Avian Predation on Individual Neotropical Social Wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) Outside Their Nests
SAORT COMMUNICATIONS ORNrrOWGIA NEOTROPICAL 8: 89-92, 199¡ @ The Neotropical Ornithological Society AVIAN PREDATION ON INDIVIDUAL NEOTROPICAL SOCIAL WASPS (HYMENOPTERA, VESPIDAE) OUTSIDE THEIR NESTS Anthony Raw Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília DF, 70910, Brasil Key words: Birds, social wasps, adults, predation, Brazi, INTRODUCTION tivorous birds are found. Brasilia is located near the region's centre and more than 300 species of Socia1wasps are common in the Neotropics and birds, many of them insectivorous, have been their readiness to sting is a1l too well known. recorded in the Federal District of Brasilia; an Nonetheless, birds, bats and capuchin monkeys area 5,000 km2 (Antas & Cavalcanti 1988), have been reported to attack the nests (Schubart while, to date I have collected 62 speciesof social et al. 1965, Jeanne 1970, Terborgh 1983). Despite wasps there. the commonness of both the wasps and their Data were collected at numerous sites around predators, there are few reports of predation on Brasilia and also around the towns of Goiania individua1 wasps away from their nests. Further- and Goias in Goias State, and Xavantina in Mato more, those records which exist are questionable Grosso State which lie, respectively 180 km, 240 because they are based on the remains in regur- km and 480 km south-west and west of Brasilia, gitated pellets (Fry 1972) and in gut contents and near Patos de Minas in Minas Gerais State (Schubart et al. 1965) rather than on observation which is 380 km to the south of Brasilia. Obser- of the attack. This indirect evidence leavessome vations were made in various natural habitats doubt about whether the birds had attacked the and suburban girdens.
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