
A GENERAL ST A T E OF THE CORPORATION OF THE lontonlpotjpttal, For the RECEPTION and RELIEF OF SICK AND WOUNDED Seamen, Manufadurers, and Labouring Poor their Wives and Children, FROM Its INSTITUTION, NOVEMBE R, M,D£C,XL, TO THE FIRST of JANUARY, M,DCC,XCVI. WITH A LIST of the GOVERNORS, &c. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. AND J. MARCH, TOWER-HILL 1796. LONDON-HOSPITAL ANNIVERSARY, M,DCC,XCVI. Hofpital enjoys Angular Advantages, in Regard to THISthe important Ends of the Eftablifhment, from its Neigh- bourhood to the Shipping below Bridge, and a large Body of People, luch as Seamen, Watermen, Coal-heavers, Shipwrights, Rope-makers, Sail-makers, beAde the numerous Manufacturers* in Spital-fields, and the eallern Part of the Metropolis; to all of whom this Hofpital is of Angular Service.—The Wards, by their Magnitude and Airinefs, are adapted, in the moft linking Manner, to the Relief of the diltreffed. The Support, hitherto afforded by generous Benefactors, has enabled the Governors to receive nearly Half a Million of Pa- tients fmce the Year 1740, labouring under the various Suffer- ings incident to human Life, of whom only a fmall Proportion has died, as appears by the General Accounts annually publifhed. —Thus POLICY and HUMANITY implore every poffible AfAftance to an ObjeCl, fo diltinguiAied in the great Syftem of Police and Commercial Intereft ofour Country. All ACCIDENTS are received by this Hofpital without Recommendation or Security; and no Security is required for fuch Patients as are recommended. The Riches and increafmg Commerce of the Nation, it is hoped,- are fuch, as will cherifh and fupport, in full Splendour, an Inilitution fo pregnant with Beneficence, and productive of the moll fubllantial Good, par- ticularly in the Prefervation of MANUFACTURERS and SEAMEN. Thus may the Charity of the Individual be abundantly repaid in the National Credit and Felicity. Nor ought it to be forgotten, that there has been lately erefted, contiguous to the Hofpital, at the Coll of Individuals, a Theatre for Leftures, in the various Branches of Medicine ; fo that every Part of Medical Science is encouraged and promoted for the common Good. It is the great Aim of the Committee, that the Dilburfements keep as equal Pace as poffible with the Liberality of the Public. This prudential Conduct is conceived to be the beft Security for the Permanency and Profperity of the Charity. They have, accordingly, the Satisfaction of having confiderably reduced the Expences of the Hofpital; and trull, that, by purfuing the fame economical Plan, with the Affillance that is reafonably expected from the Humane and Opulent, an Extenfion of the prefent Syllem may fhortly be eHefted. The prefent Anniverfary affords a noble Occafion of calling upon the Generofity of Fellow-fubjefts; and the Fafts fet forth teftifyhow far this Gbjeft is deferving the Munificence of the Affluent, and the Continuance of the Exertions of its prefent -Friends and Supporters. Aii A C C O U N T Of the RISE, PROGRESS, and STATE OF THE Corporation of the London-Hofpital, For the Relief of DISEASED and HURT PERSONS, PARTICULAR LY Manufacturers, Seamen in Merchants Service, their Wives and Children, From its InlHtution, on the 3d Day of November, 1740, To the Ift Day of January, 1796. Supported by charitable and voluntary Contributions, CHARITY was, for fome Years, Origin of the Charity. THIScarried on in Pref cot-freel, Goodman's Fields, in feveral Houfes, hired upon Leafe for that P urpofe; till by the Decay of the Bailings, notwithftanding large Sums of Money had been expended to keep them in Repair, and the fmallnefs of the Rooms, The GOVERNORS were determined to open a SUBSCRIPTION, which might enable them to purchafe a Piece ofGround, and build a Houfe more proper for enlarging and perpetuating their benevo- lent Deligns ; and which has been fmce happily elfefted. The prefent HOSPITAL, in purfuance of this Situation of Scheme, was eredled by the voluntary CONTRI- ihe Hofpital. BUTIONS offeveral Governors, givenfor that Pur- pofe only, in an airy Situation near the Mount in Mile- End-Road, properly furnilhed, and fitted up with about 130 Beds, for the Reception of Patients. General The Frame and SOCIETY, for carrying on this moil ufeful Regulation Undertaking, is the nf the by Charter, bearing Date the Society, , 9th of December, 1758, confirmed and declared to be a Body Corporate, by the Name of the GOVERNORS OF THE L OND ON-HOSPITAL; and to confift of fuch Noblemen and Gentlemen as are therein enume- rated, and of thofe who were reputed Governors for Life at that Time; together with fuch others who, by giving a Benefaction of Thirty Guineas, or mere, Qualifica- ; jpf tions of Go- at one Time, become Governors for Life and vernors. thofe who, by fubferibing Five Guineas, or more, per Annum, are Governors daring fuch Subscription. Out of thefe are annually to be defied a PRESI- Proficient, &c. DENT, two, or more VICE-PRESIDENTS, and a TREASURER. General A GENERAL COURT of Governors is appoint- Courts, &c. ed, by the faid Charter, to be held on the firft Wed- vefday in the Months of March, June, September, and December; to diredl the Application of the Common Seal, which they are hereby empowered to v.Je ; to elect Officers ; appoint Committees; receive the Reports of former ones ; infpeeft Accounts; make fuch By-Laws and Rules as {hall be judged neceftary for the good Government of the Charity; and to tranfaeft fuch other Bufmefs as (hall be laid before them. Among the BY-LAWS, which the Governors in General Courts have, conformably to their Charter, agreed upon, are the following : Right of No annual Governor or Governed fhall vote at voting at Elections. any Election, who has not been a Governor or Go- verned one Year, the Election Day inclufive. Anniverfary The ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Fcftival. Charity is held between the firft of February and the lad Day of April ; when a printed REPORT of the GeneralState ofthe Hofpital, the Number of Patients received and difcharged, and an Abdraft of the Accounts for the preceding Year, is laid before the Governors. A HOUSE-COMMITTEE of Thirty Gover- Houfe Com- nutter. nors is annually appointed at the General Quarterly Court in December ; who, at their fird Meeting, eledt a Chairman to preiide for the Year.—-They meet at the Hofpital on Tuefdays, weekly, at Eleven in the Forenoon; to difmifs and receive Patients; to infpedl the Provifions and Furniture fent in; to order fuch NecelTaries as may be wanted ; to examine and diredl the Conduft of the Servants and Patients; and to regulate other Matters which may be brought before them. A COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS, confiding Committee of Accounts. of Twelve Governors, is appointed at the General Quarterly Court in funs, for one Year; who meet at the Hofpital, once a Quarter, to examine and audit Tradefmen’s Bills, which are paid by the Treafurer within a Fortnight after.-—'The Accounts are open at all Times for the Infpeftion of the Governors . MEDICAL COMMITTEE, confiding of fuch Medical Com- A mittee, a Number of Governors who praftife P hylic, Sur- gery, or Pharmacy, or are converfant in the Know- ledge ofDrugs or Medicines, as is judged proper, are eledled annually at the General Court in December .—■ The fa'id Committee order and infpedl the neceffary Drugs and Medicines, and report their Proceedings to the Quarterly General Courts. Two Governors or more are appointed VISI- Vilitorfif TORS, by the Houfe-Committee, for one Fortnight* to attend twice a Week, or oftener, if they think pro- per, to infpeft into the Management and Condufl of the Houfe, during the Intervals of the Meetings of the Houfe-Committee. Chaplain. A CHAPLAIN, who is a Clergymanof the Church ofEngland, preaches every Sunday, and reads Prayers Morning and Afternoon ; adminitters the Sacrament regularly every Month ; reads Prayers four Times Weekly ,• and is ready to vilit, pray by, and adminifter the Sacrament to, the Patients in the Wards, at all Times when required. Phylicians. Three PHYSICIANS attend alternately, one daily from Nine till Eleven. Surgeons. Three SURGEONS attend alternately ; one daily from Eleven till One, with an Affidant SURGEON. Both PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS attend without Fee or Reward ; and give Advice and Affift- ance to all fuch Objects as come within the above Hours, whether recommended or accidental. Pupils. The Surgeon in waiting has two PUPILS con- ftantly in the Houfe to receive, and, if necelfary, to call him to fuch Accidents as Ihall be brought in at any Hour of the Day and Night. Apothecary. An APOTHECARY conftantly refides at the Hofpital, who compounds and difpenfes all Medicines ufed there, and folely attends the Bufinefs thereof. A STEWARD (for whole Fidelity proper Secu- Steward. rity is given) has the Charge of the Houfe and Fur- niture, keeps an Account of every Thing brought to or expended in the Houfe, and fubje&s the fame to the Examination of the Viktors and Houfe-Committee; and alfo, has the Infpeftion of the Conduft of all the Men Servants. A MATRON has the Direction of the Nurfes, Malron and other Women Servants ; and particularly fuperin- tends the Adminiftration of the Diet and Medicines. The NURSES and WATCHERS are in Pro- NurfCs and portion to the Number of Patients, and guided by watchers, written Orders, to prevent Mifcondudl. Proper Diet for the Patients has been fettled by the Phyfi- cians and Surgeons; and an Account of it is fixed up in the Wards, for the Satisfaction of the Patients and their Friends. No Officer or Servant is permitted, upon Pain Rewards not of tobeKceiveG or Expulfion, to take of any Tradefman, Patient, other Perfon, any FEE, REWARD, or GRATUITY of any Kind, dire&ly or indireftly, for any Service done> or to be done, on Account of this Hofpital.
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