Gamatechno Develops E-Ticketing System for TransJakarta

Friday, 25 January 2013 WIB, By: Marwati

Governor of the Province of Special Territory Joko Widodo has launched e-ticketing for TransJakarta and double bus at Silang Monas Selatan on Tuesday (22/1). Gamatechno is trusted to develop and manage the ticketing system that is based on e-money multi issuer (System E- Ticketing).

Also attending the event were the Head of Jakarta Transportation, Head of TransJakarta, Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, 5 Bank Directors (Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia, Bank Negara , Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and Bank DKI), Director of Gama Multi Group and Director of Gamatechno Indonesia.

Head of TransJakarta, M. Akbar, said that the TransJakarta e-ticketing system followed the system already in place in and Trans Batik Solo that are developed by PT. Gamatechno Indonesia, a branch of Gama Multi Group - UGM.

“The system is already in place for Trans Jogja and Trans Batik Solo,” Akbar said.

Governor Joko Widodo appreciated the Gamatechno, TransJakarta and 5 banks because in only 1.5 months they were able to implement the system, sooner than the system in the Trans Jogja and Trans Batik Solo. Joko Widodo expects that the cooperation will be part of solutions to the transportation problems in Jakarta by creating e-money habit, starting from TransJakarta and will lead to other mode of transport.

“I hope this will become a solution to the transportation problem in Jakarta that we always try to improve,” stated Joko Widodo. After the event, Governor tried to tap the card in the TransJakarta shelter and tried the new double bus from China from Monas to Kota shelters. Currently, there are 11 journeys of TransJakarta. In the future, TransJakarta will add 1 journey, 500 buses, 6 Gas Stations. Reportedly, and Metromini buses will be included in the TransJakarta link.

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