Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba VOLUME 75 2019 T.D. Galloway Editor Winnipeg, Manitoba Entomological Society of Manitoba The Entomological Society of Manitoba was formed in 1945 “to foster the advancement, exchange and dissemination of Entomological knowledge”. This is a professional society that invites any person interested in entomology to become a member by application in writing to the Secretary. The Society produces the Newsletter, the Proceedings, and hosts a variety of meetings, seminars and social activities. Persons interested in joining the Society should consult the website at: http://home., or contact: Sarah Semmler The Secretary Entomological Society of Manitoba
[email protected] Contents Photo – Adult male European earwig, Forficula auricularia, with a newly arrived aphid, Uroleucon rudbeckiae, on tall coneflower, Rudbeckia laciniata, in a Winnipeg garden, 2017-08-05 ..................................................................... 5 Scientific Note Earwigs (Dermaptera) of Manitoba: records and recent discoveries. Jordan A. Bannerman, Denice Geverink, and Robert J. Lamb ...................... 6 Submitted Papers Microscopic examination of Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera: Miridae) feeding injury to different growth stages of navy beans. Tharshi Nagalingam and Neil J. Holliday ...................................................................... 15 Studies in the biology of North American Acrididae development and habits. Norman Criddle. Preamble to publication