Prince Puts out on His Latest Vinyl Newest Halen Musically Tasty
Page 4, SIDELINES, Wednesday, June 8, 1988 Jlii v.«S;;;:i¥i¥' & :>>*:■• 3S Newest Halen musically tasty By DAVE CHANDLER Entertainment Writer Well kids, it's finally here, the long-awaited new album by Van Hagar, Van Hefflen, I mean Van Halen. What a catchy little tide it has, OU812, pretty clever huh? OU812 is the eigth Van Halen album or second one A.D. (after Dave). The bottom line to this album is thet it rocks. What is so great about OU812 is that it is not packed with the commercialism found in most of today's hard rock i albums. Now don't get me wrong, because it does include songs that will obviously be major hits. One track in particular, "When It's Love," is destined to be a Top 10 mainstay, but none of that Van Halen style was lost while producing the song. And if you're looking for the 90 m.p.h. speedbumers that the grovp is famous for, you'll also find them here. Two such songs are "Source of Infection" and "Sucker In A 3 Piece." These are sure to get your feet a tappin' or your head a bangin', whatever your preference may be. As usual there are the incredible guitar heroics of Eddie Van Halen and the band's great harmonies in the backup vocals. These are epitomized in the first single from the Wayne Cartwright+Staff album, "Black and Blue," which, incidentally, gets my vote Pleasing the crowd at Fan Fair... for the dirtiest song on the airwaves at the present time.
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