Death and Ethnicity: a Psychocultural Study – Twenty-Five Years Later. Doctor of Philosophy (Counseling Psychology), December 2001, 232 Pp
DEATH AND ETHNICITY: A PSYCHOCULTURAL STUDY— TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER Cynthia A. Peveto, B.S., M.A. Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS December 2001 APPROVED: Bert Hayslip, Jr., Major Professor John Hipple, Committee Member Judith A. McConnell, Committee Member C. Edward Watkins, Committee Member C. Neal Tate, Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Peveto, Cynthia A., Death and ethnicity: A psychocultural study – twenty-five years later. Doctor of Philosophy (Counseling Psychology), December 2001, 232 pp., 1 table, 3 appendices, references, 103 titles. This study compares ethnic, age, and gender differences concerning attitudes and behaviors toward death, dying, and bereavement among Caucasian, African, Hispanic, and Asian American adult participants in north Texas with the results of a 1976 study by Kalish and Reynolds on death attitudes and behaviors of Caucasian, African, Mexican, and Japanese American adult participants in Los Angeles, California. A modified version of Kalish and Reynolds’ study questionnaire was administered to 526 respondents (164 Caucasian, 100 African, 205 Hispanic, and 57 Asian Americans) recruited from community and church groups. Findings of this study were compared with those of Kalish and Reynolds in specific areas, including experience with death, attitudes toward one’s own death, dying, and afterlife, and attitudes toward the dying, death, or grief of someone else. Data was analyzed employing the same statistical tools as those used by Kalish and Reynolds, i.e., chi square calculations, frequencies, percentages, averages, and analyses of variance. As compared with the earlier study, results indicated that this study’s participants were less likely to have known as many persons who had died recently or to state they would try very hard to control grief emotions in public.
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