

VOLUME 7-NU~BeR. 14. , MICHIGAN, APRIL -t, 19-46 $2.00 Per Y.. ~ Per Copy Fully Paid Cir~l.Il4iion AUTO •.CL,U•• 'UILD,ING APP,ROV'ED

'. ' i HEAnLINES Eighteen Reasons for a Bus Waiting Room Park Anlends :.. of Ih. Former Chief Piel W,EEK ~oning Law; As t~~tl by IN • a/Park Reported For Project (irOSllPQitll, Nws ~ Q u ar t e r s Win Rem~jnin n""r, Marck za Seeking'Shrievcdty P,c~ard Building Until .WALT~\~EUT1iER'S ..ELEC- , Clidbhouse i~F!nished TION AS .HEAD OF UA W over Aspirations. Rumor.d. to Have aea'ril19 :0'" Hi~. Resignation :j R. J, ThomaS by a scant 124 votes . , As Heil!'d of 'ViRag_ Pottce D.•paftment Grosse Pointe .. is' gohig 41' in a poll ofS,7M prl!Sages'radical ...... , . have' within a reasonably changeS. in the policy_ of thl! or- . The rum~r' pers,ists around. the' Park Mimicipal .bui)..d~ short tUne, a beautiful home linizat,ion: v.ihlc:ilmay'haveet- ing:that;politics.a.ft~r aUd~d have.5ETR01T'S B",J "Veter':". n u'ea on'' . urlng , ar' -By' Po' .",,",su~.to.be futhiiknow' .. y a~pear~. om:~ o,,~ew~. madefortheworL,'. .;/,':- STREET CARS AND BUSES will -.' ~------. that thl! f~nn~r .. chtd nevl!i~l~ lasf:W~y, -:",as fou{1d Thl!re~."'.li~tl~op~itioll'j~, be: stopped by itstrlkenl!Xt Mon- " .. -,--...... Supennte"de"t.of~~~ive.n.Certificatefor"Aec~ ..... , .. .' 1ookedtiponhis.pos .. itIon'l!I.P~k dNd1asLS&t.Urd"y In a.little the~lubl~~,l'rid~y,JIj.,ht •. Tbil.. _ ,A_yT' still un.answer.'ed' •• '...The Ad Ch,'ISer TellsS.dT.Ie.rid '~I:,s'h'm'1"" ..'e'n".'.t"."o'."f'.';.O'"r;-;;:s't'."n'.d' '","g Serv.lc'e" ',.. G1!OrM,R.ec:eiv.n''ll'- _. ..151 Cards Cliil!f.uaP.ermlin~f,aiiiJnriient..,., .' 'frequeI:ltl!d:pilrtiQn,. of the Huck' pu"bli; C 'h eUlDI on, th.~:'I()':"'t'!!.:n;n" questioncf ubitration of DSR . Leilvn with carf,!. for . - . ".nd 75C.IIs from Friends anyWay;andtliisi4su~tiatea 'Min.Ufa~ eomp.nyon Belle- a.ll?e~drn~t ~d~~he1':i~ Wiion'. d.eman. M•. Un.•dl!ci~ 'u,.u..'I"'.1 W'lf. , . Dr,. Paul EsSe.rt, the .. Su.'permt. end. e.il,t of Grosse.' Pointe . D'.' I'Hn' by .the .. Village' t6mntissionera ' n ..t'" .. ' , '.,'. .tiriIe.a,o •. hut PJ:l!IUdeilt PPnha!1 -' . ryJ7'!' .. Sch l' h tl L-:.. th t f hIgh hono'~ ' .. ')', '. :.unng .ess . t'h---~'v"".' . ',vue, ...... ro.\t. .... ". ." . o' the Pat~,.vinu:- •. '""-iousl,. i;., . ....n..nrOs.~"'ITY,..O."": . '__ ,' 005, as recen. y'~n .. e ~Iplen 0 no '.' d'''''''~ . <...... '- On.l> un' ",,",un .... v.. . . dedhi 'b th W "dN departments Thesto"' . ,:,.;,":': --.-' .. .Piliice.Con'llril.nionei'Frltscliof ,.When,Mr,.~rifP,faiIe(Uo;re~ ~~y~therillht'w~ch~e:Coni. t:'1L. called Into l!Xr..-cutift session 'Mrs. W'illiam M"Curran of awar m,y', e .a~an ' .. avy " .. ' "'~" 'J '~rge. De X~pe' ,.wh.o.fol" .. , . . turn h m W ...._--.J Ma h' .,. . .. ht h ' .. ', t-'" :t..~. to d' ...... • 1 ' ,c. ..' • • back d this'pnted certificatl! "fa):', th~.Accompli$hment of .the,.''''',' st' 22'.''Y-. a'rs' ....w...as.. '.'th~'.;"... ~.U' t~.'Pilrk saidthaf Chief. Piel .. :. Q .e .!In. • ~~,~ay, rt:., mlSSlon.en mlg live ,.1DII1t .". ~. wi~~:tJt..;;iu~n;er l~~,.C~dieu,x, h..~a Sad tale OutSt#ndir'i'Se~ice~'W)i{it#lf.'an' i#!~mtirig::;recital'of .... ,. ... <: • ~.... was"iiHed to.undl!rtake the'rom- .27,. hil'family, conaistinl of;his 'upOn to . eoiUiderthe,:Fiiatt.a- Gromyko--..:+dit ...... ;.ane. moon .• :.'. .o.~.JYUSP... l~ced eon!, .l..~,enee.. to.. .theunusuaf .. eff~rt m.'ade.b, the ..:..~.. v.e.rn,.m....'int...' malt....e amen.cIs. ,FiSher. Lmeolri andPLeu! reln',aniza of. the vii. .wife Mlldredlncl daughter Jiet~ closed to al1yltirtMr: ~blie dia-o r,e- Y t9 l!arrieron tian Ruth 1-'" I." . h P k . l~' ..' f h . h .I"; 'Wh"gt"... ,;:"It . X- h' Jaie ,pOlice dl!partmentand thlt , :repo~ed it. to . the .. police cilssion and invited any~ pres- A.Sovl,t,.pokellman~iadll!.tes late. to t e Ai' 'po I~ t,~e for the, interruption of the educatiDnal work ate t ousanW! as In o~,..., .ween erc.-~~,dl~~exCeUentjob •. i •.. " an"'thli!Y.'p)J.t hl4diaappearanee l!ntto ipeak hiI.9PWon. Ria:: C?~omykD w:illattend. the, _ions other mornjng. ;whl'n o!ficers of, young. men~ho ha~ .their no~mal educational activities. evaL and Geo*,e,:~~;~~:/':'Tb~:;W~b~lme.~, hw. dee' ..• ' ., .• tiolfOf.the' rfJ,~. beat ..klJown. 10 .hluiae1f,:', " .. , .1.:",:, ". ". ;c.', •. .'~ a mJJlutes,>;;~'1o;. ",. ':' ':. .. 0':'.;'.' , ' ;Jt.. •••.•. ':,.' ac.hon of the War andNavy.de-, which"'Dr. Ellert for .. 'a.member...... '.. .ehCM! this lima .. to.roue'1M ~~ ..founa; '.' . . . SU.ch~~~.}I~:.~,~, :."~;"JiI~t ..: "",,, • i'BAYORI'LKTCHER BOWRON ~IO~ they lea~ed t~~ follo~-, pa:tmenta ~ orl~nizatlon was h~d .ita llnlll.)p~t1rilon M&t:Ch;~~~~.Il~~th~~~tfu;.,~. :br~ak.,' ,;,. : . :.<: . ,\~.Bri""'1!i:"th~:~rst chief~f.!I:e,~W.J\~.~~' ., LaI<1 '.A REC'OUNT' IN. THE. UAW. him '~,o.take the:sfleck arou~ 10 h~ln school I1r colll!~e work. !"l!,re a.r.d checkS were latl!r fo~d miss. and Un!.. next afternoon a.t 5:30 his style of, play so'se.rio.us.' tha. t. SlllaU Jlum ilfmoney and the. key ~nsedan,~owneaailifdiiven'.by to th d .t4 thl! !,!OllSl!.:; .• William J. McGannon' of, 1ff2ll1' convention will be n--ry 10 Kopp s Dl"1!gstore and 5he wo uld. A'IV~!Il e ~oung ~e~ Wn Ing from thl! women's purses and o'dock they came around In the ~eytook hilT] down .t0th.e Juve- Lat . th .'. . th . . '...... _. . dl!tidl! the electioll for ~ihTsecond ~hone tJ:1e, store and tell t~l!m It des~r~ to c~ntmue ~helr,. studies 'from thl! top coats of the men. alley in the. rear of thl!. store, and mle HQme_ Thl!Y said hl! would . er. 'In' e' morrungl!Y. Kl!DoShil, GrBtiottOWnship; struck d viee prl!Sidency ~twl!tin"Leonard was allrlllht. .. " . ' Iwhlll! In, ~CtIVl! war servIce and Lieutenant Ed. Trombly has thl! yelled and called naml!S to' th.. probably be .,turned overqo Mr. follnd. the p~- On, the IrC?\I1l Charles", T. Tomlinson,~,aced. 72; d L" t . Re th " The. man was thanks persom- were, so sItuated they were abll!. CUl! in chargl! with the earnest other girls who worked in the .Schooly who has charge pf such n.ear' the house,.!t h~d bee!1 limp- of 3453 CourVille, Detroit, u'.he f :~n.a~V1onf'sloos~ln.g"~ont!lroleorflll.~ Ified, and ;assur.-ad tIn. Curra.'n !hat to do. so,. . cooper.lion o1.~the ho:;l ol U,e:Istvre~ Liviiii$tu.-ii ~.....-=a they .p- P.u'_ for L~i~ c!.i::trict. c! t.h.C' ~ed to° thevl!hryth~! ~cludmg tJ:U! W~. ~!alkin:from the. ~uth :!~ ..~ • "n: h Id be T C ty, . .ll th f th A ed ed be ed t ..ey. e .o~. to thl! north side Maclt.He executin committee. which mIght e wou In rave~ I ,In aye o~ra~lOn. 0 "~ rm party. .. pear to mtoxlcat .coun y. • k th Sa.ot h o hamstring his wholl! nr.:.... am. matter of hours and would: c;all Forces Institute, aided ~d. ad. ' EPIDEMIC .. :.;,A...... '.we... IN.'....'I'IME'. ,. 'pWI!taSI,.tabul!ntwtas del!ad.u'poratno~:"v.OIaL- • • • • ....~: her back on the phonE and tell vised by lhe professional l!dllca- : , . ~~ _ .. "A PLAN FOR iNn:RN~noN hl!r the exac.t lime'.llf .thl!ir' ar- tOn. of .thl! Advi~o.IY Group; .. Nt' C P . :It's apparentl.y a' hard season Last S«tW'day morning the City "McGannon works' for the.~ AL CONTROL of atorrii~al!ve.l= ri~at at her h~., His:n~me hl! many;, thousands Q! l!0wi. m!!:R ews 0 arry .age for hub caps . and whitl! rims. polic~ found. the rear door of the troit Terminal Cartage company,' opment is' released b ... '5t t. saId was Dol1'llld' Baxter. He gave wl!r~. en.abled to contmUl! thl!IT Robert Geldert of 2lll!1 Beaufait; Hl!!1~__Mar~et o,n 'Xl!rcheval h.ad ""herl! he has_ ~ 'l!1llployl!d for :De~rtment • , . wou1d o;:'~ke ~ his Wi~l!'S add~l!SlI there and ,also studies so that. with the l!nd of Of L IF' , G. P. Woods, reported to the .n'}Imnlled open. The propne- 'the Past 12 years. He owns his Irllemational ."Atomic Devel""- gave a number ':If other names as the w.ar ~hey. have been able ~o. oca eatures Park police that while his 'car. tor W8ll' notified, but a. thorough ho.me on Kenosha and has never .ment Autho't .. t'h. I ...... references., Mrs. Curran gra- return to theIr class room work was parked in front of 827 Bea_ seart.h of thl! place by him and had serious traffic trouble befclre. trol hver l~~ ypr~u~~~O ol!fcoJ;~ ciously (old him to reverse' thein'high School' or :colleg~ ' with . consfield between 9:30 p. m. and thl! poliCl!' failed to disclQS{! any He is Ill!ing hl!ld at police head- world's fissionable mater;!:ls and lelephone charg~,. m\lch of the '~ap In their work Because of the many requests of, our readers, the 12:15 a" m . .on ~riday thl! hub the:t. The theory. is that ~e p?lice quarters on' Jefferson avenue to rell!ase thl!ni to th

t i • • * 7mb . '.T~' S'R:OSSE POINTE NEWS Page Motor company.). Many of built there during World War II. Auto Club of the development itself, which ALL UNCOVERED dinner party wu ill progreSa .a --;Beadlines. of the Week r the memben 01 Local SO were The move is supPosed to h'ave he said would. be beautiful in Sunday morning shortly after her home between 6:45 p. m. Ind women ••. had also $50,000 in its been made by Secrelary ~yrnel buildinl' and (rounds arid fully midnight, Mrs. F. J. Visolara. of the time of phoning; some one treasury which' riO)ll (oes .to the conf to absorb the coat •• 0 Head of to crimp. by example, Russia'. (Couthlilecl froils • .ce One) . orming to the most exacting .d I th hood off the eat «:OIlt1AIIM lrolll Pac. One) International UnIon. 865 ,Ihrrin"ton, phoned to the ha sto en e National Automobile ,Dealen As- moves to maneuver favors aDd demands of Grosse Pointe. eo .,. . political primacy in Iran and her previous. meeting that out of a , ,poll'ce that some time while ,a of one of her gueats. sociation calls the latest cut of The Automobile Club, which 8atlU'uy, Marth 3. PHILIP MURRAY, prelfm!nt nei,hborin, ./imall c.ountries. . •.. board of directors o( tifte<;n mem- 2 per cent in dealers profits a THE SENATE HAS PASSED of CIO, says that he favors the bers for the whole state organ- has maintaIned its Pointe branch ~ T \ £ .II flY' "cockeyed idea." Byrnes said to have discussed the Iz'l'Ot!onwith its more than 200,000 iil. the Packard Building at East tilT fiT' E. S creation of an impartial commit- move. at length. with Spruille c. the Ad.ministration lIiPonsored Jefferson and Lakepointe. is be- ~o. S • • • • tee or umpire to settle jurisdic- Braden, ou)' former Ambassador members, five of the Board were :. minimum wage bill with • rider REUTHER'S FOES IN UAW ing allowed'to retain quarters in ~ tional diJIputes between CIO lInd residents of Grosse Pointe. with ,impOsed .atthe instance of Se'.1a- seize control ol executive board. to the Argentine and now high three out of the live livin, in the . tor Russi!!1 of Georgia whIch . . . AFL. in our"State Department •.. to ~~o~t~~~t~:yth~~ b~~~:~1t~~~~::. ~ the man in the street it looks Park. I, raises farm parit}' prices .•• an- EVERY INDICATION that the • • • who has taken over the building UNO DIPLOMATS in New like appeasement of the strongest 'Among the inter~ted_onlookers ;:.Iwering the President's threat to walkout of DSR employes will for Packard ,sales and se,rvice. York say that despite the hulla- Chamberlain tinge. when the vote was taken were: ;" vetO the bill il 10 passed Senator be in effect Monday mominl. Whiting has established one of ! Runell an grity declare.!' it is th e . ... baloo raised ..c\'er the Russian , • • • Co), J. G. Vincent, vlc:e-preaident the ,outstanding automobile l wa'k-out in the Security Council ASSOCIATED PRESS saYI.'U. of, engineerin. at, Packard; i,:President's right to veto but ROCKETS TO GO 100 miles in. branches In the country, employ- the general trend of Soviet- S. Iriteliigence officers in, Ger~ CharI,. T. Bush of 1007 Three " equally the Senate's right to .pass to the stratosphere are in prepar- ing a sta'" of 15 service me~ to American relations appears .to be many are pressing their manhunt Mile, drive, N:llIllerd Burleigh. over his head ••• Chester Bowles, ation by the Navy,.to automatical- care for the Pointe. He is novi towards improvement. for. remnants of the powerful head of Ea.tern Greyhound .line; :' Dlrector of EcQnomic Stabiliza- ly collect meteorological data !or displayin& the 1946' Clipper sedan. • • Nazi underground movement Henry Slay field. attorney; H. , tion, previowly warned Senator planes which will soon he flYIng • Monda,., April 1 whOse. smashing 'Vas'started ill AUI'u.stul. b'Dell, ",h(l will be the The aulo club will occupy;thll ;: Pepper of Florida, author of the through the air at the unprece- DSR EMPLOYES GO OUT ON the great raids on Sunday, when architect of the club' house; front left hand portion of . the ,; minimum wage measure, that the dented height of 70,000 feet. Packard building until its new STRIKE deapite appeals of Union more than &00 were dragged in. Ralph Thorn .... a direc~r of the ; R~l amendment would in. structure is completed, ,Two things • • • leaders . • , all bus and street I . ••• M.A.C.;and Joseph Hickey of i, creaSe food costs by 15 per cent VFW ORGANIZATION charges car service in Detroit tied up. THEODO'RE 'I. FRY; ~1 the Edlemont .Ptrk. ,-' ,'" arid all retail prices bOy6 per cent, that the il)jection of political and . ... lntlation comes when, we pay ~:'would add $125 per year to the Michigan Liquor Control Com- Rlchllrd H.rt'ft, Gl'neral Man- are .~ighty pseudo-economic argumer.u' ~re APRIL DRAFT OF 125,000 too high a price f'Jr living well i:'food costs of 'the average Ameri- holding up tile home bu!ldmg mission. now attending the Na- Iler of the 'club, who was also and too small a price for Iivin& 1'; can' Uriilly and would start a new m"n, issued to make up short- tional Alcoholic Beverage Con- there, told. the l'lEWS of the program for veterans and deny- agesin 'recent ~onths.' raises right. :.. . race' between' prices and wages. trol Associallon in' Atlantic 'City. Jlurpoaes and' operations of the nice to have ing them th.e shelter they so des- qucstion ,of ability to raise quota. " disposes of the'ru!l)or he intended ,club ... it willf'wiction in.Grosse j... '...• .. perately need. the lar&elt since V-EDay. f' C~A IS WRESTLING with • • to run for Go'vernor by saying Pointe., The 18,000 odd members • • • • he would not run a&ainsl MurI'llY, of the. club .who, , are residents in your pocket .•• a I'air [' pla&ues of c h <> Iera. bubonic MICHIGAN AMERICAN LE- REPRESENTATIVE EM I L Y D. Van Wagoner; ol the Point. will' nave conveni, ~' pla(Ue,'s!l)all po~ and f!leningitis. GlON SPOKESMEN join with TAFT DOUGLASS. (dem) lIli- ,':BlaCkA3iaUc.lmall POle. rare in , • • • en tIy a,t 'hanct. a superior ser- and" iheir nlltionai leaders in demand. nois, in't~oduces a' resolution in of tickets to the Opening ~'thia country,' has already been Wednesday. Ajn:l1 3 vice, not only in every depart~ ing "Super-seniority" for. rein- the House 'asking Preajdent Tru- 1. imPorted. on the 'u. S. Pacific statement of Wcrld War II vet- RUSSIA SENDS HER REPLY mentwhich blsto do with the "Bab, .O'idill." 'lnorthwest , , • five already dead erans in their jobs •.. lit ,the is- manto instituti nation-wide ra- to the UNO ••. says she h~ ef. operation gf ,tli.eir.automobiles, Game. and the Kilgore and The charm and. animation of ,. ,I","'in Sea,tUe.. ., ,.. • • . sue will be ,carried to the U. S. tioriin~ of sCllfce. f~ds, • fectedanunderstanding 'by d\- but IJUlnY"aida extendina: beyond rect' negotiations with Irall •. , this. ' your children capturl!d irillnQ-, '.Hurd label. :- ~H' OPKSAYS AUTO MANUFAC- Supreme Co~rt. • , :MAYOR JEFFRIES says' that .Russiandelegates sit glUT!Jly by AmonI" them will 'be a travel to.llraphs that will deli.llht lven I:: ~iT~' PRICES will have to, DETROIT CITY COUNCIL. whenev.er public, opini?nde- al commtinication is read, and burea!! wh,ich wiU. De, available the ,most, critical. parl!1lt. .r/ t;i~ ~Iked an averal'~ of 2'>2 ~r rules that quonset huts niay be mands, It ~e DR~ operating em- the. impression prevails that the for steamship.aIi and bus travel, All photographS taken in the ".fiicent, u :lb. retlult. 01 wale m, used for .busineSs purPoseS. b!Jt ployes strik~ ~11I. be broken. tension has been little retaxed. in addition to automobile travel comfDrt 'of your own home. must be. appro'vl!d by the fire ,RUSSIA transfers $1,723,000 tei Russians 'moving out of Iran oft, aids. Any member desiring to ficiaUy repor!'ed from Teheran. go to South America or' Europe, By Appointment Only marsnal and commissioner of New York payin; in lull iu share . • • • or wherever travel lanes are , :.~ ~~t":~~~':building and safety engineering, k" Photoollraphy by '.•....'...~!=-....~. I. canl\o'. be morc. thoan 20. e.etni"h 'of the $25,000,000 wor. Ing capl~ MICHIGAN10rests are swept 'open thrQul'hout the world, can • .. tal fund." of the United Nations ,.,~; . c.n S.. ore D.. I TocIa, ' and 'cannot be placed on blisincssOrlanizations. by fires as ,esult of unusually get every aid possible. ' Reserva- frontaill 01). major thoro!1&hfares " • • • early and' dry spring • " 45,000 tionsfor hotel accommodations acres already burned over. as ,well III ticket. can be made. '&LGORt"'HuRD •• 0 orqer. cauted by labor Md REPUBLiCANS ARE choosin& materials shortages due to major Ii new National Committee chair- , • • • Mr. Harrt'ft WIS especially en- SUCCESSIVE TIDAL WAVES thusiastic about the appearance 1259 WASHINGTONBlVO.Jl.IN'THE BOOK TOWER_ liJ'i,;SPR1 N G progral'!l. for. veterans homes. man today 'il\ Washington • • • appear' o,n the Alaskan shores. -, ",{.. j;, "", .' . ' .' •. - ~.. Representative. Carroll Reece".of . ... . SUJlCI.,., Mareh ...U TemieMee .and former Senator LIEUT. GEN. -'MASAHURA ~:? ~.CLEANING FIRST' ORGANIZED inquiry Board of the Immigra- Il> round up 800 of the ploUeI'll •• • • • • ~} tlon. Bureau because she had go W. U. S. Army officials JaY the SENIOR INSPECTOR .SAM passport or necessarY,documen!L 1< ciean-up broke .the back of • THROOP' of the J:letroit ponce Packard-Grosse Pointe, Inc•. t~ powerful underground movement, warns motorists lIgaiJlSt charging to re.NaziIy Germany, passengers for rides : •• "accept- • • • ing fares without a license or in- Victim ~.sq~areDeal LAST MINUTE EFFORTS .OF surance is a-violation ofa city 15205 East Jefferson - at Lakepoint. (Continued lrom Pare One) THE GOVERNMENT to avert ordinance. '.. any drivers caught __ . I' i ~ Cleane~ &Dyers the strike of .00,000' bitumioU8 doing it will'be ticketed lItId minen fail and atrike ill schad- their C;ar!!.irnpounded.". 35 years old. 6' 2" tall, weil'hed r;. GROSSE POINTE. about 180 pounds. uled to. be,in at midnilht tonilh~.: • • , .. : When the hour for the phone

'?•. '.;,T.'. , .~'~~tt:':i;J.':~~~-";"1 , ~~.',..r~~~.. 'f;L':][;~.S'.'"~'~.';i';o"~~fj.",...>~, April% , messale passed,by.the.lady .~, ~" " rw:.u ...nan. n. "'.... AU- ~',:

'.j.. . something new in IQunge" w,ear 0.... 1." OSCAR Q. Ilt:lNIlCM, SerTice M_ Mft.TOM 'M. 1tISOlll.. Pam and GRAUl F. SCMNhtJ8t, Sola M .... I Depart. .,cr. With Packard since 1911; Acceuories ManSKer. Wilh Pack. aK"_ Wilh Piclcarc!, ill. Detroic !. 'I in Grosse Poinl~ silKe 1929. ard-GrOS5e Poinle,Inc.,since 1943. rnail opera lions, siDee 19~. !~ .ell • Worn either as a shirt or as, ,.', f j a leisure' coat, it combines the; ;, t ~_ advantages .of both. ~Note the! ~. l ;~ three roomy pockets, shirt cOllar) i i! \ II and sleeve treatment. Tailored ~ of fine corduroy for. eal~in.))J. .' All Size Fil. in Stoct I, " action. here is re-J.. I't; ;~ laxing comfort per-, DevtlopilHJ nd I'rilriilll , lsOniued. \ Choice of 1 DAY SERVICE

'0 smart pastelshadea'j Hew Fallltten " t f .10.50 I CAlERA ... , KlI f WITH CASE HTT8 CARE FOR YOUR NESIN. ,'I G. M. EXpo!lIre CAR-Here's ~quanenfor the Iffrw_ ~ ~. j',!eters $ 1.11 ne.,.. Paclcard Clipper ••• hea«fquar- 1,r<: 12" CatlinA' Board...... 6.75 I ten, too, foe the best of care fOr yoar ( Roto Dryer ~ 16.-' AIDa'S Me.1 IlUIIUI CAI Enlarfl~ EaseL ,," 5.n ptaeDt car. Come in every 1,000 mila, ;,; G. E. Inteml Timer...... 5t ntf NlW oe ~ 81'l1OOth-let out experie1Ked ~~ Adjustable InvelopiBl' mechanics protect yoor investrMnt _ i, Tanb ~." %.65 PACKA.RD cu.-rst , Vokar ProjectO'r 13.. well as yoot motoring peKe.()f.mind. l .- Ct.rOllleFerro..". Ti. Expert time'laving serviCe OD .n t lfIIAI;INC.'S' olld Filters ill Stocil makes 01 cars. ~, /MEN'S WEAR~617 ....WOODWARD AU: THE _AM WHO OWHS 0141 ~i l, l';' { .-14319 MACK AYENUI ,.,~. Bet. LakewlHMl llD4 ~ ()pen Fri. and Sat. ET.. Till 9 P.M.

~ . .' ", ;,,',. ,~ \:'; ,,','.' ... ,' .'

1'1iunaiYI~prift".., ~'lfOS S! 'It 0 TNT E NEW $

. ' 'innual FannsPoliee ~port Rough' Going for Ambu lance Patients Optimist 'Club Contains 'No',traffic Deaths Formed Here ._'-- Dream Department Handled J ,8,39 e.1s ,During Yelll1 Scout Cars Service Organization Holds Travelled Total Dist.nce of 131,531> Miles First Meeting of Pointe Things A comprehensive repOrt of a' full year's activities of the Branch, olice department of the, Village of Grosse Pointe Farms has been submitted ,to the village' council by Acting Chief A Grosse Pointe unit of the Eugene Bolo. 'The period 'covered is from March I, 1945 to Optimist Club. recently organ- February 28, 1946. , ized, had its first luncheon meet- During lhe year there we:e ing in the Dorothy-Mary Dining

77,[,------',V, Room on Fisher Tuesday noon. cases of ,SimPle larceny, wllh, ,a J,'UVeniles fO,r arious offenses, tolal loss of $1.106.91. Of thlS There were 42,dog bites reported. The Club is a service organiza- amount. $506.71 was recovered by Aulo d~ivers' licenses were is- lion of much the samecharal;te~ the Farms police. sued to 1,618 during the year and as the Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions The report shows three cases 204 bicycles were licensed. Dogs club, but accenting as its motto, ot grand larceny, with a loss of impounded totaled 192 and of "friend of the boys." $579.89, of which $192.95 was th~ 66 were disposed of. which The Grosse Pointe unit sial ts ,recovered. One holdup was re- means put to death. Some 38 out with about 75 charter mem- porled. The loss, was $9.00 and slray cats also met their end bers. composed 'of well known ,t was all recovered. There were during the,year. business and professi.onal men of 12 cases of breaking and enter- A total of 64trai!ic cases ,net- the community. Instrumental in ing, in which the ,loss was led the village $I,mi in fineS. but organizing .the club here waS $1,126,55. All was recovered, only one driver had his license Clarence li .. Dusenberiy, of St. Property destroyed in 41 re- s'ull.pended.Traffic violation Louis, superintendent of interna- tionalextension. . ported cases totaled $285, with tickets were issu.ed to 207 drtvers $125 beillg recovered. and $486 was. collected for these Mr. DusenberI'y says that the Seven. cars were stolen' and 13 violations. Dog tickels. brought organization feels it has a great recovered in the village. Obvious. in another $263, 'Twenty-six juv- work to perform throughout, the' Iy six of the recovered cars had eniles were sent to probate court nation duirng thC3e times when been stolen elsewhere. Of 30 to' have' their Cases, disposed of. there is such 'concern over the bicycles reporled stolen, 24 were The scout' cars' of the' depart- problem of Juvenile delinCl.uency. recovered. The missing persons ment drove 131,635 miles during Warrant Issued Last year, he. said, the club item shows 15 reported and 16 the year, using .12,6e9 gallons of HilBes.t Named President throughout the country assumed direct responsibility for the guid- found. .' ,. . gasoline for an average of 10 4/10 Iil:Burglary Case, A total of 125 traffic accidents miles per gallon, ance of more than 200,000 boys. Following the luncheon the or- did dam age • estimated at . ----' --- Of Philatelit, .OTiariization A warraIlt was issued yesterday ganization meeting was held at $li,B63.50, There were no iradic by Judge Belanger for the arrest deaths in the village, but 21- in- ,YO.uthS.n.loS.tu.. rb Many Grosse Pointers belong Wilmot Osborn .was install"ed which the following officers and of Andrew Pulido, aged 29, for directors were elected: juries in,'.tratric arid 44 injured ' ° to 'the Michigan Stamp Club as s~cretaryalong ,with Walter 'Q. which meets on the first and, Guibord. as treasurer. Guibord burglary at the home of Robert President, Lawrence Korte; 1st in home 'accitlents., One suicide Hospital U,let M. Hayes. at 803 Beaconsfield, on was reporled and the Coast, Guard third Mondays of each month. It succeeds ,lioraceHartweU, dean V. P., Chester F.,Carpenter; 2nd March 23.• Mr. ,Hayes sighed the V. P., Dr. W. L. Tuttle; secre- recovered two bndies off the vil.' -- is one of, the ,oldest philatelic 'o~ ,Detroit. collectors, wh.0 stepped complaint. in the case. ' lageshores in Lake SI. Clair. 'The 'SislerLin charge or the societies of Michigan.. AL-the • tary-Treasurer. Zack Moir .. ' 715th, meeting the annual ill, aside after serving the Michigan Puiido is a Mexican, whoSe last Directol'S, G. D.' Wooldridge, Doors were foUnd open on 73 Bon' SecOurs Hospital have been given addreSs was 1553 Howard buildings by the Farms police. greaUy 'di&ttlIbed recently by stallation of officers was held 'at Stamp Club .long and faithfully, Barton F.Trail, George F. Knulf, , . T congregations of noisy boys and the Book Cadillacl:otelin De- to make way'for new faces in the street, Detroit. • Melvin Berger, Howard Linder, men on palrol' work. he total girls in ,the ,immediate vicinity troit with AI C. Butzen, 3435 Ha~ official, faniily.' President B 'e s t and Donald Reed. number of police cases during of the h01pital.. " , verhiU ,as installation officer. 'announced that Mr. Hartwell Compensation. Continues It was dedded that the regular the year w.as 1.839. '" efused t . be Pointer,.Hil F, 'Best, SPA di- would be given a key appoint- weekly meetings would be held Adult arrests for other than The youngsters,r .. 0 oy To Remain High rector and former vice president. ment in order to retain his ex- on Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. traffic cases totaled 62 and the appeals of the Sisters for l

Candle Snufflers Sherbert Goblets

Sizes 4 to 9 'Candle Sticks Picture Frames AA to B \ Candelabra 'Salad Bowls Compotes Celery Dishes Sugar and Creamer Yeget

Soft lnd I\Ipple' WHIMSIES have a special talp.nt for making feet look tiny. Concealed inner heel lininj( gives comfortable support. Everyone's wearing them now I IN .LACK VELVET•••••••• , •• , •• , •• ,." •• ,.,' .$3.91 entu.~ J.. " .~_IE".Y T '13933 EAST JEFFERSON,.t EIS&wn Opt,. TburstUy, FrUL.y-;'~ s4IIirJ;'Y IiU , i

'.&'R 0 SSE POINTE NEWS ThuI'SCI.y; lA:pr~4;",9_

, tried. This is also'.true .~r,the '. I ' .'t'h'. c ....Ed,'tor other sports .. Perhaps it is only 0..••Point. New. Talley Rant Letters to e natural for the Delroit papers to . _ • lIse Its sportmg seclJol\Sfor more PtaLlSH!:D EVERY THlJRSDA Y BY THE ABBE PRESS. INC. Ga-Olle- L... --' __ ..;.;. --' , :ocal reporting. ..' ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE D~'TROIT WESTWARD by I ¥ :Marc~ 28, 1M3. then read read of. the holocaust 1 feet that Grosse Pointe has OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL Heu. Tillie, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 30. MICHIGAN GenVemtlt: of our oft'icers in Frank(~rt, Ger- grown to. a size where it now EzaCler'atlolm. Since. the . communitiea • of many. anyone can see the reason needs and will appreciate a Sports . GrOsH Pointe are plannin'c on why more ot your youthful 18- (lage of it~ own. You have proven Phone TU. 2~6900 Getting out a cab. tor ll/nch selediDC a memorial for Vet. Three TrunK Lines A.PRYOR of \he year.olds must be thrown in the that it appreciates and supports Member Michigan Press Ass'n. and National.Editorial Ass'n: at 21. I came upon BONI'Ic'A eran,s. both livin, arid dead; of pit, in your allnouncement. la~t inte, .re!llly w~nt this con- ...... P'AIUELA, ate smoked salmon _ Grosse Poinle. Mich. Pear Mr. Ed(llr: , ND elhical drul(l(ist will pre- 'Venience I'~stored to. them they can get it.Blit they can't . HOW, TO GET ALONG WITH YOUIt DOMESTIC STAFF: Whe.n orie reads in the papers It has bel;n my intention to scribe. His 5knI is far !'(reater ~t it-' 'by gomg to sleep. And moreover it need not cost the When yo~ uk tor anythIng NEVER. say "pleue" and' ~on't say and VINTON FREEDLY IUDClbedthat the Reds have cl.eaned up in write this hitt.ertoyou for il lDng Ihan any layman's. but hc also hYft~yers. a d.ollilr .. Th.e bus. company will J'ump out of its "thank you" wh~n you ,et it. BaWl them out for imall things in a pert litUe brunette. ,A.couple of Germany and gone ~o",e leaving time: .Now 1 will tr)' and kill 'knows his' field"too weU.to try ~,,-.. . th.! DAMES ~o.t NYLONS Oil th.e only a sh1alI detail ot police, and "th b' 'd ,,' 'th' t . to fill a dDctor's place. A ',Ikin to.'pJ::ovi.de.s,uch a. convenience as soon as it is convinced froitt. of yoUriDests or 'each other. When• servlnr a formal dinllcr, house. I rot a.. bill for TEN DO.,. ------.---- First.ree Ir.s,I want'WI. toon.econgra'tulale5 o!le. : mild symptom may be a dan"el' the people I.re 'in ,earnest. , ',. if they Ullt tlie wronl{ servinl{' fork or spoon. hold uptbe dinner LARS and a dose Df COLlC. MAIL TO GERMANY you and your.st.aff.on the tlne"new sij(nal which only a trained dialfnostician can detec!. . This is not p~cking a quarrel with the bus company.,In and mate iliem,o back to the pantry fOr the d,bt Obc. Tell •• . ol'fices that I had' the pleasure of The doctor will insisl Ihat a then)ain it. is giving the people pt this community a gOod Cook .youwant your- ruests to be served atl o'clock sharp, then Speaking. a: :e we~e,of GOD'S ha;h:nn~~~~~ff~c:t ~t~:tw::e~: visiting J;ec~nt!y; The gro~th of fi~~~.druj(j(lst fill~jsprc~criP-1 'Rrviee. , The people' of the PoiIite hope the same' com- keep' her wallin I uiittl 9. (Thill alwaYI malt"" a hit and endears gift Ita OHIO -LOUIE BROM_once ordinary lellers weighing your paper and Its new hOO)ere- , panywill continu~. to do so.' But they should il)sist that this :YOII to ~be cook for life!) FIELD. 1 wonder if you',ve heard rtot in excess of one ounce. and Jlects the'apPfli<:iation ot the com- 'fhls 10 Ih~ 95lh of a .crl.s 01 Editorial Hd"ullsemenls .ppe.rlng , ~abl~' convenience be provided. The Lakeshore Coach ------Ihis story. MR. B ._,was holding nonillustraled post cards may be munity' of 'yo'ur en-orts to p~o"ide In lhls paper e-aeh week . . Line.; Ine:, is ~permittea to operate in the Pointe without In n.e last Coronet, we read • very enllrhtenl!ll' article (that accepted for mailing to all of GraUe, Poinle with iLs own live . . I be . . ' N forlh at great length on the beau- 'G . S h I It ' . '. B' f thO 11 , . Copy,l ~ht , , the iUoyment of taxes. ,It is a plea,sam situation it wou d stIli leaves us in, the dark), catled, "You'l! Have SEKVICE, ot . ermany. uc ,e ers and post new)illaper. ecause 0, IS ne, r- - . ties 'and bounties of the hayseed d t . I.... t h l'd" th d ,,-' f' th . loath. t, 0 d.isturb, and the er.ectio.n ot a neat and clean waiting, Servants." . Jt deals with the ftn,ding, and practical .peration of an car s are res rlc o:u 0 t ose of so I grow ,an U'<~ause0 C • circuit. The farmer's life was the a ~rsonal or family chara rer spirit of your p'aper to' make room would be a cheap quid p~o quo. ,'. ',' , .. , . agency started In Chicaco• that will end all your domestic woes. J I'f I" .. th I d d 't t h c._ Grn'se Pointe one Of the' finest ' , . . o' 'ded"t hould be ,; f.w _a~'~n'ca. hara and thera will -iva you a Mlu-h idea: "Thill Dny I e -' Ivmg OIL e an - an any enc oaures 0, c ~"", - HIGH SCHOOL COURSE ,A nd w hen suc h a' convenIence IS pr VI 1 S, ... ~ _u""' - ~ ~ ~.. ~ • great barns full of toil and sweat drafts, securities Dr currency are ~ominunities and to keep your the in'lmediate responsibility of the Park poli~e to see that it ~I'ency has a list o( !IOme ZOO bonded house workers who have (honest) and grain. Corn sprouts prohibited. 'readers'informed ot its activities, TAKEJlAT HOME is adequately protected, They shQulCi be able to do this' been trained in .domesUc science schf>1l1sand have ,radilation and spears of grass lerked frtim .------~hat l~eel free to express thesec- 'Now )'/lU .on c:omplele' H~h S~h",,1 wjth th~ waiting room literally under the nose of police certificates to prove At ••• " "Plan four provides a top notch cook; the bDsom 8f NATURE:by a'lov' 'ODD FACT . Qndpu.~ in w~Jlinlthi5'Jelter. educatlon and. W1".d Iploma by stud). 1..... 01 home In spire tlma: no .1...... 10 attend; lhounnds of people Rn...Oft'J"'~ > ;",;~~,;,~~~",t~;i,:~'i:d".",".~,;~, •. ,. ~I~~~<.se~nt,ist~ (aUin°ne)f~r ~o~r,hou:s~Very ingh~d, .Fine,man~re~. mare th~~~~~j~:~:.:r~~~~~~~. 'i~~~~ ..*':~~o~rJ~~::Jt~~:~I~ .ir:~~.. Amel'lca, ..re" ...khllJ.J'.d~t.a •••• ~~ .• ; "A bachelor' lit il small apartriient may hire a house'keePer than a perfect fertilJzer,'~ a begIn;:.. British mother to join her,.Amer- has ,done much,. to Improve the fn"o'.~,~hoK':'''e"'sl:ly ~~~':,oJ~"tlOnaIlY · , Fling and an end to R perfect life.' G J f h ' '. hl"t' hi h h I 'n aflon' Ue'for an' hour ':~d" fl' half a day at aa cost of $7.00 a week ••• " _ on a farm, MALABAR FARM! lcan .: at ,er was dressed in lie oosplrl . In our: g sc 00 .c~~Oro~I~:"c~~;,~t'I~~'~o~~d;I\~r~ I fl • : , Then we .have'lhe' little charmer (something we gotta see) • , • clothes made fr~m a nylon para~i1nd to bring to.:the allention nf S.hool educallon you or~ enUUe

, ~.y, :A:pn1 ~, '194& - &kOSSE POltllTE. tIl,l:WS Page Five Woods Resi4entRegisters Cornerstone laid for Salem Memorial Church

Large' (Jripeat Zoning' ~w See other Jacobslll1 Ad on Page 8 Robert Lytle, a resident of Grosse Pointe Woods, ap- peared befo!e the Coun~il Tuesday night with a large sized personal' grIevance. , "', Some time last Ja!,ua.ry. he tC?Okout a permit for the erection of a two storybullding,on Mack avenue near Man- chester. The first story was tl) be a store and he intended to occupy the second story as Ns home. The building Wa3 of fireproof construction, as required by the Village laws for the location. ' , In March the village passed its present zoning ord41ance which mode." log cabin on Mack, which does not permit living, quarters is ,far from fire proof. True, ~ity.wide eh,armer over stores on Mack avenue. they gave the permission subject Meanwhile Mr. I.ytle had as- to bond of $500, which enables sembled his building material the council to direet the removal and what was even moreta the of the log cabin when and if it by Stetson •• • poi~t had sold his home. The 50 decides. \Allagc made its zoning ordinance There was many a tongue in relroaclive and apparently there- cheek however when the "temp- tilt your head this WllY, by let itself in for a peck of orary" character of the log cabin trouble, if Mr. Lytle is prohibit- was discussed.' ed from going ahead witll the and that, •• you'll like them building arrangements he, had 'made, all in accord with a build- ing permit duly issued by the vil- Youth 'Confesses from every lingle •• ,they're lage in January before its or- dinance had been passed. Guilt in Broken He asked the council Tuesday styled for flattering elegllnce night to permit him to restore Window Mystery HUNDREDS iOF PARISHIONERS turned out Sunday afternoon for the ceremony his permit, which the'village au- thorities had withdrawn. After held hy this Lutheran church on Seven Mile road south of ~arper. ~~& Rev. Wilbert in grey, navy, brown ond blcicf. ,rave consideration; this, it re- Tens Police He Sliced Golf Burmeister is pastor of the church. The sermon at the laymg was glven by the Rev. WilliamH. Nies; pastor ofthe' Mt. Zion Lutheran Church. Ground wa~broken I':lqv- fused to do. Meanwhile Mr, Bell Through Hawthorne Hat Shop' ••••• J 2.95 and J4.9~ , Lytle's own home has passed to , House ember 4 1945 and the ,bui~ing, which, was expected to be ready for 'Easter serVlces, another owner and he wanls to .' will not' be completed ~til sometime in May, due to del~y i.n steel deliveries: The get in and Mr. Lytle is theoreti- The mystery of the brok~ win- new church will cost $45,090. PIcture by. fred Runnells cally all dressed up; according to dow'l'n"the' Haw' thorne Ho" •• on village Permits, but with no place ~ to 'go, 'acc~Jf(ling;to the village's Kercheval avenue 'has been ' Brin.k Brings 'Back. Colored Parents' to Pay . '-',~ own ex post fitc!orulings. solved. 'Kenneth Savage, 2010f What. made the case especially- 206 Fisher road, has confessed For, Kids' Prank aggravating,. from the standpoint that ,he did it' with his little of Mr. Lytle and other observers, '. . . . Movies of South America was' that a~ the same session the mashie nIblick. . .. . '. t" Two; boys, aged 10 and '12. liv- I' council dilL ,give a permit to' When the crash occurred on ing .on' Rivard arid Lakehnd re- Earl B. Brink of 742~erkshire, Lincoln Maire to erect a "selling th\! aIternoonol March 27, sus- Spectively, were brought into po- road. has just retUrned :from Ii Autos Tangle --'------picion pointed to Savage and a lice h~adq uarters Friday' and 73,day trip through sOuth Amer- rlabau't Checks friend, who were'playing in the At Light questioned' on the df!predations .l\ high school. grounds across the ica. He flew the entire way, going Stop • Sh' rta street. •But the police entry of soulh along the east coast !lnd committed last week on the H. E. HoSlery 0 ge that, dale .f'.nds:-"They were relurning north. along t!1e west At' 10:50 p. m., Thursday night Dodge. and Dillman estates.' found innocent." coast. He visited Rio, Montevi~ when the Rolls-Royce car of Mrs. , The youngsters acknowledged women talk deo, Buenos Aires, Chile, Peru, Louis Mendelssohn of 1000 Lake- The acute shortage of hosie~y. '.on April 2, another entry states their gulltand Tom Parrish, Ecuador, the Canal Zone and shore drive, stopped for a red , has had repercussions, eVWl m that Savage ,confessed he sliced superintendent of the' Dodge a CongreSsman's office. In res- Ii ball into the window and will Mexico City. . • light on Jefferson avenue in the Gahard.ine for Eesier • • • estate, was notified. The parents ponse (0 many inquiries, Rep- pay'.for the' damage .. Proprietor Mr. Brink look 2800. feet at Park, it was run. into ~rom the were .also notified and when,they resentative Louis C. Rabaut, Menmo refused to Sign a com- colored motion pictures to' add rear by a . Pontlac. driven by and. Parrish got together it did Democrat of Michigan, requestt!d, plainL to his already extensive library Thomas WeatherlY,of the ~'. S. One woman tells Molher. nM take long to reach an agree- ... information from . tile Civilian of colored travel film. For the Army. Frank Kalllan (vas dnvmg ment whereby they assumed the Production Administration.' past several years he has made the Rolls-Roy~e. '. . , a hobby of showing'these movies The rear end of the Rolls was coSt of the damages. about our. new 'Spring' conec. OUiciaIs' of the O. ;p. A. p.- LegiOn Holding free of charge to luncheoJl dubs, quite badly dam~ged and, the plained to Representative Rabaut The youngsters had cut wire women's clubs and church. and front of the Pontlac. There were partitions on the place and broken that' it has .been estimated that civic groups throughout Michi- no personal injuries but a ticket tion. We've neve'r.seen the total production of all tyPes EssayCbntest all the lights around the swim- gan al1d in neighboring stales. "(as issued t9 ~eat~erlYJ who're- ming pool. They had also broken of women's full-fashioned. and He expects to' have .his llitest SIded at B500 Elgm s(reet, De. seamleSs hosiery will be about ,Open to any man, woman or eightvsses about the pool and films ready for showing shorUy troit. women's dothesso youthful 480,000,000 pairs during 1946. If child (except paid employees of thrown a large earthen vase iilto after. the middle' of April equitably distributed, that would the Legion) a $2,500 "Jobs For the pool. • provide a maxirilum of ten pairs All", essay cOntest with a top Four Sana Discharged ..••• so eosy to wear' • :. so of some kind of slockings for pri:ne of $1,000 cash has been an- each woman: in the United States. nounced by The American Detroit Truck From Service J Parshall Names 'Silc or seven of those ten pairs Legion. Closilig date of the con- 'beautifully fitte'd. They're will probably beriylons. test is April 30, 1946. : Four fOrmer 'GroSse Pointe De.partinent Heads Complaints concerning the ex- In addition to the '$1,000 first Causes Crash boys all from the same iamily port of stocki';'p seem,to.,be prize, .the R<:o.~d pla.;e winner - ., ...... have returned from the wars. . ,. .",'~;:,:~!!ltb!,!:-JqorYCWI)~;;.•~o,~.,~:,~~' , without foundation as the amount will get $500 "md . third ,';$250. -.'A' Detroit. city. dump' truck ,~- .Theyare:.Wg"!1\M:F" P~~j,;Atx~!:9~t,?!r! ~~'?~Sp.,,~!~ "/'" ;,.Rut. out "of ,the.'COWltry •.i,. ,.re-. Fivl!"'$lOO~,,liD!f-vftv.''i'5(h.~ Intr~JlOrth¥OA,",W..,.bl,Jm~Viedf,lo:! :B.,,,R013ERT' ,N,.and,. J'OIDf""M; Frmay' mgnt ..pteslif~nt.'Howard latively small. Exports at nylon make' up the, $2,500"totll1. jump the sign at Vernor 'High- McGRAW. sons of MR. and MRS. Parshall announced the appoint- too old •• , they're exodly hosiery from Sept.. 1st through Essays must explain how the way and was run'irito by aCllr WlLDIAM F. McGRAW, SR., of ment of Commissioners to de~ Dec. illst amounted to less than Legion's. program 'for maximum belonging to Mrs. Mildred Olney Indian Village. Manor. ' . parlmentaI duties, as follows:- one percent of the new supply employment and' veterans' em- of 797 Fisher road, and driven by Until the ,boys all went into Department of Finance, Cornm. . right for you who we.:lr ,! produced. Total exports of ployrnent can belt be put into Mrs. Martha Cunningham of the service the McGraw's lived on Bloodworth; De par t men t of rayon hosiery during 1 9 ...5 effect. or improved, Copies of same address. The Olney car had Kensington Rd, in Grosse Pointe. Health and Parks, comrn. Sage; amounted to only 1.5% of U. S. these Proifams,.may be&ei:ured its front end 'bashed in. No dam- William and Phillip were dis- Department of, Public Affairs, sizes 31 V2 to 43Vi. :.. •.r,~r production. from. anY Legil\n, post or from age was do~e to the truck. charged within one month of Comm. McMillan; Department of , ~.;~ the. state Arm!rican Le,ion Head- A ticket was given to Nathani~l each other in November and De- Police and Public Safety, Comm. Suit .Shop' . , ••. ~•••• : •. ,49 .~5.,,,~O' Proud Grandmother qliarters, 602. Barium .. Tower, L.'Trpcker, driver o~ the'truck. cember 1945. Robert and John Fritsch; Department of Fire and ~ _"1 DetroIt 26,Michigan. ' . were discharged on February 10 Public Safety, Comm. Ulrich; Retum5 to Home r-ays must;be held to 3,000 LEGION AUXILIARY and 28, 1946, respectively. Department of Public Works and ,. '. words, typed:' double ,spaCe, on .. ' . Waler, Comm. Gillett, One of the . Poinle's proudest one side of white paper and sub- The . Detroit' DistrictS Associa~ ----- In the case of Commissioners Il'imdmothers, Mrs. C. It. ~ab.' mitt~ .~ 'quadruplicate, .Each tion of the J\meriCan Lejlion Aux. HOUSING PROBLEM Fritsch and Ulrich, respectively ley, .left. for her Philadelphia_y must'show the '. writer's i1iarywiU hold II Pan American A complaint that dogs' were heads of the Police and Fire De- homerecenlly after meetin;"her fUll, Jlame and, address, and be Program on Monday, April 8, at disturbing pheasants trying to partments, he desired to list both Jlew granddaughter, JayJie'La- malled to The American Legion, 8 p.m., 'in .the BallrQOm 'at the nest in the vacant lot near his of .them as Conuni.sSioners of mont Necomb, bOrn Feb. 27 'tQEmployriient . DIvision,: l&08:K Veterans' Building, Hastings and home, was lodged with Farms po- Public Safety as tlieir combineo. Mrs; Mabley's' daughter,' Mrs. S~I,"Washington6, D. C.• no Jefferson, under the direction of lice on March 29 by Ben Snyder bureaus constitute in' fact. a Dee '':.:i ~, Joh!). Jenness Newcomb, and biter, than midnight, April 30. Mrs .. M:ay I: Huntopn. of Beaupre, road. partment of Public Safely, iHi .Mr: Newl:OInb, of Neff road. Thl:! :".\ Ma bleys are expecting to return

. to the Pointe soon to make their , 1 .. ~, : borne.

Ba1ry's Own Shop •

.he. neW d.resses •••

the new Spring prints 'flave .shinllDering ~~Dty in plio the grllce. of a ~ight-rope walker patent. hags ",'•• €~~ • , • or ". ballet dancer, They've :. C~A.S~ the shiniest scoop of the se~son. , I been designed. with perfect balllnce lliJi E. Wanaa,at Owkr Drift ~Il pl/lstic, 1111 wonderful,., all 'more betweenshouJder ond skirt lines. perfect th~n ever. Blllcker: T~eresult is a dress with freedom ! . thlln pitch, these ~rethe b'e~utiful thllt makes II new person of you. b"gs to m~tch your p~tent shoes, Right for. that Easter selection. to shoulder llnd swing in the Ellster Dress Shop ••••••••• _•••••. 39.95 p~r~ae. Lined {"rithluxurious

slltin, aesigned with choice fittings.

Shoulder or top nllnale styles llnd

some with gold finished metllllock lercitnal at St. Clair ~ccessory Shop ••• _• :15.00 to 35.00 Grosse PIIII Fed. Tu porm

; ! l .'.~. v. l' ), I

. ~- -,-~ _ .. ~_'... _.",~:.~.- d- .. -".-i"_,~~~ •..v~:._'"":J_ .. ~~'~~<_;. -~_'~~ •.J.;.r=L:& •• g-r~ ;<-if.te;<;'#i' '~"r ...,'f' ;t "C"t rt.iH.,..6c;,;,?if,rdiCrGb'fz}f..,.~dS1'¥u' (IO>~,.:I' - .. ' ..,ISC?teFctW"..p>i«1;=i\".:'""¥=¥'4Ja~<"""\"'''''"tt,;,""~, ~"".tt-:.jt c.....ri~m""",ft, i.....'~ ~ err' ...'If,...... c" ::-... d , 'Pego Silt Go R 0 SSE POI N T E .N E W S --~--~- , 'I~.~, '~".. Society News Gat.heredfrom All of the From Another Pointe Short and .to the Pointe Three Brides-To-Be of View: -c-ro-~-~-=-tr-y-~-n-k-n-~-~t-~----E---d-'--P-'------~-t-~-A-~-d-~~,,~~-u-.-M-mIN~me~edding hy Day~ Jane Schermerhorll ~~Nh;a~~l~a~~:~~~~O:a; ngage to omter ~~~d~~~~~on~~~~: _ .. Miriam Gardner .• Sma. and.Mary Murphy Ois. last week after a stay with Mr. ~'n RY ,and STEVIE; 'are settling in Betty n Louiser Strictly ramblings: Huntington's mot her, MR,S. their new home with .. LIEUT.. closePl~ns for Spring Nuptia s' " '. GEORGE D. HUNTINGTON. of CMDR. 'ONJ;)ERDONK, "!Vhohas Mrs. George E. Sc~enc~'5 annual party to fete Mr. S. on Rivard boulevard. They will visit been hOllpitalized ~ince his reo . April and May Seem to vie with June as th~ "Month ~is birthd.y is rated cne of Pcint.s best parties this Spring. Mrs. H.'s mother, MRS. FRED- turn .from the Pacific'. Mrs. On-' of 'Brides". in the Point~, for three mo~e local ~~Ides-to-be Sat in • meeting t~e other day ....~ell som~ of the best ERICK BUCKLEY, in California. derdonk has be.en nuking her' have' named spring dates for thetl- weddIngs. MIrIam Ga~d- . authorities Of! "Speakers" ....ere trying to select an ouhtandinq Before reaching the Pointe the home heJ;e with her parents, ner has chosen April 6, Betty SlJlall May 11 and Mary Ibulse one for a coming importAnt dinner, • , Hl!ntington's slopped in Roches. JUDGE AND MRS. THEODORE Murphy May 25. , And when the final choice was mAde ••• t~e biggest ler, Watertown and New York J. RICHTER, of LakeShore road. The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church will be the setting City, N, Y. . •..• • for Miriam's 'marriage this Sal-A recommendation turned out to I:>ethat he h.d {Qund111 admirer gentJeman who wasn't even present at the conference, •• , • • • MRS. HELENMAOFIE WAL- urday. The bridegroom,elect is Philadelphia; along with Mrs. , . in '(: MR. AND l>,{RS. PHILIP KER, of: McKinley toad, is host- Seward Cnardavoyne. son of Mr. ChariesK, Backus, Mn. Roger S. B. E. Hutchinson. • • . KLING, of Neff road, were reo ess to her .daughter-in-Iaw, MRS. and Mrs. FredChardavoyne, of Morris. Jr., Anne Collins and "When B. E. Hutchinson says he c.n make a good Ip"ch cently welcomed back to their FRANKI:.INWALK~R, and her Middletown. N. Y., and Miriam Barbara Fitch, . there's no higher recommendation in my books" $jIid the ch.ir- Pointe abode after being away sons. L~ and BRUCE, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland will be best '. man .. for the three years Mr. Kling came up from' New Orleans with Henry Bates Gardner, of McMiI. man for his brother, and the served in the Navy. LIEUT.WA~; The .lieuten- Ian road. ,ushers will al$o be ,Toledo men. ..' .. • • • ant has gone on to his"new sta- t' t C M C. Matron 'of honor will be Mrs. Another May bride, Mar1 FOR MR. FORD'S FILES From Pigua, 0., MR. AND Ion a amp. C. o~. ,.'. Preston Mann.,while Jean Nyman Lou.iseMurphy; dal\sh~er of Mrs. MRS. EDWARD H. MURPHY ar- will be maid of honor. Mrs. John William Chapoton Roney. of Maybe it was hearing Henry Fcrd It' referred' to on thh rived last week to be the spring , SEAMAN FIRST. CLASS, R. P I d .11 k h WAR.NER81M.ONDS, JR., USNR; Rode and Barb'ara Schulu ",m recenca roa. WI spea er week's Fibber McGee & Molly show 15 young Henry Ford. guests of MISS BEITY HEN" be bridesmaid.s, vows to John D. Peacock, son of ': Th.t reminded us of a dilcussion we listaned to one'rKent DRIE,. of Webster road, has resumed his duties at Mem- from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peacock. ot' .~ ph~, Tenn., a,f t e r .a ~ine-day ,Howard GrosS will come Whittier bOulevard, in SI. Paul's . ; evening ••• . . . .:.' ~ Some 30 young Pointers were . leave with his parents, the senior Ne,,' York to be best man and on the Lake, ' ;; ~ . "I like to sea nim s;gn' his name He~ry Ford II uling the Simonds, of Lewiston road. . the' bridegroom-elec:t's' two cous- . . feted. by MR. AJone who was voted oblivion thou9hfit should be, while Bill, a former Marin.e, is SullJvans SIster, MRS, J.. PAUL and Jean Nyman gave thespm- . ------. • , "Henry, Ford To!''' , •• wearing a shiny new dischllrg'e CRAWFORD; :.. t 0 Washington, ster dinner Wednesday evening: MM' p. h. j .. button. wh~re. they vIsIted her, brother. The rehearsal dinner, will he held .rs. ac. erson ...... WHITFIELD PRESSINGER;. and, in the G.arden hom'e tonisht.', E . Cl' b to Pemberton, VA., where they E' ht tt d ts .'11 .ec d . POINTERS WIN FLOR.ALHONOR.S MRS. JOHN W.STALEY;S stopped with the J. BOYER Ig.. a en an . vn pr e e nteliazns . U ,I Florida addreS! has b"en changed CANDLERS . Betty Small ,to .the, altar o( -- ... . 1 Which reminds us th.t the senior H~nry Fords made Oftecf from Sarasota to Ormond Beach. . • .... Christ Church Chapel ,the second , Mrs.. C: D. Macpherson enler. ~ their rerepublic appearancel ••• She is visiting he~ son-in-law MRS. WiLBUR BRUCKER, Saturday in May. The daughter tairied members of he.rBook Club and. daughter, the HENRY S. It was a shipbOard romance for MARIAM OLETA f When th.y visited ftle f1ow.r show .t Convention Hall on NOLEN anI Oreste Fri:!d 'Fossati, when 18 months ago chliirmanof Matinee Musical's of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Small, al a desser.t lea in ner home 011 ~~ SANGERS, and their children, meeting, ,April ll,nas planned Betty will marry Ralph H. Row- Berkshire road last week•. , Tu.esd.y .fternoon ••• BETSY and JOHN, before. re- Oreste's ship conveyed'Mariam to Nev:, Guinea. This 1 ~ , They were glimp~1G'pending quite ICme time." .t the an int.eresling program with pi. land, Jr., son of the senior Row- . A review. of "The Towmman. . turning' to. her MeKinley place week the former WAC's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tainia ano solos by a guest, Mrs. W. A. lands, of Toledo. . was givell by Mrs.. Floyd L. t: exhibit where arl e.i1y mcdel Ford c.r w.i designed of, .11 c:.Ir. home. be•. t~ Vaughter Nolen, of Houston, Tex. announced the' Schumacher; violin duet by Mrs. ,Her sister, Mrs.. Frederick' E; Sinith: It was followed. by a .• nations ••• • • • trothal of the young tpeople .. ' Oreste is the son of Mr. P. S. Reinecke' and Mrs.. L.J, Harris, Jr., will .be matron of rubber ofbri~ge and a 'quilting. " Incident.ny ••• m.ny Pointers h.ve c.ptured ribbons at MR. AND MRS. ARTHURW. and Mrs. CarlQs Louis Fossati, of Yorkshire road. He McKinney;. vocal. numbers. by honor, and ' Katharine . Kidner party" competition. , the flower .how w~!ch contmuel through this SundlY .t Conven. COLBURN STANDISH, of Lake- !I served in the Navy for over four' y"eats and is now. at- Mrs. Charles Eillenhauer 'and Mrs. maici of hOPQr.Twp former class- On hand for thealtllrnoon les. tion Hall. • • . landavenu.l!, wiil soon wish their tending Wayne University. The bride-elecl is a student W. E.. Magnus, who has opened m.ates at the Masters ..Sch.OO..1 in..Itivity we.re Mrs. Paul Rice,. Mu. i Th.eseh.v.,included up to'th. time snon to press: daughter,in-Iaw, MRS. F RED at the 'University of Houston. They will be married in her home at' 18716 Prairie with Dobbs Ferry, N. Y: .will 'attend Qlaude Hayward, Mrs. Charlel. I DANA STANDISH. bon voyage, j Pcinte G.rden Club's Mrs. W. K. Whe.lock {minilfure Houston sometime this summer.. " Mrs. Parker Mason' assisting Betty as b rid ts m aid J!.'-Mrst Todd, Mrs. William R.' .Knell, i as she leaves for: Rosenheim ,in I. hostess. Luncheon will be served Joseph Hoopes, of WiIminston, Mrs. Marvin Alef and Mrs. Char. f frlm.esl ••• Mn. H.ne' Dwight Wilson (medium fr.mes AND the Bavarian Alps, to join CAP:r. IIn.n 'lr.mes)' ••• Mrs; Rcbert C. Winter .nd Mil. Brownell .Incentive for the C. W. TREAD. Their weck's jaunt to the East at 12:30. Del.; and Peggy McIlvaine, of les .Eldridge. ... STANDISH. . Other guesl5 were Mrs. Waller Br.dstreet (large frames) • '. • , ' WELLS' recent' open house in combined busiJtess and pleasure . • • 1------.~~ . .. . MRS. R. BOYER MILLER, of Dominican Fathers Club J. Bailey, Mrs.. R. W: Jean, Mrs. . To Gros~ Pointe Ne~iO!'!IIFerm .nd Gerden Club'. Mrs•. their home on Berkshire road for. MR; AND ,.MRS~ ARMIN While vacationing here from K!!rcheval avenue, is vacationing T H 'd Sf S • I Alv'in Seihert, Mrs. .F;. L. Hon. , Vincent'R. DePetris went I blue ribbon in the large frlmes was the arrival of their sons, RICKEL. of Edgemont park. i Goucher' College in Baltimore. ROBERT,-of the Navy, aod DON- They met their dati g h t e r, in New York this week. The end o. 0,. ~9 ocla .J hart, Mrs. 'Joseph -.Giroux and i cllss •• , ANNE- CATHERINE ERKFITZ ALD, of the Coast Guard, from GRETCHEN, in Washington and of the month she wili go to Wen- Mrs. John Fuchs, SIW the R.ymond' 8et'ry$ •• ', • just home from • Florid. Spellt many hours at the' GrOsse Pacific duty. proceeded to Atlantic City for 11 M' h h "The' Dominican High Fathers' ------holidlY ••• at the Flow.r Show, too • , • Pointe Hunt Club. She is. the am, .as,., to open er. orne Club entertaInment .committee PI,AYEItSPRESENT CO~IEDY. • • • a few days. Gretch'en' has the for the season., • .' 'are. m.. a.kl'n.pla' ns.fOT the.Sprl"ng' .' daughter' o/DR. AND MRS. AR- overwhelming task of recreation- • ,On Friday and. Sa~urday 'e\'~. ••• THUR W, ERKFITZ, of E, Jef-. MHo AND MRS. CYRIL BAR- al director for atl armed forces The FRANCIS C. FARWELLS Stag Social on TuesdRY,Apiil30 ning, AlJril :i and 15Pointe Play- ferson avenue. RETT, 247 Kenwood ct., Grosse will leave Monday fot Sea ,J!:' at the Knights!?f ,Columbus Hall, ers'wil! present John Cecil . .; NOW AND THEN in the District ot: Columbia...... Pointe F'arms, who have been va- .. . . land, Ga" alLer an interlude :with 9375 Amity. This will be entirely Holm's three act comedy. "Best /..Sp,-lilq;"j 9"6;;.nct~ti;il'yeei's- .Back)n :the:~oinle are .MR. cationing the past two months in MRS. JOSEPH SHEREl,t Is Mrs. Farwell'sparenl.'l"MRA~D duienint Irorr( p'rliviou. affairs. Fool' J:orwarci".'ttre' play will AND MRS. ROBERT BRUNA' M~xico City and th,;, famous Mex- back in herAurora,llL"home MJ'lS.DOUGLAS ,CAMPBELL, .Qf There 'wilt 'be' a full cqursedin- be prese/lled ihthe hip"!'chlml "~ S...... W.lter Irvin9 sharing tn. ride with lever.1 Detroit,n POWERs, of Renaud road. who ican' resort on .the Pacific' Coast, after stay with her son' and Rathbone place. MI', Farwell re- nel'.served; enterta'inme~t' and Ie~ aUditorium' and is sehedU1ed10 other trenlport.tionle51 lIVening • ',. a t!Ie flew to' Mexico' for their winter Acapulco, are returning to their daughter-in-law, MR. AND MRS. cently received .his 'discbarge freshments. begin at 8:15 lJ. m.We would And were interested to oblerve ALL the riders in lrving's vacaUon. home this week. JOSEPH S. SHERER, JR.. of (rom tlie Army Air Corps. There will be more details an- like to have you attend .the pro- car were .Ieg.ntly tumedout ••• it would h.ve m.d. I Harper . Ridge road. (C•• Uauecl •• Pace .) nounced lakr.duction as our guests., Baza.r picture cf. Detroit Seene in April, • ,I • I 'Th.t Spring about $jive" ye.rs Igo •• , when the Scintillat. O' tng Six were debutantes ••• (for}he nunery set: the scintillating" .ill indudedVirginia Ford (Mrs. S.muel H. Bell) ••• Etlano~ Stone: Brcwl! (Mn. S.ndy Weiner) ••• ElI.n Pe'Jbody (Mrs: • Fine Quality '~on.than L.timer) , • ;th. Id. Miry Mitchen (Mrs. Peul H. D.ming, Jr.) ;).}.Mary Gene Smith (,Mn. Arthur H. Buhl,Jr.) and • Good Taite Helen Elise Smith (Mrs. fredErick uthll1') ••• And how they used to rcller sk.t •• lmost .s loon 1$ the • Moderate Price ,snow w.s, off the 'grounds up l!'IeI dcwn the lovely boul.vlrds' of the Pomtll ••• ' . .. . ,. 'INWHICHWE MAKE;" DEEPBOW - r Nomin.tedright here ind now to our own SuPerior Penons CI.ss , •• il the Pointe's Mrs. Reuben J. Shum.chllr ••• . W!'0lddssom.thing extra when she gives h.r service I, • volunteer to the wcrthy C41usesin whichshe b.ccmel interest.d ••• During the R.ed CrOll 19~ Fund Clmpaign (which ends /' . ~pril 15 Ind you l;4Iinstill get your ccntribution in!) she plJt in longer than offic:e houll five (.nd in meny c:.IleS Sill) days • week ••• ' . , • And bythil w.y • ~ .Ihe passed up e Florid. holidlY with her family ••• ,'to stay On the jab ••• , It isn't oft.en you find th.t kind of $jIcrifice in I volunt"r ••• .::~ ~...~;:!,D::"l;i ~:iiiiu'=iiil ~iilt~rniHVi1..t iwihOriiy on voiu ... teers, if ycu don't. believe .us '.' • .. •


'1l1I1l1IIIlIl1llllllIlDmlm1lll1llll1I111nUllillllllliffilRl:lflilll1iml1llnI1ll1\11l!fii\ll!llllJlllllnI1RJRlDIllIIllIIlIlJIIlIIlUllMMUlIJAlllllllllllllllllillllkill"IIIW_ •• ; _ hlossom out. i ~ it~sspring John J. tlrOidy is ready with all the answers •• , and with a complete DeW ; noclt of fine furniture and lamps! Here, in this con\ff:niently located fteighborflood shop, you'll find an outStanding !election of be.utiful sol.. adelaide ~olyer chairs, occasional tabIes,bedroom lInd dining room furniture •• ' .. nety. I thing to make. your home more beautifula.M mon! "livable". Come millinery designer ; in and see us! i'" Hats for the Modern Woman I We Do Restyling of Hats i J 39 r-4 E. Jefferson J~J.S~ Iat Piper Blvd. fine furniture MACK AT' NOTTINGHAM iLEnox 2129, " ~mlll"'TM'Jlft~D!Ni11i""~mBleIfRlfUiJmnKD6lIDima&m&,jQJaa,

..~ '.t I, ~ 1,. ;>, ,./ 1..' ;;_.

7 ._.[ .. ,,- --"1" ".-'r ., '] ::.Enr 'i .~,::rbi':':.ie ':.'.'- -:,.-'-'--' ..- .- ....T- [ t? d ~,~.~.'94& & I 0 S SE P 0-1 N T E NE W S Page SeVlNl ;Woman's Page • • • .by,- of and for Pointe Women AAUW Schedules Betrothed to Ensign Army Memories "'.0, .w.ereo and ~.atno-t Three, Meetings ' Mrs. King Scheduled I By Wboozil Revived at Party Th~, general ..meeting Qf the' Service memories were ex- PERSONAL APPEARANCES ,Gr~ .Pointe ,b~anch of,.the changed Sunday afternoon as for- To Speak to Pointers .MARTHA ~OURKE n:~ver looked snappier than she 'did ,~;;~I~~Of h~r:tve:ri mer. Army friends gathered in George M. Brooks' .Berkshire road when I glimpsed her wearmg a moss green drl!S$ and lOng April .,;todily, at 1':30 p.m. .in National Garden Association President Here; To 8e Guest residence for cocktails. ' coat.in a rough material with a bright colored silk: scarf the home of Mrs. Paul Baldwin. at McNaughton Home tied as an ascot at her throat. "BUDDY" GOETZ was with Co-hostesses' are Mrs, William 'Robert Campbell. of Houston, Tex., and Robert Colby, of New Francis King, of South Hartford, N. who , .• her and' she wore an attractive "freshly scrubbed" l09k Rossiter~ Mrs. Edward. F. G~hri£ . Mrs. Y.• has York, flew io the Pointe for the been residing in Chicago recently. will come to Grosse , .• which is so youthful and matches the tailored clothes she a)1d Mrs •. Oswald M.. Gruhzit. ~ occaSIon. Pointe to speak Tuesday afternoon, April 9, at the meeting ...I usually appears in. Her suit waS a becoming brown and • Mrs. A. E,. ~odes, the speaker, " Olher guests were Lieut. and of the Grosse Pointe Branch of.the Women's National Farm I white tweed. It's nice to have her back after her wartime ~state ch.au-man of the educa- Mrs. Jack Ray, Bob Kimber and and Gal'den association at the Country Club. Mrs. King is bse e . bon commIttee of the AAUW. Eleanor Eckert, Cal Vogt. Pete r a nc. Tbe social studies croup will Wood, Pat Murphy,. Bud Hanson the !ounderand national honor. • • meet en April 11 at 1:30 p.m. and Al BerriS and Jean Burton. ary- president of the nati~ B. Hefferan of The Junior League Gardeners; Mrs. W. Wheelock, EMMA FOG Is iitotber of our ."tailored IIlOdels" aDd they with Mrs. George Waldbott as Still more champagne sippers organization so her presence will K. president ot'1'he Pointe Garden eerialnJy bceome her. Saw her in weh a pretty rrey wool suit hoste.. Mrs. 8ali Crocker will were Bob Brown and Jane Hqgh. be a great honor to .this branch. club; and Mn. Clarence W. Aver'1 with a cute frey hat perched Oil her hair which was .,rey jo matell. be the leader. A motion picture es, Don Wallenchin Slid Pat Chad- She will speak on "The Past,.The \ will.be shown, "Windlings of the wick, Ai'droudus Vaspassell and and Mrs. Charles W. Burton. Present and, The Future' of Our guest sPeakers .tth. GrOSM. • • • . weSt" " . Je:ln McConachie. the Jack Hoods Garden Associ~tion." During he,l' Pointe branch'1 meeUnp in Fel>o Another fal wbose &1'ey loek..s are vastly heeomiD&' Is MAJUE Th. .international rehl~oDS and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wismel'~ stay in Grad! Pointe, Mrs. Also among the 75 guests were ruaqr and March r~vely, l"ETEX~ Sile has 10 much lipr.rlde IUId' her JauCh ill so tlOIdaIiOllll, group wilL have its"ml!!!tin& on King will .be the' lUest of Mrs. April 17 at 8 p.m. in. the. home Seaman First Cla:ls Lou Maxon Lynn McNaughton, of Kenwood lJIe's flUl ~ meel. of Mrs. KelUleth BeardSlee, 8U and Barbara Bailey. George West, Road, a member of the national Unita,tanAt",na PL.", • Whittier road.:Ml"lI. Willie' Bug~ ArthUr Powell, Mary Jane Bar. board and palltpresident of both bee will be. the leader for this .rows, Mr. and Mr: Pu,rdUI!-,W~~Entertain ~, " .. Tber:bave bee!! marriedllfteenyeanaad bavi!hft ~ e1lJJclnR .. ' " ._'.' SCHRAGE, son 01 MR. AND .MRS .. W. C. SCHRAGE. Families at Dinner and were prepariac to adopt Ule UaiN, wbea tlley IellmelI of iMJr Miss Hittet s Engagement BIRTHS ." . .\ own "bl~ eveat" Annovnced .t 0"" Ho~ March 30 ••• to MR. AND MRS. JAMES F. WHITE- The Women of Pur4ueUrtiver"- HEAD, (Amy Pittman), of Muskoka road, a son, sity Club will entertain their faIn- . The bethothal of Virginia. Hit- ,JAMESF. IIL . ilies at dinner this Thursday, at tel to Will R. Bennage has been the Central Methodist. Church. ,Mf:Jr.ciq,,;:,t>iettingBusy announced at an open house in .. Miss Betty Roberts. will enter- the L •. A. Hittel home on Mc- Pointe Couple ..Celebrat8 Anniversary in Hollywood tilin, with ,an illUstrated leCture on Kinley road. ------, "Garden Glories." Hostess: "fest Virilnia attended Dem.ion Uni. Mr. and Mrs. H.. W .. K. Ellis." famous theatre-reStaur8fiL in HOI-. Side Group. Reservatons takeia .With}l'led,ditlg Plans versity, and her fiance is studying recently of Grosse Pointe, cele- lywood. . ' by Mrs. Jacob S. Lillie and Mrs. at Wayne. They. are planning a braied their lOth wedding an- . Mr. and Mrs, Ellis are now re- Robert B. Scott not later th&D. , ;'~.Y 10 S.c+ed 'fClrti.re~ony in Grosse Pointe Memorial wedd1rJ& in September. niv~ry at Earl Carroll's world- siding in North HollyWood, Calif. April!. '. , ", Churc),; ".r.tiesStart ApriL9 . . . • ;:"', .: ':'~ • .' ," • ',~'" '.. '. c. ' ,"', .'

L ~

T.:\ Quality Drug Store.

'hctw "" 'on.-. H...•• 1'MCf F~ 1 1MSerYJc. 1..... When yOur doCtor retvms from ~ DON'T TA!E CHANCES seme. to his print. P'~, you . , ; , wiN.lnt to again be his ~, So wekonM him home," IIOOtl • 'with .1ourfine furs possible. You can ~n tM Wa.".. e-tv MediC4ll Socl.fy, TEmf* ,-6404'. Furs in need of a cleaning are particularly vulnerable to moths. "The exctusiVe SPA for itlfcrJMfion .bout' his I'I'twol. They wi. ... you if h. "- .... "Seven Point" ele-aningprocess provides expert thorough cleaning for your futs, insures. their filmed, 1m n" 4IddreM Inci phOM number. ,coJlUnued lQve~, .Our .workrooms and cold storage vaults are ~gbt Jiere ~n the premises.

H y.. c"lIOt 1Irh")I. YM" fwrs, nhtfty ,., ooa CHIdw. will call for .... (wftllh livery .,...). Ow celd ~ rates tin .tallMnl, ow,. .. nice .... IC ...... PUR STOIA." REPAIR AND lESn"ING. SlCOND R.OOL 16926 I\HRCHEVALAVI. {; 1

r.....;.....' .•:.... >,,';;;;.. , .'

ThursCJ~YI ~Prtl4.1946~ t-,,... with Bill Cole, Libby Powell for the evenin" was tlill Quee~ saturday. . Mar,e BuJJ. Dick Walton" We're the~ . . . . Contest Extended I!'lmm"'W!I!!IIlBl"'''-_' 'I with Larry'Hi,bie, Carrie eaner Annie Wakemmwu with Fred Carter, Kay' SC~. ' , J'Kk .• • .• wel'e also included IIJ the order ~. Fleck, of .the day, AmoDg the P1c:nick. Short and to with Eddie. Baker, JQ&nie Geh, Auch, MarllynKai8er came with Mary Roney, DoC Oliver, ,',KAY 'SCHR,ENKHEISEN, ers were Naney Balkems,"Evie By Alger House I Kid Bits Ilert 'with Bob, CudJip, and Caro, Joe H~ckey, anel Anii' Leinin&er Pat H«;lll~ter, MatS~\tbM1aDd, whose abode is. over'on the Can- ' lyn Taylor with Peter Prince. Wall w1th Bob Nette. Flo Michie, H,arry Stahl, Nancy Iadian shore of Lake St. Clair, in. Osborn, Johnny Boydell,. Caro.l The Pointe. The Alger House photographic I By Betsy Bachman. Ii • • • -... . Bllkema, ChIck Fleck, Debby vited a "a"" f ki-'- Cobane, Jack Fleck, Marpe BuH. Hersch1ep Pede ""'. D - a = over on T -- J J Cob. , competition sponsored by the De'I~UII!llIl1!1!!U1!1!lI!IJJH!lIllI!!I!!lIl!IIlIUPm!lJllll~MARILYN LAMB played host- LES JOlfE,S was still another Wabh " r z ,eld, Kirk Sunday for • good old pre-war ..... ones, oe ane, and EVI. ess on Saturday night. Her date who decided &lve a party on trolt Institute of Arts has been to , J~e,nnedy, ancl John steak roallt. Bas~ball and bridge. Osborn. (COiltIDaed from Pap 6) extended untll October 12, Clyde . This week has mellnt a vaca- H. BUTroughs has announced. hon for many of the kids around Word comes from MARY He said the jury took this ac, here. and with vacation we na- SHERMAN, ,daughter of MR. tion because of the small num. turaJly connect a mad rush of AND MRS. ALVIN SHERMAN, ber, of entries received before the parti~~ and gay doings. of Balfour Mad,that sheis now a flying instructor at the Lan- original deadline of March 16. PAT CANDLER chose Tues, t~a Airport in" West Palm Burrouihs,stated that the Jimited day for the night of her dinner- Beach,FIa. number of' entries was due to dance which Wall held at the Lit. the shorh:ge of photographic ma, tle Club. Sid Miller was !rer es- • • • rerial! and to unfavorable wea- cort, and other couplel! seated ~RS, ~TANDISH BACKUS, of ther for photographs of exterior around the table were John Lilke .Shlire road, is. in Hot views. Cochrane and bill Mackey, Carrie I Deliveries Daily-12:00; 4:00; 8:00 Springs. Va.; fol' &. fortnight. She Carner. fans may now take c;arter and Ray Ives, Peggy Ba,r- accoIIlpanied her grandson, HAR- picturea all spring and summer rleand Johnny Boydell, Libby RY. JEWETI', Washington last to when Alger House and its Powell and Larry Higbie, Shir- weoekwlien he joined his par- grounds are i;lest suited for the ley Jerome and Benny Paddock, ents, MR, AND MRS. EDWARD purpose, Burroughs 'added. Barbara Burritt and Ted Kratzet, H. J:EWETT, II, who have been The jury is comprised of Elaine Kramer and Harry Down' wintering ,in Ormand Beach, Fla. ..,. Charles B. Phelps, Jr., of De- er, and Peggy Kemp and Bob •• and trait, who is president of the -Na- F~rd. Thos~ who chose to go Sma.ll;GARLIN MARILYN tional Association of Photograph, stilg were J1m Robinson, Howie • W~OD. ~e making lite gay for thelf Igrandpa,rents, .the FRANK eu; William M. Keese, of Grosse Muir, Johnnie Woodhouse and RE~AUDS,. while. their parents, Pointe Farms, 2. past-president of Eddie Baker, ' MR.. AND MRS. PHILIP SHER, the Detroit Camera Club; and • • • Mr. Burroughll. On Wednesday night, the same m:w WOOD;!)f Grand Marais bou!e'/ara, relax at Mil'lmi Beach. The prizes have been donated crowd .gathered at the home of , Their: hea\lquarters are -the Ta- by Edgar B. Whitcomb, president SID MILLER. Sally Watters ,turn ' Hotel . of the ArtS Commission of De, was with Sid, and the other dates Dc .. .'. troit. They' are $25 for the best included' Joey Mulford and Art view of the grounds, gardens, Marschner" Ann Wedthoff and Ill.:' . PEGGY J:,()U "TONCRA Y, daughter. 'of. the M. H .. TON~ outdoor, sculptures or terraces; John O'Ha!:;, Pjltsy vonReis and ]z: eRAYS of Buckingham road,' is $25 :for the bl!sl exterior or in, George McKean, Lee .McMahon I ,home from Northwestern Univer- terior view of Alger.'Housej and and Johnny Hooker, Pat Cand. ,Ility for a ,week. She has as her five $10 prizes for the, next best ler and Bill Mackey, -Nona Hem- I pictQrial views of the house 'or meter and Dick Ch'esborough, "house, guests her. roommate SUE grounds. .' Sally Frost and Bill Dahllng, and ,RENWICK from Geneva, III and Photographs'mWit beinillack Betsy Finkenstaedt and John .MARY JANE KENNEDY of AnD and white, orin color, not less Woodhouse. Joe Scherer, Jim Arbor. , Ii • • than 8xlO .inches, arid, on white Robins9n, Howie Muir. Mac , ESTHER~; PALMER s~t h~l' or light,colored mouiJts, not less Woodhoilse, and Pete Paddock ,spring;vllcatlon trqm,Smith with than l:ulBin~. . were the stags. her, mother, MRS. LONGYEAR -'------.,. • 'PAI¥ERt. 9f. W.as1)!ngt~: road. Marlene Ho'uehen' Honored LI~ ~~k~oo~~~uor~~;~i:~ 'Mi\S.~EDWINL.c DERBY~ the On ~rieentli, Birthday Elliot asked Elaine Kramer to be forio:er. Marie Macr~e, anr\ ber " ' his date, and some of the others '5tnall dau&h.ter,. LYNNE, w h ~ . A 'pink and gfeen birthday cake there ,were Carolyn Taylor, Ray . were 'with Lieu!. Derby at Camp with yellow candl6$veeted Mar- Ives. Pat Jerome, Bill Mackey Roberts,Calil., have, joined him lane. Houeben'sguests ather Ellie Buell, Bill Cole, and Grant in, Baltimore, Md .. Mrs. Derby's fourteenth birthday party Friday Wedthoff •. sisterlEILEAN .MACRAE. (If eveJ:1iDg.in th~Madison. avenue • .• • Balfour road, and ,BARBARA home of .her paren!." the George LARRY HIGBIE entertained GARDELLA, also of Balfour Houebe,ns. . ~.." 'the crowd on Y riday night. The road, arrived back iri'the Pointe YellOw daffodil! centered the fe,llows who were iri.vitedwere Jast week after a six weeks' mo- Ilupper .table, 'while novel. green Sherman Fitzsimmons, Bill Maas, tor trip to the West Coast, where flaVOrs marked, plaCes f~r t!)enine Ted .Barrell, Art Marschner, Bill they made La! Angeles the j r elusmates frolil. Pierce Junior Ma'ckey, Jim Robinson, Harry headquarters. ' ; 'High...' Downer, Peter Pilnce, Ray lves, • • • ,~vited to the frolic' were Bob 'Fisher, Bill 'Cole, Bob Cud- ""'"...... ,;..IC,, Proud par~ts are M1t AND Ginny K~er,Janet Weimheimer, lip, and Ed Baker, while lome MRS. RAYMOND K. DYKEMA, Joyce G1Uer, Kathy Greig, Jean of the lucky girls who were C1pprOJ'l'iat. at this ve maf season t!lon an Emi.. 'of, Lakeland avenue, whose Gil6$, Vicky Conway. Carolyn as!ted included Ann Stringer gift of perfume fr.sh end fragrant as flios. fcmous nelds daughter, M R S . DE FOREST Keith, Laurie Greig and Carol Sue FitzSimmons, Sally ~otter: frolll vdlich Its _ derIves' That It Is known cnd dlerished ELY, is now Dr. Mary E1y,Sbe XraIlR.. Joan Taylor, Joanie and Janie reCeived her degree from JoluiIJ An eveninl, of lames followed Gehlert, Carrie Carter, Sally by ~.women ltl.workI ov.r is lurlanoltler tribute" Hopkins .Medical School Mardi 'dinner.,. .Frost, and Deedie Dwyer. ... lis own unique chofMl 18 and is currently visiting her --_ ....._.. • • • , .. 0- ...... ,3.7 S.61lJ, 12.00. 2).00, 37.SJ, f:1J.r.L r-- was .held over .t MAR G E more, Mary willinrem at We- n ayn. • rillY. B men's Hospital, :while, DeForest ULL'S. She was with Dick 'resUmeS' ,1WI studies' .t'Jclms' Uslnl the "Circular Thealerh Carter, Jayne Balcom with Chick H kins. technique, the same method that Fleck, Flo Micnie. with Harry op • .. • Detroiters acclaimed in their last Stahl, Betty Brooks with "Westy': &I~~.. ,.. ,.".:"~~_,J-y--' ••• ". The JO~ H. WARDWELLS, p.resentation, the Wayne' Univer- Westerndorf, Nancy Boukema ; - ' " - ~' . . ,:. and their son, JOHN GIIJ:,ETTE, Slly Theater presents . ~ISprinl with .John BoY-dell, Marge Mas- who have been bldin, with her pante," by Phillip Barry, Thurs- Chell with Peder Field, Dottie parents, DR. ,AND MRS. FRANK day, Friday, and Saturday, April Donnelly'with Jack Floeck, Evie J. SLADEN, of Lincoln road, Will 4, 5aOO6 at 8:30 p.mp ill' the' Osborn with Ralph Dojier and soon settle in their new home in Women's Federation Auditorium. Shirley Dtak; ~Ith. Les Jones. Midland. . Thil comedy of college ille , Another group gathered' at the • • • s~ed ~thin a circle fotriled b; home of HARRY DOWNER on . It's mister instead ofERIRadiomm th..e,audlence. has as i.ts.selting a th e same rug. ht. Between dances F U'st Class for FRED CK BU- gld s college in New England. they broke up into foursomes CHANAN FARR, who is aaain Members of the cast include and played bridge. Elaine Kra- This llGY. Sprlng'lliad fragranee :.. mcd, from _ with his parents, MR. AND MRS. Oreste Fossati, 1388 Yorkshire, . L, ROTHE FARR, of Moran road. .Gr05Se Pointe. mer was Wlth Harry, Sally Frost rore clIld precious French.sanc. - captures the Frederick has just been. di.eharC- with Bob Fisher, .Sally Critten Ilelightful and exciting freshnNl of a thousand ' ed from the USNR. flowers. You'll never tire of it in Eou de Toil.lta; ••• After visiting her son-In-law !AU De TOUTTI C'-'> 7'" and daughter, MR. AND, MRS. I'dPUMI, 5.00, 9.00, UJO, 21IlI FRED .W. GOODING, in Lima, DUSING POWllfIl,2.oo 0., MRS. KIRK o'FERRALL, 01 JlAII.UP. lOX, 4.JO Lakeland avenue, joined DEAN O'FERRALL in Cincinnati last ~-- week • • • FRED GARRELS has returned to the Pointe after spending a month in Orlando, FIa., with ~~ MR. and 1mS, F. TITUS. ,... . of tit. great pwpIe hlOIIOlNo Thomas W. Thomp~ Feted .... ill a chonIIlng podog. At 75th Birthday Party to P SOllleoH 'fOIl ~ \'IoIet ea-:., 3.50 Mr .;ond Mrs, PierreV. He1tler'1 e.cr. ... a-ce, floral bIencI, 275 of Grayton road, feted Mrs. Heft. ler's father, Thomas W. Thomp- """'- son, on rus seventy-fifth birthday last week-end. At the Heftier dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. M. Ben Heft~ ler, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J, eolom-' 00. Mr. and Mrs, Hanley Dawson, Combination offer! WOlIderful AZIZA Jr., the Louis J. Colombo$, Jr .. Mr. and Mrs. F. C.Strickroot, Mr, Eye Cream to chase those tiny wrinldeI . and Mrs. Thomas W, Thompson, from around yoar eyes. F~ Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Moran. AZlZA Mucara that WiD DeVer.man or run. In 10 flattering color toneI LECTURE ON l"OLAND Professor Anthony Kar, child to accmt the c.olor of yoUr e:y~ and hair. accountant of the Hamtramck schools, will be the guest speaker at the Adult Discussion Group of the Unitarian Church Sunday '1,50"1' April 7, at 8o'clock. ' Prof. Kar recently returned from Poland where he spent scv~ eral weeks. He was allowed free aCCe!'S to all parts of Poland and has taken pictures of the devasta- tion which occurred there.

A '"lIIIIf" llI'l IlWIIl'f • IIiIoppInei lit :':•for ~iMirlating ~ lib •

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ni~~IYI :A:pn114,1946 ,G !{ 0 SSE POI N T.E ~ E W S Page Nine Simplified Meal at Home Easter Promises Art Insti'tute Harmar Chapter For Entertaining Guests Elegance of Old To Sponsor Meeting' Changed. This year Easter bring By BETSY NEWMAN will A regular meeting of the Gen- 1 c. minced celery more calise for rejoicing 'than it Th~eeExhibitions eral Josiah Harmal' Chapter, 2 tbsp.' bacon fat See other Jacobson AM I wrong or is there less en- 2 c. canned tomatoes has for years. Not only for us, but D.A.R. of Grosse Pointe, will be tertllining in h'omes since ration- 1 ham bone for our allies the Russians, this Tbree exhibitions arranged by held on April 13 instead of April Ad on Page ~ ing has sLop-ped? Maybe I ~l~ng 1 tsp. salt Easter means the hope 'of families the Detroit Institute of Arts may 20 in the Sun Room of th'C ,foil lazy gang, but entertammg Pash of pepper reunited. of emp!:' places filled be enjoyed by Detroiters during Y.W.C.A. on Witherell street. at 'seems to have gone to the restau- at the feas! table. April.. . 2 o'clock. A dessert luncheon rants. There's sonie guest dining Soak b~ans over night. in cold In Russia, Ea~ter, though it "Sixty Years in Review" is the will be served at 1 o'Clock. in private homes, I ~nolV. bu~ also water to cover. Next morning, falls one week later than our own title, of the show containing sig- Mrs. William DeGraff. State an inclination to meet.for dmner saute onion, carrot and celery in date of April 21st, will be cele- Chairman of National Defense, somewhere and then go to a home bacon fat for a few, moments; nificant objects of. art recalling brated this year with all the the days of the old Detroit Mu, will be the speaker. for after-dinner entertainment. add beans, water in which they pomp and circumstance that pro- seum of Art which was located Th'C regent, Dr. Nina A. Man- People still seem a bil tired. have soaked, and ham bone or a small picee of salt pork. Add sea- claimed this holy of holies in the at East J eft"erson and Hastings gas. will preside and give a re- Don't give up the home dinners, . d h bo days of the ts~rs. In Moscow, and street. port on the State Conference girls just ,simplify the meals. If sonmgs, an e;lt to iliug, Sim- indeed throughout aU the Russias. held in Grand Rapids on March they' are well-cooked, daintily mer until vegetables are tender, the throngs. deeply religious as This eXhibition features par" traits and reminders of the dis- 27 to 29. served and the ,company's good, then force through a strainer or not, as preferred. Be sure it is in Imperial days. will gather at" Mrs. Slater, ehairman of the everyone will enj o,y them. I'm tinguished be n e f act 0 r s who seasoned sufficiently. Serves 6. the churches long before midnight founded and forwarded the Mu- nominating committee, will pre- . suggesting such a simplified meal on Easter Eve. As the great bells sent names of members to be" today. ' seum and its activities; a diSplay You may doubt that this menu peel out the midnight ,hour. each of documentary material dealing vot'Cd on for officers for the com- Today's lUenll would be approved by your member of the vast crowd will with the Museum's early history ing year, Election is May 18. friends, but try it. I bet the old- turn to greet his neighbor. be he ,Vegetable or Fruit Juice Cocktails and a selection or the iii'S! paint- Miss Betty Jo Faulk. the PiI-l Old-Fashioned Bean Soup fashioned soup would "get" them, friend or ~trang"e,.. withlhe tra- ings acquired by thE Museum. grim chosen from the Grosse and many would say, "I ,haven't ditional greeting "Chrisl is risen." Pointe High, School, will give a Croutons Included in the .exhibition. Large Tossed Ray Vegetable, tasted that type of so lip since I and will be answered, as in time report on her attendance at the which closes April 21, Me the Salad was a boy (or gir1)." , immemorial, "He is ris.en indeed:" State Conference. famous Japanese Wrestlers which Oliver, Pickles Baked Prune Whip For an hour longer the people were prominently displayed at Baked Prune Whip Coffee 2 c. cooked prunes' stand outside the 'churches. Then. the old Museum. l. Bernstein to Conduct Hot Biscuits , 1 tsp. grated lemon rind promptly atone o'clock the re- The April edition of Little Symphony at Music Hall' Old Fashioned Bean Soup 2 tsp. lemon juice ligious procession begins. The Shows of Work in Progress pre- Ph c. navy, small pea or soy 4 tbsp. powdered sugar white robed priests, gorgeous in sents recent paintings by Lyonel 4 egg whites all the finery that was theirs un- Since Nov. 14, 1943. when be~ns Feininger and Harry Bertoia and Leonard Bernstein, then 25-year- Pit prunes and mash to a pulp; der Catherine the Great. start 1 c. minced, onion sculpture by Mary Callery. This old assistant conductor of the add grated lemon rind and juice the can die Ii g h t procession 1 c. minced carrot is the fourth of the small monthly New York Philharmonic orcbes- and 2 tbsp.Of the sugar, and thrQugh the crowd into the exhibitions of contemporary art tra, won country-wide attention blend well. 'Beat whites of eggs 'church, alld following them is the in a gallery set aside for the pur- by substituting; on a few hours until stiff, add' 2 tbsp. powdered chanting choir. Lastly the people pose. notice, for Bruno Walter, the Bugar and continue beating until follow, in reverence as of old, to BerLoia, son-in-law of Dr. W. young American has achieved stiff. Fold prune mixture by partake of this famous, sacred R. Vah~ntiner, former director of fame, not only on the podium. spoonfuls into egg whites. Pile midnight-to-dawn mass. the Detroit fnstitute of Arts. was but as a composer and pianist !ightly in pudding dish and bake The'ma5s lasts till daylight, bul an inslructor at the Cranbrook as well. In a moderate .oven (350 deg. F.) only a reverent few will still be" Academy of Art. He now lives in for 20 to 30 mlns, Serveji 6. there at the end. The others will It \vil! be as a triple threat ar- California where he devotes his tist that Bernstein" comes to Mu- have slipped out quietly from time working in a process called sic Hall for a concert on April 5. Passicm Play to Be Presented time to time. For Easter means monotype, a special technique of He will conduct an orcl;1estra of the end of a twenty-four hoU! printing with multiplc plates; de- 80 musicians from the Detroit By Catholic Theater April 13 fast-alt worshippers are ahxious scribed as half-way between the Symphony,. at least one of his to get home to the feasting that arts of painting and print-mak- work~, will be programmed anti The Catholic Theatre of De- follows for this day-and the two ing. he will double' as piano soloist in twit announced this week the more to come, The third April exhibition is at two of the numbers listed. the Alger House branch and fea- beginning of workonT\t!! Pas- For Easter is to the Russians April 5, Leonard Bernstein has sion Play, which will be .given what Christmas is to us.' A day tures the lithographs. sculpture and oils of Kathe Koll\vitz. pr\!pared the Prokofieff Classical seven performances on April 13 of greeting their friends. of ex- Symphony, Three Quotntions and continuing through April 17 changing fine food and '.lavish from the Bernstein, Ballet "Fancy as theY'group's annual Lenten gifts .. The samovar stands ready' Free," Beethoven First Piano drama. fOI' a ceremonial glass of tea at Cass Town HaII Concerto I and the Rhapsody in This 'is The Passion Play writ- any. hour, and the tables groan Blue by Gershwin. Mr. Bernstein ten by Rev. Emmet Hannic!, that, under the luscious goodies.. , Lists Speakers will 'perform the Iliano liiles in previous to the war. had received We here in America will not the Beethoven and Gershwin over -l00 presentations and had be able to take parI in such gor- works. drawn audiences 'in excess of geous, tradition - inspired cere- Town Hall is announcing a 100,000 people. During the war monies. BuL we will be able .to preliminary list of its speakers years man-power shortage neces- honor Easter in the Imperial Rus- for the "18th consecutive season Cornelia lC!nq Entertains sitated withdrawal of The Pas- sian way, by giving and wearing at the Cass Theatre. On October With luncheon at ,&P)'C, 18, it will' open with the 'author sion Play, which-demands a cast an Essence that was the favorite of the greal Catherine, Empress of "See-Here, Private Hargrove," Cornelia Long, whci left on Mar. of 125, as a I.Catholic Theatre 'of. all the Russias. Esse,nce 1m- Marion Hargrove. 24 for EI. Paso, Texas, feted a presentation. Wilh the retllrn of periale Russe is a fragrance ,that Olive Ewing Clapper, whose group of her friends. at luncheon CaU)olic Theatre veterans in has slood the test. of time.'lt, is husband, the late, Raymond C. in the large numbers t!!e group is its as truly regal Loday as it was in Clapper, ranks with the world's recently. ambiliuos project. the eighteenth century, and it is great- journalists, has had. over- On the guest list were Dorothy" .whelming success on the lecture ------.still chosen, by women'\vno waht platform. Since his death~ Mrs, H;ofrp.an, Jean Campbell,Barbara COlDpa~t..designed. to be more intriguing, as the gift d Swain, Patricia Peterson, Mrs. from the past-'-for their present! Clapper has edited and produce Carl Thrasher, Margaret Middle- the best seller, "Raymond Clap- . Essence Imperiale Russe 'comes per Watching the World," and misS, ,Marion Kuechenmeister, m three si"es, $1.50, $2.00. $3.75. with great success. published her Marie McKnight, Barbara Moesta for you' •••• BULK Other toiletries in the same regal fragrance. . own book, "Washington Tapes- and Connie Arnoldy. . try.""i . : ,. •. "Cor.ne1ia ,is thedau,hter of Mr. they're metal ••• with silver plated , 'Dr: Walter H;, Judd, United and Mrs. ,Ray Lpng, of Harvard I rj~atteJt' Guest Sh~W$' Presents ".". States Congressman from Minne-' road: ICE CREAM From Europe at Party sota, is a recogniied authority on '.mirtors ~Y Pilcher. M/lnY !:l9W, American Foreign Policy and in- Firsl the ,shirt' tail disappeared, Mrs. E. N. Marcus, of Oxford terests in the Pacific. ~e served then' the shirt. It's a neat trick • At the Fount.in Rd. entertained a group of la- eight years asa Medical Mission- but we don't care much for it . and lovely aesigns ana patterns to dies 'recently ,honoring Mrs. ary under' the \ Congregational \/ Varieq Salads, B. B. Berry of Fowler, In- Foreign Mission Board in differ- diana, who is "here visitini her ent posts in China. seled from. And too; they Mad" Daily. Deliveries Daily Until 8 ',P. M, sister, Mrs. D. Kassebaum of Two 'of Town Hall's'mostpop- Kensington Rd. ular speakers will be presentee!: ,I Choic" ,Soups Grosse Pointe During the course of the af- John Mason Brown, editor of The m/lke /In ide/li Easter. gift. ternoon Mrs. Berry showed IIOme Saturday Review of, Literature exquisite laees; blol.l58 and ,nuff and author of two of the out- Piping Hot Drug, .Co.' ,S \1 boxes which" her son, Bur ton standing books of the War-uTo Accessory Sh6~ 3.00 FrankfurterJ, 15e.' \ Kereh,val at ~t.Clair. ',NI. 4827 'Yost' Berry; our U. S. Minister All Hands" and "Many a Watch- to Roumaniahad sent her dur- ful Night,"wiIl give his "Review ing his years in thl Consular of Broadway Plays." service. Edward' Weeks, editor of The Atlantic Monthly" will review . , u. of M. Women to HokI current books. Pennington Haile, authority on T~.u on AprU'6 the Problems of Peace, is work- PIa. Easter to Your ing toaay with the WI/rid Wide The Delroit Association of Uni- Broadcasting Founda~ion of New versity of Michigan Women will York and Boston. His subject \\~11 '~iking~•••• S~ll8OtIID hold three "Area Teas" on Satur- be "Lasting ::'eace Is Up To You." day, April 6. The east .side te~ , ColonelR. V; C. Bodley. dis- will be at the home of Mrs..Oscar Oui' you go into the EClster tinguished British scholar, soldier Keydel, 2924 I.oquois avenue, by LYNETTE of fortune and successful screen - , from.2:30 to 5:30 p. m: AU ly'lichi- writer IInd author, knows North porade! Out you go in 'costumes gan women are cordially invited Africa, India, the Islands of the to attend. j PilCific and ihe ArClk; through assembied the way you want ."7!. living for years In the Far East Sf. James> lutheran Guild since World War I. • ,I .' Will Meet on April 10 .The Hon. William D. Salliel, them ••• with just as much cqlor /; one of the platfonn's ace speak~ f, The Ladies Guild of St. James ers, an unofficial observer of the Lutheran Church will hold its International s,ene in its rela- • • just as much dash as next meeting. on Wednesday, lion to Ameriea, will discuss the ~: April'lO, at 1:30 p.m. in the home youth problem and crime of to- your personality permits. Let of Mrs. Ed. Bauman, 282 Merri- day in his subject, "Youth Faces weather road. a Changed World." your neckline be your guide YOll can tell an old-fashioned April showers bring May flow- speaker, says Grandpappy Jenk- ers-eventually. But; at the mo- ins. He still says "Sold like hot ment, they also bring April glow- tow/lrd sui tab; lit y. Choose cakes" instead .of "like nylons." .l!nl., sophistication with a turtle

ned blOi'se ••• or be all sweet~

~~ ness with a fluff of' jabot. 5C1JlC." :~-e Our variety is endless ••• prints,

TEEN AGE pl!lins, whites, and all in tALL 'ROOM CLASS the fabrics you desire. ~OLLNOW The fragrance thaI beck~s goify to romonce:ll It', Fall fG Be l'opalar and' Easy Too Sport Shop •••••.. 2.75 ,to 25.00 hokls it with 0 light heart. Perfume, $1.50 to $17,' liE CONFIDENT toilet water,$1.25; dU$1ing p:wi'dlr,$1.50.PMtaXoi Leam to danee-tolead or follow. You'll en- joy yourself lIlore if YOu know wlla t to say anel what 10 do. Oar classes Include instruc- tion in lIoeial etlqaetle. M~t nar frienll~ and make new frlrnd~ ~fJ,: while ieamin~ t.be FOlt-Trot, Rhumba, Dellai, ~&e/Jmt~. Samba. Lindy and Waltz. i Kercheval at St. Clair Kerchev/ll /It St. CI/lir; In.nructlltn in All TYIIelI of Dance for Grotse Point. . Children and Adull~ Deliveries Until 8:00 P. M. Nl&gllra <4821 750 Alhr ..... LEllox 3837

'1 ~":'l'" l . ,, .,.u..«.,'" --.~----~---~----~~'~~--~-~----~----~------"0__"4 "4----- ...... -.....~S- ..... $- .....O...... C ..CIldSC...... Cti I.

. .' ~. GROSSE P 0 r N TE ,N E W S '. Tllursd.y. ~prt'4, 1m ~',i '. Ten 'l.- geles Daily News; Chicago Hef"- Kent State UniV~~ty eJ:hibitioft newly organized Girls' Council \,n< _ by one t.he various char- aid-Americllll, Dayton JourDal, were duplicates of t.bose s,hown meeting at the Neighborhood By' R.]' scan Park Announces acten appeared to identify them. Houston Post anof Dthers. in The Dl:troit Times pho4o. Club lasl month. Big plans were selves with. stori~ or poems that The winning entries in the uaphic. exhibit. 1:\ Girl Scout News made for cook-outs, crall instruc- Police Changes have made them known and loved Ik .. by everyone. Little Miss Muffet, tion, including copper jewelry, Out St. Paul ~y, TrooP. 579 Wee Willie Winkie, Little I.ulu, and lots more. The meetings will Chances in the Park Villa&e P0- has had a busy wmter. The )un- Chinky-Chinky Chinaman and be held at the same place, on the lice Department occasioned by 101C1 tile ';1 i?r members. spent consi.dera.ble others from story-book land were second Thursday of each month, the resi&nation of Chief Henry W. face ...... time preparmg for theIr fusl there. too, and when the curtain at .4 o'clock, and two 'lielegates Pie! and the eleva uon of Delee- puppet show. ~hey started from was finally drawn, all agreed from each troop are invited to at- , tive Lieutenant Arthur E. Lou- s~ratch. to? FIrst a ~emo~tra- that the puppet show was a great tend. wers to the Chieftaincy, include Ie ~ ~.. ""I I•••lsal tlOn was gIven by. their asslS.tant success as well as a lol of fun:' • • • the following: Would ,..Iib ..10K,..... doiII,.....' 1fell, "'" leader; then .the gIrls were glv<'n All th ... I f 579 made The first meeting for Wing Patrolmen. Hazen Hennig, aged --~~C8l!'-aa f!.h~~ some matf:nal and some extra . .e glr so. Scouts was attended by over 400 45. Arnold Hough, ~ed 34. &I1d -.It rQ a d.pc hidlttto dMupt ~ Eipt,an time to experiment, after which ~rlendshlp Bags, 29 In all. ?nd air-minded young people. and 8C- Stanley Enders, aged 37, former- _f woe. Ju" flI'II'"d SNOOCR &Wi bdp- to impnwe the: aba they set to work in earnest, trans- fIl.led 12. Fo; ~any of the g1l:15, cord.ill,r to reports. no more ap- lY detailed to plain clothes work, forming the lowly potato into all this w.u theIr ~lJ'St struule WIth plicants will be acc:epted. How- icMU", nocjwc ...... -- II "faN' IliUM _.face 5eWUlC~, but the rom- haye been promoted to the 'full . I. C\'er, if you'ce really interested, rank ,of detective. _ daac CIIII'" ACI1VOL". 1Aia ACIlVci. ... a sorts of Mother Goose characters. pleted hap pve no' evidence of you mighl call' the Detroit of- KiclGciic repl., I t f« _'. vi~ Finally, all was~in readiness, and this fact. They were very pro- Patrolman Charles Slusser, fice of Girl Scout Council ~. AMbed. br me slc1a, it beIf- eo _..-o.I as scribe Ann Reed writes, "The fessioDal looki!lC and most at- who was appointed a short time • • • ago as a temporary appointee pwm to cd!s -'-. tiSIue. This aid. the sIcia ...... stage was set, the cur1.ilin cira WII, tractive. with red stitching on Money is stilt trickling ill for pending the return of members its Ii=-s, f~, wooth.a.eM and tatIiaM cMrm. • the oU-whil~ material. fringed the Juliette Low Fund. Grosse sides. and red cord. "Ornamental, of the department from war ser- 1D.ttOduced as dV: int scienti6c face cream 8 yearr. "&0' Pointe Council members cave as vice, has been given permanent as well as useful" could easily be ENDOCIUiME is coday ~ thousands to ftJaia niany pennies as they were old- rank as a patrolman. a Girl Scout slogan' a tidy sum-while Ull~;girls of ywthfu1D= of f=: ~ lhroat. Im't tbis.tht bi£icr. nI,lC Care! In spite of this heavy winter Troop 201 gave a penny for each ., ~ doIw can bIo,? If yo- agree, try procram. the prb had fun too. inch they measured aroUnd their ENI)()CHM!. Maar !t!l ~ raultII •.• y )0 d.,... They even braved near-zero waist. At their tellder ages, this Tim.es' Pictures weather~emember when!-and procedure was more profitable! had a skatint party on the lake, Win First Prize T.,., ENDOC1t.EME H.nJ L«iott, /1.:lJ ,...... playm, tat. ice hockey, and top- Pin&' oU with a huge fire, which naturally means hol dOCS, tout- Mail to Germa~y Another laurel was added to ed marshmallows, and hot choco- the list of national accomplish- men~ by Detroit recently when late. Will Be Resumed • • • The Detroit Times WOllfirst priz.e From Riehard school we hear Congressman Louis C. Rabaut EARLY. SPRING in a llatiooal news photography BLUE ClOSS exhibtion at Kent Stale Univer- that Mcs. J. C. White and ber Iee- has learned from an authoritative sity, Kent, Ohio. The Time! pic- DRill STalE tion of Troop 53$. alorig with the Source that resumption of mall I tures won over these competitors: . MAllVIN MALOW assistant leader, Mrs. Joseph servke with Germany will begin Hendenon, .hiked to the home-of morUy after April 1. Official llIl- Th, BMe Corcserr,,,live f()f"est trees stltrul expetlitntl)' Life Magazine, the Associated Press, Thc New York Times, Chi- 17511 "_k .. Nd • .- JUs. T. G. ~Ien on McMillan nounrement and exact date will lAo_I Ik __ po. Sprn.g's -.l ".irlKk of reslllTecl;OI' RDac1 recenUy, where a Fly~Up be made probably this weU-end. cago Sun, Cleveland News, New 0peJl Dail,. 1C ..&. l' U"ftHlii.g ...-.J t~: \ York Daily Mirror, Canton RI!-' ceremony wu held for Sandra CommunicatiGnS of a non- 8llD4a]' .ETem. 5 &. II pository, Columbus D i spa t c.h, Dickel,. and Mary DahkD. ScoIlt tnnAcUonal character on non- 'The while dogwood sigrwlli.g If''lUer'S surrender,' A k Ton Beacon.Journal, New piDI were a.",arded to. ;Julie Wal-. illllstrated postcards or *ealed let- Th, )'Oll"g luwes of tbe MJVefUllrrnu -files York Joumal American. Los An- .ell, .Karioft/~th, aDd 165 not exceeding one ounce will Clothi., HI ltKe their wor},.,shof1"botU; lUrie JKOblI. The ,irlspntdiced be permitted. Congressman Ra- their ~ and dance for the haut was informed that no paccel Tile trIIstflll jnnl trees «:ilb bUil-lIMien 1Jr"ncbes rally, and enjoyed the refreSh- poSt or, ainnail .will be allowed. Prolflisi"g 10 burst f()f"lb irlU1" crescnrJo rJf glory; merits of .ice c::ream aDd birthday Rabaut has been intersted in TiH ~l, u.Jelimt, sy"u,tJl of IN lifi-fi.,i"g S"", cake. •. the reestablishment ofcommum- DispJ4yi.g iI's ;",perlifie.ce; .'1'beRe1eftr lirls, with the catiOIlll With Germany. for IOIDe Mlp ol.!M 'I'roopCoftimitteetime, and has made a number of .As Ihe "rlb I',u'iousl), spreMis bff rtJH of gree". moIbe:n, JUde their own apron. iDquiriel5 to the POIlt Offic:e and Nol ID In ollld-.e by tbe _jesly "t bulV"'s hhte Ik_ for the. S_iaII eortunie& whidl state Department from time to RewIi .... g us tiHI 1Ie.,y is ou,j, ('IfId !llby not b"ppinm)J Sprin~ thei. W'lire.1ortheir part in the time. He has long felt that per- Sale ,Juliette Low'ProIram. Ann. Mel. SOlIS in this country of GeIman "Oft e.,b "I it is HI HtllC'ffl", lin.k waI. ~ to preer.t her descient should be permitted to troOp'. coatribu.tion to the Juli- 'correspond with their relatives in 5/itor's Note:-This ill'" writlen b)' IS resident of Grosse ~ Low.1'uDd. . Germany. and ill happy to all- of Poi,," P",.},.whose "'-gbter WIIS SfH'ldMg Ibe wit#"r j" A DeW mem.berjust welc:mned nqunee that this will ~ be intO Troop53f iI N~ Naiacoa possible. . florid" _ ~ui 10 Inww 'hOlll Sprillg WitS progreJS;'Jg t fJ;QlR ... y~ Ohio. ADd up north. The IIulbor wilbes to reffUli. "kOlll""om. Naae,'a .IDlJtbeI:. baa joiiled .our WATCH FO& Omt NEW ranb. too,haviDf ~ ~ ~ -POINTE Jl'EATUU PAGS on the TJ'C!OP Committee. , Orienta'i Rugs . . ."".. • --...... ,. -H%t ";'eek .. , .• os NEWSBOY A. new ~afnjng',i:oune for .lad- *.hiIde e.-eer P ..... Death Riding Mrs. .Shives of 1248 Maryland, ers. was started on Wednesday, * Wljo, Where anil Whatnof; reported to the Park police Fri- March 2!J,'at 10 a, m., at Defer * Pointers of Interest County Roads day evening that her ~1-year-old School. For furlher information * Aller House MWU!um son, Roberti who is a newsboy r.egarding the course, anyone in- Notes "Death continues to ride the for the Free Press had been SAVE UP TO-20~ ~crcstcd may call Mrs. Howard * Questions and Answers strone armed and robbed by Parfitt, Nt 3698:. " Foru.m. h.ichways of the out-{:ounly area three 'strange boys who threw • • • * Wile Ail 11 of Wayne County despite enra hiJn. down and took .about $2.00 At the Neighborhood Club on * FavoritlslllJl precaution and alertness on the from him. Wednellcfay, April 3, al 8 p. m., part of our Road Patrol," Aid lhere was a meeting of Girl Sheriff An~w C. Baird in

1,:~1.L~;~1j~j-~)U~,..,.,.,..""."",,..,,....-.~."l':""'''~=''lA'2f~.~~, ...... ,..,...... '".$ .. ,(~.,."o':'" ....."".""~~ .....""': 'l<~;:( .....,':! .~~ .... ,~ ... ""T....'. "~"""r-''';''Y''''~?r:.f'''''~''-'',, ....., ....'..' ...... -..4.'.'..:. '. "

, .11WnMy,.it.r' 4, 'J946 .& R 0 SSE ,. 0 I N r! NEW S

'!'he twO eenter panels IeP&r- In the rear w. ftndhlddeft shade of verrnUfion: 1C.1l0fed III Jt it .~ta .,1M.oct JL\ILILUf 'AftACDD !.Iltest dUpatdle. f:rcIn A!lItt ate u4 told. bKk teo reveal a shelves to MIid all the "Deca- while, the fold. a*t' peeJi 1ft fonMl .. ...,.rea...._ out. Tb.... PoUl. ~ who lia tell of a man down there mc.t clever . arran,eme.nt. A sarles" for .liDCl 10 forth, papered on the iaaidI witll "Gay doon 1erra't. .Aad if you're a miiI:iDc li_ et JIll Li}li~~, w.. bit- itDoci on hill Mad aDll «Iraak 1. center '-.rd fc1

• • •

. ';

. It's Etlstertime t1gain at Ko'pp's and from the World's. - 2.50,'.50, lUG! greatest gtlrdens have come these tempting ToilefW.-,7M PIu or.. '. perfumes to l'lccentuate. the glorious :Ooy.


I i'r'

, .00, 3.50; 7.50 TRBU ~.~.~9~ 5i.hry; • "ize m tile fripiteI DlD...•r.J.u J.oWz • ~ hi III ...,... r__ ...... few ~ ...... ,.. ~ow - is::,t .'!"" ..... --. Perfl&lDC,$2.7i Ie t6S. c.lope, J3.7S kI$ZO.Jtu ~

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G R 0' WN ,Cfeuft#-~

NIAGARA 62DD JEFFERSON at N01"J'l1Cll4M t~ lIlACS: nFFUlION.' ~~ ... l"'r":y"~-"""'-~--at ~ " "

Th. Filhtl Word ij, a-.ty for Y_ twir COLD WAVEs Machin •• Medti.1 I Pe.!~tfy Y-. • I A Qlnge s • BEAUTY SALON' ? 16721 M.ck, ne., Yorhhira TU.2-5670

cAll 8900 • DeUveri.. Dally-12:00: 4:00; 8:00 16920.~ERCHEVRL RVB. ( "

.'. 'CO .... . ".- .. c' -. r:=r< < ".Vd n' g"s 7' • ~, ~ PI' ~""'d' .\' tr 'MW " 0>+ Thursday, 'Aprn 4, 1946 ,..;,'.~ Twelve POINTE NEWS .. ' • ?,-;f.r>;:~-J,:. < ;.... Don Moenart, Welden Follin, Excelle~t Peach . Veterans Return Father-Scout Lawren"e Button, Albert LaB on. . Outstanding Cadet 4 -:,tf-eq;v'Packard"Grosse Pointe Secona class - Jimmy Van' C' p. p dic eCl To Tom Boyd, Inc Banquet Held by Assche, Peter Roll, Fred Hicks, ro, re L Ronald Knope. ilaotnpany Opened by Whiting i I First class-Pat Garmon, Nor- Prospects for an excellent Tom Boyd, Inc" Ford dealer. Pointe Scouts mdn Van Allmen, Fred Dueml!ng. peach' crop for Michigan orchard- ,,~~~~e Automobile Club of Mich."'------will open th'e service department ,Special award by Mr. Charles ,The second annUal Father and isls is predicled by Don Hoot. will be, allowe9. to retain in its beautiful new building at Lord: 1st class rank to Scoutmas- i~ilan man, extension horliculturist at H~d'!-ullrters jn the Packard East Jefferson and Nottingham Scout banquet was held at the ter L. D. ,Wild Life Scout. Ran- dall Zeeb, by his father. Michigan State college, who 1~;';'f~,1>'Uildmgon East Jefferson avenue on Monday morning, April 8. The Steven T. Mason school on Mon- ~:,;.;.t Lakepointe, it has. been an. day l1ight, March 18. 194~. At- AnnoUncement of Eagle rank, warns that March and April are grand opening of the entire build- l:;y~,:~unced by. Henry, Whltin,g, who tended by thirty-five fathers and earn,~d by' Da\'id ,Hogarth. Spe- the months to do a thorough job :recently resIgned as DetrOIt Zone ing will be held early in May. cial award by scoutmaster si,nce >'~ forty-two scouts, and prepared of pruning the tree;. \>< Manager of the Packard Com. The service department will be by sixteen scout mothers under rank had not arrived. This is the ':' '. pany to 0llen his own sales and under the direction of Forrest the able leadership of Mrs. Hugh first' Eagle rank to be earned by To increase the size and the ," ,ervice bran"ch ..int1le building. Rodgers, who has come back MacTavish, who brought cubbing any Scout in the Woods. flavor of the product. and to pre- He has been W,ith the Packard from the Army where he held II and scouting to the Woods. The Court of honor WM followed vent exceedingly heavy loads on I majority. He will be assisted by ~ompany for 24 years. honored guests were Joseph Hou- by a sound motion picture, "Scout the trees, Hootman says it is oiher former emptoyes who were Trail to Citizenship." ; The auto club will use the front rihan. former Grosse Pointe necessary to begin immediately teft hand portion o~ the building Ialso in service, among them Jo- teacher returned from service; , while it is. waiting for its new seph Enrigl1t, a captain, and Ken- Marshall Jameson, the man every VICTIlIl OF WIND to prune away about half of the neth Garris, a lieutenant. live buds. lluilding to be constructed, one in the Woods calls on for song The heavy wind of Tuesday '.Mr.:W11iting's company is All of the present staff will re- leading and entertainmen~; Rus- blew down a large tree in front The winter season this year known' as Packard-Grosse Pointe, main on in the department to of. sell, prenidenl of the, Mason of 1124 Beaconsfield, which COm- was mild enough that there W2S Inc. Complete sides and service fer Pointers the finest Ford ser- school P. T. A.; and Charles pletely blocked traffic until it no winter bud killing of the gepariments are being ,offered to vicc obtainable, Lord, Gros;e Pointe Scout com- was removed by the Park high- peach trees. A temperature low~r than 10 degrees below. zero IS 'P"inters. The 1946 Packard Clip- missioner. ' way crew. per sedap. is on display in the BoJh fathers and mothers en- usually n~r.essary to kill the buds. _ newly decorated salesroom. New J. J. Brady Opens joyed th~ court of honor which TRASH FIRE "PIune away the thin,' we"k "nd used car sales are under the, followed the banquet. Awards Farms firemen extinguished a ,,;ood and grow better quality direction of' Geralq F. (Sonny) Furniture Shop were as follows: trash fire which was discovded peaches on the moTe vigorous Schneider, .who has been asso- !fenderfoot - David Krause, in tbe rear of 326 McMillan road wood in the tree," is the advice from the horiiculture specialist. s:hited With Whiting for the last Norman Brothers, 'fhomas Driu, late in the evening of March 30. 17 years. '.' - HENRY WHITING. John J. Brady, formerly fur- ;' Oscar G. Heinrich, service' man- niture buyer and merchandise 'ager for many years at. this 10- manager of Tuttle & Clark's e:ation, has joined the nliw com- Lincoln-Mercury Detroit and Grosse Pointe stores, and recenUyfurniture buyer of COL. C. F, McKinney, left, commandant of cadets il, any in the same capacity, as •. ~ave the, majority of his asso- In' New Location GI'innell Brothers, announces at Culver Military Academy, pins the Chicago Tribune. i -c:iates. including Milton F. Reis- the opening of his new furni- medal for outstanding ROTC work during. the first ,ture shop located at 15439 Mack fhel,' pa.rt~! departtmn~ manager, The Jefferson Lincoln-Mercu- semester, on CADET THOMAS'D,. FRITSCH, 'son of Avenue, corner of Nottingham. Mr. and Mrs., Homer Fritsch, of 1009 Harvard road, and Percy Barlow, shop fore'man. ry Company announces the open- According to Mr. Brady, the Edward McCutcheon will occupy ing of its new sales and service shop 'will carry a complete stock Grosse Pointe'Park. . , ,the position of office manager. quarters at 370ll' East, Jefferson of fine living room, dining ; ;' In, this :r.n.o?e!"n bll~l.dinlt.,with Avenue. Formerly the location of room. and bedroom., furniture ;~ervlce facl!llIes!ol) one'f\oor. th'e thoU. S. Coast Guard, this build. 'made by the. country's leading ~ ~ew company. offers. Packard inll now a'ccommodates the Jarg- ,furniture craftsmen. PointersFindSpanzshLearned f. .eivice .by. factory trained me- es\ Lincoln and Mercury dealer- .."Quality' arid good taste' at i, 'Chanics.All the latest equipment ship in east Detroit. moderate price will be the key- Here Helped inS.A. Countries , .J :l\vailable for lubrication, motor The' organization is featuring note of t!very piece on our floor," ,,";' ,testing, wheel aligning. and other one of il}e most up to date and. I said Mr. Brady. "and we invite to regard you as an esleemed ,. '1 ,6senUal'motor car serVices'is at best equipped service depart. customers to take advantage of Half the pleasure of visiting Latin-American countries is the friend who will not take offense ,t :hand. \'h~' ments in the city, withspeci;l1 our inferior decor;i.ting service at trivialities;' . ;" TheD~troit Automobile Club, ~are being taken to provide for which will help solve decorating enjoyment of niakinguse of the Spanish you learned before leav- ,~Joimerly.;~i"i:the entir:c show- th!l ,~eri/iee.~, customer's every problems or will aid in plan- Mr. Thomas, Delroit depart- ,l;.;room, will hereafte.r occupy the need:L.W. Chappel manages the ning new interiors." ing home, according lo Lawrence ment store executive, who with C. Pace, of Cadieux road, and Mrs. Thomas visited Mexico City .,.. ~. ,:,;pace .in'.•tjle'.' S()uthwest si~e of se.rvice l;iepartment, while Ed- Both 18th century and modern Edward' H, Thomas. of Notting- and Acapulco, recently stat.es ... ~ .,the bUild-mg... . ';' .' 'C',', ,... ,'ward,'Sullivan and Clifford Lew- fu.rniture of . a~th'Cntic design ham road, who recently have re- that their study of Spanish in the f:; Whiting invites the public ,in- is, both as~oci,ated for' years with will be offered, and' a selection turned Irom visils to republics to adult evening classes contributed ~;tludinghis .JP~ariy' .friends and Lincoln s~rvic~! are. conlinuing of fine lamps is also available the south and bolh of whom ~.• customers, to VISit hiS new place there -:in that capacity: .Sullivan in the. new. shop. .There will be immeasurably to the enjoyment learned their Spanish by the ,''!,of businesS that,.they mayac- and'Lewis h~ve selected for-their a wide selection of wing, lounge of their vacation. quick. and easy Grosse Pointe quaint tl}emselves'"with the serv- service person~el only those me- and barrel chairs. oCcasional "We had no' difficulty even ~ir;,: method developed by Clarence ii:ice facilities and place their res- chanks who have had thorough tables of all-mahogany, sofas when we visited slores, shops, V. McGuire and used in the eve- ff' ,ervations fo~ new Packard cars. ti',ai~inl in Liitcoln and Mercury and love seats in a wide variety, cafes and villages wh"re no Eng- plus a complete line of other ning .adult classes sponsored by lish is spoken and where we were. :)t serVJce. ,', ••',', ',' ,',:,"':",::",;' fine home furniture .. the department of adult educa- Compelled 10 rely on the con- !~ DESTRUCTION , N61:m Morris; long co'n~~ied tion. versational Spanish we had ~ A complaint has been entered with Lincol1l' sales, ,Ji'ea!i$'.the Mr. Pace, a manufacturer who ,learned at Grosse Pointe to make ,;~'with theE'ai'ms police,byMr! s~les divisiqn apd c:~rdla~lyill~ went to Cali. Colombia, to open ourselves underslood," he says. /'f,'McMillan of 320 Touraine road vltes GrqssePomters t01nSpec~ a branch faclory,' slates that he '~lr was ve,'y gratifying \0 find ~,r:that youngsters have been tearing the 'co~pan~'s ne'r facilities lIiid Hig1J, School found the Cotombians' extremely 'that the Mexican~ understood us . ~ up his new shrubberY as fast as to avallthemse!ves of,tt:e prompt appreciative of his having studied very well. Amusing incidents, ,:l,he plants it. The police have,been and. courteous fUf!ntion "', that Notes Spanish before' coming io their however, were not lacking. For ,,'l"asked b;lpatrol the place regu" awaIts thelY1.Gr~s~(p'oi~~~ .Li!'7 country, and when he would have example, when we were fishing at lb. '. ,;larly, C?ln a~d ¥erqury;own~~w!IL difficulty with a won;l or phrase Acaputco Mrs; Thomas felt a C , 'i.' fmd thiS es\abhshment:~pecialty A course in water safety and 45 his new-made nalive friends Roasting Chickens slight nausea and asked. for a ", Hit 'aNel., a"delDuleDI convenient f(jr ,them on:Uieir Way 'life saving will be. offered at the would wait respeclfully and piece .of ice (hielo) to put on her 'RECORDS to and from:'.d6~11 tow~':Oetfoit. ~ Grosse Pointe High ~hool start- patiently while he summoned forehead. She was given a piece Alhm. or SID,I.., .II! view of the unfaVor~b)lfout- ing Monda)', April 8.at .7,:30 p.m. words' from his limiled. vocab- of heavy thread (hito)," ' Badl .. Ched

,Call TU. 1,0120 _Ca_ke_F_lo_a_r_'_' _'"_' _0 ; _,1*_1-_2&0_. Sirloi. Steak, U .•... .lb. 43c RUSSELL'S CURTAIN Roberts ,-, , LAUNDRY. CLl!ANERS. Orange Juice. ".-.oz.. cal 40c ClInk Roa~ ~f: A ,lb. 210 1*4.1 llCaclt ATO. cor. Malllttlll •• Bi.!: R ., y. Grapefruil J.lce, *Oz. cal 29c Uc of ~, A, , lb.37c ~u~'Uu,~~"Us..~s""s..~'"l POU,LJRY LIBBY'S Breast O' Chicken Dreuici While YOII Walt ~ IEECHNUT 1 PIIEAPPLE TUNA .yUQUty" e1i~~en; ~ RARY r:OOD .~ 'r I '" U , . a~ '.E99s JUiCE ~ .------.... ~ ~. -- r I ~ n ~ • Strailll,d 2 for 15c ~ IfEIGEBAUER . , ~ .• Cllopped 2 for 21e ~ ~~""S.,-",~...... ", n"Uu,~,,u,,~ Graded 28' .Poultry& E99 Market 17624 JUnk. near Univer5R~ CarryhllJ at all ti",es , •• elloicest of Meats. , • full Tine of Groc:Rries and Store: Nt 8644 Res:TU 2-2392 complete departmellt of freslt-cfaily F... its and Vegetables ••• Seal test Ice , a Crealllls •••• Irche~ alld HOllor .ralld FrOzell Foods ••• Awrey Baked Campbell'~ Chicken'Soup a • GooCfs ••• leer, WiN _II Soft levlralJes. THE GROSSE POINTE "" CHOCOLATE SHINES Furllitur. FilII Line of .HOME BAKERY Sera""_' Away' . At the Limits on Jettenon lady Betty Robinh~od "" VANILLA Delicalessen Fresh Glazed Donuts "" .UTTERSCOTCH Ibllnm!! At 8:00 and 3:00 ,SCRATCH REMOVING PUDDINGS COLD.' CUTS FLOUR POLISH SPRING IS PRU.NE Chlce MeClh for flrose FAULTLESS TilE 25 lb. bag $1!! Pk'g..4C 25' 'I..chofts, ,kll'es (11111 JUICE •• oz .• OTTL£ IYIIIII., SlIlJCks• ALL PURPOSE. SYRUP, Libby~sCream Style Corn No.2 Can 13c C COCOA MARSH : Ql29 BLUE ,BOY-No. 2,Can AWREY BAlED GOODS .IIDNEY BEAlS .•.. ,' . , . 0 • 12c SULTANA NUT ' ..d aZa seiid: Y011J'curtalns, hoasehold and Get 1 pt. FREE 16 Jar 25' ARl'IIOUR'5-No.2 Can FROZEI COOliES, Hz.. .•.. 24c f4bries aad. dr.v cl~.anin&, to as .earl,.. Excellent service now, P081 & BUNS ...... AvOId the Easter rullh. We . . 131 iUCiUY PIE' .• ; .•.•. 490 eov'tt the entire city and sob- FARM HOUSF_No. 2 Can mball communities with our ftUTTF.RCRF.AM CHOCOLATE pickllp and delivery service, . EARLY JUIE' PEAS ..... I~ ,LOAF CAIE .. ~...... ,31c , Also cash and carry . Deliveries-NI.9811 Texa.~Sctdl~~ I.re. si~e 551l Lug:e ftuncht5 • c Hothouse 25c .FAULTLESS GRAPEFRUIT ...... 8 Ibs. CELERY HEARTS .... ca. 20 RHU8ARD. ~ J~. bun. CURTAIN J,AUNDRY 1& CLEANERS L G E RMARKET ttn7 Ef",htIrst HO 1010 FORMERLY A

., 6 • 2 ..- r , t • 'f n D « .'0 rt • . . ,. .Pa~ Tllirteli ~ • Georp'i IbQwinI is that he did Pointe Hilh School, Geor&e WII:l letic achievement. He, too, was E~T~TAIN ,AT L'PNCBEON son. Mrs. WalterZlck, Mr~Ji~ not box'previous to ateriDI the • subsytute .on •the .~ an amateur boxer with the Army Spring 1l0werl forecast the Stele, Mrs. Carl Ohlsson, Mn. service. He. is attached to the and baseball teams, of Occupation after World War I, coming season, when Mrs. Clar- Willard Crane. Mrs. Frank WIele, Z32IId. IDfantry of the 42nd Di. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. but says, "I never did as well as enee Laulle':en~tained ata Mrs. 'Alfred Robinson. Ml'I.. W,¥.- v~OD ltationed .in SalzbUfli Michael Bundy of Grosse Pointe my son." ' recent bridgt!cluncheon at Loch" Ilard Jackson, Mrs. Herbert. Havi. ~:~1k!krng Woods. Naturally, Mr. Bundy is moor Golf Club. Places were thorne. Mrs. Harvey Vallier and [::::j~~![iE~::~p.~::::] AuariL ' CHARLESFREDERICK.JEAN; stars fo~ Leyt~and L~c!!, He While • ltude!1t at Groue milhty P!Oud of his son',. ath. Stand far what is right. marke~ for Mrs. Joseph Robin. Mrs. Morley Keyts. • . , ;~ yeoman 3/c,. waa honorably clis- abo wean .the Philippine Libera- Middleweight.. charsed this week from the Navy tion rib~ with two stars the . --.- ~t the Naval ~paration ~enter Combat'Infantryman'lI bad&e: and GeorgltBundy in Finals of ~. } ... In Toledo; OhIo. He Wall I.n the the Good Conduct Medal. . E Th t 80 . , Navy for over three yean and As a civilian, Queenana.ttended uropeln ea er x. spent 17 months overseas. Several Grosse Pointe High School. and In9 Toumament batUe 6tars were awarded hin! later' went to work for Eaton -, i w~ile ~ the. Pacific. He is home. ~anufacturing. Company, as' a A for~er Grosse Pointe Hiih wIth hIS parents, Mr. and ~. t1IIlekeeper. He entered the Army school boy, George Bundy. 20, of ,PASCAL CELERY ~ Robert W. Jean of lIMO Kezwng- on July 28, 1944 and received his 1883 Fleetwood Drive.. Groese OJ ton. Grosse Pointe Park.:' bll:lic trainmg ~t Camp Roberts:, Garden-fresh Celery. A&Pbrings • .. .. California. He hOpes to return to Major JOHN S. HElL, JR., hI!! his old job after he receives his delicious,. dewy-fresh Celery right returned to the Pointe after"four discharge. I fr~ the garden to y~ .. years service in the' Army Air His parents. Mr. and Mrs. .N Force. He and Mrs.Heil are stay- James Queenan, reside at 948 ing with his parents on Neff road Beaconsfield, Grosse PoiJite Park, Large until they can find a ."home of Michigan. 5tw their own," .. . .. 2ge ., 2 ., • • • . CHARLES S. RICKER, major, .JOHN B. Finte;,Mich., is .\lItiohl!d ranks third with the finals. still juice. A rare treat in salads or thePaciljc T/1e~ter:fi:>r'23;iz(ontlis here witiii$qua~ril~,9n!ieNa. to''tle fought:' ., . \ . tonight! An 'easy, thrifty desserts. and was, !In,

\ ., \.'~~; AbLec Cooks . TOMATOES :COOK FOR YOUr , \ f' ~k for the Jwidy A&P ~ Uj;r.....They 'put .~i9hty fi,nefood~ tht~ugh the troc~s SeleCted Tomatoes, attraeUnly ~ .for people' who love' good food. ~... thot s packaged for convenience, .Iaf. Lou's cooks' job. People come' 0 long woy, keeping, and economy .•. iIl &be Co.pUI' V.u1l oj , becouse ~uarity hos 0, way of being found Produce Dep&rlmeDt. . ORllNG BROS. out! Food reodytca be' wormed ond served( CohI ..... fresh ond so delicious. Lb,33c Slkllllo, . Orlkr .Viennal.5alami, Met- SIX TEMPTING DEPTS. CAULIFLOW •• w u r Ii t,Knackwurat, .Ddiclous Baked Goods CaulIflower makes a Brausschwelger and inenu-ehange the family many others. appreciates. Enjoy this ~ 011,. tL.if,tUy Wl4l--Wbolesom. ","'rks ~1INk: ri~h vegetable all. thru . the season. Get firm, snow . FOUITAII Fresh Pi.s Rye Bread white heads at your A&P' Tarls Pumpemidl. .' today! SERYIIE Cakes PoppySMd ' S~Ulj~hri tMJ. COOkia ~d.&Ro'" ,Hol PuiI, LtnKbes I Rolls D, \::d31e 20 Y;".;.,;" Df READY TO SERVE FOODS ASPARAGUS BROCCOLI PEAS '•• or tn. .ma need Serve sweet, tender, green- A universai favorite! Tender FA:ll' mealS that refresli ana. nourish, serve A&P garden-. • maid's night' Out tipped .Asparagus at YOUR young clusters, tied in a con- • Irie hour table. A real variety treat! venient tak~home bundle. fresh Peas, rich in food. vita- snm mina and flavor. PoTATO SALAD S.lect Gf'MJeM CHILI . Bunch . COLE'SlAW E88S Lb,29c 29c 2~3Sc: BREADED "C HOPS

Deliciously Baked Beans, Mlrtaroni, end Cheese~ C O. F FEE Chop Sljey with M~t end Mushrooms, Roest&d. RuogrU%IIl'1IS $ICOitll '0 NrHH llnd Fried Chicken, Fried and Boiled Fish, llnd .ORE "FARM-FRESH" PRODUCE Domestic and Imported Relish8$, Pickles llnd other M.ny .other choice items for tit. toLlD NEW. . fOIl SAUDS C1lH1lity,SIt table h.r •• appetizers. . .r. Clbbage • •• u. Ie bel,." . ... u.. lie ~ nlS/t, UllG~ $Il1:! A TAnE nEAT CoUl MtNIIs"':",AU 1mJs, slkiJ. 10 tmlff. £no PI.nt I •• "' 250. 1Id1" • • • • -..cIa I1c - Kosher eor.I' BMf ~. TEND~R CRISI' SlU:~1tS ClItrJ Hearts 2 fGr 21e ...... 2 ... 2h SAlDWICHf.S SWILL FOil MUDS HOME,GIlOWl'l Fill' ... Shallots •• 2 IIcM lie RIt••• ,. • •• .... lie EKdlUoilJll, S"fll4 figh, b", lit Mii ow. pUl •• I>lWY-FRUH VITAMIN.RICH . l*~b (;O*"t", or ffJf' 14Jt. tJ1I# An fresh fruits and vegetables, with the rIM ...... WI...... R.dlsllts • • • Ileh. Ie kIL. lie, In""li slt'{liCl. lilts..... IN"" e%ception of a few staples, are displayed n.OIl! OA "'1St! I1f&1INl;"g PNNlMclso/ s.saca I'OSHERTO.UE in a huge rack under constant refrigera4 Oranges 126Siu Do.. 4Ic .Waf8rcrlll • • Be-. lie CROSSE & BLACKWELL "",] lion. This means that Nature's good TtXAS SEEDLESS "mt.LIAr • GROSSE POINTE BRANDS Cold Cub / Anotber ilem tbllt "f/'Y be i".' things, which A&P rushes direct to you Gr'pefrllit. 10 ~ lie LettIce.... ~ n.~ CALIFORNIA !RON-Ille:.. . ., , . cl"dIIl, with tlllt,. OUI ordrr$ or' nl$ll. 1111 from the growers, will reach your table OLD MONK, ETe. .. 111II 11 ""joyetl Ih;', &{)1nJIIt', Lemons ••• I u. I ..... Ie' than .I1c '.rsII,. fresher and more ftavorfuI ever be- CILLo.rAC:KUI 1l11>-1l'" LOIIISIANA . fore. Spilacb I • ceM:~Ilr, fie StnwMrria.' ~ III:

Lou's FINER 'FOODS .~ 17120 kllCHIVAL AY.NUI Motol'$ GROIII POIIITI, MICHIGAII I , 12738 EAST JEFfERSON,, Comer KitchIMr-Across- from,.. Continental AT. ST. CUll My . Remember LOU'S for Finer Foods! Closlll ~~ 7 .... 1#112~... C"'" ;. .. SH ,1m sltn'. for ytnm,lfl ~" fi I'

:.' ...... < • " ." ...L-...~'~ • ..:.' •.;,...... , ....J': J ...... M'.' .... " .'>,i,' ... •


.;,..-..... ' ... !!:...~ ..'!fpFOurteen NEWS 8T.PAULLU~ .~~,'."ovenVarie~ies of Seeds The Pointe Now' a Navy , Lenten Vesper servicei are Has CHURCHES. held evet:y ThtUsday evening at MartiJl Luther Church. Maele ;,;;'~,iBesttOT Michigan Gardens , . Ave. 'at Pennsyl~aiua. b :English IEJlF.!asON AVE.MftIIODIST POINTE MEMOUAL .~. J'~",.'.iwt beca.we a. garden seed is moth Santiwich Island. Dr. . Norman Vincent. p.a1e. SUNDAy, APRIL 7 service at 8 p. m. with Pastor ~. : -:' .. m. d for !tale, is no reason that Parsnips - MOdel, minister of the Marble Collegi- 9:4~ II. IfL-5unday Morning. Greweoow preaching on the Is. ,the best for Michigan. Crown. ate ChurCh. New York City and :Ii ~ • Forum:. Recordings, ofStainer's theme. "Th. Christ." A Germ~ "! ' ',That is the best advice that Lettuce, Head - Great Lakes, author, of the inspirational Imperial 847•. New York PW .55. "Crucifixion" by Lawrence Tib- service.ls held at 6:45 p. Ill, j ...:l,'1bytardening specialist can offer. books, "The Art of Living," . Here is good news to parents: . Muskmelon - Honey Rock, "Faith is the Answoer" and "You '. ~~..". ek. Rose, Michigan. State Col- bett, Richard. Crooks arid Trir'Jty Beginning Su.iIdaYl April 7, a new ': ,,_ l:! authority. believes it is all Hearts, of Gold. Can Win", will be the 'speaker Choir with Commentary by Rem- organization plan for the Sunday J'ue~day night, April 9 at 7:30 ';~Pc t to try a few new varieties, Okra-Dwart Green Long Pod. ington J. Purdy, school at st. Paul's will go in 'c' Peppers - California Wonder, o'clock for the sixth in the cur- J?T,\i he reminds you that there 11 a. m.-Morning worship: Re-. effect. We invite all parents in Bur~n, Merrimac Wonder. . rent series of Lenten Fellowship • . iiie some old standbys. And these ception ot new members. and this vicinity,. having no church definitely should not be passed Onions-Early Yellow Globe. addresses at Jefferson Avenue MethOdist church. Sacrament of the Lord'sSupper, affiliatioil. to ,send their children ~lor the picture that Ioob Si> Brigbam Yellow Globe. Sweet. 7:30 p. m.-Tuxis Club for to our Sunday school Watch this j. good in the catalog, may be of Spanish. . The talk by Dr. Peale will be preceded by a Lenten Fellow- Young People' _ Men's Lounge. paper for further details. :;'ilrietythat does well in ~r. Potatoes-Chippewa, Pontiac. i Peas. Dwarf-Laxton's Prog- ship dinner at 6:30 p.m. Persons not attending the dinner are in- Program by Mrs. ,Charles B. Lord Porce of habit does its wont "A good gardener watches the ress. , and ,Young, people's Conference when you make. a habitat fore.. f vited to hear Dr. Peale's ad. delegates: Barbara Barnes. Pa- II; ne w ~creations that come along. Peas. Tall-World's Record. w'ess without admission charge, tri~ia Barnes. Patricia' Ford. and ill Imp~vements 'are cciJ:1stanUy be- Pumpkins-New England Pie. • • • Patricia Mann-"Come With Us • ing made and he misses ,none of Sugar Pie. . Radishes -' Scarlet Globe, GUCE CBUllCB to Waldenwoods!" . Sixth Church of Chris¥. ~ them.' But he knows.', too. that A Lenten QuietHour for worn- • '. • V fm: the most of his garden, he French Breakfast, White Icicle. ,Scientist. O~troit. Spinach ,- Long St~ding en will be held in the Church POINTE CONGREGATIONAL must depend on the tried and on Friday afternoon. April .5. A. The:U.D.C.'s will meet at: the Bloomsdale. 14730 Ker~av.1 A"'anll4l' '., proven varieties," Rose says. tea will be served by the Guild home of .Dic)!: Allen, i215 Har- And here are the tried and Kal~Dwarf Blue Curled. Tomatoes - Early Chathnm at 1 o'clock, and the worship yard. The discussion will be lad SWld.y servI~ 10:30 L" proven varieties for Michigan service will begin promptly at 2. by Barbara. Hart. KOdachrome (earliest); Victor. Bounty (early); Sunday Sdlool which' Extension Specialist Rose All women are invited. • slides of last year', summer con- ~I. l-ttommends: Stokesdale, Pritchard (midsea- Wedne.s4ay l!\'eIlllll: Testblloll.lal son); MarYlobe, Rutgers (late). , .' •• * .1erences 'will be shown.; The Women's Guild will meet ' ••. • ' . Heet1D.a 8:00 p, ... Asparagus-Mary Washington. Tomato-Yellow-Golden .Tubi• .(Buy roots if possible.) lee, . on Wednesday evening •.April10, Tuesday, .l2:3(h,-The Women's Readlnjt Room DPel\ llaya Beans. Green Bush-Longgreen, The Michigan Stale extension at B p.m. •• • Asociation wIll meet at the home 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. Tendergr.ee. n, Strmgless Green bulletin NO.4, "The Home Vege- The "Pointers Navy'" Which meets at the Neighborhoodcl)1biS organized .similar The.5piritual Council wi11meet of Mrs. Clare L. Sober. 770 Uni. 11:00 a. m. to' 9:00 P'. Ill. SUll4a)'ll i'od, Logan. table Garden," which was wid ..ly to the U.S. Navy. Shown above at a meeting of the group are LieutJohnny Murphy. Th d y A'I 11 t 8 .Il1 versity place. . • I.. . Beans. Wax-Pencil Pod, Coo- distributed last spring, gives other who is explaining the details of cabin cruiser plans held by Lieut (j~g.) Carlon. urs a ,. ~n. ,a . P.', • , • ;, ., per's. . r information to the home garden- Romano. Lieut. Cal Purdy as "Officer of the Day" kept the meeting order, PEACE EV. LUTHUAN . The AdultBible CIlI$S wilfmeet i!e~.eaIJS. pol~KentuckY. ,,:on- er. If yo.U\didnot get one of these , · · · r------'-.,----,------I The presenlationof ,this year's in room 10B,.tlldiard'Scliool.'Mr. TH~ AerIAL CURE ~I last year. they are available from . By FRED RUNNELLS .1ZlZl.l'lllolZl1ZlfZl'I'm'IZlIIIii"ZIl•... ZIl.• IZlII.IIIl'ZI._IIIZI1Itl:'Il' IIIl'ZIlZlZIi2'lliIi2'lliIlIIl'ZIl'lllol_) Confirmation class will takepbice ~~~.i,d will speak on "The Gas- " . Beans.,Litna, Bush"-Fordhook, your county agent or by address- I FOR STRIFE ,,' l:TSDA No: 2:il:enderson. ing: The Bulletin Office, Dept. of ~\ _Beets-Early Wonder, Crosby's Public Relations. Michigar. State Thescieotific' rt!lnedy' ? t Egyp~an (early), Detroit Dark College, East Lansing, Michigan. ~~me. n,tary..Scho~lNotes ~ for conflict •. m industry, '\. Red (late). ;i~~:~g[~r.::gy~ ¥.;i:.g~~=~r-t:::t;dt~;1~~:;!i~t~::;a.od elsewhere, is brought f t ,m:roccoli-~.talia~ Green Sprout- Final mid-week Lenten serviCe. and: good' work during the ,first .to light and,' continuaJIy . which'. meets every Thursday MASON SCHOOL The museum makes it possible Wednesday; April, 10•.at 8 p .. ID. - quarter will be. made. .demonstrated in, Christian ;:;. Brusse1 Sprouts-CatskiU, Long Cafe Robber evening at the Neighborhood The Bridge Party given by the for children to study some of • •• . '. •• CI b ' nature's treasures. It aLso arouses Monday, 8 p. -ro .• Sewor Wal- .G P UNIT . . science. Island Improvai. u from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m; Room Mothers oLMason School within the (iliHd,a greater interest ther League Meeting, '.'. AlUAN /':I' • Cabbage-CopeOhagen Market, Held in Bail It is the understanding, The purpose of the organization in the assembly room oftlie- D~ . . d I ds to •• '. Sunday, April 7 (1) that in. i "Golden' Acre (early);. Round is to teach the boys seamanship. In the wor~d about, an ca T' ... 6:30 p. m.-,-Pointers meet at the any situatioa ---- . .' . troit Edison Company. was.a, rea! hobbies and deeper interests. uesday,7:30p.'.m.; Junior horn,e.of Jane ]',~arks,.lu. t f ty h f;. '. lch, Glory of Enkuizen (mid. Robert Dowling, who shot hils f"a ,er sa e •. aVlgatlon, com- success. One. hundred attended '.' , Walther League. mee~ ...... w t I i;eason); Wisconsin Hollander No. way out of .the Grosse Pointe munication. weather and any Museum m~terial makes a les- •. ~ ..' road. ' be 'gOOd .for all. and (2) the party and enjoy. ed a.l1l1!ter- . t ." B!l1Iger (lllt.e). . Parkc'ca!e early in the morrong other. subjects pertaining to' son much more realistic and con- Thur. sday, 7..'30 p"..m ..• Ch'"u'~.~~ 8S;. m.-;-Adult Discussion group~, . that 'f\'hat is gOod for all is , noon of bridge,in the. attracti.'ve - .~- S ak , ....~ Anth K Carr0ts:-Imperlltor (sand or of February 12 when it was sur" always in ,theirreach.,-un. , J : boats.. air-conditioned room, ' followe d by crete. Th.e oral.,printed, and writ- hearsal. ' pe . er, M.DU.' 'd . any ar. ;f muck soIl); Nantes Half Long rounded by Park police, had his .. The ,pattern' of 'the club fol. delicious refreshments .furnished ten wOrds mean little to a child • • '. ' .. ..on ay, April 8 derstandingwhich resu, on i't'f1eavierGOils);Red Cored Chan- examination last Friday and was lows the United. States Navy as by the Edison Compa.ny. Tlie hos.- h. d WOODS. i>REsiSnEJUAN '1:30pin ....:...BoyScputS. the basic, fact -in Scieoce held ,for Circuit Court in $5,000 fa~ as organization, system of unless e has ha previous con- . " Tuesday, April 9. thar authentic good is. by ~liJlOWer-s. nowdrift, Eai-iy ranks.etc, .There are dues each tesses were Mrs. Wilson, chair- crete experience with tlie thing April 7•..S..... 1, .2:00 'p.m. Women's Alliance t.: ., •. bail with two sureti~ .. its'. very natufeimpa.&ial ,{i Snowball. , His pal in the attempted rob- week which will go'towards the man of the Room Mothers, Mrs. symbOlized by the word. 7:30 p.m. Tullis Clilb ~il1 meet annualmee~ing.' i If Corn, Sweet ....Northstar. Span- bery, Robert Pelchak. turned purchase of i motor poat on Eckel; who was in cJiargeofpri- The value of museums consists in .the. little red schoolhol1lle. Wednesday, Apri1.'10 and unive.rsaJly available; . zes. Mrs. Marks, ,'who Wa5 In 8 00 ' .. , . If a propoiedcourie of , • Cl:0S5 (early); Golden Cross Ban- states evidence at the hearingancl. which the members will have an in enriching instruction by m*- 8 p.m. You,ng Adult 'Group : p.m.-BOard of .Trustees' aCtiOn prOmUeS benefitS for .• tam (midseason); Ioana (late). made the jndictment complete. opPortunity to put into practice ~,~~.~~P~f~~ts:M~nM~~~~Ck- ing it. meaningful. and children will hold a meetingatthe,homerneeung. •• ~~ ;.if .. Cucumber:-Burpee Hybrid, A their knowledge learned during The proceeds which exceeded are enl;ouraged.to participate in f M"Lo Val d 1- ' .. ,., ., sOme but i.snotgOOd for. i ,lInd C, StrllJgnt a. A free spirit means escaping the winter months. The size of the.act,ivity by collecting, identi- 0 I3S . rraine. '. a e, v .... ,. , ST. lAMES' LUTHERAN Christian Science leaves 200 will be used 'to buy educa- Th' , ',' , an. , "EWlant-BlackBeauty. from the blight of self-impor- the boat will be determined by $ fyi,ig and labeling. Allard road. Youn, people over econgregation wiUhold a no.doUbt wtiai:J()ever thlit .' ,~ .' saIsify or Oyster Plant-Mam- tance .. the amount of money accumulat- tional toys and games for reeess Most Of the. material at the 19 years of age are invited. special service on GoOd Friday propm. far better foceyen; ed through various m6ney raising and noon activities on rainy days. Richard museum was contributed • • • horn 1 ,p.m. ~til :I p.rn. Much of the success of 1he party . , . . • • • :tbe appuently fa"or:ed ones schemes the club is planning be- was due to the' generosity of in.- by children and parents. Identi- April S, M0Iida1 Th V . is avllilable. I f individuals, fore. the summer, months. The fyingmaterial brought'in by :i. . 8 p.m. 'I'heThesplinGuil .. dwill e oting Members.m~ton members themselves are in favor d1vidual parents, Mason School child is of vital importance. He Monday, ,April a at B' p.m." at b.lot:s, ,or' nanollS . have ' an . teachl'ng "taf!' and donor" of ' meet at the home'of Mrs. M. E. the ho'me. of. John 'He1"7e, 900 apparent opporninity' of purchasing an older boat .a.nd ~ ~. often wiShes to obtain further in. Salisb' 990 So th 0..... d _~.. ~ EM prizes...... L'ry,. u ...... or'...... Rivard.' with Dr. Austin Neeb; profit. through. injustice w reconditio~ng it themselves'. so • • '. • formation" which necessitates re- .,; •. ' ..., eliairrnan of, the. congrega.tiOn. others, they can do far bet: ~.~rosseJoinfe_ark they will have the first hind ex. A th M . P t T h search; and greater satisfaction is April ,11, WeUeIlIa,,1. p~ldill. g. n perI'ence of boating from' the t e ason aren - eac er found,when he ;" turn 15' able to .~- ter for tbe.tDJelva"to say . . Association meeting the tables .' . m 8 p.rn.The Board or' Trustees \ • • • MICHIGAN ground up and believe 'they will from which .refreshmenls were report hl3 lindinfls to a group or will meet .t the home ofGenld . The Sunday School staff meets nothing of the others, appi.eciate their boat'more than class' , thrOUgh, action in the in. if they bought a bQat in first served were covered with the La~tweek a field trip was made P. Kiefer. :a07Zll'TIl1es LaDe; ,OIL Tuesc:lay, April 9 .at 8p.UL. tereSt of all. ., ' lovely lace dinner clotIis which by the3B group, imder the direc. • •. '.:, at'the home of T. G, Dahlen, IU- ,ORDIIAIiCE: .• UIIEI .;. the Room Mothers gave to, the . April' D, Frlda1 perintendenl This, o.rlstiaiI' ScieDal . WATCH FOR oua 'NEw ~ plain, is'thegreat school. Tqey were presented to ~~~.f ~~~~~:~~ ::~P:~8 p.m. The llI1Ilualmeetinl of . ••• -,N ORDINANCE TO. AMiND THE "'UILDINCi ZOHI POINTE FEATuU PAGB Miss EthH J4. Tucker, principal .. ' the congregation arid co""'rporation TbeWomen's Guild orst. practical truth underlying, of the school,' by Mrs. Al1e.n Wil- citing and worth-while. Many of the Grosse Poiate .WOOcisPres- 'James. Lutheran church of Grosse ;.tAP" ESTABLISHED BY SECTION II OF AN O~DIN- signs' of spring were observed;. P . te' W. me teaching, '''I1Iou shalt .QeciAnin&' Jlext week ••• son. chairman ot the Room Me- h b ds byterian Church wili beheld at. ,om meets ',on ednesday, love thy neighbOr as thy- ~CE ENTITLED: ~; Pointe thers. at a rei:ent meeting. t e u on the trees. pussy wil. the little red schoOl hoWle; April 10 at 1:30 p.m .• at the home . ,r.' ....l * C_ter hlab There self:', " Who, Where liad WhatDOt • • • lows. snakes. ants, cocoons .and 'll be th e1 t' f e1"-- of "Mrs. Edward Bauman, 282 "ANORDINAN,CE TO REGULATE AND RE- * several butterflies. Frog eggs, WI . e ... cc Ion 0 -..... Merriweather, T,he' guest spe'aker The c:ocnplete -explaM. •. * Pointers of' Interest The three kindergartens of the baby frogs. and weeds were col. deacollJl alld ,trustees. Reports will ' . tion nf .Cbrinian SCieDce STRICT THE LOCATION OF TRADES AND IN- * Alrer House Muse:u- M' .Sch 1'11 t an .0- be read and sub'";t',-'-". for .m_~. wiil. be the Rev. Victol' Halboth, Notes ason 00 WI presen' ~ lected.lI'hese specimens of nature '0 ;.u .ocu ~ who will tell of his,e:xperiences and iti nietbOdofhealing DU~,TRIES AND THE' LOCATION OF BUILD-' ~em1?ly, program for the school will be studied and passed on to M.E.SSIAB ..LlJ'1'B- ..w as a former chaplain in the Army suife, dUease, and Other ... Qllestloes aDd Anawen children and for parents on other groups f t d d b- -.... ' INGS.DESIGNED . FOR SPEcIFIED. USES, TO FDnuIl ThurSday, April.4, at 1:30. MiSa' serv.ation. or s u y an a The last of the midweek Lent-, Air Force,. . ' . ' evils d given in '. REGULi\TE.AND~ .LIMIT, THE HEIGHT ANti Who Am .,. Estelle. Quigley':s Kindergarten en Services :conducted * will b4! SCIENCE and ,REALm. BULK OF •..:SUILDINGS ..HEREAFTER,ERECTED * Favorltillma orch~tra will playselectiom. next Wednesday, Aptil'IO, at'l:~ .." ", ,-' '," - -, . '"., . " . 6t'oue Point. . with Key to the SerlpUitea TO REGULATE AND DETERMlNETHE AREA . IMiss Dorothy,SweU's.group will R, as,pberr.I'esAdd'o'clOClc in the'eveninc. . by ltfMY BMt'"' l!.tUy . class condition ":'ady,tosail. sing Easter songs, and Mrs. Irene • In the 10:30 a:m. service Sun- ~isf Qlurch OF YARDS; COURTS" AND' OTHER OPEN .- O'Reilly's children will narrate day the 'sermon will be omitte Witchger, In Mrs. O'Reilly's pearing fruit, somewhat lacking and to prescribe the penalties for the violation of great advantage later in life but group: Valerie Asteriou. Bruce in quality, The Taylor berries its provisions:" gives the boys an excellent op- Balas. Shirley Burr. Allan Erick- are large, firm and of good qual. p<>rtunity to- pursue good whole- son, Kenneth German, Karen ity and are splendid for canning is hereby amended as follows: sOme entertaLl'\ment throughout Hancock. Joseph Locricchio, Ka- and freezing. Plants should be HaroldL. Ickes the year. thy Lou Menk'e, Ruth Ann Mer- obtained;. Merrill urges, from . To show Business District Classification whe~ Resi------sources that will guanmtc-e their t and £mat Rem. ined rick, Ernest Minchella.Joyce freedom frOm 'injurious insects dence A classification is now shown for the. following Em. Nixon, Kenneth Peters, Morgan and diseases. ." The Old CurmudgMn " ~~ 1 described premises located at the Northwest cornl'!r of Aa PoiDte Park Auditors Richards.' Patty Ann Scbnde, Set-out the plants in the"spring f East Jefferson Avenue and Somerset Road. namely: Barbara Simpson, Nancy Schick, as soon as soil'can be prepired. Tire .inn of Ernst and Ernst Ellwood Wachter. Bobby Wa<:h. Plants shoUld .•bf! 3 feet apart; After a record 13 yean ua CaD- Part of Private Claims 126 and 1'27 of the Village. of were retained by the Park Coun- tet. Judy Wunderlick, Bobby roWs 6 to 10 feet apart. A hun- inct member under Rooeevelt and ! Grosse Pointe Park, and Wayne County,. Michigan, i ciion March ~5 to again do the Yeomans, and Peggy Jo Zemens. dred ,feet •,will supply a family :Trumaa;, -Honest Huold" .is fin- m~re particularly described as beginning. at the auditing work for the "illage. It of four 'and allow enough fbr ~ly free to .. hia miDd, and lie pornt where. the South side of Somerset. Road (60 hltd first been suggested in the VERNIEa scnOOL canning 'and freezing. feet wide) intersects Jefferson Avenue East (120 Commission meeting that this On Thursday; April 4. at 8:30 ManlJte or commercial fertil. ,does. with typical Ickes ardor and feet wide) thence South 68 degrees 10 minutes We.."t work be opened to competeti~ p.m. Dr. Marion FiWiJrimons, izers .may 'be used. Sulfate of bnne. ' psychologist of the Grossej>ointe 118.08 feet, thence North 25 degrees 47 minutes 30 bidcUng bv.t the Ernst and Ernst lIIiimonia. or ammonium nitrate finD refused to enter en a oom- Board of Education. Will speak can be supplied tin! plants at 5 seconds West 141.81 feet along the Easterly bound- Doo't fan to read "die old cur- peteti ve basis, as did all of the to the Vernier P.T.A. about pounds for. each 100 feet. After ary of Freudhurst Subdivision, thence North 54 de- other auditing firms that were "Parents and Children/' the last .berries are harvested, mudgeon'.".colcria! column. It grees 12 minutes 30 seconds East 1l8.~ feet, thence approached. The .school will be oPen at old canes that have borne fruit .ppeara exclusively in The South 25 degrees 47 mmutes30 seconds East, 150' The Park will pay the same 7:45 p.m. 50 that parents wishing should be cut out and burned to Detroit News. feet to the point of beiinning: figure for the work it did lut to talk to the teachers may do control disease. In tlre spring year; not to exceed $1,350. so before the meeting. tIle canes should be thinned to ~tion~. The Map al.tached.h~to ~d'madea part of of or 5 canes for each lineal foot th1S Ordinance is hereby n:tablished, and ~gnatl'!d as BE8IND TIlE SCENES RICHARD SCHOOL of row and remaining canes cut "Amen~ent To Buil~'Zo~e Map" and said Map and "Behind-the-scenes" WOrk on a In building cities we cover the back to "bout 3 feet in length. all notatIons, referenc:esand otfter information shown procluction as large as The Pas- r.ass with cement, we shut away E~ MollclaY. weet.esday. ~Iday thereon shall be as mueh 'a ,part of this Ordinance as sion Play, which will be presented the skies and we cut down and HONORARY SOCIETY PLEDGE Mi!s Julia Hudson, daughter if the matters and bdormation set forth by said Map April 13 through April 17 at the kill trees to build great motor of Dr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Hud- were all fully descrilMDd therein. Institute of Arts Main auditotium. highways. Some link with reality The Detroit News requires a staff almost equal to must be forged for the city child. son of 114 Lothrop, Grosse TH& HOD If&WIPAPER Section 3. This Or~ shall take effect twenty (20) the size of the cast which per. and museums helps to bridge this Pointe. Michigan, a freshman at daY' after the date «adoption. , forms on stage. ThoVgh the num- link. Endicott Junior College. Bever- ber of llerformers in The Passion Museums are designed for the ly. Massachusetts, hBJ: been POI I:fOMEDlUYIIY. CAU IANDOi.P.H2* WIle, &, STAMMAN Play, is almost-lOOit still demands happiness and inspiration of'chil~ pled(ed to .Phi Theta Kappa, a .'-, ..YJ'" aert nearly th~ ..many to keep the dren, and it also i. a vital part of national honorary academic backstage 1,feIs in motion. a child's educational experiences. aociety of jWlior college st\ldents. r.T; .:.lY, April ., '19~ '-- ---'-'_. .ROSSE POIN.TE NEWS, ~-'-'-. iI~' . . to(et,her and beat tOWBJ'dme. Her MotiOD Picture' C~l "Our Vinu IJlveTeJl~e~ tj', '.. . , face was Jet in white intensity. RabautSupports Gia,pes", "HouM!' Oct2n4 Sktfl" r , . Her hands looked old toniCht. Her Ap~. Lilt'of Filma "State Fair", Capt.lin Kidd"."'Hi~ look old. It"",.,,,... ~ , Emergency Fund the Hay" •. and Abbott and CaS" . .~~i. :,"that exquisitel)' preserved women At the March meeting of the tello "In HollywOO

in, the crib, trying to figur(, out baby IS", God knows what she'll Carl'Ql1? He, was trying to .pro: W' 'h'" th t' h' . . t s'Il'e w' •.to •• 1.. Iler t'o meet' hl'm Michigan Democrats voting .1 .' t~t her," I said. "The old ~ada. . e were appy a' e was OU - -,,. how to lift the doctor's watch. ...0 next. . ver.~ is crazy," • ."f p'r IS' on. JH" :~ was fee I'Ing" gay. a ft'er 'th'e par. 'ty 'on' th e clb"u pIer, against the economy. measure "The only thing to do," Imo- ; "'You'd:betler g(l down to the Gambling rather foolishly. On the Then, .heealled Miranda .at the which would have returned this g~ne continued, "was t9 get back hotel and walch her. Zing." . "The worst part of it is that last day he 10st'allhlS wfunlngs'club to make sure she'd keep the item of government. spendirig to TOM BOYD~. o{- into the speedboat and drive it "First, I'm going to put you to ~he.thinksI lmo,Wwho comQ'litted on,one garne,' I dicin't'know he :lppointmeiit. He met her. Mir- tontrol of the peoples' represen- along the shore back to town .. I sleep .. You're out on your hoo!s" tlie crime, Larry. Shl: said she'd lost. .. Neither did Miranda, .If. landa signed a' check for ,him COV" ~iltives in Congress included INC. .~ ra.ced it down the river and 1'1 put an iC,eberg on );our head give me tweniy-four hoP,lrs to tell knew,. I'd have sLaked, him. In- ering'the amount of the forgery, J;l~presentatives ~ r an k Hook, AUTBOIlIZED FO.D SALES AND SERVICE TWelfth.nistric~; George' O'Brien, docked it .where the business sec- and ilie cubes in your brandy. Lhfl police; I 'don't.know. I don't stead. he went On Lo' New ,York She' assured him'. that she couLd ..~ ,tion below Grosse Pointe begins. glass. Close your:' eyes and your know how she knows. She feels ,!Ione, ,He'd picke~ Up'lln'llutoc an;ange it with Jock Pendleton Thil'LeenLlf .District, . and. Louis .... I.got ol;lt.and)el the boat drift, mind for a few hours. You're all safe in Can ad ... She's a British graphed menu of .JockJ;'enQIe.: .. Jlot .ta prosecu(e' nirti. Miranda Rabaut. Fourtee'nth Di~trict. Rep- .V> The .CUrrent mt;st hav carried it steluned up like a calliope, citizen.', She says she's going' to ton's .., Karl. farged.thatcheck,at clways.felt sorry for .Karl Karl. resantative John. Lesins)U, .Six- AN NOU.NC ES over to Belle Isle. I had gloves Randall." . live with her sisler in Ottawa. The 33 Club: He sard he was son." . .. t~nth.Dislrict, did nof vote on rand. I was. careful not to leave I slre(ched out on the. bed, with Her sister has six small children. "shamed to ask ine' fOr money 'to . :~'whaf time did he, meetMi~- One Republican' said: J "O~e of anyprihts ... ' , ' ' .. ~ing's last aid paraphernalia She~ wanls to bring them up in cover ~he check. He knew I anda?" ' the' mosf furi:damerititlmistakeS ."I walken.from the river up to ~rour:d. me. A f,ew hours ago. I fellr of the '!,.ord. No cannibalism idealized him-" . "He' isn't: sure «t the exact the Congress Or the United' States Jefferson, went Into an open-all- was sure thepotice' had a case allowed," . t "Gaw!l, Fay, YOl.l couldn't ideal- time. You :see, he has no sense ever made was. the surrender, in .. uigh:t.dl'ug lllQre and called, ll.cab.against Pendleton.' Now, If I let : "Wouldn't she tell you where ize that crimjnal-" of time," . . . recent years' of controL over the NEW ...... ". Wh en ..I go't ou t ae,.t' thO h 0t'le , 1 J.mogene. talk" th eya. ls0 h ad a. 5he was ..in Canada?" . . "But l'do: Any. . criminal is just Karlson had .no. sense.. of time, pU1'liestrings of the-NaHon.to the went inLo thecofleeshop .and case. against Roger Brooks. "No, the call.came fiomLon. :10 unlucky opportunist.. You no sense. offnoney .. no sense of executive 'branch of the Govern. ordered break£ast. I engaged a .. Both of .them couldn't have don, Ontario. That d~n't. prove kJ;low' ~hat, Larry. That' fo~gery )lropert)". But he 'sure had a ment:' The President's emerg" waitress in conversation, We murdered Miranda: Both of them' ehe's still In that town, of course. that'sent: him to Sing Sing five sense of touch .. It would be chard' ency .fund, he continued, "has talked aoout dieting. I gave her in their egotiscal way, loved her: She rarely spoke much to my yea!'S ago. He did'. that .for me. 1.0 explain his touch-a.n!!-go sys-' been used for purpOses for which' Service le.that. she. wound ..up in al state. headquarte1'3 iJ\ Detroit. .whelher Isayhe.did. I'm his only days now. Maybe it's because tude, , fondly' spied' on her. It course, In six months, I irivested .mlotional:bankruptcy . herself, Some ,70 new post.!. have been' .I'...... win 0,.- alibi.' First, I' can' say It'islogical you ean't eat on' an empty heart. sometimes sei!ined ti> riie 'watch-' John Keat.!J capital in my boO~. She.wouldn.t:crack upr she forITIed since the lIi'llt of the year, to asaume Roger didn't kil~ her Or was'it just an empty brain ~ng Slleed,thatshewas I~mmag~ shop here at Grpsse ~ointe. ,Np l'rackeddown'onsomeoneelse as fora .tolal of 480 located in 350 . ... APRIL'S' f or he wouLd neverhave let me go t wondered. I pulled on my rain~ .lng through. the iirl's inner ~me .has ever mveshgated my a volary to h'er:vanity. Michigan cities and towns. The' IEiT'IfIIDIY, ~ back to the pier and'discover her coat and ran' 'out to the car. The thoughts the way you'd toss pri- In;:estmen.t. _ . Durin' 'must,hilVe known all slale now boasts four all-women t dllad,.'Second, I can!l&y.tha(he r.aLn ll!!lted thi.n needles on my vatepapers," '. Imarr\ed Marcus Ames. No! :aboutKatlSon .•..That.swhyhe.hild .posts, thre~ in Detroit and the , . ., wa~ III a drunkenra.e and.con- face. It, felt Invigorating. as I ,.."Why didil't you give her the ~he least wo~thy ofiny moti\'~s furnished his baiJ:He probably fourthat.:Grand Rapids, More OM llf.llletblest,Ford Semee t.Jl~ Sa"':~ ba. AaeieaJ !e,Sil~ to me on the boilt tha.t'.he s~archlighted my way along pitch'- and a pension, if you mthatm~rrlage was to lay iny .kno'ws'.'allabau.t RogetBrooks; than half of .all Michigan's .. this .new .atnenire will:~ ••e"tV. _4 ... _ ...~ . Old klll he' when she refused hlm Lakeshore Road. ., wanted?" I asked,' . ' . hands on enough money,to 'get At Iljas~he'ltnew wh.t a'potential Legionnaires are now World War" for .Mnietq Ford. Mer'ftr7 UI4 L1_111 ears. the money. And third..,..thiS is Fay ..Ames. let me in herself ':1 coul?n.'tdischarge her, ~ar- K.arl a )lard on ,and. release from stinkpot he was. ,if not all the II veterans,andth!lt percenta~ i the ending Y0\1'11 pick-I can laY She' had: on. an ankle' leiigth' ry,She was' Miranda's' old nurSe SlOg. SlOg. It s a costly. and details of his dallJance, will i.ncrease rapidly as the n.othing," '. -, loungirigro!>e:of ermine that she and. Miranda Illllistedshe be .•re- lenglhy proceeding. Even with Fay. sip~the,;auterne. ab. membersliip,lIgures continue to ',i "An-to protect ",:hi)e' he, knC)wsI have this' on Sh\! ,leaned back on a low dIvan' S,:ee~".H~:~, eyes ~ca~e 'glazed~h!te .. Lar~ .• Karlson. i;s' iust. a ket of the ermine tobe,; She Mlran~a., hlm,~fter all, I have< nC! way ;al,the s.ide of the tlreplaceand WIth liUsplclon, her whole being vISIonary" He s~ut ~of llDewllh pulled" out,. tightlycreasect I walk~ over to tli~.l~g ftn!; NIWL~T'JON ': of proving he didn't kill Mirahd ... waved me to its opposlle twin. curdled with, hatr.. You noliced the credo of cap Itall sm. A poet; check, handed' ilto. me .. ".'Here. drC)pped, In the ,check .. A :red' 1~. ',It's just my opinion thaI he There were wine glaS5es and :l it?" , .. ; . . not ~proletarian. Money means t forgot this, Lar,ry:It's the:check spake' of lIame.licktod up the -JEFfERSON AT NOrnNGHA~ : didn't. Whichendinl will you tall, arislot:ra,tic bottle on the low I nodd~d. "The'sight of her n~thlng to hiin~, You dm see why Miranda gave Kar~on :to .Cover paper. That, I hoped" wa. the . " ..";,. - . :.. lake?" . , ' ta,bJe,near me: .' " was 'unnel'ving. She ran up my he ~Idn't want to ,teli: meaJl:out Pel).dleton's check that he'forged. end of KarlKarlson ... ' TU. 1.1611 :1 .I said, "I haven't any money She clasped her hands' tightly spine, like a mouse, in a dank !orgmg pendleton s. check, Just 1 suppose I've been concealing (COIIiUDUed Nexf Week) cellar" ",. , after I'd ,effected his release from , "To'night,'over Jhe. phone, she Sing Sing. ~e pho?ed here at ~e let forlh her bitterness in a hymn house Satuiday mght after wed of haie t()me. She waxed quite gone.t0 the club. He told.Sneed ltIAL01T Biblical. The curse that comes ot lhat If she heard .from MU'allda dallying' among th'e lIeshPo13 is' " ltIE'{BOPOLITAN upon me, sne ~lain\s.u . Fay's face was haggard iil the flame ,that,she.touched : to lier: .IIOBrrGAG~S cigarette. -"She told me 'Nothing on God's good earth satisfies .you. Build.r'; Construction lC41ns- FHA - GI- Ordinary Someday you'll ,demand' Il square WHY ELECTRIC' RANGES. pearl, and' crack up because ;YCIU STORES .. APARTMENTS :: HOMES can't get one.'.... " "What does shemean __ square ARE BEITER...... -;:!~ ..• 'it. ., Co' pearl?'" . ' , "r~: 8 Ie.r De' .•lro . ~rtllJ~. ,~. Fay sh.ruggedwith desPair, " .' . ." , "Something. to' " confound me I A ~]'? 'l."est ~St.:.: ~.•.., .. ' .. _.... RAndolph 9600 . pre~ume.' Well, her black cu~: ...... #. ,~.. Q•• 01 .h •• "",'., 01 hOlliemaker"hu been pOMeaIion',om. ofthatmo,...l~ .~~ ~.- ...... ~."' ••~"'''••••.l'.v...;'.''.W'''••'''.'''.''.'''''J'Hih ~...;" .l'''~•••~ is. work!ng.damn her, I havell't UISnnctlve been.able to, quietdritina: at the job Pizrlicllillr? Why, he would lell ')'011 how high '~What . cQuld. she tell them? for the of Makin; the dream. come frue. . ,>A"" how long ,;smoleed h"m siHnlld be bl/tlg. ~hat does she know of anythiDg The foundation unit Of your JDOdem kitchen leading to the murder? We might is, as always, the itove. SOme of the OUtltand- as well face her fancies' as well .East -Side 'l,eMlwlI;lm p"le~ ,wh,e'ti.,b.ee'fll~eJ " room, . as her facts,". I argUed g~lltly, ing advantqeld electric cooking were ""ell .'.N/Illresl exits the blls :b6ys would I.lee; . "SAt knows that she could known eve'n04S yun -lOr but theelectrie The pll1ce wOlild be pltlnged i"to sfygi"" gloom prove. She could distort, anum" The Harris East Side' ranses of that time left much to be daired. d)lee." bird house th.n hl11'bors• nuke. ber of things, harless enough in Chapel pr~vides a distinc" They were r10w to hear, and they COlt too much. themselves. She could give .things tive. memorable service in It WIll il\ t'920 that Detroit Edieon decided to d080mething abOut the'situation. A h cllt'lemetUli?A mire wa.rl o/lime. a foul. .twlsl ; Sneed thought no your. own neiRhborhood, Ana1vsi. and exPeriment proved to the company's engineera that major improve- ,me was god enough tQ marry especially com.enient to the ments were pbisible. At that point .came the inevitable con(',huion that the only way "/ w."t somelhi"g Ihlll'S differe"I!" he'd rOM, ,. Arul being sm'cd sometb;ng tleli,:;Olls-Sllblime, Miranda, All part of thls exag- family .and friimd~. . to prove to the industr:y af.ld the houaewife that better and lmi-er-eOlit ranaes could gerated .(ixatir.n of hers. She used be made was to MAKE them. ' . . He Ul.01IldIhrow Ih. 'f'hol. -..lOtI tin floor, lo'toss sly'remarluJ ta the effect Located at Harper. at that a maIl wouldn't be right for Lakepointe. fat from' the The Detroit EdilOn 'Company ab.ndoned preced;nt, and through an affiliate cOm, W./Jorj'; ow~ Os(IIt'-lh, (hef from Ihe Rilz Miranda. but. he'd make a nice noise 'and confusion of eon- pany bepn manu.facturing electric ranlJet.'They were not tOo !rOOd, but they "'ere. , 'qishtalheir' h~sl; /Jiitglwi Nfl iN desp.ir. hobby forme. She siJsp;,cted Jl:ested areas. this spacious BETTER, and the coet waI down. You, thecOO«erI of muls £or millions, told us what waa with them. We atlced foto trouble and we gO(it. You, the customers '(Oysters i" Augllst, ;lHiutil"'lh,y sttid, ";l's- them all 'of connivirlg with me chapel is one of the finest' wrona: Jock. Pendleton, Rober' Brook:;: of Detroit EdilOtl, who bou,ht, used.and criticized thoe ranles played a major part Well, beg;,."i"g 10 gel i~ ONrhl1;r." . and most beal'tiful in the Don Monaco. 'They were all Ol¥ in transforming a vilion into accomp!.i.hed fact. ' . country.' Bllt o"i of th~ u,hiiptr'eJ: i. Qlle1Ilitt's e", young me to her. She thoughl 1 Alert manufacture", in the eleCtric induHry were Quick to cooperate and fQllow' And he rose IttUI ;mmetl;l1t~ly p.e/wl; was jealous of Miranda'sbeaux." Call or visit the Harris through in the Detroit Edison apCrlm.ent. We were clad to let them carry the balL I uncorked the tall wine battle Ea:;t Side Chapel regarding , That gave Detroit EdilOn it. opportunity to let out of the manul-ieturing field and ."1'0 Detrbitl .'gomgi' he sl1Ul,"lhOfigh 1 f"IIt' handing Fay II slim glass .of topa~ T~ this'ruwwr,r." hllt'dly IH IlI&t." tM many advantal(es which back to it. rul busine. of !dHn= electnClty. . . i.ubbles. "An old woman's cack- characteri7.e distinctive Har- lings: ,can't .Ilurt. you with the One of the relUlu of thi. ventl\re il,'improvinl the electric ranle is that llfClple will ~is funerals. Ht-soon wrote 10 s,,)' ft. , , here Ihe food i, OK police, Fay. .It isn't like you to avail themteivel of more Edison JetVice. The.Dettoit Edi80n Company it happy that. Arullhe qlllll;ly here ner .... ~es: let her get you down; These . through your confidence and cooperation, i~hu been able to hetp create for you th.i. Ii mue" lor gOll,m'ts, sOflWcome 11I1 the (V.Y ,"ague: raJ'!1blings of her--" contribution to modem livina-:the electric kitchen. auperlativelyclean, .. Ce,efficient From Ihe mOIl"II1;"s,Ihe 1'"UeJs"tul p,,,iries." "The poinl is, they're nol 50 and economi~L - vague. She's sllre that. Karl Karl- ~on met Miranda on the pil!r just T H • DITaOIT' 1'.s.":"YOIi ell'" jitul me mM ."yold tillY . I IDI'O" before she was killed," ,,1 " tllhle "' , "And did he meet her? In EMf SlDf OW'II. S1tOWH "'IOY! God's name, why would Miranda HAII'U .t LAKEPOINTI have a rendezvoU$ with Karl- "...... J131 LITILEHARRY'S son?" C&ITW wm ClWB ."It wasn't.a rendezvous. He CASS .t CAN'IILD T.C. told me abaul it. himself. Mir- CO_1o 1144 lUlda and I saw Karl at 5.vatoa:a . .., • r""~.""'''''-''''''.''''''''''-'--r''-';-''''---'-'''''''TT:-T~.'' ...... -""_~'o", C,.~, ...... l;;S~jj_i?'C.C •• is ...... S Do J C•• S .• C>_' , <::


G'J(OSSE P 0'1 NT E NEWS .""'.I!'. _." . SIxfMn" " ~~rrwoAII"Border City League Teams Picked by Runnells ointe Places Pointe, Monroo Dominate T.. 0 on Cage AlI.League Swiinming Team Seleetions M~de by Fred Runnells of News Staff after 1!lAggregation Seeing All Performers in Aetion By.FRW RUNNELLS .:~~. iHuerker and McPhail Win The 1945.46 all.league swimming team was picked under ~ . .~ Berths in Eyes of News the same. formula as the all-league basketball team with .': Sports Writer your writer seeing most of the boys in action in league meets. The Monroe 'and Grosse Pointe swimming teams far out- .. - By FJ{ED RUNNl::!LS classed the other schools in the league in all events and there- ~ . Several years ago it was fore dominate the team. The all-league team is as follows: 40 yard Free Styl~LAR""------""- '1 he c.•us•.t.o.m.ary p.ractice f.O.r the ENCE "BUSTER" PINKSTON, of they swam. together. Won the ! order City League to choose Grosse Pointe. undefeated in thi,s State High school AAU relay : ll-leagueteams in all sports. event.. championship and were undeieat- ,lor some., unknown reason 100 yard B rea st Stroke- ed in league competition. ~ I. is pz:actice was abolished. HARRY McBEE, of Monroe, was SECOND TEAM -; 1lil Eourwriter believes the pick- in a class by himself and possess- 40 yard FrCi! Style-CECIL 1 .'. g of an all-league team in- ed a marvelous sprint on the last ASHER. Monroe, r ~!.. reases interest, spirit and at- lap. of this event. . . 100 B rea S t Strokc-MA YO . 200. yard~ Free 'Style-WIT,- ARNDT, Fordson. "~' ''t'endance in nIl athletic con- DICK WUERKER CARL LANCl NORMAN ZAUCHIN TED l\1AUPlN LlAM KILDOW, of Grosse 200 yard' Free Style-WIL- GrOl5lle Pointe Fordson Royal Oale '.\ i :fest.~ and .sp.Uf.S the co.nte.s.tants lI1onroe Pointe, . defeated ' once, in two L!AM FOSHOG, Monroe. ':, j :to gIVe that httle extra some- years of competition but reveng- 100 yard. Back Stroke-WIL. . I ;thing which makes an athlete Wyandotte, Royal Oak, Monroe, book shot which caused many a headaehe to the opposition. edhis oD.Iy defeat by a wide LIAM HAGGERTY, Wyandotte. .I :a standout among his competi- Dearborn and Grosse Pointe Neighborhood Club Basketball Champions margin.' . , loa yard Free Style-DICK .. ..entors. This also gives the which will pick the {all-league NORMAN ZAUCHIN was the I ~. t t b tt t t t teams in all sports in the future . star of the Royal Oak squad 100 yard Back Stroke-wrL- MOSNER, Royal Oak. . ~p~c a ors a e er con es 0 Picking a team by one individual throughout the past season main- .LIAM NEWCOMER. of Monroe, 120 yard Individual Medley- , .;enJoy. has its drawbacks because some ly because of his versa tile shot- one of the mainstays of the Bar- ARTHUR WURZEL, Monroe. .:, • By reviving the Border City persons .may disagree with the making from all angles on the der City Champions. Could a1- Diving-L E W I S MICHAUD. , 'i':~ :all-league team.~ the'News hopes choices. Therefore a committee court. Zauchin has an uncanny ways be depended on for im- Monroe,' , ..; "to fonn the nucleus of of a com. should be formed so all nomina- eye for hitting the hoop with portant points in all meets. 180 yard Medley Relay-EARL shots that look impossible when 100 yard Free Style-DAN LAPP, C H A R L E S J E N K S, :rnit~ee made up .of the sports tions may be fairly judged. ~.'i~'~ "editors of the newspapers in Being the first to pick an all- the ball leaves his hands. One LaFERTE, last year's veteran on CHARLES BARTLET'f, Grosse of the tallest players in the ~ ; league team your writer knows Grosse Pointe's squad, was de- Pointe. league, he was particularly help- feated in first race of the season 160 'yard Free Style Rt!lay- he u in for rebulls from all ful to his team around the back- , but won all remaining races arid JIM SCHULTZ. JERE HAZLETT, 1: I sides but some .one has to get the boards in controlling the re. was picked for the weekly Prep WILLIAM HOBLET. DICK MOS- ; IJ! ball rolling and I seem to be bounds, . Hall of Fame in. the Detroit NER, Grosse Pointe. 'iii. elected. My choices were not DON. McPHAIL, playing his TilTies.. Swam his event in, near BLAZE'--S-T-A-R"-T-S-I-N-ATI'IC ;."~ made by sticking a pin into the last complete season with Grosse record time in each meet. PoiAte, was the mail1.'ltay- of the 120 Individual Medley Relay- There was a fire ill the attic .;C...'I<" ,::, scorebut, rather.books and.aftersayingcarefulthis studyis it, Blue Devils' defense and repeat- at the Dr. Follis home at 1429 of. . season's' performances by edly broke. up opponents' scoring CLARENCE "BUSTER" PINKS- Bishop road at 3:15 o'clock Fri. aetually sCi!ing all . teams play opportunities. ,Could always be TON/ of Gross~ Pointe, undefeat- day morning, The fire was im. twice~, So here goes and I hope counted on. for his share of ,the ed'in this' event and' always Wall portant enough to prevent the :~ ~. " the majority of the people will baskets which saw him battling by a. good margin.. firemen returning to quarters ~ be satisfied. for high point honors in every Diving-DONALD DUNCAN, until nearly two hours later. Ut " TED MAUPIN, captain of the game. . of Grosse Pointe, defeated every Considerable damag

: ~.-, C1e.ning! Edward Ano". ncI WilliaM .Ga",.li alHl Fnntc .. Itderty I. N.. ey K.lly .. ' ~. '.'1' ...• : , "TIle .Hi'" EfI" 'Folio. lilt WHlU' f j r.1- .., Wax Polisher to Rent SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY APRIL 7"" .1' ~ .JII'We Shar~en lYfowers ~nCl Tools. Have them done now , before the rush season. "BLOOD THE SUN" ON .. Bird Cages WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY APRIL 10.11 Md Stands People • Dog Le~ds, Col. S~y YouCi\N It.HIt.d blS.1I • Lee "W1fto. I. lars llnd H~rnesses Fire Extinguishers. FIND it llt the Pyrex Ware. Smoke- Grosse Pointe "SHE WOULDN',T SAY YES" less, Oderless Dripless


'. .,.,. ".i" ;. _ :e."~•• ~ , ' ...;..,. .... "•• 'di- ...... "., ..... * •• -•• •. -ft. eN • .e.' ... ,•• _ .0 • ... ~ 6 R 0 S S! , 0 1Nr'E NEWS Page Se.,.nfe~ ";~

~Chrysler~Plymollth Service HERE'S. A PAGE OF INDIV1'DUALS ANb" FIRMS CITIES SERVICE STATION. 'LEnox 57.77 READY TO RESPOND Niagara 5403 WHEN YOU NEED ;RELIABLE, SERVICES 'QUICKLY Complete sC'rvice for Chrysler and • i OPEN 2-4 HOURS A DAY' . Plymouth cars: We specialize i~ pick-up and delivery. Motor over- Pick up ancldelivery service. Every hauling, bumping, painting, simonizing f.cility for brake, battery, tire and and polishing. Complite brake lubrication service. Simonizing, service. Most modern front end align. washing an~,polishing. Call us any ment equipment in the city. time-day 9r night. The Pointe Service Station Fisher & Re~ord Motor Sales , 15000 Kercheval , E.st J.fferson at Nottingham

------,- .-_.--- , . ~ ., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c ••••••••••••• _p Listed here : 1:: [sOiEjHirliIEwil-;iiilP';iIT.iitl : Authorized Hudson Service (:0: are phone . ~ t pnospe~t 2222 .j numbers ~, LEnox 7739 · ,J ' • Our modern SA.NDBLAST.ING eq~ipment • : com pie tel y removes old' pamt' and , of Q,mplete Hudson parts and servic~. Nearest Hudson :~~ , rust from your entire car. $35.00 ., • sale. c:nd servi<:e to Grosse Pointe, Factory trained ' .: advertisers mechanics. ' " ,.;;" tHenry Schmid ~ons, • whose • NASH DEALER , reliable HUDSON TAPERT MOTOR, lric.~1 • . 11077 Gratiot ., 13%45 EAST JEFFERSON ~ and .4' •••••••••••• "•••••••••••••••• Ii •••••••••••••••• ): • _~IlIIllI!lIlIH1D1l1llUl11l1 effi~ient -~...... _~~------~-....; ; services ~~~~~~-~--~-----,4 PLUMBING & HUYINS, SERVICE ~.' I await lCORDWOOD-SLABWOOQ,i.~ I TUxedo 2-9500 ~i your' • L'Enox 8500 (I ~==_= Complete plumbinj( and heatinll service. , _25_ _ Installation and service for gas and • call Ii oil fired water heaters and, boilers. ,i!il l"re,'ac. f.eI :- Domesr~ ~t~ller cOClI. ";,,, ~, ' ~ BRUCE WIGLE CO.' I COr i COllvetsion Gas lurners I !Mdt:lo!~a~G£g~~~s I ~ 15304 KERC~EYAL ,i , ' 11850 Kercheval ., j" 1;illllllIllIllIlIllIIIllIllUlllmIllUlillmllllllmrnlllllmDlIIIIIIIUIII~IIIUIHIUll1ll1l11D1I1Il1Hlllmll1mlllIJIlI1llmnIllIllllllRIl1MtlIIlIUn""IID1~ ...._'---_..:....~; ~ ' ~ ~ , ~"I~IRl!!llIl11lmnll_llIlll1llt!1111tl1mllllllllll11!l'.lIl11lIffi_1IlIlIIll1111t1ti1ll1Yil1111Rl11111l1l1~---_-:.._-_ '.' .' .... •••...... •.•...... •••...... 11.. I I • II • .Complete Sunoco Servke ~'. . I BUICK SALES:& SERVICE' ..: ',LE.Ol &740 ',.: MUrray 9174 . ~• • I PLaza .3944 ;.' ,. : co",pr.fe ,.iumbl~,CI~cI : i Complete motor ovethaulinll - bra~.en'ice -' wheel balaJe.> Now under'new management. A to Z lubrication service. • • ~ ilig - lubrication - headlight.alignmeni- front llfldalig'n. . . . Motor tun~up, car.wa!ltling, reeapping~ accessor}es. batter- ~ . . ~ ment ...;. bumpinll' .:- ;l;Iintin,!!and simonizing. ". " : Heatlrig $eryi~e : ies. tires,'etc. A stall' of trained men always iIIt your service. . :. I MOTOR CITY SALES. CORP. PARK SUPER SERVICE fl. 8Ickeridge&'Sol~ i ' •.G. Milllle, pre., East lelfersoD. at 8eKonsfieid . . ~ .• 15108 Kerche'ial •. ~ ' 1140 ,MACK ~.".I.' ' '.""' """""""." ~...... •...... • ~.~ • ;:r.I~lilI"ml!11llHll1~IIIIlIlII1lImiH"I.;UllliliIiIIllIl1filll1ll1llIlltlM!ll!llMI1IIlIIIflIllUIOOIIlllItHlIIi11MftIIII!!IIII1IIIlI ! DRY~LEANiNG . . C,U WASHING-c t....,..~ralor~ Clrillrelort Irakes SIMONIZING' LEnox 7055 Iialira 0I&3 FItzroy. 4777 ~.;i;:: , Parts. foi all cars. Complete service by spedallsts ~ "Whre every euatomer I,' Impori,ollt" PIckup 'and Delivery Service with know-how for motor tuning, generatqr. car- Irosse Point." Fanns - , 'buretor and brake service. . REGAL CLEANER$ -service ' GREENLEAF, INer~': Ker~hevcil at Maryla ..d 131 Kercheval, ".!!'!5 EAST n;ri'EItSON'

Avoid tile SprInt JUl. Authorized Ford Service ...... ~ sImce CI.oaed.lId RUGS.. Oriallld.. l.l 1-;;RD'SmlC~l aepalrtd DOIlle.iUc PIIo..e C.... 4374 Today NiagarCl4000 • IRnlgiOI ~I. .t FI~roy,: 3~52 ..603.3 ; Mclanolcl CHrleM;'S*rvlcI' "'et.Up alld J ,CoMI»Iote Ford Service .' '~r" Postian~s' Delivery Service J Facilities '. ' All CWy,Ie, "~;,'ch ORiENTAL RUG CO. Alfred F.St.i •• r Co. J , Direct Jmpo~fer .f Orle8tal Blip .J .. AL LONG ' , ~EEDHAM • WARD 1"01 MACK • 357 East Jeiferso .. 2970 East J"'~ ~ McD,lI9alt , ?4606 Gratiot •': .. . - - .. , ~-~~~~;,;...~,...... ~~~~-.., ...... ---.--~, :i . ' . -~. ; :-":;~;.~~~~~;";~;;"11 1.r-~~~---~----~~~IF.-I Oil- P_acl CuI - C!~eI Gee! ~ j , t i FOR USED CARS J, WATCH THIS SPACE! t 'Ii 1:£. 101 1131 J FItzroy 4380J J t I PhODe Us for Allpralsal C07J1pletebldsmobile Authorized &:i;--'l f '1 J, '. , i. HUDSON . 9070' -- ISTOIII'CO.AL SPiCIALISrs If tJ • ' . '.' '. i TIP£RT 10YOR,lie LEnox ~ •, .Complete fuel requirements for your home and tl Ir.k. R.U.ill9 Motor OverholllinlJ Washllt9 rummer cottage. Genuine Po<:ahontasPack.ge Coal, t L~_~ ...... ~----~~~~--_. L13245 East letrenon WHoI AIi I.. C.rti.rl'~ Service ShlllOnizilllJ I(, clean and convenient to use. ~ WHoI ei..', I,.itio .. ~rvic" . II .. C~rol j ~ _ Co.ple~ I"t.rlutlolt Jervlce. O.r ",achilles factory fro;,t". _ ( AII.A.SOL ~NSECTICIDE IOMI ".t1 • This container can be re,filled. Ideal for ridding WHYT, E. OLDSMO BILE '.CO j' your summer home of all insect pests. Drives 'em ~I'~~. COMING! .J We Need ~::~f_~:~~~~~:~.~:iS;;;~~~~y.COAL -CO.I t ' _ G..... ", ... f.,.. ~ [ l1w FITZROY 2100' i j 11174 Verwor Hl9 .y 11~' Kerc."~~.' ! We neeC!useC!cars at once; Grosse Pointe type cars bring a premium price I. .~-.-.~ ..... - ...... ------_ ...... and JERRY LYNCH EASTERN CHEV~OLET CO •. HoWIs"o'" Winy, "Jeep" Distributor -- 3366 Gratiot To, OOIVEHSIO. .•.... " 4'i LEnox 8300 BURIIERS Announcinlr our new F1eetwinlt Service Station. Open daily 8 to 9. Sunday 9 to 6. Quickest service for lubrication. wub~ " ISA IPPROVED .'~~~~~~--~--~------~-~-~,AuthOrized Lincoln and Mercury Service , and polishin,l[.- Complete tire and bJlttery service.. ' -- 14100 fAST JEFFERSON We /lave TIle", Olt DI,pl.y (MMEOIATE DELlVERY : Will you drive it in December as ~d~i~~~~OW ~?f~a?your car new will MSWer this : I • question. Chllnge now to summer lubr,cMts Il~d pres!'rve the Itfe of your Lincoln or Mercury. , FREE E~mtATES , Motor o"Elf~llulrng. br

, ~. I ~~---~----~--~-~------~~~ "',.~',;;,~'..:7:'~.J,'~.;.i...--1~.Ji,~_.,.~ t, 1& ••• +:. we a.e a# "d. a.s'.a to' r z •• Mr. Sdt , PC' t 01=< 51Ct. • a $ de res •• t. .« • • , $ • sa,s 9 "b -".r' ...... -oj; -"-, •• " ... -~.-, •• ""'-' ...... - ... - ~ -.- .. ; -,. .... - ... -~-- .. - ••• - ~-6-,'- •... - ... 'H.T-.--- ...... ~ .. _;:' ~..- •• ,.-,. ~..,.. "-..r-' ...,..;.-.-~ ...... -._--..-,,.~~-~.~.~.~-.~._~.~-..-'l-~.~..l'~• ~~~-_~, ~.~~~~~~.-<.-*"-.-'t--<-_---.-.-.-.-....-.-.-C",

i cri .J ~j ,,{,Paf)e EIght•• n:' ~k'OSSE POINTE- NEWS 1~IF,,::~~J~:~.~:. r r' r,!/ r~'I' 'I 1 ~:J TUxedo 2-1100 ~t&Jr S-SITUATIONS WANTED 7-WANTED TO RENT I-ARTICLES FOR SALE '--ARTICLES WANTE.D 14--1tEAL ESTATE WANTED 121-SEIYICES 21-SERYICES '1' ~ , GROSSE POINTE NEWS .(i)-Woll Washing (Male and Female) (HOllseS, Apts •• Flats, etc.) BEAUTIFUL pair of red foxes. 24" BOYS BICYCLE. NI. 0944• COTTAGES o~ lake frontage~ on . (a)--Ge •• ral .:, (3 Trank Lines &e Sene 1'00) LAUNDRY done in my home, 1 VETERAN employed and wife Four-piece silver te;a,. set. Mur- . Lake Huron, from Pori Hllron WASHING machines and vacuum desire 4-5-6 room house, flat, ray 5740.13327 Kercheval. PHONOGRAPH reCQrdingof fol- , to Harbor Beach. We will give sweepers, expertly repaired. CHARGE RATES day. service if desired. Men's lowirig'singers; Plancon,.Eam,!s. apartment, furnished or unfur- you a ,clean cash deal. Ed Mc- All makes, qu~ck service. DR. .. 1V0rd. .--MI shirts ,1. specialty. DR. 4808 BEAUTIFUL. cut work Maderea Destinn, Ruffo, Cavallero. and Wall Washing nished in which to welcome Nulty, 15245 Mack Ave. TU. 1082. " Ea,) .ddlllo ...1 W.... --Je after 6 p. m. banquet cloth, 31h yards; 12 McCormick. Also Benny GoOd- "Junior". References. Townsend 2-2600. napkins in c 1 u d e d. 16-piece man onViclor. Call 'Cveninis. CASU UTES NAVY Veteran from P.T.' boat. 5.8594. LAWNMOWERS sharpened by & De<;orating Zt Word. ---"" wishes to care for your Doat fo" luncheon set. Call Niagara 1506. NI. 4976. " m"chine, and repaired. Saws a:ach .ddIU ..... 1 W.... --Je summer. "Handy Man." 3 VETERAN. wife and infant need FULL length upholstered daven- sharpened by maehine and re- BOOK WITH US NOW FOR a furnished house, apartment, MEN'S shoes; size 9'h. Two dress toothed, 5523 Gateshead and . y..ars ,<,xperie ce. DR. 4808. port in good condition with CLOSING TIME ll or dllpJex by the 241h of April. shirts, 15-4. Six white shirt~, WANTED ChlUldler Park drive. NIagara ANY GENERAL HOME down cushion. Melros:! 0138. Ad. will "- EXPERIENCED Gardener or Excellent references. Call NI. 15-2; never worn. Sleeping bag; 0530. Deitzgen drawing set. Call .Ni- for Purchase CLEANING AND Aciapo, wanted to buy, or FURNISHED summer home for will'exchange my. Cable Nelson P. A. SYSTEM to rent out with Call MU. 1343 lill 8 p, m. (Eas " GROSSE PTE. DRUG CO. ERECTOR ,set, double size with Maxon:,Brothers : ._._ ...... J{erch.val at 5L Clair single family occup.ancy only; ADULTS; furnished or unfur" . Iipinetle.lliaJ}o, ",hich is like services. Available aU times . Siders.) . 4 double bedrooms, 3 singles; 4 nished. income, apt., flat or motor, eleclric jig-saw and 83 KERCHEVAL ~TU. 2-6000 RARKNESS PHAlUtACY. ,nt;.v.;.;; TUxedo 2.8650. Call Tuxedo2~1782. ___ .__ldaek at Lochmoor Blvd. baths, . silting room, dining house by May 1st; no children; .child's Swift" Royal printing WALLS' Washed by machine and . press with type .. All in good upholstery cleaned electrically ROW PHARMACY , room, kitchen, lal)ndry; 3-car no pets. Tyler 4-1019. TRICYCLE for' five year old. TWO business executives need (c) -EI.ctric lepalrs ____ ._ •• .c... .l69:2e RarcheriJ garage. Vegetable. garden avail- conditi.on. Call TU. 2-3919. • Weil built; chain driv'e prefer- in your home by experienced 3-4 bedroom home on goqd worker. Free estimate. Call MARl!LANIi~NF'TRY able for early pl"nting. ]Ii-hole IS IT possible that somewhere in DINING room suile, 11 pieces; .req:.Cal~,~.awa 0170. slreets: Cash deal at market ELECTRICAL WIR!NG _''_' _._~_"_~ ...lOCS ldarylUl~ golf course nearby. Kingsville, Wayne county th~re is a sman Vincent's Wan Washing and bedroom suite, twin beds; bed- price.P:.J.,Duggan Co .• Mack And Repoirinq Upholstering Cleaning. TU MU.LER PHARMACY, Ont., 29 mi. from tunnel. Good home or unfurnished '''pt. for 12--AutoswANnD • f. .Kerobeva! at WaybUMI J1:.om suite, ,Jouble bed; living at Three Mile Dri\'e, TU. 2~2344, . 2.-8461. bus service. References re- an ex-officer and his wife; no H:lv' All A'ratlabl. 'Materlll lD Slock room pieces, etc. Ni. 5425. A REWARD fOr' 'information NI. 6345. To Do: - '~• NOTRE_~ DAME..-----17000PHARMACYK~rchevaJ quired. P.O. Bo.x 233, Windsor. children; no pels. Excellent WALL washing, wall painting, references: Call Tuxedo 2-1748 which results "in my purchase • New Homes • Old Horn .. .f SCHE'I"I'LER'S __ .15324 Eo J.fr.nOD OSHKOSH wardrobe tmnk, 41" l'::PETS. . t .. Repairing .. Attic ..n~ cJe~ming .. and Kemlone. Can ROQM with bath, garage; Grosse and reverSe' ch!,rges. of'a go~cJean~ur. ~Call UN. by 22" by 22'h". Used once, • G~~'iat~~~ln~o°tTnsd~~~rOe:nclDrexel 8259. :~ sCHET!'.L.ti'!t'S; ..Fabe,. at MlumH o Pte.' gentleman; available April 4-4299.,;C .• ' NICE white .killen about four Niagara 3072. .. Power ';Wlrlitg • Mise. ElectrIcal 'l STEADMAN'S .' , 1st, $50 a month .. Call NJ: 9225, 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE months old, wishes home, Can R.palrl nr. . ;: __ ..__ ._-_ .._....,.••,_...19253 Harp.r VETERAN,wimtS'.' ~e1J - maine A-I WALL WASHING FUR and fur trimined coals, all NIagara 6?43'- GooclServlce Reasonable ;. SWHIER DRUGS 7-WANTED TO RI!NT High' Grade Coo-Coo tained PacJts:rii. 1940, ~41 or '42. ~. __ '.--1T.'01 Mack AveDU' (Houses, Apts, , flats, etc.) size 16. Goed condition. One Please callPlaia 5600 line 59i BLACK and white. cocker~span, BAYER'S ALL El.ECTRIC AND Paper' Cleantng ~t TiTUs DRUGS all black Persianlamb with ex- ____ .Kerch.yll at "'Isher Clocks during' wof'king hOllrs or Niag- ieJ. Pedigree dog. Housebroken. APPLI.ANCE CO. Paper,Hanging DISCHARGED veteran, single, Quarter chime montel clocks. All tra fur for hat. One gr,!y cloth ara 3116 otller :t.imes. 6 mo. old. Reasonable. TUx'!do Evenings: Residence TU. 1-4572 • • • wishes a room or apartment. clods sold by us fully guoronteed: with gray <:aracul, trim, hat to 1-0387. 173JO Eo Warren Store: TU. l-0440 Pointina match. One black cloth with . /:/TOR=SESl: RESULTS, 12 yrs. a resident in Grosse We also repoir ooy clods. 13-REAL.ESTATE' FOI" SALE black caractll' trim, matching 21-SEIYICES Household D~cor~tors ~bvERiisE lijTHE NEwSI pie. Park. Call PLaza' 7130, 10 "Don't Waste Time; (d)~urtai. Laulldry to 4. fur to trim hat. One black cloth Ja)-G_n:era1 TOwnsend' 8~8772 See Us!" Jeffers6nl~~e~ood Sed.' SERVICEMAN;S wue \yould like coat with entire hem o[ silver ATI'ENTION! ,'-PUILlC',~g"ICES HOUSE, '3 or 4 bedroom. No EASTSIDE CLOCK fox, hal to malch. Call Niagara 1Ham .• 2 arid3.:~mapts.; stoves to do curtains iiI' her home. 619 WALLS-,-And ceilings washed children. Good references. Ex- 7225. . '. and. refrigerators'incl.;excel1ent If your vac{,um. cleaner' or any Meadowbr~k. MUrray 5~51. and paper cleaned. High qual .~ CHICAGO cellent care of property. Tux. SHOP condition; i1kqme $7,500 per year; make wasliers troubles' you, call . Ity work done by experienced , .. ' $3,SOINCLUDING TAX 1-1982. 13234 KER(;HEVAL. MAN;S 26" Hawthorne bicycle. ideal investment; priced right. NIagara. 0585 for efficient service. CURTAINS washed, ironed or men. DR. 1814. Mr. MacEwen, PI. 4600 . llne' . $1.21 CUDloD $1.44 LEnox 3645 Praeticalb' new baskel, light, stretched. Pick-up'and delivery. .' onesv1Ue" . $2.42 QulnO)' $2.70 two speed axle. TUxedo 2-6389. Reasonable prices. Calt any . (I)-WI.d.w Wasltllll) ~ Jdwater :$2.82 SturgiS $3.1I7 THREE ADULTS HANNAN ,L.Ang.IOB $44.74 51. Loull ".31 DAYTIME dresses, eve n in g SERVICE RUG & lime, Mrs. Smith. at PRospect VETERAN'S Window Cleaning GOLF BAG, black leather, zipper • Real" Estale' E,(change Inc. 5268. ' ' )DDM~~ ~~t~STA~ 130 House, terrace or flat with two dresses and coats, sizes.12, 14 1490f!.llSS painting inside and out. r. 6 p.m. WAITING! repairin..; and ~harpening of all CARPENTRY - REPAIRS :after 5 p.m. flat, house, apartment or in- call The Neatway Furniture, ,Wan washing. Quick service. us for free app"aisal- kinds, Rapid service. Call PRospect 4138. Porches. steP5, fruit ccllar~ l come. TV. 2-1146. PORCH furnilure, glider, table 13930 Kercheval. LEnox 2115. Can I 1(OUSEKEEPER or companion of 18 years experience in thl FIX-IT SHOP windows, doors r e p a Ire d, and two chair.', 1111 white metal, ;Jelderly person or invalid. Ref- ROOM for mother and daugr.ter, USED sewing machines; any con villages throulI:hout the Point, 14221 Kercheval Ave. roofs and eaveslroughs. A~o pre-war construction, $50 for . ';erences. Murray 4538. bolh employed, Grosse Pointe dition. ~ash waiting. Brandau can lEnox 0 I00 LE. 4352 canvas, dec/Cs, ete. Call NI. Park preferred. CH. 0550. four pieces. Also book~, $045for ~epair Shop. FItzroy 3237. THE MANOR 1035, II MIDDLE aged woman to assist Extersion 28. entire lot. 47 Colonial, Grosse LAWNMOWERS ~ . BOOKS bought In any quantity, Sharpened and Repalted DECORATING tinV.a.,lid, stay. Ni. 2172. Pointe Shores, off Lakeshore. (f)--Drns Makl .. BY REFINED adult c~uple, no Entire librariu, bookcases and John C. Staudt Also Traded Inc. SERVICE BRING your alteration trouble COLOllED girl wishes .work. No children. Five or ~IX room MARBLE top antique dresser, paintings. Bronzes. B. C. Claes. MOOSE SPORTING GOODS cookin,:Stay nights. Good , house or lower. Excellent re- a1S

t '.' 0" ~~:i',:;.~'"":.'. I • ...... • • .. '. • e • ~.- .he ....'. •••• 's".'.', b -'";,' ... ,'

Any ell.clble veteran may .now' period of elillbllity to whicl1 the receive one year ot educaUon or veteran u entitled at the rate 01 I.AFF-A~DAY 1 traininr. plua addiUonil educa- $500 per school year. Boat, Supp"es' lion (up to, a maxImum of four Monthly subsistence allowanc .. ,* Classified. , Ads ~----- years~ equal to. the number 01 L * months oC aclive service. He need are increased from $50 to $155fOf • P,..,.Ilen ... Sllllfti .. I e...tiuH ~p ... i1 n not have been under age 25 when veterans without dependents an~ A.fo.crf/c Dell".ry • Marl •• Pal.ts he entered service. nor need he from $75 to $90 Cor veterans wittL show tlUlt his education was in. dependents. I tlde,..fI J.",ic" • Propeller I.paln Zl-5EIYlCI!S LANDSCAPIN6 (t)-DnH Maid .. terrupled by' war service. The bUl also provides for coil- Courses ot education or train- 'respondence courses, but the ve~ bRESSMAKING. alterations ana ing oC the short intensive type are eran is not entitled to subsistent; C. A. DuCHARME millinery, Inez Slear. 17.0 Stop' & Look!! Grosse 'Pointe Representa{ive He• ., ". $Mi' & Ce. no loneer limited to a cost ot allowance while studyln. IUch Anita. TUxedo 2-6857. D<>es yO"' I.wa look .. prelly as a $500 for an ordinary school year. courses. One-fourth ot the elap~ TO. "'522 156 JI'FEISON EAST. plcll,lre~ y-Pi ... T.IIi .. Under the new plan, a maximum time used in pursuint .. corr+- of $500 for tuition and materials spondence course is charged P.\ANO .tunlni-Electric cleanil g. may also be applied to a course against the veteran's period cjt , . • Listen! ! Clillord 1.. ,Edwards, TUxedo Ha\"t your lawn sprln, .clt.n~ by of shorter duratio~ than the nor- eligibility. Total amount payab. ve~.rolll. LaWM munt&I".d - I.. d- 1-3173. ' In, -lerUlWnl- raking - sodding mal school year. The additional for correspondenre courses fe; .nd 'f.4In,. , , C(JSt may be prorated against Ihe any veteran is .Iimited to $500.: Landscape PETERS BRO" ~ERT piano tuninl and re- , SEIVICI pairing. Call ,l,lN. 1-~6. ROY AND HOWIES , MAINTENANCS CARPET SERVICE LAWN SERVICE' t LANDSCAPING I Law .. Buildin~ , Carpeta IUld' Furnltur. , Top DressiD.r I Cleaaed ill YOllr Hom., ''TR~E .. SURGERY," uxedo , Prunial' aud. Plalltln.c J 2~7511 t ,&epalriDl' • Layial' • Sindin&' Aller 5:00 PHi. ,. Scientific-":"Prtinin.c, Topping, I Feeding, Guying, Bracing, (Cabl- Goovert Bros. JS66 W...... y..... I"d. JIME F,OR LIQUID POWER l ing). Also cavities clean~d' out, I (VETERANS) Ken lUll. Ed Peten tnated and cemented or cut down F.E~TLLIZING I I ~1KarselUea TU. J.ZS61 LA. 174J LA. onz and remllv,d. -Call ,tne, Native Trees, Shrubbery, Evergreens, ele. I 'Grosse Pointers at NIallara 0436 , . PRESTON TREE EXPERT & I uT1til 8:30 p.m. ' , SPRAYING CO. , TUxedo 1,~3930. Niagara SoHO ,I ...... i "' lt :. I I Coordinale with' Nature I PLAN NOW GUIDE, TO SE':lVICE . VETERANS II GOOn ,II un'dscaping iindLa~n Cutting SlIrVic.e "I doo't beUen I like the kitebeIl ~ that aide. Let' ... *it••••••••••••••••••••• ilil.iC-flilil•• il.itiCil it.t:•••••••• ~t:.t: ... how it JoOb o...... !.. PACKARD E.~CK TUxedo 1-0385 Sales and Service GROSSE POINTE Fa~isfor ihe Veteran WINDOW LAWNMOW~R SHOP. BY TJuodoTe fIoffman B.J. BOHR &-.SO,NS' Hand and. power .1awnmowers DirectOf' of ,Red ,Cross H~e Sm'ice' Ruirpel!ed .and. repaired.' . .,. , CLEANING 13111 GIATIOT A". 1515 aIld '~150 CADIEUX (AJaeric&ll Red. Cni. you couuseland a.s.istance with TUxedo 1-2029 News Service) .n:ference to benefits available Wan Washing , ' Howud N., 35, had a ,,'Ife, . to veterans and their depend-' OLD ulree ehildren, &ad.tlu mother en1I. ••• GENE~AL .•.LANbsCAPfNG !STABLISDD' ud flther depen~ent ~JIlln , To' locllveierans who hlve're. him for support.' After llerv- _ED UCATION FIUI cently returned from the Pacific ial: ,in the armed loreea .ix The Dill amending the Ser0ce:. .re available for landacapml[ and months, he waif ac:cldental!y men's Readjustment Act of 19H Radio Repa'ir odd iabe. etc. " ' Reuonable , . lIi11ed by a d,reeDlnr . tr~k (GI Bill) coniains changes of •which 'sideswiped the eolltllUI .creat interest to alLvelerans con- f. 8.' TU. 2~8069 NI. 7890 lit whiClh he was marchinr .. At temp!ating education or trainipi LOll!Send it'ferbl1''''''."to Jack O'ConnorDepe.IId.crin bl.the ,,1-;.~J;... . •..., Ule time ;otd~&h beearrMcl under this bill. " , first place. No better service . ,f',J:.~ ' anywhere. C .. 'le;t .. PvemmeDt,lIla1lrUee~The time limit, during which,a ',';. ..•. ,•. * ..: . ....c,ourse of stUdy 'may be lrutiated VeterIUlol World War 1. Eat. 1921 " ~ • ... ,. ... Stm .. There"are.a riumbef of 1lenelll.ll is extended. Study may be ini~ .Lan'~s~ape ~Y,aj]at¥e;.to _the ,wife, clUldr~n, tiated' now within four: years e> ... " , Ia' .nd" Pl{ents of, HOlI"'ard, While after discharge or within four ...... yl.. these do not compensate .torthe 7ears after the 'end of the war: $"" Sal" . 'BOlfEJa(k.a.r.rLlANCE"O'Connornoo.» SEO. • .~., I. ~d '. '~Oss'ot life,. fhegOver~ment hu .which ever is later, and the tim~ i~ ROSLYN" MARKET ServIce ,made prOVISion for benefits, to limit for completing the ,course htH.. Up'Scne. . it Plaee YOGI' order. Doll' for; ~e:de~e~denl$ of men who dIed is extended from .seven years to •. nil M L1i..... '''4. L..•. Maet at lteslyn Rd. allel AWllllt'l , ' S~ cleanup. seetUitl', tOIl In service. ' .•.. nine, years after the end of the • ': IV 4113 • 4114 , dl'ftllial[. lawn rolllnl'and ,.Pvt, N's governmen.t I~urance war. )II'IIIIi n &,. was 'paid for .by deduchon from . ' • Lawn euUID« :and ,uden- .his pay. If h~ wile' were bene, ALL-BRIGHT UNDER-LA '.SPRINKLERS _ a'speeiaU:r. llciary, she would receive between VI" PROMPT, i:n'iclENT $40 and: $42 per month for the WINo. Co. " ..'by rest of heilife: She ,is eIJlijJeQ DItIIiIc MiUorC " IUVICE QU~ED to e .dea thpension' as .long'u sh,e ~:-JtrHe~'''s~n~. . 'ZI3"PIlm, AI. 1110 "No LONGER A LUXURY BUT A NECESSITY" , Phone remains unmarried.' The pen" tloe La...... Cadillac' OwriersU SEVERAL DIFFERENT SYSTEMS TO CHOOSE FROM. for Free Estimate sion amounts, in th!s cl!se, to $91 Sp'.yl." T.p r;.n ONE OF WHICH IS SURE TO FIT YOUR PRICE RANGE. • • month .. A "deaUi .gratuity>! I'nlt .. d .h -HI • : tlftO PI.wlar 'nn;1: ESTIMATJ:S " .' ~ual to s'lx months' base 'pay' is Oldsmobile E!fJl'III"ee:.. GnuU.1' Ownersll': Wi: HAVE FACILITIES FOR SERVICING' C&S paid by the serv!ce dep,artmenl .•. .. EIectrIcII AND REPAIRING EVERY TYPE AND MAKE It amounts to about $300, for I 6eIte ~i1ar La.elle.,.. private. The,ac~u,ed pay:' unpaid OF UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER Landscape Co. eM Tn~ Set"Yice .... iII. SeniCi ••• 10 WlitilC' ...... :.:..WIRII. I MILTON SPIINlLtR SYSTEMS,I.c. at death, wiU be paid, Ul the wife ad ~!1~-.... rstkl~LL 14" upon filing ~roper application. ' 'III. Clal. Sh..... ' ,~~.~ .. d S.. d'1~ 21M PENOBSCOT BLDG.. CA. 4416 Up!>fi, fJfl,Cial 'n9~cati~n,' o.f . P. O. Bo:o: ~ .... ~IU. 1311-1 Autb ...... ,.~ ud tactory.tnllte4 .meelwlleL ""R.,wrilll" ~ .: death in service, each'sei'Vice de~, NoJo1l toO III« ~ tool smaIL, B~ 1Ji your ear ,~UonaNoW Beb.1f TakejJ,' " 'partment lufomaticallyt9rwarda for a Uuirotl&'h cheek-up • • • No. ollliptioa. '1rys01 H ' . r. GroIN PolafeWood. If', . to the:nextot kiIi'all neceSsary R a n:c h/:')Bo me {orips tor;the'lppi\catlon for 22m, .-Mile ear ~ ", UDUR'SSTAIDARDSTAnOl , ,., t ..: bllnel!t6. If :the completed forms Phoae Nlarlra 126' . Rosn1D .. 13n-w. , . '. J SI TE.~ " artl. iiotr~iyed'in': a .reasonab!~ Iftnlnp-TUxe" ,l4Jas. ALL STANDAltD OIL PRODUCTS FOR SAD: youa CAR'S J len~ottiiii~" the' daimants lARDI I ORL _... -- . - W!h,'Wel'" M.ckA.e .. Cor. I~YII. Ii lA~or •. L6n. D•...,".,Jopm.nt inusteorrespond with the proper HYDRAMATIC EXPERTS . agil!Jicy to ,ob~in'thfm. .' IJ,~ ".!,i ... IMII SJ.' ; , The American -Red . Cross is . .S_". tHI,. 'prepared toi help thllH 'who have '.rcel Delivery . FRII,INSPEC'TION , Wi.... sw. the f1ropn:"Mily dilficulty With the Ie forms'., Aile Applia_ ,RADIO .~SERVICE',w~~. Through'its field directors in the Deliverecl •• d wi-Ilea . f' Olea.ill.ln 'PAITS FOR ALL MAKIS'. PICKUP AND DILIVERY S.q. HAI;)LEY, INC. Veterans Administration. offices; KOTCHE •. 0LDSMOBlLE co.. itsml!DY trained voluntet!1' work: , FLUORESCENT .BULBS AND FlXTmtES . 214 FORO .BLDG. • ,~,CA.:: 00s0 , SSM Guilford. Detroit U , Vacalllll Cleanen and 8ewiR1: Machhtea Itcpaireil ~rs",~d !n :14350 E. WAAREN".t LE. 2060 , '. Will WI"ill its. :::~p.iese!1il1tives Vetemns ~f.Wlll'ld War U 'd..1m.rs We Itcpalr Beauty Parlor Driers aa". Eleclrical Eq.iplllell~ ...********** *** , governmental and service depart- \ ment office its.-,ccess to militarY . Pointe Appliance, Shop . and Vet era. n S A.dmiilistration.1 VETERArt'S records, the Red Cross ch.pter 15111 I.st Je1ferlOlt . 1EIo1 1221 can' obtain. and expedite; action ,~:::::o::::~::::;~.::~Op... blIwin Tlleatn . . Pici lip. tltlif/n, La IIds cap in g on the claims. Good .Lands~aping Reel c~ at 1M. Jl. and IIf ".".,.•• '.,' LaWII Crifilig S.rric. ". } IhtNks , . , ItELlABLE ELECTJUC *'Ludscape Glrdellillt EU .. IN:Ul is iw~~ed to Jift PhOlle *LaWlltMalnleltltnee . 24 Hr,' Service Refrigeration . *Triiinainl' ' . will.add bea~tyt'o youf Home ••• ARlilctu7l23 ALL TYPES OF . *PlaIlt.l.l[: '* Pr1tnlnll' AI. 4606 RADIOS Be PHONOGRAPHS * Seecllnl' * RemC!villl: SERVICE Leaves #( StldcIIII&' READY !'O' SUVE YOU! * 1'. A •. SYSTEMS &alletl * FerWblaa' DELL ~' I ALL BELT-DRIVEN , SOW aDd seniee4 REnUOERATION PaOJlPTI ~.D8tru~iioD A.lliterier ..... I COMMERCIAL TU.1-03,65 '1'" Used a--ds Cheap HOUSEHOLD CALL ~~~~~~~~~~,~~.~~~~~~,PointeLands~ping Also a Few New. Elt!=tric ELECTRIC MOTOR .. ,Co. Exterior Decorltiac PlloaOlr&PIu REPAllUNG PI. Speela1ildBl[ ill r J .rAPE.KA~GING A SPT.CJALTY CI4IItlI II'" , TeIniIitIt Z' YrS". &pnitMe Co. W.rka .... IIIIJ1G.arN~ . First In TelevisIon 2&32 Fresh • Wit. IllU' MACK A~ . TU. 1.00&0, 10561 ROXlUIT 1U21EACONSFIELD C. I., HAWLEY :liorseMeat • Dri,... " LEnox 7US :'\" I nMI FOR LiqUID POWEl • Fee.p NI.6323 for Free EstilDote FOR yom .,...... ,FERTILIZING ud OiIMrAddltlOM on ESQUIRE W.rld' Fi,... f M.t" • ., H.,..,., ,. All fIN P.'''''' For Ymlr trees.st\ntbbery, nerrneM, r-,!ltC!. A rleh aftre. an4 "52 ~ePI'I'lIAye. HOME .celt IlqaW. 'eMiliHI'. PlUllpN into every little 1"OGt1et,thorllq1l-' DOG CAT I,. .lId effielentl,.. Can today. Our Meat is' fresh~ sweet and NL 5Ut-P~ TneExpert &: SpnylllJ Co.-TK. % ..... free of -:Ials. To insure tresh- DeSll we. ,",indo our day's re- .,...'-rt/linn Spre.eI Hi.TelSt Seed SptHtf MAINTENANCE . , T\I.1-J930 ' Quiremenl$ each momir.j( ••• GUIIl'.nlus Beller PRUNING. SPRAYING ~ CABLING' • REMOVALS There's new lustre and bluster !" to 5" 10,lbs. ••• $8.50 PLANTING. ETC. it, Rozac.fed Pets. 1M Lbs. Milor- $650 HOllsule."i"l palte Spread ...... Power Madll .. DILlYlItID * Gener.1 Housecle.ning CANNELL 1.. Lbs. \'iroro $750 Rollill! , TO YOUR"001 Spread .. ..* ROOf M.intenanc. TG 1

'l" . ~~, ... '~

. .;" .. ';" < nt- • be ~.". ''';'' • °ft en _ . « » • • t'" .,~~@:~?~ii~ .. . • .e • .- .. • • •1Jo ~ "" ~ R (;) S:S E .p P I N'T E NEWS .'Thursday, Xprn 4, 1'4~ T.-My I'~... Berenice Holmes from Chicago. Washington,. D. C., to teach ba~' 1 W H .' .'h Taken by Death Tiger outfielder and of lale with: Brooklyn' 'Dodgers t~am before Cpt' ° for ballet; Marjorie Duckett from room'dam-ing. .'. :;&11''I' ,. ,elnrlC. .,. THIS 'WEEK the Boslon Red Sox. was given the war, recently received' pis ,om ensa ton Memphis, Tenn .• for tap. and Le- Franklin Oak Ie}', preslde.nt ~f <' ; , ~____' his oulright relhse by Boston. .• discharge from the navy. Owens' " . ' , Roy' Thayer. secretary ,of Ihe Na. fhe Dance Masters of America,)" '.PaUl W. Heinrich, lIed 60, ~t hil:widow Clara. There are no Ia MAX BENTLEX, Cilicalo Black. t1ntb~S~/leli5 deal lIS a ,civiljan Q,ue'st';o' natOre tional AS'socialion of Dance Mas- 'also came from- N~w York. CIty :p Bisboproad, died at hlll chl~dren. The funeral arran lle- SPORTS hawk forward who led the Na- was to sIgn alive year contract, .. ters of America, carne from for the event. 'Io.me on Monday. He was sup. ment! were by ,Verheyden and - '. l.: lional Hockey League in sCoring. with a $12,500 bonus 'clause with ,.,intendent of tools with Chrys. the servites ~I'e ,at the Meuiah was presented the coveted Hart the new Mexican baseliall league. -. -- , Ir Motol1l and had been with Lutheran Church .at, Kercheval , By trophy, emblematic of his choice JORGE PASQUEL, presid.enl a 1. Q: ~ha; IS uncmployment ,£hrys1er' ever sincecomi~ to and Lakewood at, 1:30 o'clockl' FRED RUNNELLS as the circuit's most valuable th~ Mexican Baseball League. an- compensalJon., f. &.- Po.inte from Pittsburgh 23 Thursday afternoon. ' player . • • M~S. ELlZABETH nounced he had just about com- A: It is insurance to pay bene- r Thursday, Mareb.%1 GRAHAM, of the Maille Chailce plet~d his raids on the American fits to workers during periods be-- 1947 'STUDEBAKER' ,'~"ars ago. He was born in Burial was in the Glen Eden DETROIT RED WINGS were Farm, has nominated six horses baseball teams for this year, but tween jobs .and during lay-o~. SoOI O. Db".y .f , 'ttsbureho, He is survived by ICemetery. . eliminated from the Stanley Cup for the 'i2nd rUl)ning o_l the Ken- said lie still.had one more bomb- It is inlended 10 pro\'ide some' semi-finals by tho Boston Bruins, tucky Derby. All six nominations .shell to bring into the fold be- thing for them to live on while ~-3, in the first overtime period have been established amonl! the 'fore concluding his business. they are without work through of the fifth lame of the series. early favorites in 1his year's Run WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3'- no fault of their own. Unemploy- IlEORGE WILSHER GROSSE POIJlTE LANDSCAPE SERVICE when Don Gallinger made a .rink! for the Roses and the $lOO,OOIl PRINCE REGENT 3 to I fa- ment compens!ltion is NOT char. length rush to 'scoie B.ostons' added money. ,

J455_L'JIFFElSON MELIOSE 3455 trailed with 14 points.. Rmg S'lde seats Will go on the ~', . :' -" ... .,. .-. '~., WOJU.D'I LARGEST. DBIVE-IN SERVICE Satuhiay, March 3. bl~k a,t $100. a, pasteboard ~ith ::"," PETE FOX, former colorful a licale of ~50. nO, '20 and $10 . 'I for less chOice seats .••• U. of M. 1'Irl ..... -opened spring foolball training tit .weltW. with - a record turnout' of 126 '...... hopeful athleteS' requesting _tini-I .. tile ....., ... formS'... Wally Weber, fresh(nan' 'J foolball coach at the university .. before those teams were abOl. ished during' the waf.~ has re- tuI:ned to coach the ends' and backs. . TOPS TUESDAY, APRIL 2-MICK- EY OWENS,' a calch~ on the Upholstered Furniture "!' .Ta~ed Down C",ipeting CoM...... laclJe ...... cfl..... Twid Wilt", . and ',' " Appli•• ce S.tvl.c'. CLEAN_ED:~tMb;h';~:h~~~.inFl~t~t::te: 1... KadJow -lor 1m•. media Ie Delivery • PRIDE ,~E SI'ECIAL~ .IN POICH ENCLOSUIES Keep. Your Present KORTE CAIPET AND UPHOLSTERY ...... '. ':, " . : : . - :'.,. ') ~.t HOME APPLIANCES CLEANERS Ph.ne .. lor~ntloa .ath_e wlt1l6ll! o1t~tW ..,: su ..... II.nl. zll.t .1..... Willd •• anll DoerCombiuUoIlll.- SaIII .... ~), TU:1.23n T-.R init y 1 4.800 We c:U n-ierecil ,.ear ~reseDI frUles. ~"x~""""".<' r!., •. , . sUPERIOR SASHI'.m~ca. -'~- +,UN,C01N.~G~U"Rt,." , ".'.- :.' '..... <. ",.: " '.- .. -' '- .• , 20460. JO-....r.:--:- ' ~",. Imported'Just A rriv~! . TO,. 1-5466: in TO P 'condition . ' for LON~-ACTING, ODDURLESS, EASY-TO-USE. today'. TO P performan~ " SI•.,tE.~i and . ~ . LI..aE-' ~'t~row~J_ TOp,trade. allo~ance' .J~':'C,E.'TRE - ;.,;) _\ ..!t~'~~" .. i. .. 1e...... li1.1 I..o,twr 1ir:11Mn'K ..... / ~,U.. TW~ l-UA .~~ 1 KEKCBEVAL TARD OnN SAT. AFnKNOON 'Ttt.~ f:tl "\~ T "W.., -'I.CAN'T F~RLAWN$JFLOWPSJ VEGETABLE GARDENS II ••• 'ost W.r .AltercJtlo •• , aepcJlrl How! ,ti-'$.. . ." . . .:~-_.~ -,w,a.rrn'1. of •. ".w. LTnc:olnor.~.rcurY .• an.r,"ow. II 7"~U. ilIijoyatiner laWn, ~ow a belte~ flowel' ... vqe • ;iIr. PRICE ,taal.~,:,. .... heald use "Ra-Mar"-:-"ew cleliverecifo ~our ~ > . :~,6r:-";tn. 'mm.Cliat •. fuhlre. -l. ow .~1p.lIIe4~ier.tisted belo.w. "Rn-Mar" -eoabin. lIvin .. __ a " lilT ; "'Pale .. ~, upon which all planlA tnri ..", Thi!! ,,~"!'!'~t.. sol! -~~. eoIItUtioalnc:..w.:nee Pt'Dvides m~r~ hmas 'in .eenceatrate4 ~ l' BUT WE CAN 1 111 LM.•• ~$UO ,_, ~taiDs ]I. aekllty,'is absolntely odorless andeall be ,uucI at .. ,.. he-TH'lI k.amazed :at the results obtained. start YlM!r T•• LOt ",.re'-'A" your. pt"t"sen-' t:ar rtInnfng at tts lie sf, 'assuring you:of ]an ..._~D off rirllt, CH'du a IIDantily of "Ku'Mar" today. Deta.llednastnetiOns for various 1LW!l, withyollr" order. A satisfacfory transportation now, m the a'dded attraction of pr"lIetet liahire; it contains no chemicals, no acids of any ,'" -, ,- . . kilMl-iM 'lI'eft'" andilo plant-destroyin( pests. 1I p-r,emium anowan~1t when we are again. able to 'd:,liver you >f,.:,,~H~~it!1;Ii ," . J ';iif;'I!"I!:2"~ i new. LINCOLN .orMERCU_RY.' ~ -11!~',lli Bulhi Y.llrFe~ . This Sprinc . .. Ch'M Slhley's C.sII, (, CfJrry for Your, Heeds

}tJAJn.L ?11aJJud. BALSAM WOOL, ft...... i ...... SlIze .1'Jefferson Lincoln.Mercury CO. •• 4'; RoCKWOOL, battl, ft ...... •...... •• 7c. ! . 355 r....RNtI PLAsTER BOARD, ft. .. _...... 4c 1& 3700Eut Jefferaon: I MElrose 0500 ..Phone-Your Order Today JU. 1_5100' U~SON TlL£.~A.RD, ft •. ~....• ; .• : .• , •• 7c. SCREEN DOORS, 2'6"x6'8"x7/8" .. ,. $.'\'68 ea. OtberSizes In Stock PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, 5-lh. can : ~ PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, Gal. can 75c COMBINATION DOORS 2'6'tx6'8"xl~": $8:36 IRONING BOAR~: CABINETS ,.$7:50 IMMEDIATE SERVICE, I'n" " La.Itert Paints and Varnishes 'nLEPRONE CABINETS "." ...... "...U~ . to O'wners of AU Makes .of Chrys~r Cars CEDAIt FENCE' PICKETS ._..__ .l%e .... , ..twists h +0 4rl.. tMir e.r c... e+ Grosse'Poillt. Motors. o.r st.... ill for He.nary .41I 11tt ..ct Iwer trlUlIM ",.challies is ,lIffiei ... tl, 10"'. t. repairs for ".r.f I", w.its tiN i ...... IIlHt .11 ordillary dem.llds._Drin ill tnfty delays ill .... itlH.t .. ryle •• T1HIt' tile -let... pro.. "" ItcrtetM"'. I Grosse Pointe Motors, I".c. JEFF RSON at ASHLAND LE.8000 I,
