POINTE COME SEE US in Outt Rodo Nfw BUILDING, UNDER ~Ew's THE.ELM at 99 ITS FULL DUTY Oross~ .Pointe, Complete News Coverage 'Of AU the Pointes KERCHEVAL
-. THE Reo CROSS . THE NEWS HAS ~OVEO. EXPECTS GROSY POINTE COME SEE US IN outt rODO NfW BUILDING, UNDER ~ew's THE.ELM AT 99 ITS FULL DUTY Oross~ .Pointe, Complete NeWs Coverage 'of AU the Pointes KERCHEVAL VOLUME 7-NU~BeR. 14. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL -t, 19-46 $2.00 Per Y.. ~ Per Copy Fully Paid Cir~l.Il4iion AUTO •.CL,U•• 'UILD,ING APP,ROV'ED '. ' i HEAnLINES Eighteen Reasons for a Bus Waiting Room Park Anlends :.. of Ih. Former Chief Piel W,EEK ~oning Law; As t~~tl by IN • a/Park Reported For Project (irOSllPQitll, Nws ~ Q u ar t e r s Win Rem~jnin n""r, Marck za Seeking'Shrievcdty P,c~ard Building Until .WALT~\~EUT1iER'S ..ELEC- , Clidbhouse i~F!nished TION AS .HEAD OF UA W over Aspirations. Rumor.d. to Have aea'ril19 :0'" Hi~. Resignation :j R. J, ThomaS by a scant 124 votes . , As Heil!'d of 'ViRag_ Pottce D.•paftment Grosse Pointe .. is' gohig 41' in a poll ofS,7M prl!Sages'radical . .. , . have' within a reasonably changeS. in the policy_ of thl! or- . The rum~r' pers,ists around. the' Park Mimicipal .bui)..d~ short tUne, a beautiful home linizat,ion: v.ihlc:ilmay'haveet- ing:that;politics.a.ft~r aUd~d have.5<!meth~g to do with the. of the.~Michigan Automobile f«ts upontlie automotive indus- resl~abo~ of C.hlef of,Pohce HenryW. Plel the other day. Club. :TheiSsue 'which'has try .. ; \ speclalllll?oi" writflr .for It ~ n?t the' kindo~politics, h:Ow~ver .the public.
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