UDK 912.43(497.5)“15“ Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper DOI 10.21861/HGG.2020.82.02.02

Josip Faričić Primljeno / Received 21-04-2020 / 2020-04-21 Tome Marelić Prihvaćeno / Accepted Patrick Levačić 17-06-2020 / 2020-06-17 Đurđa Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Francuski kraljevski kozmograf André Thevet napisao The French royal cosmographer André Thevet wrote je mnoga djela među kojima i Le Grande Insulaire many works, including Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage. et Pilotage. U drugom svesku toga izolara i peljara The second volume of this work (a navigation manual), (plovidbenoga priručnika) priređenog u rukopisu 1586. prepared in manuscript form in 1586, describes the opisani su hrvatska obala i otoci, a njegov su sastavni Croatian coast and islands and includes maps of , , dio i karte Krka, Paga, Ugljana i Pašmana, Čiova, Brača, with Pašman, Čiovo, Brač, , and Korčula. Hvara i Korčule. Ta su Thevetova ostvarenja posve These achievements are completely unknown in Croatian nepoznata u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj literaturi. Predmet scientific literature. The subject of this paper is Thevet’s su ovoga članka Thevetove karte na kojima su prikazani maps showing the Croatian islands. Their geographical hrvatski otoci. Njihov je geografski sadržaj uspoređen s content is compared to maps published in the second half kartama objavljenima u drugoj polovini 16. st. u izolarima of the 16th century in isolarios by Giovanni Francesco Giovannija Francesca Camocia (1571.), Antonija Milla Camocio (1571), Antonio Millo (1582), and Giuseppe (1582.) i Giuseppea Rosaccia (1598.). Istraživanjem je Rosaccio (1598). The study shows that Thevet’s maps utvrđeno da su Thevetove karte u pogledu izgleda obalne were completely different from those produced by his crte i prikazanih geografskih objekata posve različite od contemporaries, especially in terms of the contours of karata koje su izradili njegovi suvremenici. Thevetove su island coastlines and depicted geographical features. karte odraz autorovih osobnih kompetencija, ponajprije Thevet’s maps were a reflection of the author’s personal geografskih spoznaja i primijenjenih metoda prikupljanja, competence, primarily his knowledge of geography obrade i kartografske vizualizacije prostornih podataka, a and methods of spatial data collection, processing and istodobno su i zorno svjedočanstvo o francuskom uvidu cartographic visualisation, and are also a vivid testimony u geografsku stvarnost istočne obale Jadrana u razdoblju to French insight into the geography of the eastern renesanse. Adriatic coast during the Renaissance.

Ključne riječi: karta, izolar, otoci, Hrvatska, Jadransko Key words: map, isolario, islands, , Adriatic more, Le Grande Insularie et Pilotage, André Thevet, 16. Sea, Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, André Thevet, 16th stoljeće century 39 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Uvod Introduction 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) Prva desetljeća ranoga novoga vijeka poduda- The first decades of the modern age coincided raju se s kulturnom epohom renesanse koja je na with the cultural epoch of the Renaissance, which temelju aktualizirane antičke baštine, velikih geo- was based on the (re)discovery of classical heritage, grafskih otkrića, kao i dostignuta društveno-gospo- great geographical discoveries, and significant so- darskoga napretka isprepletenog s razvojem znano- cio-economic progress; interwoven with the devel- sti, tehnologije i umjetnosti doslovno i simbolično opment of science, technology and the arts, all of proširila europske vidike. To se posebno očitovalo which literally and symbolically widened European u razvoju geografije i kartografije koje su imale -za horizons. This was particularly obvious in the devel- daću sistematizirati i predstaviti složen i višeslojan opment of geography and cartography, which had korpus geografskih spoznaja, od onih na lokalnoj, the task of systematising and representing a com- regionalnoj i državnoj razini koje je bilo moguće plex, multi-layered corpus of geographic discoveries, na različite načine koristiti pri upravljanju prostor- (local, regional, or state level) that could be used in nim resursima (u administraciji, vojsci, pomorstvu different ways to manage spatial resources (in ad- i dr.) do onih na kontinentalnoj i globalnoj razini ministration, the military, navigation, etc.) at the koje su omogućavale stjecanje uvida u prostornu continental or global level, and enabled insights into stvarnost poznatoga dijela svijeta. Plejadi europ- the spatial reality of the known world. André Thevet skih kozmografa i geografa, metodološki uronjenoj (Angoulême, 1516 – Paris, 1592), a French royal cos- u Ptolemejevu Geografiju, pripadao je i francuski mographer, belonged to the group of European cos- kraljevski kozmograf André Thevet (Angoulême, mographers and geographers who were immersed 1516. – Paris, 1592.). On je priredio nekoliko djela methodologically in Ptolemy’s Geography. He wrote u duhu renesansne kozmografije koja je obuhvaćala several works in the spirit of Renaissance cosmogra- geografska, etnološka, povijesna, pomorska i druga phy, covering geographical, ethnological, historical, znanja o prostornim obilježjima kontinenata i oce- maritime, and other knowledge of the spatial fea- ana (Lestringant, 1994; 2003). Po temeljnoj vokaciji tures of continents and oceans (Lestringant, 1994; bio je svećenik, najprije redovnik franjevac, a zatim 2003). His primary vocation was that of a priest in kapelan kraljice Katarine Medici i kozmograf po- the Franciscan Order, and he was also chaplain to sljednjih francuskih kraljeva iz dinastije Valois Queen Catherine de’ Medici and cosmographer to – Henrika II., Franje II., Karla IX. i Henrika III. the last French kings in the Valois dynasty—Henri Iako nije imao formalnu akademsku naobrazbu iz II, Francois II, Charles IX, and Henri III. Although geografije i kartografije, imao je želju dati osobni he had no formal academic education in the fields doprinos tada popularnom sagledavanju svijeta kao of geography and cartography, he wanted to make a cjeline koju su velika geografska otkrića sve više personal contribution to the popular way of viewing približavala europskoj javnosti. Zbog toga je orga- the world as a whole via great geographical discov- nizirao više putovanja, najprije unutar klasičnoga eries, and make this knowledge more accessible to hodočasničkog itinerara na istočnom Sredozemlju the European public of the time. To this end, he s konačnim ishodištem u Svetoj zemlji, a zatim i organised various journeys, primarily within the na Atlantiku, posebno u obalno područje Brazila na bounds of classic pilgrim routes to the eastern Med- kojemu je Francuska, koristeći trenutačne slabosti iterranean, with their final destination in the Holy Portugala, nastojala osnovati svoju koloniju (France Land, but also across the Atlantic, particularly to the Antarctique). S obzirom na to da je svoja djela na- Brazilian coastline, where France was attempting to stojao učiniti privlačnijim u odnosu na postojeća take advantage of temporary Portuguese weakness- istovrsna djela (hodočasničke putopise, kozmogra- es to establish its own colony (France Antarctique). fije i plovidbene priručnike), uz dragocjena osobna Since he tried to make his works attractive in com- opažanja s putovanja, nekritički je vrlo nespretno parison to similar contemporary works (pilgrim kompilirao različite povijesne i geografske izvo- travelogues, cosmography and sailing manuals) and re želeći na taj način dokazati svoju upućenost, a was able to add valuable personal observations from

40 J. Faričić T. Marelić dodavao je i tekstove za koje drugi kozmografi i his travels, he uncritically and rather clumsily com- P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris geografi nisu mogli pronaći nedvojbenu argumen- piled various historical and geographical sources, taciju. Zbog toga je od mnogih suvremenika bio wanting to demonstrate his familiarity with the top- Hrvatski otoci na ocjenjivan kao autor sklon pretjerivanju, plagijator ics covered, and added his own writings, which oth- kartama u Velikom i falsifikator (Silveira Cardozo, 1944; Destombes, er cosmographers and geographers sometimes took izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta 1972; Hair, 1982; Van Den Abbeele, 1992; Lestrin- issue with. As a result, his contemporaries tended to gant, 1994; 2003; Tolias, 2007). To baca sjenu na think he was prone to exaggeration, plagiarism, and The Croatian njegov opus i umanjuje ukupan dojam o njegovim fraud (Silveira Cardozo, 1944; Destombes, 1972; Islands on maps in ostvarenjima, ali ne može mu se zbog toga odreći Hair, 1982; Van Den Abbeele, 1992; Lestringant, André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire bilo kakva relevantnost o svim temama o kojima je 1994; 2003; Tolias, 2007). This caused a shadow to et Pilotage pisao. Štoviše, o prostoru koji je osobno posjetio dao be cast over his work and the overall impression of je dragocjene podatke koji su u znanstvenoj litera- his achievements suffered. However, it cannot be turi potvrđeni kao istiniti (Silveira Cardozo, 1944; said that he wrote completely irrelevantly about the Lestringant, 1994; 2003). To se na poseban način topics he was interested in. Moreover, he was able odnosi i na sveobuhvatno djelo Le Grand Insulaire to provide valuable information about places he had et Pilotage d‘Andre Thevet, Angoumoisin, cosmograp- visited in person, details of which have since been he du Roy, dans lequel sont contenus plusieurs plants proven correct in subsequent scientific literature d‘isles habitées et deshabitées et description d´icelles (da- (Silveira Cardozo, 1944; Lestringant, 1994; 2003). lje Veliki izolar i peljar), koje je u rukopisu priredio This is particularly true of his comprehensive work 1586., ali nije uspio organizirati njegovo tiskanje. entitled Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage d’Andre Thev- Thevetov je izolar i peljar (plovidbeni priručnik) et, Angoumousin, cosmographe du Roy, dans lequel sont doista „velik”, kako po voluminoznosti i bogatom contenus plusieurs plants d’isles habitées et deshabitées geografskom sadržaju tako i u pogledu brojnih ka- et description d’icell, (hereafter: Le Grand Insulaire et rata koje su u njega uvrštene i koje s tekstom čine Pilotage) which was prepared in manuscript form funkcionalnu cjelinu. Veliki izolar i peljar podijeljen in 1586, but never printed. Thevet’s work is indeed je u dva sveska. Prvi svezak čini 413 dvostranih foli- “great” in terms of its size and wealth of geographi- ja (među njima je 19 folija prazno, bez sadržaja) ko- cal content, but also in terms of the number of maps jima su kao privitci dodane 33 karte, a drugi svezak included in it, creating a functional whole with the čini 230 dvostranih folija (među kojima je 5 folija written texts. The manuscript is divided into two prazno, a folije 176-179 nedostaju), dva dvostrana volumes. The first consists of 413 double-sided -fo dodatka na kojima je ispisan sadržaj (označena s A lios (19 are blank), to which 33 maps are appended, i B) i 54 karte koje su dodane kao privitci. To čini while the second consists of 230 double-sided folios cjelinu od ukupno 1234 stranice teksta i 87 karata. (5 are blank, and f. 176–179 are missing), two dou- U prvom svesku opisani su i na kartama prikazani ble-sided appendices showing the contents (marked otoci (i nasuprotne kopnene obalne cjeline) na svim A and B), and 54 maps. Altogether, there are 1,234 svjetskim oceanima, a u drugom su svesku opisani pages of text and 87 maps. In the first volume, the i na kartama prikazani otoci (i nasuprotne kopne- islands and offshore islands of all the world’s oceans ne obalne cjeline) na Sredozemnom moru, Crnom are depicted, and in the second, all the islands and in moru i Kaspijskom jezeru. the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian seas. Po svjedočenju samoga Theveta Veliki izolar i According to Thevet himself, the manuscript was peljar sastavljen je na temelju podataka koje je pri- compiled on the basis of information he collected kupio iz portugalskih, španjolskih, engleskih, fran- from Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Italian, cuskih, talijanskih, turskih, arapskih i perzijskih pe- Turkish, Arab, and Persian travellers (Destombes, ljara (Destombes, 1972; Lestringant, 2003). To bi 1972; Lestringant, 2001). Presumably, Thevet car- značilo da je Thevet obavio izbor i zatim sastavio ried out some sort of selection process and then sveobuhvatnu cjelinu koja je uključila sve dotadaš- compiled a comprehensive whole which included nje znanje o svjetskim otocima. Bez obzira na sadr- all current knowledge of the world’s islands. Re-

41 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK žajnu neujednačenost, brojna ponavljanja i razlike gardless of the varied nature of the contents, the 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) u točnosti, odnosno pouzdanosti obilje prostornih many repetitions and variations in accuracy or relia- podataka u Velikom izolaru i peljaru čine to Theve- bility, the wealth of spatial data means that Thevet’s tovo djelo jedinstvenim i za tadašnje prilike doista work was unique and a truly great achievement of velikim ostvarenjem. its day. Thevetov Veliki izolar i peljar po vrsti sadržaja In terms of contents, it corresponds in many umnogome se podudara s knjigama o otocima mle- ways to isolarios by Venetian authors. These car- tačkih autora. Te su kartografske enciklopedije u tographic encyclopaedias of the islands were com- ranom novom vijeku bile jedne od najčešćih artefa- mon in early modern geographic culture (Tolias, kata geografske kulture (Tolias, 2007; 2012). Tije- 2007; 2012). During the 16th century, a certain kom 16. st. došlo je do svojevrsne standardizacije degree of standardisation took place in regard izolara kojoj su pridonijela djela Benedetta Bordo- to isolarios, prompted by the work of Benedetto nea, Tommasa Porcacchija, Giovannija Francesca Bordone, Tommas Parcacchi, Giovanni Francesco Camocia, Giuseppea Rosaccia i drugih njihovih Camocio, Guiseppe Rosaccio, and others (Stourai- suvremenika (Stouraiti, 2013). U njihovim su knji- ti, 2013). In their works, the islands were described gama otoci opisani i na kartama prikazani tako da and depicted on maps in order to present basic je za širok krug čitatelja bilo predstavljeno osnovno geographic knowledge to a wide circle of readers. geografsko znanje, više ono iskustveno nego ono This was often based more on experience than sci- utemeljeno na znanstvenim istraživanjima, najprije entific research, primarily in regard to Mediterra- o sredozemnim otocima, a zatim i o svim poznatim nean islands, and all other known islands through- svjetskim otocima kojih je, zahvaljujući velikim ge- out the world, the number of which continually ografskim otkrićima, postupno bilo sve više. Sadržaj increased thanks to great geographic discoveries. i namjenu izolara možda je najbolje iskazao Giuse- The contents and purpose of isolarios were per- ppe Rosaccio na naslovnici svojega djela o putu od haps best expressed by Guiseppe Rosaccio on the Venecije do Carigrada, morem i kopnom, i zatim title page of his work about a journey from Venice do Svete zemlje, objavljenog u Veneciji 1598. Iza to Byzantium and then on to the Holy Land by glavnoga naslova (Viaggio da Venetia a Constantino- land and sea. It was published in Venice in 1598 poli Per Mare e per Terra et insieme quello di Terra as Viaggio da Venetia a Constantinopoli per Mare e Santa) taksativno je naveo da se u djelu nalaze krat- per Terra et insieme quello di Terra Santa. After the ki geografski i korografski opisi sa 72 karte u ko- title, he explicitly claimed that the work contained jima se raspravlja o gradovima, utvrdama, lukama, brief geographic and chorographic depictions with zaljevima, otocima, planinama, rijekama i morima 72 maps, dealing with towns, fortresses, harbours, (con brevità descritto – nel quale, oltre à settantadui bays, islands, mountains, rivers and seas (con brevità disegni, di Geografia e Corografia si discorre, quanto in descritto – nel quale, oltre à settantadui disegni, di Ge- esso viaggio, si ritrova cioe Città, Castelli, Porti, Golfi, ografia e Corografia si discorre, quanto in esso viaggio, Isole, Monti, Fiumi, e Mari). Na kraju je navedeno si ritrova cioe Città, Castelli, Porti, Golfi, Isole, Monti, komu je djelo namijenjeno, odnosno komu može Fiumi, e Mari). At the end, it was stated for whom koristiti: trgovcima, mornarima i istraživačima ge- it was intended: merchants; sailors; and geographic ografije (Opera utile à Mercanti, Marinari, & à Stu- researchers (Opera utile à Mercanti, Marinari, & à diosi di Geografia). Studiosi di Geografia).

Objekt, cilj i metodologija istraživanja Research aims and methodology

Objekt istraživanja su karte Krka, Paga, The objects of the research were maps of the is- Ugljana i Pašmana (oba ih imenuje Zadarskim lands of Krk, Pag, Ugljan with Pašman (together otokom), Čiova, Brača, Hvara i Korčule koje je named the “ island”), Čiovo, Brač, Hvar and francuski kozmograf André Thevet izradio za Korčula, made by the French cosmographer André 42 J. Faričić T. Marelić potrebe svojega dvosveščanoga Velikoga izolara Thevet. Thevet prepared the manuscript in 1586, P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris i peljara (plovidbenog priručnika). Thevet je taj while several copies of the maps were printed ear- svoj rukopis priredio 1586., a karte je prethodno, lier, or at least in the same year. Most of the maps Hrvatski otoci na najkasnije te godine, tiskao, svaku u više primje- are bound in the manuscript of the book alongside kartama u Velikom raka. Velik dio karata uvezan je u rukopis knjige the relevant chapters describing them. The manu- izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta uz odgovarajuća poglavlja u kojima je opisan na script is housed in the manuscript collection of the kartama prikazani prostor. Taj se rukopis čuva u Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris. Not all The Croatian zbirci rukopisa u Bibliothèque nationale de Fran- the maps prepared for the isolario are included, and Islands on maps in ce u Parizu. Unutar Velikoga izolara i peljara ne many have been scattered throughout other institu- André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire nalaze se sve za to djelo pripremljene karte, već tions, where they do not form parts of bound car- et Pilotage su mnoge raspršene u brojnim ustanovama, ne tographic units (Lestringant, 1984). Some of Thev- tvoreći dio nikakve uvezane kartografske cjeline et’s maps have been lost. M. Destombes (1974) says (Lestringant, 1984). Dio je Thevetovih karata ne- that 160 maps from the Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage stao. M. Destombes (1972) navodi da je 160 ka- were owned by the antique collector Francois Roger rata iz Velikog izolara i peljara posjedovao kolek- de Gaignières (1642–1715), and were inventoried cionar antikviteta François Roger de Gaignières around 1750, but have since disappeared. (1642. – 1715.) i da su te karte inventarizirane The goals of this research were to improve ex- oko 1750. godine, ali su nakon toga nestale. isting knowledge of the depiction of the Croatian Ciljevi su istraživanja unaprijediti postojeće islands in isolarios and sailing manuals during the spoznaje o prikazima hrvatskih otoka u izolarima Renaissance, and to indicate to the scientific and i plovidbenim priručnicima u vrijeme renesanse wider community the hitherto unknown contri- te znanstvenu i širu zajednicu uputiti na do sada bution of A. Thevet in terms of the development nepoznat doprinos A. Theveta u razvoju karto- of cartographic depictions of the Croatian islands. grafskih prikaza hrvatskih otoka koji su, s obzi- Since these islands were geographically placed on rom na geografski smještaj uz istočnojadransku the eastern Adriatic sailing route, they were of great plovidbenu rutu, imali veliko značenje u pomor- importance in the maritime-geographic system of sko-geografskom sustavu Jadrana i Sredozemlja. the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas. Koliko je autorima članka poznato, ovo je As far as we know, this is the first research con- prvo istraživanje Thevetova kartografskoga opusa ducted into Thevet’s cartographic opus in the context u kontekstu prikaza otoka istočne obale Jadrana. of depictions of the islands off the eastern Adriatic Uz kratki opis geografskoga sadržaja na Theveto- coast. A short description of the geographic contents vim kartografskim prikazima dana je i usporedba in Thevet’s cartographic depictions is followed by a prikaza na tim kartama s prikazima otoka na kar- comparison with island depictions on maps which tama koje su, također tijekom druge polovine 16. were produced in the second half of the 16th century st., izradili i u izolarima objavili Giovanni Fran- by Giovanni Francesco Camocio (1571)1, Antonio cesco Camocio (1571.),1 Antonio Millo (1582.)2 Millo (1582)2, and Giuseppe Rosaccio (1598)3. A i Giuseppe Rosaccio (1598.)3. Komparativna comparative analysis of these cartographic sources of analiza tih kartografskih izvora prostornih po- spatial data, which have been reproduced with the

1 Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ 1 Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views, Giovanni Francesco Camocio, 1573. Premda je riječ o izdanju Views, Giovanni Francesco Camocio, 1573. Although this is the 1573 Camociova djela iz 1573., u njemu su objavljene karte iz 1571. koje su edition of Camocio’s work, maps from 1571 were published in it which priređene za prvo izdanje toga izolara. had been produced for the first edition of the isolario.

2 Više je izdanja Millova izolara (Kljajić i Razum, 2016). U radu je 2 There were several editions of Millo’s isolario (Kljajić and Razum, korišten original izdanja koje se čuva u Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, 2016). In this paper, we have used the original edition kept by the Syl- Liechtenstein, Books and manuscripts, Signatura B.0254, Antonio via Ioannou Foundation, Liechtenstein, Books and manuscripts, Call Millo, 1582. No. B.0254, Antonio Millo, 1582.

3 Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ 3 Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views, Giuseppe Rosaccio, 1598. Views, Giuseppe Rosaccio, 1598. 43 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 1. Vektorizirani prikaz obalne crte na sedam Thevetovih karata otoka Fig. 1 Vectorised depiction of the coastlines on seven of Thevet’s island maps Izvor: kartografske podloge: Claus i dr., 2017 Source: cartographic base: Claus et al., 2017

dataka, čije se reprodukcije donose uz suglasnost consent of the institutions in which they are housed ustanova u kojima se čuvaju (na čemu im poseb- (for which we are particularly grateful) resulted in no zahvaljujemo) rezultirala je razmjerno detalj- a fairly detailed interpretation of the contents of nom interpretacijom sadržaja Thevetovih karata Thevet’s maps showing Croatian islands and their na kojima je prikazan hrvatski otočni prostor. surroundings. For the sake of completeness, Thevet’s maps are accompanied by his descriptions of the is- U svrhu usporedbe prikaza otoka na Theveto- lands and navigational instructions for sailors. vim kartama s prikazom tih otoka na suvremenoj karti, digitalne reprodukcije Thevetovih karata For the purpose of comparing the depictions of (nastale skeniranjem) su, uz digitalne reproduk- the islands on Thevet’s maps with the same islands cije karata G. F. Camocia, A. Milla i G. Rosac- on a modern map, digital reproductions (acquired cia, u GIS softveru preklopljene sa suvremenom from scans) of Thevet’s maps and maps by Camocio, kartom Jadranskoga mora u vektorskom forma- Millo, and Rosaccio were overlaid on a modern map tu (shapefile) izrađenom u Flanders Marine Data of the in GIS software in vector format and Information Center, vektorizacijom predloška (shapefile) produced at the Flanders Marine Data u mjerilu 1 : 466 188 (Claus i dr., 2017). Nakon and Information Centre, by vectorisation of the preklapanja sa suvremenom kartom obavljena template in the 1 : 466,188 scale (Claus et al, 2017). je vektorizacija prikaza obalne crte svih karata After overlaying them on the modern map, vectori- iz uzorka (sl. 1). Vektorizacija obalne crte omo- sation of the coastline renderings of all the maps in gućila je jasnije utvrđivanje izobličenja u odno- the sample was performed (Fig. 1). This allowed the su na stvaran izgled obalne crte te u odnosu na clear establishment of distortions in relation to the izgled obalne crte na kartama istih otoka koje su actual shape of the coastline, and, also, their com- izradili drugi autori. Interpretacijom Thevetova parison against the island coastline renderings per- kartografskoga opusa, koja se uz ostalo temelji formed by different cartographers. By interpreting na usporedbi njegovih kartografskih prikaza s Thevet’s cartographic opus, based on a comparison odabranim kartama drugih autora, upotpunjene of his cartographic depictions, among other things, su suvremene premise o načinu na koji su njihovi and selected maps by other authors, we were able to autori tijekom druge polovine 16. st. percipirali enhance recent understandings of how these authors istočnojadranski prostor. perceived the eastern Adriatic coastline during the second half of the 16th century. 44 J. Faričić T. Marelić Postupak preklapanja karata koji prethodi The procedure for overlaying the maps before P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris vektorizaciji, poznat i kao metoda najmanjih vectorisation, known as the method of least squares kvadrata (engl. least squares estimation, LSE) (Be- estimation (Bevington and Robinson, 2003; Ghilani Hrvatski otoci na vington i Robinson, 2003; Ghilani i Wolf, 2006; and Wolf, 2006; Jenny and Hurni, 2011) or geo-ref- kartama u Velikom Jenny i Hurni 2011) ili georeferenciranje (engl. erencing, which is the name usually used in the soft- izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta georeferencing), što je naziv koji se u pravilu upo- ware in which it is performed, was carried out in this trebljava u softverima u kojima se izvodi, u ovom research only conditionally—primarily for the pur- The Croatian istraživanju proveden je samo uvjetno – prije sve- pose of visualising, or “placing” those depictions in Islands on maps in ga u svrhu vizualizacije, tj. „smještanja” tih prika- the area shown on a modern reference map. In fact, André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire za u prostor prikazan na suvremenoj, referentnoj the island renderings on all the maps in the sample et Pilotage karti. Naime, prikaz prostora na svim kartama showed a particularly low degree of accuracy from iz uzorka je, s kartometrijskoga gledišta, izrazito a cartometric perspective. That is to say, there was niske točnosti, tj. na njima postoje visoka odstu- a high degree of divergence from the actual shape panja od stvarnoga izgleda prostora, što je vid- of the area, which was evident even at the level of ljivo već na razini opažanja. Ta odstupanja nisu mere observation. These divergences did not arise uzrokovana deformacijama svojstvenim primjeni from typical deformations in the application of car- kartografske projekcije, već je riječ o pogreškama tographic projection, yet they represent errors that koje su posljedica nepoznavanja osnovnih geo- resulted from poor knowledge of the basic geograph- grafskih obilježja prikazanih objekata od strane ic features of objects mapped by Thevet and the oth- Theveta i autora karata s kojima je uspoređen er authors with whom his work was compared. The Thevetov opus. Prikaz otoka na svim kartama iz depiction of the islands on all the maps in the sample uzorka izrazito je izobličen. Utvrđena su velika was particularly distorted. Large mutual discrepan- međusobna odstupanja po različitim pravcima cies were found along various lines of distance meas- mjerenja uslijed čega nije moguće kvantificirati urement, as a result of which it was impossible to linearne proporcije koje bi barem približno vri- quantify linear proportions which would be at least jedile za cijelo polje karte. Također, karte su raz- approximately valid for the entire map area. Large mjerno „siromašne” prostornim podatcima koji mutual discrepancies were found along various lines su popraćeni toponimima, a koje je, uvjetno, mo- of distance measurement. In addition, the maps were guće svesti na točku s pripadajućim koordinata- rather poor in terms of spatial data accompanied by ma (naselja, vrhovi, rtovi i sl.). Koordinate točaka toponyms, which could provisionally be reduced to a pritom se iskazuju u odnosu na ishodište koordi- point with the appropriate coordinates (settlements, natnoga sustava odabrane referentne kartograf- peaks, capes, etc.). The coordinates of points were ske projekcije u koji su po obavljenom postupku then shown in relation to the origin of the coordi- georeferenciranja karte iz uzorka transformirane. nate system of the selected reference cartograph- Manjak takvih elemenata svakako smanjuje re- ic projection into which they were transformed by dundanciju ulaznih podataka za kartometrijsku geo-referencing the maps from the sample. The lack analizu, a s obzirom na iznimno malen broj tih of such elements, of course, reduced the redundancy elemenata na kartama iz uzorka validnu karto- of input data for cartometric analysis and since there metrijsku analizu u ovom istraživanju nije mogu- were extremely few of these elements found on the će obaviti. Naime, na odabranim kartama iz izo- maps in the sample, it was not possible to carry out lara riječ je o (samo) tri ili četiri točke po karti na a valid cartometric analysis in this research. In fact, temelju kojih je moguće obaviti georeferencira- on the selected maps, only three or four points were nje. U istraživanju je, u svrhu preklapanja prikaza found on each which could be used as control points na kartama iz uzorka s prikazom na suvremenoj for geo-referencing. In the research, for the purpose karti, primijenjena Helmertova ravninska 4-pa- of overlaying the selected map renderings over a rametarska transformacija uz pomoć koje se ne modern map, the 4-parameter Helmert transforma- deformira izvorni izgled karata i za čiju je primje- tion was applied, which does not allow deformation nu potrebno odabrati najmanje tri točke (Mode- of initial map geometry and requires at least three 45 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Tab. 1. Točke (naselja, rtovi, uvale) prikupljene s karata iz uzorka u svrhu vizualnoga preklapanja s prikazom na suvremenoj karti 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) Tab. 1 Points (settlements, capes, bays) gathered from the maps in the sample for the purpose of visual overlay on a modern map

Otok / Thevet Camocio Millo Rosaccio Island 1586 1571 1582 1598 [1] uvala / Bay Dinjiška* [1] Pag [1] Pag [2] uvala / Bay Vlašići* [2] Šimuni [2] Vlašići Pag - [3] uvala / Bay Stara [3] Mandre [3] Stara Povljana Povljana* [4] Stara Novalja [4] Kolan [1] rt / Cape Šilo (N)* [1] Omišalj [2] rt / Cape Škuljica (S)* Krk - [2] Krk - [3] rt / Cape Glavotok [3] uvala / Bay Sv. Juraj (W)* [1] Korčula [1] Korčula [1] Korčula [1] Korčula [2] uvala / Bay Luka* Korčula [2] uvala / Bay Luka* [2] uvala / Bay Babina [2] uvala / Bay Luka* [3] Lumbarda [3] Vela Luka* [3] Vela Luka [3] Vela Luka* [4] Vela Luka* [1] rt / Cape Sv. Petar (NW)* [1] rt Sv. Petar (NW)* Ugljan i [2] Barotul* [2] Barotul* - - Pašman [3] rt / Cape Borovnjak [3] rt Borovnjak (SE)* (SE)* [1] rt / Cape Okrug (W)* [1] rt / Cape Okrug (W)* [1] rt / Cape Okrug (W)* Čiovo [2] trogirski most [2] trogirski most - [2] trogirski most [3] rt / Cape Čiova (E)* [3] rt / Cape Čiova (E)* [3] rt / Cape Čiova (E)* [1] rt Pelegrin (W) [1] rt / CapePelegrin (W) [1] rt / Cape Pelegrin (W) [1] rt / Cape Pelegrin (W)* [2] Hvar [2] Hvar [2] Hvar [2] Hvar Hvar [3] Stari Grad [3] Stari Grad [3] Stari Grad [3] Stari Grad* [4] rt / Cape Sućuraj (E)* [4] rt / Cape Sućuraj (E)* [4] rt Sućuraj (E)* [4] rt / Cape Sućuraj (E)* [1] Milna* [1] Milna [2] Bol [2] Bol Brač - - [3] Pučišća* [3] Pučišća [4] Sumartin* [4] Sumartin* * – uz točku nije upisan toponim, već je, s obzirom na konfiguraciju prikaza, pretpostavljeno da prikazuje tu lokaciju / the toponym is not entered by the point, but it can be assumed that this location is meant due to the configuration of the depiction (N), (NW), (S) , (SE) – krajnji rtovi otoka u skladu s pripadajućim stranama svijeta / (N), (NW), (S) , (SE) – the extreme capes of the islands according to the appropriate compass points

nov i Parkhomenko, 1965). S obzirom na to da points to be obtained as input data (Modenov and su, u svrhu donekle objektivne usporedbe karto- Parkhomenko, 1965). Since maps by other authors grafskih prikaza, odabrane karte drugih autora na showing the islands depicted by Thevet were cho- kojima su prikazani otoci koje je prikazao Thevet, sen in order to provide a fairly objective comparison, nastojalo se barem donekle standardizirati uzorak we also attempted to standardise to some extent the točaka potrebnih za georeferenciranje. To je po- sample of points required for geo-referencing. This stignuto za karte s prikazom Ugljana i Pašmana, was achieved in terms of the maps depicting Ugljan Čiova, Brača, Hvara te donekle Korčule, dok na with Pašman, Čiovo, Brač, Hvar and (partly) Korču- prikazima Krka i Paga zbog izrazito deformirana la, while it was impossible to select matching points izgleda ili pogrešno upisanih toponima, o čemu on the depictions of Krk and Pag, due to exception- je pisano u nastavku rukopisa, nije bilo moguće al deformation or erroneously entered toponyms, as odabrati istovjetne točke (tab. 1). will be explained later (Tab. 1).

46 J. Faričić T. Marelić Pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja Overview of previous research P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris Opis hrvatskih otoka i karte koji se nalaze u The- The descriptions of the Croatian islands and maps Hrvatski otoci na vetovu Velikom izolaru i peljaru do sada nisu bili po- in the Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage were hitherto un- kartama u Velikom znati u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj javnosti. Koliko nam je known in Croatian scientific circles. As far as we know, izolaru i peljaru poznato, o tom tekstu francuskoga renesansnog koz- apart from one mention in a note in a work by M. Andréa Theveta mografa Andréa Theveta i njegovim kartama, osim Kandido-Rožman about descriptions of Dalmatia in The Croatian spomena u jednoj bilješki u radu M. Kandido-Ro- the works of French travel writers (Kandido-Rožman, Islands on maps in žman o opisima Dalmacije u djelima francuskih pu- 1990, note 17), not a single text has been written in André Thevet's topisaca (Kandido-Rožman, 1990: 1172, bilješka 17), Croatian geographic or cartographic literature about Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage nije napisan nijedan tekst u hrvatskoj geografskoj i Thevet’s manuscript. However, Thevet’s descrip- kartografskoj literaturi. Međutim, Thevetovi opisi tions of other parts of Croatia were not completely Hrvatske nisu potpuna nepoznanica. O njegovu opisu unknown. He described Croatia in Cosmographie de Hrvatske u djelu Cosmographie de Levant objavljenom Levant, published in Lyon in 1554, and P. Matković u Lyonu 1554. kratki zapis dao je P. Matković (Mat- (Matković, 1992: 76-77, note 2) noted this briefly. T. ković, 1882: 76-77, bilješka 2), a o istoj temi dva je Valčić-Bulić (Valčić-Bulić, 2006; 2007) wrote on the članka napisala T. Valčić-Bulić (Valčić-Bulić, 2006; same subject. M. Kandido-Rožman wrote a short ac- 2007). O Thevetovim opisima Hrvatske u djelima count of Thevet’s descriptions of Croatia in Cosmog- Cosmographie de Levant i La Cosmographie universelle raphie de Levant and La Cosmographie Universelle in a kratak tekst napisala je M. Kandido-Rožman u svom book about descriptions of Dalmatia in the works of radu o opisima Dalmacije u francuskim putopisima French travel writers from the First Crusade to the od Prvoga križarskog pohoda do kraja 18. stoljeća. end of the 18th century. The same author mentioned Ista je autorica u jednoj bilješki spomenula da su po- in a note that the chapters on Zadar and the island glavlja o Zadru i otoku Čiovu iz rukopisnoga Velikog Čiovo in the manuscript of the Le Grand Insulaire et izolara i peljara objavljena u djelu Recueil de voyages et Pilotage were published in Recueil de voyages et docu- documents pour servir à l‘histoire de la géographie u Pari- ments pour servir a l’histoire de la géographie in Paris in zu 1890. (Kandido-Rožman, 1990: 1172, bilješka 17). 1890 (Kandido-Rožman, 1990: 1172, note 17). O Thevetovu Velikom izolaru i peljaru objavljeno je Several books and scientific articles have been pub- više knjiga i znanstvenih članaka, ali u njima nije ana- lished about Thevet’s Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, liziran geografski sadržaj koji se odnosi na Hrvatsku. but the geographic contents relating to Croatia have Jedini spomen karata na kojima su prikazani hrvat- not been analysed. The only mentions of maps show- ski otoci nalazi se u članku o ThevetuVelikom izolaru ing the Croatian islands are in an article on Thevet’s i peljaru te njegovim putovanjima na Levant koji je Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage and his travels to the priredio F. W. Hasluck (1914) te u katalogu karata iz Levant edited by F. W. Hasluck (1914) and in a cat- Thevetova Velikoga izolara i peljara koji je priredio F. alogue of maps from a work edited by F. Lestringant Lestringant (1984), znanstvenik koji je velik dio svo- (1984), a scholar who devoted most of his opus to jega opusa posvetio Thevetovim djelima (Lestringant, Thevet’s works (Lestringant 1991; 1994; 2002; 2003). 1991; 1994; 2002; 2003). Važno je, međutim, za in- It is important, however, when interpreting Thevet’s terpretaciju Thevetovih karata hrvatskih otoka uvažiti maps of the Croatian islands, to take into consider- opće prosudbe o Thevetu kao geografu i kartografu ation the general opinion of Thevet as a geographer koje su, uz F. Lestringanta, dali M. Destombes (1972), and cartographer expressed not only by Lestringant, P. E. H. Hair (1982), G. Van Den Abbeele (1992), but by M. Destombes (1972), P. E. H. Hair (1982), E. Dumotier-Sigwalt (2002) i G. Tolias (2012). To- G. Van Den Abbeele (1992), E. Dumotier-Sigwalt lias je u svojem radu objavljenom 2012. najavio da s (2002), and G. Tolias (2012). Tolias announced in F. Lestringantom priprema za objavu dio Thevetova 2012 that he was preparing to publish with Lestrin- Velikog izolara i peljara koji se odnosi na otoke u Sre- gant the part of Thevet’s Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage dozemnom moru. Koliko nam je poznato, to djelo još which relates to the Mediterranean islands. As far as nije objavljeno. we know, this has not yet happened. 47 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Thevetovi kartografski prikazi Thevet’s cartographic depiction of the 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) hrvatskih otoka Croatian islands

André Thevet u Velikom izolaru i peljaru opisao je In Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, Thevet described hrvatsku obalu, a detaljnije i nekoliko hrvatskih oto- the Croatian coast and several islands in detail and ka, među kojima je na kartama prikazao Krk, Pag, showed some of them on maps (Krk, Pag, Ugljan with Ugljan i Pašman (oba imenuje Zadarskim otokom), Pašman—together named the “Zadar island”—Čiovo, Čiovo, Brač, Hvar i Korčulu. Uz rukopis su kao pri- Brač, Hvar and Korčula). Printed maps of Pag, Čiovo, vitci uvezane tiskane karte Paga, Čiova, Hvara i Kor- Hvar and Korčula were bound with the manuscript as čule (tab. 2). Te karte, kao i karte Krka, Ugljana i Pa- appendices (Tab. 2). These maps, along with maps of šmana te Brača, čuvale su se kao dio kolekcije King Krk, Ugljan with Pašman, and Brač were kept as part George III‘s Topographical Collection u King’s Library of the King George III Topographical Collection in Gallery u British Museumu, a od 1998. dio su knjiž- the King’s Library Gallery at the British Museum, and ničnoga fonda British Library (tab. 3). Na Theveto- have formed part of the library holdings of the Brit- ve karte hrvatskih otoka u British Museumu prvi je ish Library since 1998. (Tab. 3). F. W. Hasluck (1914) upozorio F. W. Hasluck (1914). Međutim, Hasluck was the first to draw attention to Thevet’s maps of the je pogrešno naveo da se karte Paga, Čiova i Korčule Croatian islands in the British Museum. However, ne nalaze u Thevetovu rukopisu, a k tomu nije naveo Hasluck wrongly claimed that the maps of Pag, Čio- da se u British Museumu nalazila i karta Hvara. U vo, and Korčula were not part of Thevet’s manuscript, katalogu karata iz Thevetova Velikog izolara i peljara while he neglected to mention that the map of Hvar F. Lestringant točno je zabilježio lokacije karata hr- was also in the British Museum. In his catalogue of vatskih otoka, onih u rukopisu Thevetova djela koji maps from Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, Lestringant se čuva u Bibliothèque nationale de France u Parizu correctly noted the location of the maps of the Croa- i onih koje se čuvaju u British Library u Londonu tian islands from the manuscript of Thevet’s work kept (Lestringant, 1984). in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris and the British Library in London (Lestringant, 1984). Tekst u Velikom izolaru i peljaru tvori funkcio- nalnu cjelinu s opisom Hrvatske (poglavlje III), a The text in theLe Grand Insulaire et Pilotage forms posebno i Dubrovačke Republike (poglavlje IIII), u a functional unit with the description of Croatia knjizi XVIII drugoga sveska Le Cosmographie uni- (Chapter III), particularly the Republic of Dubrovnik verselle (Thevet, 1575: 777b – 783a). Naime, Thevet (Chapter IIII) in book XVIII of the second vol- se u Velikom izolaru i peljaru na nekoliko mjesta po- ume of La Cosmographie Universelle (Thevet, 1575: ziva na svoj tekst u Općoj kozmografiji, upućujući či- 777b-783a). In the Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, The- tatelja da je odgovarajuća kraćenja u Velikom izolaru i vet refers several times to his own writing in La Cos- peljaru obavio da se ne bi ponavljao. mographie Universelle, indicating to the reader that he shortened it appropriately in order to avoid repetition. Redoslijed tekstova i pripadajućih karata u Velikom izolaru i peljaru nije logičan s obzirom na geografski The order of the texts and accompanying maps in položaj i smještaj pojedinih otoka, koji je, uz ostalo the Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage is not logical in terms iskazao i sam Thevet s oznakama vrijednosti geograf- of the geographical position of the individual islands, ske širine i geografske dužine koje je ispisao na sredi- despite the fact that Thevet wrote all the relevant lati- nama međuokvirnoga prostora koji obrubljuje polje tudes and longitudes in the middle of the inter-frame svake karte (osim one na kojoj su prikazani Ugljan area surrounding each map field (apart from those i Pašman). Hrvatski otoci (osim Ugljana, Pašmana i showing Ugljan with Pašman). The Croatian islands Čiova) nisu opisani jedan za drugim, već se tekstovi (apart from Ugljan with Pašman and Čiovo) are not o njima, kao i pripadajuće karte, nalaze među teksto- described one after another, but their descriptions and vima o drugim sredozemnim otocima, bilo onima u maps are found among material about other Mediter- Jadranskom moru, bilo otocima u Egejskom moru i ranean islands, in the Adriatic or Aegean seas, or in drugim dijelovima istočnoga Sredozemlja. other parts of the eastern Mediterranean.

48 J. Faričić T. Marelić Tab. 2. Raspored tekstova i karata koji se odnose na hrvatski otoke u Thevetovu Velikom izolaru i peljaru P. Levačić Tab. 2 Order of texts and maps relating to the Croatian islands in Thevet’s Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Otok / Naslov poglavlja Stranice Smještaj karte Dimenzije karte Hrvatski otoci na Island / Chapter heading / Pages / Location of map / Map dimensions kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru karta kao privitak na 33 r Andréa Theveta Pag Isle de Pago 33 r – 34 v 14,8 cm × 18,3 cm / Map appended to 33 r The Croatian nema karte u rukopisu Krk Isle de Veggia 42 r – 43 v – Islands on maps in / No map André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire karta kao privitak na 60 v Korčula Isle de Cursola 60 v – 61 v 14,7 cm × 18,2 cm et Pilotage / Map appended to 60 v Ugljan i nema karte u rukopisu Isle de Zarre 65 v – 68 r – Pašman / No map karta kao privitak na 68 v Čiovo Isle de Bua 68 v – 69 v 15,1 cm × 18,3 cm / Map appended to 68 karta kao privitak na 84 r Hvar Isle de Liesene 84 r – 85 r 14,8 cm × 18,3 cm / Map appended to 84 r nema karte u rukopisu Brač Brazze 93 r – 93 v – / No map r – recto („prednja” strana lista, tj. desna stranica u otvorenoj knjizi pri čitanju s lijeva na desno) / r – recto (the ‘front’ of a page, or the right-hand page in an open book, reading from left to right) v – verso („stražnja” strana lista, tj. lijeva stranica u otvorenoj knjizi pri čitanju s lijeva na desno) / v – verso (the ‘back’ of a page, or the left-hand page in an open book, reading from left to right)

Tab. 3. Signature i dimenzije karata koje su kao dio kolekcije topografskih karata britanskoga kralja Georga III. donirane najprije British Museumu, a danas se čuvaju u Kartografskoj zbirci u British Library (BL) Tab. 3 Call numbers and dimensions of maps which form part of King George III’s collection of topographical maps donated to the British Museum, housed today in the Cartographic Collection at the British Library (BL)

Otok / Naslov karte Signatura Geografske koordinate Dimenzije karte Island / Chapter heading / Call no. / Geographic coordinates / Map dimensions

Brač Isle de Brazza BL, K.Top.113.43 φ = 43 ¾º N, λ = 42 ½º E 15,0 cm × 19,1 cm

Čiovo Isle de Bua BL, K.Top.113.44 φ = 44º N, λ = 42 ½º E 15,1 cm × 18,3 cm

Korčula Isle de Cursola BL, K.Top.113.46 φ = 42 ¾º N, λ = 43º E 14,7 cm × 18,2 cm

Hvar Liesene BL, K.Top.113.47 φ = 43 ¾º N, λ = 43º E 14,8 cm × 18,3 cm

Pag Isle de Pago BL, K.Top.113.48 φ = 45º N, λ = 40 ½º E 14,8 cm × 18,3 cm

Krk Isle de Veggia BL, K.Top.113.49 φ = 45 ½º N, λ = 39 ½º E 15,0 cm × 18,1 cm

Ugljan i Isle de Zarre BL, K.Top.113.50 nema oznaka 14,8 cm × 17,9 cm Pašman 49 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Geografski sadržaj na Thevetovim kartama Geographic content on Thevet’s maps of the 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) hrvatskih otoka Croatian islands

Svi hrvatski otoci prikazani na Thevetovim kar- All the Croatian islands depicted on Thevet’s tama su, bez obzira na njihovu stvarnu veličinu, maps, regardless of their actual size, were reduced umanjeni (bez matematički usustavljena postupka (using no standardised mathematical methods, since jer, uz ostalo, karte nisu nastale kao rezultat geo- the maps were not the result of geodetic surveys) in detske izmjere) u skladu s dimenzijama bakrenih order to match the dimensions of the copper plates ploča u svrhu bakrotiska. Polje svake karte ome- used for printing. Each map field is bordered by đeno je unutrašnjim i vanjskim okvirom, a po sre- an inner and outer frame, while the latitudes and dini međuokvirnoga prostora brojkama su ispisane longitudes, expressed in the decimal system, can be vrijednosti geografske širine i geografske dužine found in the inter-frame area and refer to the co- u decimalnom sustavu, a koje se odnose na koor- ordinates of the centre of the area shown on the dinate središta prostora prikazanog na karti (tab. map (Tab. 4). The map of Ugljan with Pašman is the 4). Karta Ugljana i Pašmana pritom čini izuzetak. exception. The numerical values of the central coor- Na toj karti brojčane vrijednosti koordinata nisu dinates are not written on this map, but as with all upisane, no kao i na svim ostalim kartama ucrtane the others, lines are inserted representing excerpts su crtice koje predstavljaju isječke slika paralela i of images of parallels and meridians. meridijana. Latitude values are, as usual, expressed relative Vrijednosti geografske širine izražene su, uo- to the plane of the equator the plane of the equator, bičajeno, u odnosu na ravninu ekvatora, dok se za while the prime meridian Thevet used was probably početni meridijan Thevet vrlo vjerojatno koristio the one passing through São Miguel in the Azores onim koji prolazi kroz São Miguel u Azorima (about 25.50° W of Greenwich). The differences in (oko 25,50° zapadno od Greenwicha). Razlike u the latitudes on Thevet’s maps and the “actual” lati- iznosu geografske širine na Thevetovim kartama i tudes of the geometric centres of islands shown on „stvarne” geografske širine geometrijskih centara his maps (Δφ), range from 0.09° to 0.54°. Differ- otoka koje je prikazao na kartama (Δφ) nalaze se ences in longitude (Δλ), when expressed in relation u rasponu od 0,09° do 0,54°. Razlike geografskih to the meridian passing through São Miguel, range dužina (Δλ), kada se izraze u odnosu na meridijan from 0.03° to 0.77°. For example, Thevet’s recorded koji prolazi kroz São Miguel, iznose od 0,03° do latitude of Krk is in reality the latitude of Gerovo 0,77°. Primjerice, za Krk je Thevet zapisao vrijed- in Gorski Kotar, and latitude of Čiovo on his map nost geografske širine na kojoj se nalazi Gerovo is actually the latitude of Knin. Also, according to u Gorskom kotaru, a za Čiovo vrijednost geo- Thevet, both Čiovo and Brač were on the same lon- grafske širine na kojoj se nalazi Knin. Također, po gitude, while in reality Brač lies to the east of Čiovo. Thevetu se Čiovo i Brač nalaze na istoj geograf- However, when the values of the coordinates he skoj dužini, dok je u stvarnosti Brač istočnije od noted are contextualised in accordance with the Čiova. period in which Thevet was active and the accuracy Ipak, vrijednosti koordinata koje je zapisao, of his cartographic representations in general, it is kad ih se kontekstualizira u skladu s razdobljem u appropriate to assess the data as being of reason- kojem je Thevet djelovao i točnosti njegovih kar- ably high accuracy for several reasons. First, it is tografskih prikaza općenito, prikladno je ocijeniti not possible to establish with certainty that Thevet kao podatke razmjerno visoke točnosti iz nekoliko carried out any exact land surveys on the islands he razloga. Prvo, nije moguće sa sigurnošću utvrditi depicted, or even measured the latitudes (which at da je Thevet provodio ikakvu egzaktnu izmjeru na that time could be determined relatively accurately otocima koje je prikazao, pa tako ni mjerenje geo- by measuring the height of certain celestial bodies grafske širine (koje je tada bilo moguće razmjerno like the Sun and Polaris). Also, at the time Thevet točno odrediti na temelju opažanja visine Sunca i was preparing the maps, a method for the accu-

50 J. Faričić T. Marelić Polarne zvijezde). Također, u vremenu u kojem je rate measurement of longitude had not yet been P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris Thevet priredio karte metoda točnoga određiva- invented, so he could not have applied it in his own nja geografske dužine još nije bila poznata, sto- work. The latitude and longitude errors on his maps Hrvatski otoci na ga je nije bio u mogućnosti osobno primijeniti. show similar values, so it is reasonable to assume kartama u Velikom Pogreške geografske širine po iznosima slične su that all these coordinates were obtained from an izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta pogreškama geografske dužine, zbog čega je op- older source. Second, the method of pinpointing ravdano pretpostaviti da je vrijednosti svih koor- the “actual” centre point of any given island carried The Croatian dinata preuzeo iz nekoga starijeg izvora. Drugo, out in this study is purely computational, and was Islands on maps in metoda određivanja „stvarnih” središnjih točaka done by calculating the geometric centres of islands André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire otoka provedena u ovom istraživanju je računalna, represented by digital objects in vector graphics. et Pilotage a svodi se na izračunavanje geometrijskih centara However, it is not possible to determine exactly otoka prikazanih uz pomoć vektorskih objeka- which objects in nature Thevet assigned as the cen- ta. Međutim, nije moguće odrediti koje je točno tres of the islands he mapped, if this was even the objekte u prirodi Thevet odredio za središta otoka method he used to determine central coordinates. koje je prikazao, ako je uopće pristupio određiva- Third, the rather deformed and disproportion- nju središnjih koordinata na taj način. Treće, raz- ate depictions of the islands imply that geometric mjerno deformirani i disproporcionalni prikazi accuracy was not a high priority for him, or that otoka impliciraju da mu geometrijska točnost pri- the corpus of geographic knowledge he possessed kaza nije bila prioritet ili da mu postojeći korpus was not large enough to achieve accuracy even if geografskih spoznaja nije bio dovoljno velik da bi he had wanted to do so. For example, on the map tu točnost postigao i da je to htio. Thevet, primje- of Pag, Thevet did not map the entire island, but rice, na karti Paga nije prikazao čitav otok, nego only its south-eastern part, although the map gives samo njegov jugoistočni dio iako prikaz ostavlja the impression of it being a “rounded whole”, and dojam „zaokružene cjeline”, a nije sa sigurnošću it is not possible to determine with certainty why moguće utvrditi zašto je tako postupio. he did this.

Tab. 4. Geografske koordinate središnje točke unutar polja karte i stvarne središnje točke tih otoka Tab. 4 Geographical coordinates of the central points within the map field and the actual central points of these islands

Geografska širina (φ) / Latitude (φ) Geografska dužina (λ) / Longitude (λ) Otok / Na karti Stvarna Na karti Stvarna / Actual Stvarna / Actual Δφ Island Δφ / On map / Actual / On map (Greenwich) (São Miguel) (São Miguel)

Krk 45,50° N 45,07° N 0,43° 39,50° E 14,61° E 40,11° E 0,61°

Pag 45,00° N 44,46° N 0,54° 40,50° E 15,03° E 40,53° E 0,03°

Ugljan i - 44,01° N - - 15,26° E 40,76° E - Pašman

Čiovo 44,00° N 43,50° N 0,50° 42,50° E 16,29° E 41,79° E 0,71°

Brač 43,75° N 43,32° N 0,43° 42,50° E 16,64° E 42,14° E 0,36°

Hvar 43,25° N 43,16° N 0,09° 43,00° E 16,73° E 42,23° E 0,77°

Korčula 42,75° N 42,94°N 0,19° 43,00° E 16,90° E 42,40° E 0,60°

51 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Na svim kartama ucrtane su kompasne ruže s Compass roses with marked cardinal and in- 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) označenim kardinalnim i interkardinalnim stra- ter-cardinal points of the compass are drawn on all nama svijeta. Sjever je označen slovom T (Tra- the maps. North is indicated by the letter T (Tra- montana) i stiliziranim vrškom magnetne igle, montana) and the stylised tip of a magnetic needle, dok su druge strane svijeta označene početnim while other points are indicated by the initial letters slovima talijanskih naziva koji su bili uvriježe- of Italian names that were common throughout the ni širom Sredozemlja: G (Greco; sjeveroistok), L Mediterranean: G (Greco; northeast), L (Levante, (Levante; istok), S (Scirocco; jugoistok), O (Ostro; east), S (Scirocco; southeast), O (Ostro; south), A jug), A (Affricone; jugozapad), P (Ponente; zapad) (Affricone; southwest), P (Ponente; west) and M i M (Maestro; sjeverozapad). Iz glavnih i spored- (Maestro; northwest). Compass lines or bearings nih strana svijeta zrakasto se šire kompasne crte at 45° intervals (the resolution of the rose of four ili rumbi u intervalima od 45° (rezolucija ruže compass points) radiate from the major and second- od četiri zrake kompasa). Na pet karata rumb ary points. Five maps contain north-south bearing sjever – jug ucrtan je usporedno s bočnim stra- drawn parallel to the sides of the map frame. He nama okvira karata. Pritom je na karti Ugljana made a mistake on the map of Ugljan with Pašman i Pašmana učinio pogrešku na način da je čita- by rotating the entire compass rose +90°, therefore vu kompasnu ružu zakrenuo za +90°, pa oznaka the mark indicating north on the map (Tramontana) za smjer sjevera na karti (Tramontana) pokazuje actually shows east in the displayed area. On the re- istok prikazanoga prostora. Na preostalim dvjema maining two maps, the north-south bearings are not kartama rumb sjever – jug nije ucrtan usporedno drawn parallel to the lateral edges of the map, but s bočnim rubovima karte, već postoji otklon od there is a tilt of –6° on the Čiovo map and of –14° –6° na prikazu Čiova i –14° na prikazu Paga. Ako on that of Pag. Excluding the error of rotating the se izuzme pogreška zakretanja kompasne ruže na compass rose on the map of Ugljan with Pašman, prikazu Ugljana i Pašmana, glavne osi pružanja the main axes of the islands’ geographic direction otoka prikazanih na kartama se na razini opažanja shown on the maps seem proportionate to their true čine razmjerno u skladu sa svojim stvarnim vri- values. Geo-referencing of the maps revealed the jednostima. Po georeferenciranju karata utvrđeno rotation of the depiction in relation to the north- je postojanje rotacije prikaza u odnosu na pravac south direction as a consequence of transformation, sjever – jug kao posljedice transformacije i to na so that the depiction of Brač was rotated by –25°, način da je prikaz Brača pritom zarotiran za –25°, Čiovo by –31° (–25° if the tilt of the northern bear- Čiova za –31° (–25° ako se uzme u obzir rotacija ing is taken into account: south –6°), Korčula by –3°, rumba sjever – jug od –6°), Korčule za –3°, Hvara Hvar by –23°, Pag by +60° (+46° if the tilt of the za –23°, Paga za +60° (+46° ako se uzme u obzir north-south bearing of –14° is taken into account), rotacija rumba sjever – jug od –14°), Krka za +19° Krk by +19°, and Ugljan with Pašman by +78°. Due te Ugljana i Pašmana za +78°. Budući da zbog to the extremely low redundancy of the input data, izrazito niske redundancije ulaznih podataka ovaj this procedure cannot be considered representative postupak s kartometrijskoga gledišta nije repre- from a cartometric perspective, so the obtained val- zentativan, dobivene vrijednosti rotacije prikaza ues of the rotations of the displayed areas should be treba uzeti sa zadrškom. One, naime, ne mogu po- taken with reserve. That is to say, they cannot serve služiti kao dokaz o egzaktnom „raskoraku” njego- as proof of an exact “discrepancy” between Thevet’s vih kvantitativnih podataka i stvarnih vrijednosti, quantitative data and actual values, but are merely već jedino kao dodatno uporište pretpostavke o an additional reason for assuming his insufficient Thevetovu nedovoljno dobru poznavanju prostora knowledge of the areas he mapped and the high koji je kartirao i o visokoj vjerojatnosti da u svrhu probability that he did not perform any land surveys izrade karata nije provodio mjerenja. prior to his map production. Prikaz velikoga dijela otoka, prije svega obalne Thevet’s depictions of large parts of the islands, pri- crte, na Thevetovim kartama izrazito odstupa od marily coastlines, are very different from their actual

52 J. Faričić T. Marelić njihova stvarnoga izgleda. Izobličenja na poje- appearances. The distortions on individual maps are P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris dinim kartama takva su da gotovo onemogućuju so great that it is almost impossible to identify the ba- prepoznavanje osnovnih elemenata obalne crte i sic elements of the coastline and the geomorpholog- Hrvatski otoci na geomorfološke oblike koji umnogome fizionomski ical formations that determine the island landscapes kartama u Velikom određuju otočni krajolik. Premda su i drugi autori physiognomically. Although huge mistakes were also izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta karata hrvatskih otoka koje su objavljene u izola- made by other authors of maps of the Croatian is- rima tijekom druge polovine 16. st. učinili velike lands published in isolarios during the second half of th The Croatian greške, Thevet je u svojoj imaginaciji prostornih the 16 century, Thevet was certainly more ‘imagina- Islands on maps in oblika i odnosa među prikazanim geografskim tive’ in his way of depicting spatial forms and rela- André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire objektima bio „maštovitiji”. Teško je s velikom si- tions between geographical objects. It is difficult to et Pilotage gurnošću utvrditi kako je mogao učiniti tako velike say for sure how he came to make such serious errors, pogreške, posebno jer je, kako je naveo u poglavlju especially since, as he claimed in the chapter on the o otoku Krku, osobno vidio te otoke (tijekom ho- island Krk, he visited these islands personally (during dočasničkoga putovanja u Svetu zemlju i u druge a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and travels to oth- dijelove istočnoga Sredozemlja od 1549. do 1554., er parts of the eastern Mediterranean between 1549 o kojem je pisao u djelu Cosmographie de Levant): and 1554, which he wrote about in Cosmographie de Stoga mi još samo preostaje predstaviti vam prikaz Levant). ‘Therefore, it remains for me to present to nekoliko otoka koji je okružuju (Sklavoniju – op. a.), you a depiction of the few islands that surround it koje sam vidio u tim krajevima (podebljali autori): (he was referring to Sclavonie), which I saw in these između ostalih otok Krk, kako ga se imenuje na sta- parts (authors’ emphasis): including the island of Krk, rim kartama Sredozemnog mora (Thevet, 1586: 42r). as it is named on old maps of the Mediterranean Sea’ Više je mogućih objašnjenja za Thevetova izobliče- (Thevet, 1586: 42r). There are several possible expla- nja i druge pogreške na kartografskim prikazima nations for Thevet’s distortions and other errors in his hrvatskih otoka. Svakako je najvažniji razlog taj što cartographic representations of the Croatian islands. francuski kraljevski kozmograf nije primijenio niti Certainly, the most significant is that the French royal jedan relevantan geodetski postupak (kao što to cartographer did not use any relevant geodetic meth- nisu činili ni drugi njegovi suvremenici, ali ni mno- ods and procedures (neither did his contemporaries gi drugi kartografi do 18. st.). K tomu, Thevet se na or most other cartographers until the 18th century). otocima zadržao vrlo kratko i nije imao vremena za In addition, Thevet spent only a short time on the detaljnija terenska opažanja pa se pripremajući kar- islands and could not carry out more detailed field te za Velik izolar i peljar kao predlošcima koristio observations, so while preparing the maps for his Le kartama mletačkih kartografa koje su bile objav- Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, he used maps by Venetian ljene u njihovim izolarima tiskanim u više izdanja cartographers, published in isolarios printed in several u drugoj polovini 16. st. Na to posljednje upućuje i editions during the second half of the 16th century, as činjenica da je najviše pogrešaka učinio u pogledu templates. Among other things, this can also be seen prikaza otoka Krka i Paga, koje prije njega mletački by the fact that he made the most mistakes with his kartografi (G. F. Camocio, S. Pinargenti, G. Franco, depictions of the islands of Krk and Pag, which had G. Rosaccio i dr.) nisu detaljnije prikazivali. Naime, not been depicted in detail by earlier Venetian cartog- prikazi tih otoka, izrađeni od mletačkih i drugih raphers (Camocio, Pinargenti, Franco, Rosaccio, and autora, u pravilu su postojali isključivo na kartama others). In fact, the only depictions of these islands by na kojima je prikazano čitavo Jadransko more ili Venetian and other authors were as a rule found ex- njegov veći dio. U takve karte se, primjerice, mogu clusively on maps showing the entire Adriatic Sea, or ubrojiti različite inačice Ptolemejeve V. karte Europe most of it. These maps may have included various ver- (s prikazom Ilirika) te karte Hrvatske i susjednih sions of Ptolemy’s Fifth Map of Europe (which showed zemalja, no sve su one bile izrađene u mnogo - Illyricum) and maps of Croatia and the neighbouring nijim mjerilima u odnosu na mjerila karata objav- countries, however all were made on much smaller ljenih u izolarima (usp. Marković, 1993; Kozličić, scales than those published in isolarios (cf. Marković, 1995). 1993; Kozličić, 1995). 53 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Tab. 5. Okvirni izračun modula mjerila Thevetovih karata 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) Tab. 5 Approximate calculation of scale modules of Thevet’s maps

Udaljenost Zaokruženi Udaljenost na HTRS96/ Prosječni prosječni na karti TM (km) Modul modul modul Karta Krajnje točke mjerenja (mm) / Distance mjerila mjerila mjerila / Map / Measurement endpoints / Distance in HTRS96/ / Scale / Average / Rounded on map TM, with factor scale factor average (mm) scale factor scale factor of 1 (km)

rt / Cape Šilo rt / Cape Škuljica 177 37,7 212.994

Krk rt / Cape Škuljica rt / Cape Glavotok 150 30,8 205.333 246.969 250.000

rt / Cape Glavotok rt / Cape Šilo 62 20,0 322.581

uvala / Bay Dinjiška uvala / Bay Vlašići 20 4,9 245.000 Pag uvala / Bay Stara 274.881 275.000 uvala / Bay Vlašići 21 6,4 304.762 Novalja Vela Luka Korčula 96 34,3 357.292

Korčula uvala / Bay Luka 30 1,4 46.667 Korčula 210.985 210.000 uvala / Bay Luka Lumbarda 21 3,8 180.952

Lumbarda Vela Luka 144 37,3 259.028

rt / Cape Sv. Petar Barotul 150 34,2 228.000 Ugljan i Barotul rt / Cape Borovnjak 46 9,3 202.174 217.408 220.000 Pašman rt / Cape Borovnjak rt / Cape Sv. Petar 195 43,3 222.051 trogirski most / rt / Cape Okrug 70 4,4 62.857 Trogir Bridge Čiovo trogirski most rt / Cape Čiova 135 11,8 87.407 75.588 75.000

rt / Cape Okruk rt / Cape Čiova 200 15,3 76.500

rt / Cape Pelegrin Stari Grad 65 18,3 281.538

Stari Grad rt / Cape Sućuraj 150 49,6 330.667

Hvar rt / Cape Sućuraj Hvar 131 61,7 470.992 289.341 290.000

Hvar rt / Cape Pelegrin 54 6,5 120.370

Hvar Stari Grad 51 12,4 243.137

Milna Pučišća 99 24,4 246.465

Pučišća Sumartin 68 14,4 211.765

Brač Sumartin Bol 105 18,1 172.381 234.548 235.000

Bol Milna 58 19,0 327.586

Bol Pučiša 55 11,8 214.545

54 J. Faričić T. Marelić Zbog nepostojanja egzaktne matematičke Due to the lack of exact mathematical bases and P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris osnove i prethodno provedene izmjere prosto- spatial measurements taken in advance, and due ra te zbog niske redundancije ulaznih podataka to the low redundancy of the input data, the scale Hrvatski otoci na mjerila Thevetovih karata nije moguće precizno of Thevet’s maps cannot be determined precisely, kartama u Velikom utvrditi, već samo okvirno pretpostaviti. Njihova but only roughly conjectured. Average values from izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta zaokružena prosječna mjerila, dobivena na uzor- measurements obtained on samples of two to five cima od dva do pet mjerenja po karti, iznose oko distances per map give a result of about 1: 250,000 The Croatian 1 : 250 000 (ne uzimajući pritom u obzir kartu (not taking into account the Čiovo map, which Islands on maps in Čiova čije mjerilo iznosi oko 1 : 75 000), no razli- is drawn at a scale of approximately 1: 75,000), André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire ke između vrijednosti izračunanih duž različitih however, the differences between values calculated et Pilotage pravaca mjerenja iznimno su velike (tab. 5). Pri- along different lines of measurement are extremely mjerice, maksimalni raspon izračunanih modula large (Tab. 5). For example, the maximum range of za prikaz Hvara je od oko 225 000, dok na pri- calculated scale factors of the map of Hvar is ap- kazu Korčule taj maksimalni raspon iznosi oko proximately 225,000, while the map of Korčula has 310.000. Uz opću deformiranost prikaza obalne a maximum range of about 310,000. In addition to crte, a s time i oblika otoka, tako velike razlike the general deformation of the coastline, and thus u vrijednostima modula posljedica su lokalnih the shape of the islands, such large differences in preuveličavanja pojedinih prostornih elemenata, scale factor values are a consequence of local exag- primjerice grada Korčule ili uvale u kojoj se na- geration of certain spatial features, such as the town lazi luka grada Hvara. Pojednostavljeno govore- of Korčula, or the bay where the harbour of Hvar is ći, Thevetove karte nemaju jedinstveno linearno located. Simply put, Thevet’s maps were not made mjerilo kojim je izražen odnos duljina na karti in a unified linear scale to express the relationship prema odgovarajućim duljinama u stvarnom pro- between lengths on the map and their equivalents storu. Vrijednosti mjerila razlikuju se za pojedine in actual space. Scale values differ for individual prostorne cjeline unutar istoga polja karte, a to spatial units within the same map field, and the vrijedi i za karte G. F. Camocia, G. Rosaccia i A. same rule applies to maps by G. F. Camocio, G. Milla. Rosaccio, and A. Millo. Na temelju usporedbe Thevetovih kartograf- Based on a comparison of Thevet’s cartographic skih prikaza s prikazima istih otoka na kartama representations and depictions of the same islands G. F. Camocia, G. Rosaccia i A. Milla posve je on maps by G. F. Camocio, G. Rosaccio, and A. razvidno da se Thevetovi prikazi razlikuju karto- Millo, it is quite clear that Thevet’s representations grafikom i geografskim sadržajem (sl. 2 – sl. 21). differ in terms of cartographic and geographic Thevetova kartografika slična je onoj koju je pri- content (Fig. 2 – Fig. 21). Thevet’s cartography is mijenio Thomaso Porcacchi u izolaru L‘ isole piu similar to Thomaso Porcacchi’s in his isolarioL‘isole famose del mondo objavljenom prvi put u Veneciji piu famose del mondo, first published in Venice in 1572. Međutim, Porcacchi u svom izolaru nije 1572. However, Porcacchi did not depict a single prikazao niti jedan hrvatski otok. G. Tolias (2007; Croatian island in his work. G. Tolias (2007; 2012) 2012) navodi da je za graviranje karata namije- states that Thevet hired the printer Thomas de Leu njenih za objavljivanje u Velikom izolaru i peljaru to engrave the maps intended for publication in Le Thevet angažirao tiskaru Thomasa de Leua. Grand Insulaire et Pilotage. Razlike između geografskoga sadržaja na The- The differences between the geographical con- vetovim kartama i sadržaja na kartama mletačkih tent on Thevet’s maps and on maps by Venetian i drugih kartografa koji su u drugoj polovini 16. st. and other cartographers, who published isolarios objavljivali izolare vjerojatno je rezultat metodo- in the second half of the 16th century, were prob- logije prikupljanja i obrade prostornih podataka. ably the result of the methods used for collecting Dok su veliki izdavači poput G. F. Camocia i G. and processing spatial data. While major publish- Rosaccio, a njihovim tragom i mnogi drugi, kom- ers such as G. F Camocio and G. Rosaccio, fol-

55 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 2. Thevetova karta otoka Krka (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.49) Fig. 2 Thevet’s map of the island of Krk (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.49)

pilirali podatke iz različitih pomorskih, vojnih i lowed by many others, compiled data from various administrativnih izvora, angažirajući pritom kao maritime, military, and administrative sources, and crtače bakroresce brojne suradnike, a među nji- hired many copper engravers as collaborators, in- ma i dvojicu Šibenčana, Martina Rotu Kolunića cluding two from Šibenik: Martin Rota Kolunić i Božu Bonifačića (Natale Bonifacio),4 A. Thevet, and Božo Bonifačić (Natale Bonifacio)4, A. The- slično kao i A. Millo, osobno je obišao prikaza- vet, like A. Millo, personally visited the Croatian ne hrvatske otoke. Međutim, Thevetovi i Millovi islands he depicted. However, Thevet and Millo’s uvidi, percepcije i fokusi su se razlikovali. Thevet insights, perceptions, and focuses differed. Thevet je bio kozmograf zainteresiran za stvaranje opće was a cosmographer interested in creating a gener- slike o geografskim objektima, podjednako isti- al picture of geographical objects while emphasis- čući različite geografske sadržaje, one prirodne i ing various geographical features, whether natural, one društvene i ekonomske. S druge strane, Millo social, or economic. On the other hand, Millo was je bio pomorac (Kljajić i Razum, 2015) i u izradi a sailor (Kljajić and Razum, 2015) and implement-

4 A. Kisić je argumentirano raspravila Kolunićevo i Bonifačićevo au- 4 A. Kisić discussed Kolunić’s and Bonifačić’s authorship of certain maps torstvo pojedinih karata u Camociovim i Rosacciovim djelima, o čemu in Camocio’s and Rosaccio’s works, regarding which there have been je do sada u znanstvenoj literaturi bilo dosta površnih navoda (Kisić, many superficial references in the scientific literature to date (Kisić, 2005). 2005). 56 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 3. Millova karta otoka Krka (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 17b) Fig. 3 Millo’s map of the island of Krk (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 17b) karata iz svoga izolara primjenjivao je kartografi- ed cartographies characteristic of portolan charts ku svojstvenu onoj portulanskih karata, s prena- when creating the maps for his isolario, empha- glašavanjem horizontalne sastavnice razvedenosti sising the horizontal components of the coastline obalne crte (rtovi, uvale, zaljevi). indentation (capes, coves, bays). Imajući na umu da su mnogi suvremenici i Bearing in mind that many of his contemporar- znanstvenici osporavali znanstvene domete A. ies (and many scientists) disputed A. Thevet’s sci- Theveta, posebno zbog njegove sklonosti pretje- entific achievements, especially because of his ten- rivanju, što je uključivalo i falsificranje, pri inter- dency to exaggerate, which included falsification, pretaciji njegovih kartografskih prikaza hrvatskih we should exercise caution when making relevant otoka potrebno je s oprezom donositi prosudbe i judgments and conclusions concerning his car- zaključke. Thevet je miješao geografsku stvarnost tographic representations of the Croatian islands. (koju je i sam spoznavao na svojim putovanjima) s Thevet mixed geographical reality (with which he izmišljotinama. Bio je sklon dopunjavati svoje bi- was familiar from his travels) with fiction. He tend- lješke i sjećanja s putovanja „činjenicama” koje su ed to supplement his travel notes and recollections njegovo pripovijedanje trebale učiniti dojmljivim with “facts” to make his narrative more impressive i drugačijim u odnosu na istovrsna djela njegovih and distinct from similar works by his contempo-

57 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 4. Vektorizirani prikazi razlika u izgledu obalne crte otoka na Thevetovim kartama i izgledu obalne crte na kartama njegovih suvremenika: otoci Krk i Pag Fig. 4 Vectorised renderings of differences in the appearance of the coastline of the islands on Thevet’s maps and maps by his contemporaries: the islands Krk and Pag Izvor: kartografske podloge: Claus i dr. (2017) Source: cartographic background: Claus et al. (2017)

suvremenika (Destombes, 1972). Zbog toga je raries (Destombes, 1972). Therefore, it is difficult, teško, barem u pogledu prikaza hrvatskih otoka, at least in terms of his depiction of the Croatian jasno razdvojiti pogreške koje je činio iz nehaja ili islands, to clearly distinguish the mistakes he made zbog nedostatka kvalitetnih geografskih spoznaja out of negligence or a lack of good geographical od onoga što je u geografskom sadržaju neobično knowledge from what is likely falsification. For i upućuje na falsificiranje. Primjerice, teško je sa example, it is difficult to establish with certainty sigurnošću utvrditi da je na Pagu u drugoj polo- whether there were really as many orange trees on vini 16. st. bilo toliko stabala naranača kao što bi the island of Pag in the second half of the 16th cen- to proizašlo iz prikaza i bilješke ispisane na karti tury as seems to be the case from the depiction and toga sjevernodalmatinskog otoka (Orangiers), a notes on his map (Orangiers). At the same time, he da istodobno agrumi nisu prikazani na otocima did not depict any citrus trees at all on the islands srednje i južne Dalmacije na kojima ih ima mno- of central and southern Dalmatia, where they were go više. in fact more abundant. Na prikazu otoka Krka Thevet je pogrešno In the depiction of the island Krk, Thevet incorrectly smjestio grad Krk (Ville de Weggia) podalje od located the town Krk (Ville de Weggia) away from the obale, u zaobalju Baške, dok je uz Puntarsku dra- coast in the hinterland of Baška, while he showed Vr- gu prikazao Vrbnik (Verbenique) koji se zapravo bnik (Verbenique) next to Puntarska Draga, though it is nalazi na obalama Vinodolskoga kanala, nasuprot actually located on the banks of the Vinodol Channel, mjestu na kojemu je prikazan. Bašćansku dragu opposite the place where it is shown. He placed Bašćan- ucrtao je sjevernije od njezina stvarnoga polo- ska Draga further north than its actual position. Water- žaja. Na više mjesta ucrtani su vodotoci. Crteži- courses were drawn in several places. He used stylised ma stiliziranih uzvisina prikazao je brdovit krčki drawings of mounds to depict the hilly landscape of Krk krajolik, a na sjevernom dijelu otoka, u zaobalju and, in the hinterland of Omišalj and Njivice on the Omišlja i Njivica, bilješkom je naznačio prostor northern part of the island, he drew attention to wheat

58 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 5. Thevetova karta otoka Paga (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.48) Fig. 5 Thevet’s map of the island of Pag (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.48) zasijan pšenicom. Na više mjesta crtežima stabala fields in a note. In several places, he showed the for- prikazao je šumski pokrov, a stiliziranim crtežima est cover with drawings of trees, and the macchia with grmlja makiju. Uz obalu Krka prikazani su otočići stylised drawings of bushes. Along the coast of Krk, is- te među njima brodovi na jedra i brodice pokre- lands are shown, and among them sailboats and boats tane veslima. Mnoštvo brodica upućuje na razvi- powered by oars are drawn. The number of boats indi- jeno lokalno pomorstvo, posebno u pogledu ribo- cates that local maritime activities were well-developed, lova i komunikacije s kopnom i među susjednim especially in terms of fishing and communication with otocima. Na zapadnom dijelu otoka bilješkom je the mainland and neighbouring islands. On the western označio samostan (Oratoire). Vjerojatno je riječ part of the island, he marked a monastery (Oratoire). It o samostanu franjevaca trećoredaca u Glavoto- was probably the monastery run by Franciscans of the ku. U unutrašnjosti umjesto na sjevernom dijelu Third Order in Glavotok. Thevet depicted the Fortresse otoka Thevet je prikazao Fortresse Unine. Riječ je Unine inland instead of on the northern part of the o Kaštelu, utvrđenoj rezidenciji knezova Krčkih island. This was Kaštela, the fortified residence of the (Frankopana) u Omišlju. princes of Krk (the Frankopans) in Omišalj. Nasuprot Krku Thevet je pogrešno ucrtao Ja- Opposite Krk, Thevet erroneously drew Jablanac blanac (Lablana en Dalmatie), koji se zapravo na- (Lablana en Dalmatie), which is actually located on

59 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 6. Millova karta otoka Paga (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 18b) Fig. 6. Millo’s map of the island of Pag (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 18b)

lazi na kopnu podno Velebita, i to nasuprot oto- the mainland at the foot of Velebit, opposite the ku Rabu. To što je Jablanac geografski smjestio island of . The fact that Jablanac was geograph- u Dalmaciju odgovara njegovu tekstu u poglavlju ically located in Dalmatia corresponds to his text o otoku Čiovu u kojemu je naveo da Dalmaci- in the chapter on the island of Čiovo, in which he ji pripada cijeli primorski prostor između Raše i stated that the entire coastal area between Raša and Drima. Drim belonged to Dalmatia. Na karti Krka, a tako i na svim drugim kar- On the map of Krk and all other maps of the tama hrvatskih otoka (osim Paga) na morskom Croatian islands (except Pag), the name La Mer je prostoru ispisano ime La Mer Adriatique. Tako Adriatique is written in the sea area. This was also su u to doba činili i drugi kartografi, uključujući done by other cartographers at the time, including i mletačke, koji su tijekom 17. i 18. st. redovito the Venetians, who regularly used the name Golfo za Jadransko more koristili ime Golfo do Venezia, do Venezia for the Adriatic during the 17th and 18th iskazujući tako mletačke težnje za pravnom juri- centuries, expressing Venetian aspirations for legal sdikcijom te političkim i gospodarskim utjecajem jurisdiction and political and economic influence na cijelom Jadranu premda ga cijeloga nisu po- throughout the Adriatic, although they did not sjedovali. control it in its entirety.

60 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 7. Rosacciova karta otoka Paga (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views) Fig. 7 Rosaccio’s map of the island of Pag (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travelers’ Views)

Na karti otoka Paga jedini razmjerno vjero- On the map of the island of Pag, the only rela- dostojan prikaz odnosi se na jugoistočni dio toga tively credible depiction is of the south-eastern part otoka s Dinjiškom uvalom, uvalom Vlašići i uva- of the island with Dinjiška, Vlašići, and Stara Pov- lom Stara Povljana. Thevet nije prikazao dugački ljana bays. Thevet did not depict the elongated, in- i na otoku prepoznatljiv poluotok Lun premda je stantly recognisable Lun Peninsula, although he did ucrtao otočić Dolfin Delfin( ) koji se nalazi zapad- draw the Dolphin Islet (Delfin) located to its west. no od njega. Zbog toga se stječe dojam da uopće Therefore, one gets the impression that the whole nije prikazan cijeli otok, već samo njegov jugo- island is not shown, but only its south-eastern part istočni dio (uvale Dinjiška, Vlašići i Stara Pov- (Dinjiška, Vlašići and Stara Povljana bays), which is ljana) koji je iz nepoznata razloga poistovjećen identified as the whole island for reasons unknown. s cijelim otokom. Premda je u poglavlju o Pagu Although he stated in the chapter on Pag that there naveo da se na tom otoku nalazi grad s jednom was a town on the island with one of the best har- od najboljih luka na hrvatskim otocima, Thevet je bours in the Croatian islands, Thevet showed the grad Pag prikazao na obali Košljunskoga zaljeva, town of Pag on the shores of Košljun Bay, but did a duboko uvučeni Paški zaljev nije prikazao (pa not show the deeply indented Pag Bay (so he did tako nije prikazao ni paške solane, najvažniji eko- not show Pag’s salt pans, the most important eco- nomsko-geografski sadržaj na otoku, što A. Millo nomic-geographical feature of the island, which A. i G. Rosaccio nisu propustili učiniti). Slično kao Millo and G. Rosaccio studiously noted). Similar to što je učinio na karti otoka Krka, brdovit krajolik the map of the island of Krk, he depicted the hilly prikazao je crtežom stiliziranih uzvisina koji ne landscape with drawings of stylised hills that do not daju pouzdanu informaciju ni o oblicima tih uzvi- provide any reliable information about the shapes sina ni o visinskim odnosima i nagibima padina. of these hills, nor about the relative heights or in- Crtežima stabala i grmlja prikazan je biljni po- clines of the slopes. Drawings of trees and shrubs krov podjednako na cijelom otoku pa korisnici te show vegetation distributed equally throughout the karte, s pretpostavkom da se u osnovnim crtama island, so assuming that the actual spatial arrange- 61 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 8. Thevetova karta Ugljana i Pašmana (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.50) Fig. 8 Thevet’s map of Ugljan and Pašman (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K. Top.113.50)

prostorni raspored biljnoga pokrova podudarao s ment of the vegetation corresponds to the present onim današnjim, nisu mogli steći uvid u razlike situation, users of the map would not have guessed između sjeveroistočnih padina otoka velikoga na- there was any difference between the north-eastern giba izloženih mehaničkim udarima bure i poso- slopes of the island with their steep inclines exposed lici te otočnih površina manjega nagiba i debljih to the force of the bora wind and sea spray, and the slojeva tla obraslih biljnim pokrovom u zavjetri- vegetation cover on the shallower slopes where there ni u odnosu na buru. Thevet je na karti prikazao were deeper layers of soil in locations sheltered from Vlašiće (Bislagi) i dva sakralna objekata, crkve sv. bora. Thevet showed Vlašići Bislagi( ) and two eccle- Nikole (S. Nicolas) i sv. Dionizija (S. Denis). Dok siastical buildings, the churches of St. Nicholas (S. su se u Thevetovo vrijeme na Pagu nalazile dvije Nicolas) and St. Dionysius (S. Denis). While there crkve sv. Nikole (jedna na Punti Paga i druga u were two churches dedicated to St. Nicholas on Pag Povljani), nije poznato da je neki od više desetaka in Thevet’s time (one in Punta Pag and the other in paških sakralnih objekata (ili barem neki oltar u Povljana), it is not known whether any of the dozens nekom od njih) bio posvećen svetom Dioniziju of church buildings on Pag (or at least an altar in (usp. Hilje, 2011), jednomu od zaštitnika Fran- one of them) was dedicated to Saint Dionysius (cf. cuske. Hilje, 2011), one of the patron saints of France.

62 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 9. Camociova karta Ugljana i Pašmana (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views) Fig. 9 Camocio’s map of Ugljan and Pašman (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travelers’ Views)

Na karti Ugljana i Pašmana ta su dva otoka On the map of Ugljan with Pašman, the two is- prikazana kao jedna geomorfološka cjelina. U ar- lands are shown as one geomorphological unit. In hivskim dokumentima ta se dva otoka od srednje- archive documents, these two islands have been reg- ga vijeka redovito navode kao posebni otoci, ali su ularly mentioned as separate islands since the Middle istodobno na kartama tijekom renesanse redovito Ages, yet they were usually shown as one island on prikazivani kao jedan otok. Razlog je tomu činje- maps during the Renaissance. The reason was that the nica da plitki i uski tjesnac (Mali Ždrelac) među shallow, narrow strait (Mali Ždrelac) between them njima nije bio plovan (produbljivan je i proširivan was not navigable (it has been deepened and widened u nekoliko navrata tek od 19. st.; Faričić, 2012). several times since the 19th century; Faričić, 2012). The Ugljanski dio Thevetova Zadarskog otoka mnogo Ugljan part of Thevet’s Island of Zadar is much short- je kraći od pašmanskoga dijela toga istog otoka. er than the Pašman part. We cannot identify with cer- Među oblicima obalne razvedenosti nije mogu- tainty any bay or cape among the forms of coastal in- će sa sigurnošću identificirati niti jednu uvalu ili dentation, although we can assume that the author at rt, iako se može naslutiti da je autor bar pokušao least tried to show the largest island bays—Sutomišći- prikazati najveće otočne uvale – Sutomišćicu na ca on the northeast coast of Ugljan, Velika and Mala sjeveroistočnoj obali Ugljana, Veliku i Malu La- Lamjana on the southwest coast, and Soline, Žinčana mjanu na jugozapadnoj obali toga otoka te uvale and Lanđin on the southwest coast of Pašman. The 63 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 10. Thevetova karta otoka Čiova (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.44) Fig. 10 Thevet’s map of the island of Čiovo (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.44)

Soline, Žinčana i Lanđin na jugozapadnoj obali vegetation is shown similarly to that on the islands Pašmana. Biljni je pokrov prikazan slično kao i of Krk and Pag, though according to Thevet, it was na otocima Krku i Pagu, ali po Thevetu on je na scarcer on Ugljan and Pašman. One settlement is in- Ugljanu i Pašmanu bio oskudniji. Podno Sv. Mi- correctly depicted on the southwest of Ugljan, at the hovila na Ugljanu pogrešno je prikazano naselje foot of St. Mihovil, instead of on the northeast side of s jugozapadne umjesto sa sjeveroistočne strane the island. otoka. Maritime activities in the Zadar, Pašman and Cen- Na pomorske aktivnosti u Zadarskom, Pa- tral Channels are indicated by depictions of rowing šmanskom i Srednjem kanalu upućuju prikazi boats and a drawing of a sailing ship. There are three brodica na vesla, kao i crtež jedrenjaka. Na otoku monasteries on the island: the Franciscan monasteries su prikazana tri samostana: franjevački u Ugljanu in Ugljan (Monastere) and Kraj (Fratri); and the Bene- (Monastere) i u Kraju (Fratri) te benediktinski na dictine monastery in Ćokovac above Tkon (Monachi). Ćokovcu povrh Tkona (Monachi). Također je pri- The church of St. Anthony the Abbot in Tkon is also kazana crkva sv. Antuna opata u Tkonu (S. Antho- shown (S. Anthoine). Three islands are depicted to the ine). Zapadno od Ugljana prikazana su tri otoka west of Ugljan (Trois isleaux), all with settlements. It (Trois isleaux), sva tri s naseljima. Teško je u nji- is difficult to recognise any of them with certainty,

64 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 11. Camociova karta otoka Čiova (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views) Fig. 11 Camocio’s map of the island of Čiovo (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travelers’ Views) ma bez zadrške prepoznati bilo koji od zadarskih though they may be , and ; or otoka jer to mogu biti Molat, Sestrunj i Rivanj Sestrunj, Iž and . None of them can possibly be ili pak Sestrunj, Iž i Rava. Sigurno je samo to da , because they are much smaller than Ugl- nije riječ o Dugom otoku jer na to ne upućuje jan with Pašman. Zadar and the Zadar-Biograd coast njihova veličina, mnogo manja od one Ugljana are shown on the mainland opposite, where only the i Pašmana. Na nasuprotnom kopnu prikazan je settlement Pakoštane is labelled by name. grad Zadar te zadarsko-biogradsko priobalje na The map ofČiovo shows the island, Trogir, part of kojemu su među naseljima imenom zabilježene the Kaštela coast and part of the Marjan Peninsula. samo Pakoštane. In the depiction of the Čiovo coast, Sladun Bay and Na karti Čiova prikazani su taj otok, grad Movarčica Bay in Punta Okruk are recognisable. The- Trogir, dio kaštelanskoga primorja i dio poluo- vet showed two deeply indented coves on the eastern toka Marjana. Na prikazu čiovske obale pre- side of the island which do not actually exist. He ap- poznatljivi su zaljev Sladun, uvala Movarčica plied the same cartography in terms of depicting the i Punta Okruk. Thevet je na istočnom dijelu island relief and vegetation as on his other maps of the otoka prikazao dvije duboko uvučene uvale ko- Croatian islands, though this does not really enable jih na otoku zapravo nema. Primijenio je istu a reconstruction of these natural spatial elements. In

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Sl. 12. Thevetova karta otoka Brača (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.43) Fig. 12 Thevet’s map of the island of Brač (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.43)

kartografiku pri prikazu otočnoga reljefa i bilj- the text on Čiovo, he referred to a map showing the noga pokrova kao što je to učinio i na drugim bridges that connected Čiovo and Trogir to the main- kartama hrvatskih otoka, a ona ne omogućuje land. The depiction of these bridges is accurate; they rekonstrukciju tih prirodnih elemenata prostora. are more precisely located than those on the depic- U tekstu o Čiovu pozvao se na kartu na kojoj su tions of Čiovo and Trogir by Camocio and Rosaccio. prikazani mostovi kojima su Čiovo i Trogir po- Like those two cartographers, Thevet depicted a large vezani s kopnom. Prikaz je tih mostova točan, i lake-like area in the eastern part of Čiovo (Baing, a bolje su smješteni nego oni na prikazima Čiova i distortion of Bagno on maps by the previously men- Trogira na Camociovoj i Rosacciovoj karti. Kao tioned Venetian authors). This kind of hydrological i ta dvojica kartografa, Thevet je na istočnom phenomenon no longer exists on Čiovo, but there are dijelu Čiova prikazao veliku ujezerenu površinu many wells in Slatine (the name indicates the presence (Baing, iskrivljeno od Bagno na kartama citira- of water), so Thevet was probably showing a hydro-ge- nih mletačkih autora). Takve hidrološke pojave ographic phenomenon which occurred when the area na Čiovu više nema, ali u Slatinama (čije ime between Slatine and Gaj, i.e. flooding during heavy upućuje na pojave voda) ima mnogo zdenaca pa rainfall. The ancient ruins mentioned in the text inLe je Thevet vjerojatno prikazao hidrogeografsku Grand Insulaire et Pilotage are not shown on the island, pojavu kada je u vrijeme veće količine oborina which indicates that Thevet mixed up Čiovo and Sa- 66 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 13. Millova karta otoka Brača (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 21b) Fig. 13 Millo’s map of the island of Brač (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 21b) prostor između Slatina i Gaja bio poplavljen. Na lona in his writing. However, three church buildings otoku su prikazana tri sakralna objekta. Poput are shown on the island. Like Camocio and Rosaccio, Camocia i Rosaccia na rtu Čubrijan na zapad- Thevet depicted the church of St. Clement (S. Clem- nom dijelu Čiova Thevet je prikazao crkvu Sv. ent) on Cape Čubrijan, in the western part of Čiovo, Klementa (S. Clement) iako je riječ o crkvi sv. although it was actually the church of St. Cyprian. He Ciprijana. Točno je prikazao dominikanski sa- accurately depicted the Dominican monastery and mostan i crkvu sv. Križa u Arbaniji (S. Croix). Holy Cross church in Arbania (S. Croix). The church Na istočnom dijelu Čiova prikazana je crkva sv. of St. James (S. Jacques) is shown in the eastern part of Jakova (S. Jacques). Ako je doista riječ o crkvi Čiovo. If it really is the church of St. James, then it is sv. Jakova, onda je ona prikazana na pogrešnom shown in the wrong place, because that church is actu- mjestu jer se taj sakralni objekt nalazi na dije- ally located on the part of the island opposite of Trogir lu otoka Čiova nasuprot gradu Trogiru (s kojim (with which it formed a functional and administrative čini funkcionalnu i upravnu cjelinu). Na mjestu whole). The settlement of Slatine with the churches gdje je Thevet prikazao crkvu sv. Jakova nalazi of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and se naselje Slatine s crkvama Uznesenja Blažene Our Lady of Prizidnica is in fact in the location where Djevice Marije i Gospe od Prizidnice. Thevet showed the church of St. James.

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Sl. 14. Vektorizirani prikazi razlika u izgledu obalne crte otoka na Thevetovim kartama i izgledu obalne crte na kartama njegovih suvremenika: otoci Ugljan, Pašman, Čiovo i Brač Fig. 14 Vectorised renderings of differences in the appearance of the coastline of the island on Thevet’s maps and on maps by his contemporaries: the islands Ugljan, Pašman, Čiovo, and Brač Izvor: kartografske podloge: Claus i dr. (2017) Source: cartographic background: Claus et al. (2017)

Thevetov kartografski prikaz otokaBrača , Thevet’s cartographic depiction of the island of osim onoga Millova, nema pandana u istovrsnim Brač has no counterpart in similar achievements by ostvarenjima drugih renesansnih kartografa. Nije other Renaissance cartographers, with the exception poznata njegova motivacija da uz Milla jedini of Millo. His motivation for being the only person posebno istakne taj otok jer on nije imao važnost apart from Millo to draw particular attention to this za plovidbu istočnom obalom Jadrana kakvu su island remains unknown, because it was not as im- imali, primjerice, Lošinj, i , a koje taj portant for sailing along the eastern Adriatic coast as francuski kozmograf (za razliku od Milla) nije were Lošinj, Vis, and Mljet, for example, which the prikazao. Na Braču je istakao tri uvale na južnoj French cosmographer (unlike Millo) did not depict. strani otoka i jednu na sjeveroistočnoj obali. Dok On Brač, he pointed out three bays on the south je moguće samo naslutiti da je najzapadnija od side of the island and one on the northeast coast. južnih uvala jedna od onih na području Milne, za While it is only possible to guess that the western- druge uvale na južnom dijelu Brača nije moguće most of the southern bays is one of those in the area dati ni tako uopćenu prostornu identifikaciju. Po- of Milna, the other bays in the southern part of Brač sebno istaknuta uvala na sjeveroistoku otoka (uz cannot be assigned even a general spatial identifica- koju stoji bilješka koja upućuje na dobro sidrište) tion. A particularly prominent bay in the northeast mogla bi biti ona uz koju su smještena Pučišća ili of the island (with a note indicating a good anchor- ona uz koju se nalaze Povlja jer su te dvije uvale age) could be the one by Pučišća or Povlja, because najdublje uvučene na tom dijelu otoka. Na više these two bays are the deepest in that part of the mjesta Thevet je prikazao potoke, a onaj na istoč- island. In several places, Thevet showed streams, and nom dijelu Brača posebno je označio bilješkom the one in the eastern part of Brač was marked with (Torrent). Riječ je povremenim vodotocima koji a note (Torrent). These were occasional watercourses jarugama otječu prema dnima bračkih uvala. Su- that flowed through ravines to the bases of Brač’s deći po prikazu biljnoga pokrova, on je po Theve- bays. Judging by the description of the vegetation, tu na Braču siromašniji negoli je na svim drugim according to Thevet it was poorer on Brač than on 68 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 15. Thevetova karta otoka Hvara (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.47) Fig. 15 Thevet’s map of the island of Hvar (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.47) otocima. Zanimljiva je bilješka koju je Thevet all the other islands. He wrote an interesting note ispisao na središnjem hispometrijski najistaknu- on the central, hypsometrically most prominent part tijem dijelu otoka: Monts aux esperviers. U tom se of the island: Monts aux esperviers. In that part of dijelu Brača po tom autoru nalaze brda, odnosno Brač, according to the author, there were hills which staništa kobaca. Kobac ptičar (Accipiter nisus) je were the habitat of sparrow-hawks. The sparrow ptica zimovalica koja uobičajeno na Braču provo- hawk (Accipiter nisus) is a bird that usually spends di zimske mjesece (Cvitanić, 1984). Kobac tada the winter months on Brač (Cvitanić, 1984). It also nastanjuje i okolne otoke, a očito je Thevet pri inhabits the surrounding islands, and apparently svojem obilasku Brača opazio vrlo mnogo tih pti- Thevet noticed many of these birds during his tour ca kad im je posebno atribuirao otočne uzvisine i, of Brač, since he specifically attributed the island k tomu, posvetio više rečenica u poglavlju o tom hills to them and also dedicated several sentences to otoku. them in the chapter on the island. Uz zapadnu obalu otoka Brača Thevet je pri- Along the west coast of the island of Brač, Thevet kazao mnoštvo otočića, a tu se zapravo nalazi depicted many islets, while there is actually only one— samo otočić Mrduja. Na mjestu Bola prikazano the islet of Mrduja. Where the town of Bol is situated, je utvrđeno naselje koje nosi ime otoka (Ville de a fortified settlement bearing the name of the island

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Sl. 16. Camociova karta otoka Hvara (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views) Fig. 16 Camocio’s map of the island of Hvar (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travelers’ Views)

Brazza). Na istom je mjestu utvrđeno naselje, ali (Ville de Brazza) is shown. A. Millo also noted a for- bez imena, prikazao i A. Millo. Druga naselja tified settlement in the same place, but did not name na Braču Thevet nije imenovao, premda su pri- it. Thevet did not name other settlements on Brač, al- kazana crtežima kuća i crkava. Moguće je da je though they are depicted by drawings of houses and Theveta na takav prikaz Bola motivirala činjenica churches. It is possible that Thevet was motivated to da se u tom naselju nalazi(o) veliki dominikanski represent Bol in this way by the fact that there was a samostan obrubljen zidinama. large Dominican monastery surrounded by walls in the settlement. Na prikazu otoka Hvara Thevet je, poput Ca- mocia i Rosaccia, preuveličao luku grada Hvara In his depiction of the island of Hvar, like Camo- koja je po njemu mnogo veća od Starogradskoga cio and Rosaccio, Thevet exaggerated the harbour of zaljeva (koji je od hvarske luke većim prikazao A. the town of Hvar, which according to him was much Millo). Možda je tako nastojao naglasiti značenje larger than Stari Grad Bay (unlike A. Millo, who grada Hvara u pomorsko-geografskom sustavu mapped it as smaller). Perhaps he was trying to em- Jadrana jer je taj otočni grad među svim otočnim phasise the importance of the town of Hvar in the naseljima u ranom novom vijeku doista bio naj- maritime-geographical system of the Adriatic, as this važniji, a to je podrazumijevalo i značenje njegove island town was indeed the most important of all the

70 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 17. Millova karta otoka Hvara (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 22a) Fig. 17 Millo’s map of the island of Hvar (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 22a) luke (Duboković-Nadalini, 1962). Na to upućuje Croatian island settlements in the early modern age, i Thevetov crtež većega broja brodova i brodica u and therefore its harbour was also quite significant hvarskoj luci. U pročelju su hvarske luke prikazani (Duboković-Nadalini, 1962). This is also indicated by Pakleni otoci (Les Isles de Liesena), istočno su Vela Thevet’s drawing of a large number of ships and boats i Mala Milna (Val de Mestro), a južno od otoka in the harbour of Hvar. The Pakleni islands Les( Isles Hvara prikazano je Šćedro (Torchola) s crkvom sv. de Liesena) are shown in front of the harbour of Hvar; Marije (La Madona). Prikaz reljefa poopćen je i to the east are Vela and Mala Milna (Val de Mestro), shematiziran, a tako je i s prikazom biljnoga po- and Šćedro (Torchola) is depicted to the south of the krova. island of Hvar with the church of St. Mary (La Ma- donna). The depiction of the relief is generalised and Uz grad Hvar (Liesena), koji je prikazan s mno- schematic, as is the map depiction of the vegetation. go detalja, posebno u pogledu fortifikacijskoga sustava, imenima su na karti otoka označeni Stari In addition to the town Hvar (Liesena), which is Grad (Vieille Lesena), Vrboska (Barlos) i Jelsa (Gel- shown in great detail, especially in terms of the forti- so). Posebno je imenovana i crkva sv. Pelegrina (S. fication system, the names marked on the map of the Pelegrin) po kojoj ime nosi i najzapadniji hvarski island are Stari Grad (Vieille Lesena), Vrboska (Barlos), rt. Općenito, Thevetov se prikaz Hvara umnogo- and Jelsa (Gelso). The church of St. Pelegrin (S. Pelegrin)

71 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 18. Vektorizirani prikazi razlika u izgledu obalne crte otoka na Thevetovim kartama i izgledu obalne crte na kartama njegovih suvremenika: otoci Hvar i Korčula Fig. 18 Vectorised renderings of differences in the appearance of the coastline of the islands on Thevet’s maps and on maps by his contemporaries: the islands Hvar and Korčula Izvor: kartografske podloge: Claus i dr. (2017) Source: cartographic background: Claus et al. (2017)

me podudara s onim na Camociovoj i Rosaccio- is also named, which gave its name to the westernmost voj karti toga otoka pa bi se s velikom sigurnošću cape of Hvar. In general, Thevet’s depiction of Hvar moglo zaključiti da je, s obzirom na kronološki largely coincides with Camocio and Rosaccio’s maps of redoslijed nastanka tih karata, Camociova kar- the island, so we can conclude with great certainty that, ta i Thevetu i Rosacciu poslužila kao predložak. given the chronological order of these maps, Camocio’s Slično se može utvrditi i za kartografske prikaze map served both Thevet and Rosaccio as a template. Korčule. Za razliku od karata toga trojca, Millove The same can be said of the cartographic representa- su karte Hvara i Korčule, premda i one s mnogim tions of Korčula. Unlike the maps by the aforemen- izobličenjima, bolje, posebno u pogledu prikaza tioned, Millo’s maps of Hvar and Korčula are better, glavnih elemenata obalne crte. Millo je kao pomo- though there are also many distortions, especially in rac veliku pozornost pridavao sigurnosti plovidbe terms of depicting the main elements of the coastline. i mogućnostima sidrenja, tj. vezivanja brodova u As a seafarer, Millo paid great attention to the safety sigurnim lukama pa je, zanemarujući unutrašnjost of navigation and anchoring, i.e. mooring ships in safe otoka, pozornost posvećivao obalnim oblicima re- harbours. While he neglected the interiors of islands, levantnima u terestričkoj navigaciji. he paid attention to some extent to coastal features rel- evant to terrestrial navigation. Na Thevetovu prikazu otokaKorčule nije mo- guće prepoznati izduženost toga južnodalmatin- In Thevet’s depiction of the island of Korčula, it skog otoka niti glavne elemente obalne razvede- is not possible to recognise the specific elongation nosti. Primjerice, na zapadnom dijelu otoka nije of the island or the main elements of its coastal in- dobro prikazan najveći zaljev na otoku – Vela Luka, dentation. For example, in the western part of the a preuveličani su prikazi pet uvala na južnom dijelu island, the largest bay on the island (Vela Luka) is otoka. Zapadno od grada Korčule prikazane su če- not depicted well, while the depictions of five bays tiri uvale u čijem je pročelju ispisana bilješka koja in the southern part of the island are exaggerated. To upućuje na to da je riječ o dobrom sidrištu (Bonne the west of the town of Korčula, four bays are shown,

72 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 19. Thevetova karta otoka Korčule (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.46) Fig. 19 Thevet’s map of the island of Korčula (British Library, King George III's Topographical Collection, K.Top.113.46) sonde). U cijelom akvatoriju Korčule prikazano je in front of which a note is written indicating a good mnogo jedrenjaka, galija i brodica, što svjedoči o anchorage (Bonne sonde). Many sailing ships, galleys intenzivnim pomorskim aktivnostima. and boats are shown in all the waters of Korčula, which testifies to its intensive maritime activities. U neposrednoj blizini otoka Korčule prikazani su otočići Pličića (Ranin), Zvirinovik (P. Carbon) The islets Pličić (Ranin) and Zvirinovik (P. Car- (koji se nalazi ispred luke Karbuni), a skupina bon) located in front of a Karbuni port –are shown in otočića istočno od Zvirinovika (Obljak, Kosor, the immediate vicinity of the island of Korčula, while Stupa, Crklica, Sridnjak i Vrhovnjak), prikaza- islet group located eastern of Zvirovnik (Obljak, na je crtežom dva otoka i imenom La Lime. Na Kosor, Stupa, Crklica, Sridnjak and Vrhovnjak) is sjeveroistočnom dijelu prikazani su otok Badija s represented with of two islands named La Lime. On franjevačkim samostanom i crkvom Vele Gospe norteastern part of the map island Badija with the (La Madona) te dva otočića imenovana nesoni- Franciscan monastery and the church of the As- mima Fourches i Fornase. Oni se odnose se na dva sumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (La Madona) od mnogih otočića u skupini koju (uz Badiju) is shown together with two islets with the neso- čine Lučnjak, Rogačić, Majsan, Vela i Mala Stu- nyms Fourches and Fornase, referring to islets Lučn- pa, Vela i Mala Sestrica, Gojak, Planjak, Sutvara, jak, Rogačić, Majsan, Vela and Mala Stupa, Vela

73 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK 82/2, 39−79 (2020.)

Sl. 20. Camociova karta otoka Korčule (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travellers’ Views) Fig.20 Camocio’s map of the island of Korčula (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Piraeus, Travelogues – Travelers’ Views)

Bisače, Vrnik, Kamenjak i Gubavac. Prikazan je i and Mala Sestrica, Gojak, Planjak, Sutvara, Bisače, dio poluotoka Pelješca kojemu Thevet nije ispisao Vrnik, Kamenjak, and Gubavac that are positioned ime, nego ga je označio bilješkom kojom upućuje near Badija island. Part of the Pelješac Peninsula is na to da je riječ o dijelu Dalmacije (Pais de Dal- also shown, though Thevet did not write its name, matie). rather he marked it with a note indicating that it was part of Dalmatia (Pais de Dalmatie). Prikaz krajolika je, uz crteže stiliziranih uzvi- sina i biljnoga pokrova, dopunjen crtežom ome- The depiction of the landscape, with drawings of đenih obradivih čestica koje su na jednom mjestu stylised hills and vegetation, is supplemented by a bilješkom označene kao vrtovi (Jardrins). Te vr- drawing of bordered arable plots, which are marked tove spomenuo je i u tekstu poglavlja o Korčuli. in one place as gardens (Jardrins). Thevet also men- Thevet je na karti posebno označio grad Korču- tioned these gardens in the chapter on Korčula. He lu (Cursola), cijeli okružen bedemima (opet po- specifically marked the town of Korčula Cursola( ) sve podudarno s njegovim opisom toga grada), a on the map, entirely surrounded by ramparts (again među naseljima imenovana je još samo Lumbarda completely coinciding with his description of that (Bombarde). Na jugoistočnom dijelu otoka prika- town), but among the settlements, only Lumbarda zane su dvije kule, jedna je atribuirana vitezovima (Bombarde) was named. Two towers are shown in

74 J. Faričić T. Marelić P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris

Hrvatski otoci na kartama u Velikom izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta

The Croatian Islands on maps in André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage

Sl. 21. Millova karta otoka Korčule (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 23a) Fig. 21 Millo’s map of the island of Korčula (Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, Books and manuscripts, B.0254, f. 23a) ivanovcima s Rodosa (Tourt des Rhodiens), a druga the southeastern part of the island, one attributed to je imenovana toponimom Tourt d‘Adrian. Obje je the Knights of St. John in Rhodes (Tourt des Rhodi- utvrde, bez popratnih bilježaka prikazao i Ca- ens), and the other with the toponym Tourt d‘Adrian. mocio, dok je Rosaccio prikazao istočniju među Both fortifications were shown without accompany- njima. Na krajnjem istočnom dijelu otoka Thevet ing notes by Camocio, while Rosaccio depicted only je ucrtao crkvu sv. Ivana (S. Jehan) na predjelu Su- the eastern one. In the far eastern part of the island, tivan (koji pripada Lumbardi) i crkvu sv. Petra u Thevet drew the church of St. John (S. Jehan) in the Čari (S. Pierre). Na karti Korčule Camocio je ucr- village of Sutivan (which belongs to Lumbarda) and tao obje te crkve, ali je imenovao samo crkvu sv. the church of St. Peter in Čara (S. Pierre). On the Ivana. S obzirom na te sličnosti i razlike između map of Korčula, Camocio noted both churches, but Thevetove karte te Camociove i Rosacciove karte named only the church of St. John. Given the simi- toga južnodalmatinskog otoka može se zaključiti larities and differences between Thevet’s, Camocio’s da se u osnovi geografski sadržaj na tim kartama and Rosaccio’s maps of Korčula, it can be conclud- podudara, ali su na Thevetovoj karti nešto brojniji ed that their geographical content basically corre- toponimi i prateće bilješke. Thevet je u poglavlju sponds, although Thevet’s map includes somewhat o Korčuli posvetio veliku pažnju tom otoku, što more toponyms and accompanying notes. In his upućuje na to da je o njoj prikupio dosta podataka chapter on Korčula, Thevet paid great attention to koji su mu poslužili i pri oblikovanju kartograf- this island, which indicates that he collected a great skoga prikaza. Međutim, nije značajnije interve- deal of information about it, which helped him with nirao u Camociovu kartu iz 1571. kojom se pri its cartographic depiction. However, he did not sig- prikazu obalne crte Korčule i susjednih otočića nificantly alter Camocio’s 1571 map, which he prob- koristio kao predloškom koji je dopunio nekim ably used as a template for drawing the coastline of osobnim spoznajama. Korčula and the neighbouring islands, adding his own knowledge and insights. 75 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK Zaključak Conclusion 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) Tijekom renesanse, na valu novih spoznajnih During the Renaissance, on a wave of new dis- i metodoloških iskoraka u geografiji i kartografi- coveries and methodological strides forward in ge- ji, mnogi su europski autori opisivali i prikazivali ography and cartography, many European writers istočnu obalu Jadrana i najvažnije jadranske oto- described and depicted the eastern shore of the Adri- ke. Te prostorne cjeline današnje Hrvatske bile su atic and the most important Adriatic islands. These predmet interesa brojnih država koje su nastojale spatial units of modern-day Croatia were an object zagospodariti dragocjenim obalnim i pomorskim of interest for many countries which were keen to prostornim resursima te uspostaviti nadzor nad control the precious coastal and maritime spatial plovidbom koja je osiguravala razmjenu ljudi, resources and establish control over navigation, in roba, ideja i tehnologija. Istodobno su ti prostori order to control the exchange of people and goods, bili u fokusu europske kulture i znanosti, ne samo ideas and technologies. At the same time, these plac- kao aktualna poprišta vojno-političkoga sraza eu- es were a focus of European culture and science, not ropskih država i Osmanskoga Carstva, već i kao only as the actual arenas of military-political con- tranzitni prostor između različitih europskih is- frontation between European countries and the Ot- hodišta i hodočasničkih odredišta u Svetoj zemlji. toman Empire, but as a transit area between Euro- U tom kontekstu moguće je sagledati ostvarenja pean starting-points and pilgrim destinations in the francuskoga kraljevskog kozmografa Andréa Holy Land. In this context, the achievements of the Theveta (1516. – 1592.), među kojima je i djelo Le French royal cosmographer André Thevet (1516– Grand Insulaire et Pilotage (Veliki izolar i peljar), 1592) should be considered. This includesLe Grand koje je ostalo u rukopisu sastavljenom u Parizu Insulaire et Pilotage which has survived in manuscript 1586. godine. form, compiled in Paris in 1586. Thevet je uVelikom izolaru i peljaru opisao i na In the Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, Thevet both kartama prikazao nekoliko hrvatskih otoka, i to described and mapped several Croatian islands: Krk, Krk, Pag, Ugljan i Pašman, Čiovo, Brač, Hvar i Pag, Ugljan with Pašman, Čiovo, Brač, Hvar and Korčulu. Veliki izolar i peljar svojim je tekstualnim Korčula. In terms of its textual content and accom- sadržajem i pratećim kartama bio najopsežnije panying maps, it was the most comprehensive work djelo toga žanra u drugoj polovini 16. st. Činje- of that genre in the second half of the 16th century. nica da je u njemu u dva sveska obuhvaćen čitav The fact that it covered the whole known world in poznati svijet i da je razmjerno velika pozornost two volumes and paid considerable attention to the posvećena hrvatskim otocima, upućuje na to da Croatian islands indicates that its author was aware ih je taj francuski autor držao važnima u pomor- of their importance in the maritime-geographic sys- sko-geografskom sustavu Jadrana i Sredozemlja. tem of the Adriatic and Mediterranean. Na temelju vektorizacije obalne crte i geore- Vectorisation of the coastline and geo-referencing ferenciranja Thevetovih karata utvrđena su znat- of Thevet’s maps yielded insights on considerable de- na izobličenja osnovnih otočnih morfostruktura, formities in the basic island morphological structures, dok je kvalitativna analiza upozorila na nesusta- while the qualitative analysis indicated an unsystemat- van pristup u odabiru geografskih sadržaja. To je ic approach to selecting geographic content. This was posljedica činjenice da prije kartiranja hrvatskih because Thevet did not carry out a land survey or any otoka Thevet nije proveo izmjeru niti detaljnije detailed topographic observations prior to compiling topografsko opažanje, već ga je zasnivao na površ- his maps of the Croatian islands. Instead, he drew nom uvidu „začinjenom” navodima iz dostupnih them based on superficial knowledge “spiced” with izvora podataka kojima je, u skladu s tadašnjim claims from available data sources, the authenticity stupnjem geografskih spoznaja i razmjene infor- and reliability of which, in accordance with the level macija, očito teško bilo provjeriti autentičnost i of geographic knowledge and information exchange pouzdanost. in that era, was obviously quite difficult to verify.

76 J. Faričić T. Marelić Komparativna analiza Thevetovih karata s karta- The comparative analysis of Thevet’s maps with P. Levačić Đ. Šinko-Depierris ma istih otoka koje su izradili njegovi suvremenici maps of the same islands made by his contemporar-

Giovanni Francesco Camocio, Antonio Millo i Gi- ies, Giovanni Francesco Camocio, Antonio Millo, and Hrvatski otoci na useppe Rosaccio, rezultirala je zaključkom kako je Guiseppe Rosaccio, led to the conclusion that Thevet kartama u Velikom Thevet koristio jedinstvenu kartografiku i djelomič- used a unique cartographic approach and to some ex- izolaru i peljaru Andréa Theveta no je unaprijedio dotadašnje geografske spoznaje o tent improved contemporary geographical knowledge spomenutim hrvatskim otocima. Dok je u pogledu of the Croatian islands in question. For Krk, Pag, and The Croatian Krka, Paga i Brača Thevet dao originalne, premda Brač he provided original, though not always high Islands on maps in ne uvijek i kvalitetne prikaze geografske stvarnosti, quality depictions of geographic reality, but for Ugljan André Thevet's Le Grand Insulaire u prikazu Ugljana, Pašmana, Čiova, Hvara i Korčule with Pašman, Čiovo, Hvar and Korčula, there is a great et Pilotage mogu se prepoznati podudarnosti s prikazima tih deal of overlap with the mapping of these islands by otoka na kartama mletačkih autora. To upućuje na Venetian authors. This indicates that Thevet was -fa činjenicu da je Thevet poznavao dotadašnja djela o miliar with previous cartographic works regarding the hrvatskoj obali i otocima, ali je pokušao dati i svoj Croatian coast and islands, and also that he attempted doprinos. to add his own contributions. Za razliku od autora karata s prikazima otoka In contrast to the cartographers whose island koje su objavljivane u izolarima, a koji su geografski maps were published in isolarios, and whose geo- sadržaj umnogome prilagodili potrebama pomoraca graphic content was to a great extent adapted to the i putnika koji se nisu dulje zadržavali na hrvatskim needs of sailors and travellers passing through the otocima pa su im najvažniji bili oni prostorni objek- area, and who were most interested in spatial fea- ti koji se nalaze neposredno uz obalnu crtu (uvale, tures close to the shore (bays, capes and settlements), rtovi i naselja), Thevet je prostornu stvarnost nasto- Thevet attempted to observe spatial reality in a more jao promatrati i prikazati ju holistički, ali su mu za holistic way, though he lacked the relevant data to čvrstu cjelinu nedostajali mnogi relevantni podatci. do so consistently. Nonetheless, the data which he Ipak, oni podatci koje je uspio prikupiti omogućili managed to collect allowed a completely new view su sasvim nov pogled na hrvatski otočni prostor ka- of the Croatian island area, which was only later re- kav je izmijenjen tek s detaljnijim topografsko-ka- placed by detailed topographic-cadastral depictions tastarskim prikazima koji su u lokalnim i mletačkim produced from the 17th century onwards in local and mjerničkim uredima, a ujedno i kartografskim ra- Venetian surveyors’ offices. The spirit of the natural dionicama izrađivani od 17. stoljeća. Prirodoslovni science which informed this French adventurer and duh toga francuskog pustolova i kozmografa nije cosmographer was unable to overlook important mogao zanemariti važne informacije o otočnom information about the island landscape (from the krajoliku (od „sterilnog” kamenjara na Pagu do in- “sterile” rocks of Pag to the intensive agrarian val- tenzivno agrarno vrednovanih predjela na Korčuli) orised areas of Korčula), or certain agricultural crops pa i o pojedinim poljodjelskim kulturama (pšenica (wheat on Krk, oranges on Pag), and animal species na Krku, naranče na Pagu) i životinjskim vrstama (sparrow-hawks on Brač). On all his maps, Thevet (kobac na Braču). Na svim kartama Thevet je ucr- drew various boats and ships. These drawings may tao mnogo različitih brodova i brodica. Ti su crteži have been for aesthetic reasons, but they also indi- možda imali estetsku funkciju, ali istodobno su upu- cated the intensity of maritime activity (particularly ćivali na intenzivne pomorske aktivnosti (posebno fishing and shipbuilding) along the eastern Adriatic ribarstvo i brodarstvo) duž istočne obale Jadrana. coast. Thevet je uVelikom izolaru i peljaru nastojao In Le Grand Insulaire et Pilotage, Thevet attempt- predstaviti golem korpus geografskih spoznaja o ed to present a huge corpus of geographic knowl- svim najvažnijim svjetskim otocima, pa tako i onim edge about all the most important islands in the hrvatskim. Zbog činjenice da to svoje djelo nije world, not just Croatian islands. Since he never uspio objaviti ono nije imalo odjek koji je, unatoč managed to publish the manuscript, it did not elicit očiglednim kvantitativim i kvalitativnim greškama, the response which it might have had, in spite of its

77 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK potencijalno moglo ostvariti. Zbog toga što je to obvious quantitative and qualitative errors. Due to 82/2, 39−79 (2020.) Thevetovo djelo u desetljećima koja su uslijedila na- the fact that it remained unknown for decades after kon njegova priređivanja bilo nepoznato, gotovo ci- its compilation, the Venetian geographic perception jelo jedno stoljeće u zapadnoeuropskoj akademskoj would persist for another century as the picture i pomorskoj javnosti ostala je „zamrznuta” mletačka that the Western European academic and maritime geografska percepcija hrvatske obale i otoka koja se public had of the Croatian coast and islands. It re- od Camocia i Rosaccia nije bitnije mijenjala sve do mained unchanged from the time of Camocio and Coronellijeva kartografskoga opusa koji je nastao Rosaccio right up to Coronelli’s cartographic opus na prijelazu 17. u 18. stoljeće. at the turn of the 18th century.

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Autori Josip Faričić [email protected] prof. dr. sc., Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za geografiju, Ulica Franje Tuđmana 24 i, Authors 23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska

Tome Marelić [email protected] mag. geogr., Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za geografiju, Ulica Franje Tuđmana 24 i, 23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska

Patrick Levačić [email protected] doc. dr. sc., Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za francuske i frankofonske studije, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV. 2, 23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska

Đurđa Šinko-Depierris [email protected] izv. prof. dr. sc., Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za francuske i frankofonske studije, Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV. 2, 23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska