Gospel Preachers in Texas and Oklahoma
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Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Stone-Campbell Books Stone-Campbell Resources 1911 Gospel Preachers in Texas and Oklahoma Harriet Nichol Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the History of Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Nichol, Harriet, "Gospel Preachers in Texas and Oklahoma" (1911). Stone-Campbell Books. 308. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/308 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Stone-Campbell Resources at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stone-Campbell Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Gospel Preachers IN TEXAS and OKLAHOMA ' ' 1911 Compi led _by MRS. C. R. N ICHOL CLI FTON, TEXAS -. l I N COMPILING the book, Gospel Preachers, I have made an effort to secure the picture of all the [!] faithful preachers in Texas and Oklahoma . You will observe that the ,book is bound in the loose leaf style. I have adopted this style, that I may add other pictures to the book from time to time, and the book remain in permanent form. Any preacher whose picture is not in the book, may have it inserted later, if he will send me his photograph with a sketch of his life and work. We have \ done our best to please, and we believe we have succeeded. MRS. C. R. NICHOL, Clifton, Texas / Geo. W. Allen. J . L. All en. GEO. \V . ALLEN was born De ce mber JOHN L. ALLEN was born D ece m ber 23. 1856, In Austin County (now H, 1875, in Cherokee Nati~i n ear Fort Walker County) , T ex as, and was raised under t he Influ e n ce of th e Methodists. Smith, Ark a nsas. His father died when H:!s father died when John was young leaving the moth er with seven small he was seven years of a ge, and his children , John th e old est boy. H e was taken through the " mourner ' s bench'' mother, who was a Cherokee Indian, died process of ge tting r eligion when he was sixte en. Being unable to e xperi en ce the In 1907. He attended the public schools chang e some of them profe,.sed to have. he was about to despair when one of until 1898 , and then entered Harrell In the preachers explained: " Some people have been so wi c-ked and l1eaped up su<'h ternational Institute, Muskog ee, Okla., great loads of sins, that when It is r e mo ve d th e c hange Is so great the y must and then one year In th e High School gi ve vent to their fee Hngs by shouting. Others have never done any very great at Uniontown , Arka»sas. After this he wrongs and have so little sin that when It is removed th ey scarce ly feel the taught in the public school s. ~ovemb er , chang e. Thus fa lli ng to get what they 1903, he wa s married to Miss Lizzie ex-pected, they don't r ealiz e that they are ·saved, when In reality they are." Thus Thompson . They have one child. Au he was persuaded to believe that he "had It , and d idn't kn ow It ." Two years gust, 1901, he was baptized into the body later he mc,ved to Bell County, wh ere he learned the truth and becam e a Chrlstlar. of Christ, and one month later began About four years later he married Miss E. A. Childers , a grand Christian wo preaching, and continues to preach in man, who has faithfully assisted him In his work ·of life. To them ten childrnn connection with his work on the farm. have been born, seven now living. In 1881 he began the greatest work He has baptized a number and engaged mortal can engage In, preaching the Gospel, In which work eternity only will In several debates . He was elected a reveal the amount of good this man of God has accomplished. He Is a profound B i member of the first Legislature of Okla ble scholar, pe netrating In his researches and logical in the presentation of the homa In 1907, T ruth. T . L. Allen . Robert L. Allln. ROBERT L. Al~LIN was bo rn nea r Sa van nah , Tenn es see, Februar y 9, 1878. Wh en h e was nin e, his par ent s m oved to Gibs on County, T enn ess ee, th en ce to Ca ldw ell County, T exas , th en to Ba stro p County. His par ent s w er e Methodist s. Bei ng ta ught fro m childh ood th e r es ult of being un sav ed an d that sec ta r ia n ism was right h e bega n see kin g r eligion as he had bee n ta ught a t th e ag e of 12. At a Miss ion a r y Ba ptist mee tin g w hen he w a;,i ' tw elve. he conf essed h is fee lin gs , but hi s fath er pr ev ent ed hi s j oini ng th en. N ot long th erea fter he was see king re ligi on ag a in a nd a.t a Meth odist mee t Ing he a.ga in conf es sed hi s fee lin gs. TIii T . L. ALLEN wa s born April 7, 1876, he was 26 h e would see k reli g ion a.t eve ~y mee ting In reac h of him . Tw en ty 91.X In Lampasas County, Texa s, bec ame a year s of his lite had pas sed and he ha.d never hea rd a Gosp el serm on nor as Christia n In August, 1895 ; began preach sociat ed with any who claim ed to lie Chri stia n on ly. At this tim e ne located Ing Decembe r , 1905. With high Idea.ls, near Mt . Pl eas a nt, T exa s, near wh ere a few Chri sti a ns m et from hou se t0 a strong m in d and close app lication he hou se. May, 1904, ~eturn ing fr om a pr ay er m eeting , he r emar ked to a m em h a s dev elop ed Into a us eful man In the ber of th e ch urc h of Chris t : "l w ish I wa s as hap p y as th ose people a.re." Thi s Kingdom oC God . His work has bee n led t o a conversation a bou t h ow peopl e beca m e Chri stian s. Wh en he r eac hed su cce ssful. W ere h e n ot so r eser ved he th e h ome of hi s sister he narrated to her th e con ver sa.tlon, an d they began t b e would be bett er kn own and acco mplish study of th e Bibl e. !,'or a week they ga ve th eir entir e tim e to the st u dy of more In th e w or k ot the Ma ste r . th e Bibl e. Begi nnin g with the first of th e N . T . by the ti me they reac hed Ro. 6th chapt er , th ey w ere fu Hy convi nced as t o how th ey could beco me Chr istia ns , and imm ediat ely look ed for so me one t e ba ptiz e th em, a nd the fo llow ing L ord' s Day wer e baptiz ed lat o Chri st . F er thr ee years he la bor ed, to ass ist pa y h;1g oth ers while th ey pr eac hed th e Gos pel. After tluee ye a rs he enter ed sc hool, and began pr ea ching , to whi ch wor k h e now dev,t es a l( his t im e with saccess. May, 1910, he w as marri ed to Ml,;Js E lla ~ Butl er , a t eac h er a nd fa it hful Chrl.st ia.n. Brothe F Allin is on e of th e pr omi sing m en or Okla homa. - '/J.I..~ 1/lfd J_. 0. Abney. Th os. F. Adams. J. 0. ABNEY was born in Overton THOS. F. ADAMS was born at Mt. County, Tennessee, August 17, 1865. He Vernon, Texas, February 5, 1866. He is was educated in the public schools, and a son of Dr. E. C. Adams. In 1906 . he then spent four years in Fiske Academy, was baptized into Christ, having made Hilham, Tenn. After this he taught in the confession of his faith in Christ un Clay County, Tenn. He was baptized der the preaching of Brother Witcher. by J. W. McD. Moore in 1892. Soon afterward he became an active In 1899 he removed to Whitewright, worker in the church. Tex., and in 1903 moved t o Franklln He is a splendid singer, as well as County, Texas, where he teaches school a composer of words and music, and and preaches when not thus engaged. with all a splendid teacher of vocal mu He rejoices that he has taught many the sic. He is now studying and preaching way of life.