W e realize you may not be able to discuss older man who has lived life amidst seeming injustice, but all the questions. Pick the ones you lik e. who has witnessed God’s protection of the righteous and Small Group Questions dealings with the wicked over time. “Fret Not” Do you ever get angry at the injustice in this world, when Psalm 37 cheaters prosper, and good guys finish last?

Previous message summary (): The title of How do you deal with injustice when you see it, or when it last week’s message was “Contrasts.” In Psalm 36, affects you or people that you care about? presents a stark contrast between the ways of wickedness How does faith in God assist us in understanding and and the character of his righteous and holy God. The overcoming feelings of envy, frustration, and revenge? depravity of the wicked culminates in an unwillingness to reject evil, but instead to continue to lie and scheme. Discussion Questions David continues by contrasting wickedness to God’s Connections faithfulness, righteousness, and steadfastness. Psalm 36 Psalm 37 was written before the , but it ends with a prayer requesting God’s protection, and the has the rhythm and theme of a proverb. Maybe Solomon assurance that wickedness will never prevail against God. learned this style of teaching from his father, King David. What we learned: Surrounded by wickedness in our world, also quotes from this psalm. James, the brother of we find hope and peace by turning our thoughts toward Jesus, refers to it as well in his letter. Compare these God. The assurance of God’s steadfast love offers connections in your Bible. Christians security against the downward spiral of a a. Psalm 37:16 to Proverbs 16:8; 28:6 society that has lost a healthy fear of God. David’s closing prayer presents a model of asking God to thwart the b. Psalm 37:11 to Matthew 5:5 schemes of the wicked while resting assured in His c. Psalm 37: 1&2 to James 1:9-11 steadfast love toward those who fear him, and accept His Talk About It righteous ways. We can stand firm for God’s truth while asking Him to protect us, and bring down the plans of evil Please read Psalm 37 out loud, taking note of the words schemers. “cut off” and “inherit the land.” Introduction 1. The opening of Psalm 37 provides the over arching theme; “Fret not yourself because of evildoers.” What Psalm 37 builds upon the closing verse of Psalm 36: does it mean to fret? How do “evildoers” cause us to “There the evildoers lie fallen; they are thrust down, fret? unable to rise.” Many times it does not seem like they are 2. The contrast of being “cut off” and “inheriting the land” “fallen.” Aren’t evildoers prospering all around us? Don’t provides one way to outline this psalm. Who is being the unrighteous drive nicer cars, have bigger houses, and cut off? Who is inheriting the land? How does the live in fame and comfort? Psalm 37 addresses these promise of those being “cut off” help us to resist fretting concerns that may trouble someone who is trying to follow or getting upset? God and live according to His direction, and yet who sees unrighteous people prospering. David penned this . Verses 1-8 give several imperatives or commands that later in life (Psalm 37:25). His perspective is that of an are intended as remedies for fretting over the deeds of wicked people. Read back through these verses, and Action: see if you can find these commands. Use the blanks Option 1—Make a list of the evil around you—even wicked below to write out those commands that were people who are prospering—that tempt you to fret and get highlighted in this week’s sermon. upset. After you have made your list, apply one or more of a. ______in the Lord (vs 3) the commands from Psalm 37:1-9 to one or more specific b. ______yourself in the Lord (vs 4) situation that causes fretting in your life. Lift the situation up in prayer, and then review the assurances of God in Psalm c. ______your ways to the Lord (vs 5) 37 to help you put your security in Him and settle your d. Be ______and wait ______for him fretting. (vs 7) e. Refrain from ______and forsake Option 2—This week’s memory verse actually points to the ______(vs 8) cross. Jesus endured suffering at the hands of wicked people in order to secure salvation for you. Write the 4. These commands are intended to help us “stop memory verse out on a 3 by 5 card and carry it with you fretting” Which ones come easier for you? Which ones this week. Review it often, especially when you encounter are more challenging to obey? “fretting.” 5. When applied, how does each command help someone to stop fretting or stop getting angry when he Memory Verse: Psalm 37:39&40 or she sees evil prospering? Next Steps: 6. Look at God’s response to stubbornly wicked people in G I know that a life devoted to the Lord is the best life. verses 10-22. According to these verses, how does God respond to these people? G I understand that it is better to be righteous and have nothing, than to be wicked and have everything. 7. Read the promise of Psalm 37:23&24. What do you think it means to have your steps be “established by G Rather than “fretting” (being unduly angry), I will the Lord?” Share a time when you or someone you patiently trust the Lord, pray for my enemies, pray that know has experienced “the Lord holding up your hand.” their evil plans would crumble, and pray that they would come to know Jesus. Challenge: The commands and assurances from Psalm 37 are available to us through our relationship with Jesus G One area of concern in my life I need to turn over to Christ. Without him, they are simply nice proverbs and self- Jesus is: ______. help ideas. The motivation and energy to trust God when we see evil prospering comes to us through faith in Jesus; his death, his resurrection, and his abiding presence in our lives. This is not just acceptance of an event 2,000 years ago, but living day-to-day today trusting in him, talking with Him, and living like Him. Our challenge this week is to allow God’s remedies for fretting to move beyond words from the Bible to hope and security in our hearts.