-. THE Reo CROSS . THE NEWS HAS ~OVEO. EXPECTS GROSY POINTE COME SEE US IN outt rODO NfW BUILDING, UNDER ~ew's THE.ELM AT 99 ITS FULL DUTY Oross~ .Pointe, Complete NeWs Coverage 'of AU the Pointes KERCHEVAL VOLUME 7-NU~BeR. 14. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL -t, 19-46 $2.00 Per Y.. ~ Per Copy Fully Paid Cir~l.Il4iion AUTO •.CL,U•• 'UILD,ING APP,ROV'ED '. ' i HEAnLINES Eighteen Reasons for a Bus Waiting Room Park Anlends :.. of Ih. Former Chief Piel W,EEK ~oning Law; As t~~tl by IN • a/Park Reported For Project (irOSllPQitll, Nws ~ Q u ar t e r s Win Rem~jnin n""r, Marck za Seeking'Shrievcdty P,c~ard Building Until .WALT~\~EUT1iER'S ..ELEC- , Clidbhouse i~F!nished TION AS .HEAD OF UA W over Aspirations. Rumor.d. to Have aea'ril19 :0'" Hi~. Resignation :j R. J, ThomaS by a scant 124 votes . , As Heil!'d of 'ViRag_ Pottce D.•paftment Grosse Pointe .. is' gohig 41' in a poll ofS,7M prl!Sages'radical . .. , . have' within a reasonably changeS. in the policy_ of thl! or- . The rum~r' pers,ists around. the' Park Mimicipal .bui)..d~ short tUne, a beautiful home linizat,ion: v.ihlc:ilmay'haveet- ing:that;politics.a.ft~r aUd~d have.5<!meth~g to do with the. of the.~Michigan Automobile f«ts upontlie automotive indus- resl~abo~ of C.hlef of,Pohce HenryW. Plel the other day. Club. :TheiSsue 'which'has try .. ; \ speclalllll?oi" writflr .for It ~ n?t the' kindo~politics, h:Ow~ver .the public. likes to Deeri.debai~d pro ana con for. the Detroit Nl!ws 'jays that Rl!U- THIS PIcTuRE. takeli friday afternoob, March 29,: sho.w~ Hie loeation of the' former waiting room. torn' down ascr~be to suc,h change5." -,.-. -, " ' ' " . the past two years finally' thtiI: will. advoCate'I) Industry- . b~ the Lake Shore Coach't~illes, Inc., beca~ of. the malicious miSchief of youngsters:wvhodefaced the structure with ThlS,rumor blrd'says that the 'Bn'.g' ,', F .U"., ,,:oJ reached fulfillment 'Friday. wide ..bar'lainiril.bUed on. equal, . obsce~ity and broke ~indows and doors. Efforts by civic~~~d s6cial;organizations to ha~ethe room rest?rl!d have, former .chil!fhas had his eye on .' . ,gso ~U night..w~th the.passag;:~y.the pay 'tOr 'equal worlt;wlth an over- ~nll.gnor~ .... .The center bench ~~s donated by .the A!I,1~rJcan. LegIon. The others. bel~ng tq Grosse Pomte Patk. thl! shrIevalty of Wayne County .D d.. 'PI '.' Park BOard ,of Comnllssloners alLiDuter wacf'alreeriient; 2) a ThIS sItuation isn't too bad on a sunny day, but present facIlities. are very, damp when It rams. ,., fo..'r so,rne,'ti\me.'The rum,or.fur~ '.' ,ea In,' ant?f th..~~eridm,ent t.o tM. zon:. llUl.!'~teed .!lllnl;lal wille;:,: 3) .a ' . .' " . Picture by Fred Runnells. .' mg ordmance which clears atio,~er ;,and. mo.r,eresponsibll! ther l!xpan~s :intp the fact, or .' " '. : ' \', • .' '...,. , ~~; ..4) 'a !t1ri~ toorgan!Ze . " - theory. thatPil!l Is in comfort. 0" redt "H' ; the ~ay :f<!r, t~e erection.' of 'whlt"co1larworkersbthl!auto- K".l'~:.J PO'I'nter' 'D '''E'1 ".. 't"p":.;.J'H'."h'H .. :, S 1. 't--':.J:';" abl~ciri:umstariCe;in!J..ispersori.i 'TsahP~.D.;.rb~!mWome th~:t~.~Ub~o~se.'f'So°n:~.:..:~nt,'?rthd'~ nioti.,iDdWltryOincludinl'l!nli- na '. r. sser,' - .alu-, 10! .•. ODor Q lel ~.. .... .. ,' .. '. .'.', .',' r.. .ysrnor; .s. v.;~. ~~e~,o . me~ roa aeets 'and. other teclinIClal\l!; .5) . & , a~,aJ.rs~ ~mg.'f a~difion .to .. With Or.ftBoird' ' andE;J.~fferson ayenue.' -; .p iufon:ement'of the union's con. Is' Vl'ctl.m;:"e' d By'Arm' y an.'d' 'Navv for WO'rk' A''ppr'. e~;"t' ed ~lspnvat~:-~~ansan assured life", .~The,Michilan Automobile Club ~tut~ z:eciuirements for mem- . .• ", . '.' '.' ,."" .. , . ., .'. """"'. IRC9ml! o~:'~r~than ~,OOO . a CharleS ~~ BriiUls. a.ed 51, olfiCials<S~teth~titon.ttr\lcti?n , ',.berahIJl!n th: U.A"Y' .' I Ed ti D.' W . ~~a! aS~~l!~.ed ml!mber oqhe, of '866 WulUnltOn road. wbo'dia- wlll'beIInlSqw~:y.15 satls- y . '.' . .... an" st.....rln Detroit Police [email protected].""'_.ifr'" 'i.:~"h' ......... .': It fa~ry llTU!geml!lltli can .. b;e . }'-'Y'H~THERi:>ETR01T'S B",J "Veter':". n u'ea on'' . urlng , ar' -By' Po' .",,",su~.to.be futhiiknow' .. y a~pear~. om:~ o,,~ew~. madefortheworL,'. .;/,':- STREET CARS AND BUSES will -.' ~-------. that thl! f~nn~r .. chtd nevl!i~l~ lasf:W~y, -:",as fou{1d Thl!re~."'.li~tl~op~itioll'j~, be: stopped by itstrlkenl!Xt Mon- " .. -,--..... Supennte"de"t.of~~~ive.n.Certificatefor"Aec~ ..... , .. .' 1ookedtiponhis.pos .. itIon'l!I.P~k dNd1asLS&t.Urd"y In a.little the~lubl~~,l'rid~y,JIj.,ht •. Tbil.. _ ,A_yT' still un.answer.'ed' •• '...The Ad Ch,'ISer TellsS.dT.Ie.rid '~I:,s'h'm'1"" ..'e'n".'.t"."o'."f'.';.O'"r;-;;:s't'."n'.d' '","g Serv.lc'e" ',.. G1!OrM,R.ec:eiv.n''ll'- _. ..151 Cards Cliil!f.uaP.ermlin~f,aiiiJnriient..,., .' 'frequeI:ltl!d:pilrtiQn,. of the Huck' pu"bli; C 'h eUlDI on, th.~:'I()':"'t'!!.:n;n" questioncf ubitration of DSR . Leilvn with carf,!. for . - . ".nd 75C.IIs from Friends anyWay;andtliisi4su~tiatea 'Min.Ufa~ eomp.nyon Belle- a.ll?e~drn~t ~d~~he1':i~ Wiion'. d.eman. M•. Un.•dl!ci~ 'u,.u..'I"'.1 W'lf. , . Dr,. Paul EsSe.rt, the .. Su.'permt. end. e.il,t of Grosse.' Pointe . D'.' I'Hn' by .the .. Village' t6mntissionera ' n ..t'" .. ' , '.,'. .tiriIe.a,o •. hut PJ:l!IUdeilt PPnha!1 -' . ryJ7'!' .. Sch l' h tl L-:.. th t f hIgh hono'~ ' .. ')', '. :.unng .ess . t'h---~'v"".' . ',vue, .......ro.\t. .... ". ." . o' the Pat~,.vinu:- •. '""-iousl,. i;., . ....n..nrOs.~"'ITY,..O."": . '__ ,' 005, as recen. y'~n .. e ~Iplen 0 no '.' d'''''''~ . <. ...... .'- On.l> un' ",,",un .... v.. dedhi 'b th W "dN departments Thesto"' . ,:,.;,":': --.-' .. .Piliice.Con'llril.nionei'Frltscliof ,.When,Mr,.~rifP,faiIe(Uo;re~ ~~y~therillht'w~ch~e:Coni. t:'1L. called Into l!Xr..-cutift session 'Mrs. W'illiam M"Curran of awar m,y', e .a~an ' .. avy " .. ' "'~" 'J '~rge. De X~pe' ,.wh.o.fol" .. , . turn h m W ...._--.J Ma h' .,. .. ht h ' .. ', t-'" :t..~. to d' ............ • 1 ' ,c. ..' • • back d this'pnted certificatl! "fa):', th~.Accompli$hment of .the,.''''',' st' 22'.''Y-. a'rs' ....w...as.. '.'th~'.;"... ~.U' t~.'Pilrk saidthaf Chief. Piel .. :. Q .e .!In. • ~~,~ay, rt:., mlSSlon.en mlg live ,.1DII1t .". ~. wi~~:tJt..;;iu~n;er l~~,.C~dieu,x, h..~a Sad tale OutSt#ndir'i'Se~ice~'W)i{it#lf.'an' i#!~mtirig::;recital'of .... ,. ... <: • ~.... was"iiHed to.undl!rtake the'rom- .27,. hil'family, conaistinl of;his 'upOn to . eoiUiderthe,:Fiiatt.a- Gromyko--..:+dit ......;.ane. moon .• :.'. .o.~.JYUSP... l~ced eon!, .l..~,enee.. to.. .theunusuaf .. eff~rt m.'ade.b, the ..:..~.. v.e.rn,.m....'int...' malt....e amen.cIs. ,FiSher. Lmeolri andPLeu! reln',aniza of. the vii. .wife Mlldredlncl daughter Jiet~ closed to al1yltirtMr: ~blie dia-o r,e- Y t9 l!arrieron tian Ruth 1-'" I." . h P k . l~' ..' f h . h .I"; 'Wh"gt"... ,;:"It . X- h' Jaie ,pOlice dl!partmentand thlt , :repo~ed it. to . the .. police cilssion and invited any~ pres- A.Sovl,t,.pokellman~iadll!.tes late. to t e Ai' 'po I~ t,~e for the, interruption of the educatiDnal work ate t ousanW! as In o~,..., .ween erc.-~~,dl~~exCeUentjob •. i •.. " an"'thli!Y.'p)J.t hl4diaappearanee l!ntto ipeak hiI.9PWon. Ria:: C?~omykD w:illattend. the, _ions other mornjng. ;whl'n o!ficers of, young. men~ho ha~ .their no~mal educational activities. evaL and Geo*,e,:~~;~~:/':'Tb~:;W~b~lme.~,<ln ",the- .9nthe~\~~~.~ ~~rday;~ea.lk~ hqw~verth~t:'~ ... b!. :':'Ith the ,uMmtalldll1' the Iran Enders and Hennig. ~alled stopped. by theIr parhcl.~hon m the war., theNEWS.~Q eXpteilll,for~hDDt .mum.eIP.l'bwldiJlc .. yPiel~~tor:~~~~t::m~~y .~~li~~ ..:.~i,~j~~;~J~'i ~ithd~rt~lwue ~. not 'raiad:,' . around for detailed informa- ~rly In the. war. by the )omt > hw. dee' ..• ' ., .• tiolfOf.the' rfJ,~. beat ..klJown. 10 .hluiae1f,:', " .. , .1.:",:, ". ". ;c.', •. .'~ a mJJlutes,>;;~'1o;. ",. ':' ':. .. 0':'.;'.' , ' ;Jt.. •••.•. ':,.' ac.hon of the War andNavy.de-, which"'Dr. Ellert for .. 'a.member. ..... '.. .ehCM! this lima .. to.roue'1M ~~ ..founa; '.' . SU.ch~~~.}I~:.~,~, :."~;"JiI~t ..: "",,, • i'BAYORI'LKTCHER BOWRON ~IO~ they lea~ed t~~ follo~-, pa:tmenta ~ orl~nizatlon was h~d .ita llnlll.)p~t1rilon M&t:Ch;~~~~.Il~~th~~~tfu;.,~. :br~ak.,' ,;,. : . :.<: . ,\~.Bri""'1!i:"th~:~rst chief~f.!I:e,~W.J\~.~~' ., LaI<AiipIea. h .. apparentlr mg .. " ,'. '; '. tl. ~t UP.1~hlC,h',whJl! aP,P8rent~y in ChiCllCo..• on ,~t, ~iall, 'llclfudeUshow».:,t.. ""i4in. Ui4! ,had:a.1Oq,md ~ ~:.~~v:e ~c:e,~ r~I!I~~,',l\l.~ • .;~~.of th!t, "'O.liij,~~tto' ..~~~~ .curran ha ,.recen.Y .. far'removed; from' ,the mIlitary,"I '1\ .. ,. ,'.. d " . h".'. I .• ", ,"l l.iClt'deL' '. iDit"" •. 'lV-!tll'lt'dUrJnrthe ~'a~t ; ilia •• , "-""m~~::': ..~ .......~, '~.~~i~~;:,~:;:=<.:~ ~~Iii~t4G~w*r. 1,.i3,- t~JMllt ~d" ~ondtr~ :,'!vh,l!thel' i~'.tttiit'e ..~' ,TIlis' ': y was. cOm- .~I)r:'''''''ili,::th~fr "Accomplishment.. Af ;#~ntiiii~.irilit~cthjiri:,:tli:~1lS #O~! :~i~~i;~~~~;~;'MO~E~=iwiffiC~~~~.:'~~.~~~HiiiquaililCitiil~ for the Shentr:5 ,'~e' W.. :born, .ill~Gnlild': Ra~ids", ,.•¥lIny-;, p r~.~J:!~ ~::c~~ 'In:, •• preilehl.-day pOpulation of 5he,could, u.~ both. a. tn!ln ,and 'po.edwRolly Jof otfleers in: the Outstanding SI!'l-vice.'! .
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