British Miners' Strike Cost G.B. Half Aj3illion
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TWHE FINAL PAGES EDfflON NUMBER 154 LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1921 VOLUME XIV His Bark is Worse than His Bite Bihans Arrive [n Vancouver; SIMS IS BRITISH MINERS' 138 Day Hike VANCOUVER, June 13.—Sun- SCOLDED, •» :- ... STRIKE COST G.B. TAUNTS tanned, weary and footsore, but happy over having achieved their object, John Behan and his »on, ' Clifford, arrived In Vancouver Saturday from Halifax, complet- PRAISED FARMERS ing a tranicontlnetal walk. They HALF AJ3ILLION were 138 dayi on the trip. The last lap of tbe journey between Two London Newspapers Break Declares Only Thing Crerar Has Harrison Mills and Vancouver, a Only a Few Irreconcilable* Now Standing Out Against distance of 61 miles, was made in Silence on Sensational Ever Made Money on is 22 hours without a stop, Incident Acceptance of Term* Offered By Owner*—If Coal Grain Dockage Charles Burkman and Sydney, I Strike Is Settled, Peace in Other Industries who left Halifax shortly after the B«hans, are now about 150 miles DAILY EXPRESS HOPES Will Follow Speedily. FARMERS SEE PROOF from Vancouver. HE WILL KEEP AT IT OF GOVT. PERFIDY LONDON. Juno IS.—(* Canadian The Spinnen' Strike Associated Press)—Reports from var- Negotiations between the misters LONDON, June 13.—The editorial ious mining centers indicates a grow- and men in the cotton industry have MEDICINE HAT, Juno 13.—There silence of the London daily press on ing feeling among the men in favor been adjourned till Tuesday, and )pere two nomiuations for the by-elec- fho Sims incident was first broken to- of the acceptance of the coal mine meanwhile halt a million idle opera- jion for the federal neat, in the Medi- Stunt-Ftier Loses day by two papers. The owners' last offer. Meetings to ex- tives have been enabled to discuss cine- Hat constituency, the Liberals i Daily News declares it takes no pleas- i plain details of tho offer will be held the position in their respective dis- !iot entering the contest. Col. Nelson lire In any phase of the Incident. | tne"ba"iiotB~ol tricts. Something under a shilling In ! the pound now divides the two parties Spencer ot Medicine Hat Is the gov- "The Admiral's speeches seem to us thes mm.minor™s onn - eminent candidate anil Robert Gardner Life When Plane mischeviofis and Inoffensive," says i and tho workers have offered to sub- of Excel, a farmer, was nominated 'by the News. "Their effect in this coun- A few of the miners' leaders remain rnit this to arbitrat'on, an offer-the llie TJnite4J'armers of Alberta. try arid Ireland is deplorable and the irreconcilable, Vernon Hartshorn, for employers have so far refused. > reprecnssion in the United' State* Is. Instance, telling the Glenmorganshire Opinion here is that if a settlement (Special to the Herald.) j to the highest degree undesirable. The | miners that, the owners' terms' are of the coal strike is reached, an ad- MEDICINE HAT, June 13.—Those United States navy office could do] surrender, pure and simple, for them justment ol the disputes in the cotton Hundreds of Sunday Picnickers Slothing else but whafit-has done. | and other trades will follow speedily. fc-ho saw in the appointment of a gov- and arguing that they would get better An aulhorative estimate of the cost ernment commission to investigate at Bowness Park See Alf. The only good feature of Ihe whole) terms if they continued the struggle. the grain business in Western Can- 'affair is the possibility that it may; Charles Gill, treasurer of the Bristol of the cool strike to the state is ada a move on the -part of the Meigh- Mabee Dive to Death ! serve as a warning of extra caution, < miners, also declared that the longer eighty million pounds including the nn government to discredit the organ- which is imperatively necessary m the miners remain out, the greate.' iidnormal pay, twenty millions for the ized farmers' movement through re- public officials." will be the pressure brought to bear defense forco, fifteen millions loss on llections on the probity of the grain CALGARY, June 13.—In the first • Another Opinion on the government to force tbe owners the railways and twenty-five million* Handling organizations belonging to airplane {ragedy in Alberta. Alt Ma- The Daily Express under the cap- to make concessions. Against theje loss on the export of coal. Hie farmers, believe they have proof bee, well known Calgary stunt-flier. sentiments is the definite declaration I nf their suspicions In statements of Herbert Smith, acting president ot nmfle on the public platform here on ot pro-Sinn Fein the Miners' Union, that a two-thirds! l-Tidiiy night by II. H. Stevens, M.P., when the Curtiss bi-plane, guided by votes and says; majority against the owners' proposal Sharp Division Vancouver, speaking in support of Fleming crashed to earth In a nose "Admiral Sims adds to his popular- will be considered necessary to con- Col. Nelson Spencer. During the dive of 100 feet, close to the entrance itv among the remaining eighty per: tinue the strike. i-ourse of his remarks. Mr. Stevens of Bowness park Sunday afternoon at cent, of the honest4o-goodness Amer-' In Italian House taid Hint Ihe Grain Growers had lost luaua. J.A«He= han«*sa tae>- ~ —n reprimande- - d bo Dioney on everything they had handl- Mabee died just after being extri-, fore _forattemptin. g to rd except on the dockage of grain, and cated from the wreck of the machine I feeling between the —Yardley in the San Francisco Bulletin. Would Quash he declared that the man who was tak- .. be - Over President Fleminrituiiiusg i1s0 i n" *th "'"e jHol i«."-y jCros •—- s hospital• .; hopl " ** he . i that ing an interest in the prairie farmer , with a compound fracture of the right J (is wo do and a of tno £act Grain Probe hog serious injuries ot the head and j his views are t face and a possible shoulder fracture, we believe he Election of Head of Chamber is criticize the platform of the farmers Hopes are held out for his recovery. we wish -him God speed'." WINNIPEG, June 13.—(Cana- end said their candidate was advocat- Hundreds Witneis Crath Sims Hain't Received Cable dian Press.) An injunction wa« Likely to Result in Bitter ing class government which would | LONDON, June 13.—Rear Admiral Sauve Makes Attack asked for in the court of Kind's The crash occurred within sight of give, Canada .practically the same sys- hundreds of horrified Sunday picnick- Sims said he had not received the bench here today to prevent the tem as Russia. cable message from the Secretary of further operation of the Royal Mr. Stevens strongly criticized/Hon. ers who were just issuing from Bow- nes's park to take the five o'clock cars the Navy "Denby cancelling tho re- Grain Inquiry ' Commission by HOME June 12.—Election of a pre- Mr. Crerar, the leader of tho Progres- back to the city. The rlane fell about mainder of his leave of absence and On Quebec Liberals; about forty grain concerns, in- sident by the chamber ot deputies t-ives. stating thnt with him in charge 160 to 200 feet from the entrance to ordering him to report as soon as cluding the entire grain exchange. promises to bring about a sharp divi- of the farmers' co-operative undertak- the park, and by a miracle escaped possible in Washington. The claim was «t forth that the sion between the different political ings $165,000 liad been lost in one plunging into the crowds. Fleming Admiral and Mrs. Sims have been Canada Grain Act and amend- parties making up the body, and when year in lumber, and $110,00 m the had been about to land his machine invited to dine with Ambassador and ments the/eto is ultra vires and the chambers convened there seemed machinery end ot tbe G.Q.O. business. Mrs Harvey, the Duke of Connaugut Election Likely Soon beyond the powers of the parlia- a possibility that the session might be on the runway to the east ot the sir- )lon. Mr. Crerar was asking to let drome, after a short trip, in which and others. ment of Canada to enact and that stormy. All the leading parties had liim and his associates, have the Mabee had been' giving some ot the the order-in-counell appointing nominated candidates for the presi- handling of Canada's affairs but they members of the Scottish football team TEHRE BONNE, Que., June IS.— the farmers in the federal elections the commission It.Illegal- dency of tlie chamber but it seemed liad lost, money on everything except an exhibition of dare-devil aviation by The Quebec government wishes to and that they will obtain power In Detaila of the action will not probable the coalition bloc would be tin the dockage ot grain. lion. Mr. climbing around the wings of the bold elections before the federal gen-1 Quebec. be given out at present successful in seating its candidate. Crerar had come into prominence be- Canada Has Great eral elections, and as in 1919, will I Mr. Sauve claimed that it was the I The hitter feeling between the com' rauie of the question of dockage, con- lilane^^.. *Flemin -=g banked,.", th"e machinf „,.„, e tinned Mr. Stevens, and now he re-1 v for (he turn to the east Just aho promfce ' conservatives in financial Liberal party in Quebec which had ! mnnlsts and extreme nationalists, it reived a big salary and practiced the the entrance to Bowness.