OF THE lontonlpotjpttal,



Seamen, Manufadurers, and Labouring Poor their Wives and Children,









Hofpital enjoys Angular Advantages, in Regard to THISthe important Ends of the Eftablifhment, from its Neigh- bourhood to the Shipping below , and a large Body of People, luch as Seamen, Watermen, Coal-heavers, Shipwrights, Rope-makers, Sail-makers, beAde the numerous Manufacturers* in Spital-fields, and the eallern Part of the Metropolis; to all of whom this Hofpital is of Angular Service.—The Wards, by their Magnitude and Airinefs, are adapted, in the moft linking Manner, to the Relief of the diltreffed. The Support, hitherto afforded by generous Benefactors, has enabled the Governors to receive nearly Half a Million of Pa- tients fmce the Year 1740, labouring under the various Suffer- ings incident to human Life, of whom only a fmall Proportion has died, as appears by the General Accounts annually publifhed. —Thus POLICY and HUMANITY implore every poffible AfAftance to an ObjeCl, fo diltinguiAied in the great Syftem of Police and Commercial Intereft ofour Country. All ACCIDENTS are received by this Hofpital without Recommendation or Security; and no Security is required for fuch Patients as are recommended. The Riches and increafmg Commerce of the Nation, it is hoped,- are fuch, as will cherifh and fupport, in full Splendour, an Inilitution fo pregnant with Beneficence, and productive of the moll fubllantial Good, par- ticularly in the Prefervation of MANUFACTURERS and SEAMEN. Thus may the Charity of the Individual be abundantly repaid in the National Credit and Felicity. Nor ought it to be forgotten, that there has been lately erefted, contiguous to the Hofpital, at the Coll of Individuals, a Theatre for Leftures, in the various Branches of Medicine ; fo that every Part of Medical Science is encouraged and promoted for the common Good. It is the great Aim of the Committee, that the Dilburfements keep as equal Pace as poffible with the Liberality of the Public. This prudential Conduct is conceived to be the beft Security for the Permanency and Profperity of the Charity. They have, accordingly, the Satisfaction of having confiderably reduced the Expences of the Hofpital; and trull, that, by purfuing the fame economical Plan, with the Affillance that is reafonably expected from the Humane and Opulent, an Extenfion of the prefent Syllem may fhortly be eHefted. The prefent Anniverfary affords a noble Occafion of calling upon the Generofity of Fellow-fubjefts; and the Fafts fet forth teftifyhow far this Gbjeft is deferving the Munificence of the Affluent, and the Continuance of the Exertions of its prefent -Friends and Supporters. Aii A C C O U N T Of the RISE, PROGRESS, and STATE

OF THE Corporation of the London-Hofpital, For the Relief of DISEASED and HURT PERSONS, PARTICULAR LY Manufacturers, Seamen in Merchants Service, their Wives and Children, From its InlHtution, on the 3d Day of November, 1740, To the Ift Day of January, 1796. Supported by charitable and voluntary Contributions,

CHARITY was, for fome Years, Origin of the Charity. THIScarried on in Pref cot-freel, Goodman's Fields, in feveral Houfes, hired upon Leafe for that P urpofe; till by the Decay of the Bailings, notwithftanding large Sums of Money had been expended to keep them in Repair, and the fmallnefs of the Rooms, The GOVERNORS were determined to open a SUBSCRIPTION, which might enable them to purchafe a Piece ofGround, and build a Houfe more proper for enlarging and perpetuating their benevo- lent Deligns ; and which has been fmce happily elfefted. The prefent HOSPITAL, in purfuance of this Situation of Scheme, was eredled by the voluntary CONTRI- ihe Hofpital. BUTIONS offeveral Governors, givenfor that Pur- pofe only, in an airy Situation near the Mount in Mile- End-Road, properly furnilhed, and fitted up with about 130 Beds, for the Reception of Patients. General The Frame and SOCIETY, for carrying on this moil ufeful Regulation Undertaking, is the nf the by Charter, bearing Date the Society, , 9th of December, 1758, confirmed and declared to be a Body Corporate, by the Name of the GOVERNORS OF THE L OND ON-HOSPITAL; and to confift of fuch Noblemen and Gentlemen as are therein enume- rated, and of thofe who were reputed Governors for Life at that Time; together with fuch others who, by giving a Benefaction of Thirty Guineas, or mere, Qualifica- ; jpf tions of Go- at one Time, become Governors for Life and vernors. thofe who, by fubferibing Five Guineas, or more, per Annum, are Governors daring fuch Subscription. Out of thefe are annually to be defied a PRESI- Proficient, &c. DENT, two, or more VICE-PRESIDENTS, and a TREASURER. General A GENERAL COURT of Governors is appoint- Courts, &c. ed, by the faid Charter, to be held on the firft Wed- vefday in the Months of March, June, September, and December; to diredl the Application of the Common Seal, which they are hereby empowered to v.Je ; to elect Officers ; appoint Committees; receive the Reports of

former ones ; infpeeft Accounts; make fuch By-Laws and Rules as {hall be judged neceftary for the good Government of the Charity; and to tranfaeft fuch other Bufmefs as (hall be laid before them. Among the BY-LAWS, which the Governors in General Courts have, conformably to their Charter, agreed upon, are the following :

Right of No annual Governor or Governed fhall vote at voting at Elections. any Election, who has not been a Governor or Go- verned one Year, the Election Day inclufive.

Anniverfary The ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Fcftival. Charity is held between the firft of February and the lad Day of April ; when a printed REPORT of the GeneralState ofthe Hofpital, the Number of Patients received and difcharged, and an Abdraft of the Accounts for the preceding Year, is laid before the Governors.

A HOUSE-COMMITTEE of Thirty Gover- Houfe Com- nutter. nors is annually appointed at the General Quarterly

Court in December ; who, at their fird Meeting, eledt a Chairman to preiide for the Year.—-They meet at the Hofpital on Tuefdays, weekly, at Eleven in the Forenoon; to difmifs and receive Patients; to infpedl the Provifions and Furniture fent in; to order fuch

NecelTaries as may be wanted ; to examine and diredl the Conduft of the Servants and Patients; and to regulate other Matters which may be brought before them. A COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS, confiding Committee of Accounts. of Twelve Governors, is appointed at the General Quarterly Court in funs, for one Year; who meet at the Hofpital, once a Quarter, to examine and audit Tradefmen’s Bills, which are paid by the Treafurer within a Fortnight after.-—'The Accounts are open at all Times for the Infpeftion of the Governors . MEDICAL COMMITTEE, confiding of fuch Medical Com- A mittee, a Number of Governors who praftife P hylic, Sur- gery, or Pharmacy, or are converfant in the Know- ledge ofDrugs or Medicines, as is judged proper, are eledled annually at the General Court in December .—■ The fa'id Committee order and infpedl the neceffary Drugs and Medicines, and report their Proceedings to the Quarterly General Courts. Two Governors or more are appointed VISI- Vilitorfif TORS, by the Houfe-Committee, for one Fortnight* to attend twice a Week, or oftener, if they think pro- per, to infpeft into the Management and Condufl of the Houfe, during the Intervals of the Meetings of the Houfe-Committee. Chaplain. A CHAPLAIN, who is a Clergymanof the Church

ofEngland, preaches every Sunday, and reads Prayers

Morning and Afternoon ; adminitters the Sacrament

regularly every Month ; reads Prayers four Times

Weekly ,• and is ready to vilit, pray by, and adminifter the Sacrament to, the Patients in the Wards, at all Times when required. Phylicians. Three PHYSICIANS attend alternately, one daily from Nine till Eleven.

Surgeons. Three SURGEONS attend alternately ; one daily from Eleven till One, with an Affidant SURGEON. Both PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS attend

without Fee or Reward ; and give Advice and Affift- ance to all fuch Objects as come within the above Hours, whether recommended or accidental. Pupils. The Surgeon in waiting has two PUPILS con- ftantly in the Houfe to receive, and, if necelfary, to call him to fuch Accidents as Ihall be brought in at any Hour of the Day and Night.

Apothecary. An APOTHECARY conftantly refides at the Hofpital, who compounds and difpenfes all Medicines ufed there, and folely attends the Bufinefs thereof. A STEWARD (for whole Fidelity proper Secu- Steward. rity is given) has the Charge of the Houfe and Fur- niture, keeps an Account of every Thing brought to or expended in the Houfe, and fubje&s the fame to the Examination of the Viktors and Houfe-Committee; and alfo, has the Infpeftion of the Conduft of all the Men Servants. A MATRON has the Direction of the Nurfes, Malron and other Women Servants ; and particularly fuperin- tends the Adminiftration of the Diet and Medicines.

The NURSES and WATCHERS are in Pro- NurfCs and portion to the Number of Patients, and guided by watchers, written Orders, to prevent Mifcondudl. Proper Diet for the Patients has been fettled by the Phyfi- cians and Surgeons; and an Account of it is fixed up in the Wards, for the Satisfaction of the Patients and their Friends. No Officer or Servant is permitted, upon Pain Rewards not of tobeKceiveG or Expulfion, to take of any Tradefman, Patient, other Perfon, any FEE, REWARD, or GRATUITY of any Kind, dire&ly or indireftly, for any Service done> or to be done, on Account of this Hofpital. Every GOVERNOR is entitled to have one In- Governors Patient, and Four Out-Patients, at a Time. Sub- scribers of Sums lefs than are Qualifications to become a Governor may likewife fend Out-Patients. Sub- fcriptions are during Pleafure; and any fmall Sums from well-difpofed Perfons will be thankfully received, but, in Order to carry on tins Undertaking, all Per- fons are defired to pay their Subfcription-Money at the Time of fubfcribing.

Thepoor Objefts recommended as IN-PATIENTS Proper Ob-i je£ts. are received without Expence, and are fupplied with Advice, Medicine, Diet, Wajhing, Lodging, and every ower Kind of comfortable Ajfftance, during their Cure ; nor is any Security required againft future Contin- gencies, as, in cafe of Death, they are buried at the Expence of the Charity, if not removed by their Friends.—OUT-PATIENTS have Advice and Me- dicines adminiltered dailvj Accidents All ACCIDENTS, with or without Recommenda- always re- ceived. tions, are received at any Hour of the Day or Night. Benefits of This is the Plan of the Proceedings of the Hofpital; the Charity, and fuch has been the extraordinary Encouragement given to it, that lince the Period of its Eftablilhment, on the 3d of November, 1740, it has afforded Relief to upwards of 469,342 difereffed Objefts; who, from labouring under the Oppreflion of the moll malignant Difeafes and unhappy Accidents, have been reinftated in their honeft and induftrious Capacities of working; and, fo far as Obfervation has 1 extended, their Morals alfo have heen much amended; whereby the Public have again enjoyed the Advantage of their Labour, and they and their poor Families been preferved from perifhing, and prevented from becoming a Burthen, inftead of being a Benefit, to the Community. are not Patients The Governors requefted to fend any from the Patient unable to walk, till they are firffc allured Country. of Room in the Houfe; and when they recommend an In-Patient, whofe Settlement is in the Country, it is expected, that they fatisfy the Houfe-Committee con- cerning the Removal of fuch Patient, when cured, or judged incurable. to Improper No Perfon of known Ability pay for Advice are Objetls. allowed to partake of this Charity ; Nor are any admitted into the Houfe with infectious Diftempers; or, who are Afthmatic or Confumptive, or deemed Hearable or improper by the Phyficians or Surgeons ; But fuch may be relieved as Out-Patients. Attendance, The Patients, admitted without any Expence, are &c of Pati- to ents. required be conftant in their Attendance on their rcfpeclive Phyficians and Surgeons, and obfervant of their Directions., and all the Rules of the Hofpkal; and, after their Cure or Relief, to return Thanks at the Chapel and at the next Weekly Committee. Thofe, who attend regularly, are obedient to the Rules, and return Thanks, receive a Certificate of their good Conduit, which

hill ; Dorion, Aiello, and Martin, Finch-lane ; Sykes, Snaith, and Co. oppofite the Manfion- Houfe; or to the Secretary, at the Hofpkal: who will give proper Receipts for the fame. And any Perfon, difpofed to bequeath a LEGACY to this Charity, is defired to do it in the follow- ing Manner, m, Item. I give and bequeath unto the r'orm Treafurer cf queathing, the London-Mofpital for the Time being the Sum cf Legacy.

to be applied tovuard carry, ing on the charitable Defgns of thefaid Corporation. Receipts and Payments—by Timothy Curtis, Efq; Treafurer, 1795* R E C E I P T S Dr.

£• '• To Balance in the Hands of the Bankers - - 33 6 11 7 Benefactions------£ 556 10 0 Subfcnptions - — - - 3i9 0 0 fftis R. H. William 1 " Duke ofGloucefler J 100 O O Palace Linen - - - 23 8 5 Benjamin Barnett, Efq; 50 0 0 Robert Wigram, Efq; 5 5 0 0 to William Leighton, Elq; 5 5 O Robert Pott, Efq;- - 5 5 0 | i John Perry, jun. Efq; - 5 5 0 > 227 18 1 o Sundry Friends at 1 O ft the Feaft - - - J 9 3 A Fine obtained by"! $ 5 O a Gentleman - J Benjamin Kenton, Efq; 5 5 0 \ Balance ofAnniver- C fary Stewards - J p oor’s Box------14 9 Annual Feall - - - - 7 0 fMrs. Cath. Mellifh 1000 0 0) Philip Rowden, Efq; 200 0 0 wto James Maze, Efq; - 100 0 0 y <( Daniel Martin, Elq; - 100 0 5 0 tf) 200 0 0 Mils Patience Parker - 100 0 0 Elizabeth Hanmer 5 5 o_

------0 6 Dividends • 1015 Rents on General Account - - - 599 2 8

• - M Houle Steward’s Balance - 10 18 9 — 475 6 16 9

£ 5°93 8 4 From the ift of January, 1795, to the ift of January, 1796. 1795- PAYMEN T S. Cr. s. d. By Caih paid for Houfekeeping 6 iof Ditto Difpenfary - - - - 397 12 2! Ditto — Surgery -----90 19 9

— Ditto Houfehold Furniture - 22Q iq 0 Ditto — Repairs -----128 15 0

Ditto — Stationary - - - - l8 12 0 Ditto — Printing; & Advertifmg - 57 *9 0 Ditto — Burials ----- 1 4 9 0

- - - Ditto — Taxes - - - 70 19 9

- Ditto — Petty Expences - - 62 15 6| Ditto — Infurance ----- 4 J 3 6 Ditto — Salaries - - - - 0 0

Ditto — Wages ----- 234 11 3218 8 8 Houfe Stewards Balance - - - 18 9 Drawn from the Bankers to purchafe Stock 666 5 0

- - Ditto from ditto to purchafe ditto - 628 »5 0 on Calh at the feveral Bankers Hofpital Account 569 0 11 jC S°93 8 4 Nett INCOME of the HOSPITAL,

Subfcription ------3x9 0 0 Dividends ------1015 0 6

-- Rents ------599 2 8 3 2 ESTATES and PROPERTY belonging to the LONDON*

>79 6 - Dr. Jan ill. £• s. d.

- - - - - 3000I. Bank-Stock - coft 3785 10 6 f 11 tool. 3 per Cent. Confols. coll - 8761 6 7

- J 1000I. ditto 4 Feb. coft - 628 15 0 13450I. 1 loocl. - - ditto 3d June, coft - 666 5 0 1 ditto transferred \ L 9th Sept, l and would have coft - - J 23B 7 1 2200I. Three per Cent. Reduced - - coll 11152 18 4 tool. Three per Cent. Old South Sea - coft 87 5 0 450I. Three per Cent. New South Sea coll 450 0 0 3 1 °1* Eall-India Stock -----coft 465 19 0 571I. los. South Sea Stock, transferred! the 20th Oftober, 1792, to the r 5 6 5 15 8

- Hofpital, and would have coft - J 2S. 3d. Three per Cent. 1726, trans- J ferred to the Hofpital, 21ft Auguft, j 3 11 12 6 179*, and would have coft - - - J

- - - - Sundry Eftates near the Hofpital - 61 55 9 10

One ditto, -Mount - - - - - 800 0 0

• - - - Bond of James Cox, Efq. - 5° 0 0 Calh at the fcveral Bankers ----- 569 0 1 1

r 34,688 10 HOSPITAL.—The Particulars of the general Balance. 1796. Cr. Jan. ift. £• *• <*• By Account as per Contra, being the prefentj roo 10 Value of the Hoipital Ellate - - - - | 34.688 15 LEGACIES to the London-Hofpital, inßeverfion, &c: icol. By Mrs. Jane Price, after the Deceafe of her Sifter, Sarah Price, her Ton Major Woolhead, and his Iftue. 5001. By Robert Nettleton, Efq; after the Deceafe of his Widow. 5001. By Mr. William Kenton, in cafe Charles Smith does not attain to the Age of 24. Years. 2001. Three per Cent. Reduced Annuities, by Mrs. Mary Kebbell, alter the Deceafe of Mr. Richard Batsford, and Mrs. Ann Batsford 1001. per Annum Long Annuities, by Mrs. ElifabethHolmes, after the Deccale ol Mrs. Elifabeth Porter, late Holmes. 501. Coverdale Richardfon, Efq; per Annum, upon the Life of his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales. 20C01. John Smith, Etc; two feven Parts of his Stock and Effects, after the Deceafe of Mrs. Rofamond Hollinglworth. 3001. By George Hawkins, Efq; Eaft-India Annuities, at the Deceaie of his Daughter, Mrs. Mary Hawkins, provided the die without Iflue. By Mr. Mar k Hamill, one-fourth of his Eftates, in cafe his Nephew, Grandlbn Hans Mark Hamill, ftiall die, without any lawful Iftue, before he attains to the Age of 25 Years. 311. a 01. John Crowe, Efq; 1001. By William Scullard, Efq; alter the Deceafe of his Wife, Mrs. Abigail Scullard. 501. By Mr. Archibald Steward, after the Deceafe of his Sifter, Eleanor Jones ; Executor, Mr. Taylor. The Eftates iituate in St. John’s, High ftreet, , chargeable with an Annuity of 50!. per Annum, to Sarah Wiltfhire, Wife of Charles Seymour Will {hire, unlefs fhe fells or alienates the fame, in whu h cafe the Annuity to ceafe, and become Part cf John Glover’s reliduary Eftate. The Eftate aforelaid, together with thofe fituate in Redmead- lane, St. George’s, County of Middlefex, are bequeathed in Truft, and to go to John Steygould, and Mary his Wife, or their Affigns, or the longeft Survivor of them two, and afterwards to the Heirs of her Bod}--, by the laid Steygould, or any after taken Hulband, upon their attaining the Age of Twenty-one Years, and failing all fuch Iftue, the Eftates to be Ibid, and after paying all the faid Mr. Glover’s juftDebts, together with the Expences ofSale, the Reiiduum to go to the Governors of the London Hofpital for the Benefit of that Charity. An ACCOUNT of PATIENTS From the ill of January, 1795, to the ill of January, 1796.


------Difcharged cured - 8 65}

-- - - - ( - Relieved 9° >- 1166

------Died -- 164{ Difcharged for Mifbehaviour - - - - 47 J Now in the Houfe 114 OUT-PATIENTS.

Difcharged cured ------1 1466 >-

- - Accidents treated as Out-Patients - 21 8 J -1684 Out Patients now on the Books 492

- - Total fmce the laft Report - - -

- - - - TotaWince theFoundation - - 469342 Upwards of FOUR HUNDRED of the above were dreadful CASUALTIES, as Fraßures, Dijhcations, Wounds, Scalds, &c. and extraordinary Cafes, leceived into the Houfe without Recommen- dation.

In Point of Air, Situation, and Strudlure, there has not hitherto, it is apprehended, been erefted in the Kingdom, any Afylum, for the Relief of the diltrelfcd and Tick Poor, more calculated to anfwer that important End than the LONDON-HOSPITAL, the WARDS of which are large, and their Ceilings lofty. The Ele- vation of the Ground, on which it Hands, appears to be no lefs than 30 Feet above the Level of the River at high Water. Its Proximity to the River, together with its Situation on one of the moll public Roads, renders it liable to the Application of more Accident-Patients than any neighbouring Hofpital.—Of Patients in the Houfe at one Time, the Average Number is generally about 130. But iftheFinances would permit all the Wards to be opened, they would contain 400 and upwards, a Number not greater than Petitions for AdmiHion require. OFFICERS, &c. of the HOUSE.



Dr. JOHN COOKE, F.A.S. N Q 10, Salifbury-ftreet, Strand, Dr. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Old Broad-ftreet. Dr. JOSEPH FOX, South Place, near Finlbury-fquare. SURGEONS. Mr. RICHARD GRTNDALL, F.R.S. Auftln-friars. Mr, GEORGE NE ALE, Lime ftreet-fquare. Mr, WILLIAM BLIZARD, F.R.S. N° i, Devonfliire- fquare, Bilhopfgate Without.

ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Mr THOMAS WHITE, Jeffries fquare. Mr. THOMAS BLIZARD, St. Mary-Axe. Mr, GEORGE VAUX, Coleman-ftreet.





The Right Reverend Father In God







HisRoyal Highnef&WlLLlAM D uke of GLOUCES FER,


His Grace the Duke of D O R S E T.




CHRISTOPHER BARTON METCALFE, Efq; Chairman. Rawfon Aidabie, Efq; Samuel D. Liptrap, Efq; Thomas James Allen, Efq; Charles S. Milward, Efq; Jacob Boak, Efq; H. B. Millikin, Efq; William Clarance, Efq; Richard Morce, Efq; William Clappefon, Efq; Hugh Parnell, Efq; Thomas Cruden, Efq; John Perry, Efq; James Curtis, Efq; Richard Radford, Efq; William Downe, Efq; David Samuda, Efq; Thomas Dykes, Efq; Jofeph Steele, Efq; Henry Eggers, Efq; Nathaniel Sergeant, Efq;, Edward C. Gregory, Efq; John Trapp, Efq; Robert Haden, Efq; Edward Walter, Efq; Rev. Dr. Hamilton. David P. Watts, Efcj; William C. Headington, Elq; Thomas Windle, Elq, Samuel Jackfon, Efq; COMMITTEE of ACCOUNTS. William Downe, Efq; David Samuda, Efq; Henry Eggers, Efq: Nathaniel Sergeant, Efq; Edward C. Gregory, Efq; John Trapp, Efq; H. B. Millikin, Efq; David P. Watts, Efq; Richard Morce, Efq; MEDICAL-CO MM ITTEE. Thomas Cruden, Efq; Samuel Jackfon, Efq; Rice Davies, Efq; Richard Radford, Efq; William C, Headington, Efq; Jofeph Steele, Efq; John Milward, Efq; BUILDING-COMMITTEE. William Clappefon, Efq; Jonathan Fryer, Efq; William Downe, Elq; John Trapp, Efq; Henry Eggers, Efq;

*** The PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS, TREASURER, and CHAIRMAN of the HOUSE COMMITTEE, and thofe who have ferved thefe Offices, are Members of all Committees. ALI S T


GOVERNOR for LIFE. ANNUAL GOVERNOR. T. Served the Office of TREASURER. C. Faffed the CHA IR of the HOUSE COMMITTEE. S. Served the Office of STEWARD.

His Royal Highnels WILLIAM Duke cfGLOUCESTER

** His Highnefs Prince W I L L 1 A M. A. ** T> AronEp.d’Aguilar, Broad-Jlreet Buildings TCS* # NathanielAllen, Efq. No. 74, Wapping-wall

# S. * Benjamin Adamfon, Efq. Bath ** Ifaac Auber, Efq. No, 2, Elder-Jireet ** James Auber, Efq. Chichejier, SuJJex S.** Mr. Peter Alavoine, Bethlem ** George Adey, Efq. S.** William Anderfon, Efq. Alderman, Chart John er-houfe-fqt S.** Jofeph Ainfley, Efq. Broad-Jlr.St.George’s in theEaji ** Peter Ainfley, Efq- Ditto ** Robert Allen, Efq, Nightingale-lane CS.** Thomas Allen, Efq. Ditto S.* # Stanefby Alchorne, Efq, AJJay-rnaJier, at the Tower ** Mr. Peter Adams, No. 129, Whitechapel S,** Daniel Agace, Efq. No. 26, Lower Gower-Jlreet ** Richard Andrews, Efq. Tabernacle-walk, Moorfields *■* Mr. Luke Alder, No. 133, Gul/lon-fquare, Whitechapes S.** Mr. John Adcock, No. 140, Leadenhall-Jireet ** Mr. Jofeph Adcock, No. 25, St. Mary Axe ** Samuel Arnold/ Muf. Doc. No/22, Duke-fir.Wefitn. S.** Chrillopher Atkinfon, Efq. Park -fireet, Wefirninjier ** Thomas James Allen, Efq. No. 74, Wapping-nxiall ** Rawfon AiHabic, Efq. Churchfir eet, Stoke Newington ** Mrs. Either Agace, Clapton ** Mifs EllerJeffeAlvares, Mare-fireet, Hackney ** Mrs. Allen, Nightingale.lane B. ** Rev. Dr. Braithwaite, Re Bor of S. # * George Byng, Efq. M. P. St. James's-fquare CS.* # John Baker, Efq. Princes Jireet, Spital-fields CS.** John Bacon, Efq. Firji Fruits-Office, Temple ** Benjamin Barlow, Efq. JValton-upon-Thames ** Thomas Backhoufe, Efq. No. 3, Great Pre/cot-Jireet Goodman'sfields * * William Bullock, Efq. near Chad-well, Barking, Fjj'ex ** Henry Bird, Efq. Plymouth ** Thomas Bray, Efq. Percy-Jireet ** George Bond, Efq. Bath ** Mr. Frederic Bernard, No. 11, Manfsll-fireet, Goodman's-

fields , ** William Baynes, Efq. Harefield, Middlcfex ** William Bcarfley, Efq. Stamnore, Middlefex S. # * John Berney, Efq. Hackney S. # * Jofeph Burch, Efq. Stepney-green S. # * Jacob Barrow, Efq. D&vonjhire-fquare ** Charles Boidero, Efq. Cornhill B.* # Robert Batfon, Efq. Limehoufe ** Henry Merttinsßird, Efq. Valance, Effex, or Jeffriesfquare, St. Mary Axe * Robert Bird, Efq. Jeffriesfquare, St. Mary Axe ** John William Bacon, Efq. Friern Barnet, Middle/ex S.** Thomas Boddington, Efq. Hackney ** Robert Brownell, Efq. Chigwell, Effex S,** David Barclay, Efq. Red-lion-fquare, ** Mr. Silvanus Bevan, Lombard-ftreet S ** Samuel Bofanquet, Efq. Layton, Effex ** Thomas Bennett, Efq. Newington Butts S.* # Peter Brown, Efq. No. 23, Lawrence-pountney-lane S.** Jofeph Bird, Efq, No. 6, Cock-hill, Ratcliff ** William Blackmore, Efq. Wellclofefquare ** , Efq. S.** Mr. Holloway Brecknock, ** James Barwell, Efq. Haifmoon-Jireet, Piccadilly ** James Breefe, Efq Garraway’s Coffee houfe ** Capt. George Burton, Laytonjione, Effex S.** William Baker, Efq. Princes-Jireet, Spitalfelds ** Mr. William Blankett S.** Richard Benyon, Efq. Grofvenorfquare ** Mr. Jofeph Boone, No. 18, High-fireet S.** James Beuzeville, Efq. Stewartfreet, Spitalfelds S.** George Bowles, Efq. Wanfead ** Thomas Bullock, Efq. Whitechapel S.** Edward Gale Boldero, Efq. Cornhill ** Mr. Thomas Barnes, Cafle-Jlresi, Whitechapel ** Nathaniel Byles, Efq. Summrfeld, near Docking, Norfolk ** William Bowman, Efq. No. 6c, Lombard-freet ** Mr. William Bentail, Haljiead, Effex ** Charles Boone, Efq. No.'s, Berkleyfquare ** Jacob Boak, Efq. Leadenhall-freet ** Jackfon Barwis, Efq. Rumford ** Thomas Bowles, Efq. Wanjicad, EJfex ■** David Ifrael Brandon, Efq. St. Thomas's-fquare, Hackney

** Matter Wm. Barker, at Mrs. Barker’s, Tottenham ** John Bolland, Efq. No. 25, Mark-lane ** John Boulcot, Efq. Narrow-Jireet, Limehoufe ** Henry Bullock, Efq. Whitechapel ** Mr. Samuel Barnard, Gracechurch-Jlreet ** Jofeph Bollard, Efq. Bedford-row ** Rev. Nicolas Bacon, Coddejham, Ipfwich, Suffolk ** FrancisD’Arcyßacon, Efq. Friern-Barnet, Middlefex

** Berens, St, Herman Efq, Ke-vington, Mary Cray, Kent

> ** Jeremiah Blakernan, Efq. St. A?me s-place, Limehoufe S.** Thomas Birch, Efq. No. 122, Cheapfde ** Robert Batfon, jun. Efq. Lisnehoufe ** Jofeph Brook, Efq. No. 9, Whitechapel

** near John Bagnall, Efq. No. 2, Suffolk-freet, the Middlefex-hofpital

* Jofeph Blizard, Efq. Old Broad-ftreet ■** William Bridges, Efq. No. 4, King's-row, Pentonville ** Benjamin Barnett, Efq. No. 62, Lombard-ftreet ** Mrs, Frances Barker ** Mrs. Mary Browne, New Ormond-flreet * Mrs.Catharir. Brett, Stratford, Ef'ex ** Mifs Maria Bacon, Friern Barnet,fMiddlefex ** Mrs. Ann Burdett, Ireland c S.** Sir George Colebrock, Bart. Bath CS.** Sir Thomas Coxhead, Knt. Great Hermitage-fir eet, M. P* TCS* # Timothy Curtis, Efq. TREASURER, Hackney S.** Rt.Hon.Wm. Cards, Lord-Mayor, M.P. Manfton-hmfe TCS** John Cooke, Efq. Stratford, EJfcx

S.** Richard Cracraft, Efq. Nag's-head Court, Grace- church ftreet S. # * John Coope, Efq. -Angel-alley, Whitechapel *# Alexander Champion, Efq. Winchejler-ftreet John Cornwall, Efq. No. 40, Duchefsftreet, Port- lankl-place ** Daniel Crifpin, Efq. Stephen-ftreet, Rathbone place ** Mr. Bartrand Cazalar, Exeter ** William Camden, Efq. Laytonftone * # Richard Cocks, Efq. S.** Francis Creuze, Efq. Beddivgton, Surry, or No. 20 Leman-ftreet S. ## Colin Currie, Efq. ** Edmund Calamy, Efq. Lincoln's-inn-ftelds ** Rev. Robert Cranmer, No. 70, Great Rujfelftr, Bloomjb, ** Mr. John Clarke, No. 74, Wapping-avail ** Mr. Walter Cope, Southampton S.** Bicknell Coney, Efq. No. 145, Leadenhallftreet S. # * John Charrihgton, Efq. Mile-End ** Robert Campbell, Efq. Buckle ftr. Goodman's-ftelds ** Mr. Thomas Collinfon, Southgate, Middlefex ** Richard Muil- man Trench Chifvvell, Efq. Portland-place S.** John Chalie, Efq. No. 29, Mincing-lane

** William Cotes, Efq. No. 2, Unionftr . Bijhopfgateftr, ' ** Mr. Samuel Caftle, Church-ftreet, Spital-ftelds ** Alheton Curzon, Efq. Davidftreet, Berkley-fquare ** Mr, Ifaac Colnett, No. 101, Whitechapel Thomas Cruden, Efq. No. 2, Norton-Falgate ** Matthew Chalie, Efq. No. 29, Mincing-lane ** William Claxton, Efq. Enfield J°^n Cooper, Efq. jhn Eafi-Ham Conyers, Efq. Mount-fireet, ** Grofivenor-/quart Mr.i' Ch. Hand Courant, at Mrs. Buckley's, Rupert fir eet Tho. Valent. Cooke, Efq. Stratford-green n Cotton, Efq. No. 118, Bifhopfgate ftreet ** Charles Crickitt, Efq. Soho-fquare S** Harv. Chrift. Coombe, Efq. Alderman, ** Great-RuJfel-fir. William Clarance, Efq. Whitechapel J tnes Curtis, Old Efq, . South Jea-houfe, Broad-fir Harry Charrington, Efq. Mile-end ** Norrifon Coverdale, Efq. Limehoufe Capt. William Clappefon, Hermitage -Jireet •** Anthony Calvert, Efq. Cre/cent , *** William Currie, Efq. No. 29, Cornhill John Craven, Efq. Buckle-Jireet, * Goodman's.-fields Ifaac Currie, Efq. No. 29, Cornhill Mr. William Couldery, No. 13,Bunhill-ro-w Thomas Conway, Efq. ** Mr. Jofeph Cuff, No. 115, Whitechapel ■** George Cooke, Efq. Corbett, Efq. Ne-w-fireet, Bifhopfgate-fireei S ** °^n Currie, Efq. Bromley , Middlefex * James Chriftie, Efq. Pall-mall Co well, Efq, Water-lanej Pouoer ** fireet George Cowell, Efq. Ditto Peter Cherry, Efq. 7ottenham * Richard Cleaver, Efq. Clapton Meyer Cohen, Efq. Hatton-garden ** Mr. George Clavering, Red-lion-fireet, Whitechapel ** R. H. Clark, Efq. Wapping

S.** Charles Cameron, Efq. George-Jlr, Manfion-houfeflr,

** Mark Currie, Efq. Duke-Jireet, Bloomfbury ** Leonard Currie, Efq. Bromley, Middlefex S.** Newell Connop, Efq. Shad-well-dock ** Arthur Colley, Efq. No. 13, Wood-ffr. Spital-felds ** Benjamin Cock, Efq. Union-Jlairs, IVapping ** John Charleton, Efq. Park-jlreet, Grofvenor-fquare ** Richard Cooper, Elq. ’Tottenham * Jofeph Curtis, Efq. Hackney ** Mr. Daniel Cloves, Storehoufe-yard, Cockhill, Ratcliff ** James Collins, Efq. Spital-fquare * Charles Clarke, Efq. No. 57, Mark-lane ** Henry Cock, No. 12, Old Jewry ** Her Grace the Duchefs of Chandos, Grofvenor-fquare ** Mrs. ElizabethCooke, Stratford ** Cranmer, Mifs Martha No. 72, Ruffel-freet, Bloomjbury ** Mifs Ann Cranmer, fermyn-Jireet ** Mrs. Sarah Connop, Lower ** Mrs. ElizabethCoot, Rotherhithe

** Mrs. Jane Crulh, Princes-Jireei , Spital-felds

D S.** His Grace the Duke of Dorfet, Parliament-ffreet S.** His GraceWm. Duke ofDevonlhire, Piccadilly S. # * Right' Hon. Sir Thomas Dundas, Bart. Arlington-Jireet ** Rev. Philip Du Val, D.D. No. 19, Newman-jireet TS** Peter Ducane, Efq. Braxted-lodge, Effete CS** John Danvers, Efq. Hornfeyy Middlefsx '** Mr. Peter Dobree, jun. Guernfey

** on Peter Delarive, Efq. llampton-wick y near Kingfl ** Peter Duvall, Efq. Mr. Ifaac Dupree, No. 30. Great idermitage -Jlreet ** Efq, John Dekevver, WeU-Jireet, Hackney S.** William Dawfon, Efq, Ampthill, Bedfordffiire S.** John Defchamps, Efq. No. 15, Bucklerfiury s.** Thomas Dorrien, Efq. Finch-lane, Cornhill S.* Maicus Dixon, Elq. Fenchurch-Jlreet ** William Delanges, Efq. Wheeler-Jireet , Spital-ffields S '** Carlien Dirs, Efq. No.?, Bree/es-hill. Ratcliff-high™. ,S.** John Dawes, Elq.

* # 'S, Thomas Dykes, Elq. King David's-lane, Shadnvell ** Magens Dorrien, Efq. No. g, Cavendijh-fquare # * .S. Quintan Dick, Efq. No. 7, King Jlreet, Cheapfide ** CJiarles Oigby, Efq, London-Jield, Hackney ** William Diilwyn, Efq. Wahhamjhvo Richard Doweling, Efq. Knapping-vail S. John Deffel, Elq, Crejcent, Minories S.** William Downe, Efq. Hermitage S.** John Dorville, Efq, Americafquare S '* # Rke Davies > Efq. Police-office, AUc-Jirect, Good- man' sfficlds Simon De Fries, Efq. No. 6, Ne-zv BaJtnghall-Jireef ** Rev. Henry Ducane, Coggerjhall, Effiex S *** Thomas Dallifon, Efq. No. J 49, Wapping S.** Lyon Defymons, Efq. No. i 5, AUe-fircet, Good man's-fields ** Thomas Dranc, Efq. No. 13, Limehcufe-ro-w John Dunkin, Efq. Paragon, Surry-rpad * Chriftopher Dunkin, Efq. Horjlydo^n ** Mrs - Ann Dorrien, Finch-lane ** Mrs - J wlith Delamare, Clapton, near Hackney * Lady Ann Dacre, Belhmfe, near Grays, ** Effiex Mrs. Arabella Donne, No. 27., Lawreme-lane Mrs. Sarah Dickenfon, No. 80, Bkomfhury-place

Mrs. Digby, Londori-Jlreei, Hackney E S.** Rt. Hon.Lord Emily, Arlingim-jimt * Honourable Ball India Directors ** John Edwards, isfq, Stratfiord, Ej/ex S.** Jonathan Eade, Efq. Stole Newington ** Eiil.uJe, Efq,- Hoddcfidtu, Herts ** Robert Elliot, Efq. ** Thomas Eburr.e, Efq, No. 57, Highfury-place ** Mr. Henry Engel, JVAlckfieJquare S.** Henry Eggers, Efq. Great Garden-fireet ** Mrs. Hannah Edward, No. 36, Coleman-fired F ** Mr. James Flood, Mount Houficr WhitechapeUroad ** Mr. Gilbert Ford, Croydon, Surry ** James Fletcher, Efq. ** James Freameaux, Efq. King's Sharp, near North• ampler, §.** Thomas Fletcher, Efq. Great-EalingMiddlefiex, or No, ij, Ironmonger-lane ** Reuben 1 Foxwell, Efq No. z6, Charch-ftreet, Spitak fields ■** Jonathan Fryer, Efq. Twiekenhmh or Jamaica Ccjfiet *> houfie ** Rev, John Freffuicque, Portjmouth ** Mr. Daniel Foffick, No. 9, Crooked-lane

** Mr, Luke Flood, Whitechapel

** William Fuller, Efq. Lomhard-fireet ** Jofeph Fofter, Efq. Bromley-hall, EJfex Robert Freeland, Efq. Bell-houfe, Great Marlow, Bucks ** Thomas Ferrers, Efq. Conduit-fireet, Plano'uer-fquare ** John Farrar, Efq. St. Mary-at-hill S.** Thomas Fletcher, Efq. No. 22, ** Rev. John Foley, Gloucefier ,** J. R. Fourdrinier, Efq. No. 9, Whitechapel ** Thomas Fuller, Efq. No. 24, Lombard-fireet * * Mrs. Letitia Fifher, Gray’s-inn-lane, Holborn ** Mrs. Ann Fitzherbert, Epfom, Surry ** Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, Charles-fireet, St. James’s-fquare

** Mrs. Harriot Frampton, No. 34, LeadenhalUfirect G ** The Hon. Henry Grenville

** Henry Goodwyn, Efq. Greenwich, Kent S.** Benjamin Goldfmid, Efq. Capel-court,Bartholomew-lane S.** Abraham Goldfmid, Efq. No. 18, Great Alie-fireet S. # * George Goldfmid, Efq. No. 25, Leman-fireet S ,** A(her Goldfmid, Efq. Leman-Jlr. Goodman s-fields

** Edward Gray, Efq. No. 24, Edward-fireet , Ca

-*# near Edward Greaves, Efq. Princes-fquare, the Horns, Kennington ■** CaptainElijah Goff, Broad-Jlreet, Ratcliff-highway S.** Jofeph Gompertz, Efq. Crutched-friars S.** Valentine Grimftead, Efq. Eppingforefi ** Mr. Samuel Gordon ** William Gordon, Efq. ** Harry W. Guyon, Efq. Royal Exchange •• Samuel Gift, Efq. No. 36, Goaaer ftreet. fquare B'dfird. Mr James Greenhow, Slyne, near Lancajicr ** Rlchard Gough, Efq. at Mr. Nichols's, Red-lyon Pa/- fage, Fleet-Jlreet *•“ Guillebaud, Efq. No. 25, S'" J°re h Sfital-ftuare P Efq. No, 102, Leadenhall-Jlreet S.** John Grenade, Efq. New Broad-Jireet ** Mr. Evan Guillim S.” John Gray, Efq. No. 2. r.ter-laae, •• Te^er-ftr.et Henry Goodrvyn. Efq. jun. Efq. St. Catharines •• Stephen Groombridge, Efq. No. 52, SmtiAU S.** Jofeph Green, Efq . Winchejler ftreet •• Ofgood Gee, Efq. No. ,5, tamer Seymour-ftreet S.** Lion Gompertz, Efq. Crutched-friars ** Claes Grill, Efq. N0.2, Dunfter-court Mincing ** Jane James Gale, Efq. Low-lane, Shad-well James Guillemard, Efq. Stewart-Jireet, Spital-felds ** Jofeph Gibfon, Efq. Norwich ** EdvvardCarlos Gregory, Efq. Leman-ftreet ** George Grote, Efq. Threadneedle-ftreet ** Charles Glynes, Efq. Burr-Jireet, Wapping ** Sam. Barnard Graff, Efq.

** William Geo. Garrett, Efq. Uaiverjtty-,college, Oxford ** Morgan Gould, Efq. No. 31, Ludgate-hill * Glafs, Rev. Samuel ; D.D. Wanfted, EJfex or No. 33, Gerrard-freet S ** Edward Gray, Efq. No. 71, Cornhill ** Walker Gray, Efq. No. 2, Water-lane, Tower-Jlreet * Thomas Gillefpie, Efq. Wapping ** William Griffiths, Efq; Brick-lane ** Theophilus Green, Efq, No. 1, Great Prefect fireet, Goodman's-fields * Charles Grofsmith, Efq. No. 1, St. James's-finest # * Mrs. Sarah Gregory ** Mifs Douglas Green, Winchefter-ftreet ** Mrs. Sarah Grimftead, Epping-fcrejl, Efifex ** Mrs. Lyon Gompertz, Crutched-friars


S.** Rt. Hon.Tho. Harley, Aid. M.P. No. i 52, Alderj'gaufir S.** Sir John Henniker, Bart. Stratford TCS** Samuel Hawkins, Efq. No. 23, Lmanfircct SC** Jofeph Hankey, Efq. Poplar S.** Samuel Hunton, Efj, Chelfea ** George Howland, Efq. near A-vsrhlll, ** Nathaniel Hillier, E l q, Lavenham, Suffolk ** James Hooper, Efq. Teo-villc, Somerfdjhire ** Mr. Edward Hore, Fenchurch-buiUings ￿* William Hills, Efq. Hackney, by the Bridge S,** Samuel Hoare, Efq. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry S.** John Harman, Efq. ditto S.*» Mr. William Heathfield, Bethnal-green ** William Haines, Efq- Stohe-Newington ** James Hubbard, Efq. Southgate ** Samuel Hulme, Efq. near the Chapel, the Top «f Hes- ton Town S. # * William Higginfon, Efq. No. 5, Berners-fired, Ox- ford-fired S.** John Hammond, Efq. Gower's Walk, Church- lane, Whitechapel S.** George Hodgfon, Efq. Bow, Middle[es ** John Hughes, Efq. ** Andrews Harrifon, Efq.

_** Thomas Hill, Efq. ** Mr. Richard Houlditch, Crayford, Kent S.** John Hilbert, Wandjworth, Surry ** Benjamin Harrifon, Efq. Guy's Hofpital ** Thomas Harrifon, Efq. Angel-court, "Throgmorton-fir* ** Gen. William Harvey, at Mr. Winch's, No. 17, Haymarket ** John Harris, Elq. 1wyford, near Winchefier, Hants ** William Humfrys, Efq. Old Fifij-fireet S.** James Hatch, Efq. Bromley, Middlefex S.** Thomas Higgins, Eftp Finjbury -fquarc ** Simon Holbrook, Efq. Wig's Crofs, Walthamfiow S.** Richard Heatley, Efq. Bell court. Mincing-lam S.* # W. Clement Headington, Efq. Crifpin-fireet, Spital-fields ** Philip Holdfworch, Efq. No. 5, Lower Thames-fir, ** William Harrifon, No. 13, Little Towerfireet * William Hughes, Efq. Cleveland-court, St. James's- place S.** Jonathan Hoare, Efq. Frederick's-place. Old Jewry S.** Edward Hawkins, Efq. Macclesfield, Chejhire S.** Richard Harford, Efq. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry S>** Alexander Higginfon, Efq. No. 35, Harley-fireet ** William Harwood, Efq. Hunwell, Middlefex ** Mr. William Homan, near New Crane, Shadwell ** Mr. Thomas Hatterlley S,** Mr. Robert Haden, Hermitage ** Rev. Heathfield, at John Thomas Higgins's , Efiq. Lon. Don-wall ** Rov. Dr. Rt, Hamilton, Leman-fireet, Goodman s-fields ** Mr. John Hinde, No. 134., Whitechapel ** Thomas Hopkins, Efq. ** Jofeph Henley, Efq. Wapping, near the Hermitage ** Mr. Jofeph Hamblin, Prince's-fireet, Spital-fields S.* # Sampfon Hanbury, Efq. Brick-lane, Spital-fquare S.** Sir Benjamin Hammett, Knt. and Aid. M.P. Lomhard-fr. * George Hardy, Efq. Aufin-friars * Dr. William Hawes, Spital-fquare * Eliab Harvey, Efq. Chigwell, Ejfex ** John Hearle, Efq. Ratcliff-crofs ** James Haite, Efq. at Mr. Brown's, Raven-row, Spital-fields * Quarles Harris, fen. Efq. Crutched-friqrs * Quarles Harris, jun. Efq. No. 41, ditto ** , Efq. Finjbury-fquare * Jofeph. Hadiield, Efq. Crown-court, Broad-ftreet ** Jofeph Hankey, jun. Efq. Poplar ** Mrs. Ann Hawkins, Weji Wickham, Kent ** Mrs. Hoare, Frederick's-place. Old Jewry * Mrs.ElizabethHarris, No. 41, Crutckcd-friars * Mrs. Hannat I

** Sir Paul Jodrell, Knt. M. D. Madras, Eaf-Indies ** George johnfon, Efq. Stock-exchange ** George Jackfon, Efq Coleman-freet S.** George Johnfton. Efq. Barham-wood, Herts ** Joel Johnfon, Efq. Ifpfwich S.** Mr. Charles Jerdein Eaji Smithfield S.** JervoifeClerk Jervoife, Elq. Hanover-fquare ; or Wood' ford, Ejfex

** Thomas Ingram, Efq. Colne, Gloucejierjhire ** Samuel Jackfon, Efq New Road, St. George's

** Jacob Jamet, Elq. No. 32, Spitul-Jquare S.* # John Judd, Efq. Chelmsford, Ejfex ** Robert Jones, Efq. Oid Ford ** Charles Jackfon, Efq. Wanjiead', Ejfex * John James, Efq. Plaifiovo, Efifex ** John Jeffer, Efq. Highgate S. ## John Ironmonger, Efq. Tom's Coffee-hou/e ** Lewis Jouenne, Efq. George-yard, Lombard-fired ** James Jones, Efq. Iron-foundry, Hermitage ** Mr. Michael Jerdein, jun. Eafi Smithfield ** Robert Jenkins,Efq St .Gatherines-court, Tower-hill ** Thomas Jewdvvine. Efq. No. 69, Bafaghalt-fireeb

# Robert Jones, Curtain-road, Moorfields ** Mrs.HenriettaJackfon, Hafiings, Suffix K

# Kentifh, CS* Euftace Efq. King's Rippon, HunitngdonJhire ** John Knight, Efq. * Daniel Kemp, Efq. No. 43, Great Ormond-fiteet ** Leonard Kilham, Efq. No. 3, Agyle -fiyeet

** John Keeling, Efq. F mgrinhoe, near Colchefier ** Mr. David Ker ** Richard Kitton, Efq. No. 43, Upper Moorfields ** William Kinnerfley,Efq. No.z,Birchin-lane,Cornhill ** Benjamin Kenton, Efq. G>.

** Edward Kenlingon, Efq. Femple * George Kendall, Efq. No. 47, Wrpping * Edward Kimpton, Efq.No. 44, Southampton-luildings ** John Fooley Kenfmgton, Efq. B vidge-fireet, Blackfriars ** Mrs. Rebecca Dunhead-hall, nearShaftsbury, tVilts ** Mrs. Jane Keen, No. 12, Moorfields L ** The Rt. Rev. Father in God Lord Bilhop of London, St. James’s fifuare, or Fulham S.** Paul Le Mefurler, Alderman, M. P. CS** John Liptrap, Efq- Whitechapel-road S.** Ifaac Lefevre, Efq. Stepney-green ** Leonard Lefevre, Efq. Camberwell-grove, Surry

* # John Landon, Efq. No .69, Newgate-fireet S.* # John Lodge, Efq. No. 22, Garlick-hill S.** Samuel Lichigaray, Efq. Fhillibrock-houje, Layton, EJfex ** Nathaniel Levien, Efq. Magdalen-row ** Thomas Leach, Efq. Rolherhithe * Stephen Lee, Efq. Gro-ve, Church-fireet, Hackney ** Mr. Samuel Lawrence, No. 18, Stewart fir. Spital-ficlds ** Mr. Jfaac Lermittc, No. 136, Minorie: ** Lear, George Efq. No. 13* Great Garden-fireet, Whitechapel ** John Lambert, Efq. No. 25, Cornhill ** Gotchol Levien, Efq. No. 3, Haydon-Jquare S.** Samuel Long, Efq. Hill-fireet, Berkley-jquare '6.** Thomas Lei mitre, Efq. Aldgate S.** John C. Lerfom, M. D. Bafinghall-fireet S.** William Leighton, Efq. Charlton, Kent, or Coal-Exch. ** Thomas Leverton, Efq. Bedford-fquare ** Robert Le Blond, Efq Spital-Jquake * * Gregory Lee, Efq. b 0. 71, Lombard-fireet ** Thomas Lewis, Efq. Whitechapel-road * * Samuel Davy Liptrap, Efq. Mile-end ** Robert Loxham, Efq. Royal-exchange ** Mrs. S. Leapidge, Margate ** Mrs. Ellz. Liptrap, Mile-end-road M CS** Rev. Herbert Mayo, D. D. Bccior ofSt. George’s in theEafi CS** William Manbey, Efq. Strutford, Effix S. ## William Maimvaring, Efq. M. P. Hanover-fquare S.** Anthony Merry, Efq. ** John Morlar, Efq. Brentwood ** Francis Morley, Efq. Martin, S.** Peter Efq. Caftle-freei, Holhorn '6.** James Mitchell, Efq. Aybridge, Ejjex S.** John Marrat, Efq. Hampton court S.** Jofeph Marryat, Efq. Effex Merzeau, S.** Peter Efq. Ofoorne-place, Spital-fields ** Richard Hunt Micklefield, Efq, Tilbury S.** Mr. John Mafterman, White-hart'to. Gracechurch-fr. S.** Crifp Molineux, Efq. S. # * Henry Mills, Efq, Lewijham, Kent S.** Samuel Marlh, Efq. Belmont, near Uxbridge S.* # Richard Maddock, Efq. St. James's Place S.** Robert Macky, Efq. 7okenhoufe-yard Mathew, S.** Job Efq. Woodford, Ejjex * Capt. Thos. Mapfto tit. Broad-fir. St. George's in the Eaji ** Thomas Mitchell, Efq. at H. B. Millikins, Efq. Whitechapel

** Drinkton, Rev. Richard Mofely, near Bury , Suffolk ** James Meneton,Efq. No.l 5, Kennington-road,Surry S.** Herrington Marfh, Efq. ** William Malhiter, Efq. Iron-gate Wharf \ Tower-hill S.* # H. B. Millikin, No. 9, Whitechapel ** MafterJ.ParryMillikin, Ditto CS** Chrilt. Barton Metcalfe, Efq. Three Mills, Bromley S, ## Peter Mellilh, Efq. Shadvoell ** George Mackay, Efq. ** Arnold Mello, Efq. Finch-lane ** Mr. William Maher man, New hroad-ftreet ** Mil ward, Elq. Bonv, Middle/ex S, # * William Minilh, Efq. Whitechapel-road S.** William Mellilh, Ffq. Shadwell '** Dr. Jof. Hart Myers, John-freet, Minnies ** Charles Mills, Efq. Birchin-lane * Society Marine, Bijhopfgate-fireet S.* # John March, jun. Efq. George-ftr.GreatTo'wer-hill ** Capt. Richard Morce, No. 17. Princes-fquare S,#* James Mangles, Efq. Wapping S.** John Mil ward, Efq. Spital-Jquare

** John Marrat, jun. Efq. Dedham. Effex ** William Mafon, Efq. Cock hill, Ratcliff ** ’Thomas Maltby, Elq. Red Bails-nxharj, Fhames-flr, ** Ed. Longdon Macmardo, Efq. N0.2. Bread-ftr. Cheapfde. ** John Moggeridge, Efq. No. 79, Gracecburch-ftr. ** William Mellilh, Elq. No. 112, Bijhop/gate Within ** John Mellilh, Efq. Ditto ** Thomas How Mafterman, Efq. No. 2, White-hart-court Gracechurch ■jlreet ( ** P. E. Meftaer, Efq No. 28, New Broad-/lreet ** Gate Middleton, Efq. No. 63. Leadenh all Jlreet ** John HennikerMrjor, Efq. No. 19, Fortman fquare * Philip Metcalffe, Efq. Three Mills, Bromley ** James Mitchell, Efq. Lunehoufe-hole ** Mr. James Maze, No. 29, Winehejier-Jlreet ** William Midlord, Efq. Crefcent, Minories ** Mrs. Frances Mitchell, Maresfield, Sujfex ** Mrs. Lucy Mafon, No. 49, St. Mary-axe ** Mrs. Hannah Munday, Common ** Mifs Jen. Mainwaring, Berkley-fquare ** Thomas Martyn, Efq. No. 208, Wapping ** Mrs. Helena Marihall ** Mrs. Either Merae, Love-lane, Aldermanhury ** Mrs. Mellilh, No. JI2. Bifthopfgate Within * Mrs. Sarah Morley, Green-ftireet-houfte, Eafti-ham, Eftfex N

** Peter Nouaille, Efq. Seven Oaks, Kent 3.** Richard Neave, Efq. No. 9, Old Broad-ftnet # Nelfon, S.* George Efq. C heftier-place, Lambeth. ** Francis Newton, Efq. No. 3, Tanfield-court, Tetnple S.** Abraham Newman, Efq. No. 44, Fenchurch-jheet S.** HenryHandleyNorris, Efq. Hackney v ** Mr. Henry Newton, No. 47, Aidgate High-Jlreet ** Abraham Nordon, Efq. No. 107, Sloane-ftreet ** Simuel Newman, Efq. Gray’s Inn ** Henry Nantes, Efq. No. 5, Wanford-court, Throg- morton-Jireet o * The Principal Officers of Ordnance, in the Tower s** Thomas Oliver, Efq. Layton, Ej/ex ** Mrs. M. M. Ogier, No. 20, EaJl-Jir. Red-lion-fquare p ￿ The Rt. Hon. William Pitt, ** The Hon. Philip Bouverie Pufey, Upper Grofvenor-ftlreet CS** Capt. Henry Hinde Pelly, Upton, Eftex S.** John Pardoe, jun. Efq. M.P. Law Layton, Ej/ex, or No. 14, Bedford-Roiv ** WilMam Pearce, Efq. No, 10, Swithin's-lant ** Henry Pattifon, Efq. Norwich ** William Pattifon, Efq. Birmingham S.** Wm,Weller Pcpyes, Efq. No. 51, W'nnpole-Jireet S.** Johnfon Piftor, Efq. Bath S.** George Peters, Efq. Old Bethlrm ** Thomas Phillips, Efq. Bear-hill, Berks ** Michael Pearlon, Efq. Spiiai-fquare ** John Purling, Efq. M. P. No. 42, Portland-place s.** John Perry, Efq. Blackwall ** Martin Petrie, Efq. Corfica ** near William Prieft, Efq. Waltham-croft, Chejhunt, Herts S.** Theophilus Pritzler, Efq. Wetlclofe-fquare ** Capt. Charles Peacock, Torkjhire

** Jfaac Mendes Pereira, No. 4, Bijhop/gate within ** Samuel Proudfoot, Efq. New City-Chambers ** Elias Platrier, Efq. No. I, Fo.re-Jireet, Old Ar- tillery -ground ** William Power, Efq. Grigfiy s Ctjfee-houfe, Thread. needle-Jlreet ** John Pepwcll, Efq. Bell-dock, Wapping

S.** Nicolas Segar Parry, Efq . at Mr. Ackroyd's, iguecn-fireet Cheapfede ￿ Thomas Profior, Efq. No. 58, Shoreditch ** Roger Pettiward, Efq Putney, Surry ** William Pitt, Efq. No. 24, Gdrlick hill S,** John Perry, jun. Efq. Blackball ** Mr. John Pugh, No. 82, Gracechurch-Jireet ' ** Samuel “Price, Efq. Foreijlreet" ' S. ## Robert Prefton, Efq. M.P. Frederick's-pi. Old Jewry S.** Robert Pott, Efq. Caftle-fireei, Southwark ** David Powell, Efq. No. 3, Little St. Helen s S.** John Philips, Efq. Star Brewhoufe, Wapping S.** Philip Perry, Efq. Blackball ** John Palmer, Efq. Drury-lane 'Theatre ** Mr. Thomas Pearfon, Biff:opfgate within ** David Powell, jun. Efq. Little St. Helen's S.** Thomas Plummer, Efq. Fen-court, Fenchurch-firect S.** Geo.William Prefect, Efq. Portman-fquare ** Hugh Parnell, Efq. No. 32, Church-fir. Spital-fields S.** Thomas Poynder, Efq. eppofite the London fiavern ** James Pott, Efq. Grove, Hackney ** Mrs. Mary Pocock, Bnghfidd-gmn, Surry ** Mrs, Mary Perigal, No. 2.0, Eafi firstt, Red-lion/quare, Holborn CL S,** William Quamll, Efq. Whitechapel R S,** HisGraceCha. Duke of Richmond, Privy-gardens, Whitehall •• John Raymond, Efq. Bedfiord-fiquare S. #* John An'lhony Rucker, Efq. No. 29, Mincing-lane S.** Caften Rohde, Efq. Wellclofefiquare S.* # Major Rohde, Efq. Leman-fireet, Goodman's 'fields ** Abr, Watfon Rutherford, Efq. No. 1, St, Mary-at hill ** Ifiac Renou, Efq. ** Mr. Francis Rybot S,** John Roebuck, Efq, St, Mary hill *■* Mr, James Ramfey, London Punch-houfc, Ludgate-hill ** Samuel Robinfon, Efq. Croydon, Surry

## S. Peter Romilly, Efq. No. 7, Frhh-fireet, Soho

** John Ryder, Efq. Croydon, Surry S.** John Rigg, Efq. No. 5, Ne-zv London fireet ** John Rigg, jun. Efq. ditto S. John Randall, Efq. Fairy Hill, Mentingham, Kent, or Mr. Sewell’s, Cornhill S.** Jeremiah Rolher, Efq. Trinity-fireet, Rotherhithe ** Samuel Rolhotham, Efq.

** CS James Rondeau, Efq. No. 19, Ely-piace, Holhorn S.** Jeffe Ruffell, Efq. Goodman's-yard, Minories ** Daniel Roberts, Efq. No. 4, Homerton-roav

** Daniel Henry Rucker, Efq. No. 22, Mincing-lane ** Mr. William Rondeau, Shorter's- court, Fhrogmorton-fireet ** William Ruffel, Efq. North Oxendon, Fffix ** Richard Radford, Efq. Cooper's-row, Crutched-friars ** Jeremiah Royd, Efq. Bucklerjbury &•** John Rixon, Efq. Hermitage Jlreet, Wapping ** William Robinfon, Efq. Woodford ** John Roebuck, jun. Efq. St. Mary at-hill * John Robinfon, Efq. Wellclofe-fquare ** Mrs. Mary Rohde, Leman-frest, Goodman'’s-fields ** Lady Rufhout, Welbeck-frcet ** Mifs R. Rufhout, ditto ** Mrs. Mary Roffey, Lincoln s-inn-felds ** Mrs. Ann Rigby, Qharhtte-ftreet, Bedford-fquare s * Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart, No. 17, BryanJione-Jireet, Portman fquare ** James Sea wen, Efq; near Northampton TCS** John Spiller, Efq; Brentford, Middlefex TCS** Mr. Jcfeph. Sheppard, King Edward-Jtairs, Wapping * Thomas Scott, Efq; Grafton-Jhreet, Piccadilly ** Samuel Smith, Efq; ** George Shergold, Efq; S'** John Staples, Efq; Well clofe-fquare S.** Arthur Shakefpeare, Efq; Stepney-caufeuuay S. # * Thomas Sayer, Efq. Bow, Middlefex S** Claude Scott, Efq; Gower-ftreet, Bedford-fquare S .** William Saunders, M.D. New Broad-freet S.** Daniel Suton, Efq; Ingateftone, EJfex ** George Stubbs, Efq; Parliament-Jireet ** Mr.Nathaniel Serjeant, N° 86, Cannon-flreet ** Capt. Richard Spilier, Bentinck-flreet ** Ifaac Smith, Efq; P aimeds-green S.** Thomas Slack, Efq; at Mr. Sikes, Little Difiajf-lane ** William Smith, Efq; Bow, Middlefex ** Alexander St. Barbe, Efq; Southampton ** William Semple, Efq; ** Mr. Thomas Stuck, Haljtead, EJfex ** Mr. Thomas Simpkin, Strand ** Mr. John Stray, Wapping-dock ** James Smith, Efq; Colshrook-row, IJlington S.* # Mr. James Sheppard,Upton, EJfex ** Henry Savvbridge, Efq; Daventry, Northamptonf.nre ** Samuel Spragg, Efq; Pinneds Court, Oldßroad-ftr,

S.** George Sibley, Efq ; Crefcent, Minories

S.** Charles Smith, Efq ; Mih-end-road S.** Ifaac Serra, Efq’, No. 10, King's-road, Holhorn S.** Thomas Sayer, jun. Efq. Bow, Middlefex S. * * Jofeph Shrimpton, Efq; Bedford-fquare ** Philip Slater, Efq; ** Jofeph Stanfield, Efq; Ifington ** Richard Smart, Efq; Lamb's-Conduit-freet S. ## Jofeph Stonard, Efq; Tower-hill S.#* William Smith, Efq; M. P. Clapham S. # * Mr. Jofeph Steele, Great Tower-hill ** John Hale Shickle, Efq; ** James Sutton, Efq. S.** William Smith, Efq; Barking, EJfx h.*# E. P. Salomon, Efq. Church-row, Eenehiirch-fireet S. ## George Spurril, Efq. Barking, EJjfex ** Richard Stone, Efq. Lombard-fireet ** Nathaniel Stonard, Efq. Bromley , Middlefex ** Mr. John Paul Smith, No. 20, Cheapjtde ** William Sharp, Efq; No. 32, tVinehefier-fireet S,** Thomas Sikes, Efq', Manfion-haufe-fireet ** Weflgafth Snaith, Efq; ditto S.* # Mr. Ohrid. Stibbs, Horjlydown Richard Samler, Efq; No. 30, Bridge-fir. Blaekfriars S.** John Scholeck, Efq; Pater*nofier-rew, Spitedfields *'* Richard Smart, Efq j Eafi Ham ** T. Woodroff Smith, Efq; Great St. Helen's S,** David Samuda, Efq; Leman-firect , Goodman's-fields ** Randolph Stracey, Efq. No. 34, WhiieehapeUroad ** Mr, John Shewell, Camberwell-green

## Thomas Snaith, Efq; No. 5, Manfion- bou/e-fireet

** Samuel Scott, Efq. Earl-fireet, Blackfriars ** William Sims, Efq; Sun Tavern-fields ** Clement Sam. Strong, Efq; Pancras-lane, Bucklerfhury ￿* William Sayer, Efq ; 80-xv ** Tho. Coxhead Stevens, Efq; Elermitagc-fireet ** Rev. Mr, Jer. Smith, Peafemarfh, Suffex ** Mrs,Sufannah Sabatier, Chichefter

Mil's Sarah Salmon Edmonton, ** MrsChriftian St. Barbe, Southampton ** Mrs. Agnes Salmon ** Mrs.ElizabethShakefpeare, Stepney-canfeway ■** Mifs Judith Smith, Stratford, Effex ** Mrs. Phil. Shawe, Derhyjhire * Mrs. Sarah Seehl, Limehcufe-row * MilsElizabeth Staples, Phityot-lane T S.** The Rt. Hon. Marquis of Townfhend, Weymouth-freet ** John Thompfon, E/q; Aufiin-friars ** Mr. John Thruddlon * John Thwait.s, E/q; Ro/oman's-row, Clerkenwell S.** Paul Turquand, E/q; Stoke Newington ** Mr. Daniel Thompfon, No. 4, Lamb's-Conduit-/reel S** Stevens Tottoo, E/q; No. 10, Spital-fquare S.** Samuel Thornton, E/q; M. P. Clapham S.** Robert Thornton, E/q; M. P. Ditto S.** Henry Thornton, E/q; M. P. Ditto ** Thomas Tayler, E/q; Lloyd's Coffee-hou/e ** Charles Turner, Ejq; Horfe-ferry, Limehou/e * The Trinity-houfe, Water-lane, Thames-fireet S.*» Stephen Todd, E/q; No. 96, Leadenhall-Jireet ** John Thompfon, E/q; Sown-farm, Edmonton ** Leonard Turquand, E/q; No. 23, Bijhop/gate-freet •* James Lewis Turquand, E/q; No. 73, Hound/ditch ** Emerfon Tidy, E/q; No. 253, Wapping Newfairs ** Mr. Thomas Tritton, No. 56, Lombard-fireet ** Mr. Abraham Toulmin, No. 31, Old Gravel-lane S.** William Taylor, E/q; No. 6, Upper-Cbarloite-freet S-** John Vickns Taylor, E/q; Old South-fea-hou/e ** Mr. William Tyler, No. 7, Mile-end-grove S.** John Thompfon, jun. E/q; Love lane, Shadwejl £.** Mr. Thomas Thomas, Llandiilo, Carmarthenjhire S.** John Tate, E/q; Buckler/ury ** James Taylor, E/q; Lavender-hill ** Mr. Theyer Townfend, Bafnghall-flreet ** John Furnell Tuffen, E/q; No. 67, Lower 7hames-freet- ** John Trapp, E/q; Little Aiie-freet ** Thomas Tennant, E/q; Peckham ** William Tennant, E/q; No. to. Dover-Jlreet ** George Tarbut, E/q. Gould-Jquare, Crutched-friars * T. J, Tayler, E/q; No. 1, King-fireet, Cheapfide ** Rev. Mathew Thomas ,at Mr. Travers, No. 44, Crutched. friars. ‘ * Mr. John Thompfon, Catharine-court, teething-lane ** Rev. Thomas Thirlwall, Mile-end-road ** James Timberell, E/q; atMr. Richard/on’s, Stepney- cau/eviay ** Mrs. R. Thornton, Clapham ** Mils Rebecca Tomkins, No. 142, Whitechapel


** Sir Jofhua Vanneck, Bart. Ne-zv Broad-Jlreet ** Mr. John Upfdale ** Mr. George Vaux ** Samuel Vaughan, E/q; Dunfier-court, Mincing-lane ** Mr. James Vanfommer, No. 108, Bi/hop/gate within S. # James Vere, E/q; No. 164, Bijhopfgatewithout ** James YardleyVernon, E/q-, ditto ** John Vernon, E/q; Broad-Jlreet Buildings ** JohnTrueman Villebois, E/q; Feltham-place, Middle/ex ** Samuel Jones Vachell, E/q; Bromley, Bow ** Mr. William Uflier. Buckle Jlreet, Goodman s-fields w S.** TheHon.Tho. Walpole, Lomhard-fireet S.** TheHon.Rich.Walpole, ditto S.** Mr. James Walker, No. 4, Wil/on-flreet, Moorfields S.** Edmund White, E/q; at Mr. Oxlade’st Little London Jlreet, Fenchurch -Jlreet S.** William Wells, Efq; Deptford S.** Jacob Wilkinfon, Efq; S.** Mr. William Willett S.* # Ifaac Walker, Efq; Southgate ** Arnold Wallinger, Efr , Hare-hall, Romford, Effrx *•** John Willes, Efq; No. 34, Mark-lane S-** Robert Wilfon, Efq; Woodhoufe, Eaf Ham s.** Barton Wilbie, Efr , Walthamfio-w ** Wakelin Welch, Efq; Maryland-point ,, Effiex ** Thomas Watts, Efr Craig's-court, Charing-crofs ** Mr - ohn Warren, No. J 5, Sandys-Jlr. Widegate-aIM S.«* George Wolff, America-fquare ** Mr. George Wallis, No. 128, Cheapfide S.** Wright, John Efq; EJher , San> ** Mr. Henry S. Woodfall, Chelfea S'” William % No. 106, Fenchurch-fireet S. # * Mr. William Wilfon, Clapton ** Mr. William White, Greek-ftreet, Soho ** James Ware, Efq- Chatham-place S.** Major Wright, Efq- Wellclofe fquare David Pike S.** Watts, Efq- No. 152.Minories ** Francis Wilfon, Efq- Navy.Office ￿* Mr. Thomas Wellings, Church-lane, Whitechapel ** Mr. Robert Wyatt, No. 77, Coleman-ftreet * William Worth, Efq-, Plaifio-w S** Robert Wigram, Efq; Crofy-fquare S.** Jens Wolff, Efq; America-fquare ** Thomas Wefton, Efq; Enfield, Middlefex ** WilliamLuke Walford, Efq; Winchefter-fireet ** Edward Walter, Efq; Shad-well ** William Watfon Efq; No. 32, Burr-ftreet S.** Brook Watfon, Efq; Alderman S.*« Benjamin Way, Efq; Cavendijh-fquare ** Mr- Samuel Weddell, No. 15, AL 'gate within * * Jofcph Whitcchurch, Efq; Twickenham ** Matthew Whiting, Efq; Ratcliff-crofs % Robert Williams, Efq\ No. 21, Birchin-lane ** William Wickham, E/q; ** Thomas Windle, Ej'g, Mile-end~road ** George Wood, Ejq. No. 25, Broad-lireet Buildings ** Mrs. Sufannah Winch, at Mr. Tate’s, Bromley, Middle/ex ** Mrs, Ann Willbn, Woodhoufe, Eafi Ham, EJfex ** Mifs Ellfabeth Wigmore, at Mr. T. Shirley’s, Stratford- green, EJfex