
AC20 Inf. 3 (English only/Seulement en anglais/Únicamente en inglés)

How to supplement the Harmonized Code to Include Products: Template

The following chart serves as a template that can be applied to every area within the harmonized system where shark are present. The two-digit code corresponds to the 2nd and 3rd decimal places in the harmonized code. In to generate the long list of charts that follows this one we have simply added these two-digit codes into the harmonized system where shark products are present.

For Example: For Chapter 3, section 1, we believe that shark products fit under codes 0301.21-29 as "Live ." Hence, in order to further specify which sharks, this template can be used to define 0301.210, 0301.211, 0301.212...etc., up until 0301.299. For details of the specific codes for each chapter, please refer to the other charts that have been provided that delineate each shark product code by code.

Shark Code Template

Order Family Species Code Scientific Name Common Name 1: Bullhead & Nurse Sharks 10 ferrugineus Tawny Carpet sharks: 11 cirratum Nurse shark Heterodontiformes ORECTOLOBIDAE Sharks 12 Eucrossorhinus dasypogon Tasselled wobbegong & Orectolobiformes 13 maculatus 14 Orectolobus ornatus RHINCODONTIDAE Shark 15 Rhincodon typus OTHER HETERODONTIFORMES & ORECTOLOBIFORMES 16-19 2. ALOPIDAE Thresher Sharks 20 Alopias pelagicus Sharks: 21 Alopias superciliosus 22 Alopias vulpinus CETORHINDAE 23 Cetorhinus maximus Basking shark Mackeral Sharks 24 25 oxyrinchus Shortfin mako 26 Isurus paucus Longfin mako 27 ditropis 28 Lamna nasus shark OTHER 29 sharks: CARCHARHINIDAE Whaler/Requiem Sharks 30 brevipinna 31 Carcharhinus falciformis 32 Carcharhinus leucas 33 Carcharhinus longimanus 34 Carcharhinus melanopterus Blacktip shark 35 Carcharhinus obscurus 36 Charcharhinus plumbeus 37 Carcharhinus tilsoni Australian 38 cuvier 39 spp. Lemon, Sicklefin Lemon 40 Prionace glauca Bignose, Whitetip reef, Grey Reef, Blacktip, Silvertip, , 41 Other Carcharhinidae etc. SCYLIORHINDAE Sharks 42 spp. SPHYRNIDAE Hammerhead Sharks 43 Sphyma lewini 44 Sphyma mokarran 45 Shpyma zygaena TRIAKIDAE Smoothhound Sharks 46 Galeorhinus galeus Tope shark 47 Mustelus spp. Smooth Hounds Weasel Sharks 48 elongata


AC20 Inf. 3 – p. 1 5-6: Dogfish Gulper Sharks 50 spp. Gulper sharks sharks: 51 Centrophorus niaukang gulper sharks 52 Centrophorus squamosus Leafscale 53 Centrophorus acus Needle dogfish 54 Centrophorus lusitanicus 55 crepidater Longnose 56 Centroscymnus owstonii Roughskin shark 57 Centroscymnus plunketi Plunket's Dogfish Sleeper Sharks 58 Dalatias licha Dogfish Sharks 59 Squalus acanthias Spiny/Piked dogfish 60 Squalus megalops Shortnose 61 Squalus mitsukurii 62 barbifer 63 calcea 64 Squalus cubensis Cubin dogfish 65 microcephalus OTHER 66-69 SQUATINIDAE Angel Sharks 70 Squatina spp. 71 Squatina aculeata Sawback 7. Angel sharks, 72 Squatina oculata , PRISTIDAE 73 Anoxypristis cuspidata Knifetooth Sawfishes, & 74 Pristis pectinata : PRISTIOPHORIDAE Sawsharks 75 cirratus Longnose Squatiniformes, 76 Pristiophorus nudipinnis Shortnose sawshark Pristiophoriformes, RHYNCHOBATIDAE Shoverlnose Guitarfish 77 Rhynchobatus djiddensis Giant guitarfish Batoids OTHER 78-79 8. Skates & Rays: Skates 80 & Rays 85

OTHER 89 9 . Other Sharks, including Chimeras ECHINORHINDAE Bramble Sharks 90 brucus HEXANCHIDAE 91 cepedianus Broadnose sevengil shark 92 griseus Bluntnose sixgill OTHERS 93-99

AC20 Inf. 3 – p. 2