

Correspondence Continuing Education Courses for Nuclear Pharmacists and Nuclear Medicine Professionals

VOLUME 11, LESSON 4 Drug-Induced Changes in Biodistributions


Brian Lentle, MD, Raj Attariwila, MD, Donald Lyster, PhD Division of Nuclear Medicine Department of Radiology University of British Columbia

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accredication Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmaceutical education. Program No. 039-000- 04-003-H04. 2.5 Contact Hours or .25 CEUs. Expires 05/25/2007.


Drug-Induced Changes in Radiopharmaceutical Biodistributions


Brian Lentle, MD, Raj Attariwila, MD, Donald Lyster, PhD

Coordinating Editor and Director of Pharmacy Continuing Education William B. Hladik III, MS, RPh College of Pharmacy University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Managing Editor Julliana Newman, ELS Wellman Publishing, Inc. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Editorial Board George H. Hinkle, MS, RPh, BCNP, FASHP, FAPhA David Lawrence Laven, NPh, CRPh, FASHP, FAPhA Jeffrey P. Norenberg, MS, PharmD, BCNP, FASHP Neil A. Petry, MS, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA Timothy M. Quinton, PharmD, MS, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA

Guest Reviewer James A. Ponto, MS, RPh, BCNP Professor (Clinical) and Chief Nuclear Pharmacist Division of Nuclear Medicine Department of Radiology University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa 52242

While the advice and information in this publication are believed to be true and accurate at press time, the author(s), editors, or the publisher cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no war- ranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.

Copyright 2004 University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Pharmacy Continuing Education Albuquerque, New Mexico



Upon completion of this lesson, the reader should be able to:

1. Understand the context in which drug-pharmaceutical interactions occur;

2. Have a broad perspective on the literature of such interactions, and the rigour of our under- standing of them;

3. Recognise the classifications of such interactions;

4. Be familiar with the broad outline of the relevant literature;

5. Have a systematic approach in mind in consulting on such interactions either before or after the event.



Nuclear medicine and

Classification of non-radiopharmaceutical or conventional drug-drug interactions

Classification of drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions


Evidentiary Basis and Critique

Dosage and Bioavailability

Site Specificity


Changes in the Preparation

Local Changes Associated with Injection Sites

Blockade of Transfer


Disease Identification with Gallium-67

Blockade of the Target Volume of Distribution

Modification of the Target Volume of Distribution – Expanded Volume

Modification of the Target Volume of Distribution – Decreased Volume

Creation of an Unexpected Volume of Distribution – Toxicity

Creation of an Unexpected Volume of Distribution – Non-Toxic

Drug Interference with Radiopharmaceutical Studies of Organ Kinetics







By Brian Lentle, MD, Raj Attariwila, MD, and Donald Lyster, PhD University of British Columbia

When radiopharmaceuticals are used as INTRODUCTION tracers to investigate, diagnose and treat dis- Reactions to drugs are well known al- ease, the dose administered is rarely large though it has recently been proposed that enough to cause physiological effects. Nev- they should be classified differently (1). ertheless to be effective as markers of some Equally, it has long been recognized that in- biochemical or molecular process, radio- teractions may occur between medications pharmaceuticals must necessarily be biologi- when two or more are administered concur- cally active. It follows that they may also be rently (2 – 6). These interactions may change prone to interference from or interaction with the kinetics, biodistribution or efficacy of concurrent treatment medication(s). Histori- conventional medications. From a historical cally in nuclear medicine it became clear that perspective Avery first classified this phe- many drugs, containing and otherwise, nomenon in a systematic way (2). Since then altered uptake and thyroid imaging the number of such interactions known to using any and all of the radiotracers in use at occur has grown dramatically (3 – 6), becom- any time. In the 1960s and 1970s sporadic ing so important and complex that most phy- reports began to appear of changes in the dis- sicians now access information about poten- tribution of radiopharmaceuticals caused by tial drug interactions using electronic data- other non-radioactive medications. Since, as bases. It appears that many of these reactions noted above (8), the primary purpose of a are mediated predictably through the family radiopharmaceutical “drug” is often to exam- of isoenzymes known as cytochrome P-450 ine a tissue or disease process by imaging the with some drugs inhibiting and some induc- distribution of a tracer, the abnormal biodis- ing a P-450 isoenzyme. tribution resulting from such an interaction However, not all interactions are adverse was often immediately obvious. as, for example, probenecid increases the ab- A few workers, recognizing that this was sorption of orally administered penicillin (7). a systematic and not sporadic problem, began to collect, catalogue, investigate, and report Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmaceu- upon such altered biodistributions (8 – 21). ticals Meanwhile the number of accounts of drug- The basis of in vivo nuclear medicine radiopharmaceutical interactions has contin- practice has been described as follows (8): ued to grow. Currently, a tabulation of such “Once a radiopharmaceutical agent is interactions is accessible from the web (20). administered to a patient, the biodistribution Unfortunately in the context of a subject that process occurs. This process consists of the is constantly evolving these catalogues often substance’s absorption, distribution, meta- ignore or are late to recognize findings such bolism and excretion. When the normal bio- as those that relate to newer radiopharmaceu- distribution pattern of a substance is known, ticals such as F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose now any irregular pattern may suggest the pres- coming into widespread use, and newer ence of disease.” treatments such as colony stimulating factor in malignant disease. 7 Initial observations focused on altered tis- of drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions has sue and organ distributions. It has also be- grown it has become increasingly necessary come clear that drug-radiopharmaceutical to find a systematic means of classifying interactions may change the distribution of them beyond a simple listing. Also, as the tracer not only in space – that is from or- Hladik and others have pointed out (12), the gan to organ in the body – but also in time by first distinction to be made in nuclear medi- altering kinetic rate-constants (10, 11). cine practice is between intended and unin- tended effects of medications. It has become Classification of Non-Radiopharmaceuti- commonplace in clinical nuclear medicine to cal or Conventional Drug-Drug Interac- use pharmacological agents to enhance diag- tions nostic procedures – so-called interventional Drug interactions have been classified in nuclear medicine (23 – 25). Examples are a number of ways (2, 10, 11, 14) derived the use of cimetidine to increase the conspi- from the classification proposed by Avery (2) cuity of ectopic gastric mucosa, dipyramidole and a consensus has emerged in favour of a or adenosine to simulate stress blood flow to dynamic classification as follows: the myocardium, the use of angiotensin con- • Pharmacokinetic interactions occur verting enzyme inhibitors in renal investiga- when the absorption, distribution, meta- tions and the use of sincalide and morphine bolic fate or excretion of one drug alters in gall-bladder imaging respectively to pro- the behaviour of another drug, including voke gall-bladder contraction or contraction such variables as metabolite production, of the spincter of Oddi. Some of these pro- serum concentration, drug excretion and cedures may be quite aggressive such as the bioavailablity. precipitation of seizure activity during ad- • Pharmacological interactions occur ministration of an agent to map cerebral when the intended or physiological or bio- blood flow (25). logical effects of a drug, in its usual dose, A further complication that needs to be alters the physiological action of a second borne in mind is that some drugs may modify drug. the effects of the interventional agents used • Toxological interactions result from a and thus indirectly influence diagnoses side effect or adverse reaction to a drug. reached using radiopharmaceuticals. Thus These include drug-induced disease, im- for example, captopril renography may be pacting on the serum concentration, misleading in patients in whom a hypotensive bioavailability or other characteristics of a response is induced or in those taking cal- second drug. cium antagonists (26 – 28) and caffeine, theo- • Pharmaceutical interactions occur as a phylline and aminophylline may each block result of the physical preparation or sus- dypridamole or adenosine induced coronary pension of a drug interacting with the vasodilatation leading to false-negative preparation or suspension of a second findings when coronary artery disease is be- drug. ing investigated (29, 30). A second order classification of drug- Classification of Drug-Radiopharmaceuti- radiopharmaceutical interactions can be de- cal Interactions rived from that described above. It needs to Laven has indicated that the nuclear phar- be modified for drug-radiopharmaceutical macist has a substantial responsibility in interactions and enhanced as follows: evaluating and recognizing drug-radiophar- a) To recognize the impact of tissue toxic- maceutical interactions (22). As the number ity in particular since such toxicities ac-

8 count for many radiopharmaceutical lo- tions do not support quantitative pharma- calizations. cokinetic modeling, for the purposes of this b) To include indirect interactions. review we have used a classification that de- c) To include identifiable changes on imag- rives from a qualitative pharmacokinetic ing which occur by an as yet unknown model. In practical terms recognizing from mechanism. This leads to a group of in- imaging that a radiotracer is confined to an teractions inevitably described as un- abnormal compartment, such as the blood (as known. in Figure 1) or the interstitial fluid volume (as Thus a classification for drug-radiophar- in Figure 2), can be the first step. This, along maceutical interactions might be as follows with a careful history from the patient, is key (10, 12): to resolving the nature of the interaction. • Pharmacologic interactions Needless to say both images (Figures 1 and • Pharmacokinetic interactions 2) were made with the original intent of ex- • Pharmaceutical interactions amining the skeleton with Tc-99m phos- • Interactions due to tissue toxicity phates. We shall use this pharmacokinetic • Unknown model to describe a range of effects. The However, for the purposes of this analy- synopsis of reactions listed below also fo- sis we have proposed a qualitative cuses on organs and tissues, not the drugs pharmacokinetic model that, for analytical themselves, consistent with the pharmacoki- purposes, seems to provide a tool to both un- netic model. derstand existing drug-pharmaceutical inter- actions and to analyze those that are now un- Figure 1. A Tc-99m phosphate bone scan in known. In drug-radiopharmaceutical interac- a patient who had recently been treated tions the starting point is usually image or with parenteral chelate. The tracer has alterations in measured function (such as car- bound to the chelate and is retained in the vas- diac ejection fraction) which prompt further cular space with cardiac, hepatic, splenic and analysis and thus a simplified pharmacoki- major blood vessel visualization and poor sig- netic analysis seems to provide a logical tool nal-to-noise ratio in respect of the intended which corresponds to the analogous approach bone scan (A = anterior views, B = posterior to the clinical problem at the “bedside.” views).

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetic modeling has proved to be a powerful way in which to analyze the distribution, kinetics and behavior of both conventional pharmaceuticals (31, 32) and radiopharmaceuticals (33, 34). At its most elegant such modeling is quantitative in de- scribing the size of the compartments into which drugs distribute and the rate constants for transfer between compartments. While the data on drug-radiopharmaceutical interac-

9 Figure 2. Posterior images from Tc-99m Fig. 3. Normal qualitative pharmacokinetic phosphate bone scans in a patient, left, be- model. fore treatment and, right, while being treated for osteoporosis with etidronate. Skeletal uptake of the tracer in the images on the right is largely imperceptible although at least one metastatic lesion is noted in the up- per lumbar spine. The tracer is otherwise uni- formly distributed in the interstitial and vascu- lar spaces which are not distinguishable from each other.

The normal pharmacokinetic model is illustrated in Figure 3 and we shall use this as a framework to describe a range of effects in the synopsis of reactions listed below. We will thus focus on compartments, organs and tissues, not on drugs themselves. As previ- ously noted there are web-based resources available to look up particular drug- radiopharmaceutical interactions (19, 20). At the same time the subject of iatrogenic changes in tracer distributions has proved Evidentiary Basis and Critique capable of being generalized to include a The evidence for drug-radiopharmaceuti- number of such changes in tracer distribu- cal interactions is very uneven ranging from tions due, not to drugs, but to radiation, sur- prospective studies (often in animals) to sin- gery and other physical agents and insults not gle case reports. Given the proper emphasis described here (10, 15). now being placed on an evidentiary basis for The lesson to be learned is that anyone medical practice (35) it is appropriate to con- examining a nuclear medicine image as an sider how much weight should be given to abstraction divorced from the reality of dis- the evidence contained in reports of drug- ease, treatment and the patient puts all at risk. radiopharmaceutical interactions. Evidence in medical research and practice can be clas- sified as follows:

10 Table 1. Levels of Evidence [after Meltzer Dosage and Bioavailability et al. (36)] It must be noted that there is rarely any critical evaluation of the mechanisms in- Level 1+ Systematic overview or meta-analysis volved or the duration of drug-radiopharma- of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) ceutical interactions following cessation of Level 1- One RCT with adequate power the drug-induced interaction in question. Level 2+ Systematic overview or meta-analysis Equally, few studies have examined dose- of level 2 RCTs dependance or other variables. How such Level 2- RCTs that do not meet level 1 criteria interactions impact on the bioavailability of Level 3 Non-randomized or cohort either non-radioactive drug or radio-pharma- study ceutical is almost never explored. Addition- Level 4 Before-after study, cohort study with ally, while alterations to radiopharmaceutical non-contemporaneous controls, case dosimetry resulting from such interactions controlled study have been recognized to occur, most remain Level 5 Case-series without controls unquantified (37). Level 6 Case report or case series of <10 pa- tients Site Specificity The reports analyzed here have been classified using this system but modified to indicate if the data derive from animal (A) or While modern pharmaceutical design of- human (H) studies or both (AH). ten provides for site specific agents there is good precedent for such drugs to have unex- To date evidence-based medicine and this pected biodistributions and sites of localiza- tabulation are more usually directed to treat- tion (38, 39). Therefore, it is not always ment interventions and outcomes with the practical to analyze drug distributions or emphasis on randomized controlled trials. drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions on the There is, as yet, no good equivalent in diag- basis of the anticipated biodistributions of a nostic medicine. However, the use of the non-radioactive medication. classification in Table 1 serves to suggest the evidentiary basis available to support the case A SYNOPSIS OF DRUG-RADIOPHAR- descriptions provided in this synopsis and to MACEUTICAL INTERACTIONS illustrate the rigor, or more often the lack It should be noted that not all unexpected thereof, of the analyses reported (35). radiotracer distributions are attributable to In addition it should be noted that not interactions with concurrent medication. only is the evidence sometimes weak but also Surgical and other interventions as well as the language of the reports is often uncritical. radiation may be evident from radionuclide For example, there are publications describ- images (10, 15). ing “uptake” of tracers at sites of interstitial injection (see below). Any tracer that dis- Changes in the Preparation tributes into, and has a more than transient Some drug-radiopharmaceutical interac- residence time in the interstitial space will tions may occur before the radioactive appear to localize at such sites, but no energy preparation is injected. For example, oxida- is expended and no “uptake” occurs. A more tion of in a syringe of Tc-99m likely mechanism is that there is a local in- methylene diphosphonate (MDP) may result flammatory response with a corresponding in visualization of the thyroid gland, gastric expansion of the interstitial fluid volume. mucosa, etc. by virtue of the radiopertech- netate formed (level 6H and in vitro data)(40). The same result has been observed from the use of povidone iodine to swab the 11 septum on a vial of Tc-99m colloid. will expand the interstitial space at such a site Moist antiseptic solution may enter the vial (level 6H) (10, 60 – 62). Therefore, it is to be on needle puncture and oxidize the techne- expected that such lesions may be observed tium to (level 6H)(41). Alumi- on scan images made using a radiopharma- num used in syringe manufacture has been ceutical distributing into that space particu- found to impact on the stability of radio- larly if it is cleared relatively slowly, with or pharmaceuticals altering their biodistribution without an element of specific localization. (level 6H)(42), while other but unknown sy- ringe extractables may also have a similar Blockade of Transfer effect (level 6H and in vitro data)(43). Transfer blockade results from some Further causes of unexpected biodistribu- process that prevents or reduces the amount tions of radiotracer may result from injections of the radiopharmaceutical leaving a com- inadvertently made intra-arterially, through a partment (usually vascular) following ad- catheter or interstitially (all level 6H) (10, 44 ministration (Figure 4). – 51). These mishaps usually have typical and predictable appearances on a scan. On at Figure 4. Qualitative pharmacokinetic least one occasion, injection into a Swan- model illustrating transfer blockade with Ganz catheter has been reported to result in a retention of the tracer in the vascular com- false positive lung ventilation-perfusion scan partment. (level 6H)(44). Intra-arterial injection and extravasation has also mimicked disease – regional tumor spread in one report and chronic regional pain syndrome (reflex sym- pathetic dystrophy) in another – with the po- tential for diagnostic error (level 6H)(50, 51).

Local Changes Associated with Injection Sites A number of reports describe that either specific or non-specific interactions between subcutaneous or intramuscular injectates and radiopharmaceuticals may occur to the point of being evident on images. Examples of such reported instances include Tc-99m MDP and radiogallium deposition at an infil- trate of calcium gluconate (level 6H)(52 – 54), Tc-99m phosphates at a site of intramus- cular iron dextran (Level 6H)(55, 56) and Tc- 99m MDP at sites of heparin administration (level 6H) (57 – 59). It may be argued that some of these interactions are specific in na- ture. Examples are Tc-99m MDP in binding to calcium gluconate or iron dextran causing trans-chelation and binding of Tc-99m. However, as noted above, a localized in- flammatory response may accompany a sub- cutaneous or intra-muscular injection and 12 Bone cers (levels 4A, 5H) (73, 83, 84, 89, 90), or, When a Tc-99m phosphate is injected in in one report, by multiple blood transfusions the presence of unusually high serum concen- (level 6H) (86). Moreover, there have been trations of iron (iron dextran) the result is an attempts in animals and humans to alter the image in which blood pool predominates uptake of gallium in tumors by agents that with impaired target-to-noise ratios in respect modulate gallium binding, and such attempts of bone. The supposition is that the techne- obviously depend upon the timing of the use tium is trans-chelated and binds to the dex- of agents such as iron or desferoxamine in tran, thus becoming trapped in the vascular relation to the gallium-67 injection (74–82, space (multiple reports, level 6H)(63 – 69) 85, 87, 88). (Figure 1). Penicillamine has been reported to Initial case reports suggested that gadolin- behave in the same way in animal experi- ium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd- ments (level 3A) (70). A variation on this DTPA) used in magnetic resonance imaging theme arises from the therapeutic use of an (MRI) might also impact on the biodistribu- iron colloid-chondroitin sulfate complex tion of radiogallium (level 6H) (93), but fur- (Blutal, Yuham Co., An Yang, Korea) that ther evidence suggests this is not the case appears to bind the technetium by a similar (levels 3A, 5H) (94–96). salts as mechanism, but is then phagocytosed into the such are quite toxic so that the metal as used reticuloendothelial system with a liver image for MRI contrast is in the form of a non-toxic resulting (level 6H)(69). DTPA chelate so that it would be surprising for the gadolinium to behave as an and to Disease Identification with Gallium-67 competitively bind to serum metallo-binding Gallium–67 salts were first explored as proteins in competition with gallium. potential bone scanning agents and low- specific activity gallium-67 citrate distributes Blockade of the Target Volume of Distri- largely into bone. The usefulness of gal- bution lium–67 in investigating disease (chiefly ma- Thyroid: Perhaps the earliest reported, lignant and inflammatory processes) only most widely studied, adequately documented became apparent when high-specific activity and best understood series of drug-radiophar- gallium was used (71, 72). Although imper- maceutical interactions are those relating to fectly understood this mechanism of action the thyroid uptake of iodine and radioiodine. appears to depend, in part, on the binding of In a series of studies dating from the 1940s, it gallium to transferrin and other serum pro- has become apparent that a large number of teins that bind metals. It appears that if se- pharmaceuticals and diagnostic agents impact rum concentrations of iron, aluminum or gold upon the uptake, organification or retention are sufficiently high to occupy all of the pro- of iodine by the thyroid gland (97 – 128). tein metal-binding sites (and presumably sta- Some of these agents are listed in Table 2. ble gallium plays this role in low-specific ac- They include not only stable iodine itself, but tivity preparations) then an unusual biodis- also dessicated thyroid and a number of drugs tribution results (level 3A, 5H) (73 – 92) in including the iodine released from the or- what has been described as a “gallium bone ganically bound element in radiographic con- scan” (90). The abnormally high serum gal- trast media. The wealth of evidence and the lium concentrations associated with this phe- intuitive nature of the interactions are such nomenon have been reported to arise either that, while most of the data were collected directly from metals (level 5H) (85, 91), or before the era of systematic reviews, most of have been attributed to the iron released in the evidence is both robust and supported by cell death by the effective treatment of can- animal data (equivalent to level 2A, H). It 13 must be noted that exogenous iodine in ex- a human neuroblastoma cell line that cisplatin cess may not only interfere with studies of and doxorubicin block the cell and lead to the thyroid gland using the radioactive iodi- increased uptake of I-125 MIBG, thereby po- nes but also precipitate thyroid dysfunction. tentially increasing the radiation dose deliv- ered (in vitro data)(139). Solanki et al. and Table 2. Some Drugs Reported to Nega- others have published guides to those drugs tively Influence Thyroid Uptake of (ra- that interfere with radioiodinated MIBG up- dio-) Iodine take and the list tabulated in Table 3 is de- rived from those publications which should Anti-thyroide medication, Radiographic con- e.g. trast media be consulted in full (133, 134, 137, 140).

Amiodarone Salicylates in large doses Figure 5. Qualitative pharmacokinetic Aminobenzenes nitroprusside model illustrating uptake blockade with Antihistamines Sulfonamides retention of the tracer in the vascular com- Bromides partment. Butazolidin Topical iodine Glucocorticoids Thyroid replacement medication Iodine-containing medica- Vitamin A tions, e.g. Lugol’s solution, potassium , etc. Isoniazid Nitrates (“herbal remedies” e.g. kelp) (Table salt) Phenylbutazone (Vitamin-mineral mixtures)

Adrenal medulla: Meta-iodobenylgua- nidine (MIBG), labeled with I-123 or I-131, has become extensively used in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the adrenal me- dulla and neural-crest-derived tumors, as well as in other applications such as measuring adrenergic cardiac innervation (129, 130). However, the mechanism of uptake is com- plex and due to two different mechanisms (131 – 133). It is also liable to interference from a wide variety of drugs including some “over-the-counter“ medications (levels 3A,

H) (134 – 137). Wakabayashi et al. have re- Adrenal cortex: Adreno-cortical gland ported that, in animals, cilazapril and vera- function may be imaged and quantified. This pamil increase the uptake of radiolabeled is achieved by labeling one of the cholesterol MIBG in cardiomyopathy, whereas with pro- analogues that are precursors of cortisol gressive disease the reverse is true (level (141). Again a number of medications either 3A)(138). Equally Meco et al. have found in 14

Table 3. Some Drugs, Including Over-the-Counter Medications, Liable to Influence Adre- nal Uptake of Metaiodobenzylguanidine Antipsychotic medication: Other antidepressants Sympathomimetics* Butyrophenones Maprotiline Ephidrine Droperidol Trazalone Phenylephrine Haloperidol Bethanidine Phenylpropanolamine Pimozine Bretylium tosylate Pseudoephidrine Phenothiazines Calcium channel blockers Beta-sympathomimetics Chlorpromazine Nifedipine Albuterol Fluphenazine Verapamil Isoprotenerol Prochlorperazine (Cocaine) Terbutaline Promethazine Debrisoquine Dopamine Trifluoperazine, etc. Labetalol Metaraminol Thioxanthines Reserpine Tricyclic antidepressants Chlorprothixene Amitriptyline Thiothixene Doxepin Imipramine Loxapine *There are theoretical grounds for suspecting that a wider range of this class of drugs should be included such as amphetamine-like drugs. interfere with or can be used to probe adrenal bisphosphonates are nitrogen containing and function, ranging from competitive inhibition have a different cellular locus of action from by glucocorticoid analogues or the inhibition etidronate, the first generation drug that is of 11ß-hydroxylation by metyrapone neither nitrogen containing nor as potent as whereby cholesterol is converted to cortisol its successors (157). New strategies for (level 3A, 4H)((142 – 146). modulating bone in the treatment of osteopo- Bone: There are a number of case reports rosis, either by the potentiation of bisphos- indicating that etidronate, the first-generation phonates (158) or otherwise (159) may mod- biphosphonate (or bisphosphonate), used ify this conclusion. However, between the mainly to treat post-menopausal osteoporosis mid-1990s and 2004 the second generation of and Paget disease of bone, prevents the nor- bisphosphonates has been introduced and has mal uptake of Tc-99m labeled bone-seeking become widely used, often replacing etidro- agents (levels 4A, 6H)(Fig. 2)(147 - 154). nate (157). The lack of any case reports However, one of the second-generation bi- (with one exception) to compare with the ear- phosphonates (bisphosphonates) – alendro- lier ones implicating etidronate tends to sup- nate - has been studied prospectively in a port the work of Carrasquillo et al. (155) and small trial and does not have this effect (level Koizumi et al. (160) and suggests that their 3H)(155). Nor does clodrinate, a member of findings are true in respect of all members of the same drug sub-family although one that is the class of second-generation bisphospho- often given intravenously in the treatment of nates. The exception is in respect of a single bone metastases as in this particular study patient reported by Koyano et al. in whom (level 4H)(156). there is uncertainty about the implication of This difference is more realistic than may at the altered uptake because of co-existing hy- first appear to be the case. Second generation percalcemia (level 6H) (161). 15 Consistent with this, Buja et al. (162) in bony metaphyses, shafts, and in muscle to have found in animals that etidronate a similar extent, and this increase appears to (EHDP) also interferes with experimental occur in most patients early after initiation of myocardial uptake of Tc-99m phosphates therapy (level 5H) (170). (level 3A). Hyperphosphatemia has been reported as Figure 6. Qualitative pharmacokinetic a result of administering Phospho-Soda for model illustrating a modification of the tar- bowel cleansing (163). Saha et al. have at- get volume of distribution – its expansion is tributed the failure of a Tc-99m phosphonate illustrated. agent to distribute into bone in one patient to daily doses of Phospho-Soda blocking sites of potential bone uptake of the tracer (level 6H) (159). Brain: Elfving et al. have found, in ani- mal experiments, that all but one [zoletile] of four anesthetic agents they tested modify the cerebral uptake of labeled neuro-receptors (level 3A) (165). Spleen: Octreotide treatment diminishes splenic uptake by somatostain receptors in a dose related manner (166).

Modification of the Target Volume of Dis- tribution – Expanded Volume Drugs have been found to modify the tar- get volume of distribution and they may do so either by expanding or decreasing the tar- get volume (Figure 6). Bone: Tc-99m MDP is typically used to image remodeling bone. Drugs such as isoretinoin that cause bony proliferation have been found to result in images reflecting that proliferation (Level 6H) (167). In case re- ports, methotrexate became associated with an osteopathy characterized by microfractur- ing and even gross spinal fracturing all evi- dent not only on imaging with Tc-99m phos- Osteogenesis imperfecta may be effec- phates but also on plain radiographs (level tively treated with the bisphosphonates (171). 5H) (168, 169). More recent evidence sug- In children with growing bones so treated it gests that these changes are likely the result has been observed that horizontal metaphy- of marrow infiltration by the malignant dis- seal lines or bands result, on appropriate ra- ease being treated with methotrexate. The diographs, corresponding to episodes of ther- drug itself may either be only partly respon- apy (172 – 4). There is anecdotal evidence sible or not responsible at all. Klingensmith that these bands are associated with locally et al. have also found that growth hormone increased uptake pf Tc-99m MDP. (GH) therapy in GH-deficient children ap- The adequate treatment of bone lesions, pears to increase the uptake of Tc-99m MDP chiefly metastases but also osteomalacia, 16 may result in an initial and paradoxical in- then bone marrow has become of greater in- crease in radionuclide uptake. This has been terest (200). Notably, F-18 FDG has been called the “flare” phenomenon (level 5H) found to localize in normal bone marrow in- (175 – 188). The temporal evolution of this duced by colony stimulating factor (CSF) as finding has been incompletely studied but well as in CSF induced extra-medullary he- eventually it results in the expected decrease matopoiesis (level 6H) (201 – 205). Charac- of activity if treatment is effective. Indeed teristic findings have also been noted in this Coleman et al have found that a “flare” is in- context on bone imaging (level 6H) (199). dicative of the efficacy of treatment (182). Thymus: The thymus is an organ that Hypervitaminosis D has been found to be perplexed early radiologists because it repre- a possible cause of a generalized increase in sented, on chest radiographs of children, an uptake of Tc-99m phosphate in bone (the so- organ they were not used to seeing in adults. called super-scan) in three patients (level 6H) It has caused almost as much perplexity in (189). Also chemoperfusion of a limb has nuclear medicine and several of the reports been reported to cause increased activity in documented here record diagnostic errors bones of the treated extremity by a mecha- rather than insights. In children before pu- nism that is obscure (level 6H) (190). berty the thymus demonstrates uptake of Ga- Fluorine intoxication resulting from 67 citrate to a variable extent. Such uptake, drinking excessive amounts of mineral water as well as that of F-18 FDG, is enhanced not has been found to result in increased uptake only by chemotherapy of malignant disease of Tc-99m MDP in the sternum and bony but also by treatment of infections (level 5H) metaphyses on bone imaging (191). (206 – 214). This phenomenon has been de- Glucocorticoids, given in sufficient doses scribed as thymic rebound or regeneration over a long enough period of time, may cause and its specific localization may be made secondary osteoporosis with loss of bone more effective by use of single-photon tomo- density and increased fracture risk. Severe graphy (203). Given the importance now at- osteoporosis itself has been associated with a tributed to the thymus in immunological re- diffuse decrease in Tc-99m MDP uptake in sponsiveness it is not surprising that its meta- the skeleton presumably reflecting the re- bolic status varies with disease and its treat- duced bone mass (level 6H)(192). However, ment. Thus, anterior mediastinal uptake of a further complication of glucocorticoid Ga-67 or F-18 FDG in children should be and/or chemotherapy may result with focal evaluated with great caution. changes in uptake in the femoral head associ- Breast: That radionuclides such as the ated with avascular necrosis (level 4H) (193 Tc-99m phosphates and Ga-67 citrate local- – 197). Paradoxically there are animal data ize inconsistently in breast tissue is well rec- to suggest that the sensitivity of bone scan- ognized (215 – 216). It has been assumed ning is compromised by glucocorticoid that the degree of breast uptake may relate to treatment (level 4A) (198). timing in the menstrual cycle as well as lacta- Bone marrow: Bone marrow hyperemia tion or breast glandular involution. Breast may be seen on images (such as with Tc-99m enlargement (gynecomastia) itself is often chelates used for renal imaging) reflecting drug-related (217). Drugs that typically may either tumor involvement of the marrow induce gynecomastia are estrogen analogues space, or marrow regeneration (partly un- (for example when used to treat prostate can- documented, 6H) (199). However, with the cer) (217). Gynecomastia is particularly as- recognition that “bone” metastases are more sociated with enhanced radio-pharmaceutical often the result of tumor spread into marrow

17 uptake and the result is clearly evident on Datz lists a number of drugs (phenothiaz- appropriate images (level 6H) (218 – 223). ines, isoniazid, adriamycin, phenobarbitone, testosterone, estrogens, oxacillin, tetracy- Modification of the Target Volume of Dis- cline, warfarin and toxic doses of vitamin A) tribution – Decreased Volume as causes of inhomogenous uptake of radio- Bone: Paget disease of bone has long colloid on liver-spleen scans (level uncer- been recognized as a cause of increased up- tain)(237). take of Tc-99m phosphates in affected bone. Nicotinamide in large doses is hepato- Successful treatment with mithramycin, first toxic (238) and has been reported to prevent and second generation bisphosphonates (157) hepatic extraction and transport of Tc-99m or calcitonin may reduce this degree of ab- imminodiacetic acid analogues (level 6H) normality (level 5H) (224 – 233). The same (239), a finding contradicted by Shafer et al. is true of the uptake of Ga-67 by Pagetic (in vitro data and level 4A)(240). What may bone, and Waxman et al. have suggested that be more certain is that hypervitaminosis-A this tracer may be a better indicator of thera- causes discordant liver uptake of radiocolloid peutic effectiveness than Tc-99m MDP level and Tc-99m imminodiacetic acid analogues 6H) (231, 232). Of interest, none of these with radiocolloid extraction being preserved reports relating to etidronate indicate the re- (level 6H)(241). But Park et al. question if duced bone uptake otherwise noted and de- the same finding they observed when exam- scribed above (148 – 152). ining hepatocyte function with Ga-67 citrate Crawford and Gumerman have reported might be due to the tracers employed rather that injection of iodine-containing radio- than the disease in question (level 6H)(242). graphic contrast medium after Tc-99m phos- Hepatic toxicity from erythromycin has also phate is administered intravenously, but be- been reported as a rare cause of a false posi- fore the bone images are made, results in a tive scan using a Tc-99m imminodiacetic generalized decrease in uptake of tracer (level acid analogue (level 6H)(243). 6H) (226). As noted above, there are animal Sentinel lymph node detection: Vigario data to suggest that the sensitivity of radionu- et al. have compared, in a prospective study, clide bone imaging is compromised by glu- two groups of patients having lymphoscinti- cocorticoid treatment (level 4A) (233). graphy to detect sentinel nodes. One group Bone Marrow: Ishibashi et al. report a had had prior chemotherapy; the second was patient with myelomatosis and increased a control group. Using nodal dissection and marrow uptake of thallium–201 thallous histology as the reference standard, sensitiv- chloride. After appropriate chemotherapy the ity was impaired in the chemotherapy group: marrow cellular findings improved along seven and one false negative result respec- with a fall in radiotracer uptake, but of note tively being encountered (p = 0.01)(level 2H) there was no change in the MRI signal from (244). bone marrow (level 6H) (234). Tumor imaging: Dextrose administra- Liver: Kaplan et al. have reported that tion, like insulin injections within two hours about half of 15 patients studied had patchy of the radiotracer administration, results in reductions in uptake of radiocolloid by the increased uptake of F-18 FDG uptake in mus- liver, altered liver function tests or both after cle but decreased tumor uptake resulting in a chemotherapy (level 5H)(235). There were decreased standardized uptake value (SUV) equally inconsistent findings in respect of (245 – 247). radiocolloid liver imaging in a group of pa- tients with psoriasis treated with long-term methotrexate (level 5H)(236). 18 Creation of an Unexpected Volume of lium-67 localization (level 4A,H)(238, 257 – Distribution – Toxicity 270). However, such disease has also been This is probably the commonest way in detected using labeled granulocytes (level which a medication will manifest itself on a 6H)(271, 272) and F-18 FDG (level 6H) nuclear medicine examination. The unex- (273). In a prospective study, however, tech- pected site of distribution usually correlates netium-99m DTPA aerosol scintigraphy has with either some physiological change or been found to be potentially more sensitive to with drug toxicity but it is not necessary for such changes (level 3H)(274). clinical symptoms or other evidence of such toxicity to be apparent before the scan find- Table 4. Drugs Causing Pulmonary Inter- ings are detected. By the same token, radio- stitial Disease with an Indication of the pharmaceuticals are often more sensitive than Mechanism Involved [after Rossi et al.] . For example, a drug such as (255) bleomycin causes pulmonary interstitial dis- Mechanism Drugs Implicated ease ultimately detectable on a chest radio- of Injury graph. However, in appropriate patients dif- Diffuse Bleomycin, busulphan, carmustine, fuse gallium-67 uptake in the lung may indi- alveolar cyclophosphamide, gold salts, mi- cate bleomycin pulmonary toxicity despite a damage tomycin, and melphalan. “normal” radiograph (level 3H)(10, 248). Of Nonspecific Amiodarone, carmustine, chloram- radiopharmaceuticals involved, non-specific interstitial bucil and methotrexate. disease markers such as gallium-67 are pneumonia among those most often implicated in the Bronchiolitis Amiodarone, bleomycin, cyclo- recognition of drug toxicity – emphasizing obliterans phosphamide, gold salts, meth- the role of gallium-67 as a non-specific dis- organizing otrexate, nitrofurantoin, penicil- ease finder. pneumonia lamine and sulfasalazine. Colon - pseudomembranous colitis: This Eosinophilic Nitrofurantoin, nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory condition of the large bowel pneumonia inflammatory drugs, para- arises from prolonged administration of cer- aminosalicylic acid, penicillamine tain antibiotics. The colon becomes edema- and sulfasalazine. tous to a degree that may be recognized ra- Pulmonary Anticoagulants, amphotericin B, diographically. Localization of Tc-99m MDP hemorrhage cyclophosphamide, cytarabine (ara – C) and penicillamine. probably occurs non-specifically because of the expanded interstitial space (level 6H) Acute lung toxicity resulting from vola- (249) but the disease may also be recognized tile anesthetic gasses has been studied by on images made with radiopharmaceuticals Hung et al. using Tc-99m hexamethylpropyl- such as Ga-67 citrate and radiolabeled granu- ene amine (HMPAO) and Tc-99m la- locytes that probe more specific aspects of beled diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid this disorder that is associated pathologically (DTPA). These investigators concluded that with inflammatory infiltrates (level 6H) (250 halothane and isoflurane caused detectable – 253). transient pulmonary vascular endothelium Lung: A number of drugs used chroni- damage as detected using Tc-99m HMPAO cally cause pulmonary toxicity Some of the and isoflurane caused increased alveolar agents involved, together with their mecha- epithelial permeability as detected using Tc- nism of action, so far as is it is understood, 99m DTPA (level 4H)(275, 276). These ob- are listed in Table 4 (254 – 256). The major- servations are of uncertain relevance to clini- ity of these have been associated with gal- cal practice. 19 Figure 7. Qualitative pharmacokinetic icity also results in disturbances of cardiac model illustrating uptake in an expanded function recognizable on radionuclide angio- volume of distribution (often to be equated cardiography (level 3A,H)(276, 282 - 301). with tissue toxicity). Muscle: Cardiac toxicity can be consid- ered to be a special case of skeletal muscle toxicity and a number of drugs cause such toxicity and may be recognized on images made with Tc-99m phosphates. Examples of the drugs involved are alpha-interferon, isoretinoin, the statins, epsilon amino caproic acid and ethyl alcohol. The pathological changes induced by the offending drugs are variously reported as a myopathy, polymy- ositis or rhabdomyolysis but these have in common, as in other contexts, uptake of Tc- 99m phosphates (level 6H)(302 - 308) in the abnormal muscle. Again in keeping with findings in respect of the myocardium, the myopathy associated with the statins is not detectable from images made with Tc-99m methoxy isobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) (level 5H)(309). Kidney: That a number of drugs are nephrotoxic is well known (310). A myriad of reports testify to the fact that Ga-67 citrate localizes to an increased extent in kidneys so affected (level 4A,H)(311 – 322). It is im- portant to realize that the reverse is not true in that this phenomenon is seen in normal kid- neys and may not be observed in the presence An unusual form of pulmonary toxicity of disease (317, 323). has been reported following contrast lym- Klintmalm et al. have found that cyc- phangiography – a technique still of some losporine renal toxicity in transplant recipi- limited usefulness (277). That pulmonary oil ents is associated with decreased renal func- embolization results is known to occur (278) tion but relatively preserved perfusion (level and the localization of Ga-67-citrate in the 4H)(324). In another study radiolabeled lungs of such patients is consistent with a lo- platelets localized uniformly in kidneys with calized inflammatory response (level 5H) cyclosporine toxicity but with a degree of (279). specificity that provided no diagnostic power Heart: The most notable example of (level 4H)(325). In detailed prospective stud- drug-related cardiac toxicity is that resulting ies, Britto et al. and Shihab-eldeen et al. have from adriamycin and its analogues (280, demonstrated multi-organ (including renal) 281). Like ischemic disease of cardiac mus- toxicity from vincristine and cyclosporine but cle this results in abnormal myocardial up- the changes are of uncertain relevance to take of Tc-99m phosphates (cumulative level clinical practice (level 4A)(326, 327). 5H)(282-291). Such drug-related cardiac tox-

20 Liver: Flynn has reported a single child citrate uptake in the hilar lymph nodes of in whom methotrexate hepatotoxicity re- such patients (level 3H)(338). sulted in localization of Tc-99m MDP in the Paradoxical changes in pulmonary liver (level 6H)(328). perfusion: Heparin is typically administered Stomach: The impact of vitamin D in- to reduce venous clotting and prevent pulmo- toxication on the skeleton has been noted nary thrombo-embolism. In a small subset above (189) but there is also a report of mas- (about 1%) of patients, a thrombocytopenia sive gastric uptake of Tc-99m MDP as a re- results with thrombotic complications (the sult of excessive uptake of vitamin D in so-called “white clot” syndrome) leading to health food supplements and milk. The find- embolization and a worsening of pulmonary ing resolved with cessation of the administra- perfusion as imaged by Tc-99m macroaggre- tion (329) gates (cumulative level 3H)(339 – 342). Multiple organs: Havens et al. have re- Bone imaging – metastatic calcifica- ported a patient with an overdose of chloro- tion: Hypercalcemia is recognized to result in quine in whom Ga-67 uptake was noted at soft-tissue “metastatic” calcification – typi- the several sites of the known organ toxicity cally occurring in the kidneys, lungs and of this drug (level 6H)(330). stomach, but less often in other organs and tissues. Such sites are identifiable on bone Creation of an Unexpected Volume of scans. Listed causes include some medica- Distribution – Non-Toxic tions and disease states such as hypervitami- Tumor or disease imaging – splenic nosis D, phosphates and glucocorticoids as visualization: As noted previously, F-18 well as milk-alkali syndrome which may be FDG imaging will reflect bone marrow re- contributed to by antacids (level of evidence generation and metabolic activity resulting uncertain)(343). from administration of CSF (201 – 205). In- Bone imaging – liver visualization: cidental to imaging with the same tracer, Poulton has observed intravenously injected there has been observed extra-medullary he- iohexol to cause Tc-99m MDP to localize in matopoiesis in the spleen, and potentially this the liver and spleen (level 6H)(344). How- may occur at other such sites (level 6H)(331, ever, a much more widely investigated ex- 332). ample of this is due to increased serum alu- Tumor or disease imaging – lung visu- minum concentrations including those that alization: Bacillus Calmette-Geurin (BCG) result from antacid medications (level 4A,H) has been administered to provoke an immu- (345 – 350). nological response to cancer. A pneumonitis As previously noted the use of an iron has been observed as a result (333, 334), as colloid-chondroitin sulfate complex (Blutal, well as more recently in a patient treated with Yuham Co., An Yang, Korea) appears to BCG for superficial bladder cancer (335). bind Tc-99m MDP by transchelation and the There are data to indicate that lung uptake of resulting particulate is phagocytosed into the Ga-67 citrate will reflect pneumonitis as reticuloendothelial system (level 6H)(69). might be anticipated (level 4H,A)(334, 336, Bone imaging – renal visualization: Lu- 337). trin et al. observed intense renal parenchymal Tumor or disease imaging – lymph uptake of radioactivity in 17 of 265 bone node visualization: Phenytoin is known to scans done in children receiving chemother- induce lymph node hyperplasia in some pa- apy for various malignant diseases. In a ret- tients – a phenomenon that has been found to rospective analysis, it was found that uptake be reflected in detectable increases in Ga-67 occurred when imaging was performed

21 within one week of cancer chemotherapy activity over the calvarium seen only in pa- with cyclophosphamide (p < 0.05), vincris- tients receiving this therapy. It is distin- tine (p < 0.01), and doxorubicin (p < 0.02). guishable from metastases by a vertex view None of the 265 scans showed intense renal in which the activity is uniform not patchy. uptake unless the patient received chemo- Although not advanced by the authors, a pos- therapeutic drugs in the preceding week. sible explanation is that of marrow activation This finding did not seem to result from al- or extension in response to the treatment tered renal function, and the exact cause has (level 6H)(357). not been defined (level 4H)(351). This find- Bone imaging – abdominal activity: ing was echoed in a report from Trackler in McDevitt et al. report a patient who had a Tc- respect of amphotericin B therapy (level 6H) 99m MDP bone scan while on continuous (352, 353). McAfee et al. found that in- ambulatory dialysis. Diffuse abdominal ac- creased renal uptake of 99m-Tc MDP was tivity was noted. The investigators hypothe- observed irregularly in rats after meth- size that the Tc-99m MDP diffused across the otrexate, vincristine or gentamicin, adminis- peritoneal membrane. They were able to tered separately. Cisplatin regularly induced a show that diffusion will occur across a semi- dose-related increase in renal uptake of Tc- permeable membrane (in vitro data, level 6H) 99m MDP that correlated with the degree of (358). tubular damage histologically. The aug- Bone imaging – blood pool visualiza- mented renal uptake of Tc-99m MDP was tion: The amount of stannous ion in a bone not consistently accompanied by a decreased scan preparation may be sufficient to reduce clearance of simultaneously injected I-131 the technetium, either in the preparation or iodohippurate, particularly at lower drug dose administered separately as sodium Tc-99m levels. These investigators concluded that in pertechnetate, resulting in red blood cell ra- this model drug-induced renal retention of diolabelling (see below) and yielding images MDP by a factor of two or more above nor- with varying degrees of blood pool visualiza- mal appears to be a useful indicator of tubular tion (level 3H)(359, 360). damage when other parameters of renal func- Renal imaging – gall-bladder visualiza- tion are sometimes normal (level 4A)(354). tion: Hinkle et al. carried out a chart review Chen et al. report that Tc-99m MDP- looking for patterns of altered biodistribution gentamycin interactions can be averted in of Tc-99m glucoheptonate associated with respect of this nephrotoxic agent by monitor- other factors. The data did suggest the possi- ing plasma levels of gentamycin (level 3H) bility that penicillamine, penicillin G potas- (355). sium, penicillin V potassium, acetaminophen, McRae et al. report that sodium gluconate and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole might causes bone-seeking tracers to transform into cause increased hepatobiliary clearance of the Tc-99m gluconate and localize in the kidney. radiopharmaceutical. Subsequent animal tests This reaction is accelerated by injected cal- showed that i.v. penicillamine caused sub- cium and iron (in the ferrous state) lending stantial distribution of radioactivity into the support to the observations above concerning gallbladder and small bowel (level 4AH) the interaction of iron and bone scanning (361). agents (level 5H)(356). Planar brain imaging – visualization of Bone imaging – the sickle sign: A side- blood-brain barrier defects: Brain edema effect of intensive cytotoxic treatment on and the blood brain barrier relate to planar bone scanning that Creutzig and Dach choose imaging which is no longer greatly used. to call the "sickle sign" amounts to a diffuse However, there are data respecting “drug”

22 effects that may be relevant to other methods blood pool: Sulfonamides, aluminum con- of examining the brain. Cerebral edema may taining antacids (or any cause of hyperalu- be due to either intracellular or extracellular minemia) and, as previously noted, prepara- fluid accumulation (362). The latter is typi- tions containing an excess of stannous cally seen in tumors. However, vascular have the potential to result in labeling of red permeability in the brain may be increased in blood cells (359, 360). Tin (SnII) does this the short term by contrast agents used in by reducing the Tc-99m sodium pertech- cerebral and demonstrated by netate (385 – 390) but the mechanisms of ac- radionuclide brain imaging (level 6H)(363). tion of aluminum (347) and sulphonamides At 24 hours post-administration the alteration (390) are unknown (level 3H). in vascular permeability may no longer be Labeling of red blood cells (in vitro evident (level 6H)(364). Methotrexate or and in vivo) – poor labeling efficiency: A other cancer chemotherapy, administered sys- great variety of drugs (see Table 5) impair the temically or intrathecally, also causes brain efficiency of red cell radiolabeling (in vitro toxicity with abnormal findings in patients in data, levels 4H,A)(390 – 410). Mechanisms whom the blood-brain barrier is challenged for some have been proposed (14) but little is with radiopharmaceuticals (level 6H)(365 – known, not only of the mechanisms involved 367). A further effect of medication in this but also dose effects or temporal factors context is that of glucocorticoids which re- (400). Indeed data are often conflicting. duce blood-brain barrier permeability in dis- However, in a report unusual in that it de- ease and thus decrease the conspicuity of scribes negative findings, Nascimento Car- brain tumors and metastases upon diagnostic dosa et al. report that they found no effect of images, which also includes their imaging propanalol, cyclosporine, adriamycin, and with Ga-67 citrate (level 4H and 6H and cor- nifedipine on in vitro labeling (410) and in relative CT)(368 – 373). general in vitro methods tend to minimize Xenon ventilation imaging – visualiza- these drug-induced constraints. tion of liver and bone marrow: While chemically inert xenon is very fat soluble Table 5. Drugs that Influence the Effi- (374) and dissolves in blood, it may then lo- ciency of Red Cell Radiolabeling calize in fatty deposits such as focal and dif- Adriamycin agents fuse liver steatosis (375) and in fatty infiltra- (Blood transfusions) Prazosin tion of bone marrow. Xenon-133 uptake in liver steatosis resulting from hepatotoxic Digoxin Sulphonamides medication has either been reported, or there Heparin Some anti-neoplasic agents are theoretical grounds to believe it may oc- cur, in patients on clofibrate medication or Labeling of white blood cells – poor la- receiving total parenteral nutrition (level 6H) beling efficiency: MacGregor et al. have ob- (376 – 381). In the same way bone marrow served inhibition of granulocyte adherence uptake of xenon-133 has been observed and false negative results in patients treated (382). In one patient reported by Katz et al. with lidocaine (in vitro data, 4H)(411). Tha- the only potential explanation was the fatty kur et al. have found reduced chemotaxis in marrow replacement known to result from labeled white cells exposed to lidocaine and long-term glucocorticoid therapy (level 6H) procainamide (in vitro data)(412). There are (383). theoretical grounds (10) and some limited Pertechnetate imaging of thyroid, ec- clinical data to suggest that antibiotics and topic gastric mucosa, etc. – visualization of glucocorticoids may also interfere with radio- labeling of white blood cells but the limita- 23 tion is clearly not absolute (413 – 414). This Biliary: Biliary studies are typically car- subject has been reviewed by Sampson (415). ried out with pharmacological intervention, Labeling of platelets – poor labeling as in the use of phenobarbitone in evaluations efficiency: Heparin therapy in adequate of neonatal jaundice (429, 430). Biliary stud- doses has been reported to impair the use of ies are typically done for the diagnosis of labeled platelets to identify propagating cholecystitis with cystic duct obstruction thrombi – a result consistent with the known (431) and, if there is gall-bladder filling, bil- actions of this drug (level 4AH)(416 – 418). iary contraction may be studied after admini- Liver imaging – lung trapping of ra- stration of the active fragment of chole- dio-colloid: Aluminum ions from medication cystokinin (432). However, of note false may be absorbed into the blood in amounts positive biliary studies with absent gall- sufficient to cause aggregation of radiocol- bladder filling have been reported as due to loid which then traps in pulmonary capillar- alcoholism, total parenteral nutrition, and ies (level 5H, as noted in one study of a pa- erythromycin hepato-toxicity and possibly tient who served as his or her own control) nicotinic acid toxicity (level 6H)(239, 240, (419 – 423). 433 – 435). Narcotics are known to cause the appearance of biliary obstruction by inducing Drug Interference with Radiopharmaceu- contraction of the spincter of Oddi (436 – tical Studies of Organ Kinetics 440), but this is reversible with naloxone There are many drugs used to modify or- (441). Householder et al. found scintigraphic gan kinetics. The numerous therapeutic ap- evidence of the chemical cholecystitis known proaches to the modification of cardiac func- to occur with hepatic infusion chemotherapy tion represent an example. This is not the in all ten of the patients they investigated place to provide a primer describing such (level 5H)(442). drugs. Instead the focus will be on the poten- Cerebral blood flow: The importance of tial for drugs to cause misleading findings. controlling for drug therapy in and Renal: Clorius et al. in a study of renal blood flow studies of the brain is illustrated grafts found that furosemide significantly in- by the literature on positron emission tomo- fluenced renography – an observation that is graphic research studies of the brain, but such almost intuitive (level 4H)(424). Yee et al. factors apply to studies with single-photon found that ammonium chloride, mannitol and emission computed tomography as well sodium bicarbonate changed the distribution (level 3AH)(443 – 444). of Tc-99m DMSA between liver and kidney Gastric emptying: Radionuclide meth- in favor of the liver so that renal quantitation ods have become the preferred way to meas- might be modified by the patient’s hydration ure gastric emptying (445 – 447). In using state (level 3A)(425). Fritzberg et al. and the techniques available, however, it is neces- Gomes et al., in human and animal experi- sary to recognize the large number of drugs ments respectively, provide further evidence (see Table 6) (448) that alter gastric motility of the need to control for medication and by increasing or decreasing the rate of empty- other physiological variables in renal studies ing (449 – 461). The mechanisms are di- (426, 427). verse, often poorly understood and have been Ventilation: Sedation has, for example, examined by Hladik et al. (10). Virtually all been shown to alter the distribution and dy- of the data derives from clinical studies (level namics of ventilation in man as studied with 5H) and the subject has been reviewed by xenon-127, chiefly in reducing functional Chaudhuri and Fink (461). residual capacity (level 5H)(428).

24 Table 6. Some Drugs Which are Known constriction of blood vessels in the choroid to Prolong Gastric Emptying plexus tending to reduce the production of cerebro-spinal fluid. Papanicolaou has re- Aluminum hydroxide gel Pentazocine (rat) ported abnormal cisternographic findings at- Antacids (other) Metoclopramide tributed to this cause (level 6H with the pa- Anticholinergics Morphine (narcotic tient acting as his or her own control)(508). analgesics) Atropine (aerosolized) Propantheline ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND Levodopa Total parenteral nutri- SELF-MEDICATION tion Not all the drugs being consumed or the Nalbuphine (rat) treatments used by people will be conven- tional physician-prescribed medications or Myocardial perfusion: Radionuclide catalogued in the US Pharmacopeia (USP). methods are important in examining myocar- Awareness of this may clarify some unex- dial perfusion (462, 463) and contractility pected scan findings. Acupuncture, for ex- (464). The drugs modifying both are usually ample, if used adjacent to bone has been used as treatment interventions and are well found to excite a local bony reaction on scans understood, both in respect of perfusion im- made with Tc-99m MDP and I-131 sodium aging (variable, but in general level 2H)(462 iodide (level 6H)(509, 510). Sites of injec- – 484) and function (variable, but in general tion of mistletoe have been observed on In- level 2H)(478, 485 – 502). Nevertheless, 111 satumomab pendetide imaging (level having an understanding of cardiac hemody- 6H)(511) while Ginkgo biloba, used in herbal namics and these drug effects are critical to medicine, impacts on the labeling of red the clinical use of these radionuclide meth- blood cells (in vitro data)(407). ods. The impact of recreational drugs on Gastric mucosa: Several drugs such as radiotracer biodistributions also threatens to cimetidine, pentagastrin, glucagons and se- become a topic in its own right. For exam- cretin are known to modify Tc-99m pertech- ple, there is an as yet obscure syndrome of netate uptake by gastric mucosa and are used increased skeletal mass and bone density in nuclear medicine to enhance detection of with increased uptake of bone seeking agents, ectopic gastric mucosa. Their effects are probably related in some or all of the patients unlikely to be serendipitous. (level 3H) (503 to infection with hepatitis-C, that has been – 506). described in intravenous recreational drug Gastroesophageal reflux: Reflux may users (level 2H)(512 – 514). Ex-heroin users be measured before and after treatment (507). have been found to have pulmonary vascular Little or nothing is known of drug effects in disease detectable by scintigraphy (level this context which are incidental. 5H)(515 – 517). “Crack” cocaine alters pul- monary alveolar permeability (level 3H) EFFECTS WHEN RADIOTRACERS (518), as well as causing abnormalities of ARE ADMINISTERED OTHER THAN brain perfusion (level 5H)(519). INTRAVENOUSLY Another street drug, “ecstasy”, has been Cerebro-spinal fluid studies: Cerebro- found to modify cerebral receptor imaging in spinal fluid (CSF) dynamics are altered by the brain (level 3H)(520). Heroin-induced acetazolamide (Diamox) with the potential to rhabdomyolysis has been observed to cause result in misdiagnosis from studies of CSF chronic regional pain syndrome (formerly flow. Acetazolamide inhibits the enzyme known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy) and carbonic anhydrase and causes vaso- recognized from bone scintigraphy (level 25 6H)(521). However, drugs that are more need, in proportion, for radiopharmacists and generally sanctioned by society such as the nuclear medicine physicians to control all of caffeine in coffee (level 5H)(29), tobacco the patient-related variables, not just those (403) or the smoke from cigarettes (level 4H) due to medication alone. (5, 522) and alcohol (307, 433) have also been found to leave signatures on radiophar- REFERENCES maceutical kinetics or biodistributions. Gen- 1. J K Aronson, R E Ferner. Joining the eralizations are to be avoided in that, for ex- DoTS: new approach to classifying adverse ample, chronic smoking appears to slow gas- drug reactions. Brit Med J 2003; 327: tric emptying, but a similar finding does not 1222 – 1225. result from the use of nicotine in chewing- gum (level 5H)(524). 2. Avery GS. 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58 QUESTIONS c. Splenic chemotherapeutic toxicity. d. Tumor recurrence in the spleen. 1. Which of the following does NOT char- acterize drug interactions: 5. For a radiopharmaceutical to be found to a. Interactions require pharmacologi- localize at the site of intramuscular injec- cally similar agents. tion of another drug which of the follow- b. They are dose related. ing conditions may be necessary: c. Many are mediated by a family of a. Some physiological or chemical in- isoenzymes known as cytochrome P- teraction of drug and pharmaceutical. 450. b. A localized inflammatory response. d. They may occur independently of c. A radiopharmaceutical which clears hepatic or renal clearance. from the tissues in hours rather than in minutes. 2. On a Tc-99m MDP bone scan there is d. All of the above radiopharmaceutical localization in lymph nodes in the right axilla. Your 6. Drug-induced lung toxicity is compatible first reaction should be: with all of the following except: a. To examine the patient to determine a. The patient in question is being if there is lymph node enlargement. treated with bleomycin. b. To examine the patient’s chart to de- b. The patient in question is being termine if there is tumor involvement treated with nitrofurantoin. of the axillary nodes. c. The chest radiograph is normal. c. To examine the quality control data d. On a scan with gallium-67 citrate concerning that particular prepara- any uptake in the lung is focal. tion. d. To image the injection site to evalu- 7. Which of the following statements about ate the possibility that part of the intravenous radiological contrast media dose was injected interstitially. is untrue: a. Their radio-opacity in sufficient con- 3. An evidentiary basis for medical practice centration is due to their electron optimally requires: density as a result of their iodine a. An agreement by experts. content. b. Syntheses of prospective studies of b. The iodine remains 100%bound and adequate power. thus has no physiological impact on c. A randomized control trial. the thyroid gland. d. Legal sanction of drug interventions. c. Gadolinium chelates used in mag- netic resonance imaging have not 4. Patients being treated for cancer may be been proven to alter the biodistribu- given colony stimulating factor (CSF). tion of radiopharmaceuticals. In their follow-up, a positron emission d. When used clinically they alter capil- tomography examination may be done lary permeability distal to the injec- using F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose. If ab- tion site. normally increased uptake is then seen in the spleen, which of the following do 8. Diphosphonates (or bisphosphonates) are you most suspect: used both in nuclear medicine diagnosis a. An immunological response. (labeled with Tc-99m) and the treatment b. Extramedullary hematopoiesis. of post-menopausal osteoporosis, cancer,

59 Paget disease of bone, etc. In appropri- c. Reduced liver extraction of Tc-99m ate patients the radiopharmaceutical and colloid and IDA analogues. drug may interact except in which cir- d. Impaired gall-bladder contractility. cumstance: a. The patient has normal bone density. 12. Abnormally great localization of Tc-99m b. The therapeutic diphosphonate is ni- MDP in the kidneys has been observed trogen containing. in which of the following circum- c. The treatment is weekly rather than stance(s): daily. a. Within 24 hours of injection of d. Bone turnover is not increased. radiological contrast media. b. Cyclophosphamide treatment. 9. Receptor-mediated uptake of radiophar- c. After injection of iron-containing maceuticals is a powerful tool in investi- compounds. gating physiological and pathological d. All of the above. processes. It is, however, subject to competitive inhibition by appropriate 13. Muscle disease (myopathy, polymyositis drugs as in all but which of the following or rhabdomyolyis) may occur as a result circumstances: of drug treatment, and may then be iden- a. Thyroid uptake of iodine. tified as abnormal muscle uptake of Tc- b. Adrenal uptake of metaiodobenzyl- 99m MDP on a bone scan, in which of guanidine. the following circumstances: c. Brain uptake of I-123 iodoampheta- a. Simvastatin therapy. mine. b. Alpha –interferon therapy. d. Tumor uptake of labeled octreotide. c. Epsilon amino caproic acid therapy. d. All of the above. 10. The thymus gland is involved in the de- velopment of immunity and it involutes 14. An image of the blood pool may result in adulthood. Thymic uptake of gallium- when a bone scan is intended after a 67 citrate may be seen in all but which of Tc99m phosphate injection. A possible the following circumstances: cause you might examine includes which a. In normal children. of the following: b. In some thymic tumors (thymomas). a. An excess of tin (SnII) in the injec- c. In all patients with myasthenia gra- tate or in a prior injection of Tc-99m vis. pertechnetate leading to labeling of d. In some children on completion of a red cells in vivo. course of chemotherapy. b. Recent administration of iron dextran (FeII), or similar compounds given 11. The intravenous injection of street drugs for therapeutic reasons, resulting in (“mainlining”) with contaminated nee- probable trans-chelation of the Tc- dles may lead to hepatitis-C infection 99m. and all but one of the following potential c. Recent administration of sodium consequences: phosphate laxative. a. A syndrome of increased bone den- d. All of the above. sity. b. Pulmonary disease characterized by 15. In vitro labeling of red blood cells may unusual uptake of gallium-67 citrate. be preferred over the in vivo technique

60 because of which of the following rea- 19. New bone formation, detectable on Tc- sons: 99m methylene diphosphonate images a. The potential of drugs to interfere and radiographs, may be a side effect of with Tc-99m binding is minimized. which of the following medications: b. The method is independent of the a. Vitamin D. specific activity of the Tc-99m. b. Methotrexate. c. The patients red cell volume is un- c. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory important. medication. d. The binding of the tracer is stable. d. All of the above.

16. In considering drug-radiopharmaceutical 20. Drug toxicity is most often seen as an interactions, which of the following incidental finding on images made with: statements is true: a. Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate. a. Little is known of the bioavailability b. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose. of radiopharmaceuticals in patients c. Ga-67 citrate. on treatments that alter their biodis- d. In-111 and Tc-99m labeled granulo- tributions. cytes. b. Rarely are there data about the dura- tion of drug-radiopharmaceutical in- 21. Tc-99m phosphates may be imaged as teractions. localizing in soft-tissue disease in which c. Rarely are there data about the dose of the following situations: dependancy of drug-radiopharma- a. Myocardial infarction. ceutical interactions. b. Adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity. d. All of the above. c. Alpha – interferon therapy. d. All of the above. 17. Uptake of I-123 iodine in the thyroid is reduced by: 22. The biodistribution of gallium-67 citrate a. Application of tincture of iodine is commonly modified by: (Lugol’s) to the skin. a. An excess of metallic cations such as b. Thyroid stimulating hormone. iron in the blood. c. Amiodarone. b. Cancer chemotherapy. d. All of the above. c. Antibiotic-induced renal toxicity. d. All of the above. 18. In considering drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions which of the following state- 23. Localization of I-123 metaiodobenzyl- ments is true: guanidine in the adrenal medulla is re- a. The documented dosimetry of the duced by: radiopharmaceutical becomes inva- a. Labetalol. lid. b. Tricyclic antidepressants. b. The non-radioactive drug involved c. Reserpine. suffers impaired efficacy. d. All of the above. c. Such interactions only occur when drugs are administered in toxic 24. Sites of tissue toxicity detectable by Tc- doses. 99m chelates include which of the fol- d. All of the above. lowing: a. Pseudomembranous colitis. b. Antibiotic induced nephrotoxicity.

61 c. Drug-induced myopathy. ing radiopharmaceuticals having altered d. All of the above. biodistributions: a. Tc-99m phosphates. 25. Hyperaluminemia, including that result- b. Tc-99m sulfur colloids. ing from medications containing alumi- c. Ga-67 citrate. num, may result in which of the follow- d. All of the above.