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ORDER at CINECON and SAVE • Pfease Print Cfear[Y ' FILM PRESERVATION ASSOCIATES 8107 San Fernando R;:,ad Sun Vallev, CA 91352 f ck phone: 818 768-'3376 ORDER AT CINECON AND SAVE • Pfease print cfear[y ' Mr./Ms . ------- - - ----------------------- Address ------- ----------- - - -------------- City _ _______ _ _______ State ______ _ Zip ______ FILM TITLE SPECIAL CINECON PRICE -···------------··----------------------.. ·--·---··--··--··------···--·--···~------------·--------· Tota l fo r Films 6.75% Sales Tax (if shipped to California dest inalion) Shipping for prepaid orders: Add $4 for orders up to S 150; $7 for onlcrs totalling h<'lw,·rn $150 and $300; free shipping for ordeni over $300. except foreign) ~••••.-,..._,_,. ......V---~---.._.-,,,. ...,._.........,._....,._.~••••--u•u••"-"> , ........... o o u,ou-~•---~uo• ___.._._..,_._._.._...._._ •. ..•• _,__ _..._,,~ , , ..... -u, , ,_ ••--•·· -- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Payment options: Check with order for full amount of purchase; or C.O.D. provided a $25 deposit (not refun dable after initial shipment) accompanies the order. On C.O.D. shipments, pu rchaser pays all transportation charges, insurance and C.O.D fees. and money order fees. 'We appreciate your onfer an£ /iope you 're liaving a great time at Cinecon ! One year and trWre tnan two hundred re[eases fater ... 'We're Ce[e6rating ! CINECON '90 DISCOUNTS NEW PRINTS FROM THE BLACJ[{HAWK FILMS COLLECTION! 'During Cinecon, :Film Preservation Jfssociates is offering tremendous aiscounts on tfie entire catalog of 'Bfack.,fiawk., :fi{ms in print, inc{uaing 6rana new reuases! Prices ezyire 'Iiusaay, Septem6er 4tfi, 1990, ana tliere is no p{an to offer airect aiscountea safes in tft.e future. Jif.{[ are first-quality prints on 'l(paak._stock.i wliicli wi{[ 6e nuufe to order and sliippea airect{y to you ·· no California safes ta.ton out-of-state sliiprnents. Oraer form on 6ack., P!lm TIiie Reg. Ci,va,n FIim TUle Reg. Cfn.eaJn F'tlm rn1e Reg. Cineoon Adventurer, The $145 $JIB Cadge!J'I Ga.lore $7S $80 Par1& lo Monte Carlo $BS $68 All Teed Up $115 $JIB Ghosts of llollywoo<l $7S $80 l'awn Shop, The $14S $116 Appeasement at Munich $75 $60 Girl of the Golden Wes, The $.12S $260 Phantom of lhc Opera, The $500 $400 Barney Olc!Reld's Race for a IJfe $100 $80 Graf Zeppelin, Tor. $145 $JJ6 Pioneer Planes, P!lot.o and Daredevtls $145 $116 Battle at J:;lderbush Gu lch, The $14S $116 Gn-al Train Robb<,ry, The $85 $88 • Plp from Plltsburgh, The S145 $116 Uattlcshlp Potemkin $37S $300 • tlasty Marriage, A $145 $JIB Plow that Droke lhe Plains, The $195 $ 156 Beauty and the Ous $145 $JIB • I !earls Arc Thumps $7S $80 Poor UtUe Rich Girl S37S $300 Deh!nd the Screen $14S $116 llelplng Cr.sndma $145 $ll6 Pot O' Gold S525 $420 lklow Zero $115 $116 l!clpmale.• $145 $118 Private Ufe of King Henry Vlll, The $525 $420 Berth Marks $ 145 $116 Hide and Shriek $75 $60 Professional Pat1cnl, The $7S $60 • Big Ous!ness $145 $116 • High C's $175 $140 Publlc Ghost # I $145 $116 mg Ear,, $145 $116 tlls Wooden Wedding $14S $116 ' Pups ls Pups $145 $116 Olg Ki ck, The $115 $116 llogWlld $145 $JJB Puss 'N' Boots $7S $GO Olg Moments from Ultle Pictures $115 $116 tfomc Sweet llorn~ $300 $240 Queen of liearts, The $75 $60 lllazc Busters S7S $60 • tlook and I.adder $145 $II6 Remember, ·11icre are Ladles Present $65 $52 Dl!t.zkrleg Through Na7.l !,;yes $145 $116 Hoose-Gow, Th< $145 $118 Rink, The $145 $116 Bored of !,;ducaUon $75 $60 Horsehide llerocs $75 $60 Romanllc Days of Fire llor.ies, The $75 $60 llrdts $145 $JIB Humpty Dumpt)· $7S $60 • Rookfc of lhc Year $210 $168 Orave Tin Soldier. The $75 $60 llymn of the Nat!ono troftcar~n!) $210 $168 Room Runners $7S $GO Buffalo Bill's W!ld West Show $115 $116 I Never forgel A face $75 $60 Rounders. The $7S $60 Uulloncy $75 $60 lmmtgranl, The $145 $118 Shanghaled $145 $JJ6 Call of the Cuck008 $145 $116 Ingeborg llolm $300 $240 Should Tall Men Many? $145 $JJ6 Cameramen Al War $125 $JOO In The Tennc,.,...e ll!lls $ 14S $116 Show, The $145 $116 Ca~ Dog& Co. $145 $JIB / ln•lruments of the Orche•lra $165 $132 • Shrimp, The $14S $116 • Chases of Pimple Strecl, The $145 $116 lntolcrarH·f': $725 $580 Silent l,;nemy, The S500 $400 Childhood of Maxlm Gorky, The $575 $460 It I lappentd To You $145 $JIB Sir Arthur Conan Doyle $85 $65 Chimp, The $210 $168 It's a Gift $75 $60 Snappy Tunes $65 $52 Cinema Mabrfc of George Mc1tcs $295 $238 Jack and the 11,anstalk $7S $60 Sorui of lhc O.,sert $39S $316 Clever Dummy. A S14S $JJ8 ,Jack 1-·ro~l $75 $80 Spanklng Ag<:. The S165 $132 Coasl to Coa::Jl tn 48 Hours Sl1S $118 Japanese Reio< dl10n $75 $60 Sp!l1s and Chtlls $75 $60 Come Clean $ 145 $116 Judith of Uethuha $275 $220 Spook Spoofing $145 $116 Cops $145 $118 Just R.ambllng Along $7S $60 Spooks $75 $60 Coun~ The $ 145 $II6 Kid from Uomeo. Th<' $14S $ll6 • Spooky llooky $75 $60 Counly I lospflal $ 145 $116 Knockou l, The $145 $JJ6 Sloltn J ools $145 $116 Crazy Uke a fox $145 $116 1.iugh!ng Gra,, $145 $116 Teacher's Beau $ 145 $116 Crazy Ray, The $145 $II6 l..aurel and llar<ly Murder C.l!IC, "(he $210 $168 Techno·Crackcd $7S $60 Cure for Pokerills, A $7S $80 • Uberty $145 $116 Teddy al the Throttle $145 $116 Cure, Th<": $145 $116 Ufe of Buffalo 11!11, 1 he $145 $IJB Thclr F!n,l Mistake $145 $IJ6 Dangerous FcmalCfli $14S $116 1.Jghter lhan Alr $75 $60 They Co Boom $115 $JJG Daredevtl Days $75 $60 Logg1ng R..tlro.,ds of ,be West $l4S $116 "lh!• Mechanical Age $75 $60 Death's Marathon $85 $88 London Can T.okc IL $7S $80 Tots Was Yeslcrday $14S $116 l)cserl Victory $475 $380 Lucky Corruor, The $145 $JIB 11\ose Awful liats S25 $20 Divot Dtgg~rs $145 $JIB Lumfcre's Ftntt P1clurf' Shew $100 $80 Thunder of Steam !n the Uluc Rldgc $165 $132 Do DctecUvcs Think? $145 $118 Mabel's Marrkd 1.Jfe $75 $80 T!llt, Wakes Up $250 $200 Don g, Son of Zorro $575 $460 \1ama's IJttle l'!rntc $145 $JJB Toll Gale, The $325 $260 Done In OH Sl4S $116 Marriage Cirri., The $175 $380 Toot That Trumpet $75 $60 • Double Whoopee $145 $116 Max Under Duo, A $75 $60 • Top f"lat $145 $JIG Dough and Dynamfle $14S $116 ~ Cl!f':s Talrs or Terror $7S $60 Toscanini Conducts C!useppe Verdi $210 $168 E;asy Stn:el $145 $ll6 Mike f·rtght $145 $JJ6 Tour of lhomas II Ince Studios, A $145 $ JJ6 l,;ulbOn Album, An $75 $60 "Miss" Fatty's S<-aside t.ove,s $7S $60 Town, The $7S $60 l,;nchanted Studio, The $165 $132 Moods of the &a $HS $68 Traffic In Souls $325 $260 ~:xtr.s Glrl, The $37S $300 More from th, l,;nc hanlcd Studio $165 $132 Transformation of Mike, The S14S $116 fatal Clas., of Beer, The $14S $116 Movte Star, A $l4S $!JG Trip lo the Moon, A $100 $60 Fatly and Mabel Adrift $210 $168 Musir. Box. The $210 $168 • Two Tare $145 $116 Fally's Tin-type Tangle $145 $JJ6 Musketeer,, of l'lg Alky $7S $80 • Unaccustomed As We Arc $145 $116 Felix C,t & Goose Golden Egg $75 $60 Natural Oom Gambler, A $95 $76 Vagabond, lhc $145 $J 16 Fin:man, The $145 $JJB Nero. Or the llurn,ng Rome $85 $88 Vote,, or the Nightingale, The $95 $76 F!rsl Gl!dden Tour·· 1905, The $6S $52 New Ca.r, Thi' $65 $1i2 WayOutWcsl $395 $316 Flrsl Seven Years, The Sl4S $116 /'se w York I lat. The $75 $60 Western Trains of Long Ago $75 $60 F1oorwa lker, The $145 $118 NighlOul, A $145 $JJB When Steam Was Kf"8 $95 $76 t·ly1ng High $l4S $116 Noon Whlstlr Thr $75 $60 Whlopcring Whoopee $14S $ 116 follks, Foibles and Fa.shlons $75 $60 Office Doy $75 $60 WfAAle Your Ears $ 145 $ 116 Fool!sh Wives $525 $4 20 Oliver lwlst $460 $368 Wild and Woolly $285 $228 for Ills Son S7S $80 ' 0n the U,OS<' $115 $116 World of Klus, The $75 $60 • forgotten flab!cs $145 $JJ6 One AM. $11S $116 • Wrong Again $14S $116 45 Minutes From llollywood $145 $II6 One Week $145 $116 Yamecraw (Negro Rhapsody) $75 $80 Frauds and Frenzies $145 $JJ6 Our lla!ly 0 :-,cdd $470 $376 You're D ain TooUn' $145 $116 Free EaL, $145 $JIG Our Gang t"olltcs of 1936 $145 $ll6 Fresh Palnl $7S $60 • Pack Up Your Trouble• $395 $316 • Shipping re•lr1clcd lo deslfnattons In the U.S., Its • From Soup to r--·uL~ $14S $116 Pandora's llox ssso $440 territories & possessions, and the Dom!nJon of Canada. tunny face $65 $52 / Shipping rcstr1clcd lo t.;.S. only. -------------- Trains &. Planes WGGING RAILROADS OF THE THE GRAF ZEPPELIN $145 WEST $ 45 Lightn th,in air, dingthles were a spectacular form of lran,.portatlon from the early twenties until the I llndenburg Here ts beaulifully photographed and exl •1stv, ·over.ige of disa.~tcr In the micl 19:IOs The most successful rlgi.d airship steam power on three of the Important lo!!gtng railroads of ever built was the hydrogen-Oiled I..Z-127, the GrafZcppehn. the West -- Soulhwcst Lumber Mills o 1t of Flagstaff.
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