June 13, 1989 HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, June 13, 1989 the House Met at 12 Noon

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June 13, 1989 HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, June 13, 1989 the House Met at 12 Noon 11552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 13, 1989 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, June 13, 1989 The House met at 12 noon. membrance for Those Who Served in the S.J. Res. 151. Joint resolution to honor The Chaplain, Rev. James David Korean War"; the U.S. Customs Service on the 200th anni­ Ford, D.D., offered the following S.J. Res. 95. Joint resolution to designate versary of its establishment; prayer: the week of September 10, 1989, through S. Con. Res. 39. Concurrent resolution to May our hearts, 0 gracious God, be September 16, 1989, as "National Check-Up commend the group of aviators known as Week"; the "Flying Tigers" for nearly 50 years of open to Your renewing spirit so that S.J. Res. 96. Joint resolution designating service to the United States; and our eyes can see the opportunities for July 2, 1989, as "National Literacy Day"; S. Con. Res. 40. Concurrent resolution to life and love and service that are all S.J. Res. 105. Joint resolution to designate designate June 21, 1989, as Chaney, Good­ about us. May not the attention that October 7 through October 14, 1989, as "Na­ man, and Schwerner Day. we give to that which is immediate tional Week of Outreach to the Rural Dis­ and necessary, keep us from lifting our abled"; hearts, our minds, and our souls to ex­ S.J. Res. 108. Joint resolution designating SUPPORTING MOVE FOR perience the boundless riches of Your October 3, 1989, as " National Teacher Ap­ DEMOCRACY IN CHINA preciation Day"; grace and to share with others the <Mr. MAZZOLI asked and was given goodness of all Your gifts. This we S.J. Res. 109. Joint resolution to designate the period commencing September 11, 1989, permission to address the House for 1 pray. Amen. and ending on September 15, 1989, as "Na­ minute and to revise and extend his tional Historically Black Colleges Week"; remarks.) THE JOURNAL S.J. Res. 110. Joint resolution designating Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, this October 5, 1989, as "Raoul Wallenberg The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ summer it is my pleasure to have as an Day"; intern in my office Braxston Banks, a amined the Journal of the last day's S.J. Res. 117. Joint resolution to designate proceedings and announces to the the week of November 19, 1989, through No­ student at the University of Notre House his approval thereof. vember 25, 1989, and the week of November Dame. Last summer Braxston traveled Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the 18, 1990, through November 24, 1990, as to China and spent 3 weeks there and, Journal stands approved. "National Family Week"; therefore, when the events occurred S.J. Res. 118. Joint resolution designating recently in Tiananmen Square and October 6, 1989, as "German-American throughout Beijing, Braxston was able PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Day"; to put these things into better per­ The SPEAKER. The Chair will ask S.J. Res. 120. Joint resolution to designate spective and to help me to frame my the period commencing November 12, 1989, own thoughts on this issue. the gentleman from Kansas [Mr. and ending November 18, 1989, as " Geogra­ GLICKMAN] to lead the House in the phy Awareness Week"; I think what we have before us Pledge of Allegiance. S.J. Res. 122. Joint resolution to designate today, Mr. Speaker, in the People's Mr. GLICKMAN led the Pledge of October 1989 and 1990 as "National Down Republic of China is a crisis, a situa­ Allegiance as follows: Syndrome Month"; tion crying for resolution, a country I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the S.J. Res. 124. Joint resolution to designate and a people possibly ready to ex­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ October as "National Quality Month"; plode. lic for which it stands, one nation under S.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution commemo­ The Chinese students in my home God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for rating the bicentennial of the U.S. Coast town of Louisville who attend the Uni­ all. Guard; versity of Louisville and other schools S.J. Res. 130. Joint resolution designating February 11 through February 17, 1990, as are joining in solidarity with their MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE "Vocational-Technical Education Week"; friends and the students in China, and I join them in that same solidarity. We A message from the Senate by Mr. S.J. Res. 133. Joint resolution designating October 1989 as "National Domestic Vio­ must make it clear, Mr. Speaker, to Hallen, one of its clerks, announced lence Awareness Month"; the Chinese authorities that their con­ that the Senate had passed joint reso­ S.J. Res. 136. Joint resolution designating duct is not acceptable among civilized lutions and concurrent resolutions of August 8, 1989, as "National Neighborhood nations of the world and that stern the following titles, in which the con­ Crime Watch Day"; sanctions must be invoked by the free currence of the House is requested: S.J. Res. 137. Joint resolution designating peoples of the world if they do not im­ S.J. Res. 55. Joint resolution to designate January 7, 1990, through January 13, 1990, prove the conditions for their people the week of October 1, 1989, through Octo­ as "National Law Enforcement Training in China seeking demoracy and seek­ ber 7, 1989, as "Mental Illness Awareness Week"; Week"; S.J. Res. 138. Joint resolution designating ing freedom. S.J. Res. 67. Joint resolution to commemo­ October 16, 1989, and October 16, 1990, as rate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the "World Food Day"; Wilderness Act of 1964 which established S.J. Res. 142. Joint resolution designating the National Wilderness Preservation the week beginning July 23, 1989, as "Lyme NO DEALS FOR RELEASE OF MR. System; Disease Awareness Week"; FANG AND MISS LI S.J. Res. 73. Joint resolution to designate S.J. Res. 143. Joint resolution to designate the week beginning October 29, 1989, as the week of December 10, 1989, through De­ <Mr. BROOMFIELD asked and was "Gaucher's Disease Awareness Week"; cember 16, 1989, as "National Drunk and given permission to address the House S.J. Res. 76. Joint resolution to designate Drugged Driving Awareness Week"; for 1 minute and to revise and extend the period commencing on June 21, 1989, S.J. Res. 146. Joint resolution designating his remarks.) and ending on June 28, 1989, as "Food Sci­ the week of September 24, 1989, as "Reli­ Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, ence and Technology Week"; gious Freedom Week"; today I read a disturbing newspaper S.J. Res. 78. Joint resolution to designate S.J. Res. 148. Joint resolution to designate report suggesting that the two outspo­ the month of November 1989 and 1990 as the week of October 8, 1989, through Octo­ "National Hospice Month"; ber 14, 1989, as "National Job Skills Week"; ken Chinese dissidents being harbored S.J. Res. 85. Joint resolution to designate S.J. Res. 150. Joint resolution to designate in the American Embassy in Beijing the week of July 24 to July 30, 1989, as the August 1, 1989, as "Helsinki Human Rights may not be as secure in our Embassy "National Week of Recognition and Re- Day"; as they thought they might be. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 13, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 11553 A headline in today's New York season with a stress fracture in his While none of us enjoys dealing with Times reads: "Washington wants vow shin. Although his leg finally gave out severe disasters, I am sure we can all that couple living in Embassy will not and broke playing against Texas, he agree that General Becton has made be harmed." That headline tells me symbolized the guts and the can-do such emergencies more manageable. that the American people are being spirit of the Shockers and made every­ His leadership, experience, and prepared for some kind of deal with one believe the dream was attainable. combat-proven abilities under pressure the Chinese Government. But baseball is a team sport, and made his stewardship at FEMA im­ The Chinese leaders can make all credit must go to everyone associated pressive. Regrettably, virtually all the vows they want, but they will with this team that made this champi­ members of the California delegation never convince me that they will treat onship happen. From the assistant have had more than one occasion to Mr. Fang and Miss Li any differently coaches and trainers to every single appreciate General Beeton's efficiency than the protesters they have arrested player, who in their own way contrib­ during his tenure. Under his com­ in the days since the Tiananmen uted during the entire season, reach­ mand, FEMA's 2,400 employees pro­ Square massacre. ing this pinnacle would not have been vided rapid, effective response and The students look to the United possible without a complete team relief to disasters, be they natural or States as a model for human rights. effort. Listed below is a roster of the man-made. During his tenure, FEMA Let's not disappoint them by entering players and coaches. Even the sports has mitigated 73 disasters and emer­ into some cynical arrangement for the department and the faculty of the uni­ gencies of sufficient severity to be de­ release of Mr. Fang and Miss Li. Secre­ versity share in this victory, for it is clared eligible by the President for tary Baker should tell the Chinese: these leaders who teach the players Federal assistance.
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