The Race As It Was Rowed Pathy of All Present
NOW AVAILABLE Latta & MacBeth: Ele ments of Logic ,, 12/S Gumming & May; Quanti BOOKS tative Chemical Analy FOR YOUR STUDIES sis 34/6 Pollock: Government of IN ALL SUBtlEOTS Greater Germany . 20/- Cubberley: History of are Obtainable from Education 42/- A. McLEOD, A, McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best mpct fkfat ^'Brisbane's Best Bookstore," The University of Queensland Students* Newspaper Bookstore/' 107 ISL1ZAB£,TH ST., 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE BRISBANE Kegiaiered at G.F.O., Brisbane, for Vol, XVII. — No. 12 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1949 transmission by post as a periodical. Sports Cups Go South Southern Teams captured all the titles in what proved a veritable sporting feast in the various first vac. carnivals. "Semper" this week presents full reports of the different events, and expresses the satisfaction of all concerned, both spectators and participants, with first-rate organisation and sport. J? v.. :.'„.!S<te.-^'- •.•-,*'•'•'-vaTi-' •. THE SYDNEY CREW Bow, 1. Curlewis, 12st. 2lb.; 2, M. Fitzpatrick, 12st. Zlb.; 3, A. McAuley, I2st 2lb.; 4, G. Thompson, 13st. 5lb.; 5, G, Drew, Idst. bib.; 6, D, Stanley, 13st. lib.; 1, B, Hopkins, 12st.; Str., D. Rourke, \2st. 411).; Cox, R. Uarshvxan, In the middle stages of the race left the Mayne, rather badly dam the crews appeared to be locked to aged. They had been most unfortun gether, fighting it out stroke by ate, but voiced no complaints; they stroke. At the umpire's order the showed a magnificent spirit, and won coxwains had headed over to the the admiration as well as the sym The Race As It Was Rowed pathy of all present.
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