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Moral & Religious Publications CHEAP REPOSITORY FOR Moral & Religious Publications. The Price of which is in general an Halfpenny or a Penny, and will ſeldom exceed Two-pence. Two or three new ones will be publiſhed every M onth. T HIS Inſtitution was opened in March, 1795. Its object is to furniſh the People at large with uſeful Reading, at ſo low a price as to be within reach of the pooreſt purchaſer. Moſt of the Tracts are made entertaining , with a view to ſupplant the corrupt and vicious little books and ballads which have been hung out at windows in the moſt alluring forms, or hawked through Town and Country, and have been found ſo highly miſchievous to the Community, as to re­ quire every attention to counteract them. The Sale of the Repoſitory Tracts has been exceedingly great, about two millions having been printed within the year, beſides great numbers in Ireland. The ſucceſs of the Plan has been much extended, not only by the zeal of individuals, but alſo by the active co-operation of thoſe very reſpectable Societies which have been formed in various Towns for this purpoſe. Theſe Societies have not only exerted their influence by circula­ ting the Tracts in their own families, in their ſchools, and among their dependants, but alſo by encouraging Bookſellers to ſupply themſelves with them ; by inſpecting Retailers and Hawkers; giv­ ing them a few in the firſt inſtance, and directing them in the purchaſe; alſo by recommending the Tracts to the occupier of a ſtall at a fair, and by ſending them to hoſpitals, workhouſes, and pri­ ſons. The Tracts have alſo been liberally diſtri­ buted among ſoldiers and ſailors through the in­ fluence of their Commanders.------All that ſeems alswanting, is a little further attention of individu- als to ſupplantH the a vicious w Tracts ­ of the kers by ſubſtituting theſe, which is now doing with ſucceſs in many inſtances ſince theſe are made ſo cheap. The Conductors of the Cheap Repoſitory have reſolved to publiſh the future Tracts on two dif­ ferent forts of paper ; the one of a ſuperior kind for Gentry, who wiſh to have them bound up together in a better form then could hitherto be done ; the other of a kind very inferior, but ſo much cheaper as to remove an objection made by Shopkeepers and Hawkers, that they do not yield a profit equal to that which they gain by their or­ dinary books and ballads. The price of the infe­ rior Edition of penny Tracts will be to Gentry rod, f or the Quire containing 24 Tracts; and the others proportionably cheap. The uſual further allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Haw­ kers. Two different Editions of the Ballads will be alſo printed, one in the form of a little book for binding, the other in a very cheap manner in ſheets. The Tracts of the laſt year may be had bound up in one volume, and many of the ballads which came out in ſheets are now printed together in a penny book and bound up with them. The price of this 1ſt Volume is 3s. 6d. half bound and lettered. As the Tracts have been found uſeful and ac­ ceptable in Boarding Schools, thoſe alſo as well as private Families on ſending an Order may be ſupplied with them every Month, in the ſame manner as with a Magazine. They will be ſent periodically to Societies, Bookſellers, and Indi­ viduals. To the Agents of the Societies it is the plan to ſend Specimens of the publications gratis every Month. Should any miſtake ariſe, infor­ mation is requeſted. A NNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS to the general Fund ( 3 ) Fund having been voluntarily offered, the Con­ ductors with pleaſure inform the Friends to the Inſtitution that they ſhall not for ſome time ſtand in need of ſuch aſſiſtance. In order to ſupply a fund for incidental expen­ c es, and for extending the circulation of the Tracts, the following Subſcriptions have been received. Henry Thornton, Eſq. M. P. Treaſurer. SUBSCRIBERS. £ . s. d. A T HE Society for carrying into 0 Effect his Majeſty 's Procla­ mation againſt Vice and Immo- }10 10 rality, by the Biſhop of London Right Hon. Lady Amherſt 2 2 o Sir Joſeph Andrews, Bart. 1 1 o Mrs. Adderley 1 1 o Mrs. H. Addington O 10 6 Mrs. Addington o 10 6 R. Aldridge, Eſq. o 10 6 Mrs. Alcock 1 1 o Mrs. Allen 1 1 o Mrs. Amphlet 1 1 o Mr. William Anderdon 1 1 o Mr. John Anderdon 1 1 o C. A nſtey, Eſq. Bath 1 1 o Rev. Mr. Antrobus 1 I o Mrs. Mary Arden, Stockport 1 1 o Mrs. Atwood 1 1 0 Mrs. Aſhlom O 10 6 Mrs. Amcotts O IO 6 Richard Ackwright, E ſq . 1 1 0 SUBSCRIBERS. B Her Grace the Ducheſs of Beaufort i 1 o Ducheſs Dowager Beaufort 2 2 o Viſcount Belgrave 2 2 o Viſcounteſs Balgonie 1 1 o Right Hon. Lady C. Bruce 1 1 o Lord Biſhop of Briſtol 1 I o Lord Biſhop of Bath and Wells 3 3 o Hon. B. Bouverie 2 2 o Mrs. E. Bouverie, Teſt on 10 O 0 Lady Smith Burgeſs 1 1 o Lady Beaumont 6 6 o Hon. Mrs. Boſcawen 5 5 o Hon. Mrs. Barrington i i o Lieut. Col. Burgoyne i i o Mrs. M. Burgoyne i i o Rev. Dean of Briſtol 5 5 o Mr. and Miſs Bacon O 15 6 Rev. Mr. Baddeley 1 1 o T . Bailey, Eſq. 1 1 o Rev. Dr. Baker 1 1 o Rev. S. Baker 1 1 o Sir Joſeph Banks 2 2 o Thomas Barker, Eſq. Lynton 1 1 o Thomas Barnes, D. D. 1 1 o Mr. Barrett 1 1 o — Barrow, Eſq. 1 1 o Mrs. Barrow 1 1 o J. T. Batt, Eſq. 3 3 o T. B. Bayley Hope, Eſq. 2 2 o Mrs. Beaufoy 2 2 o Capt. Bedford 1 1 O Mr. Beilby I 1 O Mrs. Bellthink 0 10 6 Miſs Bellthink O 10 6 Miſs Bentham 1 1 0 Mr. Berjew O 10 6 Thomas Bernard, Eſq. 1 i 0 Mr. Berry O 10 6 Mr. C. Bewick, Lawrence Lane 1 1 O SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs. Bigge I 1 o H. M. Bird, Eſq. 2 2 o Mrs. Bird 1 I o Miſs Bird 1 1 o Miſs Bird O IO 6 Mrs. Blatchford O 10 6 Rev. Mr. Bliſs, Meriden 1 1 o Rev. Me. Boſquet O 10 6 Thomas Bowdler, Eſq. 1 1 o J. Bowdler, Eſq. 1 I o Mrs. Bowdler 1 1 o Rev. William Bedford 1 I O Mr. W . Bayly, Frome O 10 6 Miſs Burges 1 1 O Miſs Bowdler 1 1 o J. Bradſhaw, Eſq. 1 1 o Mr. Bramwell 1 1 o Rev. Samuel Brewer 1 1 o Mrs. Brewer, Leiceſter 1 1 o Thomas Browne, Eſq. I 1 o Mr. and Mrs, Hawkins Browne 2 2 o Jacob Bryant, Eſq. 3 3 o Mr. Budworth O 10 6 Mrs. Bunn, Frome o 10 6 Mrs. Bunney 1 1 o Mrs. Burgh o IO 6 Dr. Burney 1 l O Rev. Mr. Burgeſs 1 l O Mrs. Burrows O IO 6 J. Burr, Eſq. Salford O IO 6 Mrs. Buſh o 10 6 Mr. Butler 1 1 O Mrs. Butler 1 I O Rev. J. Butt O IO 6 Mrs. and Miſs Byrom 1 I O Lowbridge Bright, Eſq. 2 2 O Mrs. Bertie O 5 o Mr. William Birdſall, Northampton O 10 6 Mr. Alex. Brown O 5 O Rev. F. Bedford O IO 6 3 SUBSCRIBERS. Captain Buller 1 i O Thomas Boddington, Eſq. 3 3 O Mrs. Bradley 1 1 O Richard Bright, Eſq. l 1 0 Mrs. Buſh o 10 6 Miſs Brownes, Leeds l 1 0 C His Grace the Archbiſhop of Canterbury 5 5 O Viſcount Cremorne 2 2 o Viſcounteſs Cremorne 1 1 O Earl of Cork 1 1 O Counteſs of Cork 1 1 o Mrs. Chambers 1 1 O Counteſs Coningham O 10 6 Right Hon. Lady G. Cavendiſh 1 I O Lady Campbell I 1 O Lord Biſhop of Cheſter 2 2 o T. Cadell, Eſq. 5 5 O Rev, Mr. Cambridge O 10 6 Miſs, Canning 1 1 o Mr. Walter Capper I l o Mr. Cardwell, Blackburn 1 1 o Miſs Carr O IO 6 Mrs. Carter 1 1 o Rev. Richard Cecil 1 I o Rev. Mr. Chamberlayne 1 1 o Rev. Dr. Chapman 1 1 o Mrs. Chapone O 10 6 Rev. Mr. Clarke O 10 6 O 10 6 Mrs. Clarke O Mrs. Clarke, Hanover Square 4 4 o Mrs. Clayfield 1 I o Rev. Richard H. Clerk 1 1 0 Rev. John Clowes 1 1 o Mrs. Coddrington 2 o Sir John Coghill 1 1 6 Rev. Mr. Cooke O lO o Mrs. Colſton 1 1 6 Rev. Mr. Comber o 10 o Mr. John Cope 1 1 2 SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs. Coote 1 1 O Rev. T. Camplin O 10 6 Mr. Cowper I 1 O Mr. Cowper 1 1 O Mrs. Henry Cooper I 1 O Mrs. Cooke, (per Mrs. Poole) 1 1 O Mrs. Corbett 1 1 O Mr. J. Cottle 1 I O Mrs. Cox O 10 6 Miſs Creſſwell 1 I O C. by the hands of Mrs. K ennicot 1 l O B.C. O 10 6 Mr. Currie 1 1 O Mrs. Currie 0 10 6 Miſs Mary Currie O lO 6 Rev.
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