y. Dentists


Afton, New York Sales Every Friday

Dairy Cows and Horses for Private Sale

Phones: Bainbridge 4560 Afton 2791

64 THE 1950