Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 1185.pdf FLUID-DEPOSITED FRACTURE-MARGIN RIDGES IN MARGARITIFER TERRA, MARS. Rebecca. J. Thomas1, Sally Potter-McIntyre2 and Brian. M. Hynek1,3 1 LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA,
[email protected], 2 Southern Illinois University, Geology Department, Parkinson Lab Mailcode 4324, Carbondale, IL 62901, 3 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, 399 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. Introduction: Sites where mineral deposition oc- thermal inertia material are present superposing the curred in association with fluid flow emanating from light-toned unit, indicating its original presence over a the subsurface are excellent targets at which to seek larger proportion of the floor. The floor fill is cross-cut evidence for past life on Mars. This is because aqueous by multiple fractures up to 650 m wide. By analogy environments are favorable to life, and precipitated with other impact craters in the region, where exposure minerals have the potential to encase biosignatures, of light-toned brecciated material (LTBr) from beneath protecting them from degradation in the oxidizing envi- a dark capping unit is clearly associated with crater- ronment at the martian surface [1,2]. We report the floor fractures, we propose that erosion was accom- occurrence of ridges at the margins of broad fractures plished by fluid upwelling from these fractures. Chan- in Margaritifer Terra, and conduct morphological and nels carved into the crater rim are consistent with over- stratigraphic analysis of two key sites to determine spill of this fluid to the surrounding terrain. At the their probable mode of formation.