Janine Di Giovanni | 304 pages | 08 Feb 2005 | VINTAGE | 9780375724558 | English | New York, NY, United States From the front line | Books |

Madness Visible : A Memoir of War. Janine di Giovanni. Award-winning journalist Janine di Giovanni spent much of the s observing the cycles of violence and vengeance from inside Balkan cities and villages, refugee camps and makeshift hospitals. This was a conflict that raised challenging questions: what causes neighbours, whose families have lived peacefully for centuries, to turn with mindless brutality against one another? How do we measure the difference between bravery and cowardice in a conflict so morally ill-defined? What becomes of survivors when the fabric of an age-old community is destroyed? Searching for answers, di Giovanni brings the reality of war into focus: children dying from lack of medicine, women driven to despair and madness by their experiences in paramilitary rape camps and soldiers numbed by and inured to the atrocities they committed. In Madness Visible she paints an indelible portrait of the Balkans under siege and shows the true - human - cost of war. This book is an attempt to allow readers to understand war by experiencing it through everyday people. They are doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, housewives. They are grandmothers, daughters, sisters, lovers, husbands. They are teenagers and toddlers. Some live and some die, but all of them are caught in a net of war. I wrote this book by letting them tell their stories. There is the story of a ten-year-old born out of a series of brutal rapes, a child who must care for her emotionally-broken mother. There is the story of a concentration camp survivor who comes home after the war and tries to find his place in the world. There is the story of a Shakespearean scholar who orders the destruction of a national library, and watches calmly as hundreds of thousands of precious books catch fire in a mortar attack. And there is the story of young American soldiers who deplete their savings to buy guns and fight wars in countries they know nothing about. I have seen rows of dead bodies left by battle. I have observed that the dead are at peace while the living continue with their obsessions of hate and retribution. Madness Visible is my effort to discover what fuels a war, what drives it, and what might bring it to an end. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Read An Excerpt. Feb 08, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Dec 18, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. About Madness Visible As a senior foreign correspondent for of London, Janine di Giovanni was a firsthand witness to the brutal and protracted break-up of Yugoslavia. Also by Janine di Giovanni. See all books by Janine di Giovanni. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Tanya Reinhart. From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map. Edward W. Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs. Kfir Cohen Lustig and Kfir Cohen. Syrian Dust. Francesca Borri. The Gangster of Love. Jessica Hagedorn. Strangers in the House. Raja Shehadeh. Letters to Palestine. I Refuse to Die. Koigi Wa Wamwere. David Landau. Merchants of Men. Loretta Napoleoni. Fear of Mirrors. I Am Because You Are. Jacob Lief and Andrea Thompson. Preachers of Hate. Kenneth R. Why We Fought. Robert B. The Blood of His Servants. Malcolm MacPherson. Myths, Illusions, and Peace. David Makovsky and Dennis Ross. Missing Soluch. Mahmoud Dowlatabadi. Matthew Latimer. Jake Bernstein and Lou Dubose. White Masks. Madness Visible: A Memoir of War by Janine Di Giovanni

How do we measure the difference between bravery and cowardice in a conflict so morally ill-defined? What becomes of survivors when the fabric of an age-old community is destroyed? Searching for answers, di Giovanni brings the reality of war into focus: children dying from lack of medicine, women driven to despair and madness by their experiences in paramilitary rape camps and soldiers numbed by and inured to the atrocities they committed. In Madness Visible she paints an indelible portrait of the Balkans under siege and shows the true - human - cost of war. Chapter Three 5 4. Searching for answers, di Giovanni brings the reality of war into focus: children dying from lack of medicine, women driven to despair and madness by their experiences in paramilitary rape camps and soldiers numbed by and inured to the atrocities they committed. In Madness Visible she paints an indelible portrait of the Balkans under siege and shows the true - human - cost of war. What a combination! See larger image. This website uses cookies to improve user experience. May 09, Cherie rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. A Really fascinating - Di Giovanni's experience of what happens the destruction of Yugoslavia. She uses great narratives to tell the story, with details, profiles of various people. Sometimes the details - oh god, the horrific rapes, the torture, the mass murders - are difficult to stomach. But she writes in a sensitive and interesting and descriptive way. Janine Di Giovanni is an excellent war reporter and I love her books. This book is no exception. It's a painful read, with lots of detailed descriptions of atrocities committed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. But it's an important book too, and brilliantly reported. A "book" written with the ink of hate towards thousands and thousands victims of WAR and with the hand that conceals the opressors deeds! Run away from this book as if you've seen an ugly rat. It's highly inaccurate! Apr 17, Dana rated it it was amazing. Fantastic memoir of the Bosnian war. Oct 02, Currie Underwood rated it really liked it Shelves: war , kosovo. Really good accounts of the Bosnia war and Kosovo war. Even though she skips around a lot, the general direction of the book isn't hard to follow. A really interesting read. A powerful, amazing, disburbing, difficult must read. Aug 19, Laurie rated it it was amazing. Perfect introduction to understanding the break up of Yugoslavia of which I knew very little. Kieu Truong rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Joseph Giordano rated it really liked it Oct 22, Laura rated it really liked it Jan 08, Nelli Lapintie rated it it was amazing Nov 24, Helen rated it it was amazing Jul 19, Natalie rated it it was amazing Mar 19, Rebecca rated it really liked it Mar 19, Quizzing Eric rated it it was amazing Nov 22, Cindy rated it really liked it Jan 09, Amy rated it really liked it Jun 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Janine Di Giovanni. Janine Di Giovanni. Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe's most respected and experienced reporters, with vast experience covering war and conflict. Her reporting has been called "established, accomplished brilliance" and she has been cited as "the finest foreign correspondent of our generation". Born in the US, she began reporting by covering the first Palestinian intifada in the late s and went on to report nearl Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe's most respected and experienced reporters, with vast experience covering war and conflict. Born in the US, she began reporting by covering the first Palestinian intifada in the late s and went on to report nearly every violent conflict since then. Her trademark has always been to write about the human cost of war, to attempt to give war a human face, and to work in conflict zones that the world's press has forgotten. She continued writing about Bosnia long after most people forgot it. In , she was one of the few foreign reporters to witness the fall of Grozny, Chechnya, and her depictions of the terror after the fall of city won her several major awards. During the war in Kosovo, di Giovanni travelled with the into occupied Kosovo and sustained a bombing raid on her unit which left many soldiers dead. Madness Visible has been optioned as a feature film by actress Julia Roberts production company, Revolution Films. She has won four major awards, including the National Magazine Award, one of America's most prestigious prizes in journalism. In , she was the subject of another documentary about women war reporters, "No Man's Land" which followed her working in . She has also made two long format documentaries for the BBC. In , she returned to Bosnia to make "Lessons from History," a report on five years of peace after the Dayton Accords. The following year she went to Jamaica to report on a little-known but tragic story of police assassinations of civilians, "Dead Men Tell No Tales. Books by Janine Di Giovanni. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Madness Visible by Janine di Giovanni: | : Books

More By and About This Author. Buy this book. Show other formats. Discover what to read next. PW Picks: Books of the Week. The Big Indie Books of Fall Black-Owned Bookstores to Support Now. Children's Announcements. Quite touching. She is right, wars just don't stop, the same sorrow repeats itself over and over. Aug 07, Boris Cesnik rated it it was amazing. Sharp, unapologetic, empathic, harsh, unreadable, punchy, beguiling, unputdownable. You read, cry, shiver, laugh, despair, ponder, worry, feel, watch, listen. Humanity in history, the story of human beings. Oct 20, Frank rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jun 02, Jo rated it really liked it. Unbelievable atrocities in the late 20th century in Europe. Written with passion and compassion. Sep 25, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: read , non-fiction , war , traveling-while-reading , women-authors. Much better than her book on her love affair with a French cameraman. Grounded, heartbreaking, and comprehensive. Her stories on the children of rape, the men who survived Srebenica, and the women who lost all of their male relatives are heartbreaking. She also brings the politicians and warriors like Arkan, Milosevic, and others to life whereas in the past they just seemed like men who were heartlessly evil. She gives you a look into their madness. In this account of the war in Yugoslavia, Di Giovanni tries to explain the politics and factions at work here, the armies and paramilitary groups and the motivations behind their actions. I could not follow any of that, it is not her fault, she explains it very well, I just don't have a head for those kind of details. But in the interviews with the people affected, she interviews people from both sides of the conflicts, Serbians, Bosnains, Albanians and even some soldiers from Britain and France In this account of the war in Yugoslavia, Di Giovanni tries to explain the politics and factions at work here, the armies and paramilitary groups and the motivations behind their actions. But in the interviews with the people affected, she interviews people from both sides of the conflicts, Serbians, Bosnains, Albanians and even some soldiers from Britain and France, you get the human story of the war, you see the madness of war. She traveled extensively in the country, through dangerous areas, at one point she and some French colleagues thought they might be murdered by Serbians. She writes with candor and when she mentions destroying a notebook so her captors wouldn't find it, I could feel how tense the situation was. I recommend this book. May 31, Anna Wright rated it it was amazing. Although I have been living in Sarajevo for the past year, this was the first book I read on the '90s conflicts in the Balkans. It's possible that it was easier for me to understand because I am by default more aware of certain people and details of the war, but this book clarified an incredible amount. A very engaging read because of its memoir format, I would wholly recommend this book to anyone wishing to learn more about what happened here during the '90s and why. May 09, Cherie rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. A Really fascinating - Di Giovanni's experience of what happens the destruction of Yugoslavia. She uses great narratives to tell the story, with details, profiles of various people. Sometimes the details - oh god, the horrific rapes, the torture, the mass murders - are difficult to stomach. But she writes in a sensitive and interesting and descriptive way. Janine Di Giovanni is an excellent war reporter and I love her books. This book is no exception. It's a painful read, with lots of detailed descriptions of atrocities committed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. But it's an important book too, and brilliantly reported. A "book" written with the ink of hate towards thousands and thousands victims of WAR and with the hand that conceals the opressors deeds! Run away from this book as if you've seen an ugly rat. It's highly inaccurate! Apr 17, Dana rated it it was amazing. Fantastic memoir of the Bosnian war. Oct 02, Currie Underwood rated it really liked it Shelves: war , kosovo. Really good accounts of the Bosnia war and Kosovo war. Even though she skips around a lot, the general direction of the book isn't hard to follow. A really interesting read. A powerful, amazing, disburbing, difficult must read. Aug 19, Laurie rated it it was amazing. Perfect introduction to understanding the break up of Yugoslavia of which I knew very little. Kieu Truong rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Joseph Giordano rated it really liked it Oct 22, Laura rated it really liked it Jan 08, Nelli Lapintie rated it it was amazing Nov 24, Helen rated it it was amazing Jul 19, Natalie rated it it was amazing Mar 19, Rebecca rated it really liked it Mar 19, Quizzing Eric rated it it was amazing Nov 22, Cindy rated it really liked it Jan 09, Amy rated it really liked it Jun 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Janine Di Giovanni. Janine Di Giovanni. Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe's most respected and experienced reporters, with vast experience covering war and conflict. Her reporting has been called "established, accomplished brilliance" and she has been cited as "the finest foreign correspondent of our generation". Born in the US, she began reporting by covering the first Palestinian intifada in the late s and went on to report nearl Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe's most respected and experienced reporters, with vast experience covering war and conflict. Born in the US, she began reporting by covering the first Palestinian intifada in the late s and went on to report nearly every violent conflict since then. Her trademark has always been to write about the human cost of war, to attempt to give war a human face, and to work in conflict zones that the world's press has forgotten. She continued writing about Bosnia long after most people forgot it. In , she was one of the few foreign reporters to witness the fall of Grozny, Chechnya, and her depictions of the terror after the fall of city won her several major awards. During the war in Kosovo, di Giovanni travelled with the Kosovo Liberation Army into occupied Kosovo and sustained a bombing raid on her unit which left many soldiers dead. Madness Visible has been optioned as a feature film by actress Julia Roberts production company, Revolution Films. She has won four major awards, including the National Magazine Award, one of America's most prestigious prizes in journalism. In , she was the subject of another documentary about women war reporters, "No Man's Land" which followed her working in Sarajevo. She has also made two long format documentaries for the BBC. In , she returned to Bosnia to make "Lessons from History," a report on five years of peace after the Dayton Accords. The following year she went to Jamaica to report on a little-known but tragic story of police assassinations of civilians, "Dead Men Tell No Tales. Books by Janine Di Giovanni. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Trivia About Madness Visible

Madness Visible: A Memoir of War: Janine di Giovanni: Bloomsbury Paperbacks

The Best Books of So Far. Read An Excerpt. Feb 08, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Dec 18, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. About Madness Visible As a senior foreign correspondent for The Times of London, Janine di Giovanni was a firsthand witness to the brutal and protracted break-up of Yugoslavia. Also by Janine di Giovanni. See all books by Janine di Giovanni. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Tanya Reinhart. From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map. Edward W. Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs. Kfir Cohen Lustig and Kfir Cohen. Syrian Dust. Francesca Borri. The Gangster of Love. Jessica Hagedorn. Strangers in the House. Raja Shehadeh. Letters to Palestine. I Refuse to Die. Koigi Wa Wamwere. David Landau. Merchants of Men. Loretta Napoleoni. Fear of Mirrors. I Am Because You Are. Jacob Lief and Andrea Thompson. Preachers of Hate. Kenneth R. Why We Fought. Robert B. The Blood of His Servants. Malcolm MacPherson. Myths, Illusions, and Peace. David Makovsky and Dennis Ross. You read, cry, shiver, laugh, despair, ponder, worry, feel, watch, listen. Humanity in history, the story of human beings. Oct 20, Frank rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jun 02, Jo rated it really liked it. Unbelievable atrocities in the late 20th century in Europe. Written with passion and compassion. Sep 25, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: read , non-fiction , war , traveling- while-reading , women-authors. Much better than her book on her love affair with a French cameraman. Grounded, heartbreaking, and comprehensive. Her stories on the children of rape, the men who survived Srebenica, and the women who lost all of their male relatives are heartbreaking. She also brings the politicians and warriors like Arkan, Milosevic, and others to life whereas in the past they just seemed like men who were heartlessly evil. She gives you a look into their madness. In this account of the war in Yugoslavia, Di Giovanni tries to explain the politics and factions at work here, the armies and paramilitary groups and the motivations behind their actions. I could not follow any of that, it is not her fault, she explains it very well, I just don't have a head for those kind of details. But in the interviews with the people affected, she interviews people from both sides of the conflicts, Serbians, Bosnains, Albanians and even some soldiers from Britain and France In this account of the war in Yugoslavia, Di Giovanni tries to explain the politics and factions at work here, the armies and paramilitary groups and the motivations behind their actions. But in the interviews with the people affected, she interviews people from both sides of the conflicts, Serbians, Bosnains, Albanians and even some soldiers from Britain and France, you get the human story of the war, you see the madness of war. She traveled extensively in the country, through dangerous areas, at one point she and some French colleagues thought they might be murdered by Serbians. She writes with candor and when she mentions destroying a notebook so her captors wouldn't find it, I could feel how tense the situation was. I recommend this book. May 31, Anna Wright rated it it was amazing. Although I have been living in Sarajevo for the past year, this was the first book I read on the '90s conflicts in the Balkans. It's possible that it was easier for me to understand because I am by default more aware of certain people and details of the war, but this book clarified an incredible amount. A very engaging read because of its memoir format, I would wholly recommend this book to anyone wishing to learn more about what happened here during the '90s and why. May 09, Cherie rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. A Really fascinating - Di Giovanni's experience of what happens the destruction of Yugoslavia. She uses great narratives to tell the story, with details, profiles of various people. Sometimes the details - oh god, the horrific rapes, the torture, the mass murders - are difficult to stomach. But she writes in a sensitive and interesting and descriptive way. Janine Di Giovanni is an excellent war reporter and I love her books. This book is no exception. It's a painful read, with lots of detailed descriptions of atrocities committed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. But it's an important book too, and brilliantly reported. A "book" written with the ink of hate towards thousands and thousands victims of WAR and with the hand that conceals the opressors deeds! Run away from this book as if you've seen an ugly rat. It's highly inaccurate! Apr 17, Dana rated it it was amazing. Fantastic memoir of the Bosnian war. Oct 02, Currie Underwood rated it really liked it Shelves: war , kosovo. Really good accounts of the Bosnia war and Kosovo war. Even though she skips around a lot, the general direction of the book isn't hard to follow. A really interesting read. A powerful, amazing, disburbing, difficult must read. Aug 19, Laurie rated it it was amazing. Perfect introduction to understanding the break up of Yugoslavia of which I knew very little. Kieu Truong rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Joseph Giordano rated it really liked it Oct 22, Laura rated it really liked it Jan 08, Nelli Lapintie rated it it was amazing Nov 24, Helen rated it it was amazing Jul 19, Natalie rated it it was amazing Mar 19, Rebecca rated it really liked it Mar 19, Quizzing Eric rated it it was amazing Nov 22, Cindy rated it really liked it Jan 09, Amy rated it really liked it Jun 15, More By and About This Author. Buy this book. Show other formats. Discover what to read next. PW Picks: Books of the Week. und-novellen-908.pdf