PROF BEN SIHANYA, JSD (STANFORD) CURRICULUM VITAE, 1/3/2021, Monday © Prof Ben Sihanya, JSD & JSM (Stanford), LLM (Warwick), LLB (Nairobi), PGD Law (KSL) IP and Constitutional Professor, Public Interest Advocate and Mentor Constitutional Democracy, ©, TM, IP, Education Law, Public Interest Lawyering Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Patent Agent, Author, Public Intellectual & Poet University of Nairobi Law School & Prof Ben Sihanya Advocates & Sihanya Mentoring & Innovative Lawyering Author: IP and Innovation Law in Kenya and Africa: Transferring Technology for Sustainable Development (2016; 2020); IP and Innovation Law in Kenya and Africa: Cases and Materials (forthcoming 2021); Constitutional Democracy, Regulatory and Administrative Law in Kenya and Africa Vols. 1, 2 & 3 (due 2021)
[email protected];
[email protected]; url:; Nairobi; Revised 3/2/2021; 12/2/2021; 1/3/2021 1 PROF BEN SIHANYA, JSD (STANFORD) CURRICULUM VITAE 1989 to Monday, March 1, 2021 Prof Ben Sihanya, JSD & JSM (Stanford), LLM (Warwick), LLB (Nairobi), PGD Law (KSL) IP and Constitutional Professor, Public Interest Advocate and Mentor Constitutional Democracy, ©, TM, IP, Education Law, Public Interest Lawyering Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Patent Agent, Author, Public Intellectual & Poet University of Nairobi Law School & Prof Ben Sihanya Advocates & Sihanya Mentoring & Innovative Lawyering Author: IP and Innovation Law in Kenya and Africa: Transferring Technology for Sustainable