This version of the programme includes all changes that occurred before 29July, 18.00. It will be continuously be updated each morning throughout the congress, at this website as well on the notice board at Norra Latin.

CONFERENCE VENUE Stockholm City Conference Centre has conference roooms and lecture halls located in two neighbouring buildings: Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14 and Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71 B. Registration and Opening Ceremony on Monday 26 July and Closing Ceremony on Saturday 31 July will take place at Folkets Hus. All other sessions take place at Norra Latin. Mayor’s Reception on Wednesday 28 July will take place at Stockholm City Hall within walking distance from the Conference Venue.

REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION DESK: Location Monday, July 26: Folkets Hus Tuesday, July 27-Saturday, July 31: Norra Latin Telephone: +46 8 506 16 751 (within Sweden: 08-506 16 751)

Opening hours Monday, July 26 13.00-18.00 Tuesday, July 27 08.00-18.00 Wednesday, July 28 08.00-18.00 Thursday, July 29 08.00-18.00 Friday, July 30 08.00-18.00 Saturday, July 31 08.00-13.30

Name badges will be provided at the registration desk. All delegates are required to wear the badge throughout the congress. Only badge holders will be admitted to the sessions. The registration desk will also handle inquires related to hotel accommodation. Compensation of travel grants will take place at the registration desk on July 27-30 between 10.00-15.30 and Saturday between 10.00-13.30.

AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT Speakers´ Ready Room (Room 360 at Norra Latin) The lecture halls will be equipped with PC with PowerPoint. Presenters are kindly requested to hand in their presentation on a usb stick, to the technicians in the Speaker´s Ready Room, room 360 at Norra Latin, at least 3 hours prior your session starts . If your lecture is in the morning please leave your presentation the day prior your lecture. If you bring your own laptop, please be sure to visit the technicians before your lecture in order to ensure the right equipment is in place.

Please note that the Speaker’s Ready Room will be open also on Monday afternoon for presenters in the panels I.01-I.23 that take place on Tuesday morning.

Opening hours: Monday, July 26 13.00-18.00 Tuesday, July 27 08.00-17.00 Wednesday, July 28 08.00-17.00 Thursday, July 29 08.00-17.00 Friday, July 30 08.00-17.00 Saturday, July 31 08.00-11.00

INTERNET There are Internet stations as well as free wireless Internet available at the Congress Venue.


ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TUESDAY , JULY 27 08:30-10:00



PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Chvorostov, Alexander (Institute f.Advanced Studies (IHS-Vienna), Austria) Interplay of European, National and Regional Identities: States along the New Eastern European Borders of the European Union Tumanov, Sergey (Lomonosov State University, Russian Federation) Identity in Crisis Society Smolentseva, Anna (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Making an Identity in Post-Soviet : Towards West or East? Cebotari, Victor (Maastricht University, Netherlands) The Conflicting Demands of Ethnic Diversity: An Analysis of Protesting Minorities in Eastern Europe

PANEL : I.02 MEMORY POLITICS AND THE USE OF HISTORY I Room 355 CHAIR: Anu-Mai Köll (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Burkhart, Dagmar (University of Mannheim, ) Asian and European infernos in literature: Concepts of the skin in ’s “Kolyma Tales” and Imre Kertész’ novel “Fateless” Yurchuk, Yuliya (Baltic and East European Graduate School, Sweden) Representing the past: constructing 'new' memories in after 1991 Sinani, Gjergj (University of Tirana, Albania) Perceptions of the past and mythological production NEW: Fröhlig, Florence (Södertörn Högskola, Sweden) Transcending European Heritage. The Soviet prison camp of Tambov: Social production of memory and acting (Paper VI.11.1

2 ______Monday 26, Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.00, Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : I.03 19 TH CENTURY RUSSIAN PERIPHERY Room 255 CHAIR: Arslan, Ozan (Izmir University of Economics, )

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Norimatsu, Kyohei (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Religious Conversion in the Caucasian Tales by Russian Writers Aoshima, Yoko (Hokkaido University, Japan) Surveying the Periphery: Educational Policy toward the Caucasus Educational District in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century Ibragimova, Zarema (Grozny Interdisciplinary Scientific Rese, Russian Federation) Migration of Europeans to Russian empire and to Caucasus in XIX century (Russian) Mukhamedov, Rashit (Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation) The Tatars of Simbirsk province: the contacts with the European and Russian cultures (XVII - beginning of XX century) (Russian)

PANEL : I.04 ADVISING AGENCY : GENDER , POWER AND SUBJECTIVITY IN POST SOCIALIST SOCIETY Room 361 CHAIR: Kay, Rebecca (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Rivkin-Fish, Michele (University of Pennsylvania at Chapel Hill, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Turbine, Vikki (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Women, welfare and legal claims: exploring forms of agency in provincial Russia Salmenniemi, Suvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) Anatomy of the Russian soul: self, class and gender in self-help technologies Kirkham, Jackie (University of Glasogw, United Kingdom) Young people, sexual health and agency: experiences of peer education in the Republic of Moldova


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL III.19: Paper I.05.1, Havolli, Sokol (Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo; Republic Of Kosovo) The Determinants of Remittances to Kosovo: Recent Evidence CANCELLED: Sejdini, Abdulmenaf (South East European UNiversity, Makedonia) Mughal, Abdul Ghaffar ( United States) Migration, Remittances and Poverty in the Balkans CANCELLED: Memaj, Fatmir (Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania) Esmeralda, Shehaj ( Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania) The impact of international migration and remittances on poverty reduction in Albania


Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : I.06 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INEQUALITY IN RUSSIA Room 453 CHAIR: Chang, Duck Joon (Kookmin UniversityRepublic of Korea) DISCUSSANT: Kumo, Kazuhiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Takeda, Yuka (Waseda University, Japan) Russian Economic Growth and its Effect on Poverty Reduction Kim, Seongjin (Duksung Women's University, Republic of Korea) Spatial Patterns of Economic Development and Inequalities in Russia Lee, Sang Joon (Kookmin University, Republic of Korea) Entrepreneurship and Regional Development in Russia

PANEL : I.07 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INTO AND OUT OF RUSSIA IN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Room: 357 CHAIR: Cooper, Julian (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Nuti, Mario (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom) FDI AND RUSSIAN ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS Vahtra, Peeter (Pan-European Institute, Turku School of Economics, Finland) The new era of Russia’s OFDI? CANCELLED: Liuhto, Kari (University of Turku, Finland) Political risks for foreign firms in Russia

PANEL : I.08 LIVES WITHOUT LENIN ? THE TRANSFORMATION OF IDENTITIES IN THE LATER Room 353 CHAIR: Lyandres, Semion (University of Notre Dame, United States) DISCUSSANT: Wulff, Dietmar (Bielefeld University, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Westrate, Michael (University of Notre Dame, United States) A Flea on the Bear: Valery Abramkin and Dissent under the Late Soviet Regime Rogacheva, Maria (University of Notre Dame, United States) Assault from Within: Aleksander Yakovlev and the End of the Communist Utopia Fuerst, Juliane (University of Bristol, United Kingdom) Hooligan, Writer, Hijacker: The Many Lives of

PANEL : I.09 MEDIA AND CONFLICT IN POST COMMUNIST COUNTRIES Room 461 CHAIRS: Spörer-Wagner, Doreen (University of Zurich, ); Hribal, Lucie (University of Zurich, Switzerland) DISCUSSANT: Hribal, Lucie (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Spörer-Wagner, Doreen (NCCR Democracy, University of Zurich, Switzerland) Hribal, Lucie (Switzerland) Media as Push or Pull Factor in Post-Conflict Democratization? Iskandaryan, Nina (Caucasus Institute, Armenia) Gulkhandanyan, Evelina (Caucasus Institute, Armenia) Supply vs Demand in Armenian Media Development Dzihana, Amer (Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina) Power Sharing Arrangements and Public Service Broadcasting: Failure of PSB System in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mannherz, Julia (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Conspiracies, the Antichrist and Immortality: The Occult and World War I Petrone, Karen (University of Kentucky, United States) The Contours of Soviet World War I Remembrance Stockdale, Melissa K. (University of Oklahoma, United States) For Faith, Tsar, and Fatherland: The in World War I

PANEL : I.12 THE CHILL PEACE : WESTERN ENGAGEMENT WITH RUSSIA AFTER THE ‘G LOBAL WAR ON TERROR ’ Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Petersson, Bo (Lund University/Malmö University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Markedonov, Sergei (Institute for Political and Military Analysis, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Stepanova, Ekaterina (SIPRI, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dunlop, John (Stanford University, United States) Three Russian Liberal Commentators seek to determine which side--Russia or --initiated the August 2008 war Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom) ”The Cold Peace”: Making Sense of Russia’s Relationship with the West Russell, John (University of Bradford, UK, United Kingdom) Whose “Near Abroad”? Dilemmas in Russia’s declared sphere of privileged interests.

PANEL : I.15 BETWEEN RECONCILIATION AND THE REACTIVATION OF PAST CONFLICTS IN EUROPE : RETHINKING SOCIAL MEMORY PARADIGMS . PANEL 1: ACTORS AND SITES OF MEMORY - INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS Room 352 NEW CHAIR: Shapoval, Yurii (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine) (CANCELLED: Dobry, Michel, Paris 1 Sorbonne University, France ) CANCELLED: DISCUSSANT: Hnatiuk, Ola (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rozenberg, Danielle (Institut Sciences sociales du Politique, France) On the Mass Graves: A Spain/Ukraine Comparison (French) Jouhanneau, Cecile (Institute for Political Science, France) What do "memory actors" do to memory? Camp inmates associations of the 1992-1995 Bosnian war as would-be "guardians of memory". Vasilyev, Alexey (Russian Institute for cultural research, Russian Federation) Poland as “imagined country” in the Polish Humanities and Social Sciences of the period of the Partitions (1795-1918) (German) NEW: Matonyte, Irmina (Institute for Social Research, ) Memory games in Lithuania: the Elites and their Memory Referents (Paper VI.06.1)

NEW: Kasperski, Tatiana (European Humanities University (Vilnius), Belarus) The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident and the Identity Strategies in Ukraine and Belarus (Paper IX.11.5) CANCELLED : Szurek, Jean -Charles (Université Paris Ouest -Nanterre, France) Antifascism – about the functioning of a political, scientifical and historical discourse over half a century (French)


Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : I.16 CIVIL SOCITEY I: CENTRAL ASIA Room 462 CHAIR: CHAIR: Hinnemo, Torgny (Journalist and author, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Stolyarova, Guzel (Kazan State University, Russian Federation) THE LEVELS OF CIVIL IDENTITY OF POPULATION OF MODERN TATARSTAN GOSSET, Nicolas (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ) “The Art of Making Do With”: Between Voluntary Subjection and Alternative Norms of Everyday Practice, How Does Foucault’s “Problem of Subjectivity” Travel to Post-Soviet Uzbekistan? NEW : Satybaldieva, Elmira (University of Kent, United Kingdom) Theorising State – Society Relations in Central Asia: The Case of Ayil Okmotus and Aksakals in Kyrgyzstan (Paper VIII.11.3) CANCELLED: Levinskaya, Victoria (Westminster International University i, Uzbekistan) Civil society development in Uzbekistan (French)

PANEL : I.17 FROM MODERNIST ANXIETIES TO POSTDRAMATIC AGE : RUSSIAN NOTIONS OF PERFORMANCE Room 253 CHAIR: Ueland, Carol (Drew University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Kustanovich, Konstantin (Vanderbilt University, United States) (CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Azhgikhina, Nadezhda , Moscow State University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Smith, Alexandra (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Reading Pushkin and Briusov through a Postmodern Lens: Fomenko's play "Egyptian Nights" Partan, Olga (College of the Holy Cross, United States) Evgenii Vakhtagov’s Legacy: Modernist Aesthetics on the Soviet Stage

PANEL : I.18 POST COLONIAL TIME AND SPACE IN UKRAINIAN LITERATURE Room 254 CHAIR: Riabchuk, Mykola (Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies, Ukraine) DISCUSSANT: Chernetsky, Vitaly (Miami University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rewakowicz, Maria (University of Washington, United States) Language as Protagonist in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature Matusiak, Agnieshka (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Liquid post-colonial reality as the source of suffering in the prose of Ukrainian postmodernists (Russian) Hryn, Halyna (Harvard University, United States) The Renaissance Modality and the Re-articulation of Modern Ukrainian Cultural Identity Hundorova, Tamara (Institute of Literature of NASU, Ukraine) Fathers and Sons: the Generation Consciousness as a Post-Colonial Phenomenon in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature

CANCELLED: PANEL : I.20 WHY NOT RIGHTS REVOLUTIONS ? CONTEXTUALIZING THE LEGAL CONDUCT IN POST SOVIET STAT ES Room 351 CHAIR: Solomon, Peter H. (University of Toronto, Canada) DISCUSSANT: Engvall, Johan (University of Uppsala, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Trochev, Alexei (Indiana University, United States) Why Did “Colored” Revolutions not lead to Rights Revolutions? Wilson, Sophia (University of Washington, United States) The Effect of Local Cultural & Historical Contexts on Legal Conduct in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine Fogelklou, Anders (Uppsala University, Sweden) Kyrgyzstan: A failed rights revo lution? The failure of presidentialism?

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Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : I.21 VARIOUS ASPECTS OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY I Room 252 CHAIR: Bodin, Per-Arne (Stockholm University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Poltavtseva, Natalia (Russian University for Humanities, Russian Federation) Ural as the Eurasian Cultural Space at Olga Slavnikova's Novel "2017" (Russian) Landa, Tatyana (Tel-Aviv University, ) The art geography of V. Nabokov drama (Russian) NEW: Cooke, Brett (Texas A&M University, United States) Reading Minds: Cognitive Perspectives on Anna Karenina (Paper II.03.3) NEW: Oittinen, Vesa (University of Helsinki, Finland) Potr Chaadayev's Ambivalencies -- The Key to Understand Russianness (Paper II.03.1) CANCELLED: Tabachnikova, Olga (University of Bristol, Unite d Kingdom) Alexander Pushkin’s Place in Lev Shestovs Philosophy of Tragedy

PANEL : I.22 BEFORE THE ‘H OMO SOVIETICUS ’: COLLECTIVISM AND INDIVIDUALITY IN EARLY SOVIET RUSSIA Room 359 CHAIR: Badcock, Sarah (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Dahlke, Sandra (Helmut Schmidt University, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Grant, Susan (University College Dublin, Ireland) The Fizkul’tura Generation: Modernising Lifestyles in 1920s Soviet Russia Willimott, Andrew (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom) Communism in one Apartment: The Kommunal Impulse of Early Soviet Russia Neumann, Matthias (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom) The Communist Youth League and the Construction of Soviet obshchestvennost'

PANEL : I.23 RUSSIA AND THE CIS: THE ROLE OF RESOURCE DIPLOMACY Room 451 CHAIR: Shearman, Peter (Webster Wniversity, Thailand) DISCUSSANT: Kanet, Roger E. (University of Miami, United States) DISCUSSANT: Herd, Graeme (Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sussex, Matthew (University of Tasmania, Australia) Security or Sisyphus? Strategic implications of Russian resource diplomacy Nygren, Bertil (Stockholm University, Sweden) Medvedev and the CIS countries: new or old power instruments? Freire, Maria Raquel (University of Coimbra, Portugal) Russia's Energy Policies in Eurasia: Empowerment or Entrapment?


Tuesday 27 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

TUESDAY , JULY 27 10:30-12:00


PANEL : II.01 NATIONALISM AND NATIONAL IDENTITY I Room 459 CHAIR: Petsinis, Vassilis (Södertörns Högskola, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Gilley, Christopher (Regensburg, Germany) The Ukrainian Smena Vekh Movement Kisla, Anna (Institute of Sociology, Ukraine) Ukraine: the end of history? What future does wait for Ukraine? Miyazaki, Haruka (Hokkaido University, Japan) Competition between Modern Nationalisms in Galicia - Comparative Study of Polish and Ukrainian Nationalisms Landry, Tristan (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) The Highs and Lows of Nationbuilding in Postsoviet Russian Federation: The Case of ‘The Mountain of Gems’ Animations Series


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.21: Paper II.03.3, Cooke, Brett (Texas A&M University, United States) Reading Minds: Cognitive Perspectives on Anna Karenina (Paper II.03.3) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.21: Paper II.03.1, Oittinen, Vesa (University of Helsinki, Finland) Potr Chaadayev's Ambivalencies -- The Key to Understand Russianness (Paper II.03.1) CANCELLED: Galatsky, Natalia (Stockholm University, Sweden) Two dystopias, two realized predictions: Saltykov -Shchedrin’s History of a Town and Platonov’s the City of Gradov (Russian)

PANEL : II.06 CENTRAL ASIA -RUSSIA : MIGRATION TRAJECTORIES AND SOCIAL CHANGE - A MICRO APPROACH Room 461 CHAIR: de Tapia, Stéphane (CNRS, France) NEW DISCUSSANT: Fumagalli, Matteo (Central European University, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Abashin, S, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Anthropology of Central Asian migrations: Some new questions Le Huerou, Anne (Université le Havre, CERCEC, France) Changing labour migrations patterns in a Russian Province: workforce management between liberal and post-colonial practices NEW : Thorez, Julien (CNRS, France) Central Asian migrations between post-colonial and global dynamics: a view from Uzbekistan (Russian)(Paper VI.08.3) CANCELLED: Reeves, Madeleine (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Unbecoming citizens? Negotiating “law ” in a Moscow migrant community CANCELLED : Lembrez, Mathieu (ANR SUDSOV, IRD, France) Disruptive and distressing migrations in Tashkent aeronautic builders’ district (French)

8 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : II.07 EURASIA : BUSINESS COMMUNICATION UNDER TRANSFORMATION Room 352 CHAIR: Krause, Marion (University Frankfurt/Main, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Rathmayr, Renate (WU Wien, Austria)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sherman, Tamah (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic) Language and Communication in Multinationals in Central Europe Nekvapil, Jiri. (Charles University, Czech Republic) Language and Communication in Multinationals in Central Europe Shaimerdenova, Nursulu (Kazakh Muliprofile Institute "Parasat", Kazakhstan) Rakhimzhanova, Aigerim (Kazakh Muliprofile Institute "Parasat", Kazakhstan) Kazakh, Russian and English languages in the business sphere in Kazakhstan (Russian) Milekhina, Tatyana (Saratov State University, Russian Federation) Transformation in the business speech of Russian entrepreneurs and managers (Russian)

PANEL : II.08 GENDER AND GENERATIONAL RELATIONS IN RURAL TRANSITION UNDER POST -SOCIALISM (C ASES FROM THE BALTIC STATES , RUSSIA AND HUNGARY ) I Room 361 CHAIR: Csurgó, Bernadett (Institute for Political Sciences of HAS, Hungary) DISCUSSANT: Möller, Cecilia (Kalmar University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Grubbström, Ann (Uppsala university, Sweden) Sooväli, Helen (Tallinn University, ) Women landowners in Estonia Relations to land and generational change 1920-2009 Asztalos Morell, Ildikó (Södertörn University, Sweden) Gender and generational transfer in Hungarian, post-socialist rural enterprises Shmulyar Gréen, Oksana (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) New entrepreneurship in Russia in gender terms

PANEL : II.09 IDENTITIES : MEMORIES , LANGUAGE , AND THE CONSTRUCTED UNDERSTANDING OF ETHNICITY Room 359 CHAIR: Kaplan, Cynthia S. (University of California Santa Barbara, United States) DISCUSSANT: Karklina, Rasma (University of Illinois at Chicago, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kaplan, Cynthia (University of California, Santa Barbara, United States) Constructed Identities based on In-Depth Interviews & Focus Groups: Estonians, , Tatars, and Kazakhs. Vihalemm, Triin (University of Tartu, Estonia) Integrated Russians in Estonia – elite or marginal group? Bennich-Björkman, Li (Uppsala University, Sweden) Deliberation of National Identities under Authoritarianism: Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova in Perspective

______9 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : II.11 POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN POST -COMMUNIST KYRGYZSTAN (ROUNDTABLE ) Room 453 PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Doolotkeldieva, Asel (Sciences Po Paris, France) Electoral reforms and transformations of the political regime in post-soviet Kyrgyzstan Ruiz Ramas, Rubén (UNED, Spain) Historic Institutionalism and Political Instability in Kyrgyzstan NEW : Laruelle, Marlene (Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, United States) NEW : Ortmann, Stefanie (University of Sussex, United Kingdom) NEW : Heathershaw, John (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) CANCELLED: Tiulegenov, Medet (American Univ ersity of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan) Framing movements: cycles of contention in post -Soviet Kyrgyzstan CANCELLED: Nogoibaeva, Elmira (Center ”Polis Asia”, Kyrgyzstan) Formation of political elite in Kyrgyzstan (Russian)

PANEL : II.12 RELIGION IN THE SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT OF POST -PERESTROIKA RUSSIA Room 351 CHAIR: Koliha, Anthony (Director of the Fulbright Program in Russia, United States) DISCUSSANT: Walters, Philip (Editor of the Journal “Religion, State and Society”, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kazmina, Olga (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The Russian Orthodox Church in a new religious situation in Russia: challenges and responses Washburn, Daniel (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) Protestant growth and western missionary activity in Russia since perestroika Larina, Elena (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Classical Islam and Traditionalism among VolgaRegionMoslems in Contemporary Russia (Russian)

PANEL : II.13 THE QUIET BEFORE THE STORM ? MATURE SOCIALISM UNDER BREZHNEV Room 353 CHAIR: Reid, Susan (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Roth-Ey, Kristin (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dobson, Miriam (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) The First Dissidents? Soviet Baptists in the Early Brezhnev Era Gatejel, Luminita (European Institute Florence, Italy) What is a socialist welfare state? Distribution practices and consupmtion issues in the Brezhnev era Lehmann, Maike (University of Bremen, Germany) A Gathering Storm. Caucasian Socialisms and Nagorny Karabakh under Brezhnev


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Li, Chenghong (East China Normal University, China) From Triangle to Trilateral: The Evolution of Sino-U.S.-Russian Relations in the Post-Cold War Era FENG, Shaolei (East China Normal University, China) Sino-US-Russian Trilateral Relations in the New Era CANCELLED: Trenin, Dmitri (Carnegie Moscow Center, Russian Federation) U.S., China, Russia: The Case for Trilateral Strategic Dialogue

10 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : II.15 ECONOMIC POLICY RESPONSES TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS , 2008-? Room 357 CHAIR: Cox, Terry (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Berry, Richard (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Myant, Martin (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom) Drahokoupil, Jan (MZES, University of Mannheim, Germany) Reactions to global economic crisis for central European countries dependent on inward investment in manufacturing Berry, Richard (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) The Development of Hungarian regional policy Fritz, Heiko (German University in Cairo, Egypt) The Management of the Financial Crisis in Post-Communism. A Comparative Study of the Stabilisation of Financial Systems in the CIS Mykhnenko, Vlad (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom), Swain, Adam (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Depression, devaluation and divergence: The bursting of the Orange bubble and Ukraine’s space-economy

PANEL : II.16 PERESTROIKA REVISITED I Room 355 CHAIR: Petrov, Kristian (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Vanhala-Aniszewski, Marjatta (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) Siilin, Lea (U. of Joensuu, Finland) Representation of Mikhail Gorbachev in 21st century Russian Media (Russian) Lipatova, Nadezda (Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation) On the Verge of Empire Collapse: Images of Alexander Kerensky and Michael Gorbachev (Russian) Gill, Graeme (University of Sydney, Australia) Political Symbolism and the fall of the Soviet Union

PANEL : II.17 POST -SOVIET LITERATURE AND FILM : WHAT IS ‘P OST ’ AND WHAT IS ‘S OVIET ’? Room 253 CHAIR: Bogdanov, Konstantin (University of Konstanz, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Bogdanov, Konstantin (University of Konstanz, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Beumers, Birgit (University of Bristol, United Kingdom) Soviet Times through the Post-Soviet Lens Litovskaya, Maria (Ural State University, Russian Federation) The Functions of the 'Soviet' in Post-Soviet Discourses (Russian) Balina, Marina (Illinois Wesleyan University, United States) Reconfiguring Soviet Childhood Experience in Contemporary Russian Life-Writing

______11 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : II.18 DEALING WITH THE TRAUMATIC PAST I Room 356 CHAIR: Miloiu, Silviu Romania) CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Humphreys, Brendan (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Obradovic-Wochnik, Jelena (Aston University, United Kingdom) Victims, violence and ´remaking worlds´ after war trauma in Serbia NEW: Stoyanova, Nadezhda (Independent Scholar/ UCL alumna, ) Securitising Identities in South-Eastern Europe: The Power of Exclusion CANCELLED: Gerbe r, Sofi (Södertörn University, Sweden) Dislocation as Trauma? Experiences and Memories of the Dissolution of the GDR CANCELLED: Miklossy, Katalin (University of Helsinki, Finland ) Common Traumas Divergent Strategies: Hungary and Romania

PANEL : II.19 ON ECONOMY AND THE ROLE OF THE STATE Room 454 CHAIR: CHAIR: Eidem, Rolf (SIPU International, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Rochlitz, Michael (Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy) The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Putin's Russia Orkodashvili, Mariam ( State University, Georgia) Geopolitical and socioeconomic factors in the fight against corruption in post-Soviet countries Iwasaki, Ichiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Fyre, Timothy (Columbia University, United States) Double-Edged Sword: Government Directorship and Firm Behavior in Russia

PANEL : II.20 ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES I Room 255 CHAIR: Oxenstierna, Susanne (FOI, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Lussac, Samuel (Institute of Political Science, France) How Oil and Gas Transportation shapes Regional Cooperation in the South Caucasus Ahanchi, Parvin (University of Wisconsin Madison, Azerbaijan) Knuti, David (Retired, United States) Comparative societal impact “Contract of Century (21st)" vs First Oil boom (at the turn of the 20th Century) in Azerbaijan Kjærnet, Heidi (NUPI, Norway) Principal-agent theory in an authoritarian context: The state petroleum companies of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia NEW : Sim, Li-Chen (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates) Once a Red Director, Always a Red Director? Business Culture in the Soviet/Russian Oil Industry (Paper XIII.20.3) CANCELLED: Tura, Deniz (Indepent Scholar, Turkey) A Line with Responsibilities“Analysis of the Regional Sustainability Development Program of British Petrole um in the Baku - Tbilisi -Ceyhan Pipeline

12 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : II.21 RUSSIA , EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES Room 451 CHAIR: Sussex, Matthew (University of Tasmania, Australia) DISCUSSANT: Nygren, Bertil (Stockholm University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Lomagin, Nikita (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Shearman, Peter (Webster university Thailand, Thailand) Polarity and power and Russia's place in the world Kanet, Roger E. (University of Miami, United States) Russia, the EU and the United States: Intertwined Relationships Berryman, John (Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom) Russian-US Strategic Relations

PANEL : II.22 ARCHIVAL TRANSITION IN RUSSIA AFTER PERESTROIKA AND THE LEGACY OF SECOND WORLD WAR Room 254 CHAIR: Kloosterman, Jaap (International Institute of Social History, Netherlands) DISCUSSANT: Petrov, Nikita Vasilyevich (Memorial, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Coeure, Sophie (Ecole normale superieure, France) Archives and democratisation in transition Danielson, Elena (Stanford University, United States) Russian Archives Abroad: Safe Havens, Safe Returns? Petrov, Nikita Vasilyevich (Memorial, Russian Federation) Access to Archival Information Grimsted, Patricia (Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute) Archival Transition in Russia and the Legacy of Displaced European Archives

______13 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

TUESDAY , JULY 27 13:30-15:00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium NAUM KLEIMAN : AN INTERRUPTED FILM : THE STORY OF A PROJECT (S ERGEI EISENSTEIN 'S "G REAT FERGANA CANAL ", 1939) This lecture is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation Naum Kleiman is a film historian and film maker; founder and director of the Central State Film Museum (Moscow)


PANEL : III.01 EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS I - THE CASES OF UKRAINA AND CAUCASUS Room 255 CHAIR: Eduards, Krister (Stockholm Group for Development Studies, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Ivaniashvili, George (International Centre for Social Research, Georgia) Krialashvili, Ketevan (ICSRPA, Georgia) Georgia in the Context of EU's Eastern Partnership Volobuyev, Vladyslav (Zaporozhye Law Institute, Ukraine) European society and Ukraine: The problem of out-of-state identity (Russian) Nielsen, Kristian L. (University of Tartu, Estonia) Ukraine between East and West – The EU’s lack of commitment and the Russia Factor Vasilyan, Syuzanna (Centre for EU Studies, Ghent University, Belgium) The EU’s External Governance “Replica” in the South Caucasus


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Smetanin, Alexander (Komi Science Center, Russian Federation) Local self-government in the region: plans and realities (Russian) NEW : Sablin, Vasili (Vologda University, Russian Federation) The historical and current experience of the Vologda region in the development of civil society and local self-administration (Russian) CANCELLED: Mikhailova, Natalia (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation) The process of forming up modern ethno -cultural institutes of poly -ethnic and civil society in Russia (R ussian)

PANEL : III.04 RUSSIAN PAST IN THE RUSSIAN PRESENT : CONSTRUCTION AND REFLECTION OF HISTORICAL MEMORY Room 353 CANCELLED CHAIR: Furman, Dmitrii (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Scherrer, Jutta (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, France)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala, Marina (University of Helsinki, Finland) Aleksander Nevsky, Stolypin, and Stalin: a new pantheon of Russian history. What kind of past is being constructed in Russia? (Russian) Kolonitskii, Boris (European University at St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) The political use of the past: Kerensky as a inventor of the political tradition (Russian) Matskevich, Maria (Sociological Inst.,Rus.Acad.ofSciences, Russian Federation) Constructing the post-Soviet past: discourse and attitudes

14 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : III.05 THE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING OF THE URBAN POPULATIONS IN RUSSIA AND EASTERN EUROPE Room 357 CHAIR: Toda, Yasushi (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Hedlund, Stefan (Uppsala University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Shomina, Elena (University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Municipalities – Homeowners in Russia Starkov, Oleg (CEMI RAS, Russian Federation) Forming mortgage markets in catching-up economies: a problem of institutional transplantation Nozdrina, Nadezhda (Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federation) Development of rental housing as a method of increasing housing affordability for Moscow population (Russian) Toda, Yasushi (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) The Apartments in Moscow city and the Cottages in the suburbs: The Housings for the Common People and the Elites

PANEL : III.06 AGRARIANISM IN EUROPEAN RURAL PERIPHERIES : RURAL CAPITALISM AND / OR PEASANT UTOPIAS IN THE BALTIC SEA AREA , CENTRAL AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE 1880–1947 (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 356 PANELISTS: Vári, András (University of Miscolc, Hungary) Eellend, Johan (Södertörn University, Sweden) Eriksson, Fredrik (Södertörn University, Sweden) Murgescu, (University of Bucharest, Romania) Petrov, Petăr (University of Sofia, Bulgaria)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Matulionis, Arvydas (Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Lithuania) Education as a Basis of Formation National Identity Nurse, Lyudmila (OxfordXXI, United Kingdom) Cultural identities formation through musical preferences of three generations in Eastern European countries Gasparishvili, Alexander (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The issues of the ethnic identity of Lithuanians from the Kaliningrad Region Waechter, Natalia (IHS Vienna, Austria) Young People and National Identityin Multicultural Societies: Evidence from Eastern Europe

______15 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : III.08 EAST AND WEST : LINGUISTIC CONTACTS THROUGH THE TIME Room 352 CHAIR: Mengel, Swetlana (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Maier, Ingrid (Uppsala University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mengel, Swetlana (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Germany) An unknown variant of the 17th century Russian standard language in Swedish Ingermanland and Liffland (Russian) Karpilovska, Ievgeniia (O.O.Potebnia Institute of Linguistics, Ukraine) The in the context of eurointegration: directions and dominant factors of the development (Russian) Kotorova, Elizaveta (University of Zielona Góra, Poland) Communicational-pragmatic field as a model of culturally driven speech behaviour (based on Russian-German contacts) (Russian) Vakareliyska, Cynthia M. (University of Oregon, United States) The Anglo-Americanization of Bulgarian Grammar:Productive Morphosyntactic Borrowings (Russian)

PANEL : III.09 EUROPEAN LEGAL CULTURES IN TRANSITION Room 351 CHAIR: White, Stephen L. (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: White, Stephen L. (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Miller, William (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Grødeland, Åse Berit (Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway) Empirical Dimensions of Popular legal Culture in Contemporary Europe Grødeland, Åse Berit (Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway) Democratic Values, Democratic Principles, the Rule of Law and the "War on Terror": Public Opinion in Norway, England, Poland, Bulgaria and Ukraine Compared Kurkchiyan, Marina (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Interpretations of Justice in England, Bulgaria and Poland. CANCELLED: Arold, Nina -Louisa (Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden) Turmoil from above - Lessons from the supranational l egal culture in Europe.

PANEL : III.10 NEW AND "OLD " LINES OF DIVISION IN EURASIA AND PROSPECTS OF THEIR NEGOTIATION Room 461 CHAIR: Vusatyuk, Oleg (National institute of international security problems, Ukraine) DISCUSSANT: TBA

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Golubev, Alexander (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Russia and the Europe in mutual perception: foreign policy stereotypes as the factor of history (Russian) Vusatyuk, Oleg (National institute of international security problems, Ukraine) Social-and-cultural dynamics of Eurasia: system analysis Gorditsa, Karolina (Institute of Economy and Forecasting Nat, Ukraine) The problems of European choice of Ukraine: institutional-and-economic aspect Marin, Anais (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland) Transborder region-building across and beyond the EU’s Eastern borders: “Slavic only” Euroregions and the limits of good neighbourhood “from below” in CIS countries

16 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : III.11 POLITICAL REGIMES IN THE POST -SOVIET SPACE Room 252 CHAIR: Schroeder, Hans Hennig (University of Bremen, Georgia) DISCUSSANT: Klein, Margarete (German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mommsen, Margareta (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany) Distinctive features of Russia’s political regime: Open authoritarianism, secret oligarchy, managed democracy Trevisani, Tommaso (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Germany) Neopatrimonialism in Uzbekistan: ideology, state capture, and techniques of social control Bos, Ellen (Andrássy Universität Budapest, Hungary) Ukraine after the Orange Revolution: More democratic but still a hybrid regime?

PANEL : III.13 RUSSIAN ENLIGHTENMENT THOUGHT Room 263 CHAIR: Swiderski, Edward (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) DISCUSSANT: Oittinen, Vesa (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Artemyeva, Tatiana (Herzen University, Russian Federation) 'A Guide to Real Human Happiness':The Philosophy of A.T.Bolotov (1738-1833) Mikeshin, Mikhail (St. Petersburg Center for the History of, Russian Federation) Princess Dashkova (1743/44-1810): Moving Academic and Social Ideas Across Frontiers van der Zweerde, Evert (Radboud University, Netherlands) The Scottish Connection - Semën Desnickij as Enlightenment Transmitter

PANEL : III.14 THE POLICY PROCESS IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Obolonsky, Aleksandr (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Fortescue, Stephen (University of New South Wales, Australia) The policy-making process during Putin’s prime-ministership Huskey, Eugene (Stetson University, United States) Bureaucratic Agents and Policy Implementation in Contemporary Russia: Debureaucratizing the Small Business Sector Chaisty, Paul (Oxford University, United Kingdom) Fortescue, Stephen (University of Melbourne, Australia) , Huskey, Eugene (Stetson University, United States) Economic Interests and Legislative Behaviour in Russia

PANEL : III.15 EAST , WEST AND CENTRE : THE HEALTH OF AGEING POPULATIONS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SOCIO -ECONOMIC FACTORS Room 254 CHAIR AND DISCUSSANT: Juerges, Hendrik (University of Mannheim, Germany) (CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Chton -Dominczak, Agnieszka , The Po lish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Poland )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Peasey, Anne (UCL, United Kingdom) Bobak, Martin (UCL, United Kingdom) Centre-East: the role of socio-economic factors in determining health of 50+ populations in Central and Eastern Europe Myck, Michal (Centre for Economic Analysis, CenEA, Poland) Health and socio-economic status in Central Europe – the role of life histories in explaining contemporary variation. Topor-Madry, Roman (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Gilis-Januszewska (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Aleksandra Bala, Malgorzata (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Myck, Michal (DIW-Berlin & Centre for Economic Analysi, Poland) Centre-West: socio-economic characteristics and health of 50+ populations in Poland and Czech Republic vs countries of EU15

______17 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : III.16 THE MENTAL INTEGRATION OF SIBERIA INTO THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Room 359 CHAIR: Kusber, Jan (University of Mainz, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Bassin, Mark (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Frank, Susi K. (Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany) "Strannik" as a topos of Russian national and imperial discourse Stolberg, Eva M. (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) "Mapping the East": Was there a Siberian Frontier Ideology in Late Tsarist Empire/Soviet Union? Kuentzel-Witt, Kristina (University of Hamburg, Germany) How large is Siberia? The geographical discussion about the dimension of Siberia in the 18. Century

PANEL : III.18 FDI AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN THE RUSSIAN MARKET : SOME EMPIRICAL FINDINGS FROM EAST (J APAN ) AND WEST (F INLAND ) Room 453 CHAIR: Kosonen, Riita (Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Mizobata, Satoshi (Kyoto University, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Tomiyama, Eiko (Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial S, Japan) Entry and Marketing Strategies to Russian Market by Japanese, Korean Automobile manufacturers ―Case Study of Entry to Russian Market by Toyota, Hyundai & KIA Motor Rautio, Vesa (University of Helsinki, Finland) Globalizing Finland: the Russian connection Tokunaga, Masahiro (Kansai University, Japan) Delayed, but flourished? Preliminary analysis on FDI of the Japanese companies in Russia Zashev, Peter (Kymenlaakso Univ. of Applied Sciences, Finland) Formation of Northwestern Russia car manufacturing cluster and its impact for foreign suppliers

PANEL : III.19 MIGRATION I: LABOUR Room 462 CHAIR: Davidovic, Milena (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Kuzibaeva, Gulnara (National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan) Uzbek Women in Global Sex Industry: Between Money and Morality Buckley, Mary (Hughes Hall, Cambridge, United Kingdom) The implications of forced labour in and out of Russia for global citizenship Cherniavskaya, Yevgeniya (East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine) FACTORS PREVENTING CHAOTIC EMIGRATION OF UKRAINIAN LABOR INTO EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES (Russian) Abiala, Kristina (Södertörn University, Sweden) Longing and Hope. Present and Future for Young Moldovan Women NEW: Paper I.05.1, Havolli, Sokol (Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo; Republic Of Kosovo) The Determinants of Remittances to Kosovo: Recent Evidence (Paper I.05.1)

18 ______Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : III.20 RELIGIONS , STATE AND MODERNITY IN VOLGA URAL HISTORY (19 TH - 20 TH CENTURIES ) Room 355 CHAIR: Le Torrivellec, Xavier (Franco-Russian Centre for Social Science, France) DISCUSSANT: Werth, Paul (University of Nevada, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Minnullin, Ilnur (Sh. Marjani Institute of History, Russian Federation) Rural Islamic Communities in Tatarstan (1945-1980s) Le Torrivellec, Xavier (Franco-Russian Centre for Social Science, France) Ideologies and Culture of Nationalism among Turkish and Finno-Ugric Intelligentsia in Volga-Ural Region (beginning of the XXth Century) (French) Naganawa, Norihiro (Hokkaido University, Japan) Contours of the Community and Homeland: Volga-Urals Muslims Going to the Hajj and War in the Late Imperial Period Graney, Kate (Skidmore College, United States) Neo-Jadidism or State-Building Tool ? Euro-Islam in Post-Soviet Tatarstani Politics CANCELLED: Steinwedel, Charles (Northeastern Illinois University, United States) Old Religions in a New Environment: Russian Orthodoxy and Islam after the Great Reforms

PANEL : III.21 MEDVEDEV ’S EUROPEAN SECURITY PROPOSAL AND RUSSIAN RELATIONS WITH EUROPE Room 451 CHAIR: Berryman, John (University of London, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Shearman, Peter (Webster University Thailand, Thailand) DISCUSSANT: Freire, Maria Raquel (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Fernandes, Sandra (University of Minho, Portugal) European Security After August 2008: The European Union and the Medvedev Proposal Lomagin, Nikita (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Russia's New Security Doctrine for Europe Herd, Graeme (Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland) Medvedev's Proposed Treaty on European Security


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Tkach, Olga (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) "Old" Job - "New" Relationships: Informal Home-Care Service in Middle Class Households of St.Petersburg Temkina, Anna (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Reproductive and Sexual Practices in Middle Class Couples: Risk and Control (Russian) Pasynkova, Veronika (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Elderly care policy in Russia: The Samara region experiment in elderly people adoption Zdravomyslova, Elena (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Construction of care of elderly people by nurses

______19 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

TUESDAY , JULY 27 15:30-17:00


PANEL : IV.01 ARTISTIC ACCULTURATION IN EUROPE AND BEYOND Room 352 CHAIR: van de Stadt, Janneke (Williams College, United States) DISCUSSANT: Nicholas, Mary (Lehigh University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Wanner, Adrian (Pennsylvania State University, United States) Russianness for German Consumption: Wladimir Kaminer, Lena Gorelik, Alina Bronsky Hellebust, Rolf (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Komar and Melamid beyond the TransState Masing-Delic, Irene (Ohio State University, United States) Replica or Recreation? The Function of the Eurydice Motif in Nabokov's Oeuvre

PANEL : IV.02 SECURITY IN CENTRAL ASIA Room 462 CHAIR: Oldberg, Ingemar (Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Shilibekova, Aigerim (Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan) Prospects for building regional security in Central Asia: Exploring the role of regional organizations Shangirbayeva, Beibit (Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan) Security problems in international law-making of Kazakhstan Burnashev, Rustam (Kazakh-German University, Kazakhstan) Chernykh, Irina (al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan) Archaeology of Security: Case of Uzbekistan (Russian) NEW : Marketos, Thrassy (C.E.D.S. Athens branch, Greece) Iran’s Geopolitics in the midst of the U.S. – Russia – China Energy Security Struggle for the Geostrategic Control of Eurasia (Paper XI.15.1)

CANCELLED: PANEL : IV.03 ORAL HISTORY OF INDEPENDENT TAJIKISTAN Room 356 CHAIR: Jonson, Lena (Swedish Institute of International Affairs , Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Olimova, Saodat Tajikistan)

PANEL ISTS AND PAPERS: Hodi -Zoda, Faredun (Oral History Project, Tajikistan) How people perceived the beginning of the revolt in Tajikistan

______20 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : IV.05 A KALEIDOSCOPE OF REVOLUTIONS : RUSSIA IN REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE , 1914-1921 Room 451 CHAIR: Brüggemann, Karsten (Tallin University, Estonia) DISCUSSANT: Landis, Erik (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Landis, Erik (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom) Coercion, violence, and state building in the Russian civil war Novikova, Liudmila (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Provincial counter-revolution: anti-Bolshevik movement and the people's Civil War in the Russian North, 1918-1920 Retish, Aaron (Wayne State University, United States) Peasant Identity and State Formation in Russia's Periphery Badcock, Sarah (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Power and Authority in 1917; Contextualising revolution in Nizhegorod and Kazan provinces

PANEL : IV.06 AUTHORITARIAN POWER AND THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY Room 453 CHAIR: Péteri, György (Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway) DISCUSSANT: Péteri, György (Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Oates-Indruchova, Libora (Charles University, Czech Republic) Publishing and censorship in social sciences during state socialism Leisti, Simo (Tampere University, Finland) From Promise to Threat - Soviet Sociology 1964-1971 Nisonen-Trnka, Riikka (Aleksanteri Institute, Finland) Visiting the "Civilized World" – the Travels of Czechoslovak Scientists to the West

PANEL : IV.07 CONFRONTING A.S. PUSHKIN IN THE 1830 S: REPUTATION , INTERTEXT , MYTH Room 252 CHAIR: Turoma, Sanna (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Theimer Nepomnyashchy, Catharine (Columbia University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Reyfman, Irina (Columbia University, United States) Pushkin the Chamberlain Platt, Jonathan Brooks (University of Helsinki, Finland) First a Suicide without a Note and Now a Note without a Suicide: Pushkin and Odoevsky in the 1830s CANCELLED: Khitrova, Daria (University of Chicago, United States) "The Queen of Spades" in Its Mirrors

PANEL : IV.08 LEADERSHIP CHANGE AND ELITE SUCCESSION UNDER PUTIN AND MEDVEDEV Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: White, Stephen (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rivera, Sharon Werning (Hamilton College, United States) David, Rivera (Hamilton College, United States) Trends in Elite Militarization under Putin Kryshtanovskaya, Olga (Russian Academy of Sciencces, Russian Federation) White, Stephen (Dept of Politics, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) The Putin-Medvedev Tandem and the Development of the Russian Political System (Russian) Ogushi, Atsushi (Hokkaido University, Japan) Russian Bureaucratic Elite: Patrimonial or Technocratic?

______21 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : IV.09 MIGRATION FROM THE FORMER SOVIET UNION : TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Room 454 CHAIR: Hrytsak, Yaroslav (Ivano Franko Universitet, Ukraine) DISCUSSANT: Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa (Göthe University, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Tymczuk, Alexander (University of Oslo, Norway) Care at a distance and ideals of closeness: child care in Ukrainian transnational families Zimmer, Kerstin (Marburg University, Germany) Types and Variations of Transnationalism in the Migration Process from East to West CANCELLED: Hirning, Olga (Philipps -Universität Marburg, Germany) “Germania Babuschka”: Transnational Remigration of Russian -Speaking "Aussiedler" (resettler)

PANEL : IV.10 PAST AS PROLOGUE : THE HISTORY AND /OR PROJECTED FUTURE OF SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ( PART 1) Room 254 CHAIR: Davis, Robert H. (Columbia University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Crayne, Janet (University of Michigan Library, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Warmbrunn, Juergen (Herder-Institut, Germany) So near but yet so far-the library of the Herder Institut in the context of research on East Central Europe after 1945 Rogatchevskaia, Ekaterina (British Library, United Kingdom) The development of the British Library Russian and Slavonic collections in the early 20th century Lorkovic, Tatjana (Yale University Library, United States) Yale University Library’s Slavic and East European Collection from the beginning of the 20th century until today


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Shishkin, Sergey (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Challenges for Health Care and Perspectives of Health Care Reform in Russia Jakobson, Lev (State University-Higher School of Economy, Russian Federation Ambivalent effect of public procurement reform (Russian) CANCELLED: Tambo vtsev, Vitaly (MSU, Russian Federation) The Reform of the Budgeting Process in Russia

PANEL : IV.12 RUSSIA AND JAPAN BEYOND THE WAR OF 1904/05 Room 353 CHAIR: Ikeda, Yorhiro (NUIS, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David (Brock University, Canada)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mikhailova, Yulia (Hiroshima City University, Japan) Beyond Diplomacy and Politics: Images in Russo-Japanese Relations Ikeda, Yoshiro (Niigata Univ. of International and Inf., Japan) Cultural and social relations between Russia and Japan during World War I Renner, Andreas (University of Cologne, Germany) Captured and Captivated: The Russo-Japanese War Remembered by Russian POWs

______22 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : IV.13 RUSSIA ’S ENERGY POLICY : NATIONAL , INTERREGIONAL AND GLOBAL DIMENSIONS Room 357 CHAIR: Balmaceda, Margarita (Seton Hall University, Ukraine) DISCUSSANTS: Petersson, Bo (Lund University/Malmö University, Sweden); Dusseault, David (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kivinen, Markku (University of Helsinki, Finland) Agency and Choice in Russian Energy Policy


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Norris, Stephen (Miami University, United States) “Old Songs for New Times: Konstantin Ernst and the Production of Post-Soviet Patriotism” Platt, Kevin M. F. (University of Pennsylvania, United States) Russian Pop as Soft Power in the Near Abroad: a Brief History of the New Wave (Новая Волна) Festival Oushakine, Serguei Alex (Princeton University, United States) Soviet Estrada, Russian Patriotism: Making Songs For Masses

PANEL : IV.15 ST.P ETERSBURG - FINLAND : CULTURAL CONTACTS Room 459 CHAIR: Ekonen, Kirsti (University of Tampere, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Petrov, E.V. (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rogulin, Nickolai (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Military communications of Russia and Finland in second half XIX-beginning of XX centuries (Russian) Orfinskaya, Larisa (University of Helsinki, Finland) Cooperation between and Helsinki (Gelsingfors) in the field of penitentiary questions. (Russian) Kashchenko, Sergey (Saint-Petersburg State Universit, Russian Federation) Markova, Maria (Saint-Petersburg State Universit, Russian Federation) Demographic processes in Northwest cross-border region of Russian empire in half XIX-beginning of XX centuries (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Denisova, Liubov (Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas, Russian Federation) Labor and Gender in Rural Russia in the 1990s (Russian) Mukhina, Irina (Assumption College, United States) Origins of the post-Soviet Shuttle Trade

______23 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : IV.19 ON RELIGION II: POLITICAL ASPECTS Room 255 CHAIR: Sundström, Olle (Umeå University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Inoue, Takehiko (Hokkaido University, Japan) Russian Imperial Policies toward Buddhists: The Relationship between Buddhist Monks and Smallpox Vaccination Dubrovskaya, Elena (Karelian Research Center, Russian Federation) Russia - Finland Border: Tolerant and Conflict Myths in Russian Orthodox Press at the Beginning of the 20th Century TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IX.14: Paper IV.19.5, Kalkandjieva, Daniela (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria) THE BULGARIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AT CROSSROADS: BETWEEN NATIONALISM AND PLURALISM

PANEL : IV.20 HOW AND WHY EUROPE MATTERS : THE IMPACT OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ON RUSSIA 'S JUDICIARY Room 351 CHAIR: Nussberger, Angelika (University of Cologne, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Nussberger, Angelika (University of Cologne, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Burkov, Anton (Human Rights Academy, Russian Federation) Application of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by Russian Courts Korotev, Kirill (University of Strasbourg, France) Russian Constitutional Court and Russian Supreme Court: Concurrence in Favour or Against the Protection of Human Rights? von Gall, Caroline (University of Cologne, Germany) The Russian Constitutional Court: Natural ally of the European Court of Human Rights?

PANEL : IV.21 MEDIEVAL CULTURE Room 355 CHAIR: Pereswetoff-Morath, Alexander (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Choi, Junghyun (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea) On the Some Dailogic Structure of Igor's Campaign (Russian) Vercamer, Grischa (German Historic Institut Warsaw, Poland) Reactions among the east-central-european rulers (Piasts, Przemyslides, Arpades) on the Mongolian threat in the 13th century after the devastating defeat in Poland and Hungary in the year 1241 Shulgina, Emilia (Historical museum (Moscow), Russian Federation) On a collective work of Russian and German scholars on edition of the Great Menaion of metropolitan Makarij. (Russian) Kim, Kyuchin (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea) The Meaning of Latin Text of Bohemian Codex Gigas in the Context of Globalization

______24 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

TUESDAY , JULY 27 17:30-18:00

EXHIBITOR PRESENTATION Room: The Auditorium EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION European Science Foundation is an organization owned by 79 funders, research performing organizations and academies. EFS covers the whole of science and runs among other things a project concerning the definition of future social science research questions about Central and Eastern Europe. In this presentation, ESF will inform about the funding opportunities it provides and about the project on Eastern Europe.

TUESDAY , JULY 27 18:00-20:00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium – THE VICTORS (ROUNDTABLE ) MODERATOR NEW: Lloyd, John (Financial Times, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS: Reich, Jens (Professor, founder of the party "Neues Forum" in the GDR, Germany) NEW: Dalos, György (Author, Germany) NEW: Magyar, Balint (Former member of the Hungarian Government) NEW: Håstad, Disa (Writer, former correspondent, Sweden) CANCELLED: Haraszti, Miklos (Just resigned as OSCE Media Freedom Representative, Hungary) CANCELLED: Vondra, Alexandr (Senator, Czech Republic, tbc)

______25 Tuesday 27 July 2010, 17.30–20.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WEDNESDAY , JULY 28 08:30-10:00


PANEL : V.01 COMPARISON BETWEEN RUSSIAN , JAPANESE AND BRITISH EMPIRES : THE EXTRATERRITORIALITIES IN EAST ASIA Room 359 CHAIR: Naganawa, Norihiro (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Stolberg, Eva M. (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sakon, Yukimura (St. Petersburg Institute of History, RAN, Russian Federation) Whose is the River? : Russo-Chinese relations in the last years of the Russian Empire Asano, Toyomi (Chukyo University, Japan) Regionalism or Imperialism?: Japanese options toward protected Korea in the international relations after Japan-Russo War, 1905-1910 Ladds, Catherine (Colorado State University, United States) Imperial ambitions: The politics of nationality in the Chinese Customs Service, 1890-1930

PANEL : V.02 SOCIAL AND LINGUISTIC TURBULENCE IN POST -SOVIET SPACE (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 462 CANCELLED: CHAIR: Pfandl, Heinrich (University of Graz, Austria) DISCUSSANT: Nerler, Pavel (Stavropol State University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Nikiporets-Takigawa, Galina (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) The Internet Language of Russian Diaspora Mustajoki, Arto (University of Helsinki, Finland) Nostalgia on Soviet Union in Russia today Smoljanski, Alexander (Information Agency of Integrum World Wide, Russian Federation) Political impact on the language of Russian mass-media. Diachronic and synchronic analysis Yulia Saphonova (State Academy of Slavonic Culture, Russian Federation) Negotiations of identity conducted by young generation of the Russian diaspora in the former Soviet Union (versus first generation of Russian diaspora)

PANEL : V.03 19 TH AND EARLY 20 TH CENTURY MUTUAL PERCEPTIONS Room 255 CHAIR: Turoma, Sanna (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Svedov, Vladislav (Urals Branch of Russian Academy of Scien, Russian Federation) Historical experience of the positive perception of the Northern Europenian nations in the public consciousness of the Eurasia population XVI - XX centuries Gomide, Bruno (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) "American Russia": a debate of the 1920s and 1930s (Russian) Goubina, Maya (BULAC, Centre de Recherches en Histoire des Slaves, Paris I Sorbonne, France) A CASE OF STEREOTYPES : FRENCH AND RUSSIAN MUTUAL PERCEPTION DURING THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY Tejerizo, Margaret (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Russian Balsam for "TheThree Spanish Wounds" and the Mystery of the Missing Stalin CANCELLED: Gribkova, Elena (Moscow Pedagogical State University, Russian Federation) Italian Society of 19 -th S entury in the Rostophina's Novel "Palazzo Forli" (Russian)

26 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : V.04 SHARED AND CONTESTED SITES OF MEMORY : VISUAL CULTURE , SECURITY AND THE SOVIET LEGACY IN THE BALTIC STATES Room 353 CHAIR: Swain, Geoffrey (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Mertelsmann, Olaf (University of Tartu, Estonia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Smith, David (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Estonian, Russian or in-between? Looking at Narva twenty years on Burch, Stuart (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom) Heritage in danger! A Call to Preserve Estonia's Soviet landscape Lehti, Marko (University of Tampere/Turku, Finland) The ghosts of the past return: securitized memories in the Baltic states after 08/08/08

PANEL : V.05 "O LD BORDERS , NEW FRONTIERS AND CONTINUING MISUNDERSTANDINGS ” – ORTHODOX CHURCHES AND THE “W EST ” IN THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Room 461 CHAIR: van der Zweerde, Evert (Radboud University, Netherlands) DISCUSSANT: Berezhnaya, Liliya (University of Muenster, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Komaritskaya, Aleksandra (Russian State University for Humanities, Russian Federation) Orthodoxy and the public sphere: communicative strategies of Father Alexander Men' Bruening, Alfons (Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Netherlands) The Enemy´s image confused: Post Soviet Atheism, Western Secularization and the Question of Russian Orthodox Occidentalism Lis, Julia (University of Münster, Germany) Anti-Westernism in Greek and Serbian Orthodox theology today

PANEL : V.07 INVESTORS AND GOVERNMENTS IN RUSSIAN REGIONS : EVIDENCES OF LATE 2000 S Room 357 CHAIR: Dallago, Bruno (University of Trento, Italy) DISCUSSANT: Kusznir, Julia (University of Regensburg, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Yakovlev, Andrei (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Frye, Timothy (Columbia University, United States) Investors and governments in Russian regions: what has changes in 2000s? Kozyreva, Galina (Institute of economics KarRC RAS, Russian Federation) Business climate and business practices: the case of Karelia (Russian) CANCELLED: Karhunen, Päivi (Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) Golikova, Victoria ( Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) , Kosonen, Riitta ( Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) Intra -regional Differences in Investment Climat e in Russia: Evidence from the Republic of Karelia

______27 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : V.08 LINGUISTICS Room 352 CHAIR: Ambrosiani, Per (Umeå University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Kakicheva, Julia (Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) Aesthetic evaluation in English and Russian: cross-cultural analysis Jameson, Andrew (Lancaster University, United Kingdom) A Logical Procedure for Determining Translation Priorities in Russian-English Translation (for those translating into their native language) SONG, Eun-Ji (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea) Discourse and linguistic expressions of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in Old Believer Lives: Lives of Avvakum and Epifanij Ringblom, Natasha (Stockholm University, Sweden) On the Diverging Development of Unbalanced Bilingual Children Sukhoon, Choo (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea) Bidirectional Government in Russian Morphosyntax


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kurshutov, Temur (senior researcher, Ukraine) Hotopp-Riecke, Mieste (ICATAT, Germany) The Crimean Tatars between the fronts: Incomplete Repatriation of the deported People and their situation in the contemporary Ukraine (German, Russian) Czerwonnaja, Swetlana (Russian Institute for Culture Researches, Russian Federation) Approach to the National Minorities as the “Achilles’ heel” of the New Independent States (Sample of Georgia, and the Turks- Meskhetians’ Repatriation’s problem) (German) Jääts, Indrek (Estonian National Museum, Estonia) Lallukka, Seppo (U. of Helsinki, Finland) FINNO-UGRIANS OF RUSSIA IN DEMOGRAPHIC DECLINE Skrzypek, Andrzej (Uniwersity od WArsaw, Poland) Problems of migrations in European Union in socialdemocratic eyes.

28 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : V.10 NATIONALISM AND NATIONAL IDENTITY II Room 454 CHAIR: Garzonio, Stefano (University of Pisa, Italy)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Chubays, Igor (People’s Friendship University, Russian Federation) Russian identity: between Europe and Asia? (Russian) Gromov, Alexey (Ural State Fire-service Institute of Eme, Russian Federation) Gromova, Svetlana ("Revival" Center of Experiment&Creativit, Russian Federation) Who rules Russia: reality and possibility Gromova, Svetlana ("Revival" Center of Experiment&Creativit, Russian Federation) Gromov, Alexey (Ural State Fure-service Institute of Eme, Russian Federation) Russian-Slavic nation: a definition NEW : Chatterjee, Suchandana (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, India) The new look of Siberia: impressions of change CANCELLED: Gritsenko, Vasiliy (State University, Russian Federation) Humanistic Traditions of Russian Philosophy in Modern Euroasian Space CANCELLED: Danilchenko, Tatiana (State University, Russian Federation) Eastern Reformation: Geoeconomic approach t o Russian resources CANCELLED: Tikkala, Terhi (Södertörns högskola, Finland) Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue? The Quest for the Image of Contemporary Russia

CANCELLED: PANEL : V.11 RUSSIA AND WESTERN EUROPE : INCURSIONS , INTERSECTIONS AND EXCHANGES Room 351 CHAIR: Huttunen, Tomi (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Golburt, Luba (University of California Berkeley, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ruutu, Hanna (University of Helsinki, Finland) Telephones, buse s, streetsigns: Henry Parland and the Russian Futurism Ruscica, Marilena (Stanford University, Italy) A Bearable Lightness: Escapes to Italy in the Soviet Union

PANEL : V.12 RUSSIA : PROSPECTS FOR POLITICAL MODERNIZATION (R OUNDTABLE ) The panel is supported by Vostok Nafta Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Jonson, Lena (Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gudkov, Lev (Levada Centre, Russian Federation) From totalitarianism to authoritarianism (how the Russian public perceives the political system of post-communist Russia) Busygina, Irina (NGIMO, Russian Fedeation) Risks and Constraints of Political Modernization in Russia Urnov, Mark (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Russia: Modernization and its alternatives (an attempt to scenario forecasting) (Russian)

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PANEL : V.13 RUSSIA 'S EVOLVING SECURITY POLICY Room 451 CHAIR: Fischer, Sabine (EUISS, France) DISCUSSANT: Fischer, Sabine (EUISS, France)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Forsberg, Tuomas (University of Tampere, Finland) THE ROLE OF EMOTIONS IN RUSSIAN FOREIGN POLICY Allison, Roy (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) Military Force as a Foreign Policy Instrument: The Russian Debate Before and After the Campaign in Georgia Vendil Pallin, Carolina (Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden) Russia's Security Policy Agenda in Northern Europe

PANEL : V.14 SOROKINIADA : VLADIMIR SOROKIN AND CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN LITERATURE LITERATURE Room 253 CHAIR: Mochizuki, Tetsuo (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Lanin, Boris (Academy of Education, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Burkhart, Dagmar (University of Mannheim, Germany) Vladimir Sorokin’s play Capital and the mythologizing of money Ågren, Mattias (Stockholm University, Sweden) A mythological Utopia: Vladimir Sorokin’s Trilogiia and Daniil Andreev’s Roza Mira Litovskaia, Maria (Ural State University, Russian Federation) Prose of Vladimir Sorokin in the Context of 'New' Post-Soviet Nostalgia (Russian)

PANEL : V.15 SOVIET WOMEN 'S EVERYDAY LIVES : LOYALTY AND RESISTANCE Room 361 CHAIR: Koivunen, Pia (University of Tampere, Finland) NEW DISCUSSANT: Leinarte, Dalia (Vilnius University, Lithuania) (CANCELLED: Smirnova, Tatiana , Institute of Russian His tory RAS, Russian Federation )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Runcis, Maija (Södertörn University, Sweden) Ilic, Melanie (, Carlbäck, Helene (Sweden) Everyday practices of Latvian families - a form of resistance to Soviet ideology? Ilic, Melanie (University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom) Soviet Women's Agenda and the Women's International Democratic Federation Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden) Did women's voices matter? Female letter-writing to the authorities in Soviet Russia

PANEL : V.16 CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE AND ART I Room 254 CHAIR: Young, Jekaterina (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Hansen, Julie (Dalarna University, Sweden) Depictions of the Communist past in two Bildungsromane: Coming of age in Libera’s Madame and Topol’s Noční práce Svensson, My (Uppsala University, Sweden) Everyday Marginality and the “Housing Projects” in Polish Contemporary Fiction. Ryan, Karen (University of Virginia, United States) ISO schast’e in the New World: Gendering Contemporary Anglophone Russian Literature Poerzgen, Yvonne (Bremen University, Germany) Is Freedom an Illusion? The Contribution of Slavic Literary Science to the Discourse on Free Will

30 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : V.17 MIND IN EXILE Room 459 CHAIR: Bernstein, Lina (Franklyn and Marshall College, United States) DISCUSSANT: Toker, Leona (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Krasavchenko, Tatiana (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Writer as a migrant: Mikhail Shishkin (Russian) Pervukhin, Natalia (University of Tennessee, United States) Leonid Chertkov: From Mansard Facing West to Astral Storm. (Russian) Superfin, Gabriel (Independent Researcher, Germany) Samizdat Collections in the Bremen East Europe Institute's Archive (Russian)

PANEL : V.18 EURASIAN HUMAN RESOURCES - ALTERNATIVE CULTURAL APPROACHES FROM THE FUTURE Room 252 CHAIR: Kaltchev, Ivan (Sofia University, Bulgaria) DISCUSSANT: Lee, Kyong Wan (Russia-CIS institute, Korea University, Republic of Korea)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Orlov, Igor (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Social State in Russia: Strategies of Preservation and Development of Human Resource (Russian) Tasic, Milan (University of Nis, Serbia) BALKAN RESOURCES IN THE LIGHT OF A PERSONALITY THEORY Taguchi, Shuhei (Kumamoto University, Japan) Eurasian resources for Bioethics and human health

PANEL : V.19 MARITAL VIOLENCE IN EAST EUROPEAN CULTURES : PAST AND PRESENT Room 356 CHAIR: Boškovska, Nada (Universität Zürich, Switzerland) DISCUSSANT: Muravyeva, Marianna (Herzen State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sarsenov, Karin (Lund University, Sweden) Textualization of disgust: Marital violence in Russian autobiography Lubamersky, Lynn (Boise State University, United States) Vigilante justice vs. the noblewoman's freedom of choice in marriage and love: the foray/zajazd in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 18th century Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta (Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania) Live together in the Romanian Society:Domestic Violence between “Love” and “Necessity” (1750-1830)

PANEL : V.20 PERESTROIKA REVISITED II Room 355 CHAIR: Gill, Graeme (University of Sydney, Australia)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Svensson, Bengt (Stockholm University, Sweden) Seven years that shook Soviet economic and social thinking. Reflections on the revolution in communist economics 1985 - 1991. Petrov, Kristian (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) East of Cosmopolis: Cosmopolitanism and Russocentrism in Gorbachev’s Common European Home Sato, Keiji (Slavic research center, Japan) The Rebirth of Sovereign States and First Challenge to National Interests of the Union Republics (1988-1990)

______31 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

WEDNESDAY , JULY 28 10:30-12:00

CANCELLED : PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium THE NEW GEO -POLITICS IN EURASIA : IMPLICATIONS F OR SECURITY POLICY MAKERS (ROUNDTABLE ) MODERATOR: Vendil Pallin, Carolina (Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden) PANELISTS: Matsuzato, Kimitaka (Hokkaido University, Japan) Fischer, Sabine (EUISS, France) CANCELLED: Trenin, Dmitri (Carnegie Moscow Cent er, Russian Federation)


PANEL : VI.01 RUSSIAN RESOURCES : ALTERNATIVE METAPHYSICAL (U NIVERSAL ) APPROACHES FROM THE FUTURE Room 252 CHAIR: Tasic, Milan (University of Nis, Serbia) DISCUSSANT: Visnovsky, Emil (Comenius University, Slovakia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kaltchev, Ivan (Bulgarian Philosophical Association, Bulgaria) The universal and national as values and models of development Khroutski, Konstantin (Novgorod State University, Russian Federation) Biocosmological (metaphysical universal) approach to Russian resources Smajs, Josef (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Evolutionary Ontology - A New Intellectual Paradigm for the 21st Century

PANEL : VI.02 RUSSIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH UNDER THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER (1) Room 453 CHAIR: Belkindas, Misha (World Bank, United States) DISCUSSANT: Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Tabata, Shinichiro (Hokkaido University, Japan) Russia's Economic Growth Model in Comparison with China and India Kuboniwa, Masaaki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Growth and Structure of the Russian Economy: Then and Now Gavrilenkov, Evgeny (Troika Dialog, Russian Federation) External Constraints Reshape Russia's Economy

CANCELLED: PANEL : VI.03 MODERNISATION AS TRADITION , TRADITIO N AS MODERNISATION (R OUNDTABLE ) The panel is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Öberg, Johan (Gothenburg University, Sweden)

PANELISTS: Lev Rubinstein, poet, critic, essayist (Russian Federation) Ekaterina Diogot , art critic, art historian, curator (Russian Federation) Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, playwright, novelist, poet, singer (Russian Federation) Lars Kleberg, professor of Russian litterature, specialist in Soviet modernist literature and theatre (Södertörn Uni versity, Sweden)

32 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VI.04 UKRAINIAN POLITICS I Room 454 CHAIR: Semenii, Oleksii (Associate expert, ICPS , Ukraine)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Jakob, Hedenskog (Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden) The Ukrainian Power Structures - Political and Regional Preferences in times of Uncertainty Gretskiy, Igor (School of International Relations SpbSU, Russian Federation) Five Years after the Orange Revolution: Assessing Ukraine's Post-Revolutionary Agenda Kovalova, Alla (National Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine) SOCIAL COHESION PROBLEM IN UKRAINE

PANEL : VI.05 VELIMIR KHLEBNIKOV 'S ART AND THOUGHT AS A PARADIGM OF INTERCULTURAL CONTACTS Room 253 CHAIR: Weststeijn, Willem G. (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) DISCUSSANT: Maiorova, Olga (University of Michigan, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Parnis, Aleksandr (Russ. State Archive of Literature & Art, Russian Federation) On the History of How the Longer Poem "Tiran Without Te" Was Created (Russian) Lanne, Jean-Claude (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France) Paradigms and cultural transfers in Velimir Khlebnikov's thought and work (Russian) Baran, Henryk (University at Albany, SUNY, United States) Russo-Indian Cultural Syncretism in V. Khlebnikov's Writings


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Raimundo, Filipa (European University Institute, Italy) Re-opening old debates in consolidated democracies: transitional justice or post-transitional justice? Neumayer, Laure (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France) Creating European norms of reconciliation: the involvement of the Council of Europe and the OSCE in the controversy on the Hungarian Status Law NEW : Bonnard, Pascal (CERI - Sciences Po Paris, France) Producing Ethnicity through Mobilization of Collective Memory of the Soviet Past. A Case Study in Latvia's School System (Paper IX.11.1) NEW : Perchoc, Philippe (Sciences-Po, France) History as a tool for foreign policy in the Baltic States after Independence (Paper IX.11.3) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.15: Paper VI.06.1, Matonyte, Irmina (Institute for Social Research, Lithuania) Memory games in Lithuania: the Elites and their Memory Referents (Paper VI.06.1)

______33 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VI.07 FRIEND , FOE OR NEITHER? STEREOTYPES AND ENEMY IMAGES IN AND ABOUT CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA Room 357 CHAIR: Rytövuori-Apunen, Helena (Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Malinova, Olga (Russian Academy of Sciences INION RAN, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Russell, John (University of Bradford, UK, United Kingdom) ‘Bad’ Europeans or ‘good’ Eurasianists? The Western media's understanding, and misunderstandings, of Russians. Taras, Raymond (Tulane University, United States) Russophobic foreign policy in Poland: An elite or citizen artifact? From the Kaczynskis' leadership to the Civic Platform policies. Petersson, Bo (Lund University, Sweden) Russian Public Images of the United States under Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev

PANEL : VI.08 GEOGRAPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF THE CENTRAL ASIAN MIGRATION FIELD : A MACRO APPROACH Room 461 CHAIR: Mouradian, Claire (CNRS-CERCEC, France) NEW DISCUSSANT: Abashin, S, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) (CANCELLED: Reeves, Madeleine, University of Manchester, United K ingdom )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: De Tapia, Stéphane (CNRS, France) Central Asia: a Part of the Turkish Migratory Field? (French) Hohmann, Sophie (CERCEC/EHESS, France) Labour migrations and social change in post-war Tajikistan CANCELLED: Fumagalli, Matte o (Central European University, Hungary) Post -Soviet Migration and its Impact on Russian -Central Asian Relations TRANSFERRED TO PANEL II.06: Paper VI.08.3, Thorez, Julien (CNRS, France) Central Asian migrations between post-colonial and global dynamics: a view from Uzbekistan (Russian)

PANEL : VI.09 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND TRUST IN RUSSIAN FOREST SECTOR Room 451 CHAIR: Nysten-Haarala, Soili (University of Joensuu, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Pappila, Minna (University of Turku, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kulyasova, Antonina (Centre for Independent Social Research, Russian Federation) Kulyasov, Ivan (Centre for Independent Social Research, Russian Federation) Social Responsibility in Russian Forest Sector: Local Expectations and Global Strategies Tysiachniouk, Maria (Center for Independent Social Research, Russian Federation) Personal and impersonal trust along the supply chain- Stora Enso case study Matilainen, Anna-Maija (University of Joensuu, Finland) Pappila, Minna (University of Turku, Finland) Social and ecological responsibility, self-regulation and law in the Russian forest sector

34 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VI.11 MEMORY POLITICS AND THE USE OF HISTORY II Room 355 CHAIR: Anu-Mai Köll (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Hovi, Tuomas (University of Turku, France) Dracula tourism in Romania: negotiation between East and West. Koshino, Go (Hokkaido University, Japan) The Chernobyl Disaster in Contemporary Belarusian Culture Oylupinar, Huseyin (University of Alberta, Canada) Return of the Cossacks: Kozak Regiments and the Making of Identity and Memory in Contemporary Ukraine NEW : Chikovani, Nino (I.Javakhishvili , Georgia) Overcoming Conflicting Histories – the Way towards Cooperation (The Case of Georgia)(Paper XIII.12.5) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.02: Paper VI.11.1, Fröhlig, Florence (Södertörn Högskola, Sweden) Transcending European Heritage. The Soviet prison camp of Tambov: Social production of memory and memorial acting CANCELLED: Zarrilli, Luca (Università "G. D'Annunzio", Italy) Cappucci, Marianna (Università "G. D'Annunzio", Italy) At the Foot of the Ararat:Cultural Landscape and National Identity in Armenian Tourism

PANEL : VI.12 CATALOGUING AND PUBLICATION OF SLAVIC MANUSCRIPTS Room 254 CHAIR: Löfstrand, Elisabeth (Slavic Languages and Literatures, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Birgegård, Ulla (Uppsala University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Granberg, Antoaneta (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Ambrosiani, Per (Umeå University, Sweden) Electronic descriptions and cataloguing of Slavic manuscripts and Early printed books in Swedish repositories Miltenova, Anissava (Institut of Literature Bulgarian Academy, Bulgaria) Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters and Digital Libraries Löfstrand, Elisabeth (Slavic Languages and Literatures, Sweden) The Novgorod Occupation Archives: experiences from a catalogue project Åkerman Sarkisian, Karine (Uppsala University, Sweden) (Re)Constructing a Saint's Life in an Electronic Edition (Russian)

PANEL : VI.14 RUSSIA ’S GREAT WAR IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE , 1914–1922: THE CENTENNIAL REAPPRAISAL (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 353 PANELISTS: Heywood, Anthony (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom) Novikova, Liudmila (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Frame, Murray (University of Dundee, United Kingdom) McDonald, David (University of Wisconsin–Madison, United States) Steinberg, John W. (Georgia Southern University, United States) von Hagen, Mark (Arizona State University, United States)

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kawano, Asuka (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Educational Role of Local Community and Social Development in Post Soviet Central Asia Otani, Junko (Osaka University, Japan) Health indicators in Central Asia: Prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS and of smoking as Human Development Index (HDI) issues in the Region Osugi, Takuzo (Kyushu University, Japan) Social development needs in ICT sector in Central Asia: From the viewsof Human Security and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

PANEL : VI.16 THE GRAMMAR OF POSSESSIVITY IN SOUTH SLAVIC LANGUAGES : AREAL AND TYPOLOGICAL APPROACHES Room 255 CHAIR: Nomachi, Motoki (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Soboljev, Andrej (Institute for Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mitkovska, Liljana (FON University, Skopje, Makedonia) COMPETITION BETWEEN NOMINAL POSSESSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE POSSESSIVE DATIVE IN MACEDONIAN Lipovšek, Franciška (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia) External Possession in Slovene: Two Constructions - Two Meanings? Miloradovic, Sofija (Institute of Serbian Language SASA, Serbia) EXPRESSING POSSESSIVITY IN SERBIAN VERNACULARS – A REFLEXION OF THE TREND OF ANALYTIZATION (Russian)

PANEL : VI.17 WORLD POLITICS OF EDUCATION IN RUSSIA Room 359 CHAIR: Ortmann, Stefanie (University of Sussex, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Umland, Andreas (Catholic University of Eichstaett, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gluschkoff, Jaana (University of Helsinki, Finland) New challenges in European higher education Piattoeva, Nelli (University of Tampere, Finland) Teachers as intermediaries of patriotic education. Mäkinen, Sirke (University of Tampere, Finland) Geopolitics education in Russian universities - worldviews for future generations.

PANEL : VI.18 RUSSIAN MEDIA IN A STABILIZATION DECADE AND WITH A NEW ECONOMIC CRISIS Room 361 CHAIR: Nordenstreng, Kaarle (University of Tampere, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Pietiläinen, Jukka (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pasti, Svetlana (University of Tampere, Finland) Chernysh, Mikhail (Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy, Russian Federation) Journalists in Smaller Cities of Russia: Are They Different? Koikkalainen, Katja (Aleksanteri Institute, Finland) Foreign brands in Russian magazine market Dmitry, Yagodin (University of Tampere, Finland) Factors affecting bloggers' political activity in the case of Russian LiveJournal

36 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Normann, Christine (University of Trier, Germany) Is there potential for a common German-Polish engagement in the context of the EU´s policy towards Eurasia? Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. (York University, Glendon College, Canada) Slovakia in the European Union: National Retrenchment or Wider Cooperation? Dautancourt, Vincent (University of Paris 8, France) The city of Tallinn: regional connections and European ambitions Houbenova-Delisivkova, Tatiana (Institute of Economics, Belgium) The Economic Relations of Bulgaria with Russia in the context of the European Integration CANCELLED : Blondel, Cyril (Ecole Polytechnique Université de Tours, France) May cross -border cooperation promoted by the EU conduct to Interethnic Reconciliation in the Western Balkans ? (French)

PANEL : VI.20 TOTALITARIAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE – TOLERANCE AND INTOLERANCE Room 351 CHAIR: Hedin, Tora (Stockholm University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Pöppel, Ludmila (Stockholm University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kress, Beatrix (University of Hildesheim, Germany) Is there a totalitarian language in non-totalitarian states? Kuße, Holger (TU Dresden, Germany) Emotive signs and evaluation in totalitarian language Woldt, Claudia (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany) Deontic modality in political discourse - Expressions of tolerance and intolerance in Czech parliamentary debates before and after 1989 Gammelgaard, Karen (University of Oslo, Norway) Why study totalitarian discourse?

______37 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

WEDNESDAY , JULY 28 13:30-15:00


EURASIA AS A FILMIC ASSEMBLAGE I The programme is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation Room: The Auditorium A series of unique documentary and newsreel film screenings arranged in cooperation with the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD, Krasnogorsk). The series includes documentary and newsreel materials produced by various Soviet film studios throughout the Soviet period. The films have been selected by Elena Kolikova (RGAKFD) and Naum Kleiman (Central State Film Museum, Moscow). The programme will be introduced by Elena Kolikova.


PANEL : VII.02 PROBLEMS OF LEGAL CULTURE IN UKRAINE AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Room 351 CHAIR: Baller, Oesten (FHVR, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Fogelklou, Anders (University of Uppsala, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dubenko, Svitlana (National Academy of Public Administration, Ukraine) Problems of Legal Regulation of Principle of Political Neutrality of Public servants in Ukraine (Russian) Plakhotniuk, Nataliia (National Academy of Public Administration, Ukraine) Arguments as to Legal Relationship Connected with Voting Process as a Subject for Consideration by Administrative Courts (Russian) Gritsenko, Elena (State University St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Problems of direct applicability (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAP ERS: Denissova, Galina (Dipartimento di Linguistica, Italy) Russian Contemporary Literature and Visual Culture (Russian) Fateeva, Natalia (The Institute of the Russian Language, Russian Federation) Grammatical neologisms in the modern poetry: motivation, status, frequency

CANCELLED: PANEL : VII.06 POPULATION AND HEALTH IN EASTERN EUROPE AND POST -SOVIET SPACE I Room 453 CHAIR: Mäkinen, Ilkka Henrik (Södertörn University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Rodin, Johhny (Södertörn University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS : TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XI.10: Krumins, Juris (University of Latvia, Latvia) Health and challenges for further socio-demographic development: similarities and diferences between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other CEE countries Mäkinen, Ilkka Henrik (Söd ertörn University, Sweden) Stickley, Andrew ( SCOHOST; Södertörn University, Sweden) The Demographic Crisis as a Process: The Case of Russia in the 1990s

38 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VII.07 RUSSIAN DISCOURSES OF CONSPIRACY Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Heathershaw, John (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Feklyunina, Valentina (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Russia as a Besieged Fortress: The Kremlin's Response to Western Criticism Laruelle, Marlene (Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, United States) EUPHEMIZING RACISM: CONSPIRACY THEORIES, ALTERNATIVE HISTORY AND NEW ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES IN RUSSIA Ortmann, Stefanie (University of Sussex, United Kingdom) "Russia in danger" - conspiracy theories as counter-narrative to the rise of Russia as Great Power

PANEL : VII.09 RUSSIA 'S OTHER SPACES Room 254 NEW CHAIR: Platt, Jonathan Brooks (University of Helsinki, Finland) (CANCELLED: Baschmakoff, Natalia, University of Joensuu, Finland) CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Ungurianu, Dan (Vassari College, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Van Baak, Joost (Groningen University, Netherlands) Rereading Russian Space: The Shapes of Anxiety and Confidence? Bershtein, Evgenii (Reed College, United States) An Englishman in the Russian Bathhouse: Mikhail Kuzmin, Vasilii Rozanov, and the Historical Poetics of Russian Gay Literature. Turoma, Sanna (University of Helsinki, Finland) Aksyonov's 'Ostrov Krym': a Heterotopic Antiutopia? YANG Min-Jong (Busan National University, Republic of Korea) Anatoly Kim and his Kovonzil Literatury

PANEL : VII.11 TEACHING EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES : ONSITE VERSUS ONLINE PROGRAMS (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 359 CHAIR: Segbers, Klaus (Freie Universitet Berlin, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Stojanovic, Arlett (Freie Universitet Berlin, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Stojanovic, Arlett (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) A student’s perspective: Studying East European studies online Segbers, Klaus (Freie Universitet Berlin, Germany) Conceiving East European studies both onsite and online Catharine Nepomnyashchy (Columbia University, United States) Teaching East European studies both online and onsite Gulnaz Sharafutdinova (Miami University, United States) Teaching East European studies both online and onsite Andrey Makarychev (Civil Service Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation) Teaching East European studies both online and onsite

______39 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VII.12 THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL PRACTICES IN FRONT OF PATRIOTIC DISCOURSES Room 459 CHAIR: Oushakine, Serguei Alex (Princeton University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Le Huérou, Anne (Université le Havre CERCEC, France)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Daucé, Françoise (Université Blaise-Pascal, France) Adaptation to patriotic incentives in everyday life of Russian NGOs Barsukova, Svetlana (High School of Economics, Russian Federation) Patriotic speech and agricultural practices in Russia today (Russian) Rousselet, Kathy (Sciences Po, CERI, CNRS, France) Patriotism and Religion in Russia today

PANEL : VII.13 TRANSLATION AND STALINISM Room 253 CHAIR: Jensen, Peter Alberg (Stockholm University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Semenenko, Alexei (Södertörn University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Witt, Susanna (Stockholm University, Sweden) Translation and Terror: The First All-union Conference of Translators, Moscow 1936 Chernetsky, Vitaly (Miami University, United States) A Feast in the Time of Plague: Ukrainian Translations of Pushkin during the Stalin Era Baer, Brian (Kent State University, United States) Censorship, Invisibility, and the Closet: Translating Queer Texts in Stalinist Russia

PANEL : VII.14 WHAT WAS THE DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF CZECHOSLOVAK POLITICS IN 1930 S, AND WHERE DID THE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY COME FROM ? Room 356 CHAIR: Vorácek, Emil (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic) DISCUSSANT: Sato, Yukino (University of Sendai, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pehr, Michal (Masaryk`s Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) Proposals from the right-wing and Roman Catholic circles to reform democracy in the interwar Czechoslovakia (German) Brenner, Christiane (Collegium Carolinum, Germany) Czech Communists between World Revolution and State Loyalty Zimmermann, Volker (Collegium Carolinum, Germany) Failed Conflict Management? Minority Politics in the First Czechoslovak Republic CANCELLED: Perzi, Niklas (Waldviertel Akademie, Austria) Democ racy in Austria between 1918 - 1938 (German)

40 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VII.15 EUROPEAN RUSSIAN ASIAN RESOURCES : ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES FROM THE FUTURE Room 252 CHAIR: Khroutski, Konstantin (Novgorod State University, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Takahashi, Takao (Kumamoto University, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Guja, Cornelia (Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania) INFORMATIONAL ANTHROPOLOGY - FOR THE INTEGRATIVE EURASIAN DEVELOPMENT Heusser, Peter (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany) Goethes scientific method as a basis for a humanistic renewal of medical anthropology in a post-reductionist era of globalized science Uejima, Kayo (Kumamoto University, Japan) Nous-Self Concept as the integrative ethical global direction for the modern scientific development


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rakhimov, Mirzokhid (The Institute of History of Uzbek AS, Uzbekistan) Central Eurasia: prospects for multilateral partnership Yang, Cheng (Center for Russian Studies, China) SCO and the Emerging Balance of Power in Eurasia Kemoklidze, Nino (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) NATIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE COMPLEXITIES OF SECESSION: THE CASES OF KOSOVO, ABKHAZIA, AND SOUTH OSSETIA

PANEL : VII.17 WOMEN 'S HISTORY , CULTURE AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN RUSSIA : ON THE CROSSROAD OF CIVILIZATION Room 361 CHAIR: Trofimova, Elena (Moscow University, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pushkareva, Natalia L'vovna (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Women’s History in Russia: Status and Perspectives between Eastern Traditionalism and Western Feminism Trofimova, Elena (Moscow University, Russian Federation) Gender Lexicon: Western Terminology in Russian Context and Problems of Adaptation (Russian) Holmgren, Beth (Duke University, United States) Dvadtsat' let vpered? Istoria fil'ma o sovremennom russkom feminizmeTwenty years forward? The backstory of a new film on modern Russian feminism (Russian)

PANEL : VII.18 THE BARENTS REGION : THE END OF HISTORY OR THE BEGINNING ? Room 353 NEW CHAIR: Kangaspuro, Markku (University of Helsinki, Finland) (CANCELLED: Karlsson, Klas -Göran, Lund University, Sweden ) NEW DISCUSSANT: Mats-Olov Olsson (Umeå University, Sweden) (CANCELLED: Niemi, Einar (Tromsö University, Norway )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Solomeshch, Ilya (Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation) Confronting Rhetoric and Practice: The Barents Region as the History in the Making? Elenius, Lars (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) The Barents region as a result of European transition to second modernisation Lähteenmäki, Maria (University of Joensuu, Finland) Petsamo: Finland's Lost Potential to the Arctic

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PANEL : VII.19 VARIOUS ASPECTS OF COLD WAR CULTURE Room 355 CHAIR: Rindzeviciute, Egle (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Kohonen, Iina (University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland) Cold War, Cosmic Utopia and Soviet Photographic Propaganda Tillberg, Margareta (Max Planck Institute for the History of, Germany) Design in the USSR: collaboration for compatibility within and beyond the Eastern Bloc Usmanov, Nail (Birsk State Pedagogical Academy, Russian Federation) The Unusual Meal of Russians in the Great Famine of 1921-1923 (Russian) CANCELLED: Lipkin, Mikhail (Institute of World History of RAS, Russian Federation) The Soviet Union and world economic order: 1950 -s – 1980s

PANEL : VII.20 CIVIL SOCITEY II: EASTERN EUROPE Room 454 CHAIR: Yurchuk, Yuliya (Baltic and East European Graduate School, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Blomberg, Franziska (European-University Viadrina, Germany) External Democracy Promotion and the Impact of Ethno-Nationally Fragmented Civil Society on Democratic Consolidation Buzalka, Juraj (Comenius University, Slovakia) Agrarian Tolerance and Civil Society in Eastern Europe Brusylovska, Olga (Odessa National University, Ukraine) Transformation of Eastern European mentality: between nationalist and liberal ideas

PANEL : VII.21 ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES II Room 255 CHAIR: Malle, Silvana (University of Verona, Italy)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Mañé-Estrada, Aurelia (G.A.T.E. - University of Barcelona, Spain) De La Cámara, Carmen (GATE - University of Barcelona, Spain) Central Asia: Towards a New Pattern of Energy Relations? Treshchenkov, Evgeny (St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Energy Dimension of European Union's 'Eastern Partnership' (Russian) Zeleneva, Irina (St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) “New Geometry” of Energy Unions within the Eurasian Space: A Russian Viewpoint. (Russian) Hrisoskulov, Hristofor (WWU Münster, Germany) ENERGY SECURITY IN THE BALTIC AND THE BLACK SEA REGIONS CANCELLED: Prodromidou, Alexandra (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Continuity and change in Russian Foreign Energy Policy in the Caspian region

42 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VII.22 RUSSIA 'S REGIONS : ETHNOCULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS , ETHNIC CONFLICTS AND POLICY Room 451 CHAIR: Williams, Christopher (University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Zagrebin, Alexei (Udmurt Institute of History and Language and Literature, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Istomin, Kirill (Max Planck Inst. for Soc. Anthropolology, Germany) The Impact of Economic Transformations upon Reindeer Herding Technology in the North-East of European Russia/ Western Siberia. Fryer, Paul (University of Joensuu, Finland) Indigenous competition and conflict in the Kola North. Vorontsov, Vladimir (Udmurt State University, Russian Federation) Ethno-national policy in the Udmurt Republic (Russian) Shabaev, Yuri (Institute Language, Literature,History, Russian Federation) The ethnic conflicts and cultural transformation at the European North of Russia (Russian)

PANEL : VII.23 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN TRANSITION : WHAT DID CHANGE IN 2000 S? Room 357 CHAIR: Ledeneva, Alena (University College London, United Kingdom) CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Guglielmetti, Chiara (University of Trento, Italy)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Grødeland, Åse Berit (Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway) Fighting Public Procurement Corruption in Post-communist states: Obstacles and Solutions. Yakovlev, Andrei (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Who and why did participate in public procurement in Russia before and after 2006: evidences from enterprises surveys Kuznetsova, Irina (School of of Economics, Russian Federation) New regulation in public procurement and monitoring of compliance with requirements: bad implementation of good idea? (Russian)

______43 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

WEDNESDAY , JULY 28 15:30-17:00


PANEL : VIII.01 AFTER -LIFE : IDEOLOGEMS , MYTHS , GENRES , TOPOI OF THE RUSSIAN SILVER AGE IN THE SOVIET CULTURE (1920-1950) Room 359 CHAIR: Bogomolov, Nikolay (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Garzonio, Stefano (University of Pisa, Italy)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Spivak, Monika (State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Russian Federation) The Attempts to Revive the Traditions of Symbolism Book Publishing in Soviet Russia: A.Block, A.Bely, V.Ivanov and the "Alkonost" Case (Russian) Odesskiy, Mikhail (Russian State University for Humanities, Russian Federation) From Silver Age Occultism towards Soviet Science (Alexander Bogdanov’s Case) (Russian) Segal, Dimitri, Segal (Rudnik), Nina (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Topoi of the Lyrical Subject in The Silver Age and Beyond (Russian)

PANEL : VIII.02 RUSSIAN EASTERN RESOURCES : ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES FROM THE FUTURE Room 252 CHAIR: Takahashi, Takao (Kumamoto University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Orlov, Igor (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Lee, Kyong Wan (Russia-CIS institute, Korea University, Republic of Korea) Christian ecological approach to Russian-Korean resource cooperation (human, climate, energy, agriculture) for resource security in Asian-Pacific Region Khalilov, Rahid (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan) Harmony Philosophy and the New World-Ordering Principles CANCELLED: Yoo, Kwon Jong (Chung -ang University, Republic of Korea) A Perspective w ith the Humanities to Russian -Korean Resources Cooperation

PANEL : VIII.03 URBAN , RURAL AND IMPERIAL LANDSCAPES IN IMPERIAL RUSSIA Room 356 CHAIR: Autio-Sarasmo, Sari (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland) CANCELLED: DISCUSSANT: Sunderlan d, Willard (University of Cincinati, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Waldron, Peter (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom) Landscapes of the mind: Russians and the empire in the nineteenth century Moon, David (Durham University, United Kingdom) Perceptions of the Landscape of the Russian Steppes from Herodotus to Peter Pallas Ely, Christopher (Florida Atlantic University, United States) Space as Power: Radical Populism and the Landscape of Reform-Era St. Petersburg

44 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

CANCELLED: PANEL : VIII.04 DEALING WITH THE TRAUMATIC PAST II Room 459 CHAIR: Miklóssy, Katalin (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Kangaspuro, Markku (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL II.18: Stoyanova, Nadezhda (Independent Scholar/ UCL alumna, Bulgaria) Securitising Identities in South-Eastern Europe: The Power of Exclusion

PANEL : VIII.05 PAST AS PROLOGUE : THE HISTORY AND /OR PROJECTED FUTURE OF SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ( PART 1) Room 254 CHAIR: Pennell, Daniel M. (University of Pittsburgh, United States) DISCUSSANT: Wirtz, Gudrun (Bavarian State Library, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Leich, Harold (The Library of Congress, United States) Russian Collections at the Library of Congress: Past, Present, Future Grba, Milan (British Library, United Kingdom) History and development of the British Library Serbian Collections: notes on methodological challenges and the identification of various sources for the writing of a historical overview Kreslins, Janis (Royal Swedish Library, Sweden) Vicissitudes of ephemarality and materiality: A century of historical thresholds for Baltic collection and identity development

PANEL : VIII.06 RESEARCHING WOMEN 'S LIVES : OFFICIAL PERSPECTIVES AND LIVED EXPERIENCE (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 361 PANELISTS: Ilic, Melaine (University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom) Attwood, Lynne (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Buckley, Mary (Hughes Hall Cambridge, United Kingdom) Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden) Fiebig, Sabina (University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom) Leinarte, Dalia (Vilnius University, Lithuania)

CANCELLED: PANEL : VIII.07 RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE 1920 S: BETWEEN WEST AND EAST Room 355 CHAIR: Jangfeldt, Bengt (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Terekhina, Vera (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: CANCELLED: Belobrovtseva, Irina (Tallinn University, Estonia) Young Russian Émigré Literary Critics about Soviet Literature (Russian) Icin, Kornelija (F aculty of Philology, Serbia) About soviet scripts of 1920s (Russian)

______45 Wednesday 28 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VIII.08 ART AND POLITICS : TENDENCIES IN POST -SOVIET RUSSIAN ART AND LITERATURE Room 253 CHAIR: Olofsson, Kerstin (Stockholm University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Ågren, Mattias (Stockholm University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Olofsson, Kerstin (Stockholm University, Sweden) “Asan” by Vladimir Makanin Bodin, Per-Arne (Stockholm University, Sweden) The poet Dmitry Prigov before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union Steinholt, Yngvar (Tromso University, Norway) Russian rock: From youth culture to music of official representation DE-CANCELLED: Engström, Maria (Uppsala University, Sweden Eurasian Empire in Contemporary Russian Art (Russian) ´ PANEL : VIII.09 BALTIKUM : WRITING THE HISTORY OF A EUROPEAN REGION FROM MULTIPLE NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Room 353 CHAIR: Lawaty, Andreas (University of Hamburg, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Kaljundi, Linda (Tallinn University, Estonia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Brüggemann, Karsten (University of Tallinn, Estonia) The History of 'Baltikum' and cultural history Maier, Konrad (Nordost-Institut, Germany) The History of Baltikum in Transnational and International Perspectives Tuchtenhagen, Ralph (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany) Politics and Religion in the History of Baltikum


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Karjanen, David (University of Minnesota, United States) Tapping the Veins of El Dorado: Heroin Economies, Trafficking, and the Acceleration of Neoliberal Capitalism in Slovakia Polese, Abel (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Ukraine) Living the state or surviving the state? Informal socio-economic networks, ‘illegal actions’, and their role in everyday life in Turkey and Ukraine Weiss, Andrea (MC Curie Soc Anth fellow, Hungary) Networks in Grey: Favours and State-Making in Georgia Round, John; Rodgers, Peter; Williams C. (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Surviving post-socialism: the role of the informal economy in Ukraine

46 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

CANCELLED: PANEL : VIII .11 CENTRAL ASIAN POLITICS Room 462 CHAIR: Håstad, Disa (Former Correspondent, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XV.03 : Paper VIII.11.1, Fauve, Adrien (Sciences Po (Paris, France), France) Astana: Heart of Eurasia? Identity Politics and Urbanism in post-soviet Kazakhstan TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.16: Paper VIII.11.3, Satybaldieva, Elmira (University of Kent, United Kingdom) Theorising State – Society Relations in Central Asia: The Case of Ayil Okmotus and Aksakals in Kyrgyzstan. CANCELLED: Ru stemova, Assel (Rutgers University, United States) Governmentality in Central Asia: Regional Cooperation CANCELLED: Burkhanov, Aziz (Indiana University, United States) Measuring Presidential Powers in Post -Soviet Area: Formal and Informal Rule

PANEL : VIII.12 CENTRAL EUROPEAN STATES AND AGENDA SETTING IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Room 357 CHAIR: Berry, Richard (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Gallai, Sandor (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: McManus, Clare (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Poland's influence on the European Parliament's legislation Kuyumdzhieva, Albena (Royal Holloway, University of London, Bulgaria) The CEE countries as anticorruption legislators? The main driving forces behind the new EU anticorruption agenda Butler, Eamonn (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Hungary and agenda setting in European Union minority rights policy: The importance of the European Parliament

PANEL : VIII.13 IMAGINED CARTOGRAPHIES : THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOVIET SPACE IN TEXT AND IMAGE Room 255 CHAIR: Maxe, Olga (The Russian Service Radio Sweden, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Maxe, Olga (The Russian Service Radio Sweden, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Nicholas, Mary (Lehigh University, United States) Mapping the Early Russian Production Novel Ruder, Cynthia (University of Kentucky, United States) Imagined or Real?: The Moscow Canal and the Port of Five Seas Pankenier, Sara (Wellesley College, United States) Nabokov's North: Forgery, Paleography, Cartography CANCELLED: Baron, Nick (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Mapping the Soviet: Stalinist Cartography and Visual Culture, 1930s to 1953

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INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XV.21: Paper VIII.14.2. Komilov, Sobir (Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia) Financial System of Uzbekistan: perspectives and challenges TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XV.21: Paper VIII.14.3, Viktorov, Ilya (Stockholm University, Sweden) The development of Russian financial market and its institutional actors: From the fall of the Soviet Union to the financial crisis 2008 CANCELLED: Denisova -Schmidt, Elena (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) Cross -Cultural Management in Russia

PANEL : VIII.15 PERESTROIKA AND NEW THINKING REASSESSED Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Holmes, Leslie (University of Melbourne, Austria) DISCUSSANT: Hedlund, Stefan (Uppsala University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Matlock, Jack (Institute for Advanced Study, United States) Perestroika as Viewed from Washington, 1985-1991 Brown, Archie (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Did Gorbachev as General Secretary become a social democrat? Newton, Julie (American University of Paris, France) European Reactions to New Thinking and Perestroika

PANEL : VIII.17 RELIGIONS AND CULTURAL GEOPOLITICS IN THE TWENTY -FIRST CENTURY Room 351 CHAIR: Park, Hye Kyung (Hallym UniversityRepublic of Korea) DISCUSSANT: Smith, David (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Matsuzato, Kimitaka (Hokkaido University, Japan) Canonization, Obedience, and Defiance: Strategies for Survival of the Orthodox Communities in Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia Nowak, Andrzej (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Competing victimhoods: Polish memories of Eastern European Empires Marsh, Christopher (Baylor University, United States) Religion after Atheism: A Comparison of the Revival of Religion in Russia and China

PANEL : VIII.18 THE ENERGY SECTOR AND POLITICAL REGIME STABILITY IN THE CASPIAN AREA Room 451 CHAIR: Pleines, Heiko (University of Bremen, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Schatz, Edward (University of Toronto, Canada)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kusznir, Julia (University of Regensburg, Germany) The Interaction between Economic and Political Elites: A Case Study of the Energy Sector in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Heinrich, Andreas (University of Bremen, Germany) Energy sector and political regime stability: an analytical framework Denison, Michael Denison (Control Risks, United Kingdom) Political stability and the energy sector. The case of Turkmenistan Brauer, Birgit (The Economist, Kazakhstan) The Political Economy of the Oil Industry in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan

48 ______Wednesday 28 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : VIII.20 THE LEGACY OF Room 453 CHAIR: Teague, Elizabeth (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Lock, Grahame (Oxford University, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom) THE RUSSIAN TRAGEDY: THE DEFEAT OF SOVIETISM Zinoviev, Olga (Zinoviev Scientific-Research Centre, Russian Federation) Alexander Zinov'ev -- A Hero of Our Times (Russian) Kirkwood, Mike (Self, Belgium) The Importance of Ideology in the Works of Aleksandr Zinov’ev

PANEL : VIII.22 CHEKHOV AT WORK Room 352 CHAIR: John D. Elsworth (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Kleberg, Lars (Stockholm University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Jensen, Peter Alberg (Stockholm University, Sweden) Chekhov’ situational narrative Jedrzejkiewicz, Anna (Warsaw University, Poland) Chekhov’s studies upon interpersonal communication (Russian) Stepanov, Andrei (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Chekhov's Creative Psychology and Generative Poetics (Russian)

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

THURSDAY , JULY 29 08:30-10:00


PANEL : IX.01 FOREIGN POLICY IN CENTRAL ASIA IN AN EURASIAN CONTEXT Room 353 CHAIR: Digol, Diana (Institute for Peace Research and Security, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Gubaidullina, Mara (Kazakh National Al-Farabi University, Kazakhstan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Digol, Diana (Institute for Peace Research and Security, Germany) Russia’s foreign policy towards Central Asia: New patterns Paramonov , Vladimir (State Institute for Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan) Economic Involvement of Russia and China in Central Asia: Growing Importance of Cooperation with the Europe Gubaidullina, Mara (Kazakh National Al-Farabi University, Kazakhstan) Cooperation of the Central Asian States: Regional and European context of their foreign policy Olimov, Muzaffar (SHARQ Research Center, Tajikistan) Big-Power Politics and Tajikistan: Peace and security in Central Asia CANCELLED: Fels, Enrico (University of Bonn, Germany) Structures matter - Why Europe has failed so far in gaining a strong foothold in Central Asia CANCELLED: Erkomaish vili, David (Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic) Collective Defence and Credibility of Mutual Assistance in Central Asia

CANCELLED: Panel: IX.03 LEGALITY , CIRCULATION , BUSINESS , EDUCATION : SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS IN CENTRAL ASIA Room 453 CHAIR: Gaggiotti, Hugo (University of The West of England, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Duisengaliyeva, Mira (KIMEP, Kazakhstan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Zamastil, Kristine (University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic) Robertson, Robert ( St. Leo, United States), Gaggiotti, Hugo ( Bristol Business School, United Kingdom) Legal issues in Higher Education, Lessons for Kazakhstan Gaggiotti, Hugo (University of The West of England, United Kingdom) Organising higher education and the urban world Roberts on, Robert (Sain Leo University, United States) Diversification of the Kazakhstan Economy: Life After Oil


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Statiev, Alex (University of Waterloo, Canada) Evolution of the Soviet counterinsurgency doctrine from the Civil War to World War II Shepherd, Ben (Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom) Wehrmacht Counter-insurgency Warfare: The Legacy of World War One Landis, Erik (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom) Domestic counterinsurgency in revolutionary times: the Russian civil war

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INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Khamraeva Aubert, Asal (CERCEC, EHESS, France) History of the construction of national borders – Uzbekistan’s shifting geography (French) Petzer, Tatjana (ZfL Berlin/Universität Zürich, Germany) Figures of Unity. The Impact of Integrative Models on the Organization of the Balkans Dadabaeva, Gulnara (KIMEP, Kazakhstan) Adibayeva, Aigul (KIMEP, dept. of International Relations, Kazakhstan) Nationalism in modern Kazakhstan language policy (Russian) CANCELLED: Juraev, Abdurahim (Khujand State University, Tajikistan) National culture in the context of the process of the world globalizationThe presentation is aimed at considering the peculiarities of the involvemen t of Tajikistan into global processes


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ju, Jin-Sook (Paichai University, Republic of Korea) Change of Democracy Discourse in Russia Park, Soo-Heon (Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea) State Rebuilding and Civil Society in Post-Soviet Russia Kang, Yoonhee (Kookmin Univeristy, Republic of Korea) Russian Way of Mananing Civil Society? A Comparative Perspective Pape, Ulla (University of Groningen, Netherlands) Civil society and the politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia

PANEL : IX.09 STATE VIOLENCE IN RUSSIA AND THE SOVIET UNION , 1900-1940 Room 451 CANCELLED: CHAIR: Werth, Nicola s (National Center for Scientific Research, France) DISCUSSANT: Shearer, David (University of Delaware, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hoffmann, David (Ohio State University, United States) Technologies and Practices of Soviet State Violence Beer, Daniel (Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom) Criminals into Citizens: The Coercive Transformation of the 'Socially Dangerous' in Revolutionary Russia CANCELLED: Manning, Roberta (Boston College, United States) The Mass Operations and the Great Purges

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PANEL : IX.10 THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE WELFARE STATE IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AFTER THE FALL OF THE SOVIET REGIME Room 459 CHAIR: Aidukaite, Jolanta (Vilnius University and Lithuanian Centre for Social Research, Lithuania) NEW DISCUSSANT: Bennich-Björkman, Li (Uppsala University, Sweden) (CANCELLED: Hort, Sven E., Södertörn University, Sweden )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ainsaar, Mare (University of Tartu, Estonia) Support of the society as factor of life satisfaction in West and East European countries Beblavy, Miroslav (Comenius University, Slovakia) Pension privatization after the storm: How the economic and financial crisis affected 2nd pension pillars in Central and Eastern Europe Guogis, Arvydas (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) Kacevicius, Romualdas (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) On the Direction of Development of Lithuanian Social Policy Model

PANEL : IX.11 BETWEEN RECONCILIATION AND THE REACTIVATION OF PAST CONFLICTS IN EUROPE : RETHINKING SOCIAL MEMORY PARADIGMS . PANEL 3: MEMORY (IES ) AND IDENTITY POLITICS Room 352 NEW CHAIR: Neumayer, Laure (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France) (CANCELLED : Matonyte, Irmina, Institute for Social Research, Lithuania) DISCUSSANT: Blaive, Muriel (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute - EHP, Austria)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: NEW: Colin Lebedev, Anna (CERCEC EHESS, France) Is there a place for personal experience in memory paradigms? A reflection based on the case of the veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya (Paper XIII.08.1) NEW: Fainberg, Sarah (Georgetown University, United States) The Uses and Abuses of Collective Memory: Pleading for a Common Paradigm and Lexicon for Memory Studies (Paper XIII.08.2) NEW: Mink, Georges (ISP-CNRS, France) NEW TITLE: Is There a Lack of Memory Paradigm? Political Science and the Analysis of Memory (Paper XIII.08.3) NEW: Shapoval, Yurii (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine) Memory of Holodomor in 1932-1933 in Ukraine: New Archives, new Discussions (Russian) (Paper XIII.08.4) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL VI.06 : Paper IX.11.1, Bonnard, Pascal (CERI - Sciences Po Paris, France) Producing Ethnicity through Mobilization of Collective Memory of the Soviet Past. A Case Study in Latvia's School System TRANSFERRED TO PANEL I.15 : Paper IX.11.5, Kasperski, Tatiana (European Humanities University (Vilnius), Belarus) The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident and the Identity Strategies in Ukraine and Belarus TRANSFERRED TO PANEL VI.06 : Paper IX.11.3, Perchoc, Philippe (Sciences-Po, France) History as a tool for foreign policy in the Baltic States after Independence CANCELLED: Portnov, Andriy (Ukraina Moderna, Ukraine) My paper is devoted to the comparison of the strategies and approaches to the "Great Patriotic War" representations in post - Sov iet Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Vinokurov, Evgeny (Eurasian Development Bank, Kazakhstan) Where Does Eurasian Integration Start From? Functional Analysis of Economic Sectors. Libman, Alexander (Frankfurt School of Finance, Germany) Crossing the Border of the Post-Soviet Space: State-led versus Market-led Integration. Dragneva, Rilka (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) The legal regime of Eurasian economic integration CANCELLED: Lin, Johannes (Brookings Institution, Unite d States) Eurasian Economic Integration: Drivers, Opportunities and Obstacles

PANEL : IX.13 (N EW TITLE : ) IN SEARCH OF A POST -TOTALITARIAN IDENTITY : EAST EUROPEAN JOURNALS IN AN INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL ENVIRONMENT This panel is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation Room 351 Chair: Prokhorova, Irina (Editor-in-chief, NLO, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS: Kalinin, Ilya (Editor-in-chief, Neprikosnovennyi Zapas, Russian Federation) (Russian) NEW: Bulgakov, Valer (Journal ”ARCHE”, Belorus) (Russian) NEW: Mokrousov, Andrii (Journal ”Krytyka”, Ukraine) (Russian)

PANEL : IX.14 ON RELIGION I: TRADITION AND CHANGE Room 255 CHAIR: Bodin, Per-Arne (Stockholm University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Shikhalieva, Sabrina (The Institute of Language, Russian Federation) The Bible texts in social cultural and language space of the Daghestan peoples (Russian) Aitamurto, Kaarina (University of Helsinki, Finland) Paganism, Traditionalism and Native Faith – Narratives of Russian Rodnoverie Sundström, Olle (Umeå University, Sweden) Politics of the concept “shamanism” in Soviet and post-Soviet times. NEW : Kalkandjieva, Daniela (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria) THE BULGARIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AT CROSSROADS: BETWEEN NATIONALISM AND PLURALISM

PANEL : IX.15 WOMEN 'S SPORTS IN EASTERN EUROPE AND THE SOCIALIST COUNTRIES (1945-1989) Room 361 CHAIR: Wiederkehr, Stefan (BBAW, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Hilbrenner, Anke (University of Bonn, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Wiederkehr, Stefan (BBAW, Germany) Women, Sport and Media in the People's Republic of Poland Kobchenko, Kateryna (Nat. Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine) Women and sport in the early Soviet Union (1920-1930s) Braun, Jutta (Universität Potsdam, Germany) From socialst heroine to "traitor": Female top athletes in East Germany

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PANEL : IX.16 REMEMBERING THE SOVIETISATION OF THE BALTIC STATES DURING THE EARLY COLD WAR (MOVED FROM TIME SLOT XII, OLD NUMBER XII.10) Room 453 CHAIR: Butler, Eamonn (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Smith, David (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Swain, Geoffrey (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) In the Soviet vanguard: Latvian oral history sources and the komsomol during the early Cold War Mertelsmann, Olaf (University of Tartu, Estonia) Hoping for Hot War: Oral History Sources on the Sovietisation of Estonia during the Early Cold War Saleniece, Irena (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Re-educating Teachers and Students: Latvian Oral History Sources and Schools Policy during the Early Cold War (Russian)

PANEL : IX.17 MINORITIES IN EURASIA I Room 355 CHAIR: Zakharov, Nikolay (Södertörn University/Uppsala University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Tsiskarashvili, Dmitri (University of Dublin Trinity College, Ireland) Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia during Gorbachev's time. Reasons for supporting secession from the USSR and their vision for the future. Naxidou, Eleonora (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece) Nationalism versus multiculturalism: the minority issue in 21st century Bulgaria Verbickiene, Jurgita (Vilnius University, Lithuania) Recognition of Jewish Culture in Lithuanian Society and Community‘s Social Integration Nazarova, Ariadna (Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Federation) The genetic relationships of the Finnish Ugric, Slav and Germanic populations according to anthropological and genetical data

PANEL : IX.19 ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP I Room 454 CHAIR: Eidem, Rolf (SIPU International, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Leick, Birgit (University of Bayreuth, Germany) Cross-border business networks within border regions during the Eastern enlargement of the European Union: Lessons for wider co-operation beyond the enlarged European market Shmulyar Gréen, Oksana (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Western ideas of capitalism and entrepreneurship in Russian translation Jörgensen, Hans (Umeå University, Sweden) Grubbström, Ann; Stjernström, Olof (Economic and Social Geography, Sweden) Land, Forest Property and Cooperation: Emotional and Economic Rationalities among Private Forest Owners in Estonia Konovalov, Valeriy (Southern Federal University, Russian Federation) Ljubashic, Valentin (Southern Federal University, Russian Federation) The Russian model of economic democracy: сorporation peculiarities CANCELLED: Welge, Britta (Goethe University, Germany) Between workers’ self -management an d innovative entrepreneurship –A socioeconomic analysis of the (post -) Yugoslav entrepreneurial role (Germ an)

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PANEL : IX.20 RUSSIAN LITERATURE AND EAST ASIA Room 252 CHAIR: Numano, Mitusyoshi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Meshchryakov, Alexander (Russian State University for Humanities Moscow, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gabrakova, Dennitza (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Russian Literature, Lu Xun, Japan - the Thistle Creeping Eastward Kim, Hyunyoung (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea) The Influence of Russian Literature upon the Unification of the Written and Spoken Language of Japan and Korea. (Russian) Numano, Kyoko (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan) Boris Pilnyak and Japan (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dadabaev, Timur (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policies towards Central Asia in Comparative Perspective Bukh, Alexander (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Russia's Identities and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Laanatza, Marianne (MENA.SE and Stockholm University, Sweden) The Energy policies and Trade Policies towards Central Asia out of the EU’s and SCO’s perspectives Pan, Guang (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China) China and Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a long term strategy Bailes, Alyson JK (University of Iceland, Iceland) The SCO and NATO

PANEL IX.22 RUSSIAN NON -CONFORMIST ART : WORD & IMAGE Room 253 Documentary film showing "The Russian Context" followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker and an art scholar. CHAIR: Ruder, Cynthia (Kentucky University, United States) DISCUSSANTS: Sopronenko, Igor (Independent filmmaker, Russian Federation), Nicholas, Mary (Lehigh University, USA)

PANEL : IX.23 THE UNDERAPPRECIATED ASPECTS OF THE SOVIET ECONOMY Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: TBA DISCUSSANT: Markevich, Andrei (New Economic School Moscow, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ickes, Barry (Pennsylvania State University, United States) Resource Dependence, Addiction, and Soviet Economic Performance Ellman, Michael (Amsterdam University, Netherlands) The decrease in mortality after 1945 Kontorovich, Vladimir (Haverford College, United States) Total factor productivity growth in the final decades of the USSR

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THURSDAY , JULY 29 10:30-12:00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium THE GLOBAL CRISIS AND POST -COMMUNIST TRANSITION (ROUNDTABLE ) MODERATOR: Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom) PANELISTS: Sutela, Pekka (Bank of Finland, Finland) Ickes, Barry (Pennsylvania State University, United States) Dallago, Bruno (University of Trento, Italy) Ellman, Michael (Amsterdam University, Netherlands)


PANEL : X.01 STUDIES IN EDUCATION Room 359 CHAIRS: Piattoeva, Nelli (University of Tampere, Finland), Gluschkoff, Jaana (University of Helsinki, Finland)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Loktyushina, Elena (Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) Modern tendencies of corporate education development in Russia Sokolova, Svetlana (Volgograd state pedagogical university, Russian Federation) Gerkushenko, Georgy (Volgograd state tecnical university, Russian Federation) Preparing the contemporary pedagogue: problems and perspectives (Russian) Meshcheryakova, Elena (Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) Intercultural Communication and the Educational System Crisis in Russia Dzhigo, Alexander (Russian State Library, Russian Federation) Russia's undergraduate publishing in 2008 (Russian) CANCELLED: Grigule, Ligita (Daugavpils University, Latvia) The Implementation of the Multilingual Education Model. The Case of Georgia from a comparative perspective

PANEL : X.02 ASIA THROUGH RUSSIAN EYES Room 351 CHAIR: Suny, Ronald (University of Michigan, United States) DISCUSSANT: Dolbilov, Mikhail (University of Maryland, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hokanson, Katya (University of Oregon, United States) Russian Women Travelers Write Gender and Nation in Central Asia Maiorova, Olga (University of Michigan, United States) "Russian texts about the exploration of Central Asia" Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David (Brock University, Canada) Eurasianism’s Pre-Revolutionary Roots

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Csurgó, Bernadett (Institute for Political Sciences of HAS, Hungary) A retraditionalization of gender relations? Gender roles, attitudes and lifestyle of newcomer families in rural areas. Möller, Cecilia (Kalmar University, Sweden) Transforming geographies of rurality and femininities – Exploring women's livelihood strategies and practices within rural tourism in Latvia Sätre, Ann-Mari (Uppsala University, Sweden) Household strategies for survival in rural Russia

PANEL : X.04 GEOGRAPHIE ON THE EDGES OF THE EUROPEAN PROJECT : STATE , SOCIETY AND THE EXTERNAL BORDER Room 253 CHAIR: Miggelbrink, Judith (Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Eskelinen, Heikki (University of Joensuu, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Bruns, Bettina (Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Germany) Wust, Andreas (, Zichner, Helga (Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Germany) Enough power to find arrangements? Comparing practices of small-scale traders on the homogenized Eastern external borders of the European Union Piipponen, Minna (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) Müller, Kristine (IRS, Erkner, Germany) , Zimin, Dmitry (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) A resource in negotiation? The border between Finland and Russia CANCELLED: Arambasa, Mihaela (Uni Potsdam, Germany) Alltag am östlichen Rand der EU: Raumaneignungen der Bevölkerung im Grenzraum Rumänien/Republik Moldau (German)

PANEL : X.05 ADMINISTRATIVE DECENTRALISATION AND REGIONALISATION IN TRANSFORMATION COUNTRIES Room 451 CHAIR: Havlicek, Tomás (Charles University, Czech Republic) DISCUSSANT: Kahila, Petri (Institute Nordregion, Stockholm, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Benedek, Jozsef (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) Regional development in Romania: between constraints for decentralization and centralisation Jordan, Peter (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) Progress in administrative decentralisation in transformation countries – a comparative survey Garsztecki, Stefan (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Decentralisation and regionalisation in Poland

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PANEL : X.06 CONSPIRACY THEORIES OF THE CAUCASUS AND CENTRAL ASIA Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Ortmann, Stefanie (University of Sussex, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Laruelle, Marlene (Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Heathershaw, John (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) Conspiracy theories and political ideas in post-Soviet Central Asia Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent, United Kingdom) The Five-Day War of 2008 through the Prism of Conspiracy Theories

PANEL : X.07 ETHNO -POLITICS AND ETHNO -CULTURAL PROCESSES IN THE EUROPEAN NORTH OF RUSSIA , 1991-2009 Room 454 NEW CHAIR: Nesterova, Nina (Syktyvkar State University, Russian Federation) (CANCELLED: CHAIR: Mikhailov, Vyacheslav, Russian Academy of Civil Servic e, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Susiluoto, Ilmari (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Popov, Alexander (Komi Science Center, Russian Federation) Rights of the indigenous peoples of the North in international, Russian and regional legislations (Russian) Nesterova, Nina (Syktyvkar State University, Russian Federation) Ethno linguistic factor in the ethno political mobilization of Komi, Karelian and Sami peoples (Russian) Kauppala, Pekka (Kone Foundation, Finland) A comparison of the ethno-political models of the Komi, Karelia, and Khanty-Mansi regions (Russian)

PANEL : X.08 ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING Room 254 CHAIR: Markevich, Andrei (New Economic School Moscow, Russian Federation)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Murinson, Alexander (Independent Analyst, United States) Central Asia’s Seaport: Gwadar or Chabahar? Musekamp, Jan (European University Viadrina, Germany) From Royal Prussian Eastern Railway to Trans-Eurasia Express. History and Future of a major East-West transport axis and its implications for economic and cultural exchange Belof, Magdalena (Regional Bureau of Spatial Planning in W, Poland) Tallberg, Pontus (Region Skåne, Sweden) Central European Transport Corridor Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka (Academy of Finland / Helsinki University, Finland) Governmentality and Environmental Planning in St Petersburg – Birth of a Communicative Regime

PANEL : X.09 INTERCHURCH RELATIONS BETWEEN ORTHODOX AND WESTERN CHURCHES Room 357 CHAIR: Matsuzato, Kimitaka (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Bremer, Thomas (University of Münster, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ghisa, Ciprian (BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO, Romania) The Image of the Roman- promoted by the Orthodox press from Romania in the Inter-War Period Mühl, Christoph (University of Münster, Germany) Justification in the Ecumenical Dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church in Germany Cotelea, Dumitru (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) The inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Moldova

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PANEL : X.11 RUSSIA AS A GREAT POWER : NATIONAL IDENTITY , ROLE EXPECTATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES FOR BEHAVIOUR Room 453 CHAIR: Taras, Ray (Tulane University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Russel, John (University of Bradford, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Petersson, Bo (Lund University/Malmö University, Sweden) National Identity Discourse and the Great Power Mantra in Contemporary Russia Clunan, Anne (Naval Postgraduate School, United States) Russia’s Great Power Aspirations and the Pursuit of Status Rytövuori-Apunen, Helena (University of Tampere, Finland) Russia's Vertical Power and Conflict Settlement in post-Soviet Areas


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sohlman, Michael (The Nobel Foundation, Sweden, TBC) Nemirovskaia, Elena (Moscow School of Political Studies, Russian Federation) Senokosov, Yuriy (Moscow School of Political Studies, Russian Federation) Trudolubov, Maksim (Editor, Opinion page, Vedomosti Daily, Russian Federation) Zakharov, Andrey (Editor, magazine «Neprikosnovennyi zapas: debates on politics and culture», Russian Federation) Berezkina, Inna (Programme coordinator, Moscow School of Political Studies, Russian Federation) Razdaeva, Natalia (Moscow School of Political Studies, Russian Federation) CANCELLED: Sogomonov, Alexander (Moscow School of Political Studies, Russian Federat ion)

PANEL : X.13 THE GULAG-SYSTEM AS A CONSTITUENT PART OF THE MODERNIZATION OF NORTHERN RUSSIA Room 353 CHAIR: Elenius, Lars Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Kangaspuro, Markku (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Maximova, Lubov (Syktyvkar State University, Russian Federation) Contradiction of the results of the GULAG activities in the European North-East of the USSR (Russian) Barenberg, Alan (Texas Tech University, United States) Science, Colonization and Forced Labor in the Soviet Far North: the Case of Vorkuta Borodkin, Leonid (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Producing Soviet Nickel above the Arctic Circle: Stimulation of Forced Labor in Norillag (1930s-1950s)

PANEL : X.14 EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS III: RUSSIA AND WESTERN EUROPE Room 459 CHAIR: Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. (York University, Glendon College, Canada)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Gokirmak, Mert (ULUDAG UNIVERSITY, Turkey) Regional Cooperation in the Black Sea Area along the Axis of Turkey and Russia Kantokoski, Olga (University of Helsinki, Finland) EU-RUSSIAN COOPERATION: MACRO- AND MESO-POLICING TRENDS NEW: Arslan, Ozan (Izmir University of Economics, Turkey) Supporting Neighbors, Borders and Buffer States: The History of the late Ottoman and Republican Turkish Security Relations in the Caucasus and Northern Balkans (Paper XVIII.13.5) CANCELLED: Güzeldere, Ekrem Eddy (European Stability Initiative, Turkey) Turkey's changing foreign policy: from one sided to strategic depth

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CANCELLED: Anastassia, Obydenkova (Centew for Political and Constitutional, Spain) Re -Examining the Inter -governmental Relations in Russia and the European Union’s Para -Diplomacy CANCELLED: Davydov, Alexander (IEPS UrO RAN, Russian Federation) Maritime Culture as a Historic Context of th e International Contacts between Europe and Russia in the North: an Ethno - Cultural Aspect.

PANEL : X.15 LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS Room 252 CHAIR: Shapiro, Gavriel (Cornell University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Medzhibovskaya, Inessa (New School for Liberal Arts, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Shapiro, Gavriel (Cornell University, United States) Henry Cumming--Vladimir Nabokov's First Drawing Master Autukhovich, Tatsiana (Grodno State University, Belarus) Poetic ecphrasis of Krzychylkiewicz, Agata (University of South Africa, South Africa) 'Synthetism' as a phenomenon of the avant-garde.

CANCELLED: PANEL : X.19 LANGUAGE POLICY AND LINGUISTIC IDENTITY Room 255 CHAIR: Hedin, Tora (Stockholm University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVI.17: Paper X.19.5, Dovalil, Vit (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic) Foreign Language Teaching in the Czech Republic: A Policy Perspective TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVI.17: Paper X.19.4, Leheckova, Helena (University of Helsinki, Finland) Czech Language and Czech Identity TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVI.17: Paper X.19.2, Belchikov, Yully A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The specific history of the democratization process in the Russian literary language in the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21th centuries (Russian) CANCELLED: Panarin, Sergei (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) From Culture to Mass Culture, or Where the Domain of Russian Language in Kazakhstan Was in 20th Century an d Where It Is Drifring in the 21st (Russian) CANCELLED: Danylenko, Andriy (Pace University, United States) Orthography and Regional Identities in Nineteenth -Century Ukraine

PANEL : X.20 THE FUTURE OF RUSSIAN IN THE ERA OF NEW TECHNOLOGY I Room 352 CHAIR: Gorham, Michael (University of Florida, United States) DISCUSSANT: Uffelmann, Dirk (University of Passau, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Paulsen, Martin (University of Bergen, Norway) The Internet as a Latinizer: How New Technology is a Challenge to the Cyrillic alphabet Hristova, Daniela (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) Breaking the Rules: The Language(s) of Russian advertisements Christie, Varvara (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Russian Amateur Subtitling on YouTube

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Zhurzhenko, Tatiana (Vienna University, Austria) Politics of memory in the Ukrainian-Polish borderlands Lindenberger, Thomas (Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Austria) Border Regimes and Communist Governance: The Case of European State Socialism Blaive, Muriel (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute - EHP, Austria) Memory and Historiography: A Case Study at the Czech-Austrian Border TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XII.02: Schimpfossl, Elisabeth (Manchester University, United Kingdom) Nostalgia among the new social upper class in Russia: The luxury class's longing for the Soviet past CANCELLED: Nikiforova, Elena (FAFO -AIS, Norway) Cultural politics of memory in Narva a t the Estonian -Russian border

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THURSDAY , JULY 29 13:30-15:00


PANEL : XI.01 RUSSIAN FOREIGN POLICY I Room 254 CHAIR: Kleberg, Olof (Former editor-in-chief, Västerbottenskuriren, Umeå, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Stadler Dr., Sabine (Ministriy of foreign affairs Austria,uni, Austria) RUSSIA .- a warrior towards its neighbours. The situation after Chechnya, Georgia and Central Asia wars Vasilyev, Dmitriy (Institute of Business and Politics, Russian Federation) Russia in Central Asia: to test the durability of Empire (Russian) March, Luke (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Nationalist Grievance and Russian Foreign Policy: the Case of Georgia Preissler, Franz (J. W. Goethe-Universität, Germany) Minorities as an instrument of foreign policy? Russia and the issue of the Russian-speakers, 1991-2004 (with emphasis on Latvia)

PANEL : XI.03 REMEMBERING AND FORGETTING IN POLISH CONTEMPORARY CULTURE Room 356 CHAIR: Gerner, Christian (Lund University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Grimstad, Knut Andreas (University of Oslo, Norway)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Misztal, Barbara (University of Leicester, United Kingdom) The banalization and the contestation of memory in post communist Poland Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara (Lund University, Sweden) Coming to terms with anti-Semitism – Jan Gross as a constructor of Polish Cultural Trauma Zarycki, Tomasz (University of Warsaw, Poland) The Embarrassing Russian Connection: Selective Memory of Russian Influences in Poland the Contemporary Poland Stala, Krzysztof (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) The role of the Polish Catholic intellectualls in reinterpretation of the Polish-Jewish Memory.

PANEL : XI.04 SCANDINAVIAN SOCIOECONOMIC WAY IN THE NORTHERN SOVIET UNION : AUTONOMY OF THE FINNO -UGRIC PEOPLES AS MODERNIZATION 1920-1937 NEW Room: 355 CHAIR: Kauppala, Pekka (Kone Foundation, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Smetanin, Alexander (Komi Science Center, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Takala, Irina (Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation) National building or political project? The Finnish factor in formation of the Karelian autonomy (Russian) Nesterova, Nina (Syktyvkar State University, Russian Federation) Autonomy of northern Finno-Ugric peoples (Karelians and Komi) as a tool for modernization (1920-1937) (Russian) Fryer, Paul (University of Joensuu, Finland) Revolution on the Tundra: modernisation policy in the Kola North. (Russian) Shubin, Sergey (Lomonosov-University of Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) The change of paradigms of territorial government of Russia in the XX century (Russian)

62 ______Thursday 29 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XI.06 EASTERN OR /AND WESTERN IDEAS ? PHILOSOPHY , RELIGION AND LITERATURE IN RUSSIA Room 359 CHAIR: Nuorluoto, Juhani (University of Uppsala, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Bodin, Per-Arne (Stockholm University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mjør, Kåre Johan (University of Bergen, Norway) "The Land that Colonises Itself": Russia and Europe in the Historiography of Vasilii Kliuchevskii Könönen, Maija (University of Helsinki, Finland) Representations of Insanity as Critique of Western Rationalism in Russian Literature Berglund, Krista (University of Helsinki, Finland) The Apophatic Principle of Orthodox Theology and its Repercussions in Russian Critique of Western Techno-Scientific Civilisation

PANEL : XI.07 ON SECURITY II (OLD NUMBER: XVIII.01 ) Room 463 CHAIR: Holtom, Paul (SIPRI, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Fedunyak, Sergiy (Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine) SECURITY ARCHITECTURE OF EURASIA: INSTITUTIONAL DYNAMICS Genyk, Mykola (Subcarpathian University, Ukraine) Senych, Mariya (Subcarpathian University, Ukraine) International Security Problems In Political Conceptions of Oppositional Movements of East Central Europe (Russian) Markushina, Nataliya (St-Petersburg State Univrsity, Russian Federation) Soft security issues in the context of Northern Dimension CANCELLED: Sabirov, Farkhod (IFMR, Uzbekistan) VOZROZHDENIYE ISLAND -SERIOUS PROBLEM OF CENTRAL ASIA (Russian)

PANEL : XI.08 ETHNOSEXUAL PROCESSES Room 361 CHAIR: Virkkunen, Joni (University of Joensuu, Finland), Anders, Rainer-Elk (Staffordshire University, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Davydova, Olga (University of Joensuu, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Weitsman, Patricia (Ohio University, United States) “Serb” Identity, Rape, and War in the Former Yugoslavia Terävä, Sirkku (University of Tampere, Finland) Jukarainen, Pirjo (TAPRI, Finland) Constructing nation in Finnish peacekeepers' ethno-sexualized language Pöllänen, Pirjo (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) Russian immigrant women and their family relations: the case of North Karelia, Finland Uimonen, Pirjo (University of Joensuu / Eastern Finland, Finland) Ethnosexual Images of Russians in an Internet Discussion Board

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PANEL : XI.09 EURASIA AND UKRAINE : COOPERATION BY CHOICE OR DEFAULT (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 459 CHAIR: Trofimenko, Martha B. (Shevchenko Scientific Society, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Wolczuk, Kataryna (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Ukraine’s Policy towards the European Union and Its Discontents: Is Ukraine’s˜European Choice” Reversible? Haran, Olexiy (University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine) Ukraine's emerging democracy and the Russian factor Lami, Giulia (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) Independent Ukraine and its Choices: problems and perspectives Ryabchuk, Mykola (Center for Cultural Studies, Ukraine) Inventing Ukrainian 'Eurasianism': New Debates over Old Concept

PANEL : XI.10 POPULATION AND HEALTH IN EASTERN EUROPE AND POST -SOVIET SPACE II Room 453 CHAIR: Rodin, Johhny (Södertörn University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Krumins, Juris (University of Latvia, Latvia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kumo, Kazuhiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Long-Term Population Statistics for Russia, 1867-2002 Rodin, Johhny (Södertörn University, Sweden) Elite Understandings of Russia's Population Decline – Federal and Regional Responses


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Werth, Paul (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States) M. M. Speransky, J. E. M. Portalis, and the French Ideological Foundations for State Institutionalization of Religion in Russia (1800-1824) Dolbilov, Mikhail (University of Maryland, United States) Russian Responses to the Bismarckian Kulturkampf and the Imperial Concept of Religious Tolerance Kleinmann, Yvonne (Leipzig University, Germany) The Concept of Religious Autonomy. Tsarist Russia's Polish-Lithuanian Connection in the Early 19th Century

PANEL : XI.12 RUSSIA : IDENTITY AS A BARRIER FOR MODERNIZATION (R OUNDTABLE ) The panel is supported by Vostok Nafta Room 357 CHAIR: White, Stephen (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Lieven, Anatol (King’s College, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dubin, Boris (Levada Centre, Russian Federation) Tba Kasamara, Valeria (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) The authoritative syndrome in the political consciousness of Russian teenagers Zorkaja, Natalia (Levada Centre, Russian Federation) Compensatory nationalism in the structure of mass identity in Post-Soviet Russia

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PANEL : XI.13 THE EU IN THE POST -SOVIET SPACE : PARTNERSHIPS , PROBLEMS , PERSPECTIVES Room 451 NEW CHAIR: Feklyunina, Valentina (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) (CANCELLED: Heller, Regina, IFSH, Germany ) DISCUSSANT: Korosteleva, Elena (University of Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Casier, Tom (University of Kent, Belgium) Picking a partner: how the EU prioritises among its Eastern neighbours Schmidt-Felzmann, Anke (Maastricht University, Netherlands) With or Without the EU? EU Member States' Relations with the Russian Federation. Bosse, Giselle (Maastricht University, Netherlands) The EU’s relations with Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus: Governance, Partnership or Ignorance?

PANEL : XI.14 ANDREI BELYI AND THE AESTHETICS OF INFLUENCE Room 252 CHAIR: Castellano, Charlene (Carnegie Mellon University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Spivak, Monika (Andrei Belyi Museum Moscow, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Beyer, Thomas (Middlebury College, United States) Teaching Andrei Belyi in the 21st Century Cooke, Olga (Texas A&M University, Wallis And Futuna Islands) Out from Under Belyi’s Overcoat: Writing the “Moscow Text” Ponomareva, Anna (Imperial College, London Metropolitan, United Kingdom) Andrey Bely on Leo Tolstoy: Tolstoy as a Teacher of Thinking

CANCELLED: PANEL : XI.15 CENTRAL EURASIA : NEW CHALLENGES - NEW VIEWS Room 352 CHAIR: Esenov, Murad (Institute for Central Asian and Caucasian Studies, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Shaikhutdinov, Marat E. (Institute for World Economy and Poitics, Kazakhstan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IV.02: Paper XI.15.1, Marketos, Thrassy (C.E.D.S. Athens branch, Greece) Iran’s Geopolitics in the midst of the U.S. – Russia – China Energy Security Struggle for the Geostrategic Control of Eurasia. CANCELLED: Papava, Vladimer (GFSIS, Georgia) Central Caucaso -Asia: Rethinking of Geopoli tics of Post -Soviet Central Eurasia CANCELLED: Ismailov, Eldar (Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus , Azerbaijan) Central Eurasia in the New Geopolitical Dimensions (Russian)

PANEL : XI.16 THE DIPLOMACY OF RUSSIA 'S GREAT WAR AND REVOLUTION Room 353 CHAIR: Wolff, David (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: McDonald, David (University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hughes, Michael (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom) Defining the Enemy: the Development of the Anglo-Soviet antagonism 1917-20 Budnitskii, Oleg (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Jewish Question, White Diplomacy and Western Democracies, 1918-20 Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David (Brock University, Canada) Russian Diplomacy during the Great War

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Culik, Jan (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) The image of the media in Czech post-communist feature film Rogatchevski, Andrei (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Representations of Post-Communist Russian Television Broadcasting in Russian Fiction Bates, John (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Representations of Mass Media in Post-Communist Polish Cinema

PANEL : XI.19 RUSSIAN POLITICS I Room 255 CHAIR: Vendil Pallin, Carolina (Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Zaznaev, Oleg (Kazan State University, Russian Federation) The Contemporary Russian Form of Government in the Context of Political Engineering of the World (Russian) Willerton, John (University of Arizona, United States) Mcgovern, Patrick (Buffalo State University, United States), Beznosov, Mikhail (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) The Putin-Medvedev Executive and Addressing the Challenges of the 'Russian Failing State' Umland, Andreas (The Catholic University of Eichstaett, Germany) Kailitz, Steffen (Hannah Arendt Institute, Dresden, Germany) Why the Fascists Won't Take Over the Kremlin (for Now): A Comparison of Democracy's Breakdown and Fascism's Rise in Weimar Germany and Post-Soviet Russia

PANEL : XI.21 POSTSOCIALIST DEVELOPMENT IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY I Room 461 CANCELLED CHAIR AND DISCUSSANT: Reyna, Steven, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sikor, Thomas (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom) Stahl, Johannes (Convention on Biological Diversity, Canada), Dorondel, Stefan (F. R. Institute of Anthropology, Romania) Development or spatial differentiation? Rural change in Albania and Romania Kaneff, Deema (Reader/University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) 'The market is far away': positioning rural Ukraine in the global economy Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale (University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) On states and economic citizens in the South Caucasus

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PANELISTS: Sutela, Pekka (Bank of Finland, Finland) The Russian Economy after the Crisis Malle, Silvana (University of Verona, Italy) What is the Impact of the Financial Crisis on Russia’s Economic and Political Structure? Cooper, Julian (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) The global financial-economic crisis and its impact on Russia’s military economy Connolly, Richard (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Strategies for the modernization and diversification of the Russian economy: a growth diagnostics approach

PANEL : XI.23 ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND FOREIGN TRADE Room 454 CHAIR: Becker, Torbjörn (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Puig, Albert (Universitat Oberta Catalunya, Spain) FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS IN CENTRAL-ASIAN COUNTRIES: ATTRACTION FACTORS AND SOME RESULTS Grupe, Claudia (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Germany) Competition and cooperation - SMEs in the Baltics and the Balkans compared Shepotylo, Oleksandr (Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine) Export potential and diversification across industries and space: do CIS countries diversify enough? Kakhkharov, Jakhongir (National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan) REGIONAL COOPERAION IN CENTRAL ASIA: VIEWPOINT FROM UZBEKISTAN CANCELLED: Lesik, Olena (UH/other one under consideration, Finland) Economic Collaboration and Development

PANEL : XI.24 RELOCATED PAPERS I Room 462 CHAIR: TBA An option to read one’s paper in case the planned panel for some reason or another cannot take place. If you discover that this may happen, or already has happened, to you – please contact the registration desk immediately!

______67 Thursday 29 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

THURSDAY , JULY 29 15:30-17:00

CULTURAL PROGRAMME Room: The Auditorium EURASIA AS A FILMIC ASSEMBLAGE II The programme is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation A series of unique documentary and newsreel film screenings arranged in cooperation with the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD, Krasnogorsk). The series includes documentary and newsreel materials produced by various Soviet film studios throughout the Soviet period. The films have been selected by Elena Kolikova (RGAKFD) and Naum Kleiman (Central State Film Museum, Moscow). The programme will be introduced by Elena Kolikova.

EXHIBITOR EVENT : ROSSPEN PUBLISHERS This programme is sponsored by “The Boris Eltsin President Centre Fund” Room 252 15.30-17.00: RUSSIAN SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN STALINISM RESEARCH (R OUNDTABLE ) PANELISTS: Lennart Samuelson (Stockholm School of Economics) Sergei Mironenko (State Archive of the Russian Federation) Alexander Drozdov (“Boris Yeltzin President Centre” Foundation) Arsenyi Roginskyi (International Memorial) Andrei Sorokin (ROSSPEN Publishers)



PANEL : XII.01 ON SECURITY I Room 463 CHAIR: Oldberg, Ingemar (Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Buyukakinci, Erhan (Galatasaray University, Turkey) New combinations in building the security interests of the Russian Federation: Becoming soft power and organizing the collective security Holtom, Paul (SIPRI, Sweden) Russian arms exports during the Putin era Zaslavskaya, Natalia (Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Russia’s role in the European security architecture

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ochman, Ewa (The University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Commemorations and Reconfigured Local Identities in the European Union Borderlands: the Case of Poland Kind-Kovács, Friederike (University of Regensburg, Germany) The ambivalence of transfer across borders: the Bavarian-Bohemian Border from post-War to Cold War. NEW: Schimpfossl, Elisabeth (Manchester University, United Kingdom) Nostalgia among the new social upper class in Russia: The luxury class's longing for the Soviet past CANCELLED: Liebhart, Karin (University of Vienna, Austria) Symbolic representations of borders in European memory constructions

PANEL : XII.03 RECONSIDERING THE SIEGE OF LENINGRAD Room 353 CHAIR: Ciepiela, Catherine (Amherst College, United States), DISCUSSANT: Grelz, Karin (Lund University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: De Bruyn, Dieter (Ghent University, Belgium) De Dobbeleer, Michel (Ghent University, Belgium) Playing (With) War: the Leningrad Blockade and the Warsaw Rising in Contemporary Pop Culture Barskova, Polina (Hampshire College, United States) Siege Reading as Writing Van Buskirk, Emily (Rutgers University, United States) Speech and Character within the Leningrad Blockade: Lydia Ginzburg’s Studies

PANEL : XII.04 RUSSIAN MEDIA AND ITS EUROPEAN (OR EVEN GLOBAL ) CONTEXT Room 459 CHAIR: Hutchings, Stephen (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Pasti, Svetlana (University of Tampere, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pietiläinen, Jukka (University of Helsinki, Finland) Close but Other: Finnish Media Reporting on Russia Hutchings, Stephen (University of Manchester) THE NEW RUSSIA UNDER WESTERN EYES: BBC REPORTING OF THE SOUTH OSSETIAN WAR CANCELLED: Miazhevich, Galina (Christ Church, United Kingdom) The Wes t in the Russian Gaze: Channel 1 Reporting of the Western Stance onthe War in South Ossetia NEW : Simons, Greg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Using a Western Yardstick on the Russian Mass Media: Fruitful or Futile? (Paper XIV.09.1)

PANEL : XII.05 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) IN KAZAKHSTAN BETWEEN TRADITIONS AND GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT Room 359 CHAIR: Hörner, Wolfgang (Universität Leipzig, Germany) Discussants: Yerzhanov, Bakit (Kazakh National Centre of VET Development, Kazakhstan), Lauterback, Uwe (DIPF, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kenzhegaliyeva, Makhabbat (University of Leipzig, Germany) Vocational education and training in Kazakhstan - present and future perspectives (Russian) Semchenko, Alexander (Republ. Instit. of impr.of qualification, Kazakhstan)

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Vocational training: variants of a policy for Kazakhstan (Russian)

PANEL : XII.06 DO THE EU AND RUSSIA SHARE A NEIGHBOURHOOD ? Room 453 CHAIR: Forsberg, Toumas (University of Tampere, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Forsberg, Tuomas (University of Tampere, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: CANCELLED: Delcour, Laure (IRIS, France) The EU, Russia and the Coulour Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine Fischer, Sabine (EUISS, France) The EU, Russia, and the ‘common neighbourhood’: conflicting concepts

Seppo, Antti (University of Helsinki, Finland) Forsberg, Tuomas (Finland) The EU as a Power for Peace? Russian-Georgian War and EU Mediation

PANEL : XII.07 EMIGRÉ LIFE DOCUMENTED : CONSTRUCTING NATIONAL IDENTITIES Room 254 CHAIR: Babka, Lukas (Klementium National Library, United States) DISCUSSANT: Rogatchevskaia, Ekaterina (British Library, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ilina, Olga (Russian National Library, Russian Federation) Russian emigration libraries as a means of self-identity and adaptation in a foreign-language environment (Russian) Zmroczek, Janet (British Library, United Kingdom) "The pen is our only weapon": representations of the Polish diaspora community in Britain in contemporary publications, 1830-1863 Morgunova, Oksana (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Russian Presence UK Project: Linking Past and Present

CANCELLED: PANEL : XII.08 GENDER ECONOMICS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL CRISES Room 356 CHAIR: Rakauskiene, Ona Grazhina (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) DISCUSSANT: Hataja, A. (Hels inki University, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVIII.09: Paper XII.08.1, Vinokurova, Natalia (Central Economics&Mathematics Institute, Russian Federation) Russian Women in Science and Education CANCELLED: Rakauskiene, Ona Grazhina (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) The Assumptions of the Implementation of Gender Responsive Budget in Lithuania (Russian)

PANEL : XII.09 POSTSOCIALIST DEVELOPMENT IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY II Room 451 CANCELLED CHAIR AND DISCUSSANT: Reyna, Steven, Max Pl anck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gray, Patty (National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland) Changing vectors of development: Locating Russia in development discourse and practice Hillebrand, Rainer (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) A comparative view of East German development: was West German assistance an asset? Cartwright, Andrew (Central European University, Hungary) Bread baskets, fuel supplies and biotech crops: Will the Central and East Europeans take part in the second Green Revolution?

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PANEL : XII.11 SOCIAL SECURITY , CARE AND THE LOCAL STATE IN RURAL RUSSIA Room 361 CHAIR: Salmenniemi, Suvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Kulyasova, Antonina (Centre for Independent Social Research, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kulmala, Meri (University of Helsinki, Brown University, Finland) “Zhenschiny Praviat Stranoi”: Women’s Social Activism and Care in Rural Karelia Kay, Rebecca (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) '"Uchimsya staret'": Ageing, autonomy and care for the elderly in rural Altai' Sätre, Ann-Mari (Uppsala Univerity, Sweden) Women's Work, Political Strategies and Survival in rural Russia

PANEL : XII.12 TRANSBORDER RUSSIAN ORTHODOX : RELIGIOUS TRANSFORMATION IN MODERN SOCIETY Room 352 CHAIR: Kazmina, Olga (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Arinin, Evgeny (Vladimir State University, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kharin, Ilya (Princeton University, United States) Japanese agency in World War era global Orthodoxy Takahashi, Sanami (Hokkaido University, Japan) The interpretation of the Russian Orthodox in Soviet atheistic society, 1965-1985 (Russian) Keller, Natalie (Independent scholar, Germany) The figure of Christ in Aitmatov’s novel Plachaœ

PANEL : XII.14 CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE AND ART II Room 355 CHAIR: Young, Jekaterina (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Williams, David (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Literary Aesthetics and Ethical Engagement: the 'Before' and 'After' Fiction of Dubravka Ugresic Danilova, Irina (Språkcentrum, Sweden) Post-modern Dramaturgy in the History of Russian Theatre (Russian) Woodworth, Bradley (University of New Haven (USA), United States) The literary possibilities of a multicultural identity: the works of Estonian writers Andrei Hvostov and Igor Kotjuh

______71 Thursday 29 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XII.15 CORRUPTION AND THE LAW IN POST -COMMUNIST EUROPE Room 351 CHAIR: Brown, Archie (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Jordanov Naydenov, Nikolay (Sofia University, Bulgaria)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Grødeland, Åse Berit (Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway) Informal Relations and Corruption in the Judiciary: A Comparison of East Central Europe, South East Europe, the West Balkans and Ukraine Karklins, Rasma (University of Illinois at Chicago, United States) How much does law matter in preventing corruption? Holmes, Leslie (University of Melbourne, Australia) Police Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe

PANEL : XII.16 ETHNIC IDENTITIES Room 462 CHAIR: Zakharov, Nikolay (Södertörn University/Uppsala University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Gerkushenko, Georgy (Volgograd state technical university, Russian Federation) Sokolova, Svetlana (Volgograd state pedagogical university, Russian Federation) Social networks as a factor of intercultural integration in modern society (Russian) Kondaurova, Yelena (Academy of Contemporary Dance, Kazakhstan) Multi-ethnicity in Kazakhstan as a Base for Cultural Communication, Integration and Cooperation (Russian) Smith, Jeremy (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Experience of Soviet autonomy and causes of ethnic conflict in the South Caucasus

PANEL : XII.17 EURASIANISM THEN AND NOW : A COMPARISON OF CLASSICAL AND POST -SOVIET EURASIANISM Room 456, The Music Hall DISCUSSANT: Wiederkehr, Stefan (BBAW, Germany) CHAIR: Bassin, Mark (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Hama, Yukiko (Tsuda College, Japan) Reinterpretation of Eurasianism in the Context of International History Umland, Andreas (The Catholic University of Eichstaett, Germany) Ideology or Strategy? The Role of "Neo-Eurasianism" in Aleksandr Dugin's Quest for Cultural Hegemony Laruelle, Marlene (Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, United States) EURASIANISM AND THE NATIONAL ISSUE. ON THE NOTIONS OF “RUSSIAN TOTALITY” AND “NATIONAL DIVERSITY”. Beisswenger, Martin (University of Notre Dame, United States) Was Lev Gumilev a 'Eurasianist'? A new look at his post-war contacts with Petr Savitskii

PANEL : XII.18 RUSSIAN AS VEHICULAR LANGUAGE IN THE MULTIETHNIC SURROUNDINGS Room 255 CHAIR: Protassova, Ekaterina (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Smyth, Sarah (Trinity College, Ireland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dzhusupov, Mahanbet (Uzbek State World Languages University, Uzbekistan) The Russian Language in the Turkic-speaking Space of Central Asia (Russian) Fedorova, Kapitolina (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Gavrilova, Tatiana (Institute of Linguistic Studies, Russian Federation) Russian in interethnic communication: norms and stereotypes Mustajoki, Arto (University of Helsinki, Finland) Pikkarainen, Merja (, Pussinen, Olga (University of Helsinki, Finland) Russian as lingua Franca in the Far Abroad (Russian)

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PANEL : XII.20 RUSSIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH UNDER THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER (2) Room 357 CHAIR: Malle, Silvana (University of Verona, Italy) DISCUSSANT: Rutland, Peter (Wesleyan University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Uegaki, Akira (Seinan Gakuin University, Japan) Russia and Eastern Europe under New International Financial System Vedev, Alexei (Bank of Moscow, Russian Federation) The Prospect of Russia's Economic Growth - a New Model in Changed Environment? (German) Konno, Yugo (Mizuho Research Institute Ltd., Japan) The Russian Economy in the International Division of Labor after the Global Financial Crisis

PANEL : XII.22 TRANSFORMATIONS ON THE MARGINS ? PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY Room 454 CHAIR: Froehlich, Christian (Leipzig University, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Gradskova, Yulia (Södertörn University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) The cultural construction of disability in Russia: Soviet legacies and new image Romanov, Pavel (State Univ - Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Social attitudes of people with disabilities towards their life situation and the current social policy reforms Froehlich, Christian (Leipzig University, Germany) World culture and national legacies – Russian disability NGOs between international and domestic demands. Rasell, Michael (University of Lincoln, United Kingdom) Inaccessible citizenship: the spatial experiences of disabled people in Russia

______73 Thursday 29 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

THURSDAY , JULY 29 18.00-20.00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium RUSSIA ´S DOMESTIC DEVELOPMENTS AND PROSPECTS FOR WIDER EURO -ASIAN COOPERATION ? (ROUNDTABLE ) The roundtable is supported by Vostok Nafta The panel will discuss the future of Russia´s internal development as a variable influencing future Russian cooperation in the Wider Euro-Asia. Where is Russia heading? Russia is facing challenges of modernizing a run-down post-industrial society. The way domestic challenges are responded to will influence how Russia can integrate into a context of wider Euro-Asian cooperation.

MODERATOR: Brown, Archie (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) PANELISTS: Gudkov, Lev (Levada Centre, Russian Federation) Urnov, Mark (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Lieven, Anatol (King’s College, United Kingdom) Hanson, Philip (Chatham House, United Kingdom)

74 ______Thursday 29 July 2010, 18.00–20.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

Friday, July 30, 2010

FRIDAY JULY 30 08:30-10:00

CULTURAL PROGRAMME : Room: The Auditorium EURASIA AS A FILMIC ASSEMBLAGE III The programme is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation A series of unique documentary and newsreel film screenings arranged in cooperation with the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD, Krasnogorsk). The series includes documentary and newsreel materials produced by various Soviet film studios throughout the Soviet period. The films have been selected by Elena Kolikova (RGAKFD) and Naum Kleiman (Central State Film Museum, Moscow). The programme will be introduced by Elena Kolikova.


PANEL : XIII.01 GEOPOLITICAL INTERESTS OF RUSSIA Room 454 CHAIR: Bassin, Mark (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Matsaberidze, Malkhaz (I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia) Russian Geopolitical Concepts: A Challenge for Cooperation (Russian) Zubelzú, Graciela (CONICET, Argentina) The updating presence of Russia in Latin America: why- or why not-, how and where? Kim, Doug Joong (Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea) Russia-North Korean Relations in the Six Party Talks NEW : Najafov, Etibar (Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan) THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RUSSIA AND GEORGIA AS A CLASH OF OPPOSITE MODELS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (Paper XIV.09.1) NEW : Saparov, Arsene (CNRS CERCEC, France) The Soviet Boundary Making in the South Caucasus: Arbitrary or Logical? (Paper XVIII.13.3)

PANEL : XIII.02 ON LABOUR Room 463 CHAIR: Oxenstierna, Susanne (FOI, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Hedin, Astrid (Uppsala University, Sweden) Workers Councils under Socialist Regimes Kustanovich, Konstantin (Vanderbilt University, United States) Russian Attitudes to Work through the Eyes of Russian Literature Veres, Valér (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, Romania) The Change of Occupational and the Income Structure in Romania, in Eastern European context in the 2000s Keller-Krawczyk, Lech (UTAD, Portugal) Unemployment in The Post-Communist Poland and Its Impact for the Region

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PANEL : XIII.03 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY MAKING IN HUNGARY Room 356 CHAIR: McManus, Clare (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Vass, Laszlo (Budapest College of Communication, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Cox, Terry (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) The politics of pension reform in Hungary Lánczi, András (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) Stability or rigidity: governance in Hungary Gallai, Sandor (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) Governance and Organised Interests: the ambiguity of inter-sectoral interest reconciliation in Hungary

PANEL : XIII.04 ORTHODOX CHURCHES AND THE WEST : PERCEPTIONS OF VALUES AND INSTITUTIONAL MODELS Room 351 CHAIR: Bremer, Thomas (University of Münster, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Stoeckl, Kristina (University of Rome 'Tor Vergata', Italy)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Tat, Alin (Univ. of Cluj, Romania) Romanian Orthodox views on Europe and religion Elsner, Regina (Universitaet Muenster, Germany) Squaring the circle? – Russian Orthodox Church on values of modern society Stykow, Petra (Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany) Church-State Relations in Russia: In Search of a Model

PANEL : XIII.05 THE DYNAMISM OF THE RUSSIAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BEFORE AND AFTER THE CRISIS Room 357 CHAIR: Iwasaki, Ichiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Pleines, Heiko (University of Bremen, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Dolgopyatova, Tatiana (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Corporate Governance in the Russian Companies in Globalization Context Sugiura, Fumikazu (Teikyo University, Japan) Reemergence of Wage Arrears in Russia: Implications for Business - Government Relations Yakovlev, Andrei (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) The Strategies of the Russian Corporations during the Crisis

PANEL : XIII.06 VARIOUS ASPECTS OF 19 TH CENTURY AND INTERWAR HISTORY I Room 462 CHAIR: CHAIR: Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Dinu, Radu Harald (Max-Weber-Center, Erfurt University, Germany) THE LOGIC OF VIOLENCE IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN FASCISM Kwan, Jonathan (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) Politics, National Conflict and the Possibilities of a Czech-German Compromise, 1861-1879 Staliunas, Darius (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) A Multiethnic Region of the Russian Empire without Ethnic Violence? (Lithuania during the 1905 Revolution)

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PANEL : XIII.07 AGRARIANISM IN EAST CENTRAL EUROPE 1818 – 1945: A THIRD WAY FOR DEMOCRATIZATION PROCESSES OR A ROAD TO AUTHORITARIANISM ? Room 453 CHAIR: Harre, Angela (European University Viadrina, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Murgescu, Bogdan (University of Bucharest, Romania)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Harre, Angela (European University Viadrina, Germany) Agrarianism in East Central Europe. An ideology between democracy and authoritarianism Bódy, Zsombor (Universitiy of Miskolc, Hungary) A rural country without agrarian movements: Role and mode of functioning of the Hungarian Agrarian Chambers during the interwar period (German) Holec, Roman (Comenius University, Slovakia) Agrarian Democracy as a Third Way of East Central European transformation processes during the interwar period


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IX.11: Paper XIII.08.1, Colin Lebedev, Anna (CERCEC EHESS, France) Is there a place for personal experience in memory paradigms? A reflection based on the case of the veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IX.11: Paper XIII.08.2, Fainberg, Sarah (Georgetown University, United States) The Uses and Abuses of Collective Memory: Pleading for a Common Paradigm and Lexicon for Memory Studies TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IX.11: Paper XIII.08.3, Mink, Georges (ISP-CNRS, France) Sociology and paradigms of memory, uses of history, Europeanisation of politics of history, postcommunisme, institutions of remembrance and reconciliation. TRANSFERRED TO PANEL IX.11: Paper XIII.08.4, Shapoval, Yurii (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine) Memory of Holodomor in 1932-1933 in Ukraine: New Archives, new Discussions (Russian)

PANEL : XIII.09 CONSTRUCTING THE SELF : EIGHTEENTH -CENTURY IDEAS OF AUTONOMY AND INDIVIDUALITY IN RUSSIA Room 361 CHAIR: Kosheleva, Olga (Russian Academy of Education, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Khan, Andrew S. (Queen's College, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Fedyukin, Igor (New Economic School, Russian Federation) Humors, Inclinations, and Individual Autonomy in post-Petrine Russia Smorzhevskihh-Smirnova, Maria (Tallinn University, Estonia) Pogosjan, Elena (University of Alberta, Canada), Fencing off the Orthodox Space in aProtestant City: Revel in 1710-1725 Kirill Ospovat The Court Fool: Lomonosov and the Paradoxes of Patronage

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PANEL : XIII.10 ECOLOGY AND GLASNOST Room 359 CHAIR: Mouradian, Claire (CNRS - CERCEC (UMR 8083), France) DISCUSSANT: Mouradian, Claire (CNRS - CERCEC (UMR 8083), France)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Maciulyte, Jurgita (University of Vilnius, Lithuania) From ecology to political independence in the Baltic States : the trajectories of the actors of the “singing revolutions” in Lithuania. (French) Sigman, Carole (University of Paris X - Nanterre, France) The end of the grassroots ecology in Moscow? The 1989 electoral campaign for the USSR Congress of People's Deputies Mandrillon, Marie-Helene (CNRS/CERCEC, France) Ecology and Glasnost: The shaping of environmental institutions and the greening of the public sphere

CANCELLED : PANEL : XIII.12 MEMORY POLITICS AND THE USE OF HISTORY III Room 355 CHAIR: Yurchuk, Yuliya (Baltic and East European Graduate School, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL VI.11: Paper XIII.12.5, Chikovani, Nino (I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia) Overcoming Conflicting Histories – the Way towards Cooperation (The Case of Georgia) CANCELLED: Garagozov, Rauf (International Center for Social Research, Azerbaijan) Collective Memory, Nation -building and Nationalism i n Post -Soviet States: Case study of Azerbaijan CANCELLED: Suhan, Stela (L'Ecole doctorale de Sciences -Po, France) A NEW STATE, A NEW MEMORY? THE SOCIAL “MARKING” OF THE PAST AND THE CONFLICTING MEMORIES IN MOLDOVAN SOCIETY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 1990S. ( French) CANCELLED: Johansson Heinö, Andreas (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) The Clash of Empires?: Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States after the Return of History

PANEL : XIII.13 RUSSIAN LITERATURE AND ARTS 1ST HALF 20 TH CENTURY I Room 254 NEW CHAIR: Witt, Susanna (Stockholm University, Sweden) CANCELLED CHAIR: Ponomareva, Anna (Imperial College, London Metropolitan, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Ljunggren, Anna (University of Stockholm, Sweden) Pushkin '37: Anna Akhmatova's Articles on Pushkin. Hiramatsu, Junna (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) A Receptive History of The Quiet Don in the Formative Period of Soviet Official Literature Park, Young Eun (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea) NEW TITLE: The Poetic Figuration of Nature Philosophy in Andrei Bely’s Novel The Silver Dove (Russian) CANCELLED: Kobrinskiy, Alexander (Herzen State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) Daniil Kharms and West -European modernistic prose (Russian) CANCELLED: Alenkina, Tatiana (Moscow State U niversity, Russian Federation) Speech Discourse as the Source of Humour in Paul Schmidt’s 1997 Translations of the Vaudevilles by Anton Chekhov “The Bear” and “The Proposal”.

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PANEL : XIII.14 THE MILITARY HISTORY OF RUSSIA ’S GREAT WAR AND REVOLUTION (R OUNDTABLE ) Room 451 CHAIR: Steinberg, John W. (Georgia Southern University, United States)

PANELISTS: Marshall, Alex (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Menning, Bruce W. (US Army Command and General Staff College, United States) CANCELLED: Stone, Davi d R. (Kansas State University, United States) CANCELLED: Airapetov , Oleg Rudolfovich (Moscow State University, Russian Federation)

PANEL : XIII.15 THE RUSSIAN AUTOMOBILE MARKET Room 459 CHAIR: Tomiyama, Eiko (Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: SHIOJI, HIROMI (Kyoto University, Japan) STEP-BY-STEP ENTRY STRATEGY TO EMERGENT COUNTRIEs by Auto manufacturer ―Case Study of Entry to Russian Market by Toyota Motor Li, Zejian (The University of Tokyo, China) Future International Business Strategy of Chinese Automotive Manufacturers: a Case Study on Their Overseas Operations in Russian Market Zashev, Peter (Kymenlaakso Univ. of Applied Sciences, Finland) Formation of Northwestern Russia car manufacturing cluster and its impact for foreign suppliers CANCELLED: Usanov, Artur (Pardee RAND Graduate School, United States) on the Russian automotive market: SEZ location as the main competitive advantage

PANEL : XIII.17 NOTIONS OF ASIAN IDENTITY IN RUSSIAN CULTURE Room 253 CHAIR: Partan, Olga (Holy Cross, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Smith, Alexandra (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Nepomnyashchy, Catharine (Barnard College, Columbia University, United States) The Asian City in Russia Culture Ueland, Carol (Drew University, United States) Russian Writers in China: Defining the Asian NEW : Urbansky, Sören (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Manzhouli-Zabaikalsk. A “local” history of the Sino-Soviet border (Paper XVI.19.1) CANCELLED: Azhgikhina , Nadezda (Russian Union of Journalists, Russian Federation) Asian Woman in Post Soviet Media and Popular Culture

PANEL : XIII.18 RESTRUCTURING OF THE RITUAL YEAR IN THE POST -SOCIALIST COUNTRIES : EUROPEAN VALUES , IDEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY Room 252 CHAIR: Sedakova, Irina (Center for Balkan Studies RAS, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Koiva, Mare (Estonian Literary Museum, Estonia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Anastasova, Ekaterina (Institute of Folklore Studies, BAS, Bulgaria) The Festival of St. Cyril and St. Methodius in National and Transnational Perspective (Bulgaria, Slavia and United Europe) Barna, Gábor (University of Szeged, Hungary) In harmony with the new social order? Feasts and beyond representation: the case of Hungary Vaicekauskas, Arunas (Vytautas Magnus university, Lithuania) Re-structuring of the calendar feastival cycle in Lithuania in the second half of the 20th century.

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PANEL : XIII.19 FEDERALISM AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS IN RUSSIA Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Robinson, Neil (University of Limerick, Ireland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ross, Cameron (University of Dundee, United Kingdom) Federalism and Sub-National Authoritarianism in Russia Oracheva, Oksana (Institute of International Education, Russian Federation) Territories of "Special Status" in Russia: Ethnic Dimension CANCELLED: Heinemann -Grüder, Andreas (Academy for Conflict Transformation, Germany) Ten Yarstick for Federal Conflict Regulation and their Application to Russia


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIV.21: Paper XIII.20.2, Waack, Christoph (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Boon and Bane of gold mining: digging to symbolic resources in Romania's periyphery TRANSFERRED TO PANEL II.20: Paper XIII.20.3, Sim, Li-Chen (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates) Once a Red Director, Always a Red Director? Business Culture in the Soviet/Russian Oil Industry CANCELLED: Sereb riakova, Tatiana (University of Connecticut, Hartford, United States) Petrov, Yuri ( Department of Siberian Analytical Centre, , Osipov, Victor ( Chair of the Department of Economic Geog, Russian Federation) Investment Appeal in the Administrative Units of Tyumen Region, Russia CANCELLED: Aitiev, Iliias (Osh Technological University, Kyrgyzstan) Toktoraliev, Biimyrza ( , Shamshiev, Bakyt ( , Asanov, Mamatazim ( OshTU, Kyrgyzstan) Global ecological problems of large hydro constructions

PANEL : XIII.21 NEUTRALITY BETWEEN COLD WAR TRADE BLOCS : WAS IT POSSIBLE ? Room 353 CHAIR: Fischer, Thomas (The Graduate Institute of International Studies and Developm, Switzerland) DISCUSSANT: Karlsson, Birgit (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kansikas, Suvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) EEC or CMEA integration? Helsinki between Moscow and , 1969-1976. Jensen-Eriksen, Niklas (University of Helsinki, Finland) Not so neutral after all? Finnish policy towards the CoCom during the Cold War Autio-Sarasmo, Sari (University of Helsinki, Finland) The Scientific-Technical Cooperation between the Soviet Union and Neutral Finland during the Cold War

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PANEL : XIII.22 THE HISTORY OF THE ORENBURG GOVERNMENT Room 461 NEW CHAIR: Naganawa, Norihiro (Hokkaido University, Japan) DISCUSSANT: Matsuzato, Kimitaka (Hokkaido University, Japan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Bilz-Leonhardt, Marlies (Independent Scholar, Germany) The Last Governor of Imperial Russia in Orenburg (Russian) / Записки последнего царского губернатора в Оренбуржье Lyubichankovsky, Sergey (Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) Province Administration and the problem of Authority’s Crisis in Late-Imperial Russia (on materials of the Ural Region, 1892- 1914) (Russian) Gibatdinov, Marat (Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) The Tatar System of Education in Orenburg and preparing the New Turk-Tatar Elites in Eurasia (1905-1907) (Russian) CANCELLED: Sy ltangalieva, Gulmira (Aktobe pedacocical univercity, Kazakhstan) The Policy of Baron O. Igelstrom, the Orenburg Governor General,in the Steppe (the last quarter of the XVIII century) (Russian)

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FRIDAY JULY 30 10:30-12:00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium CANCELLED: CHANGES IN THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF STALINISM 1990 -2010 (ROUNDTABLE ) PANELISTS: CANCELLED: Werth, Nicolas (National Center for Scientific Research, France) David -Fox, Michael (University of Maryland, United States) Manning, Roberta (Boston College, United States) Baberowski, Jörg ( Humboldt -Universität zu Berlin, Germnay)

NEW: PODSTROCHNIK (D OCUMENTARY FILM BY OLEG DORMAN ) Room: The Auditorium (O RG : JONSON , LENA (SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS , SWEDEN Podstrochnik, "Translation", features Lilianna Lungina, who translated works by August Strindberg, Henrik Ibsen and, most famously, Astrid Lindgren, telling of a life that experienced some of the most dramatic events of the 20th century, from the Stalinist purges and World War II to the Khrushchev thaw.


PANEL : XIV.01 RUSSIA ’S RELATIONS WITH THE WEST : NEW VIEWS ON AN OLD THEME Room 357 CHAIR: Schmidt-Felzmann, Anke (Maastricht University, Netherlands) DISCUSSANT: Bosse, Giselle (Maastricht University, Netherlands)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Heller, Regina (IFSH, Germany) Subjectivity, emotions and seeking respect. Reconsidering Russia’s behaviour in its relations with the West Feklyunina, Valentina (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Image and Reality: Russia's relations with the West Kropatcheva, Elena (Institute for Peace Research/Security, Germany) Russia’s Policy within and in Relation to European and Euro-Atlantic Institutions: Patterns of (In-)Consistence

PANEL : XIV.02 UKRAINIAN POLITICS II Room 454 CHAIR: Jakob, Hedenskog (Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Seals, Corinne (Georgetown University, United States) Revisiting Ukraine: A Developing Trilingual Nation Entering the Global Sphere Semenii, Oleksii (Associate expert, ICPS Kyiv, Ukraine) Ukraine's positioning in the new European security architecture - previous results and prospects for future Malshyna, Kateryna (Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine) Ukraine-NATO: Etatist Games of Contemporaneity (Russian)

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PANEL : XIV.03 AN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON HUMAN RIGHTS Room 253 CHAIR: Brüning, Alfons (Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Makrides, Vasilios (University of Erfurt, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: van der Zweerde, Evert (Radboud University, Netherlands) Orthodox Christian Human Rights Discourse - "Secular" vs. "Religious" Argumentation Stoeckl, Kristina (University of Rome 'Tor Vergata', Italy) Orthodox Christianity's different stands on human rights: the case of Russia and of Orthodox EU-member states Agadjanian, Alexander (Russian State University for Humanities, Russian Federation) Individuality vs. Personhood: a Clash behind Russian Orthodox Human Rights Debates Zherebiatiev, Mikhail (Voronezh State University, Russian Federation) European legal values in current interpretation of the Russian Orthodox Church (1988-2009) (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: CANCELLED: Van Bladel, Joris (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Where has the Russian Soldier gone? (Western perceptions of the Russian Soldiers’ Culture ) Danilova, Nataliya (University of Nottingham, Unit ed Kingdom) War commemoration in post -Soviet Russia: rituals and practices Robertshaw, Sam (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Society -military relations and the legislative process

PANEL : XIV.05 EMERGING MARKET ECONOMIES IN CENTRAL ASIA : THE ROLE OF GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL COMPLEMENTARITIES Room 453 CHAIR: Hoen, Herman W. (University of Groningen, Netherlands) DISCUSSANT: Toews, Gerhard (University of Reading, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Stark, Manuel (PFH Göttingen, EBS Oestrich-Winkel, Germany) The East Asian developmental state as a reference model for transition economies in Central Asia – An analysis of institutional arrangements and exogenous constraints Ahrens, Joachim (PFH Goettingen, Germany) The politico-institutional foundation of economic transition in Central Asia Vakulchuk, Roman (PFH Goettingen/Jacobs University Bremen, Germany) Irnazarov, Farrukh (PFH Goettingen, Germany) "Transition Strategies in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan since Independence: Paradoxes and Prospects"

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PANEL : XIV.06 ENERGY , ENERGY INVESTMENTS , AND RUSSIA 'S SEARCH FOR A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITHIN EURASIA Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Dusseault, David (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Kassenova, Nargis (KIMEP, Kazakhstan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Balmaceda, Margarita (Seton Hall University, United States) Russia’s Search for a Role in Energy Infrastructure Investments in Belarus and Ukraine: Deepening or Mitigating Energy Security? Palonkorpi, Mikko (Aleksanteri Institute, Finland) Russia’s energy investments in the South Caucasus: Securitizing orde-securitizing tendencies? CANCELLED: Closson, Stacy (Woodrow Wilson Center, United States) Russia in Central Asia’s Power Sector: Uniting or Dividing the Region?

PANEL : XIV.08 FAMILY AND POLITICS IN THE POST -SOCIALIST SPACE : CHANGES AND CONTINUITIES Room 361 CHAIR: Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Maija Runcis (Södertörn University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gradskova, Yulia (Södertörn University, Sweden) Public preschool centers and new familialism in Russia Romanov, Pavel (HSE, Russian Federation) Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena (HSE, Russian Federation) Who is guilty and what to do? Discourses on family and demography in social policy: current trends and legacy of the past Zhurzhenko, Tatiana (Vienna University, Austria) Gender, Nation and Reproduction:Demographic discourses and practices in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution Farhan, Christine (Södertörn univeritsy, Sweden) Women remembering family in the GDR

CAN CELLED: PANEL : XIV.09 ON MASS MEDIA Room 459 CHAIR: Håstad, Disa (Former Correspondent, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XII.04: Paper XIV.09.1, Simons, Greg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Using a Western Yardstick on the Russian Mass Media: Fruitful or Futile? CANCELLED: Belyakov, Alexander (Foundation for Local Democracy, Ukraine, Ukraine) Freedom of Speech for Sale in Ukrainian Mass Media: Consequences for Politics CANCELLED: Dymytrova, Valentyna (Lyon 2 University, France) Between Ea st and West: Media Representations of Ukrainian Identities during the Orange Revolution

PANEL : XIV.10 MIGRATION IN THE POST -SOVIET SPACE IN LIGHT OF EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN EXPERIENCE : A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE Room 451 CHAIR: Zubok, Vladislav M. (Temple University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Malinkin, Mary Elizabeth (Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mukomel, Vladimir (Institute of Sociology, RAS, Russian Federation) The Russian perception of the US migration experience: to stumble over old foreign mistakes or repeatedly hit on Russia’s own mistakes? (Russian) Korobkov, Andrei (Middle Tennessee State University, United States) Migration Policies in the US and Russia: A Comparative Perspective

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PANEL : XIV.11 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND RUSSIAN SOCIAL LIFE Room 353 CHAIR: Dobrovolskij, Dmitrij (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Mikaelian, Irina (Pennsylvania State University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rathmayr, Renate (WU Wien, Austria) Tradition, innovation and adaptation in Russian business discourse: The example of job-application interviews Shmeleva, Elena (Institute of Russian Language, RAS, Russian Federation) New Reading of Old Words in Russian of XXI Century (Russian) Weiss, Daniel (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Freedom of Opinion, Evidentiality, and Epistemic Modality: a Challenge for Russian Forensic Linguistics Levontina, Irina (Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federation) Word definitions in Russian lexicography and in Russian legislation (Russian) Krause, Marion (University Frankfurt/Main, Germany) Cross-cultural aspects of terminology in management: terms and concepts

PANEL : XIV.13 THE TYPOLOGY OF GRAMMATICAL CHANGES IN THE CONTEXT OF SLAVIC -GERMAN LANGUAGE CONTACT Room 356 CHAIR: Miloradovi, Sofija (Institute of Serbian Language SASA, Serbia) DISCUSSANT: Kaczmarska, Elzbieta (University of Warsaw, Poland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pawischitz, Sabine (Znanstveni institut Gradiscanskih Hrvato, Austria) The verbal aspect in Burgenland-Croatian (German) Nomachi, Motoki (Hokkaido University, Japan) The Recipient Passive in Kashubian: Grammatical Replication and Innovation CANCELLED: Zele, Andreja (Institut of Slovene language, SRC SASA, Slovenia) Sicherl, Eva ( Faculty of Arts, Slovenia) Valency and Prepositions: Comparative and Contrastive Slovene -German Aspects (Russian)

PANEL : XIV.14 DEMOCRATIZATION AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS IN RUSSIA Room 351 CHAIR: Kleberg, Olof (Former editor-in-chief, Västerbottenskuriren, Umeå, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Hayoz, Nicolas (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) Globalization and resistance: authoritarian power structures in Russia and the challenges of modernity Alexander, Sungurov (SPb branch of Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Human Rights Institutionalization in Russia Saari, Sinikukka (Finnish Institute of International Affai, Finland) The Russian way: The changing representations of Russian democracy and their impact on Russian foreign policy

PANEL: XIV.15 DIGITISATION OF COLLECTIONS : AN UPDATE Room 254 CHAIR: Spencer, George Andrew (University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States) DISCUSSANT: Warmbrunn, Jurgen (Herder-Institut, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Yoo, Hee-Gwone (New York Public Library, United States) The Digitization of Visual Resources from Russia and Eastern Europe in the New York Public Library Trehub, Aaron (Auburn University, United States) Distributed Digital Preservation: Two Examples

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Klotz, Bea (CEEOL, Germany) On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Digitization for Life


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVI.04: Paper XIV.16.1, Lisenco, Vlada (Tiraspol State University, Moldavia) Conflict Resolution in Moldova (Russian) Vogl, Doris (VOGL, Doris, Austria) Some Observations as regards the Status Quo of Inter -ethnic Tensions in the Republic of Georgia Kubanychbek, Nona (Bishkek University, Kyrgyzstan) Conflicts in Central Asia Mirimanova, Natalia (International Alert, PATRIR, Belgium) New regional context for the conflicts in the South Cauc asus: a stronger case for regional peace initiatives?

PANEL : XIV.17 POLITICAL PARTIES Room 355 CHAIR: Aylott, Nicholas (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Casal Bértoa, Fernando (European University Institute, Italy) Do Institutions still Matter?: Perils of Semi-Presidentialism for Party System Institutionalization in New East Central European Democracies Turovsky, Rostislav (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) Party systems in post-communist states: new trends and bifurcations Riishøj, Søren (Institute of Political Science, Denmark) Political parties in CEECs- with Civic Platform (PO) in Poland as the case NEW : Chung, Eunsook (The Sejong Institute, Republic of Korea) Foreign Policy Orientation of Russia's Major Parties: Toward the West, CIS, and Korea (Paper XVII.02.3) NEW : Svyetlov, Oleksandr (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine) Parties of Power in the post-Soviet space: the Case Study (Paper XVII.02.4)

PANEL : XIV.18 RUSSIAN CONTEMPORARY ART Room 252 CHAIR: Öberg, Johan (Gothenburg University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Bryzgel, Amy (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom) Afrika, the Russian Dog and Marilyn Monroe: Performing Post-Soviet Russian Identity Chernetska, Alla (Université de Paris: Panthéon Sorbonne, France) The artists of “post-diaspora” and “high diaspora” in the process of emigration in the second half of the 20th century NEW: Paper XVII.08.3, Metz, Eric (Ghent University/Artesis UC Antwerp, Belgium) Almost Photographs: Sergey Timofeev and 'New Realism' in Contemporary Russian Multimedia Poetry (Russian) CANCELLED: Bragina, Natalia (Pushkin Institute of the Russian Lang., Russian Federation) The New Moscow Monuments as a Playing Space of the Public Memory (Russian)

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INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Biskupski, M. B. B. (CCSU, United States) The Legions of World War I as Founding Myth for Modern Poland Chukanov, Ivan (Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation) The Civil War and famine in the Volga region (Russian) Polunov, Alexander (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The White International: Ideological and Organizational Contacts between Russian and Western Conservatives (Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century)

PANEL : XIV.20 WOMEN 'S VOICES FROM THE URAL Room 255 CHAIR: Vishevsky, Anatoly (Grinnell College, United States) NEW DISCUSSANT: Marsh, Rosalind (University of Bath, United Kingdom) (CANCELLED: Azhgikhina, Nadezhda, Moscow State University, Russian Feder ation )

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Mélat, Hélène (university Paris-Sorbonne, France) Revisiting the Legends of the Ural : 2017 by Olga Slavnikova Doraiswamy, Rashmi (ACADEMY OF THIRD WORLD STUDIES, India) Gorlanova and Slavnikova: Two Women Writers from the Ural Region Saxena, Ranjana (University of Delhi, India) Travails of Transition and "The Immortal" by Olga Slavnikova

PANEL : XIV.21 ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP II Room 352 CHAIR: Cooper, Julian (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Subrakova, Liudmila (The Khakas state university named Katano, Russian Federation) The factors of firms' ecological behavior in the transitive economy (Russian) Deuber, Gunter (Deutsche Bank Research, Germany) Kunadt, Falk (Fraunhofer MOEZ Leipzig, Germany) Knowledge policy as a vital factor for stabilisation and to create a competitive advantage in CEE Pavlyk, Khrystyna (Ivan Franko National University of , Ukraine) Interdependence of entrepreneurship and sustainable economic growth: experience and prospects for Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine Makó, Csaba (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary) Csizmadia, Péter, Illéssy, Miklós, Szanyi, Miklós (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary), Iwasaki, Ichiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Organizational Innovation in Comparative Perspective (The Hungarian versus Slovak Knowledge Intensive Business Service Sector) NEW : Waack, Christoph (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Boon and Bane of gold mining: digging to symbolic resources in Romania's periyphery (Paper XIII.20.2)

PANEL : XIV.22, VISUAL CULTURE OF THE PUTIN ERA (M OVED FROM SATURDAY 31 JULY 8.30, OLD NUMBER , XVII.14, REMAINS IN PROGRAM AND ABSTRACT BOOKS ) Room 353 CHAIR: Jungen, Bettina (Amherst College, United States) DISCUSSANT: Menzel, Birgit (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)

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PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Jungen, Bettina (Amherst College, United States) Sweet Dreams – Retro Imagery on Chocolate Packaging in Post-Soviet Russia Liderman, Yulia (The Power of Images : Visual Culture of, Russian Federation) Why is the concept of performance art not popular in Russia today? (Russian) Engelfried, Alexandra (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany) Jungen, Bettina (Switzerland), Liderman, Julja (Russian Federation) Portrait of the President Vladimir Putin between Art, Cult and Commerce

88 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

FRIDAY JULY 30 13:30-15:00


PANEL : XV.01 CROSSROADS OF POLITICS AND CULTURE IN TRANSITION (A ZERBAIJAN , BOSNIA AND CROATIA ) Room 255 Chaired and organized by: Geybullayeva, Rahilya (Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Geybullayeva, Rahilya (Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan) Three waves of deconstructivism in post-Soviet Azerbaijani literature CANCELLED: Festic, Fatima (Columbia University, United States) Culture, "Nation", Politics: The slip pery ground of representations and transformations CANCELLED: Garagyezova, Elnara (Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan) The Aidin Talibzade's postmodern fiction “The model of Butterfly – 102”as an in example of postsoviet Azerbaijani literature Auch, Eva-Maria (University Bonn, Germany) Fear of death and contempt of death in post-socialist societies: coping with dying in Azerbaijan (German) CANCELLED: Mirzayev, Rasim (Bonn University, Germany) Westernization in Azerbaijan: periodization and collisions betw een values

PANEL : XV.02 TRANSITIONS I Room 254 CHAIR: Petsinis, Vassilis (Södertörns Högskola, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Rivera, David (Hamilton College, United States) Quantifying the Impact of Leadership in the Postcommunist Transitions Izotov, Alexander (University of Joensuu, Finland) REPOSITIONING A BORDER AREA: Soviet legacy vs. post-Soviet transition Raff, Murray (Universirty of Canberra, Australia) Taitslin, Anna (Universirty of Canberra, Australia Socialist Civil Law in Comparative Perspective – Looking back to the twentieth century

PANEL : XV.03 IDENTITIES IN CENTRAL ASIA Room 454 CHAIR: Hinnemo, Torgny (Journalist and author, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Usmanov, Gayrat (National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan) The transformation and development of modern youth subculture in Uzbekistan Khan, Valeriy (Institute of History, Uzbekistan) The Common Historical Past in the Post-Soviet Central Asia: the Factor of Integration or Alienation? Hamrin-Dahl, Tina (Stockholm University, Sweden) Chabad Lubavitch as a Role Model: How to be Jewish in Central Asia NEW : Fauve, Adrien (Sciences Po (Paris, France), France) Astana: Heart of Eurasia? Identity Politics and Urbanism in post-soviet Kazakhstan (Paper VIII.11.1)

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PANEL : XV.06 SCANDINAVIA AND THE NORTH OF RUSSIA . THE CURRENT SITUATION AND THE FUTURE OF COOPERATION IN ECONOMY , POLITICS AND STRATEGY Room 356 CHAIR: Susiluoto, Ilmari (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Finland) NEW DISCUSSANT: Sablin, Vasili (Vologda University, Russian Federation). (CANCELLED: Lange, Peer, Emer. Ref. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Popov, Alexander (Komi Science Center, Russian Federation) The positive experience of the concept of "Northern dimension" of European Union for northern regions of Russia (on example of Komi Republic) (Russian) Smetanin, Alexander (Komi Science Center, Russian Federation) Development of a new ethno-cultural complex at the North (Republic of Komi) (Russian) NEW : Luukkanen, Arto (Helsinki University, Finland) About Strategies of Scandinavia and Northern Russia CANCELLED: Mikhailov, Vyacheslav (Russian Academy of Civil Service, Russian Federation) "Northern social and ecological congress" as a new instrument in developing "Nothern dimension" of Russia n policy (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Lajus, Julia (European University at St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) Sorlin, Sverker (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Melting the Glacial Curtain: Hans Ahlmann and Scandinavian-Soviet Connections in Understanding the Arctic Environment Shaw, Denis (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Moran, Dominique (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Anglo-Russian Musings on the Cultural Landscape in the Russian North. Wråkberg, Urban (Barents Institute, Norway) Scenario Research and Map Design as Instruments of Cross-Border Politics in Northern Europe and Russia

PANEL : XV.08 EMIGRATION TO EUROPE AS THE PHENOMENON OF MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE Room 252 CHAIR: Demidova, Olga (Russian State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Dragunsky, Denus (Editor of journal Kosmopolis, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Demidova, Olga (Russian State pedagogical Iniversity, Russian Federation) Russian-European (Em) Igration: Its Cultural Paradigm, Dual Effects, and Perspectives (Russian) Gryakalova, Nataliya (Institute of Russian Literature of RAN, Russian Federation) Orientalia Parisiana: Subliterary Milieu as a Transmitter of Eurasian Ideas (Orientalist V. Nikitin and Writer A. Remizov) (Russian) Meimre, Aurika (Tallinn University, Estonia) Russian Émigré Writers as Intermediaries between Estonian and Russian Cultures in 1920-1930-es (Russian) Lucewicz, Ludmila (University of Warsaw, Poland) West/East in the memoirs of the Russian Emigration: Zinaida Gippius and her literary environment (Russian)

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PANEL : XV.09 ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER AS DRIVING FORCE FOR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL MOBILISATION ? THE AFTERMATH OF CHERNOBYL Room 461 CHAIR: Buus, Stephanie (Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Kasperski, Tatyana (European Humanities University Vilnius, Belarus)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Arndt, Melanie (Center for Contemporary History Potsdam, Germany) Insecurity and Uncertainty as Foundation? German Chernobyl Initiatives and their Dedication to Mitigate the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster in Belarus. Ivanova, Evgenia (European Humanities University, Belarus) Being Political in the Post-Chernobyl Context: Gender Perspectives on Citizenship CANCELLED: Stepanov, Andrei (European Humanities University, Belarus) The Interplay of Nuclear and Chernobyl Discourse in Bela rus (1986 -2009) CANCELLED: Leukhina, Anastasiya (National University "Kiev -Mohyla Academy, Ukraine) Socio -Political Mobilization in Ukraine After Chernobyl

PANEL : XV.11 NEIGHBOURHOOD ON THE EDGE : EU-RUSSIA RELATIONS FROM A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Eskelinen, Heikki (University of Joensuu, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Sakwa, Richard (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Scott, James Wesley (University of Joensuu, Finland) Kolossov, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) Evidence of an Emerging Finnish-Russian Borderlands Liikanen, Ilkka (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) The West and cooperation with the West in late- and post-Soviet social and political mobilization in the Republic of Karelia Belokurova, Elena (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Nozhenko, Maria (European University St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) Regional Community Building and Cross-Border Interaction in North-Western Russia

PANEL : XV.13 "P OST -DEMOCRACY ” IN EASTERN EUROPE AND ITS SOCIAL EMBEDDING Room 453 CHAIR AND DISCUSSANT: Segert, Dieter (University of Vienna, Austria) (CANCELLED DISCUSSANT: Bozoki, András , Central European University, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Malova, Darina (Comenius University, Slovakia) On the specific social embeddings of the East Central European democracies De Nève, Dorothée (IGK, Germany) From the Crisis of Democracy to Post-Democracy? Olteanu, Tina (University of Vienna, Austria) Political Entrepreneurs – what happens if the parliament becomes an Industrialists' Association?

PANEL : XV.14 RUSSIAN AUTEUR CINEMA AND THE EFFECTS OF GLASNOST AND PERESTROIKA Room 253 CHAIR: Engel, Christine (University of Innsbruck, Austria) DISCUSSANT: Lipovetsky, Mark (University of Colorado at Boulder, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Beumers, Birgit (University of Bristol, United Kingdom) Aleksei Balabanov: between auteur and commercialism? MacFadyen, David (University of California, Los Angeles, United States) Sergei Solov’ev’s “2-ASSA-2” and the Role of Nostalgic Remakes in Post-Soviet Visual Culture Zvonkine, Eugenie (Universite de Paris 8, France)

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Muratova's cinema before and after Perestroïka: deconstructing and rebuilding film aesthetics.

PANEL : XV.16 THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF RUSSIAN EMIGRES IN ASIA Room 462 CHAIR: Ikuta, Michiko (Osaka University, Japan) CHAIR: Bakich, Olga (University of Toronto, Canada)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Bakich, Olga (University of Toronto, Canada) China in the Russian Emigre Poetry of Harbin and Shanghai (Russian) Fujiwara, Katsumi (Osaka University, Japan) Russian Economic Life in Harbin: From the Historical Role of the Churin Company (Russian) Ikuta, Michiko (Osaka University, Japan) Fujiwara, Katsumi (Osaka University, Igaue, Naho (Chuo University, Japan) , Bakich, Olga (University of Toronto, Canada) , Aurilene, Elena (Far Eastern State Humanitarian University, Russian Federation) Cultural Heritage of Russian Émigrés in Manchukuo (1932-1945), the Puppet State of Japan Igaue, Naho (Chuo University, Japan) Japanese Perspectives on Cossack Villages in the “Manchukuo” Period: Analysis of Published Materials in Japanese (Russian) Aurilene, Elena (Far Eastern State Humanitarian University, Russian Federation) Ikuta, Michiko, Fudsivara, Katzumi (Osaka university, Japan), Igaue, Naho (Chuo University, Japan) , Bakich, Olga (University of Toronto, Canada) Fates of the Russian Emigrant Culture in China. 1920-1940-s. (Russian)

PANEL : XV.17 THE FUTURE OF RUSSIAN IN THE ERA OF NEW TECHNOLOGY II Room 352 CHAIR: Hristova, Daniela (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Paulsen, Martin (University of Bergen, Norway)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Gorham, Michael (University of Florida, United States) Virtual Russophoniia: Language Politics and Political Technologies in Putin-era Russia Strenge, Gesine (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) The Reception of Loanwords in Russian Linguistic Culture in the Era of New Technology Zvereva, Vera (Russian State University for Humanities, Russian Federation) Identity and language in teenager blogs on the (Russian)

PANEL : XV.18 MAKING SCIENCE AND SPACE : TOWARDS A DIALOGISM OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND GLOBAL SCIENCE IN THE RUSSIAN AND SOVIET EMPIRE (1800-1950) This panel is supported by Gerda Henkel Stiftung Room 353 CHAIR: David-Fox, Michael (University of Maryland, United States) DISCUSSANT: Mogilner, Marina ("Ab Imperio" Quarterly, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Herzberg, Julia (Rachel Carson Center, Germany) Writing Self and Space: Geography and Peasant Correspondents in the Russian North Kreiten, Irma (University of Southampton, UK, Turkey) Trickster Ethnographies: Exploring Borders and (Be-) longings in Western Caucasus Sperling, Walter (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) Of Region and Empire: Writing History and Histories at the Lower Volga in Late Imperial Russia Fein, Julia (University of Chicago, United States) Gospodin Kosmopolit: Siberian local museums and spaces of science in the Russian Empire, 1881-1915

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PANEL : XV.19 “B EYOND PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP ” – CULTURAL COLD WAR ENCOUNTERS AT THE WORLD YOUTH FESTIVALS , 1940 S–1970 S Room 359 CHAIR: Kansikas, Suvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Autio-Sarasmo, Sari (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Koivunen, Pia (University of Tampere, Finland) A Tool for Controlling World Youth? Soviet Union and the World Youth Festivals in the 1940s-1950s Junes, Tom (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Poland) From Stalinist Hubris to Youthful Nemesis: the 1955 Warsaw World Festival of Youth and Students. Krekola, Joni (University of Helsinki, Finland) Olympic Games and World Youth Festival in Helsinki. Comparison of the Cultural Cold War Spectacles

PANEL : XV.20 GENDER AND THE RUSSIAN LABOUR MARKET Room 361 CHAIR: Sätre, Ann-Mari (Uppsala University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Shapiro, Judith (London Schoolof Economics, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Oshchepkov, Aleksey (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Gender Wage Gap in Russia (Russian) Katz, Katarina (Karlstad University, Sweden) Wages in transition – gender differentials in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia Karabchuk, Tatiana (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Determinants of temporary employment for men and women in Russia TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVI.10: Paper III.22.4, Zdravomyslova, Elena (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Chains of care: contemporary Russian version

PANEL : XV.21 MARKET ECONOMY WITH SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN POST - COMMUNIST SPACE Room 357 CHAIR: Fogelklou, Anders (University of Uppsala, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Hedlund, Stefan (Uppsala University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Libman, Alexander (Frankfurt School of Finance, Germany) Government-Business Relations in Russia and Central Asia: A Comparative Analysis NEW: Komilov, Sobir (Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia) Financial System of Uzbekistan: Perspectives and challenges (Paper VIII.14.2) NEW: Viktorov, Ilya (Stockholm University, Sweden) The development of Russian financial market and its institutional actors: From the fall of the Soviet Union to the financial crisis 2008 (Paper VIII.14.3)

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PANEL : XV.22 MULTIPLICITY OF REGIMES IN THE USSR Room 459 CHAIR: Kondratieva, Tamara (univ. Valenciennes, France) DISCUSSANT: Osokina, Elena (University of South Carolina, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Zhuravlev, Sergey (Institute of Russian History RAS, Russian Federation) From Soviet to post-Soviet labor regimes: Case of AvtoVAZ Car-Building Factory, from late 1980s to 2009 Sokolov, Andrei (Institute of Russian History, RAS, Russian Federation) Regimnost’ on the Soviet Factories (Russian) Smirnova, Tatiana (Institute of Russian History, RAS, Russian Federation) Soviet child-care institutions and their regimes in the 1917- 1940 (Russian) Burbank, Jane (New York University, United States) Regimes before Rezhimnost': The Rights of Difference before 1917

PANEL : XV.23 THE RUSSIAN HOME FRONT IN A CONTINUUM OF WAR , 1914-1922: NEW RESEARCH Room 451 CHAIR: Lindenmeyr, Adele (Villanova University, United States) DISCUSSANT: Read, Christopher (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Sanborn, Joshua (Lafayette College, United States) When the Front Came Home: The Great Retreat of 1915 and the Transformation of Russian Society Cook, Lara (Newcastle University, United Kingdom) Inside Lenin’s Government: the First Central Administrative Organs of the Soviet Government 1917-22. Tumanova, Anastasiya (State University - Higher School of Econ, Russian Federation) Title: "Russian Voluntary Associations during World War I" Bulgakova, Liudmila (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) The Phenomenon of the Emancipated Soldatka. (Russian)

PANEL : XV.24 POST -SOVIET RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN CULTURE AND POLITICS Room 351 CHAIR: Agadjanian, Alex (Russian University for Humanities, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Stodolsky, Ivor (University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Oittinen, Vesa (Alexanderinstitutet, Finland) Vadim Mezhuev's Theory of Culture Swiderski, Edward (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) The Rising Tide of Culture Theory in Russia since the Late 1990's van der Zweerde, Evert (Radboud University, Netherlands) After Katastrojka and Kleptokratija - Political Philosophy in Russia since the 1990s

94 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 13.30–15.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

FRIDAY JULY 30 15:30-17:00


PANEL : XVI.01 RUSSIAN FEDERALISM Room 355 CHAIR: Rodin, Johhny (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Kim, In Seong (Korea University, Republic of Korea) Different Perceptions on “Sovereignty” among Central and Regional Governments in the Russian Federation: Focusing on Tatarstan and Chechnya Aburamoto, Mari (The University of Tokyo, Japan) The Dissolution of the Soviet Social Contract? Regional Welfare Politics in Post-Communist Russia Chuman, Mizuki (Keio University, Japan) The Reforms of Federation Council in Russia and the Influence on Federal and Regional Political Process: Institutions? or Individual Actors? Trofimova, Irina (Institute of Sociology, Russian Federation) Local self-government in Russian Federation: from local democracy to administrative decentralization (Russian) Farukshin, Midkhat (Kazan University, Russian Federation) Strengthening imbalance in the Russian federalism (Russian)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Stanley, John (Government of Ontario, Canada) Adaptation or Transformation? The development of the Napoleonic administrative system in the Duchy of Warsaw (1807- 1815) Collmer, Peter (University of Zurich, Switzerland) The Multiculturality of Rule in 18th Century Poland-Lithuania Kleinmann, Yvonne (Leipzig University, Germany) Competitors in Administration: The Four Years' Sejm and its Surroundings as a Challenge to Privileges of Religious Communities CANCELLED: Thackeray, Frank (University of Louisville, United States) Problems of administrative modernisation: Alexander I and the Polish Congress Kingdom

PANEL : XVI.03 CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE STATE IN RUSSIAN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Room 451 CHAIR: Scott, James (University of Joensuu, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Jukarainen, Pirjo (University of Tampere, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Virkkunen, Joni (University of Joensuu, Finland) Sex and Civic Activism: Human Rights and Morality in post-Soviet Russian Boundary Politics Anders, Rainer-Elk (Staffordshire University, United Kingdom) Whose needs? The Role of Civil Society Actors in Social Contracting in the Russian Federation CANCELLED: Laine, Jussi (University of Joensuu, Finl and) Demidov, Andrey ( Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation) On whose terms, for which purpose? Civil society organisations as engines of cross -border interaction

______95 Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVI.04 ETHNOPOLITICAL CONFLICTS : POST -COLD WAR ETHNO -POLITICAL CONFLICTS IN CEE AND CENTRAL ASIA , SESSION 2 Room 463 CHAIR: Chvorostov, Alexander (Institute f.Advanced Studies IHS-Vienna, Austria) DISCUSSANT: Heinrich, Hans-Georg (University of Vienna ICEUR), Austria)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Isaev, Kusein (Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Kyrgyzstan) Identity problems in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan (Russian) Alimbekova, Gulzhan (CIOM, Kazakhstan) Influence quality of life on dynamics of demographic indicators in Kazakhstan (Russian) Shabdenova, Aizhan (CIOM, Kazakhstan) Income from employment - the main source of monetary income of households in Kazakhstan (Russian) NEW : Lisenco, Vlada (Tiraspol State University, Moldavia) Conflict Resolution in Moldova (Russian) (Paper XIV.16.1)


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Shrayer, Maxim D. (Boston College, United States) Jewish-Russian Poets as Witnesses of the Holocaust: 1941-1946 Michlic, Joanna (Brandeis University, United States) The Theatre of the Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in Post-communist Poland Weiss-Wendt, Anton (Norwegian Holocaust Center, Norway) Perceptions of the Holocaust in Post-Soviet Baltic States Liekis, Šarūnas (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) Holocaust and Cultural Memory in Lithuania


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Jordan, Peter (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) Mapping Transformation Processes - the Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe Küpper, Herbert (Institute for East European Law, Germany) Towards larger units: institutional redesign and the creation of the ‚Research Centre for Eastern and South Eastern Europe‘ in Regensburg CANCELLED: Dahmen, Wolfgang (Friedrich -Schiller -Universitaet, Germany) The Jena Graduate School „Cultural Orie ntations and Institutional Order in South East Europe”

96 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVI.07 VARIOUS ASPECTS OF 19 TH CENTURY AND INTERWAR HISTORY III Room 352 CHAIR: CHAIR: Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Taitslin, Anna (University of Canberra, Australia) The debate on the commune on the eve of peasant emancipation: the long shadow of Russian paternalism Petronis, Vytautas (Herder-Institut, Germany) The Contested City: Vilnius as depicted on Russian Imperial ethnographic and early Lithuanian national maps (1840 – 1914) Soerbye, Yngvild (University of Oslo, Norway) Writing her life – living her writings. The myths and (self) portraits of A.M. Kollontai CANCELLED: Clifford, Lawrence (University of Massachusetts at Boston, United States) Kalin ingrad: Russian -Polish Relations Since Perestroika and the origins of these relations from the Polish -Russian War of 1920


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Solomeshch, Ilya (Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation) Conflicts of the 20th Century: Finland as a Touchstone for Soviet and Post-Soviet Historians Paaskoski, Jyrki (University of Helsinki, Finland) Image of Russia in the Context of Finnish Historiography of Russian–Swedish wars Takala, Irina (Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation) Finland in Russian historiographical context of the Wars between Russia and Sweden (Russian)

PANEL : XVI.09 DYNASTIC POLITICS AND CULTURE IN PRE -MODERN RUSSIA Room 359 CHAIR: Pereswetoff-Morath, Alexander (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Kivelson, Valerie (University of Michigan, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Isoaho, Mari (University of Helsinki, Finland) "The Life of Alexander Nevskii" and the dynastic crisis of 1281-1293 in Vladimir-Suzdalia Bogatyrev, Sergei (University College London, United Kingdom) Dynastic Politics and Succession in Russia, 1498-1598 Bushkovitch, Paul (Yale University, United States) Succession in the Romanov Dynasty 1613-1801: Was Russia a Hereditary Monarchy?

PANEL : XVI.10 GENDER EQUALITY IN MODERN RUSSIA Room 361 CHAIR: Shapiro, Judith (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Katz, Katarina (Karlstad University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Soboleva, Irina (Institute of Economy RAS, Russian Federation) Baskakova, Marina (Higher School of Economics, , Soboleva, Irina (Institute of Economy RAS, Russian Federation) Russian Mothers on the Labour Market NEW : Zdravomyslova, Elena (European University at St.Petersburg, Russian Federation) Chains of care: contemporary Russian version (Paper III.22.4) CANCELLED: Mezentseva, Elena (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Gender Inequality in the Labour Market and the Reproduction of Poverty in Russia

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PANEL : XVI.11 MARKET AND ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT IN TRANSFORMATION ECONOMIES : THE CASES OF HUNGARY , RUSSIA , SAXONY (G ERMANY ) AND SERBIA Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Iwasaki, Ichiro (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) CANCELLED: DISCUSSANT: Golikova, Viktoria (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Yakovlev, Andrei (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation) Simachev, Yuri (MAC, Danilov, Yuri (CCMD, Russian Fed.) Russian corporation before and after crisis Dallago, Bruno (University of Trento, Italy) Guglielmetti, Chiara (University of Trento, Italy) Transformation policies, vulnerability and entrepreneurship: A comparison between SMEs policies in Hungary and in Russia. Brezinski, Horst (TU Bergakademie, Germany) Are Industrial Networks a Sufficient Protection Against the Global Economic Crisis? The case of Saxony (Germany)

PANEL : XVI.12 STUDYING CRISIS SITUATIONS IN THE EURASIAN HISTORY : NEW METHODS AND STRATEGIES Room 353 CHAIR: Stepanova, Liliya (Academy IMSIT, Russian Federation) DISCUSSANT: Fialkova, Larisa (The University of Haifa, Israel) DISCUSSANT: Yelenevskaya, Maria (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) DISCUSSANT: Kurilo, Olga (Europa Universität Viadrina, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Fialkova, Larisa (The University of Haifa, Israel) Yelenevskaya, Maria (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) Types of Interviews: How Do They Affect the Outcome of Anthropological Studies? Kurilo, Olga (Europa Universität Viadrina, Germany) The Russification and cultural crisis in the Baltic provinces of the Russian empire (19th – 20th century): Assimilation policy and its consequences Stepanova, Liliya (Academy IMSIT, Russian Federation) Modern version of demographic theory on the Russian 16th century crisis: mass sources and Structural analysis (Russian) Font, Márta (UNIVERSITY OF PÉCS, Hungary) The Crises of Medieval Society - Examples from Hungarian Kingdom and Kievan Rus'

PANEL : XVI.13 UTOPIA , IDEOLOGY AND REALITY - HOW TO DESCRIBE SOVIET SYSTEM ? Room 461 CHAIR: Moon, David (University of Durham, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Rees, Arfon (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Jänis-Isokangas, Ira (University of Helsinki, Finland) The Gap between Soviet Utopia and Reality - Explanations for the Social Problems in the 1920's Soviet Society Leisti, Simo (Tampere University, Finland) Ideology and Social Sciences in the Soviet Union - a casestudy on an ideological debate Velikanova, Olga (University of North Texas, United States) Popular Defeatism and the First Stalin’s Mass Arrests Operation in 1927

98 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVI.14 WITNESSING, WRITING , AND SCREENING THE LIVES OF WORLD WAR II HEROES Room 351 CHAIR: Rogachevski, Andrei (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Rogachevski, Andrei (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Brintlinger, Angela (Ohio State University, United States) “A ‘Lost Generation’: The Boys of 1924 in Astafiev’s The Accursed and the Dead” Harris, Adrienne (Baylor University, United States) Images of War in a Time of Peace: The Reshaping of Soviet Heroes in Postwar Children's Literature Steven G, Jug (University of Illinois, United States) Heroism before victory: conflicting writings on masculine duty and heroic ideals in the Red Army, 1941-1942

PANEL : XVI.15 WRITING CULTURES AND TRADITIONS AT BORDERS Room 253 CHAIR: Kurki, Tuulikki (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Tba

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Ristolainen, Mari (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) Drawing Lines: Soviet and Post-Soviet Cultural Representations of Borders in the Pskovian Amateur Art Jaago, Tiiu (University of Tartu, Estonia) Negotiating space in life stories: spatial identity in Estonia Kurki, Tuulikki (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) Cultural Signification of the Finnish-Russian Borderland in Contemporary Writing (German)

PANEL : XVI.16 COMMUNIST LEGACIES Room 462 CHAIR: Rindzeviciute, Egle (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Atai, Farhad (University of Tehran, Iran) The Soviet Cultural Legacy in Tajikistan Esaulov, Ivan (RGGU, Russian Federation) Élite vs. people: collusion of post-soviet authorities as a product of soviet cultural continuity (Russian) Lankauskas, Gediminas (University of Regina, Canada) A "FUNNY" STATE AND A LAUGHING NATION: SOME SERIOUS THOUGHTS ABOUT LITHUANIA AFTER SOCIALISM Gebauer, Ronald (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany) Back from the Land of Plenty: Ambassador – Assembler – Retiree? Former Diplomatic Personnel of the GDR between and beyond Declassification. CANCELLED: Steinacker, Gudrun (Federal Foreign Office of Germany , Germany) Tackling the legacy of communist Secret Services in South Eastern Europe (SEE) in Politics, Economy, Society and Culture by Transparency (German)

______99 Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVI.17 NEW TITLE: PROBLEMS OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE (FORMERLY : LANGUAGE AND DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ) Room 252 CHAIRS: Pöppel, Ludmila (Stockholm University, Sweden), Hedin, Tora (Stockholm University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Kozlova, Tatiana (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The Post-Soviet Russia in Linguistic Awareness of Russians. (Russian) Hoffmann, Edgar (University of Economics and Business, Austria) Eurasia and Central Asia in Marketing from the Perspective of Cultural Studies NEW: Paper X.19.5, Dovalil, Vit (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic) Foreign Language Teaching in the Czech Republic: A Policy Perspective NEW:: Paper X.19.4, Leheckova, Helena (University of Helsinki, Finland) Czech Language and Czech Identity NEW: Paper X.19.2, Belchikov, Yully A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) The specific history of the democratization process in the Russian literary language in the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21th centuries (Russian) CANCELLED: Kuznyetsova, Tetyana (Sumy State University, Ukraine) Verbal aggression in the pos t-soviet information space: essence and ways of overcoming

PANEL : XVI.19 MIGRATION II: MUTUAL PERCEPTIONS Room 454 CHAIR: Korobkov, Andrei (Middle Tennessee State University, United States)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Yoshimura, Takayuki (TUFS, Japan) The Armenian Repatriation after WWII: propagation, immigration, and identity Mizokami, Hiromi (Kyoto University, Japan) The British Policy towards Polish Ex-servicemen Immediately after the Second World War Molnar, Judit (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Segregation or Integration? Russian Immigrants in Washington State, USA Davidovic, Milena (University of Belgrade, Serbia) The Disintegration of Yugoslavia and the New Forms of Migration TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIII.17: Paper XVI.19.1, Urbansky, Sören (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Manzhouli-Zabaikalsk. A “local” history of the Sino-Soviet border

PANEL : XVI.21 SOCIOLOGY OF ART AND CULTURE Room 255 CHAIR: Öberg, Johan (Gothenburg University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Taylor, Jeffrey (International Business School - Budapest, Hungary) The Artist Proletariat and the Rise of Modernism in the Hungarian Art Market Kharkina, Anna (Södertörn University, BEEGS, Sweden) Culture as a Bridge Maker: the Activity of The Baltic Offices of the Nordic Council of Ministers Ruutu, Katja (Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) Cultural industries in Russia Lisov, Alexander (Vitebsk State University, Belarus) Estimation of cultural and art traditions under conditions of transformation in modern belarussian society (Russian) CANCELLED: Ashurbekov, Rozmat (Tashkent State Institute of Culture, Uzbekistan) Research on Differences of Cultures of Managers in Uzbekistan

100 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVI.22 TRANSITIONS II Room 254 CHAIR: Zakharov, Nikolay (Södertörn University/Uppsala University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: CANCELLED: Babayev, Azer (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany) Political Transition in Post -Soviet Azerbaijan: A Historical Institutionalist Analysis Pop, Adrian (National School of Political Studies and Public Administration & Lumina Foundation Education Institutions, Romania) The 1989 European Revolutions in Retrospect Cibulka, Frank (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates) Post-Communist Transition and Globalization: A Comparative Case-Study of the Czech Republic and Slovakia Petsinis, Vassilis (Södertörns Högskola, Sweden) Twenty years after 1989: A social scientist's perspective

______101 Friday 30 July 2010, 15.30–17.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

FRIDAY JULY 30 18:00-20:00

PLENARY SESSION Room: The Auditorium ARE THERE 'V IEWS FROM THE EAST '? SLAVIC EURASIAN STUDIES IN EAST ASIA PANELISTS: Uyama, Tomohiko (Hokkaido University, Japan) Central Eurasian Studies in Japan: A Close Combination of Russian and Oriental Studies Liu, Wenfei (Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) From 'a Textbook for Life' to 'the Other Landscape': Changes in the Perception of Russian Literature in China Today Tabata, Shin-Ichiro (Hokkaido University, Japan) Oriental Motifs in our Ongoing Project, Entitled “Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia Feng, Shaolei, (East China Normal University, Shanghai) TBA Shin, Boemshik, (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea) TBA Lee Moonyoung ( Hanyang University, Republic of Korea) Post-Soviet Area Studies in Transnational Perspectives

102 ______Friday 30 July 2010, 18.00–20.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

Saturday July 31, 2010

SATURDAY JULY 31 08:30-10:00


EURASIA AS A FILMIC ASSEMBLAGE IV The programme is supported by Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation Room: The Auditorium A series of unique documentary and newsreel film screenings arranged in cooperation with the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD, Krasnogorsk). The series includes documentary and newsreel materials produced by various Soviet film studios throughout the Soviet period. The films have been selected by Elena Kolikova (RGAKFD) and Naum Kleiman (Central State Film Museum, Moscow). The programme will be introduced by Elena Kolikova.



PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Zurawski Vel Grajewski, Radoslaw (University of Lodz, Poland) Polish Government in Exile 1939-1945 Nemecek, Jan (Institut of History, Czech Republic) Czechoslovak Government in Exile 1940-1945


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIV.17: Paper XVII.02.3, Chung, Eunsook (Sejong Institute, Republic of Korea) Foreign Policy Orientation of Russia's Major Parties: Toward the West, CIS, and Korea TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIV.17: Paper XVII.02.4, Svyetlov, Oleksandr (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine) Parties of Power in the post-Soviet space: the Case Study CANCELLED: Keudel, Dorothea (European University Viadrina, Germany) The formation of min ority governments in Central and Eastern Europe as compared to Western Europe. Same phenomenon - different reasons? CANCELLED: Fauconnier, Clementine (Sciences Po, France) United Russia's political recruitment in the Russian regions and "the strengthenin g of the power vertical"

PANEL : XVII.06 REGIONAL COOPERATION IN CENTRAL ASIA : CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Room 451 CHAIR: Irina Chernykh, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan DISCUSSANT: Heathershaw, John (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kulipanova, Elena (Centre for OSCE Research, Germany) Functional Cooperation in Central Asia: Analyzing Constraints and Opportunities by Using the Case of Regional Projects in Trade and Transit Issues Torjesen, Stina (Norw. Institute of International Affairs, Norway) Regional cooperation patterns in Central Asia: Does state weakness matter?

______103 Saturday 31 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVII.07 RUSSIA ’S ROLE IN EURASIA : TRADEMARKS OF GREAT POWER HEGEMONY Room 453 CHAIR: Malfliet, Katlijn (KU Leuven, Belgium) DISCUSSANT: Verpoest, Lien (KU Leuven, Belgium)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Vysotskaya G. Vieira, Alena (University Minho, Portugal, Portugal) Military Cooperation between Russia and Belarus Laenen, Ria (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) Russia’s ‘Vital and Exclusive’ National Interests in the ‘Near Abroad’: A Constructivist Account Bochkarev, Danila (EastWest Institute, Belgium) Gazprom’s Strategic Engagement with Central Asia: business and political implications

CANCELLED: PANEL : XVII.08 RUSSIAN AVANT -GARDE AND INTERMEDIAL ITY Room 252 CHAIR: TBA DISCUSSANT: Gurjanova, Nina (Northwestern University, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Icin, Kornelija (Faculty od Philology, Serbia) Statue in Aleksander Vvedensky's poetry (Russian) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIV.18: Paper XVII.08.3, Metz, Eric (Ghent University/Artesis UC Antwerp, Belgium) Almost Photographs: Sergey Timofeev and 'New Realism' in Contemporary Russian Multimedia Poetry (Russian) CANCELLED: Zlydneva, Nataliya (Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federation) The av ant -garde lubok as an intertextual narrative: Political posters of the early Russian avant -garde (1914 -1918) Evoke lubok and revise narrator -viewer relations (Russian)

PANEL : XVII.09 RUSSIAN LITERARY GEOGRAPHY : CASE STUDIES FROM THE 19 TH AND 20 TH CENTURIES Room 356 CHAIR: Sperling, Walter (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Frank, Susanne (Universität Konstanz, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Boele, Otto (University of Leiden, Netherlands) On the Edge of the Center: Spiritual Inbetweenness and Urban Landscape in Modern Russian Prose Lounsbery, Anne (New York University, United States) “Начинается земля, как известно, от Кремля”: Concentric Circles, Expanding Grids, and Russia’s Symbolic Geography Kunichika, Michael (New York University, United States) “Tuda, tuda!”: Velimir Khlebnikov and the Sites of a Eurasian World Culture

PANEL : XVII.10 RUSSIAN LITERATURE AND ARTS 1ST HALF 20 TH CENTURY II Room 255 CHAIR: Elsworth, John D. (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Ciepiela, Catherine (Amherst College, United States) Marina Tsvetaeva and Anti-Colonial Paris Van De Stadt, Janneke (Williams College, United States) One is More than Two: Isaac Babel, Odessa, and the Poverty of Duality Kalinin, Ilya (St-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Shklovsky as a Technique: Literary Theory and Biographic Strategies of One Soviet Intellectual (Russian) CANCELLED: Yushkova, Elena (Metropolitan Academy of Finance and Arts, Russian Federation) Cultural dialogue in the cre ative work of Isadora Duncan

104 ______Saturday 31 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVII.11 THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS : EXTERNAL PRESSURES AND DOMESTIC CONSTRAINTS - LESSONS FROM POSTCOMMUNISM Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Segert, Dieter (University of Vienna, Austria) DISCUSSANT: Robinson, Neil (University of Limerick, Ireland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Rutland, Peter (Wesleyan University, United States) Path Dependency and the Post-Socialist Transition Stykow, Petra (Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany) Presidential Elections in the post-Soviet World: Institutional Borrowing from the West and Adaptation to Local Conditions Zweynert, Joachim (HamburgInstituteofInternaitonalEconomics, Germany) The micro-foundations of the transition from limited access order to open access orders. The case of post-socialist Russia

CANCELLED: PANEL : XVII.12 THE POLITICAL USE OF HISTORY IN NATION BUILDING Room 357 CHAIR: Järvinen, Jouni (University of Helsinki, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Kangaspuro, Markku (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: CANCELLED: Malinova, Olga (Russian Academy of Science, INION RAN, Russian Federation) Russia and "the West": Discourse about National Identity in Past and Present CANCELLED: Lassila, Jussi (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Hels inki, Finland) Exploring Inner and Outer images of Russian National Identity Politics CANCELLED: Humphreys, Brendan (University of Helsinki, Finland) The Ever -Present Past: The Battle of Kosovo in Balkan History

PANEL : XVII.13 ISLAM IN EURASIA NEW ROOM: Room 352 CHAIR: Bremer, Thomas (University of Münster, Germany)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Shoev, Suhrob (University of Essex, United Kingdom) The right to freedom of religion in Tajikistan: punishment or tolerance? Yemelianova, Galina (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) Radical Islam in the Ferghana Valley Olimova , Saodat (Research Center SHARQ, Tajikistan) Islam, society and the state: transformation of country approaches in post soviet CA countries NEW : Iskhakov, Salavat (Institute of the Russian History, Russian Federation) Muslim politicians from the former Russian empire in Europe. 1918-1921 (Russian) (Paper XVIII.03.1) NEW : Daisuke, Nagashima (University of Tokyo, Japan) A Defender of Tradition or a Spearhead of Reforms?: Activities of Bosnian Muslim's Clerical Association during the communist Yugoslavia (Paper XVIII.03.2) NEW : Fredholm, Michael (Stockholm University, Sweden) From the Ferghana Valley to Waziristan and Beyond: The Role of Uzbek Islamic Extremists in the Civil Wars of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan CANCELLED: Kemaloglu, Acar Bilican (Bilkent University PhD Candidate, Turkey) Ethnicity, Nationalism and Culture in a Global Era: The case of Islamic Identity in Russia

______105 Saturday 31 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

MOVED TO FRIDAY 30 JULY 10.30-12.00: PANEL : XVII.14 VISUAL CULTURE OF THE PUTIN ERA (N EW NUMBER : XIV .22, OLD NUMBER REMAINS IN PROGRAM AND ABSTRACT BOOK ) Room 353 CHAIR: Jungen, Bettina (Amherst College, United States) DISCUSSANT: Menzel, Birgit (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Jungen, Bettina (Amherst College, United States) Sweet Dreams – Retro Imagery on Chocolate Packaging in Post-Soviet Russia Liderman, Yulia (The Power of Images : Visual Culture of, Russian Federation) Why is the concept of performance art not popular in Russia today? (Russian) Engelfried, Alexandra (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany) Jungen, Bettina (Switzerland), Liderman, Julja (Russian Federation) Portrait of the President Vladimir Putin between Art, Cult and Commerce

PANEL : XVII.15 WOMEN AND COOPERATION IN EURASIA Room 361 CHAIR: Bernström, Bonnie (Språngbrädan, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Ami Lönnroth (Independent journalist, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kobelianska, Larysa (UNDP, Ukraine) New perspectives in providing gender equality: Ukraine's experience Simmons, Cynthia (Boston College, United States) Women's Work and the Growth of Civil Society in Post-War Bosnia Abdurazakova, Dono (former UNDP Gender policy adviser for Ea, Uzbekistan) Central Asia: challenges and opportunities in building societies free from gender discrimination

PANEL : XVII.16 EURASIA : NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECONOMIES Room 461 CHAIR: Kalyuzhnova, Yelena ( University of Reading, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Sarkeyeva, Rosa (Financial Access, Netherlands)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pomfret, Richard (University of Adelaide, Australia) Managing Volatile Resource Revenues in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia Luecke, Matthias (The Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany) Stabilization and Savings Funds for Government Revenue from Natural Resources: An Effective Tool to Contain the Dutch Disease? Nygaard, Christian A (University of Reading, United Kingdom) Kalyuzhnova, Yelena ( University of Reading, United Kingdom) Resource nationalism, credit growth and state owned investment vehicles in Russia and Kazakhstan

PANEL : XVII.17 LOOKING EAST : THE (R E) EMERGENCE OF CENTRAL ASIAN COLLECTIONS IN THE WEST Room 254 CHAIR: Zmroczek, Janet (British Library, United Kingdom) DISCUSSANT: Spencer, George Andrew (University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Davis, Robert (Columbia University, United States) Central Asian Studies Redux: The View from Morningside Heights Crayne, Janet (University of Michigan Library, United States) Supporting a New Curricular Strength with Near-Static Funding Kasinec, Edward (Harriman Ins., Columbia University&NYPL, United States) Central (West) Asia in 19th Century Anglophone Descriptions and Travel Accounts

106 ______Saturday 31 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation


______107 Saturday 31 July 2010, 08.30–10.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

SATURDAY JULY 31 10:30-12:00




INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVII.13: Paper XVIII.03.1, Iskhakov, Salavat (Institute of the Russian History, Russian Federation) Muslim politicians from the former Russian empire in Europe. 1918-1921 (Russian) TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XVII.13: Paper XVIII.03.2, Daisuke, Nagashima (University of Tokyo, Japan) A Defender of Tradition or a Spearhead of Reforms?: Activities of Bosnian Muslim's Clerical Association during the communist Yugoslavia CANCELLED: Hotopp -Riecke, Mieste (ICATAT, Germany) Perception of Tatar images in context of Euro -Islam -discourse in Europe. (German)

PANEL : XVIII.05 COMPARING THE TRADITIONS OF EURASIA STUDIES IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT : ORIENTAL RESEARCH POLICIES , POLITICAL GOALS , FORMS OF COOPERATION Room 351 CHAIR: Alexandra Vacroux (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, United States) DISCUSSANT: Laruelle, Marlene (Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Pondopoulo, Anna (Université Paris Sorbonne -Paris IV, France) The School of Oriental languages in Paris at the turn of the XXth century: the strategies of the knowledge of Asia by means of Russian language. Gorshenina, Svetlana (CNRS, FMSH, France) The French and French Speaking Scholars in Russian Turkestan: Science vs. Intelligence Service (French) Tolz, Vera (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Post-Colonial Scholorship as a ‘Descendent’ of Russian Orientology of the Early Twentieth Century Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David (Brock University, Canada) Peter the Great and the Dawn of Russian Orientology


PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Park, Hyun-Ryul (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea) Perspectives of Healbeing Culture Supported by Heal-Tech in Both Korea and Eurasia Kim, En Un (Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS, Russian Federation) Russia's Philosophy and Politics of Healbeing-Healtech Development (Russian) Kahn, Valeriy (Institute of History, Uzbekistan) A Forthcoming New World Order and Challenge for Central Asia

108 ______Saturday 31 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVIII.08 THE NORDIC MODEL OF DEMOCRACY AND THE BALTIC STATES Room 461 NEW CHAIR: Malova, Darina (Comenius University, Slovakia) DISCUSSANT: Riishøj, Søren (Institute of Political Science, Denmark)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Simm, Kadri (University of Tartu, Estonia) Korts, Külliki (University of Tartu, Estonia) The discursive context of democracy: case of Estonian political elites and lay understandings Aylott, Nicholas (Södertörn University, Sweden) Pettai, Vello (University of Tartu, Estonia) Institutionalist and Diffusion Approaches to Explaining Political Organisation: The Case of Estonia's Political Parties Jahn, Detlef (University of Greifswald, Germany) The Diffusion of Policy Ideas among Political Parties in the Nordic and Baltic States

PANEL : XVIII.09 GENDER , BODY , SEXUALITY AND POST -COMMUNIST CITIZENSHIP Room 361 CHAIR: Carlbäck, Helene (Södertörn University, Sweden)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Bingham, Natasha (Louisiana State University, United States) (En)Gendering Policy: Gender Policies in Post-Soviet States NEW : Vinokurova, Natalia (Central Economics&Mathematics Institute, Russian Federation) Russian Women in Science and Education (Paper XII.08.1) CANCELLED: Morrow, Colette ( United States) Sexuality, Gender and Human Rights in the 2006 Belarusian Presidential Elections CANCELLED: Kojicic, Jovan (Lund University, Sweden) Human Rights and Sexual Orientation Law in the Balkans and the Relation of Law to Social Change. Case Study: Montenegro.

PANEL : XVIII.10 GLOBALISED EASTERN EUROPE : CONSIDERING THE EFFECTS Room 359 CHAIR: Genov, Nikolai (Free University Berlin, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Tamas, Pal (Hungarian Academy of Sceince, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kutsenko, Olga (National T.Shevchenko University in Kyiv, Ukraine) Global Pressure and Protest Dynamics: Comparing Processes in Russia and Ukraine Genov, Nikolai (Free University Berlin, Germany) Adapting to Four Global Trends: Gains and Pains in Eastern Europe Roncevic, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies, Slovenia) Social Systems Approach to Managing Interethnic Relations

PANEL : XVIII.11 NETWORK STATE RUSSIA : WHAT WORKS WHEN STATE INSTITUTIONS DO NOT WORK ? Room 456, The Music Hall CHAIR: Kononenko, Vadim (Finnish Institute for International Affairs, Finland) DISCUSSANT: Mendras, Marie (London School of Economics, United Kingdom)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Baev, Pavel (PRIO, Norway) Crooked Hierarchy and Reshuffled Networks: Reforming Russia’s Dysfunctional Military Machine White, Stephen (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) RUSSIA’S INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATE Petrov, Nikolay (Carnegie Center, Russian Federation) Who and how runs Russia regions?

______109 Saturday 31 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVIII.12 PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE POST -COMMUNIST URBAN LANDSCAPE Room 356 CHAIR: Feldman, Beate (Södertörn University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: Polanska, Dominkia (Södertörn University, Sweden)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Weclawowicz, Grzegorz (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) What happening with the former socialist and post-socialist cities in Poland and Central Europe? Polyak, Levente (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary) The Anatomy of a Street: Mapping Forces That Shape Post-Communist Budapest Dimitrovska Andrews, Kaliopa (Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia) Post socialist urban landscape transformation: City planning role NEW : Smook, Rudger (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Developing Cities and Handling Developers


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIII.01: Paper XVIII.13.1, Najafov, Etibar (Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan) THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RUSSIA AND GEORGIA AS A CLASH OF OPPOSITE MODELS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT TRANSFERRED TO PANEL XIII.01: Paper XVIII.13.3, Saparov, Arsene (CNRS CERCEC, France) The Soviet Boundary Making in the South Caucasus: Arbitrary or Logical? TRANSFERRED TO PANEL X.14 : Paper XVIII.13.5, Arslan, Ozan (Izmir University of Economics, Turkey) Supporting Neighbors, Borders and Buffer States: The History of the late Ottoman and Republican Turkish Security Relations in the Caucasus and Northern Balkans CANCELLED: Kipiani, Giorgi (Javakhishvili State University, Georgia) Civil Society, Self -Regulation of Broadcasting and Roadblocks to European Media Policies in Georgia CANCELLED: Zarrilli, Luca (University "G. D'Annunzio", Italy) The Turkish -Armenian relations: towards a normalization?

PANEL : XVIII.15 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FACES OF ORTHODOXY IN IMPERIAL RUSSIA Room 353 CHAIR: Marker, Gary (SUNY Stony Brook, United States) DISCUSSANT: Paert, Irina (Tallinn University, Estonia)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Kosheleva, Olga (Russian Academy of Education, Russian Federation) The Church as a Public Space in Russian Towns of the Eighteenth Century (Russian) Kaiser, Daniel (Grinnell College, United States) Popular Piety in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Russia: Evidence from Tula Dixon, Simon (University College London, United Kingdom) Learned Monasticism in Late Imperial Russia

110 ______Saturday 31 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVIII.16 REPRESENTATIONS OF MOTHERHOOD IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE : 1885-2008 Room 253 CHAIR: Rosenholm, Arja (University of Tampere, Finland) DISCUSSANT: TBA

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Skomp, Elizabeth (University of the South, United States) Russian Religious Feminism and the Representation of Motherhood: ‘Mariia’ and Beyond Rosenthal, Charlotte (University of Southern Maine) "Mom Lit" in the Silver Age: Representations of Motherhood in Anastasiia Verbitskaia and Her Contemporaries Marsh, Rosalind (University of Bath, United Kingdom) New Mothers for a New Era? Images of Mothers in Post-Soviet Fiction

PANEL : XVIII.17 RUSSIAN FOREIGN POLICY II Room 459 CHAIR: CHAIR: Malfliet, Katlijn (KU Leuven, Belgium)

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Adachi, Yuko (Sophia University, Japan) Russia's strategic sectors: clarifying the rules of the game Kato, Mihoko (Hokkaido University, Japan) The analysis of the Russo-Chinese strategic partnership: from the viewpoint of regional cooperation in Central Asia and East Asia. Chang, Duckjoon (Kookmin University, Republic of Korea) Big Business and Foreign Policy in Russia: The Case of Gazprom Smith, Hanna (Aleksanteri Institute, Finland) Two faces of Russian Foreign Policy: Domestic and Institutional aspects

PANEL : XVIII.19 URBAN REGIONS IN CENTRAL -EASTERN EUROPE – SOCIO -SPATIAL PATTERNS BETWEEN PERSISTENCY AND POLARIZATION Room 451 CHAIR: Brade, Isolde (Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Germany) DISCUSSANT: Kovács, Zoltán (University of Szeged, Hungary)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Neugebauer, Carola Silvia (Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography, Germany) Post-socialist cities – between socio-spatial fragmentation and persistency? Herfert, Günter (Leibniz-Instituite of Regional Geography, Germany) Dandolova, Iskra (HURA, Bulgaria) Social upgrading of inner-city neighborhoods in Central and Eastern European metropolises? Changes of socio-spatial patterns in five urban regions Axenov, Konstantin (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Socio-spatial change in post-socialist St. Petersburg – an urban regional case study Smigiel, Christian (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Germany) Krupickaite, Dovile (Vilnius University, Lithuania) Suburban neighbourhoods between Shrinkage and Growth. Where are Central and Eastern Europe’s suburbs heading to?

______111 Saturday 31 July 2010, 10.30–12.00 ICCEES VIII World Congress 2010: Eurasia: Prospects for Further Cooperation

PANEL : XVIII.20 CONSUMERISM AND THE FALL OF COMMUNISM Room 357 CHAIR: Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara (Lund University, Sweden) DISCUSSANT: David-Fox, Michael (University of Maryland, United States)

PANELISTS AND PAPERS: Castillo, Greg (University of California, Berkeley, United States) Virtual, Virtuous, Subversive: Shifting Household Consumption Regimes in the GDR Péteri, György (Norwegian University of Science & Techn., Norway) Alternative Modernity? Everyday Practices of Elite Mobility in Communist Hungary, 1956-1980 Reid, Susan (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) Producing the Soviet Consumer


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Dzyadevych, Tetyana (University of "Kyiv Mohyla Academy", Ukraine) Re-writing the European space after World War II Baer, Josette (University of Zurich, Switzerland) “Between Montesquieu and natural law: currents of Slovak political thought, 19th century.” Park, Hye Kyung (Hallym University, Republic of Korea) Russian Romantic Prose and the Growth of Literary Nationalism CANCELLED: Häntsch, Carola (University of Greifswald, Germany) Europe as cap of Asia? A philosophical reflection on (European) identity

PANEL : XVIII.22 RELOCATED PAPERS II Room 462 CHAIR: TBA An option to read one’s paper in case the planned panel for some reason or another cannot take place. If you discover that this may happen, or already has happened, to you – please contact the registration desk immediately!

112 ______Saturday 31 July 2010, 10.30–12.00

Index over Active Particiants:

Main Presenters, Chairs, Discussants

Aalto, Pami VI.17 Belchikov, Yully A. X.19 Buus, Stephanie XV.09 Abashin, S II.06 Belkindas, Misha VI.02 Buyukakinci, Erhan XII.01 Abdurazakova, Dono XVII.15 Belobrovtseva, Irina VIII.07 Buzalka, Juraj VII.20 Abiala, Kristina III.19 Belof, Magdalena X.08 Carlbäck, Helene V.15, VIII.06, XIV.08, Ablimi, Rizwan VI.15 Belof, Magdalena X.08 XVIII.09 Aburamoto, Mari XVI.01 Belokurova, Elena XV.11 Cartwright, Andrew XI.21 Adachi, Yuko XVIII.17 Belyakov, Alexander XIV.09 Casal Bértoa, Fernando XIV.17 Agadjanian, Alexander XIV.03, XV.24 Benedek, Jozsef X.05 Casier, Tom XI.13 Ågren, Mattias V.14, VIII.08 Bennich-Björkman, Li II.09 Castellano, Charlene XI.14 Ahanchi, Parvin II.20 Berezhnaya, Liliya V.05 Castillo, Greg XVIII.20 Ahrens, Joachim IX.12, XIV.05 Berglund, Krista XI.06 Cebotari, Victor I.01 Aidukaite, Jolanta IX.10 Bernabe, Sabine VIII.10 Chaisty, Paul III.14 Ainsaar, Mare IX.10 Bernstein, Lina V.17 Chang, Duck Joon I.06, XVIII.17 Airapetov, Oleg XIII.14 Bernström, Bonnie XVII.15 Chernetska, Alla XIV.18 Aitamurto, Kaarina IX.14 Berry, Richard II.15, VIII.12 Chernetsky, Vitaly I.18, VII.13 Aitiev, Iliias XIII.20 Berryman, John II.21, III.21 Cherniavskaya, Yevgeniya III.19 Aker, Patrik XI.18 Bershtein, Evgenii VII.09 Chikovani, Nino XIII.12 Åkerman Sarkisian, Karine VI.12 Beumers, Birgit II.17, XV.14 Chlon-Dominczak , Agnieszka III.15 Alenkina, Tatiana XIII.13 Beyer, Thomas XI.14 Chmielewska, Ella XVII.20 Alimbekova, Gulzhan XVI.04 Bilek, Peter XI.18 CHOI, Junghyun IV.21 Allison, Roy V.13 Bilz-Leonhardt, Marlies XIII.22 Choo, Sukhoon V.08 Ambrosiani, Per IV.14, V.08 Bingham, Natasha XVIII.09 Christie, Varvara X.20 Anastasova, Ekaterina XIII.18 Birgegård, Ulla VI.12 Chubays, Igor V.10 Anders, Rainer-Elk XI.08, XVI.03 Birjukov, Sergei VII.05 Chukanov, Ivan XIV.19 Aoshima, Yoko I.03 Biskupski, M. B. B. XIV.19 Chuman, Mizuki XVI.01 Arambasa, Mihaela X.04 Blaive, Muriel IX.11, X.22 Chung, Eunsook XVII.02 Arinin, Evgeny XII.12 Blomberg, Franziska VII.20 Chvorostov, Alexander I.01, III.07, X.22, Arndt, Melanie XV.09 Blondel, Cyril VI.19 XVI.04 Arold, Nina-Louisa III.09 Bochkarev, Danila XVII.07 Cibulka, Frank XVI.22 Arslan, Ozan I.03, XVIII.13 Bodin, Per-Arne I.21, VIII.08, IX.14, XI.06 Ciepiela, Catherine XII.03, XVII.10 Artemyeva, Tatiana III.13 Bódy , Zsombor XIII.07 Clifford , Lawrence IX.04, XVI.07 Asano, Toyomi V.01 Boele, Otto XVII.09 Closson, Stacy XIV.06 Ashurbekov, Rozmat XVI.21 Bogatyrev, Sergei XVI.09 Clunan, Anne X.11 Asztalos Morell, Ildikó II.08, X.03 Bogdanov , Konstantin II.17 Coeure, Sophie II.22 Atai, Farhad XVI.16 Bogomolov, Nikolay VIII.01 Colin Lebedev, Anna XIII.08 Atasu Topcuoglu, Reyhan IV.16 Bonnard, Pascal IX.11 Collmer, Peter XVI.02 Atasu Topcuoglu, Reyhan IV.16 Borodkin, Leonid X.13 Connolly, Richard XI.22 Attwood, Lynne VIII.06 Bos, Ellen III.11 Cook, Lara XV.23 Auch, Eva-Maria XV.01 Boškovska, Nada V.19 Cooke, Brett II.03 Aurilene, Elena XV.16 Bosse, Giselle XI.13, XIV.01 Cooke, Olga XI.14 Autio-Sarasmo, Sari III.17, XIII.21, XV.19 Bouzarovski, Stefan XIV.18 Cooper, Julian I.07, XI.22 Autukhovich, Tatsiana X.15 Bozoki, András XV.13 Cotelea, Dumitru X.09 Axenov, Konstantin XVIII.19 Brade, Isolde XVIII.19 Cox, Terry II.15, XIII.03 Aylott, Nicholas XVIII.08 Bragina, Natalia XIV.18 Crayne, Janet IV.10, XVII.17 Azhgikhina, Nadezda I.17, XIII.17, XIV.20 Brauer, Birgit VIII.18 Csurgó , Bernadett II.08, X.03 Babayev, Azer XVI.22 Braun, Jutta IX.15 Culik, Jan XI.18 Babka, Lukas XII.07 Bremer, Thomas X.09, XIII.04 Czerwonnaja, Swetlana V.09 Badcock, Sarah I.22, IV.05 Brenner, Christiane VII.14 Dadabaev, Timur IX.21 Baer, Brian VII.13 Brey, Hansjörg XVI.06 Dadabaeva, Gulnara IX.06 Baer, Josette XVIII.21 Brintlinger, Angela XVI.14 Dahlke, Sandra I.22 Baev, Pavel XVIII.11 Brown, Archie VIII.15, XII.15 Dahmen, Wolfgang XVI.06 Bailes, Alyson Jk IX.21 Bruns, Bettina VIII.10, X.04 Daisuke, Nagashima XVIII.03 Bakich, Olga XV.16 Brusylovska, Olga VII.20 Dallago, Bruno V.07, XVI.11 Balina, Marina II.17 Brüggemann , Karsten IV.05, VIII.09 Danielson, Elena II.22 Baller, Oesten VII.02 Brüning, Alfons V.05, XIV.03 Danilchenko, Tatiana V.10 Balmaceda, Margarita IV.13, XIV.06 Bryzgel, Amy XIV.18 Danilova, Irina XII.14 Baran, Henryk VI.05 Buckley, Mary III.19, VIII.06 Danilova, Nataliya XIV.04 Barenberg, Alan X.13 Budnitskii, Oleg XI.16 Danylenko, Andriy X.19 Barna, Gábor XIII.18 Bukh, Alexander IX.21 Daucé, Françoise VII.12 Baron, Nick VIII.13, XVII.20 Bulgakova, Liudmila XV.23 Dautancourt, Vincent VI.19 Barskova, Polina XII.03 Burbank, Jane XV.22 David-Fox, Michael XV.18, XVIII.20 Barsukova, Svetlana VII.12 Burch, Stuart V.04 Davidovic , Milena III.19, XVI.19 Baschmakoff, Natalia VII.09 Burkhanov, Aziz VIII.11 Davis, Robert H. IV.10, XVII.17 Bassin, Mark III.16, XII.17, XIII.01 Burkhart, Dagmar I.02, V.14 Davydov , Alexander X.14 Bates, John XI.18 Burkov, Anton IV.20 Davydova, Olga XI.08 Beblavy, Miroslav IX.10 Burnashev, Rustam IV.02 De Bruyn, Dieter XII.03 Beer, Daniel IX.09 Bushkovitch, Paul XVI.09 de Nève, Dorothée XV.13 Beisswenger, Martin XII.17 Butler, Eamonn VIII.12, XII.10 de Tapia, Stéphane II.06, VI.08


Delcour, Laure XII.06 Fortescue, Stephen III.14 Hama, Yukiko XII.17 Demidova, Olga XV.08 Frame, Murray I.10, VI.14 Hamrin-Dahl, Tina XV.03 Demidova, Olga XV.08 Frank, Susi K. III.16, XVII.09 Hansen, Julie V.16 Denison, MIchael Denison VIII.18 Freire, Maria Raquel I.23, III.21 Hanson, Philip I.07, V.12, VI.02, VIII.20 Denisova, Liubov IV.17 Fritz, Heiko II.15 Haran, Olexiy XI.09 Denisova-Schmidt, Elena VIII.14 Froehlich, Christian XII.22 Harre, Angela XIII.07 Denissova, Galina VII.05 Fryer, Paul VII.22, XI.04 Harris, Adrienne XVI.14 Deuber, Gunter XIV.21 Fröhlig, Florence VI.11 Hataja, A. XII.08 Digol, Diana IX.01 Fuerst, Juliane I.08 Havlicek, Tomás X.05 Dimitrovska Andrews, Kaliopa XVIII.12 Fujiwara, Katsumi XV.16 HAVOLLI, Sokol I.05 Dinu, Radu Harald XIII.06 Fumagalli, Matteo VI.08 Hayoz, Nicolas XIV.14 Diogot, Ekaterina VII.01 Furman, Dmitrii III.04 Heathershaw, John II.11, VII.07, X.06, XVII.06 Dixon, Simon XVIII.15 Gabrakova, Dennitza IX.20 Hedenskog, Jakob VI.04 Dobrovolskij, Dmitrij XIV.11 Gaggiotti, Hugo IX.03 Hedin, Astrid XIII.02 Dobry, Michel I.15, XIII.08 Galatsky, Natalia II.03 Hedin, Tora VI.20, X.19 Dobson, Miriam II.13 Gallai, Sandor VIII.12, XIII.03 Hedlund, Stefan III.05, VIII.15, XV.21 Doel, Ron XV.07 Gammelgaard, Karen VI.20 Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas XIII.19 Dolbilov, Mikhail X.02, XI.11 Garagozov, Rauf XIII.12 Heinrich, Andreas VIII.18 Dolgopyatova, Tatiana XIII.05 Garagyezova, Elnara XV.01 Heinrich, Hans-Georg I.01, III.07, XIV.16, Doolotkeldieva, Asel II.11 Garsztecki, Stefan X.05 XVI.04 Doraiswamy, Rashmi XIV.20 Garzonio, Stefano VII.05, VIII.01 Hellebust, Rolf IV.01 Dovalil, Vit X.19 Gasparishvili, Alexander III.07 Heller, Regina XI.13, XIV.01 Dragneva, Rilka IX.12 Gatejel, Luminita II.13 Henoch, Bengt I.05 Dragunsky, Denus XV.08 Gavrilenkov, Evgeny VI.02 Herd, Graeme I.23, III.21 Dubenko, Svitlana VII.02 Gebauer, Ronald XVI.16 Herfert, Günter XVIII.19 Dubin, Boris XI.12 Genov, Nikolai XVIII.10 Herzberg, Julia XV.18 Dubrovskaya, Elena IV.19 Genyk, Mykola XVIII.01 Heusser, Peter VII.15 Duisengaliyeva, Mira IX.03 Gerber, Sofi II.18 Heywood, Anthony VI.14 Dunlop, John I.12 Gerkushenko, Georgy XII.16 Hilbrenner, Anke IX.15 Dusseault, David IV.13, XIV.06 Gerner, Christian XI.03 Hillebrand, Rainer XI.21 Dymytrova, Valentyna XIV.09 Geybullayeva, Rahilya XV.01 Hiramatsu, Junna XIII.13 Düpont, Nils XVIII.08 Ghisa, Ciprian X.09 Hirning, Olga IV.09 Dzhigo, Alexander X.01 Gibatdinov, Marat XIII.22 Hnatiuk, Ola I.15 Dzhusupov, Mahanbet XII.18 Gill, Graeme II.16, V.20, VI.19 Hodizoda, Faredun IV.03 Dzihana, Amer I.09 Gilley, Christopher II.01 Hoen, Herman W. XIV.05 Dzyadevych, Tetyana XVIII.21 Gluschkoff, Jaana VI.17 Hoffmann, David IX.09 Eellend, Johan III.06 Gokirmak, Mert X.14 Hoffmann, Edgar XVI.17 Ekonen, Kirsti IV.15 Golburt, Luba V.11 Hohmann, Sophie VI.08 Elenius, Lars VII.18, X.13 Golikova, Viktoria XVI.11 Hokanson, Katya X.02 Ellman, Michael IX.23 Golubev, Alexander III.10 Holec, Roman XIII.07 Elsner, Regina XIII.04 Gomide, Bruno V.03 Holmes, Leslie VIII.15, XII.15 Elsworth, John D. IX.05, XVII.10 Gorditsa, Karolina III.10 Holmgren, Beth VII.17 Ely, Christopher VIII.03 Gorham, Michael X.20, XV.17 Holtom, Paul XII.01, XVIII.01 Engel, Christine XV.14 Gorshenina, Svetlana XVIII.05 Hort, Sven E. IX.10 Engelfried, Alexandra XVII.14 Goscilo, Helena IV.01 Hotopp-Riecke, Mieste XVIII.03 Engström, Maria VIII.08, XIV.18 Gosset, Nicolas I.16 Houbenova-Delisivkova Tatiana VI.19 Engvall, Johan I.20 Goubina, Maya V.03 Hovi, Tuomas VI.11 Erikssson, Fredrik III.06 Gradskova, Yulia XIV.08 Hribal, Lucie I.09 Erkomaishvili, David IX.01 Granberg, Antoaneta VI.12 Hrisoskulov, Hristofor VII.21 Esaulov, Ivan XVI.16 Graney, Kate III.20 Hristova, Daniela X.20, XV.17 Esenov, Murad XI.15 Grant, Susan I.22 Hryn, Halyna I.18 Eskelinen, Heikki X.04, XV.11 Gray, Patty XI.21 Hrytsak, Yaroslav IV.09 Fainberg, Sarah XIII.08 Grba, Milan VIII.05 Hughes, Michael XI.16 Farhan, Christine XIV.08 Grelz, Karin XII.03 Humphreys, Brendan II.18, XVII.12 Farukshin, Midkhat XVI.01 Gretchko, Valerij XVII.18 Hundorova, Tamara I.18 Fauconnier, Clementine XVII.02 Gretskiy, Igor VI.04 Huskey, Eugene III.14 Fauve, Adrien VIII.11 Gribkova, Elena V.03 Hutchings, Stephen VI.18, XII.04 Fedorova, Kapitolina XII.18 Grigule, Ligita X.01 Huttunen, Tomi V.11 Fedunyak, Sergiy XVIII.01 Grimstad, Knut Andreas XI.03 Håstad, Disa VIII.11, X.12, XIV.09 Fedyukin, Igor XIII.09 Grimsted, Patricia II.22 Häntsch, Carola XVIII.21 Fein, Julia XV.18 Gritsenko, Elena VII.02 Hörner, Wolfgang XII.05 Feklyunina, Valentina VII.07, XIV.01 Gritsenko, Vasiliy V.10 Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena VII.17, XII.22 Feldman, Beate XVIII.12 Gromov, Alexey V.10 Ibragimova, Zarema I.03 Fels, Enrico IX.01 Gromova, Svetlana V.10 Icin, Kornelija VIII.07, XVII.08 Feng, Shaolei II.14, VII.16 Grubbström, Ann II.08, X.03 Ickes, Barry IX.23 Fernandes, Sandra III.21 Grupe, Claudia XI.23 IGAUE, Naho XV.16 Festic, Fatima XV.01 Gryakalova, Nataliya XV.08 Ikeda, Yoshiro IV.12 Fialkova, Larisa XVI.12 Grødeland, Åse Berit III.09, VII.23, XII.15 IKUTA, Michiko XV.16 Fiebig, Sabina VIII.06 Gubaidullina, Mara IX.01 Ilic, Melanie V.15, VIII.06 Fischer, Sabine V.13, XII.06 Guglielmetti, Chiara VII.23 Ilina, Olga XII.07 Fischer, Thomas XIII.21 GUJA, CORNELIA VII.15 Inoue, Takehiko IV.19 Fogelklou, Anders I.20, VII.02, XV.21 Guogis, Arvydas IX.10 Isaacs, Rico II.11 Font, Márta XVI.12 Gurjanova, Nina XVII.08 Isaev, Kusein XVI.04 Forsberg, Tuomas V.13, XII.06 Güzeldere, Ekrem Eddy X.14 Iskandaryan, Nina I.09


Iskhakov, Salavat XVIII.03 Kemoklidze, Nino VII.16 Kuklik, Jan XVII.01 Ismailov, Eldar XI.15 Kenzhegaliyeva, Makhabbat XII.05 Kulipanova, Elena XVII.06 Isoaho, Mari XVI.09 Keudel, Dorothea XVII.02 Kulmala, Meri XII.11 Istomin, Kirill VII.22 Khalilov, Rahid VIII.02 Kulyasova, Antonina VI.09, XII.11 Ivaniashvili, George III.01 Khamraeva Aubert, Asal IX.06 Kumo, Kazuhiro I.06, XI.10 Ivanova, Evgenia XV.09 Khan, Andrew S. XIII.09 Kunichika, Michael XVII.09 Iwasaki, Ichiro II.19, XIII.05, XVI.11 Kharin, Ilya XII.12 Kurilo, Olga XVI.12 Izotov, Alexander XV.02 Kharkina, Anna XVI.21 Kurkchiyan, Marina III.09 Jaago, Tiiu XVI.15 Khitrova, Daria IV.07 Kurki, Tuulikki XVI.15 Jakobson, Lev IV.11 Khroutski, Konstantin III.12, VI.01 Kurshutov, Temur Niyaveroglu V.09 Jameson, Andrew V.08 Kim, Doug Joong XIII.01 Kusber, Jan III.16 Jangfeldt, Bengt VIII.07 Kim, En Un XVIII.06 Kuße, Holger VI.20 Jedrzejkiewicz, Anna VIII.22 Kim, Hyun Taek XVII.22 Kustanovich, Konstantin I.17, XIII.02 Jensen, Peter Alberg VII.13, VIII.22 Kim, Hyunyoung IX.20 Kusznir, Julia V.07, VIII.18 Jensen-Eriksen, Niklas XIII.21 Kim, In Seong XVI.01 Kutsenko, Olga XVIII.10 Johansson Heinö, Andreas XIII.12 Kim, Kyuchin IV.21 Kuyumdzhieva, Albena VIII.12 Jonson, Lena IV.03, V.12 Kim, Seongjin I.06 Kuzibaeva, Gulnara III.19 Jordan, Peter X.05, XVI.06 Kind-Kovács, Friederike XII.02 Kuznetsova, Irina VII.23 Jordanov Naydenov, Nikolay XII.15 Kipiani, Giorgi XVIII.13 Kuznyetsova, Tetyana XVI.17 Jouhanneau, Cecile I.15 Kirkham, Jackie I.04 Kwan, Jonathan XIII.06 Ju, Jin-Sook IX.08 Kirkwood, Mike VIII.20 Küpper, Herbert XVI.06 Juerges, Hendrik III.15 Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. VI.19, X.14 Köll, Anu-Mai I.02, VI.11 Jug, Steven XVI.14 Kisla, Anna II.01 Könönen, Maija XI.06 Jukarainen, Pirjo XVI.03 Kivelson, Valerie XVI.09 Laanatza, Marianne IX.21 Junes, Tom XV.19 Kivinen, Markku IV.13 Ladds, Catherine V.01 Jungen, Bettina XVII.14 Kjærnet, Heidi II.20 Laenen, Ria XVII.07 Juraev, Abdurahim IX.06 Kleberg, Lars VII.01, VIII.22 Laine, Jussi XVI.03 Jänis-Isokangas, Ira XVI.13 Klein, Margarete III.11 Lajus, Julia XV.07 Järvinen, Jouni XVII.12 Kleinmann, Yvonne XI.11, XVI.02 Lami, Giulia XI.09 Jääts, Indrek V.09 Kloosterman, Jaap II.22 Lánczi, András XIII.03 Jörgensen , Hans IX.19 Klotz, Bea XIV.15 Landa, Tatyana I.21 Kaczmarska , Elzbieta XIV.13 Kobchenko, Kateryna IX.15 Landis, Erik IV.05, IX.04 Kahila, Petri X.05 Kobelianska, Larysa XVII.15 Landry, Tristan II.01 Kahn, Valeriy XV.03, XVIII.06 Kobrinskiy, Alexander XIII.13 Lange, Peer XV.06 Kaiser, Arne XV.07 Kohonen, Iina VII.19 Lanin, Boris V.14 Kaiser, Daniel XVIII.15 Koikkalainen, Katja VI.18 Lanne, Jean-Claude VI.05 Kaizawa, Hajime XVII.18 Koiva , Mare XIII.18 Larina, Elena II.12 Kakhkharov, Jakhongir XI.23 Koivunen, Pia V.15, XV.19 Laruelle, Marlene II.11, VII.07, X.06, XVIII.05 Kakicheva, Julia V.08 Kojicic, Jovan XVIII.09 Lassila, Jussi XVII.12 Kalinin, Ilya IX.13 , XVII.10 Koleva, Daniela XVII.20 Latypov, Rinat XVII.22 Kaljundi, Linda VIII.09 Koliha, Anthony II.12 Lawaty, Andreas VIII.09 Kalkandjieva, Daniela IV.19 Kolonitskii, Boris III.04 Le Huerou, Anne II.06, VII.12 Kaltchev, Ivan V.18, VI.01 Komaritskaya, Aleksandra V.05 Le Torrivellec, Xavier III.20 Kalyuzhnova, Yelena XVII.16 Komilov, Sobir VIII.14 Ledeneva, Alena VII.23 Kaneff, Deema XII.09 Kondaurova, Yelena XII.16 Lee, Kyong Wan V.18, VIII.02 Kanet, Roger E I.23, II.21, Konno, Yugo XII.20 Lee, Sang Joon I.06 Kang, YoonHee IX.08 Kononenko, Vadim XVIII.11 Leheckova, Helena X.19 Kangaspuro, Markku VII.18, VIII.04, X.13, Konovalov, Valeriy IX.19 Lehmann, Maike II.13 XVII.12 Kontorovich, Vladimir IX.23 Lehti, Marko V.04 Kansikas, Suvi XIII.21, XV.19 Korobkov, Andrei XIV.10 Leich, Harold VIII.05 Kantokoski, Olga X.14 Korosteleva, Elena XI.13 Leick, Birgit IX.19 Kaplan, Cynthia II.09 Korotev, Kirill IV.20 Leinarte, Dalia VIII.06 Karabchuk, Tatiana XV.20 Kortunov, Sergei V.12 Leisti, Simo IV.06, XVI.13 Karhunen, Päivi V.07 Kosheleva, Olga XIII.09 , XVIII.15 Lembrez, Mathieu II.06 Karjanen, David VIII.10 Koshino, Go VI.11 Lesik, Olena XI.23, XV.09 Karklina, Rasma II.09, XII.15 Kosonen, Riita III.18 Levinskaya, Victoria I.16 Karlsson, Birgit XIII.21 Kotorova, Elizaveta III.08 Levontina, Irina XIV.11 Karlsson, Klas-Göran VII.18 Kovács, Zoltán XVIII.19 Li, Chenghong II.14 Karpilovska, Ievgeniia III.08 Kovalova, Alla VI.04 LI, Zejian XIII.15 Kasamara, Valeria XI.12 Kozlova, Tatiana XVI.17 Libman, Alexander IX.12, XV.21 Kashchenko, Sergey IV.15 Kozyreva, Galina V.07 Liderman, Yulia XVII.14 Kasinec, Edward XVII.17 Krasavchenko, Tatiana V.17 Liebhart, Karin XII.02 Kasperski, Tatiana IX.11, XV.09 Krause, Marion II.07 Liekis, Šarūnas XVI.05 Kassenova, Nargis XIV.06 Kreiten, Irma XV.18 Lieven, Anatol XI.12 Kato, Mihoko XVIII.17 Krekola, Joni XV.19 Liikanen, Ilkka XV.11 Katz, Katarina XV.20, XVI.10 Kreslins, Janis VIII.05 Lin, Johannes IX.12 Kauppala, Pekka III.03, X.07, XI.04 Kress, Beatrix VI.20 Lindenberger, Thomas X.22 Kawano, Asuka VI.15 Kropatcheva, Elena XIV.01 Lindenmeyr, Adele XV.23 Kay, Rebecca I.04, XII.11 Krumins, Juris VII.06, XI.10 Lipatova, Nadezda II.16 Kazakova, Maria II.19 Kryshtanovskaya, Olga IV.08 Lipkin, Mikhail VII.19 Kazmina, Olga II.12, XII.12 Krzychylkiewicz, Agata X.15 Lipovetsky, Mark XV.14 Keller, Natalie XII.12 Kubanychbek, Nona XIV.16 Lipovšek, Franciška VI.16 Keller-Krawczyk, Lech XIII.02 Kuboniwa, Masaaki VI.02 Lis, Julia V.05 Kemaloglu, Acar Bilican XVII.13 Kuentzel-Witt, Kristina III.16 Lisenco, Vladlena XVI.04


Lisov, Alexander XVI.21 Miggelbrink, Judith X.04 Norris, Stephen IV.14 Litovskaya, Maria II.17, V.14 Mikaelian, Irina XIV.11 Nowak, Andrzej VIII.17 Liuhto, Kari I.07 Mikeshin, Mikhail III.13 Novikova, Liudmila IV.05, VI.14 Ljunggren, Anna II.03, XIII.13 Mikhailov , Vyacheslav X.07, XV.06 Nozdrina, Nadezhda III.05 Lock, Grahame VIII.20 Mikhailova, Natalia III.03 Numano , Mitusyoshi IX.20 Loktyushina, Elena X.01 Mikhailova, Yulia IV.12 Numano, Kyoko IX.20 Lomagin, Nikita II.21, III.21 Miklossy, Katalin II.18, VIII.04 Nuorluoto, Juhani XI.06 Lorkovic, Tatjana IV.10 Milechina, Tatyana II.07 Nurse, Lyudmila III.07 Lounsbery, Anne XVII.09 Miller, William III.09 Nussberger, Angelika IV.20 Lubamersky, Lynn V.19 Miloiu , Silviu II.18 Nuti, Mario I.07 Lucewicz, Ludmila XV.08 Miloradovic, Sofija VI.16, XIV.13 Nygaard, Christian A.B. XVII.16 Luecke, Matthias XVII.16 Miltenova, Anissava VI.12 Nygren, Bertil I.23, II.21 Lussac, Samuel II.20 Mink, Georges VI.06, XIII.08 Nysten-Haarala, Soili VI.09 Luukkanen, Arto XVI.08 Minnullin, Ilnur III.20 Oates-Indruchova, Libora IV.06 Lyandres, Semion I.08 Mirimanova, Natalia XIV.16 Öberg, Johan VII.01 Lyubichankovsky, Sergey XIII.22 Misztal, Barbara XI.03 Obolonsky, Aleksandr III.14 Lähteenmäki, Maria VII.18 Mitkovska, Liljana VI.16 Obradovic-Wochnik, Jelena II.18 Löfstrand, Elisabeth VI.12 Miyazaki, Haruka II.01 Obydenkova, Anastassia X.14 MacFadyen, David XV.14 Mizobata , Satoshi III.18 Ochman, Ewa XII.02 Maciulyte, Jurgita XIII.10 Mizokami, Hiromi XVI.19 Odesskiy, Mikhail VIII.01 Maier, Ingrid III.08 Mjør, Kåre Johan XI.06 Ogushi, Atsushi IV.08 Maier, Konrad VIII.09 Mochizuki, Tetsuo V.14 Ohayon, Isabelle IX.06 Maiorova, Olga VI.05, X.02 Mogilner, Marina XV.18 Oittinen, Vesa II.03, III.13, XV.24 Makarychev, Andrey VII.11 Molden, Berthold I.01, X.22, XII.02 Oldberg, Ingemar IV.02, XII.01 Makó, Csaba XIV.21 Molnar, Judit XVI.19 Olimov, Muzaffar IX.01 Makrides, Vasilios XIV.03 Mommsen, Margareta III.11 Olimova, Saodat IV.03, IX.21, XVII.13 Malfliet, Katlijn XVII.07 Moon, David VIII.03, XVI.13 Olofsson, Kerstin VIII.08 Malinkin, Mary Elizabeth XIV.10 Morgunova, Oksana XII.07 Olsson, Mats-Olov VII.18 Malinova, Olga VI.07, XVII.12 Morrow, Colette XVIII.09 Olteanu, Tina XV.13 Malle, Silvana XI.22, XII.20 Mouradian, Claire VI.08, XIII.10 Oracheva, Oksana XIII.19 Malova, Darina XV.13 Mouralis, Guillaume VI.06 Orfinskaya, Larisa IV.15 Malshyna, Kateryna XIV.02 Mukhamedov, Rashit I.03 Orkodashvili, Mariam II.19 Mandrillon, Marie-Helene XIII.10 Mukhina, Irina IV.17 Orlov, Igor V.18, VIII.12 Mañé-Estrada, Aurelia VII.21 Mukomel, Vladimir XIV.10 Ortmann, Stefanie VI.17, VII.07, X.06 Mannherz, Julia I.10 Munroe, Colin XIV.16 Oshchepkov, Aleksey XV.20 Manning, Roberta IV.17, IX.09 Murgescu, Bogdan III.06, XIII.07 Osokina, Elena XV.22 March, Luke XI.01 Murinson, Alexander X.08 Ospovat, Kirill XIII.09 Marin, Anais III.10 Musekamp, Jan X.08 Osugi, Takuzo VI.15 Markedonov, Sergei I.12 Mustajoki, Arto V.02, XII.18 Otani, Junko VI.15 Marker, Gary XVIII.15 Myant, Martin II.15 Oushakine, Serguei Alex. IV.14, VII.12 Marketos, Thrassy XI.15 Myck, Michal III.15 Oxenstierna, Susanne IV.11, XI.22 Markevich, Andrei IX.23 Mühl, Christoph X.09 Oylupinar, Huseyin VI.11 Markushina, Nataliya XVIII.01 Mykhnenko, Vlad II.15 Paaskoski , Jyrki XVI.08 Marsh, Christopher VIII.17 Mäkinen, Ilkka VII.06 Paert, Irina XVII.20, XVIII.15 Marsh, Rosalind XVIII.16 Mäkinen, Ilkka Henrik VII.06 Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa IV.09 Marshall, Alex XIII.14 Mäkinen, Sirke VI.17 Palonkorpi, Mikko XIV.06 Masing-Delic, Irene IV.01 Möller, Cecilia II.08, X.03 Pan, Guang IX.21 Matilainen, Anna-Maija VI.09 Naganawa, Norihiro III.20, V.01 Panarin, Sergei X.19 Matlock, Jack VIII.15 Najafov, Etibar XVIII.13 Pankenier, Sara VIII.13 Matonyte, Irmina VI.06, IX.11 Nakamura, Tadashi XVII.18 Papava, Vladimer XI.15 Matsaberidze, Malkhaz XIII.01 Naxidou, Eleonora IX.17 Pape, Ulla IX.08 Matskevich, Maria III.04 Nazarova, Ariadna IX.17 Pappila, Minna VI.09 Matsuzato, Kimitaka VIII.17, X.09 Nemecek, Jan XVII.01 Paramonov , Vladimir IX.01 Matulionis, Arvydas III.07 Nemirovskaia, Elena X.12 Park, Hye Kyung VIII.17, XVIII.21 Matusiak, Agnieshka I.18 Nepomnyashchy, Catharine VII.11, XIII.17 Park, Hyun-Ryul XVIII.06 Maxe, Olga VIII.13 Nerler, Pavel V.02 Park, Soo-Heon IX.08 Maximova, Lubov X.13 Nesterova, Nina X.07, XI.04 Park, Young Eun XIII.13 McDonald, David VI.14, XI.16 Neugebauer, Carola Silvia XVIII.19 Parnis, Aleksandr VI.05 McManus, Clare VIII.12, XIII.03 Neumann, Matthias I.22 Partan, Olga I.17, XIII.17 Medzhibovskaya, Inessa X.15 Neumayer, Laure VI.06 Pasti, Svetlana VI.18, XII.04 Meimre, Aurika XV.08 Newcity, Michael XVII.22 Pasynkova, Veronika III.22 Mélat, Hélène XIV.20 Newton, Julie VIII.15 Paulsen, Martin X.20, XV.17 Memaj, Fatmir I.05 Nicholas, Mary IV.01, VIII.13, IX.22 Pawischitz, Sabine Pawischitz XIV.13 Mendras, Marie XVIII.11 Nielsen, Kristian L. III.01 Pavlyk, Khrystyna XIV.21 Mengel, Swetlana III.08 Niemi, Einar VII.18 Peasey, Anne III.15 Menning, Bruce W. XIII.14 Nikiforova, Elena X.22, XII.02 Pehr, Michal VII.14 Menzel, Birgit XVII.14 Nikiporets-Takigawa, Galina V.02 Pennell, Daniel M. VIII.05 Mertelsmann, Olaf V.04, XII.10 Nisonen-Trnka, Riikka IV.06 Perchoc, Philippe IX.11 Meshcheryakova, Elena X.01 Nogoibaeva, Elmira II.11 Pereswetoff-Morath, Alexander XVI.09 Meshchryakov , Alexander IX.20 Nomachi, Motoki VI.16, XIV.13 Pervukhin, Natalia V.17 Metz, Eric XVII.08 Nonaka, Susumu XVII.18 Perzi, Niklas VII.14 Mezentseva, Elena XVI.10 Nordenstreng, Kaarle XII.04 Péteri, György IV.06, XVIII.20 Miazhevich, Galina XII.04 Norimatsu, Kyohei I.03 Petersson, Bo I.12, IV.13, VI.07, X.11 Michlic, Joanna XVI.05 Normann , Christine VI.19 Petrone, Karen I.10


Petronis, Vytautas XVI.07 Rosenholm , Arja XVIII.16 Shepotylo, Oleksandr XI.23 Petrov, E.V. IV.15 Rosenthal, Charlotte XVIII.16 Sherman, Tamah II.07 Petrov, Kristian II.16, V.20 Ross, Cameron XIII.19 Shikhalieva, Sabrina IX.14 Petrov, Nikita II.22 Roth-Ey, Kristin II.13 Shilibekova, Aigerim IV.02 Petrov, Nikolay XVIII.11 Round, John VIII.10 Shin, Kwang-Yeong XVIII.06 Petrov, Petăr III.06 Rousselet, Kathy VII.12 Shioji, Hiromi XIII.15 Petrushevskaia, Lyudmila VII.01 Rozenberg, Danielle I.15 Shishkin, Sergey IV.11 Petsinis, Vassilis II.01, XV.02, XVI.22 Rubinstein, Lev VII.01 Shmeleva, Elena XIV.11 Petzer, Tatjana IX.06 Ruder, Cynthia VIII.13, IX.22 Shmulyar Gréen, Oksana II.08, IX.19 Pfandl, Heinrich V.02 Ruiz Ramas, Rubén II.11 Shoev, Suhrob XVII.13 Piattoeva, Nelli VI.17 Runcis, Maija V.15, XIV.08 Shomina, Elena III.05 Pietiläinen, Jukka VI.18, X.04 Ruscica, Marilena V.11 Shrayer, Maxim D. XVI.05 Pietiläinen, Jukka XII.04 Russell, John I.12, VI.07, X.11 Shubin, Sergey XI.04 Plakhotniuk, Nataliia VII.02 Rustemova, Assel VIII.11 Shulgina, Emilia IV.21 Platt, Jonathan Brooks IV.07 Rutland, Peter XII.20, XVII.11 Sigman, Carole XIII.10 Platt, Kevin M. F. IV.14 Ruutu, Hanna V.11 Sikor, Thomas XII.09 Pleines, Heiko VIII.18, XIII.05 Ruutu, Katja XVI.21 Sim, Li-Chen XIII.20 Poerzgen, Yvonne V.16 Ryabchuk, Mykola XI.09 Simm, Kadri XVIII.08 Pogosjan, Elena XIII.09 Ryan, Karen V.16 Simmons, Cynthia XVII.15 Pogosjan, Elena XIII.09 Ryazanova-Clarke, Lara XV.17 Simons, Greg XII.04 Polanska, Dominkia XVIII.12 Rytövuori-Apunen, Helena VI.07, X.11 Sinani, Gjergj I.02 Polese, Abel VIII.10 Saari, Sinikukka XIV.14 Skomp, Elizabeth XVIII.16 Poltavtseva, Natalia I.21 Sabirov, Farkhod XVIII.01 Skrzypek, Andrzej V.09 Polunov, Alexander XIV.19 Sablin, Vasili III.03, XV.06 Smajs, Josef VI.01 Polyak, Levente XVIII.12 Sakon, Yukimura V.01 Smetanin, Alexander III.03, XI.04, XV.06 Pomfret, Richard XVII.16 Sakwa, Richard I.12, III.14, X.06, VII.07, Smigiel, Christian XVIII.19 Pondopoulo, Anna XVIII.05 XIII.19, XV.11 Smirnova, Tatiana V.15, XV.22 Ponomareva, Anna XI.14, XIII.13 Saleniece, Irena XII.10 Smith, Alexandra I.17, XIII.17 Pop, Adrian XVI.22 Salmenniemi, Suvi I.04, XII.11 Smith, David V.04, VIII.17, XII.10 Popov, Alexander III.03, X.07, XV.06 Sanborn, Joshua XV.23 Smith, Hanna XVIII.17 PORTNOV, Andriy IX.11 Saparov, Arsene XVIII.13 Smith, Jeremy XII.16 Preissler, Franz XI.01 Saphonova, Yulia V.02 Smolentseva, Anna I.01 Prodromidou, Alexandra VII.21 Sarkeyeva, Rosa XVII.16 Smoljanski, Alexander V.02 Prokhorova, Irina IX.13 Sarsenov, Karin V.19 Smyth, Sarah XII.18 Protassova, Ekaterina XII.18 Sato, Keiji V.20 Soboleva, Irina XVI.10 Puig, Albert XI.23 Sato, Yukino VII.14 Soerbye, Yngvild XVI.07 Pushkareva, Natalia L'vovna VII.17 Satybaldieva, Elmira VIII.11 Sogomonov, Alexander X.12 Pöllänen, Pirjo III.22, XI.08 Saxena, Ranjana XIV.20 Sohlman, Michael X.12 Pöppel, Ludmila VI.20, XVI.17 Schatz, Edward VIII.18 Sokolov, Andrei XV.22 Raff, Murray XV.02 Scherrer, Jutta III.04 Sokolova, Svetlana X.01 Raimundo, Filipa VI.06 Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David X.02, Solomeshch, Ilya VII.18, XVI.08 Rakauskiene, Ona Grazhina XII.08 IV.12, XI.16, XVIII.05 Solomon, Peter H. I.20 Rakhimov, Mirzokhid VII.16 Schimpfossl, Elisabeth X.22 SONG, Eun-Ji V.08 Rasell, Michael XII.22 Schlyter, Birgit IX.21 SooHwan, Kim XVII.18 Rathmayr , Renate II.07, XIV.11 Schmidt-Felzmann, Anke XI.13, XIV.01 Sopronenko, Igor IX.22 Rautio, Vesa III.18 Schroeder, Hans Hennig III.11 Spencer, George Andrew XIV.15, XVII.17 Read, Christopher XV.23 Schulze Wessel , Martin XI.11 Sperling, Walter XV.18, XVII.09 Rees, Arfon XVI.13 Scott Leonard, Carol IV.11 Spivak, Monika VIII.01, XI.14 Reeves, Madeleine II.06, VI.08 Scott, James XV.11, XVI.03 Spörer-Wagner, Doreen I.09 Reid, Susan II.13, XVIII.20 Seals, Corinne XIV.02 Stadler Dr., Sabine XI.01 Renner, Andreas IV.12 Sedakova, Irina XIII.18 Stala, Krzysztof XI.03 Retish, Aaron IV.05 Segal, Dimitri VIII.01 Staliunas, Darius XIII.06 Rewakowicz, Maria I.18 Segbers, Klaus VII.11 Stanley, John XVI.02 Reyfman, Irina IV.07 Segert, Dieter XV.13, XVII.11 Stark, Manuel XIV.05 Reyna, Steven XI.21, XII.09 Sejdini, Abdulmenaf I.05 Starkov, Oleg III.05 Riabchuk, Mykola I.18 Semchenko, Alexander XII.05 Statiev, Alex IX.04 Riishøj, Søren XIV.17 Semenenko, Alexei VII.13 Steinacker, Gudrun XVI.16 Rindzeviciute, Egle VII.19, XVI.16 Semenii, Oleksii XIV.02 Steinberg, John W. VI.14, XIII.14 Ringblom, Natasha V.08 Senokosov, Yuriy X.12 Steinholt, Yngvar VIII.08 Ristolainen, Mari XVI.15 Seppo, Antti XII.06 Steinwedel, Charles III.20 Rivera, David XV.02 Serebriakova, Tatiana XIII.20 Stepanov, Andrei VIII.22, XV.09 Rivera, Sharon Werning IV.08 Shabaev, Yuri VII.22 Stepanova, Ekaterina I.12 Rivkin-Fish, Michele I.04 Shabdenova, Aizhan XVI.04 Stepanova, Liliya XVI.12 Robertshaw, Sam XIV.04 Shaikhutdinov, Marat E. XI.15 Stites, Richard IV.14 Robinson, Neil XIII.19, XVII.11 Shaimerdenova, Nursulu II.07 Stockdale, Melissa K. I.10 Rochlitz, Michael II.19 Shangirbayeva, Beibit IV.02 Stodolsky, Ivor XV.24 Rodin, Johnny VII.06, XI.10, XVI.01 Shapiro, Gavriel X.15 Stoeckl, Kristina XIII.04, XIV.03 Rogacheva, Maria I.08 Shapiro, Judith XV.20, XVI.10 Stojanovic, Arlett VII.11 Rogachevski, Andrei XVI.14 Shapoval, Yurii XIII.08 Stolberg, Eva M. III.16, V.01 Rogatchevskaia, Ekaterina IV.10, XII.07 Sharafutdinova, Gulnaz VII.11 Stolyarova, Guzel I.16 Rogatchevski, Andrei XI.18, XVI.14 Shaw, Denis XV.07 Stone, David R. XIII.14 Rogulin, Nickolai IV.15 Shearer, David IX.09 Stoyanova, Nadezhda VIII.04 Romanov, Pavel XII.22, XIV.08 Shearman, Peter I.23, II.21, III.21 Strenge, Gesine XV.17 Roncevic, Borut XVIII.10 Shepherd, Ben IX.04 Stykow, Petra XIII.04, XVII.11


Subrakova, Liudmila XIV.21 Tumanova, Anastasiya XV.23 Williams, David XII.14 Sugiura, Fumikazu XIII.05 Tura, Deniz II.20 Willimott, Andrew I.22 Suhan, Stela XIII.12 Turbine, Vikki I.04 Wilson, Sophia I.20 Sukhoon, Choo V.08 Turoma, Sanna IV.07, V.03, VII.09 Vinokurov , Evgeny IX.12 Sunderland, Willard III.17 Turovsky, Rostislav XIV.17 Vinokurova, Natalia XVIII.09 Sundström, Olle IV.19, IX.14, XVII.22 Tymczuk, Alexander IV.09 Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta V.19 Sungurov, Alexander XIV.14 Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka X.08 Virkkunen, Joni XI.08, XVI.03 Suny, Ronald X.02 Tysiachniouk, Maria VI.09 Wirtz, Gudrun VIII.05 Superfin, Gabriel V.17 Törnquist-Plewa , Barbara XI.03, XVIII.20 Vishevsky, Anatoly XIV.20 Susiluoto, Ilmari X.07, XV.06 Uegaki, Akira XII.20 Visnovsky, Emil VI.01 Sussex, Matthew I.23, II.21 Uejima, Kayo VII.15 Witt, Susanna VII.13 Sutela, Pekka XI.22 Ueland, Carol XIII.17 Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala, Marina III.04 Suutari, Pekka XVII.22 Uffelmann, Dirk X.20 Vogl, Doris XIV.16 Swain, Geoffrey V.04, XII.10 Uimonen, Pirjo XI.08 Wolczuk, Kataryna XI.09 Svedov, Vladislav V.03 Umland, Andreas XI.19, XII.17 Woldt, Claudia VI.20 Svensson, Bengt V.20 Ungurianu, Dan VII.09 Wolff, David XI.16 Svensson, My V.16 Urbansky, Sören XVI.19 Volobuyev, Vladyslav III.01 Swiderski, Edward III.13, XV.24 Urnov, Mark V.12 von Gall, Caroline IV.20 Svyetlov, Oleksandr XVII.02 Usanov, Artur XIII.15 von Hagen, Mark VI.14 Syltangalieva, Gulmira XIII.22 Usmanov, Gayrat XV.03 Woodworth, Bradley XII.14 Szurek, Jean-Charles I.15, XIII.08 Usmanov, Nail VII.19 Vorácek, Emil VII.14 Sätre, Ann-Mari X.03, XII.11, XV.20 Waack, Christoph XIII.20 Vorontsov, Vladimir VII.22 Tabachnikova, Olga I.21, XVI.05 Vacroux, Alexandra XVIII.05 Wråkberg, Urban XV.07 Tabata, Shinichiro VI.02 Waechter, Natalia III.07 Wulf, Meike XVII.20 Tadjbakhsh, Shahrbanou XVII.15 Vahtra, Peeter I.07 Wulff , Dietmar I.08 Taguchi, Shuhei V.18 Vaicekauskas, Arunas XIII.18 Vusatyuk, Oleg III.10 Taitslin, Anna XV.02, XVI.07 Vakareliyska, Cynthia M. III.08 Vysotskaya G. Vieira, Alena XVII.07 Takahashi, Sanami XII.12 Vakulchuk, Roman XIV.05 Yagodin, Dmitry VI.18 Takahashi, Takao VII.15, VIII.12 Waldron, Peter VIII.03 Yakovlev, Andrei V.07, VII.23, XIII.05, XVI.11 Takala, Irina XI.04 , XVI.08 Walters, Philip II.12 Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale XII.09 Takeda, Yuka I.06 Van Baak, Joost VII.09 Yang, Cheng VII.16 Tallberg, Pontus X.08 Van Bladel, Joris XIV.04 Yang, Min-jong VII.09 Tamas, Pal XVIII.10 Van Buskirk, Emily XII.03 Yelenevskaya, Maria XVI.12 Tambovtsev, Vitaly IV.11 van der Stadt, Janneke IV.01, XVII.10 Yemelianova, Galina XVII.13 Taras, Ray VI.07, X.11 van der Zweerde, Evert III.13, V.05, XIV.03, Yerzhanov, Bakit XII.05 Tasic, Milan V.18, VI.01 XV.24 Yoo, Hee-Gwone XIV.15 Tat, Alin XIII.04 Vanhala-Aniszewski, Marjatta II.16 Yoo, Kwon Jong VIII.02, XVIII.06 Taylor, Jeffrey XVI.21 Wanner, Adrian IV.01 Yoshimura, Takayuki XVI.19 Teague, Elizabeth VIII.20 Vári, András III.06 Young, Jekaterina V.16, XII.14 Tejerizo, Margaret V.03 Warmbrunn, Juergen IV.10, XIV.15 Yurchuk, Yuliya I.02, VII.20, XIII.12 Temkina, Anna III.22 Washburn, Daniel II.12 Yushkova, Elena XVII.10 Terekhina, Vera VIII.07 Vasiliev, Dmitriy XI.01 Zagrebin, Alexei VII.22 Terävä, Sirkku XI.08 Vasilyan, Syuzanna III.01 Zakharov, Nikolay IX.17, XII.16, XVI.22, Thackeray, Frank XVI.02 Vasilyev, Alexey I.15 XVII.22 Theimer Nepomnyashchy, Catharine IV.07 Vass, Laszlo XIII.03 Zamastil, Kristine IX.03 Thorez, Julien VI.08 Weclawowicz, Grzegorz XVIII.12 Zarkov, Dubravka XI.08 Tikkala, Terhi V.10 Vedev, Alexei XII.20 Zarrilli, Luca VI.11, XVIII.13 Tillberg, Margareta VII.19 Weiss, Andrea VIII.10 Zarycki, Tomasz XI.03 Tiulegenov, Medet II.11 Weiss, Daniel XIV.11 Zashev, Peter XIII.15 Tkach, Olga III.22 Weiss-Wendt, Anton XVI.05 Zaslavskaya, Natalia XII.01 Toda, Yasushi III.05 Weitsman, Patricia XI.08 Zaznaev, Oleg XI.19 Toews, Gerhard XIV.05 Welge, Britta IX.19 Zdravomyslova, Elena III.22, XV.20 Toker, Leona V.17 Velikanova, Olga XVI.13 Zele, Andreja XIV.13 Tokunaga, Masahiro III.18 Vendil Pallin, Carolina V.13, XI.19 Zeleneva, Irina VII.21 Tolz, Vera XVIII.05 Verbickiene, Jurgita IX.17 Zherebiatiev, Mikhail XIV.03 Tomiyama, Eiko III.18, XIII.15 Vercamer, Grischa IV.21 Zhuravlev, Sergey XV.22 Topor-Madry, Roman III.15 Veres, Valér XIII.02 Zhurzhenko , Tatiana X.22, XIV.08 Torjesen, Stina XVII.06 Verpoest, Lien XVII.07 Zimmer, Kerstin IV.09 Torop, Peeter XVII.18 Werth, Nicolas IX.09 Zimmermann, Volker VII.14 Trehub, Aaron XIV.15 Werth, Paul III.20, XI.11 Zinoviev, Olga VIII.20 Trenin, Dmitri II.14 Westrate, Michael I.08 Zlydneva, Nataliya XVII.08 Treshchenkov, Evgeny VII.21 Weststeijn, Willem G. VI.05 Zmroczek, Janet XII.07, XVII.17 Trevisani, Tommaso III.11 White, Stephen L. III.09, IV.08, IX.08, XIV.04, Zorkaja, Natalia XI.12 Trochev, Alexei I.20 XVIII.11 Zubelzú, Graciela XIII.01 Trofimenko, Martha B. XI.09 Wiederkehr , Stefan XII.17, IX.15 Zubok, Vladislav M. XIV.10 Trofimova , Irina XVI.01 Vihalemm, Triin II.09 Zurawski vel Grajewski, Radoslaw XVII.01 Trofimova, Elena VII.17 Vihavainen, Timo XVI.08 Zvereva, Vera XV.17 Tsiskarashvili, Dmitri IX.17 Viktorov, Ilya VIII.14 Zweynert, Joachim XVII.11 Tuchtenhagen, Ralph VIII.09 Willerton, John XI.19 Zvonkine, Eugenie XV.14 Tumanov, Sergey I.01 Williams, Christopher VII.22