Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2004 No. 12 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The Reverend Dr. Michael J. Easley, The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to Senior Pastor, Immanuel Bible Church, f make an announcement. Springfield, Virginia, offered the fol- After consultation with the majority lowing prayer: ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and minority leaders, and with their Let us pray. Creator, Sovereign, Lord The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- consent and approval, the Chair an- of all, help us. Though we do not de- tain one 1-minute at this time. nounces that during the joint meeting serve it, we humbly ask for Your to hear an address by His Excellency f mercy; that You bless this country we Jose Maria Aznar, President of the dearly love. WELCOMING DR. MICHAEL J. Government of Spain, only the doors Protect us from our enemies. We ask EASLEY immediately opposite the Speaker and not merely for ourselves but for our those on his right and left will be open. children. We ask not merely for our (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 No one will be allowed on the floor of children but for their children. the House who does not have the privi- Protect us from ourselves. May we minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) lege of the floor of the House. never exercise the strength of tyrants, Due to the large attendance antici- misuse talents entrusted to us, or lord Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to welcome Dr. Michael J. pated, the Chair feels the rule regard- over those allotted to our charge. ing the privilege of the floor must be We pray for this House and all it rep- Easley to the floor of the Congress today to open what will be a very im- strictly adhered to. Children of Mem- resents; for our men and women over- bers will not be permitted on the floor, seas, keeping an oath that they swore; portant session day in the life of this Congress in prayer. and the cooperation of all Members is for their families who keep watch and requested. pray; for all who lead, govern and Dr. Easley is senior pastor of the Im- manuel Bible Church in Springfield, The practice of reserving seats prior serve; for our marriages, our families; to the joint meeting by placing plac- for common sense; for moral restraint Virginia, and has been in that role for over a decade. He came to the region of ards will not be allowed. Members may to keep Your covenants. reserve their seats by physical presence Faithful God, we thank You. Thank the Nation’s Capital, however, from Grand Prairie, Texas, where he served only following the security sweep of You that You look at us and see Your the Chamber. son’s work, and thank You that You in ministry. He recently obtained his even hear our prayers. Doctorate of Ministry from Dallas f In Jesus’ name, Amen. Theological Seminary, where he also RECESS received a Master’s of Theology in 1985. f Dr. Michael J. Easley, Michael to his The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the THE JOURNAL friends and to the members of his order of the House of Tuesday, January 27, 2004, the House stands in recess sub- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- church, is a man after God’s own heart. He preaches the word of God with con- ject to the call of the Chair. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 5 min- ceedings and announces to the House viction and with sincerity and with clarity. In every sense as a family on utes a.m.), the House stood in recess his approval thereof. subject to the call of the Chair. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the occasions we find ourselves in the Nation’s Capital and find ourselves in During the recess, beginning at about nal stands approved. 10:52 a.m., the following proceedings f the pews of his church, on those week- ends I can testify, Mr. Speaker, that were had: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dr. Michael J. Easley is, as the Scrip- f The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ture says, a workman approved, rightly b 1052 from Florida (Mr. FOLEY) come forward able to handle the word of truth. and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- It is my profound honor to welcome JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE legiance. him and to thank his wonderful wife, AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- Mr. FOLEY led the Pledge of Alle- Cindy, and his four children, Hanna, DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY giance as follows: Jessie, Devin, and Sarah for their con- JOSE MARIA AZNAR, PRESIDENT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tribution to the life and Ministry of United States of America, and to the Repub- Christ in this region of our Nation. The Speaker of the House presided. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H311 . VerDate jul 14 2003 01:46 Feb 05, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04FE7.000 H04PT1 H312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 4, 2004 The Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Kerri His Excellency Jose Maria Aznar, sponsibilities also. We know that we Hanley, announced the Vice President President of the Government of Spain. have to face risks and shoulder com- and Members of the U.S. Senate who The President of the Government of mitments, commitments that must be entered the Hall of the House of Rep- Spain, escorted by the committee of met. resentatives, the Vice President taking Senators and Representatives, entered We want to occupy a position in the the chair at the right of the Speaker, the Hall of the House of Representa- first line of defense of democracy and and the Members of the Senate the tives and stood at the Clerk’s desk. the rule of law. Alongside friends and seats reserved for them. [Applause, the Members rising.] allies in good times as well as in times The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints The SPEAKER. Members of the Con- of difficulty, we share with you values as members of the committee on the gress, it is my great privilege and I and principles. Let me say that our part of the House to escort His Excel- deem it a high honor and a personal commitment to freedom is unwavering. lency Jose Maria Aznar, President of pleasure to present to you His Excel- Equally unwavering has been the the Government of Spain, into the lency Jose Maria Aznar, President of commitment of the United States, and Chamber: the Government of Spain. allow me to pay public tribute here The gentleman from Texas (Mr. [Applause, the Members rising.] today to the American people for the indispensable role that they have DELAY); f The gentleman from Missouri (Mr. played in the fight for democracy and ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY BLUNT); freedom. JOSE MARIA AZNAR, PRESIDENT The gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. For the last 8 years, it has been my OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN PRYCE); privilege to serve as Prime Minister of The gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. (The following address was delivered Spain. At all times I have defended the BEREUTER); in Spanish, with a simultaneous trans- value and validity of the Atlantic rela- The gentleman from Illinois (Mr. lation in English.) tionship for the good of Europe, as well WELLER); President AZNAR. Mr. Speaker, Mr. as for global stability and security. The gentlewoman from California Vice President, Honorable Members of During my term in office, I have con- stantly worked towards that objective, (Ms. PELOSI); Congress, ladies and gentlemen, allow The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. me to begin by thanking you most sin- firstly with the Clinton administration and more recently with the Bush ad- HOYER); cerely for the warm welcome you have The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. extended to me this morning. I some- ministration. Indeed, one of the great- est personal and political satisfactions MENENDEZ); how have the feeling that you, like me, The gentleman from California (Mr. are looking forward to a short speech. gained from these years has been the relationship I have established and LANTOS); and As a parliamentarian and as Prime The gentleman from Texas (Mr. Minister of Spain, I am deeply honored built up with these two great Presi- dents. RODRIGUEZ). to be invited to address the United It comes as no surprise, then, that The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- States Congress. This Chamber is a liv- our relations are nothing short of ex- dent of the Senate, at the direction of ing symbol, admired the world over, of ceptional at present. that body, appoints the following Sen- our common desire for freedom and de- The Atlantic relationship strength- ators as a committee on the part of the mocracy. ens Europeans and Americans alike, Senate to escort His Excellency Jose I recall the great emotion the people and it makes the world a safer and Maria Aznar, President of the Govern- of Spain felt on June 2, 1976, when King freer place.
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