a new Pitman-Moore research discovery a remarkably effective SINGLE-DOSE trichuricide Autopsy studies showed total re- Whipcide—the most effective tri­ moval of whipworms from 80 to 88 % churicide known to science—is ad- of infected dogs studied following a ministered orally, 200 mg. of Phthal- SINGLE DOSE of Whipcide. Only a ofyne per Kg. of body weight. It is few of the parasites remained in the supplied in three sizes: 0.456 Gm.; others. 0.912 Gm.; and 2.28 Gm. per tablet. Clinical reports from practicing Complete dosage information ac­ veterinarians also indicate that in companies each package. many cases, based on fecal egg Critical tests, using littermates as counts, a single dose of Whipcide controls, have demonstrated the removed 100% of whipworms. product's safety.


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Official publication of The College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio





TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES Anesthetics and Analeptics, Their Use in Veterinary Practice 10 Biblical Reference to Drugs Used in Ancient Times 25 The Care and Feeding of Livestock Parasites 16 Case Report 7324C 23 Important Problems in the Treatment of Swine 6 Newer Methods of Treatment in a Beef Cattle Practice 19 A Practitioner's Approach to the Mashed Teat Problem 15 Research in Veterinary Medicine 13 Virus Diarrhea in Calves 12

SHORT ARTICLES About the Cover 4 Across the Dean's Desk 5 Attention Practitioners 54 Buenas Dias Texas 48 Injury to Eye May Seriously Affect Other 69 Neurotic Dogs 60 User Makes Progress in Reclamation 70 Work with Mice Adds New Light on Blood Concer 72

COLLEGE NEWS Alpha Psi News 29 Alumni News 30 Faculty Parade 38 JAVMA News 56 Omega Tau Sigma News 28 Student News 42 FALL, 1954

ABOUT THE COVER The Deshler-Hilton, a Capital Con­ tention is accorded every group, from vention Hotel in Ohio's Capital City, is the first inquiry till "after the ball is located in the heart of downtown Co­ over." lumbus. The Deshler-Hilton has established a Columbus being the third leading con­ reputation for serving exceptionally fine vention city in the nation, it goes with­ food. The best quality food available is out saying the Deshler-Hilton serves as prepared with care and imagination, and headquarters for more conventions than served quickly, courteously, and unob­ any other hotel. trusively. The price of the planned meal The success of a convention, sales —moderate in any event—can be tailor­ meeting, exhibit, or private party de­ ed to suit your requirements. pands upon many important factors. The Deshler-Hilton is equipped to The "right" atmosphere, comfortable care for every phase of your business or and convenient accommodations, good social gatherings and to give it the at­ food, and service, all contribute to the mosphere of being "Something Special." pleasure and satisfaction of members The management is indeed happy that as well as the host. the Deshler-Hilton has again been The Deshler - Hilton is particularly chosen as headquarters for the annual well qualified to meet their requirements convention of the Ohio State Veterinary with a series of 23 private rooms, each Medical Association. It has been our attractively appointed. These rooms can pleasure to serve this association for be used individually or collectively as years. We have enjoyed our role as host the number of guests dictates, repre­ to this group. The management would senting perfect facilities for groups of appreciate any comments which would from 25 to over 1,000. aid us in better serving this group. We The Deshler-Hilton maintains a Ban­ would like to take this opportunity to quet and Convention Staff, well-trained extend our sincere wishes for a success­ in planning and serving the meetings of ful convention and continued progress large groups of guests. Personalized at­ in the future.

Antibiotics Pharmaceuticals Biologies Instruments DETROIT VETERINARY SUPPLY CO. Detroit 32, Michigan SPECULUM

ACROSS THE DEAN'S DESK One of the occasions to which Mrs. know that the job of providing adequate Krill and I look forward to each year is facilities for the College of Veterinary the Alumni gathering held in connection Medicine was only started with the with the AVMA meeting. With the $1,500,000 appropriated by the last meeting place this year in the extreme legislature. Another $4,500,000 is still northwest corner of the United States needed for the Clinic, Classrooms, Li­ we naturally anticipated a rather small brary and animal facilities for demon­ family size gathering. To our surprise stration and graduate student teaching and research. Organized plans are al­ ready under way with full support of agricultural organizations in the state; your personal support is most important in helping Ohio to get the facilities needed for carrying out a well rounded educational program in veterinary med­ icine. We all know this is long overdue and it is only through united efforts that the job can be completed. Elsewhere in this issue is an article prepared for the Graduate School Record of the Univer­ sity. This will give you some important information which you can use when contacting your representatives. I am over one hundred were present for The sure we can count on you. Will be look­ Ohio State Banquet, making it the sec­ ing forward to seeing you at the State ond or third largest of any of the meeting. schools. This speaks well as to the loy­ alty of our veterinary college alumni and we are mighty proud of every one. Some of our alumni on the West Coast IMPORTANT NOTICE we had not seen since their graduation. This Concerns YOU! Sorry we had to rush off for the Presi­ Your "Speculum" will not be for­ dent's Reception which prevented our warded to your new address by the visiting with each of you. Now that post office unless you guarantee Dr. Kingma is taking over the Execu­ tive Board duties from this district, I them the forwarding postage. will try my best to stay out of any fur­ But if you notify the "Specu­ ther entangling alliances so that we will lum" 30 days before you change have more leisure time to devote to these your address, we can send the occasions. Speculum" direct to YOU. Make sure of receiving every May I again remind our alumni, and issue. Send Changes to: particularly the Ohio veterinarians that another legislative session will soon be­ THE SPECULUM gin. We are again asking each of you College of Veterinary Medicine to contact the legislative representatives The Ohio State University from your respective areas to let them Columbus 10, Ohio FALL, 1954


History nosis on one or two animals brought to The paramount problem in the treat­ the hospital or office for autopsy. ment of swine is correct diagnosis. This is not easy or quickly obtained. It re­ Autopsy quires patience, ingenuity, and diplo­ After having secured a complete and macy. In attempting to make a diag­ detailed history and after having ob­ nosis, history probably plays a more served the herd and the physical symp­ important part at the present than at toms, as well as the environment, which any other period since I have been would include housing, draining, sani­ connected with the veterinary profes­ tary conditions, as well as feeding uten­ sion. I say this because of the fact that sils, feed, and water supply, probably hogs are now being assembled from a the next thing would be an autopsy. greater area than any other time in the Autopsy findings are very often mis­ history of the swine industry, and be­ leading unless they conform to herd cause of the fact that there are at least history and observation. In performing seven different biological products that an autopsy probably one of the most are now being sold and used in the im­ important things is the selection of the munization of swine (I should have said subject for autopsy. The greater num­ the attempted immunization of swine) ber of autopsies that can be performed, against hog cholera. In obtaining the whether they be on animals which have history, it is my plan to question the previously died or animals which you owner at the office, if he should come may kill for autopsy purposes, the more there to make arrangements for me complete the picture will be. to see his hogs, and then in a slightly different manner go over the same Management ground while looking the drove over. Unless I know the man well I watch Probably one of the most important his expression and general mannerism. problems encountered in the treat­ Actions sometimes speak louder than ment of swine is the lack of proper words. I take the position that all men feeding, sanitation and management. are liars except you and I, and I some­ Hogs which are properly fed, housed, times have my doubts about you. and managed seldom develop many of the conditions that we are called upon Observation to treat. Now one must see the herd. There This statement, of course, excludes is something about careful observation hog cholera, and other infectious di­ that cannot be explained, and yet you seases. Basically, fully 75 if not 85% get a mental picture that cannot be se­ of enteric diseases are the result of cure in any other manner. It is not poor husbandry, lack of balanced feed­ necessary nor advisable to make a diag­ ing, and ample water supply. nosis on the first or even the second visit, as 24 or 48 hours will often change Necrotic Enteritis the picture. It is the heighth of folly, In order to better solve some of the however, to attempt to make a diag­ important problems encountered in the SPECULUM treatment of swine, let's get down to of the pigs that have already had the specific cases. So called necrotic enter­ linings of their intestines destroyed. itis as here used is intended to include But if you will put them on a diet of ay necrosis of the mucous membranes oats, wheat, and tankage to which has of the large bowel and cecum. It is been added a concentrated vitamin B confined to the large intestines and is complex preparation you can bring probably due to Salmonella cholerasuis these hogs out of this condition and or what was formerly known as the make fairly decent market decent hogs Suipestifier and probably the rest of of them. paratyphoid group. Pigs affected with this condition will manifest tempera­ Swine Dysentery tures from sub-normal to 105 degrees. Another condition which we are fre­ They have diarrhea and perverted ap­ quently asked to treat is swine dysen­ petites, are dull and listless, arched tery or hemorrhagic dysentery, which­ back, and tucked up abdomen, associ­ ever you prefer. This disease respects ated with rapid emaciation. Autopsy neither age nor breed, a point that will reveals necrotic areas in the large in­ help to differentiate it from other types testines from the size of a pin head of intestinal disturbances. The etiologi­ to an inch in diameter which may be cal factor of this condition is thought to confluence. In longer standing cases be a vibrio. Virulence is quite variable, the necrosis of the mucosa is very ex­ ranging from a highly acute to a less tensive, even to the extent of occluding destructive form. the lumen of the bowel. This probably accounts for some of In the past three or four years it has the favorable results obtained from the been my privilege to try out a number many and varied treatments which have of treatments for this condition. One been advocated. Animals which recover of these treatments which gives reas­ do not seem to become immune, as they onably good results is sulfathiazole. have been known to develop symptoms Dissolve one pound of sodium sulfa­ a second or even a third time. This thiazole in a gallon of water. Of this would lead one to suspect that re­ solution add one quart to each 50 covered cases may be carriers of the gallons of drinking water for the first causative agent. Transmission from one 24 hours. Then add a quart to each 50 animal to the other as well as from one gallons of water for the next three or herd to another seems to be due to four days. Another treatment that has the ingestion of infected fecal material probably given more spectacular re­ from sick animals. The period of in­ sults has been used through the courtesy cubation ranges from 7 to 14 days. It of Merck Chemical Company. It con­ becomes apparent that one of the best sists of adding a quarter of a pound of methods of combating this disease is non-soluble sulfaquinoxaline to each segregation and sanitation. Mortality 100 pounds of ground oats. This is fed ranges from 10% to 90%. When called to capacity for 48 hours. Occasionally to see a herd one usually hears the it might be necessary to feed it for 72 story of a recent purchase. All animals hours. But in a large percentage of are doing fine until a couple of days pre­ the cases the scouring will all have viously when one or two would not eat. ceased in 48 hours. This treatment, Then on the day that you are called however, will not make "good doers" the owner states that half of them are FALL , 1954 eating very lightly, exhibiting some caseous material. This disease seems to diarrhea, and that he suspects poison­ be quite resistant and may live on in­ ing. They may have been immunized fected premises for an indefinite period against cholera just recently, for a long of time. time, or perhaps not at all. In looking A treatment which is probably the them over you are impressed by the most universally used, and which is giv­ fact that there is a marked depression. ing reasonably good results is the arsen­ Various aged animals are affected. Tem­ ical preparation which is added to the peratures are high as 106 degrees may drinking water. However, I believe that be found in animals showing no physical if I were treating an acute case where distress, and when diarrhea is present there was a great deal of evidence of pure blood may be observed in the feces. hemorrhage and dehydration I would The most outstanding symptom is rapid still resort to the so-called saline alka­ prostration, along with a complete re­ line treatment. This treatment consists laxation or paralysis of the sphincter of dissolving three pounds of sodium ani muscle. chloride and either a fourth of a pound Instead of the bowels moving like of the commercial alkaline powder or they do in ordinary forms of dysentery, two pounds of sodium bicarbonate in the contents seem to ooze out soiling five gallons of water. This is enough the buttocks with blood and mucus. solution to soak three bushels of oats. Some infected animals may eat and The oats are soaked for 24 hours and drink to the time of death, although the fed to capacity until the bowel move­ appetite is usually impaired in the lat­ ment is normal. Probably not more than ter stages. Visible mucous membranes, four or five days is necessary. For those animals who do not eat and drink, are distinctly anemic. Animals that do dissolve a half ounce of sodium chloride not manifest physical symptoms may and a half ounce of sodium bicarbonate die from acute toxemia or diagnostic in a pint of water and administer this post-mortem lesions. Upon autopsy the through a stomach tube. This is a dose principal lesions will be found in the for a 100 pound pig, and pigs of other large intestine or cecum. In acute cases weights should be dosed accordingly. they may be filled with clotted blood. Pigs treated in this manner will often At this point I would like to call to times drink large quantities of water your attention that the finding of blood within a matter of hours and then pro­ in the large intestine or in the feces of ceed to eat the medicated feed. Under swine does not always indicate swine no circumstances must this saline alka­ dysentery. Intestinal hemorrhages may line treatment be attempted unless you be found in a number of intestinal dis­ are definitely sure that there is plenty turbances such as acute hog cholera, of fresh drinking water within a few acute pig pox, bacteremias, chemical and feet of the pigs. Another treatment food poisoning. The large bowel may be which has been used in an experimental completely denuded of any mucosa, way is streptomycin mixture furnished leaving a surface that has the appear­ by Merck & Co. It is my understanding ance of velvet or plush. The bowel con­ that this mixture contains one-third tent is liquid, chocolate or prune juice streptomycin in the unsterilized form. in color, and carries a characteristic Treatment fetid odor. In the more chronic form of the disease the lumen of the bowel I have been using it at the rate of one- may be almost completely filled with a quarter pound of the mixture to 50 gal­ SPECULUM Ions of drinking water. This form of My answer to these queries were that I treatment has eliminated the diarrhea did not believe that it would eliminate in anywhere from 48 to 72 hours. This veterinarians, but it would, out of neces­ same treatment has been used by sev­ sity, make us become better veterina­ eral other practitioners and experi­ rians if we expected to stay in the busi­ mental stations and in all cases seems ness. to be a great benefit. However, it does In my opinion, that is about what has not prevent the animals from becoming happened. Instead of the new viruses reinfected. To me it seems unreason­ eliminating or eradicating hog cholera able to expect a drug or a chemical or it has rather added more confusion to an antibiotic to produce an immunity. an already confused picture so far as Certainly it will not prevent reinfection hog cholera is concerned. If we are to nor will it produce an immunity. But if believe what we read and hear so far as the premises are properly cleaned or if radio and television and the lay press is the pigs, when diarrhea ceases, are concerned, less than one-tenth of one moved to clean quarters and then prop­ per cent of the hogs having these prod­ erly fed and cared for, we can usually ucts used on them die from any cause. get those hogs to market. In my experi­ Of course, I don't know a great deal ence corn should be eliminated from the about the swine population other than diet of any hog with an intestinal dis­ in the state of Indiana. But in Hoosier- turbance. In my experience it takes at land fire and lightening kills more than least 30 days after the hog has recovered that. Now, of course, all I know about from the initial attack to get him back this thing is my own experience. But on a full corn diet. Ground oats with I have had more cases of expired im­ 10 per cent alfalfa, preferably made munity during this past year following into a wet mash, seems to be a satisfac­ the use of these modified viruses than I tory diet during convalescence. Corn had in the previous 28 years following should be avoided. Alfalfa and clover the use of serum and virus. Now I don't pastures are preferred. After the drove know just what this condition is, but has apparently recovered, corn may something kills these hogs in anywhere gradually be added to the diet along from 7 to 21 days following the use of with supplement so that the hog will be these new or modified viruses. If they back on a full feed in approximately survive the first 30 days you sometimes 30 days. get a condition that to me is identical with whatever this is that happens to New or Modified Viruses them in anywhere from 7 to 21 days. Today we have seven biological prod­ Maybe it's not hog cholera but at least ucts from which to take our choice as it presents the same picture that we to what product to use in attempting to were taught and told was hog cholera. If immunize a drove of hogs. When these these same hogs had not been treated new or modified viruses were first re­ with any product, and you saw the herd leased for use in the field, several veteri­ and performed the autopsies, I don't be­ narians asked me the question, "What lieve that anyone would critize you for did I think these new viruses would do making a diagnosis of hog cholera. to the veterinary profession" Some of But I am perfectly sure that someone them seemed to have the idea that it is going to tell me that I am not dealing would eliminate veterinary services so with hog cholera. far as swine practice was concerned. (Continued on Page 60) 10 FALL, 1954

ANESTHETICS AND ANALEPTICS, THEIR USE IN VETERINARY PRACTICE G. T. EDDS, D.V.M., Fort Dodge Laboratories, Inc., Fort Dodge, Iowa The veterinary practitioner, in an unborn puppies. The barbiturates were effort to secure an anesthetic agent likewise contraindicated in old or debili­ which will produce the best anesthesia tated animals because of respiratory and muscular relaxation in his surgical depression. patients, is always eager to try newer In an effort to counteract this de­ drugs which give promise of approach­ pressant activity on the surgical patient, ing the qualifications of an ideal anes­ a practice developed wherein the animal thetic. The volatile anesthetics have received a small dose of one of the ana­ been in use for over 100 years with the leptics at the time of or shortly before introduction of an occasional new drug administration of the barbiturate. This with certain advantages over the earl­ presumably caused a stimulation of the iest of this group, that is, ether. One medullary centers without altering the of the newer volatile anesthetics to be activity of the higher centers. More re­ studied for its possible usefulness in cently research1 has shown that this veterinary medicine and especially in combined therapy actually makes it small animal surgery is trichlorethylene. necessary that a higher dosage of the This agent has the advantage over some barbiturate be given, and in a controlled of the earlier volatile anesthetics in that series of animal experiments it was the period of induction is shortened and found that there was no increased safety it is less toxic than some. in such combination. Instead it was pro­ More recently, the barbiturates have posed that the barbiturate be given to been introduced and widely used in effect light surgical anesthesia, and af­ small animal medicine. The barbitu­ ter surgery was completed an analeptic rates have a number of advantages, such as desoxyephedrine or ampheta­ perhape the chief one being the fact that mine could be administered to stimulate the animal, when properly anesthetized, respiratory activity. requires little attention by the veteri­ Recently a new barbiturate 5-A2:3-cy­ nary surgeon during the operation. clohexenyl-5-allyl thiobarbituric acid, Certain disadvantages, however, were Kemithal, was developed in the labora­ experienced by the practitioner, in that, tories of Imperial Chemical Industries along with depression of higher centers Limited, of England. Carrington et al2 of the cerebrum there was also depres­ reviewed the pharmacology of this new sion of the medullary centers which agent and compared it to thiopental would include those controlling cardiac sodium. It was found that equiactive and respiratory activity. Some of the doses of Kemithal and thiopental pro­ barbiturates were noted to cause more duced a similar period of onset and du­ respiratory depression than others with ration of action. An important differ­ resultant tissue anoxia which predis­ ence of the two was the fact that Kemi­ posed to surgical shock. Again, since thal caused less depression of the respi­ the barbiturates were absorbed and car­ ratory minute volume than did thiopen­ ried through the placental circulation to tal sodium. This eliminated the neces­ the fetuses, there was a similar depres­ sity of using the simultaneous adminis­ sion of the respiratory activity of the tration of an analeptic with this agent. SPECULUM 11 Since Kemithal is one of the thiobar­ most important advantages, the de­ biturates, like thiopental sodium and creased excitement of the anesthesized Surital sodium, it does cause some stim­ animal during and after recovery. ulation of the salivary glands. We have The dosage schedule recommended not found it to be as active in this re­ and now being used by the veterinary spect as the other two agents but do profession is as follows: Over 50 lb., recommend that the veterinarian use 0.15cc./lb.; 30 to 50 lb., 0.20 cc./lb. 1/150 to 1/300 of a grain of atropine 10 to 30 lb., 0.25 cc./lb.; under 10 lb., sulfate administered subcutaneously 0.30 cc./lb. when the solution is made up about 15 minutes prior to administra­ according to directions or as a 10 per tion of the barbiturate. This not only cent concentration by adding 10 cc. of prevents the excess salivation but also sterile distilled water or sterile saline serves as a slight respiratory stimulant solution to the contents of the vial. Re­ and gives further added protection to ports have been received wherein veteri­ poor surgical risks on old or delibitated narians were not able to get the mate­ animals. rial into solution. We feel these have Whereas thiopental sodium and Suri­ resulted in most instances from the use tal sodium produce anesthesia of a very of solutions which may contain small short period and repeated doses are amounts of phenol or other organic necessary for the average surgical pro­ chemical agents which react with Kemi­ cedure, veterinarians report that Kemi­ thal. thal anesthesia is sufficiently long for The sublingual veins may be used sat­ the majority of surgical procedures. isfactorily as one additional channel of Because of greater safety, it would seem administration of the intravenous anes­ that this agent would be of importance thetics during surgery should the an­ as a possible replacement for the widely esthesia become too light. Reports by used sodium pentobarbital. Stockton and Barnes4 have indicated Seneviratne and Pillai3 reported on that satisfactory anesthesia can be in­ the successful use of Kemithal in over duced in animals by intrapleural or 130 cases of major surgery in dogs. intrathoracic administration of the bar­ Their conclusions represent those re­ biturate. Anesthesia has been induced ceived from veterinarians who have in dogs and cats using this technique used this agent either in practice or on without any untoward results and with an experimental basis in the universities the production of a good surgical plane and colleges. (1) There was no period of of anesthesia. excitement prior to anesthesia, (2) Since it has been reported that some anesthesia was completed in one to three of the barbiturates do not produce good minutes, (3) the anesthetic may be relaxation of the abdominal wall, and given more rapidly than other barbi­ veterinarians frequently report pushing turates, especially thiopental sodium, of the intestines up through the abdom­ without production of apnea, (4) the inal incision, the fact that Kemithal duration of anesthesia averaged 30 to gives satisfactory relaxation makes this 45 minutes and could be prolonged by another important advantage of this repeating the administration of Kemi­ barbiturate over some of the old agents. thal, (5) recovery was more rapid than In addition, Kemithal is less irritant with the other barbiturates since Kemi­ than other thiobarbiturates and there is thal is almost completely detoxified in less likelihood of tissue reaction should the body tissues, (6) and one of the (Continued on Page 6i) 12 PALL, 1954

VIRUS DIARRHEA IN CALVES 0. W. FALLANG, Vet. Med. IV A filterable virus causing pneumonia bency during the active phase of the and enteritis in calves has been re­ disease; with subsided fever, the ani­ ported.1 The disease occurs in calves mals regained their appetite and ap­ under one month and is characterized peared normal except for weakness, in­ by fever, diarrhea, and pneumonia with creased respiration, and induced cough. deaths rare if the calves are given good The gross lesions and histopathology care. Although deaths are rare, the included reddened small intestines with calves develop slowly and are unprofit­ the mucosa covered with sticky mucus; able. mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged This disease is seen throughout the and contained much fluid; no pneumonic year and in certain years epidemics oc­ lesions were noted in those killed early cur during which the mortality and in the disease. Mixtures of desquamated incidence are both higher. These years epithelium and leukocytes were in the are cyclic in nature and occur every fif­ mucosal surface of the small intestine; teen to twenty years. The years of 1930 there were cellular infiltration into the and 1940 were peak periods in the East­ tunica propria of polymorphonuclear, ern United States.2 mononuclear, and plasma cells and capil­ Although the etiology of this disease laries here were filled with blood. is not definitely established, there is ex­ Virus diarrhea in calves is reported perimental evidence that the primary from experiments in which calves were cause is viral in nature; however, it is inoculated with a Seitz filtrate from unlikely that secondary invaders can be human feces taken from four hospitals eliminated as associates under field in which diarrhea outbreak in infants conditions. occurred.5 Four strains of virus were The known modes of infection include noted which gave the same picture and contact with the natural disease, con­ produced cross immunity. The incuba­ tact with the experimental disease, in­ tion period was two to five days. The tranasal and intratracheal inoculation characteristics were as follows: slight of the filtrate.3 anorexia and mild dehydration during The experiment carried on by Baker4 the first few days of illness with an oc­ on newborn calves which had received casional calf prostrate; diarrhea with colostrum, showed the following charac­ production of mucus in most calves and teristics : fever in two to four days, then blood in the stools at some time during diarrhea followed by pneumonia; diar­ the course of the disease; temperature rhea followed the fever by one day; of 103.2 degrees to 104.2 degrees F. diarrhea and fever lasted only three to during the first three days; tenesmus five days; feces were soft, yellow, fetid, and distension; relapse was a constant and increased in amount; animals were feature about three days after what malaise, anorexic, and preferred recum­ seemed to be a significant improvement; 1 J. A. Baker, "A Filterable Virus Causing (Continued on Page 62) Pneumonia and Enterities in Calves," Journal of Experimental Medicine, 78: 435-446, Nov. 1, 5 J. S. Light and H. L. Hedes, "Isolation 1943. from Cases of Infantile Diarrhea of a Filer- 2 Ibid., p. 435. able Agent Causing Diarrhea in Calves," Jour­ 3 Ibid., p. 438. nal of Experimental Medicine, 90: 133-135, * Ibid., pp. 439-40. Aug. 1, 1949. SPECULUM 13


WALTER R. KRIIX, D.V.M. Dean and Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine There are few fields of endeavor for the detection of tuberculosis in our which are less understood and appre­ cattle population has in turn practically ciated than that of research in the eliminated tuberculosis infection of bo­ broad field of veterinary medicine. From vine origin in man in the United States. both a public health and economic stand­ In addition, the eradication of bovine point, it has a direct bearing on every tuberculosis has resulted in an annual segment of society. We can more fully saving of millions of dollars to the cattle appreciate the importance of animal industry. diseases when we realize that there are The need for veterinary research can well documented reports of at least one best be appreciated when it is realized hundred such diseases transmissible to that animal agriculture failed to realize man. Edward Jenner in 1796 said: a potential $2,791,000,000 in 1951 as a "The deviation of man from a state in result of losses from animal deaths which he was placed by nature seems to alone. This does not include decreased have proven to him a prolific source of income due to lowered production, re­ diseases. From the love of splendor, tarded growth and inefficient feed utili­ from the indulgence of luxury and from zation resulting from diseases such as his fondness of amusement, he has fam­ mastitis, sterility, internal and external iliarized himself with a great number of parasites, chronic pneumonia, Newcas­ animals which may not originally have tle disease, and the like. The total of been intended for his associates." such losses from morbidity would with­ Among animal diseases which may be out doubt equal those from mortality. transmitted to man are: anthrax, bru­ Foods of animal origin are nutrition­ cellosis, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, lis­ ally essential and relished by the Ameri­ teriosis, psittacosis, Q fever, Rocky can people. The rapidly expanding hu­ Mountain spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, man population will demand more meat, histoplasmosis, tularemia, rabies, and milk and eggs. To meet this increasing many parasitic diseases. These diseases demand for foods of animal origin we may be spread in different ways: by must reduce the enormous toll taken by direct contact, by insect vectors, by in­ disease. This will require a greatly ex­ halation and ingestion, and by indirect panded program of veterinary research. means, such as contaminated water, Immediately, we are faced with these food or soil. The control of these animal important problems. diseases in the human species is in a 1. The need for additional funds for large measure dependent upon the re­ veterinary research. Large num­ straint or eradication of these diseases bers of animals, in many instances, in the animal species. are required in order to establish Perhaps the most classical example of that the results of investigation the effect of the practical control of an are statistically sound. Animals animal disease and its resultant public are expensive, and in long term re­ health significance is that of bovine tu­ search their feeding and care are a berculosis. Through research and de­ large item of expense. In most ani­ velopment of satisfactory testing agents mal disease research there is no 14 FALL, 19 5 4 salvage value; the animals must be Even though hampered in inadequate considered expendable in order that facilities, research in this college has re­ data may be collected both ante- sulted within recent years in the discov­ and post-mortem. ery and reporting of twenty-two animal 2. The need for more extensive facili­ diseases previously not known to exist ties for housing animals used in in Ohio; one disease of sheep not pre­ veterinary research. Specially con­ viously known to have existed on the structed housing is mandatory to North American continent; and one dis­ prevent the spread of contagious ease found in cattle and swine rather diseases. commonly in Ohio which had never been recognized in these species prior to its Both of the above problems are par­ discovery in our laboratory. ticularly acute in connection with the research program now under way. We From the public health viewpoint, re­ are confident that funds for additional search carried on by the college has con­ research would be forthcoming if ade­ tributed greatly to the nature, diagnosis quate facilities were available for prop­ and treatment of the following diseases: erly housing research animals. toxoplasmosis, histoplasmosis, brucello­ Research as undertaken by our college sis, Newcastle disease, listeriosis, lepto­ should have two main objectives: spirosis and allergic encaphalomyelitis. The isolation of Newcastle disease virus 1. The opportunity and encourage­ of poultry from conjunctivitis in hu­ ment to those desiring to engage in mans was first reported by staff mem­ research which will enable them to bers of our college and represented the render service in the various fields first report of this disease that had pub­ of veterinary medicine, public lic health significance. health, animal science and allied Diagnostic methods developed in our areas. college for the detection of diseases in­ 2. The desire to develop fundamental clude the capillary tube tests for masti­ knowledge in these areas and a de­ tis and brucellosis, an intradermal test termination of the utility value of for the detection of histoplasmosis in such information. dogs, a chick embryo test for the diag­ To attain these objectives, research nosis of chronic respiratory disease of by graduate students should be directed poultry, as well as the discovery of cyto­ to encourage independent thinking, the plasmic inclusion bodies in cattle having use of standard or new research tech­ malignant catarrhal fever. Methods niques, and the evaluation of data under have been devised for the differentiation the supervision of competent and sym­ between antibody titers of brucellosis pathetic advisers. Such research has in cattle caused by vaccination and by among its aims the promotion of the natural infection, and improved tech­ spirit of inquiry and disciplining of the niques for the diagnosis of parasites graduate student in the proper methods and parasitic diseases of animals have and approach in undertaking research. been developed. Many of these proce­ It may or may not contribute greatly to dures have become practical diagnostic the immediate solution of a problem; the tests used widely by veterinarians. main purpose is to train scientists in Electrocardiographic studies recently whose hands future scientific progress reported will make clinical diagnosis of in veterinary medicine will largely re­ heart disease in animals more accurate; side. (Continued on Page 58) SPECULUM 15

A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH TO THE MASHED TEAT PROBLEM ROY D. HOFFMAN, D.V.M., Bedford, Pa. I have often wondered how many vet­ ing for the cause of extra milking pres­ arinarians, wholly familiar with the sure. This necrotic tissue must be care of all kinds of farm animals, ever cleared out as quickly as possible. Bac­ stop to think that each year literally teria will propagate in it and greater billions of dollars of the nation's wealth trouble is likely to result if there is delay is funneled through openings in the in its removal. There is necrotic flesh cow's teat which are never as large as in the sphincter area, frequently be­ a soda straw. cause blood circulation there has been All of us know that the problems impaired through accident or some which the modern dairy farmer en­ other cause. counters from day to day are vastly I have found that the Huggs forceps different from those that plagued him will do a good job, but it has a tendency only a few short years ago. Frequent to remove flesh around the canal below changes in milk prices, reduced prices the obstruction when a BB-like struc­ of meat on the hoof, varying prices of ture has been created above the sphinc­ feed—whether bought at the store or ter. I have had considerable success produced on the farm—have surely with a rotating knife which I developed. made the modern cattleman conscious of It has four blades which expand after what he once considered minor details. insertion into the canal. The special Teat trouble of one kind or another knife has also proved very helpful in is, perhaps, the one thing that makes removing necrotic flesh from the sphinc­ the specialized dairy farmer run faster ter area, and removing growths and ob­ for the help of his veterinarian. He structions above the sphincter. How­ has developed an amazing amount of ever, early medication may correct a practical knowledge about the natural number of injured teat conditions with­ functions of the animals on which he out surgery. depends for such a great share of his For leaky teats, inject tincture of livelihood, but it is a high tribute to Iodine at two or three points around the the intelligence of the successful dairy end of the teat. Inject enough to make farmer that he looks for help—and fast a wheal about the size of a BB. Where —-when something goes wrong with the a teat fistula is present, apply Butter of milk delivery system between Bossie and Antimony around the fistula and insert the bucket. with a cotton applicator. Insert an ap­ Mastitis is the dairy farmer's bug-a­ plicator in the fistula when applying boo. We veterinarians have concluded initial treatment and continue treatment that it will inevitably develop, when around the fistula every two days until even the slightest amount of pressure, a scab forms. above normal, persists in the milking When the sphincter area has become process for any considerable amount of infected, a brownish rough scabby area time. Danger signals of too much pres­ is present around the opening of the sure are not so easily spotted in the teat canal. Milking becomes more dif­ machine-milked herd. ficult each day. Silver nitrate, 10 per Necrotic or dead tissue around the cent, is indicated and should be applied sphincter is usually found when check­ (Continued on Page 67) 16 FALL. 1954

THE CARE AND FEEDING OF LIVESTOCK PARASITES D. C. BOUGHTON, Technical Advisor, Animal Industry Products, E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co.

In order to prepare this talk, I had to ogist is just getting warmed up. He create, for all intents and purposes, a learns that a happily mated and well-fed new science — economic parasitology. roundworm gives forth 200,000 micro­ You are familiar with economic entom­ scopic eggs per day. Allowing a mod­ ology, whose disciples are able to pre­ erate reproductive period of 150 days dict the time and place of grasshopper for each of the 270 million females, we plagues and the northern march of the get an annual production of eight mil­ screwworm fly. Without losing sight of lion billion eggs. A single egg weighs significant details of insect structure less than one ten-millionth of a gram, and physiology, economic entomologists but the year's crop comes to over 700 have somehow learned to scan large tons, or nearly three million eight-ounce geographical areas and to recognize cans, if we were to pack it like shad roe. their insects as invading hordes capable This 700 tons of ascarid eggs annually, of causing measurable destruction. as a buy-product of our swine industry, Some day I shall take time out and try compares favorably with the 18,000 tons to determine why there aren't more eco­ produced by human infections in China, nomic wormologists. I shall probably where host population is greater and in­ discover several good reasons. My guess fection heavier. at present is that the development of But parasites do more than eat and economic parasitology is hampered by reproduce. They damage their hosts in the insidious behavior of internal para­ various ways: Retarding growth, pro­ sites and the taboo on treatment for ducing pathological symptoms and dis­ internal diseases by non-professionals. ease, and sometimes killing them out­ But, as Kipling says, that is another right. This damage is what has been so story. hard to measure and to correlate with Let's see what the economic parasit­ parasite numbers, except when, for ex­ ologist would do with the large round­ ample, a parasite outbreak lays out dead worm of swine, Ascaris. He would first pigs for us to count. Invading larval get the figure for the swine in the worms attack the lungs and wreck the United States—54 million—and, second, liver. Labored breathing and harsh a conservative estimate of average para­ coughing are characteristic of this in­ site load—10 worms. Now he sharpens vading phase of infection. Pneumonia his pencil and loosens up his slide rule. often follows. Adult worms disturb Fifty-four million times ten is 540 mil­ digestion by blocking the intestine or lion worms. At 10 grams per worm, we clogging the bile ducts. They are known have over ten million pounds of round­ to go berserk and to perforate the in­ worms in the United States. This is testine—dragging bacteria into the body only a modest poundage as modern pro­ cavity, causing peritonitis. duction goes these days but a sizeable Dr. L. A. Spindler of the U.S.D.A. crop at that when one stops to think it took a healthy swing at answering the was produced from microscopic eggs question as to what extent large round­ with ordinary swine rations. worms inhibit the growth of pigs. I But our statistics-minded parasitol­ want to summarize his observations SPECULUM 17 briefly. Eight litter mates, worm-free Worms in Cattle weanlings were kept in separate pens; Now I'd like to consider our 93 million four were fed infective ascarid eggs cattle and their gastro-intestinal nema­ and four were kept as untreated con­ tode worms, the average infestation be­ trols; the pigs were observed for four ing estimated as 1,000 of these almost months and then were weighed, slaugh­ microscopic little beasts. It takes about tered, and examined for parasites. At 2,000 to make up the weight of one pig the end of the experiment the four unin­ worm, but even so our annual cattle fected pigs, as expected, had no worms; worm crops come to over 800,000 the four infected pigs harbored, respec­ pounds. These bantam weights are pro­ tively 12, 20, 39, and 109 ascarids. The lific and showed our pastures with 180 uninfected pigs made relatively good tons of their microscopic eggs annually. weight gains during the test—an aver­ This same tonnage in chicken eggs age of 0.8 pound per day. The weight would require the full production for gains of the infected pigs were definitely one year of 15,000 modern, 200-egg not this good—and the point of particu­ hens—and 500 tons of poultry feed. lar interest is that they get worse the However, wild female worms are appar­ more parasites are present. The actual ently much less efficient than contented figures were as follows: The pig with hens and require 50 pounds of solids to 12 worms gained 0.7 pound per day produce a pound of eggs. On this basis, (the controls, remember, gained 0.8 female worms alone consume 9,000 tons pound) ; the pig with 20 worms gained of solids. Adding two-thirds as much 0.5 pound per day; the pig with 39 for the male worms gives 15,000 tons. worms gained 0.4 pound per day, and This tonnage in livestock feed would the pig with 109 worms had a net loss cost over $1,000,000. of eight pounds at the end of the experi­ ment. The board bill is actually much greater than this, because rather than This is only one test, of course, but it feed parasites out of the feed bag, we was well conceived, executed, and con­ manufacture their special diet in the trolled. It certainly shows that round­ course of the expensive process of mak­ worms reduce weight gains. Also is sug­ ing cattle blood and tissue. If only half gests that depression of growth is corre­ the worms in the average infection are lated with the severity of the parasitic blood suckers and tissue eaters and each infection, the latter being indicated in such worm removes only one cc. of a general way by the number of adult blood or its tissue equivalent per year, worms present. The whole infection, of then the loss is one pound per head or a course, spans several weeks prior to the total loss in this country of 93,000,000 post mortem examination and includes pounds. I estimate a production cost of the invasion of the lungs by the larval 30 cents per pound for good fresh cattle worms as well as the occupation of the blood and intestinal mucosa. This intestinal canal by the adult worms. It makes the annual board bill $28,000,000. should be of special note that when as These figures on the weight of living few as 20 to 40 worms were found, worms and worm eggs and on what it average daily gain was only half what costs to feed our annual crop of cattle it should be and each worm cost the worms—challenging as they may be in grower 1.6 pounds of weight gain dur­ their own right—are presented here ing the four-month growth period. primarily to emphasize the magnitude 18 PALL, 1954 of the living parasitic force with which large economic loss resulting from what the cattle industry must contend. It is has up to now been shrugged off as mild obvious that all infections are not aver­ parasitism. The practical result of this age and that heavier infections take a is, because there is already available an greater than average toll—some herds inexpensive means of control, that we get by with the loss of a few pints of can show cattlemen how to make more blood while others suffer severe damage. money right now. The total damage done by parasites, as The experiments are simple in design. with Communists, is very difficult to Beef herds with various levels of para­ measure. I thought the foregoing might sitic infection are divided into two equal be helpful in sizing up the internal ene­ parts. One half is either given a single mies of cattle in order to comprehend therapeutic treatment or a treatment better their destructive power. followed by a regimen designed to dras­ Heavy infections of gastro-intestinal tically reduce infection. The other half parasites cause obvious disease and eco­ serves as the untreated, unprotected nomic loss within the infected herd. The control. Weight gains of the two groups owner of a severely infected herd is are compared. The results are superior easily convinced to treat and set up weight gains in the treated, protected preventive measures, often, unfortu­ groups—added beef giving a substan­ nately, only after he has already sus­ tial profit above and beyond the cost of tained a sizeable loss. parasite control. A series of tests aver­ As in the case with swine, however, aging four months in length showed an the widespread unthriftiness due to low- average extra gain of one-fifth pound grade parasitic infections is not easily per head per hog. In growing cattle, recognized. The cattle industry has been this bonus gain represents an extra slow in taking up the fight against para­ profit of more than $10 per head per sites, primarily, I believe, because the year. infections in cattle are not as likely to I am counting on my new science to produce spectacular symptoms as are draw the attention of professional para­ those in sheep, for example. In many sitologists and practicing veterinarians parts of the world sheep raising would more directly to the cattleman's strug­ be unprofitable, if not impossible, with­ gle with low-grade parasitic infections. out worm control. Therapeutic treat­ Because the parasitologist has often col­ ment and continuous free-choice medi­ lected parasites from hosts that are not cation are part and parcel of sheep hus­ sick, he has become especially sensitive bandry today. The sheepman was con­ to the distinction between parasitic in­ vinced because he was kicked in the fection and parasitic disease and is pocketbook by something he could see— often inclined to consider low-grade in­ because he himself could directly relate fections harmless. The practitioner, on death and morbidity in his flock with the other hand, has been trained to look financial loss when he failed to practice for a disease condition that can be diag­ worm control. I have little doubt that nosed by symptoms and identification of cattlemen today would be doing as good the causative agent. Acute parasitism a job of parasite control as sheepmen would be recognized as verminous had they been as severely shocked into gastro-enteritis; unless the parasites a realization of its importance. caused an "itis," they would not neces­ The young science of economic para­ sarily attract his attention. sitology, however, is bringing to light a (Continued on Page 67) SPECULUM 19

NEWER METHODS OF TREATMENTS IN A BEEF CATTLE PRACTICE A. W. KRAUSE, D.V.M., Cherokee, Iowa It has been said that it takes twenty herd. Such animals are treated as the feeder cattle to provide as much work ordinary shipping fever case—being for a veterinarian as one dairy cow. sure to give sulfathiazole per orum. However, the veterinarian located where The regular run of diarrheas as seen there are numerous beef breeding herds in the feed lot which are not showing a as well as feeder cattle will find plenty temperature are usually confined and of work and many problems to challenge put on a wild hay and oats ration after his ability. being treated as follows: Large doses The amount of beef produced is di­ of diarrhea powder (one containing rectly proportional to the amount of catechu—being preferred) are adminis­ feed consumed. Beef cattle on full feed tered in warm water by the stomach consume an immense amount of forage, tube. One-fourth pound of powder is grain and protein concentrates. Their given to a 500 pound animal; one-half digestive system is working at full pound to a 1000 pound animal. Since capacity and an error in diet—such as bloody diarrheas are usually associated sudden change in feed, spoiled ground with coccidia infection, sulfaguanidine feed, irregular feeding or over-con­ or sulfathiazole—one grain per pound sumption by one individual may bring of body weight is given in addition to on a digestive disturbance. the diarrhea powder in such cases. Re­ peated daily treatments may be neces­ Digestive Disorders sary in severe diarrheas. Laminitis is common in feed yard In cases of persistent diarrheas not cattle, especially those being fed on responding to treatment, ova of the shelled corn. If the condition is acute- stomach worm can often be demon­ Lenten 5-8 cc subcutaneously and one strated on fecal examination. For gallon of mineral oil via the stomach stomach worm infection—two to three tube has given good results. Anti-hista­ ounces of 12.5 gram per ounce suspen­ mines are also given in some cases. sion of phenothiazine given to calves— Drawing 250 to 500 cc of the animal's and four to six ounces to adult cattle own blood from the jugular vein and gives good results. This is given with injecting it into the pectoral muscles a dose syringe. I believe this is a con­ seems beneficial in treating chronic dition that is overlooked by many prac­ cases. titioners, particularly, if they have cat­ Diarrheas are commonly seen in beef tle shipped into their territory from the calves or feeder cattle. They may be of warmer climates—as was true this past dietary, infectious or parasitic origin. season. I think it is extremely important that Many times persistent diarrheas re­ the temperature of all such animals be quire supportive treatment in the form taken to help determine the choice of of 25% dextrose—500 to 1000 cc intra­ drug to be used. I think everyone is venously. Blood therapy is also used. aware of the fact that many so-called, We use citrated blood in most cases. "shipping fever" cases have a very pro­ Any condition which causes debility, fuse diarrhea and they do not neces­ anemia or dehydration—certainly calls sarily have to be recently added to the for such therapy. Use 50 cc of 2l/2% 20 FALL, 1954 sodium citrate solution in a 500 cc bottle can be penetrated and relief obtained. of drawn blood, agitate gently while Medication similar to that used in sim­ drawing, and administer with a simplex ple bloat can be introduced by passing intravenous outfit—giving one to two a regular stomach tube through the cc per pound of body weight—depend­ lumen of this large tube. A ruminatoric ing upon the condition of the patient dose of lenten is administered subcutan­ and the animal's ability to tolerate the eously unless contra-indicated. blood. If the animal is in danger of death— Uncitrated blood is used when taken a large rumenotomy trochar is used. from the dam and given to a newborn This trochar has a diameter of one-inch; calf as a prophylaxis against infectious a cannula nine inches in length, and is diarrhea and pneumonia. Blood here is 14 inches over all. An incision is made given subcutaneously 240-400 cc per through the skin of the left flank with a calf. Bard Parker scalpel; the trochar is in­ Acute indigestion can be demon­ verted, a baling wire folded double and strated in the form of acute tympany, by pumping this wire in and out of the overloading of the forestomach, impac­ trochar—much of the frothy ingesta can tion of the rumen or atony of the rumen. be removed. Guiacol compound, cow drench and fluid extract of nux vomica Bloats must be classified in to two in cold water is pumped into the ingesta categories—simple bloat and frothy through the trocar cannula. After some bloat. The former type is the formation relief is had a ruminatoric dose of len­ of gas above the food mass in the rumen. ten is given. Mineral oil is also some­ The later constitutes an intermingling times used here as an anti-fermentative. of the gas with the ingesta. Atony or impaction of the rumen may Acute bloat is most apt to occur when be due to overfeeding—change to dry the animals diet consists of a highly feed or traumatic gastritis. In treating fermentable feed—such as lush clover this condition—Epsom salts—one pound or alfalfa pasture in the rainy seasons by way of the stomach tube along with of spring or summer. However, it may two drams of nux vomica is given. A occur on dry feeds such as good hay and 5 cc dose of lenten is also given as a a heavy grain ration. supportive ruminatoric. Rumen tablets The treatment of simple bloat de­ are left with the owner to give every pends upon the severity of the condition. four or five hours in one-half to one pint If the animals distress is not too great, of water. Many of these cases are slow it may frequently be relieved by the to respond and daily visits may have to stomach tube and anti-fermentatives in be made unless response is had. a gallon of mineral oil. If the distention is great and the animal is in danger of Respiratory Diseases death—a small cattle trochar is used Frequently respiratory diseases that at once. affect the larynx are encountered in a The treatment of frothy bloat is not beef cattle practice. It may be due to so simple. Again the degree of bloat an irritant or infection. These cases controls the procedure. If the condition must be handled with as little restraint is not too acute—we use a large steam as possible or suffocation may occur. hose as a stomach tube. This tube is If the edema is not too severe in cases passed through a mouth gag block. By of urticaria, irritants or injury, re­ manipulating this tube—pockets of gas covery is often spontaneous. Intra­ SPECULUM 21 venous administration of sodium iodide shipped in from Montana and Western is very beneficial. Nebraska seem to be the worst. With Croupous laryngitis is believed to be the coming of penicillin the treatment of an infectious nature. This infection of foot rot was greatly simplified. One causes a severe inflammation and edema million-five-hundred-thousand to three of the larynx. A high fever of 105 de­ million units—depending upon the size grees or more is seen in this condition of the animal and the severity of the and croupous shreds are usually dis­ condition gives almost 100% results. charged from the nostrils. Sulfathiazole Hiamine compound given at the rate of per orum or sulfamerazine intraperi­ one pound to 50 pounds of No. 4 salt—­ toneally given at the rate of two grains acts as a good preventive. per pound of body weight along with a therapeutic dose of streptomycin and Vitamin A Deficiency penicillin has given very noticeable im­ Vitamin A deficiency is frequently provement in 12 to 24 hours. Sometimes seen in both the feed lot cattle and in the treatment must be repeated in 24-48 the stock cow herds in my territory. hours to effect a complete recovery. Since red clover has been recognized as a better rotation crop than alfalfa not Calf diphtheria is a necrophorus in­ much alfalfa hay is fed any more—and fection affecting the larynx of the young it is high in Vitamin A. Also much of bovine. A high fever of 105 degrees or the Government sealed corn is being more is present. The calves' breath has sold and it is 1948-1949 corn. This is a very necrotic odor and the larynx has also Vitamin A deficient. Many feeders a caseated necrotic appearance. Sulfa­ feed their cattle on pasture for cheaper methazine or sulfamerazine sodium—• gains—then bring them into dry lot for one to two grains per pound of body the last thirty days of feeding. Some weight—along with penicillin and strep­ feed straw to help dry them up and tomycin has given good results. Re­ sometimes run into trouble. peated treatments for 24-48 hours are often necessary. Vitamin A deficiency is characterized by a roughened hair coat, watery eyes Big Head and sometimes even cloudiness as seen Big head is a term applied to cattle in pink eye, edematous brisket and belly which develop a doughy edematous underline, sore footedness and edema of swelling in the subparotid and sub­ the legs. lingual regions. This swelling is usually As a corrective measure we use any gradual in appearance and as the swell­ one of the Vitamin concentrates that ing progresses the animal's ability to can be mixed with feed; two ounces of ingest food is impaired. Some run tem­ tankage per steer per day, and switch peratures as high as 105 degrees. Sulfa­ to new corn if old corn is being fed and methazine—2 grains per pound of body alfalfa hay if possible. weight intravenously along with one million-five-hundred-thousand units of Photosensitization penicillin has given the best results. A condition not seen too often but This treatment is repeated daily for two one which can become quite serious is to three days. photosensitization. This is a dermatitis —characterized by superficial necrosis Foot Rot of the white or lightly pigmented parts Foot rot has been on the increase in of the skin. In my territory it is gen­ my practice the last few years. Cattle erally seen when cattle are grazing on 22 PALL, 1954 a pasture which has a heavy growth of months often grow to be quite trouble­ white clover. some problems about which veterinar­ In the early stages the animals show ians are consulted. a dejected appearance with excessive These heavily coated animals are fre­ salivation, lacrymation and sometimes quently closely housed and accumulate diarrhea. Later the animal licks itself, dirt and particles in their hair from hay switches the tail and shakes the head. and bedding thrown down from a loft Shortly the lesions of photosensitization and the animals throwing trash and appear. There is a burned appearance manure on their backs by pawing with of the muzzle, nostrils and eyelids. Ex­ the forefeet. Bulls are seldom groomed foliation appears on the ears, anus, regularly—unless they might be on a vulva and flank, and there is marked show circuit, and this lack of attention dermatitis of udder and teats. White contributes greatly to itchiness and areas are chiefly affected. The urine alopecia. Other contributing factors are may be reddish brown in some animals. likely lack of sunlight and a low intake Deaths can occur before lesions of pho­ of Vitamins A and D, both of which tosensitization are evident. The herd figure prominently in the normal in­ should be moved to dry lot and the tegrity of the skin. severely affected animals protected from To relieve this condition simply ad­ the sun. Skin lesions may be treated vise the owner to groom the animal well with zinc oxide in oil, udder lesions with for a short time and if bad—to scrub sulfathiazole and urea ointment. Sod­ with soap and water. Place animal on a ium thiosulphate 30% given early intra­ good Vitamin A and D supplement and venously at the rate of one ounce per allow outside freedom as much as possi­ 100 pounds will reduce the mortality to ble. a minimum. A purebred breeder selling beef bulls Postparturient Hemoglobinuria can have his troubles with sterility if a Postparturient hemoglobinuria is seen careless trucker is employed to trans­ more than many practitioners realize. port the animal. It seems the nervous Maybe we should say it is not seen by and sexual system of a bull is rather practitioners more than we realize. It easily upset. A careless trucker, one is a condition that can very easily be who comes to sudden stops, starts fast, overlooked—unless the owner happens swings around curbs, etc., and throws to see the animal urinate. It is charac­ the bull all over the truck does an in­ terized by coming on soon after calving, justice to both the owner and the ani­ blood tinted urine, inappetance, some­ mal. Many times such an animal will not settle a cow for a period of four to times stiffness of the rear quarters. six months—although he may breed Temperature is not a constant symptom. regularly. Sulfonamides are definitely contraindi­ cated—so one must be careful of a diag­ Prepartum Prolapse of the Vagina nosis before treatment is started. Di­ This serious and hard to handle con­ sodium phosphate—500 cc intraven­ dition is especially difficult in beef cat­ ously plus methenamine will give good tle. It is often accompanied by prolapse results in most cases. of the rectum. Bulls Treatment is epidural anesthesia—to Itching and loss of hair with negative prevent straining while the vagina is scrapings in bulls during the winter (Continued on Page 50) SPECULUM 23

CASE REPORT 7324c LLOYD C. PBASHUN, D.V.M. (Dr. Prashun was a senior in the Veterinary College at the time he composed this report.) This is a case report about a terrier much depressed and stayed back in the cross that liked to do a lot of jumping, corner of the cage. She showed very especially over a three foot fence. She little response when called. When a was three years old, non-pregnant, and close examination of the dog was made, had never given birth to a litter of pups. the following observations were noted: She weighed 22 pounds. 1) Dilated pupils with very little re­ This dog had been playing out in the sponse to light. yard with the kids before supper and 2) Trembling all over. came into the house for the evening 3) Cold extremities. about 6:30 p. m., Saturday. The dog 4) Slight serous nasal discharge. was fed its usual table scraps after sup­ 5) Champing movements of the lower per. Later that evening the dog wanted jaw with a little saliva running some water to drink. According to the from the corners of the mouth. owner, the dog drank two small pans 6) Respirations were labored (in­ full of water without stopping. Very creased depth and rate—72 per shortly after drinking this unusual minute). amount of water the dog vomited a lot 7) Heart rate was slow, but the pulse of ingesta. The owner noticed that was strong (60 per minute). there was a large mass of grass present 8) Temperature was 99.6 degrees. in the vomitus. The owner was not too 9) Complete anorexia. much excited because she thought that 10) The bladder was full of dark yel­ the dog had drank too much water lowish-brown urine. It contained a which caused the vomiting. lot of mucus material. The dog seemed depressed on Sunday 11) Palpation revealed no evidence of morning and again vomited. Then it pain or injury. was noted that the dog had lost control 12) Slight conjunctivitis. of her hind parts for she dragged her 13) Barely able to stand OP. hind legs hind legs along under her by the use of for a few seconds. her front feet. She wanted to remain 14) Ear canals were normal. undisturbed under the bed. She uri­ 15) In the evening there were champ­ nated in the house which was unusual. ing movements of the jaws, stiffen­ The urinations were excessive and were ing of the legs, and head, and the rather orange in color. neck was drawn back over the She was brought into the clinic on shoulders. Sunday afternoon. At this time she 16) The laboratory results were ab­ went down in the posterior when forced normal : to exercise. A convulsion was also noted. a) Concentrated urine—sp. gr. The dog was given 15 cc of mineral oil 1.051 by the student interne in charge and placed in a cage in the ward. Do you b) Bilirubin was present in the urine. have any idea what it is yet ? c) There was a high percentage of The Progressive Signs: neutrophils; Segs—79%; Non­ Monday morning the dog was very segs—7%. 24 PALL, 1954 d) The total white count showed a same diagnosis as we did, we will go on slight increase; 16,670. to correlate the signs shown by the dog Tentative Diagnosis with red squill poisoning. 1) Injury (hit by car, etc.). 1) Squill poisoning may produce a 2) Infectious disease (e.g., rabies). purely degenerative and necrotic or 3) Mineral deficiency such as eclamp­ an acute inflammatory process in the sia. There is usually more restless­ kidney. Therefore, if poisoning ever ness associated with this condition, occurs in dogs from red squill, hema­ muscular trembling, stiffness in turia will probably be a symptom gait, vomiting, anorexia, and the evidenced in this case by the orange animal may fall on its side and con­ colored urine. vulse. 2) Squill comes under the digitalis 4) Poisoning. group of drugs, therefore an over­ a) Thallium signs: Vomiting, an­ dose of squill would be very similar orexia, loss of vision, pupils to an overdose of digitalis. The fol­ widely dilated and not affected lowing signs may be noted with an by light, no muscular tone, free overdose of either of these drugs: blood in the stool. Recovery is a) Nausea and vomiting, which is prolonged. probably due to a reflex by its b) Coal Tar signs: Weakness, de­ action on the heart, may occur. pression, stupid appearance, pu­ It is an emetic. This dog had a pils are dilated, excessive saliva­ history of vomiting. tion, convulsions, dark colored b) There may be diarrhea. Diarrhea urine, and the animal lives only is due to direct irritation on the three or four days. walls of the intestine or by stim­ c) DDT signs: Sensory disturb­ ulating the walls to increase per­ ances, staggering gait, tremors, istalsis. Diarrhea was not ob­ and possibly clonic movements. served in this case. d) Chlorinated hydrocarbons signs: c) There may be diminished fre­ Signs are like those of DDT. quency of the pulse which would e) Strychnine signs: Tetanic seiz­ be caused by stimulation of the ures are characteristic. vagus centers and reduction of f) Red squill signs: Small doses set the conductivity through the up diuresis while large doses auriculo-ventricular bundle. The cause anuria, hematuria, nausea, heart rate was down to 60 in this emesis, diarrhea, and colic. Res­ case. pirations are labored and quick­ d) There may be increased force of ened ; there is prostration, con­ the heart beat due to direct ac­ vulsions, and death. tion upon cardiac muscles with resultant increase in tone. There Final Diagnosis: was a strong pulse pressure in Our diagnosis was more or less this case. clinched by the fact that the client re­ e) Toxic doses stimulate the res­ ported, after the animal had been hos­ piratory center. The pulse rate pitalized for three days, that a neighbor was up to 72 per minute in this had set out red squill poison for rats. case. Correlation of Signs with Diagnosis f) Convulsions may be seen in the Assuming that you arrived at the (Continued on Page 51) SPECULUM 25

BIBLICAL REFERENCE TO DRUGS USED IN ANCIENT TIMES E. B. MCCRADY, Pharmacist, Veterinary Clinic While reading the King James version dula, styrax, sinapis, myrrh, asafoetida, of the Holy Bible, you will find the word castor oil, peppermint, fennel seed, Apothecary mentioned in Exodus, Sec­ opium, licorice, pomegranate, marihua­ ond Chronicle, and Ecclesiastes. In the na, balm of gilead, linseed, chamomillae, more recent translations, the word used juniper berries, crocus, saffron, thyme, in place of apothecary has a different and pitch tar. meaning, namely "Ointment cook or The Egyptian physicians were always crusher." Could it be that the slang priests, but all priests were not phy­ phrases heard today such as, "What's sicians. Among the Israelites the cooking," or "heart crushers" may have priests did not practice medicine at all, originated ages ago in Babylonia? but some of the prophets did. In second The review of the Bible when search­ Kings 20, v. 9, Isaiah gave a prescrip­ ing for reference to drugs in the Bible tion "For a lump of figs to be lain on was a very interesting adventure. We Hezakiah's boil." The prophets Elijah are better able to picture the people of and Elisha were called to prescribe in those ancient times when we know more a similar fashion. about their habits; they, like us, placed Magic played a most important part a great deal of confidence in medicine as in medicine as practiced in this period. well as those who administered it. We It is amusing to us today to read of the read in the 38th chapter of Ecclesiastes methods which were practiced. Many "The Lord hath created medicine out of drugs were given by a physician to act the earth." An endeavor will be made to either as a charm or to invoke divine relate how the early Christians inter­ aid. A common cure for ahgue was this preted these words. magic remedy: "You must wait by a Our earliest knowledge of drugs has cross road until you see an ant carrying been gained by deciphering a small num­ a load, then you must pick up the ant ber of remaining Babylonian-Assyrian and its load, place them in a brass tube, clay tablets, of which only fragments saying as you do this 'oh' ant, my load still exist. The most recent discovery be upon thee and thy load upon me." of historic pharmacy comes from Egypt, Many magical formulas are found in where the famous Papyrus Ebers were the Talmud, the Hebrew commentary of discovered. This Papyrus was well pre­ the Bible. Here it is learned that Solo­ served and dates back to conventional mon was credited among Eastern people scriptural chronology that corresponds with having discovered the secret of with about the 21st year of the life of controlling disease by magical processes. Moses. The next earliest record is in According to Josephus, he composed and Exodus where the apothecary gives the bequeathed to posterity a book of these prescription for holy ointment. To magical secrets. Hezekiah is said to some extent the habits and practices of have suppressed this work, because it the Israelites were based on those of was leading people to pray to other gods the Egyptians. About 2250 B. C. the rather than Jehovah. Nevertheless the retailers of drugs executed their trade secrets of Solomon were handed down in special streets of the cities. Here by certain families by tradition. Joseph were sold turpentine, rose petals, calen­ relates that a certain Jew named Elea­ 26 FALL. 1954 zor drew a demon from the nose of a thol; powdered myrrh; Lead Vitriol or equal possessed person in the presence of parts of the Greyhound (from Abyssinia), and Emperor Vespasian and a number of Date Blossoms. For a pain on the right side (which might Roman officers, by the aid of a magic have been appendicitis) : Apply a plaster of ring and a form of invocation. equal parts of lettuce and dates boiled in oil. For bronchial disorders a cure con­ It is interesting to note that in gen­ sisted of writing some Hebrew letters eral medicines were to be given for four on a new plate, washing it off with wine, days, the ingredients were often four in to which had been added three grains number, and the incantations were to of citron which had been used at the be repeated four times. The pythago­ Tabernacle Festival. They were then probably their master acquired his ref­ instructed to drink this concoction. reans swore by the number four and In Eastern Europe, especially in erence for this figure from Egypt. Turkey and Syria, quaint prayers and Here is a representative prescription antiquated materia medica are still as­ for treating diarrhea: sociated, just as they were in the days Green Onions of Babylonian captivity. Dog livers, Oil of Honey earth worms, rabbits' feet, live ants, Wax human bones and powdered mummy Water (c.s. a pint) still rank high as remedies. For patients Sig. (take 4 days) who can afford it, such precious prod­ It is noted that milk, wine and honey ucts as dew from Mt. Carmel were pre­ were the most common vehicles for the scribed. prescriptions. Many of the remedies that were used Balm of Gilead is mentioned in Gen­ in the days of Christ have been traced esis 37 v. 25 and Genesis 43 v. 11. This to the early Egyptians. Melampus product is still being sold by the Monks (1380 B. C.) prescribed "rust iron in of Jericho to our soldiers who visit wine" which was used as a tonic by the there. It is put up in ointment tins and king of Phylacea. Today we dispense said to be useful in the treatment of a similar tonic, in a modified formula, sores and wounds; it cannot be the true of course, and its value is unquestioned balm of the Bible. That balm is said to when used to combat anemia. be a delicate resinous substance, of a There are other prescriptions which dark red color, and is not used in mod­ have been found and are carefully pre­ ern pharmacy. served. Here are a few: Frankincense is frequently mention­ For a headache: Equal part of frankin­ ed; the Arabian or African variety is cense, cumen and goose grease, boiled together, employed today, in India, and appears to head to be anointed with this mixture. in many of our old remedies. It is For worms: Resin of acanthus, peppermint flowers, and lettuce. Equal parts of each to slightly bitter in taste, and has an aro­ make a plaster. ratic odor. It is known in the drug You will notice that most all medi­ world today as olibanum. It is similar cines were intended for external use, to turpentine in action. and it is not certain that the Bible made Aloes and myrrh have a familiar ring definite reference to medicine for in­ to both the pharmacist and Bible reader, ternal use. because they are mentioned more than any other drugs. Next in order of fre­ An eyewash: Honey in fresh milk. To make hair grow (Dr. Diesem take no­ quency is sweet spices, cinnamon and tice) : Oil of the Nile horse; powdered men- cassia being the most common. The SPECULUM 27 original variety of aloes is Socrotine caries' art was mentioned in relation to aloes, so named because it was produced the preparation of sweet odors and on the Island of Socrota, 333 years be­ kinds of spices for the burial of King fore the birth of Christ. This was the Asa. most probable variety used in the Bibi­ Pharmacists of the present days are cal times and is mentioned as a per­ still called upon to make anointing oils fumed wood. The aloe leaf was only and incense. The formulas have chang­ recently found to have a curative prin­ ed, the Catholic church no longer uses ciple when applied to x-ray burns. the formula given in Exodus 30:24, but Crude aloe is rarely used in human med­ one made up of olive oil, benzoin, storax, icine. sugar, cascarrilla and nitri. Myrrh is a resin extracted from a tree Apothecaries of days long past were growing along the borders of the Red supposed to have an extensive knowl­ Sea. The tincture is a valuable medica­ edge of vegetables and vegetable drugs. ment and is in common use today. Mecca The story of Jonah's Gourd was dis­ balm was collected in the valleys near cussed in the Bible. It seems that the Mecca, and is said to be the true myrrh plant of which we read in Jonah 4: 6-10 of the Bible. was a plant which grew very quickly Cassia is still in common usage as and was destroyed very rapidly. It is shown by the fact that 12 million pounds stated that the Lord made this plant were imported into the U. S. in 1939. grow in a single night over the booth From what source the ancients derived which the prophet had erected; "it pro­ their cinnamon and cassia is not known. vided shade which made Jonah exceed­ Neither the plant nor localities referred ingly glad." The next morning, how­ to correspond with our present day ever, a worm attacked it and it withered. knowledge; however, it is presumed that Modern historians think it may have the cassia of the Bible was brought from been the castor bean plant. China by Arabian navigators. God's Dr. Thaddeus Harris writes a curious cinnamon is a synonym for Sargon cin­ account of a violent dispute occurring namon. between St. Jerome and St. Augustine Josephus is referred to in Exodus 30 concerning the identity of this plant. v. 23, when the holy anointing oil is According to the author, they not only prescribed after the "art of the Apothe­ differed in word, but the words lead to cary". The formula for holy oil was: blows and St. Jerome was accused of Plowing Myrrh heresy at Rome by St. Augustine. St. Sweet Cinnamon Jerome thought the plant was ivy, and Sweet Calamus pleaded by authority of Aquilla Sym­ Cassia machus and Theodotim. St. Augustine Olive Oil thought it was a gourd and was sup­ It is known that the oil could not have ported by the Seventy: The Syrian, and been very thick as we read it trickled Arabian Intelligentsia. Had either of through Aaron's beard. them seen the plant ? Neither! Perhaps In Genesis 50: 2-3 the physicians of here we may learn a lesson, and let the Joseph's household were commanded to error of pious men teach us to think embalm his father, it is presumed that and act more mildly, if not more meekly they were apothecaries. Hanamiah is and humbly, with respect to our own referred to in the book of Nehemiahas. opinions, especially when the subject is In Second Chronicles 16:14 the apothe­ (Continued on Page 67) 28 FALL. 1954 change dinners with sororities which we will hold this year. Brother Stephen Wolford has suc­ ceeded in enticing over 60 men per day to make their way up to 115 E. 14th for Helen's cooking. Two football teams and a volleyball team have been fielded this year and we expect them to add to our trophy list. Thanks to you alumni and your prompt dispatch of Senior Notes, plans for a gas furnace to replace the old one OMEGA TAU SIGMA NEWS are now taking definite shape. Brother GUY R. BERETICH, Vet. Med. HI George Blind is cracking the whip (he Fall quarter started out with a bang even has a union card) and with the for O.T.S. men. We've just about settled continued cooperation of alumni plus back into the normal routine of classes the muscle of the active chapter we will et al. It started out with two nights of dispose of our electric blankets and gas rushing during which we were fortunate masks very shortly. (The Smithsonian to pledge thirty-four of some of the Institution was the highest bidder for most spirited freshmen we've had in a our old furnace.) long time. House Manager John ( Le- Social Chairman Merlin Oswalt has Gree) Bryk with the assistance of Bro. been really packing them in for the par­ John Miller and others have been work­ ties held so far. The first was a record ing on the further modernization of our dance on October 16, after watching the plumbing. tall corn from Iowa being cut down at Pledges Don Bartels and Wea­ the stadium. On October 23 our annual dick along with Brother Guy Beretich Homecoming Buffet Dinner and Dance are members of O.S.U.'s Varsity Track was held at the house after forty alumni, team. Beretich also puts his time in on their guests, and some 50 undergrad­ Cross-Country. Brother Jerry Wel­ uates and dates had watched the num­ bourne pole-vaulted his way to a free ber one team in the nation beat Wis­ trip through Europe this summer, and consin. Our Fall Formal will be held at in the process broke many records. We Whitehall Inn on November 13. A hay­ expect him to go over 15 feet this win­ ride is scheduled for November 6. ter. Vice-President David Hein, Treasurer Dick Johnson, along with Brothers Bob Dunton, Carl Jolley and Harry Newell have just returned from a trip to the Grand Council Meeting held at Cornell Remember, OSVMA University, Ithaca, N. Y. Aside from the invaluable info they brought back, they no doubt made Gamma Chapter meets in Columbus many good friends there. You can see a distinct change in the January 5, 6, 7. dinner manners of many of the O.T.C. men as they get in practice for the ex- SPECULUM 29


The Alpha Psi boys seemed very eager bowling teams show great possibilities to get back in the swing of campus acti­ for a very successful season. vities this fall, after a summer of vari­ The social calendar this year looks ous activities. Many worked, others more enticing than ever, which high­ traveled, and a few ventured to Texas lights a dinner-dance at the Beechwold to ROTC camp. One brother, Everett February 26, and a spring formal May Fleming, traveled to Seattle, Washing­ 21 at Buckeye Lake. A splendid group ton, to attend the AVMA convention as appeared for our hayride October 16, a student delegate from the college. which ended in excessive moisture. A Regardless of their activities, every man great number of alum's came back to appeared in Columbus for the opening their alma mater this past October 23 of school. for homecoming, for a buffet dinner, During each summer several men al­ and a dance at the house. The party ways forsake fellowship for a new type was a tremendous success and every of life. We are very happy to welcome member spent a marvelous evening vit­ the following brides into the fraternity: iting with old classmates and the Marilyn Louys to Merle Kelly, Mary Lee younger men in the fraternity. All you Williams to Ned Rudd, and Nancy Jes­ alum's are urged and cordially invited sup to Dick Jones. Best of luck and to attend all the social functions and happiness to you fortunate people. visit the house as often as possible. Also two new Alpha Psi members ap­ We are most happyto have Dr. John peared this summer: a boy to Dick and Ramge as faculty adviser, with Dr. C. Marilyn Schmidt, Joseph Michael, and R. Smith as the "veep". These illus­ a girl to Harry and Marilyn Conley, trious men assumed the reins, after Dr. Jean Ellen. Congratulations on the ar­ D. 0. Jones temporarily left the faculty rival of these fine youngsters. In addi­ to further his education. tion two fellows are planning the fatal step. We are happy to announce the marriage of Celia Wright to Bill Lovell, The small cocker spaniel—now a pop­ and Laura Kramer to Byron Cohen. ular pet among suburban and apart­ Congratulations! ment dwellers—was a favorite in Queen First on the Alpha Psi fall agenda is Elizabeth's day. In explaining their the rushing program. The Alpha Psi appeal, Dr. John Caius, 16th century men turned out en masse for this occas­ court physician, wrote: "These dogges ion and twenty really fine men have been are little, pretty and fyne, and sought added to the fraternity. for to satisfie the delicateness of daintie dames." The football team this year seems to be going "great guns" with lots of spark and enthusiasm. Up to the time A. "What's worse than being a bach­ of press the "men of iron" have won elor?" two and lost one. In addition the two B. "Being a bachelor's son." 30 FALL, 1954



'04 '18 The Speculum congratulates Dr. and Dr. Harry A. Stolpestad, Fosston, Mrs. W. D. Worthington on their Golden North Dakota, died on June 16, 1954 Wedding Anniversary. The happily following a heart attack. He had prac­ married Worthingtons live in Harris­ ticed at Fosston for 36 years and was a burg. director and former president of the local bank. '07 Dr. A. J. Wolf, '74, of Bolivar, Ohio, '21 passed away recently. He had been in Dr. J. V. Crago of Warren receives practice for 46 years, 41 of them in our sympathies upon the passing away Bolivar. He suffered a heart attack of his mother, Mrs. Martha M. Crago. while making a call. Mrs. Crago, who was 74, was one of two Ohio mothers with 4 veterinarian Dr. H. L. Little, and Dr. R. D. Little sons. ('43) both of Jeffersonville, Ohio, ex­ hibited their Brahma cattle at the re­ '25 cent Ohio and Kentucky State Fairs. Dr. C. A. Henley became a grand­ Their entries won three first places, parent for the first time when Robyn two second places, and four third place Sue Jones was born last April 2. Dr. prizes. One of the bulls shown at the Henley lives in Jacksonville, Illinois. Ohio State Fair was sold and exported to Colombia, South America. '29 Dr. Thomas W. Craver passed away '13 October 3, 1954. He was associated Dr. and Mrs. Charles Griffin, Spring­ with his brother, Dr. Nevin S. Craver, field, Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. W. H. ('21) in the operation of the Craver Pavey ('30) Xenia, Ohio, spent a two Animal Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio, weeks fishing vacation in Canada last for the last 25 years. He was president summer. of the American Animal Hospital Asso­ ciation for the year 1946-1947 and had '14 a prominent part in the affairs of that Dr. William F. Ludwig, well-known organization. He is survived by his Belmont county veterinarian, passed widow, a son and a daughter. away in Barnesville August 22. Dr. Dr. H. A. Lidikay, Darlington, In­ Ludwig was 70. diana, formed a partnership last July 1 with Dr. John Coltrain ('53). '16 Dr. Robert E. Oaks is now practicing '30 in Logan, Ohio. Dr. Oaks was formerly Mrs. Martha M. Crago, mother of with the Stiles Clinic at Huntington, Drs. Charles C, V. G., J. V. and W. H. W. Va. Crago, passed away August 12. Mrs. SPECULUM 31 Crago, one of only two Ohio mothers Dr. J. H. Binnig, Minerva, Ohio, re­ with four veterinarian sons, was 74. cently spent a week fishing in Northern Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pavey of Xenia Quebec. have been enjoying great success at rose '36 shows throughout the mid-west. Five years ago the Pavey's set out six rose Drs. George Nixon, Sr. and George bushes to help landscape their new Nixon, Jr. ('54) are now occupying office-home. Now with 175 bushes pro­ their new animal hospital in Alliance. ducing 75 different varieties the Pavey's Dr. F. M. Collins of Oakland, Neb., have won at least one ribbon at every passed away May 5, 1954. show they have entered. This fall was especially sweet since Dr. and Mrs. '38 Pavey won the "Queen of Show" in Co­ Dr. W. 0. Hynes, formerly of West lumbus and then showed the "King of Salem, has purchased the practice of Show" in Dayton the following week. Dr. Douglas Traphagan in Cleveland.

'31 '39 Dr. Charles R. Pastors, Staunton, Dr. Paul Boyer has opened a practice Virginia, passed away May 3, 1954. He and purchased hunting and fishing was a general practitioner, had served cabins in Curtis, Michigan. as president of the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association, and had served for '40 five years on the Virginia Board of Vet­ Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Schwarm of St. erinary Examiners. He is survived by Paris were blessed with a daughter on his widow and two young children. June 1. Dr. T. P. Nankewis of Eveleth, Min­ nesota, was recently appointed to the Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Kackley, Marietta, Minnesota State Board of Veterinary Ohio, made a four-week visit to Europe Examiners. Dr. Nankewis is also Chair­ last summer. Their trip was by air and man of the Board of Education in Eve­ they visited France, Germany, Italy and leth. Switzerland before returning home. '32 '41 Dr. L. A. Gray of Bushnell, Illinois, passed away October 6, 1954. Dr. H. A. Gray of Bowling Green, Ky. Dr. Arthur A. Rohrer of North Holly­ is the new second vice-president of the wood, Calif., died at his home on April Kentucky VMO. Dr. Gray was elected 8. Dr. Rohrer, who had been ill for sev­ at the annual meeting in Louisville. eral years, was 56. Dr. W. W. Boyd of Hodgenville, Ky., was elected president of the Kentucky '33 VMA at the annual convention held in Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Henson of Shelby, Louisville in July. Ohio, vacationed at Olive Lake in Can­ Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Stewart of Wren, ada last summer. Ohio, became the proud parents of a new '34 baby girl, Melinda Kay, on September Dr. Ralph Hartman, formerly of 23. Condersport, Pa., has purchased the Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Leed of Canton, practice of Dr. W. 0. Hynes of West Ohio, recently vacationed for two weeks Salem, Ohio. in Florida. 32 FALL, 1954 Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Terrill, Wads- now serving his third term as president worth, Ohio, vacationed in New York of the Central Brahman Breeders Asso­ City last summer. ciation which is comprised of the states '42 of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Illi­ Dr. J. G. Miller of Clinton, Ky., was nois, Indiana, and Tennessee. The doc­ elected first vice-president of the Ken­ tors live at Jeffersonville, Ohio. tucky VMA at the annual convention '44 held in Louisville last July. Dr. Robert L. Bay is now occupying Mrs. Martha M. Crago, mother of Drs. his new animal hospital at Delta, Ohio. Charles C, V. G., J. V. and W. H. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Edmondson of Crago passed away August 12. Mrs. South Charleston, Ohio, visited Virginia Crago, one of two Ohio mothers with 4 Beach during the summer. veterinarian sons, was 74. Dr. Juan Figueroa has been elected Dr. F. G. Glover of Evansville, now president of the Peruvian Veterinary has as an associate Dr. Charles H. Arm­ Medical Association. strong. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Allison of Decatur, '43 Indiana, spent some time fishing this Dr. V. L. Nichell of Winchester, Ky., summer. was elected third vice-president at the Dr. R. J. Edwards has returned from annual Kentucky VMA meeting held in army service to rejoin Dr. N. S. Craver Louisville in July. ('21) in practice at Youngstown. Dr. Carrol P. Tossey and Richard A. Dr. J. Dale Richardson, of Montpelier, Ripley now are full owners of the Lake Indiana, is now with J. C. Penney Cat­ Animal Clinic, Antioch, Illinois. For­ tle Ranch, Route 1, Hamilton, Mo. merly Dr. George W. Jensen (CVC '18) Dr. Fred A. Nichols of Alexandria is was senior partner in the operation of now occupying his newly completed the clinic but he has now retired and his office and hospital combination. disposed of his interests to Drs. Tossey Dr. J. H. Sautter was recently ap­ and Ripley. pointed head of the department of path­ Dr. R. W. Grossman of Zanesville was ology and parasitology, University of elected Lieutenant Governor of Zone D, Minnesota School of Veterinary Medi­ District 2, Sertoma International Clubs. cine. Dr. Grossman was formerly president Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Phillips of of the Zanesville Sertoma Club. Athens, were blessed with a son on Dr. Ralph T. Fireoved again is asso­ April 7. ciated with Dr. 0. Norling-Christensen '45 of Wilmette, 111. Dr. Fireoved recently Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Culbertson of completed a tour of duty with the armed Joy, Illinois, became the proud parents forces. of a baby daughter, Jane, on September Dr. R. D. Little and Dr. H. L. Little 29, 1954. ('07) eixhibited their Brahman cattle Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnston, Madeira, at the recent Ohio and Kentucky State Ohio, became the parents of a new boy, Fairs winning three first places, two Stephen Henry, last June 4. second places, and four third place Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Lavalle of Troy prizes. One of the bulls was sold at the were blessed with a son, Philip Thomas, Ohio State Fair and exported to Colom­ last August 2. bia, South America. Dr. R. D. Little is Dr. R. E. Swinderman and Dr. W. G. SPECULUM 33 Orr are now occupying their new small ton are the happy parents of David and large animal hospital at Kewanee, George, born June 20. Illinois. Dr. R. L. Schubert has moved to Clay- Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mossbarger of pool after selling his practice in Lan­ Bloomingburg were the proud parents caster to Dr. E. R. Taylor ('53). of a new daughter, Jean Ellen, on Feb­ Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller, Ashland, ruary 25. Ohio, spent a week fishing in Northern Michigan. They stayed at a resort '46 operated by Dr. Paul Boyer ('39). Dr. John H. Cryan of Westerville has Dr. Woodrow Carr, formerly of Cald­ just recently completed a new small well, Ohio, has started practice at animal hospital. Roachdale, Indiana. To Capt. W. H. Crago, stationed with Dr. Wm. Carr has opened his own the armed forces at Wichita, Kansas, is practice in Aiken, South Carolina. extended the deepest sympathies of the Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Buckley of Paines­ Speculum staff upon the passing away ville were presented wit ha son, Rich­ of his mother, Mrs. Martha M. Crago. ard, on May 10. Mrs. Crago, one of two Ohio mothers Dr. H. G. Headley of Camden was with four veterinarian sons, was 74 elected vice-president of the Tri-County when she passed away August 12. VMA at their meeting held June 30 at '47 LeSourdsville Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Don Price of Sonora, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Eichhorn, of Texas, announced the arrival of a third Middletown, Indiana, announced the daughter, Donna Jean, on April 27,1954. birth of their fourth son on August 17. The new boy's name is Daniel Ray and '51 he weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Davis received Dr. James P. Bailey, former manager a son, Jeffery Lee, on May 14. The of Leatherwood Farms is now operating Davis' reside in Waynesville. his new hospital on the Bluefield- Princeton Road, Bluefield, W. Va. Dr. R. L. Toops married Miss Joanne McMillen of Cleveland. Our best wishes '49 to the newlyweds. Dr. D. W. Smith and H. E. Held Dr. W. E. Buhler, Rushville, Indiana, (ISC '42) have taken over the practice recently came out loser in a contest be­ of Dr. A. A. Turner (Ind '23) in Free­ tween him and a steer. He was partici­ port, Illinois. pating in a rodeo and after he had roped the steer, he was pulled from the saddle Dr. Edgar F. Zoerb of Kiel, Wise, has and then stepped into a chuck hole and been elected to honorary membership in broke his leg. the Kiel High School Chapter of Future Dr. Wm. G. Orr and Dr. Robert E. Farmers of America for his "outstand­ Swinderman have completed a new hos­ ing aid to agriculture" during 1953. pital in Kewanee, Illinois. Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Strahler and fam­ ily of Abingdon, Illinois, vacationed in '50 Ohio in June. The Strahlers are now Dr. Horace W. Mackey is now occupy­ living in their new home and office in ing his new hospital in Oxnard, Calif. Abingdon. Dr. and Mrs. Dale Schneider of Can­ Dr. L. E. Shawhan has set up his own 34 PALL, 1954 practice at Macomb, 111. He was for­ April 28. The Schroeder's live in Hart­ merly associated with Dr. F. C. Jones ford City, Indiana. ('13) in Macomb. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Wahl of George­ Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Westfall of Green­ town were happy to announce the ar­ ville were the proud parents of Carolyn rival of Sally Ann on May 13. Sue. Carolyn was born April 25. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Hanawalt, Kins­ '53 man, Ohio, vacationed at Conneaut Dr. John Coltrain, Darlington, Ind., Lake, Pennsylvania, last summer. became a full partner to Dr. H. A. Lidi­ Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ralston, 4217 kay ('29) as of last July 1. Mayfield Road, South Euclid, Ohio, re­ Dr. R. L. Craig and Miss Evelyn Bar­ cently wrote to us telling of the arrival ber were married in June. Dr. Craig of a baby girl, Cindy Lee, on July 12, is in practice in Painesville. 1953. Dr. E. R. Taylor of Sugar Grove, has Dr. Paul A. Didion of Jefferson, Wise, purchased the practice of Dr. R. L. spent part of the past summer fishing in Schubert ('50) in Lancaster. Canada. Dr. Richard J. Haxby has moved Dr. E. L. Davis of Waynesville was from Kewaskum, Wise, to Sycamore, elected president of the Tri-County 111., where he has entered practice with VMA at a meeting and dinner at Le- his brother. Sourdsville Lake last June 30. Dr. Dale E. Smith moved from Lisbon, Dr. Charles H. Armstrong who was Ohio, to Caribou, Maine. formerly associated with Dr. Harry W. Dr. H. E. Wilkin has returned to Booth in Chicago is now assocaited with Ohio to practice after spending some Dr. R. C. Glover of Evansville, Ind. time in practice near Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Wilkin is located on North Walnut '52 St., in Van Wert. Dr. Richard C. Weldon has opened To Dr. John McClain we extend our his New Blossom Valley Animal Clinic congratulations on his summer mar­ riage. located at 331 North San Jose-Los Gatas Dr. D. K. Adams formerly of Fre­ Road, Campbell, California. mont has purchased the practice of Dr. Dr. M. E. Doerr has established gen­ V. W. Morrison in Montpelier, Ohio. eral practice in Wheelersburg, Ohio. Dr. 0. W. McClung married Miss Dr. V. W. Morrison of Montpelier his Mary Lou Holland, October 2nd at disposed of his practice and has joined Richmond, Virginia. Dr. G. F. Pfeifer the U. S. Agricultural Research Service. attended the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Palmer of Aman­ Dr. Russell Stryffeler, Uhrichsville, da received an income tax exemption Ohio, is now in Uncle 's army. named Thomas David on March 22. Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Humm of Plain '54 City, Ohio, vacationed at Lake Erie Dr. F. P. Sattler is now associated last summer. with Dr. R. C. Vierheller (Col '39) at Dr. Forrest Cole will soon open a new Whittier, California. small animal hospital on Mentor Ave­ Dr. Earl Lindsey, Jr., is opening an nue in Painesville. office in Dalton, Ohio. He was formerly Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Schroeder are the associated with Dr. D. H. Bachtel ('33) proud parents of a baby boy born last at the Canton Veterinary Hospital. iPECULUM Dr. Raymond Cerniga is now with the Dr. Layson T. Doty, Miami, Fla. Willett's Animal Hospital in Los Ange­ Dr. Forrest E. Ferris, Oxford, Ohio. Dr. Jerome F. Fix, Route 1, Beechwood Rd., les, California. Newton, Ohio. Dr. John Nehay is associated with the Dr. Thomas B. Follis, Ohio State Univer­ State of California Department of sity Veterinary College. Animal Industry. He is connected with Dr. Albert W. Franzmann, 1450 Ross-Mills­ the Sacramento office. ville Rd., Hamilton, Ohio. Dr. Alfred Bettman is associated Dr. Albert A. Gabel, Ohio State University Veterinary College. with Dr. McChesney at Petaluma, Cali­ Dr. Thomas Gigliotti, Jr., Canton, Ohio. fornia. Dr. Karl S. Grady, Jr., 1038 N. Bend Rd., Drs. George Nixon, Jr. and George Cincinnati, Ohio. Nixon, Sr. ('36) of Alliance have re­ Dr. Robert A. Hakola, U. S. Air Force Vet­ erinary Corps. cently completed a new animal hospital. Dr. Robert Turriff Hance, Box 108, Route Dr. and Mrs. George Nixon, Jr. also 3, Loveland, Ohio. announced the birth of a daughter, Dr. George W. Hofmann, 1473 Neil Ave., Sandra Kay, on October 1, 1954. Columbus, Ohio. Dr. John Liggett of Lisbon, Ohio, has Dr. Harvey G. Hollis, Route 31, Charles­ reported for military duty. His brother town Rd., New Albany, Ind. Dr. Raymond E. Houk, Logan, Ohio. Dr. Tom Liggett now in service expects Dr. James T. Jantz, Route 1, Box 35, Elgin. to return to practice in Lisbon this win­ 1 11. ter. Dr. Ernest Kaszar, Dorset, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomas of Ash­ Dr. Richard A. Kindinger, Route 2, Crest- ley were presented with a son, Eric line, Ohio. Dr. Matthew E. Legge, Box 834. Winter Joseph, June 11. Haven, Fla. The following are the latest addresses Dr. John H. Liggett, U. S. Veterinary Corps. we have for the graduates of 1954 : Dr. Earl E. Lindsay, Jr., Dalton, Ohio. Dr. Robert Alexander, Hanover Animal Dr. Donald B. Martin, Route 1, Pekin, Ind. Hospital, 211 Franklin St., Forest Park, 111. Dr. Jack A. McGuire, U. S. Air Force Vet­ Dr. Paul M. Arnstein, 3149 E. Derbyshire, erinary Corps. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Dr. George F. Nixon, Jr., 1452 W. State St., Dr. Dean Baker, U. S. Air Force Veterinary Alliance, Ohio. Corps. Dr. Charles J. Ogi, 150 N. Main St., West Dr. Harry F. Bartels, Route 2, Burton, Bend, Wise. Ohio. Dr. Forrest H. Oliver, 1559 Enlow. Evans­ Dr. Alfred Bettman, Petaluma, Calif. ville, Ind. Dr. Robert L. Boger, 1270 Willard Ave., Dr. Richard L. Overpeck, Douglas Apts. Warren, Ohio. No. 14, 803 Third Ave., S., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Dr. Norris E. Boothe, 112 W. Division St., Dr. William C. Patterson, Parkersburg, Chicago, 111. W. Va. Dr. Robert Lee Burwell, Sunbury, Ohio. Dr. John J. Pfost, Ripley, W. Va. Dr. John G. Butler, Brown's Lane, Route 1, Dr. Lloyd W. Prasuhn, Route 4, Greenville, c°shocton, Ohio. Ohio. Dr. Raymond M. Cerniga, 11170 Olympic Dr. Forrest A. Reed, Parma, Ohio. Blvd., Los Angeles 64, Calif. Dr. Gerald B. Reed, 1028 Proprietors Rd., Dr- Richard W. Cook, Cortland, Ohio. Worthington, Ohio. Dr. William E. Covert, 2599 Clermont Dr., Dr. William J. Roenigk, Ohio State Univer­ Rumbus, Ohio. sity Veterinary College. Dr- Franklin A. Cov, 8208 Carnegie Ave., Dr. Herbert W. Salter, 6221 Bluffton Rd., e ^ld, Ohio. Ft. Wayne, Ind.

u r- Alan P. Cragg, Route 4, Chardon, Ohio. Dr. Frederick P. Sattler, 16132 E. Risely r.r WWayne C.C. Culbertson, 178 W. Mound St., Whittier, Calif. > London, Ohio. (Continued on Page 57) COi-E H MAUGER €<<5M)TM

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LARRY K. SUNBURY, Vet. Med I, and GEORGE A. KUKOR, Vet. Med. 11

Dean Walter Krill attended the Sum­ Harvard School of Public Health. ft mer ROTC camp at Fort Sam Houston, has been given leave of absence to at Texas on July 25-29 to accompany the tend Harvard University and is at pres­ students on the trip to the King Ranch ent pursuing work that will lead to the and addressed the student body on the degree of Master of Public Health. He closing day of the camp. On August is expected to remain at Harvard with 20-26 Dean Krill attended the American his family until early next summer. At Veterinary Medical Association meeting that time he will return to the college. in Seattle, Washington, and presented Dr. John Helwig, Chairman of the a paper at the Pre-Convention Confer­ Department of Veterinary Preventive ence. He also served as Chairman of Medicine, presented a paper intitled the Board of Governors and Executive "Undergraduate Training in Veterinary Board of the Association. Public Health" to the Public Health New faces dotting the ranks of fac­ section at the National Meeting of the ulty members this autumn are : American Veterinary Medical Associa­ Dr. Adrian Gross, a 1954 graduate of tion held at Seattle, Washington during Ontario Veterinary College, is doing August of this year. The talk will be graduate work in pathology and in­ printed in the Proceedings book of the structing the sophomores in general A.V.M.A. pathology laboratory. Dr. Charles Reed is supervising with Dr. Maurice, also an Ontario graduate Dr. George Mechling the disease con­ of 1954, is associated with the depart­ trol program in our State Welfare De­ ment of pathology as a graduate stu­ partment Dairy Herds. Senior students dent and will assume an instructor's in small groups of four or five accom­ role when he begins teaching the sopho­ pany Dr. Reed for a two-week instruc­ mores during winter quarter. tion period. Dr. James Donham (OSU '52) is now The executive committee of the Col­ ambulatory clinician. The two year lege of Veterinary Medicine elected the interim since his graduation was spent following staff members to serve on the in general practice at Garett, Indiana. Veterinary Research Committee: Drs. Dr. W. J. Roenigk (OSU '54) is resi­ J. H. Helwig, E. J. Catcott, C. R- dent veterinarian and handles reception Smith and C. R. Cole. Dr. Cole was of patients at the clinic. elected as chairman of this committee Dr. A. Gabel (OSU '54) is a resident whose function is to encourage, coordi­ and assistant ambulatory clinician. nate and implement research in The staff extends to these men a college. , warm welcome and since best wishes in Dr. C. R. Cole particiapted in the_ve ­ their new fields of endeavor. erinary symposium at Kankakee, 1111"01* Dr. D. 0. Jones, a member of the staff where he discussed "Systemic Fung ^ of the Department of Veterinary Medi­ Diseases of Dogs." „ cine, received a scholarship from the This past June, Dr. V. L. Th* SPECULUM journeyed to College Station, Texas to in Omaha, Nebraska in June 1954. Dr. present his views on "Obstetrics in Cat­ Koutz and family also were in attend­ tle." The occasion was an annual short ance at the National A.V.M.A. Conven­ course for veterinarians in that area. tion at Seattle, Washington in August. Dr. Tharp also gave the above men­ Dr. Rebrassier addressed the New tiosed talk to those in attendance at York City Veterinary Medical Meeting the Michigan State Meeting in Charle­ at Bear Mountain, N.Y. on October 13. vioux, Michigan. In his itinerary of the His topic was "Trends in Veterinary southwest, Dr. Tharp also included a Education." He also made an inspection tour of the veterinary college at Texas visit to the Veterinary College of the A. & M. and Kings' Ranch at Kingsville, University of Montreal for purposes of Texas. accreditation by the A.V.M.A. Council Dr. L. Johnson gave a paper on "X­ on Education. On November 20, Dr. ray Therapy in Horses" at a recent deep Rebrassier will take his place on the Na­ x-ray therapy forum in Camden, New tional Council of the A.V.M.A. when Jersey. The group attending the meet­ it meets at Chicago, Illinois. ing was made up of veterinarians, horse At the Cincinnati Veterinary Medical owners and trainers. These lectures Symposium, September 16, Dr. Bohl were given at Garden State Park. Dr. presented a paper entitled "Immunolog­ Johnson also presented three papers at ical Aspects of Leptospirosis in Large the Stud Managers Course at Lexing­ and Small Animals." The Cincinnati ton, Kentucky. This meeting was spon­ group met in the pleasant surroundings sored by the University of Kentucky, of the Netherland Plaza Hotel. Novem­ Grayson Foundation and the American ber 10 Dr. Bohl presented his views on Thoroughbred Breeders Association. "Leptospirosis in Swine" at the U.S. On October 13, Dr. Diesem spoke to Livestock Sanitation Association's to the Central Indiana Veterinary Med­ meeting held at Omaha, Nebraska. ical Association. His topic was "The A grant of $8000, appropriated by the Anatomy of the Hip and Stifle of the National Institutes of Health, has been Dog." received by Dr. Bohl for the conduction Drs. R. A. Griesemer and R. L. Far­ of further research on Leptospirosis in rell attended the International Congress animals. of Clinical Pathology which was held Dr. Rudy was an active participant in Washington, D.C., September 6-11, in this year's A.V.M.A. Convention. He 1954. A symposium on the teaching of performed a surgical procedure involv­ pathology was held during the meeting. ing the removal of the patella from a Dr. V. Sanger was present at the dog and demonstrated his technic for Third Annual Pennsylvania State Pub­ venipuncture in the cat. Both of these lic Health Conference to give a paper presentations were televised via closed entitled "The Public Health Aspects of circuit hookup. Toxoplasmosis." This group met at An illustrated lecture on "Stifle Joint State College, Pennsylvania on August Lameness in the Dog" was presented by 15-18. Dr. Rudy, September 1, at the Southern Dr. F. R. Koutz attended and partici­ California V.M.A. Convention, and again pated in the Meat and Poultry Inspec­ in October for the Cuyhoga County tios Seminar sponsored by the A.V.M.A. V.M.A. at Cleveland, Ohio. Committee on Food and Milk Hygiene Dr. Kingma has been elected to the 40 FALL, 1954 Executive Board of the A.V.M.A. from sity, Durham, North Carolina July 5 District 10. His participation in the to July 31, 1954, where he attended the National Convention consisted of a pre­ annual short course in Medical Mycology convention talk on "Professional Assis­ given by Dr. Norman F. Conant. tance for State Secretaries" and narra­ Dr. Range attended a meeting of the tion of surgical procedures performed National Artificial Insemination Associ­ by Dr. Rudy and Dr. Ward Winkler. ation at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in Dr. Kingma was also guest speaker at the latter part of September. the Cincinnati Veterinary Medical lun­ chein held during their symposium Sep­ tember 16. BOOK REVIEW Dr. C. R. Smith was guest speaker in Avian Physiology widely scattered sections of Eastern This is the first complete text devoted United State during the month of Oc­ to the detailed physiology of the fowl tober and also busily engaged in pre­ and an excellently prepared book which parations for moving his residence to has long been needed in the poultry Upper Arlington on the west side of field. Columbus. The author emphasizes the chicken, October 1 saw Dr. Smith in atten­ duck, and pigeon, although other spe­ dance at the Stark County V.M.A. meet­ cies are included, even to the extent of ing in Canton, Ohio. Later in the month mammalian comparison. (October 13) he talked on "Physiology An outstanding feature is the com­ of Liver" for the New York City V.M.A. plete bibliography in connection with meeting at Bear Mountain, N.Y. While each of its twenty-one chapters. in N.Y. some of the association's mem­ A brief review of systematic anat­ bers hosted him on a deep sea fishing omy precedes each area of discussion jaunt. The reported catch was a fair and the entire text is enhanced by nu­ one. merous illustrations and charts. For the Florida State Meetings (Oc­ This book is definitely a landmark in tober 17-19) he prepared and presented avian science and should be of great two different papers. In one he dis­ interest of all individuals interested in cussed the "Proper Use of Oxygen in the poultry field. the Practice of Veterinary Medicine" Avian Physiology. By Paul D. Stur­ and his second paper was concerned kie, Professor of Poultry Physiology, with "Clinical Application of Gastro­ Rutgers University, New Jersey. 443 intestinal Physiology." pages, Comstock Publishing Associates, Lt. Col. Harry A. Gorman U.S.A.F. a Division of Cornell University Press, (V.C.), along with thirteen O.S.U. Vet­ Ithaca, N. Y. 1954. $6.00. erinary students, attended the Veteri­ nary-Pharmacy Summer Camp held at Brooks Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas from June 19 to July REMEMBER, OHIO STATE VET­ 13. RINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIA­ Dr. Ferguson is continuing work on leptospirosis in livestock at the Ohio TION MEETS IN COLUMBUS Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. JANUARY 5, 6, 7. Dr. Griesemer was at Duke Univer- ' -LYX -Li T TRADE MARK Hog Cholera Vaccine-Modified Live Virus

FORT DODGE U. S. Patent 2,694,180 Port Dodge Laboratories, InC» Fort Dodge, Iowa 42 PALL, 1954

SENIOR CLASS NEWS piloted the spirited crew through a very successful campaign. Certainly EVERETT FLEMING, Vet. Med. IV he and his "bruisers" should be com­ Happily and reluctantly we begin mended for braving the dangerous grid­ the last stage of development into vet­ iron and upholding the fine record es­ erinarians. Summer clinic was well tablished last year. received but has produced a mild form The annual trip to the Eastern lab­ of malnutrition and emaciation in many oratories is being forcibly planned by self-supporters who lacked full time M. Fuhrer and promises to be a lively employment. journey for the class. Many glittering Among the notable shut-ins this stories will no doubt be brought back quarter are Sam Theiss and Dave De- from the New York area. Long. A motorcycle crash put Sam on Anyway, we like this Senior year, crutches and a thyroid tumor removal especially the well-dressed out-clinic eliminated Dave for two or three weeks. section who have been pleasantly im­ Although no official records are on pressed that there are many problems hand, it seems reasonable to assume likely to confront the graduate in his that we may have established a mod­ community position other than the care ern record for casualties. and attention to the so-called lower From the National Convention comes animals. a stipulation that all graduating seniors Many in these allied fields, some of will be given an oath prior to entering whom are veterinarians, are certainly the veterinary profession next May. It to be highly commended for their lab­ has met with unanimous approval from orious attention to their duties. Many the Senior Class. of them receive little recognition and At least Don Miller has been added inadequate remuneration for their to the married list, and many happy thankless service, the magnificent oc­ years to the pair from this corner. complishments of which can only be Salesmanship is enjoying greater seen over long periods—years of stead­ competition in that Marty Fuhrer has fast perseverence. joined the ranks of Bob Dunton, Louis Huesman, and Ted Kistner. Big Bob, feeling the pinch of the recent economic JUNIOR CLASS NEWS adjustment, felt the need for advertis­ ROGER YEARY, Vet. Med. Ill ing and came up with a football guess­ Looking at our roster for the 1954-55 ing game graciously providing useful school year, we have 67 men and Miss prizes to the winners. Joseph. Of this total, 38 of us are mar­ On November 8 the "Vet Studs" ried and several are proven sires. The (football intramural champions last recent fathers are: Wm. "Curly" Davis, year) went down to defeat after win­ (twins); Harry Conley, Richard ning their first league play-off by a Schmidt and James Warner. Although lopsided 26-0 score. Bob Cope again all Juniors are grooms, Merle Kelly, SPECULUM 43 Tom Miller, Ned Rudd and Jerry Wel­ Former Big Ten pole vaulting cham­ bourne added bride to the word during pion, Jerry Welbourne, competed at the summer. Engagements: Marvin Lee Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow and London, to Betty Jean Edwards, William Lovell England; Saarbrucken, Germany, and to Celia Wright, and Merlin Oswalt to Edinburg, Scotland. Ten track stars Winona Evans. from the United States were invited to During the summer several men compete by the aforementioned hosts work for veterinarians, a few at­ and the A.A.U. sponsored the trip. Set­ tended summer school, and all of us ting a stadium record at White City tried to save a few extra dollars to pay Stadium, London, Jerry cleared 14 feet the increase in tuition. Incidentally, 5 inches and placed first in all meets next summer we have eight weeks of except Edinburg. Welbourne and Bere­ clinic and approximately 35 men will tich both competed in the United States spend another six weeks at summer Track and Field Championships at St. camp. Unfortunately our class is in the Louis, Missouri. middle of innumerable rolls of military red tape which Col. Gorman is trying to unravel. The problem is a quota on the SOPHOMORE CLASS NEWS number of Juniors that will be accepted into the advanced program. JACK SHARP, Vet. Med. II Richard Witter was hospitalized dur­ Fall quarter of 1954-55 school year ing the first two weeks of school and finally made its way around the calen­ has worked so hard to get caught up dar and seventy eager men of the class that he has stopped smoking. of 1957 anxiously awaited the ringing Bill Bates had a similar situation; of the first bell. From all appearances after working for the Ohio Board of the summer had been good to them and Liquor Control, it took Bill almost two they all had their pocketbooks full of weeks to sober up. the "green stuff" and now they were ready to expend some of that stored up The clinic program, as it affects energy wading into those books. Juniors, has been rearranged this year. As in the past, the class is divided into The summer was exceptionally good several groups, each group being as­ to Phil Martin, Dick Jones and Leo signed to the various wards. Each Jun­ Kline who all crossed over into the land ior is assigned to work with a Senior, of wedded bliss and also to Mr. and Mrs. assisting him with all duties that must Leonard Pensis who became the proud be performed in that ward. Junior-Sen­ parents of a fine baby boy. Our heart­ ior assignments are changed when ward iest congratulations and best wishes are assignments are changed. Although extended to all of these fortunate peo­ ple. there have been some minor personality conflicts, this arrangement should work The thoughts of knowledge and learn­ to the advantage of both classes. ing have not left us and we have picked John Richardson and family were the up right where we left off in the de­ feature on a front page spread about partment of studying. In fact, the G. I. Village in the Sunday Dispatch, studying is even more intense because October 24. along with our regular courses we are Guy Beretich is wearing the Scarlet faced with the worry of comprehensives and Grey for the cross country team at the end of each quarter this year and again this year. the feeling is running pretty strong 44 FALL, 1954 that it will take a lot of brushing up to all surviving the speed and have man­ challenge the comprehensives with any aged to pass-by the first quiz. Many of sense of confidence. us add to our Monday morning hang­ Not to forget the lighter side of the overs a three hour Bacteriology course news, the two fraternities were out just to keep us on our toes. Then on working hard during rush week to en­ Thursday afternoons we are quite pro­ list all of the freshmen into their ranks perly reminded of our duty to this and during the scramble, we are happy great country by ROTC, as well as con­ to announce, several of the sophomores templations about our professional fu­ ended up wearing pledge pins. ture with the help of Dean Krill. This It is the hope of the entire class as is our life as it appears through the dis­ this and succeeding years pass that our torted eyes of a freshman. fortunes and experiences are as eventful This -snorting class was selected and worthwhile as was our first year in from some 176 applications. Our aver­ veterinary school. age cumulative point hour ratio was 2.8 and all of us had some education some­ where, somehow, prior to this year. FRESHMAN CLASS NEWS Sixty-three of us be from Ohio, four of PHIL LINERODE, Vet. Med. I we-all trekked up from West Virginia, At 8:00 A.M., September 28, this and five of us'ns caravaned in from year freshman class of 71 MEN and 1 Indiana. Our MARITAL status? Well, WOMAN met together for its first class. All were looking forward to what was (Continued on Page UG) before them and already you could feel the professional spirit growing. This spirit has thus far carried us through the shocks of Anatomy; the slides of Histology; the petri dishes of Bacter­ iology; plus the added features of the Specializing Deans' class and the Veterinary version IN of KOTC. PERSONAL ESTATE Anatomy shocked many of us when we found that a simple hole was called PLANNING a foramen, just to give one example. FOR Soon however we were in the middle of dissection with all it's aromas and other VETERINARIANS wonders. Almost everyone has taken up gum chewing but everyone is learn­ ing-something. Histology and the mile- a-minute lectures have also been in­ WAYNE L. LEWIS formative but hand-cramping. During INSURANCE PLANNING SERVICE the first week of school muscle strain 26 N. Grant Ave. was the diagnosis, and liniment was the Columbus, Ohio treatment. Some of the students have been coming ten minutes early to class AD-3447 KI-6702 so that they might get a head start on "Life Member" the note taking. Nevertheless, we are Million Dollar Round Table to realize full coverage. The consistently successful antibacterial action of penicillin plus dihydrostreptomycin has led veterinarians to the realization that this com­ bination gives very satisfying results against a varied array of pathogens in an impressive group of animal diseases. The synergistic action of these antibiotics is realized only when they are administered simultaneously, as in

Dihydrocillin readimixed (VETERINARY) another product by UpjOIUl for the veterinarian

Supplied in 10 cc. vials, each 2 cc. of this con­ venient and effective suspension contains 400,000 units of crystalline procaine penicillin G and 0.5 Gm. of dihydrostreptomycin sulfate.

DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE / The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan 46 FALL, 1954

FRESHMAN NEWS (Continued from Page 44) at present exactly 31.999%, of this class is married, but according to some fic­ tional statistics or sadistics we expect GRfllll BELT at least 9.97230871% of the class to be married each year. Supply Uo. On October 21 we held our class elections. John Bowers from Canton, Producers of Ohio, was elected President. Dave "GRAIN BELT" Yundt from Windfall, Ind., became ANTI-HOG CHOLERA SERUM Vice-Pres. Alverda Graff of Wester­ ville, Ohio, was chosen Secretary, and HOG CHOLERA VIRUS Warren Comptos of Grove City, Ohio, as • Treasurer. Our J.A.V.M.A. representa­ "Quality Products" tive this year is Howard Hartman from for the Olmsted, Ohio. "Licensed, Graduate Veterinarian" Both of the professional fraternities have pledged a number of the fellows, Home Office — OMAHA, NEBRASKA and it appears as though everything were going very well along that line. FOR OHIO SERVICE: Our J.A.V.M.A. enrollment is near Dr. R. B. Rice —Kenton 100% and everyone is taking an active interest. We are 100%, on the honor sys­ tem in class, and it is working out fine. NEW ELECTRIC BRANDER In spite of the joshing earlier, we all enjoy our classes very much and All of us are interested in new equip­ are trying our best to learn. We have ment for the practitioner or his client. ever before us the vision of the good One of these, an all electric branding men within our chosen profession who iron, was recently put on the market are now doing a good job of serving, and by the Nicholson Manufacturing Co. the hope is ever with us that we too Inc. of Denver. This iron is said to be might live up to this standard. a great advance in speedy branding; once hot, heating takes only about 12 minutes—it will "brand cattle as quick­ ly as they can be thrown." The brand­ ADVANCED MILITARY RANK ing iron operates on 110-115 volt, 60 FOR VETERINARIANS cycle current and has been designed and Congress has officially passed a bill, tested for use on the range. It is now signed by the President, effective equipped with a safe, heat insulated July 1, 1954, which provides for Vet­ handle and an individually made brand erinarians entering the Veterinary casting in the head. Corps of the Army and Air Force to Veterinarians of the plains states receive commissions in the grade of 1st will be especially interested in this pro­ Lt., rather than 2nd Lt. duct since the company plans to sell This is a reocgnition of the higher to the ranchers through local veteri­ standing of the Veterinary Profession. narians. in structure

in practice


This basic tetracycline structure and these Tetracycline-Vet VET dosage forms (first in a complete line) Intravenous offer basic advantages unsurpassed by any 250 mg., 500 mg., 1 Gm., other broad-spectrum antibiotic : rapid and 2.5 Gm. with Water for Injection, U.S.P. absorption into the blood and other body Daily Dosage: fluids; excellent compatibility with body large animals— tissues; excretion in therapeutic concentra­ 1 to 2 mg. per lb. small animals— tion through the kidneys and liver; activity 5 mg. per lb. against a very wide range of organisms Tetracycline-Vet offering satisfying effectiveness in commonly Capsules encountered conditions such as hemor­ 100 mg., in bottles rhagic septicemia, actinomycosis, diph­ of 100; theria, necrotic stomatitis, pyelonephritis, 250 mg., in bottles erysipelas, infectious coryza, peritonitis, of 16 and 100 Daily Dosage: coccidiosis, calf scours, enteritis, lamb dys­ large animals— entery, pneumonia, upper respiratory com­ 5 to 10 mg. per lb. plications, bacterial infections associated small animals— 25 to 50 mg. per lb. with canine distemper, urinary tract infec­ tions, feline enteritis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, Tetracycline-Vet pharyngitis, parotiditis, otitis media, Intramuscular strangles, metritis, equine influenza, foot 100mg.,2.5Gm., and 5.0 Gm. rot, and other infections caused by tetra­ Daily Dosage: cycline-sensitive organisms. large animals— 1 to 2 mg. perlb. small animals— sold only to veterinarians 5 mg. per lb.

Department of Veterinary Medicine, PFIZER LABORATORIES, Brooklyn 6, N.Y. ,. Division, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. Discoverers of Tetracycline 48 FALL, 1954

BUENAS DIAS, TEXAS Other places on our itinerary were EDWARD L. MENNING, Vet. Med. IV experimental farms and stations which are doing interesting and excellent work As one's eyes begin to accommodate on parasite control. This is another themselves to the change in scenery thing Texas abounds in—parasites. We from that of a beautiful multicolor to also went through a veterinary depot, one of brown drab, you know you have which is a store filled with veterinary arrived in Texas, the site of the Veteri­ medicaments and vaccines which were nary ROTC summer camp. Driving sold or dispensed to the laymen by the over the best roads to be found on the veterinarians who own it. whole trip, one soon arrives in San An­ We went on bivouac for one day tonio. Then after getting lost a few and night at Camp Bullis. One cadet times, your new home for six weeks, was bitten by a scorpion, and two rattle Fort Sam Houston, is reached. snakes (natives of Texas) were killed. One of the first principles taught by Here we were taught how to assemble the Army is soon learned. Hurry to our piece, a .45 and a carbine. Target wait. practice was held and no one was in­ The long lines, allotment of gear, jured. medical exams by privates and psychotic A blistering day was spent learning psychiatrists were pleasantly inter­ to pack mules, of which 150 still have rupted in the evening by trips to the not been discharged from the Army. officers club, Club San Anton, and the Mules will never be replaced by heli­ movies. Another pleasant interlude was copters in mountainous regions for they mess. The food was excellent, except can go anywhere a man can. for once or twice when we had C- rations. One of the last highlights was the trip to the 940,000-acre King ranch, where The first weeks' classes on meat it takes 40 acres of grazing land to feed qualifications, combat exhaustion, tent- one cow. The ranch is dotted with arti­ pitching, and military law soon ended ficial water holes and windmills so that and we cadets found that San Antonio was the place to leave. So on that and no matter where an animal is on the the ensuing weekends Mexico, Bandera, ranch, it never has to walk more than and Corpus Christi extended wide their one mile to water. arms for the tired, the poor, and the The visit at the ranch was climaxed homeless ROTC boys. by a barbecue in the town of Kings­ ville. We had many classes in the form of The next day we turned in our gear, field trips. We journeyed to dairy plants and meat-packing houses, and for one got our final pay, and with money in day we rode with a San Antonio milk hand ran to find all our friends who had inspector as he made the inspection of turned into money-lenders. Then with farms. Texas has many large dairy a wave of our hand and sand in our farms which consist only of an ultra­ eyes we were on our way to green Ohio. modern milking parlor and grazing land. They never house their animals. The milking parlors due to the stringent Monkeys have such a good time be­ inspection laws of San Antonio were the cause there are so many of them, and cleanest and most efficient of any I have there are so many of thm because they ever seen. have such a good time. A SUPERIOR ULTRA-SHORT-ACTING INTRAVENOUS ANESTHETIC


u SURITAL SODIUM (THIAMYLAL SODIUM, PARKE-DAVIS )IS SUPPLIED: 0.2 Gm, 0.3 Gm., 0.5 Gm., 1.0 Gm., U.S.P.; 1.0 Gm. Steri-Vials ® (No. 64) 5.0 Gm., and 10.0 Gm. ampoules (rubber - diaphragm - capped vials); (Nos. 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266); .0 Gm. Steri-Vials with ampoules of

0.5 Gm. and 1.0 Girt, ampoules with WWate< r for Injection. U.S.P. ampoules of Water for Injection, \ \ \ \ PROFESSIONAL LITERATURE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST

Department of Veterinary Medicine PARKE, DAVIS & COMPANY DETROIT 32, MICHIGAN 50 FALL, 1954

BEEF CATTLE PRACTICE disease or pathology being noted. In (Continued from Page 22) certain types of pneumonia it is almost a specific. replaced; the vulva is sutured to hold the organ in place. A mixture of gly­ Foul Smelling Udder Sores cerine and iodine is left with the owner I am sure you have all been called to to squirt into the vaginal canal with a see cows — both dairy and beef breeds long nozzled rubber syringe. This is that have these foul smelling sores be­ done once daily. tween the halves of the udder. The best This condition may be due to exces­ results seems to be had by thoroughly sive estrogen in many cases—as experi­ scrubbing the sore with soap and water mental evidence has concluded. Repos­ —and after drying—applying either itol progesterone — using 1 mg. per Goshen footrot ointment or sulfa urea pound of body weight on recent cases creme. and doubling the amount in cases of Obstetrics long standing will generally stop the Obstetrics is not only a challenge to straining in 24-48 hours. In persistent one's ingenuity but labor as well. It is cases the dose is repeated. not uncommon to deliver a live calf from a fat beef heifer—and at the same time Sterility produce a large laceration. Many of A treatment I like for cows which these lacerations can be avoided if more have no recognizable pathology, but reg­ time is taken in the delivery. However, ularly come in heat without conception, one can and will often avoid the lacera­ is the synthetic estrogen dinovex. It tions, then fool around and deliver a seems many of these cows are slow dead calf. It is my opinion that a Frank ovulators and something is needed to fetus extractor will deliver a larger calf stimulate the production of estrogen from a smaller cow with less danger of and speed the rupture of the follicle. laceration or tear than can be done by Dinovex is claimed to supplement ovar­ the veterinarian and several hired men. ian estrogen production within a few It is my opinion that too many of us hours after injection. When injected at prolong our work, damage the cow, and time of service, it stimulates ovulation generally wear ourselves out by not re­ while sperm are still viable. I have used moving some of these fetal heads as the this on many non-breeders and have had first part of the obstetrical procedure. a very high percentage of cows conceive. When the cow is just a little small and the fetus is already in the pelvic cavity, Toxemia with the forelegs folded under and espe­ Antihistamine therapy has a definite cially when the calf is dead, decapita­ place in beef cattle practice. It is indi­ tion is in order. This is done by placing cated in all cases of tissue damage— a blunt hook in the eye or a chain around such as toxemia due to retention of the the neck just in back of the head. Then fetal membranes and damaged vagina by steady and firm traction—the head and vulva due to a rough delivery. In is pulled past the vulva. With the chain toxic conditions such as indigestion, kept tight, the head is cut off and the mastitis and bloat, it is useful as a gen­ fetus is repelled, the legs straightened, eral stimulant. It is also beneficial in and then with the hand on the neck cows that have been fresh a few days stump, an assistant pulls the calf. and are not doing well—with no definite Many hip blocks are encountered in SPECULUM 51 a practice over a period of a few years, cur to cause cold extremities. some during the time of delivery and This condition was present in many after the calf has been delivered this case. to the hips by the owner or by the cow 1) Some part of the squill is elim­ herself. In these cases we tie the fore­ inated by the bronchial system. legs together with a chain. Then put It is a powerful and commonly chains on the forelegs, place a stick be­ employed expectorant. There was tween the forelegs and have the owner a nasal discharge in this case. pull or operate the extractor. While m) Death may occur within several traction is being applied we use the hours or several days depending stick to turn the calf. One would not on the amount of drug ingested. think of removing a cork from a bottle n) Lesions would probably appear without a twist—but many try to pull as a gastro-enteritis and neph­ a difficult calf without this necessary ritis. twist. Treatment Once a diagnosis was reached of red squill poisoning, the treatment had to CASE REPORT be largely symptomatic. The dog was (Continued from Page £4) treated as follows: Monday: One cc. of "Calphosan" was later stages of poisoning which given intermuscularly in the thigh. are probably due to stimulation 100 cc. of 5% dextrose was given sub­ of the convulsive center in the cutaneously and interperitoneally. medulla. Convulsion occurred in The dog was kept in a darkened cage. this case. (Calphosan consists of 50 mg. of cal­ g) Increased secretion of urine may cium glycerophosphate, 50 mg. of cal­ occur due to increased blood pres­ cium lactate, and 0.25% phenol. This sure and the toxic effects on the was diluted to one cc. with 0.85% kidney. There was an increase in saline. The dose was 1 to 2 cc.). the amount of urine on the sec­ ond day in this case. Tuesday: A stomach tube was passed and four ounces of broth and milk h) Toxic doses reduce the body tem­ were given. 80 cc. of .85% saline perature in normal animals. The solution was given intraperitoneally temperature in this case was and subcutaneously. 2V2 cc. of "Solu- down to 99.6 degrees. B" was given intramuscularly. i) Toxic doses cause a dimness of Wednesday: P/D diet and horse meat vision and mydriasis. This condi­ were fed by hand. No further medi­ tion was present in this case. cation was given. j) These agents are slowly absorbed Thursday: The dog ate horse meat. and slowly eliminated with a con­ Friday: The dog appeared fairly nor­ sequent slowness of action. The mal and ate P/D. effects were slow to develop in this case (about 15 hours). Saturday: The dog was normal and was discharged from the hospital. k) Cold extremities may occur. Con­ striction of the arteries in the Miscellaneous: splanchnic area and limbs due to With an intensive dose of the drug direct effect upon their walls oc­ the effect is visible in two hours and 52 PALL, 1954 reaches its maximum in 8 or 9 hours. TOUGH JOB AT STADIUM After withdrawl it persists generally about two days, but sometimes it lasts Dr. Harry Mauger is a busy man at as long as two keeks. all OSU home games. For 19 years he The effect is largely vagal, for it is has been one of several hundred busi­ generally removed by atropine. nessmen and professional men who Scilla (squill) is claimed to be more serve as ushers and field ushers. diuretic than digitalis, perhaps by a Dr. Mauger has one of the toughest direct action on the renal epithelium. It of jobs. He's supervisor of 24 men who causes death in rats after several days field usher along the west cinder track of alternating convulsions and paraly­ and bleacher seats occupied by visiting sis. It contains a glycoside that pro­ high school players. duces the effect. Ushers contribute their time out of love for the sport. Only supervisors are paid for their work—and the sum is nominal. Remember, OSVMA

meets in Columbus Director of Medical Services has rec­ ommended that the monkey population January 5, 6, 7. of Trinidad be "liquidated" as part of a campaign against yellow fever.

THE ALL NEW WESTERN it's on wheels 35 revolutionary improvements make POWER-PLUS CONTROL Combines features of animal handling technic: Grip strength

for operator and patient

for handling all classes of farm and ranch stock — for surgery, dehorning, bleeding (cattle and hogs), vaccination, foot- "The biggest practice builder trimming, and treatment. since the smile'' PHONE OR WIRE COLLECT DELPHI PRODUCTS COMPANY RANGER PRODUCTS COMPANY Delphi, Indiana Phone 25 Altamont, Kansas Phone 1 Losses from calf scours checked with SULFATHALIDINE® PHTHALYLSULFATHIAZOLE

FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT—a single daily mide Suspension with Kaolin. 2 cc. per lb. of dose of SULFATHALIDINE is effective in control­ body weight daily will combat infection, check ling calf scours. diarrhea.

SULFATHALIDINE, administered orally, exerts QUICK INFORMATION: SULFATHALIDINE available 95 % of its action in the intestinal tract... is in slotted tablets (0.5 Gm. and 4.0 Gm. each) minimally absorbed, virtually non-toxic. That and powder (2.0 Gm. per tsp.). BOVIMIDE sup­ means—smaller dosage, lower treatment cost plies in each 100 cc. 6.8 Gm. Sulfathalidine, than with the other sulfonamides. 0.6 Gm. each of sulfamerazine and sulfametha­ In complicated cases of calf scours, in sheep zine and 10.0 Gm. Kaolin and alcohol 5%. dysentery and intestinal infections in small ani­ Dosage information on request. mals, administer BOVIMIDE® Triple Sulfona­ Sharp & Dohme, Veterinary Department. 54 FALL, 1954

ATTENTION, PRACTITIONERS! We are also taking this opportunity Dear Doctor: to announce our plan to initiate a time- appointment system for the reception The number of hospital cases that of pet animal patients to our Clinic. We have been referred to The Ohio State anticipate that such a procedure will be University Veterinary Clinic by prac­ mutually advantageous to us and our titioners has increased considerably dur­ clients. We are asking that our local ing the past few years. Both the Clinic clients and those which you refer to us administration and staff members are call prior to coming to arrange an ap­ gratified and pleased with this devel­ pointment at a specified time. This in­ opment. We are anxious to be helpful sures, so far as possible, that our clients by continuing to offer our time and fa­ will be met by a staff member and given cilities. Your referred cases offer valu­ his full attention. This procedure will able teaching material and it is hoped commence January 3, 1955. that, likewise, you and your client de­ We hope that these announcements rive some benefit from this association. serve the purpose of improving our re­ There are several problems associ­ lationship in the future. ated with the admittance of patients to V. L. Tharp a teaching clinic that occur with refer­ Director ral cases. We solicit your cooperation in E. J. Catcott solving these. We are often unable to Assistant Director identify the ownership of animals that are presented by truckers or neighbors. In these instances, and occasionally when the owners present the case, it is RABIES impossible to obtain a satisfactory his­ Although six New England states tory of the animal's illness and previous and six northwestern states reported treatment. The clinician who may have no rabies during 1952, 8,453 cases of been contacted by phone prior to the ad­ the disease were reported in the United mittance of these cases is frequently States for that year. Figures compiled unavailable when the animal is pre­ by the U.S.D.A. reveal 5,261 cases in sented and its chart record prepared. dogs, 916 in cattle, 486 in cats, 38 in The hospital records of such cases are horses, 31 in swine, 26 in sheep or goats, of limited value for future reference as and 21 in men. Of the 1,674 miscellan­ well as current teaching material. The eous cases, many were in foxes, skunks, assistance provided to the referring vet­ and raccoons. erinarian and their clients is reduced Texas had one fourth of the cases, for this reason. over 1,000, in dogs. New York leads in We request that those cases referred cattle cases with 174, followed by Penn­ by you to our Clinic be accompanied by sylvania with 81, Iowa with 66, Georgia a written statement which identifies the with 62, and Virginia with 60. Iowa animal's owner, his address, and the his­ led in swine cases with 8, Pennsylvania in sheep cases with 7. tory of the animal's illness and treat­ ment. Many of the cases in the past NORDEN NEWS, December, 1953. have been presented with this informa­ tion and we are certain that the refer­ ring veterinarians, in those instances, REMEMBER, OSVMA MEETS IN benefited by their consideration. COLUMBUS JANUARY 5, 6, 7. TWO NEW PRODUCTS

CANINE DISTEMPER VACCINE (Chick Embryo Origin —— Modified Live Virus Vacuum Dried)


Infectious Hepatitis Vaccine

continuing its program of presenting the best in proven biologies fdr: the veterinary pro­ fession, Research Laboratories Inc. is proud CANINE to present two new biologies for the small DISTEMPER animal practitioner. VACCINE Full stabilized, chick em- ADHEP £ bryo propagated, modi­ fied live virus. Research A chemically killed suspension Laboratories Canine Dis- of virus laden canine tissue ad- temper Vaccine is scien­ sorbed onto aluminum hydrox- tifically vacuum dried and ide. sealed — your assurance of immunizing potency 1 cc. of Adhep intradermally and safety. confers solid immunity in less than two weeks. Supplied in: Serve your clients better by 2 cc. Single Dose Vials reminding them that young pup- with diluent. pies should be vaccinated as 6-2 cc. Single Dose Vials soon as possible after weaning. with diluent. Supplied in: 1 cc. Single Dose Vials 6-1 cc. Single Dose Vials


•Trade-Mark 56 FALL, 1954

CORRECTION After adjournment, cider and donuts Part of the procedure for routine were enjoyed at the Clinic. treatment of sheep parasites was omit­ Our second meeting of the year had ted from the article Sheep Parasite Con­ several interesting phases to it. A re­ trol Program in Ohio" by F. R. Koutz port on his trip to the National Spring 1954. A.V.M.A. convention in Seattle, Wash., The corrected procedure is as fol­ was given by Everett Fleming. Films lows: of O.S.U.'s great Marching Band were shown through the courtesy of Dr. It is recommended to follow a special rou­ tine treatment program similar to the follow­ Griesmer, himself a member. A com­ ing: mittee was formed and some interesting 1. At least a week before the sheep go to debate ensued on the possibility of form­ pasture, about April in Ohio, all adult sheep ing a Veterinary College Student Coun­ should be drenched with a liquid preparation cil. of phenothiazine. This reduces the worm bur­ den so that less ova are spread over the Several other speakers and social pasture. events are being scheduled for the fu­ 2. Retreat ewes and lambs about July or ture meetings of the school year. weaning time. Place lambs on "clean" pas­ ture, that is, pasture that has not had sheep on it for approximately a year. Put ewes on separate "clean" pasture also if possible. 3. Treat sheep about two weeks prior to ALUMNI NEWS breeding, about the first of September. A (Continued from Page 35) week or so after treatment, if possible, place all on clean pasture. The lambs should be Dr. Allen N. Saum, 13230 Cedar Rd., Cleve­ placed on clean pasture at this time to prevent land Heights, Ohio. a buildup of parasites. Dr. Robert S. Scherer, Shelby, Ohio. 4. Treat sheep at the close of the pasture Dr. Russell C. Schlosser, 308 N. Main St., season about the time the ewes are brought Arcanum, Ohio. into the barn for winter feeding. This comes Dr. John L. Shepherd, Box 75, Morristown, approximately from the middle of November Ohio. to the first of December. Dr. James D. Slavik, Coldwater, Ohio. Dr. Ralph Slusher, Route 1, Mason, Ohio. Dr. Royce W. Smith, Mansfield, Ohio. Dr. Harold C. Spencer, Sistersville, W. Va. J.A.V.M.A. NEWS Dr. Thomas F. Stanley, Akron, Ohio. GUY R. BERETICH, Vet. Med. Ill Dr. Paul E. Steffen, Sheridan, Ind. Dr. Gale D. Tarbill, New Holland, Ohio. The coming of autumn heralded Dr. Victor Von Tharp, New Washington, another interesting agenda of speakers Ohio. and entertainment on the part of the Dr. William L. Thomas, Box 88, Ashley, Student Chapter of the A.V.M.A. Ohio. Our first meeting was held at Camp­ Dr. James E. Tomasek, 451 Cleveland Ave., Ashland, Ohio. bell Hall. The freshmen had the oppor­ Dr. Charles G. Warner, Jr., 516 Broad St., tunity of seeing and learning the names Murray, Ky. of the "higher-ups" in the hierarchy of Dr. Don A. Weibel, 13057 Cedar Rd., Cleve­ the faculty. Dean Krill showed slides land Heights, Ohio. of the plans of our new Veterinary Col­ Dr. Edward A. Weidenbener, 716 E. Broad­ way, Louisville, Ky. lege. The planning and thought that Dr. Paul Williams, 1625 E. 37th Ave., Gary, are being put into the design of the Ind. building made many of us almost wish Dr. Weaver M. Williamson, Brookfield Zoo, •we had been born a few years later. Brookfield, 111. Provide broader, more complete veterinary service by combining nutrition with medication.

There must be Condition herds and flocks for the acceptance a reason why 80%* of serums and medicinals. Build up resistance of all practicing against setbacks before treatment, speeding veterinarians dispense up recovery after treatment. Vitamineral products! Eliminate chance of client purchasing useless and even harmful nostrums that interfere with health of herds or flocks.

IN FACT, Help to prevent, control or correct costly nu­ tritional diseases that make medication doubly THERE difficult. ARE Save clients' feed by supplying needed ingre­ dients not found in ration.

Help clients make more money through faster, less costly growth, more potent reproduction among livestock and poultry.

Give veterinarian exclusive distribution of the only supplements that can meet, these specifi­ cations: REASONS • Finest quality calcium and phosphorus whose solubility is guaranteed by vitamins in suffi­ cient potencies. • Iodine. • Six essential trace minerals. • Antibiotics, where indicated.

. More than 8,000 licensed, graduate veteri­ narians endorse, recommend [VETERINARIANS and dispense Vitamineral products. 58 FALL, 1954

AN OUTSTANDING PRODUCT MAGNAPASTE An Osmotic Topical -for­ • EDEMA ; • CELLULITIS M.UiN.Vl'AS'l Magnesium Sujphote 60"i y ,,«, BensflCftille l'C • INFLAMMATION

I JRfattffi) An Osrnoiic Agerit {wax > •• It feau lo r — No Toxicity — Local Application ** &. HUNTER PHARMACAL CO. 990 West Goodalc B|vd. P'lumbi.. S, Ohio UN 3859 Hunter Pharmaceutical Co. 990 Goodale Columbus, Ohio

Distributors of Armour, Lederle, and Pfizer

RESEARCH or team studies, members of our college staff have cooperated with nine depart­ (Continued from Page H) ments in other colleges and the Ohio Ag­ studies of the pineal gland have demon­ ricultural Experiment Station in inves­ strated an entirely new and important tigating nutrition in dairy calves, niacin function in the regulation of the repro­ deficiency of swine, post-parturient par­ ductive cycle in domestic animals. esis, vitamin toxicity, radiation therapy, Work with the drug, curare, has led to explosive decomposition and blood coal­ the development of new and better anes­ ulation. thetics for small animals. A new tech­ All departments participate in the nique for the establishment of rumen clinical work in a continuous search for fistulas in cattle has been developed by new and better methods in handling our staff and is now widely used by in­ animal diseases. vestigators in all studies on the function This is only a partial indication of the of the rumen. A film depicting this sur­ research in constant progress in our col­ gical procedure has been made, and lege but suffices to show the wide variety copies of it have been shown interna­ and great need for research in the broad tionally. At present our college is pio­ field of veterinary medicine. Our re­ neering in the use of radium in veteri­ search has of necessity been patterned nary medicine, and results thus far in accord with physical facilities and has show great promise in the treatment of been carefully planned so as not to in­ certain types of lameness in horses. terfere with our greatly expanded teach­ In line with the trend toward group ing program. "have you heard about SUIS POWDER It with more of everything for treating enteric conditions

SUIS POWDER is a highly effective product for treating hemorrhagic dysentery and infectious enteritis in swine. It is rich in three active sulfonamides — sulfaquanidine, phthalylsulfacetamide and sulfame­ thazine, all of which are well known for their bacteriosttic actions against salmonella cholerasius, one of the chief causes of infectious enteritis in swine.

The formula for SUIS POWDER also contains sodium arsanilate, niacin, charcoal and trace elements in therapeutic amounts . . . convenient to administer with feed as a mass treatment. Supplied in: 12—20 oz. jars (disp. labels)


W. A. Butler Co. 1493 N. High St. Columbus, Ohio 60 FALL, 1954

TREATMENT OF SWINE ated with the use of the modified virus (Continued from page 9) as there is with serum and simultane­ ous virus. It therefore seems to me that Furthermore, in my experience these more basic knowledge and a great deal products do not eliminate trouble fol­ more research is needed if we are to lowing its use on the so-called problem make progress in the handling of the herd. hog cholera situation. Now with malice for no one and charity for all I am of the opinion that we need a great deal more research and a great deal more work done before NEUROTIC DOGS we can begin to ballyhoo the banishing One has to be careful in mentioning of hog cholera from the swine belt. In these cases of expired immunity that dogs, for they are "man's best friend." have occurred in my practice the post­ So one hesitates to bring up the matter mortem picture is a quite different pic­ of canine neuroses. ture from the ordinary case of hog However, a practice has been opened cholera as we are accustomed to diag­ in England for the psychoanalysis of nosing in the field. History and phys­ dogs, and the event is too significant to ical symptoms are very similar if not let pass. Dr. Douglas Appleton believes identical, but at least for me it is one he can cure Rover's emotional troubles of the places where I stub my toe. by persuasion. In one instance, it took at least a Dr. Appleton holds that most dogs week and that many calls and autopsies get their neuroses from their masters. to convince me that I was dealing with This is not too hard to believe. A mean hog cholera. I have proved it to my dog possibly reflects a harsh home life; own satisfaction, and I did in this par­ a cringing one a domineering master, ticular instance that it was hog cholera, and so on. because of the fact, when I adminis­ If the thesis is true, however, it would tered anti-hog cholera serum and hog seem that the doctor is working from cholera virus to those members of the the wrong end of the problem. It would group that had not already sickened be a pity to treat a dog successfully only they remained well. Another peculiari­ to find it reverting to the old neurotic ty of these hogs that have been treated pattern after reuniting with its master. with the modified virus is that pigs that sicken from what I call expired im­ Perhaps Dr. Appleton will find the munity more than 30 days after the reverse also true in some cases: a well- virus has been administered when given adjusted dog may be a cure for men's a large dose of serum early in their neuroses. If that be the case, we wish sickness, the mortality will not be near­ him well; his work will be a welcome ly as great as it would be in those hogs aid to those whose business it is to psy­ if they were infected with the old choanalyze people. fashioned virulent virus. If you expect these herds to be immune you better administer simultaneous virus along So called "jittery" pigs straighten up with the serum. It seems to me that in 3-4 days after administration of 250,­ there are just as many problems associ­ 000 units Vitamin D, intramuscularly. look

for quality Pharmaceuticals always

Now and in the years ahead you can depend on Arnold Laboratories to provide the high quality pharmaceuti­ cals so necessary to a steady-profitable practice. Look to Arnold for high quality—always.

An attractive and unique dispensing pack­ age is another Arnold feature. The modern "shelf-line" bottle saves space and has that Professional appearance. Complete direc­ tions for easy dispensing to make your practice more profitable.

Calf Scour Viraform

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DIARRHEA IN CALVES Until further research is done on this (Continued from Page 12) disease, the possibility of the synergis­ tic action of Escherichia coli or some average course of the disease was seven­ other normal intestinal microorganism teen to twenty-one days; the mortality and a virus as the cause of calf diarrhea rate was 13 per cent and all deaths oc­ should not be overlooked. This is espec­ curred in calves under one month of age. ially true in those cases of stubborn The microscopic lesions noted were: stable enzootics of diarrhea which do polynorphnuclear cells at the base of not respond to therapy. Thus, the the crypts and infiltering the wall in the natural occurrence and, consequently, large intestine; no inclusion bodies in the exact diagnosis is still not within any tissue; varying degrees of hyper­ reach because little is known about the plasia in mesenteric lymph nodes; in­ causative agent or agents and the in­ creased leukocytes but no pus in the fluence of diet or heredity on the suscep­ feces; no diarrhea producing bacteria in tibility of calves to virus diarrhea, al­ the stools or blood; submucosa and se­ though a bacteriologically sterile filtrate rosa of the intestines were edematous has been used to produce the disease and contained many leukocytes; exu­ experimentally.7 dative bronchitis which was primarily 7 Baker, op. cit., pp. 435-446. fluid in nature was present. No significant bacteria were on BAP. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pastuerella organisms were isolated BAKER, J. A., "A Filterable Virus Causing from one animal that died and coliform Pneumonia and Enteritis in Calves," Jour­ organisms were recovered from the kid­ nal of Experimental Medicine, 78:435-46, neys of some animals and the liver of 1943. LIGHT, J. S., AND HEDES, H. L., "Isolation from other animals. Cases of Infantile Diarrhea of a Filterable All recovered animals weer immune Agent Causing Diarrhea in Calves," Jour­ nal of Experimental Medicine, 90:133-35, and serum from recovered animals 1949. helped to neutralize the infective agent. 6 CLAFSON, P., MACCALLUM, A. D., AND FOX, Light and Hodes reported the main P. H., "An Apparently New Transmissible features of the disease as being: inabil­ Disease of Cattle," Cornell Veterinarian, ity to cause the disease in calves from 36:205-13, 1946. CLAFSON, P., AND RICKARD, C. C, "Further normal infant or calf stools; calves re­ Observations on the Virus Diarrhea of Cat­ covered from natural scours were sus­ tle," Cornell Veterinarian, 37:104-06, 1947. ceptible to the infant agent; high mor­ SMITH, T., AND LITTLE, R. B., "The Significance bidity rate; the virus never seemed to of Colostrum to the New Born Calf," Jour­ nal of Experimental Medicine, 36-181-98, be the primary cause of pneumonia; an 1922. absence of pathogenic bacteria as causa­ WALKER, R. V. L., AND OLAFSON, P., "Failure tive agents; affected infants may be the of Virus Diarrhea of Cattle Virus to Im­ munize Rinderpest," Cornell Veterinarian, source of the disease in calves; animals 37:5-9,1947. may harbor a virus which causes no harm until some interference with their normal existence occurs; the sera of re­ Dogs are big business in the United covered infants partially or wholly pro­ States. Nowhere is this better indicated tected calves against infection with the than by figures showing that the dog virus. food bill paid by dog owners in the United States is approximately $406 6 Loc. cit. millions per year. Vaccinate Safely with Corn States RABIES VACCINE

Modified Live Virus * Chick Embryo Origin * Vacuum Dried

High vacuum desiccation and vacuum sealing of this thoroughly tested When ordering Corn product assures stability of its States Rabies Vaccine, immunizing properties. Tests show as\ for the ten dose vial. that this type of vaccine produces a You'll find it more solid immunity lasting more than economical . . . convenient too. 3 years.

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Haver-Glover Corn States Vitamineral Hills Prescription Diets W. A. BUTLER Company 1493 N. High Columbus 64 PALL, 1954

ANESTHETICS cause prompt onset of respiratory stim­ ulation. The respiratory minute volume (Continued from Page 11) may increase as much as 400% with perivascular leakage inadvertently oc­ either of these agents. These recordings cur. Should a large amount of any of were made in dogs using the Benedict- the thiobarbiturates escape from the Roth basal metabolism equipment. vessel, it is advantageous that the area Whereas the stimulation induced by be infused with physiological saline pentylenetetrazol persists for only 10 to solution to facilitate absorption from 15 minutes, it was found that both de­ the site and reduce the possibility of soxyephedrine and amphetamine main­ local tissue damage. tained the increased respiratory activity A recent report concerning the dura­ throughout the period of the test or tion of action of pentobarbital sodium throughout the period of anesthesia. states "the anesthetic action of pento­ The agent inducing the most uniform barbital sodium was quite long and increase in rate and depth was desoxy­ showed considerable variation." A dos­ ephedrine with ampehtamine being su­ age of 1 gr. per 5 lb. produced a disap­ perior to pentylenetetrazol. It was pearance of reflexes for approximately pointed out that the analeptics should 80 minutes whereas a dosage of 1.5 gr. be used at the end of surgery to stim­ per 5 lb. bodyweight caused an average disappearance of reflexes of 2% hours ulate the respiratory center and thus and in some cases the reflexes did not increase the recovery rate in poor sur­ gical risks or old or debilitated animals. return for 4i/2 hours. During this pro­ longed anesthesia there will be some The dosage given should not be sufficient drop in body temperature, which, along to return the animal to consciousness with other predisposing causes, may immediately since overstimulation of result in shock of the surgical patient. the higher centers would possibly de­ Shortening the period of anesthesia, or crease the likelihood of recovery of the more properly, stimulation of the respi­ animal. ratory center with an earlier return to It was reported in a similar study6 normal respiratory minute volume aids wherein blood pressure determinations in preventing this respiratory embar­ were made with a manometer rassment and will result in a higher rate and the respiratory rate was recorded of recovery of surgical patients. with a pneumograph and Marey's tam­ Several agents have been introduced bour that desoxyephedrine and amphe­ to cause stimulation of respiratory tamine caused an increase in heart rate activity. Some, such as strychnine and accompanied by vasoconstriction with picrotoxin, not only stimulate the res­ a prolonged rise in blood pressure which piratory center but also cause greater resembled that produced by the ephe­ activity of the higher centers resulting drine sympathomimetics. The increase in muscular tremors and convulsive ef­ in minute volume, supplying more oxy­ forts which further depletes the neces­ gen to the tissues, and removing the sary oxygen supply. accumulated carbon dioxide reverses the Pichaicharnarong,5 1953, compared disturbed cellular metabolism and speeds the analeptic action of certain of these recovery of the animal. agents and reported that desoxyephe­ Along with the new developments in drine (Benzefet), amphetamine (Amfe­ general anesthetics and analeptics has tasul) and pentylenetetrazol (Metrazol) been the very important contribution to SPECULUM 65 the group of local anesthetics in the as is procaine. Its action begins imme­ product Xylocaine. Xylocaine is a new diately and the duration is 2 to 4 times local anesthetic, originally described by as long. Epidural anesthesia has per­ Lofgen,7 which is chemically unrelated sisted for 12 hours or more as compared to cocaine, procaine or derivatives of to the much shorter action noted with these substances. It is very stable, re­ procaine. Unpublished reports have in­ sisting decomposition, and its solution dicated that even a % per cent solution may be autoclaved repeatedly if neces­ produced satisfactory local anesthesia sary. This is a distinct advantage since which persisted for 2 to 4 hours in cat­ procaine and some of the other local tle, sheep and dogs. As an indication of anesthetics are relatively unstable and its safety, one veterinarian has reported can not be resterilized. the successful use of Xylocaine 4% solu­ Xylocaine, like other local anesthetics, tion in over 100 clinical cases of surgery is compatible with epinephrine and the of the horse and believes Xylocaine is latter agent is frequently added to pro­ the best such agent available for either long the action. Clinical reports on large animal or small animal surgery Xylocaine have stressed its advantage which is to be performed under local since its action is more rapid in onset, anesthesia. Xylocaine is available to the more quickly diffusible and more pro­ veterinary profession in two strengths, longed than that of procaine. Field re­ a 2% solution with and without epine­ ports by veterinarians in the United phrine and a 0.5% solution with and States as well as from Europe point out without epinephrine. It is recommended that Xylocaine is 2 to 4 times as effective that the stronger solution be used for


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A Complete Line of Biological, Pharmaceutical and Surgical Products, Vitamineral Supplements and all the Leading Specialties

824 W. Broad St. 944 Bragg Blvd. "Service That Satisfies" Richmond, Virginia Fayetteville, N. C. 66 FALL, 1954 conduction block anesthesia for such respired in the dog; Cornell Vet. Library surgical procedures as rumenotomy, SF 610:592, 1953. caesarean section, dehorning operations 6. EDDS, G. T.; Bio-Chemic Review, 21:8, 1950. 7. LGFGREN, NILS; Ivar Haeggstrone Botryck­ and amputation of the claw in cattle. ert, A.B., Stockholm, 1948. The weaker solution would be indicated for infiltration anesthesia and for op­ ical action. VETERINARY OFFICERS TO BE In conclusion, it may be pointed out GIVEN COURSE IN ATOMIC that new agents are being introduced RADIATION for use by the veterinarian in both the Veterinary Corps officers of the field of general and local anesthesia. Army and the Air Force will receive Kemithal has proved very effective as special training in evaluating the ef­ a general anesthetic in small animals ects of ionizing radiation from atomic and is safer than other short acting weapons on foods and food producing barbiturates including sodium pento­ animals. barbital. 5 The two-week course is the first of Pichaicharnarong, at Cornell, 1953, its type to be offered in the United pointed out that analeptics used at the States. Classes will be conducted at completion of surgical manipulation in­ the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear creased the likelihood of recovery by Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn. The insti­ improving the tissue supply of oxygen tute is a non-profit educational corpor­ as well as removing the accumulated ation of 32 southern universities. carbon dioxide. Desoxyphedrine and emphetamine had advantages over other The curriculum includes biological agents considered in this group. aspects of radiation phenomena, dosim­ The new local anesthetic Xylocaine, etry, radiobioassay in animal tissues, after careful study at several of the radiation syndromata in the domestic universities and colleges, has proved to animal, and disposition and salvage of be superior to other local anesthetics. radiocontaminated foods. Veterinary Its action is prompt, which is an aid to officers have been responsible for de­ the veterinarian in practice since it al­ termining the wholesomeness and qual­ lows surgery to begin almost immedi­ ity of foods for troops since World War ately. Anesthesia is more certain be­ I. This course in radiological health is cause of more rapid diffusion into the specifically designed to prepare them nerve fiber and the duration of anes­ for their responsibilities in atomic de­ thesia is prolonged 2 to 4 times that fense. produced by an equal dose and concen­ Veterinary Corps officers now sta­ tioned at the University of Tennessee tration of procaine. with Atomic Energy Commission will BIBLIOGRAPHY share the teaching with faculty mem­ 1. BIETER, R.N.; Notes on Anesthesia, Univer­ bers of the institute. The initial class sity of Minnesota, 1949. began on Sept. 6, 1954. 2. CARRINGTON, H. C, AND RAVENTOS, J.; Brit. Classes will be repeated until all Jour. Pharmacol., 1:215, 1946. veterinary officers of the Air Force and 3. SENEVIRATNE, P., AND PILLAI, P. P. K.; Vet. Army have had an opportunity to at­ Record, 65:536, 1953. tend. Veterinary officers assigned to 4. EDDS, G. T.; Vet. Med., 49:81, 1954. staff positions of high responsibility 5. Pichaicharnarong, Ayusa; Oxygen consump­ will be placed on a priority basis for tion, respiration, rate and volumes of air attendance. SPECULUM 67

MASHED TEAT PROBLEM Routinely, all teats are injected with 2,000,000 units penicillin and 1 gram (Continued from Page 15) streptomycin suspended in an oil ve­ daily for two treatments. Apply an hicle. Tubes are left with the owner and ointment containing acriflavine and sul­ he is instructed to insert one-half to one fonamides in petroleum base after each tube of 500,000 units penicillin with 500 milking. This treatment is only indi­ units streptomycin each evening, de­ cated in initial stages. pending upon conditions. Success in any teat operation is de­ pendent upon (1) sterilization of instru­ ments and the entire operating area, BIBLICAL DRUGS (2) anesthesia, and (3) after treatment. (Continued from Page 27) In our practice we carry a small elec­ of so little importance as "Gourd versus tric sterilizer which can be plugged in Ivy." practically any cow barn in this day and The Bible and many references were used. age. It does as safe a job on instru­ Source and authors will be given on request. ments as the equipment in the average Thanks are extended to Dr. F. J. Kingma for hospital. All teats and the entire udder his review of this article.—E. B. MCCRADY. are first made as clean as soap and water can make them. Then a thin patch of cotton is saturated with a good LIVESTOCK PARASITES antiseptic, like Tincture Zephryn or (Continued from Page IS) Tincture Merthiolate. It is applied and It is left to the animal husbandman to left on the teat to be treated for at least recover this double fumble, but the eco­ five minutes. nomic drag may not become readily ap­ For the most satisfactory anesthesia, parent even to him unless he has a keen remove all milk from the quarter if eye and a platform scale. We have be­ possible. Inject 10 cc. of one or two per come accustomed to raising our cattle cent butyn solution and leave it in the and their parasites together as one canal for at least five minutes. In cut operation, and our experience in cattle teats, inject the edges of the wound growth and health is in terms of para­ sitized animals. The latter are often area with a dental type syringe to elimi­ taken as optimal, which they surely are nate possibilities of contamination. not, and we seldom observe the full po­ Spray the wound area with acriflavine tential of truly non-parasitized stock. or suture a 100,000 unit mastic in the muscle area. Cover the wound area A good illustration of how potential with liquid plastic in all teat operations can be obscured by low-grade infection is found in swine. Recently antibiotics involving the opening. Cover the opera­ have been shown to promote pig growth tive area with self-adhering gauze after when fed at low levels. The most a small dilator has been inserted into plausible explanation for the beneficial the teat canal. Change these dressings effect is that the drugs, by suppressing twice daily. Use dilators at least three certain types of bacteria in the digestive days or until the swelling disappears. tract, eliminate low-grade, sub-clinical We prefer also to apply a petroleum infections ordinarily present in appar­ base ointment containing acriflavine sul­ ently healthy pigs. The nutritionist thus fonamides and urea, when the skin is happened upon a cure for a previously broken. unrecognized condition. He got the 68 FALL, 1954 growth boost he was looking for, but he 3. Because the market potential for did it by removing the drag due to an the product justifies promotional infection. The economic significance of effort; the infection came to light only after 4. Because the user of the product the growth rates of treated and untreat­ himself profits directly; and ed pigs were compared. 5. Because widespread use of the As I have indicated, this is just what product in one industry will benefit is happening with cattle parasites. related industries as well. Phenothiazine is the drug involved. Its proper use gives better growth in many OHIO FUEL COMPANY IS SUED herds even when parasitism is not ob­ viously a problem. It knocks out the FOR LOSS OF PIGS low-grade infections and protects A suit seeking $5000 damages has against reinfection thus permitting a been filed in Madison County against fuller expression of growth potential. the Ohio Fuel Gas Co., involving loss You can see what this means: Control and damage to the plaintiff's pigs. of internal parasites of cattle is now The petition recites that the defend­ becoming—as it already is with sheep ant laid one of its pipe lines for nat­ parasites—a husbandry practice, and ural gas through the westerly part of prevention is the password. his 416-acre farm. Phenothiazine has one property of "When the pipe was on the site of particular significance in this regard, installation," the petition continues, namely, when fed at low-levels to sheep "being prepared for burial, the defend­ and cattle, it suppresses egg production ant coated it with a liquid substance of female worms and inhibits develop­ and . . . permitted some of said liquid ment of eggs that are passed out into to spill upon ground where it hardened the pasture with the droppings. This into pieces of various sizes which de­ property, coupled with its ability to re­ fendant allowed to remain upon the move adult worms when given at thera­ ground . . . after work of installing peutic levels, makes phenothiazine par­ said line was completed. ticular effective in parasite prevention "Defendants knew coating material programs. was a coal tar product, that it would poison pigs, if they ate it, and that in The cattle parasite situation, it seems all common probability plaintiff's pigs to me, should be of interest to Livestock would eat it." Conservation, Inc., for at least two rea­ sons: (1) Obviously it has important The plaintiff's claim that in May, 195, they had 272 shoats which became economic significance in its own right, ill from the substance. Of these 156 re­ and (2) it is a good example of the kind covered, 43 died, and 73 were so re­ of problem that can be solved within the tarded in growth they were not ready frame-work of the profit motive systems for market until two months beyond to the ultimate benefit of many. I, per­ the normal marketing time. sonally, am particularly intrigued: They ask veterinary fees: $1075 for 1. Because there is a big economic loss the 43 shoats; $500 for extra feed for at stake; the retarded pigs; $300 for a fence they 2. Because there is already on hand constructed along the pipe right-of-way, a good product for preventing this and $1000 for loss of pasturing of ap­ loss; proximately 20 acres for two years. SPECULUM 69

INJURY TO EYE MAY SERIOUSLY three months have passed, there is not AFFECT OTHER much danger, and there is practically no danger after a year. One of the most dreaded diseases seen by the ophthalmologist is sympathetic Can Be Treated ophthalmia. Occasionally, after one eye The injured eye which gives the oph­ is inflamed or injured in an accident, thalmologist most worry is the one the other eye will become so inflamed which, after having received a penetrat­ as to be largely destroyed. ing wound involving the iris and one of Fortunately, this occurs only occa­ the inner coats, goes on with a chronic sionally, but the fact that it can occur, low grade inflammation. The more pro­ and then be so disastrous, makes it es­ longed this inflammation, the more dan­ sential that many an injured eye can ger there is to the other eye. Gradually, be quickly removed. If one waits to be in the other eye, inflammation may ap­ sure that it must be removed it may be pear around the iris and from there it too late to save the man's sight. may spread and become chronic. Us­ One of the disturbing facts about the ually then the vision quickly begins to disease is that the interval between the fail. accident to the one eye and the destruc­ Fortunately, treatment if quickly tion of the other can vary from two started and well directed can sometimes weeks to several years. Usually, the check the progress of the inflammation interval is somewhere between 1 and before vision is totally destroyed, but 3 months, with greatest incidence dur­ the person is likely to remain in danger ing the second month. Usually, after for 9 or 10 months. •A Step, Ahead In Vetehutasuf,

This NOTE BOOK describes the chemistry, pharmacology and therapeutics of a number of useful drugs including Metrazol,Tannalbin, Lenigallol and Calciphos.

"JltU Mote Book U ifouAA. frfi. the 70 FALL. 1954

USER MAKES PROGRESS tution was made to cut down on the IN RECLAMATION poundage of fertilizer applied on this steep hill as weight on hills makes a An industrious citizen of the Hay- material difference. wood County dairy region in north­ A bush and bog harrow was used to western North Carolina is Frank M. cut up the pastureland, for Frank says Davis, a practical dairyman, also known that unless the soil is pulverized grass for his reclamation enterprises. and clover seed is wasted. The vegeta­ Frank's farm is on Route 2, Waynes­ tion was harrowed so completely that ville, at the end of the "Frank Davis no one could identify the kind of growth Cove." Here he has 250 acres of land formerly existing on the hillside. in a valley between a number of moun­ Once the seedbed had been prepared, tain peaks. Acres of corn and pastures two pounds of ladino clover and 12 spread out picturesquely and the place pounds of orchard grass were seeded to is so secluded that not even a neigh­ the acre. A cultipacker is used in em­ bor's house is in view. bedding the seed where the hills were His almost miraculous methods of re­ not extremely steep. Then a horse pull­ claiming hillside lands gashed with gul­ ing a crabtree brush was used in lies and impoverished by soil-robbing "sweeping" in the seeds. row crops have been recognized for sev­ This ladino and orchard grass makes eral years. His farm was the scene good pasture for the grazing of 50 cows sometime back for a pasture-seeding to an equal number of acres. Although demonstration. he owns a total of 70 good grade ani­ At this event attended by about 60 mals, he is presently milking only 25 farmers, Frank pointed to a steep hill Guernseys and Holsteins with his two which four years previously was too Surge units. One unit has been in use poor to grow sage, and only scattering since way back in 1929, while the other growths of sassafras and briers had has been used for six years. Milking is found root in this stubborn, barren soil. done in a cement-block barn containing There, he told us, he had applied lime 10 stanchions with the product being with shovel and sled, and while it was shipped to the Pet Milk Company. necessarily spread unevenly, 10 acres This chairman of the local dairy com­ received about two tons to the acre. mission feeds concentrates (16% pro­ The straggling growth of sassafras tein) sparingly. "With my winter cover and briers was uprooted. Then 300 crop and silage, I discontinued all other pounds of superphosphate were applied feedstuffs except the one pound of con­ to the acre. This had been done when centrate for each five pounds of milk," Frank's mother owned the place, but he points out. Frank found when he bought the farm Fall grazing lasts until the first of in 1945 that lime previously applied had November. In spring, he turns his cows been absorbed. out to pasture between March 20 and Another application of lime was the first of April. broadcast two tons to the acre and 400 Here is his winter cover crop scheme: pounds of 50% muriate of potash and Dairybarn manure is put on the land in 47% triple potash were aplied. This early spring. Then it is plowed under potash was used in place of 800 pounds in readiness for a corn crop for silage. of commercial fertilizer. The substi­ From 200 to 300 pounds of fertilizer is NEW Effective Therapy for OTITIS caused by mites, bacteria, fungi

Norden MITOX MITOX introduces an entirely new, effective formula for pre­ vention and treatment of Otitis in dogs and cats—goes to work instantly against mites, fungi, bacteria. VA OZ. MITOX in each plastic syringe.

Advantages Ready for immediate use—simply remove nozzle cap and in­ ject . . . Multiple treatment syringe . . . Syringe nozzle is flexible plastic—bends to prevent ear injury . . . three-way action—combats mites, fungi, bacteria . . . Ideal for dispensing.

Effective Formula Broad-spectrum antibacterial action—3200 units Bacitracin, 0.65 gram sulfacetamide . . . Fungicidal—0.65 gram sodium caprylate Supplied in . . . Miticidal—65 mg. piperonyl butoxide . . . Special diffusible base. 6 dispos. syringes $ 5.70 Dosage 12 dispos. Inject MITOX sufficient to fill lower section of ear canal—about syringes $11.00 0.5 cc. NORDEN LABORATORIES

LINCOLN NEBRASKA 72 FALL. 1954 drilled in the rows or from 400 to 600 WORK WITH MICE ADDS NEW pounds per acre broadcast over the field. LIGHT ON BLOOD CANCER In September, after the corn is har­ vested, the land is ploughed at night The start of leukemia in mice can be so that the sun will not bake the soil. delayed by a period corresponding to Then it is broken up with a disk pulled nearly 10 years in the life of a human either by jeep or tractor. by treatment with cortisone, Dr. George The winter cover crop mixture in­ W. Wooley and Betty A. Peters have cludes two bushels of winter oats, 20 found in experiments at the Jackson pounds of rye grass, and 20 pounds of Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Me. crimson clover per acre. Cows are Dr. Wooley also carries on cancer re­ turned in on the pasture when the ten­ search at Sloan-Kettering Institute of der green stuff attains a height of 6 to Memorial Cancer Center, New York. 8 inches. Dr. Wooley and Miss Peters worked In this rigorous climate of 3,000 foot with a strain of mice which develop mountains—where sometimes chickens' leukemia with almost clockwise regu­ feet are frozen off—all winter dairy- larity at about eight months of age. cow grazing is possible except during The leukemia is rapidly fatal, killing the extremely cold weather. animals in one or two weeks. By treating these mice with cortisone, It is the difficulty of properly cleans­ anti-arthritis hormone of the adrenal ing the canal that sends ear cases in cortex, from the time they are one dogs from one veterinarian to another. month old, Dr. Wooley has delayed the Removing wax and debris and leaving onset of leukemia until the mice are the canal clean is best accomplished by about 14 months old. That would be irrigating with tepid soap and water tantamount in humans to postponing a or a solution containing suitable con­ fatal disease from 23 years of age until centrations of modern detergents. about 40. There is no aggravation to inflamed and Dr. Wooley's observations have indi­ sensitive membranes from this method cated that the adrenal glands play an and thus successful treatment is 50 per important role in leukemia, the Amer­ cent assured. By using such solutions ican Cancer Society states. The findings with the aid of a low pressure spray cannot be applied to prevention of the or a douche with its gentle gravity flow, disease in humans, however, because the canal can be rid of wax, discharge, there is no way of telling in advance and other debris right down to the who will develop leukemia. Cortisone, drum. and these and other experiments have shown, makes animals and humans ex­ tremely susceptible to a variety of in­ REMEMBER, OSVMA MEETS IN fections. Most of the mice, treated COLUMBUS JANUARY 5, 6, 7. monthly with a dose of cortisone, event­ ually died of infections. A tomahawk is what if you go to The principal value of the work was sleep suddenly and wake without hair, to throw some light on a baffling kind there is an Indian with. of cancer. Choice of Products... In the control of canine distemper and infectious canine hepatitis, with particular reference to prophylaxis or prevention, Lockhart has available products, or combinations of products, to meet the most dis­ criminating demand.

Anti-Canine Distemper Serum and Anti-Infectious Canine Hepa­ titis Serum, the prototype—and as yet unequalled.

Intradermal Canine Distemper Vaccine, the first, and highly successful, intradermal vaccine used in dogs; a safe, efficient killed- virus vaccine.

Intradermal Injections Canine Hepatitis Vaccine, a single dose of which will confer adequate immunity at a reasonable price.

Intradermal Bivalent Vaccine, a combination of Intradermal Canine Distemper Vaccine and Infectious Canine Hepatitis Vaccine; a combined killed vaccine—an efficient, inexpensive method of immunizing dogs against both diseases.

Canine Distemper Vaccine (Desiccated), a new, improved, trouble-free, easily reconstituted and administered vaccine of egg origin, by Lockhart.

"Producers of Better Biologies for the Graduate Vetennanan"


N Chile,, V

an open letter to a veterinarian who hasn't yet tried modified live virus hog cholera vaccines

Dear Doctor: For several years, veterinarians have been cautiously testing and evaluating various modified live virus hog cholera vaccines. During this period, Jen-Sal research men were also studying new vaccines— their advantages, disadvantages, and future possibilities.

Now, based on years of conservative, careful evaluation^ Jen-Sal is marketing a modified live virus, hog cholera vaccine of porcine origin (to be administered simultaneously with L5-ec; hog cholera serum).. Jen-Sal feels that this product is the safest most logical successor to time-tested serum-virus immunization.

This new vaccine is named SV-2 for SIMULTANEOUS VIRUS METHOD NO. 2. It is a proven immunological advancement—giving durable, immunity without post-vaccination virus flare-ups.

SV-2 (Jen-Sal) is now available in 5, 10, and 50 dose packages. We recommend it to you, with confidence. A new brochure oh SV-2 is now ready—write for your copy soon. Jerisen-Salsbery Laboratories, Inc.