Keep open during public events in Green - Petition dealt with – Action agreed etc – Instruction to Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability.

2 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council advising of a petition on behalf of individuals, containing 105 verified signatures submitted by Bob Downie, Principal Petitioner, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, which highlighted the petitioners’ concerns and the outcomes sought by them in relation to their petition, together with comments and proposals from the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding the issues raised in the petition, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.

The committee heard Bob Downie, Principal Petitioner, Tricia Fort, GoBike and Jim Densham, Cycling UK , in support of the petition, which stated the petitioners’ views and the aim of the petition calling for a presumption that the National Cycle Route 75 be kept open during public events held in Glasgow and which highlighted the action taken by them to date in this regard.

After consideration, the committee

(1) agreed that the issues raised in the petition deserved further attention; and

(2) instructed the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

(a) to implement his proposals

(i) to develop more robust, clear and visible signage directing cyclists and walkers to the alternative route when temporary closures of the National Cycle Route 75 were required;

(ii) to install early warning signs advising of up-coming events;

(iii) to arrange that the alternative route via the South embankment of the River Clyde be reviewed and improvements made to the surface and signage to further enhance the diversion; and

(iv) to ensure that officers engaged directly with affected groups; and

(b) to consider opportunities to consult alongside the major review of events in public parks.