Unemployed Abandoned for Tax,. Shelters:". Statiori~Car Wash, '.But That, Proposal Was "I Hope It Doesn't Get Approved, Because

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Unemployed Abandoned for Tax,. Shelters: ~'~ t ~C Bu£1d£ngs La, B,C. :4 ~, ~",,,, : ; ~;',~ ~ /,?,:~.: .... i,~/ , ~ : , / ~ : . •' ~ •'1 " ~' ""••~' , ' ~¸ • " ".'. , . '.: " by RALPH RESCHKE while Mohawk did pay for the flight to • ~ ~': : . HeraldStaffWflter Vancouver, the reason for the trip was to go ;;. " .'i;~"- '" TERRACE--' There seems to be a over Mohawks plans for the land, because it ~ ../gmwh~g rumour in town"~mt concerns the wasn't something that could be done over " r:" .."-!~nt. rezoning ,application put before: the phone. : : "~cil by f~e Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd. : - He explained that originally, Mohawk The rumour is that council has~pulled an . had drawn up a set of propomls and sent a~'faee inc0asiderjug thi~ proposal put them to Terrace to show what they had in '.~or~afd by:flm.conipan~-!to, build a gas mind for the property, .i., st~i~,n.¢9~venlence s to.r~.~n property that "Unfortunately, the plann.ed location of ::.is.:i"...currently'.~6ned". C4 '(central com-. •thebullding and propane storage tank were '~.,merc!gl) on the'olflclal,community plan. not agreeable to' planning office, so instead ..iAce~ te0nelo~i.bu~ineesman, who of conducting lengthy meetings over the r" b~ ~.~, ~ ~' i~troleim~ ~lailing industry, telephone, we agreed to meet witbMobawk .~e:mattor has been dear ,with a certain in Vancouver," he' said. Wednesday ' am0~mt ~of'.~proprlety..' evening. iHe:stated~ .tlmt ~ tl)e~last three years, He added that the discussions included ,thr~elSedl people have approached the city hypothetlcal~raffic sceuaflO's, sewage and pla'nner's .office and made inquiries water main locations and access, and in reg~llng~constructi~n'6f gas stations in addition, he was shown around some thedowntown, core "area;. " Mohawk gas stations in the Vancouver area They Wei'e'1~orm~d tiiateurrent zoning to get an idea of what the buildings and . bylaw.s did noralIow-for service statmns to landscaping look like.: .. be' buUt,:and: tliat the. dommunlly plan And just .what doesthe possible con- :called:for the gradula phasing out of ser. structionof a Mohawk station mean to ~vice ~stati~ns in'the downtown area Terrace? (exl~tlng statimm would-not be affected)., The ifiitial estimates are that $200,000 of Howeve~, in 1981, c0uncll decided that the $400,000 initialconstruction• costs will pro~io~ would be made in the bylaw that "remain in the community through the use of would 'allow C0uneflto judge each ap local contractors. plies,ion.on an individual basis. As well, seven full time employees and ..~ ..... .,, , , ~,~:.~,, !'~:~j This has been the.policy to date. seven par tlme"employecs will be hired, •But according toBob HaIIser, e!ty clerk'. although it isn't clear if the full time em- administrator; the app.lieation has been ployees will be hired locally or if they will ~ This property may soon feature Mohawk conveniences. ,. dealt, w~th in a:.regUlar:..and accepted come .out of the MOhawk .chain.* .... fashion, and Is ~eurrently. before the The store and gas pumps will he.~ ~A engineering eommlttee for further study. hours a day, and the entire operation'will be The committee, will belooking at kept run~ing"the year round. .. poteptial increases in traffic in the ar~.a, However, it mustalsa be said that the • how. pedestrian traffic will. be affected, competition provided by Mohawk conid be • ~--~ Wh~t ~e best use for the land is, and just enough to force some independent.gas how .the adclition 0fa service Statio~ to the stations to close, or even make ]He difficult areawill affect the downtowfl core." for some of the grocery-convenience stores. It may be appropria~/to point out that . Says the owner of Terrace Shell Service, i i the area affected by :the'bylaw is between 'Tve invested $100,000 in my business on Eby Street and Al~le'y Street'. the belief that no more gas stations would I Because "the cit7 does have an'official he.built in the downtown area, Being an Thursday, February 16, 1984 25 cenls Established 1908 " :.'./,Volume78 No.33 . ', . ~ . ,community plan for the downtown area, .. independent, I won't receive the hacking of Hallsor would llke to see the property the oil company, if Mohawk should start a ,.':/ developed, in one way or another. price war on their gab. I will probably have And as far as Hallsor can recdll, only one to shut-my 'business because Of that.'" officiaLapplication had.been submitted to And. ~ Brian Burdett, of Burdett c0u~cil, regardiug ~e.~co~Iruction o£ a gas Distributors, agrees with this, Unemployed abandoned for tax,. shelters:". statiori~car wash, '.but that, proposal was "I hope it doesn't get approved, because OTTAWA (CP) -- With an are predicting there will be infireases of six and five per have little effect' with in- to jb|n :.a. goverdment turned down tn.,early 1981. ' " somewhere down the line, jobs will be lost. • Gary..., Cartwrlght, the Mohawk There just isn't en~gh business at the election expected within a another budget later this cent for the last two years,, flatten 'running in the five operat~ed,ingu I 1 ~¢ plari {6 representative, p o!nted out at the council moment•to st]pport.~.additton Of another year,. ~inance Minister year, just prior to an will he kept to four per, cent per cent range, cushlon'~hem at ~rP,.:meoUng, thattiiepi'0p0sklb~,theco'mpany gssoline~,ret~lO~e|~i~ndaconvenlence Mare Lalonde forced the election.call. Lalonde noted when the current program Also,.:-Lalonde failed to increases i erest'.rates will definately dot bea service station. ' store:as Well:~::Soni~e's goingto lees out unemployedlooking for jobs' there have beon two budgets : expires at ti~e end of June. make ahyreference in his' wheri:~i:they{.rcnew~, their '~ ,~]i~d~ad it will deslstrietly withthesale on:thiS deal and I.dan't support that,:' he totakeahaekseattoupper- inayearbefore,butadded: -Federal workers, WhO. budget~.to the one-~r-~ent:"inortgag~s ~" " ."' ':.', bf ~n~ne:'nnd unsoline and whatever ...... " '" :' ' : •] ~ " ~Ic me ,Canadianp • ]~ki.~g Ironer p!..unnlng (another). :-harp ..:fac.~d. the.~ same/..: sales,tax; : increase;., an- A boon~ to unoer-inCome ~: ~o~,,o~ ~.,,za ,k,~,ah i~ o,,,,~,,{o,,;o 1 * * ..... " ~or,~sheltersln~Isbudge~, one ....... ,,: .... * '"~' .-r~stric[ions, on thelr.wa es.'-~,noun~ed ~ - ,-.' .~.~ ................. ~.,-,........ .... ..o~;,....... , ~ ~. .:.~ ,.. .................... ~,~,~,-,~, .,~,~,,,.~•, , . .,... ,,~,~ ,. 8...~ -~ s~p~vh~¢h,,,~C~a~h muse ,-~p, ~Jtore.... *,,,~,,-~....... • ,'•..... he •' as~s ri~ ~that th a~, <.; uesp~m L~m~.~ton peopm '/'pra.~sen.,~,a.m.nnes.prom!.s,e...cmsee.t~Ve : batgaining,-:..:wlll..take.an,estimated ':$1,.. .:retirement: ~i s, a.'t~ipllilg/Of:, "eh~ge:iS'.appro~,~ by.e0uncil, thenonly ......." not:.offer. h'ny furthar/e0mmenta~untll.the out m:. worz, .me ou~et, to,.~, t...o~n in wag e ta!.Ks Lal0noe said. " . ' . bil!i0n a" year .,ou!;i.~f the.. the.lamoun[~.'.t~ $I~,500 :by ".:,thal!speeifieplece of property on ~e corner recommenda~jms::f$0m the eng~iesring 9nerco. omy ~!~ mm~on " wtmpymtcservan~an.ums . uutth.e government will. pockets of consu~rs;.and 1988that~theyeaushel~erin ofEbyandLakelsewillbeaffeeted by the ' committe~ ca~ne l~hl-ough. ,more m new jon-eroadon commixment to to~mw me nargaln hard arid no eateh- businesses that doii t pass .:~aX-freeretirdmen~~avin~s rez0ning,. ' '~ "." :. " • • It wnn~t beknown re, another week, what funds but offered a tax economie course set in his up will be allowed for the-. thein'crease alofig.- plans. ' . - " ~; ".:. " .It has"also been contended by certain "¢llrectionthe~zoning~applleationwill'take, break, worth $300 million a April 1963 budget which t ",r two years spent under ELDERLY GET:MORE " " Tax" changes, designed to individu'als; that the~ pla~er's, office is but in any.~se, Jr..certainly must do year by 1988, to those who looked at the private sector controls, he added. Meanwhile, Wednesday's• , putdomestic cac makerson': guilty of behaving in a biased manner:by something positive for the area economy ave up to $15,00Oa year to as the engine of economic Wage increases should budget contained a two-step .an even footing' with ira- accepted an invitiation from Mohawk to go when businesses such as MacDonalds, CN ~ut aside for, retirement, g~'owthand new jobs. not exceed those in the increase, totalling ,$50 a "por:ters, will add up :to.~$300 to Vancouver, at Mohawk's expense, to Pail, and now Mohawk, have plans, • 'And although the. budget However, they criticized private sector, Lalonde month, in the guaranteed more to :the price ~0f.an • discuss their propesaL projects, and proposals, for the Terrace offered something to his failure to reduce the said, adding inter thdt he income supplement ~imported car...!,i* ='"/." Rob Gren0, city planner, points out that . area .... homeowners, .small deficit faster and the expects private-sectqr wage pro~,ided to 750,000:elderly . :: l~usinessmen .and pen- budget's lack of new in- increases to run at about poor," three.~uarters" of .:- ~To improve productivity, ,loners, all. considered vestment incentives and five per cent in the coming whom are woman;:. The the government is planning ~raditional Liberal sUP- • overly optimistic economic year. • - increase, will. raise their eL.offer tax incentives, to. Tories hold back files porters, ~t failed to satisfy, projections. And Parliament will be" n~onthly income to:$600 by -,,.workers and ~mployers tc OTTAWA (CP) - 'l~he publicly • - available in- go back into Trudeau's past business, angered labor and ' For example, Lalonde's asked to settle, any disp'ute : Dec.,1.' ' :' - set up profit-sharing plans. Progressive i "Conservative formation such as as a .university professor left consumer represen- prediction of after-inflation which leads to lengthy~!0r -':, Controversial ,sections of., Th:~theery:.be~ind the ides party refused todayt'o allow newspaper clippings.
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