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PAGE 2 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS The Big Red Machine By George Dickie 10) In February 2000, who did the Reds trade to the Seattle Questions: Mariners for Ken Griffey Jr.? 1) In 1876, the National League was formed with eight charter Answers: members. Besides the Cincinnati 1) The Chicago Cubs Reds, which team remains to this 2) Selling beer in their ballpark. day? They rejoined the league in 1890 2) In 1880, Cincinnati was ex- 3) Charles “Bumpus” Jones, in pelled from the National League 1892 for what infraction? 4) Johnny Vander Meer, in 1938 3) What Reds pitcher threw a 5) Homer Bailey no-hitter in his first big league 6) Joe Nuxhall, who would go on game? to win 130 games for Cincinnati 4) What Red pitched no-hitters in and become a team broadcaster consecutive starts? 7) The Reds sent first base- 5) What Red pitched no-hitters in man Lee May, second baseman both 2012 and 2013? Tommy Helms and infielder Jim 6) In 1944, World War II enlist- Stewart to the Houston Astros in ment forced the Reds to use a exchange for second baseman 15-year-old pitcher. Who was Specializing In AuthenticJoe Spanish Morgan, pitcherFoods Jack Billing- he? ham, infielder Denis Menke and "With7) Who A Caribbeanwere the principals Taste" in a Made Daily on The Premises! landmark November 1971 trade outfielders Cesar Geronimo and that laid the groundworkEAT for IN the& TAKE EdOUT Armbrister FULL“Big LINE Red OFMachine” SPANISH, teams MEXICAN of the &8) AMERICAN Respectively, GROCERIES the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees ‘70s? NJ Lottery Agent • We Accept Family First & WIC 8) What teams did the Reds de- 9) Eric Show of the San Diego feat in the 1975 andOpen 1976 DailyWorld 10am-9pm Padres Series?Roberts & Pacifi c Ave., Wildwood10) Pitcher • 523-1113Brett Tomko, out- 9) Off what pitcher did Pete Rose fielder Mike Cameron and minor get his 4,192nd career hit, break- leaguers Antonio Perez and Jake ing Ty Cobb’s record? Meyer WORD SEARCH W LMCABLRGRCSPLN P EYSWZAZOVATTOF L KDGUENRSUHMISJ D OIBNPEMRZYUSAF N KZNUDEUWARPANE Z PIMHAZROQZDEGY M KEPIRADNVGASE B E DWTEZPEIABTGLA U PEMEPYRMNTAMEV P LRVJRVEZONUASE A OXRZDFTROLKRFR D ZDETECTIVESIAX I UKNP FAPNKWPAPL Q ECSTKSMNTIAGOU V AHTPEKHEOSRZMR “Penny Dreadful: City of Angels” on Showtime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Lewis (Michener) (Nathan) Lane Supernatural Magda (Natalie) Dormer (1938) Los Angeles Tiago (Vega) (Daniel) Zovatto (Police) Detectives Peter (Craft) (Rory) Kinnear Murder Maria (Vega) (Adriana) Barraza Espionage PAGE 3 Custom Features Release the week of April 26 - May 2, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS The Big Red Machine By George Dickie 10) In February 2000, who did the Reds trade to the Seattle Questions: Mariners for Ken Griffey Jr.? 1) In 1876, the National League was formed with eight charter Answers: members. Besides the Cincinnati 1) The Chicago Cubs Reds, which team remains to this 2) Selling beer in their ballpark. day? They rejoined the league in 1890 2) In 1880, Cincinnati was ex- 3) Charles “Bumpus” Jones, in pelled from the National League 1892 for what infraction? 4) Johnny Vander Meer, in 1938 3) What Reds pitcher threw a 5) Homer Bailey no-hitter in his first big league 6) Joe Nuxhall, who would go on game? to win 130 games for Cincinnati 4) What Red pitched no-hitters in and become a team broadcaster consecutive starts? 7) The Reds sent first base- 5) What Red pitched no-hitters in man Lee May, second baseman both 2012 and 2013? Tommy Helms and infielder Jim 6) In 1944, World War II enlist- Stewart to the Houston Astros in ment forced the Reds to use a exchange for second baseman 15-year-old pitcher. Who was Joe Morgan, pitcher Jack Billing- he? ham, infielder Denis Menke and 7) Who were the principals in a landmark November 1971 trade outfielders Cesar Geronimo and that laid the groundwork for the Ed Armbrister “Big Red Machine” teams of the 8) Respectively, the Boston Red ‘70s? Sox and New York Yankees 8) What teams did the Reds de- 9) Eric Show of the San Diego feat in the 1975 and 1976 World Padres Series? 10) Pitcher Brett Tomko, out- 9) Off what pitcher did Pete Rose fielder Mike Cameron and minor get his 4,192nd career hit, break- leaguers Antonio Perez and Jake ing Ty Cobb’s record? Meyer WORD SEARCH W L M C A B L R G R C S P L N P E Y S W Z A Z O V A T T O F L K D G U E N R S U H M I S J D O I B N P E M R Z Y U S A F N K Z N U D E U W A R P A N E Z P I M H A Z R O Q Z D E G Y M K E P I R A D N V G A S E B E D W T E Z P E I A B T G L A U P E M E P Y R M N T A M E V P L R V J R V E Z O N U A S E A O X R Z D F T R O L K R F R D Z D E T E C T I V E S I A X I U K N P F A P N K W P A P L Q E C S T K S M N T I A G O U V A H T P E K H E O S R Z M R “Penny Dreadful: City of Angels” on Showtime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Lewis (Michener) (Nathan) Lane Supernatural Magda (Natalie) Dormer (1938) Los Angeles Tiago (Vega) (Daniel) Zovatto (Police) Detectives Peter (Craft) (Rory) Kinnear Murder Maria (Vega) (Adriana) Barraza Espionage PAGE 4 Custom Features Release the week of April 26 - May 2, 2020. PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 24, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 (3-CBS) News CBS Inside Ed. ET MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å Blue Bloods News Late Show-Colbert (6-ABC) News ABC 2020 NFL Draft (Live) Å News J. Kimmel (10-NBC) News News News Holly The Blacklist Å Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show (17-MNT) black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Gold Mod Fam Mom Gold Mom Action News Mod Fam Two Men Two Men (23-PBS) News Newsline One/One News Frankie Drake Vera “Protected” Å Good News One/One World (29-FOX) The Six ClassH Extra TMZ Å WWE Friday Night SmackDown News Corona News TMZ Å Dish Nat. (57-CW) FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Penn & Teller Whose? Whose? News News Broke Girl King Mike (A&E) (5:00) Live PD “Live PD -- 02.16.19” Å Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 04.24.20” Å Live PD: Wanted Live PD (AMC) (5:00) ››› “Top Gun” (1986) ››› “Gran Torino” (2008) Clint Eastwood. Å Friday ›››› “Unforgiven” (1992, Western) Å (CNN) Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Cuomo Prime Time AC 360 (DISC) Gold Rush Å Gold Rush Gold Rush (In Stereo) Å Last Frontier Aussie Gold Hunters Gold (DISN) Big City Raven Raven Bunk’d ››‡ “Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax” Raven Just Roll Coop Sydney Sydney Jessie (ESPN) Countdown 2020 NFL Draft (In Stereo Live) SportsCenter Å (ESPN2) (3:30) 2020 NFL Draft H.S. Basketball 30 for 30 Å High School Basketball The Race All-Star Series (FNEWS) Special Report The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity Å The Ingraham Angle Fox News at Night Tucker (FX) (5:00) “Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” ››‡ “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” (2018) Dylan O’Brien. ›››‡ “Get Out” (2017) Å (HBO) “Yester My Brilliant Friend Run “Kiss” Å ›› “Stuber” (2019) ‘R’ Å Real, Bill Maher We’re Here Å Real Time (HIST) (5:00) Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens Å Aliens (ION) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA (LIFE) King King King King King King King King King King King King King (MAX) (5:45) ›››‡ “BlacKkKlansman” (2018) ›› “Grudge Match” (2013) (In Stereo) ››‡ “The Lucky Ones” (2008) Å “Were (NBCSPA) NBA2K20 Å NBA Basketball Å NBA2K20 Å Sixers World Poker Tour Poker (NICK) Casagran Loud “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” Å Dylan Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (PARMT) Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) (In Stereo) “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (TBS) Fam. Guy ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017) Chris Pratt. ELEAGUE (TCM) “Primrose Path” “Holly.-Makeup” ›››› “Double Indemnity” (1944) Å “There’s Always Tomorrow” “The Moonlighter” (TNT) Bones Å Bones Å ››› “Wonder Woman” (2017) Gal Gadot, Chris Pine. Å (DVS) “Night at the Museum-Tomb” (USA) “Harry Potter” ››› “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005) Å (DVS) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam PAGE 9 SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 25, 2020 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 (3-CBS) Friends Paid Prg. Walk Fit Emeril Paid Prg.