Africans lived with pain and progress in 1999. Across the continent men and women confronted the challenges of global and local poverty; they continued their search for peace in the face of multiple wars and won new victories for democracy.

Rejecting the nay-sayers, THE AFRICA FuND worked to remind policy makers that there are answers for Africa, including democracy, debt relief and development.

Democracy over one hundred million Nigerians celebrated the end of Speaking at an Africa Fund meeting in Harlem, South African the military dictatorship with the election President urged the audience to take up of a new President. South Africans went the challenge of ending poverty. to the polls for the second fully-democrat­ " We absolutely do have an opportunity to make an impact," ic national elections to elect a successor he told community leaders. to President .

Debt Re l; ef African countries are still forced to deprive their children of education and health care to pay heavy interest on foreign loans. Economic develop­ ment is inconceivable when debt repayment consumes the national income. Many of these loans were made decades ago to widely known to be stealing their nation's treasury. Although the , the International Monetary Fund and wealthy Western lenders including the U.S. have promised substantial relief since 1996, these commitments have not been fulfilled.

Development Few African countries have the resources that make economic development possible. They lack for roads, telecommunications systems and electrification projects. Major investments in education and health care are essential to create a literate, productive workforce. Despite this urgent need, the level of U.S. development assistance continues to drift downwards.

The United States and its western allies are central players-not passive specta­ tors-in Africa's current tragedies. The civil wars in Sierra Leone and Angola are being financed by diamond sales in Belgium; Western oil companies operated prof­ itable partnerships with the brutal Nigerian military dictatorship. The U.S. continues to thwart missions that might save many African lives.

The Africa Fund We work to achieve a different u.s. policy, one that supports peace, democracy and development. Thirty-four years of experience have taught us that positive action for Africa comes when people in many communi­ ties demonstrate their concern and commitment. In 1999 we brought fresh voices to the policy dialogue from faith communities, public officials, women's organiza­ tions and human rights and environmental advocates. Among our accomplishments:

AFRICA fuND grants supported innovative, self-help projects in Africa.

THE AFRICA FUND helped Nigerians strengthen a fragile transition to democracy. We mobilized religious leaders against slavery in and the Sudan. We worked with city and state public officials to press for debt relief and enabled them to forge new ties with their counterparts in Africa.

Information provided by THE AFRICA fuND generated important media coverage of African issues. Involving The Faith Community THE AFRI CA FUN D launched a new project to engage the power and commitment of African-American churches for a fairer U.S. Africa debt cancellation. policy. Aleah Bacquie, who spent three years in South ••• Africa working for the South Angelique Bell. seconded to African Council of Churches AFRICA FuNo Human Rights Coordmator Michael THE AFRICA FuNo as a Methodist and the Independent Fleshman (bottom row, second from left) 111 M1ssion Intern. and act1v1st Electoral Commission, Ogomfand w1th execu/lve members of the Sowore Omoyele. prepare a was appointed Director of Federat1on of Ogom Women's Assoc1at1ons. N1gena briefing. the Faith Communities arranged for Boubacar religious leaders nationwide ••• • •• Project, which was made Messaoud , an anti-slavery and distributed by The Faith Communities democracy activist, to ship virtually destroyed possible by a grant from activist and former sl ave, congregations and councils Project also addressed remain in the U.S. to receive Ogoniland-sending soldiers the Ford Foundation. to speak at Trinity Baptist of churches. TH E AFRICA issues of debt relief and medical treatment. Omoyele into Ogoni villages to shoot The initial focus has been Church in New York, the FU ND also presented democracy. We worked with was stabbed and nearly men and flog women. on slavery in Mauritania and congregation wa s so moved successfu I resolutions the Progressive National beaten to death by param iIi- Women traders were singled the Sudan where human by his story that it sent a condemning contemporary Baptist Convention as it tary thugs after he organized out for brutal beatings and beings, like cattle, are sim­ spontaneous donation to his slavery to meetings of the passed a resolution support- massive student marches to had their entire stock looted. ply property. Slaves who organization, SOS-SLAVES . Progressive National ing democracy in Nigeria, military rule. He THE AFRI CA FUND grant attempt to escape are beat­ Th e project developed a Baptist Convention, the and with the American survived, kept organizing provides women traders with en and tortured. When fact sheet that was sent to American Baptist Church Baptist Convention as it and only came to the U.S. small loans for reconstruc- slaves grow too old to work and the African Heritage went on record supporting after the death of the dicta- tion, enabling them to they are left to die . Studies Association . debt relief. Bacquie spoke tor . THE AFRI CA purchase new stock, rent The State Department has In December many con­ widely on both issues. FUN D arranged for Omoyele space in the markets and consistently refused to con­ gregations responded to our to speak in churches, buy tools for family farms. demn slavery in Mauritania. call for a Human Rights Aiding schools and union halls THE AFRICA FUND and New In 1999 the U.S. proposed Sunday focusing on slavery African Projects about the environmental York-based radio station granting the Mauritan ian in Mauritania. Over 75 con­ AFRI CA FU ND grants empow- emergency in the oil pollut- WBAI hosted David Goodman new trade bene­ gregations eventual ly signed ered Africans to work for ed Niger Delta and the need reading from his new book fits and critical debt a letter urging Secretary of democracy and development for U.S. support of democra- Fault Lines: Journeys Into relief without demanding State Madeleine Albright to while recovering from cy-building in Nigeria. the New to ben - an emancipation program. deny trade benefits to the trauma of violence THE AFRI CA FUND provided efit Father 's We began this new Mauritania. Pastors spoke and repression. over $11,000 to the Institute for Healing of human rights campaign Anti-slavery leader Boubacar of slavery in their sermons Emergency assistance Federation of Ogoni Women's Memories. The Institute helps with a series of meetings to Messaoud with U.S. and radio broadcasts and from TH E AFRI CA FUND Associations in Nigeria to South African victims of actiVist Sunanda Ghosh. introduce the issue to the congregations included the allowed Sowore Omoyele, establish a revolving loan torture and political violence churches. When Bacquie ••• slaves in their prayers. a young Nigerian pro- fund. The military - recover physically and emo- meetings of e ucation & publications ~~~~:g;~lii:/·s. national associa­ with an emphasis tions of elected members to fa cilitate suc­ on debt reduction ." officials and cessfu I action for Afri ca. The Project Director, organized a brief­ The Council identified Susie Johnson, devoted ing on U.S. debt relief as a criti ca l special attention to development aid issue fa cing Africa . Council involving women THE AFRICA FUND We worked wr/h We helped Boston to Africa at members sen t a letter to public officials with collaborated with Texas Representatrve Crty Counclflor the National Se cretary of the Treasury African women 's Connecticut Helen Giddings, the Charles Yancey, the Conference of Robert Rubin immediately issues. She was invit­ Representative Charr of the Afrrca President of the State Legis- Regmald Beamon National Black prior to the G-7 summit of ed to participate in Task Force of the latures. Major to plan the first National Order of Caucus of Locally Edilor-ln-Chief. pledges her the most industrialized the Afri ca n Women 's International Affairs Women Legislators, Elected Officials, support for the support at T1-11 AFRICA FuND nations urging him to push Leadership Institute Day of the National to plan a trip to organize a trip to project is provid- conference on bwldmg partner Black Caucus of South Africa by in May by a ed by a grant shtps w1th A/ncan women for "dramatic action on by Bisi Adeleye­ debt cancellation for the Fayemi , the President State Legislators, women public 60-per.son delegation from the Carnegi€ attended by over OffiCials. AFRICA FUND of African-American C t . f ••• most impoverished co un ­ of Akina Mama 100 legislators in Project Director public officials. In orpora IOn ° Engaging Public from attacking the H IV/AIDS tries." Later, members of wa Afrika, a leading November. AFRICA Susie Johnson and August Susre New York . Officials With Africa plague to canceling the Coun ci l also wrote to all-African women's FuND Trustee Sal1h Giddings both spoke Johnson attended a State and loca l pub lic offi­ debt and expanding trade . President Clinton asking organization. The Booker was the on a panel at the follow-up meetmg to Publications keynote speaker. Women Leg1slators' plan future collabo­ cials have the power to In 1999 we established him to press Congress for Institute is devoted to AFRICA FUND Beamon chairs annual meeting ration wrth African influence Congress and an an Advisory Council of debt relief funding. We building the capacity The Africa Fund's m August public officials. publications pro- 1 ability to bring Africa into Publi c Officials to help worked with Denver Mayor of younger African Advisory Council of vide Ameri cans I the lives of their commun i­ identify and act on criti ca l Wellington Webb , an women and to train­ Public Officials. with the vital ties. Our network of leading policy issues. The members Advisory Council member ing another genera- information they public officials, born in the of the Council ca me from and the Pres ident of the tion of Afri ca n women Clarke urged women of the need for responsible action anti-apartheid struggle, now 18 states and the Di strict of U.S. Conferen ce of Mayors, leaders. Johnson gave African diaspora to speak on African issues. has members active on Columbia. THE AFR ICA FUND to secure a Conference a presentation at the and act for Afri ca. Bisi Publications are Africa poli cy issues ranging works closely with Council resolution supporting opening plenary in Uganda Adeleye-Fayemi brought a distributed extensively by on " Feminist Organizing message from Akina mail, go in bulk to many in the ." Mama wa Afrika, urging new con ferences and are widely Father (PROJECTS continued) TH E AFRICA FuND built on links between women in used in briefing packets. Mrchael tionally so that they can help Lapsley of the momentum of the Africa and the U.S. Publicatio ns are all to build a new democracy. the lnstrtute Uganda meeting by organiz­ Throughout the year, posted to our website at We supported former for Healrng ing a conference "Who AFRICA Fu ND staff members www.theafri cafun d. org. ANC Se creta ry General of Memorres Speaks for Afri can Women: crisscrossed the U.S., meet­ Our publications in 1999 a/the WBAI Walter Sisu lu's project reading of Partnerships for Change," ing with public officials and inc luded: to prepare an ora l hi story Fault Lines. whi ch was co-sponsored by enco uraging them to in cor­ Help End Slavery in of the struggle against ••• the Columbia University porate African issues into Mauritania apartheid with assistance Institute for African Studies their work. We co- hosted Blood and Oil: Chevron, presents the final copy from AFRICA FUN D Director­ and Essence Magazine. In meetings in three states, Clinton and Crimes of the oral hrstory he helped prepare Emeritus George Houser to veteran ANC leader Walter Srsulu. a keynote address New York and AFRICA FuND staff and Against Humanity and Professor Herb Shore . ••• City Councilmember Una Trustees addressed seven in Nigeria Africa's Refugees: sition from Nelson Mandela The Vanguard (Nigeria) and International Relations from trying to hold on to York Times Editorial Board The Struggle for Equitable to Thabo Mbeki . Human on U.S. trade policy on the Committee, NAACP power. The formation of the A discussion with Deputy Resettlement Rights Coordinator Michael BBC's "Focus on Africa ." President , Commission was front page Assistant Secretary of Ghana: Key Issues in Fleshman gave radio inter- Denver Mayor Wellington news in the Nigerian press. State for African Affairs Shaping Its Future views on the transition to Defending Webb and AFL-CIO The departing generals Vicki Huddleston about Africa in Debt: Chains of democracy in Nigeria on Human Rights President John Sweeney. were acutely aware that the the future direction of Slavery in the 21st Century Pacifica Radio's " Democracy When the Nigerian dictator THE AFRI CA FUND kept the Commission members U.S. Nigeria policy Now," the John Pope Sani Aba cha died suddenly Commission in close touch would command a hearing An exchange with execu ­ Media Show, and stations WLI B and a new military leader with unfolding events in at the highest level of tives of corporations oper­ THE AFRI CA FUND helped (New York) , and KPFA promised free elections, TH E Nigeria. We sent members government in the U.S . ating in Nigeria arranged journalists from publications (Berkeley). Clyde Haberman AFRI CA FUND redirected the regular analyses on the On the eve of the i nau­ through the Corporate including The New York of The New York emphasis of our work for progress of the transition guration of the new govern­ Council on Africa, focusing Times, The Dallas Morning Times devoted a column democracy in Nigeria. We and included reports from ment, THE AFRI CA FUND on the companies' human News, The Kansas City Star to Dumisani Kumalo, established the Leadership on the ground election brought the heads of two rights and environmental and Harper's Magazine the new South African Commission on the Nigerian observers, U.S. government major Nigerian pro-democ­ practices in the oi 1-prod uc­ cover issues such as the Ambassador to the United Transition to monitor the information and interna­ racy organizations to the ing Niger Delta region. wars in Sierra Leone and Nations and former AFRI CA elections for a new civilian tional press reports. This U.S. to brief public offi­ In all of these forums the Democratic Republic FUND Projects Director, government and to speak was supplemented by cials and opinion makers. the Nigerians stated of Congo and the transition after we alerted him to the out on threats to the democ- frequent telephone conver­ They stressed the need for forcefully that the struggle to democracy in Nigeria. impending appointment. ratization process. The sations and electronic the U.S. to support a for democracy was not National Public Radio's The international media Commission was chaired by mail messages. process of genuine democ­ yet won . They warned of " Newsweek on Air" inter- often touched base with South African Archbishop Nigerian human rights ratization and urged possible explosions of vio­ viewed Jennifer Davis about THE AFRI CA FUND , carrying and included leaders have told us that he I p for the creation of a lence in the impoverished South Africa's second demo- commentary by Jennifer Congressman Benjamin the Leadership Commission culture of democracy. Niger Delta region , where cratic election and the tran- Davis on oil companies in Gilman, Chair of the House played a critical deterrent Among the highlights of people see vast petroleum role in helping to prevent their busy 11-day tour were: wealth being extracted ~ e... fend;ng human r;ghts elements in the military A meeting with The New while they live in misery. 1 , Salih Booker, appointed [_ (__ ., THE AFRICA FUND wants to express its Interim AFRICA FUND Director :::::::-::::=.:~~:::=::;~:!!!!~~~~ appreciation to the many individuals m June 2000, urged action who sustain our work and to the fol· for Africa at a meeting of lowing institutional donors: American the National Black Caucus Federation of State, County and of State Legislators. Municipal Employees, AFL·CIO, Aspegren Charitable Foundation, ••• The Boehm Foundation, Carneg1e • _ Corporation of New York, Muadi Dibinga, AFRICA FUND Communi/as Charitable Trust, DJB Administrative Director. makes a Foundation, Ford Foundation, John presentation to Celeste Douglas (right) D. and Catherine T. MacArthur to express speCial thanks to Local Foundation, Normandie FoundatiOn, Ohio Congressman Dennis Kuclnich exchanges ideas on democracy­ 1199, National Health and Human Onsha Foundallon, Samuel Rubin building with Clement Nwankwo, Executive D1rector of the Service Employees Union AFL·CIO for Foundation. United Church Board Constitutional Rights Project, and Abdul Oroh, £xecu ive Director AFRICA FuND staff met with newly elected Nigerian generous assistance m pnnting the for Homeland Mm1stries, The United o the Nigenan C1v1l Libert1es orgamzation. women parliamentarians during the1r U.S. tour. Fund's Annual Report. Methodist Church, General Board ••• ••• • • • of Global Ministries . II Ju, -. ... Oss1e Davis Ruby Dee Coretta Scott Kmg Stanley She1nbaum Little Trustees Tilden J. LeMelle, Chair El1zabeth Calvm, Vice Cha ir Marvm R1ch, Treasurer Cecelie Counts Blakey Robert Boehm Sa I i h Booker Jim Cason Elliott Dawes George Houser Rozell W. " Prexy" Nesbitt Andrew Norman Don Stillman Meredeth Turshen Ven1ta Vinson Peter We1ss Canon Frederick B. Williams