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HEWMNOTRUN Fihtselecnillan AIUANCASIRE COTTON STRIKE STAR1B T0DAY NEW M HOUSED HEADS HOOVER ECONOICDRIVE 5-12HQROFK H F .IM R II ikiL I to«>i“"i' «••-•■■ * ;T*i . •*'•-* Atl^iPPi AAILT _____ s i"-v /J ail::''' far tto'Minitli dt^jUly* IMR. !> il ir <^0M Aadlt Batean .-yjfTT* ■ *4*r>. I ■• _I ■ ■ - -. • ^ - % ■- ••?( I •• •. > *r (ObuHdfled Advcrttohif on Fngo &)| SOUTH MANCHESraSR, d>NN., SATUWOAY, AUGUST 27,1032; (TEN PAGBS) VOL. LL, ^ ^ . 281.. ■ WANTS ALL OF HIS DOG, K ^ c m s o i r r NOT A BET IN A BUNDLE NEW m HOUSED Thia, If You Ploaso, Is ^ Csm ora Chicago, Aug. 27.— (A P ) — Harry d a rk wants all of his dog, HEWMNOTRUN Sonny Boy, back, and nothing HEADS HOOVER short of that will satisfy him. He complained to Municipal Judge Sbarbaro yesterday that ECONOICDRIVE FIHtSELECnillAN after he took Sonny Boy to Har­ ry Miller to have his tail docked, all he received when he called for KELLOGG FACT, the animal was his tail, wrapped Prendput’s Qosest Adviser W i ^ n v n l Leaveii Oidy -neatly in a piece of paper. POUR OLD, HAS Eiir»pe Ghet Dp ^ ' GAINED 47 SIGNERS “He got away," explained Mil­ ler. “Besides I haven’t been paid Cemes To Front As Bus- Ftur of Presoit Board In Washington, Aug. 27.— (A P )-^ Lota (l^otae my 21.26 for docking hla talL” •—Signed fouir years ago by risp- The judge agreed with Clark ness Chiefs Hasten To Put 5-12HQROFK res*ntatlv*B of fifteex nattossi Rac0''-(3irence R. Martin that he needn’t pay until l ^ e r the' Brtahd-Kellogg pact outlaw- M N o t o h ' h p ” ^ finds the rest of Sonny Boy.. lag war as an instrument of na­ New Candidate. 6-Point Han Into M e e t HF.IMRIIICK tional policy celebrates its aa- niversafy today with 62 adher- ChticeFtaAtetonl^ eata. Washington, Aug. 27.— (A P )— Praising file pact on its anni­ u p -^ G ia SoIeeCDoaa George E. Keith an>- Mrs. Hdibarfs Share of tte versary month, Secretaiy Stim- aotmced today that he positively AIUANCASIRE America’s, chieftains, prompted to son said of military disputes to- new efforts, carried to the nation’s would not be a candidate for the day:, n t F a r l s - Board of Selectmen this year. Mr. four comers today a definite pro- Rmnainder Larger- Than ' “Under the former concepts of COTTON STRIKE {jfram for stimulating its economic inteifiatlonal law, when such a Keith has served as a Selectman for ceedied — Weadier HeUs life. oonfilct occurred, it wiw. usually five years and he told The Herald That of Other ChOdreo; deemed the concern only of the today that he had done 'his duty as In no uncertain terms. President pmrtiea to the conflict. for as public service is concerned. STAR1BT 0DAY Hoover and Democratic leaders such Hutcimisoiu. as Owen D. Young of New York; Fimeral This Aftem eoa “Ehit now, under the covenants Mr. Keith was being mentioned of the firiand-Kellogg pact, speb prominently as a candidate for the Atlee Pomerene of Ohio; and Wilson It’S:a far erg.from.*.vest pocket photographic apparatus- to this 65- a omfllct becomes of concera to McCarthy of Salt Lake Qty, have everyobdy connected with tbe London, Aug. 27.— (A P )-r-E ^ p a . 200,000 Workers Face Hnn- reminded the business generals that foot one vdiich. sdORflBts of a 'U.-S. Navsd (Dibseivatory expedition have Gblcago, Aug. 27.-*-(AP)—The establi^ed at limerick. Me.,'to. photograph the aim’s eclipse neirt Wed- pact." assumed today that the tnnsAtlaa- the time has come for a new drive Chicago Tribune today said it had uowa^ more employment ne*day. • - tic plane “Green Mountaih Boy^ ger In Dispute M eeting Response by the unusual gather­ learned that Mrs. B d l^ Rbbkefeller long uhreported out of Hirbor ing of financial and industrial lead­ McCormick had bequeathed five- Grace, Newfoundland, bound' fpr^ Only 3,000; Greatest ers was immediate in the. creation twelfths of her estate tr SIdwin Oslo, Norwiy, was down in the At­ of a central committee, headed by Krenn, escort and busl- M RM STRIKERS belT social lantic, arid the only hope was rbseue Henry M. Robinson, Los Angeles BIG OHIPORATIONS USE Smee Strike of 1926. neas associate, but that Krenn rer b y a pasJbig ship. banker, to steer & slxpoint program cently had waived claim on any pos­ of economic betterment to conclu­ Dawn broke without any news of sible inheritance in favor of his Clyde Lee and J c ^ B o c l^ n since sion. STAGGQilUN ON JOBS partner, Edward Date, for a |2,000 Eqiresi^ons of Confidence. tiiey took off at 5:02 a. m. (E. 8. T.). Manchekter, Eng., Aug. 27.— (A P ) monthly guarantee for ll^e. Action followed multiplied expres­ Thursday with 87 hours of 'goMlihe —^At noon today the factory whistles Mrs. McCormick’s estate, once es­ sions of confidence from government in their plane’s tanks. throughout Lancashire called 200,- timated to exceed'140,000,000, was and business pilots to the assembled T d and Tel, New Jersey Lights Going All Night. 000 cotton workers out on a strike members of banking and« industrial CmrjUGNTAKIHG known to have shrunk c6nsiderahl|^ Tbe ateports at Oslo snfi Bergbn, in recent years. No estimate of its, which threatens to become the committees of the twelve Federal Norway, kept their Ughta going all present value was obtainable. Wffl Broadcast‘H o lid a fA r- through last night,, as did Croydon greatest Industrial wsur Great Bri­ Reserve Districts. Standard, U. S. Steel Death Bed. Agreement After hearing President Hoover’s ON DEFINITENESS Airdrome liear Loiidcm, and several, tain has experienced since the na­ con'viction that the “m*jor financial "On August 14, while Mrs. Mc­ other fields along the fliers’ routAto Cormick was d y l^ in the Drake gamata Suox Cta Mili tionwide general strike of 1926. crisis’’ has been overcome, the ad- Among Those That Bave;^ Oslo. None of the regular fltids How far the strike call will be ministration’% national conference Hotel," the Tribune said, ” Mr. ha«i*«oy hope to offer- obeyed by the weavers, who are the Krenn signed an agreement by y w advised of a move for a 60 day Divided Up Work To De­ The Week’s National Actiri- Pact Soothes Grower^ I t was pretty generally assumed first affected, will not be known un­ moratorium in foreelosore proceed­ which he renoimced all claim to the that even if the .^ eiican jspir had til Monday morning when the mills ings on all mortgages in closed estate and to the firm of Krenn & weathered any Atlantic stonns t l ^ reopen their doors. Only a small re­ Dato, and accepted in lieu thereof a Strike ‘Tading Ont” may have encouaterad," they • ipUat banks. k. fa lt Dnemidoyinenf. ties Largely, However, In guarantee of .82,000 a mrhtii Income sponse to the call is expected in Also revealed was a reeonstruction have been compelled long staoe 'to some districts because of temporary program for railroad*, sponsored by for the duration of hla l|fe froi»bils land because of empty fu e l't a g ^ George E. Keith working agreements already opera­ the Reconstruction Corporation and the Nature of Ground partner, Edward A. Dato.’’. Council Bluffs, la.. Aug. 27,— Their deadline was ej^ustad.long New . Yorit, Aug. 26.— ( A P I - The rest of the estate, the Tillnme tive. In other districts the stoppage designed to put 50,000 men to work. (AP)Peace settled on the Council b^ore nightfall, Oslo timta laat. board chairmanship in event of his Large corporttionsari. tackling, the salfi, was divided among Mrs. Mc- will be complete. Meet at Once. Bluff* and gloux City sectota cKf the nigh*. nomination and election. Wrecked On Minor Issue Indicative of their determination, problem of spreading availabis em­ Woric For Future. C o i^ck ’s three children a* follows: Four of Present Board The tragic aspects of the grim some of the newly apjpointed com­ Four-twelfths to Mrs. Elisha Dyer farmers’ wsur for hls^er prices to­ “FAMILY” WEATHER BOUNIN ' ployment among, their loiral force*. Hubbard, two-twelfths to Mrs. Max The withdrawal of Mr. Keith struggle in which women and chil­ mittees met lest mght. Others were day, Port Menier, Antioostt Ijiland* leaves but four of the present board In some instancu, the results have Washington, Aug. 27.— (A P ) — Oser and bne-twelfth to Fpwler Mc­ Hcketing continued on three of dren will be the sufferers is that the in conference today. Behind the been described as uuisually effec­ Que., Aog. 27.-'-(AP)—Fog and rato f^n«^<datiui for renomination. These negotiations for peace were wrecked, volimtary groups the solid sup­ Increased definiteneu was given tp Cormick- the ft[ur main.highwaya loading into prevented the depairture today . 0 ' four, are W . George Qlenney, Wells tive in pi^isTvlng ^ the presidential campaign and the Mrs. McCormick, who died Thursr CouneiJ Bluffs, Sherlli; P. A. Ltinson not on the main issue of 'wages, but port of Federal i^[ibates. many cases, ' the actuj^tiveUhoDd of the ” ilytng HiitcfaiaBbeis” 'w|io flaw, A. Strickland,' Sherwood G. Bowers duues between Republican and Dem* day, will be buried frem her Lske/nq^tt*d, but wa* t violMice here Wednesday from S t Jelh^N v the reinstatement of about 3,000 They had one g ^ m mind—it was the workers. ^ and Frank V. Williams. Thomas workers already on strike. consistently and determinedly , ham ocratic Party by earento of the week The .. tnovemect B., on a.tHp'fitoitaNtaie^Yc J.
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