BC-DX 343 03 Jan 1998 ______
BC-DX 343 03 Jan 1998 ________________________________________________________________________ ALBANIA TWR Cerrik in Ru beamed to ISR Sats only 1900-1915 new7315 (x7245), co-ch CRI in Fr, and new 6240 very good (x6235). 1800-1845 Ru to Russia new 7315, co-ch CRI in Ch (x7355). 1440-1555 Ru to Russia addit new 9485 good, //7365 Monaco. Out of their printed schedule with addit broadcasts daily 1915-2000 MW Durres Fllake 1394.9 in Bu, Se, Cr, Mac, Slovene, Rom. (PANIVIEW, Bulgarian DX Newsletter, Rumen Pankov, Ivo Ivanov, Ognyan Chengeliev, Sylvia Ivanova, fax +359 2 650 560, Dec 17) 9939.9, TWR Relay, 1617*, ending Arm with ID, "Trans World Radio, Monte Carlo," and ment. of Yerevan; IS and off. Site assumed as per WRTH 98; fqy down from listed 9950. (Hill-MA via NU and DXW, Dec 27) R Tirana MW schedule: 1089 0400-2300 first nat progr 1215 0630-0700 Alb, 1500-1830 Alb, 18130-1845 Tu, 1845-1900 Gr 1395 0800-1100 Alb 1458 1000-1500 2nd nat progr, 1800-1830 It, 1830-1845 Se, 1845-1915 Ge, 1915-1945 Fr, 1945-2000 En, 1900-2300 Alb This schedule may soon be changed, as we will bc EIR - Europe Information Radio from 1900-2300 UTC on 1458 kHz to Bosnia Hercegovina. (Drita Cico of Radio Tirana in an e-mail to David Kenny-UK, BDXC Communication, Jan 98) AUSTRALIA In our early evening period, from 0700-1000, the usual array of longpath European signals have intensified on 6 and 7 MHz. On 24 Dec, Deutsche Welle's daytime sce to EUR, in Ge, fr Nauen, 100 kW, on 6140 was tracked from 0700 to 1115+.
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