MARKETS WEATHER 1 May wheat 163 /, Hlon ~."... .'.'..' 37 May oatj 6Bi/B Low 13 Moy flax 182l/2 Forecast; Fair VOLUME VIII. LETHBRIDGE. ALBERXA, SATURDAY, MARCH 1,'J, 1915 BY NUMJ5EmmU 78 Big Battles Developing on Both Fronts SMYRNA NOW BEING BOMBARDED British Auxiliary Cruiser "Bayano" Tor- ' --Labassee Victory is Most Impor- pedoed, 200 Lost—Eight Dardan- tant Since the Ypres Fight elles Forts to Silence Yet 1Y LOSI IN 1 SHUFFLE

London, March 13.—The Admlr alty announces that the British aux- iitary cruiser, Bayano. has been sun k by a German submarine off the coast of Wigtown, southern Scotia nd. Two hundred lives probably loit. Through Dardanelles bv Eaatcr within it, forliilglit. Jf tlie Jam] forces j Paris, March 1^, 4.55 a.iii.—Vlec-Ad- ccj-operaUus will) Lliem also can con- UATTLR removed when Uclgrade was bom- { mi nil Uardcn, commanding the Bri- linue their advance." London, March 13.—In the cusL, Lhc barded, is .said to be overcrowded j Hah fleet operating against the Dnr- Dresden At It Again , ihinelles, h;is cxiiressed tile oniillon hat Me of rr/nsjiysz, now in its ttpcu- with the su-k and the dying. Kvcuy- 1 Valparaiso, March 111.—The crew oJ mg singes, and in Lhc west, the oper- wlu;rc liospiLal cunditious are pitcou.s- I ihat.ihe Allies wii ; bo able to liamiuer j i.b(ilr way through the Slrallg before the nrftiBh barque Couway Caatle, ations around Labassce, where the ly iiiudcqualp and I lie country Ftices sunk by Llie German cruiser Dresden Germans arc massing troops in an fievar?r.alifin K-nrs« Ihan flte \c;ir- I l^HHLcr, according to an Athens dis- liatcb lo Ihc Journal. ( off Corral, a season of Chile, on liec endeavor to regain the ground recent- GliX. KUENC11 REPORTS AD- way lo Livernoo'i with a cargo o£ bar- ly taken by Uritish and India con- VANCE Mine Sweepers Busy . ley, \vas unloaded hero today by thy Paris, March i:j, f.,30 a.m.—The liugciils, arc expected lo develop in- London, ^larch 13, l:ir. p. m.—Gen. Peruvian shin Larton. The Cojiivaj' to an event of military importance y bombardment of ihc Daruaneiies was Sir John Krench, commandcr-in-chicf resumed yesterday (Friday) morning rustle. :i shin of 1591 tons, left New- during ilic corning ircoli. castle. New South Wales, September of the Uriu'sh forces on tlie front, by French and JJritisli L)attJeslii[)K, , .LABASSEE VICTORY IMPORT- sent the following : 1L, for Valparaiso, where she arrived ANT suya ii disuatch to the Matin from "A little fiirtJicc progress' was made Athens. SuvenLv small mine sweepers ! November 28. Her movements after Untish military wriUrs agree un- thyt date are not recorded In the map animously that Lhc rcccnli fighLmg by the seventh division in the direc- are repcrtcd to he contluning their tion of Aubers. The . fight inR has itinie records. ' iicai Labassce was the most import- filforts Lo clear the inlne fields, under i TliiB Is the first recorded exploit ant in which DriLish forces have been been very severe ns the enemy was the direclion of officers representing I strongly reinforced by -at IcasL two of the Dresden since slie cacaped cler engaged since Ypres. the British and French navies. | atructiou at the hands o£ Sturdee's WHKnE -^IlE SI5RBS7 divisions. Wcv caplurcd C13 prisoners, In Marmora in Two Wecki f however, and I hear there are more squadron in the battle off the Talk- There was considerable, speculation ".The Allied i'leets," says the Matin, lands. in England as lo what has happened lo come in. "stili have eight or ten forte and a "Our air crafts have been very ac- certalii number of coast batierles to British Wait for Eitel to the-Serbian army concerning which Norfolk,' Va. March 13.—The Cnpa. nothing lias been heard in weeks tive and the railroad junctions ut The most Important city in Asia Minor, whose -forts iire under bombardm ent hy Admiral Pierse's Inolan squ reduce, but it Is the general opinion r IJon and Douai have been destroyed.1' ron. Yesterday he nave the. city twenty-four Jiouri to surrender , under th •eat of bombardment. they will enter Lhc Sea of Marmora Henry marine observer reported today, SERVIA ONE UIG HOSPITAL I lhat ;i three-slack cruiser, nationality Tho lust ofiicial announcements from ] unknown, had lain about twelve miles ]SfisJt iverfl issued some time ago, and off shore from yesterday afternoon un- it is not known what, ii any. opera- til 6.30 this morning, when she depart- tions Hie Servian army is engaged in. NELSON SPENCER HAS GENERAL OTTER WAS ed. ' Disease is rampant throughout Ser- Residents ol Virginia. Beach saw two via, nccording to special news des- cruisers, supposed to be British, ofC patches,, one or which described this HEAVY SLEDDING-HE PLEASED WITH FINE that port laet night using their search j.tatc ot affairs as lar worse than (lie llehta. first-Austrian invasion. The city ot Bayano New Boat Nlsh, where the Serbian capital was TALKED AGAINST TIME SHOWING OF BATTERY •London, March 13.—The Bayano was a comparatively new steamer. Sb'e was built in Glasgow In 1913, and vaa Edmonton, Alta.,"Marcb 12.— (Spe- .Mr. Spencer asked when,, witl 3fr. The sound of bugles on the fog-laden ter Hbe inspection, the troops paraded owned by Elder & FyJfea before she cial.)—Th e debate, didn't end today' Tobin replied, "litarly in January." ilmospbere" in the vicinHy of the bar- to the stables, the lons-llue-of-Bteam- taken over by the British ^oY.arji-' Mr. Spencer; "Thai, I think, was too was AMBULANCE It WIB spjieduled to end, iju't .T little racks grounds this morning, announc- ing horses and frost-covered 12-pound-. ment and fitted out as an 'auxiliary-' early, as it had not then been decided- ers stretching out (ronrthe njaiirgate crm'Ecr. fiame o'r Nelson Spencer's 'was foiled to . extend relief outside the drouth ed the arrival of General Sir William almost to tlie exhibition.'.buildings. ASSOCIATION Tlie. Medicine Hal- man was- to fire the areas."" , - __^ \^\- Otter, chief internment officer for the Weather Hampers-Operations Premier SifLon- "Mr. Spealccr, \Ve gun. for opposition, and Ge" o ."Dominion, and Colonel Gruikhanks, of- GOOD WORK a do not advertise as mu'cli a'S some gen^ m P. 'fltaJLh-TTDB-io cioJseX e debate llemen, but I may explain that: «bqiit; Itcar commanding" "SMlLtary District Spfencer started "at about four> o'- shin December 5, jn Winnipeg, I. with H^n. No. 1-3. ' • ... l Ottawa, March 13. — Tlfe annual cloelr, and having travelled all over Wnlte.r Scott, inet Hon.. Robert Rogers: Immedately following the Wast, the Glistening field pieces. The : parade uesday and - Thursday. ' The allies, was conducted b;f Captain Rinley.. ami however do not claim that any meeting of the Canadian branch of creation and back again, sat down at and decided on the agreement specific attitude of the ^Ota/Battery of the 2nd St. J elm's Ambulance association, cally as outlined in the bill before tlie Contingent, C.E.F., changed from one LiGius. Mewbnrn and McLellantl.- iinnr(, important forts- have been re- was held hare yesterday and reports ten minutes to six \vith the state- : Sir William tcld the Herald that It duced. Much depends on the weather House-." . - -: oE ease to "Attention, heads, left!" the ol great progress during the year ment: "I am sori-y I spoke so -long; command cnming from Major Stewart, •was one of thrj most inspiring sights and the bomhiirrlmcnts of this "week" the member for CamroBe has ten min- This was a solar plexus, for Mr.- wero-presented. H. R, H. tlie Duke ot Spencer, who said if the statement officer commanding. The Battery, lie has seen, in his Lru across Canada, have been hampered by unfavorable- Connaught, who is Grand Prior of utes, and we could listen lor a few 'which was fiilh- inounled. booted and Tlie men were wall disciplined, active, weather conditions mi mi tea over time." was made specific, he would 'wire Dr. ithe Order oi St. John, attended and Ilocbc-at once and demand that he lege, Cal- spurred, \viLh guns, carriages and and well acquainted with their posi Plans are going on, however, for ex- congratulated the members on thfl Apparently .Mr. Spencer talked ag- mounted officers' and hon coins, \vao tier.;;, ~l".i1c Lhc liorsea ivere of an un- tensive land operations when the ainst time to shut oft the eloquent carry out the agreement, gary;-who .will preach the first anni- excellent work accomplished in the (Continued on Pape 5). .yp.raary sermons or the new Wesley fined up in'front of .the main exhibi- nally high calibre," well 'groomed'.and lime comes and France is today con- various provinces and" on the Cana- i member for Camroae, but he didn't tion building, for the" Inspection of the tamed down to their tasks. centrating forces in North Africa for church tomorrow. Dr. Iverby was pas this lir ilian Pacific, Grand Trunk, Intcrcol- "icceed. Mr. Smith will speak — ,(or of Central church, Calgary, for General and CoSonel Cruiltshanks, Af- After the inspection of tlie battery, P P.osc. A part of the land ex- onia] and Prince Edward Island rail- Mouday, and rumor has it that-he-will Genera Otter visited the Internment "edition :is already on its way. ways. • unload some mlgbty Interesting "re- eight years-, and preached the openini sermons" in the old Wesley church ii comp, where over one hundred Ger. Belated dis|iatches iron]' Constan-1 The sec;i*iry .-,.„ Lethbridge. maii, Austrian and -Turlcfah'.prlsonerfi tinople coiiLinuc to get through to 25:000 men and women in Canada had j C'anipueM of Ponoka has apoken orleE- o[ war are incarcerated. He was well London They all assert that the al- itaken advantage of the opportunities piea7eY'wlir'ihV'qmTterTYmi''w7tii' "='1 fleet had not up to-last Sunday oflered in the course of first aid tto Spencar'Cornered the manner in which the affairs or the liunc an-r Sreat (laniage l° tlte.ri.rif- 1ha injured. The ^election of officcis Nelson Spencer followed InIn. the lirison have been, conducted: .Colonel ish Torts The fire oi the ships 'was, icsulted as ..follow s . ivake of Mr. hurling.stat- CruIkElmnkG also ei-Dressed .Ills at-, described as scattered and ineffective, PresidcuL, Sir Louis Uavics, Otta- istics to allow that there iras more istaction with the' batter* and thai 'Hie '"test, °f these messages' refer wa , vice-preBirients7 Col. James Ma- ifroductton in Saskatchewan than in quarters to the. Herald; "We are all Delusively to the bombardment' of son, Toronto, !Major F. C. MacTav- , for which he blamed Mr. Mar- proud of the Lethbridge: battery," he last Sunday, Aiarcb 1, the British" ish, M.-D., , A. JI. Nantou, shall. said. - ' '•- .. .- and French official versions of which Winnipeg, tt.-Col. Fl. I.B. Vates, 'Mr. Turgeoo asked if it were not Will Consider Means to Gray were published last Tuesday. ;' Montreal ; honorary secretary; Fred true that the Saskatchewan, opposition Dave Logan of .Princess Pats General Otter was'entertained by •" Cook, Ottawa. always pointed to Alberta as a model. come Criticism of Sett.eis ll'ayor Hardie and Co in mission ers Mr. Spencer replied tbat "was be- Grace and Ileid while In the city; the in the Foothills . First Man From Pass City £ cauae they had heard of the demon- In Use as Troopship—Helped programme including a ..tmir' of. the stration farms. He painted the ailua- to Lose Life city in Chief Hardy's red go-cart. THAW Makers of Punk tlon as awful around : , to Transport Canada's The General Jeft'asain today tor Re- wives and children • starving on .home- Southern Alberta Wool Growers glna, 'where he will visits the head- Boots Will Have steads and farmers tlJ -broke. . They will meet in annual convention here .. .Fast Contingent Fe'rnic, March 12".—(Special). — A quarters of the R.NAV.M.P.. .He, will are mating gophers to keep alive. He on March Jflth. This is one of .the telegram was received here today, an- then go to Brandon, where another de- FREED charged Hon. Mr. .Mitchell -with not most, important conventions _held ah- louhcing- the death at the front oE. tention camp is located. The General dolng anything, that if people were mially in Lethbridge. : To be Good Now .-, Bordeaux, March 13.- The Canadian Private Dave Logan, late of the pro- nformed tlie Herald reporter that the not contented they could leave the, Among the matters to be discussed 'acific. vincial police here.- total prlsoners-of-war now interned in counlry 'will be the objections raised by .a . Mr. Logan was well known here and Canada number rover, two- thousand, . Ottawa, March 13.—Land sharks southern deputation in Edmonton ashore on Portugal bank near Mbura, •ml subdivision artists .will hereaftet operate at the'peril of tlie criminal code it'tr. 13.. ilcHaney's hill, favor- ably reported by the'special coinmit- i*e pt the hovise, goes on the statute Iwpks us now sccnis probable. What its flJOJCf] at particularly js the real estatP Operator ivjio gets an option «n l»n.t!, proceeds to suhdivide and tfcH .it and docs not apply the pro- i to securing a proper title. An.- atetaportan famcndmcnl , to, the -—~ ^,^ I not toihle to take the sheep by rail", "ritisl1 government for use as a troop ifl presented by J. H. Sinclair's ; 1 she sc(l fo Slap at M.P. Inspector- i'- as- LthI e „grazin g_ aroun.. d was 25 mileji 5 "?- ™ " transport Reports are current-that the second bill, It "applies to'any" person who .folm Gardiner, a Medicine Hat fanii-' from the railway. It will he : first New York, N. Y., March 13— Har- _..,,, rraudiilcnt or defective goods and Statement on well In l-r2, in-'the Lethbrldge. oil er, needed relieflnst.August, and .vent nered (hat iiiiicli interest ivas taken field has alreadyibeen apuddefl in by ry K. Thaw was acquitted tod'tY? (if. of urtll'lts Vo the militia or naval "* 2?Y ", ? Mr..iritcl,ell-/aid that wa. a 'new ' I»t«ior asking that action be-defer- K»^ P»=?«'™ "'A nca ior of- Soaur, on the occaslon'of bis Inat yisit • -l-nire- KoSet Thompson, Richard '..I. phase of the police to Him. -He inqulr- «ii until after the meeting of the f=ns"c '1°-c"ll:nts agll"lst "1C G"' 1 lul lt stated that his second we'U'wbuld like- Butter, liugenc Dulfey and fnprnas- cd it Mr. Spencer had; asked, the in- Wool Growers' Association on March'"" " "> " " Ottawa. -March 13. — In the Com- ly be started wHliin."n" few weeks. The! lf'o automni plied that he had not, ' sent ulhns to overcome the objections ' 117-,. rin cd the 'Minister of the Interior for a stated lhat It would .be In the northern bile from Mattewan to Canada like- On the seed grBln riuestion, any de. made hy the settlers in ll-illing the LOl/Mf VV lite wVffO statement of the policy 'of his depart- vere acquitted. for McMillan, flclenciea on the part- - ..of. .th-•e Domin- -••— -'irougIhro h the country. Mr. Crest •V'MM* rrint unit ment' in supplying fodder for stock, ion government was 'due to' inactivity lie had a number oi complaints that i Activity hi the south held IB general, }^! deliberated :all m| CP.R.Telegraphs or Alberta mlnlBtorB.-accordng to the .»ie Jteparlmcnt of llio Inlcrior .4 Made Peace With fodder-iv-as not being very generously !nu»J>MdEt> *h»f« he J"is ac- sraln, Mr, Spencer rtnllea sy. «ililnj( uonh In i train from _ Count anil appointed pre- and' ambulance work In Tuber' vinder former manager, retiring. -Sir Joh'bn . as' Tha"• "w' was brough" t h«' f (JiB,l noeitipn. .Us what Mr. Tobln did nbtrat II, and tho Ormonde,, Thr-y w«r« flyc ,:tb . ..j the new ministry but iclir- Ch'fef FauldB were successful in onsa- Wlllteon remains., edior-in-chief,editor-in-chief,: aanmd i conspiracy cliargcaarjr and loiud lot (Ml- ' -WAS at .one l)$£ n member of the mombcr for Lodiic rcpllQd that. he «(1- ruch Pocintlno Hllli l»l« this ti In" iron Mil held no Important nott ing thefr eitmlnntlonu thla week.— (he conservative policy ol tlie paper M.y he should be returned to the .School Itwr* ot t«*t town. vlleil thvui (o ninil)- (o Btuce Walknr, noon. ' '• ' Uiat. Tuber'Times. -^ninlns unchanged. - ' '.~. . ' lo! New .Hampihpihiri r a* a saM £h