Greater Telephone a Protectionist Measure
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PAGE FOUR THE T.KTHBRT1X3E DAH.T HRRALD MONDAY If A V m 1091 f car. 1m the accident* and fatalitiea I Procwxlm rmuns if Mr. Mahare i arrived fat Canaansay im * start vtot A fcwr 4 dy* a» • I which are Ifkely to result from such desertasV the; Progressives It to her SBter, Mn. R. M. OWroyd rsd a* otttr from TH« uaTHSmiOOE HCNALD , negligence. mean the end of that party: T. S. Collins, former mayor ot Car- • Brttlsk ahlMtac ft™ for a consign. PHINTINO COMPANY, LIMITID manfay, has return** trow Vancou PICKED UP It Is surprising th»t Individual! do would all follow him. •wit ot dlshwuhtrs to be used os M S* Strwt t«m, LMUBfiy. Albwtt Do You Know? Dr. Cowan said it was untrue tha ver to look after his butne*s Inter- TnasvAtlaatte boat*. not tale warning from what mar be Canada lad forced Belgium Into Uk ests h*r*. W. A. BUCHANAN •aid to I* an ererjr-day story of the Ing most ot the Canadian credit ex Rev. Mr. Pike of Barons preached Iff PASSING 1 rnstont u>4 Huuinc Dine** TODAY'S QUESTIONS farmers' tons nnder is ', JOHN TOBHANCB fatal consequences that ensue from tended to her in manufactured goods at the United charci in Csmangty mr» o( ace, IB sight townships ot 1. How many acres are under gov- on Sunday morning. WOK rmm • G-BT HAN the bablt ot leaving loaded weapons It was Impossible to force Belgium th« Coitrty ol Wellington a™ at the ernment irrigation in India? The facts spoke for themselves. His Jas. Mewhort was a visitor to Cal prusnt tin* training for tha Inter. about. There Is need ot a salutary 2. What has been the experience of contentions had been that the tariff gary on Sunday and Monday. Jitney service has bum itarteii !a Township, stock Judciag Corniest. lesson to emphasise the enormity this Irrigation? was responsible for the great increase Rev. and Mn. Cleg* left on Monday Port Hope. 5. For how long and how M the In prices. for Edmonton where they will spend a thoughtlessness which seems a hab French President elected? the vacation granted them from the South Brace Rural Telephone Mr AoiBl Buna* el clrculatw with many, and it Is time that the la Cast of Binder* Chinese of Chatham have opwied Company has received 4.. How did 'Alsace and Lorraine Dr. Cowan laid there was an In United church. a sew dab. notification •ubtcriotlM IUIH: It amended to recognize this. originally C-OPJ? into possession ot crease of 126 per cent, this season In from the raUwar board to the effects tatittti, ft WHS ,.l France that not more than 20 subscribers arc IT mall, P*r rtar I the price of binders and that Maharg Mr. and Mrs. V. Loosing, at Han- to be allowed on a party line. br mil) tat t reontM < a. What are the extent and popula- wouIU b!-"n« the tariff. In Australia, over, celebrated their diamond wed t>r mall < mrattu : THE ENTERPRISE OP tion of the Colonial possessions lost however, the price, of binders were ding. THE EDMONTON JOURNAL by Germany through the war? £32 last year and this year nip. pries Montreal liquor dealers applied td 6. For how long was the present Hon. R. W. Wlgmore, minister of cus- Th« new and palatial home ot th was £1M>—an increase ot 275 per Judft Klein on April 1st com Tlit South." German President elected? cent. In Australia there was no tar (Continued from Front Page) pleted 28 years on the judicial beach toms, for a permit to open bonded) Edmonton Journal is not only a tribut Iff on binders so that the tariff had of Bruce County. warehouses In .St. John, N. B. Tha to Individual • journalistic cnterprls SATURDAY'S QUESTIONS certainly nothing to do with It. Inspector Biggs, were shot dead from minister refined permission and or« 1. What Is Ihe Ihram? In the United States where the ambush Saturday night by civilians, A bud circuit has been organized an appeal from bis decision to the THE CANDIDATURE OP but is also one of the landmark; 2. When was tho title of "King ot cabtnitt, his ruling In the matter wai COLONEL NELSON SPENCER the progress which the West has ad tariff was higher than In Canada, in- while motoring from Killosully to by Guelph, Waterloo, Preston, Kit France" abandoned by the sovereigns ternal trade competition had develop- Newport, county Killarney. Nine pol- chener and Gall. upheld. vanced In, and with it the city of Ed of England? ed to such an'extent that prices were icemen ,two soldiers and several other la the selection ot Lt.-Cofontl Nel- 3. By whom was the title first (on Spencer, the ToriM ot Medicine monton. A daily newspaper is the mi: kept to a high level. persons were killed Saturday and to- A rat gnawing her fingers waken Corporal Henry JTanclj Hays oB adopted? Case of Binder Twins day in attacks and counter-attacks. ed Mrs. Lyman of Belleville, while .he Royal Canadian Mounted Pollca Hat have, without doubt, chosen the ror of the community in which it i 4. What was the Ku-Klui-Klan? published in the social, economic, an As further evid^ce that the tariff for general and organiaed violence she was taking a nap. at Vancouver, was found dead at the strongest local candidate possible. If 5. What is the Latin Church? was not the cause of high prices, Dr. Saturday and today probably were the Sha«ghnessy Heights barracks Satur- intellectual development it has made m Conservative victory IE to be gained 6. Who were the Milesians? Cowan cited the evidence ot J. Moffatt, worst sipce January, 1919. All cas- Rev. Dr. Scott has completed his day, a six-chambered revolver of .45 In the high standard to which it at they have la the candidate a doughty of the grain growers of Saskatchewan, ualties except one occurred in the area thirty-third year aa pastor ofof ,St. An- calibre at his side, with one chambei' tains It responds to the needs of th< ANSWERS before Uie tariff commission last sum of the southern parliament, drew's Church, Perth. discharged. Hays was a married man standard hearer. It has to be admitted 1. The white cotton dress worn by community, and the higher' this 1 mer to show that in spite of-being on Pre-Election Riots and a veteran of the world war. that Colonel Spencer shows some bold- Mohammedan pilgrims to Mecca. BELFAST, May 16.—Three riots be- reached it bespeaks the requirement! the free list bi^.ler twine had gone A pure white beater, a yery rare ness and a very sanguine spirit In 2. By George 111 in 1801, after the up in price and Canada had lost the ween Nationalists and Unionists this specimen, was caught In the English J. C. O'Connor, president of tha which the public asks from the news title had been retained for 432 years. benefit of the workers who might have morning have given riae to the fear liver, north ot Fort Francis, weight Irtl service administration, declared: airing up the seat he occupies in the 3. By Edward III. hat. with the rising tide of political Provincial House at the present time paper which it is accustomed to read been employed if the duty had not s 31 pounds. hat hevjras atainst the proposed 4. A secret society In the Southern been removed. The west was not eellng, serious troublu may be brew- amendments to the Civil Service Act, lor the uncertain Issue which faces The growth and expansion of the Ed States of America against the negroes, going to throw tho tariff down just ng for the election period. A commercial traveller ot Brock- practically In toto. The appointment him In the federal by-election. How- monton Journal to Its present site o intimidate, flog, mutilate, or mur- at the period when it was -needed After withdrawal of the curfew Sat- of rural postmasters was more satis- der those who opposed the laws of the vllle was arrested at Cobourg and ever, his nomination mnd .the desire necessitating a building ot the stand most. Canadian goods were as ser- rday morning a Nationalist crowd Ined $200 and costs for being drunk factory under the civil service com- society (1864-1876). viceable and better than those manu- nvaded the Unionist area In York mission than under patronage. A. of his supporters to do battle for the ard of its new quarters, is in keeping 5. The Western Church, In contra- and carrying a bottle. with the romance of the West as ei factured In the United States. treel and threw stones. The caal- letter class of men were appointed Tory cause in' the coining by-election distinction to the Greek or Eastern The favorite slogan of the Progress- enge was accepted and a fierce fight under present conditions. at least may satisfy a Party pride in emplified by the short period of eight Church. ives was that the old political parties oon was in progress. The night pa- Harold Vroomsn last week caught een years which divide the space be 6. The ancien t Irish. The legensenfdl iSs had mide me ol rol of the police foice was re-assem- a fine black fox In a trap on the fam- showing that the Conservative cause i t T i T ' » ^» government, ly farm at Living Springs, near The department of trade and com- tween its comparatively originally .hat Ireland was once peopled by Fir- !The present cond|tion o£ Canada spoke iled and quelled the disturbance.