Distillers Woo Female, Young Drinkers New Right Hits
2 ^ - THE HERALD. Fri., Feb. 5, 1982 Distillers woo female, young drinkers New Right hits CORDIALS SALES also are up from about 4 "iHliOT. By Fred Ferguson they have wineries ot their own, or they distribute the Floridians for promotion of scotch mixed. cases in 1984 to over IS million in 1980, says Patricia. Weicker votes. United Press International grape or import it. IN ’THE U.S., now the world’s biggest scotch maiket, WUey, DeKuypcr’s marketing director. “ What distillers are doing is competing with each Miguel says, “ dlstiUers must attract women and DeKuyper’s big push at the moment is schnapps NEW YORK — Some of those In the liquor business other so that the buying decision is for their brand,” younger Americans who in recent years have flocked to although she says other cordials do well among young; ... page 8 are finding sweet ways to expand their market share, if Shanken says. adult drinkers, parUcularly women. ^ wines and white goods, particularly vodka.” He got in a not counter the Inroads made by wine at cocktail time. Walter Haimon, president of Seagram Distillers, crack about the rest of the scotch industry appealing to “ Schnapps used to mean in Germany a clear wWte Young adult guzzlers and the growing proportion of wants to talk about the two dark Myers rums Seagrams liquid, hot and harsh, a shot after dinner,” she says. Not women tipplers — what the industry calls “ e n ^ level old men. , has just introduced. Why? , At Uie Buckingham Corp., which distributes Cutty anymore. drinkers” — is their target, interviews indicate.
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