A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls
w^miss ^i §m j)d~ 2±- aSgECESgEC'^eSCX^?2r. ^.KSQfOSggeGSSOs The Robert E. Gross Collection A Memorial to the Founder of the ten Business Administration Library Los Angeles 7 : TRE ATI SE 3 O N DIAMONDS and PEARLS. I N W H I C H Their Importance is confidered : AND Plain Rules are exhibited for afcertaining the Value of both AND THE True Method of manufaduring Diamonds. By DA FI D JEFFRIES, JEWELLER. The Second Edition, with large Improvements. LONDON: Printed by C. and J. Ac k e r s, in St. Jobn'i.Sireef, For the AU THOR. 1751. (Price 2 /Z Guinea Bound.) . •• 5 i^i^^ Dedication. and juftice, and friend to the common jntereft of mankind, more particularly to that of your Majefifs fubje£l:s : In which your royal character fhines with the brighteft luftre. It contains rational and plain rules for eftimating the value of Diamonds and Pearls under all circumftances, and for manufac- turing Diamonds to the greateft perfection ; Both which have hitherto been but very imper- fe6lly underftood. From hence, all property of this kind has been expofed to the greateft injur)-, D ED I C AT I O N. injury, by being fubjeit to a capricious and indeterminate va- luation 5 and the fuperlative beauty of Diamonds has been much debafcd. To countenance a work cal- culated to promote a general be- nefit, it is humbly apprehended, will not be deemed unworthy the condefcenfion of a Crowned Head, as thele Jewels conftitute fo large a part ofpublick wealth; and, as they are, and have been inpaft ages, the chief or- naments of great and diftin- guilhed perfonages, in moil parts of the world.
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