Dr BEN SIHANYA, JSD (Stanford) Teacher, Author, Advocate, Patent (IP) Attorney, CPS (K), and Consultant Dean Law, University of Nairobi Law School
Dr BEN SIHANYA, JSD (Stanford) Teacher, Author, Advocate, Patent (IP) Attorney, CPS (K), and Consultant Dean Law, University of Nairobi Law School Curriculum Vitae, 1989 – Monday, November 23, 2009 Research Interests Intellectual Property, Constitutionalism, ICT Law, and Education Law for Sustainable Development Perspective Appropriate competencies (skills, knowledge, attitudes and v alues (SKAV)), innovation, and constitutional governance are critical parameters for Kenya ’s and Africa’s sustainable socio-economic and political development Dr BEN SIHANYA, JSD (Stanford) Teacher, Author, Advocate, Patent (IP) Attorney, CPS (K), and Consultant Dean Law, University of Nairobi Law School Curriculum Vitae, 1989 – Monday, November 23, 2009. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Personal Details; Permanent Address; Website B. Education C. Relevant Training D. Teaching and Research Interests E. Supervision of Research F. School Administration and University Governance G. Achievements as Dean Law H. Publications (i) Articles in refereed journals (ii) Articles in refereed magazines, newsletters (iii) Book chapters (iv) Books edited (v) Books and monographs (vi) Book reviews (vii) Selected papers and reports I. Discussion papers, conference papers and related researches J. Lawyering and Advocacy K. Honours and Awards L. Academic Presentations and Professional Training Conducted M. Government of Kenya: Legal Consultant (1989-) (See also N below) N. International, Inter-Governmental, Corporate and other Consultancies (Consultancies include some items under H, I, J, L, M, P and U) 2 O. Work in Progress: Professorial Research Agenda, 2006-2012 P. Public Interest Lawyering Q. Media Appearances R. Computer and Internet Skills S. Language Proficiency (spoken and written) T. Fellowships and Memberships U. Taught, Researched, Presented and Studied in at least 18 countries V.
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